Massachusetts Institute of Technology Flight Transportation Laboratory September 1968 AIRLINE COMPETITION FTL Report R-68-2 N.K. Taneja FLIGHT TRANSPORTATION LABORATORY REPORT R68-2 AIRLINE COMPETITION BY: N.K. TANEJA TABLE OF CONTENTS Conclusions 2 Introduction 3 The Available Data 5 The Techniques of Analysis 7 Multi-Regression Models 11 Model Incorporating Schlach's Plan 21 Model Incorporating Quality of Service Index 28 Effect of Behavioral Elements 36 Possibilities of Further Work In This Area 39 Bibliography 40 Appendixes A - Graphical Analysis B - Airline Competition Data 41 51 -2- CONCLUSIONS The object of the study was to predict market share that an airline gets when operating in a given market and competing with other airlines. Although market share depends on many factors, the conclusion drawn from this study was that the dominant explanatory variables are the frequency share and the number of competitors operating in the market. To the first approximation the relationship between the percentage market share and percentage frequency share is almost a straight line. However on bringing in the third variable, number of competitors, we obtain a family of S-shaped curves. Distortions exist due to other variables, which appear to have some affect on the market share. We have data on some of those variables, but data on behavioral variables does not exist. Examples of behavioral variables are loyalty of a passenger to travel by a certain airline and breakdown of market by types of passengers, i.e. a passenger on business compared with one on vacation. -3- INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to investigate how airlines share the passengers, attracted to air transportation. The percentage of these passengers, that one airline will carry in any given market, where it is in competition with other airlines, depends mostly on the frequency it operates, number of competitors in the market, stage length number of daily non-stop and one-stop flights, type of aircraft and the connecting flights. Market share furthermore depends on variables such as passenger service, the image of the airline, the amount of money spent on advertising in the given market. These variables are called behavioral variables and are impossible to be included in the models because of the inavailability of data on them. In this study investigation was restricted to the variables on which data can be fairly easily obtained. Until recently it was assumed that market share depends mostly on frequency share and furthermore that the relation between these is linear. This implies that if for example one airline operates 70% of the flights in any given market, it will carry 70% of the passengers in that market. The models presented in this study investigate this hypothesis as well as the effects that some of the other variables have on the market share. Model 1 investigates the effects of varying stage length and frequency share. Model 2 brings in additional explanatory variables including the second most important variable, number of competitors in the market. At this stage of investigation it was recognized that market share depends almost completely on frequency share. of the relationship was not yet clear. to determine this relationship. However the form Models 3 to 6 are an attempt -4- Models 7 and 8 investigate the effects of times of flight through the day and the quality of service offered. -5THE AVAILABLE DATA The sources of data for this study are the Civil Aeronautics Board's "Competition Among Domestic Air Carriers - Ten Percent Sample" Volume VII-5, and the "Official Airline Guide", Quick Reference North American Edition. The data was taken for the top fifty city pairs for the period January 1 through December 31, 1966. The actual raw data and the notes concerning it are given in Appendix B. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED WITH THE DATA The very first problem encountered was that of service by type of aircraft. Some airlines operated all jet fleet and some all propeller fleet. The problem came into existence when an airline operated a mixed fleet. In this study, the service was taken as jet if the airline operated jet more than 50% of the scheduled flights. What do we do in the case when United Airlines, for example, operates two flights daily from New York to Washington, D. C., one being jet and the other turbo-prop? Besides being unable to define the type of service, it also affects the flight time. The jet flight takes 45 minutes whereas the propeller flight takes 78 minutes. This problem was overcome when in Model 8 each flight was individually considered as to the type of aircraft and flight time. The second problem was that in few markets some airlines had a low percentage of local passengers, i.e. passengers boarding -6- at city i destined for j merely passing through i. in contrast to those passengers who were For example on flight from Chicago to Milwaukee, the percentage of local passengers was very low in some cases. % of Local Passengers Airline Eastern 25 North Central 19 North West 22 United 28 Another example of the same form of problem is illustrated with TWA data. TWA has a service New York to Boston. aircraft is a Boeing 707. Usually the Almost invariably this flight originates from California for example Los Angeles, in which case most of the passengers on board are not local. flight at New York. Only few passengers board this So one of the other competitors, who may be operating a propeller aircraft service is competing with the jet of TWA, the Boeing 707 jet which TWA may not have scheduled had they operated New York - Boston only. -7- THE TECHNIQUES OF ANALYSIS The Preliminary Graphical Analysis The main object of the graphical investigation is to identify the variables which are most directly related to the market share. Some variables are seen to have definite relationship with the market share, others merely show a trend and some offer no explanation at all. Only the variables which are seen to bear a relationship with the market share or show a definite trend, are finally used in the regression analysis. No single line fits the points precisely, yet