LIE ALGEBRA COHOMOLOGY AND THE REPRESENTATIONS OFSEMISIMPLE LIE GROUPS by David Vogan B.A. University of Chicago (1974) S.M. University of Chicago (1974) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 1976 Signature of Author......... W. ...... -- -' : --&0.-------.0 Department of Mathematics, August 9, -- - - - 1976 ....-...-....--.---.--------------.-. Certified by... Tei . . Super-visor ------.-----------. .. ----. --. Accepted by................. ...... Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students ARCHIVES SEP 27 1976 2. Lie Algebra Cohomology and the Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups by David Vogan Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on August 9, 1976 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT We obtain a classification of the irreducible quasisimple representations of most semisimple Lie groups, including all the classical ones. We also prove for these groups the conjecture that every irreducible representation contains some representation of a maximal compact subgroup with multiplicity one. The techniques involved are essen-tially algebraic, and are much simpler than those used by Langlands in his classification ([17]) of the representations for linear groups. Let G be (say) a finite cover of a classical semisimple Lie group, and K a maximal compact subgroup. We define an ordering on K (essentially by the length of the highest weight.) Then every irreducible representation u of G has a minimal K-type p c K; this is just the smallest K-type occurring in T.TK. To each p we associate a cuspidal parabolic subgroup P = MAN of G, and a tempered irreducible unitary representation 6 e M, in the "limit of the discrete Then FV = Ind (6 0 v 0 1). series." For each v c A, set MANtG p is the minimal K-type of fV, and occurs with multiplicity one. Let i denote the uniqe irreducible subquotient of Then {ffv} is precisely the set TIV containiRg the K-type p. oi irreducible representations of G Nith minimal K-type p. The only difficult part of this program is showing that there are not too many irreducible representations with minimal K-type p. This is done as follows. One proves first that certain other K-types are smaller than p. (This is done case-by-case, and occupies the bulk of the thesis.) If 7 has minimal K-type p, it follows that these K-types do not occur in ff; and one can use spectral sequence techniques to show that certain cohomology groups do not vanish. KIt is on the shown that this greatly restricts the action of U( ) p-primary component of 7, and hence greatly restricts 7T. Thesis supervisor: Bertram Kostant Title: Professor of Mathematics Table of Contents Page Abstract (some summary) 2. Table of contents (some page numbers) 3. Acknowledgements (some thank-you's) 4. 1. Introduction (some philosophy) 5. 2. Preliminary results and notation (some definitions) 8. 3. Lie algebra cohomology (some new theorems) 21. 4. The classification problem (some computations) 38. 5. The subquotient theorem (some facts) 6. Existence of the representations (some old theorems)166. 108. Bibliography (some light reading) 184. Biographical note (some even lighter reading) 187. 4. Acknowledgements I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Kostant, for providing large quantities of advice, encouragement, and proofs while this thesis was being written. I worked very closely with Allan Cooper for several months just before the main results were obtained, and they owe a great deal to many long discussions with him. Floyd Williams taught me Lie algebra cohomology and Kostant's proof of the Borel-Weil theorem, and Henryk Hecht was an apparently inexhaustible source of information about the discrete series. I hesitate to mention more names, for fear of having to include the entire mathematics department; but many others have contributed their time and expertise very generously. Finally, I would like to thank Professor Paul Sally of the University of Chicago, who undertook the formidable task of introducing me to representation theory while I was an undergraduate. It is not clear whether he will approve of the absence of analysis in this thesis, but nonetheless it is dedicated to him. 5. 1. Introduction The beautiful simplicity and power of representation theory for compact Lie groups have inspired many attempts at generalization. This thesis concerns one of the simplest possibilities which has been considered, namely a classification theory for the irreducible K-finite representations of a semisimple Lie group. Such a theory, for linear groups, is provided by the work of Harish-Chandra, Langlands, and Knapp and Zuckerman ([17], [15]). Unfor- tunately their theory relies on rather deep analysis on the group, and the results are less than explicit from an algebraic perspective: an arbitrary representation is realized, roughly speaking, as the image of a certain integral intertwining operator between two induced representations, which are specified in terms of the asymptotic behavior of matrix coefficients of the representation. For tne classical groups, and some of the exceptional groups, this thesis provides an essentially algebraic classification theory. The basic notion is that of a minimal K-type (Definition 4.1.) Theorem 3.12 relates the existence of a nice minimal K-type for a representation to the structure of certain Lie algebra cohomology groups. According to Theorem 3.15, this in turn gives a great deal _-W of information about the action of U(o) ) K-type. on the minimal In this way the "uniqueness" part of a classifi- cation theory is reduced to showing that the minimal K-type of any representation is nice (conjecture 4.2). This essentially geometric problem is dealt with in section 4 for a number of examples, including all the classical groups. In particular we prove for these examples the well known conjecture that every irreducible K-finite representation has a K-type (the minimal one) which occurs with multiplicity one. The "existence" part of the classification theory is proved along fairly standard lines (Theorem 6.2). Not surprisingly, it turns out (for purely formal reasons) that this algebraic classification is very closely related to the analytic one. The algebraic translations of some of Langlands' results provide rather explicit cyclic vectors in certain induced representations (Corollary 6.7); this is a partial generalization of results of Kostant and Helgason for the spherical principal series, and may be of independent interest. About two-thirds of this thesis is devoted to the proofs of Theorems 4.6 and 5.4, which proceed on a case-by-case basis. It seems reasonable to hope that these 7. arguments can be greatly improved before too long, and they should probably be omitted on a first reading. Al- though the results are crucial, the proofs have no bearing on the rest of the development. 8. 2. Preliminary results and notation One or two general comments about the terminology are in order. This thesis might better have been called "Little tiny K-types," and it may require some effort to keep track of the various notions of little tiny. The key concepts are "7[ -minimal in X" (Definition 3.11); "minimal X -type" (Definition 4.1); and "small (Definition 5.3). Ak-type" Conceptually the distinctions among these are quite straightforward; keeping them in mind may make the overall structure of the arguments clearer. Most of the proofs below are quite easy, and one only has to worry about putting them in the right order. The real dual of a vector space V is written V'; an asterisk denotes the complex dual. Especially in section 3, however, an asterisk may also mean "plunk," as in A*V, the exterior algebra of V. X denotes the centralizer of Y in X, or the subspace of X annihilated by Y, etc. Much of the material in the present section may be found in Warner's book [25], but a number of proofs are sketched for the convenience of the reader. Let G be a connected reductive Lie group. algebra of G will be denoted by (00 The Lie 00, with complexification ' and universal enveloping algebra U ( Analogous notation for other groups (i.e. H, 10 1, is followed throughout without further comment. Cartan involution bilinear form 0 of < , > on 0 position 0f+ Let Lie algebra. Choose a and a non-singular invariant 0 induces a Cartan decom- y here A-0 o 0 K 0 U(N)) is a compact be the connected subgroup of G with Lie algebra 't 0: notice that K need not be compact. G (or rather the triple (G, Of< Definition 2.1 >)) is < , >|e0 is , said to satisfy definition 2.1 if with respect to < ,> i) P 0=~0 ii) < , >|h0 is negative definite, and positive definite iii) K x P0 by G + (x,y) + is an analytic x-exp(y) diffeomorphism. Henceforth G will be assumed to satisfy Definition 2.1. (Notice that this is certainly the case if simple and < , > is the Killing form.) is a closed subgroup. can write G = 2 1 is semi- In particular By passing to a finite cover (exp 10)(exP 20), semisimple, and K2 (exp G where (K exp ) is central in G. K G, we ) is One easily deduces the existence of an Iwasawa decomposition of G, and obvious generalizations of Harish-Chandra's representation 10. These will be cited as they theory for semisimple groups. are needed. = 0 Put nected. k is Lemma 2.2. S + C c=6 , is compact, so all its 0 A= (tb + , and Since is abelian. it remains only to check that is semisimple or zero, so it will suffice to show [ [AA] C1$. [ [I, ] , [t~t] = [t, 7] = 0, and Clearly = . c' Let in o; The form A _ so ] c , + [[[t, A . i is reductive. 0O; so 0 + C i But subalgebras are reductive. 0 + i + a Cartan subalgebra of 0. The Lie algebra Proof. =t +Y2 = is con- T be a Cartan subgroup of K: T g K Let Q.E.D. . denote the set of non-zero roots of A c it 0 + it is easy to check that in fact < , > - induces a nonsingular form (also written < , >) on A *, which is positive definite on 9 The decomposition elements of <(a*,f3), ( Y3O~ as = t (a,f3) + ( ) with obvious notation. If ) is orthogonal; write accordingly. (a',3')> = <a,a'> it' + ( 0 * Set + <f3,f'> y = (af), y' = it will occasionally be convenient to write <y,y'> 11. instead of Since c A, a $ 0. if (a,1) t 7, every root has support on = O) A = A We write U A i.e. the imaginary and complex roots, where Ai = {(a,c) £ Aj If X = 01, A = {(a,1) c AIS / 01. is a root vector of weight (a,6), then root vector of weight O(a,) =(a,-). So OX A is a is 0--invariant, AiR is precisely the set of 0-fixed roots, and the elements of Z $ 0, If AC occur in 0-conjugate pairs. Cj = -@h 0 the decomposition invariant under -h. is not For this reason it will be important to understand the structure of the system of roots restricted to -, (a,6) c A, and X which we call ft-roots. is a non-zero root vector of weight (a,B), as above, so that of weight (a,-6). If OX is a non-zero root vector 6 = 0, then the fact that the OX = cX; and root spaces are one dimensional forces c = + 1. If c = 1, then a compact root. If c = - implies c2 = 1, i.e. we call (a,0) (a,O) is a noncompact root. are linearly independent, But X + OX vector for so If X S # with weight a. 0, then 4 Similarly 0 2 1 X Ck, and 1, X ef, and is neither in is a non-zero element of t Suppose X and ARk nor OX in , and is a root X - OX is a f . 12. t-root vector in g , also of weight a. non-zero We claim that these span the space of i -root vectors of weight a. What must be shown is that if Replacing <(a,6), 6 by -6 which forces and X - OX 6 > 0. (a,6) 3'. = 3' = + f. if necessary, we may assume (aS')>>_<aa this implies that (ac') e A, then - By abstract root theory, (a,a') = (0,3-a') is a root, X + OX This proves the claim. are called the compact and noncompact t(-root vectors of weight a. Depending on which of these is under consideration, we will speak of the compact root a noncompact root c. or the One could make this quite rigorous by speaking of 1~ -0 roots, i.e. the weights of/t-invariant, 6-invariant subspaces of < ; but no confusion should arise as long as the reader is aware of the situation. If A,(V) V is a t-invariant subspace of for the corresponding set of tiplicities; if V is also A(V) will be When there is no possibi- lity of confusion, the subscript dropped to simplify the notation. we write t-roots with mul- A -invariant, the corresponding set of roots. o, At(V) in If V may be is 6-invariant, we may refer to the compact and noncompact f~-roots in A(V) , in accordance with the preceding paragraph. this case a I -root is called imaginary or complex In 13. depending on whether it corresponds to an imaginary I.-root or to a 0-conjugate pair of complex .i-roots. This discussion may be summarized as Proposition 2.3 A+(o The imaginary elements of occur ) with multiplicity one; the complex elements occur with multiplicity two, namely one compact and one noncompact -t-root. Fix once and for all an algebraic ordering A+ (A) = A (4A) = {a c Ak(AC)t|a and let system of compact positive roots. - 0} off it, be the associated To every which y E it A+ (k), we associate a positive is dominant with respect to root system A = Then A+ {{a,) Mj, and > 0, or <a,y> = 0 and a e A(%)I<a y>Y A) + Put Since p =E 0 + A p = (p,O). the associated Borel subalgebra. 0 =-J0rO All of these are 0-invariant, so Ir0 ; write A be the nilpotent subalgebra corresponding to Let qf 0 C A+, and in will be regarded as fixed in this A+ A (.+ is 0-invariant, 0-p = p, i.e. p c =- n (\ _ + _ is WK = W(ik, j) + I-onf a Borel subalgebra of K. The associated set of positive roots is Let -a}. is a 0-invariant positive root system for section and the next. etc. - A+ (k). be the Weyl group of t in 14. this will be referred to as the compact Weyl group. In the interest of mathematical purity, we would like to consider WK as a subgroup of compact t -root. flection - a be a a is imaginary, we send the re- sa e W(4, ,t ) to (a,-S) s (a,0) W(C , A ). C a If (a,3), we know is not a root. (2a,O) = (a, i) Let If corresponds to the complex root (a,3) A). W( 9, There are two cases: ) + (a,-6) is a root. Send s to s (2a,O)' (a,r3) + (a,-3) ii) root theory, <(a,3), is not a root. Then by abstract (a,-S)> = 0, i.e. <a,a> = <,> . By direct computation, this implies _ s (arB)s ; their common value on s (a) s (a 2<x, a>k is (x,y) - (x,y) E: to this element of ( W(ojA). generated by the sa. 2<y, S> a., Let inspection, these maps satisfy implies of = 1. $(ca) $(c)-p W(,i) Thus $(oa) |t $ s be the free group $ : WK $ : WK $i(T)I± = $ (a)-p = 1-p = p. p = $ (). WK' + W(V,4, By Suppose $ But the only element is the identity, so actually defines a map Clearly Map p e tj, the preceding observation Since which fixes = a. WK We have defined a map and of course there is a natural map that . $ : WK -+ $() = 1. W(j4A), satisfying is an embedding; henceforth WK 15. will be freely identified as a subgroup of W(f,9V). The problem of finding a more natural way to do this is left to the reader. We will be quite interested in a certain special class of groups. Definition 2.4 50 is said to be split if the real semisimple Lie algebra sense, i.e. if [5 '9001 0] is split in the usual 1 contains a Cartan sub- o'0 ]. [ algebra of 0 [V 0' It will be useful to have another description of such V0' Recall that a subset {a ... an} of the positive roots in an abstract a if root system is + a said to be strongly orthogonal is not a root for any the span of At Proposition 2.5 i, j. Let t root be r oot is ,C. in 0 is split if and only if spanned by a strongly orthogonal set of (positive) noncompact imaginary roots. Proof. It is enough to assume * is semisimple, so that * root = t . Extend the abelian algebra maximal abelian subalgebra 010 of 0 00 90 00. Clearly /M . f0 to a Then is reductive, and 16. contains Az /7at as a Cartan subalgebra; and A(mz) =A is an equal rank Lie algebra, i.e. contains a Cartan subalgebra of Suppose subalgebra of /M 0 tC is split. o is split. 50, 60 Then = AiR Cl 0 spans t is a Cartan ,7,0; in particular is maximal abelian in does not meet the center of A () [/7O' fool [Mlt0 'M 0]. and therefore of Also ; so . 411. 110, so It follows that -;O is a compact Cartan subalgebra of the split semisimple equal rank group [VL0'?n0]. 't By a theorem of Martens (see Schmid [22]) is spanned by a strongly orthogonal set of positive noncompact roots of [I7n0' 0 ' i.e. by a strongly ortho- gonal set of positive noncompact imaginary roots. For the converse, this argument may be reversed Martens' theorem is a necessary and sufficient condition. This amounts to writing down the split Cartan subalgebra corresponding to a strongly orthogonal set of noncompact imaginary roots, using a Cayley transform. Let r 2r subalgebra of ~ then Q.E.D. be an arbitrary 0-invariant parabolic , with nil radical 17 = + . and Levi subalgebra We claim that complexification of a real subalgebra . is the Let bar denote conjugation with respect to the real form 90' 17. we must show and A(Y ) = A(, ). If (a,3) e A, then a e it; ) , so ce ( (a,) (-a,) = - - Hence (2.6) (a, B) E A => Since ) A( = - (a, 6) is stable under 6 (a, -1 ). and 0, the assertion is proved. Let +c + + C= t + be the center of g 1 Notice that ~ = (,t+) c Clearly ((a , ))(x,y) > 0 (a,f) (a,-) e A+ . By the general theory of A+ £ a(x) > 0. (-, ) - A( ). A( P) ( A+. x; T so that Now suppose Since this set is 0-invariant, ((a,+ Thus ))(xy) > 0, which forces Hence the corresponding root vector not commute with Set £ (x,y) c C (a, ) c A+, with equality whenever A(I ). - to [ ?,Q]. parabolic subalgebras, we can find precisely for < , = Proposition 2.7 Proof. n() ~= - root ( t ); thus corresponds under so X( . X~'a This proves Q.E.D. L = G t . Then L is a closed subgroup of G, does 18. with Lie algebra i0. The decomposition 00 is invariant under conjugation by exp (Z L = K -(exp P ). standard fact for K present situation. That K G = 0 0 K-exp ) , so is connected is a compact, easily generalized to the Hence L satisfies definition 2.1 with respect to the restriction of < , PutRrdim rVLY , S = dim 0. -invariant subspace, with > If A = A 0. and V coy is a (V), write p(V) = p(A) =12 ce a e acA We use the same notation for in other words, if V is an p(V) E 4*. An unqualified 0 + p(Tt ) = p(A ). A A p -invariant subspaces and A; -invariant subspace, will always mean We also define Finally, we need a little representation theory. details see Warner [25]. modules for K, J , Finite dimensional irreducible L n K, T, etc., will be freely iden- tified with their highest weights (with respect to an appropriate part of Y0 (0A.) V t and The set of all equiva- lence classes of such modules will be written Let For K, i, be a complete locally convex space, and ff a continuous irreducible representation. V etc. G -+ has a dense Aut V 19. subspace V of differentiable vectors, on which acts. Suppose the center of (e.g. if V G acts by scalars on is a Banach space and completely irreducible (TCI)). = ( U(J ) ) V topologically V decomposes 00A V, y c K. Let Y denote the center of U(J ) . T is said to admit a central character z c is ' Then nicely into K-primary components (o) U(o) acts on V X (OJ ) : by a scalar + C XT (z) if every (e.g. if 7 00 is TCI as above). In this case each dimensional, and the U(cg ) algebraically irreducible. Definition 2.8 u module Even if V VK Y is finite yCK V is ff is not irreducible, is called admissible if Vw decomposes 00 into finite dimensional K-primary components V = 00 Z V YCK In case the and V U(6) module is called the Harish-Chandra module of ff. ff is admissible, irreducible iff VK V ; the V VK is algebraically is topologically irreducible. Both have (possibly infinite) composition series; subquotients are admissible and irreducible. Two such representations are called infinitesimally equivalent if their Harish-Chandra modules are algebraically equivalent. (This is the same as Naimark equivalence or, in the unitary case, unitary equivalence.) Let U be the centralizer 20. k of in decomposition of each ye This ring preserves the Jo-primary U( VK, so VO Y irreducible, V y U module for N. Theorem 2.9 (Harish-Chandra) of becomes a and V y determines .r If Tr is admissible and / 0, then the U module structure up to infinitesimal equivalence. of course all of this works for L as well as for 21. 3. Lie algebra cohomology Most of the basic results on Lie algebra cohomology and spectral sequences used here may be found in Cartan-Eilenberg [2]. The proofs of Theorems 3.3 and 3.5 were inspired by a paper of Casselman and Osborne ([4]); Allan Cooper suggested that their result (a weak form of Theorem 3.3) could be formulated along the more natural lines adopted here. Write E: U(rg) U( ) = [U( f) 0 U(g)] $ ? U(g ), and let U(U) 0 U(gq) be the corresponding projection. The idea of the proof of Proposition 2.7 shows that if u 6 U(?) , then quite standard since Z of (. ; notice that this is not E(u) c U(P) is not a full Cartan subalgebra But the usual argument does show that E|U(J) is a homomorphism, and that (3.1) U Now R + S = dim (enW + U f) n ) + dim (i c) is a one dimensional 1 module. denote the scalar by which m + into m + $(m) . m For m e acts on R+S = dim97, so A/ 4 1 1, let *(m) AR+97. Then defines a Lie algebra homomorphism of U(), which extends to an algebra autororphism $ of 22. U(e). E = $ o (; then Define fo (3.2) Suppose X of . with respect to X ith Lie algebra cohomology group of the subalgebra A H (/,X) for the Write is a V-module. Recall that there is an operator d : Hom (A /7,X) + Hom (Ai+1 X), the coboundary operator of Lie algebra cohomology, and that H (i ,X) is defined to be the ith cohomology group then has the structure of an 4 H (/Z ,X) * Hom (AY7 ,X) can be made into a H (7 ,X) is a d this is just the fact that One knows that the action of module. ) module, by f( H0 In the case of (1 is invariant under X (i ) a certain homomorphism of g ( ) /, centralizes '7 ) so that (because :5(9J ) (p) module. normalizes This action clearly acting only on the second factor. commutes with 4 c o If of the resulting cochain complex. on into X ,X), p(O). factors through ) - this ob- servation is the key to the computation of the central characters of the finite dimensional representations of The following theorem is a fairly straightforward generalization to arbitrary cohomology; of course the proof is by "dimension shifting." 23. Theorem 3.3 If z E: z - w = ((z) w E H (71,X), then and . Here the action on the left side of the equation is that just defined, and the action on the right is the usual --module structure. Proof. Proceed by downward induction on i, starting i = R + S = dim /7 with the case It is immediate from . the definition that * R+S R+S R+S { ,X/ffX) = (A /7 ) 0 X/ftX. (7,X) = Hom (A H both (AR+S) * and X/{ X HR+S (1[ ,X) S() N 0 x E H z =(z) The action of for the corresponding element x R+S * N e (A 77) , x E X, and that Suppose that = As an f module, (W ,X) is on the X/y7 X factor alone. x 6 X, write X//7X. = are ) modules. is their tensor product. on H If of is invariant under I?. Thus normalizes /( , ? X Since R+S ("y,X). Then mod /7U((), and /J Recall that m acts on N E (AR+S *, m - N = R+S AR- by the scalar $(m)N. modules, Also x ..