NGWA Advertising and Exhibiting Terms and Conditions Advertising terms and conditions

NGWA Advertising and Exhibiting Terms and Conditions
Advertising terms and conditions
Payment terms
Advertisers and agencies (if applicable) are jointly responsible for payment of
all ads.
Print advertising — advertising agency
Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice. Ads will not be inserted for advertisers
whose agency’s accounts are 60 days or more past due, regardless of contract term.
Subsequent ads will be placed once the account is brought current. All prices are
net. Ad agency commissions are not included in quoted price. If an ad placed by
an agency is not paid within 30 days, NGWA will contact the advertiser directly for
Payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
Credit and prepayment policy
All customers must prepay amounts for classified ads, web and digital, and
other forms of advertising for which the monthly total is less than $500.
All display ad customers must complete a credit application, available upon
request, for our files. A word about agency remittances: Remember that the
laws in most states make the customer, not the agent, ultimately responsible for
payment of invoices. If your agent does not pay us, you will be held responsible
for the invoice, even if you have already paid the agent. We will be enforcing the
existing policy that requires our customers to make payment on invoices within
30 days of receipt.
Prepayment discount
A 5% discount will be offered to all advertisers and agencies who prepay for a
full contract year with their first insertion. State sales tax will be added where
Agency commission/display ads
Prices listed are net. Ad agencies are free to charge commission as they wish.
Make good
A “make good” ad is run at no charge to the advertiser as the result of an error
by the publisher and/or its printer. A “make good” ad must be used during the
12-month contracted period and does not count toward frequency. Publisher
must be notified in writing no later than 30 days after issue mails if the advertiser has a problem with an ad.
Publisher’s copy protection clause
Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content (including
text, representation, and illustrations) of advertisements printed and also assume
responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. The
publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that it believes is not in
keeping with the publication’s standards or is deemed as unsuitable or misleading.
File format
Print File Format: PDF/X-1a for Water Well Journal®; PDF, EPS, TIFF for Groundwater®
and Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation®. The following source files are
accepted with additional costs and are expected to follow all requirements
listed in this document: Quark Xpress, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.
Supporting fonts
Postscript Type 1. Include all fonts for any embedded graphics as well. DO NOT
menu stylize fonts.
Supporting images
TIFF and EPS to the following minimum resolution specifications:
• Lineart (bitmap) images at 1000 dpi
• Grayscale and color images at 300 dpi.
Higher image resolutions are acceptable as these represent minimum requirements, but in some cases unnecessary additional resolution will be discarded to
maintain smaller file sizes. Always review and preflight your PDF files.
Color management/ICC profiles
Files supplied should NOT contain any form of color management or inclusion
of ICC profiles. Proofs, however, should be generated using SWOP standard
color management (dot gain) accommodations to ensure accurate prediction of
final print quality.
Digital/online advertising
All online ads must be delivered 30 business days prior to campaign start.
Online ads will be posted upon receipt of full payment. Please see specs section
for files accepted for the media type.
• For FTP transfer, contact your sales manager for access.
• Email attachments of less than 2MB are acceptable if they are stuffed/
zipped for file integrity.
Print page layout
Regardless of the format supplied, all ads must conform to the following:
• Final size must meet journal trim size and include 1⁄8 bleed image on all
four sides.
• Do not include trim marks on ads.
• No content is to be within 1⁄4 of trim size.
• All fonts and graphics must be either embedded or included with the files
and conform to the format type listed above. Images must also conform to
the specifications above for minimum image resolution.
• All color ads should be supplied as composite files.
• Embedded images should not be scaled, cropped/masked, or rotated
within the page layout application, but instead should be manipulated in
a proper image editing program (Photoshop) and then imported into the
page layout program at proper size and position.
• DO NOT nest EPS files within EPS files.
• All lines and lineart images should be of a minimum 1⁄2 pt. thickness at
final size to reproduce effectively on press.
Color space
All color images and files are to be supplied in CMYK color space with a total
area coverage (TAC) not to exceed 300% for the darkest area of an image.
Spot colors are to be identified as the correct PMS number and not a custom
color such as “PMS Dark Blue”. PMS colors will be converted to process unless
specified otherwise. When using both art and layout programs, be sure to use
the same PMS naming in both applications (e.g., PMS 201CV and PMS 201CVC
would generate two different plates). Files supplied should NOT contain any
form of color management or inclusion of ICC profiles. Proofs, however, should
be generated using SWOP standard color management (dot gain) accommodations to ensure accurate prediction of final print quality.