the points display a visual tendency to lie along a certain path indicating some underlying law of association, disturbed by idiosyncrasies in individual cases. The Multiple - Regression Analysis The Multiple regression is used in data analysis to obtain the best fit of a set of observations of independent and dependent variables in an equation of the form, Y = b0 + b1 x 1 + b 2x2 + . . . . . . . . + bnxn where Y is the dependent vatiable and xi, x 2 independent variables. determined. Coefficients b 0 , b, . . . . . . * xn are the . bn are to be The multiple regression technique manipulates the statistical data and produces the appropriate relationship between -8- the market share and its relevant variables. The program, described bfiefly below, carries this out in a well defined step-by-step process which introduces or deletes variables in accordance with the prescribed criteria, in order to find the expression that fits best with the data. Deviations from the regression line will be expected since we are only using a limited number of variables to describe the market share. In the step-wise procedure, intermediate results give valuable statistical information at each step in the calculation. Basically we obtain a number of intermediate regression equations as well as the complete multiple regression equation. by adding one variable at a time. These equations are obtained The variable added is the one which makes the greatest improvement in "goodness of fit". The coefficients represent the best values when the equation fitted to the specified variables. The beauty of the step-wise procedure is 1) a variable may be indicated to be significant in any early stage and thus enter, and 2) after several other variables are added to the regression equation, the initial variable may be indicated to be insignificant, in which case it will be removed from the regression equation before adding an additional variable. The BMD02R Step-wise Regression Program This program (Bio - Medical Computer Program BMD02R) developed by the University of California and modified to a suitable form to be used on the M.I.T. IBM 360 computes a sequence of multiple -9- linear regression equations in a step-wise manner. At each step the variable added is the one which has the highest partial correlation with the market share or the dependent variables partialled on the independent variables which have already been added, and equivalently it is the variable which, if it were added would have the highest F value. There are two F values. "F - to - enter" indicates the improvement that the addition of a relevant variable to the regression equation would make to reduce the residual error. The "F - to - remove" is an indication that the variable under consideration is not contributing very much to increasing the goodness of the fit. highest F - to - The variable with the enter value is chosen first. One other feature of the program is that variables, if desired, can be forced into the regression equation. They will automatically be removed when their F values become too low. Another feature of the program is that it has a flexible method of generating new variables from functional representations of basic input variables. besides Thus, alinear equation relating market share to explanatory variables, one can use a logarithmic linear form, or can create squares, sums, combinations of the independent variables, etc., to be used in a form of market share estimating relationship. In the output, besides the multiple regression equation, the program provides us with other statistics which are useful in judging the "goodness of fit". One gives the standard deviation which measures the amount of residual error between the observed points and the computed -10- regression line. The other called Multiple R, is the multiple correlation coefficient and has value ranging from zero to unity. This statistic, associated with a particular variable, is a measure of the percentage of the market share variation explained by the regression. -11MULTI-REGRESS ION MODELS Model 1. Market Share- Variation with Stage Length and Frequency. The stage length is best represented by the variable T . . If for example three airline operate in a given market, then the airline which takes the least time to fly from i to j, represents T . min. Define Ti where . K - (trav). - tO = t.-- f( total system (travel) time for airline k from city i to =actual flight time for airline k from city i to = j j average wait time for a passenger arriving with poission distribution with varing ; , before he can board the aircraft. From the previous studies performed in the Flight Transportation Labortary, it has been found that W T/2-N where T is the total time the airline flies the aircraft daily and N is the total number of daily flights, namely the frequency. Flights are assumed to be scheduled from 6 A.M. to midnight daily, giving T the value 18. _N K -(.) So with t .. and N. . known, we can determine T .. for airline k. # of passengers from i to j on airline k. k P.. = P.. = total # of passengers from i to j. k 1] 1] Let P.. = and so = market share of passengers for airline k in the city pair ij. Our model assumes that X where K.. = constant 1] Let IwoK /.3T and K =k.. 1] another constant -12We have (F7 /(C) ,') P - . - - - - . . (4) Equation (4) states that market share for airline k in city pair ij is equal to some constant time minimum flight time to some poweroe multiplied by relative time for the airline to some power The product form of equation (4) has to be changed into linear form before regression analysis can be performed on the computer. Taking logs of equation (4), we obtain log (market share) = a where + a log(Tm) 0 min 1 + a log(Tk 2 6, = w From regression analysis we obtain -0.219 M.S.