FLIGHT TRANSPORTATION LABORATORY REPORT R87-1 RESERVATIONS FORECASTING IN AIRLINE YIELD MANAGEMENT JOAO SA RESERVATIONS FORECASTING IN AIRLINE YIELD MANAGEMENT ABSTRACT This report shows the application of Regression Analysis in reservations forecasting in airline yield management. The first three chapters highlight the need for yield management and the automation of seat inventory control. The seat inventory control problem is related to the determination of an optimal allocation of seats among the various fare classes being offered in a flight so as to maximize revenues. In order to determine such optimal seat allocation, forecasts of final bookings need to be made. Forecasting alternatives are presented in this An example of application of Time Series Analysis is an alternative in providing such forecasts. Results via Time Series Analysis were not encouraging enough providing acceptable estimates. report. given as obtained in Regression Analysis is also presented as a forecasting tool. Although regression models were developed for each market, a generalized model structure was thought to be preferable in view of the reduction of modeling efforts, data handling and model specification, that are needed for forecasting final bookings for all markets/flights/classes. A general structure model is presented in this thesis as the result of the search for structural behavior across markets and flights. Regression Analysis results are presented for a set of five citypairs, one flight in each directional market, i.e. ten flights in total. These results evidenced that a general structure model via regression analysis can indeed be used in the forecasting module of an automated seat inventory control system, and thus provide better estimates of final bookings when compared to Time Series Analysis or historical averages. CONTENTS I Introduction ........................................ 2 The Need for Yield Management ....................... 2.1 The Airline Industry Before Deregulation ........ 2.2 The Airline Industry After Deregulation ......... 2.3 The Need for Yield Management ................... 3 The Automation of Seat Inven tory Control ............. 14 3.1 Seat Inventory Control . .. 4 ......... ..... . 14 3.2 Seat Allocation Models - An Overview ............. 17 3.3 Reservations Forecasting Module .................. 23 Exploratory Data Analysis ........................... 28 4.1 Data Sample Description ......................... 28 4.2 Distribution Analysis ........................... 48 5 Reservations Forecasting .............................. 71 5.1 Alternatives in Forecasting ..................... 73 5.2 Time Series Analysis ............................ 75 5.3 Regression Analysis ............................. 83 .......... 6 Conclusion.................... ......... ....109 6.1 Summary ........................... ............... 109 6.2 Topics for Further Research ....... ............... 114 Bibliography .. . . . . . . . . . - . - - - - -- - - .1 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.01 Distribution Plot , M-class Flight F1 Market A/B .. 51 4.02 Distribution Plot , M-class Flight F2 Market B/A .. 53 4.03 Distribution Plot , M-class Flight F4 Market C/D 4.04 Distribution Plot M-class Flight F3 Market D/C 4.05 Distribution Plot M-class Flight F1 Market E/F 59 4.06 Distribution Plot M-class Flight F2 Market F/E 61 4.07 Distribution Plot M-class Flight F1 Market G/H .. 63 4.08 Distribution Plot M-class Flight F2 Market H/G .. 65 4.09 Distribution Plot Y-class Flight F1 Market I/J 67 4.10 Distribution Plot , Y-class Flight F1 Market J/I 69 55 .. 57 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.01 Data Sample : General Characteristics 4.02 Data Sample : Markets & Flights 4.03 Reservations Load Factor on Boarding Day .......... 35 4.04 Reservations on Boarding Day, Totals 37 4.05 Reservations on Boarding Day, By Class 39 4.06 Reservations on Boarding Day, By Class, 4.07 Authorized Booking Levels 4.08 Bookout Analysis ............. 5.01 Time Series Analysis ARIMA(3,0 ,2) ............. .... (observations) By Month .... 30 32 .. 41 ..... 42 45 Reservations on Boarding Day M-class, Flight F1, Market A/B 5.02 Time Series Analysis ARIMA(0,1 78 Seasonal Reservations on Boarding Day M-class, Flight F1, Market A/B 5.03 5.05 Flight F 1 ..... Regression Analysis Summary Market B/A F 2 ........................... . 95 5.08 ... .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. 93 Summary , Flight F4 .............. 97 Regression Analysis Summary Market D/C 5.07 , Flight Regression Analysis Market C/D 5.06 80 Regression Analysis Summary Market A/B 5.04 .................... , Flight F 3 ............................ Regression Analysis Summary Market E/F , Flight F1 ..... Regression Analysis Summary Market F/E , Flight F2 . . ............ ....... ....................... . 98 100 0.. .. 101 5.09 Regression Analysis Summary Market G/H , Flight F1 ..... 5.10 5.11 5.12 Regression Analysis Summary Market H/G , Flight F2 Regression Analysis Summary Market I/J , Flight F1 ..... Regression Analysis Summary ..... ....................... 103 ....................... 104 Market J/I , Flight F1 ....... .. .. .................. 106 107 ......... 6 Conclusion ........................................... 6.1 Summary ... - 109 . .................................... 109 6.2 Topics For Further Research ..................... 114 Bilbiography ........................................... 116 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The Airline Industry, since its very inception, has experienced many changes that have constantly challenged improve it and management contributed to intensify operations and of the today's diversified air transportation markets. The introduction of jet aircraft in commercial operation required airlines to quickly adapt and respond to the "new equipment". Markets that were served with over than a day's flight could then be reached within The the same industry experienced rapid growth in passenger traffic. The combination of new equipment and traffic growth competition , which made some airlines some other airlines more standpoints, that could not cope with these changes experienced financial problems, out favored operate efficiently both in operational and managerial while day. and eventually went of business. Technological scenario of aircraft guidance innovations advances in systems, the new have airline aircraft dominated industry. with the New more fuel efficient engines, and new navigational aids can be cited as examples of technological innovations that have, one way or the other, changed the Airline Industry. Today, the U.S. Airline Industry experiences a rather different source of innovation. Managerial deregulation of the industry scenario innovations Airline in Industry the last years. caused have just the beginning. the dominated the The "fare war" that immediately followed the Airline Deregulation Act was by in 1978, Price competition among airlines became a vivid reality. Price price-availability competition competition has . quickly evolved to Seats allocated to lower fares are capacity controlled,and there are limitations or restrictions associated to low fare seats. The airline product, a seat in a flight from A to B, has now two dimensions emergence of a vast set of airline fare and restriction. products has The generated the need of a sophisticated decision support system devoted to the development/management restriction policies. of price-availability- Such management decisions are central to the permanence of an airline in the marketplace, and they have changed the airline industry. CHAPTER TWO THE NEED FOR YIELD MANAGEMENT Airline Industry The deregulation of the U.S. launched into industry the a new era. The change from a regulated to a "free" market caused radical modifications in the airline industry. highlight the The objective of this chapter different that environments subject to in these two periods. is airlines were A brief comparison between these periods is presented in the next two sections of chapter. to this The third section highlights the need for an Yield Management System. 2.1 THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY BEFORE DEREGULATION deregulation, Before controlled by Board-CAB. The a government decision of body: either existing services in any given market, approval of the CAB. airlines US the were Civil Aeronautics flying or expanding was subjected to the Fares were calculated by using the mileage-based CAB. Standard Industry Fare Level, Fare levels and structure were, adopted by the therefore, Markets were regulated and controlled. fixed. Marketing decisions of airlines were dependent of the CAB. Fare discounting was, nevertheless, in the U.S. Airline Industry before practiced deregulation. concept at that time was that the revenue of a flight be increased by offering the unsold The could seats to a new and different segment of passengers. This new market segment consisted of some passengers operating that would only travel at a discount fare. cost associated to considered as being minimal, ticketing, costs would segment" The was since the full fare passengers would already have absorbed most Incremental 'this "new few of typically the operating involve baggage handling and on board meal costs. reservations, service for these "additional" passengers. Few few passengers. at regular The majority of passengers would still full airline's "regular" market , seats were sold at discount fare to these fares. fly Revenue was not diverted from the passengers and with low yield passengers, a new and was created. different Yield is defined as the revenue per passenger-mile of traffic carried by an airline. A limited set of "discount" tickets available criteria. tickets some to passengers For instance, with bulk travel, group basis. also pre-determined senior citizens could buy a lower price. at meeting was airline There were discounts associated being either on a family basis or on a Thus, some discount tickets were available for those who would meet these pre-determined criteria. A step practice eye" was flights then towards observed (i.e. late a more complex discounting with the introduction of "red night flight services). These flights/seats at a discount were available to anyone willing and able to travel practice differed passenger would at late hours. from the not need existing to qualifications (age,organizations) This new discounting in meet/have , the sense that pre-determined nor need to travel in "bulk"- (family or group). Anyone could buy a ticket on these flights . Seat inventory management was the regular flights of an airline. alternatives (airline product) not needed in The available set of available to passengers was relatively small : (1) first and regular coach class seats; (2) limited possibilities of "discount" tickets in regular flights; (3) few special flights at discount fares. The management of flight revenue was a relatively straightforward task. Once the potential of sales of full fare passengers was estimated for the remaining passengers. seats were made Profit maximization +maximization of flight a available was loads. No given for strongly special low yield related passengers. filling up planes Revenue with maximization as many was revenue to attention or routine was used for controlling the seats sold to fare market, discount achieved by passengers as possible. Regular full fare passengers accounted for most of the revenue. passengers, revenue The remainder or unsold seats were sold to few at a discount passengers revenue optimality as fare. A flight 'with as much possible was thought to be reaching For the profit maximizing airline, revenue and cost would have to be taken into account, revenue maximization maximization. a flight business. with does not always lead to since profit Nevertheless, the dominant criterion was that high load factor was the sign of good 2.2 THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY AFTER DEREGULATION marked the beginning of a new era. Industry Airline The deregulation of the U.S. With deregulation, U.S. airlines were allowed to enter or leave any domestic market, services. increase or reduce existing management considered as was to up the of an airline to fully decide where and should be offered. staff when services It market as profitable in decided to offer services only market If B, market A was not an airline could B. Any airline could offer services in market B. No government approval was needed. Fares were Today, experienced a real change. determines how much so the industry deregulated also should it is it the charge airline in a who given market/class. As a consequence, new airlines were created and more airlines started to in fly traditionally profitable markets. Unprofitable markets experienced either a reduction in the level of service or they were abandoned. competition was inevitable in busy markets. Fare Competition was increased as result of the "free market" era. The marketplace, formerly regulated and subject to limitations, gave place to a "free" and strongly competitive market. With the freedom to enter or leave market, started airlines to increase any competition in profitable markets, by offering more seats/flights at lower and The lower prices. advent of low-cost/low-yield new entrant carriers led to a fare war. A fare war immediately followed the free market era. Airlines were forced, entry once again, to react and adapt to a new scenario : stiff competition and low fares, full fare, with a high level of diversity. Passengers because few who alternatives used were to fly available, at started taking advantage of these lower fares. They benefited from the fare reduction by flying at more competitive prices. increased as a response to low fares. created because consequence, to fly of some at New markets were even extremely discount Demand low fares fares. became a As a common practice, and today, only few passengers fly at nominal full fares. Established competitive. carriers, and They airlines needed to neededIk compete to with to offer/match some low fares, also needed to avoid fare diversion, remain or be new entrant and yet they which happens when a potential high yield passenger takes advantage of a low fare or they needed to maintain, most importantly, But, seat. even recover profitability. The creation of a very complex was response of the airline management to the fare war the challenge. and low-cost/low-yield carriers more structure fare fare low attract passengers, regular/traditional maintain to a with differential pricing, services able were airlines of set complex offering By maintain passengers, a competitive image in the market and remain profitable. attached Restrictions and limitations were some the cheaper the fare a general rule, fares and, as the more restrictions/limitations gets, discriminating associated differentiate an restrictions, different in passengers it