THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND BEHAVIOR OF POTASSIUM OXIDE IN POTASSIUM OXIDE-ALUMINA AND POTASSIUM OXIDE-CALCIUM OXIDE SILICATES by DAWID DE WET SMITH 'I B. Sc. (Eng.) (Met.), University of Pretoria (1980) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METALLURGY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Signature of Author.. DepZ)tent of aterial Science and Engineering A - Certified by....... ,E, ey. Accepted by-----------. August 10, 1984 tott John F Thesis Supervisor B. J. Wuensch Chairman, Dep Jmental Committee on Graduate Students MASSACHUSEUS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 129 1984 LIBRARIES THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND BEHAVIOR OF POTASSIUM OXIDE IN POTASSIUM OXIDE-ALUMINA AND POTASSIUM OXIDE-CALCIUM OXIDE SILICATES by DAWID DE WET SMITH Submitted to the Department of Material Science and Engineering on August 10, 1984 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Metallurgy. ABSTRACT measured in was oxide potassium of The activity K2O-SiO 2 -Al2 O2 and K 2 0-SiO 2 -CaO melts over a temperature range of 950 to 1100 0 C. The following electrochemical cell was used: Pt, 02 (g), K120 (K2 0-nSiO 2 ) Binary I K+ beta - alumina | z02(g), K2 0, Pt (K2 0-nSiO 2 -XX) Ternary II where XX designates A1 2 03 or CaO. The ratio of X,2 c3/Xin1om was the same in the binary and the ternary melts. In the K2 0-SiO 2 -A1 2 0. system, up to 8 weight % alumina was added to 70, 65, 56, 47, and 39 weight % SiO2 binary melts. It was found that along pseudo-binary lines of constant Xv2 0 /X0.1 2 the addition of A1 2 03 to potassium silicates decreased the activity of K2O up to approximately log a=C2o = 0.12. The results are compared with the published data of the same system. Activities of K20 in the K 2 0-SiO 2 -CaO system were measured for the 65, 56 and 47 weight % SiO 2 binary compositions with up to 12 weight % CaO added. The addition of CaO caused an increase in the activity of K2 0 at constant XKmo/Xwjo2. The - 2 - The 0.22. is up to approximately log = increase similar of results the experimental data is compared well with The experimental data are also compared with the systems. The values predicted by the Richardson's ternary mixing model. nature polymeric the activity data were Interpreted in terms of of silicate melts Thesis supervisor: John F. Elliott. Title: Professor of Metallurgy. - 3 - TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Number. Chapter. TITLE PAGE 1 ABSTRACT 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 LIST OF FIGURES 7 LIST OF TABLES 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 12 I INTRODUCTION. 13 2 LITERATURE SURVEY. 16 2.1 2.2 16 Solid electrolytes. 2.1.1 Introduction to solid electrolytes. 16 2.1.2 The beta-aluminas. 18 Activities in Alkali Silicates. 25 2.2.1 The K2O-SiO 2 system. 25 2.2.2 Ternary and higher order silicates containing potassium oxide. 29 2.2.3 Sodium and lithium silicate systems. 3 3 OUTLINE OF RESEARCH. 5 4 EXPERIMENTAL. 9 4.1 4.2 Theoretical considerations. 9 4.1.1 KO-SiOm-AlO system. 239 4.1.2 K2O-SiO2-CaO system. 42 42 Cell Design. - 4 - E19i. Chapter. 4.3 5 6 7 8 Measurement and control of the experiment. 46 4.3.1 Computer hardware. 48 4.3.2 Computer software. 51 4.4 Procedure. 51 4.5 Galvanostatic polarization test of the electrochemical cell. 54 58 RESULTS. 5.1 K20-SiO 2 -Al20. 5.2 K20-SiO2-Ca0 system. system. 58 70 78 DISCUSSION. 6.1 Error analysis. 78 6.2 K2-SiO2-Al203 system. 80 6.3 K2O-SiO2-CaO system. 85 6.3.1 Comparison with other work. 85 6.3.2 Richardsons mixing model. 86 91 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTHER WORK. 93 APPENDIX. A 95 K-BETA-ALUMINA. A.1 Fabrication of K-beta-alumina. 95 A.2 Quality of product. 96 B Electronic circuit used for control of experiment. 104 C Program for data acquisition and control of the EMF experiment. 105 - 5 - MIN EAgt. Chapte r . D Silicate melt preparation. 108 E Sources and purities of materials. 109 F Experimental results for K2 0-SiO 2 -A12 03 system. 111 G Experimental results for K 2 0-SiO 2 -CaO system. 130 H Quantitative error analysis. 138 141 BIBLIOGRAPHY - 6 - LIST OF FIGURES. FIGURE. Fig. 2.1 Phase diagram of NaO. 20 A120m-A12e0m. Fig. 2.2 Oxide ion packing arrangement in beta-alumina and beta"-alumina. Fig. 2.3 Summary of measurements of SiO2 activity in the K2O-SiO2 system at 1100 0 C. Fig. 2.4 Summary of measurements of K2 0 activity in the K 2 0-SiO 2 system at 1100 aC. Fig. 3.1 Portion of KO-S iO2-A1 20:3 ternary phase diagram. Compositions studied are denoted by symbol x. Fig. 3.2 Portion of K 2 0-SiO 2 -CaO ternary phase diagram. Compositions studied are denoted by symbol x. Fig. 4.1 Absolute activity of K20 in binary silicate melts. (Shigematsu and Elliott) Fig. 4.2 Schematic diagram of experimental system for measurement of cell EMF in oxygen. Fig. 4.3 Temperature profile of SiC furnace used for taking measurements. Fig. 4.4 Computer peripherals used for measurement and control of the experiment. - 7 - 30 37 44 49 Fig. 4.5 Example of the response of cell potential to temperature changes. 55 Fig. 4.6 Galvanostatic polarization test of emf cell. 57 Fig. 5.1 Experimental results for log aano the K=0-SIO2-Al 2 0= system for melts for which = 0.273. X.c~ 2 /Xmw.o Fig. 5.2 in Experimental results for log as<= the K20-SiO 2 -Al20a system for melts for which Xxm~o/X=,2 = in 62 0.344. 5.3 Experimental results for log atco in the K20-Si0a-Al20 system for melts for which X.<o/X. 1 o 2 = 0.490. 63 Fig. 5.4 Experimental results for log at<o in the K2 0-SiO2-Al2O system for melts for which 64 Fig. Xs<23/Xwa2 Fig. 5.5 = 0.719. Experimental results for log asmo in the K2 O-SiO2-Al20= system for melts for which Xv<==/XWa 2 = 1.000. Fig 5.6- The activity.of K2 0 in the K20-SiO=-Al20, system along pseudo-binary lines of constant ratios of Xx=o/X=co= at 1100 C. Fig 5.7 Interpolated iso-activity lines for K=O in the K2 0-SiO2-Al2zO= system at 11000C. Fig 5.8 65 Experimental results for log ascax in the K2 0-SiO-CaO system for melts for which X~am/Xwnaz = 0.3435. - 8 - 66 E FIgure. Fig 5.9 Experimental results for log in the K2 0-SiO-CaO system for melts for which Xx~a/Xinic . 72 = 0.490. Fig 5.10 Experimental results for log atcaa in 73 the K 2 O-SiO2-CaO system for melts for which XK=23/Xaic2 = 0.719. Fig 5.11 The activity of K2 0 in the K2 0-SiO2-CaO system along pseudo-binary lines of constant ratios of Xucc3/Xwajc3 74 at 11006C. Fig 5.12 Interpolated iso-activity lines for K2 0 in the K2 0-SiO=-CaO system at 1100*C. 75 Fig 6.1 Interpolated isoactivity lines for Na.0 in the Na=0-Al=O-SiO= system in air at 10500C. 82 Fig 6.2 Iso-log amma lines for Na20-CaO-SiO2 imelts. Lines drawn at 0.1 intervals of log 83 ammmo, from -10.3 to -8.8. Temperature = 1070 0 C. Sections of beta-alumina solid electrolyte crucible analyzed with the Electron Probe Micro Analyser. 99 Fig. A.2 and K=O Wt% of AlO2 along section A-B of Fig A.1, after ion exchange. 100 Fig. Wt% of Al 2 03 and K20 along section C-D of Fig A.1, after ion exchange. 101 Fig. A.1 A.3 - 9 - Fliure. Fig. A.4 Wt% of residual Na20 in solid electrolyte along section A-B of Fig A.1, after ion exchange. 102 Fig. A.5 Wt% of residual Na=O in solid electrolyte along section C-D of Fig A.1, after ion exchange. 103 - 10 - LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Comparison of conductivity and diffusivity in beta-alumina single crystals. 22 2.2 Systems studied using Na-beta-alumina. 23 2.3 Li 2 O-SiQ0, Na2O-SiO2 solutions studied. 34 3.1 Scope of experimental measurements. 36 4.1 Compositions studied in the K2O-SiO2-AlOO system. 52 5.1 Least square coefficients for log asco = A/T + B with standard deviations for melts in 'the K2O-SiO 2 -AlO system. 68 5.2 Partial molar Enthalpy and Entropy of mixing of K=O in the K 2 O-SiO 2 -A120 system. 69 5.3 Least square coefficients for log aKxo = A/T + B with standard deviations for melts in the K2 0-SiO2 -CaO system. 76 5.4 Partial molar Enthalpy and Entropy of mixing of KO in the K=O-SiO=-CaO system. 77 6.1 obtained in Comparison between Log axo this study and published values for the K2O-SiO=-A120 system. 84 6.2 Comparison between calculated activities of K2 0 and experimental values in the K2 0-SiO 2 -CaO system. 90 - 11 - I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere thanks to Professor John F. Elliott guidance advice, his for encouragement and throughout the course of this work. I would also like to of the project. Chamber of Thanks also is and Mines the AISI for their sponsorship thank and Iron South-African the South-African the to due Steel Corporation for the scholarships they provided to me. A special thanks is due to Professor Shigematsu, a visiting scientist from Japan, who introduced with me helped Richard Stanton who me the to this work. equipment is Mr. also thanked. To my fellow Research graduate group, a students in the Chemical Metallurgy special thanks for the many helpfull discussions we had. Finally, a special thanks is due to my her encouragement and support. - 12 - wife, Christel, for CHAPTERI. INTRODUCTION. Alkali containing knowledge of the properties of these melts is also This knowledge can other in useful be our present At processes. metallurgical extractive some silicate melts play an important role in limited. rather fields such as ceramics. An example of a which for process metallurgical is thermodynamic data on alkali silicate melts would be useful the iron blast process, countercurrent this In furnace. alkalis enter as constituents In the burden materials and while the descending the burden is heated by conditions necessary metals are of high reducing temperature enough gas ascending potential, At with the combined a portion of reduced and are immediately gases. alkali the volatilized as this temperature is above the boiling point of the alkali metals. travel The alkali metal vapors then ascending gases, and experience - 13 up the shaft with the progressively - more oxidizing and for When conditions become favourable cooler conditions. the formation and condensation of compounds such as carbonates, these of portion oxides and cyanides, a vented through causes the to alkalis furnace. blast the in accumulate is phenomena recirculation This off-gas. the rest the burden materials and furnace ceramic lining, and the onto condense Accumulation leads to scaffold formation causing erratic burden of burden affected. especially material, The only means coke venting of properties Mechanical movement and increased refractory wear. is adversely also of furnace the these alkalis is through fine particles in the top gas or through the slag. in The slag forming materials mainly silica and silicates, lime. Because of the blast stable the alkali silicates are probably the most alkali specie in the furnace nature are of predominant To predict the behavior of these slag. furnace alkali silicates in the blast slag a knowledge of the thermodynamics of alkali silicate solutions is needed. The purpose of this thesis is to obtain thermodynamic on some alkali silicate related systems to the alkalis through the slag in the blast furnace. calcia was of The activity of silicate melts containing alumina potassium oxide in potassium and removal data experimentally determined electrochemical cell. - 14 - using an mom specially was used electrolyte The was: cell the and potassium-beta-alumina Pt, Oa (g), K=O (K2 0-nSIO2) Binary I potassium - : prepared 02(g), K20, Pt beta - alumina : (K2 0-nSIO=-XX) Ternary * where the ratio of K=0 to SiO2 is the S same ternary melts and XX designates A1 2 0. or CaO. - 15 - II for the binary and CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE SURVEY. present the reader with some The aim of this chapter is to background study. particular. The in involved this The first part The chapter is divided into two parts. gives an introduction to in rationale the about material solid electrolytes, the beta-aluminas previous the covers part second measurements of the activities of alkalis in silicate systems. 2.1 Solid electrolytes. The first part gives This section is divided into 2 parts. solid an introduction to The second electrolytes in general. part covers beta-aluminas in particular. 2.1.1 Introduction to solid electrolytes. Solid materials transports. electrolytes with a structure crystal as solid allowing fast ceramic ionic In these structures it can be shown that there are pathways for the carriers structurea. defined be can that are built into the crystal Calcium stabilized zirconia (CSZ) was the first of these materials to be used extensively. - 16 - Information different disciplines3 . intensive the are Examples in applications through the past decade due to their possible many increasing been has electrolytes solid on research done following the launching of the Sputnik using on the renewed interest in using CSZ for fuel cells in space, and the sodium-beta-alumina in sodium-sulphur batteries because of seventies 4 . result of this increased activity in the field of solid electrolytes is that energy situation in the presently a few dozen compounds are The known that can reach high These materials can be ionic conductivity while being solid. to their structure classified according ion". The main the conducting oxides, fluorite-type 'include classes and silver-iodide type materials, fluorides and the beta-aluminas. The conducting species include F-, Cl-, Br-, 1-, Ag*, Cu*, Li*, Na*, NH4 +, Tl*, K*, Rb*, 02-, S2-, H*, Mga* and Al"*. The main technological applications of solid electrolytes fall into the following categories*: 1. ODen-circuit ADDlications. This mainly involves equilibrium measurements with an emf cell, e. g. oxygen sensors. 