Page SOME IMPRESSIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT by MICHAEL DAVID SORKIN B.A., University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois June 1969 M.A., Columbia University New York, New York June 1971 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MATER OF ARCHITECTURE AT MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1984 [c] Michael David Sorkin 1984 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of /this thesis document in whole or in part. Signatureofauthor Michael Sorkin, Department of'Archit4Ettre May 8, 1984 Certifiedby Imre Halasz, Prof. of Architecture, Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Rosemary Grimshaw, Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students OF rECOLOQy JUN 1 1984 LIBRARIE3 ,s #1 Page #2 Some Impressions of the Department by Michael David Sorkin Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 8, 1984 in partial fulfillment of the requiements for the Degree of Master of Architecture ABSTRACT This thesis comprises a series of impressions of the Department of Architecture, garnered after a long absence from M.I.T. These impressions are meant as an intervention in the Department's current self-analysis and debate over the future of architectural education. Comments are drawn from the experience of several visits, from discussions with students and faculty, and from a reading of a number of the texts produced as part of the on-going process of curricular review. Additional commentary is provided on the author's sense of the portrait of the Department currently dominant in the profession generally. Finally, a number of suggestions as to possible futures for the Department are provided. Thesis Supervisor: Imre Halasz Title: Professor of Architecture Page #3 Table of Contents How I Came to Go to MIT...................................4 Looking Back At It ........................................11 Another Perspective A Visit to MIT............... ........................................ 12 ...................... 19 A Reading Of A Departmental Text..........................25 What Is To Be Done?.......................................29 E nvoi........................................... ...................................... 32 Page #4 This paper is no more than a series of impressions as - fragments Department recent of several of It's in some senses, it deals mainly with traditional documentary of the views, in Depa-rtment friendly a In stands apart it from the evidences of curricular review or this By contrast, academic examination. as the constitution of the this regard, In meant current self-analysis. the Department's intervention Department's image. I've had with the encounters Architecture. presented highly form. filtered are These my or even the verification unbuttressed by statistical a view a memoir, is vaguer forms of consensus. How I Came To Go To MIT Since this is a origins. When decisions about memoir, I was where included MIT among my standard choices, sent Pennsylvania. I chose for "Harvard" and at to begin with undergraduate apply to a in architecture was Harvard, admitted a number some sort of to all of these reasons: cultural making my school, I of the Besides MIT, I Columbia, of of it was one applications because to tale short 1968, one to the "top schools." applications Harvard an I'll Yale, schools. because epicenter; it because and I was of Cambridge which seemed an experience not to be missed; because I had a high-school friend who was there and urged it on me; Page #5 and because the head University of Chicago friendly of the first year program was a graduate and presented the school as to the life of the mind. All of these reasons were essentially peripheral to questions of architecture. In addition, disincentives my choices provided by the Philadelphia and Yale in me as were aided other New Haven, utterly uninhabitable. by schools. a number Penn was in two localities Columbia of that stuck I never really considered, in part because of discouragement from people I knew there, in part because of its then relatively undistinguished reputation, in part because I was on the point of deciding to delay going to architecture graduate studies Columbia where really being in a I'd literature gotten the running. technical thought that liberal in the arts school. fellowship. at MIT was never because I was daunted by it's This both in campus atmosphere would type like to pursue and had chosen to do this a plush First, school myself and in the sense that be uncongenial to I a that I was worried that the architecture curriculum would unduly stress scientific subjects which I was loathe to pursue. who had been active MIT seemed, in politically in Finally, college the phrase of the times, as someone days and before, to be the belly of the monster, rife with war research and repressive attitudes. Page #6 So I went to Harvard and hated it almost immediately. first arrived When I I was not out of sympathy with the general line of the place, the deracinated CIAM vision that stood in for any measured architecture its familiar with with and graduate years. was adept kind at that were of thought and saw the locus of analysis during of my I had become undergraduate and characteristic of my previous What shocked me immediately on