AA Roundup – 10/24/2013 Travel Review: Forms

AA Roundup – 10/24/2013
Travel Review: Forms
Travel Office Contacts
 Maricarmen Ramirez
 mramirez@southtexascollege.edu
 Vanessa Limon
 vlimon2@southtexascollege.edu
 Jeanette Villarreal
 Jvillarreal_0597@southtexascollege.edu
Link to Travel Guidelines
Travel Forms
 Direct Deposit Authorization Form (BO-5200)
 Travel Authorization (BO-0600)
 Travel Voucher (BO-0500) – Trip
 Employee In District Mileage Reimbursement and Authorization Form (BO-6200)
 Travel Voucher (BO-0500) - Mileage
 Mileage Log (BO-0400)
 Standard Mileage Method Form (BO-6800)
 Mileage Chart
 AP Check Cycle Calendar
 FY2014 Out of State Per Diem
*Forms are available on the Business Office web page.
Direct Deposit Authorization
Form (BO-5200)
Section 1
 Transaction Type – make sure to select the correct option. If form is being
submitted for the first time the “New setup” option would be selected.
Section 2
 Payee ID – make sure to include the employee’s A number.
Section 3
 Authorization - must be signed and dated by employee requesting Direct
Section 4
 Financial Institution – employee may have a Bank representative complete this
section, or employee may complete it (attach a voided check).
Section 5
 Cancellation - for Business Office use only.
Contact information
 Must be completed by Employee – employee will receive a notification to the
email address provided every time a reimbursement is processed for the
Travel Authorization(BO-0600)
•Department prepares travel authorization form and makes proper reservations.
•Complete form including the following information : Employee name, A # and title,
departure and returning time and date, purpose of travel, organization number, attached
invitation or conference agenda.
•Airfare Reservation – Contact Shands Brook Travel.
•Car Rental – Requires an online requisition.
•Registration – Attach registration form or confirmation number if registered on-line.
•Per Diem – 80% of meals is advanced to employee (note: if any meals are included in price
of registration reduce that amount from the daily per diem total).
•Lodging – 100% payable to the vendor (please provide hotel address and confirmation
number - emailed confirmation from hotel is preferred).
•Mileage – 100% is paid to the traveler (employee) if a copy of their valid TX driver’s license
and insurance card showing employee’s name is on file with the Travel Office.
Insurance coverage dates must fall within the travel dates.
•Original Signatures- Employee and Supervisor/Financial Manager always required
Division Vice President (out of state travel)
Division Vice President and President (Mexico or Canada)
President and Travel Committee Recommendation (Countries other than Mexico or
Travel Authorization
1. Submit complete form to Business Office at least 15 business days
prior to travel (keep registration deadlines in mind).
2. Travel must be itemized on budget – if not, attach a justification
memo with Financial Manager and Division Vice President approval.
3. Checks for registration and lodging are mailed according to
specifications – if overnight delivery is required, provide physical
4. Per diem checks are processed prior to the trip dates. Please
contact the Travel Office for inquires.
5. Per Diem Rate: In-state $30 per day- Breakfast $6, Lunch $9,
Dinner $15.
6. For out of state rates refer to Business Office webpage travel
Travel Voucher
(BO-0500) - Trip
1. Complete form including employee name, A # and address, organization number, travel
dates and destination, and description of the trip.
2. Verify that budget is available in travel -730000 and direct expenditures – 710000 (fuel and
registration reimbursements) – FGIBAVL.
3. If employee is requesting reimbursement for membership fees, include a completed
Institutional Membership Approval Form (BO-8400) and attach it to the voucher (make sure
to include beginning and ending dates of the membership).
4. Submit original receipts for authorized expenses: Airfare boarding passes, car rental, hotel,
taxi, tolls, regular parking (a justification must accompany valet parking receipts), etc.
5. Meal receipts are not required.
6. If original receipts are not available, please submit copies approved by Financial Manager
7. Signatures: Employee and Financial Manager always required
Vice President (out of state travel)
President (Out of the U.S.)
President and Travel Committee Recommendation (Countries other than Mexico or
Travel Voucher
(BO-0500) – Trip
8. If money is owed to STC, deposit funds within 3 working days at Cashiers
Office and attach cashier receipts to the travel voucher.
9. The complete voucher must be submitted to the Business Office within 15
working days after returning from the trip.
10. If amount is owed to employee, a check will be issued by the Business
Office and mailed to the employee’s mailing address. We encourage
employees Recommendation: Enroll in the Vendor Direct Deposit
11. If travel is cancelled, it is the department’s responsibility to cancel
lodging, registration, airfare and car rental reservations. Notify the
Business Office via email or department memo approved by Financial
Manager. Reminder: Employee must use the airfare credit within a year.