//X; so On the other hand, suppose z - w = N 0 Z(z) - x. tensor product of )- z - w = N 0 z - x. $ m). . m Since By the definition of a 24. (N 0 x) - $(m) Since $ (3.4) for all In - (N O x) = (m + $(m)) = (m = -$(m) (N 0 x) + N 0 m - x + e (m) (N 0 = N N) 0 x + N 0 m - x + 0 mx is an automorphism of particular, y c U( f ), z (m) (N 0 x) - o = ), this implies U( 4(y) - (N 0 x) = N 0 y - x NO - x ((z) $(((z)) = - (N 0 x) = ((z) This establishes the result for i = R + S. Suppose that the theorem holds for some i + 1 < R + S. By choosing a set of generators for X, one can find a free U( ) module 0 + F0 -+ F F -+ F0 and a submodule X - 0 is exact. so that There is then a long exact sequence H 1 (7Z ,F) + H (Mz ,X) + Now is a free U(rq ) module, so U(9) as a U(VZ) module. j < dim rn Thus 6 = R + S. It follows that Since is injective. z ' 6(w) = Hi+l (ri ,F0 ((z) - 6(w). with the action of F is also free H (l ,F) 0 = for = 0. i + 1 < R + S, H (IF) By the inductive hypothesis, 6 It is standard that UU?), so that E(z) We have observed that the action of - 6(w) ( ) = commutes 6(g(z) - w). commutes with d ow. 25. on the cochain level; it follows easily that z - 6( = 6(z - w). So w) = 6((z) * 6(z 6 is injective, z - w = -. *(z) ). Since Q.E.D. Notice that the argument was entirely formal: the definitions of this section are much deeper than the theorems. The next result is a little more subtle. can be made into a second factor. H (arnk ,X) is U(O) Hom (A (1ak ,X) module, by acting only on the This action commutes with d, so that a U(v ) In many cases H ((nlk ,X) module. is quite large, and this action will reflect all of the U(g ) structure of X; so one cannot hope to compute it as easily as the 5ig) action. The appropriate rabbit is the following. * ~ * * The decomposition AL = [A ((7z [A (4ng )] A )] ) A and thus extensions R i Hom (A (gP n ), X) 0 [A (a-in i+R + Hom (A /n, X) that R = dim 'NR&}.) extensions intertwine ))] n A induces projections ffi : A +R (Recall It is not difficult to see that these d 0 1 map of cochain complexes.) and (i.e. they define a d This will be proved in the course of establishing Theorem 3.14, but the reader can easily provide a direct argument. S:H R Hi (gifa,X) 0 [A (MA We therefore have maps R+i * f)] + H (rt,X) 26. which preserve the module structure. )?o * H (r ,X) tends to be relatively small, so that in general has a large kernel. ) U( Theorem 3.5 computes the action modulo this kernel; the rest of section 3 is devoted to finding conditions for Theorem3.5 P c R* u E U(gf) -then , ff. to be non-trivial. W 6 H ('t rr ((u -*) O P) = ,X), and ((u) - _(W O P) Proceed by downward induction on i, starting with the case i HS( ,/' n,X) R+S If [A (n ay.)] Proof. H 7- = dim qlAQ = (A (t ,X) =(A R+S S. = (,nr/) ()) * Then 0X S X/rrX = (A (a7n)) * R * ® (A (ri )) @ X/X. With respect to these identifications, (A (gr ()()) 7rS S * (A (,r/n )) 0 X/( 1 ,ak)x 0 (A (/)) R 0 (A (in * )) X /r lX is just the obvious map induced by the projection X /(9n 1 1 t)X action of ,X) U(< ) on H S(aT is + X /pX. The on the X/(G"A)X factor only. x s X, write If = Then Now x s Q 0 x E HS (/jl nk ,X), u - o = Q 0 U u =(u) modrtU( , X /(,ok)X, x E with so )cj and X Q £ (AS (4r Ql)) r ((u - -U(- ) o) 0 P) Suppose /X. = , x E X. (Q 0 P) 0 u - x. - xc iX; so 27. 7T (Q 0 P) 0 ((u - w) 0 P) Q0 P 0 SS (u) x x. (u) By (Q 0 P 0 =4((u)) This proves the result when i (3.4), X) (u) = S. = i + 1 < S. Suppose then that the theorem holds for some Choose an exact sequence of with F modules U(g ) module. a free 0 P)) ((W O 0 F0 -+ F + + X + 0, The two long exact sequences in cohomology give H (An,,,F)0(A (tap)) -+H (j,nn H R+i (,F) i < S, H Since + R+i H rX) 0(A R+i *R11 >H1 i+l (//La9,F )0(A R nn) (~t)- 62 (TX) (n,F) = 0; so R+i+l H -> 62 (,FO is injective. By the inductive hypothesis, Tri+l ((u 0 P) - 61 (o)) observed that the action of U commutes with cochain level; it is immediate that The maps level; so ff, intertwine i+1 6 2 i((u - W) 0 P) 0 1) = d = F(u) and is 62 iT((u - w) O P) injective, ff ((u d 61(M)- u d 0 1 on the 61 (u - W). on the cochain 62 ri. Thus -6 2 (r(w 0 P)). L is standard that the action of that We have 0 P). - 7i+l (SoI) =(u) commutes with 621 = 62 ((u) - - W) 0 P) = Finally, it r (w 0 P)). E(u) Henceforth it will be assumed that 7 (W 0 P). X is a so Since 62 Q.E.D. 28. Harish-Chandra module, i.e. that there is a k -invariant decomposition X = E X(y). Here X(y) is a finite YC dimensional y-primary semisimple A -module. Recall that we are identifying A -modules with their highest be an irreducible F y c A, and let Suppose then that F highest weight space of F, i.e. the subspace of by /Za 4,-weight of X subspace of is one dimensional and has F y which is annihilated Then the dimension of . multiplicity of y in X. X2 to be the X C_ X(y) Similarly, define t -weight y. for the FY Write k -module in the equivalence class y. annihilated by nz A 1-weights. XY is precisely the U(o ), is stable under and the corresponding action completely determines the action of for &CQk Now rt on ) U( X(y). We make a similar convention and X and follows easily that are semisimple H (?7,X) Ai ( is as well. modules, and it The maps f may be restricted to the various highest weight spaced 50A : write with respect to y- Since 2p (n a (3.6) (3 6) *y-2P pHnn AR (rt,))*]Y+ jX ® (AR [1Hi (,(ermaX) ARnn ) IXy i+R HP(r),X) is one dimensional and has -2 p (4nq7) . ,-weight ), this may be rewritten as Tr H H (/n-1 qi ( 0 (AR ,X) (1 X)Y ) * + Hi+R ,X)y-2p (9/ ) 29. To study these maps, we need some information about i H (Gn ,X), which (as the reader might guess) requires If a c WK, set (a) A (A)}. a little more notation. A( ++ {a c A ( = -l- )a (Clearly this refers to t -roots; it should be rather obvious why the Z subscript in At has been omitted.) As is well known, and easy to check, 2p(A( (3.7) =E a A) a = Pc - a c - p c a+ Define 1(a) = IA+(k) W = {a Suppose W | (the number of elements of A (Jk)), c A)}, + y e k, with F e y (Kostant [16]) Theorem 3.8 y = a(y+pc H3(Ondr ,F)" space is one dimensional, i.e. the with multiplicity one in f * A-module. = 0 unless In that case the £nk -type y occurs H3(/Iyil k,F). Consider the graded module * Hom (Ar,X), with differential d (the coboundary operator of Lie algebra cohomology.) {Va }= that = j Y(a) can now be studied by standard spectral sequence techniques. A= W an irreducible for some a E WK(j). p The maps {a W (j) of 4//a Pick a sequence -invariant subspaces of 1u3) A (f so 30. 1) V 0 = A 0 (ang) 2) Va 3) (7 n)ii C Ar(a) net); and a < Va c<V 0 a' => r(a) < r(a') ia-1> This is always possible: choosing x c t+ = (centQ )(I as in the proof of Lemma 2.7, we see that if E c A*( ,a) is kaA then x irreducible, and acts on x (nOk ) E acts on E by the scalar c, with eigenvalues strictly * greater than c. Using the eigenspaces of x in A we may therefore arrange (3). Filter whenever qn-r An-r (nr ) and pr a A 0 = A, A 1 = {f~f = 0 on A (1,Z Then r) n-r Ann An = {f by A Va , )}, = 0 for some a' < a}. etc. There are module maps T ),X) 0 Va a : An a - Hom (An-r(a) (47r For Hom (Anr(a) (\k ),X) @ = Hom ([An-r(a) (i'trfA)] @ V ,X); is just the natural restriction map corresponding n n-ra Then Va c- An. ) [A -r (a)( to the inclusion and T 1) 2) 0 for all a' < a; in particular, f e An iff n,(f) = a a iff if f e An , then f 6 A a+l a' If f 1 (df) = A , then Tn+ a <a. a Tat~ (df) = 0 for a' < a. (d Tn(f) a = 0. 0 l)(T a (f)) ; and ----------- 31. Statement 1) follows immediately from the definitions. n suppose f C Aa For 2), a' < a, Q = q0A .. ''' (An+1elemet) EA- n-r(a') P = pn-r(a')+1 and Fix n s Val. Val (An element of Va' actually a linear combination of such terms; since the argument would be unchanged in general, we take this form to simplify the notation.) n+1l aI Tn+l (df) is a map from An+lr(a) (df)(Q 0 P) T df(y 0 A n i=O .. (-1), A y By definition, V , t'O X; (.-nn ) n f(y 0 y. .' . A n)+ E(-1) y ]Aye...yi. 'f([y O<i<j<n df(QAP) = n-r (a') (-1) q -f(qOA... n _ qn-r(a') i + i=n-r (a')+1 + i<j<n-r iv) + (I (-1 p (a') n f n-r (a')+1'' il+ f0[q','q']q. _,)&')4 i'' i'' n )AP) A( A -rW A v) + y indicates that the argument is to i=O iii) .. Thus be omitted.) ii) of Recall that in general, = df (QAP) . (Here the circumflex i) P E (-1)i+i n-r (a')+1<i< j .,p]AQAP '*Pi.. ... A p. ... ApP) 32. n f c Aa, f(X Since k > n - r(a). A Y) = 0 Since r(a') and (v) is of this form. if X A (/trvk), e < r(a), for some every term in lines (ii) Line (iv) may be rewritten as n E + f(qO0i'''i'''n-r ...q.. q n- ,l A (q.*P)) . 1' (a') By assumption (3) in the definition of the V a, qi-P £ <VO' 0V,.. f(X A Y) = 0 V-1 ' 0~ a-i>>. 1 * a1 * whenever Thus line (iv) is zero. X c A (in nk) If lines (i) and (iii) vanish. ment of claim (2). are precisely f e A , Since Y c <v0''''' a-l >, a' < a, P e <V0'' a-1 so This proves the second state- Finally, if (d0 and a = a', lines (i) and (iii) 1)(Ta (f))(Q 0 P). This proves (2). From (1) and (2) one deduces immediately (3) dA _ Aa (4) T induces a map from A /Aa+ Hom (An-r(a) (/n/I ),X) 0 V* phism of differential Q(1A to which is an isomormodules. Aa The spectral sequence of the filtration Theorem 3.9 Eab Ha+b-r(a) (iQ differential map. ab There is a spectral sequence Et dt ,X) 0 now gives a+b => H ; here Va- cr(a)rt(I has bidegree (t,l-t) and is an (rz,X). . I'k The module 33. Corollary 3.10 H (t,X) is a Harish-Chandra module for The corollary follows rather easily from Kostant's theorem 3.8; in fact already has the Eab ink structure of a Harish-Chandra module. An apology may be in order for the proof of the preceding theorem. A slightly stronger version (i.e. smaller ab E aterms) can be read off from the famous Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence ([10]). However, I know of no applications of the improvement, and the grubbier approach adopted above may indicate what's going on a little more clearly. Fix a I -type Definition 3.11 J > 1, and yp of y F e y X with X(y) 4 0. is n -minimal in X if whenever y sil, is an irreducible A * y-2 p(nng) (H J-1 (nk,F) 0 [AR-J $ module, then 0 implies X(y) = 0. Thus the condition is that certain k -types occur in X. y should not A more computable formulation is given by Proposition 4.8. Theorem 3.12 TS Suppose : H(a(71IRX) ,X)0 y is n -minimal in X. [AR HR *+ Then X)-2p 04p) is injective. Proof. Let r(N) = R. N Then be the index with VN = ARf c ); of coirse AN+1 = 0, and it is easy to see that 34. ANR+n. is precisely the image of 'n. n * vn:Horn (An('^r nk ),X) O V is the inverse ofopen earlier. R+n+1 TTN R+n TN . + In fact, Horn (AR+nt,X) (We can now settle a point left Recall that we proved R+n . 1)(TN NN (df) = (d It follows that Ae Hom (A (rt d(fT (A R+n N = image of forfcA0 nn' = rn+l (d 0 1(f)) for k ),X) 0 VN; this was used in the proof of Theorem 3.5.) Thus the assertion of the present theorem is that the term (ENR-N)y-2p(/qnt) of the spectral sequence in Theorem 3.9 "persists to E. *" dt is 0 Since the bidegre of (t,l-t), it suffices to check that (Eab)y-2p(/ap) whenever a+b = R-1. (Eab)y-2p(nV) 1 In this case, (HR-l-r(a) (gykl, X) ® V )-2p a = CE (H (MX (y)) R-J [-2p * (1) YE:k here we put J = R-r(a). This vanishes by Definition 3.14. Q.E.D. Because of the symmetry of to W H ( ,X) with respect ( cf. Theorem 3.8) one can actually get considerably more information about H (r(,X) from the assumption that y is 7'-minimal. This is probably important for relating H ('7,X) to the global structure of X; but that problem will 35. not be pursued here. We want to study the action of case p on VA7 X is n -minimal. U(9 ) on X(y) in By definition of the action of U -cohomology, this is the same as studying = H 0 (17nz<,X)E as a U module. Combining Theorems 3.5 and 3.12, we see that this U action factors through the homomorphism (. be improved a little, using Corollary 3.10. This can Let P c U(2A) be the kernel of the representation p, and put I = IP ( ) = U(c ) [U (o ), (~ 91 ]. Then we have the follow- ing more precise version of Theorem 2.9. Proposition 3.13 action of U I on Y is a two-sided ideal in U factors through U Harish-Chandra module Y. + U /I , and the for any This establishes a one to one correspondence between irreducible Harish-Chandra modules Y Y(y ) / with 0 and irreducible U(j) /I modules. For a proof, see Lepowsky-McCollum [20]. this result to We will apply , and the Harish-Chandra module H (7,X). Let (3.14) P : U(f) be the composition of + U(f ) ( /I with the quotient map. Notice own I - _ - - '-" 36. that 2p(ftop ) is the weight of a one dimensional 4 ii module, so that integral. Q/1k dominant is By 3.5, 3.12, and 3.13, we have proved Theorem 3.15 action of p-2p(nop) Suppose U() on y is Y7 -minimal in X. X1 Then the . factors through The consequences of this theorem are dealt with in detail in section 4, but the following example indicates its usefulness and limitations quite clearly. the reader may consult Schmid [23]. For details, Suppose that o0 semisimple and equal rank (so that i = k) and that finite center. Let A c it0 - entials of characters of T. Let (A+p)' G An element <X,a> / 0 A of A+p for every is a e A. be the set of nonsingular elements of A+p. Harish-Chandra has shown that the discrete series of parametrized by the F1R(1 fA Let A has denote the lattice of differ- 0 said to be non-singular if is G is dominant weights in (A+p)'. be such a weight, and X the Harish-Chandra module of the corresponding discrete series representation. Let A+ be the positive root system associated to A (defined in §§2) and let J = fr. Put y = A-pc + p(il0 ng ) (which is the highest weight of a K-type). Theorem 3.16 (Schmid) With notation as in the preceding paragraph, y is f10 minimal in X, and occurs with multiplicity 37. one. Suppose p is ro minimal in the irreducible Harish-Chandra module Y; then Y is equivalent to x. Proof. Schmid has proved that X(y) / 0.) particular that j t= ${&; so is 7W minimal in X (in In the present case, ) U( y =U (t). Iy-2p -2 (gI gp) is just the kernel of the character yp-2p(i1V') Thus ) U(k ( /J is a character of ) U(o ) = C, and = dp-2p ('trnf) : U(t) u(g) + + 0. C By Theorem 3.15 and . Proposition 3.13, X' and YP are irreducible modules for U(c ) /ker C so obviously they are equivalent and =; one dimensional. So y occurs with multiplicity one in X; and the second part of Proposition 3.13 gives X = Y. Q.E.D. Notice that the proof actually exhibits the action of U on X1 rather explicitly. This character has also been computed (in a slightly different form) by Enright and Varadarajan ([7]). Schmid's proof that y is 7r4 minimal in X, while basically analytic, invokes a much stronger form of the preceding result. With a little more work, however, the results of this section can be applied in his argument (cf. the proof of Lemma 6.3), giving a complete proof of Theorem 3.16 independent of his (rather difficult) algebraic computations: we omit the details. In any case one doe not get his estimates for the multiplicities of other K types inx. 38. 4. The Classification Problem We would like to produce a classification theory for Harish-Chandra modules, based on the results of section 3. Recall the algebraic ordering < ordering <y + 2pc 1 + 2 pc <yg + 1 y4 y22. by ||yff X = Define a second < Y2if y > 2< + + 2p+2p, pc Put Let i0 on of il -4 2pc' 2 + 2pc> or y2 + 2p.> <Y cr Y2 and c <y + 2p , y +2p'> c c be an irreducible Harish-Chandra module for o. To avoid some minor complications, assume that whenever X(y) k-module. $ A will 0, i.e. that X y e it0 is a unitarizable henceforth refer only to y of this sort. (In case X is the Harish-Chandra module of a representation and is compact, this condition is automatic.) K irreducibility of X implies that {yIX(y) $ 0} The is contained in a certain translate of the lattice of f-roots in it . Hence the minimum of the positive real .numbers {ilyl| IX(y) / 0} of y. is attained on a finite non-empty set The following definition therefore makes sense. Definition 4.1 The minimal unique minimal element of k-type y of X is the {yJX(y) $ 01 with respect to <. 39. y ||y| is essentially the K -type with |1Jl The main reason for using Casimir" <p+p, , +pc> Schmid's "lowest type" minimal. instead of the "compact is that Definition 4.1 produces ([23]) for discrete series representations; and one can (with some effort) produce examples in which the +p c definition does not. To solve the classification problem, it is clearly enought to describe the set of Harish-Chandra modules with a fixed minimal k-type p. To apply the machinery of Let section 3, we need some 0-invariant parabolics. p+2 pc; recall be the positive root system associated to that if a e At(c and a -a. ), a c A+ iff <a,y+ 2 p > > 0 or <a,-+2p ;>= Thus we have a 0-invariant Borel subalgebra as in section 2, with nil radical r0 ; A( 0 0 A+ It remains to define the parabolic 0r. = + It is not clear how to do this in general, but examples (cf. Theorem 4.6 and Corollary 4.16) support Conjecture 4.2 0 0 jr The 0-invariant subalgebra may be chosen in such a way that i) Chandra whenever y is the minimal k-type of the Harish- factors through the homomorphism ii) U( module X, then the action of the Levi. subalgebra (Definition 2.4) V (' of ) on X (Definition 3.14) el is split 0 40. iii) the aQOk -type of highest weight V-2p(litnp ) is small iv) to if p- 2 p(t en v) ) y-.2p (fi-n ), and y+2p c-p is a small -type associated yp' is dominant for A ,then y y is dominant with respect to the positive imaginary roots supported on For the definitions of "small" and "associated", see section 5. Conditions iv) and v) are needed only to prove the existence of the representations described by Theorem 4.5. The philosophy is this. the center of algebra of Set ci C. =c01(y) = ' c [ , ] CP0 Let (10 0 I + +rz; then G with the reductive group realizations of Section 6). L = G . t + C7 V+ is be a Cartan sub- (which exists because of & , and hence also of V. concentrating on Recall that is 0 is split). a Cartan subalgebra Harish-Chandra often works (which will appear in the The present development is According to, for instance, Kostant's quantization theory, the really fundamental objects are the Cartan subgroups G ;C+a . The problem with dealing directly with these is that (in Kostant's language) the associated polarizations are 41. usually neither real (the split principal series case) nor purely complex (the discrete series case.) In Harish- Chandra's point of view, the discrete series are taken as fundamental building blocks, and one works essentially with Here real polarizations (i.e. induced representations). we start with the principal series for split groups, and use purely complex polarizations (i.e. 7 -cohomology). When Conjecture 4.2 holds, the "uniqueness" part of the classification problem reduces to a study of the representations of a split group containing a small K-type (see Theorem 4.5 below). These representations can be described almost completely, using Harish-Chandra's subquotient theorem (Theorem 5.2). The result is Let G = KAN be an Iwasawa decomposition of a Theorem 4.3. split reductive group, and let y E K is an analytic family G tions of i) ii) ffv Then there of admissible representa- (namely a certain principal series) so that ffr contains K-types in {V}V}v6A be small. fr y exactly once; and the other small are precisely those associated to is irreducible for almost all finite composition series in general. p. v, and has a -_ __ a - 42. iii) and VI have equivalent composition series V = a - v' iff W fV of the Weyl group of By i), ff A in G. has a unique irreducible subquotient containing the K-type p. iv) in a certain subgroup a for some fw Then The representations {In-)} y exhaust the infinitesimal equivalence classes of admissible irreducible representations of G containing p. Since the only proof available for i) is very long, this theorem will be proved in section 5. Corollary 4.4 An irreducible Harishf-Chandra module for a split group contains A-types from at most one family of associate small .- types. minimal A-type If such a family exists, the belongs to it, and each element occurs with multiplicity one or zero. Suppose that Conjecture 4.2 holds for the h-type p; choose dr accordingly. Recall that 070 0 X(h. is a maximal abelian subalgebra of Theorem 4.3 to the split reductive group knjl type p -2p(nn ). Suppose v 0 0'~ 0 p(y) = A(p). L + 00 0 Apply L, and the small We may choose the subgroup from the Iwasawa decomposition of O7(y)0. 0 A (p) to have Lie algebra By 4.3 (i), the highest 43. weight space of the type y-2p(mnap ) in f one dimensional module for x Let : R + Recall the map : U(o5) +C Theorem 4.5 C a (?). /I R =-U(Y) is 17 be the corresponding homomorphism. E : U(5) E by Let X R + =XV (3.14); define characters Then P. *E be an irreducible Harish-Chandra module with minimal k-type y, and suppose that Conjecture 4.2 (i-iii) holds for p. With notation as in the preceding * paragraph, there is a U(5) y on X v E 0O(y) so that the action of E , is given by the character In particular, occurs with multiplicity one. Proof. By 4.2 (i) and Proposition 3.13, X11 irreducible module for FP(U) image of the center of U(J) U() + Chandra homomorphism, extension. &(I (ig)) integral extension; so for R . XP -+ Z is an integral ring is commutative, and Z y Hence + R ' ) C R P(Uis an lifts to an irreducible module R in the P-2p(7n)-type of some irreducible Harish-Chandra module for i?. PJ be the By Proposition 3.13 again, this lifted module is just the action of R Z c R is essentially a Harish- By Corollary 5.5, R is an integral extension. Let under the quotient map ) P(I R ; since cR . is an By Theorem 4.3 (iv), must therefore act on XP by the scalars X some 44. * v e 6T(p) . But this is precisely the conclusion of the theorem. Q.E.D. It should be remarked that the ring theory here is all avoidable. We will prove Conjecture 4.2 (i) by exhibiting explicitly certain cohomology groups on which P acts; so the necessary liftings appear automatically (although not uniquely, just as above). In some cases the construction of the cohomology is a little subtle, however; and it seemed best to make Conjecture 4.2 as simple as possible, despite the resulting uglinees of the preceding proof. The existence theorem corresponding to 4.5 is Theorem 6.2. By a straightforward reduction, it suffices to prove G Conjecture 4.2 for Lie algebra. ridiculous. Theorem 4.6 simply connected and g0 a simple A case-by-case attack is therefore not utterly Let G denote the universal covering group of G. Conjecture 4.2 holds in the following cases has only one conjugacy class of Cartan subgroups a) G b) G = SL(n,R) f) G = SO (2n) c) G = SU(pq) g) G = SO(p,q) d) G = SP(pq) h) G = split form of G2 e) G = SP(nR) i) G = rank one form of F 4 45. For every case but g), we will actually prove the following stronger versions of parts of 4.2; 4.2 (i)': Whenever p is the minimal a-type of the Harish- Chandra module X, then y is /7-minimal in X. (Definition 3.14) 4.2 (iii-iv) ' P-2p (flo ) is principal series minimal (Definition 5.3) That 4.2 (i)' => 4.2 (i) is precisely Theorem 3.15. That 4.2 (iii-iv)' => 4.2 (iii) and 4.2 (iv) is trivial from the We will in general say little definitions(see section 5). about 4.2 (v) - the reader may observe that in each case much stronger conditions will be proved in the course of establishing 4.2 (i). We will say that the .k-type p is ?I -minimal if whenever p is the minimal a-type of an irreducible Harish-Chandra module X, then p is /Z -minimal in X. The first step toward proving Theorem 4.6 is to give some computable conditions 0 r for p to be 1 -minimal, for a fixed 0-invariant Yr Definition 4.7 q The weight t is said to give rise to J-cohomology larger than p if there is a A -type that if then F is an irreducible H (rF) Write A y > p module of highest weight y, / 0. A(lnp) = { ,.