arriving at the the to - me - grotesquely discourse that was proffered. faculty art I I also instinctively associated the academic setting and norms experience. the days. those as primarily a social disciplines G.S.D. in ideology low level of the Equally, I was shocked that the with which I was having contact was so consistently intellectually underequipped. What passed for analysis seemed to me to be a scandal. The degraded intellectual pervasive. history The theory course was nothing of the kind; course structures was disorganized jokes; was in conducted a necessary and as (I'd chronological chore incompetent, the the sociology was vulgar. were hardly inspiring: Wright base of the school appeared all but the the litany; teaching instructor the butt was of The heroes of the school Sert was venerated while Frank Lloyd lived for two years next to Robie House and had it the blood) was a pariah. Studio was simply a summary of Page #7 were Formal criteria these attitudes. forced discussion back on bankrupt models. held my teachers less read and no authority. conscious Not than I of absent which largely I was in only were the a rage, they seemingly non-graphic components of the architectural discourse, they were no designers, had no More, they seemed too young, as work, no position about work. a group, for their positions. I'd been accustomed to and accepting of the hierarchies of expertise in great liberal arts institutions and expected that these criteria were valid as well at harvard (where never seemingly at belonging the self-congratulation ceased.) The grew experience ever more loathsome and I grew ever more obnoxious. Many of us that year MIT presented itself as the alternative. cross-registered for a variety of courses (which was difficult given Harvard's discovery thing. of an prescribed alternative proved to the simple be a breath-taking Once inside the doors of the place, I quickly realized ideas about MIT were unfounded. a number of my initial that curriculum) and wasn't overwhelmingly The orientation species of seemed idiosyncracy to technical, a certain thrive, and the social outlook of the place - especially in the Planning Department was - in large measure - sympathetic. My fears about the Institute as a whole were also assuaged by the discovery of an old friend who was then a student in the Linguistics Page #8 whose tone Department, - bracing both intellectually I resolved almost immediately and politically. switch - I found even initiating inquiries in first My resolve was strengthened year. late for that my to make the too semester, the end come of academic year when my instructors at Harvard made it clear was no longer wanted around there. to me that I During my MIT years - enjoyable which were of reasons. for a number probably Certainly, I never was at the school and missed out with a "class" able to identify on some of the solidarity that seems so essential architectural identifications and Department me from away as myself a the I also studio. student were with the Planning axis an orientation which tended instruction, architectural my main historical/theoretical the with school the within a part of As I mentioned earlier, education. in identification outside MIT. those had some years trouble and had get it) with little conference participation of to push seeing strong Indeed, one of my main activities during one year was organizing a Radical Environmental (REDs, I This never quite escaped the feeling of not quite fitting in. was - in the main which was held in by it. Design the Department but All of which is to say that my orientation within the profession of architecture, which tended years. to deemphasize design, was retained throughout my MIT Page #9 One of the reasons for this, resistance this (I now I think, was the small degree of believe) myopic view met at MIT. Although more sympathetically, architectural design was still held answerable Indeed, idea - at the activity about seemed - - levels to some sort This is not of physical design was altogether ignored, simply that there to me at I test. sort to say that the - any rate to be a tacit prior, always invocable question. adepts, of social of design was infused with this purpose. component of all felt comfortable acknowledgment of a As one of the question's manipulating it. It was not until some years later that I came to see these manipulations as evasions of something very fundamental as well. Of course, I overstated and distorted any means aim to imply that any design ethos. MIT was, Indeed, one of the case. at that my ' I time, early, don't by barren of galvanizing experiences of MIT while I was still at Harvard, came through a classmate of mine first year studio. who was sitting in on Maurice While there was a certain Smith's attempt on the part of our instructors to portray the work that emerged as hopelessly eccentric, its made the switch myself, took. At the time, charisma shined through. Smith's studio was the first I was impressed by the rigor When I that of I the approach and stimulated by seeing issues of design treated Page #10 with such discipline. I became a partial I convert. say convert because the Smith-praxis was always suffused with a quasi-spiritual overtone, self-indulgent in manner of literary students seemed discipleship. convinced