= 895 T . min T -2.56 r Multiple R = 0.6572 Std. Err. of Est. = 0.8498 F-Ratio = 55.471 Eastern Airlines. Example. T min k t.. IJ Boston - New York Market. = 34 minutes. = 48 minutes. N = 38 non-stop flights daily. T = t.. + 18 M.S. = 895x34 _ 2.25 -0.219 x2.25 -2.56 #E 58 % r -13Model 2. In this model we wanted to see how market share relates to the independent variables. Number of non-stop flights. (NSTOP) Number of one-stop flights. (lSTOP) Minimum flight time. (Tmin . ) (FREQ) Frequency Share (%) (Nc Number of Competitors. M.S. = K (NSTOP) log(M.S) = C + a or + (lSTOP) (Tmin .i) (FREQ) - N - c log(NSTOP) log (lSTOP) + log (T . ) min + 6 log (FREQ) + log(Nc Regression Equation. -0.1536 0.162 1.46 0.288 NSTOP . FREQ NC min M.S. = 0.156 T - . - . (7 Multiple R = C.9173 Std. Err. of Est. = 0.4519 F-Ratio = 191.170. Example. Eastern Airlines Boston- New York Market. T . = 34 minutes min NSTOP = 38 minutes FREQ = 53 N =5 c On substitution of these values into the regression equation we obtain, M.S. = 81 %. From the step-wise regression analysis , it was discovered -14- that the dominant explanatory independent variable was percentage frequency share. This was the first variable to come into the regression equation. The regression equation at point appeared as, 1.30 M.S. = 0.308 FREQ Multiple R = C.9112 Std. Err. of Est. = 0.4629 F-Ratio = 718.810 Using the Eastern Airline example, we obtain Market Share to be 54%. In the next part of the analysis of market share constration was placed on the explanatory frequency share. Two models were tried and their description is given below. Previously it had been suggested that to the first approximation the form of the relationship between market share and frequency share is linear. This implies that if for example one airline operates 70 % of the flights in any given market, it will carry 70 % of the passengers in that market.The hypothesis made in this study is that the actual form of the curve is S-shaped. -15- Model 3. Market Share vs Frequency Share. The Cubic Model. Let X = Percentage of Frequency Share Y " = " Market then Y = A X3 + B X2 D-- + C X + - -(- The regression equation obtained was, Y = - 3.1 + 1.06 X - - Multiple R = 0.9187 Std. Err. of Est. = 8.9438 F-Ratio = 794.908 Using the above Eastern Airline example, we obtain Market Share to be 53 %. Once again the analysis shows that frequency share exlpains most of the variation of market share. The reduced form of Model 2, equation (8) and Model 3, equation (10) produce identical results. Furthermore equation (10) of Momdel 3 does varify the widely held assumption that to the first approximation, the relationship between market share and frequency share is linear. -16Model 4. Market Share vs Frequency Share S-shaped Curve. With this and Models 5 and 6, we test the hypothsis that market share is mainly a function of frequency share and the number of competitors in the market. These two independent variables showed some correlation with the market share in the graphical analysis. In Model 4, we again assume that Y = A X3+ B X 2 + C X + D - - - Now we attempt to bring the variable, number of competitors into equation (11). r~/1 51/ ASSUMPTIONS. 1. The curves are S-shaped and pass through the points (0,0) and (1,1). 2. Each curve crosses the 45 degree line at X=- , where n is the n number of competitors in the market. Conditioning equation (11) to the above two assumptions,we obtain X 4- C. .f _ -17Regression equation obtained from the first step, M.S. = 0.99240 x Frequency Share. - - - Multiple R = 0.9740 Std. Err. of Est. = 8.946 F-Ratio = 901.198 Comparing equation (12) and (13), we obtain M.S.~~ 4. ( -0 - +- - .. (F-0 On substitution of the values for our Eastern Airline example, we obtain from equation (14) the market share to be 53 %. This is once again comparable to the previously determined values. -18- Model 5. Market Share vs Frequency Share and # of Competitors. This model is the same as Model 2,except that the data has been screened to conform more to the basic assumptions. The data used. in this model incorporates the following assumptions. 1. All flights are non-stops. 2. All flights are jet flights. 3. In every case the percentage of local passengers is greater or equal to 70. A local passenger is defined as a passenger who originates at city i and travels to city j. Any passenger who is on flight at city i and who may have come from city such as h destined for say city j or k, is not counted as a local passenger. Using this data and with model as in 2, we we obtain the following regression equation. M.S. = ( F.S.) 1.04 No02 3 c Using the Eastern Airline example , equation (15) predicts the market share to be 45.5 %. One must be extremely cautious when screening the data. Certain markets can not be left out because of peculiar characteristics. For example Boston-New York, Eastern Airlines offer a shuttle service. In the market Denver-Chicago, Continental Airlines offer a special fare.If original data was to be screened continously, then the remaining data will produce results to any desired accuracy. In such cases intelligent judgements have to be made as when to stop further screening. -19- Model 6. Market Share vs Frequency Share and # of Competitors. Let Y= Market Share X= Frequency Share Nc = # of Competitors In this model we investigate the relationship given by, where is constant. Applying the condition that the curve crosses the 45 degree line at X4 - where N is the # of competitors, we obtain L c A family of curves was plotted for various values of N and c given intervals of X. The details are shown on the graph on the previous page. The Regression Equation - Model 6. Multiple R = 0.9654 Std. Err. of Est. = 0.0043 F-Ratio = 668.002 Using our Eastern Airline example equation (18) predicts the market share to be 80 %. k~ A -20- ~~m-r---t--- -n--- -~ - I .1 + El 4i r _ 1 1 4 ~1 I _ 4 41 1 __ ~ I I I- - 74 -k ---7 --- -~ C--- ~--i;,---~ -21- At this point of investigation it is clearly indicated that number od daily flights that a particular carrier offers in a given market influences the percentage market share that can be obtained. to mind at once was: The question which came Given a carrier schedules a certain number of flights on any given day then how is the market share affected by the times of the day at which he schedules his flights? A businessman would tend to take flights which suit his time better, rather than showing preference for an airline because of loyalty or better passenger service He would be more interested in taking