2. Closed-circuit ADolications. This involves supplying an external voltage to induce mass transfer. 3. Energy Conversion. Electrochemical oxidization of a fuel to give direct rise to electric energy as in fuel cells. - 17 - 4. transport Ionic Batteries. State Solid for used electrical energy storage. 5. devices of e.g. solids, of conductivity ionic the utilizing range Ionics. This includes a State Solid memoro ides'. The solid of 3 in extensively reviewed been have electrolytes applications and properties, structure, monographsa.w,* and 2 conference proceedings*-*. 2.1.2 The Beta-aluminas. The beta-aluminas were originally thought to be polymorphic forms of Alumina1 *. Since monovalent ions are always present in the misnomer. structures known is name that structure, beta-alumina electrolytes The beta-alumina solid are to is a Tl*, Ag*, and Li*. Related phases also occur X=O.5A120 having an extremely high conductivity". Na=O.A12 0-AlO system is the specie such as Na*, K*, Rb*, monovalent formulas X=0.7A1 2 0. (beta') and a hexagonal with approximate composition X=O.11Al=O=. X is mobile ion and be included with approximate (beta"), the latter A phase diagram of the in Fig. 2.1.10 Reviews of 1 these materials has been presented by Kennedy" , and Collongues et al.** The crystal structure of beta-alumina consists of planes of atoms parallel to the basal plane. - 18 - Four planes of oxygens in a cubic by rather The of the monovalent ion and oxygen. layers open together The spinel blocks are bound the structure of spinel. which sites as in tetrahedral and aluminum atoms occupy octahedral within slab a comprise sequence close-packed the between exist structure Fig 2.211. Slight variations in in represented structure for Na-beta-alumina is schematically different beta-aluminas, espesially in the configuration of the is extremely anisotropic but conductivity over single crystals polycrystalline materials a The motion. atom increased for path two-dimensional provide layer open bound loosely The layers. open show less than an order of magnitude the to parallel decrease over single crystals measured high conductivity planes, indicating high-conductivity paths through grain Na-beta-alumina is indicating that the the all of highest in sodium of conductivity The boundaries. beta-aluminas the size of the sodium ion is the best suited for the transport in the open layers. Larger ions like Ag* and Li* K* have lower conductivities while smaller ions like also decrease the conductivity as shown in Table 2.1"1 Virtually completely conductivity ionic open-circuit thermodynamic measurements. is conductivity for beta-aluminas different Whittingham and Huggins*" as well as - 19 - that the secondary no The measurements. the for This means electronic conduction should be very low so that reactions interferes with needed as 1 Sammells *, electronic measured is four by to 2000 1800 -) OP E 1600 1400 1200 1000 ' N020-AI 2 0 3 60 70 Mole Fig. 2.1 Phase diagram reference 10. - 20 - 80 90 A12 03 Al 2 0 3 0/o of NamO. AlaOw-AlO = from Mirror Plane 0 Mirror Plane C Ax is C 0O 0 Oxide Na+ Ion -- I 3 "- 2-A lumina O Oxide ion on Sodium ion on conduction plane conduction plane Fig. 2.2 Alumina Oxide ion packing arrangement in beta-alumina and beta"-alumina (Note: letters refer to stacking arrangement where ABC represents face-centered cubic packing while ABAB would represent hexagonal packing) - 21 - the ionic specie, so that the for than lower orders five transference number for the ionic specie is essentially unity. with the refractory nature of beta-alumina makes This combined thermodynamic high temperature for choice it a very good measurements. TABLE 2.1. COMPARISON OF CONDUCTIVITY AND DIFFUSIVITY IN BETA-ALUMINA SINGLE CRYSTALS ~~~------------- and larger by similar in Na-beta-alumina a(0.01 increase in A**. The large as (Alcoa) was in - 22 - this study is change of replacement for and cause can a cause fracture available Commercially used change slight plane materials. polycrystalline a Ag*, Rb*, K*, c-parameter This is exchange Li*, A by replaced be causes the in ions The 0.40 c-parameter. the easily conducting the enter may Water Tl*. as be can can This Cu*. and H=0' NO*, parameter cell the much Na* Ga*, NH.+, Tl*, sodium ions: monovalent following the for complete of to fabricate - - - - - - - reaction. exchange an by ions other many ions sodium structure, beta-alumina in mobility great the of - - - - -- .10-7 .10.10-* 4.0 1.7 9.6 .10-+ .10.10-+ .10- 140 64 0.65 -1.3 Na* Ag* K* Li* Because Diffusivity(25aC) (cma/s] Conductivity(25"C) ( cm)- 1] Ion the K-beta-alumina by an ion exchange method. exchanged for potassium ions. The sodium ions were Care was taken in this study to prevent hydration of the solid electrolyte by storing them in dessicators. Table 2.2 Some systems studied using Na-beta-alumina. System Reference Alloy systems ( Na activity ) Na-Pb Na-Hg Na-S Na-Sn Na-Al D.J. Fray and B. Savory*' L.H. Such and N.D. Bennionsa J. Balej, F. P. Dousek, and J. Jansta** N. K. Gupta and R. P. Tischer 2 O B. V. Joglekar, P. S. Nicholson and W. W. Smeltzer 2 l M. Rivier and A. D. Peltonm2 D. J. Fray 2 Oxide systems ( Na2 O activity ) NaaOCrO4-Na=SO4 Na=O-WO. NaAO-WO=-SO Na 2 0-MoO= Liang and Elliott 2 ' 2 Lin and Elliotta- 7' NaO-VOS Na=O-SiO Na2 O-CaO-SiOm NazO-Fe2Oa-SiO= NaaO-AlaO-S IO= Na=O-Fe=O=-A120-SiO=: Na=O-FeO-S 10a Na=O-FeO-Al=O-SiO: Sodium-beta-alumina measurements in molten Neudorf and Elliott 2 DeYoung and Ell iott been has metals, used thermodynamic salts, and silicates. these applications are listed in Table 2.2. - for 23 - Some of potassium of properties Dudley, Steele and Howe to study the by used was KIS./K-beta-alumina/K..FeiIOi, cell The ferriteO*. The K-beta-alumina was used to change the potassium content in the potassium-ferrite value was current titration. of about 10 composition was new After the charge passed during the titration. calculated from current turning the The times. measured micro-amperes for constant a supplying by This was done coulometric by off, done was This obtained. decreasing potassium the emf was measured until a steady and significant hysteresis, without content increasing for showing that equilibrium had been obtained and that the process ' was completely reversible. More to pertinent study this Shigematsu and Elliott recently measured the properties of potassium oxide in K2 0-0SiO binary melts with through solid K-beta-alumina electrolyte and found temperature fluctuation that the cell potentials were They used Na=SO4 and Na2CO= as a reference melt reversible-*. to determine the activity of potassium oxide in the more stable 0.214 mole% K=O melt. the other binary The activity of potassium oxide in all was measured in a concentration compositions cell using the 0.214 mole% melt as a secondary reference. The validity electrochemical of cells K-beta-alumina using high for electrolytes temperature thermodynamic measurements is therefore shown by the following facts: - 24 - In transference The 1. potassium of number in ions K-beta-alumina is essentially unity. Platinum-sulfate melts, platinum-silicate melt 2. platinum-carbonate electrodes and melt, K-beta-alumina with electrolytes are reversible. K-beta-alumina electrolytes have 3. been used over a wide 0 range of K=O activities at temperatures up to 1100 C the compares obtained results favorably and that with published in literature. 2.2 Activities in Alkali Silicates. the In this section measurements of the alkali activities The section is divided into 3 in silicate melts are discussed. The parts. first part covers the activity potassium in binary silicate melts, while in the the activity measurements the second of part in ternary melts are presented. measurements binary The last part covers sodium activities in and ternary melts. 2.2.1 The K 2 O-SiO system. This system has been studied by many different techniques. Some of these vaporization rate indirect are techniques In measurements. this like those section techniques and their results will be discussed shortly. - 25 - using these K=O-SiO= melts of in lost when compositions, initial differing K=O of Preston and Turner** measured the weight maintained at a constant temperature between 11001C and 16000C. As They obtained the rate of vaporization from these results. proportional to the directly was these rates of vaporization Callow 3 3 used Preston and Turner's results to vapor pressures, used Charles* in these melts. calculate the activity of SIO these vaporization rates and the phase diagram to calculate the activity of K=O and SiO 2 Both of these 20-8102 system. in the appreciable sets of calculations did not take into account the amount of PtOm vaporization, created by containing the melts in platinum boats. et Eliezer potassium in contained in a the furnace constant temperature graphite The vapor was allowed to the tube heating determined of The cell. molybdenum cell pressure melt sample was of was fitted to a with a 90 degree angle. through a small orifice into diffuse furnace the The system. K20-8102 vapor the determined al.0-2H* and the vapor relative to that of potassium aluminate pressure standards, It was assumed that because by an atomic absorption technique. furnace the reaction: graphite the in conditions reducing of C(graphite) + (KzO) = 2K(g) + CO(g) took place. 2.1 This caused a concentration of CO of a few percent which could effect Eliezer et al. the sample and lead to a loss of SiO(g). assumed that this high concentration - 26 - of CO had no effect on these slag samples. 3 7 a0 Plantea used The equilibrium was contained in a platinum cell. spectrometer. The pressure vapor the and enclosure mass Plante et al. process was: assumed the that potassium oxide 2.2 the takes place by reaction 2.2. If of measurements is assumption that vaporization the to activities of by potassium vapor pressure susceptible to error due silicate capacity to dissolve monatomic oxygen, the take place according to the reaction: melt may 2.3 potential would be lower than oxygen the and calculated from equation 2.2 some has vaporization K 2 O(soln) = 2K(g) + O(soln) This would mean that the with a vaporization predominant determination the mass a negligible. was K=O(soln) = 2K(g) + 1/202(g) It should be noted that vacuum calibrated a vacuum the vapor pressure of PtO 2 in a Because the measurements were gravimetric Knudsen measurement. made was inside with determined spectrometer gas into orifice small to melt The system. measure the potassium vapor in the K 2 0-0SiO the cell was sampled through a spectrometer mass cell Knudsen a activity. of K 20 thus calculated would be on the high side. activity Steiler*-**' measured the system by using a thermogravimetric - 27 - of K2 0 in the K20-SIOa method. The method flow of CO-CO-Ar at a a involved equilibrating the slag with of fixed Oxygen potential and determining the rate the sample weight at a given gas flow rate In change the oxidation and degree of the gas. Frohberg et al.4 used the concentration cell: Pt, 0=(1 atm):xK2O,ySiO2::0.214K0-0.786SiOa:Oa(1 atm), Pt to measure the activity of SiOm in the K2O-SiO2 system relative to the in activity the mole 0.786 % KaO melt. In measurement it was assumed that the transference number of the is assumption This unity. is potassium ion in these melts this reasonable for acidic melts. As mentioned in Section 2.1.2 Shigematsu recently used the electrochemical cells: and Elliott*b Pt,SO 2 (g)+0 2 (g)(lata):K-beta-alumina :0.214K 2 0-0.786SiO 2 (1),air,Pt K=SO4* and Pt, CO(g)+COa(g)(I atm): K-beta-alumina :0.214K20 0.786SiO 2 ,airPt K=CO= to measure the activity of K20 in the 0.214 with respect to pure K=CO= and KSO.. K20 mole They melt measured the activity in the rest of the system between compositions 0.214 and 0.50 mole% K=O with the following concentration cell: : K-beta-alumina :xK20-(1-x)SiO, Pt, air(i atm) 0.214K20-0.7865102: Determinations was a over made - 28 - temperature air, Pt range of 950(T(1100C. They found a non-linear variation in log anao with composition. Chou and Elliottal" used a similar cell: Pt, air(i atm) K2 0.SIO 2 K-beta-alumina :zK=o-(1-x)SiO=, air, Pt the to determine They system. : activity of the in calculated the activity in reference melt using the Free JANAF K20 their K=O-SiO= metasilicate of Formation data of the Energy experienced They Tables*. Thermochemical binary some difficulties in using this reference melt for reasons that will be discussed in chapter 6. Fig 2.3 gives results of some of was discussed, for the the activity of SiO 2 investigations that at 1100 0 C. In Fig 2.4 some results are given for the activity of K20. The activity of K2 0 in the binary K20-SIO 2 system as measured about one order of by Shigematsu is magnitude higher than that of Charles and about three orders of magnitude higher than the values reported by Steller and Chou. 2.2.2 Ternary and higher order silicates containing notassium oxide. Activities in higher order many people systems using different techniques. determinations will be presented. - 29 - have been measured by In this section these I-M MMMMWM 0.6 0.5 0.O 0 N 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.8 0,7 05 0.9 XSi02 ---- CHARLES SHIGEMATSU -- Fig. 2.3 + ELLIOTT FROHBERG Summary of measurements of SIO= activity In the K=O-SiO= system at 1100 C. The standard state of SiOm is pure solid cristobalite. - 30 - -7 -7- I , -8 -9 / Charles -10 Shigematsu + Elliott - -1l Steiler -12 0 7-, z7 0 - PIante -14 Chou + Elliott -15 -17 -18 20 40 30 50 XK2 O x100 Fig. 2.4 Summary of measurements of KaO activity in the KIO-S iO= system at 1100 C. The standard state of K=O is pure liquid K=O. - 31 - He K=O-CaO-SiO=-AlO.