The Career Services Center Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning Program Assessment Report Unit: The Career Service Center’s Cooperative Education/ Experiential Learning Program Individual Completing Report: Yolanda Burt, Assistant Director The Career Services Center’s Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning Program established two (2) goals for assessment. A narrative for each goal is being provided. These goals were developed as a result of gaining feedback concerning the two critical areas of importance with regards to the career counseling and career preparation services that the Career Services Center purposes to provide to Cleveland State University students. The Assistant Director of the Career Services Center and the Co-op Coordinators developed these goals. ASSESMENT GOAL #1: All Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning Program students will have a basic understanding of the expectations of a professional career-related work experience. Outcome Measure for Goal #1: The Co-op Evaluation Form is utilized to measure this particular goal. This instrument is one that allows the Career Coordinator to measure student understanding of the expectations of a professional career-related work experience based on the student’s job performance completed by the employer. Goal Criteria 1: 75% of students evaluated will have a basic understanding of a professional career-related work experience. OUTCOMES The Co-op Employer Evaluation was implemented for use during summer semester 2004, fall semester 2004 and spring semester 2005. The employer and student submit the evaluation Career Services Center electronically or by mail. The Coordinators review the evaluation and enters the results under ‘notes’ in the student database. Coordinators meet individual with students to review results. RESEARCH During summer 2004, fall 2004, and spring 2005 a total of 102 students turned in evaluations. Analysis of the evaluation data revealed that 43% of the evaluated students have an average understanding of the expectations of a professional career-related work experience, while 39% have an outstanding understanding of expectations of a professional career-related experience. Based on the criteria established for achievement of Goal #1, it appears that we have reached our goal. 82% (43% average understanding plus 39% outstanding understanding) of Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning students will have a basic understanding of the expectations of professional career-related work experience. FINDINGS The data collected from the Co-op evaluation form was analyzed by measuring of the frequency of employer indicating The Co-op evaluation form uses a 5 point likert scale with a “5” representing an “outstanding” response, “4” representing an “above average” response, a “3” representing an “average” response, a “2” representing “need for improvement”, and a “1” representing a “significant need for improvement ”response. The accumulation of the “4” and “5” were used to determine the understanding or not understanding the expectation of professional career-related work experience. REVIEW The Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning Program staff is in the process of reviewing the data. Discussions and collective review of the findings will occur prior to the beginning of the 2005/2006 academic year. ASSESSMENT GOAL #2: To provide career preparation services to Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning Program students. Outcome Measure for Goal #2 The Career Orientation course (CSC 121) was utilized to measure this particular goal. Curriculum requirements for the Career Orientation Course include a proficient resume and an evidenced informational interview. The Coordinator and the Course Instructor assess a grade of “S” (Satisfactory) in the course upon completion of the requirements. Goal Criteria: 70% of Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning students will develop proficient resumes and demonstrate satisfactory interviewing skills. OUTCOMES The Career Orientation course grades were used to assess whether students were receiving career preparation through the student developing a proficient resume and performing an informational interview. RESEARCH During summer 2004, fall 2004 and spring 2005 a total of 231students enrolled in the CSC 121 Course. The analysis of the number of student receiving a grade of “S” revealed that 71% of students have developed proficient resumes and demonstrated satisfactory interviewing skills. It appears that we have reached our goal. FINDINGS The data collected from the Career Orientation course was analyzed by measuring the frequency of students receiving the grade of “S” (Satisfactory) that indicates the career preparation through proficient resume development and the demonstration of satisfactory interviewing skills. REVIEW The Coordinators have not reviewed this information to date. The review will occur prior to the beginning of the 2005/2006 academic year. ACTIONS There have been no changes made to the assessment activities to date. There will be a review process established during the summer months to analyze the assessment activities conducted to date, with changes and revisions to occur if deeded appropriate.