Well Design Revisited A Take a look once again at well design as it can be key to efficient wells. s the costs of drilling a well go up, the ground water industry needs to provide the best value to the well owner. And the best value is rarely the cheapest solution, but the one that has fewer problems over the service life of the well and is generally less expensive to own and operate. With this in mind, water well professionals need to understand the important elements of well design and be able to convey these to the well owner so they can make informed decisions about what to pay for and what contractor to select to drill the well. Thomas M. Hanna, RPG, has more than 25 years experience as a hydrogeologist. He lives in Evergreen, Colorado, and works for Johnson Screens in the areas of well design, construction, and development. He can be reached at thom.hanna2@johnsonscreens.com. NGWA.org By Thomas M. Hanna, RPG Good well design may not be rocket science but is based on science, sound practices, and common sense. Well design begins with determining the diameter, depth, and anticipated pumping rate from the completed well. However, more recently the profession has moved away from some of the basic principles of well design and development. Look at the recent history of well design and most of the studies on well efficiencies that were conducted prior to the 1980s as the cost of pumping was a critical factor in design and operation. This made the focus of most studies and literature how to optimize well design. But as the 1980s brought attention to the protection of water resources and energy became cheap, the focus of the ground water industry shifted to ground water contamination. These trends are evident in the volume of literature devoted to different subjects through time, while less attention recently has been given to well design and development. This has resulted in an ambivalence to the importance in design of efficient wells, including well development which to be effective requires the largest possible open area in the well screen or intake. When designing a well, the diameter of the well is determined by the diameter of the pump the casing will have to accommodate. Table 1 presents casing diameters recommended for various pumping rates. Depth and maximum production rates will be determined by the hydrogeology at the well site. Some of this information might be available from existing well logs. Hydrogeologic data for a well site can also be gathered from drilling a pilot or test hole to collect the information, but often the critical hydrogeologic data is collected during the drilling of the production well. DESIGN/continues on page 42 Water Well Journal July 2009 41/ Table 1. Well diameters recommended for various pumping rates (after Sterrett 2007). !"" &% ' !&% !%" ) *%" *"" ) &"" %"" ) !,""" ("" ) !,("" !,+"" ) *,""" +,""" ) *,("" *,""" ) $,""" # % $ ( !" !+ !# !$ +" Figure 1. Slot openings of 0.050 in. (1.2 mm) is selected from this grainsize distribution curve for a naturally developed well (after Sterrett 2007). DESIGN/from page 41 If the aquifer materials are accurately described, as is outlined in the NGWA Press book Guide for Using the Hydrogeologic Classification System for Logging Water Well Boreholes, preliminary estimates of production can be made. An explanation of a simple way to describe cuttings from a water well borehole is provided by Hanna (2006) and Sterrett (2007). Quite often the only information available from a well site is from the production borehole, so accurate descriptions and collection of representative samples is important for good well design. For many domestic wells, screen slot sizes can be determined in the field using small sieves or a field card that is used in the Guide for Using the Hydrogeologic Classification System for Logging Water Well Boreholes. The field 42/ July 2009 Water Well Journal $ ( !" !+ !# !$ +" +# *" % $ ( !" !+ !# !$ +" +# Figure 2. Selection of artificial filter pack (after Sterrett 2007). guide provides a qualitative analysis for slot size and filter pack selection. Selection of slot size for unconsolidated formations is important in the construction of an efficient water well that is a good value for the owner. The industry standard is to have an entrance velocity of 3 cm/sec (0.1 ft/sec) to maintain laminar flow. When wells are not efficient, there is a loss of energy as the water flow changes from laminar to turbulent. One of the more recent studies conducted (Wendling et al. 1997) looked at the relationship to entrance velocities, slot size, and development. The study shows that with proper development the entrance velocities could be maintained below 0.1 ft/sec, and the corresponding Reynolds numbers in the formation (adjacent to the well screen) were close to 5, indicating laminar flow in the formation and into the well. The Reynolds number is directly proportional to the entrance velocity, assuming the hydraulic radius and the porosity are unchanged. Therefore, an entrance velocity of 30 cm/sec (1ft/sec) would increase the Reynolds number to approximately 50, making the flow turbulent near the screen. With such values of the Reynolds number, additional head loss would occur and the well would be less efficient. Data collected during this research confirmed that a maximum entrance velocity of 3 to 6 cm/sec (0.1 to 0.2 ft/sec) is required to maintain laminar flow in a well. This corresponds to the maximum entrance velocities commonly used by water well professionals. Design of Wells Using Natural Development Completion In completion of wells using natural development, the formation is used as a filter pack. The finer fraction of material during development is removed from the aquifer and pulled into the well to increase the hydraulic conductivity and maintain laminar flow conditions adjacent to the well screen. This is accomplished by removing 50% to 60% of the finer fraction of the formation adjacent to the well screen during well development. For non-homogeneous sediments, when the ground water is not particularly corrosive and sample reliability is good, the typical approach is to select a slot which passes 60% of the material and retains 40%. More-corrosive water or poor sample quality requires retaining 50% of the formation. Figure 1 provides grain size plot of a formation that will be completed using natural development. For this aquifer a