RUBRIC FOR FRENCH WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Topic: ____________________________

Name: __________________ Course: ___________ Semester _____
Topic: ____________________________
Grade ________
NOTE: You paper is being assessed in the following areas. Not all areas are equally
weighted. The grading scale is as follows:
Excellent = 90-100% (A level work)
Inadequate = 60-69% (D level work)
Good = 80-89% (B level work)
Unacceptable = 59% or less (failing)
Acceptable = 70-79% (C level work)
____ Excellent: An introduction that attracts the reader. Logical and clearly stated
____ Good: Introduction and conclusion related to thesis, but could be improved.
____ Acceptable: More effort is needed to make the introduction more attractive to
the reader. Conclusion may be weak or not closely related to thesis.
____ Inadequate: Extensive rewriting of introduction and conclusion is needed to
make them relevant.
____ Unacceptable: Level of class and materials are too difficult for you, or you need
to change your methods of work and the amount of time you devote to written
____ Excellent: Clear thesis statement.
____ Good: Main question or thesis statement is not always clearly expressed.
____ Acceptable: Thesis statement or main question unclear or unfocused.
____ Inadequate: Cannot identify thesis statement or main question
____ Unacceptable: Level of class or materials are too difficult for you, or you need to
change your methods of work and the amount of time you devote to written assignments
____ Excellent: Logical and smooth transitions.
____ Good: Essay progresses in a generally logical order but transitions could be
____ Acceptable: Essay content is generally good but too short, poorly organized or
doesn’t sufficiently answer the main question or illustrate the main thesis.
____ Inadequate: Essay too short, poorly organized and doesn’t answer the main
question or illustrate the main thesis.
____ Unacceptable: Level of class or materials are too difficult for you, or you need to
change your methods of work and the amount of time you devote to written assignments.
____ Excellent: Sufficient evident to support your argument (quotes, paraphrases,
examples), answers the main question or thesis posed.
____ Good: Arguments could be better supported, better chosen, or more examples
could be given.
____ Acceptable: Argument is unconvincing or is not well supported, though content is
generally good.
____ Inadequate: Argument not supported or doesn’t clearly relate to thesis or main
____ Unacceptable: Level of class or materials are too difficult for you, or you need to
change your methods of work and the amount of time you devote to written assignments.
____ Excellent: Excellent understanding of the topic or text.
____ Good: Shows good understanding of topic or text.
____ Acceptable: Understanding of topic or text is not clearly shown, may be
generalized or simplistic.
____ Inadequate: Inadequate understanding of topic or text.
____ Unacceptable: Level of class or materials are too difficult for you, or you need to
change your methods of work and the amount of time you devote to written assignments
FORM (Language, grammar, format, etc.)
____ Excellent: Shows highly proficient and accurate language usage, including idioms;
excellent variety of vocabulary.
____ Good: Proficient and generally accurate language use. Efforts made to use
idiomatic expressions, although sometimes awkwardly.
____ Acceptable: Shows sufficient knowledge of the language, but more effort is need
to write more precisely.
____ Inadequate: Limited, misused or repetitive vocabulary, language usage below
expected level.
____ Unacceptable: Clearly insufficient knowledge of the language.
____ Excellent: Free of significant errors. No weak or illogical constructions, good
proofing. Evidence of effective and intelligent use of the dictionary; demonstrates that
you can apply the grammar points learned.
____ Good: More attention should be paid to literal translations and Anglicisms,
spelling (agreements, verb endings) and points of grammar, but results are generally
good. Evidence of some proofing.
____ Acceptable: Verify words in the dictionary for spelling and usage to avoid
repetitions, refer to verb conjugations for correct endings and usage of tenses and
modes; make a greater effort to apply the grammar learned. More proofing is needed.
____ Inadequate: Shows inadequate knowledge of grammar that makes the essay
difficult to understand. Poor proofing. Refer to basic grammar rules, especially those
we’ve recently learned or reviewed, learn the verb conjugations and use a good
____ Unacceptable: Unacceptable mistakes at every level. Did you reread your essay?
Many serious changes needed to make it acceptable.
FORMAT (especially for research papers)
____ Excellent: Accurately follows MLA format for quotations, bibliography, etc.
Shows clear evidence of research, correct and effective use of outside sources.
____ Good: Generally accurate formatting for quotations and bibliography. Quotations
may be overlong, paraphrases could be improved, evidence of research, but number
and/or type of outside sources used could be improved.
____ Acceptable: Formatting does not consistently conform to MLA, though some
knowledge of MLA format evident. Research is limited or oversimplified; use of outside
sources through citation or paraphrase does not always conform to MLA guidelines. A
workshop on library research may be useful.
____ Inadequate: Formatting does not conform to MLA. Little evidence of research;
outside resources absent or misused. A workshop on library research is recommended
to bring your research skills up to expected levels. Do you have a copy of the MLA
Style Manual?
_____ Unacceptable: Clear misunderstanding or ignorance of MLA format.
Unacceptable or misuse of outside resources or complete absence of research. A
workshop on library research is required to bring your research skills up to expected
levels. You need to consult the MLA Style Manual.