-MgO systems. CaO-MgO-Al2O=-SiO= was 2.1.1. section in described as method Langmuir same the used in oxide potassium of activity the determined also Steiler=O system KO-SIO= In addition to his work on the Melts of of K=O studied with variable amounts added. The activity of K=O was found to be proportional to the square of constant at the weight fraction of K=O added, and basiscity (Wt % CaO + Wt % MgOJ/ Wt % SiO= and concentration of K=O, the activity of K=O decreases as CaO is replaced by MgO. Eliezer et al. 4 2 used the same atomic absorption technique vapor as described in section 2.1.1 to determine the potassium pressure over coexisting solid phases in 3 of sets 3 diagram. alumina rich region of the ternary phase in reported information this data as well as the used They literature on compounds in the system and the phase diagram, to represent the activity coefficients of all components in the liquid phase by empirical equations. Belton et al. technique to 43 -4 the study Knudsen-cell mass spectrometer a used thermodynamics of mixing silicates in the NaaO-K=O-SiO= system at the tetra-, meta- silicate K=O.xSiOz Mixtures compositions. of binary of di-, and Na=O.xSiOm had slight positive deviations from ideality and (where ideality means that the free energy of mixing of the two binary due to silicates is cations). It was found the entropy of that - mixing of the addition of 15 mole % CaO to an 32 random - the metasilicate reduced the positive deviation from ideality. Gaskell and the of depressions the measured Suito'* freezing temperatures of NaF and KF by additions of 3M=0.2SiOm, They of NaF and KF with activities calculated the variation of the solutions studied were limited The the liquidus compositions. M = Li, Na and K ). (where M2O.SiO 2 , MIaO.2SiO= and SiO 2 to the fluoride rich corner of the ternary system. 2.2.3 Sodium and lithium silicate systems. in this section, in these systems are summarized studies The most relevant in rest of the studies listed the and a table. Charles* 4 used the 4 made by Preston and Turner* *-* to calculate the rates of vaporization of measurements and the binary activities of Na=O and LiMO, and SiO respective Na&O-SiOm and Li=O-SiOm binary to Charles the activity of the negative deviation from same for component an an in the According systems. shows alkali ideality cationic radius of the basic Callow== used the diagrams phase increase increase in in the [r(K+)>r(Na+)>r(Li+)J. measurements to calculate the activity of SiO= in these systems. in Table 2.3 lists other studies methods used. - 33 - these systems and the TABLE 2.3 LimO-. Na=0-SiOm Solutions Studied. System : Na=O-SiOm : Reference .wW --------------------------------------- Method ------ ----- 4 3 Callow and Charles Calculations Turner-* and Preston rate Vaporization 3 4 CO Pearce**-' solubility 2 measurements 5 al. et Argent mass cell Knudsen - Hallerm*-"*- and Sanders Transpiration * spectrometer of Solubility SEmf Eaf - -- -- Holmquist"" SO - - - - - cell cell (Beta-Al 2 Oa) Vaporization - --. . rate 34 - . . . . . al.** Jokokawa et al." Neudorf and Elliott DeYoung and Elliott* Preston and M-------------- Callow" - . et Charles=* Calculations . Frohberg --------- ----------------------------LiO-SiOm Soerstroem" and Kroeger effusion Knudsen Turner*7 . . . . 7 2 = . . . CHAPTER 3. OUTLINE OF RESEARCH. The activity of K=O in the K=O-SiO=-Al 2 O= and K2 0-SiO-CaO with systems in oxygen was measured potassium-beta-alumina a employing potassium-beta-alumina an cell electrolyte. The for this solid manufactured specially was electrochemical from commercially available soduim-beta-alumina experiment This method for an ion exchange of the sodium with potassium. the measuring activities it has recently electrolyte can be because demonstrated been solid temperature binary The thermodynamic measurements in silicates. selected that the high for used successfully was oxide potassium of by K=O-SIO= in the ternary system was used as reference for the cells fields. The following electrochemical cell was used: where the ratio of K2 0 to SiOm is the ternary melts and XX Al=O= designates measurements in this study K2 0-SIO Om(g), K=O, Pt (KAO-nSiO=-XX) Ternary II potassium beta - alumina Pt, OM (g), K=O (K2 0-nSiOm) Binary was with same or - 35 - CaO. respect system as a reference, any set of activity of K=O in the binary K=O-SiO for the binary and to Because the the binary measurements of the system, as presented in Fig 2.4, can be used to calculate the activity of KaO in the ternary melts. the oxygen and ranges, The composition and temperature potentials at which the measurements were made are summarized in table 3.1. The specific ternary shown on the ternary diagrams7" K2 0-SiO=-AlO and in composition figures systems KO-SiO-CaO measured 3.1 were and are 3.2.The investigated because the components of these systems are present in the iron from blast furnace and thus melts these systems could form in the furnace. Table 3.1 : Scope of experimental measurements Composition range mole% System Temperature range degreec : : : Oxygen potential (Pom), Atm. -------- ------------------------- 21-50 K=O-SiO-A120 K=O K=O-SiO=-CaO 950-1100 1 950-1100 1 Al.O. 0-6 50-79 SiOm 25-42 K=O CaO 0-12 75-75 SiOm --------- --------------------- - 36 - O/ 80 T v 70 v7\ 50 60 V 40 \70 30 W/O SiO 2 Fig. 3.1 Port ion diagram. symbol x. of K=O-SIO=-A1=O= ternary phase Compositions studied are denoted by - 37 - 0 0 0 L20O0 K20CaO-6SiO2 60 K2 0 SiO 2 W/O SiO 2 Fig. 3.2 70'\ S0 K20 -4SiO2 Portion of K=O-SiO=-CaO ternary phase diagram. Compositions studied are denoted by symbol x. - 38 - CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENTAL. silicate melts in The activity of K=0 has been measured in an oxygen atmosphere. In this chapter the experimental method used in this study is presented and discussed. divided into four parts. The first part The chapter is covers theoretical aspects of the electrochemical cell used for the measurements. The second part covers part presents the design of the cell. the computer while, acquisition The third of data and control by the Apple in the fourth and last part, the procedures for electrochemical cell preparation is discussed. 4.1 Theoretical Considerations. In this section the theoretical rationale of the experiment is presented. 4.1.1 K2O-Si0g-Al0:. System. Measurements of the activity of KaO in alumina-silicate melts have been obtained with the following cell: Pt, Oa, K=O K=O-nSiO2 Binary III PotassiumBetaAlumina - 39 - : : Oa, Pt, K=O K2 0-nSiO 2 -Al2 Om Ternary 2 The anodic half-cell reaction is: (KaO)x ===) ( IV-1 ) 2K* + (1/20=)z + 2e- and the cathodic half-cell reaction is : 2e- + 2K* + (1/20=)zx ===> where (1/20a), of The transfer cathode. at the electrolyte may be written as : equations Summing reaction: yields (IV.2) and the through potassium IV.3 ) ( 2K+ (Beta-alumina, II) (IV.1) ) anode and (1/20)zz is oxygen the is oxygen at 2K* (Beta-alumina, I) ===) ( IV. (KaO)zx the overall ( IV.4 ) (KO) 1 + (1/20)zz ===> (KaO)zz +(1/20=)x for which the free energy change is given by the equation: . awma3xz (Pom.)" G = -nFE = -RTln[ ---------------------awan., The oxygen potentials at ( I (Po=.zx)z-a . the two electrodes were established, and were made to be equal; thus the last ratio equation 4.1 is I and equation 4.1 becomes: R is the In the term of asa=.zx 2.303 RT E --------2 F 4.1 ) ---------aica. z -- 4.2 ) 1C gas constant and F is the faraday constant. potential temperature T and the reversible measured during the experiment. - 40 E of the cell were If the activity of - The K2 0 in the known binary reference melt anor.z is ternary melt a<c3.zx K=0 measurements of the activity of system, as Any calculated. be can the K=O activity in the in the binary of set K=O-SiO= in Fig 2.4, can be used to calculate the presented activity of K=0 in the ternary melts. the values for Although log avm= as measured by Shigematsu et al=' is higher than those of the other their data for the binary reference is studies, used in this study because: 1. The method Shigematsu et al. measuring the direct way of K20-SIO 2 system. Their used represents the most activity method is of the in K=O discussed in section 2.1.1. 2. The free energy of formation of the meta-silicate using their data correspond to within 12 kJ/mole (+/-4.7 % of the value given in the JANAF Thermochemical Tables**. The cell configuration used by Shigematsu et al. less This is discussed in chapter 6. prone to systematic errors. Shigematsu and Elliott is the activities in the binary found silicate melts relative to the pure solid silica to be: - 41 - Composition Log A(KO) 70 Wt% SiO -16890.24/T + 0.3670 65 Wt% SiO3 -16990.49/T + 1.511436 56.06 Wt% 8102 -15538.74/T + 1.59214 47 Wt% SiO -14495.02/T + 2.251773 38.95 Wt% SiO 2 -12435.44/T + 2.25034 The least square linear fit these data can be seen in Fig of 4.1. 4.1.2 KgO-SiOm-CaO System. The cell was the essentially same that KO-SiO-Al=Om system, except the as the cell for the binary reference melt and the ternary working melt were reversed so that the sign of equation 4.2 is positive. 4.2 Cell Design. Figure 4.2 shows a experimental arrangement. schematic diagram of the general The potassium-beta-alumina crucibles were prepared according to Appendix A.1. It was shaped in the form of a long thin crucible, I.D. by 11 mm O.D. by 55 mm long, and attached to an tube ( Coors AD-99), 6.4 mm O.D. by Autostick cement ( by Carlton England). The inner electrode was a dia.), that was sheathed in - 7.5 mm alumina 4 mm I.D. by 650 mm long, Brown and platinum Partners wire ( Ltd., 0.5 mm a 3.2 mm O.D. by 1.6 mm 42 - -6 50.00 M/ -7 K2 0 0 -8k 0 43.8 41.4 -9k 0 0 0~2 -1o 25.60 - II -12 21.46 I 7.0 Fig. 4.1 I 7.2 7.4 7.6 104 /T , I I I 7.8 8.0 8.2 Absolute activity of K=O in binary melts. (Shigematsu and Elliott) - 43 - silicate 123 6 45 7 I AIR IN LET ALUMINA TUBE 7 AIR INLET ALUMINA TUBE 2 PLATINUM ELECTRODE 8 PLATINUM HOOK 3 AIR OUTLET ALUMINA TUBE 9 AUTOSTICK CEMENT 4 THERMOCOUPLE PROTECTION TUBE 5 PT - PT(1O96 RH) THERMOCOUPLE 10 PLATINUM CRUCIBLE II K 2 0-SIO2 REFERENCE MELT I2TERNARY WORKING MELT 6 PLATINUM ELECTRODE I 3 POTASSIUM-BETA-A LUMINA Fig. 4.2 Schematic diagram of experimental measurement of cell EMF in oxygen. - 44 - system for inlet tube. The platinum electrode of electrolyte by the combined weight against the and the platinum the The external melt was contained in a platinum crucible tubing. shape in the diameter high. pressed was oxygen an as served (Coors AD-99). This alumina sheath also at This the of of a cone, 35 mm and 25 mm in frustrum 31 the top and the bottom, respectively, and ma platinum crucible served as the external electrode and electrical contact was made at the rim of the crucible with tube. a 0.5 mm platinum wire held in place by an alumina solid electrolyte was bottom the against pressed The external melt was by 20 through it columns of anhydrous perchlorate and calsium sulfate and then forced down inlet tubes. weight. above mm The oxygen (supplied by Ohio Gas Products) was passing the supplied with oxygen by another 6.4 mm I.D. alumina tube, positioned approximately melt. its by platinum crucible manually and was held there of The The cell temperature was measured by a the purified magnesium both the sheathed, Pt-Pt/10% Rh thermocouple, positioned just above the surface of the melt contained by the platinum crucible. (51 mm I.D. by 57 mm O.D. by 500 mm water-cooled brass electrochemical cell The assembly. was long), allowing end-cap, The furnace fitted with a alignment platinum tube of crucible the was positioned in an alumina crucible and lowered into the vertical alumina furnace tube, contained ports bubble grain alumina. onto The end-cap with Wilson seals through which the electrical leads, a gas exhaust port, and the sheathed - 45 - thermocouple were admitted to the furnace tube. The furnace tube was heated by 6 silicon carbide resistance a by was controlled The furnace temperature corporation. rods supplied by Kanthal Leeds and Northrup SCR Power Package and Electromax current-adjusting-type controller. the was controller a of emf The input to the thermocouple, Pt-Pt/10%Rh positioned with its hot junction next to the heating elements. controlled The furnace temperature was thus degree C . The profile temperature determined with a separate Pt-Pt/10% Rh of +/- about to was furnace the and thermocouple 1 is given in figure 4.3. The electrochemical cell was positioned In the hot ( zone within mm 1 degree C, approximately 50 length) near the bottom of the furnace. in This was sufficient to ensure that the entire electrochemical cell at was the same approximate temperature. 