Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 3, 1999, 155–166 Analysis of an Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Independent Parallel Tasks Keqin Li Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, State University of New York, New Paltz, NY 12561-2499, USA received April 14, 1998, revised May 28, 1999, accepted May 30, 1999. In this paper, we consider the problem of scheduling independent parallel tasks in parallel systems with identical processors. The problem is NP-hard, since it includes the bin packing problem as a special case when all tasks have unit execution time. We propose and analyze a simple approximation algorithm called , where is a positive integer. Algorithm has a moderate asymptotic worst-case performance ratio in the range for all ; , when task but the algorithm has a small asymptotic worst-case performance ratio in the range ! sizes do not exceed of the total available processors, where #"$ is an integer. Furthermore, we show that if the task sizes are independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) uniform random variables, and task execution times are i.i.d. random variables with finite mean and variance, then the average-case performance ratio of algorithm % is no larger than 1.2898680..., and for an exponential distribution of task sizes, it does not exceed 1.2898305.... As demonstrated by our analytical as well as numerical results, the average-case performance ratio improves significantly when tasks request for smaller numbers of processors. Keywords: approximation algorithm, average-case performance ratio, parallel task scheduling, probabilistic analysis, worst-case performance ratio 1 Introduction In this paper, we consider the problem of scheduling independent parallel tasks in parallel systems with identical processors. Assume that we are given a list of & tasks ')(+*-,/.102,4310657585709,4:<; . Each task ,4= is specified by its execution time >6= , and its size ? = , i.e., ,4= requires ? = processors to execute. There are @ identical processors, and any ? = processors can be allocated to ,4= . Once ,4= starts to execute, it runs without interruption until it completes. Tasks in ' are mutually independent, that is, there is no precedence constraint nor data communication among the & tasks. The problem addressed here is to find a nonpreemptive schedule of ' such that its makespan (i.e., the total execution time of the & tasks) is minimized. The problem is NP-hard, since it includes the bin packing problem as a special case when all tasks have unit execution time. Therefore, one practical way to solve this problem is to design and analyze approximation algorithms that produce near optimal solutions. Let AB*C'D; be the makespan of the schedule E The author can be reached at email: li@mcs.newpaltz.edu, phone: (914) 257-3534, fax: (914) 257-3571. F 1365–8050 c 1999 Maison de l’Informatique et des Mathématiques Discrètes (MIMD), Paris, France 156 ' , and GIHKJL*'; be the makespan of an optimal schedule of ' . The MON P (RUWQ7V S8T NYX ]_^ `_Z2[<a8b<\ cd UIe AB*'; GIHKJL*';1fhg is called the asymptotic worst-case