Collaboration and Communication: Two Keys to Our Ocean’s Future

Collaboration and Communication:
Two Keys to Our Ocean’s Future
Free public lecture presented by Dr. John Nightingale, President
and CEO, Vancouver Aquarium and Marine Science Centre
Thursday, December 5, 2013, 7 pm
Asia Pacific Hall, Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue,
SFU Vancouver, 580 West Hastings Street
Co-hosted by:
Shorefast Foundation
Simon Fraser University,
Centre for Coastal Science
and Management
Sponsored by:
Memorial University of
Pacific Salmon Foundation
Province of British Columbia
Simon Fraser University
• Faculty of Environment
• Faculty of Science
Shorefast Foundation
The lecture is
free and open to
the public but
reservations are
recommended as
seating is limited. To
reserve a seat, visit
Canada is a very large country with a very modest population. As a result, the tax base
available for the various government uses is also small, especially when spread across this vast
land. No matter how anyone feels about the ideology of different government agencies,
when it comes to ocean science, the fact remains that government cannot do it all, and that
situation is getting worse. It is time for some innovation – time to find different models to
expand the research, policy development and management of our oceans.
This presentation will argue that the two keys to getting what everyone in the ocean science
sector wants - more research, the development of better management tools, and more
directed policies - are working differently through collaboration, and greatly improving
public understanding through new kinds of communications efforts.
Bio: Dr. John Nightingale has a broad professional background in aquatic sciences, specializing in enhancing public awareness, education and
promoting conservation. As a professional biologist and public educator,
he has been responsible for the development and operation of some of the
world’s best aquariums and their innovative programs. In this role, he has
helped harness these institutions to engage with the public in substantive
ways. During his 20 years leading the Vancouver Aquarium, he has guided
the expansion of the Aquarium’s leadership in conservation, education
and research, while focusing operations on sustainability and solid fiscal
performance. In an effort to engage more people in ocean topics, the
Aquarium draws 1 million visitors per year on-site, over 8.5 million per year
digitally, and classic “media impressions” topped 1.2 billion in 2012.
Canada Ocean Lecture Series
Initiated in 2006, the Canada Ocean Lecture series is a joint initiative between Shorefast Foundation and Simon Fraser University
and other partners. The aim of the series is to create awareness of Canada’s vast marine environment and its importance to
Canadians. Lectures to date have been held on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and in central Canada. For more information visit