4.3 Measurement and control of the experiment. of Measurement and control computerised. the experiment was completely This allowed: - More data to be recorded on a 24 hour basis. - More consistent repetition of the same sampling techniques. - The use of routines, data storage, plotting transfer between computers. - 46 - and data 0 %-0 Li :2 0 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 POSITION FROM BOTTOM (cm) Fig. 4.3 Temperature profile of SIC furnace taking measurements. - 47 - used for This section is divided into two parts. the hardware computer the describes part second the and first part covers The that was set for the software that was used and the conditions equilibrium to be attained. 4.3.1 Computer Hardware. description of the computer and peripherals is A schematic given in Fig 4.4. An Apple and II+ Isaac data computerised This system consists acquisition and control system were used. of an Isaac 41A expansion box that is installed into one of the Apple's expansion slots and provides four additional slots. The potential of the electrochemical cell was measured with analog to digital Isaac slot number was 100 Ohms I-100 an module, installed in convertor the 41A expansion box. The input impedance and the resolution 0.25 mV. The average of 1000 of 0 measurements taken over a period of 10 seconds one reading of the potential. regularly with both a was accepted as This cell potential was Model Beckmann checked No. 071 pH meter and a Leeds and Northrup Model 778742 potentiometer, and agreement to within 0.5 mV was always obtained. The potential of the thermocouple was measured Isaac 1-130 Preamp interface board installed in slot with number an 2 of the 41A expansion box and an Isaac I-140A isolated low level Preamp System. The is a single 1-130 channel differential analog input module featuring cold junction compensation for K, - 48 - Fig. 4.4 Computer peripherals used for control of the experiment. - 49 measurement and J, and of types T input The thermocouples. offset calibrated to correspond with the Beckmann pH meter reading curve is thermocouple the Since the thermocouple potential. was of response linear in nature, a polynomial fit to relate the not thermocouple output to the temperature was used: 8.739*10-OV4 T = 79.484 + 103.49V - 0.7810V 2 + 0.0526V" - ( 4.3 ) + 3.43798*10-*Vw temperature reading Northrup model accurate to within I +/- and potentiometer 778742 no. by regularly checked was C. degree thermocouple and the electrochemical C. The a Leeds and degree 0.61 was temperature the The resolution of found to Connections conductor shielded cables to prevent external the made with two were cell to be electro-magnetic interference. Computer control Electromax the of furnace setting was achieved with an Isaac I-120 binary output module installed slot number 1 of the channels were used to mechanically connected expansion 41A electronics involved DC volt motor which was setting of the more detailed description of A included is Signals from two box. temperature the to Electromax furnace controller. the 5 a control in in Appendix B. The temperature setting of the electromax controller was programmed to within +/- 10 degree C. - 50 - 4.3.2 Comouter Software. The Isaac unit is provided with "Labsoft", an extension accumulate data the temperature of the electrochemical cell. This to was written using both of these languages and control program A the "Applesoft" language of the Apple II+ computer. of A short description of the C. program is included in Appendix program is given here. The program was compiled out of smaller programs written to test the different units described in section 4.3.2. hardware every 5 minutes, and the The potential of the emf was measured to within +/- 1 mV and to have been reached. assumed minutes, equilibrium was over a period of 30 C 1 degree +/- When it stayed minutes basis. 30 readings were compared on a equilibrium was attained the Electromax controller setting was temperature After temperature The required setting of the Electromax, the tolerance required changed for the potential, the required within the to the next temperature, was tolerance setting. as set well at as the the period start of the program. 4.4. Procedure. Experimental procedures used for the electrochemical cell assembly and the general behavior of the cells are described in this section. - 51 - dehydrated silicious acid as described in Appendix D. (SiOm), the to dessicators in stored were melts Prepared the Appendix in chemicals used in preparing these melts are given E. of specifications The composition. reference line or Ternary working melts were prepared by adding alumina to and carbonate potassium of quantities weighed carefully fusing by prepared were melts reference binary Five prevent hydration. The compositions of the binary reference melts and ternary working melts are given in table IV.I. TABLE IV.I COMPOSITIONS STUDIED IN THE K=O-SiO=-Al=Om OR CaO SYSTEM Working Melts (Ternary) Wt % Added to ref. Composition : Working Melt 1 : Working Melt 2 : Wt% CaO : Wt% Al O. Reference Melt (Binary) : : Ratio* Wt % SiOM SiO= K2 0/0 4, 8, 12 : 2, 4, 6 4, 8, 12 2, 3.5, 4.8, 6 : 4 : 2, 4, 6, 8 47.0 I 1, 2, 4 38.95 -~----------------------------------------65.0 57.2 0.5385 0.7838 1.1277 1.5677 *by weight in 1350K in down cool to cemented least The 12 prefused the an hours in an the and tube alumina tube evacuated - 52 cement - slowly to allowed to was crucible was allowed to dry "Anhydrone". containing melt binary reference and K-beta-alumina the Next furnace. heated melt the re-fuse to furnace muffle a was crucible The crucible. K-beta-alumina the to charged and crushed was melt working ternary Prefused at 2, 4, 6, 8 70.0 0.4286 a................... -------------------- ---------------- ------ was crushed, the powdered melt was charged to the platinum crucible and re-fused in the muffle furnace at 1350 K. The crucible with its melt was allowed to cool and then was connected at its rim to a sheathed connecting platinum wire. The was furnace brought to temperature and the crucible assembly was lowered stepwise into the furnace within the tube was closed alumina larger with the The furnace crucible. water-cooled beta-alumina crucible was suspended from brass the positioned near the top of the furnace tube. head. brass The head The and beta-alumina crucible was lowered into the furnace in steps at over a period of 20 minutes, until it was 1 melt. of the Next the binary electrode platinum wire and sheath, the oxygen supply alumina tube into position. cm and above the the thermocouple were lowered After allowing approximately 15 thermal equilibrium to be reached, was dipped into the melt and the the The oxygen flow rates approximately I and respectively. connections experiment were made. was initiated for inner electrode was forced to over the binary and the ternary melts were Next minutes the beta-alumina crucible the bottom of the beta-alumina crucible. 10 al/min, STP, surface and the computer and the The data acquisition and control program after equilibrium point was between approximately 1 to 3 hours the first recorded. Then the program initiated a change in temperature of 20 to 30 degree reached within I to 2 hours. To - 53 C and stability was test the reversibility of the - results correlated well and within cases In all temperature. cell electrochemical the increasing and decreasing several temperatures while at taken potential, readings were the apparent uncertainty of a measurement. a to cell a of response The temperature illustrated in Fig. 4.5. Time to reach equilibrium and hour the as equilibrium value to the second the was about 1 from smoothly moved potential is change temperature the first changed. Cell failure occurred after about 36 hours. 4.5 Galvanostatic reversibility test of the electrochemical cell. To test the reversibility of his sodium-beta-alumina cells, cell. between the electrodes of the current Neudorf"* passed a 3 mA A similar test was done on one of the cells used in this study. A 3 mA current was about 20 seconds, The potentiostat. using the computer. passed using a Wenking (model no. In Fig 4.6 the potential change is plotted it can be seen that the cell had a very large IR drop, in the order of 1100 mV compared 100 mV in the sodium-beta-alumina cells ran corresponds to TSI) 70 cell potential was measured every 5 seconds From Fig 4.6 against time. between the cell electrodes for by to - 54 - This Neudorf. a cell resistance of 367 Ohms compared Ohms for Neudorf's cells. about to 33 Lii LJ TIME (MIN) Fig. 4.5 Example of the response of cell potential to was tempe rature The temperature changes. to the dashed changed at times corresponding lines. - 55 the of Therefore the large difference in cell potassium-beta-alumina. have should resistance between this study and that of Neudorf In Appendix A it is shown that the ion exchange been expected. is 215 conductivity conductivity the than higher times a has crystals sodium-beta-alumina single 25=C at that seen be can it 2.1 Table From satisfactory another resistance is cell high this and indication that the ion exchange is indeed sufficient. A much lower current of about 0.3 mA is therefore needed to test the current. test could repeated be not on limit potassium-beta-alumina.Due to a time polarization cells electrochemical of the reversibility As Fig. 4.6 shows, the cell using this study the using this lower decreased potential to within 20 mV of the original value in about 30 seconds and then slowly decreased to hours. its value original a It is thought that using over lower will significantly decrease the time needed return to its original potential. cycling did result in reproducable a polarizing for Nevertheless, results, period of 2 the current cell to temperature so that it can be confidently stated that the electrochemical cells in this study were reversible. - 56 - (20o 1000- 800- 600 > 400- 200- 3mA Applied 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 140 IE TIME (SEC) Fig. 5.6 Polarization test of the electrochemical cell. A constant current of 3 mA was applied across the electrodes of the cell. - 57 - CHAPTER 5. RESULTS. part first The parts. This chapter is divided into two contains the results for the KzO-SiO=-Al 2 .O system and the last part the results for the K=O-SiO=-CaO system. 5.1 K=O-SiO -AlOm system. The values of log awaa in the calculated according raw experimental The 4.1. equation to measurements are given in appendix G. The results Figs. 5.1 to 5.5. were system KzO-SiO-Al1O are shown in Each of these figures gives the results for a each figure represents the activity in the line solid The particular molar ratio of X(K2 O)/X(SiO). binary in reference melt and is taken from the results of Shigematsu and Elliott='. The lines state for K=O is the pure solid. standard are coefficients through drawn the data and the their standard deviations are and square Least square least tabulated in Table 5.1. The partial molar enthalpies of mixing, calculated using the van't Hoff equation: Hl, of K=O were d(log as) for 1000<T(11OOOC H" = 2.303R --------- = 2.303RA& (5.1) d(1/T) A, is the least square of the plot of log awm slope - 58 - against the reciprocal of the temperature (Table 5.1). The partial molar entropies using the equation: were calculated by mixing of H" - G" S M =--------= - (5.2) 2.303RB* T intercept from the plot of log a, where B, is the least square against entropies and The partial molar enthalpies 1/T. of mixing are given in Table 5.2. The effect of AlzO= on by plotting the activity of K2 0 is Illustrated change in log auca= versus the amount of AlmO= the as shown in added to each of the binary silicate compositions, Fig 5.6 for 1100 C. There is a considerable scatter in the data decrease in the activity of K=O this though even in a results clearly shown in Fig 5.6, but addition of AlO effect is small. The solid lines in Fig. 5.6 were drawn to aid interpolation of interpolated These log aa= at intermediate compositions. values are plotted as iso-log aua= lines, as shown in a portion 5.7. The phase diagram of of the ternary phase diagram in Fig. in this ternary system is unknown the higher KaO regions. the part of the phase diagram that is field extends measurements field. to were In the part about 7 mole % Al=O= liquid phase the known and therefore limited to compositions within where the - 59 size - of the In this the phase liquid field is unknown no crystallinity was observed in the solidified melt so that the melts were either stable or metastable. - 60 - -1 I - - I - I - I 0 C\J 0 0 -I -- - - I I 13.1 7.4 7.6 7.5 I/ Tc x Fig. 5.1 7.7 7.9 8.0 4(K 1) Experimental results for in the log K=O-S I O-A l.Om system for melts for which X.MaO/XWa1La 0.273. Solid = l ines esents repr results for the binary potassi um si 1 icate taken from Fig 4.1(Shigematsu and Elliot t). Standard state is pure solid K=O at I atm. pressure. - 61 - -I -I A- - 1.0 I 1.1 -1 1.2 -I1. 