has. offering different fares, passengers, to airline respect to price, By with can and pursue profit maximization. Evidently, coexist time, levels with structure could not the cost structure that was in effect at that specially for were the new fare old and established airlines. Cost no longer compatible with fare/revenue levels. Low fares must be followed by low costs. It would have been impossible to survive in the low fare market without drastic changes in the cost structure. were forced to reduce cost. As a consequence, airlines 2.3 THE NEED FOR YIELD MANAGEMENT Today, the in part important every concept of "incremental" passengers no single class/passenger is The apportioning of flight costs. cost associated to an lower fare Management of flight revenue longer exists. became a complex task. The optimal combination of passengers and fares is now the what airlines aim at. A flight need not to be at its maximum load factor, product seats/fares but rather the overall sold needs to be maximized: a "revenue load factor" maximization problem. Management decisions related to how many seats to sell at what price, became crucial for airlines. From the complexity derived from managing such decisions has emerged the need of Yield Management. An Yield Management System is, therefore, airline to tool a decision support designed to help determine how many seats should be sold, the price levels. Finding such answers is central an given to the permanence of the airline in the market place. The longer a proxy to maximization of flight revevue. passenger infer the load flight flight factor of a flight is no revenue % performance. load has The been replaced with Profit degree of maximization success is now related to the that an airline achieves in selling the right number of seats to the right number of passenger so as to maximize revenue. while at the same time keeping the associated costs down. The revenue maximization major components: seats and fares. increased problem has now two Average yields be by either increasing price levels or reducing the proportion of categories. In seats sold in both cases, the lowest fare product the potential of sales in each and every fare level has to be estimated so as the can to optimal number of seats to each fare class, allocate maximizing the revenue of a flight. Pricing and seat inventory control represent, therefore, the core of Yield Management. "While pricing is component of yield management, it's own revenue through clearly an important no one airline can influence pricing, without taking the reactions of its competitors into account. Revenue increases resulting from pricing actions are possible only when all of the major competitors in a market agree implicitly to follow a price leader."(1) Prices are published in airline guides and in everyone. An airline can monitor always available to are that systems reservation displayed and follow its competitors price changes. Seat inventory control, on the other hand, is a logistical component of yield management that is entirely under control of each individual airline. component that It is an in-house only the airline itself knows and controls, with the exception of some few one-price-only yield airlines. As a consequence, seat management inventory low-cost/low- airlines do not know the decisions of the competitor airlines. While pricing decision of one airline is alone, Through seat inventory control, of managing departure revenue basis, from which a would not fully dependent on the seat/class allocation is. airlines have the potential be a on flight far departure more by difficult to replicate via pricing. Today, is evident. marketplace efficient the need for an Yield Management System Airlines without Yield can it. no The Management important to an airline. longer be profitable in the competition System is, is strong. therefore, An very CHAPTER THREE THE AUTOMATION OF SEAT INVENTORY CONTROL The seat inventory control problem to the determination of an being decisions, offered such as in related optimal (revenue maximizing) allocation of seats on the aircraft among the classes is a flight. capacity various Other allocation, fare management equipment utilization, aircraft routing cannot be dissociated from the seat inventory control with each other, problem. These decisions interact and as a consequence, the seat inventory control problem has to either use them as input, or interact with them. 3.1 SEAT INVENTORY CONTROL A flight leg seat inventory control approach is On a flight leg basis, the aircraft seating capacity is divided among classes with the commonly objective used in the industry. of revenue maximization on that flight leg. maximization over the whole flight of an airline, simplicity because it maximizes revenue the entire flight network leg revenues, its makes it very attractive. a With flight destination of passengers passengers and/or to lead Although the flight leg approach might not flying true origin and leg approach, are not taken account. All the same class are treated equally. The deficiency of this approach is into that seat allotment decisions on a leg basis do not assure revenue maximization over the whole flight. A more coherent origins and destinations - O&D, different classes for should approach when a flight. consider allocating seats to The O&D approach becomes complex when one considers the possible combinations of multiple of spoke leg operations by flight. the The difficulty. The airlines number of increase has hub added certainly possible and a further O&D combinations can become unmanageable and, as a consequence, this approach can hardly be pursued. In allocated to order to determine how many seats should each class on a future flight departure, airline has to have estimates of expected loads in each every class, as well With these two parameters be the and as the associated average revenues. for each class, the airline can then figure out the best seat/class allocation that maximizes flight revenues. Expected loads have to be transformed in expected bookings. Because of large incidence of no-shows in some markets, determining class. substantial analysis has the number of seats to to be devoted be assigned to each Overbooking analysis determines the level bookings for a of total flight that will minimize the total of the costs associated with denied boarding of passengers and costs in the in lost revenues the associated with no-shows and unsold seats. The estimates of expected loads, by flight, together by class and with estimates of what will happen on the boarding day, (i.e. no-shows, go-shows, upgrades, etc. are then used to generate booking thresholds for each class, on a given flight leg. These limits can then be input in the reservations system of monitored. the airline and bookings can be 3.2 SEAT ALLOCATION MODELS - AN OVERVIEW. The seat inventory control system is a decision support system that provides system of an airline, helping inputs to the the yield management analyst to determine booking limits or thresholds. flight leg based system, reservation In the (case of a limits are given by class and by flight leg. Several alternatives have been proposed as core routine of a seat inventory control apart from determination of system. overbooking This routine, policies, intended to determine whether to accept or reject a are request for a seat (reservation) according to the fare paid. Littlewood allocation total routine, expected f2 in probabilistic flight model. In his routine, fare [2], revenues, 1972, suggested based, using that a seat maximizes a "marginal seat" a low-yield passenger paying a lower should be accepted as long as the expected revenue from selling all S1 seats to passengers fare fl is less than f2. paying the higher That is if f2 > f1 , . P(S1) take f2 passengers, where: fl = higher fare; f2 = lower fare ; P(Si) = probability of selling S1 seats at f1 fare. The aircraft seating capacity divided in two compartments. is case, simple (C) , in this One with S1 seats, calculated with the probability distribution function (pdf) of fl passengers, compartment takes the and fares (f1 and f2). The other that is (C - Si). remaining seats, Note that the pdf of f2 was not needed in the seat allotment decision process. Mayer [3], in 1976, suggested a two class seat allocation model that would utilize dynamic programming (DP) as a framework. He suggested a simple model to be used to determine initial seat allotments, DP-based model should be used and that a multi-period to modify initial limits, taking into account bookings already made. I The set of assumptions he made in deriving his model was: (1) no cancellations; (2) total loss of rejected bookings (no vertical shift ); (3) in each booking period, low fare passengers make reservations before high fare passengers; (4) the demand in each period is independent of the actual demand in all previous periods. He did not benefit concluded from a that the initial seat allotment DP-based approach. Littlewood's model to set initial allotment. a model that permits corrective action He suggested From there on, (reallotment), such as a DP-based one, should be used. Buhr [4] contributed probabilistic approach in 1982, model for the a two leg flight ( A to B to C ). from allocating an marginal suggesting a seat allotment based on the expected "residual" revenue to revenue, additional His model was defined as the seat to passenger flying from A to B as the product of the average fare from A to B, times the probability of selling more than x seats in the A/B market, or : AB() = P AB (x) . R AB where, E (x) = expected residual revenue AB P (x) = probability of getting more that x AB passengers in the A/B market ; and = average fare the A/B market. R AB For the two leg flight, the demand for each O&D market were assumed as independent. For each of the three markets, expected residual revenues were calculated and seat allotment decisions were taken based on such revenues, that is E AC (x) - (E (y) + E (y)) BC AB |-->min, where y is the seat capacity allocated to local passengers. AB and BC An extension to the simple marginal seat allotment model, proposed by Belobaba [5], handles multiple fare legs. classes and flight with multiple expected bookings in a fare class i, the expected Given the revenue for this class is given by : E(Ri) where = fi . bi(Si) fi is the net fare or the yield to the airline from a passenger booked in class i, and bi is the expected revenue for class bookings, given a seat allotment Si. The expected marginal (EMSRi) is defined as the increase in revenue when the allotment is increased by one seat, i seat i. e. Si+1 seats. EMSRi is, therefore, calculated with the following expression: EMSRi = fi . P[ ri > Si ], where ri is the total reservations made on class i. Given a natural ranking of fares fl > f2 > f3 > f4 etc. , in order to maximize flight revenue, the reservation process should be able to discriminate bookings, giving revenue. priority to Although the passengers assessment that of contribute most with the probability having Si passengers at the fare level fi is made, of priority to should always be given leads to a nested yield higher version passengers. of authorized booking limits, higher where the authorized booking limit for a given class with overlaps the This fare authorized booking limit for all subsequent lower fares. For example, in the case of a three where fl > f2 > f3, the authorized limit (AU) class flight, for each class should be as: AU1= C AU2= C-S1 AU3= C-S1-S2 where = seating capacity of the aircraft; C Si = number of seats protected for class 1; S2 = number of seats protected for class 2; r1 and r2 represent reservations made in class 1 and 2. A protection level is calculated for each class in order to achieve this priority. a class in the accepted minimum of reservations that are in that fare class and that must be protected from lower fare classes. always number The protection level for In the above example, from f2 and f3 passengers. protected S1 seats Likewise, are S2 seats are always protected from f3 passengers. No protection level for f3, of course. Note that nothing prevents passengers paying higher fare from taking up low fare seats. In the example, reservations, up to C passengers paying fl fare can make and up to to (C-Si) for passengers paying f2. 3.3 RESERVATIONS FORECASTING MODULE Central to any model briefly presented here, is the ability of knowing the fare and the probability distribution function for each class i, in every market. Airlines can obtain sampling tickets on a class i, problems fare figures by for a given market. Several arise when averaging fares within a class. each class there is a multitude often average they are of fare not well structured. codes, Within and very It is very common to observe price overlapping between adjacent fare classes. The average fare , calculated by class, may not be representative, if too many fare codes exists. Not only prices vary but also restrictions change. Another problem associated with fare averaging is the pro-rating of fares. from A to C, to B to C, tend When a passenger buys a and the service he gets is a one-stop flight A the apportioning of fares in legs AB and BC will to drive down the AB and BC average fare calculations. With the increase of the airline hub-and-spoke the ticket pro-rating problem tends to be widespread. allocation routine were O&D based, exist. this problem operation If the seat would not Due to this high degree of non-homogeneity it is really difficult to define what is the "average and to function. distribution probability together several fare data analysis performed Fortunately, thesis show that although there is a high degree this with its estimate service" of non-homogeinity within each fare class, the overall class pattern, result tends to exhibit a stable far as average prices are concerned, especially for higher fare classes. reason for this result is that within each The class there is always a "dominant fare code". of fly passengers with majority The The fare code tickets. dominant remaining passengers use other fare code tickets (within the same class) but with different proportions dominant each The time. fare code tends to be less predominant as the fare Therefore, disperse. passengers are For the lower fare class, gets lower. the more fare aggregation within the same class should be more meaningful and yield better result than for lower fare classes, provided there is no radical changes in fare levels. forecasting in This may result reservations for a higher better ability in fares than for lower ones. The seat inventory control routine will need forecast element final loads, that provides and (2) updates on (1) such a initial estimates of estimates, reservation process for a flight is under way. as the These bookings, two are then routine. The reservations inputs, used automated by of the an by limit class automated itself. There are