slot size of 0.050 inch is selected, corresponding to 40% retained. Coarse sand and gravel allow greater latitude in selecting the slot openings. A slot-size increase of a few thousandths of an inch allows only a small amount of additional material to pass through the well screen during development. Larger slot size permits extending the permeable zone around the screen, which generally increases specific capacity and efficiency, thereby lowering operating costs. A more detailed explanation of slot selection for natural developed wells is provided by Sterrett (2007). DESIGN/continues on page 44 NGWA.org Figure 3. Amount of sand collected in a 5-gallon bucket that represents 10 ppm sand production. DESIGN/from page 42 Artificial Filter Pack Completion and Slot Size Selection An artificial filter pack is used in many wells. Filter packing can be advantageous in wells where sediments are uniform, fine grained, highly laminated, and poorly cemented. These aquifers do not create good natural filter packs. The well is designed by first sizing a filter pack to match the formation, then selecting the screen slot size to match the filter pack. 44/ July 2009 Water Well Journal After graphs of aquifer samples have been prepared, the layer composed of the finest material is used for pack design. Figure 2 shows the grading of two samples; the finest material lies between 75 feet (22.9 m) and 90 feet (27.4 m). A specific filter pack size is chosen to retain most of the formation. A screen slot size then is selected to retain 90% or more of the filter pack (after development). Filter pack materials should be well sorted to assure good porosity and hydraulic conductivity. Most commercial filter packs have uniformity coefficients of approximately 2.5. The uniformity coefficient is defined as the 40% retained size divided by the 90% retained size. The lower the value, the more uniform the grading of the sample between these limits. After plotting the sieve analysis data, the 70% retained size of the sediment is multiplied by a factor between 3 and 8 (typically 5). A smaller multiplier is used if the formation is uniform and the 40% retained size is 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) or smaller. A larger multiplier is used for semi-consolidated or unconsolidated aquifers when formation sedi- ment is highly nonuniform and includes silt or thin clay stringers to aid in complete development. As shown in Figure 2, a commercial filter pack is selected that is approximately five times bigger than the finest formation in the aquifer to be screened. As a final step, select a screen slot size that will retain 90% or more of the filter pack material. In the example shown in Figure 2, the correct slot size is 0.018 inch (0.46 mm). Development The most important part of well construction is well development, but this seems to be the part that gets the least amount of attention these days. Because well development comes at the end of the well construction process, it’s where water well professionals start to realize where they will be on their budget. If you go over budget, it’s tempting to scale down development costs. But if you want to get top dollar for the job, you need to convey to the well owner the importance of well development. No matter how good the well design or how expensive the materials, the well will NGWA.org not be efficient and can have problems with sand pumping, scaling, and biofouling if it is not properly developed. It is important that the well owner be informed of the importance of well development so they understand it is the most important part of the well construction process and is a necessary cost to avoid unnecessary repairs, cleanings, and redevelopment or pump replacements over the life of the well. When developing a well, it is important to get energy into the aquifer and back into the well so that the fines can be removed and the filter pack can be settled around the well screen. A well is fully developed when it has reached its maximum specific capacity for the intended operational pumping rate without pumping sand. Typically, less than 5 ppm is an acceptable sand pumping rate. However, a properly designed and constructed well should pump virtually sand-free. As a field test to quickly measure sand pumping, a 5-gallon bucket can be used. If the amount of sand collected in the bucket covers a dime (Figure 3), that is approximately 10 ppm, and further development is needed for sand-free pumping. Typi NGWA.org cally, a well should pump 1 ppm of sand or less to prevent damage to pumps. Summary Good well construction cannot be accomplished using an approach of one size fits all. By properly designing, constructing, and developing a well, the well owner will have a well that is a good value to own. This is rarely the cheapest well to drill. But with a good understanding of the well completion process, water well professionals can explain to the well owner what all is involved in completing a well they would want to own. WWJ References Hanna, T.M., 2006. Guide for Using the Hydrogeologic Classification System for Logging Water Well Boreholes. Westerville, Ohio: NGWA Press. Sterrett, R.J. 2007. Groundwater and Wells, 3rd edition. New Brighton, Minnesota: Johnson Screens. Wendling, G., R.P. Chapuis, and D.E. Gill. 1997. Quantifying the effects of well development in unconsolidated materials. Ground Water 35, no. 3: 387-393. Get the Logging Water Well Boreholes Guide The Guide for Using the Hydrogeologic Classification System for Logging Water Well Boreholes by Thomas M. Hanna, RPG is one of the best-selling titles by NGWA Press. This spiral-bound book offers detailed direction on how to utilize the hydrogeologic classification system for logging water well boreholes. The system, which uses a weather-resistant, two-sided card, provides structure and uniformity to logging wells. The front of the card provides essential gauges for measuring size, color, and aquifer characteristics. The back contains an easy-to-follow flowchart of how to use the classification system. Hanna created the system and his text is easy to follow and accompanied by pictures. The book will enable ground water professionals to provide better correlation and interpretation of borehole logs. The cost is $25 for NGWA members and $30 for nonmembers. Go to www.ngwa.org or call 800 551.7379 for more information. Water Well Journal July 2009 45/