Trapping and screening
Files are NOT to be trapped or prescreened. Our prepress department will use
industry recognized trapping software to autotrap your files for optimum performance and reproduction on press and will apply the appropriate screening.
All black-and-white or grayscale ads supplied require 100% size lasers for confirmation of ad content. All color ads require a SWOP compliant contract proof,
which includes color bars, to accompany the submission. The printer will not go
to press with a color ad unless a contract proof is on hand. If a contract proof is not
supplied, then one will be made at cost to the customer and we may additionally
send a second proof out for approval before printing. All contract color proofs
must be color managed according to SWOP standard (
Digital advertising artwork is due 15 days prior to the go live date. Please
refer to marketing kit for the due dates for print advertising. Failure to submit
artwork or payment by agreed upon dates will void agreement. No refunds will
be provided.
Other terms
Advertiser agrees to indemnify NGWA from any liability, loss, cost, claim, damage,
or cause of action of any kind that it may suffer as a result of the transactions
contracted herein, including but not limited to loss resulting from service delays
and incomplete or interrupted service, regardless of cause of fault. NGWA’s
liability is limited to extension of contract by period of time ad failed to display
properly if any proved or admitted errors or omission have occurred. Advertiser
is responsible for providing all information and artwork to meet NGWA’s specifications. NGWA reserves the right to determine the suitability of all ads and to
reject advertising that does not meet its editorial or digital/web criteria.
Notifications in writing to for print advertising cancellations
must be received by the space closing deadline to avoid a cancellation fee. If
ad space is cancelled after the deadline date, the signer will remain responsible
for the scheduled advertising charges, regardless of whether the ad runs or not.
Charges for cover advertisements for any publication are nonrefundable even if
cancelled, regardless of when cancelled. For digital/web advertising there is no
refund after the agreement is signed.
NGWA Directory & Buyers Guide
For full ad specifications for please visit
Wiley Online Library ad specs
Files accepted: JPG, GIF, or SWF. Flash requirements: Files must contain a
clickTag in order for DFP to count clicks. Hardcoded URLs are not accepted.
ActionScript 2.0 or ActionScript 3.0 are acceptable. Flash ActionScript guidelines: ActionScript 2.0 — use the get URL function. The URL should be: _level0.
clickTag. The target window is set to “_blank”. ActionScript 3.0 — use the
navigateToURL object. The URL should be: root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTag.
The target window is set to “_blank”; variables set to “navigateToURL”. Audio/
video guidelines: 15 seconds max. Must be user-initiated. Required controls:
“Close X”, Play, Pause, Rewind, Volume.
Digital/web ad specs
Files accepted: JPG or GIF. Max file size 100KB. For WellOwner — horizontal
banner — 468 x 60px, half-wide skyscraper — 160 x 300px. For newsletters —
top banner — 495 x 90px, tall skinny side — 130 x 260px, and square side —
130 x 130px. For e-Alerts — skyscraper — 160 x 600px. For digital WWJ —
belly band 5 × 18 (double sided) or 5 × 9, cover tip-on — one-sided 7 × 9
or two-sided 7 × 9, digital lead-in banner — no larger than 8 × 5.25, and for
video — YouTube, Vimeo, and .MOV files are accepted. GW/GWMR apps — the
preferred file format is a full-page flex-ad unit supplied as HTML5. Ads will be
placed between article content and should be configured to be responsive to
the following screen sizes: iPad — 768 x 1004px, or iPhone — 320 x 480px and
320 x 568px. Files can also be supplied as a full-page animated or static image
and supplied in PNG or JPG format in all sizes.
Exhibiting terms and conditions
NGWA event disclaimer
NGWA events are open to all business entities that provide goods and services
to NGWA members and attendees, and meeting the criteria established by the
board. NGWA does not endorse nor evaluate the products or services of the
sponsor. Therefore, the fact that a business entity sponsors an NGWA event
should not be considered as an endorsement by NGWA.
NGWA rules/regulations
NGWA will not be bound to any verbal agreements, representations, or statements between sponsors, staff, and/or any other parties unless confirmed and
signed in writing by the show managers (NGWA). Sharing space or subleasing is
prohibited. All signs, displays, persons, marketing material, and products in the
booth(s) must be related to the exhibiting company or its subsidiaries.