booking one booking by on limit calculates flight. limit reservation taking reservation as early as and expected system and providing such thresholds is dependent system fare automated booking thresholds, promptness namely The routine the in reservation systems that start year in advance. The usefulness of generating booking thresholds so early in time are, of course, questionable. As a general rule, reservation systems have some form of booking limit introduced 6 weeks before departure. at least From there on, booking thresholds limit the number of seats made available in each class, in every market. The Automated intended Seat to reservation Inventory provide forecasting Control the System flights. A seat is should be an primarily allocation for individual routine will then use these estimates of expected bookings to calculate seats of dynamic booking limit adjustment routine with estimates of expected bookings future module allocated/protected for how many each upper fare class. The involves initial first step estimates advance of flight departures. in of reservations final forecasting bookings, well in These estimates are typically needed for each future flight, up to 90 days out, and are used to set initial authorized booking limits. Sophisticated forecasting models are of little use, error time associated interval. conservative and outweighed by the with the forecast produced for such large As a consequence, approach is thought a simplistic as being the but most appropriate and effective. These initial estimates later need to be improved in the bookings process as more information (data) on the specific flight for which more accurate forecasts are needed. A simple forecasting model is suggested for the initial estimation of final bookings. It consists of moving average process that is sensitive to day of week variation only. That is to say, for instance, that a 8-week average is used to describe flight (e.g. or estimate flight F1), final bookings for a given on a specific day of week (e.g. Monday). Although hand for future no flights information on actual bookings on is ever used, nor additional adjustments are made for cyclic or seasonal variations other that on weekly basis, the implicit assumption of this simple approach is that a small sample of final demand for recent flights will be representative of the demand for the same flights in the near future. The final step in the development forecasting module is to improve the estimates to come, averages. expected over those These new strictly estimates of of a bookings based on recent historical are used to re-calculate revenues ,and again the seat allocation routine is used to update allotments. CHAPTER FOUR EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS An exploratory data give analysis is designed to the forecaster more insight into the variable (s)he is trying to variations forecast. Trends across markets, in daily booking levels, and seasonalities are among the characteristics the forecaster searches. are extremely confidential and, Reservations very reluctantly, data airlines make them available. The exploratory data analysis presented in this thesis represents a moment of which actual. and recent data rare was opportunity available. As in a consequence, extensive data analysis are presented here. 4.1 DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION A sample of five city-pairs was selected for data statistical analysis and hypothesis testing. The sample included short, a variety of market types and stage lengths one short-medium, two medium and one long . One haul markets were included in the sample. One of the medium-haul markets was a Canadian market. A total of 28 sample. sample period. included in the At least two flights were operating in any for any of the five markets. The sample period given month, was from January, Industry were did not operate throughout the whole flights Some flights 1986 through June, 1986. The Airline no major abnormality during the sample registered period. Therefore, it is expected that the data set provides a normal picture of what happens in the first half of an year. Data was collected from the actual database of an existing US airline. flights selected. In Table 4.01 shows assigned to markets and order to maintain confidentiality of the data presented in this thesis, were the markets ,and single single capital digit letters numbers to flights. Distances and flight times were rounded. For instance, the flight F1 in the A/B market departs at 09:00 am. The distance flown is approximately 500 miles, and the aircraft type is a B73S. Additional market characteristics are also given in Table 4.01. 29 TABLE 4.01 MARKET DATA SAMPLE GENERAL CHARACTER IST ICS FLT NLMBER DISTANCE (MILES) FLIGHT TIME DEPART TIME -(HH: MM) (HH:MM) AIRCRAFT TYPE A/B Fl F2 F3 500 1:30 09:00a 01:50p 07: 19p 0735 8/A F1 F2 F3 500 1:30 10:00a 02 :OOp 06: 15p/08:30p B735 C/D F1 F2 F3 F4 300 0:55 08:30a 12:OOn 03 :25p 06:50p B725 B735 0725 0733 D/C F1 F2 F3 F4 300 0:55 09: 15a 11:15a 05:10p/06:15 0 9 :30p 8735 B725 0733 0725 E/F F1 F2 2000 5:00 07:50a 05:00a 0725 F/E Fl F2 2000 4:15 10:10a 05: OOp 0725 G/H F1 F2 1200 2:30 06 :3 5 p/1 2 :2 5 09:45a/09:45 B725 H/G Fl F2 1200 2: 30 08: 15a 05: OOp 0725 I/J F1 F2 F3 750 1:40 11:10a 05: 10p 09:30p 0725 J/I F1 F2 F3 750 1:40 07:4 0a 01: 4 Op 05: 50p 6725 SOURCE :Official Airline Guide, North Aamerican Edition, 1986. MARKET CHARACTERISTICS Short-medium haul hub feeder with a minimum oF two daily flights each way, and with high load factors. Short-haul hub feeder, very stable business market, with a minimum of three daily flights, with consistently high load factors. Long-haul hub leg, with high load factors, with two daily Flights each way. Medium-haul leg with an average load factor arnd a good mi x of traffic. Two daily flights , each direction. Medium-hub feed ,with high load factor-, different fare structure/mix. A Canadian market, with two daily flights each direction. Table 4.02 shows how many days a operated, throughout the sample period, on a monthly basis. Some flights started operation only June, e.g. the C/D market. some flight flight was created, one, e.g. flight ceased operations. Within the sample Sometimes, departing at the same time as F2 in the G/H market, the a new old or the new flight departed between one and two hours later, e.g. the D/C markets. flight F2 in Some flights operated throughout the whole sample, e.g. flight F1 in the A/B market. period flight given flight F3 in In both cases, the old and the new flights were considered as the same flight. DATA SAMPLE MARKETS & FLIGHTS TABLE 4.02 MARKET OBSERVATIONS FLT NUMBER JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. A/B F1 F2 F3 31 30 0 28 28 0 31 31 0 30 30 0 31 31 0 30 30 30 B/A F1 F2 F3 31 0 31 28 0 28 31 0 29 30 0 30 31 0 31 30 30 30 C/D Fl F2 F3 F4 30 0 31 31 28 0 28 28 31 0 31 31 30 0 30 30 31 0 31 31 30 30 30 30 D/C Fl F2 F3 F4 0 30 31 31 0 28 28 28 0 31 31 31 0 30 30 30 0 31 31 31 30 30 30 30 E/F F1 F2 31 31 28 28 31 31 30 30 31 31 30 30 F/E F1 F2 31 31 28 27 31 31 30 30 31 31 30 30 G/H Fl F2 26 30 24 27 29 30 26 29 26 31 30 30 H/G Fl F2 26 30 24 27 29 30 26 29 27 31 30 30 I/J Fl F2 F3 29 31 31 28 28 28 31 31 31 30 0 29 31 0 30 30 30 30 J/1 Ft F2 F3 31 28 0 28 28 0 31 29 0 30 30 0 31 31 0 30 30 30 The markets in the sample exhibited high levels of bookings on boarding day. load factors boarding defined , day, divided Table 4.03 shows here as total reservations on the by the seating aircraft assigned to that flight. factor will be loosely used factor, which is passenger cabin, already defined. means that with but rather the capacity of the From now on the term load meaning calculated not the actual load departure loads in the reservations load factor It can be observed that there were months in which the average load which reservations in factor was greater than 100%, the average flights were overbooked. This is the case of markets A/B, B/A, D/C, E/F, and F/E. It is interesting to observe, still on Table 4.03 the change in the performance of reservations caused by the introduction of a new flight in the market. For the A/B market, the third flight introduced in June, a night flight, exhibited a reservations load factor that ranked second. the opposite direction, market B/A, the third In flight exhibited the highest reservations load factor in the month. Reservations load factors in the were bellow average, with A/B market. This result other flights, in June, the exception of flight F1 in the suggests that some of demand generated by the new flight might be the result of diversion of "regular" passengers from other flights. The new flights in the C/D and D/C markets, on the other hand, exhibited very low load factors, and one may also speculate about passenger diversion. There overall reduction in load factors in the month of the reduction of load factors seasonality in the market demand cannot solely justify the was a was an June. consequence If of a then passenger diversion observed reduction in demand levels. For different. the J/I market, the result was very Flight F3 showed a reservations load factor that ranked second, but the overall market behavior suggests that reservations demand was indeed increased in the the I/J case, there were three market. In flights from January to March. When the third flight came back in operation in June, reservation levels were brought back to normal levels. TABLE 4.03 ,MARKET RESERVATIONS LOAD FACTOR ON BOARDING DAY ALL CLASSES FLT NUMBER AVERAGE LOAD FACTOR JAN. FEB MAR. APR. MAY JUN. A/B F1 F2 F3 74 89 0 80 88 0 101 99 0 89 90 0 98 90 0 95 61 71 B/A F1 F2 F3 73 0 80 84 0 88 97 0 100 84 0 94 85 0 107 54 82 72 C/D F1 F2 F3 F4 97 0 89 48 96 0 86 48 91 0 85 50 84 0 76 31 84 0 78 41 81 47 57 41 D/C F1 F2 F3 F4 0 87 84 49 0 89 92 58 0 86 100 65 0 72 81 53 0 78 86 57 37 70 70 66 E/F F1 F2 77 86 86 97 104 102 60 79 78 89 101 101 F/E F1 F2 93 68 99 74 111 90 96 61 105 62 114 91 G/H F1 F2 41 56 39 51 71 80 58 77 70 93 30 87 H/G F1 F2 49 50 47 51 77 80 65 74 83 95 64 77 I/J F1 F2 F3 58 66 80 61 76 87 65 72 79 66 0 94 74 0 84 82 49 59 J/I F1 F2 F3 67 60 0 82 81 0 82 80 0 92 59 0 85 64 0 57 74 63 Seating capacity (all classes) B735 -115 8725 -148 B733 -128 Table 4.04 shows flight on the boarding day. reservation averages for Reservations were totaled, a for all classes, and then averages were calculated by month. The result is presented average on table . 4.04 For instance, in January for flight F1 in the C/D market was 144 reservations, for the month of January. This table presents the intensity in bookings for each market analyzed. The C/D activity. June only, bookings and D/C markets exhibited a high market. reservation In this example, a total of six flights, eight in one can also observe did not vary too that much the from high month exception made only in June, when flights were same also stability markets. the pattern is observed in level to month, added. the on The other TFABLE 4. 04 MARKET . REVERVAT IONS ON BOARD ING DAY (ALL CLASSES) AVERAGE TOTAL BOOKI NGS FLT NUMBER JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. A/B Fl F2 F3 85 102 0 92 101 0 116 114 0 102 103 0 113 103 0 109 70 82 B/A Fl F2 F3 84 0 92 97 0 101 111 0 115 97 0 108 98 0 123 62 94 83 C/D Fl F2 F3 F4 144 0 132 61 142 0 127 61 134 0 126 64 124 0 113 40 124 0 116 52 120 54 85 53 D/C F1 F2 F3 F4 0 129 108 72 0 132 118 86 0 127 128 96 0 106 104 79 0 115 110 84 43 104 90 97 E/F Fl F2 114 128 128 143 154 151 89 117 116 131 150 150 F/E F1 F2 137 100 146 110 165 133 142 90 155 92 168 134 G/H F1 F2 60 83 58 75 105 119 86 114 104 137 44 129 H/G Fl F2 72 74 70 76 114 119 96 109 123 140 95 114 I/J F1 F2 F3 86 97 118 91 112 129 96 106 117 97 0 139 110 0 124 121 72 87 J/1 Fl F2 F3 99 89 0 121 120 0 122 119 0 136 88 0 126 95 0 84 109 93 Table 4.05 shows averages in a for flight on the boarding day. table is to show the contribution of the flight load. First class calculation of percentages, contribution the reservations The objective of this different was also classes in included in the and the total coach compartment is shown on the last column. The contribution of the first class is, on the average, less than 5% . For the business market, the Y contribution in the flight load would be expected to be a little higher than the average. that It was indeed observed in the E/F & participation of F/E data Y class was slightly higher in this business market. In the I/J & J/I market, the contribution of Y class was the highest. It happens to be the canadian market. A large proportion this market. less than 8%, of non-restricted Y seats were sold in In the other markets the in the average. Y contribution The results are as expected. While the expected typical contribution of Y class than 10%, market. was is less when there is a strong business component in this Canadian markets usually exhibit different behavior when compared to US markets. The participation of Q class observed in the sample was very high. In the average, excluding the business and the Canadian market, Q class participation was 42.27% . TABLE 4.05 REVERVATIONS ON BOARDING DAY BOOKINGS BY CLASS ( % TOTAL ) MARKET CLASS FLT Y M B Q TOTAL COACH A/B Fl F2 F3 7.00 7.33 7.00 22.83 19.67 22.00 24.83 26.50 19.00 42.83 43.33 51.00 97.50 96.83 99.00 B/A Fl F2 F3 6.83 5.00 7.83 22.00 27.00 22.67 22.33 16.00 23.33 46.17 50.00 43.50 97.33 98.00 97.33 C/D Fl F2 F3 F4 6.00 9.00 4.33 2.17 28.17 24.00 31.67 34.83 24.83 27.00 24.67 19.67 37.83 38.00 36.17 41.33 96.83 98.00 96.83 98.00 D/C Fl F2 F3 F4 6.00 5.17 3.50 5.17 24.00 30.67 32.83 23.50 21.00 24.83 23.00 26.33 46.00 36.67 37.83 42.50 97.00 97.33 97.17 97.50 E/F Fl F2 15.00 16.33 13.83 11.50 27.33 28.67 36.33 35.83 92.50 92.33 F/E Fl F2 16.67 9.50 14.83 13.50 29.17 31.67 32.00 35.17 92.67 89.83 G/H Fl F2 5.17 3.83 16.00 17.00 17.17 22.50 57.67 53.17 96.00 96.50 H/G Fl F2 4.83 4.33 16.50 18.00 17.17 20.83 58.17 52.67 96.67 95.83 I/J Fl F2 F3 35.33 35.25 .26.17 33.00 28.00 18.00 8.50 10.50 19.50 18.17 21.25 32.00 95.00 95.00 95.67 J/I F1 F2 F3 29.00 39.33 6.00 28.67 25.S0 25.00 10.50 9.83 13.00 27.67 19.83 53.00 95.83 94.50 97.00 4.06 Table but on a monthly basis. level which was always greater that was the Y class limit, capacity. the coach class seating markets, i. e. lower. As authorized routine J/I observe could One business the In markets. C/D & D/C, the authorized limit was slightly reservation the limits, proposed and by Belobaba, seat the considering one airline nest this of system allocation could calculate the average protection level assigned to each upper fare For instance, the exception made "high" authorized level assigned to M-class, only to the Canadian I/J & reference The by class and by month. by flight, airline, the participating of system reservation the to were that Table 4.07 shows the authorized booking limits imposed class of breakdown the the flight load, in participation shows for flight F1 in the A/B market, protection level for Y class was 7%, January. The M protection level was 15% the B class it was 33% ( 55%-22%). in the class. the average month of ( 22% - 7% ),and for REVERVAT IONS ON BOPDING DAY BOOK1NGS BY CLASS ( X TOTAL ) TAELE 4.06 MAE FLT OUMBER Y BOOKINGS (X) JAN. A/8 FEB MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JAN. FEB. M BOOKINGS (x) MAR. MAY JUN. APR. Fl F2 F3 8 1 0 8 7 0 5 4 0 6 7 0 6 10 0 9 5 7 31 23 0 21 19 0 18 10 0 21 20 0 22 B/A F1 F2 F3 7 0 10 8 0 9 6 0 6 8 0 6 6 0 7 6 5 9 27 0 27 21 0 19 19 0 19 C/D FI F2 F3 F4 30 0 36 40 26 0 30 40 D/C F1 F2 F3 F4 0 37 40 28 - -- -- --- E/F F/E G/H H/G JJ I 8 BOmNGS (X) JAN. FEB. MAPR. APR. MAY JUN. * JAN. Q 80O1(05 (X) FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JLU. 0 24 19 22 24 26 0 27 29 0 26 29 0 21 29 0 24 24 0 27 22 19 36 38 0 42 42 0 46 46 0 49 40 0 44 43 0 38 51 51 20 0 24 21 0 24 24 27 23 23 0 25 24 0 27 27 0 26 21% 0 24 18 0 18 21 16 20 41 0 37 45 0 42 45 0 47 48 0 42 52 0 47 46 50 46 26 0 28 33 31 0 33 41 25 0 26 16 31 22 37 39 27 0 24 13 27 0 27 22 28 0 26 23 22 0 24 22 24 0 24 17 21 20 23 21 34 0 34 43 37 0 34 34 39 0 39 41 39 0 34 32 41 0 42 62 37 52 34 36 0 34 35 25 0 30 30 22 0 36 35 25 0 24 19 16 43 23 38 25 0 23 19 26 0 26 27 31 0 26 23 29 0 19 24 25 0 24 22 22 13 31 23 25 0 35 36 39 0 32 33 38 0 36 41 43 0 34 34 42 0 44 50 51 39 39 33 42 19 23 26 32 31 32 30 24 26 24 28 29 31 50 49 44 41 34 36 38 38 28 28 24 23 26 29 32 33 30 31 29 31 29 32 29 34 41 48 39 41 33 38 30 36 27 26 22 22 29 31 20 28 20 19 11 17 6 22 28 34 49 52 67 61 61 68 66 62 75 42 19 -- -- -- -- ---- - -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Fl F2 13 13 6 12 11 14 16 16 20 19 22 24 7 5 9 8 17 13 12 12 19 Ft F2 15 8 11 7 14 17 8 18 10 25 15 9 5 12 8 16 13 16 9 13 18 21 21 Fl F2 10 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 4 3 3 4 42 39 13 9 7 5 8 6 14 14 12 29 17 Fl F2 7 7 4 5 3 3 4 3 5 4 6 4 41 42 11 10 7 7 5 7 10 14 25 28 16 25 33 18 23 14 17 17 13 17 16 19 32 29 56 48 70 64 73 69 65 61 53 45 Fl F2 F3 35 33 20 35 33 21 33 37 24 38 0 24 41 0 30 30 30 38 32 27 18 28 29 14 36 30 34 0 17 43 26 25 16 18 20 10 9 19 8 17 25 0 17. 