visible to fall Smith's unorthodox and expression and in naturally into the way patterns of And I say partial because I was never fully that the discipline able (beyond the level was other of pedagogy) than hermetic, to see how it all never "fit in" with the larger array of my concerns. If there was a problem with all of this Smith, his opinions, or his methods. was with the absence of ethos, other There conviction to any or was The difficulty, I think in which they were equally strongly embrace this and simply nothing comprehensiveness as design. object wasn't with Maurice situated. constituted In the design the Maurice method became isomorphic with the "MIT" method. itself context it in To my eye, on of convincing the scene in its identifying to be a "designer" at MIT meant particular ideology terms as its larger both at the level of superstructure which embraced the dominant life style at the school at the time: the bib-overalled, which seemed carpentry, to come with the rural, craft-oriented territory. found this more than I was able to swallow. manner Metropolitan me Page #11 I left MIT, if not precisely stimulating At parting there was no memory that struck me as memories. seminal then, with happy but a good number that experience was not integrated remained one of seemed constructive. by any overall fragments. This, The impression but indeed, was encountered the school during the time I was there, in part part, the I by think, school either the way I chose to in of the institution. In truth, seemed to be "about" anything, terms of some unifying polemic or even in some perceptible the idiom, a undercurrent "design" school. "technical" school, really prompted receive my education and in by the character had never vastly predisposition. school, Still, I a terms of It was not, "trade" certainly better than the I'd how or school, thought it in was a a good one I'd previously attended. Looking Back At It In the years after from a variety emblematic: I left of MIT, I've approached directions. My first architecture two jobs were one working as an architect bureaucrat for the City of New York administering/designing in a community based program to open and run a large number of day care centers for the and elderly Department firm of another as a "consultant" of the Museum of Modern Art. "advocacy" architects which had in the Design I next worked for a grown out of the Page #12 Columbia University strike of began to write regularly produced Quarter ly. So profession Then I got a job teaching on architectural at the school, the character established itself as a (currently Yale Columbia, the University of Texas, lecturing); general critic and my writing as the interiors, competitions, galleries.) relatively I offer special this situation, part Uni.on, in the practice: previously and Renssalaer plus very (for Voice); Village three for Association involvement Cooper magazines and journals, often subjects, Architectural of teaching extensive While there I Association in London. at the Architectural the journal 1968. many and professional including a long stint as and paper designing (furniture, architecture prolegomena as for evidence one that has put me in the of a touch not simply with developments in architecture and the character of its practice but with a large number of thinking about the problems and character education" has observations been continuous the schools. My of "architectural and practical and I offer my from that perspective. Another Perspective The years since I left MIT have been both a disaster and a time of replenishment for the architectural the larger social construction of profession and for the very idea of Page #13 architecture. The reinvestment of a theoretical basis for practice of such a basis) has been of the art for art's of the idea of the relevance striking. Equally motive within the deformed the landscape significantly take (or at least these developments invigorating, natural to and historic be the larger of discourse has the profession. essentially descriptions of reappearance I salubrious and absences which were endemic during the period when I was a student. However, such advances in consciousness have been balanced by other tendencies which have a far less positive import, which, indeed, in many cases have the effect of negating the positive aspects Most of the new prominently, disappearance openings to history, I've been struck the idea of of practice. This has curricular, faculty, by the almost architecture proceeded community theory, through programs, the and in the academic environment. for example, a striking growth in form. complete a social purging involvement the most manifest level and through many other transformations as and of at less schematic I've noticed, frivolous and artificially de-socialized programs in design studios. Recently, I had lunch with the Dean of the Yale School of Architecture and discussion came around to the state of the schools. After predictable exchanges about the growing trend Page #14 the major of all my companion remarked that to homogeneity, schools, the one about which he knew virtually nothing was no seeing in professional his graduates MIT recall for work spot sought-after a fairly office, applicants the among he could that fact struck by the He