12. If employee returns early from a trip, submit justification for early
departure and adjust any per diem given in advance. Financial Manager
should determine if the employee should pay for any fees related to early
departure such as (airfare adjustments, hotel early departure fee, etc.).
Employee In-District Mileage
Reimbursement And Authorization Form
1. This form must be completed prior to the Employee traveling on College business between
campuses or within district (Hidalgo and Starr Counties).
2. Department completes form including employee’s name and designated home base,
organization number and estimated miles per semester or fiscal year and submits with
original signature approvals.
3. Submit form at the beginning of each semester for faculty. All other employees must
submit the authorization form at the beginning of the fiscal year.
4. Complete a travel voucher and a mileage log every time employee requests mileage
5. Mileage log should be attached to the travel voucher complete with travel dates,
destination, number of miles and purpose of travel.
6. Vehicle odometer readings should be used when locations are not available in the STC
mileage chart (MapQuest will be accepted with exact address locations).
Mileage chart (website)
Odometer readings
Map Quest
Employee In-District Mileage
Reimbursement And Authorization Form
(BO-6200) (Continued)
Standard Mileage Method form must be completed if travel begins or ends
at a location other than home base.
Total miles traveled must exceed 10 miles a day in order for mileage
reimbursement to be processed.
Exceptions must be approved by the Division Vice President.
10. All conferences or out of District travel requires a Travel Authorization.
11. Mileage reimbursement checks will be mailed to the employee’s mailing
12. We encourage employee’s to enroll in the Accounts Payable direct deposit
Travel Voucher
(BO-0500) – Mileage
1. Complete form including employee’s name, A # and correct mailing address, organization
number and travel dates
2. Verify that budget is available in travel expenditures (73xxxx) - FGIBAVL
3. Attach following forms to Travel voucher
 Mileage Log (BO-0400) – Original approval signatures
 Class teaching schedules (faculty only)
 High school calendar (faculty only)
 SMM Form (BO-6800) (if needed)
a. MapQuest copies for locations not on Mileage chart
4. Exceptions must be approved by Division VP
 Less than 10 miles per day
 Weekend travel
 Travel on a date when college is closed (Spring Break, Christmas Break & etc)
5. Original Approval Signatures: Employee, Supervisor and Financial Manager always required
on all forms (voucher, mileage log and SMM)
 Complete your mileage log including employee name, A#, date,
title, department and home base.
 Travel Dates should fall within STC business days. Exceptions such
as weekends require VP approval.
 All trips must include travel dates, destination (from – to),
odometer readings, MapQuest if destinations is not in mileage
 Include Organization code.
 Original approval signatures – employee, supervisor, Financial
Manager and Division Vice President (if needed).
FORM (BO-6800)
Form should be completed when employee’s first or last
destination point is not their home base. Attach form to the
Employee In-District Travel Authorization and
Reimbursement Form or to the Travel Voucher.
Pecan Campus
Example 1
2 Miles
7 Miles
2 Miles
7 Miles
NAH (Home Base)
Example: Employee A’s normal commute (residence to home base) is 16 miles
round trip and home base NAH campus.
On day one, Employee A, travels from home to the Pecan Campus(2 miles), then
travels to NAH Campus, home base, (7 miles), then to Pecan Campus (7 miles)
and then to residence (2 miles).
Total Mileage Reimbursement: 2 miles
Total daily mileage traveled:
18 miles
Normal Commute (round trip)
16 miles
Miles reimbursed:
02 miles
Pecan Campus
Example 2
2 Miles
7 Miles
8 Miles
NAH (Home Base)
Example: Employee A’s normal commute (residence to home base) is 16 miles
round trip and home base is NAH campus.
On day two, Employee A, travels from home to the NAH Campus, home base (8
miles), then travels to Pecan Campus (7 miles), then to residence (2 miles).
Total Mileage Reimbursement: 1 miles
Total daily mileage traveled:
17 miles
Normal Commute (round trip)
16 miles
Miles reimbursed:
01 miles
Pecan Campus
Example 3
10 Miles
54 Miles
10 Miles
54 Miles
Starr (Home Base)
Example: Employee A’s normal commute (residence to home base) is 116 miles
round trip and home base is Starr County campus.
On day three, Employee A, travels from home to the Pecan Campus(10 miles),
then travels to Starr Campus, home base, (54 miles), then to Pecan Campus (54
miles) and then to residence (10 miles).
Total Mileage Reimbursement: 12 miles
Total daily mileage traveled:
128 miles
Normal Commute (round trip)
116 miles
Miles reimbursed:
12 miles
Other forms available
 Mileage Chart
 FY 2014 Per Diem rates
 AP Check cycle calendar
 Travel Guidelines
 Signatures needed on all forms?