- -, so R }' A {a 00 . a } (the noncompact and compact ,t-roots in In, respectively). 46. Proposition 4.8 Suppose that for any non-empty subset -.-.- . } of A(fng), {i 1 the weight - does not -. JJ give rise to J-1 cohomology larger than y . Then p is H -minimal. Proof. Suppose that F is an irreducible A module of highest weight y, and that I *) p2 (') (Pns,F) 0 {A R-(I) (H 0. By the definition of 7-minimal, together with Definitions 4.1 and 3.11, what we must show is that y < p. By a standard fact about highest weights in a tensor product, there are weights HJl(fn,F) $+$ 0, = p-2p(uiW). $ is Thus ) = = E:A (qnn) $= y-6. - --. , and $ such that a weight of [AR-J (ngp)], = -(61 +...+3, R-J) $ R-J element subset of A(,tAno). R 2 p(vnu $ E and for some Recall that .. It is immediate that {6. } is the complement of H (-nleF) i=l1 where '1JJ in {S} A(fop ). Now / 0; but by hypothesis, $ does not give rise to J-1 cohomology larger than y. Definition 4.7, this forces y < p. Suppose then that y-. .. 1J .-6 J > 1, { S By Q.E.D. J C A(rtn6), } j j=l and that gives rise to J-1 cohomology larger than p. 47. Let y be the corresponding k-type. { . }, restrictions on the IliiI-I IYI ; since To get some we want to compute y > y, this number must be non-positive. By Kostant's theorem 3.8, there is a (4.9) y - 3 .. . = a(y+p 10* a 6 W (J-1) with - C' c Thus y+2p a -l Since IIyII = a [(y+2pc ~ ...- . -(p cP i 1 *)] J is an isometry, it follows that = <(y+ 2 pc )-u -(p c-ap c), (y+2pc By a short computation, this may be written as yut 1 -IIy|I =2<p+2pc ,Z . By (3.7), pc-a-pc=2p(A +p c~a .+pc - c J a So Jy I--|JY|=2<y+2pc U i. X = X(y) A(AA), i. J J y j~-||yj|=2<p+2p c~4' U inition 4.10 ' c +pc J Since a 6 W (J-l), (W is a J-1 element subset of A+ Def c i. J < J . say {a. J J J ...a }. J +<2p-(Ui +Ea ),Ei +,O. > J J J J = y + 2pc -~ ' 48. For an equal rank semisimple group, (4.10) is the equation relating Harish-Chandra's discrete series parameter A and the discrete series' "lowest" h-type y This observation, which came out of some (Schmid [23]). very helpful discussions with H. Hecht, was the original motivation for Definition 4.1. {B a Set . . '1 } U {. 1.... .a A J '1 J-1 (). The last equation may now be written as | y (4.11) | 2<X (y) , E i + E J J + <2p(B ), ) A Bc Here - 2p(B)>. B, so that p (Bc) + p (B) = p. Suppose we can show that the right side of (4.11) is always positive (Or zero, with y < y) . Then Proposition 4.8 will 0 77 c f7 , and 0 (by the X+p = p+2p c is dominant with respect to /' 0 So <X+p, 3 > and <X+p,a > are non-negative 0). T of choice is y imply that T{ -minimal. Now for all i; it follows that the first term of 4.11 is never very negative. The second term is easy to handle, as we shall see. If (4.12) T 6 W(jA), set A+ 6 2pj + + a ={ P-T*p A+ a e Al}. Then 49. Because it preserves A, it is easy to see that the Cartan involution 0 defines an automorphism We claim that T = T <=> Tp AT () For suppose that A+ (o) is O-invariant. c is 0 invariant. + 2p(A+(g)) is 0-invariant, i.e. is in t * since p s )t, this implies If 6(T-p) T~1(OTe)-p = p. Suppose Hence P-T-p 6 . p A () * then i.e. W(f,A) Finally, if B < A , Bc > 0. Then clearly (eTO)-p = T-p, T = OTO. with 0, it is clear that <2p(B),2p(Bc)> *- The only element of is the identity, so Lemma 4.13 . T-p since Op = p, = T-p; OTO of W(,A-1). + T fixing T p commutes is 0-invariant. _ + - B. Then Equality holds iff B = A () for some T s W(t,A) which commutes with 0. Proof. (Kostant) By a short computation, <2p(B),2p(Bc)> = <pp> - <p-2p(B),p-2p(B)> Consider the finite dimensional irreducible representa' tion of to A) are with highest weight p. Its weights (with respect precisely the various p-2p (B), B C A+. By the Cartan-Weyl theory, each weight of a finite dimensional representation is at most as long as the highest one, with equality precisely for the extremal weights. <pp>- Thus <p-2p(B),p-2p(B)> > 0, with equality iff 50. p-2p(B) = T-p for some p-2p(B) = iff T-p T e W(g, A). One knows that B = AT (+). * p E; , <p, p> = <p,p>h. so so <p-2p(B),p- 2p.(B) p-2p.(B) is a sum of roots, > 0, with equality iff p-2p(B) E Thus <p-2p(B),p-2p(B)> > <p-2p(B),p-2p(B) , with equality * iff p-2p(B) e Assembling these inequalities, . <2p(B),2p(Bc)> = <p,p <p-2p(B),p-2p(B)> - B = A+ (), with equality iff and T'p F- > 0, Q.E.D. . A noncompact imaginary positive root 6 Definition 4.14 is bad if there is a a 6 WK such that +K a) A (k) b) X is singular with respect to 6 and each consists entirely of complex roots a E ACY() c) if the noncompact imaginary roots in A ( ) are ($ 1 +...+$-6) then a ordering f Proposition 4.15 i) ii) iii) X((p) of 0 it0 .) Suppose X(p) satisfies is dominant with respect to la <a, A(p)> A.(Rng) > 0 for a e A (7za) contains no bad roots. . (in the 51. Then y Proof. is .7 -minimal. By Lemma 4.13 and hypothesis i), both terms in 4.11 are non-negative. If one is positive we are done; so suppose both terms are zero (so that Lemma 4.13, there is a 0-invariant B = A (). y y -r e W(1,,A) f.) By such that Since the first term of (4.11) is zero, 0 = a c B. whenever a1 ...a. a. li 'J-i follows that it By hypothesis (ii), A (r114). C are all in Since B is 0-invariant, it must contain the J-1 corresponding the discussion preceding noncompact complex roots (cf. Proposition 2.3). So we may assume a. 1- J j = S. The remaining 1...J-1. = . 1. for J is necessarily 0-fixed, JJ By e: A. (4T OP). i.e. (4.9), J a1 + = crJ-l j=l ~ -1 By (3.7), a So y = a Since y+2 pC -p = y +PC)-p Za. E- < ca> )-p = a -l (-PC+G-P +pC)-P = c 0. 8. = 0 a (y+2pc -p). (4.12), we get +P C c for all a e A(k ), a*A A; i.e. Rearranging , and applying (3.7) and 52. (*) y-a-y = p-a-p-2(p -OP Now A () C) A ( ) contains 2p(A ()) = - and the corresponding non- compact complex roots, together with (say) Clearly 2p(A a ( = 4p(A 4p(A + a (p)) + $ .. N $ .. 4Y.0 Thus (*) . becomes (**) P - a-P = $l + ... Every compact root in follows that the * is already in A (); it a are all noncompact imaginary roots. a (J) By (**) y = a 1 - y a 1 -I = y + 1J =P + a What we need for tP -minimality Iy|| = 111j11, this amounts to is not a bad root, y-y = - a~ Corollary 4.16 i) ii) iii) X(y) Suppose is 7 A(p) P > Y; since y-Y ($ +.. +$~- Since ) 6-1 J Q.E.D. satisfies dominant A(-y) is non-singular with respect to Ai A.R (n0' 0QP) contains no bad roots (Definition 4.14; in particular if X(p)is non-singular with respect to A. 0 53. y Then is such P, with Proof. 7Z 0 minimal. .Q=f, Thus Conjecture 4.2 holds for and 6Y) 0. 0 0 F0 i =A is By Proposition 4.15, y is 7f0 minimal. abelian, and therefore split, with every iAk type principal Q.E.D. series minimal. It is fairly clear that the conditions of 4.16 hold for "most" y , i.e. when V is sufficiently far from every root wall in it 0* In that case Enright ([6]) has in fact proved Theorem 4.5 (that the representations with minimal type y are more or less parametrized by (5)) using a much stronger non-singularity condition on yp. The condition given here seems to be more nearly precise; this should be clear from the considerations of section 6. An example may be enlightening. Let G = SL(3,R). The A -roots of V are pictured below. Here ~ is one dimensional (the vertical direction) and Y is one dimensional (the horizontal). 54. The complex roots (i.e. those with support on pt) are {+a,+a}; is imaginary and noncompact. There is one compact positive root, namely the compact -t-root corresponding to the complex root a; we call this a also, Then the noncompact t -roots are a and as a t-root. = 2a. (All of this is easily checked by finding the eigenvectors of in s2(3,R).) respect to 2r e z. T = A+(.) = y ditions for = p+2p 0 -sin 0 cos 0 0 0 0 l {a} y = system is necessarily 1 sin O c K = SO(3) A ;-weight ra is dominant integral with So let p = -(a+6a+ cos O to be ) = = (= iff a; r the associated positive root {a,6a,) n70 is non-negative and = A(77 0 ). = 2a as a /t-root. n-2 )a. = a, and 2p minimal. If We want con- So n > 2, A is 0 dominant and non-singular with respect to ? . By It 0 minimal; since dim P0 = 1, there Corollary 4.15, y is 7 is at most a one (complex) parameter family of representations of G with minimal k-type p. (It is not hard to see that these may be realized essentially as a principal series associated to a maximal cuspidal parabolic subgroup of G.) If n = 0, 1, or 2 (i.e. p is the 1, 2, or 3 dimen- sional representation of SO(3)) then yp is in fact principal 55. series minimal (see Table 5.8). Theorem 4.3 describes the 2 parameter family of representations of G with minimali-type p in those cases; in particular, there are too many representations for yp to have been minimal. 7t Let us see why Corollary 4.16 does not apply to the case = Here a (i.e. n = 2, the 3 dimensional representation of K.) n-2 0 2 X AiR~rdt) a= 0, so X is dominant with respect to I'{ is empty, since there are no imaginary compact roots; so the second condition of (4.16) is vacuously satisfied. Hence the third condition must fail, which means that must be a bad root in the sense of Definition 4.14. Set a = -1 This can be seen directly as follows. WK complex root; and A+() Clearly A (k) A (G) = A+ = {a}, and a is indeed a {a,6a,}. As t-roots, therefore consists precisely of A+ (k), noncompact root, and 6 = $ bad root. = 0, and so a- ( is a Finally, the problem can be seen from the per- spective of Proposition 4.8. roots a and 6 = 2a. = the corresponding -3a a-3a Consider the two noncompact Then = -2a = a(a+pc -P c c =~~ atc) ~c Thus the k-type y has 1 cohomology of weight y-a-8, which prevents y from being '71 0 minimal. So far we have classified the irreducible admissible representations of a rank two group, explained a mysterious 56. definition, and illustrated the structure theory of section 2 in one fell swoop. Still more mileage can be gotten out of this example, however. One might hope that all discussion of higher cohomology is irrelevant. There are a number of results about the uniqueness of the discrete series (see for example [23]) which assert that if a representation contains a A -type y, but does not contain p-f for any noncompact positive root 6, then the representa- tion is equivalent to a certain discrete series representation; or in general that there is at most a (dim Vt) paraAll of these results meter family of such representations. require strong non-singularity hypotheses on yp, however. In the present case(G = SL(3,R),-p,=a) the minimality of y in X y-S = p-2a = -a -a implies that = 0 cannot occur in X; and is not even dominant. Yet there are a great many representations with minimal k-type y (more than a dim P = 1 parameter family.) one must consider the fact that y-a- To explain this, gives rise to 1-cohomology which can occur in X. Proof of 4.6(a). Since of Cartan subalgebras, subalgebra of %0. and the roots of roots of 4A in . j0 b has only one conjugacy class must be a maximal abelian . 0j Thus ( ) in are obviously the imaginary So A( t' nJ Now is empty. Since 57. AC(C I q ) ( 1NC( by Proposition 2.3, it follows that every t -root is equal to a compact 1t-root. In 0 particular yp is dominant with respect to fP . To prove that the conditions of Corollary 4.16 hold, it is there2pc p fore enough to show that to is dominant with respect n ('fO 70 and non-singular with respect to A. = p(A AiR (I (n'/14)) by the preceding remarks. is a root system in its own right, with Ai1R014) as positive roots. It follows immediately that 2p -p is dominant and non-singular with respect to A (a,6) be a simple positive root of A. <2pc > - proved; so assume 0. If 34 0. Then We claim that is not a root. Let X weight (a,6); put x = x k+ XL ,X E;, (7VtA ) . Let We want to show 6 = 0, this has just been is not a root. xK 6 ). (a,) (a,f) (a,-=) (O,2 ) - + (a,-8) (2a,O) be a non-zero root vector of X + OX, xs = X = 2X, and x - OX. x, Then If 20X. = (2a,O) were a root, [X,OX] would be a non-zero root vector for (2a,O). But [X,OX] =1 +, = - [x , No such so (2a,0) would be an imaginary noncompact root. roots exist, which proves the claim. theory, <(at),(a,-F)> = 0, i.e. <a,a> E By abstract root <,> , or 58. = 1= Since (a,) is simple, 'Pd> ) > (ac, 2 <p <aa>. =<aa, i.e. <p,ca> ==<a"a> a is necessarily a positive compact root, <2 pc a so < 2 p ,a> c 2p-p - k <p,a> k > 0. of SO(n). Here > <a, This completes the proof that 0 is /Y -dominant, and Proof of 4.6(b) Since 4.6(a) follows. K = SO(n), the universal cover We omit the famous case n = 2 (which is of course well understood; in any case it will appear later as SU(1,1)). cover of SO(n). Thus K = Spin (n), a two-sheeted For definiteness assume n is even; hence- forth it will be written as 2n. On the SO(2n) level, a torus is cos sin el 1 -sin 6 Take the as coordi- cos 61 1 . nates in t; 1 in the dual coordinates, cos 0 n -sin 0n identified with Rn. usual inner product on sin 0n cos 0 After normalization, R 0 is then < , > is the 59. A straightforward computation produces the weight vectors of t e basis q = are p iLJ of . .. ++ + e. _= s9 (2n,R). With respect to the usual in n , the compact roots are 1 <i< j < n. + + + :E, j 1 . and p = 1 The noncompact roots + 2s.. - has 1 dimension n-1. Clearly the complex roots are the q. for according to Proposition 2.3, a and p: ; - root occurs with multiplicity two iff it is complex. The imaginary roots are the Order itr p+ lexicographically. = compact roots are the q. , 2pc = (2(n-1),2(n-2) , ... 2,0) weight (a1 .. .an) decreasing, all c Z + a i.e. V y+2 pc = . of q ++ so that by an easy computation. is dominant integral if f . Suppose (yl... is dominant integral. Then 1+ 2 (n-1) ,...yn- 1 +2 yn). Clearly Pn) (a ) Recall the definition ++ <p--, y+ 2 p > = <q.-, y+2p > > 0; so ij c 13 c (y ) is decreasing and y n-1n i < n. Thus <p+,y+ 2 pc> > 0 for i < n. for or is a k-type, 0+U>1 c A(00) . Since > 0 A is a. e 2 an-l + a > 0, and either all n1 n- y = 0++ Then the If 60. gnT in 0, <pn and p+ P n cally.) sgn 0, <p, P n > = +2p +pC (0) = + ; then we have shown that 0(= A Aa{pip, sgn yi ++ Pi p = 2 c + (1,1 ...l,sgn vI ), One computes immediately that so that y+ 2 pc-P (4.17) If 2 ' ' ' ' ]n-l~ s = n; otherwise let y n = 1, set fI the largest index with > 1. Let ' n-sgn yp n)* s A denote be the 0-invariant subalgebra corresponding to the t -roots perpendicular to A ()= c . .s }i,j , pT, {q- p- > s} be the span of the root vectors corresponding Let p to the remaining positive roots; A (q-) =, (4.18) Then & The span clearly = J @ 7 <s+l ... ++ Z_ r-, ,troot (P ) 0 is ordered lexicographi- it0 (recall that Define If > 0. ,+2p> c ++ p sgn yi , p. |i < s}. is a 0-invariant parabolic. of the . -roots of n>; and {p Ai > s} S / in I; is is a strongly orthogonal spanning set of noncompact imaginary roots for 61. * is split; in fact By Proposition 2.5, ). root ( 0 is it is easy to see that the semisimple ideal of s9 (2 (n-s) ,R). isomorphic to We check first that p-2p(40fl2) is principal series minimal for / . =A s =n, then If there is nothing to prove. is abelian, and Suppose then that s < n. From (4.18), we deduce ~~ f++- ~ A Thus 2p(r op) and V-2p(Innp) of s, Ip+1 < 1 I vanishes on the last n-s coordinates, = (. s+1'''n) 1; since y By the definition is dominant integral, it follows that the only possibilities for (p s+1'''in) are (1,...l,0,...O) (with at least one zero), 1 1 and (1 Consulting Table 5.8, (.__). ( . , we see that these are all principal series minimal for the semisimple ideal immediate that for s9(2(n-s),R) y-2p(fa(Fp) 0 ; and it is is principal series minimal i . To show that tion 4.15. Since y /t-minimal, we apply Proposi- is Ag (,k) is empty, condition ii) will always be vacuously satisfied. 0 and of y > 1; thus 1- = -. Suppose first that Since (Vi) s = n is decreasing, 62. y 1 for all i. It is clear from (4.17) that dominant with respect to 70. positive imaginary root i t Suppose a e WK WK is bad. Rn it0 A ( that ) {$1 ... $2}. then contains on even number of A (9o), say 0. One knows say -1 + a pr A p If Then p+ r ($1 +...+ N2-p is It follows easily There are now two cases. pr pi by permutation and changing an even number of signs. a Notice that since is as in Definition 4.14. operates on is Suppose a noncompact is ordered lexicographically, every 0 that p y 2+..+ Every is a a'$ negative noncompact imaginary root, i.e. some p.. Thus their sum is <0, contradicting c) of Definition 4.14. -1 + and 1(-pr+ A+ ' then a-l If, on the other hand, a pr -1 is a negative noncompact imaginary root; every a $ + -1 (r+. a so again contradicting 4.14 c). <r So there are no bad roots in this case; by Proposition 4.15, y is 770 minimal. ps In every other case, i < s. By (4.17), sgn X(p)= A(p). sgn y.. / > 1, ' so that fly > so X (p) 1 for 0 for i < s, and We have seen that sgn y. AiR(17op) = {pi ji < s} (see (4.18)), is 63. dominant and non-singular with respect to A In particular there are no bad roots. X(p) is 7{ dominant. p ). (tR We claim that By (4.18), it remains only to show {p-Ii < s}; recall that p-. this for the roots = iJ as t -roots. y . Since i < j < n, p Consider for example > 1. |y is positive; and we have seen ij > 1. Thus Also = <e.+E.,+> <p i, iLJ If p. < 0, <p. J J ,A> Suppose then that If y. = 1i c Z, then y. = y y.+y. 1 = y.+y .-1-sgn yj. 1 J J > 0 since y is dominant. > 0, so that <p..,X> = i.+pj.-2. iJ 3 1 6 Z + T, then yi > _, y. > ,and > 0. 97 j so y.+y.-2 > 0. C Z + and also P In every case <p A similar argument can be given for p indeed 1 > 1 implies p. > 2; If y y +p -2 J . 1 ; so ,X> Thus > y 0. is dominant, and so rf minimal by Proposition 4.15. This proves 4.6 (b) for SL(2n,R). SL(2n+l,R) is similar but considerably less messy; so the details are left to the reader. To continue, we need a refinement of 4.11. Let v 6 i I; then by 4.11, with notation as in that situation, WIMM 64. | fy [-j (4.19) Lemma 4.20 Suppose 1 v =2<X(y)+ v = E C + > +<2p(B )-v,2p(B)> J J c6, 0 < c 1. < 6cA- <2p (Bc)-v,2p(B)> Then i) B = ii) Li( ) > Equality holds iff 0. for some e W(gA) commuting with 0. T 0 for all 6 e A+ () <6,p-T - p with c. / 0. By taking appropriate convex combinations, it is Proof. enough to do this in case c6 = 0 or 1; so that v = E6 for some subset e A+O)6 C0 = C A+ ( ) . {6 } of - {6 i<2p(B),6 > Define 6i, any i, and <2p(B),6> > 0}. k Considering the positive root system for C = CO 2p(B), it is easy to see that some W(T,x) commuting with 0. T1 () <2p( + Since 97 Put > 0} l } - C 1 ; so 2p(C C 2 = {1. T (C), for By Lemma 4.13, ))-2p (C0)-2p (C ) ,2p (CO) +2 p(C )> is invariant under defined by =0. , <p(n), 6 >O =0 for all 6 ElA+;A 2) these observations, we compute + 2p(C 1 ) = v. Applying 65. - +<2p (C 0 )-2p ( <2p-2p (B) -2p (C) -2p (C),2p (B) = <2p-2p (B COV Cl) ,2p (B U CO + <2p(C 0 )-2p(C 2 ), 2p(B)> write -2p (C 2 ),2p(B)> = <2p-2p(B)-2p(C) <2p(Bc )-v,2p (B)> . -U <2p (B c) -v,, 2p (B) >= (I) (B)> <2p-2p (B U CU Cl) ,2p (C00 Ci) Call the first term (I), and + 2p(A+(k )). 2p = 2p(71) 2 ),2p Then -<2p (7Z) ,2p (C0 C l )k+<2p (B) ,12p (C00 Cl) > -<2p (A + (k) )-2p (CO0) -2p (C1) ,2p (CO0)+2p (C )> +<2p (B), 2p (C0)-2p (C2 = (I) + <2p(B),4p(CO)+2p(C remarks following it. by )-2p(C 2 )> (*) and the By Lemma 4.13, (I) > 0; and the second term is non-negative by the definition of Co' Cl, This proves the desired inequality. and C 2 . equality, necessarily and C C1 0and E> -<2p(B),2p(C2)> = -<2p(B),H In case of are empty, (I) = 0, 0. = By Lemma 4.13, this is equivalent to the conditions stated (recall that p-T-p = 2 p(A( By choosing )).) Q.E.D. v = Ec 6 6 be possible to arrange for appropriately, it will always X(p) + be dominant with respect to 7 0 v = = to X((p,v,) in the cases we consider. (The reader may easily see how this would be done for st(n,R).) This is the strong form of conjecture 4.2(v) L_ 66. which was alluded to after the statement of Theorem 4.5. It is easy to check whether for let 6 i. A is n 0 ' dominant: be the simple roots in 770. Since <6 i . p 2 ___7 <6.1 ,6.> 1 <y+2p + c 2 = 1, X >> will be dominant if f for all 2 i. X Furthermore is singular precisely with respect to those simple roots for which equality holds. To illustrate the methods, let and put G = SU(p,q) y = 0, the trivial representation of K. (p < q) K is S(U(p) x U(q)), and has a torus consisting of the diagonal matrices i01 e iG T= e re. P ,1 i4~ 1 0 e Ia + 4. 3 = 0 67. t0 may then be identified with the subspace .. 9),($...)]46e. {[( if 0 similarly + $ 0} R of Rq; is identified with the same space, with the usual inner product for rank group, so = 0. <. G is Identifying an equal with 0)C = ± sP(p+q,C), one checks easily that the roots of in are the following (with respect to the basis {6 , E21 i 1< < p < i j compact: 1 e1 i,i < q} of i noncompact: g++ g-i3 2 12 - i3 1 < i < p, J We will sometimes refer to s. as the j-coordinates. lexicographically. Then e. Order i 34 it < q, j j < p, i' 1 < j, 1_2 + ( Rg) -- i "i f2 R 1 < j < q. as the i-coordinates and c.R it 0J- A+ {e Ni C Rq J,J and one computes easily that 2p c (q-1, ...q-2j+1,...-(q-1))] lp-3,...p-2.141,...