0 -1 I.E -Il -1 1.7 -ll8 7.4 7.5 I/T X 1O4 (K~1) Fig. 5.2 Experimental KJ0-SIO-Al= 0 XgC=W/XWaaj = results for system for 0.344. Solid log anca in the melts for which lines represents results for the binary potassium silicate taken from Fig 4.1(Shigematsu and Elliott). Standard state is pure solid K=O at 1 atm. pressure. - 62 - - Z.9L- 722 73 74 7.5 7.6 77 78 79 8.0 l/T x 104 (K~1 ) Fig. 5.3 Experimental KaO-SiO=-Al=O= results for system for log ao<aa in the melts for which = 0.490. Solid lines represents results for the binary potassium silicate taken from Fig 4.i(Shigematsu and Elliott). Standard state is pure solid K=O at 1 atm. pressure. X.<a/Xwca - 63 - - a3 -8,5 -8,6 -8.7 0 -89 0 -J -9, -9 2 -Q 3 i /T Fig. 5.4 X 10 4(K~ ) Experimental results for log awaa in the K=O-SiO=-AlaO= system for melts for which Xscaa/Xmao" = 0.719. Solid lines represents results for the binary potassium silicate taken from Fig 4.1(Shigematsu and Elliott). Standard state is pure solid K=O at I atm. pressure. - 64 - 0 8 I/T x 104 (K~') Fig. 5.5 Experimental K=O-SiO=-AlO Xjc=z/Xc3a= = results for system for 1.000. Solid in the log a4a= melts for which lines represents results for the binary potassium silicate taken from Fig 4.1(Shigematsu and Elliott). Standard state is pure solid K2 0 at 1 atm. pressure. - 65 - MOLE /o A- 0- XK2 XK2 0 1/Xi02 0.273 S 0 2 =Q344 4 zo, fJJZ XK20 /XS iO2 =0.490 0 0 '2, 0 0 -I X K2 /XSO=. II 9 0 C! 0 0 -J 4 XK2O / XS0 =.00 0).1 0L- 0.12 r0. 4 Fig 5.6 The activity of K=O in the K=O-SiO-AlzO= system along pseudo-binary lines of constant ratios of X.<a/Xmtaa at 1100 C. Standard state is pure solid K=O at 1 atm. pressure. - 66 - S 9 T=- 1100 C To A12 03 9 r-N KAISi 04 KAISi206 0 L iq 0 13.5 -6.5 0 15 2 25 30 40 45 50 55 5 5 ,V- m/o K2O Fig. 5.7 Interpolated iso-activity lines for KaO in the K=O-SiO=-A1 2 0. system at 11003C. Lines drawn at 0.5 intervals of log a.<=a, from -6.5 to -13.5. Standard state is pure solid KzO at 1 atm. pressure. - 67 - 40 60 TABLE-5.1. LEAST SQUARES COEFFICIENTS FOR LOG awao = A/T + B WITH STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR MELTS IN THE K 2 0-A12 O0-SIO2 SYSTEM S(log akwan) A B 0.0133 0.0268 0.0405 0.0544 -17031+193 0.0192 -16796+201 0.390+0.148 -0.115+0.232 0.272+0.089 0.232+0.152 0.344 0.0136 0.0273 0.0554 -17198+205 -17262+133 -17010+102 1.618+0.157 1.656+0.102 1.468+0.078 0.0211 0.0157 0.0111 0.490 0.014 0.025 0.034 0.043 -16089+78 -16363+82 -15455+196 -15656+301 1.915+0.060 2.082+0.062 1.464+0.149 1.606+0.232 0.0065 0.0082 0.0182 0.0217 0.0091 0.0137 0.0040 0.0158 0.0134 0.0199 0.0065 XwM=/Xaxaz 0.273 0.719 1.000 X4a=c=, -16300+305 -16833+118 0.0147 0.0295 0.0445 0.0596 -14568+141 -14290+152 2.186+0.076 2.295+0.106 2.329+0.033 2.051+0.116 0.0076 0.0152 0.0306 -12468+391 -12558+185 -12606+63 2.079+0.297 2.198+0.143 2.259+0.048 -14483+100 -14689+44 0.0259 0.0109 0.0184 S(log acao) is the standard deviation for data for log acxo about the l ine defined by A and B. Standard state for Km0 is pure solid K=O at I atm. pressure. - 68 - PARTIAL MOLAR ENTHALPY AND ENTROPY OF MIXING OF K=O IN THE K=O-SiO-A1 2 Om SYSTEM Xeema/ XMa Ca H"mecm X^g mam 8"< kJ/mole J/mole 0.273 0.0133 0.0268 0.0405 0.0544 326+4 312+6 322+2 322+4 -7.4+2.8 2.2+4.4 -5.2+1.7 -4.4+2.9 0.344 0.0136 0.0273 0.0544 329+4 330+4 326+2 -31+3.0 -32+1.9 -28+1.5 0.490 0.014 308+1 -37+1.1 0.025 313+2 -39.8+1.1 0.034 296+4 -28.0+2.8 0.043 300+6 -30.8+4.4 0.719 1.000 0.0147 277+2 -41.9+1.4 0.0295 0.0445 279+3 281+1 -43.9+2.0 -44.6+0.6 0.0596 274+3 -39.3+2.2 0.0076 239+7 -39.8+5.7 0.0152 240+1 -39.8+5.7 0.0306 241+1 -43.3+0.9 - 69 - 5.2 Ka0-SiO -CaO system. l/T in Figures system, given in appendix H, is plotted against As 5.8 to 5.10. KO-SiO=-Al=O= the in for figures gives the results The XumI/Xmaaa. Shigematsu and lines solid molar represents the binary The Elliott. each of the system, particular a K=0-SiO=-CaO the in K=O The calculated activity data of coefficients and ratio of data of standard Figs. deviations of the least square lines represented in 5.8 to 5.10 are given in Table 5.3. The thermodynamic mixing properties were calculated as in section 5.1 and are tabulated in Table 5.4. of K=O is illustrated by The effect of CaO on the activity logarithm of the activity of Fig 5.11, where the change in the K=O is plotted the versus amount of CaO added to the binary the There is some scatter in silicate compositions. Fig. 5.11, but CaO additions clearly results in data of an increase in the activity of K(0. The solid log ane at lines Fig. 5.11 was used to interpolate for in intermediate values were plotted as compositions. iso-log awma These lines, as is shown in a portion of the ternary phase diagram in Fig. 5.12. - 70 - interpolated 0-1 C\- 3- 7.3 Fig 5.8 74 75 76 7.7 4 VT x10 (K~1) 78 79 8.0 in the Experimental results for log acc= for which melts for K=0-SiO-CaO system XZM/XIaoM = 0.3435. Solid lines represents results for the binary potassium silicate taken from Fig 4.1(Shigematsu and Elliott). Standard pressure. state is pure solid K=O at I atm. - 71 - -9.8 -9(.9 0 - I 0 -J I/ T x1O4 (K~1) Fig 5.9 in the log apc<= results for Experimental for which K=O-SiOm-CaO system f or melts Solid 1ines represents 0.490. = X,,mo/Xwjc= results for the binary potass ium silicate taken from Fig 4.1(Shigematsu and Elliott). Standard pressure. state is pure solid K=O at I atm. - 72 - -8.3 -8.4 -8.5 -8.6 -8.7 -8.8 -8.9 0 -9.0 0 -9,2 -9.3 7.3 74 75 76 7.7 78 79 60 I/T K 104 (K~ 1 ) Fig 5.10 Experimental results for log in the K=O-SiO=-CaO system for melts for which XPCm/ XWCM= = 719. Solid lines represents results for the binary potass ium silicate taken from Fig 4.1(Shigematsu and Elliott). Standard state is pure solid K=O at 1 atm. pressure. - 73 - <0 zj 0 0 Q3 QI C XK20/XSO2 =0L719 oa4~- 0.1 0 I I I 2 4 6 6 MOLE / Fig 5.11 '0 12 14 it CoO The activity of KAO in the K=O-SiO=-CaO system along pseudo-binary lines of constant ratios of X~eaa/X=,am at 1100 C. Standard state is pure solid K=O at I atm. pressure. - 74 - To CcaO 20 C0 0 5 0 50 45 40 m/o 30 35 25 20 K2 0 Fig. 5.12 Interpolated isoactivity lines for K.O in the K=O-SIO-CaO system at 1100 0 C. Lines drawn at 0.5 intervals of log aoem=, from -8.5 to -11. Standard state is pure sol-id KO at I atm. pressure. - 75 - 15 LEAST SQUARE COEFFICIENTS FOR LOG awan = A/T + B WITH STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR MELTS IN THE K 2 0-1O2 -A1 2 0= Xgcrao /Xe 1 0: X A3. S(log aocm) 0 0.049 0.096 0.143 -16745+123 -16859+49 0.490 0.719 0.3435 SYSTEMS -15755+169 1.548+0.095 1.518+0.038 0.791+0.130 0.0113 0.0056 0.0178 0.0508 0.0982 0.1490 -14848+160 -14862+80 -14927+180 1.201+0.123 1.225+0.062 1.269+0.138 0.0163 0.0091 0.0088 0.0295 -13892+126 1.856+0.097 0.0137 S(log a(Cam) is the standard deviation for data for log atsa about the line defined by A and B. Standard state for KaO is pure solid KO at I atm. pressure. - 76 - TABLE 5.4. PARTIAL MOLAR ENTHALPY AND ENTROPY OF MIXING OF K 2 0 IN THE K=O-S1O=-A12Om SYSTEM X^ IZM. Xum/ Xa cz --- Hm",ca kJ/mole S"*Co J/mole ---------------------------------- ------------0.3435 0.049 0.096 0.143 321+2 323+1 302+3 -29.6+1.8 -29.1+0.7 -15.1+2.5 0.490 0.0508 0.0982 0.1490 284+3 285+2 286+3 -23.0+2.3 -23.5+1.2 -24.3+2.6 0.719 0.0295 265+2 -35.5+1.9 - 77 - CUAPTER 6. DISCUSSION. This three into divided is chapter K-OSiO2 -Al2O In the second part, the results for the study. first the data obtained in this on section covers an error analysis The parts. system is discussed and in the last section the results for the system is discussed. KO-SiO=-Al=mO 6.1 Error analysis. The analytical expression for log aman is given by equation 4.2 : 2 FE log amm.zz = log aw=,z -- --------- (6.1) 2.303 RT where asn.,a the is in activity the the binary system and awaka.x in is the activity The error in system. ternary the calculated values of log anca,zz was therefore be due to: 1. in Uncertainty binary the both ternary and melt compositions. 2. Random and systematic errors in measuring E and T. 3. Systematic error in log a.<a, z Uncertainty in the binary and ternary preparation melt arose from random errors in - 78 melt - compositions and systematic error due to potassium-beta-alumina and dissolution. platinum be Random errors in melt composition were considered to different two for obtained data since of runs small same the compositions showed a small scatter. to potassium-beta-alumina dissolution Systematic error due will result in a continuous shift examination of visual melts these the beta-alumina showed that some corrosion had emf of the The effect of alumina dissolution on the occurred. over measured emf this except in melts with a of evidence the contents( mole % K=O > 42). In K=O high cell no There was time. in is small as will be seen in the next section. to difficult of All estimate. platinum to The systematic error due the dissolution is more melts were prepared transparent except some of the melts containing CaO, which The melts with a high amount of K20 (mole% K=O ) a gray tinge. 42) had a had slight after the cell was run for 24 tinge amber hours, and became darker with increased time and K=O contents. Two sample melts, one in a platinum crucible and 24 alumina crucible were heated for inside the platinum inside alumina crucible hours at 1100*C. and only found at more than trace level was 0.1 to unwanted 0.01 Liang and ElliottO* reported brown colors for the Na=O-Na=SO4 system. They - the turned amber whereas the suggested 79 - that an for one a component weight their in The melt The amber melt was sent stayed clear. semi-quantitative analysis one % melts Pt. in the brown color was due to the formation of sodium platinate, Na=PtOw. Similar formation of potassium platinate, KzPtO=: = Pt(s) + K=O(soln) + Om K=PtOs(soln or s) is thought to be the cause for the amber melts of this study. This could lead (6.1) in some of the color to a mixed potential being measured. Systematic errors These estimate. in emf of the cell is difficult to the errors systematic junction or contact potentials. could result The emf of the cell was shown to be reversible and reproducible, and the cell well defined. small. This because of potential was that random errors in the eaf were means Uncertainty in cell temperature(+/- 20 C) was also small in comparison to the other uncertainties. Appendix H gives a detailed calculation of this study. The values thus calculated calculated data in Tables 5.1 to 5.4. The are the errors shown with largest in the systematic error in the binary reference data is due to the uncertainty in the electrochemical cell. the products and reactants in of the free energy of formation This error amounts to about 0.19 in the log anno, fs,y. 6.2 K.O-SiO=-AlmO. system. In this section the results obtained in this system K=0-SiO-Al=O= is discussed - 80 - and study for the some of the characteristics of the system are presented. activity of to KO constant Xcmo/Xwno=. This pseudo-binary lines along decrease of is illustrated in Fig. 5.6 behavior concentration At constant where data at 1100C are shown. the caused The addition of Al=O. to binary K=O-SiO= melts of K20, the activity of K=O increases as Al=O= replaces 81=. This is shown by the isoactivity lines for K=O given in Fig. 5.7. At constant concentration of as A1 2 0. replaces the activity of K=O decreases SiO 2 , K2O. Clearly, Al2 Oa acts as an acid in this system. K=O This behavior of the isoadtivity lines for differs slightly from the isoactivity Na=O-SiO=-Al1O= system at 1050 *C, 6.1. DeYounga* and are shown in Fig. along pseudo-binary lines acts as a base. when increases system, the activity of Na=O of The acidic behavior of alumina AlaO= + (00-) = (Al0 2 -. ) of to system added in acidic in amphoteric nature of K=0-SiO=-Al0m= the system may be explained by alumina reacting to anions, for example: one is Since K=O is more basic than Na=O, this change the K=O system is easily explained by the Al=0*-. is Al=O= Xm.wa/Xmia=, and Al=Ow constant of A120. behavior from basic in the Na=O Al2mO. by NaO-SiO=-A1mO= the In the determined were which 1100*C in NaO of lines at form aluminate (6.2) many possible types of aluminate ions. - 81 - At T=1050 C A Albite Na2 0Al203 6Si0 2 N Nepheline C Carnegieitej Na2 0 Alz0 3 2Si0 2 +++++e- Solid Solution 10 20 30 m/o A10? Fig. 6.1 Interpolated isoactivity lines for Na=O in the NazO-Al=O=-SiO= system in air at 1050C. (Reference 29) Standard state is pure liquid Na=O at I atm. pressure. - 82 - higher concentrations of AlmOm the behavior of concentrations. acidic than at lower decreasing slopes of the lines in contents. This the into Al=Om = 2(Al=+) + 3(O-) Even though an alumina is seen 5.6 at higher silicates potassium the AlsOm a have rich side the difference between and Elliott***, and in the melts dissolution on potassium effect small activities potassium and Shigematsu activity In chapter 2, silicate system. potassium measurements in the the addition decreases the activity of Beta-alumina of the phase diagram. by (6.3) K=O this effect is very small, especially at the SiO therefore by This Fig. less be explained by at least a portion of the may dissolving alumina reaction: will is AlmOm measured by Chou ElliottaO* was mentioned. Chou used a 50 mole% K=0 binary reference melt and Shigematsu a 21.4 mole% K=0 reference melt which was standardized against sulphate cell. done The measurements due have a larger systematic error, than the measurements dissolution, alumina Shigematsu. Nevertheless, this by done Chou will therefore by to a effect is not large enough to account for the large difference between the two sets of measurements. The data obtained in this study is compared with those reported by Eliezer et a1m*in Table 5.1. Eliezer used activity data obtained by Bowen 7 *, and Shairer for a liquid in equilibrium with three solids, to calculate the activity of K=0 - 83 - in the K=O-SiO-AlIOm system. Table 6.1 tabulates the activity and Bowen, Eliezer of K=O at three points according to Shairer The values of the present study et al., and the present study. is extrapolated to the equilibrium Shairer and results of orders of 5 and is between 3 Bowen The study. temperature dependence found in this Eliezer, by using the temperatures magnitude higher than those obtained in the present study. the results of If Chou and Elliott*** or Steiler** is used, as a difference is This large orders of magnitude. 