 Deadline to submit travel authorizations?
 When submitting mileage and beginning or ending
location is not home base – what form is used?
 When should the travel voucher be submitted upon
return from a trip?
 If an employee owes the college – when is the
 Employee travels to a conference at UTPA – is mileage
posted on the mileage log?
 If Employee travels from home to Pecan, then Starr
(home base), then back to home – do they need an
 If an employee travels from home to Starr (home base)
to Pecan, back to Starr, then home – do they need an
 What is considered travel within district?
 What if the paperwork is not filled out properly, or back
up is missing?
Mileage Questions
Employee (home base Tech Center) will be attending weekly staff meetings at Pecan twice a
month among other travel as needed.
What forms are needed?
Employee (home base Pecan) will be teaching classes at Valley View High School.
What forms are needed?
Employee (home base Mid Valley) will be teaching classes at Valley View High School and
one day a week will leave from their house.
What forms are needed?
Employee (home base Starr Campus) will be teaching classes at Rio Grande City H.S.
What forms are needed?
Banner Forms
 FGIBAVL (Budget available for Fund/Org)
 FGITRND (detail activity for Fund/Org)
 FGIENCD (Mileage Encumbrance balance)
 FAIVNDH (Employee payment history)
FGITRND – Detail Transaction Activity
Enter any of the Fund,
organization, and/or account
to check detail on FOAPAL
Next Block
F8 to view info
FAIVNDH – Vendor History
travel should see: 100906DALLAS
approved for payment
Enter employee
Next Block
check due to print
date of check
check already printed
FGIBAVL – Budget Available
FGIENCD – Encumbrance Balance
Scenario 1 – Travel
Authorization (In State)
Employee traveling to Dallas for TASB conference held Friday
8am 3/21/14 – Monday 5pm 3/24/14.
Registration $150.00 – early bird registration due 12/13/13 –
send overnight – Conference offers lunch 3/21, 3/22, 3/23,
Flight $409.60 MFE 2:25pm – DFW 3/20/14 6:40pm, DFW
9:06am – MFE 2:00pm 3/25/14 (no flights on 3/24 after
Your fund, Org, Org name.
Lodging - $85.00/night + 6% city tax $5.10 = $90.10/night x
5 nights= $450.50 – accepts checks 2 weeks in advance –
mail – offers continental breakfast – will not be able to have
breakfast at hotel on 3/25 due to flight time.
Per Diem $90 total. 80% = $72.00.
Travel Voucher – Trip 1
 Return from Dallas.
 4/1/13 filled out Travel voucher and attached following receipts:
 Taxi to and from Conference hotel dated 3/20, 3/25
 Baggage receipts dated 3/20, 3/25 $50.00.
 Lodging folio showing 5 nights at $85/night + $5.10/night
city taxes, plus 3 room service dinner meals at $18.00
 Boarding passes for MFE – Houston- DFW on 3/20.
 Boarding passes for Houston to MFE on 3/25 (DFW-Houston
Boarding pass misplaced).
 Registration receipt.
Scenario 2 – Travel
Authorization (Out of State)
Employee traveling to New Orleans for IRA conference held Saturday
8am 5/10/14 – Monday 5pm 5/12/14 – preconference Friday 5/9 –
noon – 5pm – Employee only attending conference.
Registration $150.00 – early bird registration due 1/1/2014 – send
overnight – Conference offers lunch 5/10, 5/11, 5/12.
Flight $ 565.95 MFE 2:25pm – New Orleans 5/6/14 6:40pm, New
Orleans 9:06am – MFE 2:00pm 5/13/14 – Vacation 5/6 – 5/9
You are submitting a comparison airfare quote for 5/9 – 5/13 and
the flight is $50 less
Your fund, Org, Org name
Lodging - $165.00/night + 9% city tax $14.85 = $179.85/night x 3
nights= $539.55 – accepts checks 1 month in advance – mail – offers
continental breakfast – will not be able to have breakfast at hotel on
5/12 due to flight time
Per Diem $142.00 total. 80% = $113.60
Travel Voucher – Trip 2
 Return from New Orleans
 5/15/13 filled out Travel voucher and attached following
 Taxi to and from Conference hotel dated 5/6 (airport to
hotel) $30,5/7 $45, 5/8 $50, 5/9 $75, 5/12 (hotel to
airport) $30
 Baggage receipts dated 5/6, 5/12 $50.00
 Lodging folio showing 3 nights at $165/night +
$14.85/night city taxes, internet service $25.00 on 5/9/14
 All Boarding passes for 5/6/14 and 5/12/14
 Registration receipt