Exhibit payment terms and cancellation policy
Exhibit space will only be reserved with a signed agreement and 50% of investment. Balance of exhibit space is due 90 days prior to the event date. Failure to
pay balance of fees by due date shall be considered a material breach of the
agreement and may result in cancellation of exhibit space. Upon such breach,
exhibitor shall forfeit deposits paid and NGWA reserves the right to resell forfeited exhibit space. Requests for cancellation must be made in writing and sent
to Cancellations received 90 days prior to the event date will
receive 50% back. Cancellations made 89 days or less will result in no refund.
Companies must maintain a “company” membership to receive the membership
rate for exhibit space.
Sponsorship payment terms and cancellation policy
Sponsorships may be paid for in installments, according to the following schedule: 50% deposit of the total sponsorship is due with the submission of this
contract; the remaining 50% will be due 90 days after submission. Failure to pay
balance of fees by due date shall be considered a material breach of the agreement and may result in cancellation of sponsorship. Upon such breach, sponsor
shall forfeit deposits paid and NGWA reserves the right to resell forfeited sponsorship to another company. Requests for cancellation and refunds must be
made in writing and sent to NGWA will retain 25% of the total
contracted sponsorship amount for cancellation requests received 200 days
or more prior to the event date and 50% of the total contracted sponsorship
amount 120–199 days prior to the event date. Cancellations made 119 days or
less prior to the event date forfeit 100% of monies paid. The total fee for sponsorship is nonrefundable 119 days prior to the event date, and should a balance
remain, the sponsor will be obligated to pay the full balance of the sponsorship
contracted. NGWA shall not be liable for any interest on any amount refunded.
Late payments may result in forfeiture of sponsorship.
Character of exhibits
The overall appearance of the exhibit hall shall be open. All exhibits must be
visibly accessible and afford an unobstructed view to the greatest extent possible.
For the purpose of this rule, the term “display material” includes anything in the
exhibit booth except for actual full-scale machinery or equipment. Therefore it
includes, but is not limited to, back walls, side walls, lighting fixtures, and signs.
Models of machinery and equipment will also be classified as display material.
Character of exhibits shall be subject to approval of show management. The
right is reserved to refuse the applications of concerns not meeting standards
required or expected, as well as the right to curtail or to close exhibits or parts of
exhibits that reflect unfavorably on the character of the meeting.
New equipment and products
All equipment and products on display must be new with the exception of
remanufactured components, which must be like new when displayed.
Fire regulations
All materials used in the exhibit hall shall be fireproofed and conform to all fire
department regulations. No decorative paper of any kind shall be permitted.
Strict compliance with fire regulations is mandatory. Storage of materials under
tables or behind draperies is prohibited. Empty boxes must be disposed of
immediately. No storage is permitted behind draperies or by electrical outlets.
The fire marshal has authority to issue citations and give instructions to remove
items not in compliance.
Move-in/move-out schedule
Please refer to your event confirmation for exact details. Exhibits must be set
up when event opens. Tear-down begins when the event closes. Violators will
forfeit points in the NGWA priority points system.
Priority points system
Participating companies must have an active NGWA company/corporate
membership on November 1 of current year to participate in the priority
points system. Companies earn one (1) point for every $100 spent on all NGWA
products and services, including but not limited to: exhibit space and sponsorships at all NGWA events; advertising, both print and digital; and contributions
to NGWREF during the previous three- (3-) year time period. A period runs
from October 1 through September 30. In addition to receiving priority points,
companies must maintain a “company” membership to receive the membership
rate for exhibit space.
Assignment of space
On November 1, or next business date if November 1 falls on a weekend, 10
companies will be randomly drawn from the pool of companies with current
Groundwater Expo/Groundwater Week exhibit contracts and assigned, in the
order drawn, the first 10 on-site space selection appointment times. All remaining companies will be assigned a date and time for on-site space selection in
the order of their total priority points. In the event of a tie, those companies will
be assigned a single block of time and space will be assigned on a first come,
first served basis. Companies not exhibiting at the current year’s Groundwater
Expo/Groundwater Week must submit a signed contract prior to 12:00 p.m.