8 19 7 0 22 4 0 23 6 7 14 12 16 39 23 25 42 19 19 37 23 0 31 15 0 24 17 25 19 F1 F2 F3 26 40 0 25 36 0 27 36 0 27 46 0 32 46 0 37 32 43 33 26 0 27 21 0 31 29 0 22 20 0 27 22 0 32 35 20 7 15 0 9 12 0 8 14 0 18 12 5 0 9 9 0 32 14 0 35 27 0 29 16 0 23 21 0 23 20 0 19 21 28 , 16 15 18 18 4 5 AUTHORIZED BOOKING5 LEVELS ( YAU as 100% ) TABLE 4.07 MARKET M LEVEL5 Y B LEVELS Q LEVELS FLT JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JLN. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JLN. A/B F1 F2 F3 100 100 100 93 93 0 98 95 0 99 97 0 92 96 0 92 70 0 72 85 88 76 78 0 83 77 0 84 80 0 78 76 0 68 61 0 54 67 75 45 46 0 53 50 0 48 44 0 39 33 0 35 33 0 26 35 38 8/A F1 F2 F3 100 100 100 92 0 94 94 0 94 94 0 94 92 0 86 67 0 93 88 93 86 78 0 81 80 0 80 80 0 80 76 0 65 66 0 70 66 77 66 49 0 49 47 0 59 40 0 43 36 0 31 37 0 38 35 44 32 C/O F1 100 100 100 100 83 0 86 95 83 0 84 91 83 0 83 91 85 0 84 90 89 0 86 89 78 93 84 92 65 0 71 79 62 0 62 76 62 0 60 76 51 0 59 69 62 0 57 65 41 64 53 71 38 0 42 52 50 0 37 59 28 0 30 54 25 0 28 44 30 0 32 43 19 35 29 45 D/C F1 F2 F3 F4 100 100 100 100 0 86 89 84 0 87 90 91 0 83 84 91 0 70 78 77 0 91 82 92 93 82 83 91 0 70 71 72 0 65 65 73 0 62 60 72 0 39 46 57 0 69 61 68 82 55 62 67 0 44 40 51 0 33 39 44 0 25 28 39 0 15 23 32 0 32 32 42 40 28 30 41 E/F F1 F2 200 100 84 83 92 87 92 83 92 89 92 87 71 67 73 67 73 67 65 58 70 66 67 62 48 40 44 44 35 44 27 25 37 34 37 30 23 17 F/E F1 F2 100 100 86 92 92 90 90 75 82 86 83 89 91 80 58 72 70 72 65 66 63 68 60 72 43 50 30 53 41 43 25 30 28 38 29 41 16 33 G/H F1 F2 100 100 93 89 93 92 92 92 93 93 94 94 92 92 78 82 75 76 73 75 73 74 78 76 71 55 59 52 59 49 53 45 47 47 55 48 41 20 H/G F1 F2 100 100 92 94 91 92 92 92 93 93 94 94 89 82 77 80 74 74 74 72 73 73 77 77 63 61 49 50 54 46 51 45 53 49 55 50 31 30 I/J F1 F2 F3 100 100 100 78 79 87 84 84 78 84 82 78 83 0 77 89 0 80 78 84 82 40 51 62 59 51 62 61 43 56 58 0 62 58 0 66 49 59 53 23 29 32 19 13 25 23 20 17 26 0 19 27 0 31 21 32 24 J/1 Ft 100 92 85 83 90 88 88 66 65 55 72 66 66 37 31 19 47 48 48 F2 F3 100 100 75 0 82 0 81 0 84 0 84 0 88 89 51 0 57 0 47 0 53 0 56 0 67 71 26 0 23 0 13 0 20 0 23 0 39 42 F2 F3 F4 Table 4.08 shows bookout analysis performed for Columns with heading " # DAYS the flights in the sample. indicate the actual closed. Columns number of days in which the class was " with percentage of days, " (%) " heading indicates the during the whole sample period in which the class was closed. As a function of the nested authorized booking limit reservation system, the following describe a bookout in a given class: Y is closed if: YRES + MRES + BRES + QRES > YAU. M is closed if: YRES + MRES + BRES + QRES > YAU , OR MRES + BRES + QRES > MAU. B is closed if: YRES + MRES + BRES + QRES > YAU ;OR MRES + BRES + QRES > MAU ;OR BRES + QRES > BAU. Q is closed if: YRES + MRES + BRES + QRES > YAU ;OR MRES ;OR + BRES BRES + Q+ QR QRES > QAU. + QRES BAUES> > MAU ;OR equations A consequence of the bookout equations in the previous page, is the following relation : QCLOSED > BCLOSED > MCLOSED > YCLOSED. One can observed in observe that this relation the flight F1 in the B/A market. level of bookout high classes. in 18.33% of the flight. was closed percentage in Y bookout is likely to be the bookout in other opposite market, class, B/A, rather than in Y alone. lowest bookout levels, for all classes. for all The high consequence flight F2 consistently not Flight F2 in the A/B market exhibit a M is of In the exhibit the BOOKOUT ANALYS IS TABLE 4.08 CLASS MARKET Y 8 M FLT * DAYS (X) * DAYS (Y.) # DAYS (%) * DAYS ----------------------------------------------------- (Y.) -------- * FLTS -------- A/B F1 F2 F3 14 32 0 7.73 17.68 0.00 24 33 0 13.26 18.23 0.00 34 44 0 18.78 24.31 0.00 48 71 2 26.52 39.23 1.10 181 180 30 8/A F1 F2 F3 12 1 12 6.63 0.55 6.63 22 3 13 12.15 1.66 7.18 15 0 25 8.29 0.00 13.81 39 4 49 21.55 2.21 27.07 181 30 179 C/D Fl F2 F3 F4 5 0 2 0 2.76 0.00 1.10 0.00 39 0 14 2 21.55 0.00 7.73 1.10 76 1 47 4 41.99 0.55 25.97 2.21 80 2 43 4 44.20 1.10 23.76 2.21 180 30 181 181 D/C F1 F2 F3 F4 0 7 9 0 0.00 3.87 4.97 0.00 0 20 31 3 0.00 11.05 17.13 1.66 0 38 49 10 0.00 20.99 27.07 5.52 0 57 50 17 0.00 31.49 27.62 9.39 30 180 181 181 E/F F1 F2 12 8 6.63 4.42 13 22 7.18 12.15 46 98 25.41 54.14 36 59 19.89 32.60 181 181 F/E .. F1 F2 11 4 6.08 2.21 12 17 6.63 9.39 82 47 45.30 25.97 86 35 47.51 19.34 181 180 G/H F1 F2 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 4 0.00 2.21 6 16 3.31 8.84 11 62 6.08 34.25 161 177 H/G F1 F2 5 0 2.76 0.00 10 5 5.52 2.76 26 18 14.36 9.94 22 39 12.15 21.55 162 177 1/J Fl F2 F3 9 3 5 4.97 1.66 2.76 9 6 16 4.97 3.31 8.84 15 17 46 8.29 9.39 25.41 39 31 87 21.55 17.13 48.07 179 120 179 J/I Fl F2 F3 6 1 0 3.31 0.55 0.00 8 9 0 4.42 4.97 0.00 10 34 0 5.52 18.78 0.00 23 44 1 12.71 24.31 0.55 181 176 30 For the remaining markets, the same behavior is observed. At least one flight for each directional market exhibited a high level of bookouts. The renaining flights showed moderate to low bookout statistics. The flights that bookouts were: MARKET FLIGHT A/B F2 B/A F1 & F3 C/D F1 D/C F2 & F3 E/F F2 F/E F1 G/H F2 H/G F1 I/J F3 J/I F2 exhibited high level of The did not list following the in flights exhibit high level of bookouts. They were MARKET FLIGHT A/B F1 B/A F2 C/D F4 D/C F3 E/F F1 F/E F2 G/H F1 H/G F2 I/J F1 J/I F1 Statistical analysis should produce that results on are above flights these to likely be representative of the market behavior than the original of 28 flights bookout. There correction, i.e. is not how demand reservations they because imposed to a flight. a analysis, simple set exhibited low level of routine for bookout to estimate what would have been the given that no seat limitation was As a consequence, major attention will be given to the flights that statistical have more did not bookout. Therefore, distribution plotting and the demand analysis presented in this thesis will only show results for these flights. 4.2 DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS The objective in this analysis was to produce and examine distribution plots of reservations by fare class for the markets and flights in the sample, which exhibit low levels of bookout. data retrieved for corresponds to 28 days snapshots were any flight before specially those The first refers to departure. reservation a period that From taken for every seven days. there on, That is to say that each flight will be analyzed in 5 seven-days' periods, from day 28 to boarding day, that is, periods are: T28, T21, T14, T7 and TBD. Analyses made for the M-class, bookings-on-hand, and were up the made to a in period particular expected , or number of reservation This is to say, still to come,or bookings-to-come. day terms of reservations that on we should have data analysis for both bookings-on- 21, hand and bookings-to-come. The objective is to observe these two related but means, and distinct variables standard deviation. in terms of shapes, Exception will be made for the Canadian markets, where the analyzed class will be Y. Correlation analysis performed in hand and final bookings indicated that bookings-on- the correlation between these two variables , This low. very good exhibit means in the majority of cases, was bookings-on-hand that explanatory when power bookings via bookings-to-come. not should final forecasting This result corroborates the conclusion arrived by Littlewood [1): "The subsequent arriving passengers can be regarded as independent of the booked load". Figures 4.01 4.10 through show distribution plots for the flights/markets selected for data analysis. Figure 4.01 shows distribution plots for flight F1 in the A/B market. The shape of the distribution observed for final bookings, resembles the bell i.e. shape increase in skewness is it reservations of a of a normal distribution. increase in standard deviation, normal distribution. An hand as On the other hand, gets further from boarding day. that in any 4.01 . The small resemble period, going from 6.00 to A side by side plot comparison in . the Bookings-on-hand exhibits whereas bookings-to-come is the reverse, 6.42 day, boarding for bookings on observed shape of bookings-to-come plots, on 7.87, going from 8.80 to given in figure table on the top right corner of figure 4.01 shows statistical analysis for this flight. 49 The notation used in these figures is FiMBD : = reservations on boarding day for flight i, M class; FiMt = total reservation made up to day t, for flight i, M class, ( t = 7, 14, 21 and 28 ); FiMtBD = bookings-to-come for flight i, from day t to boarding day, M class, ( t = 7, 50 14, 21 and 28 ). JAN. - teas juN. Sample set to -> ALL 180 observaticns used. Descrip:ive Statistics Maximum Minimum Kurtosis Std. Dev. Skewness Mean - -- ------------------- - ----------- - ---- -- ----- - - ----- Variable ------- - F1M21 F1M29 3.1444 8.1556 F1M1 :0 12.711 F1'21-3 15.150 F1M2-30 16.261 F17 S0 1 (Skewness = x3/s*' ; Kurtosis = m aRE3E.AnAm AaM. £.1779 6.1703 35.232 57.4965 69.900 3.3533 6.2530 6.3647 6.7125 .79593 1.1836 4.4066 6.2310 7.1251 .13393 -. 54175 -.23213 -. 276153 8.8908 7.3746 6.8719 6.2919 5.9936 6.4 252 8.1826 8.7379 8.7971 19.406 11.250 6.5944 4.2556 F1M7 F1M7 3.000 .0000 .0000 .0020 .0000 -13.00 -31.00 -31.00 -0.00 57.10 49.00 67.00 67.:0 66.00 27.00 37.00 41.30 42.00 m4/s**4) sOARIM4G DAY ."". l.ess 6- - "". IS&& 30 28 - 28 24 - 22 - nL 1 3.1 10 - 12 . 20 -1 10 i,1- 0 2 4 6 A 10 12 14 22 24 26 M8 18 20 U RESEvArioms JAM. - 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 -4 40. 0 12 4 16 OOKIWG DAY7 - aa.- AU&. ias& 20 24 TM COM - .suu. 28 32 36 40 40- 28 32 36 40 40. DAY7 teas F;17A X 0,41 20 10 0 0 2 4 A 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 hi RE[EVATIONa - 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 36 40 40+ -4 0 4 DAY 14 12 1s 20 NOKIMG3 To COME Figure 4.01 : Distribution Plots M-class S Flight F1 Market A/B 24 - OAT 14 ALM. -JUN. 0 2 4 4 A 10 16 11 14 18 20 MUtEURVATIONS - JUN. .- 0 2 4 6 A 10 12 M 14 16 16 4&M. A. 199 22 24 26 28 .30 £2 £4 £6 £8 ta 21 TD COME - OAY BOOKiNGS A66L - Is&& 24 IGAL& 40 40* DAY 21 20 22 JUId. JN 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 0 40 12 16 iat 20 9OO~i"G3 TO COME - DAY28 MESERVATIONS Figure 4.01 (cont.) M-class £4 JUN. : Distribution Plots Flight F1 Market A/B 24 AY 2A 3 6 £8 40 40- ts JUN. .M . 30 28 Sample set to -) ALL 26 Descriptive Statistics - 24 Variable 22- Mean 181observations used. Std. Dev. Skewness Minimum Kurtosis Maximum 36 F2M40 23.337 13.011 F2M7 F2M14 6.8398 F2!21 4.6961 F2M28 3.1934 F2M7SD 10.326 F2M11 80 16.497 F2M21~8D 18.641 F2M28~SD 20.144 to- 14- 12 10 ol 24 0 (Skewness = 12 18 24 30 36 42 r[SERVAnoNs 48 O 54 #oAmai" 50 56 72 78 54 *0 10.383 8.2050 5.4896 4.5694 3.7150 7.9302 S.7049 10.121 10.361 .34722 1.1963 1.7808 2.065 '2.2790 .44086 .45437 .27984 .33458 a3/s68 3;Kurtosis .0000 .0000 .0000 .0c00 .0000 -9.000 -6.000 -2.000 ..0000 2.7745 4.9249 7.4439 8.9319 9.3770 3.2102 3.068 2.8918 2.8315 52.00 49.00 35.00 30.00 21.00 34.00 46.00 45.00 49.00 = s4/s**4) 90- oAy Jaas. - JUN. 5859 40- 30.-/ 20 10 -4 -3 0 3 4 9 12 15 15 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 ON RsRYAnoHs 42 45 48 54 60 63 44+ -12- 0 6 12 18: 4 3G .SO -4 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 RMSWVAnDms 27 30 36 42 WOOKIMCS TD COME - DAY 7 33 34 39 42 45 48 54 60 63 -12 -4 0 12 18 30 1a 36 42 000KIMCS TO COME - a" OAY 14 Figure 4.02 M-class 24 aae. : Distribution Plots Flight F2 Market B/A 48 4 W0 66 7. 78 60 72 78 84 44 90 DAY7 48 OAY 54 14 66 90 .au&M.ea* . JAm. - ASKM, IeS /1, 10 - F? -3 0 3 6 2 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 zwvAnoD -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 424 486 4 60 63 -12 -6 0 A 12 24 27 30 33 36 39 ON DAT 24 30 36 42 BOOKIMCS TO COME - Om DAr 21 RSDVA1OHS 18 42 43 48 54 60 63 -12 28 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 ODWINGS TD COME Figure 4.02 (cont.) M-class -6 Distribution Plots Flight F2 Market B/A 42 - 0F ,- I' I -0 48 54 80 68 r -F 72 78 84 50 OAY 21 48 54 DAY 28 60 66 72 78 4 90 -i. - gas JWL Sample set te -) ALL Descriptive Statistics Variable .33665 1.5856 1.8727 2.2730 1.8897 .365!5 .15795 .16705 .31096 10.010 5.4717 3.6615 2.9997 1.9292 6.8784 8.5907 1.970 9.5729 FIMSD 1n.267 FAX7 8.0667 F4M14 4.3667 F4M21 2.6556 1.5557 FAM2 F447 80 10.200 FAM11 80 13.900 FIM2?180 15.611 FAM28~0D 16.700 -__ 180 observations used. Std. Dev. Skewness Mean Kurtosis Minimum 2.6126 6.9378 7.9251 10.058 7.1777 2.6981 2.1534 2.2709 2.4013 1.000 1.000 .0000 .0000 .0000 -3.000 -7.000 -1.000 .0300 Maxima:! 48.00 21.00 19.00 11.00 32.00 3f.00 38.00 43.00 (Skewness = t3/s"3; Kurtesis = m4/s*44) - 6 0 12 18 vI-r 24 30 W 34 42 I 4 REEVA11GM 84 OArNG 60 66 t 72 IIII 78 I 90 84 i 904+ DAY .IM - .8k. 1668 *01 -20 r1~'1A - -12 -4 0 6 12 OAY 7 W RESERVArICUS . ...