was particularly MIT. among oriented graduates. "design" Of course, on the one One might, remark cuts both ways. this hand, argue that MIT graduates feelingly disdain the corporate design the other - and of implication graduates were the to seemed this remark either - one conclude that MIT to enter the unmotivated Either way, however, the which strikes me as reasonably normally might $10,000 a year, extra-mural environment perception is general. be the degree in my is of products the of observations the degree to of MIT from which this Even more remarkable, though, seems to to which there's difference have institutions. me as remarkable What strikes this unspoken students who are somehow an exception to the training expectation which might one and vague On is in the fact that there is a perception that widespread - the the practice. importance of the observation - prestige, be unprepared or real world of professional MIT is product. however refined the expressive setting, resides. no sense of the Having qualities taught at a in large Page number of schools now, more, MIT it is and having been in #15 contact with many seems to me equally true of students and faculty that virtually It's a school without a reputation. institutional cachet seems to reside almost entirely in either ineffable or schools, one misinformed notions. understands, It's but one beyond Alternatively, one hears of a technical association), about "social" issues about once associated with faculty that seems especially current. the this, "good" little. reputation (guilt for (some the of form of nostalgia), school, about nothing The one exception seems to be the history/theory component of the school whose faculty seem to and be more in the "public" view whose reputation is undoubtedly advanced by the activism of the MIT Press as a source of architectural texts. I want to stress a school the that "different" from all mounting architectural seem I impute nothing negative to the idea of interchangeability education, to be a quality inclination qualities is that mindless pluralism, theoretical the others. for set it difference devoutly to a of place apart. Indeed, in view of the institutions of almost be wished. that's deliberate any sort The norm today seems an empty formalism or ethical underpinnings. would More, my about completely of own the to be a lacking Under the impact of the current maunderings of the profession, even the formal aspects Page #16 new formalism seem strikingly of this a general beyond little of rationale, want There's underdeveloped. pap of the weak mindedness. liberal in two ways. architecture schools are (and should) be known to say that is All of this by the array First schools after talking about (we're of forms with which they're associated. all) And second, by the aura which surrounds and explicates such production. formal with The tendency. and lively the else to make anything situation an outsider. stands for, seems MIT too possible. If one form and resist to from the least at only that isn't It at counts, on both classification looks is architecture within tendency can be said to be conjoined rationale, the place association simply no escaping discourse articulate architectural of There's such perspective can't pin down what one can't even begin to discern what it like. What about "Built this the MIT method? Built think that twin test For reasons I've contrived. I think, body of work actually identified. No is it's exists, persuasion - simply has visible I to the The over-riding Whether or not a invisibility. it Isn't to earlier, alluded Form has an ambivalent relationship of tendency I've just difficulty, asks. Form" an unseen interlocutor not been outside of the cogently school - Page #17 been has embrace offered may it Towns Hill Italian Japanese architecture, traditional that mind Never behalf. its on and Herman Herzberger, its coherence can hardly be adduced of Maurice's from a handful unity condemns of its basis epigrams. it, Indeed the epigrammatic very at the least, to the suspicion of eccentricity. Naturally, the counter an historical is not meant as of corpus its argument can be posed that "Built-Form" is beside the about here is a pedagogy. have some positive My sympathy. and "approach" memorable struck me as construct, that the delineation point, what we're that talking This is an argument with which I experience own in this regard: the Built-Form useful analytically both was student a as an and efficient and purposeful means of organizing the discipline of exercises. class-room It also seemed provide to But beginnings of a working method with larger possibilities. it was at this not only edge that the Built-Form "idea" grew fuzzy. offered possibilities the too incoherent situation, and it an seemed account to of delight It its in a vagueness which was not really consciousness expanding, simply vague. The fuzziness at the edge of Built-Form was (and only exacerbated by its situation within is, I think) the school. The Page #18 agenda otherness. On the one hand, but it other, the on bear to seemed always Built-Form it was the Departmental not transparently nonetheless widely held. One had the which, department. the of policy bear the taint were that while the was never the official it Built-Form ethos was sanctioned, position