flights on flight. which originate between the hours of 8 and 10 in the morning and 4 and 6 in the evening. This suggests that we should perhaps investigate frequency distribution throughout the day rather than total number of daily flights. If in any given short-haul market, there exists a very high percentage of travelers on business, then it is quite possible that a carrier could schedule most of the flights during the critical hours and thereby obtain a high percentage of market share. THE VALUE OF TRAVEL TIME DEPENDING ON TIMES OF THE DAY In a comparative study on air transport and surface media published in September 1966, Mr. Scharlach of Deutsche Lufthansa (Reference 3) examines the weighting of times of the day as a factor in transport demand for day return trips. In the case of the German domestic network he weights the times of the day according to professional and psychological imperatives. -22- WEIGHTING OF TIIES OF THE DAY AS FACTOR IN TRANSPORT DEMAND FOR DAY RZTURN TRIPS (from Monday to Friday) 24 hours 6 7 8 9 10 0 17 18 20 Non-abtive zone Working time zone Non-active zone 22 23 (B) (A) (B) 0.4 -44 H4 0 H Unit Junit 00 44 0--0 b N NO * N N FI r- 0 N 0 0 N N c c N ci (Zcci 6 0 0 c z 7 M 2 11~ ouo Number of Weighted 31 3 N value of -23- He hypothesizes that the twenty-four hours of the day do in fact have distinct values for man as a private individual and as someone working for a living. For the vast majority of business travelers, the times between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. are the busiest in their working day. In general, times between 8 and 10 a.m. and between 5 and 7 p.m. have, comparatively speaking, a lesser value in the professional field. Therefore it is these periods which will account for the bulk of business travel - the periods which precede the very busy professional time zone in the case of outbound trips and those following it in the case of return trips. An equivalent period for private travel, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., during which the sacrifice of time is unwillingly accepted and only if no other solution is available, corresponds to the seven-hour active work period. Depending on how close they are to the two seven-hour periods, the value of the times between these two "units" is - in the morting - greater first of all in private travel and subsequently in business travel. The pssosite is true in the evening when the value of the times is firstly greater in business travel and then in private travel. This train of thought indicates, that there is a particularly favorable period - in the morning for departures and in the evening for return trips - which is the most popular for both business and private travel. It is the period from about eight to nine in the morning (with a marginal zone up to ten o'clock) and the favorable period is longer in the evening than in the morning. -24- The diagram illustrates the preceding data more clearly. The 24-hour day is divided into two "units" - the night unit, with its hours of rest, and the day unit, with its hours of hard work. Division is further made according to the hour categories defined above, into optional and marginal zones, with the units themselves including marginal times. (4) is assigned to the unfavorable time The highest coefficient (units) coefficient (3) to the marginal zones for 6 to 7 a.m. and 10 to 11 p.m., coefficient (2) to other marginal categories, while only optimal zones, namely 8 to 9 in the morning and 6 to 8 in the evening, are not "penalized" since coefficient (1) is applied to them. Thus with the actual duration of the trip and its duration weighted according to the time zones covered, the trip's weighting factor is calculated. In other words, a value coefficient for the trip itself is worked out by comparing the actual duration of the trip and its weighted value. -25- Model 7 Determination of Market Share Incorporating Scharlach's Plan K Hd~5 K where= Market Share for airline K in the city pair k t Time value coefficient for airline kin the city pair J TVC Z K A summed overn the number of flights , , duration/scheduled flight time =weighted VC),= Sum of total time value coefficient for all "J competitors in the city pair Example 1 Market ij is Los Angeles, California to San Francisco, California. Competitors are TWA, United, Western Distance is 347 miles Service is Jet and non-stop KO' Calculated Carrier # of Flights 49. ' &Z,) Actual Q{{9 _Q~b TWA 32.04 12 23.6 United 76.70 26 56.2 56.C Western 27.67 12 20.4 33.0 . i3<4 9.0 -26- Example 2 Market ij is Los Angeles, California, to Phoenix, Arizona Competitors are American, Continental, TWA and Western Distance is 356 miles Service - Jet and non-stop Non-jet and multistop service is considered in the next model w Carrier American K Number of Flights Calculated Actua LNI4 6 CM -S)is;4 3.0 9.6 12.C Continental 11.75 37.6 20.C TWA 10.44 33.6 22.0 19.25 4C. C Western 6.00 One calculated percentage market share deviates videly from the actual market share especially for Western Airlines. The reason for this is that although this carrier only operates two non-stop jet flights, it also operates four single-stop turbo-prop and propeller type aircraft flights. Model 8 will take this into aconutht. The only major critiaism on this method is that its use is limited to short-haul market where the stage lengths are short and the passengers are generally day-trip passengers. Even in the short-haul market the weighing factors do not apply in every case. On Sacramento - San Francisco route for example, the type of business a traveler might be connected with is legislation. If this is the case then these passengers would -27- want to reach San Francisco between 10 and 10:30 a.m. Another case, where the above weighting factors may not apply is the case of passengers who check out of hotels and take a flight. Normally the checking out time from a hotel is noon. In this case these passengers would consider a flight in the early afternoon more important than say one at 5 p.m. It is extremely doubtful whether the same weighting would apply for example on the transcontinental flights. Just to name