-sa -4 0 4 4 16 20 24 29 32 36 40 M RESWVATIOIS 30 36 42 M0COME - 48 84 ,0 6 72 75 84 86 72 78 80 DAY 7 toes uu. d 10 12 24 80DxrC5 IL -4 18 - 44 48952 5 00 84 86 72 76 -12 - 14 OAY 12 8is 24 30 C6 FOO&MM T1OCOM- Figure 4.03 M-class 6a Distribution Plots Flight F4 Market C/D 42 44 DAY 14 60 84 ;0 J&AL JU6L Ift" 7 0 ~FIL -6 4 4 a 2 ,t 20 24 23 32 MREERVAOS 36 40 - ~4 8 52 6 11 .14 .. n1 -12 ;11 -4 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 BOOKINGS TO COME DAY21V .AA&.- .IuM. 42 - 48 54 60 SO 72 78 84 *0 &4 60 66 72 78 a 9o OAT 21 .... 201 A A t, .1~~ 104 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 M RESERVAnOmS- 44 48 52 56 60 84 8 72 -12 76 Figure 4.03 (cont.) M-class -9 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 BOOKINGSTO COME - DAY 28 Distribution Plots Flight F4 56 Market C/D 48 DAY 28 3028 - Sample set to -) ALL Descriptive Statistics - 26 24- Variable Mean 181observations used. Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis .11119 .68521 .72749 .94272 1.2185 .40856 .30349 .19537 .12118 2.4434 2.8519 3.0515 3.6303 4.5487 2.7033 2.62E 2.5519 2.4817 Mini2um Maximu 22- a.- F3M60 35.564 F3.7 19.564 F3M14 10.370 F3'21 6.1050 F3M23 3.7459 F3.7 80 17.000 F2MIl 80 26.193 F3M2I -ED 30.459 F3M28~80 32.818 12141- 77.241 11.384 6.4945 4.0959 3.1940 10.423 14.137 15.682 16.119 (Skewness x m3/s**3; Kurtosis 4.000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 -4.000 -1.000 1.000 .0000 85.00 5E.00 32.00 20.00 16.00 52.00 69.00 79.00 81.00 a e4/s 3 34) 2 0 A 12 18 30 24 3 42 acuAng J 4s 54 60 60AnIGM 6 72 64& so 0 0 DAY AL- aUIim **a a. .4 20 - 12-$ 10 - KA PA P771 -6 -3 0 3 6 6 12 1 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 3* .""M. - Jul& 42 45 45 460 63 66 -12 -4 0 6 12 OAY 7 U RE5MEvA7I0MS - 16 24 900Kin 30 36 42 710 COME - 48 &4 6" a6 72 76 64 6 72 78 &4 DAY 7 Is" PH 'H 1/00 01, -4 -3 0 3 6 9 12 18 1s 21 24 27 30 33 36 3 MRaStRVA10PI - 42 4s 4 8460 6a DAY14 i I -12 -40 I . 6 12 16 24 30 36 42 0OKINS T0 COMI - Figure 4.04 : Distribution Plots M-class Flight F3 57 I . Market D/C 4' CAT 14 54 So 66 go -.wM. tea - I*&& J&hL - JUW .1M. Is&& .77 -1 M RESERVADolW .IhM. - - IM. -so0 12 DAY 21 19 24 3 64 8 300KIWGS 7V COME - & 0 0 :7 49 DAY 21 I*&& 10 - -12 M RESERYAT1oMS- DAY 28 0 6 12 15 24 30 36 BOOKINGSTD COME Figure 4.04 (cont.) M-class -6 Distribution Plots Flight F3 58 Market D/C 42 - 48 54 DAY 28 60 66 72 78 84 90 30Ua - Sample set to -) ALL Descriptive Statistics - - 36 24 12 10- Variable Mean F19E F17 F1M14 F1421 F1.M28 F1M7 ED F1il 80 F1M2180 F1M28"B0 18.492 12.752 11.657 10.249 9.5912 5.7293 6.8343 8.2431 181observations used. Std. 0ev. Skewness 14.380 12.965 12.295 11.475 11.792 5.5446 7.0691 8.8980 10.246 8.9006 1.2502 1.5975 1.9275 2.0563 2.2476 .56191 .73860 .3895 .18590 *3/s**3; Kur:osis m (Skewness Kurtosis 4.4513 6.2956 7.2190 7.5916 Minimum .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 -9.000 -10.00 -17.00 -35.00 8.6765 3.0394 3.6576 3.6611 6.0279 Maximur 73.00 72.00 69.00 59.00 64.00 22.00 34.00 12.00 53.00 *4/s**4) 33 40 e 24: 1-4o2 1 - 3s 2 as E3EAnUMOp NS Uo 440 s6 4 an 2 e so a so+*1.eo 1 4a a DAY 03M3T e4 Xt- e sads Y7 n y ds . 20 10 10 0 0. -a -4 0 4 a 1 20 24 2A532 R3VAnoNs 36 40 44 48 3 526 0 4 7Z 73 730 -12 -4 0 1 112 7 ON' DAY 401sg1e 4 30 30 43 BOOKINGS10 COME - 44 54 40 64 72 79 40 DAY 7 4si Figure 20 -a -4 0 4 a 13 IS 30 24 25 322 36 40 &4 45 52 55 0 64 6731 76 -12 -* 4 12 15 Figure 4.05 :Distribution Plots M-class 24 30 30 Flight F1 Market E/F 0 42 *0OK3NC 1O COME - 6f3vrvflms am oAT 14 2AT 14 47 7 46 so5 ."" - JUPL 19&6 JAM- UM. 08 - .Mh .JUOL 40- ci-12 I7I IT G I 12 ow oAy z1 wm~vAloN - -8 I 0 ~h~- 18 24 30 CZ= 36 f 42 48 SOOKINGS 1M COME - , 54 SO 66 , , , 72 78 i 84 60 DAY 21 ~A* so-A~ 5 40 30 - 20 2Q 10 10 J '6V20'4 S O A 272 0 1 6 0Z4 RSMRATIONtS ON DAY( 28 BOKIMGS TO CCME - Figure 4.05 (cont.) M-class 30 46 4 Distribution Plots Flight F1 60 Market E/F 4a DAY =8 54 an 66 72 7a s4 0 I*& ia.- .me.. 054 Sample set to -) ALL Descriptive Statistics Variable MVAnONS ON .6".- "6. .OARDING Mean 180observations used. Std. Dev. F2M0 F214 F2P14 F2M21 F2M28 F247 80 F2411 80 F2521-80 FM28-80 15.811 8.2333 5.9056 5.2778 4.3389 7.5778 9.9056 10.533 11.472 (Skewness : 12.703 9.4951 7.7592 7.4437 6.8071 6.9955 8.8701 9.6094 10.194 Skeoness xuriosis 1.295!5 1.979 1 1.9215 2.3957 2.6277 .98957 .81249 .745 8 .64110 4.1136 6.357 1 6.3720 10.002 11.693 4.1794 4.0811 4.0989 4.5303 Mini~um Maxi.. .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 -6.000 -15.00 -19.00 -25.00 57.00 43.00 35. 0: 47.00 41.00 33.03 40.0i 42. 8 a3/s*.3; Kurtosis - m4/s' 9) DAY .k&- j~h. 16414 to" 30.1 26 -j 24 - 11 2- 104 a4 V 01 4 -4 -3 0 3 6 . 12 1. t. 21 24 27 30 33 3. 3 42 454 54 .0 .3 6 -. + 4 . -4 -EEV.n . - 1t 12 . 24 2. OCnMGSTO CrESVADOMB ON *AY 7 2. UC - 32 3. 40 44 A. CAY 7 Y 14a 30 (A J7 IIn 40j -8 MOVAfl0IG am OAY 146 -4 0 4 x 12 Figure 4.06 : Distribution Plots M-class i DOC IOW Flight F2 Market F/E 20 24 28 "0 COME - 32 3 DAY 14 40 8a s: $. 40 A.. - JUMa 1ea AsAs.- ISma .nna. 101 rsurvAnOmS cm DAY 21 UOOKINc To COME - DAY 21 501 .Ma". - .A&Le t*na .M .- JUN. 20 24 $sag O0-I 40 - 20 A 20 10 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 -2 1 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 AS 48 54 60 63 -8 -4 0 4 8 RESERVAONS OM DAY 28 16 28 POOKIWCS TO COME - Figure 4.06 (cont.) M-class 12 Flight F2 istribution Plots Market F/E 32 36 DAY 28 40 44 48 52 56 60 .1*M. 10 - .MIU. teas -, Sample set tc -> ALL Descriptive Statistics - 25 .4 Mean Variable F1.43D F17 F1414 F121 F1M28 F'A7 80 F1M180 FY.21'SD FIM2880 177observations used. Std. Dev. Skewness 9.5876 5.0329 4.0113 3.3955 2.5028 4.5537 5.5763 6.1921 7.0847 (Skewness = 63/s*23; Kurtosis 3.5150 3.9874 4.086 5.0292 7.3824 4.6258 3.9173 3.5200 3.6601 39.00 22.00 20.00 20.00 19.00 25.00 29.00 30.00 32.00 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 -5.000 -5.000 -7.000 -6.000 = @A/s'84) aw.0* - 0 1.0552 1.157 1.2575 1.5439 1.9954 1.3625 1.1649 1.0470 1.0703 8.7441 4.8464 4.2707 4.0748 3.5099 6.0367 6.9819 7.3002 7.7788 Maximur Minimum Kurtesis 12 4 20 1 24 22 32 39 40 ~4 48 32 SO 44 6 RMstNAnONS ON 90AJolNG DAY - .51*. 1660 401 A 20 10 a0 VA VAV- . - -3 0 3 6 9 12 21 24 27 30 33 is I8 36 39 42-45 48 54 60 -8 43 6+. -0 4 0 £ aXfvAno0s Do DAY7 A.- JUN. 12 '6 20 NOUI0GS 19&6 0 "M6. - 24 i 8 Cut - 36 40 44 44 52 5 90 34 40 44 48 5: 54 40 MAY7 0*6 .0UN. 50 P5 40 cnV, /, -'A'A,4r-V1 , 20 V lV) V 10 -4 -3 0 3 4 9 12 15 18 21 24 RESERVAnMSON 27 30 33 36 3 42 45 44 54 0 63 ., - 0 4 a DAY 14 16 20 24 .8 OOxiNGS TO COME - Figure 4.07 : Distribution Plots M-class 12 Flight F1 Market G/H 32 DAY14 .j~M. - .AJ&. 18& 20 -s -3 0 3 4 9 12 15 18 21 24 E5ERVAT0MS 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 4 60 83 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 OM DAY 21 16 20 24 28 I0KW'ZS TO COME - 32 36 40 44 48 52 Si , , 5: 54 60 DAY 21 JU6m. 19&6 .W.- 50 z 20 201 - AV a 5 A V0 Li-1$ VVA 'A. 10 V/, 10 0 -4 -3 0 3 6 ,r1~ _ 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 3 i i i i ea 39 42 43 48 54 60 -a 43 -4 0 8 , 12 Figure 4.07 (cont.) M-class 16 20 24 28 BOOI:CS TO COME- E5ERVAT.ONS ON DAY 28 Distribution Plots Flight F1 Market G/H 32 DAY , , 3S 40 28 44 48 80 .A.. - JU.. 1e6 Sample set to -> ALL Descriptive Statistics WWVAnOZ ON Mean F2M80 F2.47 F21414 F2M21 F2M28 F2N7 ED F2MI 8D F2M21-8D F2M98~8D 18.458 10.350 6.9209 5.1582 3.8023 8.1073 11.537 13.299 14.655 (Skewness * 4.6206 15.177 32.974 42.539 69.124 2.8912 2.7405 3.1032 2.9438 1.1536 2.7474 4.4785 5.2529 7.1373 .75510 .782!3 .65665 .79869 15.469 11.427 9.7559 8.8175 7.8935 8.0032 10.723 12.200 12.555 Minimum Kurtosis Maximut 98.00 88.00 90.00 96.00 86.00 35.00 43.00 52.00 56.00 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 -8.000 -3.000 -23.00 -2.000 3/s"3; Kurtosis T m/s"4) DAY BOAING s. .66.L 177observaticns used. Std. Dev. Skewness Variable 0Is* .Ua. - JA. to&& .j rA- :o4 204 ~ 5 -1 'rx M-i -4 -4 0 44 48 52 56 60 64 88 72 7 68. -12 r , I rrrrrrA.,.rrAA.. A r-7 ' 4 12 16 20 24 2S 32 36 40 r P 20- -4 0 6 1: 1& mE3ERVATNS ON OAY 7 Ah& - IM. 24 30 36 .4&06. - leas aL 48 42 BOKINGS T COME - 54 40 54 60 66 72 73 A4 So OAY7 leas 401 A 104 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 2 RE5tVAfnOM 32 36 40 44 4852 "4 10 44 " .12 72 78 -4 0 6 12 Figure 4.08 M-class 18 24 30 34 42 0ORIMCSI0 COME- ON DAT 14 Distribution Plots Flight F2 Market H/G 48 OAT14 64 72 78 849 0 JAN. - -8 -4 0 4 8 12 .1MM. less.- 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 8 72 76 -12 -6 0 6 12 18 tESERVATIOMS ON DAY 21 JA". - Jum. less 5 A"& -JUN. U. 24 30 SOOKINC Is&& 36 42 48 TD COME - 54 66 6 72 78 84 90 DAY 21 Jm.- .1MM. to" 40 20.4 1r "'AK- 20 J A 10 -6 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44452 RESEYAT1OoS om .6 60 646 72 76 -12 DAY:8 Ki - 0 6 12 '8 24 30 36 42 800"iNG;S TU COME - Figure 4.08 (cont.) M-class f,'A VA -Th1 V4 /r 0- D istribution Plots Flight F2 66 Market H/G 48 DAY 28 54 60 6 72 78 84 90 - ~m. t~a6 Sample set to -) ALL 181 observations used. Descriptive Statistics Variable Mean Kurtosis Std. Dev. Skewness Minime P.3 A.a 4 -- F1MID 33.414 F1v7 36.414 F114 35.315 F1M21 32.713 FI121 30.276 FiM7 80 -3.0000 F1M1I 80 -1.9006 F1P.21-0 .70166 F1N28~80 3.1381 V71 00 1.3495 1.1379 1.13.11 1.2593 1.4118 -2.4831 -. 32923 -. 20316 -.22423 18.656 20.924 22.328 23.651 24.502 6.9873 9.4717 11.646 12.390 (Skewness a a3/s"3; Kurtosis . "0 0 10 20 4 5 MtVAT1IN 2.000 6.000 5.000 3.0C0 1.000 -49.00 -32.00 -32.00 -33.00 4.7802 13.880 3.9236 4.0552 3.6612 i1" 1:: 11! 11~ 119.0 35. 39.. a4/s"4) M [IrA ON I0 5.3380 4.1375 4.0560 4.3340 GOE o 70 t0 100 I0 120 10 OW BOARMWO OAY ~M. 30 .JUW. laaa - 401 11 20 ®r"-1A., '0 AKr~ k.~ ~V~VA V, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ESRVAnONS 4 F,- 70 80 90 100 110 1-:0 130- -'6-I2 - 0 4 On DAY 7 a 1 00tWCS -. 30 :0 '0 COME - -. UU 12 to 242"'A 32 34 a 40 s2 DAY7 . A 40 1 /AA 0 to 20 30 40 S0 60 70 8 120 1300, -to -12 -6 -4 6 NESERVAnOMS COOCAY 14 a o0NOS Figure 4.09 : Distribution Plots Y-class 4 Flight F1 Market I/J 1-0 10 COME - 24 2 DAY 14 32 86 4 'O 4 32 AMIL1 - .1MM. JSAG.- JUIL I*5*- 1M. IS&O "-4I 0 10 2 30 40 50 o EEVATIONS Of -. &L - 0 70 ao 6o 100 110 120 -16 130. -12 -8 -4 0 4 a 12 6s 20 00(KINGS TO COME - OAY 21 .... .U&1.. -M.. 24 25 32 3 40 44 4e 52 DAY 21 .e 7 20 1 & 1 '7 Ii 104~ ..i r23 i ,i7 20 4AV (--AVAV 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 90 100 110 120 -16 130.. -' -8 -4 o0 RESERYAOMN CHDAY 2 a I2 I6 20 SOOKINGS 'O COME - Figure 4.09 (cont.) Y-class 4 D istribution Plots Flight F1 68 Market I/J 24 :a 2AY 25 32 36 40 44 45 1: .1an. -. AI. 0ea4 2S. Sample set to -) AL. as- Descriptive Statistics - 179cbservations used. 2423- Variable Mean F1?80 F1.7 F1M1i F121 FIM28 FIM? 80 FIM11 10 F1,21-8D F1N28~8D 35.073 36.514 35.225 34.453 34.520 -1.4413 -.16201 .61453 .55307 Std. Dev. Skewness Std. Dev.Skewness 23.250 1.0442 24.254 .96106 25.853 1.0526 1.1066 27.355 30.476 1.0933 -1.0050 4.4026 -. 75446 6.67;0 -. 65930 9.9621 14.710 -1.3151 a. - 14 12IQ Mini mum Minimus Kurtosis Kurtosis Maxim Maxie~~t 3.000 4.000 1.000 1.000 .0000 -18.00 -27.00 -40.00 -59.00 3.4700, 3.2470 3.5918 3.7430 3.5124 5.5798 5.3871 5.9584 5.8158 111.0 115.0 123.. 123.0 133.0 10.00 17.C 39.0: 44.00 (Skewness x a3/s53; Kurt-sis a mi/s**4) 0 so 6 121824 -AM. 30 3942 ea $41505672 48 75450504 RE3ERVATIC0M5 ONIGARIMIG DAY .AM. - JUN. ,s" ao I 7 an - u. .a 20- 20 IQ J .0 _ Ab r7 -i t. 0-,2 -6 0 6 12 1 24 JO 36 42 45 44 50 46 72 75 34 *0 45 54 s 53 64 -'2 -4 0 UERVANOMS ON OAY 7 6 '2 15 24 30 as 42 4 000.MGS IDCOME -- 54 OA 7 45 &4 40 44 7 73 S4 V4 40 - 1 20 20 r,-j y 1 10 0, -12-4 0 12 IS :2 0o34 4: .4 E3ERVArIONS se 6o 72 7 &4 ;0 so ii a -12 ON CAT 14 -4 5 6 12 Figure 4.10 : Distribution Plots Y-class Flight F1 69 Market J/I 15 24 NOCG 30 36 42 "a COME - OAY 14 40 44 72 71 84 90 164a 4"L - A"L -. - A~a.sa .M.- JUN.L I*" 40 -12-6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 4 54 60 86 DAY21 72 78 84 90 4a 54 60 63 -12 -9 0 6 12 A"- .JM*I 16 24 30 3 42 OOKaIGS TO COME - KEcEVAn0S ON 48 54 80 6 72 78 84 90 80 66 72 78 8 90 RAY 21 SO&& 50*- 50 40- 40] r/r.- ad;4 20 20 -r/ A VA FAV rA/ 10 10 r r -12 -4 0 6 12 .18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 ON 33 RESERfATiOMS 6 72 78 84 90 48 54 60 63 -12 -4 0 6 12 25 24 30 36 42 OOMINCS TO COME - Figure 4.10 (cont.) Y-class 18 Distribution Plots Flight F1 70 Market J/I 48 O DAY 54 8 CHAPTER FIVE RESERVATIONS FORECASTING Forecasts are made because from the decision making activity, or plan to the timing and process they analysis assist of the policy, implementation of an action, program, or strategy [7). The need to forecast final reservation requests, particular to this thesis, represents a key ingredient of the decision making process in a Yield Management System. Regardless of the core algorithm that the Seat Inventory Control routine uses, forecasts of final reservation requests are needed. In general, the various forecasting methods can be divided into scientific, three broad qualitative or categories: judgmental, quantitative and or decision analysis, which is a combination of the first two methods. Quantitative methods have been used more often, and have gained a wide acceptance for several reasons. rely heavily on They the existence and use of historical data, and to a large extent, on the perpetuation of past behavior. Forecasting methods are based on cause-effect relationships, statistical analysis or simulation methods, provide a description of the which underlying in turn process one is trying to understand, explain and make forecasts. Qualitative methods, on the other hand, rely on the "intuition and/or experience" are, as a consequence, in describing the forecaster, and dependent on the forecaster ability the process. Subjective by nature, this class of forecast "models" information of is tend to available, or be used when when there very little is an inherent inability of modelling in an objective fashion. Decision analysis, the remaining category, is a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods. In this category, assumptions on some unknown parameters ar-. made, and using quantitative methods, forecasts are made. Given the ability of any airline to provide a vast set of historical data , quantitative methods can be applied to fulfill the forecast need of the Yield Management System. Therefore, quantitative methods in forecasting final bookings for a flight are explored in this thesis. 