articulate, feeling of to a whole an exception was clearly if of norms series imprint the Built-Form always seemed gifted and like a child, of underdevelopment, to me to expressive but not really able to stand on its own. When I was at MIT there was simply no countervailing force in design. forces. were Admittedly, it was out at Harvard were no countervailing about the absence of any alternatives Department it But vision. stood in simply didn't provide indeed, alternative: the Built-Form approach seemed almost and for The knee-jerk pieties of modernism misunderstood that handed were all a bad time they and by contrast dazzling in its cogency unexamined the isolation: the the kind of alternative, kind of tension that could lead to refinement, that could give both students and apostles perspective. Although my footing in like is the situation of design education components, the observation is a little the same today. more or less at MIT seems still same array of shaky, structures it looks The core to have the same basic and influences. Page for like most relies on the sporadic presence of visiting other schools designers MIT - reasons, or economic educational for Whether #19 major its be may this While alternative. desirable at many levels, it lacks the pressure of more stable from More, alternatives. what of sequence the know, I visiting designers available at MIT seems to be a less than staggeringly charismatic forcefulness the To my mind, They must be able a paramount attraction. is of such visitors array. to offer a cogency of approach that can be made manifest and enough a within absorbed single term, an articulate that's approach experience. to be tested against the datum of earlier A Visit To MIT Recently around I've I've a bit, tried on paid two talked to to visits a number of faculty students. and these two occasions to take something of semiotic pulse of the place, just to might be able to draw from the way it for judging this I've worked of first impressions. hard to come by. struck me. think, My filters strong and of architectural a professional purveyor And the impressions I received were not The feel visible character. I I've been around a lot as a journalist, the see what inferences I sort of impression are, varied: I went to MIT, schools, prowled Department, the of the school communicates a very Page #20 hadn't changed any Familiar faces and relationships very much. were everywhere. fundamental struck me as a place that the school perhaps, Most strikingly, The environment was likewise unaltered of ethos The way. the school in reproduced itself in the physical environment in a manner consistent with most of my memories of earlier the place triggered of unaltered second visit from the place emanations the only reinforced were I already knew but the of my being primed to receive signals result which merely the result think, I This was not, familiar. strikingly reactions of array an A walk through experiences. conclusions The itself. of the first in regard. this One's first reaction to visit of the space quality specific a to it levels, profoundly uncongenial. the Department inhabits. It is, is the on many To begin, one immediately notices the weak physical relation of the department vis a vis the spatial of the institute. interests Architecture is only legibly present to a visitor in terms of the codes by which MIT arrays its components. larger system of The space of the department is organized by and dominated by the connective tissue endless of the institute, corridors and especially the drearily the drearily repetitive big scale of institutional lettering on the innumerable but precisely numbered glass- Page take activities place behind are doors those all whatever that is feeling initial One's doors. paned #21 somehow ancillary to their position in the larger constellation of spaces The ordering. institutional takes always character struggle a terms of form in individual any of with the spaces which dispose them, a struggle which is seldom decided in favor of the peripheral event. The Department (and school) is thus present as a series of discrete interludes whose common features emerge as the result of a social rather is something of Things are pretty much near. place proximity. the of particulars But here a bit it's the cooptation local of the in There is, an overstatement. first There are also the common The Department of a shocker. this Naturally, compact. physical than a zones. bulletin board and other appropriations of spine space are surprisingly of other units, of a piece with kindred cooptations same sorts business that Department. its of fellowship one finds announcements in the and Electrical just the bureaucratic Engineering Architecture barely ventures forth from behind closed doors. to demonstrate the There is virtually no display, no attempt physical forms of consensus. Considering architecture's subject matter, this is profoundly surprising. Page #22 Behind larger however, too, the at main, One that in the corridors. to analogous brick punctured casement largely The view is structures oppress. Here different. are somewhat things closed doors, the the of backs the in look out, neo- classical wings whose frontal expression is reserved for a a It's public. different is the windows of the