7 increased to between 5 and this system, reference in the binary K=O-SiO= difference in the activity of K=O between the present study and when only 3.5 to 5.7 mole % of ternary the values reported, melt, is difficult to explain. binary a to Al=O is added TABLE 6.1. COMPARISON BETWEEN LOG aeca OBTAINED IN THIS STUDY AND PUBLISHED VALUES FOR THE K=O-SiO=-Al=O= SYSTEM. Temp. OC Xcam/Xwnc= log awan Xuoca 968 0.5840 0.03460 -13.82 983 0.3958 0.04078 -15.84 0.6542 0.05689 -11.65 1083 ~~- ----- -- - - 84 -9.79 -9.57 -10.51 -10.09 -8.33 -8.47 - - - Shairer~v Eliezer* This study - - - - - - - - 6.3 KZO-SiO-CaO system. study for the In this section the results obtained in this K2 0-SiO-CaO system, is compared with the results in some other systems, and with Richardson "ideal results the from obtained using the mixing model. 6.3.1 Comparison with other work. There properties are of no known measurements K=O-SiO=-CaO melts. of the thermodynamic consistency The ternary activity data may be checked by comparison of with the other similar systems. The main features of the ternary activity data shown in Fig 5.12 are: 1. The activity of K=O increases as XC.a increases along a pseudo binary line of constant ratio of X~an/X=&aa. of KXO decreases as X=.o increases at of KaO increases as Xmc3c increases at The behavior of Na=O in the Na=O-SiOa-CaO system should be 2. The activity constant Xmaaa. 3. The activity constant Xsa. K=O-SiO=-CaO system as both Na=O similar to that of K2 0 in the and K2 O are much stronger bases than 85 CaO. The iso-as.o are shown in Fig. 6.2. It can lines from the work of NeudorfO* - is - be seen from his work that: is The activity of Na=O increases when CaO 1. added along lines of constant Xaman/Xwjo=. The activity of Na=O 2. decreases when Xamo increases and when Xa.a increases and Xesom is held constant. The activity of Na=O 3. increases Xaa is held constant. This behavior of Na=O is similar to the behavior of KaO in the K=O-SiO=-CaO system, as expected. The data of Belton et. for al-*'* system the K2 O-Na2O-SiO= at the di-silicate composition, are shown in Fig. 6.3. It is increases. seen that Therefore activity of K=O decreases as the for data the this system Na=O-SiO.-CaO system both show that the activity basic metal oxide decreases of and the the more as the less basic metal oxide is added to the melt at constant Xmaoa. 6.3.2 Richardson mixing model. The simplest model for calculation of the activities in ternary melts was proposed by Richardson**. It was assumed that when two binary silicates, of compositions zMIO.SiO= zM4O.SiO=, were mixed, the free energy of mixing was due to random mixing of the entirely two cations (ideal mixing). - 86 - and This to CaO 65 15 10- d 70 00 N T=1070*C / -10.3 20 Fig. 6.2 5 25 30 35 mn/o Na 2 0 40 45 Iso-log ap..=a lines for Na=O-CaO-SIO= intervals melts at 10700C. Lines drawn at 0.1 of log am.wma, from -10.3 to -8.8. (Reference Standard state is pure liquid Na=0 at 1 atm. pressure. - 87 - 59) implied assumption remained constant the and that data ternary MgO-MnO-SiO=.**, "FeO'-MnO-SiO=.**-**-**, systems CaO-MgO-SiO=.&O and CaO-Na=O-SIO." The were effects polarization The Richardson model has been applied with success negligible. in the distribution anion silicate that . the for study this in obtained CaO-K=O-SiO= system can be compared with the Richardson *Ideal" If model. mixing following equation ternary melts: the Richardson applies model then the in the must hold for the activity of K=O XW=oMa.Wusna ~e nry au-mo~b[---------------ama2, c. amnr ------ ama = X... an., . applies equation This ternary systems. melt the zKO.SiO= on compositions to (6.11) - The subscripts t and b refer to the binary and zCaO.SiO= join. ternary z is given by Xw.. and is Xncmo.m.a in K* the of The Temkin ion fraction the mole the fraction based on the pseudo-binary system. Equation 6.11 was applied to the ternary data for i100*C activity of to be roughly 1.53. This estimation was based on an extrapolation of (Fig. SiO=(s) 5.12), at Xwan in the CaO-SiO= = 0.65 (z = 0.5384). binary system was the activity data of Rein and Chipman*". This The estimated value is greater than unity because liquid solutions are not stable at 1100*C in - 88 - the CaO-SiOm system. = 0.65 in The activity of SiO 1100*C and Xeacm at binary system is 0.054, from Fig. 2.3. the K=O-Si0 With this information, the values for the activity calculated, and these are compared in with the of K=O were experimental values in Table 6.1. Table 6.1 shows that there is a small negative deviation of the experimental values. model from values the calculated "ideal" mixing This means that the assumptions made in the Richardson is not completely valid in this system at Xmaam = 0.65. This is to be expected as: 1. K=0 is a much stronger base than CaO. 2. Potassium ions is mono-valent and calcium ions is divalent. 3. The oxygen coordination number for K* In molten K2 0-SiO melts is 8.0 + 0.3** and the oxygen coordination number for CaO in CaO-SiO= melts is a much lower 5.6 + 0.3*w. This means that there is a change in the anion structure of the melt to accommodate binary K2 0-SiO melt. the Ca=* Therefore ions when CaO is added to a ideal mixing, as defined by Richardson, does not appear to hold for the CaO-SiO-K=O system at 1100*C. - 89 - Table 6.2. COMPARISON BETWEEN CALCULATED ACTIVITIES OF K=0 AND EXPERIMENTAL VALUES IN THE K=O-SIO=-CaO SYSTEM 1100*C ; Xmamn T Xa : = 0.65 Log aocza XX... (by eq'n 6.11) : (exp't'l) ---------- -------- ---------------------------- ------ --- --- -9.50 0.939 : -9.86 -9.96 0.871 : -10.24 0.12 0.793 : -10.63 -11.05 0.16 0.704 -11.05 -11.61 0.35 : 0 0.31 : 0.04 0.27 : 0.08 0.23 : 0.19 : * * 1.0 : * -10.49 s----------------------------s - e--------------r S Standard state is pure solid K2 0& - 90 - CHiPTER 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. A galvanic potassium-beta-alumina the measure activity to as solid electrolyte, has been used of K=O-SiO=-CaO melts between the KaO-SiO=-AlmOm prepared specially employing cell, system 950 0 C 11000C. Compositions in and ranged and K=O-SiO=-Al=O. K=0 in ternary between 21 to 50 sole % KzO and up to 6 mole % Al=O= was added. In the KXO-SiO=-CaO system the compositions ranged between 25 to 42 mole % K.O with up to 15 mole % CaO added. Addition of Al&Om binary the to system K=O-SiO= at a constant XK==/Xwaaa ratio of decreased the value of log a=ao by up to The small for the temperature range of the study. 0.12 change in the activity of K=0 due to addition of AlOi explained by the silicate structure of the anionic could be melts. Partial molar mixing properties were calculated. addition The system were obtained. the in Limited data for the activity of K=O CaO of to K=O-SiOm-CaO the binary K=O-SiOz system at a constant ratio of Xsc==/Xwaam increased the value of studied. log a.oa by up to 0.22 over The experimental activity data the did temperature not agree range well with the values calculated by the Richardson ideal mixing model at Xnan= = 0.65 and T = 11000C. This behavior was explained in - 91 - terms of the difference in basiscity and coordination numbers of K.O and CaO in their respective binary silicates. - 92 - CHAPTER 8. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTIER WORK. extensive more Regarding the present study, data for the K=O-SiO=-CaO ternary system are needed, as a time limit on this study prevented the complete coverage of this system. the on same reason no Gibbs-Duhem integrations the For ternary data were performed and calculating the activity of SiO 2 , AlmO= and CaO in both systems using this technique is recommended. of K2 O ternary melts, in the like "FeO" on the activity bxides effect of other basic metal determine to be undertaken should studies Further similar to the work DeYoung 2 * did on the Na=O containing system. From a practical point of view, the galvanic cell technique activity of KO in a wide variety could be used to measure the of design beta-alumina may with to necessary be the factors which influence slags. liquid the absorption of alkalis by cell the determine should be measured, to More slag. Improvements In reactions of prevent high temperature thermodynamic properties of potassium containing compounds solutions needed. suitable If these, for use as reference and the in actual blast furnace slags K=O thermodynamic properties of example, For slags. metallurgical extractive electrodes and is also other experimental difficulties can be - 93 - overcome, the galvanic cell technique may studies of these complex slag systems. - 94 - be very useful in APPENDIX A. K-BETA-ALUMINA. The fabrication of the K-beta-alumina crucibles are described, and the quality of the crucibles is discussed. A.1 Fabrication of K-beta-alumina. List of chemicals used: - Na-beta-alumina (Alcoa) - Alpha-alumina (Alcoa XB superground) - Potassium chloride - Potassium carbonate - Magnesium oxide The crucibles were prepared by Na-beta-alumina powder at 300 mold. isostatically Megapascals in pressing the a sealed rubber The internal cavity was obtained by centering a slightly tapered brass mandrel of the correct diameter and length in the compact before pressing. After pressing, the brass mandrel was withdrawn and the green crucible cut to the correct length. The crucibles was then subjected to an ion exchange to replace the Na+ ions K* K-beta-alumina in the Na-beta-alumina This crucibles. - 95 was - by done ions to produce by keeping the 1000 C on top muffle furnace at a in hours a platinum crucible containing KCl which in of within was turn 24 for crucibles upside down a alumina crucible. enclosed larger procedure was repeated for another 24 hours at 1100 0C The with the crucibles not inverted. A packing material was then prepared from 213g K=CO., in an alumina alpha-A=Om and 1Og MgO. The mixture was tumbled ball mill overnight, and then calcined The green crucible was packed in dia. at 1100 0 C for 2 hours. this material within a 4.6cm by 10 cm high alumina crucible Three of the for firing. K-beta-alumina crucibles were packed together at a charge. was slowly room temperature to 1700 0 C over a period of 17000C for one-half then hour, 2 graphite heated hours, cooled slowly The 1700 0 C at susceptor in an induction furnace and sintered The alumina crucible a inside alumina crucible and its charge was placed one-half hour. 787g for from held at to room temperature over a period of 3 hours. A.2 Quality of Droduct. The most crucibles are important that the demands made on density of the crucibles should be as near as possible to the theoretical and that the transference be as high as possible. number of the K+ ion should the high density, proper sintering is needed. high temperature. K-beta-alumina the To obtain This requires a Too high a temperature can cause melting and - 96 - The best temperature therefore loss of shape of the crucibles. Slow heating and cooling are needed to was found to be 1700 C. the and shock thermal prevent The density of the beta-alumina crucibles. found was For a high transference number for K* ions in is important to possible. the complete exchange ion to the be 1 higher