5.1 ALTERNATIVES IN FORECASTING Time Series Analysis are heavily based on statistical behavior. The model/parameters estimated in Time Series Analysis do not have specific meaning. Models in this class can be used as a forecast tool, but they do not try to explain the underlying nature of the process. Models are developed based on a statistical basis only. In nothing about affect the this the class real variable of models, world to be behavior of a time series is causal moving BoxJenkins' ARIMA relationships forecasted. examined something about its future behavior. projection, we presume to know averages, modelling in Instead, order past to infer Ratio analysis, trend spectral can that analysis, and be cited as examples of Time Series Analysis methods. The namely Causal expressed in second class Methods, of Quantitative methods, concentrates on models that can be equation form, relating variables quantitatively. Data are then used to estimate parameters of the equations, and theoretical relationships are tested statistically. In single equation regression models, the variable under study is explained by a single function (linear or nonlinear) of explanatory variables. The equation will often be time-dependent (i.e. explicitly in the model), so a time index will appear that one can predict the response over time of the variable under study. 5.2 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Time Series Analysis presumes that to the series be forecasted has been generated by a stochastic process with a structure that can be characterized or described. other words, In a times series model provides a description of the random nature of the stochastic process that generated the sample under study. The description is given in terms of how the randomness is embodied in the process, and not in terms of cause-effect relationships. Because time series analysis deal of statistical analysis, and it is more for the fact that a large it provides better estimates sophisticated Simple extrapolation, require than simple extrapolations. such as trend analysis do not account a time series is the result of a stochastic process. With Box-Jenkins' Auto Moving Average models , known as describe time series process, moving average components. in the model. Model original series, times. Parameters Regressive Integrated ARIMA models (8], by using autoregressive and A constant may also be parameters or for the time one can included can be estimated for the series differentiated i are chosen for the terms included in the model in such a way that it minimizes 75 the sum of square differences between actual time series and fitted time series. Model parameters, again, convey no special mean. ARIMA models were developed and flight F1 in the A/B market, and to observe model fitting modelling was final estimated as an example of application results. The data used Table 5.01 shows fitting results for an ARIMA(3,0,2) model. The equation fitted was: . MBD(t) = C + MA2 . r(t) where AR3 = ( I + AR(1).B + AR(2).B B = 2 3 + AR(3).B backward shift operator, defined as n B [X(t)]= X(t-n); MBD = final reservations, M-class; 2 MA2 = ( 1 + MA(1).B + MA(2).B r(t)= residual at time t and ( to be determined by model fitting ) C for bookings for M class for this flight, for the six month sample. AR3 for = constant ; AR(i) = coefficient i calculated for the Moving Average components MA(i) = coefficient i calculated for the Auto-Regressive components. 76 The model estimated is statistically because the calculated chi-square test statistic on 20 residual autocorrelations is 17.91, at least at a confidence level of .90 = 22.3 . Three from acceptable t statistics. is 77.56, regression accepted, which five , meaningful chi-square(15, .90) parameters do not exhibit The estimated white noise variance corresponds of 8.81 . which is first to a standard error of From figure 4.01 one can observe that the standard deviation of the time series variable is 8.89 No much explanatory power was gained with this ARIMA model. ITERATION ITERATION ITERATION RESIDUAL SUM OF SQUARES ..... RESIDUAL SUM OF SQUARES ..... RESIDUAL SUM OF SQUARES ..... 13739 13434.9 13346.9 SUMMARY OF FITTED MODEL parameter estimate stnd.error t-value AR ( 1) AR ( 2) AR ( 3) MA ( 1) MA ( 2) MEAN CONSTANT 1.00765 -.11036 .02083 1.07407 -. 22857 22.04925 1.87547 .14360 .17264 .08176 .14845 .15545 1.33373 7.01705 -.63922 .25474 7.23533 -1.47036 16.53206 prob(>ItI) .00000 .52353 .79923 .00000 .14329 .00000 ESTIMATED WHITE NOISE VARIANCE = 77.5587 WITH 172 DEGREES OF FREEDOM. CHI-SQUARE TEST STATISTIC ON FIRST 20 RESIDUAL'AUTOCORRELATIONS = 17.9051 Table 5.01 Time Series Analysis ARIMA ( 3,0,2 ) Reservations on Boarding Day M-class Fight F1 Market A/B Another time series model was estimated for the = D(t) series MBD(t) intorduced in the model for seasonal a . the which corresponds to original series differenced once, MBD(t-1). A week seasonality was Table 5.02 shows fitting results The with length of 7 days. ARIMA(0,1,4), equation that represents the model is D(t) = C + MA4 . D(t)= MBD(t) - MBD(t-1) r(t) where MBD = final reservations, M-class; MA4 = 1 + MA(7).B 7 + MA(14).B 14- 21 + MA(21).B + 28 + MA(28).B r(t)= residual at time t ( to be determined by model fitting and = constant C ; MA(i) = coefficient i calculated for the Auto-Regressive components. The calculated chi-square statistic is 17.72 < 22.3 ), which means that the Estimated white noise variance, before: 108.23 of 10.40. , model can this time, be ( accepted. was higher than which means a standard error of regression ITERATION 1: ITERATION 2: ITERATION 3: RESIDUAL SUM OF SQUARES ..... RESIDUAL SUM OF SQUARES ..... RESIDUAL SUM OF SQUARES ..... 16433.8 15282 15260.9 SUMM.ARY OF FITTED MODEL parameter estimate stnd.error t-value SAR( 7) SAR( 14) SAR( 21) SAR( 28) MEAN CONSTANT -.70067 -.43076 -.24550 -.32319 -. 10325 -.36782 .08339 .10223 .10321 .09446 .30574 -8.40285 -4.21363 -2.37860 -3.42135 -.;33770 prcb(>jtj) .00000 .00004 .01872 .00082 .73609 MODEL FITTED TO SEASONAL DIFFERENCES OF ORDER 1 WITH SEASONAL LENGTH = 7 ESTIMATED WHITE NOISE VARIANCE = 108.233 WITH 141 DEGREES OF FREEDOM. CHI-SQUARE TEST STATISTIC ON FIRST 20 RESIDUAL AUTOCORRELATIONS 17.7191 Table 5.02 Time Series Analysis ARIMA ( 0,1,4 ) Reservations on Boarding Day M-class Fight F1 80 Market A/B to not related reflect the of error in each model presented is level The poor model related time for day such as day used alone to describe random process associated with bookings. the need to make forecast for a ahead, the flight/class a patterns, they cannot be seasonality, days they variability of the parameter we are modelling. Although reservations on boarding exhibit Instead, specification. error week the Furthermore, given departure, flight associated of say 28 with the forecast will sharply increase as the time interval increases. These two examples are illustrative of the randomness that is present in reservations data. Rather than showing how to use ARIMA models, they serve to illustrate the difficulty posed to the forecaster in modelling and seemingly disadvantage of time series models. Moreover, because no structural behavior is associated with series model, the any time model specification becomes extremely time clear cut can consuming. No modelling, not in an reasonable fashion, when one uses time series models. needed. approach be developed in Just too many forecaster's interventions are series analysis were applied in the remaining Time markets, and the results obtained were similar.For the above reasons, the use of time forecasting model becomes examples a forecasting method. series unattractive, forecaster analysis in although should never reservation with only two discard a One should note that in the above presented models, only reservations data on boarding day were used. No other available data, such as reservation made 28 days before departure for the same flight, or reservation for the same class in reservations data, the same day, were ever used. or even other That leads to the flight next step which is the use of Regression Analysis in reservations forecasting. 5.3 REGRESSION ANALYSIS The use of Regression Analysis in reservations the forecasting implicilty leads to that presumption one knows something about causal relationships that are relevant and influences booking patterns for a given flight. assume that there is a relationship between in a directional levels Cause-effect instance. for market, booking One may relationships can also be tested among different classes in the same flight/market. One could argue that some passengers that made reservation on a full Y class did so because they did not find a seat among classev; in among the "M flights examples that one could compartment". Correlation and between markets are few test in developing need to provide estimates of final a regression model. Given seat requests, forecaster can the for a given flight, launch for a given class, himself in model building, that he has at his disposal a large database. is usually available includes : 83 the knowing The data that (1) historical data from past operations of the same flight, for all classes, which can be retrieved the from airline reservation system; (2) reservation data for the flight itself; (3) current and past applicable fares; (4) changes in schedules/airlines in the market; (5) level of service variables, such as a new flight was introduced in the market; (6) time related information, will depart on a e.g. as flight Friday morning, Thanksgiving week; (7) socio-economic variables Historical data from past flight operation can be retrieved for all classes, and flight build up can be derived from the database. patterns Data can be retrieved and analyzed in a seven days intervals, for instance. That is to say that for reservations (MBD), the data 7 (M7), 14 M can class be (M14) departure and so forth. of flight retrieved ,21 (M21) F1, market A/B, for the boarding day days 'before flight analysis regression about infer consequences in that, unfortunate one could By including such variables, models. regression fare of this data was not so fare thesis, very is It changes. of power explanatory the increase should variables fare Some problems were detected in the readily available. A micro/macro-economic with model available. also Current and past fares are database that made them of little use. A "pollution" problem was particularly detected in the highest fare class, with makes them exception only of the I/J & J/I markets, are statistical analysis and demand modelling far as unusable which concerned. Because reservations not basis, does explanatory power. on modeled leg a the absence of a fare variable on a O&D basis, represent implicitly not were a then fare If O&D forecasts are needed, variables should inevitably be incorporated, model the in loss other as well socio-economic variables, e.g income level, population ,etc. Variables type (4) and (5) cannot be explicitly in introduced the model. An example of a methodology for determining the relationship and the level demand Eriksen, of between service Scalea and Taneja [8]. is created service index models. The level of service In has air transportation been essence, proposed by level a of and used in regression analysis index generated is a non- dimensional generalized trip time scaled from zero to one, which takes into account not only the number of flight, also the number of intermediate stops, but direct or connecting service, speed of aircraft, and most important, the matching of departure schedules to time variability of demand. By the same token that fares cannot be (only in O&D models), introduced in the model, this index cannot be applied to the regression models developed in this thesis. Although some variables above mentioned are not explicitly considered in the regression models presented in this thesis, some structural behavior are implicitly assumed here. For instance, fare elasticities are increase as one moves from a potential full to the lowest fare potential passenger. expected fare to passenger Correlations are expected to be higher in adjacent classes in comparison with extreme classes, for instance , or, in other words, reservations on the lowest fare class are not expected to be an important explanatory variable in the regression model of the highest fare class. A coherent fare structure, as well associated set of restriction, are assumed in each and every market analyzed. As the models presented here are the result of a search of a structural behavior among classes and even markets, those implicit assumptions are of very importance. Under these circumstances, the models that are presented here can be called as booking performance models, in the sense that they search for structural behavior and or performance of booking for a given class, on a given flight. The search of a structural behavior across markets leads to find a minimal set of explantory variables that to and day-of-week seasonal week-of-year as such variables, related time and classes, and flights among classes, among adjacent fare and bookings-to-come, bookings-on-hand between examined are relationships causal-effect model, general structure called so the building In these of function a as is able to describe reservations variables. one that is The rational in developing this kind of model expects a is expected to hold across flights and markets. that model is which model, the formulation of a general structure variables. that One may argue loss is there general a model It is true that precision when a general structure is used. there are losses involved in adopting in structure A model that is market and flight specific is by all model. means better than a generalized one. Because it is specified and fitted with the data of one flight show fitting better specific market/flight especially when one results. Building a time considers the may be flights/markets served by an airline. variable that is only, relevant for the it models tends large One may are that consuming to task, number of introduce a flight F1 in the A/B market, whereas the same variable may not be of relevance in the flight F1 in the E/F market. Therefore, building models that are flight/market specific has some practical disadvantages when one considers that a vast set of forecasting models has to to be generated introduced in for the an A/B airline. When market, for a new flight instance, is a general structure model,that was fitted for the A/B market is likely to yield better forecast than the one particularly specified and fitted to any flight in the market. One also has to have in mind that schedule airline industry, changes and the happen ability specific models is sharply reduced. higher stability in schedules very of often in building the flight It would require a much that is observed in the airline industry. Therefore, developed and relevant, those the if a general structure model can be incurred models are precision preferred. losses With are a not general structure model approach, forecasts of final bookings can be made more efficiently without spending too much time in modeling. Another positive consequence of a general structure model is the associated reduction in data handling routines that are required for model fitting. Moreover, with a market specific approach, one could run into the problem 88 of having to re-specify the model as time goes the also could model specific be for because by, a determined a