Summary for §8.5 - §8.8 Math 1321 (Qinghai Zhang) (m) Lemma 5. ∀m = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n, Rn (a) = 0. This week we applied the idea of “approximation with increasing accuracies” to functions. 1 2013-JAN-18 Theorem 6. Let Tn be the nth Taylor polynomial for f (x) at a. Power series lim Rn (x) = 0 ⇔ f (x) = lim Tn (x). n→∞ n→∞ (8) Definition 1. A power series centered at a is a series of Theorem 7 (Rolle’s). If a function f : R → R satisfies the form ∞ X (i) f is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b), p(x) = cn (x − a)n , (1) (ii) f (a) = f (b), n=0 where cn ’s are called the coefficients. The interval of then ∃x ∈ (a, b) s.t. f 0 (x) = 0. convergence is the set of x values for which the series Theorem 8 (Taylor’s theorem - Lagrangian form). Conconverges: sider a function f : R → R. If f (n+1) (x) exists on the Ic (f ) = {x | f (x) converges}. (2) interval I = (a − d, a + d), and f (n) (x) is continuous on Theorem 2 (interval of convergence). There are only [a − d, a + d], then ∀x ∈ I, ∃y ∈ I s.t. three possibilities P∞ for the interval of convergence of a f (n+1) (y) power series n=0 cn (x − a)n : (x − a)n+1 . (9) Rn (x) = (n + 1)! (i) Ic = {a}, Proof. For any fixed x 6= a, ∃M s.t. (ii) Ic = (−∞, +∞), M (x − a)n+1 Rn (x) = f (x) − Tn (x) = . (10) (iii) Ic = (a − R, a + R) or [a − R, a + R) or (a − R, a + R] (n + 1)! or [a − R, a + R]. Consider function R is called the Radius of convergence. R = 0, +∞ for M (t − a)n+1 cases (i) & (ii), respectively. g(t) = Rn (t) − . (n + 1)! Theorem 3 (Term-by-term differentiation and integraP∞ tion). If f (x) = n=0 cn (x − a)n has radius of conver- By Lemma 5, g(a) = 0 and g (k) (a) = 0 for k = 0, 1, . . . , n. gence R > 0, then f (x) is differentiable on (a − R, a + R). Also, g(x) = 0 by (10). By Rolle’s theorem, ∞ X ∃x1 ∈ (a, x) s.t. g 0 (x1 ) = 0. ncn (x − a)n−1 , (3) f 0 (x) = n=0 If x < a, change (a, x) above to (x, a). Similarly, Z ∞ X (x − a)n+1 ∃x2 ∈ (a, x1 ) s.t. g (2) (x2 ) = 0. . (4) f (x)dx = C + cn n + 1 n=0 Repeatedly using Rolle’s theorem, Furthermore, the radii of convergence of both f 0 (x) and R ∃xn+1 ∈ (a, xn ) s.t. g (n+1) (xn+1 ) = 0. (11) f (x)dx are R. (n+1) 2 Since Tn (t) = 0, g (n+1) (t) = M − f (n+1) (t). (11) completes the proof by showing the existence of y with y = xn+1 . Taylor Series Definition 4. Consider a function f : (a−R, a+R) → R with R > 0. If f (n) (x) exists at x = a, then Tn (x) = n X f (k) (a) k=0 k! (x − a)k The proof is optional, but I hope you find it elegant. Theorem 9 (Taylor’s inequality). If ∃M < ∞ s.t. ∀x ∈ (5) [a − d, a + d], f (n+1) (x) ≤ M , then ∀x ∈ [a − d, a + d], |Rn (x)| ≤ is called the nth Taylor polynomial for f (x) at a. ∞ X f (k) (a) M |x − a|n+1 . (n + 1)! (12) (6) Consequently f (x) = limn→∞ Tn . k=0 Theorem 10 (The Binomial Series). ∀k ∈ R, |x| < 1, is called the Taylor series for f (x) at a. The remainder ∞ ∞ Qn−1 X X k n k i=0 (k − i) n of Tn in approximating f (x) is (1 + x) = x =1+ x (13) n n! n=0 n=1 Rn (x) = f (x) − Tn (x). (7) lim Tn (x) = n→∞ k! (x − a)k 1