Ult Ultracold ld N Neutron t IInstrumentation t t ti Marie Blatnik; Albert Young: For the UCNB Collaboration L Al Los Alamos N National ti l Lab L Lab, b Andy A dy Saunders S d D t off Electrical Dept El t i l and d Computer C t E Engineering Engineering, i i W Washkewicz hk i C College ll off E Engineering i i Cleveland State University MOTIVATION POLARIMETRY DETECTION Figure g 10: Below,, photograph of a preamplifier lifi bboard, d with 6 channels, with the FET in liquid q nitrogen. g A silver-plated p 8-rungg birdcage g resonator was chosen for the spin-flipping p pp g design g as a compromise between zeroth zeroth-mode mode uniformity and decreased Q due to resistance. resistance End d Drive Figure 11: Feynman Fi F diagram d g of o neutron eu o beta be decay; Rung g Drive n → p + e + ve no inter-nucleon inter nucleon forces i f with i h the h ddecay. interfere Figure g 4: AFP spin-flipper. pi flipp This birdcage resonator produces a resonant sinusoidal standing g wave for neutron flips flips. Left: Two driving methods methods. Right: End-driven End driven with a ppick-upp coil inside of the standing wave wave. Each rung’s rung s impedance Zi = 1/(jωCi) + jωLi can be adjusted by tuning the self-inductance self inductance rung, which hi h adjusts dj t the th resonantt frequency f f = 1/(2 1/(2π√LC). √LC) PROBLEM DEFINITION Constraints on the resonator are specified by the AFP magnet. The field is measured and t tweaked, k d with ith the th peakk resonantt condition diti chosen h as bbetween t B = 00.977 977 T andd 0.972 0 972 T. T Experiment Requirements: Shim Coil Cycle Field Evolution SPICE simulations of the preamplifier help tune the component values to maximize SNR and minimize rise time time. Cd-109, Cd 109 Bi-207, Bi 207 and Ce-139 Ce 139 were used to characterize the pixels pixels. Simulated Preamp Transient Response R Ma agn netic Fiel F d [T T] 1. Well-characterized and efficient neutron ppolarization ((+ and -). ) Fit and Measured Field Profiles for Various Silicon Capacitance Bore Position [mm] [ ] The spin-flipping spin flipping region of the magnet requires a radiofrequency q y birdcage g resonator,, which produces p a field that slowly rotates in the neutron neutron’ss reference frame tuned to: ωrot = B·29.2 B 29.2 MHz/T. N d Hi Needs: High hU Uniformity if it and d Hi High hQ Q. 2. 2 Efficient detection of decay products. products Figure 5: The field profile is monotonically decreasing for the field corresponding to the spin spinflipper pp frequency q y ((red line), ), but not acceptable p within the 0.15 0 15 MHz variation band (pink lines). lines) Frequency Tuning for Various Drive Modes 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 D || Dec || Cou || Cou || Dec Ser Cou Ser Desire: 28.5 MHz Set X: 8.7453 cm 6 8 10 Ri Di Ring Displacement l t [cm] [ ] Nd N-doped d Sili Silicon ~> 15 15.22 ns Figure 6: Each shim coil response was individually mapped as a basis for a superposition p p calculation to fit a slow 0.4 G/cm The cadmium spectrum suggests that the protons will resolve in the silicon, silicon and the noise gradient gradient. i characterized is h t i d iin th the ffollowing ll i pixel i l map. The inductance ring is tuned using a spectrum analyzer, analyzer and the Q is measured. measured R ona Reso ant freq f quencyy [M MHzz] Figure g 2: Diagram g of the AFP magnet. g Spin p manipulation p is performed with this magnet, magnet which contains one main coil for the polarizing l i i fi field ld (7 T) andd the th spin-flipping i fli i fi field ld ((~1 1 T) T), and d 10 smaller “shim” coils to smooth out the field profile. p Figure 11: Detector response peak: 65.6 65 6 MH MHz •1 pF = 16. ns •10 pF = 18. ns •20 20 pF F = 20 20. ns •30 30 pF = 22 22.74 74 ns •40 pF = 25 25.235 235 ns Figure g 7: The resonator can be rung driven ( || ) rung-driven or end-driven ((ser), ), and measured by a pick-up pick p coil ((dec)) or byy absorption (cou) (cou). Figure g 8: Frequency response of the resonator from a network anal er analyzer. Cadmium 109 Resonator Frequency Response (dB) Q = fc/Δf f /Δf = 330 Figure 12: Noise characterization Conclusions and Future Work Conclusions and Future Work P-doped P doped Silicon Needs: d Figure 3: Diagram of a silicon detector. The incoming radiation disturbs the depletion region of the reverse reverse-biased biased silicon, silicon creating i a small ll current off electrons l and d hholes. l Electrons reflect; El fl ; timing i i g must bbe on the h order d off 10 ns. Protons have very little velocity; they will be accelerated to 30 keV. The SNR must be maximized to see them. • T Troubleshoot bl h t ttrigger, i noise, i th thresholds h ld tto see protons. t • Regang the channels for a physics run. run • Better B tt shielding hi ldi g and d DAQ Q filt filtering i g to t escape p oscillations. ill ti D December b 2014 D Data R Run: J F b 2015 Data Jan-Feb D Run: R • Poor neutron flux flux. • Neutron N t leakage. l k • Poor vacuum. • Imperfect but acceptable stability. stability • Beta particles detected. B t ti l d t t d • Protons mysteriously absent. Acknowledgments Fi Figure 13 The 13: Th pixels i l will ill bbe evenly l gangedd to t distribute di t ib t silicon ili capacitance. it JJ. Bacon, A. Brandt, L. J. Broussard, C. Cude, E.B. Dees, A.T. Holley, T. Ito, M. Makela, P. McGaughey, J. Mirabal, Bacon A Brandt L J Broussard C Cude E B Dees A T Holley T Ito M Makela P McGaughey J Mirabal C Morris R Neise R W Pattie J Ramsey D J Salvat S Sjue A Sprow T Womack B Zeck C. Morris, R. Neise, R. W. Pattie, J. Ramsey, D.J. Salvat, S. Sjue, A. Sprow, T. Womack, B. Zeck