(noon) November 1 to participate in the priority points system. Companies
that miss their assigned time or the submission deadline will be allowed to
participate during the next available appointment time. Space remaining after
the on-site booth selection will be allocated on a first come, first served basis
until all booth space is sold. NGWA reserves the right to relocate an exhibitor’s
booth space due to modifications of the exhibit facility, fire marshal regulations,
or any other reason.
The show management reserves the sole and exclusive right to amend, modify,
or change, from time to time, the rules and regulations herein contained so
as to affect the terms and conditions of the agreement and, upon reasonable
notice to exhibitor, the exhibitor agrees to comply with such amendments,
modifications, or changes as if fully and originally written herein.
Heavy equipment displays
All heavy equipment shall be displayed indoors in assigned areas. More than
one piece of equipment may be displayed in the space rented, provided the
entire display does not exceed the size of the space rented. All equipment for
bulk display spaces will be parked by scheduled appointment, at the targeted
time specified in a letter to the exhibitor approximately four weeks prior to
the show. If the equipment is not on hand to be parked at the assigned time,
the space assignment could be forfeited if the location makes it necessary to
park the next equipment in line. Heavy equipment must abide by and adhere
to all fire and safety regulations. In addition, there are some regulations that
apply specifically to heavy equipment displays. Rig manufacturers shall not be
allowed to start up their machines or utilize their hydraulic equipment once rigs
are parked in their assigned position. The exposition floor shall be protected
from potential oil leaks with a protective covering where necessary. If rig jacks
are used, pads with surface of eight (8) square feet shall be used beneath each
jack. The USE OF BATTERY PACKS on the exhibit hall floor during show hours IS
PROHIBITED. Operation of gasoline-powered vehicles will be permitted during
move-in and move-out periods. However, all fueling of vehicles must be accomplished outside the exhibit hall. Gasoline vehicles may not be operated in the
exhibit area during show hours. Gasoline tanks must be locked and taped; the
battery must be disconnected. The amount of gasoline in the tank should be
minimal—enough to permit move-in and move-out. Any damage done to the
exhibit hall floor by excessive oil leaks shall be financially absorbed by the rig
manufacturer. Battery cables shall be disconnected and LP gas tanks removed.
No banners may span or protrude into an aisle or neighboring exhibitor’s display space. Company name signs that are regularly affixed to equipment when
sold to the customer are permissible regardless of height. No display may span
an aisle by roofing or floor covering of any kind.
No alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the exhibit hall. No live animals will be
permitted on the exhibit floor. No helium balloons are permitted in the exhibit
hall. No carts, hand trucks, etc., are permitted on carpeted surfaces. All food
items and novelties must be arranged through the facility’s exclusive concessionaire.
Light fixtures
No exhibitor shall install any floodlight fixtures that may cause the light coming
from them to shine in other exhibits or in the eyes of guests, or which are objectionable to other exhibitors.
Photography and videotaping are prohibited without the written permission
of NGWA. By virtue of completing this agreement, you grant NGWA full rights
to use any photos/videos/recordings containing your likeness taken during the
routine business course of the event, by NGWA or its official representatives, to
be used in any future promotional endeavors of NGWA and its affiliates, without
any further notification or expectation of compensation.
Signs, sightlines
No signs may be displayed in an exhibitor’s booth or bulk space claiming special
discounts or pricing policies that may be in effect during the show. Displays
shall be designed in such a manner as not to interfere with the sightlines of
adjacent and neighboring booths. Back walls of displays shall not extend more
than five (5) feet from rear of booth. Any display fixtures more than four (4)
feet in height must be confined to the area of the booth that is at least five
(5) feet from the aisle line. Raw wood or cardboard wings shall be painted or
appropriately covered if visible in the display area. The side frames of pop-up
display booths must be covered with drape to cover the frame. Drape may be
ordered from the service contractor. Displays will be no higher than 8 within all
booth spaces (includes bulk and island spaces). Signage suspended above bulk
and island spaces shall be no higher than 22 from top of sign to floor and no
shorter than 12 from bottom of sign to floor. Any requested exceptions must
be addressed to NGWA show management.
Attendee list
Exhibitors will be issued a one-time preshow and postshow list for marketing
purposes. Abuse of this one-time-only rule may result in expulsion from future
NGWA events.
Sound/audiovisual/demonstration restrictions
Sounds for presentations must be maintained at a sufficiently low level so as
not to interfere with other exhibitors. Absolutely no music. Any demonstration
of products or services must be conducted within the confines of the exhibitor’s
own booth space.