-(p-1)), '[p Since y = 0, y + 2p A(rfn ) = 2pc. By the definition of IF , = {gt.p-2i+l > q-2j+l} U {g jp-2i+l < q-2j+l} = + {g. .j1) 1 i > -(q-p)} - {g j -; |i 1 < 1~-p -) 68. Assume for definiteness that is a non-negative integer. q-p is even, so that The simple roots of 2 are A precisely those which cannot be expressed as a sum of two other positive roots. Using this, one can check that the simple roots are i2 f < qJ < qj Vilg g 9 ,---+1 jPpj. 22 g i,9 - 1 l<i<p} Q-0- be the (e-invariant) parabolic corresponding Let to the simple noncompact roots {g+ }. Since these are strongly orthogonal, the semisimple ideal of 0 is a product of p copies of sZ(2,R); so TO is split. We 0 leave to the reader the straightforward verification that Set +2p yp - 2p(-no(q) v= c is principal series minimal for Then by direct computation E g . i=l ,~'2 + 1 1 (p -'...p-2i+ q -2( q-~p +1 1 q-2( /O' 3 3 2,...-(p- 2 )),(q-l,...q- 2 (q-p 2P)+1, 1 1)1. From this one computes 1e-(S+) .q-2j+ 2...,q-2 69. j+1' y+2pc+$--v> <f j, 2 iu+2p 3 v + 2 2 ' <g yrp+2pc+v = p-2i+ - (q-2(-i) + 1 '2 = 1 1l< i<p 13 =q,Pi+2P c+-v> 2( PP-2i. 2 k4)"--(-i~ <g 1 i'2 2 < i < p = 1 <,j2 g q-p '2 7 +2p = ) = 3 (p+)-(p- 1(P- Since all roots have length 2, the remarks following 0 Lemma 4.20 imply that X will be 71 dominant if 1 > 1 for each simple root 6; this has just <V+2pc +v,6> been verified. With the usual notation, suppose now that J gives rise to J-1 cohomology larger than y; - j=1 j recall that and are the corresponding compact roots, {a. i j j=1 B = {a. I 1. U {. i. J }. By (4.19) and Lemma 4.20, there + is a T e W(J,h) Since y = 0, it with B = AT ( follows that ); also IIl = y. y = 0; so by (4.9) and (3.7) 70. :i, 1. 3 J a.. = so o(Y+p )-p = c J = p-T-p since = c E *-pc . 1. 3 c= = -Ea F. it + i follows 1i that every coordinate of (*) p-T-p is even. Lemma 4.20 and (4.19) also imply that every root in A ( is a sum of the simple roots annihilating X, namely 2 < i < p}. 1< i < p} U {g {+ .q-p '2 W(TA) 2 is the permutation group on the coordinates, it is not difficult to deduce that acts only on the T i coordinates, and the j coordinates between q+p 2 p = [p Write 1 1 1 2 2 ' )l''''q)H; ,p2''''.Pp -+1 Since are simple roots of length 2, and 2 '2 = and 1 say p = n. (Actually, n = 2p21, but this is unimportant.) 1 Since q-p. .. 1 <p,g 22 ~ i - P2 : > = 2 1 2 i 9 p.-p i, and 1 Pi+1 2 We deduce immediately that for 1 < i < p. p= n-2i+2, p2 +T1 = n-2i+1 (Henceforth such computations will often be left to the reader.) By (*), T preserves the 71. i coordinates and the j coordinates separately; say = T [aa 2] with obvious notation. 1 for We claim that 1a< i < p. If not, a finite set argument shows that necessarily a (i) + i) 12 > a2(qLE. 2 <T -1 (g + ) ,> for some 2 =<g + 2 i. qpT-P> = p Then 1 p 2 -1 So + - (g T ) a negative root, i.e. _ S(i) phisms of det T = that li) A() c A(n ). 1 But So We deduce that, as automordet [ail] = det [1,a2 ] it , (det [a1 £ { ; a contradiction. is a root of - a2 (9 _ g would be l i,q + < 0 "2 by the computation of p. g 2 1]) Now if so that w 6 W(A), one knows det w = (-1 ) (w); so it follows that On the other hand, Q(T) contradiction. y So = B| = k(T) is even. J+J-l = 2J-1; a cannot exist, and y is 77-minimal, proving Conjecture 4.2 in this case. By Theorem 4.5, we have proved that SU(p,q) has at most a p-parameter family of spherical representations. This is of course less than earthshaking; the point was to indicate the idea of the following computations in a 72. relatively simple situation. The reader may consider himself warned. Proof of 4.6 1 p,... (c) This is the case 1 P=) *2 2 -..- q)] su(p,q), p < = an arbitrary A-type; we retain the notation of the preceding example. Since y 1 2 is dominant integral, both sequences (11) and (P2) decrease 1 2 2 by integers. Set y+ 2 Pc = a = [(a1 1 ,...ap), (]; then the positive root system defined by A(7710pp ='{g. .a.-a.>0}L) 13 i j1 2 Define 01 - a 1 < i < p, define j(i), a 2 a 1 2 1 a . if 13ij = (formally). - For 0 < j(i) < q, so that > aji)+1. transitional satisfies 2<0}. {g.J.a.-a 2 a The index > 1-1. -- a 2 3 (i) , and i is called upper lower transitional 2 1 It is called upper critical if +1. a2(j)+ 1 > a i+ i 2 1 1 2 - a < 1, and lower critical if 0 < a 1__ -aj ()+ 0 < a2 if j(i) i The simple roots in 1 i (*) {fj . fe i+ c){g . . ___ _ A+ <1. _M_+- are then is not lower transitional and i+1 is not upper transitional}U 1 j isnotj(i) for any i}U{g' li is lower transitionall. )i is upper transitional} 73. l2 By the integrality of y , a -a e e [0,1). 1 iff . a 22 - a fixed j(i) a 1 j 2 aj(i)+1 = E. coordinates, 1 a. 1 pc 1 a. 2, and +l >j It follows that 1 - , and i Within the mod ~ i for some is upper critical is lower critical iff i coordinates or the necessarily decreases by 1; so 2 2 a. - a+1 2. One deduces easily that every upper (respectively lower) critical index is also upper (lower) transitional. We can therefore let r be the parabolic corresponding to the simple roots g (i)i is upper critical) U {g , j(i)+ 1 critical]. |i is lower We claim that these are strongly orthogonal; since they are simple, it suffices to show that the sum of two of them is never a root. For pairs of the same sign this is obvious; so suppose is a root. either gi . + g+ By the description of the root system, i = i', or j(i) = j(i')+l. If i = i', i is both upper and lower critical, so that a2 a 1 )) --a2 aj i)+1 = (a2 (a()-ab which is impossible since Similarly one can rule out claim. a1 a2 166=1 (a+-aj(i)+ 1 ) =-see=1, (a ) J decreases by at least 2. j(i) = j(i') + 1, proving the Thus the semisimple ideal of 40 is a product of copies of sk(2,R), and is therefore split. Since AR+S fl 74. is a one dimensional 2p(1'ing) + 2p(gutm)j, 9 -module of weight y - 2 P((7 minimal iff y + 2p(Trk) is. 2p (n7~k) = 2p c; 4p) is principal series Here .? on so we must show that principal series minimal for O4k, so = a = y+2pc is This is immediate from . the characterization of critical indices, and the description of principal series minimal types in Table 5.8; details are left to the reader. yp is 7 It remains to show that minimal. + E-g.. v = Set +(-e)g. i upper critical We claim that = i lower critical y + 2p c + 1 fv 0 dominant. 7-doiat is -P All roots have length 2; so according to the method outlined after Lemma 4.20, we must show that <p + 2p + 1v, 6> Consider first a simple root i that - E < i+l is not upper Using the definition of v, this implies that <VE.> > < 1-s; <v, < so - 1+1 -1 <P + 2pc + We know from (*) ei i+1. is not lower critical, and critical. is a simple root. 6 whenever > 1 ye > = <p + 2 pc + -v 1 +, 2 ic~ 2 13 T2~ 3 - ~ e >i+ 75. Similarly, if f lj+1 is a simple root, <y + 2p c + 2-2v f3,3i+1l > simple root not in a so 2 2 a.~) - a 1 non-zero only if and Then i Now i <v,F 1.> and <v,e 2 . 3j(i) is lower critical or is lower critical; in any case 0,< <v c.> < 1-E, O > <v, . 1 a (g ) > 2 + - Suppose that equality holds; then 1 1 j(i') + 1, = a ,- 1 2 2 a (i)- p with a 1 , - i i' =2,so that aj (i)+1 = 2. 21 2 j(i)+l I 2 a. j (i) -e = = s; = e. Since A( P). P and v 2 - E; These imply a = p + 2pc , it follows that e. and fj(i) ,j(i)+1' ,(i)+f so v is = V To 1, then j(i-1)+l = 1 and the noncompact roots in = and = -(1-6) v 1-1 = l- = v., 1 j (i) singular with respect to these compact roots. v. summarize: if <p+2p (1-)) 1. a. 1 - - = i-l1, and that is singular with respect to Also Thus . 2 j (i) a. - a . is lower critical, so j(i) a. can be 1 (1-e) - > j (i) = j (i') + 1 - 2 , i is not upper critical, i' <yP+2p+ i gi,3i) e; by integrality, this forces - e. - i Suppose 2 A( 0 ) . 1 1 - a. > 2 J1(i) >- g. and gi,j i)+1 are are singular with respect to the (i), 76. compact roots e f. and -j. gij(i)+1 Suppose next that in e = 0, we still get identical results. If I + <p+ 2 pc +$v,gj i)+1 1. Suppose that equality holds. g We cannot deduce that , say, is a root of <p+2pc but suppose g is a simple root not e 3 O, we argue exactly as above, and get If . (i)+1 1. A( (i) is necessarily in .9); for otherwise the preceding paragraph would imply that root of 0 In this case gij(i)+1 is a which we have assumed is not the case. , Exactly as before, we deduce that y and singular with respect to the compact root Similarly, j(i+1) and v = if j(i) 1<y+2pc+Vygi+1,j(i)+1 + 1, g 1 ,j(i)+ 1 A = 1, v fj(i),j(i)+1' then is a root of f are singular with respect to are , and y ei,i+1' Finally, it is very easy to check that c+v,6>= This proves that 1 X is a simple root in A(f). 6 if is iy -dominant. J Suppose then that cohomology greater than y - y, f3. j=1 j E gives rise to J-1 with all notation as usual. 77 By (4.19) and Lemma 4.20, 1ph = llylf, all a. i. and S. i. are sums of simple roots annihilating X, and B = A (U) for some 0-invariant T 6 W(oj,%). Let 0 DQ be the subalgebra of 90 corresponding to the roots which annihilate X. Then the simple roots in A(Q 0 ) are certain noncompact simple roots g.. which are described above 1J (namely those whose inner product with y+2 pc+2v is 1.) There is a natural notion of adjacency among the simple roots of sk(n,C); two simple roots 61162 are = adjacent iff 6 +62 is a root. Call the sequence 61...6r of simple roots contiguous if the 6. are distinct, and is adjacent to 6i+ for 1 < i < r--1. Then 61 + ... i + 6r is a root iff (6 ) is a contiguous sequence, and these are all the roots. If the 6 is a compact root iff of in 9k roots of f. r are noncompact, 6 + + ar Thus the simple roots is even. are the 61+62' where 6162 are adjacent simple Such a pair is clearly of the form (gifj(i)' girj(i)+1) or , gi+1,.j(i+1)).B (g is the remarks in the proof that X one root of such a pair is in A(Q). compact roots are f , dominant, exactly The corresponding i or eiti+1 respectively; 78. we saw that y and v are necessarily singular with respect to such roots. Since A () c A(I flh), it follows that -1 -1 v = a v, y = a y.1; and since by definition the roots rV- in A(f) annihilate Now , a -1 - - () = X. decomposes as a direct sum of simple sub- . algebras S, (plus center) corresponding to maximal contiguous sets of simple roots in call these components blocks. A(V); we Assume the blocks are ordered in accordance with the lexicographic ordering I+ -u + "V of i~ : if g-- . A(u ), u < v, o i ll i 22 < i i then The first simple root in a fixed block (type I) or g g. is either The key (type II). observation is that, since Aa () c AC(i4.), and - ) C A(t), both A+( T y=a = 1 (y+2pc+-v-p)-a ~Y(M -a~ -1 =X-1 -1 -(p-E ))-2p c c )-2p J ~1 Pu )-PC; thus a~1 (-Ui+p 1b37 c21. J C = in 1 (pc+2v-P+i. )-pc J + v(p-ES. (Ea y+2pc+-= y (PC~ GOPc+ 2 a A for the part of (4.9) that Recall -l u We write sition. and a respect the block decompo- T 1( ---(za i~ +ES 1J ))-2p (by3.7) 79. -l 1 -1 (4.21) (by 4.12) v)-p+1 (T-p) y = y+- (v-a y = P+1(v-aV -(Y- 1 T) -P) (Here we used only the fact that the roots in A+ a annihilate X; accordingly we may apply 4.21 in later computations.) In the present case, of course, v = so the middle term may be ignored. each u, y = y on tu, v, We claim that for and length (T|u) is even. The claim is proved by induction on u; suppose it is known for u'< u. Consider first the type II case, so that the From the proof first simple root in A(ku) is g. 00'3 that X 0 770 dominant, we deduce that g is u ae and that the simple roots of Pu are g. O' . .i) A() -+ +. , g 1i0+. . g 1i0 +1,j . (1)+1r 0 +1, 3 (10 )+2f i.e. each O'i0)+1 etc.; every second root, is in A(). g 0 = 1 for <p,6 > Since each simple root 6, it follows that the ku part of # is j(i0 )place (i0 place) [(... n - 1, Suppose that n - y / 3, y n - 5 ... ) (... n , n -2 on the i coordinates of n 4 u By induction, y = y on the earlier i coordinates; since i..)] , 80. y p in the lexicographic ordering, we deduce that there is an y. > y 11 1 k, in i 1>0 y Since . so that for i < il, and is annihilated by the compact roots the sequence (p similarly for (p). yi = p. is constant on each block; On the other hand, y is dominant so (y.) is decreasing; it follows that leading i coordinate of iu. = i i Recall that is the W(QuJu) acts by permuting the coordinates. We deduce from (4.21) -l that the a T(i 0 ) coordinate of p is greater than the iO coordinate of p, which is possible only if aT(i0) block, (i0 ). = T(i) = Suppose that for some j0 A() )-gi,j(i)' c A(); but < i, j(i)' P 2 1 -- 6 -PT = by our description of p. a contradiction. So - n p a > T(j 3 ) +c (i) fTp 4- T j(io (j (n-k) < + This proves Consider the last j coordinate Clearly in the is a simple root of i,j(i) and thus cannot occur in i T0 j3 p. -1; since 3 (i)) 0 for some 2) of the block y ( g 2 2 u is dominant,. (4.21) - -j 81. implies that > p. - p G u-l a In particular, -l 0) T(i 0 a T(j(i 0 a~ (j0) Setting j4 = since j coordinates. j for all j y a in the block a i0 . = T(j(i')) again) a E WK or -1 j2 , we get = 0 j(i )) we must have thus (by the dominance of for all j. i T(j) T(j) i0 , and i(j) = i(j 2) T0 Since no i coordinate can equal a Au. the i coordinates of Jju . each i coordinate in y on = By (4.21), p. = p for a It T(i) ar1 TI follows that preserves the i coordinates, and hence also the Every such permutation is in a E WK' are u {a. iCF } = again, y = 2) which preserves the i and j coordinate, this is a contradiction; thus y nates. Since e WK( u). +(k); y on ); The compact roots in so in fact A2\u. WK T = a on j coordi- since A Au ( ) By (4.21) u The proof that length (TIAu) even proceeds just as in the spherical case. is The argument for the type I case proceeds along the same lines; the assumption that y / y on the i coordinates in almost immediately to a contradiction. u eads We omit the details. Since length (TIu) is even for all u, length (T) is even. (Actually, one can see fairly easily that we have deduced that } = If{a. 1{J }|] This will be needed later 82. on for the program described in the following paragraph.) But length (T) = 2J-1; a contradiction. exist, and y is indeed '( minimal. So no such y can This completes the proof of 4.6 (d). Although it would be difficult to formulate a general lemma, we will need the arguments above repeatedly. What happens is that the more complicated algebras contain It will assorted subalgebras isomorphic to su(p,q). often be possible to deal with these separately; this will generally be done with a reference to the "su(pq) We have tried in such cases to arrange the theory." notation so as to make the argument clear, and details will be left to the reader. The next case illustrates the technique. Proof of 4.6 (d) for T Here 0= sp(pq), p < q. the usual Cartan subgroup of K = SP(p) x SP(q) C SP(pq); Rq consists of diagonal it with respect to the usual inner product. we refer to and T This gives an identification of matrices. RP ( Rq We take Rp Again as the "i coordinates," with basis {e }, as the "j coordinates" with basis {F } equal rank, so with = 0. The compact roots are O is 83. ei f . = + F_ + e , 1- - -JJ (i<i'), c 1 2 2 + e ., J J + - j') (j < E. - noncompact roots are g.. 13 p qj Order = R it R 1 + + = 2 + and d. = + The . J 1 2 + 12 +(e.-.), h. =+(E+E). 1 J 1) 1 ) J - lexicographically. The corresponding positive compact roots are e., 11 , + 1 d. and f.., , J) J j i < i', (recall j') < One checks easily that the simple compact roots are e.., 1,1+1 d , and that q c p , f. jj+1 ,and 2p c = [(2p, 2p-2,... 2),(2q, 2q-2, ... 2)]. y = [(y ,...P HP,--2 )]. )( 1 y-, > y2 > .. . > P integral, y . the j coordinates. Define l 1 y Since is dominant 1 similarly for > 0; Set 2 2 1 1 y+2pc = a = [(a 1 ,. ..a) (a ,...a2) I. 1 2 a0 = a0 (formally) Fix a k-type 1 , ap+1 2 =aq+ =0; andfor 1 < i < P, define j(i), 0 < j(i) < q, so that 2 1 2 a. > a > aj.). 3(i)+10 i 3 (i) Call the index transitional a 2 if a . 1-1 > a 3 (i), and 1 ; upper critical if and lower critical if upper loe j~~oe > a0 i 0 < a 2 - a. 0'< a. I j(i)+ _rastonli < - 1- ifiJ 17- trnstina 'M, 21 If 0 1 is 84. associated to a, then A(7oag)) - U{9 a -a roots of 1 < 01. A+ (gi,j(i)+ of a, 13 2 |a1-a 1 13 > 3 - 0 It can be deduced that the simple not lower transitional and i+l is not upper transitional}u j # j (i) for any i} U {c, or d according as a < a p q p q i is upper transitionall > a }i orp {h.} U {g. are {ei, i+l1 is {f . +1J = i is lower transitionall. 1 i is upper critical iff critical iff a 1 2 - a. i)+1 = 0. By the integrality 2 1 - a. 3(i)i a. = Just as for every critical index is transitional. 1, and lower su(p,q), Let be the parabolic corresponding to the simple roots j i is upper critical} u{gi j(i)+l { As for and su(p,q), is a product of copies of sl(2,R), y-2p(f1fn6) to check that is principal series minimal. y It remains is rf-minimal. E g . . i lower critical 1 0 X = y+2pc p+2v is n dominant. Set i lower criticall. v= We claim that For the various simple roots of length 2 this is proved as for su(p,q). Assume for definiteness that the simple root of length 4 is d . q () 2 = 1,so c q a2 = q (y+2p ) 2> 2. c q - No coordinate of 1 2 is 85. less than 1 - <y + so -, 1 2pc + + v, l = 2(p + 2p to d . q + + q q is actually nonsingular with respect % j ; Let . 2 3 > 2 = > 2(2-)= X 2c > + -v) c It follows that 2 = <p + 2pc + i' d q> be the subalgebra corresponding to the roots annihilating X; since the simple root of length 4 is not in 2 , one can now apply the y deduce that is 1--minimal. su(p,q) theory to This completes the proof of 4.6 (d). Proof of 4.6 (e) description of - identified with < . 0 Here = + i0 = n. / it is Let n e =g 1 {E } be lexicographi- E., J which i < j. The noncompact roots are and d. = + 2E:.. (s. + E., Since is decreasing, and 0 < c < 1. = 0. We order Then the compact roots are y= (yl..n) We use the Rn, with the usual inner product for is equal rank, so is positive for g.. sp(n,R). given in section 5; thus the usual basis of cally. = y. y Fix a k-type (y ) is dominant integral, =e mod I for some fixed One computes easily that E; say 86. 2p (n-1,n-3,...-(n-1)). = 0 0 Let a = Set (a, +2p= be the Borel subalgebra associated to a; then sgn a. sgn(a.+a.) A U"n = {g We want to describe the simple (as usual sgn 0 = +). > 0 a so that r Define roots of A+. } U {d }1 1 i < r, for a. < 0 for j > r; we call the coordinates up to r the J i coordinates, and those after r the j coordinates. Define an+l = - '. For < a. < a 1 < i < r, define so that -a r < j(i) < n. (Clearly we want j(i) With this restriction - ar+l > a . j(i) may not exist, since we may have This will cause no difficulties, however, so we will not is called upper lower transitional if - a (i) < a._l transitional if i The index correct the notation.) aj(i) > a 1 ; upper critical if 0 < - a if 2c < 1, and 6 = 2c - 1 < 1. + a 0 < a and lower critical if if 2e > 1. by the integrality of a, one sees that critical iff - a. - a. 1 iff a1 + a.(~ = 6. = 1 - J(i)+1 Just as for - a j(i)+1 Set Then i 6 = 2c 0 < 6 < 1; is upper 6, and lower critical su(p,qi), a critical 87. index is necessarily transitional. Define the permutation a I> |aw2)i > f of > ja ... {l,.. .n} so that Jail = If then (since (a.) is strictly decreasing) and we list the positive element first. In terms of 0; 7r, are , and the various d7(n) fr(n) = r r+l, according as ar > - ar+1 ar < - ar+1, or are {e. i. or (1 < i < n-1). i+1) I(i+1) [sgn a - 7i [sgn a Notice that A j i a. = - a. it is easy to see that the simple roots of A sgn a(n) i = |a., Thus the simple roots of ll < i < r, i is not lower transitional, i+1 is not upper transitional}) {e. +Ir < j < n, j is not j(i) for any iJU {gi)ji is lower transitional} U gi,J(i) {i is upper transitional}U {d Next we must define possible so that Q. 0 < ar(s) Choose s sgn a (n) }. as small as < n-s+l, or 0 < -a,(5 ) < n-s+l. If these are not satisfied for any s, s is undefined, and the corresponding set of simple roots in I is empty. Let &, 2 1 0 (to be defined) correspond to the simple roots 88. sgn a {n U , s i< i < n, and d 'r(a) Tr (n) (if s is defined)>} i i, j(i)+li is upper critical}U {g is lower critical}. (The first set is just the simple roots supported on the coordinates f(s) ...r (n).) simple, so that Suppose that qk A+ (Q) be is upper critical; say gi.() is supported on this forces c < a (1-6) < n - s + e. < -a. - 1 + 6; 3(i)+l 0 < e, 6 < 1, 0 < -aj i(s)...7r(n). Now k > s, so i a is integral, is upper critical, so < n s - - + c + (1-6). c + 1 - 6 > 0, and s - 1 i)+1 < n - (s-1) + 1 + < n - (s-1) + 1. may be given for simple roots shown that the simple roots of g - 6 < 0; thus (e-1-6) This contradicts the definition of s. two subsets: :n. = If not, then 0 < ai < n - s + 1; since ai = -aj(i)+ 1 e + Since . 1,J(i)+1 k+l > s; then we claim that actually k+1 = s, and so i.e. i g Let A similar argument .i A (). We have 1, J (i) may be divided into P1 , consisting of those supported on 'r(l)..r(s-l); and P 2 , consisting of those supported on Tr(s)...n(n). Clearly these two sets are strongly orthogonal 89. to each other. Arguing as for su(p,q), one sees that the first set is pairwise strongly orthogonal; the corresponding ideal of 0 is a product of copies of sk(2,R), and is therefore split. The ideal corresponding 2 to P is clearly just sp(n-s+l,IR), which is of course split; the strongly orthogonal spanning set is {d sgn a() n }i=s Thus is split. ? complicated nature of (The slightly reflects the slightly complicated set of conjugacy classes of Cartan subalgebras of Next we must show that series minimal for . y-2p(h Af ) sp(n,R).) is principal On the P1 ideal this proceeds as for su(p,q); we omit the details. The P2 ideal requires a little more work. Since A R+Sg is a one dimensional Q-module of weight 2p(n consider the weight y+2p(/i[k) = y+2pc say. D) + 2p(fl nk), yp-2p ('ny ) + 2p (nrn - 2p( I-/1On.rl) = a - it is ) + 2p (//rQK) = 2p(IA/Qnk) To simplify the notation we may assume = 2p(JDr700) 2 pc = (n-1,...-(n-1)). equivalent to Since = b, s = 1; thus a is decreasing, 7(l) = 1 or n; assume for definiteness that 7(l) = n. So b n = By the definition of s, 0 < -a < n-l+1 = n. n a n + (n-1) > - Tr(1) = n, -a > |a.f ni 1. On the other hand, since for all i; in particular, 90. n > -an > ja1l, so that b= a1 - (n-1) < n - general theory that hK =k (n-1) = 1. b ; so since (a ... a, < n. p- 2 p(170 ) b We know from the is dominant integral for 1 > b1 , bn> -1, b 1 > a > 0. -l,...-), with we see that Thus is of the form From Table 5.8, is principal series minimal. Thus is principal series minimal. It remains to check that y is 'q minimal. It is convenient to treat several cases separately. Case I s undefined; i.e. I n - i + 1, all i. -a E i lower (1-6)gi ) + ij(i)+l su(p,q) theory, all the simple roots av (n) < - 1. or Set , A = a - p+ 6g i upper critical critical By the aT(i)> n-i +1 X q.. is dominant with respect to Necessarily For definiteness we assume a (n) > 1, or a n > 1; the other case is similar. a) fact that a (n-1) > 0. a < T)n-1 By the definition of fr, and the decreases by at least 2, this forces ' a> = a 7T(n--L) = a(1Tr(n)- 91. nn-1 Thus is zero; and the ,na-p+ n-1rX Hence <d + 7T(n) > > 2 - 1 + -2 <n-l ,X> <d = 1 + 2 TT(n) ,a-p+-v> Q2 Q dominant. Let singular. Just as for in-1 / A(M); so X is be the subalgebra on which X is But we have shown that . and those supported on sp(l,R) Then -a a < 0, Tn theory; one sees that g~ 1 ),~n 7T is upper critical. (n-1) > n - (n-1) + 1 = 2, and so by integrality, -a > = n-1 - ,ff(n-1) 3 - £ -a . Also > 3-s. (n) x~-)- a (n) theory, and the su(p,q) su(1,l) = The Tf(n). q1-minimal. is in fact b) 2 =. decomposes into the roots supported A( ) (ff(l)... f(n-1)), second by the >.2 - su(p,q), the n-minimality of p first piece is handled by the y > 0 So reduces to a problem on on 2 <qn-1'p> = 1, since qn-l has length 2.) (we have used Also in 1 coordinate is at most fr(n-1) absolute value. < coordinate of v Tr(n) is not critical, so the - (1-6) = 2 - (n-1) - e + 6. 