performance ratio of algorithm A . If there exist two constants i and j M N such that for all ' , AB*';%klinmoGIHDJL*'D;Wpqj/>r , where >rs(tTvu1wx.zy{=y{:_*>6=|; is the longest execution time of the & tasks, then P k}i , and i is called an asymptotic worst-case performance bound of algorithm M N a list ' , such that GIHKJL*C'D; , and A . Moreover, if for any small ~hY and all large l , there exists AB*';% *i~z;GIHKJL*'; , then the bound i is called tight, i.e., P (i . When task sizes and execution times are random variables, both AB*'; and GIHDJL*'D; become random variables, and MON P N *A*';9; (: Q7V S8T X *|GIHDJO*';9;g M N is called the asymptotic average-case performance ratio of algorithm A , where *m; stands for the exP pectation of a random variable. Of course, depends on the probability distributions of task sizes and M N times. If there exists a constant such that for all ' , *CAB*';9;#km *|GIHDJI*C'D;2; as & , execution then P k , and is called an asymptotic average-case performance bound of algorithm A . generated by an algorithm quantity A Keqin Li for We notice that our scheduling problem defined above looks similar to but is quite different from the two dimensional rectangle packing problem [1, 2, 7, 9], where each task , = is treated as a rectangle with width ? = and height > = . The rectangle packing model implies that processors should be allocated in contiguous groups. That is, the @ processors have indices 1, 2, 3, ..., @ , and task , = must be allocate ? = processors with indices , spY , ..., #p? = l for some . Such a scheduling problem arises in parallel systems like linear arrays. The rectangle packing problem has been extensively studied, where a complicated algorithm with asymptotic worst-case performance ratio as low as 1.25 has been found [1]. However, contiguous processor allocation is not required in our model, where any ? = processors can be allocated to ,4= . Our problem could be regarded as a resource constraint scheduling problem [3, 6], where the resource is a set of processors. It has applications in parallel computing systems such as symmetric shared memory multiprocessors and distributed computing systems such as bus-connected networks of workstations. In these systems, a processor allocation mechanism is independent of the topology of an interconnection network. Another related problem is scheduling malleable tasks which has also been investigated in the literature [8, 10]. In that problem, each task requests for several possible numbers of processors, i.e., a task has adjustable size, and for each size, an execution time is also specified. The problem has several variations depending on different ways in which the execution time of a task changes with the number of processors allocated to it, and the performance measures to be optimized (e.g., makespan, average flow time). The problem we consider here is to schedule nonmalleable tasks with noncontiguous processor allocation. Even though the complicated algorithm in [1] for rectangle packing can also be applied to solve our M N problem, we propose and analyze a simple approximation algorithm