one reason, would be to point out the effects of time zone on transcontinental flights. -28- Market Share as a Function of Type of Service, Equipment Frequency and Flight According To Time of the Day Model 8 The previous model is fairly restrictive since it does not take account of the type of service for example non-stop or multistop and type of equipment, jet, turbo-jet or propeller. Model 8 is an attempt to take this into consideration. The results of one of the Civil Aeronautic Board's study (Reference 4) indicated that there is a distinctive and definite relationship between the quality of service offered by a local service carrier and its traffic participation in a market competitive with trunkline carriers. Model 8 is an extension of Model 7. coefficient (TVC) The time value is further adjusted to take account of the major factors which most profoundly affect the share of the traffic that a particular carrier would be likely to attract. We will call the adjusted value of the time value coefficient, the quality of service index (QSI). The quality of service index was constructed by multiplying time value coefficients by values assigned to each of the major factors affecting market share. The factors considered here are frequency, stops and equipment type. After experimentation, the following values were decided upon by the CAB report, because they produced results consistent with observed public response to service quality changes. For example: non-stop service attracts more traffic than multistop, and jet flight more than piston type aircraft flight. The following values were decided upon for use in computing the quality of service index. -29- Service Weighting Factor Non-stop One-stop Two-stop Three-stop Four, or more stops Frequency All one-way flights Operating 5, or more days per week Type of Aircraft Prop Turbo-prop Jet ;QY 1i 11J (At C) kW 14 F 'K) (_SI - C) -o) = Quality service index for airline k for the city pair ij = (defined previously) Time value coefficient for the nth flight of the day for airline k in the city pair ij I. A SFw L- = Kt 3j IJ Service weighting factor for the nth flight of the day for airline k in the city pair ij Type of aircraft weighting factor for the nth flight of the day for airline k in the city pair ij 21_S KK i - - (Cp 1) -30- Taking Example 2 of Model 7, the market share was computed again using the quality of service index. Model 7 Calculated Carrier American L M . I Actu 1 b)- / Calculated (/ 45 5.87 x 56 14.3 12.0 Continental 11.75 x 56 28.6 20.0 37.6 TWA 10.44 x 56 25.5 22.0 33.6 Western 12.96 x 56 31.6 40.0 19.25 9.6 It can be seen from the table of results that quality of service index of Model 8 predicts results to greater accuracy than time value coefficient of Model 7. It should be pointed out that both of these models incorporate weighting factors. Although it is true that weighting factors would produce results which are more accurate than can otherwise be obtained, the value of the weighting factors decided upon in the models is arbitrary. El - -31- Model 9. Determination of Market Share using Frequency Share and the Airline Image. The models developed so for have explained the variance in market share for most of the markets. However certain markets have peculiarities which cannot be explained by the models developed so far. An example of this is Los Angeles, Phoenix market. Carrier. LAX.- PHX. Market. # of nonstop flights. M.S.(%). AA 2 12 TWA 4 22 CO 4 20 WA 2 40 BL 0 6 Using the equations from our previous models , the estimated percentage market share comes out to be very much different from the actual market share. Western Airlines are getting a very high percentage of the market share. Airline Image or Terminal Activity was the variable investigated. Which airline a passenger will choose to travel by, will to an extend depend on the image of that airline in the passenger',s mind. One approximate way of determing the airline image is to determine the percent scheduled aircraft departures that a particular airline performs of the total departures at the given terminal.If for example a total of one hundred scheduled aircraft departures were performed at terminal X and United Airlines accounted for ten of these departures, then the value given to the variable Airline Image or Terminal Activity for United Airlines at X is 10 %. The following example will illustrate the importance of of Terminal Activity as an explanatory variable. -32DETROIT - NEW YORK Market. Actual M.S. (%) Carrier AA F.S. (%) 48 NW 29 UA 38 14 There is very little difference in the quality of service offered by the three carriers. All three operate jet aircraft, nonstop flights with very nearly the same flight time. One variable that accounts for the variance in the market share is the variance in the frequency share. However as seen in the table frequency share' alonecdoes not explain the percentage market share. The missing variable was found to be terminal activity. d where = S= (A = Market Share Frequency Share Terminal Activity i and j being the terminals Using this we get Actual % Estimated "-S %M AA 65 64.5 NW 29 25.4 UA 5 10.6 Carrier Having identified terminal activity as a variable, it was still difficult to explain the distribution of market share in the Los Angeles - Phoenix market. On close inspection of the flight schedules, it was found that our estimating equation was giving " -33- Bonanza Airlines far greater market share than what Bonanza was actually getting. The reason Bonanza was getting a low percentage of market share was due to the fact, that in this' market all their flights were nonait and multistop. Fifty percent of their flights were as many as four stop flights. So they were in fact competing with jet non-stop flights of their competitors. Western on the other hand, although had higher percentage of frequency share, was operating two thirds of their flights with one-stop. It is a known fact that multistop flights are less attractive to passengers than non-stop flights. The greater the number of stops, the less attractive the flight-becomes compared to a non-stop flight. An attempt was made to investigate the relationship between