2V ff(n) coordinate of 'r(n) 1. v -6, so In the f(n-1),fr(n) 2S g I(n),7r(n-1)2 X = a - p + =1 (=- -6- -vis 6 coodintes coodiate a is - 6); 2 so the 92. a a (n) P r(n) =a 2v (n) = a (n) +-_v (Here we have used p Hence X s 2 > 2 = (1-6) + - + 6 - > 0 1 -<d + n ' 2(n7T(n)I ) 1 - 2xd7+n) (n)' <d + d 7T(n) Tr(n) > is dominant and non-singular with respect to . If we let 1 correspond to the roots annihilated Tr(n) by ~, then the su(p,q) theory applies to Q , and y is d a-minimal. c) A is zero, and it is immediate v Then the ff(n) coordinate of that is not upper critical. g (n) , T(n-1 n-1 0' a (n-1) is dominant with respect to If d+ is it non-singular, we can apply the su(p,q) theory as in case b). = a(n)~ If it is singular, then 0 = A i.e. an (n) = l. a (n-l) Since i.e. s Hence is undefined, -an (n-1) > 3. f (n) = a - is a negative integer. (n-1) + 1 = 2, -a (n1 ) > n - The 7 (n-1) coordinate of v is at most 1 in absolute value, so <n n-l' <gT (n-1) , 7 (n) > -aT (n-l) > 3 - 11 - 3 n) a 1 > - 0. 1 1 1; 93. So X is nonsingular with respect to n, and we can argue as in case a). Case II v1 s is defined. = Set g+ 2(1l-6) + + 1 0 gi,j(i), on coordinates { 2(p-a) 1 - gi,j(i)+1l v2 E 6gi , 1r(i)+1 +gij(i) i lower critical i upper critical on 7(s)... ()...r(s-1) Tr(n). It is not difficult to check that, since p - 2p(t1op) is principal series minimal, v 2 is of the form required by Lemma 4.20. Put su(p,q) theory, l'''Es-2 X v = v 1 +v 2 , = a-p X = 0 on coordinates, X is dominant with respect to and < * ff(s)... rr(n) s'...n-l' Suppose that in fact ,1s'X > > 0. <s-l' Let = on . By the is dominant with respect to ; and since obviously sgn ar(n) d T(n) + I correspond to the roots annihilated by X; then fl + fwith r(l)...rr(s-1), '(s)...rr(n). corresponding to roots supported and ,2 to roots supported on The su(p,q) theory applies to e; and 94. It follows 2 c i, so 7z-minimality is trivial there. that y So it is enough to show (*). 9?-minimal. is a Assume for definiteness that a definition of s, s-1) > n - integrality, a already seen that 's-1 s-i) = - p (s-1) = n - We have is critical; since ns-2 (s-2 ) - a -a -(s) Hence (s-1) + 1. + 1 a(s)-p2v Co .1 > or 6=2c a (s-i) = n - (since 1 - 6 = (n-(s-1)+1)+ -(n-(s-1)+) 11 2c-1;SOE- (s- 2 $ (s-1) + 1 + e; and if 6 0, v ( 1 )/ a (s- 1) = (n - (s-1) + 1) + C + 1 = (n (s-2) 1) + E - 6 ) - +16 + - Then necessarily so that - (5 s0) Hence !6 > 0. Suppose equality holds. <ns-l' X> > 0. 16, Finally, it is easy to see that 6. Ss-1 (s-1) Now So is not a critical root. al s-1) > 0, this forces v By the (s-1) + 1; by (s-1) + 1 + c. 0, necessarily VnT(s-1) if ) > n - 1 0. > - 6 0, 95. Because of the equality, we also have (n - = 1) - (s-2) + -6 < n - 2 = 0. s-1) 2 6; so (s-2) + 1, - which contradicts the definition of s. 6 = 0, e = 0, and v c = So in fact (If we had considered instead a (s-1 ) < 0, we would have gotten <ns-'X> > 0 in general.) We must now investigate this last case, i.e. and that n s-2 easily that = n - We have seen that as <s-l'> = 0. is not a critical root. (s-1) + 1, It follows <ns-2'a> > 2, and hence that X is non-singular with respect to ns-2. Thus we can define ^1 ~12 = .+1 as usual, and treat I"'1 by the su(p,q) theory; and we are left with roots supported on (s-l)...n(n). notation, we may assume y = A+r07) If(cl+c.) 12 Y, a, Let T, A+ () a { . To simplify the Then a,(l) = n forces to see that not difficult i < nIL'~el < {.1. }, {a.1. } J that s = 1. It is (li...lU...O). = j , which corresponds to } cA - be as usual. Recall J = {(e-E.)}. 1 J9~ Now the J compact Weyl group acts by permutation on the is easy to deduce that i. It 96. a(b.*.bn) = (bJb *.b J1 bJ+...b n); A+A) = ({E 1 -s.12 < i < J}. and in this case other hand, by (4.9), (recall pc-pc c = (yg~ (*) y-E6 = (F1+2) yl+l = y2 Ea. ) c - - -y**YJr yJ+1''' n)+(-(J-1) ,1, (YJ-(J-l),yl+1...y _ +1yJ+1' . J Hence - On the . .10. n) (c); here c = 0 or 1 according as - is or is not a 6 J = 1, this fails; but (If . J an easy special argument shows yJ = 0, -1, or -2. this implies that y Since y= ||yll 0 = ||y'|, y < y, and hence y or -1). Hence and y, = 1, cannot occur. So is qminimal in every case; which completes the proof of 4.6 (e). 4.6 (f) is quite similar, but much easier: the root system of SO*(2n) is just that of SP(n,R), except that there are no long roots. One can copy the preceding argument, omitting all reference to "2,, We have now dealt with all the classical groups except the SO(p,q). These are by far the most complicated. To begin with, we need a more delicate technique for .0) 97. proving Conjecture 4.2. 4.2 (ii-v) hold. Suppose k/ is chosen so that Suppose furthermore that there is a e-invariant parabolic 5 2 fr , . = + 'L, with the following properties. (4.22) a) the k-type y is 4-minimal. b) the knk -type p-2 p(//Znc) in I ; is uniformly minimal i.e. it is the minimal QOA'. type of every irreducible Harish-Chandra module for 2 c) yp- in which it occurs. 2 is p (71() 7 -minimal in Q. Then we claim that 4.2 (i) holds, i.e. that the action of U() on factors through the homomorphism E'. X Essentially this is left to the reader, modulo the following hints. c), Using b), can deduce that Theorem 3.15, and Corollary 5.5, one y-2p (n g) occurs with multiplicity zero or one in each irreducible Harish-Chandra module for Q. By results of Lepowsky [18], it follows that U() /I p-2p (r(O ) is abelian. The rest of the argument is quite formal: essentially one uses Theorem 3.15 to study H* (7,X). H*(rtnQ,H*(NX)) instead of 98. Proof of 4.6 (g) We give details only for the simplest of the various possibilities of parity, namely 50 = so( 2 p+l,2q+l), p < q. G p = 0, then If has only one conjugacy class of Cartan subgroups, and we are done; so assume k is identified with p > 1. so(2p+l) xeso(2q+l) in the usual way; choosing a maximal torus in each factor as usual (i.e. with cos O -sin SO( 2 p+l) level) we get sin 6i e. 1 cos 0. 1 it0 = @ R. lexicographically; as a basis, choose as usual. Since rank () necessarily dim 1. = = blocks on the [2 p+ This we order {e } ii=1 2q+ + and {Es} jj=1 p + q +, One computes (more or less easily, depending on one's point of view) that the 1 2 2 1 compact roots are + E 1 + ., , + e + ., , + C., and + E:2 2 the noncompact roots are + c1 + E-, the complex roots are just the 2 + s1 and + e.; since all roots of so(2p+2q+2,C) are c 1 1 + <a=a> 1 2 + e , , Ec, C. + and + cs. So have the same length, these have complex length two (i.e. if a e A, af <aa>= <aca 12 + E, 2).; 2 ,, = + e , then The positive compact roots 2 (i < i' , j < j'). 2p c = (2 p+l, 2p-1, ...1)(2q+l, 2q-1,...1). Hence 99. a~-tp Fix a Fik-type a = J+2pc. ~= [(y 1 ...yP), 1 y= y Since 2 (I2 ...yP2)], and set is dominant, the coordinates of are non-negative and decreasing on each block. is integral, all y similarly for the Since are integers, or all are 2 y. The coordinates of y y - mod Z; a are thus half integers > 1, decreasing by at least two on each block. We now arrange (a) in decreasing order: define a map 1 2 S: {l,2,.. .,p+q} + I so that (with obvious k < m => a (M) notation) only if 9(m; equality should hold a n(k) is an i coordinate and 7(m) is a j coordinate. One computes easily that the simple roots are 6 c [0,1) Let all i, j; of course = p + q - p r( cTr M- k + 1, and that e7 (Z+i)' E(p+q) * be defined so that 6 = 0 or . a 1 2 - a2 6 mod Z, We leave the definition of critical roots to the reader. s0 Let be the largest integer such that (aT(p+q-2s 0 +1) It is not hard + a(p+g-2s 0 +2) < 4s0 to verify that (*) must also hold with s0 replaced by any k < s0. On the other hand, a and it follows easily from the value of a rp+q-2k) > 22 ~ 1 + 1, all k > 0. 2 pc If the root that >T(p+q) _1 100. > 2 R+ 3, and a T(p+q-2P.+1) a +a Tr (p+q-2 (Q+l)+1)+a So for compact, then is '(p+q-2Z) Tr(p+q-2k--I) k < s0' C (p+q-2k-1) ~ 0' fp+q-2kl)p~ By induction, f(p+q-2k) Furthermore, condition (*) forces s = s 1 (p+q-s0 +1) s = s0 -l. 1, - and 1 ' (p+q-s unless 0 is noncompact. (p2+q-2 r{p+q-2,+1, p+q-29+2} = { We define so kA-1 > s >4(k+l); p+q-2 (Z+1)+2) }( C2 + < 2 0 +1) =E p-s0 > 1; in this case 2 Set = {critical roots supported on f{l .... .p+q-2s 0 P P2 = {roots supported on f{p+q-2s+1,. . .p+q}} We let &r be the parabolic corresponding to the simple roots in .1 P 10P2; then 2 A(P) = Pl U P2. ~= 11 + 1 2 , according to 2 = so(2s+l, 2s+l), and Clearly a product of copies of sl(2,R); so su(p,q) theory, y -2p(770g )1,t On the f 2 is split. is By the is principal series minimal. piece, we must check that Conjecture 4.2 (ii-iv). Since y-2p('7I/lW) satisfies 2 2 KC\ [ ,F I so(2s+l)xso(2s+1) is centerless, and 2p(Pfy ) is the weight of a one-dimensional { fK-module, this amounts to considering 101. 1 [P-sp.... 1 2 ' q)]. We have seen that 2 1; so on these coordinates y p9+ [(0... 2 ( q-) s 0) (1... 1 1 [(1,...1), 1,,0 ... ), 1 1 (1...)], [(}.. . -) (0 ... 0)], y is [(0... or [(1...1, 0...0)]. 0)(f..}] By Table 5.8, the first four are principal series minimal, and hence satisfy 4.2 (ii-iv). The last is a small I(-type, and the only associate one is [(O... 0)(1,1.. .1,0 ... 0)]. Since 2 by the definition of d, yl-s-1 < 1, [this is not dominant for ; so 4.2 (iii-iv) are satisfied. Henceforth we assume s is defined, i.e. s < p+q; the other case is rather easy and is left to the reader. It should be pointed out that, although 'r(p+q-2s+l) ETr(p+q-2s) not included in Set v may be a critical root, it is . E = (1-6) (e i lower i critical -1 Tr (i)<p+q-2s 2 Just as for i)1) + E 61 E - ) i upper i critical -l (i)<p+qj-2s 0 on 7r(1)...r(p+q-2s) 2(p-a) on n(p+q- 2 s+l) ... ff(p+q). sp(n,R), one can easily check that sum of positive roots in P2, with coefficients v2 is a 0 < c< 1. 102. v = v Set A = 0 on a- p +!v 2 + v2' 1 2 = A + 2v. Then clearly f(p+q-2s+1)... ff(p+q); by the su(p,q) theory, A is dominant with respect to (e -e ). 'rr(1) Tr(2) dominant, we must show that (recall > 0 Tr(p+q-2s) and a Pi(p+q-2s) = 2s + 1, 1 2h (p+q-2s) and 0 a T (p+q-2s) X7(p+q-2s+l) + is A To show that e(p+q-2s)) (f(p+q-2s-1) v VT(p+q-2s) 2 = 0). Now (p+q-2s) =P(p+q-2s) + 2s + 1; unless s T(p+q-2s-1) is a critical root, in which case it is > - E Tr (p+q-2s) -T. Recalling the definition of critical, we see that the desired inequality holds, unless 1 Pff(p+q-2s-1) = 0 or y (p+q-2s) = 0, and ; also w{p+q-2s,p+q-2s-l} must consist of one i coordinate and one j coordinate. But it is easy to see that this contradicts the definition of s. So A 4 Let is dominant. correspond to the simple roots annihilated We want to split & into two pieces, roughly corresponding to P 1and P 2 ; so suppose X is zero on by A. 7(r)...1T(p+q), Then = T(r)...T(r-1), and A , r-1) 3 0, (of course r < p+q-2s+l). corresponding to roots supported on and 7T(r)... r(p+q) respectively. Suppose 103. y, a, T, }, and f. {a are as usual. J su(p,q) theory, y = y } {. and . } {. J in and there are equally many P ; so we need only consider J 2 suppose 2 r = p + q - 2s + i, then If 7(riZ = 0, and x By the J J =fs }| r < p + q - 2s + 1. (p+q-2s) = 0; 2 2= 0, a contradiction. = So This means that so by the remarks of the preceding y rr(p+q-2s) + vrr(p+q-2s) = 0. paragraph , so that p Tr(p+q-2s) '-and 7Tr(pq-2s) > is Since a non-negative half-integer, there are very few possibilities: 1 =r(p+q-2s) (p+q2s) = I) by the definition of critical root, and {f(p+q-2s-l), frf(p+q-2s)} and one j coordinate. II) P = 2s + 2. 0, this forces Suppose that in fact follows easily that In this case, y'r(p+q-2s-1) 2' This contradicts the definition of s. by the definition of v, v Tr(p+q-2s-1) - 1. consists of one i coordinate i(p+q-2s) = 0, V Tr(p+q-2s) r(p+q-2s-1) - = 0. - 0. In this case, Since a r(p+q-2s-1) A. it (p+q-2s-l)- _Tr(p+q-2s-1) r(p+q-2s) i(p+q-2s-1) r 0. It 104. noncompact; so that (2p ) c 7 (p+q- 2 and So pi So p'(p+q-2s-1) v p=- = 2s + 1, s-1) 'r(p+q-2s-l) 7 (p+q-2s-1) *F (p+q-2s-l) 331 or 2. One easily rules out.; for in that case 6= 21' so that v 7r(p+q- 2 s-l)= 0 or - 1. 4 This contradicts the definition of s unless is an i--coordinate, and w(p+q-2s) (Note that in this case c7 (p+q-2S-l) not a critical root.) 1. 'r(p+q-2s-1) is a j-coordinate. S(p+q-2s) is Also we must have (again from the 2 definition of s) = q-s-2- > 1; it follows easily that X u(p+q-2s-2) To summarize, II) breaks into two cases: a) X b) X T(p+q-2s-1) 'i (p+q-2s-1) > 0, = 0. and In this case Xw(p+q>2s2) 0, y 7 (p+q-2s-l) (an i coordinate) is 1, and yp 7r (p+q-2s) ( a j coordinate) is 0. in Consider first a). Since we ere interested only "2 / , we may as well assume p+q 2s-l; thus ... 0)] go = so(2(s-1)+1,2s+l), y1 = [(c,...c,0 . ) 1 0, i, or 1) and ftis the so (2(S-1)+1,2 (S-1)+1) (c which excludes the first j-coordinate. (We may have 105. interchanged the i and j coordinates here, but the reader may convince himself that this is irrelevant.) A () c A(77), it the first is immediate that so(2(s-l)+l) is a factor of trivial on Hence . Since a-y =y so by (4.9) -l -l c 1. Y J -l = (.) - c -1CC a a(P + -p ) J (**) y (.-Ea.) EJ & = Now by (3.7). J A(r7) consists of those positive roots with 2 support on the first j coordinate el. Clearly 'r(2s-l) = £ 2 , so these are 2 Fl 1 (1 <.p + q). - E 1 in the e = J There are 2 2 and c1+ J 6 gg 7T and J . coordinate. a .; so J J-1 Now the Weyl J group of so(2s+l) acts by sign changes and permutation 2 c.; it is easy to deduce that on the J 2 2 (b .. Since Ea. i. = cpcl J (k, 2 2 2 (+ b ,Ib, br+*b = p -c-p J Ea 2 b )= 2 ). , we have -1, ... -1, 0.. .0) on the j coordinates. - - =__ MM.-ME 106. Hence ES. i 1. J - 1. J and -l a J y (-l, = (1, 1...1, 0...0) E. ) Za. 1..1. (1,... = J .. -1, + 1, 0... 0) 2 This forces 2 r = 1, a(b ...b) 2(s-l)+l 2 2 coordinates. 2 b ,b2..b = elements. j on the y = (1,0...0) on the j-coordinates. which has 0...0); so by (**), :1 + on the j coordinates, ), Also A () = J = 2(s-l)+2; but So IA(n ny) I = 2 (s-1)+1, a contradiction. So y is 77-minimal in this case. For b), we must apply (4.22). 0 = so(2s+1,2s+l), = is the so(2s-1,2s-1) In this case omitting the first i-coordinate and the first j-coordinate. Let f be the so(2s-l,2s+l) omitting the first i-coordinate, with 0'3 (maximal) parabolic. twice) y is the obvious By the argument just given (used r -minimal, and y is 7/Af() minimal in One can use the subquotient theorem to show that uniformly minimal in and [(il.. ., 0... 0)(0... 0)], Q y . is ; or one can simply observe that the preceding paragraph never uses the minimality of | | y | i: y cannot exist for purely algebraic reasons. In either case, this completes the argument for 4.6 (g); as promised, we will spare the reader a detailed argument for 107. so(2p+-,2q) and so(2p,2q). Any reader who has actually followed the computations to this point could undoubtedly treat the exceptional groups mentioned in .(4.6) in his sleep: no machinery of any kind is needed other than a knowledge of the root systems in a convenient basis. details. Q.E.D. We therefore omit the 101MMEMMS00- 108. 5. The Subquotient Theorem This section is clevoted to the proof of Theorem 4.3. Choose a maximal abelian subalgebra O of an associated system of positive roots, so that is an Iwasawa decomposition of G. centralizer of of G, and N A in K; then is normal in MAN MAN. Let M , and G = KAN denote the is a closed subgroup Let a c M be a (necessarily finite dimensional) irreducible representation of M, and Then 6 0 v V e A defines a representation of and hence of MAN. I of G. Ind MANtG = a non-unitary character of A. MA M / N, Define (6 0 v), a principal series representation This representation is non-unitary in general; appropriate p's are introduced in the definition of induced representation so that Theorem 5.1 holds as stated below. Let M' denote the normalizer of A in K: M'/M is a finite group W, the Weyl group of A (in G). W acts on A and M; e.g. if w e M', w e W, then a representation of M on the representation space of defined by (w-6) (m) = 6(w w-6 mw). is 6 109. Theorem 5.1 (Bruhat, Harish-Chandra) I is an admissible representation with a finite composition series. I and I6'O' (6',v') have equivalent composition series iff (a-6,a-v) = for some a c W. For each 6, 16 is irreducible for almost all v. Theorem 5.2 (Harish-Chandra's subquotient theorem) Every admissible irreducible representation of G is infinitesimally equivalent to a composition factor ("subquotient") of some I60V ' It should be remarked that Lepowsky has given a purely algebraic proof of this result ([18]); in fact even his arguments can be substantially simplified for the cases we will need. From the Iwasawa decomposition it is clear that I | nd 6. = K By general facts about induced represen- MtK tations, Ind 6 MtK is equivalent to Ind a-6 MLt X for any a c W. By Frobenius reciprocity, the multiplicity with which any K-type y occurs in Ind 6 is just the multiplicity of MtK 6 in plM. Suppose that G collection of K-types is y split. Let such that A (6) 6 c K be the occurs in pfM, and 110. that j||| is minimal with respect to this property. Definition 5.3 6 e M. The K-type y e A(6), yp is small if some It is principal series minimal if it is the minimal element of A(6) with respect to are associate if y2 c A(6), y, Two K-types p1, P2 . 6 c M. some Another characterization of small K-types is given by Proposition 5.11. Theorem 5.4 y Suppose is small, say y £ A(6). Then y M1 is the sum of the M representations in the W orbit of in M, each occurring with multiplicity one. (It is known by Bernstein, very likely that this resultis Gelfand, and Gelfand ([1]); but it was obtained independently for this thesis.) Theorem 5.4 for a moment. Assume Proof of Theorem 4.3. Set for some 6. y 6 in one. claim fo = I Since . y For i), the multiplicity of fX is just the multiplicity of 11 Suppose T y 6' = G-6 y in y, which is contains the small K-type y' c A(6'); we 6 must occur in p'|M, since y occurs A(6) = A(6'). in Ind 6. MtK is small, y E A(6) Since 1' is small, Theorem 5.4 implies that for some a £ W. By the remarks following 111. Theorem 5.2, Ind 6 = Ind 6'; taking the "small" elements MtK MtK of each side, A(6) = A(6'). Statements ii) and iii) are just Theorem 5.1; the subgroup is the stabilizer of in 6 mentioned in iii) W For iv), W. suppose the occurs in an admissible irreducible represen- K-type y tation Tr of G. is infinitesimally f By Theorem 5.2, 6' particular, for some 16 1®V a c W. By Theorem 5.3, 6' = a-5 pvlM. occurs in in I6'®v, equivalent to a composition factor of some By Theorem 5.1, 7 P and -Il_= = ~60G 1V Thus have equivalent composition series. fr is infinitesimally equivalent to some subquotient of -l -l p of nav.But the only irreducible subquotient -l 0. E. D. a containing the K-type p is I Recall the ideal k C U ; set yi- R p = U /I. p Another consequence of Theorem 5.4 is Corollary 5.5 be the stabilizer of action of W y c A(6) Suppose on M.) R c-U(OZ) p in 6 W is small. Let (with respect to the Then there is an injection - U (Ot).- _ W C W 112. S(0) The image o:f This follows easily from results of Proof . Lepowsky is precisely _U(c'()_ [18]. WA It is known (cf. polynomial ring. W that G admits a factorization W Knapp and Stein [13]) = W(A')-R; here is a normal subgroup generated by reflections, W(A') R and need not be a U(OT) It should be noted that is a product of Z 2 's, (Knapp and Stein assume is linear, but the non-linear cases can easily be checked froin the proof of Theorem 5.4.) IRI that we may arrange = IA(6)j; this would imply that W is a polynomial ring when U(OX ) be shown that R and It seems likely U(G( ) |A(6) 1 = 1. It can have the same field of fractions, so that their integral closures are isomorphic. It would be nice if the map given by the corollary were an isomorphism; but if W6 / W, this is probably very hard to prove. Proof of Theorem 5.4. covering group of G. of for AG M'. in K~ G Thus Since Let A G denote the universal is connected, the centralizer is just the preimage of W = 4 in G; similarly W~ , so it is enough to prove the G 113. theorem for G. G Now is a direct product of simply connected groups with simple Lie algebras, and abelian groups; by standard facts about the representation theory of direct products, it suffices to prove the theorem for each factor. For the abelian factors, M = M' = K, and the result is trivial. It remains to investigate the universal covers of the simple split groups: up to coverings, these are SP(n,R) (n > 4), SO(n,n) of SO(n+l,n) G 2 , F4 , E 6 , E 7 , and E8. (n > 3), and the split forms These we check one by one. K is compact and all SP(n,R), Except for the universal covering group of have finite center; so (n > 3), SL(n,R) (n > 1), M is finite. Accordingly we make heavy use of simple arguments from representation theory for finite groups, notably the following ones. space of 6. If {61... has dimension = M, and the representation d., then Ed2 = |MI. (This is usually used to show that some set of representations of M exhausts M.) If a representation of M' (for example a K-type restricted to M') contains an M-type 6, then it contains all the M-types in the W orbit of in M, each with the same multiplicity. 6 If some M-type occurs with multiplicity one, and the representation is irreducible under M', then it is the sum of the M types in the W orbit of 6, each occurring with multiplicity one. 114. In every case the argument will run along roughly similar lines. First we compute M. Next we exhibit a collection of representations of K, and show that, after restriction to M, these exhaust the representations of M; and that the representations of one. M occur with multiplicity The proof that the K-types listed are actually the (Details are small ones is often left to the reader. SP(n,R), which is one of the most tedious cases.) given for The final step is to show that the K-types listed are irreducible under M'. pute M' Thus it is never necessary to com- completely, but only to exhibit enough elements to act irreducibly on the K-types in question. Some attempt has been made to keep notation consistent with Helgason ([9]), H C- G, we write K H H for the preimage of in G. K is the universal covering group of K, so that i.e. the representations of K A = . G = SP(n,R) = {g c GL(2n,R) t (Helgason ([9]) Thus are indexed precisely by the dominant integral weights for Case 1 If especially Chapter IX, section 4. p. 342; recall that Jn = (.) 