called # , where is a positive inte¡W¢ 5¤¥¥<58575 ger. Algorithm has a moderate asymptotic worst-case performance ratio ( 5 <57575 k MforN all ¦£ ); but the algorithm has a small asymptotic worst-case performance ratio hp£§<k£ *-¨#p£©;sk ¡ ¢ k)spª§1¨ , when task sizes do not exceed @§1¨ , where ¨« is an integer. We notice that the capability to deal with small tasks is important in real applications since many task sizes are relatively small as compared with the system size so that a large scale parallel system can be shared by many users Scheduling Independent Parallel Tasks 157 simultaneously. However, it is not clear whether the algorithm in [1] has such capability. Furthermore, the simplicity of our algorithm allows us to conduct average-case performance analysis. In particular, we show that if the numbers of processors requested by the tasks are independent, identically distributed M N (i.i.d.) random variables uniformly distributed in the range ¬8575 @£­ , and task execution times are i.i.d. random variables with finite mean and variance, then ¡4¢ k®5 ¥¯°¯¯<57585 , i.e., *s*C'D;2;2§ *|GIHKJO*C'D;2; M N from above by 1.2898680... as &£± . For an exponential distribution of is asymptotically bounded task sizes, we have ¡4¢ k«5¥¯°¯²³<58575 . As demonstrated by our analytical as well as numerical results, the average-case performance ratio improves significantly when tasks request for smaller numbers of processors. We notice that there is lack of such results on probabilistic algorithm analysis, especially in multi-dimensional cases [4]. The average-case performance of the algorithm in [1] is unknown. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We present algorithm in Section 2. The worst-case performance of the algorithm is analyzed in Section 3, and its average-case performance is studied in Section 4. Finally we give a summary in Section 5. 2 The Approximation Algorithm H Our algorithm H for scheduling independent parallel tasks divides ' into sublists ' . , ' 3 , ..., 'K according to task sizes (i.e., numbers of processors requested by tasks), where ´ is a positive integer. For µk}¶·k¸t , define '¹(º©, =D» ' ¼ @§ *|¶Bp£©;s½? = k}@§¶{¾ , i.e., 'D¹ contains all tasks in ' that have sizes in the interval ¿o¹(*C@§ *|¶Àp£©;0@§¶ ­ . Define 'Dª(ºo, =D» '¼ Á½? = k@§¾ , i.e., 'K contains all tasks whose sizes are in the range ¿( *C<0@§1­ . Algorithm H produces schedules of the ' ¹ ’s sequentially and separately. To process tasks in ' ¹ , where ·kölkë£ , the @ processors are partitioned into ¶ groups, ÄB.0ÄO30o58575702Ä ¹ , each contains @§¶ processors. Each group ÄsÅ of processors is treated as a unit, and is assigned to a task in ' ¹ . Such an allocation can be implemented using, for example, the list scheduling algorithm [4]. Suppose ' ¹ ()*, . ¹ 09, 3 ¹ 0657585709, :¹ Æ ; , where & ¹ is the number of tasks in ' ¹ . Initially, group ÄsÅ is assigned to , Å ¹ , ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ where kYnk}¶ , and , . 