Department Surely, inescapably deadening. that view a view, dreary offer what is without question the worst prospect of any major one spaces, is constantly outside and Inside school's. architectural confronted by some school's the version of what can only be described as the enemy. The spaces respond cramped, pervasive, rooms jury charmless studio spaces, MIT to limn: the library about lit, there's most zones, high prestige, a the such as to think about for a minute What I'd like the Dean's office. the crumminess mean to dwell really inadequately are being areas of conventionally exception are and I don't which are no trick particulars of their is variously most architecture's emblematic construction, the ontogeny recapitulating the phylogeny of Built Form. claim to The studio constructions are the Department's a physical go to see; character; they're what they're the only artifact stand-ins for Gund Hall or Rudolph's available students visiting to seek out, building at Yale. Page #23 When came I first to attractive to the They in of opposition to the anality some sort debased modernist practice in contrast to were, the Corbuisianisms of other places, a of imprint kind of which escaped. recently I'd issue standard deracinated a formally rich and intricate, Moreover, they seemed to bear the of a grid. warren instead powerfully To begin, they had a critical presence. me. They seemed to exist of mezzanines were the MIT, practice. social settlements that were fascinating the Like squatter to many of us as symbols of the struggle for an autonomous urbanism, the mezzanines seemed shaping to be the work of participant builders who were of their shaping ten or twenty square feet at any rate own destinies, own destinies. structures - their The inference - looking at these was that they enjoyed not merely the sanction of the Department but somehow embodied spirit. its And I think, at the time, that it may have been true. Returning to years, my the studios after impression had shifted the mezzanines depressed me. in me, not the structures. an absence of close dramatically. Needless to say, The to ten sight of the change was These appeared almost exactly as I remembered them, the scene of studios I had taken were only minimally modified. But now they stasis. Their seemed to symbolize not potential was to me possibility but eviscerated. Instead of offering that halcyon prospect of Page #24 individual possibility they now struck me as structures instead of opening out. hemming in oppression, of don't want I to overwork the metaphorical possibilities of the observation but the mezzanines do strike me as having something in common with the state building on the There the Department. of initial of strength hasn't been much perceptions. And the schematic physical price of complacency is atrophy. The situation expression in of Department the Even in my day there was other ways as well. discussion about constant finds the social lack of school, at the absence of a common zone of social Indeed, it the interchange of talk, impetus physical no there's virtually no atomizing At one level, things seem even worse. almost unbelievable: sign of of those and From a look around and a within the Department. few conversations, interaction. conviviality of institutions the the aspects of my time at MIT, was one of the striking absence space at to simply sit place physical resistance decentering is agenda of the whole place it's down and to the corridors. The And this isolation. seems terribly wrong. Department reveals a remember something Even a brief walk around pervasive. The sense of isolation is structured called clusters by in fiefdom. I seem to my day but some impetus Page #25 disheartened and Department separate to occupy subgroups seemed sympathetic the I was amazed at the degree to which proposition. informal relatively that beyond well things driven have to seems which to extent the at spaces around (judging by my conversations) there seemed to be not just lack To my bureaucratic debilitating personal long my than a deadly disease, of signs advanced in malaise a Nothing could reinforce this impression creative environment. more showed Department the. eye, among them. overt hostility but relatively of communication experience of the astonishing dedication on the part of the Executive Officer and his staff to the hollowest kind of bureaucratic pettiness. A Reading Of A Departmental Text Many of the conclusions garnered from a physical perusal of the Departmental the paper working Profession" space are, on has that the been born out by a reading of for me, "Future of promulgated the with Architectural the apparent purpose of defining a position from which decisions about the future of the general document Department impressions, both in implications. can I found this its particular I'd like assessed. be To begin with to be a generally depressing expression and in to conclude this some discussion of this and several intervention its larger with other documents that have Page #26 been the the of result review current curriculum, of organization, and ethos at MIT. the presence that obvious it's To begin, both in evocation of a "crisis" Their bears deep implication. such documents of school and profession is reminiscent of previous crises and is thus of