0 I n . 115. 0 >0 n -Ix -l K consists of the i x-l n such that matrices -YL X + iY c U(n), and this X K defines an isomorphism of onto U(n). Since A contains elements with all diagonal entries distinct, M = KA consists of the diagonal elements in n M S= = + 11. In the K, i.e. U(n) picture, n M is therefore the diagonal matrices with all entries + 1. ( Clearly P o M' C 0 O so in U(n), M' ) P isa permutation matrix ; includes all the permutation matrices. (The other generators of M', as elements of U(n), are 116. + 1 the diagona l matrices with all entries It follows that the index of M in M' or is is indeed the order of the Weyl group of + i. 2 n -n!, which sp(n).) i61 e Choose T to be the diagonal matrices - iG e n in U(n). M c T, so M C T. We use the e. as coordinates in ;; after normalization, the restriction of the invariant form il 0 inner product. (a1 * S;so < , > is the negative of the usual may be identified with n-tuples is the usual inner product on > a = En. The (0,...0,+l,0,...0,l ,0,...0) i < j; of course the non-zero entries are in the ith and jth places. weight if f , of real numbers in the dual coordinates to compact roots are for < a = (a .. 2<a,a> c Z 2- (a.-a.) i 1+ 1 = a. - an By the Cartan-Weyl theory, a gives rise to a character of for every compact root a. a. c 7, i.e. j a. E a. mod 2 i 3 T This says for all i,j. T may be identified as t 0 modulo the kernel A of the exponential map for G. Clearly A is just the lattice Zn with respect to the coordinates e . A' = (2Z)n is the 117. preimage of M, so lattice A0 /A. A contains a smaller (the dual of the integral weights in i±) 0 ~ o/A10 T = such that Mi = ~ A'/AO. M = Clearly Using these identifications, it is essentially obvious that two iff in T, and in fact act on normalize M' the restrictions of (a.) and (as) SP(n,[R) same W orbit in M. (For by it (a.), is a permutation of (a.) Thus if permutation. The permutation matrices for all i. mod 2 a. 1 a. 1 M have the same restriction to a' and a weights to M lie in the WK the groups and W are closely related; but they should not be confused.) (a . lexicographically, i.e. it Order an) (al ... n = a 1 ...a. = a., The corresponding set of positive (compact) ai+l < ai+l roots is a iff {a (a A weight .1. 13 100 n is dominant if its inner product with every positive root is non-negative. a. - a. > 0 This says D- when i < j, i.e. (a1 .. .an) is decreasing. The sum of the positive roots is easily computed to be 2o (2pc) i = n - 2i + 1. and let y = (n-l,n-3,... -(n-1)); Let 6 so be a fixed element of M, be a small K-type containing 6. p has 118. (p ,...yn); highest weight b = (b y of is dominant integral, must transform according to 1. We know that A(6) so, replacing by a W-translate the p a non-negative integer for i < j. Some weight is p-y. since b 6 and assume 6 under depends only on the W orbit of 6; b a-6, we nay permute is dominant integral (every weight of a representation is integral.) Since the permutation matrices in T, M' normalize all of weight of the K-type p. a a = y; equality iff > <a+p c ,a+p c> the same argument shows y = a. witn equality iff is still a It is well known that whenever p, <p+p c ,p+p > is a weight of b Suppose P / b. with ||p| > ||ail, By the preceding observation, the K-type b (i.e. the K-type with highest weight b) is strictly smaller than of section 4; but the K-type the weight of p. biM in the sense still contains M 6, since This contradicts the minimality p = b; i.e. the highest weight of Thus forms under is a-6. blM y p trans- according to an element of the W orbit of 6. So among all dominant weights whose restriction to is M a-6, p has the smallest possible norm |P I. Obviously some element of the W orbit of 6 is the restriction of a T-weight of the form ( here the first r' terms are , and we may assume 0 < 3 < 2. 119. If ...3-2); here 3 > 1, replace this by ( -,...3-1,I-2 the first n-r' terms are weight to M -l. The restriction of this is in the same W-orbit as y. So in any case, there is a dominant weight (e,....,e-1,...e-l), with the first r terms = e, 0 < E < 1, which restricts If s = 0, there to an element of N in the W orbit of y. is also (1,...1,0,...0), with the first n-r terms = 1. We know that if the b. r of are = c mod 2Z, and the rest are E e-l mod 2Z, then the restriction of elements of this orbit. K b to M is in the W orbit of 6. (the binomial coefficient) Clearly this produces tation of is such that (bi, On the other hand, the represen- with highest weight (e,...£,£-1,...E-l) (or (1,...1,0...0)) has dimension (n); this is well known, or may be checked using Weyl's dimension formula. So the W orbit of 6 has at most (n) elements, so we rl have them all. K-type to Furthermore the restriction of this M must be the sum of one copy of each element of the orbit. To prove Theorem 5.4 in this case, it remains only to check that p = (s,...£,£-1,...e-l) e A(8) (and (1,...1,0...0) e A(6) if E = 0). several steps. This we do in In each step, it is shown that if p did not have some property, there would be a K-type p' with 120. PM, but |Ip'|| < in the same W orbit as y'IM I|l|i. By the minimality of y, it follows that y must have the stated property. y 1-- pi+ i) it follows that Since pi > yi+1 + 2 yp' - lip'll = <p+ 2 pc'y+ = (y is decreasing, J for some i. If = y 2 pc> <y'+2p cp'+2pc (y-2) +(n-2i+1) )2 - y i~- y' < p, a contradiction. (n-2(i+l)+l) < y + + (n-2i+l)) > 0. + (n-2i+l) < 1, then p If (n-2i+l) one can use the same argument with ii) j. for i / but = 4(p.+(n-2i+l)-l) So i. y y '|M = PM, is dominant, and |i| all = yi- 2 , P.' + (n-2i+l) > 1, set yp.' Then + 1, pi+ Suppose not. Proof. y i= or - 4 < -3 < -1, and pi+l = 1i+l + 2. The sequence (p.) contains no subsequence ... Proof. x+1,x... x,x-l...). Suppose that such a subsequence occurs, with the last x+1 in the ith place and the first x-l in the jth place ithpplace th th j place. // Setting y'= .. x , x ... x X-1, X-1, .. 2 121. we see that and pIM are in the same W orbit y'|M (P' is obtained from p by transposing the ith and (j-l)th places, and subtracting 2 from the (j-l)th place.) Also || || - ||p ' I | - = <p+2pc ,p+2p c> <p'+2p c,'+2pc > = (x+l+(n-2i+l)) 2- (x+(n-2i+l) 2 + (x+(n-2(j-l)+l)) 2 (x-l+(n-2(j-l)+l)) 2 = 4((n-i-j+2)+x) which is positive if y" = (... than P of y x > - x+1, x+1, x, x < - Similarly, jth place uith place if (n-i-j+2). ... x, x, x-l ...) is smaller (n-i-j); so in any case the minimality is contradicted. // It follows from i) and ii) that V is of the form (t,3.--,3-1,...I3-1); it remains to show that 0 < Say the first r' terms are S. iii) Proof. 0 < < 2 Suppose not, e.g. 6 > 2. Set y'= (f-2,...S-2 ,I-3,...r-3), with the first r' terms -2. Then pIM = y' IM, but < 1. 122. r' I ||- ||lv ' [( +(n-2i+l))2- (-2+(n-2i+1))2 i=1 n2 2 + E [(-l+(n-2i+l)) -(-3+(n-2i+l)) i=r'+1 = 4A(S-l+(n-2i+l)) + i=1l = 4 n E 4(-2+(n-2i+l)) i=r'+1 E (f-l+(n-2i+1)) + 4 = 4n(f-l) - 4(n-r') (-1) E i=r'+1 E (n-2i+l) since =0 i=1 > 4n - 4(n-r) > 0. We get equality only if that case we may rewrite iv) 0 < Proof. S=2 and -l. In =0. yp = (0',...1'), with f3' = 1. < 1. Suppose not, i.e. 1 < < 2. P' = (f-1,...j-1,r-2,...f-2); here the first are r' Then y' M n-r' (S-l+n-2i+l) - 2 - |M, and n 2 E (r-2+n-2i+1) i=n-r'+1 - 2 E ((-1)+n-2i+l) i=1 n terms n (-l+n-2i+1) E i=r'1+1 i=1 n = n-r' is in the same W orbit as y E ( +n-2i+l) 2 + I yvI -I lvII Set + r' E [2( -l+(n-2i+1))+1] i= 1 n 2 E (2U3-l+(n-2i+l))-l]. (6-l+(n-2i+l)) + i=n-r' +1 123. Changing the last index, r' { [2 (-1+ (n-2i+l) ) +1] + [2 (a-1- (n-2i+l))-l1] } i=1 4r' (6-1) > 0. = r' = 0. Equality holds iff ( r = n, e = defining In that case, y = 1, p is in the desired form. - This completes Case 1. G = SL(2n,R), Case 2 Here of course, n > 2. 0 i > 0, A =0 = X 11 , and K is SO(2n). n of K that the fundamental group Chevalley [5]) One knows (cf.. G has order 2; so and K = Spin (2n). is a two-sheeted cover of G, Clearly 0 1e. M= 0 ) n = 1 +1, Hs. - = 1 , and M' 1 of the permutation matrices of determinant 1. IMI = 2 2n-1, and |MI = 2 2n. consists Since M So is abelian, M has at least 22n-1 one dimensional representations. K = Spin (2n) has two representations of dimension 2 n- 124. We will eventually show which we call spin+ and spin~. that these are irreducible and inequivalent as represen2n-1 2 n-1 2 2n ) + (2n-l )2 , + (2 -(1) =2 Mj = 2 tations of M. Since these exhaust the representations of M. Leaving to the reader the easy fact that spin+ and spin are actually the small K-types of the corresponding representations of M, this will prove Theorem 5.3 for the M-types So we consider the one dimensional represen- spin-fM. tations of M Embed M O(n). in 6 S e D by D first. in the full group 2n If has order 22. . 6 S = . S D of diagonal matrices S C {1,2... 2n}, define s.. e 1 This exhausts 65 IM exhaust M. Since so the £ M D, iff n 65 |M HE = 1, If a s W, and that M' = 65 ,jM a S = (S') s = s' or iff is the corresponding permutation (recall consists of permutation matrices) It follows that the orbits of exactly one representation Consider first the case W in Then 6,. ST = M each contain 6r = 6{1,2 . r < n. a-6 r} W-6r for 0 < r < n. is clearly in 125. 1-1 correspondence with the r element subsets of 2n {l,...,2n}; so |W-6 | = ( ). Let p r be the r r 2n if [A (R2n representation of SO(2n) on e1 . . . e 2 n is the usual basis of R 2n, clearly transforms according to 6r prIM. occurs in 2n rr ) = dim y r element of W-6r 6r then e1 A under . M. On the other hand, -W2r|, r'sso p|M PrI exactly once. must contain every (In particular is irreducible, which is of course well known.) argument along the lines of that given for shows that taining yr 6 r' A er Thus yr An SP(n,R) is in fact the unique small K-type con- which proves Theorem 5.3 for the 6r, r < n. To consider 6n and the spin representations, we need a little more structure. Let cos 01 sin 01 -sin 01 cos 01 cos n sin ) n n n 0 -sin 0 cos 0 n n be the usual torus in K. in %, again identifying We use the i 0 with 0. Rn as coordinates (with < > the 126. usual inner product). The Weyl group of t in K, WK' acts by permuting the coordinates and changing an even number of the signs of the coordinates. We order it0 The positive lexicographically in these coordinates. (0,...1,0...,+1,...0); so (compact) roots are then 2pc = A weight (a1 (2n,2n-2,...2,0). is dominant an-l + an > 0; it is integral if it is decreasing and a is an integer or if every is an if every a integer. All this may be checked just as we checked the Consider now 6 n. the W orbit of in 6n 1 2n ) elements. has 2-( tation of The pairs K M. It follows that this orbit 2n The weights of the (R )C represen- (0,...0,+1,0...0), are of n-element {S,S c} are in 1-1 correspondence with {l,2.. .2n} subsets of above. U(n) corresponding statements for - a + 1 in the ith place corresponding to the weight vector e2i- T i 2i 1 in the usual basis. one. are These weights occur with multiplicity Hence the weights of the (e1 ... en); here r (An.2n C representation of the and the rest are zero; furthermore e are 1, n-(r+s) s are -1, is necessa- rily even, since +1 weights and -l weights can cancel only in pairs. In particular the dominant weights 127. yn = and (l,...l) y~(1,...l,-l) occur, and 1y + a does not occur for any compact positive root a. follows that 2 n) (An It contains the two irreducible +C K-types y n. - dim y=--( 1 By weyl's dimension formula, 2n 1 n 2n )=-dim (A R np2n ) , so (A are e A ... Ae 1 n 6n contains each element of 1 2n |W-6n 1 n ), + - @Pyn 2n twice (the corresponding vectors e and =y it is clear that An Using the usual basis of R2n contains the M-type ) 1 2n+1 W-6 ' .. n ). A 2 )n An2n Hence Hnc at least twice; since each element occurs exactly twice. It follows that the conclusion of Theorem 5.4 holds for either y or yn. IPy| = | |I yn' One can compute that | and it is easily verified that A(6nl ~ It remains to show that spin+ and spin irreducible and inequivalent under M. are By Schur's lemma, ++ it is enough to show that T = (spin @ spin~) 0 (spin @ spin ) contains only two copies of the trivial M type. n well known that Since i 2n A ER = A = (A R2 n ), 2n-i 2n R But it is the exterior algebra of R 2n as a K-module, our previous results show that the only M invariants in ff are AR 2n e A 2n 2 n. This completes Case 2. The case of 128. G = SL(2n+lIR) is considerable simpler for more or less obvious reasons, so we leave it to the reader. G = SO(2p+1,2p), p > 2. Case 3 G is the subgroup of SL(4p+l) consisting of matrices preserving the quadratic 2 + 2 -x 2 (cf.. Helgason ([9]) 1 -x 2p+1 2p+ 2 . 4p+1 form {e. .} be the usual basis of the JJ 4p+l x 4p+1 matrices. As a basis for the Lie algebra p. 340). Let of A, we may use {ei2p+l+i + e2p+l+ifi X K is ( X 0 0 Y i 7/ ) 1 x.E SO(2p+l) 0/0 1 1 < i < 2p}. , Y E SO(2p)}. A matrix Y commutes with if iff 01 j, i,j < p, and X X. = Y.. = 0 for 1, =Y (X,Y) c SO(2p+l) x SO(2p), for i < p. For this implies 0 E 0 e2p X 0 0 Y) 1 0 E. P is P 0 S1 0 0 2p = +1, HIe. = 1. If a 2p x 2p permutation matrix, det P = 1, then 0 0P 1 M'; ' and if D. is diagonal, det D. = 1, then 129. D 0 0 D2 ( M'. These assertions may be checked by direct calculation. Clearly M has order 2 2 p-1 On the other hand, K = Spin (2p+l) x Spin (2p) is a 4 sheeted cover of K. |M| = 2p so G Spin (2 p+l,2p). has a 2 sheeted linear cover For a linear group, M is abelian (cf. Warner [25], theorem, or the proof of Lemma 5.5 below), So M has at least 2 2p one dimensional K onto Spin (2p). representations. Let Then 72 (M) "M' denote the projection of T2 for is SL(2p);" remarks on the of "M for SL(2p)," and K, and R2 r2 (M') contains this follows from the corresponding SO(2p+1,2p) level. If H is a subgroup is a representation of Spin (2p), then the representation 1 0 R2 (outer tensor product) of K, restricted to H, is trivial on ker the representation R2 V2 , and corresponds to restricted to immediately that the various 1 O un, are irreducible under 72 (H). It follows 1 0 pr' 0 < r < n, and M', and correspond to 22p-1 distinct one dimensional representations of M. Also the two representations 1 0 spin under M are irreducible and inequivalent; each has dimension 2 p. 130. M' Next, notice that for SL(2p);" ment for SO(2p+1,2p) level. on the M' "M (Here "spin" is the 2 SO(2p+l). sional spin representation of Theorem 5.4 for G = SL(2p+l,R) for "M irreducible under SL(2p,R).) exactly as for that spin 0 spin It follows that is irreducible under M'; it has dimension 2P.21 = 22p-1. K x again this follows from the corresponding state- K-type spin 0 spin of "M for SL(2p+1)" contains dimen- The proof of shows that spin is SL(2p+l,IR);" this proceeds It is not difficult to verify actually lives on the two-sheeted cover in the linear cover of G, but not on K. level is abelian, so spin 0 spin~ provides 2 2 p- 1 M at this more one dimensional elements of M - we need only show that they are distinct. Let H This can be done in the following way. denote the standard SO(2p) c SO(2p+l), h C-4 0) (0 Let M C H denote "M for SL(2p)", and let corresponding subgroup of 'r 2 (K) = SO(2p). M2 Then l be the M = M 2, so it makes sense to speak of the diagonal subgroup A C M1 x M2 A is just M. We will show that spin 0 spin IA' 22p-1 distinct components. = spin+ @ spin~. spini H Thus M 2 A(M x M22) A' M1 . already consists of First, one knows that So as a representation of 131. A' = M1 , spin 0 spin (here of 0 spin-) means inner tensor product.) 0 spin As a representation A(H x H) = H = Spin (2p), this is known to be p-1 ( E Pr r=O 2 is simply (spin + 2 p- n], which we know (from Case 2) consists of distinct N = A'-types. Finally, consider the K-type spin 0 1. denote the projection of for 1 0 Spin, K on Spin (2p+l). Let 1 Arguing as we see that spin 0 1 is equivalent as an M representation to the representation of f 1 (M) on spin | rr(M). Now ' 1 (M) = MC- H (since this holds on $ spin~. the SO(2p+1,2p) level) and spinip = spin So spin 0 1 splits into two irreducible M components of dimension 2 P; they are inequivalent. We need to show that spin 0 M' irreducible; but fr(M') 2 "M for SL(2p+l)," which acts irreducibly on spin. In this way (i.e. by hook and by crook) we get + 2 2 four one dimensional representations of M, and dimensional representations. 2 2p-1 2p+1 |MI = 2 2 + 2p-1 2 + 4-(2 p-1 2 ), Since this exhausts M. Leaving to the reader the proof that the K types exhibited are the small ones, we have proved Theorem 5.4 in Case 3. 132. The various other split orthogonal groups are similar and easier. For the exceptional groups, the following lemmas are helpful. Lemma 5.6. of K. Let T : K Choose + a .l. an be the V SO(Y 0 ) representation a strongly orthogonal set of noncompact imaginary roots, and let X . Xn be non-zero elements of the corrresponding weight spaces P of = (60O C. element a. Suppose that for each in the normalizer of 2 = -a ., and f(a. ) = 1. aui-a. a~ by {X of . + Also subalgebra Proof. 0 of in there is = (X Ca. spanned is an abelian subalgebra so that 0(= for some abelian O That C( is abelian follows immediately from the strong orthogonality of the ai; notice that commutes with an K, such that Then the space 07 a. )-(a.)X } and 01=OZ, T i X since a. J is an imaginary root. Since ti , it suffices to see that + ff(a )X C. ) = C (X + 7(a)X i) for each i; here For simplicity of notation, we drop the subscript i. 133. 7(a)Xax clearly has weight -a. -ea = -a a since is imaginary. Xa are one dimensional, sides; since Thus C X; so (Xa+7(a)Xa) group. Since the weight spaces Ca7 (a)Xa. = Apply ff is a real representation, with conjugation. Lemma 5.7. By (2.6), Xa has weight ff(a)Xa Suppose that = commutes 2 T(la )Xa C Cx ((a)XX+Xa). = QED. is a split semisimple matrix is abelian, and M Then G to both 7(a) CaTr(a)Tr(a)X = Xa + C X0 = 'r(a) IMI < 2 rank G By hypothesis, G c GL(n,R), so that Proof. C gk(n,R), and Vc gk(n,C). connected subgroup of Let GL(n,C) G denote the J'. with Lie algebra bar denotes the natural conjugation in GL(n,C), is just the identity component of If then G c G {g c G |g = g}. The center of a connected Lie group consists precisely of the elements which act trivially in the adjoint representation. center of G = Since it follows that the (%)C' is contained in the center of GC. A complex semisimple Lie group has finite center, so the center of G is finite, and therefore closed and discrete, Let AC = exp 0. M K is compact. Since M C K is finite. One knows (or it follows from the results of section 2) that A = G ; hence Mc A.. The is -A 134. kernel of expi is a lattice A C ic', and exp ig0 is isomorphic to a product of dim C Suppose Since M m c M; choose xy c 0£0 so that exp (x+iy) = m. is finite, mN = 1 this implies that = rank G circles. for some positive integer N; Since Nx + Niy e A. x = 0, so m e exp iOl A c ic(0 , it follows On the other hand, since m c G, m = m = exp (iy) = exp (-iy) = m -l , so m 2 = 1. A product of r circles has exactly 2r elements of order 2, rank G . QED. so IMI < 2 One can give a much shorter proof using known results for instance the fact that - M c exp (io0) is a special case of a theorem of Osborne and Rader (cf. Warner [25], proposition But is seems likely that anyone familiar with these results knows the preceding proposition. Case 4. G = simply connected split form of G 2 . Here a2+|2 K = SU(2) x SU(2) = 2+6j2=l}. We let the first factor here correspond to the long compact root in the diagram below. Each SU(2) acts on polynomials in two variables (say (x,y) and (z,w) respectively) so that K acts on polynomials in x, y, z, and w. representations of K degree n in and (x,y) The irreducible are the actions on polynomials of m in (z,w); we call this 135. representation (n+l) 0 (m+1), these numbers being dimensions. Weight vectors with respect to the usual Cartan subgroup T of K (consisting of pairs of diagonal matrices) are the The p monomials. representation is isomorphic to 2 0 4. Such an isomorphism is indicated in the following root G diagram for xz 3 with respect to xz 2w xzw 2 T. 2D strongly orthogonal yz yz w a e N(T) Let yzw yw noncompact roots. be the element (0 1) a2 = (-I,-I); aince -I acts by -1 0) -l 0) -l in every even dimensional irreducible representation of ((0 1) SU(2), xzw 2 a2 acts by (-1) and xz 3 (-1) = 1 in -. The root vectors correspond to strongly orthogonal roots, so we may apply Lemma 5.6. Since a-(x,y,z,w) = (-y,x,-wz), 2 2 = -)-~ 2 3 3 3 a-(xzw ) = (-y)(-w)z = yz w, and a-(xz ) = (-y)(-w) = yw3; 2 2 3 3. as a basis so we may take xzw + yz w and xz + yw for 07 (of course O is equal rank, so = 0 ). It 136. is easy to check that the eight elements e 3iO 0 / 0 ie (jO e ei '0 0 e-3i) -3iO 0 We claim that group. G and (-I,I) act by e4i 1 U e 0 e3ie (-e-_ie 0) (e 4iO fix O( is a two-sheeted cover of its adjoint The center of in the center of K. 0)) G The center of -l Y is just the centralizer of on ), K is (+I,+I); (I,-I) so the center of G is {(IFI), (-I,-I)}. dlaim. The adjoint representation is faithful for the This has order two, which proves the adjoint group, so Lemma 5.7 applies to it: "M for the adjoint group" hasat most 22 = 4 elements. Thus IMI < 8, so the 8 elements listed above exhaust M. It also follows that representations. has at least 4 one dimensional M It is easy to check that 1 0 3|M consists of 3 inequivalent non-trivial M-types, spanned by z2 +w 2, M-type. z2-w , and zw. We claim that recalling that 0 10 1 is of course the trivial 1 0 2 is irreducible under M: denotes internal tensor product, we compute 1 2* (1 0 2) 0 (1 0 2) = 1 ® (2 0 2) = (1 0 1) @ (1 0 3) 137. which contains only one copy of the trivial M-type by the By Schur's lemma, 1 0 2 is M-irreducible. preceding remarks. 3 + 1 + 22 = 8, this shows that 1 0 1, 1 0 2, and Since 1 0 3 exhaust M, each M type occurring with multiplicity Leaving to the reader the verification that these one. are small, it remains to check that they are M'-irreducible. Of course 1 0 1 and 1 0 2 are already M-irreducible. 2 2 = i; then one checks easily e C so that Choose E-3 that 0 0 Pl= and (0 P 2 (3) Q= ( d/ 1 (0 ~ , -- 1 2 are in M'. The 1 1, 2 2 z , zw, and w of three weight spaces according to distinct scalars under 2 2 (z) = It follows that irreducibly on 1 0 3. K = SU(2) transform and 1 2 (-(z-w)) , which has a non-zero component in each weight space. Case 5 P 1 0 3 P1 and P2 act This completes Case 4. G = simply connected split real form of Fg. x SP(3). of diagonal matrices A torus for K Here consists of the pairs 138. e (0 0 0 2 00 e i0, i03 eie 3 -ie e 0 2 e -i0 3 e We use the 01 identified with dual basis t0 ; then as coordinates in IR4 is in the dual coordinates, with the {e0 'e1 'e2 le3 }; after normalization, the invariant inner product is the usual one. roots are +2e 0 (the roots of SU(2)) 1 < i, j < 3, i / j for it 0 and +2e , +e.