09, 3 0657585709, ¹ are removed from ' ¹ . Upon the completion of a task , Å , the first unscheduled task in '¹ , i.e., , ¹z¹ Ç . , is removed from '¹ and scheduled to execute on Ä Å . This process repeats until all tasks in 'D¹ are finished. Then algorithm H begins the scheduling of next sublist 'D¹Ç . . For 'D , there is no need to divide the @ processors. The list scheduling algorithm is again employed here. Let 'K«(È*-, . 09, 3 0657585709, : ¢ ; . Initially, as many tasks in 'K are scheduled as possible, i.e., tasks , . 02, 3 0o58575709, É start their execution, where Ê is defined in such a way that the total size of , . 02, 3 0o58575802, É is no larger than @ , but the total size of , . 09, 3 0657585709, É Ç . exceeds @ . When a task finishes, the next task in ' begins its execution, provided that there are enough idle processors. Notice that it is the scheduling of tasks in ' that takes advantage of noncontiguous processor allocation. 3 Combinatorial Analysis In this section, we analyze the worst-case performance of algorithm H . Let #*'; be the makespan of the schedule produced by algorithm H for ' , and GIHKJL*'; be the makespan of an optimal schedule of ' . First, we show the following result. Theorem 1. For any list ' of & tasks and )l² , we have #µ*C'D;k oo²¯ I G HDJL*'D;_p*-Ël;Ì> r 0 158 Keqin Li where >r is the longest execution time of the & tasks. Furthermore, for ÍÎ and any large « , M N 3Ð there exists ' , such that GIHKJL*';Ï , and s*C'D;§GIHKJI*';(à . Therefore, for all È£ , we have 5 x58575 k ¡4¢ k}5¤¥¥ 57585 . Proof. Assume that all tasks in ' are executed in the time interval ¬ <0 *';Ñ­ , and that tasks in ' ¹ are scheduled in ¬ Ò ¹ 09Ò ¹zÇ .Ó­ , where LkY¶k$ , i.e., the first task in ' ¹ starts at time Ò ¹ , and the last completion ¹ time of the tasks in '¹ is Ò9¹zÇ . . Let ʹ be the starting time of the last task , :Æ in '¹ . Define Ô . (Ò 3 ÕÒ . , and for all ¥µk¶nkY , define Ô1¹À(}Ê©¹IqÒ9¹ , and ¨¹(Ò9¹zÇ . ʹ be the remaining execution time of 'D¹ once , :¹ Æ starts. Clearly, ¨©¹k>r , and Ð Ð Ô. $ p Ô3 p Ô pm6mom©p$Ô©p¨ 3 p¨ pm6m6m1p¨© Ð k Ô . p$Ô 3 p Ô pm6mom©p$Ô©p*®©;Ì> r 5 (1) We give several lower bounds for GIHKJL*'; . First, tasks in ' . have large sizes such that no two of them s*C'D;Ö( can execute in parallel. Therefore, we have GIHDJI*C'D;Ô . 5 (2) Second, there can be at most two tasks from 'K3 that can execute at the same time, and there can be at most one task from ' 3 that can execute simultaneously with a task in ' . . Thus, GIHDJI*C'D;Ô1.Kp ¥Ô©3%¥ qÔ. ( Ô¥ . p$Ô©35 (3) Third, define the area of a task ,4= to be ? =C>6= , and the total area of ' ¹ to be A ¹ (Ø×tÙÚÛ b Æ ? =>6= for Ükª¶k} , and A(ÝA . pYA 3 p}mom6mpYA# . For convenience, we assume that processor requirements are normalized such that ½? = kÞ for all µk£ßhk& . Clearly, GIHDJL*'D;s}A . We give a lower bound ¹ for A as follows. For k}¶Õk¸Y , we notice that all the ¶ groups Ä . , Ä 3 , ..., ÄÀ¹ are busy until , :Æ starts its execution. That is, during time interval ¬ Ò9¹ 0Óʹ©­ , at least ¶x§ *|¶%p©; of the processors are busy, i.e., we have As¹£*|¶x§ *|¶#pl©;2;Ô1¹ . For 'D , we note that during time interval ¬ ÒB0ÓÊ©Ï­ , the percentage of busy processors is at least *é;§ , i.e., A#Þ}*2*-Ã;2§Õ;Ô ; otherwise, some tasks should start earlier. Hence, Ð (4) GIHDJI*C'D; ¥ Ô . p ²¥ Ô 3 p à² Ô pm6mom©p l Ô#á . p ® l Ô©B5 Now let us consider the ratio â Ô . p$Ô 3 ( Tvuwã|Ô1.10 3. Ô.