than 95 % of the theoretical (3.25 g/cmaO) it of cracking resulting beta-alumina as far as The Biot number can be used to determine if the mass transfer between the gas and the beta- alumina is adsorption or diffusion controlled. The Biot number is given by : a L Bi -- (A.1) ---------------------- M.W. where a is the sticking factor, L is the width of the crucible, M.W. is constant, the T coefficient. molecular is the weight of potassium, temperature and D The value of the Biot number 1/2, L = 0.275 that the mass cm, and D = 10-*cnm/sec, is R the is the gas diffusion at 1100 3 C, with a = is 21600 indicating transfer of K* from the gas to the beta-alumina was diffusion controlled. - 97 - The series solution for diffusion'* is given by: C -------- Ce ------------- L x 0 x 4C* C(*) =C* + (2j - -------- (2j + 1) J=O 1) (2j + 1) Sin(--------)(Exp( 1 1 (A.2) with: L = 0.55 cm (thickest part of crucible) * * * * D = 10-* cam/Sec C* = 9.68 Wt% x = 1/2L = 0.275 cm The following values for C(t) at x = 0.275 cm can be calculated : 1 Time (Hours) C(t) (Wt%) 4 9.243 : : 9.464 12 24 9.597 9.660 The 24 hours at 1000sC and 24 hours at 1100 C to accomplish the ion exchange is therefore more than needed. ion The extent to which the exchange is completed is also showed by Scanning Electron Microscope analysis of sections of the solid electrolyte crucibles. The sections analyzed can be be seen in Fig A.I. The results can A.III. The seen in Figs A.II and by Figs residual Na in the beta-alumina is given A.IV and A.V. Since there is no Na ions in the reference and working melts to partake in the reactions at this small residual amount of Na2 O is thought small effect on the potential reading. - 98 - both to electrodes have a very Fig. A.I Sections of beta-alumina solid electrolyte crucible analyzed with the Electron Probe Micro Analyser. - 99 - 100 re) C%J C\J 0- I 4 3 2 5 6 7 Distance (mm) Fig. A.II Wt% of A120. and K=O along section A-B of Fig A.I, after ion exchange. -100 - 100 - 90 0 W-0 77-O O-C -00-- 0 o Al203 0___ 86.10:* 1.2 80 70X60-- C* 20 30 10 0 C Fig. A.III 9.68*0.5 3 2 1 K20 -o -- - -tr- - Distance (mm) 4 5 D Wt% of Al=Om and KaO along section C-D of Fig A.I, after ion exchange. - 101 - 0.101 I I 0 I I I I 0 - 0.08 - C0 0 0.060 0- 0 0.046--------------- 0 -- o- 0.04* 0.013 1 0 0.02- I i 0 1~ 3 2 . - 4 . 5 6 7 Distance (mm) Fig. A.IV Wt% of residual Na=O in solid electrolyte along section A-B of Fig A.I, after ion exchange. - 102 - 0.10 008 0 0.060 0, ) 0.04* 0 0 00 00.039* S-0 S 0 0000 0 - 0 0 002 0 0 C Fig. A.V I I 2 I - 3 0.012 I ---- I J 4 5 Distance (mm) Wt% of residual NamO in solid electrolyte along section C-D of Fig A.I, after ion exchange. - 103 - APPENDIX B. Electronic circuits used for control of experiment. - 104 - APPENDIX C PROGRAM FOR DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL OF THE EMF EXPERIMENT Lin.. Remarks. Reads data unit. 30 from Isaac 90 to 120 Read temperatures where EMF should be taken. 32 33 142 to 160 Test if temperature is within limits (300 C). Sums analog value of at rate of 1000 sweeps target into 10 msec. R. variable 210 Calculates voltage. 230 12 DIM TZ (30) .VZ (30) .CZ (30) 13 IZ=2 D$ EQUAL CTRL--D 15 D$ = " ": REM 20 & SLOT# = 2 3 DAY TO Di.D2.D3.)4 PRIN~T 3 "D2" /"D3" /"D PRINT ")DATE PR INT 4 INPU T TO0LERANCE ON TEMP ( CEL SIUS) =": T TEMP INPUT "TOLERNCE 0N EMF IS (M 5) V) =:TEMF INUEES W1THIN TOLERAIN INPUT %00 =":EQT CE (MULTIPLE OF TO I NPUT "TTAL AMOUNT OF TEMPER 3E T ATURES WHERE EMF S:HOULDI . TS 200 80.,) v WS (30) . D IMi' 100 [NPUT " TE:RA TURE 4HERE EAMF (J) SHOULD 0B. FAIKEN= J = J + I GOTO 100 I THEN IF J S(2 )": 110 280 to 300 Test if temperature within tolerance. 310 to 330 Test if cell EMF within tolerance. is 0 S= 0 is GOTO 41 C) 1200 THEN GJTO 4 10 C5 THEN GOTO 15) >WS (J) THEN IF TE > L IF TE T I 142 144 150 3000 THEN IF (TE + 15) K WS (J) 4000C)C 1 70 K = 0 150 L = 0 190 M = ECT / 5 200) PRINT "TEPERATURE", "EMF 160 C = T'() 290 IF IF 30 C 1) D = IF 320 IF < - TS(B) C = C GOro 9e THEN C> TTEP - VS(B) VS( D 0 'THEN D GOTO 980 D >TEMF THEN C GOTO THEN 205 R = ASUM. 20& 220 P = R S (K) 203 / 1000 = (P - 10. (S R. (RT) (TV) W) = 1000., (D#) =0, (C#) 2050) * (2500 / 2048) S40 GOJSUB '20004) TS(K)= IF 260 2. 7 - 105 - B = M K TE > -- THEN M =0 (3OTJO 990 340 350 355 .360 = L 1 + L GOTO 990 IF L < M THEN & TIME TO C1,C2.C3 PRINT "THE EQUILIBRIUM TEMPE RATURE AND EMF IS" .361 36-2 TF 363 65 0 = = VF N N = 1 G = B + N TF + TF 3659 VF VF + 366 368 N =N + 1 I F (3 *: K TF / 3 1 TFE 3571 VF =VF / PR INT TF. Ldn.. TZ (IZ) VZ (IZ-) Rearks. 361 to 371 Calculates average o f last temperatures an d cell EMF. 373 to 402 Store data in file. 980 to 1030 Print cell EMF temperature if within tolerance wait 5 minutes. and no an d 2000 to 2170 Measures and calculate tempera ture. S+ 76 .74 = "C 1 VF * I 10 J J IF 0 SEK 2"C':)4 2063 20 * 19 + 1. 1 +- I : GOYTO THEN 140 D$: "OPEN EMF DATA" D$: "WRITE EMF DATA" 1 TO 50 CZ( TZ (I) , Z (I) D$: "CLOS5E EtiF DAT" TS (K) , VS (K) 4:: 1 =280 B =1C3). 49 C = . 78 17 E = . 739E F ='3 438E - X 3 0) & WRDEV. 0 - 4 =i) Q= 0 (DV) D#) 2 & ASUM, (TV) = 1000, (C#) SW) 2140 X =Q =3 (W#) =2 , (RT) =10 ( 0., (D#) = 2 1000 (X - 20413) / * 1E 267.4 * 2048) A + V * (D + V * (C + V 2160 TE * (D + V * (E + V * F)))) RETURN 2170 2150 V 106 - 10 &PAUSE = SEK. i OTcj 2105 SUBROUTI NE TO DETERMIN REM E TEMPERATURE 394 - * C2 +Ku)4 0 C3 PRINT PRINT FOR I PRIN' 374 NEX T I NT' P I1: 4 END L =0 37 PR INT 9 C) F::. = 133 32 M MH V'F" =. C.1 =* 12 J= "97 TO55 THEN TF CZ ( IZ) IZ TS (G) VS (G) = 5 * 3000 X=2 PRINT "DECREASE 305 UIRED" 3010 BCDOUT, R (DV) 3030 Lirn. Remarks. 3000 to 3120 Decreases one step. temperature & PAUSE OF TEM' X, (D#) REQ= 4 340 X=0 X (D#) & BCDOUT, (DV) 3050 3070 & PAUSE = 60 V) = ROL, = 0, 300 & AIN, iD) (C#) = 1 GO0TO 309 IF TPOL < 2048 T HEN 0 70 TEST IF EUIL IBRIUM TE REM PIA REACHED 3110 GOTO 4000 to 4120 Increases one step. temperature 400 14 X := 1 FI NT INCREAE QUIIRED" = &: B3CDOIUT 'Y . (DV)) 4020 &PAtUSE=5 4030 Q 1 X. (D#) & BCDOUT. (DV) 60 & PAJSE = TROL. . (TV) = AN, (D#) (C#) GOTO 4 IF TROIL >,:.2052 THEN 4090 070 TEST IF EQUILIBRIUM TE REM 4100 MP IS REACHED & PAUSE= :300 4 11 ) GOT0 140 4120 4060 4070 4080 - 107 - Silicate melt oreparation. The K2 O-SiO batches by in 30 to 40 g reference melts were prepared chemically pre-weighed mixing potassium pure carbonate (CaCO=), silica (SiOm) and acetone in a mortar and pestle for obtained by calcining silicic acid 1000 0 C for 12 After hours. (SiOz.xH=O) the mixing SiO The half-hour. one approximately in was air acetone at was evaporated in a furnace at 150 0 C. The mixture was then fused and calcined in a platinum crucible by adding small periodically quickly to prevent spilling. The melts were into a clean, water-cooled stainless steel The resulting glassy material amounts poured bucket. was crushed and remelted for immediate use or stored in an evacuated dessicator for later use. The ternary K=O-SiO=-Al2O= and K2 O-SiO=-CaO melts were prepared in the same manner described above, except that the ternary component (chemically to the pure Al=O= or CaO) was added These melts mixture initially. were smaller batches of approximately 10 g each. - 108 - in The sources and purities of materials that were used are given E. prepared in Appendix SOURCES AND PURITIES OF MATERIALS. (AlmOm Alumina ). Baker and Adamson reagent code 1236 >98.5 0.005 0.05 0.005 0.001 AImOm. C1 S 102 SO4 heavy metals 0.03 ( CaO ). Lime MCB Manufacturing Chemists code cx0265-1 Maximum limit of impurities: Heavy metals (as Pb) 0.005 0.01 Insoluble in HC=H0a and NH4 OH Fe NO= 0.01 0.01 SO.. 0.1 Zn 0.015 Cla Potassium Carbonate Mallinckrodt 1.0 (KmCOm ). 6814 Maximum limits of impurities Ammonium Hydroxide Ppt. Arsenic (As) Calcium and Magnesium Ppt Chloride (C) Heavy Metals (as Pb) Insoluble matter Iron (Fe) Nitrogen compounds (as N) - 109 - 0.002 < 0.0001 0.002 0.003 0.00003 0.002 0.00002 0.001 0. 001 0. 005 0. 004 0. 002 Phosphate (PO.) Silica (5102) Sodium (Na) Sulphur Compounds (as SO0) Potassium Chloride (KCL ). MCB Manufacturing Chemists: Maximum Impurities and Specifications Barium 0. 001 Bromide 0. 01 Ca, Mg and R2O Ppt Chlorate and Nitrate (NO=) Heavy metals (as Pb) Insoluble matter Iodide Iron Nitrogen compounds (as N) 0. 005 0. 003 5 ppm 0. 005 0. 002 3 ppm 0. 001 5 ppm 0. 005 0. 001 Phosphate Sodium Sulfate Silicic Acid, n-Hydrate. J. T. Baker 1-0324 98.1 Assay (as 8102) Nonvolatile with HF Chloride (Cl) Sulfate (SO.*) Heavy metals (as Pb) Iron (Fe) - < 110 - 0.06 0.01 0.001 0.0005 0.002 EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS FOR KmO-SiO=-Al=O= SYSTEM computer pages include measurements made with temperatures. The data taken, The next calculated from as at cells eaf the printouts well as the these results are tabulated. followed by the least-square linear equation: fit of the various log acan The tables is of the data to the (F.1) Log asmn = A/T + B The standard deviations of log aumm, A and B is calculated according to the equations given in Appendix H. - 111 - CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A21 W% K20 30 W% SIO2 70 ADDED W% AL203 2 TEMP E.M.F. LOG A 9. 56E-03 1 1,j -12. 3y9070)51 9. E7E-03 1297 12783 .0107 -12. 5579452 -12. 74331 24 -12. 9385432 1259 -13.. 13934A63 124 1 -13. 3348508 -1.tU. 0933944 12 6 9. 810E-)31 9. 81E-0'3 -1 9. 86E-03 : -1.2. 6968937 2-.8900462 -747 1 298 .. 1042 1 4 25 1 279 -12. .. 1087 1259 9278288 -13.. 140627 -12. 9156:349 . 1028 ~ -12. 1 318 0 1 046 -12. 5:30494 1337 .01037 12. 3491203 71 02005 -12. 1713863 -("042 -12. 0 151746 1 :390 = SLOPE 7031. 1783 = -1 1. 8661921 . O) 1 061 .390':04 4176 INTERCEPT STD DE' OF Y =.019215382 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .148183627 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 192.963212 CORRELArION COEFFICIENT = - -. 99997961 112 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXFERIMENr # A9 W% K20) 30:,U W% SIO2 70 ADDED W% ALtL203 4 TEMP E. M. F. LOG A 4. 91E-03 -12. 2232392 -12. :3935517 -12. 5541657 -12. 7268567 -13. 1.179424 -13. 92634 13.";28 2.97E-03 1256 8. 71 E-04 1274 1 1 29~"; 1 64E-3 1 ... 1 . -12. 90 74:3 4 49E-.03:: 4. 14DE-03 T 1329 5. 29E-03 -12. 3871063 1347 5. 69E-03 -12. 2197329 1364 6. (5E-03 1400 -1 1 . 7540083 7. 16E-03 INTERCEPT SLOPE -12.0655828 = = -. 114984466 -- 163C36). - 7 STD DEV OF Y =. 0259098764 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .231794525 STD DEV OF SLOPE =304.510983 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT = -. 999936486 INTERPOLATION TEMP, K Y 12223 1273 1:373 -13. 441'257 -12. 9196323 -1 1. 9870287 - 113 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A10 W% 120 30 SIO2 7W1,% ADDED W% AL2O3 6 LOG A E. 11. F. TEMP 12. 0418 E -0)3 6. *72 1365 16 6. 76E-03 -12.0617214 6.2 16E-03 -12. 2988655 1 53,1.4 6. 25E--03 -12. 5400083 1314 6 . 1 9E-0 3 -12. 5395481 12. 7780923 1294.) 1266 5. 74E--037 -13. 0251234 1242 4. 97 E--03 -1~.. 2775626 -15. 0 13 7459 1267 -12 .7668282 1701 5,, 8 6 1.E - 1 .5 14 5. 859E-03 -12.5370089 6. 129E-03 -12. 3171468 6c3E-3 -12. 1136054 1.359 7: -12. 1 5055:14 1:57 1.381. INTERCEPT = SLOPE = - 11. 91054 347 2 6.17 -3 .272081294 -16832.6907 3TD DEV OF Y =.0103981252 68966 123 74 ID DEV OF CONSTANT =. 304 20 118. STD DEV OF SLOPE = -. 999991031 CORRELA T ION COEFFI CENT IN TERPOLAf1T I ON Y TEMP. K 1223, 12737 1 373 -13.4913617 -12. 9507708 -11. 987708 - 114 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY EXPERIMENT W K20 OF K20 IN # A1l ) W% SIC2 70 ADDED W. AL203 8 TEMP E.M.F. LOG A 1358 7. 67E-03 -12. 1325157 1354 7. 56E-03 -12. 1:352 7, 77E-03 -12. 1887103 1 334 7. 62E-03 -12. 7. 8E-03 -12. 5322726 7., 32E-03 -12,, 387981 1281 1686082 3569268 -1 3. 0458258 1265 6,, u4E-03 1247 -13. 02776:38 [ 267 7 1L284 E -12. 6806284 1301 1334 a. 15SE-03 -12. 3609315 1349 8. 39E-03 -12. 1365 8. 66E--03 -12. 07575195 8. 7E-03 -1 1. 9319425 1381 INTERCEPT SLOPE = = .2 2212541 9 -16796.3226 STD DEV OF Y =.0184128004 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = . 152388319 STD DEV OF SLOF'E = 20.73898 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT = -. 999974957 IN TERPOLA T ION TEiMP. Y 1'223 1.273 1 373 -13. 50 17052 -12. 9622823 12.0013003" - 115 - TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A19 W% K20 35 W% S102 65 ADDED W% AL203 = 4 TEMP E. M. F. LOG A 1340 8. 23E-03 -11. 8. 5E-3 -11. 4054847 8. 53E-03 -11. 13.04 1285 2299424 5840 172 -11.7795291. 970 7377 1267 9. 07E-03 -11 1220 (9.4E-03 -12. 4928594 9. 27E-03j -12. 1271 1290 8. 84E-0. .5 155703 11 . 9264835 -11. E- 7266072 1:309 3. 703E-0.3 -11. 530 1462 1289 8. 42E-03 -1 1. 7:355479 1269 8. 6E-03. -11. 94575359 -12.1626154 1 249 1270 3. 52E-03. 1 290 8. 0)2E-)3 -1 1. 72215:34 1309 7.. 95E-03 -11- 5295301 1346 7. 4E-03 -11. 1669301 1365 6. 92E-03 -10. 9869101 1400 11 . 9345248 6.99E-03 -10.324752 ~7. 04E-03 -10.6753155 1.65613588 INTERCEPT -17262. 4034 SLOPE STD DEV OF Y =.0157465972 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = . 1024422"34 S2TD DEV OF SLOPE = 133.079699 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - = -. 