a non-stop flight and multistop flight from the point of view of attractiveness to a passenger who has a choice of taking a non-stop flight offered by one competitor and a multistop flight offered by another competitor. After testing many forms of relationships, such as 1) a multistop flight is equivalent to of a non-stop flight 2) the factor being /L*ti-) 3) the factor being I where n is the number of stops performed by a carrier in the market ij, -p.2 was found to be the best factor. When we give a weighting of unity to a non-stop flight, then the weighting factors to be applied to multistop flights are -34- Multistop Weighting Factor 0 1 1 2 1/4 3 1/9 4 1/16 So here is the explanatory variable for Bonanza Airlines in the market Los Angeles - Phoenix. Each of its four stop flights is only worth 1/16 of a competitor's non-stop flights. Using equation (23), the following estimates were obtained for the percentage market share in few of the markets, where our previous estimating equations failed to predict to the expected accunacy. Estimated Market LAX - Carrier PHX AA TN Co WA BL Actual % 14.8 26.0 12.85 39.5 6.85 M 1.5 12.0 22.0 20.0 40.0 6.0 -35- Estimated Carrier Market DET NY - - % M , -4) Actual % Af..) NY AA NW UA 64.5 25.4 10.6 65.0 29.0 5.0 W.DC AA AL BN EA NA TW UA 19.5 0.62 0.64 65.0 8.5 2.8 3.0 17.0 1.0 2.0 69.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 -36THE EFFECT OF BEHAVIORAL ELEMENTS The percentage of market share that a carrier obtains in a highly competitive market depends on many behavioral elements of the system. It is very difficult if not impossible to incorporate these behavioral elements into the models for two reasons. First, it is impossible to place satisfactorily numerical values to these variables. Secondly, in some cases where means are available to quantify the variables, we are faced with the problem of availability of data. A little thought would, for example, suggest that the market share would depend on marketing effectiveness of the carrier. Management has the responsibility of deciding on the marketing mix for each customer type (businessman or vacationer) for each product (first class seat or economy class seat) in each territory (various routes). Suppose the management sets a price of P (not completely under management control in the case of airlines) an advertising budget of A, and a distribution budget of D for product i selling to customer type j in area k at time t. This can be represented as: (P,A,D)ij,k,t Market sales refer to the behavior of sales in response to alternative levels, allocations, and mixes of the marketing effort. In order to quantify marketing effectiveness, we would need data on advertising and distribution budget for each route and passengers by classification. There is no way to find out -37how many dollars were spent on advertising on each route. Airlines tend to spend a fixed amount annually as a system advertising expense and then small amounts in various markets. Did a passenger go from i to j on TWA because of his response to TWA's nation wide theme "Upup and away with TWA" or because of the publicity he noticed at i. Looking into the problem a little deeper suggests that the effect of advertising on sales is not simply a function of how much is spent. how it is spent: Even more important may be Specifically, what is said, how it is said, where it is said, and how often it is said. Two carriers in the same market may budget the same amount for advertising, offer essentially the same aircraft seat (non-stop jet) and charge the same price (especially true in the airline industry); yet they may enjoy quite different market shares, owing in no small way to important differences in their creative advertising strategies. Creative strategies are thought of as unique, unquantifiable entities. Some marketing analysts rationalize the omission of creative factors in their study of advertising's effect with the argument that all large advertising agencies are equally creative and therefore differences in individual campaigns tend to "wash out', but with airlines offering almost exactly the same product at virtually the same price and passenger service, it is precisely the differences in individual campaigns which marketing management want to note and exploit. The consequence of leaving out the creative factors is that a substantial part of the original movements of the market shares remain "unexplained". Passenger service is another area which is difficult to incorporate in a model. Passenger service consists of two parts, on flight and on ground. The on flight passenger service consists of such facilities as meals, movies etc. How is the market share effected by changing the service? It is very difficult to measure this. NE went all steak. Preferring steak dinner instead of fancy foreign-flavoured meals is largely a psychological phenomenon unrelated to quantative measurable variables. Also changes such as this are usually throughgoing; airlines discontinue the old service in introducing the new one. The on ground passenger service such as the booking of car-rentals on hotels, arranging for connecting flights can also be important. Again these variables are un- quantifiable and their effect on market share is unpredictable. Looking at another case, airlines in general spend a large amount on reservations in order to produce better customer service. However Eastern Airlines, in the market Boston-New York do not have a reservation system. They are offering a shuttle service. So they may have zero reservation expense in this market, but may suffer additional expenses on standby aircrafts which is essential for the shuttle service. -39- POSSIBILITIES OF FURTHER WORK IN THIS AREA In this study the main concentration has been on explanatory variables which are quantifiable. The variable which received little attention is connecting flights. It might be of interest to investigate what effects "connecting flights" would have on the determination of percentage market share. Obtaining data on connecting flights would be a very difficult and extremely time consuming task. It is also suggested that an attempt should be made