äp$Ô30 3. Ð Let æÁ(Ô pm6mom©p$Ô . Apparently, â k Tvu1w ã Ô . 0 Ð p Ô $ p m6mom©p$Ô©sá . pÔ á . Ô Iå 5 Ô1.äp 3Ð ©Ô 3ptmom6m©p s á . Ô sá .äp s (5) Ô.äp$Ô3Dpæ Ð 5 .Ô. . 3 Ð ç 3 p Ô30 3Ô. p Ô3 p æ å (6) We give the proof of the following result in the appendix. Ô.äp$Ô©3Kpæ Ð k o ² 0 . . 3 Ð o¯ TµuwãÑÔ . 0 3 Ô . p Ô30 3Ô. p Ô3 p çæ å where Ô.©0Ô309æ·l<5 (7) Scheduling Independent Parallel Tasks M . 159 Ð Combining Equations (1)–(7), weN get s*C'D;k} .9è GIHDJI*C'D;/p*-Ël;Ì>r . . To show the lower bound for ¡ ¢ , let us consider a list ' of tasks which contains & tasks of size 3 pÕ~ , Ð . . & tasks of size pY~ , and & tasks of size é l¥~ , where & is a multiple of 6, and ~Þ is a very small quantity. All tasks have unit execution time. Clearly, GIHDJI*C'D;L(& . Algorithm H divides ' into ' . , ' 3 , and ' é , and #*';#(Þ&Ápl&ꧥIÐ3 pl&ê§1Â(® 3Ð & . Thus, we can choose & a sufficiently large number while keeping s*C'D;2§GIHKJL*';ë( . This completes the proof of the theorem. For tasks with small sizes, algorithm # exhibits much better performance due to increasing processor utilization, as claimed by the following theorem. Theorem 2. For any list ' of & tasks, such that ? = k@§1¨ for all ß , where ¨ is an integer, we have #*';k e Dp ¨ f I G HDJL*'D;êp*¨#p©;> r 0 where >r is the longest execution time of the & tasks. Furthermore, for ÈY¨#p and any large , M N there exists ' , such that GIHDJI*C'D;¸ , and #*';2§GIHKJL*';(ìspÞ§<*-¨Op ; . Therefore, we have Dpt1§ *-¨Ïp©;Dk ¡4¢ k}Dpt1§¨ . Proof. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 1. Since ¨Á¥ , and sublists ' . , ' 3 , ..., 'Kí6á . are empty, Equation (1) becomes *';kÔ í p$Ô íÇ .äpm6mom©pÔ p*-˨Ïp©;Ì> r 5 By using the area lower bound for GIHDJI*C'D; , we have ¨Ïpt ¨ e ¨hpxf Ô íKp e ¨Ïp$¥_f Ôí2Ç . pm6mom©p e f Ôsá . p e f Ô ¨ *Ô í $ ¨Ïp p Ô í2Ç .äpm6mom©p$Ô ;z5 M N The above two inequalities give the asymptotic worst-case performance bound #p1§¨ in the theorem. To show the lower bound Dpt1§ *¨hp©; for ¡ ¢ , let us consider a list ' which contains &4¨ tasks of size § *¨#p£©;êpl~ , and & tasks of size 1§ *¨Ïp£;äq¨1~ , where & is a multiple of ¨sp , and ~ is a sufficiently small value. All tasks have unit execution time. Clearly, GIHKJL*C'D;À(Ã& . Algorithm H divides ' into 'Kí and 'Dí2Ç . , and s*C'D;(¸&Õp&ê§ *¨Opª©; . Thus, we can choose & sufficiently large while keeping #*'D;§GIHDJI*C'D;ë(ªDpt1§ *¨%p©; . When ¨Á ³ , algorithm # has better asymptotic worst-case performance ratio than the algorithm in GIHKJL*';R [1]. 4 Probabilistic Analysis Now let us consider the average-case performance of algorithm H . For convenience, we assume the task sizes are normalized such that µ½l? =ëk , and that the ? = ’s are independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables with a common probability density function îï*æ{; in the range *C<0o­ . Our assumption on the task execution times is quite general, i.e., the >o= ’s are i.i.d. random variables with mean ð and variance 160 Keqin