+e. (the roots of SP(3)). +e 0 +ej, noncompact roots are The compact 1 < i < 3, and The +e0+e +e (This is the dual of the usual presentation of the roots of F4 ; cfi, Humphreys ([11]) ,( Let a = L-l a2 = [ 0 c K. Then 0O -I = (e (e ,e ,e e 7), which We claim that 2 acts trivially on z is K-irreducible, and a2 is central in K, it is central in K. since p. 43.) is enough to check this on one weight vector of , say ; 139. (1,1,1,1). (x 0 [e Now ,...e 'lX2'x 3 ) by the scalar e (1,1,1,1) e by = acts on a weight '] ixi a2 ; so acts on 1. As a strongly orthogonal system of noncompact roots, one can choose with an odd number of (1, +1, +1, +1), Apply minus signs; clearly there are four such roots. Lemma 5.6 with a = a for all i. get a maximal abelian subalgebra M nT. 0, 670 = 0, we with a e M. 3 0 We want to compute P Since [ei0 ...e ] is in M T iff it acts trivially on each of the strongly orthogonal weights (and their negatives.) 00-81+62+63 0+61-02+e3, being elements of 277. easily that and in and 00+O +62 63, and 60-61-62-63 Using this condition, one checks [+1, +1, +1, +1] [+i, +i, +i, +i] This amounts to (even number of minus signs) (odd number of minus signs) Mg T, for 16 elements in all. Mn1T Also G a e M; clearly generate a group of order 32. hand, a computation like that given for are On the other G2 shows that is a two-sheeted cover of its adjoint group, so that IMI < 2.24 = 32. M So this exhausts M. has a direct product decomposition a 140. M= < [-7ii , [1 - = P x Q x R -i -,-1] , y> X <l~,1 - ] > X < l -,11]> (here < > denotes "group generated by".) This is quite easy to check, using the fact that if t c T, ata = t~1. P is the non-abelialn group of order 8, which was studied as of course isomorphic to Z2. "M for G 2 ." R and Q are Thus the representations of M come in sets of four, each set corresponding to an R. and parametrized by the action of P element of We continue to denote representations of their dimensions; also write Q and by SU(2) "l" and "6" for the trivial and six dimensional representations of respectively. SP(3) Then the small K-types are 1 0 1, 2 0 1, 3 0 1, 1 0 6, and 2 0 6. 1 @ 1 is obviously the trivial M type. 2 0 1 and 3 0 1 are trivial on Q x R, since this group projects to I in the first factor (i.e. if (T1 ,T2 ) E Q x R, then T1 = I e SU(2)). The projection of P onto the first factor is "M for G 211, so 2 0 1 is the 2-dimensional representation of P, and 3 0 1 is the 3 non-trivial one dimensional representations of P. [-1,-1,-1,-1] P acts by -1 on 1 0 6, so this must split into three copies of the two-dimensional representation of P: if xlIx2' 3' l' 2' 3 is the usual basis of C6 as an SP(3) module, the corresponding components are <xi,yi>, 141. as is easy to check. Q x R acts on each of these pieces by a different character, the three non-trivial characters of Q x R. Finally, the 2 dimensional representation of P tensored with itself is the sum of the 4 one dimensional representations; from our description of 2 0 1 and 1 0 6, this implies that 2 0 6 consists of the 12 one dimensional representations of M which are non-trivial on Q x R. Thus all M types occur in the given list, each with multiplicity one. Leaving the verification that these are small to the reader, it remains to show M' irreducibility. This is of course obvious for 1 0 1 and 2 0 1. To compute some elements of M', M . observe first that For it is easy to see that the only noncompact roots on which MA T acts trivially are the given strongly orthogonal set and their negatives; and 6Z is precisely the space of a-invariants in the span of those 8 root vectors. If g c K, it follows that so that M' is the normalizer of M in K. Then tt 1 iff t2 c M. = t(at 1 a g-O= g9" Suppose t c T. )a = t-t-a = t 2 a, which is in M Since T normalizes MC T, t e M' iff t 2 M. Using this, it is easy to check that each of the weight spaces in any one of the representations 3 0 1, 1 0 6, and 2 0 6 transforms according to a different character 142. of M'n T. To prove irreducibility, it is therefore enough to show that any of these weight spaces is cyclic under M'. 2 0 6. For definiteness, we restrict attention to Let (x0 'y0 ) SU(2) module. be the usual basis of as an Considering the action of a, it is enough to show that one of the subspaces V W = <y0 C2 = <x0 0 x y0 O 0 y i>, i = 1, 2, 3 has components in i all the others under the action of M'. Let $ be a 3 x 3 permutation matrix such that $2 = I; then $ = $so y i>' = (I, commutes with =- a, and it follows 0$ easily that (y )-W M'-(EV ) = W y e M'. . Clearly So it is enough to show that has a component in EW. Q g= can be checked that g -1 ag = g e M'; g / ) g (x0 has a component in EW. completes Case 5. -1 l) =1 -i -iI commutes with [i,-i,-i,-i], and g and For this we use the I 11 element = V (y )-V K. It Q and R, [i,-i,-i,-i]g = -a. 0iy0 (x1 -iy1 So , which So 2 0 6 is M' irreducible, which 143. Case 6 G = simply connected split form of E K = SP(4). We use the coordinates 6. Here in the Lie I algebra of the torus e i1 i64 T = -io [e i4 ,...e ]}. e With respect to the usual basis the compact roots are +2e., e1 .. .e 4 +e+e of (i / j). 42 dimensional subrepresentation of i I- = 4 R, 2 is a A4 C , the fourth exterior power of the standard C8 representation of SP(4); its weights are +e 1 +e 2 +e 3+e , +ei+e and two zero weights. (i / j), By the general results of section 2, the imaginary noncompact roots are those which are not also compact, i.e. +e1 +e 2 +e 3 +e 4. Notice in particular that A4C8 contains any element of of weight +e +e2 +e3 +e 4 , since these occur with multiplicity one 48 in A C . Also the center of K, which has order 2, acts trivially in ; so the center of G has order 2, and .4 144. fM| < 2-2 128. = 0 a s SP(4) Let denote the element Consider the group Interpret C 4 (r2 'r,srs} 2 L (D), and take as as a basis for D = Z2 x2 8 4 4 C8 = C @ C . For 2 x 1 ... ,x4 ,y .. .y4 g c D, let P g denote the 4 x 4 matrix defining the action of g in 0 1 the regular representation: e.g. P = 1 0 0 0 1 1 Clearly P Pg1 P 91 92 =t-1 P g P . = g g1 g92 ; in particular a c Define SP(4) by P= 1, so 0 = a 0 9 0 a then the x...x , S8; y- commute with .- Y4 notice that a. a-x = -y,, a-y X(g) 2 2 2 has weight If for X is a g c D; Set 1-X (rs) 1-x (1 ) X = x,. = + 1 or - 1 1-X(g) = 0 or 1 accordingly. =ca Now consider as the usual basis of the SP(4) module character of D, then b P e , and yg 48 * s4 -AC. has weight -es, b Since x. has weight 145. ,, = (x(1),x(r),X(s),x(rs)); {S } check that b. so It is easy to is a strongly orthogonal set of real X XED noncompact roots, and of course a 2 = -I since a x = b x + a-b x fixes the a -a =a g Xg9 , together with a ; a 2 as , a and all a basis of (X . are in g M. Obviously and 2 a -(a (Ha By Lemma 5.6, . -S is central in G, we may take We claim that a = a*3 -X 1 ... - (aG x ^a 1-2 (rs) 2 - x 4 ] + a[ 1-x(rs) 2 )A .. .^a - (a -x 4 )] (since a and a commute) 1-X (rs) = Since OXg-1 2 -x g4] + a[ ]). a2 = 1, it is easy to see that 1-X (9 ) 1-x (g) a 2 ([a A...A 0 ,, 2 1-x (g) - 2 1-X (gg1 ) 2 . 1-x (g-1) 2 - ( [C x g- I But the permutation of (l, Therefore (recalling g 2 =1) 1-X (g -rs) A Aj 2y -x g 4 ]+ a[ 2, 3, 4) defined by the regular 146. action of = g is necessarily even; so 1-X (g) 2 l-X(1) 2 K 1A 1-x (rs) 2 * AC x4 + a[ ]) 1-X (g) 2 =a since That a a X and a of z A z x1 Ax SP(4) (z1 -z 3 )A (z2 -zg) Now a-z . = z2' zi = xiA y ; then c A4 C 8 . a . 9 Z AZ = 0, We have seen that axA y to this, one gets (z1 -z 2 ) (z3 -z4 ) in g ; by dimension, these span( = -y A x = z,; so = x Ay a For reasons of symmetry, it is enough to consider any non-identity or (z 1 fixed by is spanned by those combinations and = is a. cp ; applying appropriate elements of the Lie algebra of fixes Write which lie in 4 Thus is just an explicit computation, and z A z., = a. fix g which we only sketch. z A z X is fixed by X a = a a , say ar. One checks that ar (z2) = z1 , ar (z3 ) = z 4 , and ar (z4) = hence ar((z -z2 ) A (z3 -z4 )) = (z2 -z1 )A (z4 -z3) (z1 -z 2 )A (z3 -z 4) , and (z2 -z 4 )A (z1 -z3 ) the proof that = a ar ((z1 -z3 )A (z2 -z 4 )) - (z1 -z 3 )A (z2 -z4 ). and the a are in This completes M. 3' . 147. Let by a MW be the 16 element abelian group generated a .g Notice that and the MW The 16 element (abelian) subgroup of normalizes T T. consisting of [+1, +1, +1, +1] (even number of minus signs) and [+i, +i, +i, +i] (even number of minus signs) contained in M; this is checked exactly as for F 4 . we call this subgroup MW CM MT {+I}; so = MT, MTMW is therefore all of M. Next, we claim that If then MW normalizes MT 16.-16 = 128 elements, and 2 has |MJ (Recall that we saw q = PM; in fact For one checks that the only weights of J under is also < 128.) Q = P0<MTta> invariant are + 1X and 0, and the two dimensional space MT corresponding to the weights + 13 has only one a invariant. It follows as before that of M in M' is precisely the normalizer K. Since M/+l is abelian, there are at least 64 one dimensional representations in M; one may check that each occurs with multiplicity one in the representation C8 08 of K. It follows by Schur's lemma that irreducible under M; since 128 = 8 A M. Now S2 (C8 ) C8 @ C8 A (C8) C8 is + 64, this exhausts decomposes as a K representation into = S 7 2 0 1; here S2 is the symmetric product, 1 is the exterior form defining SP(4) (atrivial 148. K-type) and f2 is a 27 dimensional subrepresentation of A2 (C ); these are irreducible. 1, 88 are small; the proof is as usual left and S 2 We claim that It remains to check that to the reader. f2 and S2 are M' irreducible. Let E denote the permutation group on the 4 element set D; recalling ~2 4 C 4 = L (D), an element of Z4 corresponds to a 4 x 4 matrix P, which in turn gives an element 0) e SP(4). D Z4 , and is a normal subgroup of the conditions defining are invariant under permuta- MT tion of coordinates; so it is not hard to check that E4 C M'. Also the elements T -of Using these, together with space of iT2 character of or S2 are in M'. MT, one sees that every weight transforms according to a distinct M' 0 T. Hence every M'-irreducible component of those representations is a sum of weight spaces. For definiteness we restrict attention to Considering the action of M'-irreducible component of 2 2 four spaces V1 V3 E and a, one sees that every 2 S is a sum of certain of the <Xi ,y 2 >' V 2 = <xi .,yiy. i<x y. I 2 S j>' V 4 = <xi y> I 149. To prove irreducibility, we exhibit two more elements of M' and where X= the matrix of characters of D. g2 g Put which mix these subspaces. - 1 -l 1 -1 1 1 -l -1 One may thing of as diagonalizing the commutative families {a } D = respectively. normalize M, and hence belong to M'. Thus V4, S Case 7 g1 -V2 meets g, and {l,a} and From this perspective, or by explicit computation, one can check that meets is V 3 , and g, Clearly g2 V meets and g2 g1 -V1 V 2. is M' irreducible, which completes case 6. G = simply connected split forms of E7 and 2 . 8 These are entirely analogous to E6; since E8 involves some rather messy computations in aClifford algebra, we give details in that case. So K = Spin (16). Using the usual Cartan subgroup on the SO(16) level to give an identification of of is 1 (,... representation. in the center of 1 ) it with R8, the highest weight is the positive half spin One knows that two of the four elements K act trivially on -9 (this will be 150. seen explicitly below) so the center of IMI < 2-2 8 Thus Define G has order 2. =512. D =Z 2 Z2 X Z2 , with generators r, s, t. Writing D {l,r,s,rs,t,rt,st,rst}, we identify I 8 2 it = R with L (D). A strongly orthogonal set of weights for 0 is For each X we choose is a representative a2 = 1 {u X u a c is a basis for CZ . X ~'7 of weight X/2. 2If There By Lemma 5.6, M should now be M n T = MT, a, and a certain copy of generated by the normalizer of T in K. other than direct computation. IR16 with the usual basis (cf... Chevalley [5]); then of course for i / j. C subspace -- e1 = <e e1 6 e .2 C , the regular elements of C. C2 ... C There is an exponential map * exp D So... Consider the complexified Clifford algebra e e. = -e.e. D i / j> in Unfortunately I know of no easy way to guarantee the existence of this copy of generated by e tc .} . ~ of the -l element of WK so that (as will be seen below.) + a-u } ~7 (-' ) ,, T,,o, , I p {X Xf D }f = {f (I, The real is a Lie algebra, and 151. For j = 1,... 8, K = exp C 2 is Spin (16). x. = e . 2j-1 J Then z3 x 3 +ie .j y. 2j. f(e.2 =Jee . - 1-e 2j 2 1 z.j define =' 1-(e j_ . e2 ). . 2 +ie 2j-l 23 e2 .ej2 e2 +ie 1(-e 2j .j 2 _e2) 2 2 2j, =e -1I(2j j 1 j1 = ) . .i e 2j-1 -(e 2 j- i ) +ie . 2j j-1 - 2 (e The other identities below are similar. z~x. = = -x.x. (*) x.x. 1 J J li z.z. 1 J = z.z. J1 We may take <z.> exp (Xz.) exp fz = -,= -y.j xiy.l =J -y.x. J l1 yiy. = -yjyi z.x. = x.z. 1J J 1 ziy. = y.z. 1JJ l = cos .1 + 2z. 2z., i $ and z 2l sin = i-4; , one easily computes in particular, exp (2Tz.) = 1. One knows (as was pointed out to me by Kostant) that Y = y... -y8 j. as the Lie algebra of the Cartan Since subgroup T C K. i z~y -x. - generates a maximal left ideal in C; so the unique irreducible C-module is CY. This has a 152. basis indexed by subsets S of {l,...8}; X- ( x)Y.. icS a = e 1 e 3 e 5 ''' Set e1 3 e 15. -1 2 = -z . a2 = 1, and az a- Then 4 (It is easy to see that a = X5 has weight (+ , + By (*), I exp (7e4 j-3e 4j-1) j=1 ,... K.) with respect to t ; + ) here the minus signs correspond precisely to elements of S. XS, where span of the vectors X e D, let S representation the D So we may take as a model for the has even order. S If denote the set where X = -1; of course Is I = 4 or 0. Then a + a-X S }. has basis {X5 Exactly X X as for the other exceptional groups, one easily checks M n T that H 2z., is 1 contains H 2z., is 1 i/SleSleSi/S~~ [ H l(l+2z.)][ H 1 . is (one choice of sign throughout.) These four elements are distinct for each X, giving 32 in all. H element 2z = 8 2 -z l(l+2z.)] z 2... z For X = 1, the is =1e2e3e4'''e15e16 i/S the promised central element of on P. Clearly a K which acts trivially is also in M, and normalizes T. The resulting 64 element group already picks out OT: in fact, set M = <a, 24 z1 z2 z3 4 4z2 2 z2 z5 z6 > C M. 153. This is a 16 element abelian group, which is in some sense dual to the group generated by D and a (once we show D C M.) M We claim that 01 = Arguin g as for E 6 , it is enough . are the only weights annihito show that the various + -2 lated by M 0 n T . Notice that , for example, 2 z1 z z 3z 2 4 1 acts on the weight (egOR2 (F( 2 i) (cei) 1 i)C e1 .. 4 4 2 (64 i) = + 1; are (. 234 61E:2 E:3 if (2- ) E: 4 . = + 1) by Thus an even number of i s a weight of -5, it follows also that an even number of c5''' 8 are +. Proceeding along these lines, it is easy to see that ) (6 or is a character of - details are left to the reader. K element of D; It follows that any which conjugates the four generators of M 0 into M, is necessarily in M'. D We want to exhibit W K inside M. The element of transposing z. and z. has a representative i.= i J (1 + e 2 i- 1 e 2 j 1 ) (1 + e 2 ie2 j). Every non-identity element of D, acting in the regular representation on 2 ' ~ 8 = R , may be represented as a product of 0 four such transpositions, e.g. ar = CY1 2 Y3 4 a 56 a7 8 * We L (D) = iO 154. claim that there is a certain choice of this representative with a such that 9 a ge M. gJ Clearly each a, so it is enough to show that if a -X = X X a-X or X according as a.. commutes g e D, X(g) = 1 or -1. X For purely formal reasons, these equations hold up to sign; verifying that they hold exactly is the only reason for considering the Clifford algebra. {(i 1 jl),... (i4 1j4 )} Suppose sign of the permutation = Set w {l,...8}; let (1,... ((i,,,j)) 8). =ee e be the Then by (*) 4 a = I (E) . w1. By direct computation, k=1 ) iJ a. (x (**) ij ij i (ixxjij)=Xi i xj i j w (x(xyyy ) = x y y iy) j w a..i (x y yj)=-xiy.y a ,w . Yk for k / ij. commute with xk' a.. and w.. (x y y. )=-x y y. commute with aki {ij} Fix g / 1, and a character X c D. and w if {k,. Suppose first that {l,...8} = {(i1,j1)... (ig1j4 )} with X(g) = 1. Write g-it = j , and set a = a . 9 11J1 a (Later we will 4J4 155. put some conditions on the choice of the (i 9,,j X(g) = 1, X(J ,); set L X(i,) e Then for some fixed XS xS IT( x = y. y. )( = 1[ eX g y. y. ). X ', a, . - (x. x. y. y. )][ (x. x. y. y. ) H 9,#L 9 k 1 , 9 H 1,L a. 3- (y. y. )] k/L AL X X SX =1 by I ,j 9, 'Z/L LX Thus a -1}- = + 1, we have = x Since X(i {Xi = ).) X t z I (y. y. ) J9 39 =X S (**) ; So the desired equation holds for any representative if L = {X(i pairs (i, = , a = j , ) is at our disposal, we may assume that . (i 4 ,jg)) 4 H w... 9,l 6 Set Since the order of the various -l}. (1,...8) + (ij).. then X(i9 ) = -X (j9 ) X(g) = -1, then X(g) = 1. If = +1, we have is an even permutation; On the other hand, for some Y XS = E2 y. ) x 9eL .X X z y. y. I x /L 9 9 j 9 9 Using the middle equations of (**) just as in the previous case, one sees that ag -X5 = a-X . SSg g So a E M. 156. It is fairly clear that the 32 elements of MT and the 8 elements of D generate a group of order 32-2-8 512; so they exhaust M. The subgroup MT is normal; a acts on it by the inverse map, and the various Y by permutation. With this structural information, and the various explicit formulae given, it is not hard to work out the representation theory of M: there are 256 one dimensional representations, each occurring with . 16 multiplicity .16 one in the (R 0 IR ) representation of K. By Schur's lemma, (R1 6 is M-irreducible; since 2 16 + 256 = 512, this accounts for all of M. Now 16 (R, 2 16 0 RP) A (D S 2 =A 2 0 (ff2 e 1); components of dimension 120, 135, and 1 (the invariant quadratic form defining SO(16)). These components are irreducible under 2 K. To complete the proof, we must show that A and F2 are M'-irreducible. Recall that g c M' iff gM0 g -1 C N, where MO is generated by a and 3 elements of MT. As for F , it follows immediately that x c T, x 2 6 M => x c M. We now consider {x ..y.} as a basis for the (R1 6 C representation of K, which we denote by -1 if a -y. g c K, g-x. = y , etc. gxig . Then . One knows that a-xi = yi, a -x. g 1 x g-i . For the differentiated representation, 157. z. -x= z..y. = iy., z. x. = z.-y. = 0 1 1 J 1J -ix., Set u.. exp ('rz. + nz.). J = 1)1 u.. 13 u.. 1 c M, it follows that = 2 A . definiteness 1J 1 31-(I square roots of the elements M'A easy to see that the i / j. e T, and Si~nce u. e M'. Consider for . lJ together with various u. Using the for +2z. ) 6 M, it is T-primary decomposition of A2 is just the weight space decomposition. . . commutes with normalizing a.. 1J MT is in the permutation f Now every of D, then w of ao, so any product of In particular, whenever M'. defines an automorphism 8} {l, .... expressed as a product of a.. 1J is in M'. D together with Aut D (D acting by the regular action) is doubly transitive on {l,. . It follows that the .8}. M'-irreducible components of A2 are sums of the following subspaces: <xiA x , yiA y V = V = <xiA y, V3 1 V y.A x. y1 + ... = <x./AY. - + x8 i > i j> y8 x- A y->. (The zero weight space V3 $ V4 splits only as indicated 158. because Aut D' acts transitively on the non-trivial characters of D; one proves the splitting on the "Fourier transform side" of D.) Consider We claim of p = P s M'; one checks that the inner automorphism induced by C (1+e )(1+e1el e) (l+ee (1+e e2 * e3' e 3 - fixes all ei, except P -e22 ' .' 14 -*e1 5 , e1 5 -e1 4 ' PM0P C M. direct computation shows that Then a It also follows that P-x = P- (e +ie 2 )=+e for the other 3 xi, y . 1 +y ) x2 2) 2 1 A Thus A1 17 a) P (x A x2 ) b) P- (x A yi) = - (x +yj)/\ (x2 y2 Because of a) by b), = P-V similar. Q.E.D. 2 1A y1 has non-zero components in V2 and V , and similar equations for is not M'-invariant. : similarly Thus x A.1 yi in general, V 3 A2 is M'-irreducible; ff 2 is e TABLE 5.8 Small K-types (non-spherical) for simple split groups Associate Principal series minimal K-types SP (n,R) Small K-types U(n) (l...l1.0... 0) (0 < C < 1) SL (2n,R) Spin Ar (C2 n) (2n) (An)- (#1's l < r = #-l's) < n n + 2n (A ) (C) 2n spin SL(2n+l,R) Spin (2n+l) Ar (C2n+l) l < r < n spin SO (2n, 2n) Spin (2n) x Spin (2n) 1 0 Ar(C2n 1 0 < r < n Ar (C2n (An)-(C2n) 0 1 n+ C2n 2n (An+(C Spin 0 Apin 1 0 spin 9pin 0 1 spin 0 spin (c=0) non-spherical principal series minimal Associate small K-types SO (2n+1, 2n+l) K-types Spin (2n+1) x Spin (2n+1) 1 0 Ar (C2n+) < n 1 < r A r M 2n+ spin 0 spin spin 0 1 1 0 Spin SO(2n, 2n-1) Spin (2n) x Spin (2n-1) 1 0 Ar (C2 n-1) spin 1 < r < n-l $pin 0 spin 0 spin 1 0 Spin spin SO (2n+1,2n) Spin (2n+1) x Spin (2n) 1 0 Ar 1 0 spin+ 0 0 1 2n (An)- (2n spin 0 spin 1 0 Spin Spin 0 1 < < n + Spin 0 spin 2n non-spherical principal Associate small series minimal K-types K-types x SU(2) 1 0 2, 1 0 3 F4 SU(2) x SP(3) 2 0 1, 3 0 1, 1 0 6, 2 0 6 E6 SP (4) C8 82 (8 S M8 7T2 2 (C SU(2) SU(8) ) A2 8 A 2 (C 8 ) S2 8 adj oint C8 * (C) (8 Spin (16) AA2 (C16 (016 Tr 2 (Cl ~S22(16 x2 A2 8C* 2 8 * 162. [g, 0 ~ Suppose Remark ] = sS(2,R). Let of it 0 . Then be the in .the ordering 0 noncompact imaginary root which is a y' is principal series minimal iff 2< it is small iff < 1; -l (This is just the case < 1. -1 < above; we mention it SP(1,R) separately only for convenience.) It is worth noting another technical property of small K-types. Recall the Iwasawa decomposition G = KAN. a e A( Corresponding to every root 0. sk(2,R) c- 1 0 0 ). and {Z a Let X e 770 denote the image of 1 0 The image of A(F) Definition 5.9 %), there is a map 10 (0 0) is z = Xa + OX a is an orthogonal basis of 0 AO' (Bernstein, Gelfand, and Gelfand [1]) The representation y of K is fine if the eigenvalues of Z in y all lie in [-1,1]. (If G is linear, they are necessarily integers.) Theorem 5.10 7T be a finite dimensional irreducible representation Let of 6 (Bernstein, Gelfand, and Gelfand [1]). G on a vector space V, and be the representation of space V y a fine K-type. Let M on the (one dimensional) Then the multiplicity of y in fK is I 163. precisely the multiplicity of 6 in y M. Amazingly enough, we have Proposition 5.11 Proof. y is fine <=> is small It is enough to assume G is simple. We then proceed on a case-by-case basis, using the following criteria for fineness and Table 5.7. ... Let * be a strongly orthogonal spanning set for rroot consisting of noncompact imaginary roots. that A S the is is obtained from We may assume and a Cayley transform on Then it is easy to see that the sk.(2,pR) through one of the "root s P(2,.R.) 