Unoccupied space
Space assignment could be forfeited if there is a balance due 60 days or less
to the event date and show management has a waiting list for space. In the
event that no representative of an exhibiting company has claimed its exhibit
space by 12 noon on opening day of the event, or fails to comply with any other
provisions concerning the use of space, show management will have the right
to take possession of the space and lease all or any part of it to other exhibitors upon such terms as deemed proper. No refund will be made in the case of
Outside activities
No exhibitor shall operate or participate in the operation of any exhibit, demonstration, activity, or event during established show hours within the show city
except in assigned exhibit spaces. Nothing in this provision shall be interpreted
to curtail the normal, established manufacturing activities of an exhibitor within
the show city. However, no tours of these facilities shall occur during show
hours. Exhibitors may advertise in their exhibit space for plant tours to occur at
Admission to the events will be by official NGWA registration badges only,
which must be worn at all times. Badges are nontransferable and must be worn
by the person whose name is on the badge. NGWA shall have sole discretion
over the admission of persons visiting the event.
Official sponsor representative
By signing this contract, incorporating these terms by reference, the sponsor
agrees to abide by these rules and regulations, and by the decisions of NGWA.
This contract will also become binding on both the sponsor and the Association
upon its acceptance by NGWA.
Sponsor logo specs
Upon completion of the agreement, please email your logo to
Logos need to be 300 dpi for print and 72-96 ppi for digital. Files accepted are
JPG, TIF, and EPS.
Antitrust advisory
National Ground Water Association members and staff are responsible for
ensuring that all of their activities are within the antitrust laws. Penalties and
convictions for violation are severe for individuals, their companies, and the
Association. Lawsuits are costly to defend and can severely impede the
Association’s operations or existence. The following topics should not be
discussed or be the subject of any type of agreement among competitors,
whether formal or informal, express or implied:
• Prices to be charged to customers or suppliers; it is illegal to fix selling
prices (maximum, minimum, or otherwise)
• Methods by which prices are determined or plans to change prices; it is
illegal to agree to change prices at the same time
• Advertising prices; such agreements are illegal
• Plans to not sell at less than a certain markup even if there is no agreement
as to the precise price to be charged
• Fixing buying prices for raw materials
• Not buying from, selling to, or dealing with particular persons or classes of
customers or prospective customers
• Limiting production
• Dividing market
Refraining from bidding for an order or job
Not selling in a particular market area
Exchanging of specific customer prices among competing sellers
Discontinuing selling to one or more customers for nonpayment of bills or
Sponsor hereby agrees to indemnify, save, and hold harmless NGWA and its
subsidiaries, affiliates, related entities, partners, officers, directors, employees,
attorneys, heirs, and successors from and against any and all claims, actions,
demands, losses, damages, judgments, settlements, costs, and expenses
(including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses), and liabilities of every kind
and character whatsoever, which may arise by reason of: (i) any act or omission
by sponsor or any of its officers, directors, employees, or agents; (ii) any use
of sponsor’s name, logo, website, or other information, materials, products, or
services provided by sponsor; and/or (iii) the inaccuracy or break of any of the
covenants, representations, and warranties made by sponsor in this agreement.
This indemnity shall require the payment of costs and expenses by sponsor as
they occur. NGWA shall promptly notify sponsor upon receipt of any claim or
legal action referenced in this section. The provisions of this section shall survive
any termination or expiration of this agreement.
The show management reserves the sole and exclusive right to amend, modify,
or change, from time to time, the rules and regulations herein contained so
as to affect the terms and conditions of the agreement and, upon reasonable
notice to exhibitor, the exhibitor agrees to comply with such amendments,
modifications, or changes as if fully and originally written herein.
The show management shall be the interpreter of the requirements of this
agreement and its decision shall be final. In the event of a dispute, this agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, the sponsor agrees
that this agreement is subject to the terms of a lease agreement between
NGWA and the event facility (i.e., Las Vegas Convention Center), under which
the NGWA’s Groundwater Expo/Groundwater Week has leased the premises
of which the exposition space herein let is a part. Sponsors shall honor the
contractual agreements between the exhibit facilities, local union groups, and/
or exclusive contractors. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties and cannot be amended, modified, or changed without a
subsequent agreement in writing signed by the parties, except as set forth in
the aforementioned paragraphs.
Information herein current as of September 2015.