Li ñ 3 , where ð and ñ are any finite numbers independent of & . The probability distributions of task sizes and execution times are independent of each other. Theorem 3. We have the following asymptotic average-case performance bound for algorithm s : #ó á MON ¡4¢ N X * sµ*'D;2; ¹d ( : Q8V S7T L ò k *ÑI G HKJO*C'D;9;1g (Note that the bound only depends on îï*-æW; .) ¢ Æ ïî *-æ{;9÷ævp ù õ æ{îï*-æW;÷æ ¶ ôÎÆ2ö õ ®lsôø . Ü 5 . . õ Tvuw e õ ô ù {æ îï*æ{;÷æ/0 ô îï*æ{;÷æ f ú . õ Proof. It is clear that the mean task size is . ? ( ô ù æ{îï*æ{;÷æ/5 Since a task size falls into ¿ ¹ with probability û©ü Æ îï*-æ{;9÷æ , where ¿ ¹ (Î*§<*C¶Àp©;061§¶ ­ l , and ¿( *C<061§­ , the expected number of tasks in '¹ is *-&/¹;K( X ô ü îï*-æW;÷æ g &ä0 Æ for all OkY¶Âk . Also, the expected size of tasks in 'D¹ is for all k¶Õk æWîï*-æW;÷æ ? ¹O( ô ü Æ 5 ï î * { æ ; ÷ æ ô üÆ Since the area of a task , = has expectation ? ð , and tasks in ' . have to be executed sequentially, we have *|GIHDJI*C'D;2;lTvu1wn*-& ? ðä0 *& . ;ð/;K(týv&4ðä0 (8) . . ýÎ(Tvu1wn* ?{ 0 *& . ;2§1&/;ë(tTvuw e ô ù {æ îï*æ{;9÷æê0 ô îï*-æ{;9÷æ f 5 ú Let þv¹ be the makespan of the schedule for '¹ . Then, *C# µ*';9;ë( õ *þ . ; p *þ 3 ;pmom6mÑp *þµI; . Clearly, . *Cþ . ;ë( *-& . ;Ìðÿ( X ô îï*-æW;÷æ g &4ðä5 (9) ú For ¥Bkt¶kl®l , we have *Cþv¹;K( *Ô1¹;/p *-¨¹; , and õ *Ô1¹;k *¶ &/¹; ðä5 where Scheduling Independent Parallel Tasks 161 Furthermore, ¨©¹ is no more than the maximum of ¶ random execution times. It is well known from order statistics [5] that the mean of the maximum of i.i.d. random variables . 0 3 065757580 with mean ð and 3 variance ñ is *-Tvu1w_* . 0 3 0o5857570;2;%kðvp sl ñ 5 ¥ sl Therefore, *þ ¹ ; k ( *&/¹; ðÜpðÜp ¶ l ñ ¶ ¥ ¶ X p g ðÜp ¶ e ô ü Æ îï*æ{;÷æ f &Ât ¶B ñ 5 ¥¶À (10) Finally, we consider þµ . Since *A ;D( *& ; ? ðÿ( X ü ¢ æ{îï*-æW;÷æ &4ðä0 ô g and the processor utilization is at least h§1 in the time interval ¬ ÒB0ÓÊo#­ , we get X æWîï*-æW;÷æ &4ðÜp *-¨oO;5 *CþµL;k C* A#O. ; p *-¨oO;ë( ô ü ¢ g h For *¨ ; , the main difficulty is that when task , : ¢ starts execution, the number of active tasks still in execution is unknown, which could be as large as & , the total number of tasks in ' . Since *& ; could be *&/; , we use the following quite loose upper bound for *-¨oO; , that is, ¨o is no more than the maximum of & random execution times, *-¨©L;kðÜp Therefore, we get &Á ñ ½ðvp ¥1&Á & ñ 5 ¥ *CþµL;k e X ô ü ¢ æ{îï*æ{;÷æ g &vp f ðÂp & ñ 5 ¥ (11) Combining Equations (9)–(11), we obtain *sµ*'D;2;k e ô ú . õ Notice that só á ¹d . Æ îï*-æ{;9÷æ ¶ ô Æ2ö õ 3 Ü ¢ õ sá . l &4ðÜp ó ¶ l p p sô ù õ æ{îï*õ æ{;9÷ævp Ë e & f ¹ d 3 ¥ ¶Bl îï*-æW;÷æµp ¶ ½ ¥¶B ¶ ¥ & ñ ¥f 5 162 Keqin Li for all ¶£ . Consequently, #á . só á . ¶ ½ ó B ¹ d 3 ¥ ¶À ¹ d 3 ¶ ½ ¥ ô3 æ ÷ æÿ½ ¥ ¥ . ² 5 The above calculations give rises to ¢ Æ îï*æ{;÷æµp l &4ðÜp ¥ . p W æ ï î * W æ ; ÷ µ æ p e ù ¶ ôÎÆ9ö õ Iô õ & f ² . v õ Using Equations (8) and (12),õ we obtain *C#µ*';9;k só á e ¹d . & ñ ¥f 5 (12) ¢ Æ ïî *-æW;÷æµp Wæ îï*-æ{;9÷ævp ®& l f ù ¶ v ô ® s ô õ õ 9 Æ ö . . ñ õõ p ý e ² ¥ m & p ¥&$f ð ¢ só á . . Æ ( ý e d ¶ ôÎõ îï*-æW;÷æµp ® ô ù õ æWîï*-æ{;9÷æ f p e & p & f 5 Æ9ö ¹ . õõ It is clear that as &Õ¦ , we get the asymptotic average-case performance bound in the theorem. As an example, let us consider the uniform distributions, that is, the ? = ’s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the range *x06§1¨©­ , where ¨t is a positive integer. That is, îï*æ{;n(´¨ for µ½$æÿk£§¨ . (Notice that when @ is sufficiently large, a discrete uniform distribution on º0Ó¥ 0o5857580Ó@§¨ ¾ can be treated as a continuous uniform distribution on *C<061§¨©­ .) M N Theorem 4. If the ? = ’s be i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the range *x06§1¨©­ , we have ¡4¢ k í , that is, *C#µ*';9; k sí *|GIHKJO*C'D;2;z0 as &nØ , where 3 X 3 Dp pmom6m©p IíÏ(¥¨ 3 e ¨ ¥ *-¨Il; 3 fhg 0 as ¸¦ . * s*C'D;2; *ÑGIHKJL*';9; k só á ý e ¹d . Proof. We examine the numerator and denominator of the bound in Theorem 3. The denominator is simply and the numerator is . . ýÎ(Tvu1w e ô ù {æ îï*-æW;÷æ/0 ô ïî *æ{;÷æ f ( ¥ ¨ 0 ú õ #ó á . (t¨ e p 5 d¹ í ¶ 3 *C¶Op©; ¥1q*-©;f Scheduling Independent Parallel Tasks Since we have Note that Thus, we have 163 0 3¶ *C¶Àp©; ( ¶ 3 ¶ p O ¶ pt só á . #ó á . p 5 ( 3 3 e ¹ dN í ¶ *C¶Àp©; ¹ dN í ¶ f ¨ #ó á . í6á . 6í á . ( ó ó ó k 3 ó 3 3 3 3 3 ¹d í ¶ ¹d . ¶ ¹d . ¶ ¹d ¶ ¹d . ¶ #ó á . 3 pm6m6m1p k D p 3 3 e ¨ ¥ *¨s©; 3 ¹ d í ¶ *C¶Àp©; 5 f 0 3 k¨ e ¨ e Dp ¥ 3 ptmom6m©p *-¨L ©; 3 f p ¥ * l; f 5 By choosing sufficiently large, the average-case performance bound §1ý can be made arbitrarily close to sí . 3 When ¨L(ª , the asymptotic average-case performance bound given in Theorem 4 is . ( §1²%Õ¥s( 5¥¯°¯¯<57575 . To show the quality of the average-case performance bound Ií in Theorem 4, we give the and following numerical data. . 3 ( ( Ð ( ç ( ( é ( ( è .ù 5 ¥¯°¯¯<57585 58³° à ¤¥<57585 58©¯¯x©¥<57585 5 ¯¥²²¥ ¤ 57585 5 < àà °<57585 5 ³³¥ à ¯ ¤ 57585 5 à ¤ à ¥ ©°<57585 5 à ©³²<57585 5 ²°² ¤¥ 57585 5 ²²¥³³°<57585 ( ( ( It is clear that í ½Ïp}1§¨ for all ¨ÿÎ , i.e., í is less than the asymptotic worst-case performance bound in Theorem 2. Though closed form solutions are not available, the average-case performance bounds of algorithm could be calculated using Theorem 3 numerically for arbitrary probability distribution of task sizes. For instance, let us consider a truncated exponential distribution, i.e., á! îï*-æ{;D(h á 0 µ½$æ·k5 164 Keqin Li M N Theorem 5. If the ? = ’s be i.i.d. random variables exponentially distributed in the range ¡ ¢ k" , that is, as &nØ , where as ¸¦ . *C#µ*';9;%k# N ó $á &% d . ¶ m ¹ ( *x06­ , we have Ñ* GIHKJL*';9;0 a ¹zÇ . c á'%Ó¹ h á 0 á $ h á Proof. It can be easily verified by straightforward calculation that the numerator and denominator in Theorem 3 are só á ( ¹d a c m á$&% z¹ Ç . á$&%Ó¹ p m h á$ e h á ¶ h Ë l . . á$&% á&%2 ( f 0 á $ á &% 3 $ á á$ ý(tTvuw e h á$ 0 h á f ( h á$ 0 respectively. By letting ¦ , the average-case performance bound §1ý can be made arbitrarily close and to . To show the average-case performance bound such a way that the mean task size " in Theorem 5, we let ()o¥ à , and choose in á$ ? ( h á can be made between performance 1§ *|¥1¨; for ¨( 0¥<0657585706© , so that a comparison takes the values bounds