interest both for its special circumstances and its grandparent course, Like the hallmark of that ethic the crisis the that such crises, all of of reminded is one strikingly, of that is the Of the "sixties." of "relevance." that time was the cry dominated Most pattern. a cyclical in incidents with other kinship at modern architecture's origins, the crisis of the sixties was perceived in social terms and the criterion that proponents of its critical thrust among them) sought to introduce was one of (myself certainly justice and compassion. in terms of character the of The implications were structure education, architectural of the nature of thoroughgoing, practice, the architecture's constituency, and finally the visible face of architecture. of the role the reinscription architecture's The new was surely responsible because the crisis say "finally" of form in I for matix of the larger activity. crisis, reflected in the current surge analysis, seems likewise to be perceived as social of self- in origins, Page #27 but in In service but survival. crisis, the earlier as in a sense, touchstones the But all this is also a crisis of relevance. not, issue now is The central sense. a far different have been replaced. The document proceeds from the premise is faced with a slackening off of "demand" that architecture and that provide must architects "services" more to enhance changing opportunities their and "expand to requirements in Architects are urged to "diversify" of the marketplace. order the to attuned re-equipped be consequently business its horizon." Reading one is report, this In structure and tone. immediately struck by its language, the study invents a universe of discourse which describes only a single conceptual option. From the business marketing content. the first, problem, its strategies dismaying. We're rather than passing through a in seen as seen in terms of major difficulties quite exceptional This is is architecture of "problem" terms of issues of and quite exceptionally period which in there has been joined a vigorous debate about architectural poetics and expressivity and nowhere does the document even marginally acknowledge this. The whole analysis is suffused with the rhetoric of corporate enterprise. production are The means of architectural computer-aided design, team-playing, management - emphasized to the nearly complete disregard of Page #28 ends. architecture's humane, poetic, Nowhere does one read of the creation of hectored is one Instead, environments. constantly about the need to develop business skills to meet "changing" demand, whatever it might turn out to be. I shocking find this purports to and hypothesis.. Second, in the architectural of future to investigation its confines profession a single supine willingness to promulgate a its eliminates the core of architecture position that virtually we've of the a study be First, in that it on a number of levels. known historically don't I it. the sound to mean as Luddite trumpet but the technocratization of the profession is clearly confronted. currently with which it's not the only alternative A report on the future of the profession might well couch itself in terms of inventing strategies for the preservation of increasing offering pressure their for concerns historic of architecture's the in light instead elimination a focus on the dissipation of these ends. of Rather than the dispassion of social homogeneity, a report might well support the passions of creation. I've As I work through the various documents that and formulate my reactions rising in myself. analytic propriety I to them, I can feel don't want to stray but I have billed these collected the anxiety from the bounds of pages as being no Page #29 bound to be more than my own impressions and I therefore feel study, All this all been gone through that's And rituals, as everyone knows, have ritual. a It's before. something seems like of the issues and recharacterization characterization structuring, that those committees, all those interviews, all nothing to do with real investigation or change, so all It's do with stasis. everything to rituals have like hermetic, The basic fact the deck chairs on the Titanic. rearranging deja vu. it's At one level, about what I'm feeling. honest seems to be that no amount of rearrangement of the same pieces this any serious reform of essential in can result analysis justifications they're seems for more The or constellations less of fesh precisely as are exactly being looked at from a different they're just All invention the about be doing things done. being to content. part the same, of the sky. What Is To Be Done? One of the things I learned when I was at Harvard was the tenacity with which mediocrity has a self-interest in its own Things only began to change at that school when reproduction. a wholesale purge was somewhat different core MIT is a more in motion. although there's ossification. of set dynamic The operation one, MIT's a similarly of substituting problem seems threatening self-preservation endless analysis at for Page #30 simple Nothing bears more crying for serious change. department is self-analysis voluminous the than witness conspicuous that the clear to be it seems And yet immobility. represented in the welter of recent documents about what