University of California Santa Cruz Graduate Studies NOMINATIONS FOR DISSERTATION READING COMMITTEE Academic Senate Regulation 18.7 states: "A committee to read and pass upon the dissertation is appointed by the candidate's department, subject to the approval of the Graduate Dean. The committee will have at least three members, and at least half of the committee must be members of the Santa Cruz Division of the Academic Senate." The following dissertation reading committee has been appointed for: Student: Name Department: Department Campus Approved for the Department: Date: Graduate Studies Approval: Date: In order to Advance to Candidacy, a student who has passed the Qualifying Examination must have a Dissertation Reading Committee approved by the Department and the Dean of Graduate Studies. The student PXVW have no incomplete grades (I) on her/his UHFRUGDQGZLOOEHELOOHGD$GYDQFHPHQWWR &DQGLGDF\IHH. In addition, a language requirement must be satisfied (depending on department requirements). The student will be officially advanced the following term after all of these requirements are met. Distribution: Division of Graduate Studies Department Student Rev.