Consequences of Spatial Organization of Cellular Connections on Action Potential Propagation E LIZABETH D OMAN AND J AMES P. K EENER University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Motivation Continuous Approximation Cells in the ventricular myocardium are excitable, enabling the propagation of action potentials. This causes the cells to contract, which is how the heart pumps blood. On the cellular level, propagation from one cell to another is not smooth, but rather jumpy with an average time delay of seconds [1]. 80 Tissue architecture on the cellular level plays an important role in producing the reliable smooth wave fronts which are observed on the macroscopic level. ? The spatial organization of gap junctional connections is one characteristic of the tissue architecture. In particular, ventricular myocardial cells are each coupled to 11.3 2.2 neighboring cells via gap junction channels [4]. Therefore, wave fronts of excitation have many opportunities to propagate through connections in all directions. Questions: How does the spatial organization of cellular connections via gap junction channels affect propagation on the macroscopic level? In particular, what are the benefits of being coupled to other cells? Does this spatial organization make propagation failure less likely? 11 Model Question x be length of a cell Let Identify un Recall: The parameter reflects the spatial organization of cellular connections. Note: For each , there exists a cg such that cg (t) = U (nx; t) and vn (t) = U ((n + 12 )x; t) ? Is there some 0 < < 1 for which propagation failure is the least likely? ? How does cg depend on ? Assuming that U (x; t) is a smooth function, we Taylor expand about x to get, @U = c (1 , 3 )x2 @ 2 U +f (U ) 4 @t g @x2 R ve If vr f (U ) > 0 and vth < 12 , (The Bistable Equation [2]) then there is a unique traveling wave solution U cg implies propagation failure. Results cg* as a function of α (), with U (,1) = ve and U (1) = vr q p , q The speed of the traveling wave is c = 2 12 , vth cg (1 , 34 )x2 / 1 , 34 ? = 1 ) speed / 1 ? = 0 ) speed / 1=2 0.002572 Speed of Propagation 1 Un-1 Un 0.002552 Un+1 α 1−α 0 0.5 Vn-1 Vn dun = c (1 , )(u , 2u + u ) + c (v , 2u + v ) + f (u ) g n+1 n n,1 g n n n,1 n dt dvn = c (1 , )(u , 2v + u ) + c (v , 2v + v ) + f (v ) g n+1 n n g n+1 n n,1 n dt un = membrane potential of the n cell in the top row vn = membrane potential of the nth cell in the bottom row 0 0.1 0.2 Notice: Propagation will fail only if cg = the fraction of gap junctions making diagonal connections cg = coupling term quantifying the strength of the connections f = generic dynamics for an excitable cell with no recovery 0.3 0.4 0.5 α 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Membrane Potential, φ 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0.6 Behavior 0.8 Membrane Potential Membrane Potential 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.6 0 5 10 15 0.4 top row bottom row 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time 2 2.5 top row bottom row 0.1 3 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Time = 1 implies twice the cells, taking twice the time to cover the same distance as = 0 3 25 traveling wave solution ) propagation 0.9 1 = 0 and = 1, with cubic f (), where vr = 0, ve = 1, and 0 < vth < 12 For the single strand cases, What happens to propagation when certain cells are systematically “knocked out”? Propagation in the lateral direction? pv2 ,3v 2vth2 ,vth+2,2(vth+1) 4 25 ? for vth = 0:1 =) 0:00250 < cg < 0:00265 cg where cg > 0 30 What are the implications of using a bidomain rather than a monodomain model? Take a closer look at the mechanisms of propagation from one cell to another? 35 ? how about using different membrane dynamics, f ()? References cg where, < cg < Notice: Propagation will fail for cg What are the effects of more complicated lattice structures? ? propagation in the absence of gap junction channels? ? electric field effect? ? spatial localization of ion channels? standing wave solution ) propagation failure 2 vth 0.3 20 Cells it can be shown [3] that propagation will fail for cg 0.5 0.2 0.1 0 α=0 ⇒ Propagation Through Two Single Strands 0.8 0.8 ? maybe even a three dimensional model? Cells 0.9 0.7 ? a different way to induce propagation failure? 0.8 0.2 0 1 0.6 ? more connections, different patterns? ? perhaps some type of random organization? 1 Membrane Potential Membrane Potential ve Initial Conditions Solution at Time T 1 α=1 ⇒ Propagation Through One Single Strand α Future Work Standing Wave Solution Initial Conditions Solution at Time T 1 0.5 ! There is not symmetry about = 12 ? Question: If a region of cells is excited, will excitation propagate through the tissue? vth 0.4 ! It is beneficial to have some connections in each direction. 1 =0 Traveling Wave Solution 0 0.3 Discrete System f(φ)=−(φ−vr)(φ−vth)(φ−ve) vr 0.2 ! cg is the same for = 1 and = 0. 0 th 0 0.1 Vn+1 th th +1 [1] Fast V.G. Kleber A.G. Microscopic conduction in cultured strands of neonatal rat heart cells measured with voltage sensitive dyes. Circulation Research, 73:914–925, 1993. [2] Keener J.P. Sneyd J. Mathematical Physiology, chapter 9. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 1998. [3] Keener J.P. Propagation and its failure in coupled systems of discrete excitable cells. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 47(3):556–572, June 1987. [4] Saffitz J.E. Green K.G. Schuessler R.B. Structural determinants of slow conduction in the canine sinus node. J. Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 8:738–744, 1997.