of taking into account the effects of some behavior elements such as passenger patriotism and effects of advertising and passenger service. One way of taking account of some of these behavioral variables might be to segment each market into types of passengers. As a start, the market might be segmented into two groups, the businessman and others, which may include those vacationing and those traveling for personal reasons. -40BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference 1. Civil Aeronautic Board. Competition Among Domestic Air Carriers. Volume VII-5 Reference 2. Official Airline Guide. Quick Reference North American Edition, May 1, 1966. Reference 3. "The Scharlach Plan". Aeroplane.The International Air Transport Journal. February 14, 1968 Reference 4. Civil Aeronautic Board. Report Docket 12285 Reference 5. Sales Management-"The Magazine of MarketingSurvey of Buying Power" June 10, 1966 -41APPENDIX A - GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS At first graphical analysis was performed to see the relationship between market share and market frequency, first holding the number of competitors constant at 3 and varying the stage length. Graphs Al to A4 show this * data plotted. Next the number of competitors in the market was varied for all stage lengths. Graphs A8 and A9 show the data plotted. *The procedure was repeated using all competitors. to A7 show the result of this. A5 4T-- TF iT-F- ~ F 4 +tV £~ I ------ L4~ - --T I - ii I -~ I II, I~N 11 [ ii 7 up I I 1~ -.. ~ Vt.. 'I {-----...if+iK ~ ~" ~ 1M1.!q"q"r tY. JflI IH- 14 I I Al I I 001 -I iiI I I i I -J 4- 7I i I i I 1kH- J f i L , II I -I- I Is, I.1_it , . . I . . P . . ' . I- I T 11 N .. . F. .... "... . i...... .. L..... 1 I; N . 1 I 4N- .. T T IT, -_ T_ - T-F LI 1~ B I ~TV 7 7V -I; Hi 1F 11 'Ii -I--- 7 I ii 7 I I - - I 1T 7 H£ I I - J| Li - - - - -I- ~vj~ 4 -1III E I I ' ' I JIL 2J T_ 461320 .. Ht= 1- 7 W Lr I 1 1trto . .. . .. .. . .. . i I i i i- ............. tSL . ... -1Wtiri 1---4-1T M-11TIT4~~ +fl 4Ain 4 t#ff ff+ MADEIN U S.A. CO. HTmm1em KEUIFFEL IN ESSER TO /2 INCH l0X & XOINCHES ...... .... ...... Limimmmmlutl LmtELL PomILItl ' WK T -- I ........ Jil -- I- U-1- Il1411 7- 4 4 TT-i umaHMamd T IIII I 4 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 11 1 11 11 1 i! 11 1 !1 ..._+_ ....... I i ii N 1 If 11 II j II I I t ii I I I ill~~ I, ii II I~;I IJ t IIit if 1 LI t; II T- I :1 i IIl Ii TE TI -uluull- : -ATFT i I I I I + IT - F17HI |- I T I f~1 171 I i [bi1 11 [1 1 71 i-I I ||jt 4T TT2 1-LL I I I Trf i 11 -~L ~ I-I;li T 6T 41 74) T ii~4 5 5< F4T ii~jp I I iv' 7 7r 44 7 7 4 tI F T1 It| [I I 1171 I V-b- 'I IA lIf j7T -1 74 fi I L 112 V T-T 7ThYV~I I.T.VF&......I-44!Y WU2 44 W1-.1 ...... .... 2i~tIiV-T-tiHtAXd -A IL - 4-t LLL 17 lIli Iii Lit R~i -I 1 II 1 -I 1q11 ~ ~i~iII I I II _ Ki~ 711KI~ JII -1*h wi'ill F- _I J 75 -h iL7T I Ii II F IA i-I ii Tt _T Ii - I luILE 7 7 K ~.I. Ii+ II 41 4-- 4 Ii II [I liLt I1 I 1 1I L Iii -H I lHr I ~ttzLI~ tt "j, II T I I ~LL~ 7 ]~ H ~+r .. 77 - 17-t A_ K V 'd Jt- iti 4K I 1 1H TTV . . . Jn i = d aaI :m - - I 1 -1 - n i_ u. uI t . . _ . -- --- :J o all om I] . . HfL Itt-t-li m__ -A v~ _L IF- 4- 2 1I >11 ~1 -I Jr I-i I 1' I 7 \ , p -;-lILL I 4H K II } Ii 'V II II ii ST _ 1 -4 t c ,1iI 17 I 1 I LI F ~i HL~it I ~ ~ I TT 1L ~Hf -1t F I T> 7-I--- HIP V lit -V ~I I I ~1 I 447 Ft TI -iI 7h1"= I I I I It I I I I F' F F ii] I It'i I A -- I- r Ii. -I~t <I - I F JLL -r-n FL | L 1 I | JL ' - 7- ~1 H --II It7 -F 1~*i 11~ 4~~i ~ j jt F L - - J~~J it ~Irj11IIj1Fi{i4iFi!jiii5i1 -~ -77 L ~ T 1-li I. 1717 ii '4 ~f ti' ~ fl 1~ V iF II- Ii F-I ~1~ ThI~ I iizI~iI ~I- I ~1 I- I -t I -L 7 I Ti I -+171 111i1' , Ij j- 1- II -HT71 ' ~i ii I -17' 1T I I 7. L LII I~ ~K I | J ,I I A II 1 .i II -I L I. I'r~ .1 I I I I 7 i 1 I I IN | | N 1~i I-A -ILL | | I | 1 Jj~ A-- lIj.. T±I Ji LI FL 441L piihL LI J-I II 'if TI L '1T I II A L PTL - - '§-.4ia.mes IJL iti 7T u-.. e.m ml ll W I- I -51- APPENDIX - B. Column. AIRLINE COMPETITION DATA. E.- A local passenger travels on a single carrier and his entire domestic air journey is between two cities of the city pair. Other passengers are designated as "connecting" passengers. This data is included so that market share can be calculated on the basis of local passengers only if desired. Column H-I.-Regularly scheduled weekday flights from first city to second city in pair as May 15,1966. Wednesday was arbitarV chosen as the key day for flights which operated on fewer than all five days. "Shuttle" flights were counted only once. It would be better to weight these flights according to the average number of sections flown. May is a good average month, but it would be better to average data from each month's flight schedules. Flight frequencies in opposite direction for city pairs are usually quite comparable, but not identical; It would be better to average data from each direction. Column J- Non-direct flights are sometimes also important. Their influence seems to greatly diminish as the number of stops increases. It is suggested that frequency shares be recalculated weighing non-stop flights by a factor of Column A- The number in parenthesis represents the inter-city distance in miles. A B F E D C J I H G NO. OF NO. OF MARKET NO. OF FLIGHT TYPE OF LOCAL PAX ONE-STOP NON-STOP COMPETITORS SHARE AS % OF A/C TIME FLIGHTS FLIGHTS PAX TOTAL (min) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CITY PAIR 1. Boston Mass. NewYork N.Y. (188) CARRIER J 85 96 65 4 68 3 P 89 21 AA EA NA 70 48 34 P J NE 63 5 -----------------------------------------P 67 AA 2. New York N.Y. J 57 BN nY. Washingt on D.C. (205) _84------------17 82 2 76 2 5 2 7 53 7 19 1 26 ---- -----16 6 1---------- ------2 23 7 5 68 P 92 69 34 8 48 NA 70 P 71 7 8 7 11 TW 45 J 83 1 5 J 2 72 ------ ----- 9 80 J 61 3. Los Angeles TW California UA 61 J 88 56 n San Ffannisco 33 84L J 58 WA California --------------~--(347)~---------------------------- ------47 81 J 105 AA 4. Chicago 2 72 J 112 NW Illinois New York 19 80 J 103 TW N.Y. (711) UA 105 J 85 31 Florida New York N.Y. 5 38 5 EA -------- 1.147 ---------------------------------- 5. Miami 5 FREQUENCY SHARE % (N. STOP FLIGHTS) EA 205 J 96 44 NA 200 