model dependent period/season of the year, or even worse, on the data set used for fitting. regression models presented in this thesis The are the result of a search of Several each model market, regression a structure general model. specifications and variables were tested for and pooled analysis together in a Variables effort. time consuming that showed statistical adherence in most of all markets were kept. The general includes structure model developed here, a long term cyclic (seasonal variation) component, recent historical data, minimum cycle is a week, of-week variation. as well as actual bookings. The and the model is sensitive to day- The variables used model to forecast bookings class, for a given market, MtBD ), in to the come, general structure for flight F1 in M from t days before departure, ( are as follows: ONE - a constant or base booking level; DAYS - day of week dummy variables, (MO,TU,WE,TH,FR, and SA relative to SU); Mt - bookings-on-hand, on day t, M-class; INDEX - week of year non-dimensionalized index for traffic levels and growth through the major hub of the airline; S5MAiB - historical average of bookings made in M-class , between day t and departure, for the most five recent departures of the same flight Fi ; MTt - total bookings on hand ,for all future flights in the same directional market t days before departure. Long-term cycles and market growth are expected to be captured by the INDEX variable, while S5MAiB should be sensible to shorter term trends. Regression analysis Tables 5.03 through 5.12 . results are shown from Table 5.03 shows fitting results of the general applied structure model The subset used was from the original data set. of a in fitted is The model also includes a constant term. subset The model variables are included in the model. explanatory Ten Fl. flight A/B, market to observation #35 to observation #181, which means a total of 147 observations. The sample size was reduced to 147 because of variable. S5MA the for consequently the first non-trivial S5MA is #35 . ( 35 = 7 5 The and S5MA is a 5-week lag average, observation ). degree of freedom for the F-statistic is therefore equals to 10 (the number of explanatory variables) in the numerator, and equals to 136 ( number of observations minus the number of parameters to be estimated, 10-1),in the denominator. Therefore, the F-Statistic (10,136), at 95% 1.91. All or 136=147- the critical value of level of confidence is which means that runs exhibit a higher F level, the models are accepted. The adjusted R-squared , or R-bar squared, all is runs characterized by a low value. remember that the dependent variable is the difference of final for One has to result the of bookings and bookings-on-hand. Model fitting for differenced variables will always exhibit low squared statistics. This explain, to some extent, square is relatively low for each model run. R why R In this example there was a for Mondays, Fridays, Thursdays, statistically different Sundays. Bookings-on-hand The from distinct and Saturdays. They were the base and day, INDEX significant in all runs : in any run, the coefficients the were greater behavior than which were variables were t statistic critical of value t(136)=1.98. This fitting model. capture results market/flight is an example of model that is expected for the general structure The INDEX variable is expected to be significant and week-of-year seasonality. A "local" seasonality is also expected to be captured by day-of-week dummy variables. It was indeed possible for this flight/market to detect some different behavior for some dummy variables. TABLE 5.03 REGRESSION ANALYSIS SUMMARY FL I GHT MARKET A/B - -- --- -- --- - - --- -- ---- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- MODEL RUN (DAY) t=28 t=21 DEPENDENT VARIABLE M28 BD 15.56 8.32 6.38 0.45 0.41 11.17 M21 MEAN STD. DEV. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUARED R-8AR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10,136) VAR I ABLES value CONSTANT MO TU WE TH FR SA Mt INDEX 55MAt MTt - -- --- -- - -- - --- --- - t=7 6D M14 BD M7 BD 14.44 8.24 12.01 7.72 6.09 0.42 7.56 6.34 0.45 0.41 6.09 5.35 0.28 0.23 5.29 0.38 9.79 11.01 t - t= 14 stat value + stat value 34.56 -3.94 0.41 1.6 3.12 5.91 -5.11 -0.51 6.57 -1.98 0.19 0.81 1.34 2.93 -2.52 -4.23 33.87 -3.86 0.45 1.35 3.31 5.32 -5.14 -0.49 6.46 -1.96 0.21 .0.68 1.42 2.65 -2.55 -4.13 -0.11 -0.32 -0.15 -2.23 -2.15 -1.97 -0.09 -0.32 -0.15 -2.11 -2.16 -1.94 t t stat stat value 31.61 -2.85 1.34 1.94 3.39 4.54 -3.81 -0.42 6.21 -1.51 0.66 1.01 1.52 2.32 -1.94 -3.95 24.04 -1.36 2.14 1.37 2.28 1.36 -20.9 -0.29 5.19 -0.87 1.21 0.82 1.18 0.75 -1.21 -3.18 -0.11 -0.23 -0.16 -2.31 -1.62 -2.25 -0.08 -0.13 -0.09 -2.18 -1.04 -1.57 Table 5.04 shows fitting results for flight F2, in the B/A market. This is an example of a flight in the reverse direction of the one shown in the previous example. In this example, for all model runs. was also low F-statistics were acceptable R-bar squared although almost across runs. The exhibited an interesting behavior. Saturdays variables were day-of-week While only variables Fridays and statistically significant in the day_28 run, all days but Mondays were day_7 The run. constant bookings-on-hand consistently for all runs. significant variable It showed an in the did not behave almost/ acceptable t_statistics in day_28 and day_7 runs while in between the t values were not acceptable. very stable behavior, The INDEX variable exhibited a although not all t-statistics were acceptable. This statistical Although market/flight behavior some for coefficients statistically determined, acceptable. the When compared of is an general example of a mixed structure model. the variables could not be the overall model performance was to Table 5.03, one can observe that relatively similar results were obtained for flights in both direction of the markets defined by the citypair A&B. TABLE 5.04 MARkET B/A REGRESSION ANALYSIS SUMMARY FLIGHT MODEL RUN (DAY) t=28 t=21 t=14 t=7 DEPENDENT VARIABLE MEAN SD. DEV. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUAiRED R-BAR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10,136) M28 BD 20.46 10.45 9.03 0.31 0.25 5.86 M21 _D 18.77 10.22 8.59 0.34 0.29 6.99 M14 8D 16.61 9.78 8.21 0.34 0.29 7.02 M7 BD 1021 8.01 6.81 0.32 0.27 6.55 VARIABLES value t stat value t stat 24.31 2.69 26.83 3.11 1.71 0.58 0.49 1.37 -2.15 -0.75 -2.49 -0.91 -1.24 -0.43 -2.09 -0.76 -7.53 -2.35 -9.59 -3. 11 -2.01 0.66 -3.43 -1.19 -1.85 -5.69 -S.02 -1.71 -0.42 -1.41 -0.12 -0.56 -0.07 -0.91 INDEX -0.11 -1.37 0.38 3.01 SSMAt 0.37 3.07 -0.08 -0.68 MTt -0.11 -1.21 ------------- - --------------------------- ------ - ---------CONSTANT MO TU WE TH value 2659 1.16 -2.97 -4.32 -9.37 -4.37 -4.26 0.006 -0.11 0.35 -0.16 t stat value t stat 3.24 22.31 3.29 0.05 0.44 0.02 -1.14 -3.66 -1.71 -1.61 -7.01 -3.15 -3.21 -8.93 -3.73 -1.59 -7.31 -3.17 1.51 -4.78 -2.04 0.03 -0.16 -1.49 -1.52 -0.08 -1.38 3.06 0.19 40~'94 -1.88 -0.02 -0.33 ------------------- Table 5.05 flight F4 in were this In results for day-of-week all example the from different fitting R-bar statistics are little the C/D market. higher for this flight. variables model shows Sundays. day, base in any Thursday was constantly the busiest day in any week, model run. The bookings-on-hand variable was not significant in any model run. The and INDEX S5MA variables were constantly significant across model runs. The general structure model behave as expected. Fitting improvement was observed, when compared to previous flights/markets. 5.06 Table shows fitting model results for R-bar squared statistics flight F3 in the D/C market. were improved. All day-of-week variables were significant, in any model run. Bookings-on-hand were not significant again. The INDEX and S5MA variables were siginificant in most of the runs. The C/D market overall example. That model behavior was similar to the is, all dummy significant in the C&D citypair markets. variables were The INDEX and S5MA variables did contribute to the general structure model. The remaining statistics. variables did not explicitly improve model TABLE 5.05 REGRESSION ANALYSIS SurMARY MAR<ET C/D MODEL RUN FLIGHT (DAY) DEPENDENT VAR I ABLE MEAN STD. DEV. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUARED R-BAR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10,136) : VARIABLES -- -- -- -- CONSTANT MO TU WE TH FR SA Mt INDEX S5MAt MT+- t=28 t=21 t=14 t=7 N28_8D 15.93 9.25 6.82 0.49 0.45 13.12 M21 8D 15. 11 8.84 6.63 0.47 0.43 12.28 M14_8D 13. 57 8.42 6.21 0.49 0.45 13.2 M7 BD 9.81 6.79 5.38 0.41 0.37 9.6 value - t stat - --- -- ----- -- --- ---- -- -- --- -- * , * i * -18.83 5.49 6.63 9.38 11.68 7.92 6.81 -0.04 0.21 0.34' 0.25 value -- -- -- --- -- -2.95 2.33 2.67 3.44 3.94 2.81 2.62 -0.09 3.05 3.12 1.91 -18.99 6.34 6.48 9.39 11.04 8.11 6.78 0.11 0.21 0.31 0.08 t stat -- - -- -- -3.09 2.74 2.69 . 3.56 3.82 2.93 2.61 0.38 3.35 2.91 1.01 value t stat value t stat -3.04 2.24 2.23 2.74 3.45 2.33 1.83 0.45 2.93 3.01 1.91 -18.18 3.78 4.98 5.42 7.21 4.87 3.35 0.03 0.18 0.19 0.04 -3.64 1.98 2.53 2.45 2.97 2.08 1.49 0.22 3.69 -- -- -17.68 4.81 5.08 6.91 9.42 6.03 4.51 0.09 0.17 0.31 0.12 2.23 0.87 REGRESS ION AFNALYS IS SUMMARY TABLE 5.06 F3 FL I GHT MAPJET D/C MODEL RUN (DAY) t=28 - -- -- ----- -- --- - DEPENDENT VAR I ABLE MEAN STD. DEU. SID. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUARED R-BAR SQUiRED F-STATISTIC (10,136) - --- M21_8D 29.44 15.24 10.08 0.59 0.56 19.76 -- -------------- ----------- value * * -5.21 2.08 8.15 14.19 11.84 10.31 -7.64 0.23 0.19 0 0.41 -0.29 t t=14 t=7 M14_BD 25.33 13.71 9.67 0.53 0.51 15.73 M7 BD 16.63 10.33 7.88 0.45 0.42 -- --- - - M28_80 31 .78 15. 66 10.04 0.61 0.58 21.91 VARIABLES CONSTFNT MO TU WE TH FR SA Mt I1DEX S5MAt MTi: ---------------------- ------------- ------------------------------- stat -0.56 0.52 2.24 3.46 3.02 2.84 -2.17 0.53 2.09 3.53 -1.27 value -4.47 2.88 9.13 13.91 11.91 10.41 -7.66 -0.18 0.17 0.38 -0.12 ---------------- ------------------------ ----- -------- t stat -0.46 0.87 2.47 3.34 3.02 2.89 -2.14 -0.62 1.89 3.31 -0.66 value -3.51 4.38 9.95 14.11 10.94 6.49 -7.13 -0.27 0.14 0.28 0.07 ----------- 11. 48 ------ --------- t stat -0.38 1.35 2.72 3.41 2.84 1.82 -2.06 -1.16 1.64 2.44 0.53 value t stat -3.53 5.84 9.67 11.51 6.21 0.39 -5.73 -0.11 0.11 0.11 0.51 -0.47 2.24 3.27 3.46 1.94 0.13 -1.97 -0.83 1.63 1.25 0.73 Table 5.07 shows flight F1 in the E/F market. very low. model fitting R-bar squared They range from 0.19 to 0.16 F statistics were F(10,136)=1.91, acceptable. at a The . results for statistics are Nevertheless, all critical value 95% confidence interval. is As it gets closer to the departure day the more significant the day-ofweek dummy variables are. While the INDEX and S5MA variables were not significant to the variables exhibited model acceptable runs, the Mt t-statistics. and It MTt is an example of the opposite behavior so far observed. Table 5.08 shows flight F2 in the F/E market. model fitting results for R-bar squared statistics are a little higher than in the previous example. All Fstatistics were also marginally acceptable. observed for Statistical day-of-week significance variables. was The Mt variable, bookings-on-hand was not significant in any model run. INDEX The and S5MA were significant in this example. Total bookings-on-hand (MTt) was not so significant as in the previous example. These two examples illustrate the behavior expected for the (INDEX & S5MA) variables & MTt) variables. others are not, are included distinct vs. When the first two are significant, and vice-versa. in the model, It explains why both (Mt the sets together with the fact that no one can a priori predict which two will be significant. 99 REGRESSION ANALYSIS SUNMf)RY TAdBLE 5.07 MARKET E/F MODEL RUN (DAY) DEPENDENT VARIABLE MEAN STD. DEV. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUARED R-BAR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10,136) | t=28 t=21 t=14 t=7 1128_BD 10.61 10.46 9.4 0.24 0.19 4.45 M21 BD 9.71 9.07 8.45 0.19 0.13 3.21 M14_BD 8.08 7.12 6.81 0.15 0.09 2.41 M7_8D 6.63 5.67 5.21 0.21 0.16 3.73 value t stat Value t stat value t stat -------------- ------ - -- ------------ - - --------- - ------ - ----- 0.42 -5.58 -1.01 -2.11 1.71 -0.42 CONSTANT 3.26 1.48 1.41 2.73 1.01 0.46 MO 1.67 3.45 1.61 0.62 -0.85 -0.29 TU 2.42 1.35 0.46 1.65 1.15 - 0.62 WE 1.55 6.27 5.98 4.54 2.26 2.95 TH 0.72 2.79 0.91 1.99 3.01 1.36 FR 0.87 4.05 2.51 0.92 1.89 1.34 .1 0 -0.51 -3.79 -0.21 -0.67 -4.35 Mt 0.07 1.59 0.01 0.22 2.74 0.13 I NDEX 1.67 0.97 0.15 0.16 1.27 0.13 ssMAt 0.16 3.32 0.35 2.22 2.92 0.39 MTt VAR IABLES o F1 FLIGHT value 4.93 3.76 4.66 3.88 7.06 2.61 1.68 -0.14 -0.04 0.07 0.14 - stat 1.57 2.23 2.81 2.39 4.31 1.52 1.01 -2.06 -1.36 0.99 2.77 TABLE 5.08 MARKET F/E REGRESSION ANALYSIS SUMHARY FLIGHT MODEL RUN (DAY) t=28 t=21 t=14 t=7 DEPENDENT VARIABLE MEIN STD. DEV. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUARED R-BAR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10,135) M28 BD 13.81 9.45 7.83 0.35 0.31 7.57 M21 _D 12.68 9.02 7.94 M14 8D 11.81 8.44 7.64 0.23 0.17 4.16 M7 BD 8.96 6.81 6.48 0.15 0.19 2.48 VAR IABLES value CONSTANT -13.58 2.51 4.61 3.18 3.55 1.71 3.57 0.04 0.16 0.61 0.08 INDEX SSAt MTt 0.28 0.22 5.17 t stat -2.55 1.01 1.83 1.29 1.42 0.68 1.31 0.26 3.08 5.43 1.11 value -11.93 3.28 4.06 3.36 3.13 0.48 3.06 0.02 0.15 0.53 0.04 sitat value -2.184 1.31 1.56 - 1.33 1.21 0.18 1.08 -0.13 2.81 4.74 0.54 -8.24 3.91 4.31 4.07 3.51 2.11 3.82 -0.04 0.11 0.46 0.06 t £ stat -1.54 1.66 1.68 1.65 1.38 0.82 1.39 -0.29 2.01 4.17 0.89 value -3.52 3.01 4.24 3.56 1.79 2.41 4.87 -0.14 0.05 0.29 0.07 t stat -0.77 1.44 1.89 1.64 0.81 1.11 2.13 -1.54 1.25 3.11 1.42 Table 5.09 F1 flight shows model for Fstatistics are acceptable, and in the day_7 it reaches the minimum so far observed, 1.92 . In this run, example, only observed for extremely the One significant. INDEX variable reason possible the low, dependent ranging respectively. As a from always smaller 6.65 statistically the high variation While to means 3.97, ranging from consequence, reduced. Nevertheless, is is variable. deviations are relatively high, was results R-bar squared statistics are in the G/H market. again low. fitting model are standard 6.7 to 5.3, performance is the standard error of the regression than the standard deviation of the dependent variable. Table 5.10 flight F2, in extremely low, shows model the H/G market. fitting results for Although R-bar squared are one can observe the distinct model behavior. In this example, all day-of-week variables were significant. The INDEX MTt and and S5MA variables were also significant, Mt showed bad tstatistics. Again, while only two variables were significant. The flight F1, that even for a flight with market H/G, example illustrates very structure model can be used. 102 small load the general TAB3LE 5.09 REGRESSION ANALYSIS SUMMiRY MARKET G/H FLIGHT - -- - - ----------- ----------------------- --- --- --- --- MODEL RUN (DAY) t=28 t=21 t=14 tz7 DEPENDENT N28 8D 6.04 6.65 5.56 0.35 0.31 6.37 M21 BD 5.46 6.41 5.47 0.32 0.27 5.68 M14 8D 4.88 6.12 5.57 0.23 0.17 3.58 M7 BD 3.97 5.25 5.07 0.14 0.06 1.92 VARRIABLES va I'ue CONSTANT MO TU WE TH FR SA Mt INDEX -5.35 -1.61 -0.54 -2.05 -0.81 4.31 -1.31 -0.18 0.12 0.13 -0.51 VAR I ABLE MEAN 5TD. DEV. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUARED R-BAR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10, 136) ssm)t MTt t stat value -1.45 -0.91 -0.31 -1.16 -0.45 2.45 -0.53 -0.83 4.35 1.48 -3.44 -4.22 -1.39 -1.26 -2.61 -2.05 3.54 -0.43 0.02 0.11 0.13 -0.61 t stat value -1.16 -0.81 -0.71 -1.49 -1.17 2.03 -0.17 0.11 4.13 1.61 -3.54 -4.88 -1.41 -1.06 -2.65 -1.53 3.31 -1.31 -0.24 0.11 0.09 -0.23 t stat value -1.32 -0.79 -0.59 -1.49 -0.86 1.83 -0.52 -1.17 3.88 1.01 -1.67 -3.02 -1.68 -1.38 -2.27 -1.78 0.96 -2.03 -0.11 0.08 0.02 -0.07 --- t staL -0.89 -1.14 -0.85 -1.41 -1. 11 0.57 -0.91 -0.79 3.13 0.21 -0.74 REGRESS I ON ANALYS I5 SUMItARY TABLE 5. 10 MARKET H/G FL IGHT F2 MODEL RUN (DAY) t=28 t=21 t=14 DEPENDENT VAR IABLE MEAN STD. DEV. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUARED R-BAR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10,132) 128_ED 12. 51 11.58 10.38 M21 8D 11.26 11.21 10.44 0.19 0.13 3.18 M14 BD 9.88 0.25 0.19 4.46 VARIABLES I.- o value --------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTANT MO TU WE TH FR SA Mt : -14.72 -12.92 : INDEX ssMAt MTt 5. 69 -12.27 -13.01 * -13.64 -11.01 -0.14 0.09 0.59 0.15 t -- stat --- value ------ 1.42 -3.21 -3.38 -3.85 -3.33 -3.56 -2.88 -0.71 2.81 4.56 0.89 ----- --- 6.14 -11.61 -12.85 -15. 14 -12.01 -12.46 -10.77 -0.26 0.09 0.45 0.22 M7_80 7.13 7.45 7.02 0.17 0.11 9.77 9.14 0.18 0. 12 3.01 stat t ---- value -------- 1.52 -3.01 -3.31 -3.95 -3.08 -3.21 -2.81 -1.33 2.64 3.37 1.32 ---- ------- 4.22 -9.23 -10.81 - 12. 01 -9.55 -10.97 -10.61 -0.21 0.08 0.35 0.23 2.81 t stat ---- 1.18 -2.71 -3.16 -3.56 -2.78 -3.23 -3.15 -1.14 2.51 2.95 1.51 value --------- t sta ---- 3.45 -7.03 -7.59 -7293 -6.52 -8.58 -8.87 -0.07 0.06 0.19 0.14 2.61 2.1 .41 Table shows 5.11 fitting restults for The Y-class. for the in the I/J market, flight F1, model same general structure is applied to the Y-class in the Canadian market. R-bar squared statistics are low as it were in the case of the M-class, for domestic U.S. markets. In the day_7 run, all model statistics dropped significantly, and the model exhibited a distinct behavior: only two variables were significant. Nevertheless, all runs. The day-of-week expected behavior, different Fstatistics were acceptable for dummy variables exhibited the that is for some days (e.g. behavior from TU or SA) the base day was observed, i.e. t_statistics were significant. Bookings-on-hand/ (Yt) were significant for all model runs, but day_7 run. variable was marginally accepted in some The INDEX runs, while the remaining variables were not. Table 5.12 shows model fitting results for flight F1 in the J/I market, for the Y-class. R-bar squared statistics the were a little higher that in previous example. In the day_28 model run it was 0.41 and it dropped to on 0.16 the day 7. exhibit good tstatistics. picked up by the model. the first two model runs, variable was significant The day-of-week variables did not No "local" seasonality could be The Yt variable was significant in while YTt was not. in all model runs. significant. 105 The INDEX S5MA was not REGRESS 10N ANALYS IS SUMARY TABLE 5.11 MAIRKET I/J FLIGHT Fl MODEL RLN (DtAY) +t=28 t=21 t14 t=7 DEPENDENT VARIABLE MEAN STD. DEU. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUIRED R-BAR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10,136) : Y28 BD 22.98 13.36 11.3 0.33 0.28 6.81 Y21 8D 21.36 12.21 10.77 0.27 0.22 5.13 Y14 BD 18.48 10.48 9.76 0.18 0.12 3.18 Y7BD 13.11 8.19 7.98 0.11 0.04 2.81 UAR IABLES : value CONSTANT MO TU WE TH FR SA Yt INDEX S5MAt MTt 48.22 -5.24 -10.99 -3.93 -4.64 5.91 -6.29 -0.72 -0. 11 -0. 15 0.03 t sfat value t stat value t stat value 5.29 -1.28 -2.98 -1.01 -1.29 1.65 -1.79 -5.69 -1.64 -1.25 0.46 45.5 -3.34 -8.91 -1.97 -3.87 6.01 -6.36 -0.51 -0. 11 -0. 15 0.01 5.15 -0.86 -2.52 *--0.53 -1. 12 1.75 -1.91 -3.96 -1.49 -1.29 0.21 35.56 -0.41 -5.22 1.19 -1.89 6.49 -5.49 -0.27 -0. 11 -0.09 0.02 4.29 -0.11 -1.59 0.34 -0.61 2.09 -1.81 -2.21 -1.86 -0.84 0.37 25.51 1.22 -0.56 2.01 0.37 3.79 -3.42 -0.01 -0.08 -0.05 -0.05 t stat 3.62 0.41 -0.21 0.71 0.14 1.45 -1.35 -0.02 -1.89 -0.64 -1.01 TABLE 5.12 MARKET J/I REGRES51ON ANALYSIS SUMMARY FI FLIGHT MODEL RUN (DAY) DEPENDENT UARIA8LE MEAN STD. DEV. STD. ERROR OF REGRESSION R SQUARED R-BAR SQUARED F-STATISTIC (10,134) : : t=28 t=21 t=14 t=7 Y28_8D 20.98 13.87 10.74 0.44 0.41 10.61 Y21_8D 19.42 10.34 9.53 0.21 0.15 3.54 YI4_BD 17.01 8.29 7.81 0.17 0.11 2.81 Y7_BD 11.36 6.62 6.04 0.22 0.16 3.88 VARIABLES v'alue CONSTANT MO TU WE TH FR SA 40.03 -3.59 -4.79 -0.84 -1.99 1.43 -0.41 -0.89 -0.15 0.24 0.07 Vlt INDEX 55Mit YTt * t stat 6.84 -1.07 -1.39 -0.25 -0.58 0.42 -0.12 -6.22 -3.27 1.82 0.92 value 31.89 -3.37 -0.81 2.82 0.99 3.42 0.01 -0.47 -0.14 0.18 0.11 t stat value 5.92 -1.13 -0.25 0.91 0.32 1.13 0.01 -3.52 -3.51 1.55 1.58 23.67 -2.13 2.34 5.96 3.21 6.15 2.37 -0.11 -0.11 0.05 0.03 t stat value t stat 5.16 -0.87 0.91 2.32 1.26 2.44 0.94 -0.94 -2.91 0.48 0.59 18.41 0.29 2.47 6.92 3.17 5.27 0.71 0.06 -0.06 -0.06 -0.08 5.04 0.15 1.24 3.45 1.61 2.73 0.35 0.81 -2.11 -0.81 -1.81 The market. adherence For instance, the of the variables vary from market to model generalized the in considered statistical bookings-on-hand variable was statistically significant in the directional A/B market, but in the other markets, model. direction it was not. the INDEX and S5MA variables MTt and Mt variables In the majority of contributed to the seem to pick up explanatory power when INDEX and S5MA variables can not. Therefore, they work together in an almost exclusive basis. Nevertheless, all four are kept in the general structure model because one can never general, predict the what variables will be significant. model was able to pick up In /day-of-week seasonality: day-of-week dummy variables were significant in most of the cases. variables general A reduction in the number of explanatory included in the set of variables selected for the structure Durbin-Watson model causes noticeable reduction of statistics to values that are not acceptable, which in turn means the presence of serial correlation. This result leads to the conclusion that either variables can only be added to this minimal set, or carefully replaced. In all markets, the general structure model outperformed simple estimates of bookings-to-come based on local historical averages. The application 04f the model in a Y-class, as in the case of the Canadian market, yielded equivalent fitting results, which may suggest that the model can be adapted and applied to the Y-class. 108 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION 6.1 SUMMARY The forecasting module Inventory of an Automated Control System is intended to provide the dynamic booking limit adjustment routine with estimates of bookings for individual future flights. routine will then use these estimates of to Seat calculate how many expected A seat allocation expected bookings seats should be protected for each upper fare class, in addition to bookings already on hand. The initial work in forecasting involved models that derived direct estimates of final bookings. Bookings by fare class, wanted to on the day of departure. was the forecast - the dependent variable. variable we Cause-effect relationships between this variable and a set of explanatory (independent variable) as well qualitative and time series behavior. 109 quantitative these cause-effect of analysis statistical with together relationships, of examination Further historical reservations data, have indicated that a focus on The key factor bookings-to-come would be a better approach. to this bookings obtained across the focus the With testing. data set selected for hypothesis between correlation observed and final bookings, hand on an was conclusion final bookings were indirectly shifted to bookings-to-come, bookings estimated as the sum of actual the and hand on estimated bookings to come. A simple forecasting model is suggested for the initial estimation of final bookings. It consists of moving average process that is sensitive to day of variation week only. That is to say, for instance, that a 8-week average is used to Monday). on a specific day of flight F1), flight (e.g. final bookings for a given estimate or describe week (e.g. Although no information on actual bookings on hand for future flights are ever used, nor additional adjustments variations are made for cyclic or seasonal weekly the basis, assumption implicit other of approach is that a small sample of final demand flights will be that on this simple for recent representative of the demand for the same flights in the near future. The first step in reservations forecasting involves initial estimates of final bookings well in advance 110 of flight departures. These estimates can be improved later in the bookings process as more information specific flight for which more (data) accurate on the forecasts are needed. The 'final forecasting to come, module step in the development of a is to improve the estimates of bookings over those strictly based on recent historical averages. The closer it gets to departure day, the better is to improve forecasts of final bookings. better forecasts of final bookings, As a general rule, via bookings-to-come, are obtained using regression analysis as the 28/days before departure day threshold is surpassed. The models analytical models ( Analysis) to in this thesis ranged from Series Analysis and Regression non conventional models ( Bookings Curves and ad-hoc methods). (Box Time tested Results obtained via Time Series Analysis and Jenkins' ARIMA models) were not encouraging enough in providing better obtained via estimates, when compared to results Regression Analysis or even simple historical averages. Any improvements were far outweighed by elaborated data handling routines that would have to be used to fit the models. Non-conventional methods required too many "tuning" interventions by the forecaster, automated routine is results improve did not to be which is not helpful if an developed, over 111 and again Regression Analysis. their As a result, effort was concentrated on Regression Analysis. The first step was to develop market specific models. Models were formulated and generated for the markets The search was for a specific in the data sample. selected structure ( model specification) that yielded better and better model fitting results. At this level, model structure was considered as independent of direction. for instance, market, that the same model should also estimated coefficients hold for were That is to say, structure the for B/A market, allowed to be the A/B although directionally sensitive. Although it was possible to develop models that were specific to markets, a general structure model was thought to be preferable in view of the associated reduction in specific data handling routines that for model fitting. would be required As model generalization involves losses in forecast precision caused by aggregation of markets, this approach was preferred because these losses were enough produced to distort with consistently the better forecasting general results. structure All not large forecasts approach were (less variable) than simple historical average from a sample of recent flights. * A proposal of a general structure model is then presented and tested in this thesis. 112 The general structure model proposed component calculated here includes a long term cyclic (seasonal) short , over recent sensitive to day of "good" model term demonstrates how and trend historical data, week fitting cyclic variations. statistics, Regression Analysis and the model is Apart this can components from model be showing structure used in a forecasting module of an Automated Booking Limit System, and thus provide improved estimates of bookings to come. 113 6.2 TOPICS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH The general structure model was developed in this thesis for the M-class only. As the typical different classes, airline models need tested for the remaining classes. in this case Y-class, a has, also at least, four to be developed and For the upper fare class, similar model structure can be applied. The expected set of build-up curves for the Y class is rather similar to the set of M-class, and generally speaking, flights start to heavily build up during the last week, before flight departure. Therefore, a bookings-to-come approach, with the reference on the boarding day can also be used. Almost no "supply limitation" is also expected to occur, since Y authorized booking levels are usually greater than the total coach seating capacity. As one moves to lower fare classes, both up ( behavior change. curves) build-up for instance, For the B-class, reaches departure, its peak at and least say on day 14, a week 114 limitations supply the build-up curve the before and from there on cancellation is expected to be observed. build a flight period of The same phenomena as far is also observed in the lowest fare class, although, as seat inventory forecasting models will phenomena can be routines control not taken reference day to day 14, be into are developed. account concerned, build-up This by changing as in the case of above the mentioned example for the B-class. On the other hand, the supply limitation problem, caused by bookout phenomena, ( the class was closed due to either a low authorized booking limit, or by a large number of reservations made in other classes.), needs to be carefully addressed. A longer be single applied. model needs to equation Instead, developed, system approach. Now, regression a using For instance, a flight build up no simultaneous equation supply variables, such as authorized explicitly taken into cause-effect relationships such as, for a given fight, for a given class, the can multi-equation regression levels for a given class need to be account. model there was a cutoff in because the authorized level for the class itself was reached ( low authorized booking limit --low demand observed --- > > change in flight statistics) should be investigated. 115 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1) Belobaba, Inventory Peter : "Air Travel Demand and forthcoming Control", Airline Seat Thesis, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. [2) Littlewood, Kenneth Forecasting and Control of Passenger Bookings". AGIFORS Proceedings 1972. [3] Mayer, Seat "Seat Allocation, or a Simple Model of Michael Allocation via Sophisticated Ones." AGIFORS Proceedings 1976. [4] Buhr, Jorn " Optimal Sales Limit for 2-Sector Flights". AGIFORS 1982. 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