of # under the uniform and the exponential distributions. (tx5 <©¯<©²<5758570 (t²x5 ³°²³<©°<5758570 (³<5 °²<5758570 (¤ 5 ° ¤1¯<© ¤¤ 5758570 (t°x5 °°³ àà 5758570 (ª5 °°°x à ³ 5758570 (ªo²x5 °°°¯² ¤<5758570 (ª©³<5 °°°° ¤ 5758570 (ª¤ 5 °°°°°³<5758570 (ªo°x5 °°°°°°x5758570 (ª5¥¯°¯²³ 57575 (ª5¥¤1²xo à 57575 à (ª5¥ ³¤³³ 57575 à (ª57o xo<57575 à "B(ª57©¥¤² <57575 "B(ª57o¥<©¯<57575 à à "B(ª5 ¯ ¤ ³ 57575 "B(ª5 ¤¥¥ ¤1<57575 "B(ª5 ¥°² ¤ 57575 "B(ª5 ³³ ¤1 ³²<57575 (È<5³ , i.e, ¨l( , due to 3 §1²v¥ , when ? í for all ¨B} , because *-&ê.6; is never null. As shown in the above list, is slightly smaller than distribution imbalance in *C<0o­ . However, is larger than Scheduling Independent Parallel Tasks 165 5 Conclusions We have studied the problem of scheduling independent nonmalleable parallel tasks in parallel systems with identical processors. We proposed a simple approximation algorithm called # , and performed combinatorial analysis for its worst-case performance and probabilistic analysis for its average-case perM N Ð formance. In particular, we proved Ð3 . the following results. (1) The asymptotic worst-case performance ratio ¡W¢ is in the range ¬8 5857 .9è ­ . (2) If the numbers of processors requested by the tasks are uniformly M N are i.i.d. random variables with finite mean distributed i.i.d. random variables and task execution times and variance, then the average-case performance ratio is ¡4¢ kÞ5 ¥¯°¯¯<57585 . In other words, less than 22.5% of the allocated computing power is wasted. (3) Both the worst- and average-case performance ratios improve significantly when tasks request for smaller numbers of processors. (4) Results similar to (2)–(3) also hold for the truncated exponential distribution of task sizes. Acknowledgements The author wishes to express his gratitude to the editor and two anonymous referees for their comments on improving the paper. 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If ) æ p-, 0 µ *æ{;K(+*. æ p ÷ $ ) where 0/,10 . 0÷x02æ$ª , then *-æW; is an increasing (decreasing) function of æ if * * consider three cases. . . Case 1. ç Ô . is the maximum. Since Ô . 3 Ô . pqÔ 3 , we have Ô 3 k 3 Ô . . Since Ô . Ð * . Ô . 3Ð Ô 3 ; . Hence, have æÕk 3 â ÷, . Þ (ª ½ ). We Ð . Ð 3 ç 3 Ô . p Ô 3 p æ , we Dp ÔÔ 3. p Ô æ . à ¥ Ô3 3 Ô ( Dp Ô. p ² e ¥ ² m Ô . f ( Dp ²¥ p ° m ÔÔ 3. k Dp ²¥ p ° m ¥ ( oo²¯ 5 . . . 2. 3 Ô Ð . p£Ô 3 is the maximum. Since Ô . k 3 Ô . p£Ô 3 , we have Ô . k ¥Ô 3 . Since 3 Ô . pÔ 3 ç Ð 3 . Ô Case 3 . p Ô 3 p ç æ , we get æÿk Ô 3 . Now, Ð Ô.äp . Ô©3 â Ô ä . $ p Ô D 3 p æ k . 0 ( . 3 Ô . p$Ô 3 3 Ô . pÔ 3 Ð â . Ð Ô . (£¥Ô 3 . Ð which is an increasing function of Ô . . Hence takes its maximum value .9è when . 3Ð Ô 3 p ç æ is the maximum. Since . Ô . plÔ 3 k . Ô . p 3Ð Ô 3 p ç æ , we get æ ç Ô 3 . Note Case 3. 3 Ô . p 3 3 that â ( çÐ æpl. Ô1.äp$ÔÐ33 æµp 3 Ô . p Ô 3 ç â is a decreasing function of æ . Thus, gets its maximum value when æÁ( Ô3 , i.e., Ð Ô . p . Ô 3 â k . 0 3 Ô . p$Ô 3 Ð ç Ð . 3 ç Ð which is â an increasing function of Ô. . . Since, Ô.µk 3 Ô1.p Ô3%p æ , and æ( Ô3 , we have Ô.µkÞ¥Ô3 . Hence reaches its maximum value .è when Ô.h(£¥Ô3 . (