's" for corresponding Z is in the S A(rt 0 6 direction in 0 ). The '. There are several possibilities. i) All roots of SO(n,n), E6 , E 7 , E 8 .) C have the same length (SL (n,R), In this case all Z are conjugate under W, so it is enough to verify the fineness condition for one of them; say in the direction in t0. Computing for sk(2,R), one sees that the fineness condition is 2<-p, -1 < .> < 1 whenever y is a weight of y. Since all weights lie in the convex hull of the extremal ones, this is equivalent to 164. -< ii) 2<y,> 1.. for each noncompact imaginary root 3. There are two. root lengths, both occurring among the K Similar reasoning leads to precisely (SO(2n,2n-1),G2. the same condition. iii) There are two root lengths, only one occurring among the . (SO(2n+l,2n), SP(n,R), F4 .) The S. are necessarily long roots (by inspection; or the reader can provide the "general" proof.) One can find two Si, say 1 6 and 2' such that f(o + .2 is a short compact It is easy to see that the Lie algebra imaginary root. corresponding to these roots and their negatives is sp(2,R); and it also corresponds to certain isomorphic to roots of control on In this way one can get explicit in 9% 0. 00 Z when a is a short root. Computing for sp(2,R), and reasoning as before, one gets the criterion for fineness: -1 < 2<y,1S> < 1 for every long noncompact imaginary root; and -1 < <Y-a> < 1 for every short compact imaginary root. We leave to the reader the straightforward verification that the small K-types listed in Table 5.8 are the only dominant integral weights satisfying the conditions given above. Q.E.D. 165. Corollary 5.12 A finitef dimensional irreducible repre- sentation' of a split group contains exactly one associate class of small K-types, each with multiplicity one. Proof Combine 5.4, 5.10, and 5.11. It follows that the A(6) form a "strong system of minimal types" for a split group, in the sense of Lepowsky ([19]). The considerations of section 6 give analogous results for arbitrary semisimple groups; this will be considered in detail in a later paper. 166. 6. Existence of the Representations. It will be convenient in this section to assume that K is compact. This makes available the theory of the discrete series in its most standard form. Essentially the same results hold without this assumption, however. Fix a K-type yp. We assume that Conjecture 4.2 holds for yp; thus we are given a 0-invariant parabolic Jr =1+ r( with the following properties: i) is and split; O(O i.e. is I - y = y2-2p(/nA according to the decompo- ] () then iii) = is )) recall that ; y2 - 2 p (P1 n and if [f is a Cartan subalgebra (y ly) sition t= f++t= ii) ), (and 01). Write (6.1) , a maximal abelian subalgebra of , then of l()center of + if a small [T, ] n H ) type, and (y, y+2p -p =- 1([1,1]. type; is an associate small (y , 2) is t ) is dominant for j, dominant with respect to the imaginary roots in ( ) 167. (6.1) iv) the irreducible Harish-Chandra module X has If minimal K-type y on X U() then the action of K factors through -. MAN be a Langlands decomposition of a Let P cuspidal parabolic subgroup corresponding to tit 0 = ((p) Cf1 0 T subgroup of G; of T+ Then . L(OMA= T A is a Cartan C K, and the identity component 0. has Lie algebra t 0 T+ T+ 0 is a compact Cartan subgroup of M. Suppose Conjecture 4.2 holds for the K-type y; Theorem 6.2. choose P = Then there is MAN as above. unitary representation 6 a certain tempered c M, in the "limit of the discrete series, " such that i) ii) If v A, Ind 6 PtG 0 v = T has minimal K-type y; 1' and y occurs exactly once. If v is the unique subquotient of y containing yi, then {Tv} y 7 y is precisely the set of irreducible quasisimple representations of G with minimal K-type yi, up to infinitesimal equivalence. Proof. Suppose we can prove i). formal reasons, which we only sketch. Then ii) follows for Recall the map bE ~-~---~ 168. EP: U +UU ) 2p (4 / The latter ring may be embedded in (.)I * way (Corollary 5.5) so we get a map the character of UA E2 o(evaluation at v),; U (2 :U One can also construct a map +U(0). U(0OZ), + on the k-type V in a natural U(OT) y so that is just and E2 agree on () (Spec R means the set of ring and We therefore have maps El homomorphisms of R into C) Spec U Spec U(O() Spec () Spec U E2 so that the diagram commutes. By 6.1 (iv), By simple properties of the map Spec U(7) -+ Im E2 - Im El. Spec (g) (which is essentially a Harish-Chandra homomorphism) and a little algebraic geometry, it follows that Im E = -m E2' which is essentially statement (ii) of the theorem. So it is enough to prove i). identity component of M. Let G G denote the be some linear form of G, such that there is a covering map that M Let G + G . (One knows has a finite dimensional representation which is faithful on 03.) Set F = w~ (T(M) n exp (i(70 )), a 169. finite group; then Put M4 = M F. F C M A L n K, and F We will produce a representation, 6 the limit of the discrete series of MO 6 dimensional representation 6 centralizes M0 ' of act by the same scalars on and a finite '0 F, so that 6 M 6 0 6 ; and we 0 6. Ind 6 = M and 6 Thus F. will be a well-defined representation of will set in M tM. l. Choose a strongly orthogonal set of ~. noncompact positive imaginary roots which span want to borrow some arguments from [22]. there that G transform, one can define a system in T+ (It is assumed is equal rank; but the results we need can easily be generalized from that case.) of M, so that T Via some Cayley T of positive roots ++ ) corresponds to A A ( the positive imaginary roots supported on p. 68). 2 pc Then so that We ()-p(Y) 2ppc) - = (2p -p) | + p(T) = + Schmid [22], ([22], p. 128) , We claim that = y1 is dominant with respect to every compact root a s T. If a is compact as an element of is immediate from the dominance of noncompact in root 6 i A( ,). ± .{- - q } A(o(,), yp. Suppose Then ([22].,.,p. 68) a there is this is a which is not strongly orthogonal 170. to Since a. and since a Since a F A(17), a -+ . i , a + Si a £ are noncompact, . e A(k), and a' + S. are compact. <Pia.> =- <ya> =-(<pt,a+.> + y since so - A(7), + and Thus are positive roots. 1 A(N,A); are roots in > 0 is dominant with respect to Schmid has defined certain invariant eigendistributions 0(P,X) ([22], respect to T which for [8]) X strictly dominant with are discrete series characters. apply the following lemma to We will (All of the statements MO. are more or less known by now, although it is difficult to give a specific reference.) Lemma 6.3 rk G = rk K, P is a system of Suppose positive roots in A(gt), A E i.t respect to T, X+p lifts 0(-p,X) unitary representation to K, p is dominant with to character of T, is dominant with respect to eigendistribution 0 ' A K(). and p = XA2 pc+P Then the invariant is the character of a tempered 6 (A). In the restriction of 6 (A) occurs with multiplicity one; and every K-type which occurs is of' the form positive roots. p+Q, where Q is a sum of 171. Proof. see [8]. For the proof that Langlands ([17]) O($,,X) is tempered, has shown that a tempered representation is unitarizable. (Apparently is irreducible or zero whenever X ®($,X) is is dominant, but I have been unable to find a reference for this. If linear groups it is asserted in [15]. X For is non- singular, the irreducibility is of course part of Harish-Chandra's description of the discrete series.) The other assertions are known (see for example Schmid [23]) if A is non-singular. We pass to the general case using a technique of: Zuckerman. Let y be the finite dimensional irreducible -p representation of lowest weight -p, with character 0 . -p Then the character of 6 (A+p) 0 y_ ee(, = +p)*- Z v . a weight is m. 0(iP,X+p+v.) of y here m. is the multiplicity of Each V. is -p+fl., where v. in y (cfi. [8]). '{ is a sum of positive roots; Thus 0($,A+p)- Since A is _P = Z m. ()($,X+ -dominant, it is easy to see that the only 172. is term with the same central character as -($,X) 6(X+p) 0 y identified with the subspace of and Q" is y So every K-type of has highest weight p+p+Q'-p+Q" =,y+Q; multiplicity at most one. y It remains to show that fact occurs in the piece of -p 6 X+p' 0 has p and by being slightly more careful, one sees that central character. Q' of course -p+Q"; are sums of positive roots. 6(X) C 6(X+p) 0 Y_ with a has highest weight 6(X+p) know that every K-type of Every weight of may be X+p is non-singular; so we certain central character. y+p+Q'. 6 (X) So which occurs exactly once. E($, X), in with the right We do this by producing some cohomology. (Easier and less interesting arguments exist, but it never hurts to justify one's thesis title.) Let X be the Harish-Chandra module of the representation space of y_ . Borel subalgebra corresponding to is dominant with respect to which occurs is p+p+Q, with it follows easily that Also p+p T; Q Let T. -2 Now it 6 ,+p, Y and be the (p+p)+ 2 pc X+2p since every other K-type a sum of roots in F, is the minimal K-type of X. X(p+p) = (p+p)+2p -P =.X+p is; dominant and non- singular with respect to T; so by Proposition 4.15, p+p is f(-minimal in X. By Theorem 3.12, 173. 7 0 ,X)'+P H : H0(.p */) 0 (AR HR (,X)y+p-2p(fin8) - is injective. -p. weight contains the K-type of lowest Y On the other hand, By a theorem of Rao ([.21]'), (y+p)-p = y; i.e. the K-type of highest weight H0 (77 nA, X 0 Y) is non-zero. Y -submodule of space of weight -p. X@Y 1 ) Y Let be the generated by all the weight vectors is a one dimensional Y/Y except the lowest one; thus S-* H0 (k, X 0 Y contains By the long exact sequence, H (/Ir,X) + H0 0 (Y/Y 1 ) + .. Using a filtration of Yl, it is easy to see that the first a group is zero, so that is an isomorphism. it is not hard to prove directly that (Actually H (ftr4, X 0 Y1 ) in this way one can eliminate the use of Rao's theorem.) So there is a commutative diagram (for convenience we put Q = AR *, and y = i-2p(ni HR ('(, X 0 Y )y Now -* HR (77, X)Y HR (7X 0 Y) + 0 )) 0 rqd, X 0 Y) (Y/Y ) 0 0 0 Q t is an isomorphism and l 0 0 +p(Y/Y 5is injective; so 0Q 0; 174. necessarily 1 fTr is injective. Thus there is a cocycle 0 R w c Hom (A r(, x 0 Y)., with values in (X 0 Y) , which does not vanish on the cohomology level; and (p+ 2 p )= p-2p(R Theorem 3.5 that -p) p - Y(O) X - acts on the central character of but = w has weight It follows from p. (X 0 Y) according to Q.E.D. O($,X). It should be pointed out that if X +p X-2p c- G($,X) is not k-dominant, then is Q-dominant, 0. For in this case there is a simple compact root a (simple for $ A A(k)) such that 2<a,A-2p +p> <a,a> 2<a,p > Now <a,X> > 0, $ A A(k), and = 1. <a,a> Schmid ([8]) c <a,a> =1 2<a,p> > 1. <a a> Then a since a is simple for So necessarily is simple for have proved that if X <a,X> = 0, and $; and Hecht and is singular with respect to a compact root which is simple for $, then E(),X) = 0. Actually, one can get an existence theorem like 6.2 using only the existence of a representation with the K-decomposition specified in the lemma. This can be proved very algebraically, without invoking the theory 175. of the discrete series (see for example Wallach [24]). But we will use the full strength of Lemma 6.3. to relate our results to Langlands' (Corollaryl6.7) . M Consider now the representation of with e(4p, t ). Lemma 6.3 applies; so we let character MO be the irreducible component containing the 0 60 K-type p. I0 6 Producing the representation little more work. requires a F fl(1n Recall that is a parabolic in A . oT nri + With obvious notation, therefore, ( nn ) + (b0 k) = of + (Titik), (*) U(A) = U(/7tdlk ) @ U(E A k ) @ Let V put V1 denote the irreducible and (70k A-module of highest weight p; V . irreducible k'k module of highest weight p. roots of in n< of V /t is of the form every weight of where By Kostant's theorem 3.8, Q V are supported on A (y ,*) not in V Using (*), V Since the every weight , one sees that is of the form is a (non-empty) sum of roots in is the (y1 ,*) + Q, A(Onk ). On the other hand, the proof of Lemma 2.7 provides an element x s t+, such that a (x) is positive, zero, or negative according as a e A (c), A( A(), or A (I). Hence a weight E of s(x) = p(x); so V is in V1 iff V1 consists 176. precisely of the weights (y,,*) a is a compact positive root of is. precisely the Recall that Now 2p(rtng4) n M V. If a(x) > 0; so , then V K-highest weight space of weight y was a small ) P.-2p(7n L f K L nK )) , so Theorem 5.4 applies to p: (L n K)A on V1 decomposes into a Weyl group (of A in L) orbit in ((L n K)A), each representation occurring with multiplicity one. Let 61 be one of the y A (L n K) types occurring. Now one knows that + A + (L n K) = T0 F, and + T0 is central in L = G 0 Hence . 6 IF is still irreducible. We must check that 1 0 6 and 6 act by the same Since this group is central in F 0 1 and 6 . Since and Mo, it does act by scalars in 6 scalars on F I MO F fA M . . K n Mo, 0necessarily n M 0.) F n mO maximal abelian in K the definitions that 6 0 10 and 6 . So representation of We claim that Now F 1 6 6 F n MO0 TO0 (for T+ 0 is But now it is obvious from acts by yiFn M0 in both is a well defined irreducible M 6 is central in in V. type. is the weight of a one dimensional module (namely AR (T77r the action of occurring in M Ind 6 0 6 if is linear; and it follows G is irreducible. 177. easily that M is normal in must show that if 6. a c M in general. 6e M/M' 1 0 not equivalent to 6 . a-6 00 M 1 6 . - (60 then So we 61) is In fact a little more is true: For we may of course choose a representative K of a, which normalizes T positive Weyl chamber for M 0~n K. and preserves the Then (cf. Schmid [22]) a determines a non-identity element of the complex Weyl group of T0 in MO; since set of compact roots. a e M n K, o-pc ) So a preserves the (f , and (since =PC is dominant for $) a-(X| + p)) A + p(M). We have seen that 6 0 has minimal M K-type y ; so P0 -6- has minimal MO A K-type X1 n - a(X e + p($) (XJ + p($)) 2 - - pc 2pc X + p($) - 2p ( So a6 00 60, and 6 Fix a character f= Ind 6 0 v 11 PfG 'P TrV K y Ind K'M''+ Kp l' is irreducible. v c A. It remains to show that has minimal K-type p. G = KP ,and Since (V) K P= [(60 KM M) 0 K M ,we ® ] Set have P0 = M*AN. 178. Suppose y c K. plicity Of y By Frobenius reciprocity, the multi- Kis the dimension of in 01 (((6 Hom 0 6 y) . It follows easily from the discussion preceding the definition of K. Suppose SK contains a weight ( exactly once in Then y 0 61. By Lemma 6.3, y of weights (( ,*). containing [ 6 . type. L . 61 Recall that Since Q is a sum Consider the subspace under F, and thus a weight [/,/]A Q y 2-2p(1f ri) 2p(n a )+2p(71 k) type is a small is the weight y 2+2p(T n k)I is also 22 Definition 5.3 now implies (writing jvj2 = <v,v>) of a one dimensional A small. + Q, where the highest weight of some C2 with occurs. =(YY2) This must contain elements transforming according to (El,(2), occurs which restricts to -i of positive roots supported on of p that M 0 K-type occurring in the highest weight of some 6 y Tr 6 I+2p(nnk) ! (**) equality holds iff associated to module, + ~ +2 p(A 2~ I2 E -2p(i7tp) p 2 -2 p (17ng ). 2p(nV) I + 2p(A+(9nk) = 2 P 2~r4 2 is a small [ ,]O Of course 2 pc I- so we have +2p(A+(1~ -type 12; 179. y+2pc 2 [y 2 + 1+2pc c +2pc~ 2 c2 t 2 > y1+Q+2pcit12 + Ii2+2pc + S +2pc 2 12 2 y2 +2pc It-I I y||. = The first inequality is obvious; the second is (**); and the third is just the fact that + the definition of A .) y= (E Suppose equality holds. Q = 0; and C 2 -2p(7ng ) I); [$,Q] A A type associated to y _ y; so <Qy+2p c> > 0 y (recall Te Then is a small P2 -2p(r/cD ). is in fact the minimal K-type. By 6.1 (ii), This completes the proof of Theorem 6.2. We note for future reference a corollary to the proof. If X is an arbitrary Harish-Chandra module, the k-type y Ily| of X is called small in X if A-types of X. of are the various i') is minimal among the Then the proof shows that the small k-types (y 1,y2 ), where dominant, and y 2 -2p(r(p) It- associated to y 2 -2p(I a) I (pl'y 2 ) is is a small [1,e]AA -type ; one need only check that these actually occur (in fact with multiplicity one), which is left to the reader. that the small Modulo Conjecture 4.2, it follows k-types of an arbitrary irreducible X 180. occur with multiplicity one. least, and rr When G is linear, at is tempered, it seems to be possible to show (using Corollary 6.7 below) that every constituent of 'rr contains a small K-type; in particular that every constituent occurs with multiplicity one (which was proved by Knapp [12].) I hope to pursue this matter in a later paper. Our next goal is to relate the classification of Theorem 6.2 to that of Langlands ([17]), describe. Langlands assumes that G which we now is linear, but this is almost certainly unnecessary for the results we will quote. Let P = MAN be a Langlands decomposition of an arbitrary parabolic subgroup of G. Let 6 c M irreducible tempered representation, and let arbitrary. I' = Ind 6 0 v. 60V PtG Put one finds that if M'A' = MA, P' P I60v then be an v e A be By computing characters, is any other parabolic with P' and I have equivalent com60v position series. Definition 6. 4 V Re <v,a> > 0; it Theorem 6'. 5 e A is dominant if for every root a.of A in N, is strictly dominant if (Langlands [17]). Suppose Re <v,a> > 0. G1 is linear, 181. P is as above, and v c A is strictly dominant. is a cyclic module. such a j denote the unique Then every irreducible quasisimple irreducible quotient. is infinitesimally equivalent to G representation of Let Then J 60 ; the conjugacy class of (mA, 6®v) Langlands does not state explicitly that is unique. J60V is cyclic; the observation that this follows immediately from the proof of Lemma 3.13 of [17] is due to Milicic. Suppose is dominant. see that there is a parabolic induction from P' to P The case Re v = 0 amounts In general, it is easy to a unitary character. v to v P'2 P, so that the is unitary (say and v' is strictly dominant. Unitary Ind (60v) = 6'0v') PtP' induction preserves temperedness, so 6' is tempered. As such it splits into finitely many irreducible constituents 6 ... 6r which are tempered. Using this construction, one easily deduces the following corollary of Theorem 6.2. Corollary 6.6. Suppose Conjecture 4.2 holds for G. Let T be an irreducible representation with minimal K-type p. Then there is a parabolic P = MAN, a tempered irreducible representation 6 e M, and a strictly dominant character v c A, so that I6 has minimal K-type p, which occurs with multiplicity one; and if we let JP60V denote the 182. unique subquotient containing yp, then ~P simally equivalent to Jv ir 1is infinite- Combining this with Theorem 6.5, we obtain Corollary 6.7. G Suppose Conjecture 4.2 holds for G. above, i.e. with v is linear, and that MAN, Let P strictly dominant. Then the minimal K-type of Ind 6 0 v PtG Proof. 6', and v be as J 60v = J 60v ; is cyclic. There are only finitely many (non-conjugate) P', 6', v' so that character as Id6V. JP' ~P' J'tv'= a 6 '0 '. I' 'v has the same central We claim that for each of these, This is proved by downward induction (with respect to the ordering of section 4) on the minimal K-type y ' of :t irreducible subquotient of contain p'. ' v 6''. I J 6 'Ov, , , is maximal, every must (by Corollary 6.6) y' occurs with is irreducible; so In general, suppose that ' Then the minimal K-type y' of J6'O' is greater than p '. = I6,0v, p' By Corollary 6.6 again, multiplicity one, so J6 If Applying Corollary 6.6 to we see that J6 '®O' is infinitesimally 183. equivalent to J, which is inductive hypothesis. just J , V,, by But this contradicts the uniqueness statement of Theorem 6.5, and completes the induction. Corollary 6.7 is of course full of possibilities. For example, using the fact that every discrete series representation is a quotient of some principal series (see [14]), one can get Casselman's theorem that any representation is a quotient of some principal series ([3]). Of course this proof uses Conjecture 4.2, is confined to linear groups, and is much harder than Casselman's argument; but one gets more specific information about which principal series to choose, as well as generalizations. later paper. All of this will be pursued in a QED. 184. Bibliography i. I. N. Bernstein, I. M. Gelfand, and S. I. Gelfand, "Models of representations of compact Lie groups," Funk. Anal. Pril. 9 (1975) No. 4, 61-62. 2. H. Cartan and S. Eilenberg, Homological Algebra, Princeton University Press (1956). 3. W. Casselman, "The differential equations satisfied by matrix coefficients," manuscript. 4. W. Casselman and M. S. Osborne, "The 77-cohomology of representations with an infinitesimal character," manuscript. 5. Chevalley, Theory of Lie Groups, Princeton University Press (1946). 6. T. H. Enright,' "Irreducibility of the fundamental series of a semisimple Lie group," forthcoming manuscript. 7. T. J. Enright and V. S. Varadarajan, "On an infinitesimal characterization of the discrete series," Ann. of Math., V to appear. 8. H. Hecht and W. Schmid, "A proof of Blattner' s conjecture," Inv. Math. 31 (1975), 129-154. 9. S. Helgason, Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces, Academic Press (1962). 10. G. 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Langlands, "On the classification of irreducible representations of real algebraic groups," mimeographed notes, Institute for Advanced Study. 18. J. Lepowsky, "Algebraic results on representations of semisimple Lie groups," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 176 (1973) , 1-44. 186. 19. J. Lepowsky, "Representations of semisimple Lie groups and an enveloping algebra decomposition," thesis, MIT (1970). 20. J. Lepowsky and G. W. McCollum, "On the cetermination of irreducible modules by restriction to a subalgebra," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 176 (1973), 45-57. 21. K. R. Parthasarathy, R. R. Rao, and V. S. Varadarajan, "Representations of complex semisimple Lie groups and Lie algebras," Ann. of Math. (2) 85 (1967), 383-429. 22. W. Schmid, "On the characters of the discrete series (the Hermitian symmetric case)," Inv. Math. 30 (1975), 47-144. 23. W. Schmid, "Some properties of square-integrable representations of semisimple Lie groups," Ann. of Math., to appear. 24. N. Wallach, "On the Enright, Varadarajan modules: a construction of the discrete series," Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup., to appear. 25. G. Warner, Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups I, Springer-Verlag (1972). 187. Biographical Note David Vogan was born in Mercer, Pennsylvania on September 8, 1954. He attended public schools in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. Beginning in 1971 he attended the University of Chicago, receiving an A.B. with honors and an S.M. in mathematics in June, 1974. Since then he has been a graduate student at MIT, supported by a National Science Foundation fellowship. In September, 1976 he will begin a one year appointment as an instructor at MIT.