is to is question The done. be institutionalized self-analysis situations - - whether action, dramatic as instrument is the of kind this whether is to be a substitute for in so bureaucratic many to be a substitute for the remedies for the result. to place my hardly it's While prescribe legion difficulties that the various departmental As these impressions. the Department point up, I'd up, pointed have reports still reports (and venture to like surveys and the report of the of Architecture a serious in is a few NAAB) bind. The physical and curricular dimensions of that bind need no further elaboration. with conflict the object eye, the fact idea that of an be it must faces, any "MIT said that whatever reverence of no little change invisible. new clothes. More, It's must Position" that strongly come is into held This "position" and fealty. the MIT Position has come increasingly emperor's are they to the character of the Department. central is the by exacerbated Department the difficulties However, But to my to resemble the become so vague as to be nearly although one gets the sense of holy writ, it Page #31 turns out to be a religion that lacks any codification of its One is assured of its importance but nobody sacred texts. of the many Department's debate. of MIT refined The approach assessed. Yet I fear this do things appear to have consensus pluralist components seem dim. model, of can become, this means In any event, phrase about in a truly So fragmented for practical resignation assault perhaps a direct and light of deficiencies be prospects the profit the department cannot help but in the Only may be impossible. Perhaps the school. the about singular that's is what it central issue vigorously should department to architecture. this view of to engage fails it This, it seems to me, should be the discuss just uninhibitedly By confining itself to a list deficiencies, issue of its strengths. focus encountered the discussion I've all sense that this in is misses the real point entirely. the style. of the poison exposure. and It it's It shirks the tests of analysis hidden. it's however, Mainly, a restricted complex, it's social, opposes it it's collage, responsive, it is beyond it's pieties: overworked of number the hell say what seems able to on to a specific lines clearly drawn the long run. democracy requiring periodic Jefferson had a fertilization with the blood of patriots to keep its health. Page #32 think that A bloodbath may not be the answer at MIT but I stress Department values. Reading Clearly, the visiting some one that dynamic element to view. components. This might introduced. must be this can be solved familiar by realigning numerous the confirmation lends MIT's "problem" is restructuring, of lines the between documents only I do not think that internal on that things are very tense indeed at the level of departmental by - I had sense the sufficiently I cannot is crucial. dramatic exposure of tensions certainly a' be through the importation of a strong person on a horse though recent especially shifts in through the arrival of independent not bode to seem Equally, it might come approach. for that well do leadership and strong minded faculty who are not obliged to the institutional pieties of the place. Certainly it must come from an opening of the department to the community, from an end to the period larger architectural of chronic that isolation for so many years. MIT has even enjoyed, There's no question at all in insisted on, my mind that a new wind needs to blow down those corridors if MIT is to regain the stature and passion it should have. Envoi I've been asked to append a few courses of action that strike specific me as relevant suggestions or about desirable. Page #33 MIT seems to be in I have only one. Basically, school architectural becoming an design. There's Islamic endowed a handsomely Center. Studies being mad and which like recruiting spent on a Media Center which is everything but A fortune is has arrived. A new Real Estate Institute is that teaches the process of about to move into a luxurious new building designed by a big-time corporate architect. the coming Departmental reports rail about the Institute computer culture as wires itself up Meanwhile, back in the studios, the to invent the millennium. same little complexes in timber continue to be drawn. There's into Resources are poured something absolutely crazy here. everything education: but the the practical What can I environment. central study of fact of the design of the built recommend? That the specifically Media building be expropriated immediately for design studios? architectural the use of the That fifteen energetic design instructors That new Dean be immediately be added to the payroll? sacked in favor of a powerful person of known and widely expressed design sympathies. Would it be entirely out of place for a great architect to head the school? for impassioned designers whenever they can be had? None of this numbers large instruction unreasonable: possible. If Would it be out of place of the question is my observations of simply whether current trends to it are offer would be would be correct, Page #34 MIT seems to be in the process of designing itself out of the teaching reversed. and cultivation of architecture. The trend must be