J 97 33 NE 205 J 98 22 ------------------------------------------------- -----3 2 ------------- ----- 7 3 25 51 24 12 ----------- ~----------------------------13 261 4 18 2 4 6 35 4 14 17 6 12 37 53 16 3 9 --------- 33 1 5 2 ------------ 30 17 ----------------- B A 6. Los Angeles Cal. New York, N (2446) 7. Los Vegas Nev. Los Angeles Cal. (228) 295 295 90 45 89 285 92 32 22 38 33 39 BL TW 44 91 24 26 49 86 7 UA WA 48 4.6 91 13 22 J 92 59 83 J 91 65 83 J 29 79 J 86 8o AA TW UA 8. Detroit AA Mich. NW New York, N.Y. UA -- - - - - - -- 9. i n Chicago Ill. Los Angeles Cal. (1742) 10. Chicago Ill. Minneapolis Minn. C - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - AA 209 CO TW UA 205 EA 60 NW 65 69 UA 205 215 71 72 J 9 38 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29 24 26 20 8 28 -80 39 52 61 66 71 21 4 -------------------------------------------- 32 --- 11. Chicago Ill. Detroit Mich. AA NW UA 6o 54 p J 57 9 62 21 52 J 67 12 17 12. Cleveland AA 68 J 89 4o TW 68 J 85 9 UA 74 J 93 49 Ohio New York N.Y. 69 - 77 7 3 32 3 14 12 55 3 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 - - - - - 0 D AA TW 110 69 P J 88 91 1 56 UA 74 J 92 34 14. New York AA * TW San n Francisco Cal. UA 335 340 340 J J J 89 90 92 34 35 29 15. Boston, Maas. Washington D.C. , (393) AA EA 98 L69 P J 83 85 30 24 NA NE 65 120 J P 76 2 88 43 16. Chicago AA 240 J 62 36 TW UA 247 250 J 60 70 24 AA 85 P 70 2 66 50 44 10 10 13. New York N.Y. Pittsburgh P4 2 47 8 2 47 3 5 5 6 4 2 1 31 31 37 4 4 5 1 1 19 24 -------------------(A-------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Ill' Cal. ,t San Francisco in 17. Chicago Ill. St. Louis Mo. (261) DL 6 1 8 3 5 3 10 48 7 32 6 9 39 1 3 27 41 50 50 18. San Francisco UA Cal. WA Seattle Wash. 98 96 J J 87 84 60 38 2 7 4 4 2 64 36 DL EA 148 151 J J 84 82 50 20 3 3 3 2 30 30 NW 151 J 77 28 4 3 4o 19. Chicago Ill. Miami Fla. (1190) A E .hicago I11. Washington D.C. AA TW 99 91 j J 63 40 66 1 UA 92 J 73 30 0 H 3 8 3 I 3 1 4o 15 45 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 8 2 39 59 J 59 NW 21. Chicago Ill 1. UA 59 J 69 57 9 3 53 Cleveland mhio ----------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------- 22. Buffalo N.Y. New York AA 65 UA 54 J J 96 79 93 11 2 11 1 92 1 3 8 N.Y. ~------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------23. Chicago 1 Ill. I Kansas Mo. 4 ... City 36 10 J 56 53 77 65 J TW 71 3 42 11 47 8 2 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. Los Angeles Cal. San Diego Cal. (111) Los Angeles Cale Seattle 3 13 5 1 52 1 1 12 4 4 52 22 5 22 34 J J 50 41 13 4 NA PC UA 30 37 30 J P J 36 17 58 WA 32 57 AA DL 37 J UA WA 126 130 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------- 25. J 50 73 BN CO J J 82 82 58 42 2 4 3 4 1 57 43 Wash. - (960) -- - - - ~- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 40 4 3 54 69 J 133 AA 26. Boston Mass. TW 137 J 65 15 2 3 20 Chicago 4 2 31 70 J 141 UA Ill. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------50 1 6 2 -48 69 J 95 TW 27. Chicago Ill UA 99 J 78 48 6 2 50 Philadelphia Pa. --64 28. Chicago I. Denver Col. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Co TW 127 130 J J 48 32 49 8 UA 134 J 48 42 2h-------------- 3 5 2 1 8 2 33 13 53 ~------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 35 2 6 3 52 75 J 104 DL 29. Atlanta 47 1 8 33 66 J 100 EA a. 1 N LnNew York 18 1 3 14 66 3 103 UA N.Y. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------50 9 2 53 94 3 48 AA 30. New York N.Y. MO 41 J 83 47 9 3 50 Syracuse N.Y. ------------------ ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------42 6 5 2 57 55 3 70 TW 31. Chicago Ill. 75 62 41 7 58 Pittsburgh Pa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------84 2 16 2 93 75 J 50 BN 32. Dallas Texas Houston TT 68 P 76 7 3 1 Texas --------------------------------------------------------------- ~--------------------- 16 H I J 1 22 2 4 4 17 33 33 83 4o 2 4 17 96 68 B C D E AA Co 60 60 J J 84 79 12 20 Aona Arizona TW 61 J 82 (356) WA 60 J AA 66 P A 33. Los Angeles Cal. 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1 4 2 25 P 28 EA 34. Chicago. 71 22 81 33 P 19 Ill. NO Milwaukee 13 4 11 22 J 28 NW Wis. (81) UA 33 P 28 6 4 13 35. New York 2 67 6 N.Y. N.Y. UA 57 J 93 14 3 33 Rochester N.Y. -2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 1 3 3 29 81 J 144 AA 36. New York N.Y. EA 125 J 86 9 3 21 St. Louis 2 57 8 62 84 TW 137 J Mo. (7}------------------------------------------------------2 -------------------------4 36 7 64 60 J 91 32 NE 87 J 95 64 38. Dallas Texas New York N.Y. AA BN 234 283 J J 72 74 59 35 2 4 3 4 2 57 43 39. Chicago AA 57 J 59 12 3 1 4 8 DL EA 76 P 80 55 3 52 50 37. Boston Mass. EA Philadelphia Pa. '0---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cincinnati Ohio (253) 7 10 2 77 15 . 0 B A UA 40. Portland Ore' WA San Francisco 1 66 31 2 J 80 77 8 5 J 49 63 2 5 4 83 80 J 120 I 62 38 Cal (535) 41. Chicago AA 3 1 56 44 36 56 J 127 BN Dall Tex. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------6 1 2 3 56 P 60 AA 42. Albany N.Y. MO 60 P 54 97 16 94 New York N.Y. ------------------------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------------- 43. Chicago co c11. Indianapolis Ind. AA 55 P 64 48 DL EA 52 P J 60 54 14 30 Pa. Washington D.C. (122) 45. Philadelphia Pa. Pittsburgh 5 45 2 18 4 36 ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -l- ----44. Philadelphia 43 3 AA 33 J 46 5 DL 32 J 69 2 NA 30 P 53 11 AL 80 P 86 59 TW 6o J 89 41 3 2 9 4 551 5 1 11 11 10 2 56 8 44 Pa. ----------~--------~-------- ~----------------------~------------------------------- ------------------47 8 4 57 77 P 45 AA 46. New York N.Y. 29 5 71 19 e AL 62 P N.Y. 52 Providence R.I. EA 44 P 65 17 3 18 6 1-----------------------6 67 P 40 ------------------------------------------NA (153) ----------------------- A B 47. Denver Col. Los Angeles Cal. (830) CO UA 120 122 48. Los Angeles Cal. Spraatito Cal. (361) 49. Dallas Texas Los Angeles Cal. UA WA 52 75 AA DL 226 225 50. Hartford C onn. New York ) -N.Y. 1 (106) AA AL EA NE TW UA 60 62 82 J P 33 91 50 50 86 66 J 59 42 P 55 P 66 57 63 51 P 31 48 J 66 35 J 64 38 5 26 23 1 23 2 b 8 5 1 4 3 1 44 56 22 30 19 4 15 11