999989816 116 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 IN TERNARY MELTS EXPERIMENT # A18 W/% K20 35 W% S102 65 ADDED W% AL203 = 2 TEMP E. N. F. LOG A 1334 8. 67E-03 -11. 13 17 B. 65E--03 -11.4556715 1298 8.23E-03 -11.6422212 1280 8. 11999999E-03 -11.8263283 1262 7.9 1E-03 -1[2. 1244 7.96E-03 -12.-2110121 6 . 99E-03 -1 1. 9648263 6. 61E- -11. 75222636 1::;os -11. 5592295 1325 -11. 36 148 S304 -11.5670114 1286 . 6. 12 84 2905746 0148885 -1 1.770961 -1 1 . 9700(()6 1 1265 1306 6. 5E-0 -11 . 74419 5. 31E-3.. -11.5395737 -11.3547855 1325 1344 6. 06E-03 -11.1757469 1363 5. 95E-03 -10. 9980761 1382 5. 85E-03 -10. 8253636 1400 5.46E--03- -10.6639396 INTERCEPT = 1.61835145 SLOPE = -17198.6115 STD DEV OF Y =.0210842284 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .157243511 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 205.519717 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - = -. 117 - 999818738 EXPERIMENT # A20 W% K20 35 W% S102 65 ADDED W% AL203 = 8 TEMF E.M.F. LOG A 1:338 8. 19E-03 -11.22486864 1320 8. 26E-03 - 11 . 4 2*3 x2221-)7 1.3 7. 71E-03 -11. 1284 7. 56E-03 -1 1. 7803814 1266 7 5E-03 -11.9668964 1247 -7 1L260 7. 19E-03 1269 7. 17E-03 1290 7. 19E-13 4E -12. 17298 74 -[2. 0305989 -1 1. 7156679 -1 1 32365 :13 1329 1288 587724 -1 1 . ~739503 7. 63-03 1288 -1 1. 7338677 1249 -12. 1526082 1270 7. 44E-03 -11. 9259529 1289 7. 95E-03 -1 1 . 7318725 1308 7. 95E-3 -1 1. 5-3 95003! 1326 7. 94E-03 -11 . 3622623 1366 R. 02E.-03 -10. 1384 '7. 72E-03 -10.8211553 1402 ~7. 67 E--03 -10. 662.4601 9858775 INTERCEPT = 1.46761953 SLOPE = -17010.2635 STD DEV OF Y =-. 0110569322 STD DEV OF CONSrANT = .0780784018 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 101.643099 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT = - 118 - -. 999987006 CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A1 W% K2O 44 W% S102 56 ADDED W% AL203 = 2 TEMP E. M. F. LOG A 1381 .0108 -9.73849158 1:363 .011 -9. 88960481 1:327 .01212 -10. 2095989 13286 0 1221 -10. 1 1291 . 01343 12*73 01396 1255 . 0(.), 1:663 201.3952 -10.54892'29 -10. 72479:2 -10. 9129346 -1 . 5242964 1293 -10. 521412 1:31 1 -10. 352325:3 134~7 -01147 -10. 0295049 1361 . 0 11 -9. 90647732 1379 .01062 -9. 75360897 INTERCEPT SLOPE = = 1.91520591 -16089.4632 STD DEV OF Y =6.51282064E-03 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .0604332965 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 79.8601994 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT -. 999951536 I NTERPOLATION TEMP '. Y 1223 1273 1373 -11.2405285 -10. 7238068 -9.80326695 - 119 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K2O IN TERNARY MELTS EXPERIMENT # A3 20 44 W% W% SI02 56 ADDED W% AL203 = 3.5 TEMP LOG A E. M. F. .0163 -10. 36752.59 1351 . 154 -10. 1:.*s i.,5 ()14q -10.0199411 1 13 1369 1901.193" -9.86431698 .0144 13T.87 0142: -9.71418562 1368 0153 -9. 87932305 1348 - i C. 05-47571 161 . 172 -10 . 230363 13 1 0194 -10. 4187675 1271 019 4 -10. 7873162 1273 1.234 .0217 -11. 1772866 1275 0201 -10. 7540127 1295 . 1 -10.5555548 -10. 3837388 1314 .0182 1352 1372 -10. 1936118 -10. 0284999 -9. 8510o)2133 .C16 INTERCEPT = 2.08226076 SLOPE = -16363.3154 STID DEV OF Y =8. 17506624E-03 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .0618762727 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 81.7890743 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - = -. 999822599 120 - CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A2 WX K20 44 W/% SI2 56 ADDED W% AL2O3 = 4.8 TEMP E. M. F. LOG A 1375 9. 31E--.3 -9.77701146 1373 9. 4E-03 -9. 79423323 -9. 96811037 1352 1316 -10. 2804419 1316 8. 76E-03 -10.28251 1280 8. 39E-03 -10. 6135708 7. 54E-03 -10. 7710761 7.57E-03 -10. 9500643 7. 43E-03 -10. 76041 79 1.245 1284 . 55E--03 1340 1376 -10 . 57680 28 8. 53E-3 -10. 8. 67E-0 3 -10 . 069 1527 8. 91E-0.3 -10. 8. a3E-03 -9. 76523277 4084138 0796683 INTERCEPT = 1.46371233 SLOPE = -15455.6811 STD DEV OF Y =. 0182357958 STD = DEV OF CONSTANT STD DEV OF SLOPE = CORRELATION .149076423 195.881199 COEFFICIENT = -. 999986909 INTERPOLATION Y TEMP.K 1223 1273 1:373 -11.1738029 -10.6774354 -9.79315665 - 121 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K<'20 IN TERNARY MELTS EXPERIMENT # A4 W%. K20 44 W% S102 56 ADDED W% AL2O3 = 6 TEMP E. M. F. LOG A 9. 58E-03 -10. 2259286 -10. 3888592 1305 9. 57E-03 1288 9. 68E-.3 -10.5478544 1271 9. 89E-C3 -- 10. 7118958 1235 9. 96E.-03 -11.071 1273 9. 91 E-03 -10. 7120545 1287 9.83E-3. -10. 5584.2 1320 9. 71 E--03 -10 1319 9. 98E-03 ) -10.2648249 1 352 9.8 E-03 253)7806 -9 97407477 -9 .3044756 I NTERCEPT = 1.60636291 SLOPE = -15656.0023 STD DEV OF Y =.0216728192 S'TD DEV OF CONSTANT =231588161 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 301.546544 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT = -. INTERPOLATION Y TEMP. K 1223 1273 1373 -11.1949472 -10.6921463 -9.7964064 - 122 - 999997558 CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY EXPERIMENT # OF K20 IN TERNARY MELTS A12 W% K'20 53 W% S102 47 ADDED W% AiL2O3 = 2 E. M. F. LOG A 6. 68E-03 -8. 2970 1577 1362 6. 6E-3 -8. 43952429 1345 6. 86 E-0-3 -8. 57660444 TEMP -8. 714f3941 13C28 -8. 866*75863 6. 6. 94E- 03 91E -0(3 9. 12"76 162:54648 -9. 1259 7. 2E-03 1 260 7.. 97E-'. 1 97 04E-03. ~7. -8. 978745 14 131 4 7. 83E-0 3 -8. 13-' I 7. 67E-.3 -8. 69663596 1348 8. 25E-03 --8. 56289958 1363 8. 7E-03 -8. 44721053 1'397 9. 65E-03 -8. 19367467 INTERCEPT SLOPE 3 -9. 31597008 83950942 = 2. 18599562 = -14483.2003 STD DEV OF Y =9. 10826523lE-03 .0759269043 STD DEV OF CONSTANT )T D DEV OF SLOPE = 10. 40799 CORRELA~TION COEFFICIENT - -. 123 - 999850705 CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K 20 IN TERNARY MELTS EXPERIMENT # A13 W% K2 53 W% SIO2 47 ADDED W% A 'L2O3 = 4 TEMP E. M. F. LOG A 13 86 1.13E--03 -8. 21461244 139 -8. 34583385f 1 . 32lE-03 -. 4863592 1316 1 . 34E -03 --8. 6323432~7 1.46-3 -8.e77386268 --8. 92769244 11.58E-3 . 1 E-3 1280 -9.08584865 1.79E-0.3 42511621 ;-9. 1-.81E-03 1 . 71E-0:3 14E -03 1 .64tE--03 -3. 89381143 138 1.. 45 E-3 .-8. 59295038 1.352 1. 44E-03 -8.48013156 1371 1. 45E-03 -8.33147701 1389 1.45E-u3 -8.19432906 1 -9. 05060747 -3* a INTERCEPT = 2. 29525502 SLOPE = -14567.8678 STD DEV OF Y =.01:37287675 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = . 10623724 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 140.544669 .CRRELA[ TION COEFFICIENT = -. - 999998598 124 - CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A14 W% K'20 53 W% S102 47 ADDED W% AL2O3 = 6 E. M. F. LOG A 5. 28E-03 -8.24479376 1367 7. 23E-03 -8. 405064 75 1:349 7.7E-*-03 1.331 7. 92E -03 TEMP -7 -8.55077312 3. 1-5E*-03' -8. 85887536 -9. 0251812 1 5 1293 -9. 1275 1256 1276 1880219 -'9,.377317 9. 83E-03 )L9. 98E-O3 -9.18679811 1 296 -9C 1:314 9.836E-03 1 333 9. 8E-03 1351 01044 - 066992 -8.85508177 -8.55522438 1369 .01067 -8.414824:39 1387 01124 -8. 28053943 INTERCEPT =- 2. 32972566 SLOPE = -14689.2322 STD DEV OF Y =3.96912662E-03 . 0335975.327 STD DEV OF CONSTANT STD DEV OF SLOPE = 44.4994687 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT = -. 99948608 - 125 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 IN TERNARY MELTS EXPERIMENT # W% K20 53 W% S102 47 ADDED W% A15 AL203 = 8 E.M.F. TEMP LOS1 A 1334 -8.66838743 1315 4. 69E-03 -8..830700603 1296 4.19E-03 4.-39E-03 -8.96679989 1276 5. 2E-03 -9.14903824 1257 4..9E-03 -9.31326638 1.238 4.61E-03: -9.49417856 1260 1 '261) 4. 8l6E-C03 -9. 28949051 4. 42E---03 -9. 0984C098 1302 4.7 7.,21. 4E-03 -8. 91781 1t -3.. 76028691 5. 15J:E-0,)3 1299 -8. 94919381 1279 5. 5E-0o3 -9. 1259 5. 79E-3 -9. 30770456 1 280 5. 81E-03 -9. 1299 6.1'7E -0:3 -8. 95470319 6. 68,E-0o3 -3.. 78031282 1 338 6. 99E-0*'3 -8.6342345 1357 6. 43E-03 -8.47765466 1376 6. 9E- 03 -8.33294419 1394 7.8e6E-03 *)-- -8. 20321086 124661 11821437 INTERCEPT = 2.05103199 SLOPE =-142.90. 1136 STD DEV OF Y =.0157562676 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .116647328 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 151.903768 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT -. 999876198 - 126 - CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K2O EXPERIMENT # AA W% K<20 62 W% SIO2 ,38 ADDED W% AL2O3 = TEMP 1 LOG A E. M. F. 7,48675581 .- .025-*' = -7. 28919463 1347 0287 . 1 287 . 29 -7. 19637954 -7. 63913565 -7. 42949813 12 -7. 18275411 4 -7. 5:365628 12~94 INTERCEPT = 2.07929362 SLOPE = -1246c7.7381 STD DEV OF Y =. 013618768 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .297271296 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 391. 166742 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT = -. 99032354 INTERPOLATION TEMP, K Y 1223 1273 1373 -8. 11509568 -7. 71468761 -7. 00 13605 - 127 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY A16 EXPERIMENT # W% K20 61.1 W% 5102 38.9 ADDED OF K20 W% AL203 = 2 LOG A TEMF E. M. F. 13 17 013 12 -7.29232318 1315 01422 -7. 31526854 1288 0 158 -7.52815485 1271 .01728 -7.67068244 1253 .o1816 -7. 82028233 -7. 9681-7261 1236 -7. 81249268 L274 --7. 635563 -0 1 779 50 -7 129 1 -7. 416220 18 .0178 -755 16 13696 1289 1271 91 17 02128 49 7. 7024' 02274 -7.85712641 1272 -7. 696561 58 -7. 55667367 1290 -0,21 39 1 323 01 902 1340 .02018 -7. 18163839 1358 02065 -7. 06C108 13 - 7. 29399744 . 2101l -6.94095164 -6. 85686195 INTERCEPT = 2. 19757227 SLOE =-12558 - 0319 STD DEV OF Y =.01990440'78 STD DEV OF CONS~TANT = . 142872975 STD DEV OF SLOPE CORRELAT ION 185. 21837 =-. COEFFICIENT - 128 997952125 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULA TION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A17 W% K20 61.1 W% SIO2 38.9 ADDED W% AL203 = 0 LOG A TEMP E. M. F. 1340 01516 -7. 14387662 1322 ) 1366 -7. 260348-75 1304 1~O 1285 .() 169 -'7. 41667624 .C 133 -7. 5313-7345 1266 .1403 -7. 68398864 1246 015:3 -7. 65436934 -7. 75673455 1 260 1287 -7.54577776 .0170)8 . 01588 1325 .0147'7 -7. 24725935 -7. 4099512 --7.57000044 1284 -7. .,1754 71981042 -7. 55143574 1286 .) 1545 -7.38330455 .) 1562 -7. 253~7256 1 345 0149 1 -7. 10708031 1365 .01437 -6. 96598762 1.30)7 1383 .0158 -6.85645781 140 1 . 0 1857 -6 . 75933342 INTERCEPT = 2. 25940709 SLOPE = -12606.4521 STD DEV OF Y =6. 49564976E-03 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = . 048026:3498 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 62.8417052 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - = -. 999355206 129 - IN TERNARY MELTS EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS FOR Ka0-SiOz-CaO SYSTEM The next pages include measurements made with temperatures. The data taken, calculated from computer the emf as printouts cells well as at the these results are tabulated. followed by the least-square linear equation: fit of the various log awaa The tables is of the data to the Log ascza = A/T + B (G.1) The standard deviations of log asca, A and B Is calculated according to the equations given in Appendix H. - 130 - CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A22 WX% K2 :35 W% S102 65 ADDED W% CAO = 4 E. M. F. TEMP 1:325 -0019 LOG A -11. 0819073 -11 . 04 150 12 S03052 1290 -11. 1271 431401 S1. 6277366 -. 0288 1252 -11.8156201 -12. C0152.,-6 118 794126 02897 -11. 1257 1274 .02682 -11.,6126997 1293 .02707 -- 1 1. 417898 --- -11. 1 31 1 1290 -. -11 . 4475 124 02764 -11 --.028'5 1 27 1 2454531 . 6303537 -- 11. 8 147984 1274 -. 02827 1295 0264 1:314 -02-7283 -11. -11 . 403145 -11. -11 . 02741 1352 -. 030483 1371 03176 1289 . 3 INTERCEP F SLP.-E 60 12274 2096539 2735 -10 .9 2e2509 -10.6478306 -- 11. 4061743; 7 1. 54765875 = -16745. 2174 STD DEV OF Y =. 0113238447 SD DEV OF CONSTANT = .0949232355 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 122.675033 -. 999112763 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - 131 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # W% K20 35 W% S102 65 ADDED W% CAO = 8 TEMP E. M.F. LOG A 1:*' 4 3 --9. 47E-03 -11.068634 1 325 -- 01194 -11. 2207427 1287 -. -11.5899378 0c128 1289 01283 11. 5693753 1250 -. 01355 -11.9716906 1 230 01472 -12. 01434 -1 1 . 9330534 0 1403 -11. 7242827 1273 18 13403 1292 1311 1 1 -11. 3394085 -01428 -- 11. 5479051 014 18 -1 1. 74:39204 -. 01458 -- 11.9418596 -. 0 1 408 -1 1. 7447135 1271 125 -01419 - 0 1.425 - -11. 5380236 -11.3C481411 13 1 0 1328 -. 01468 -11.171183 1.363 -. 01499 -10.8432179 1382 -01537 1398 -. -10.6705922 01569 -10. 5288626 INTERCEPT = 1.51771786 =LPE -16858. 4651 STD DEV OF Y =5.64288276E-03 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .0380584495 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 49.4104872 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - = -. 999732321 132 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A 24 W% .20 35 W% S102 65 ADDED W% CAO = 12 E. H. F. LOG A -. 02903 -- 11. 0245043 TEMP 1:3 15 -11. 1298 -1 1 . 34370f)9 12131 -. 3 103 1264 - . -3-. 7 -11. -12. 1248 -1.1 1281 -11. 1297 - - '2E3 7 5078558 - 11. 6694003 1228 1"314 179130b 1 022729? . 8254625 5041575 .'3500455 -1 1, 198C706 9 1294 -1. 1.-"3934954 1277 -II. 558 1876 1261 -. -.03104 -- 11. 7142674 1273 - - 0297 1 -11. 1:295 -. 02875 -11 .3848534 -. 02736 -11.238 1489 .027~03 1 1. C 774436 02651 1 0. 7700665 1328 1362 1:*91 INTERCEPT = SLOPE =15755. -. 5488286 -02384 -10.6616649 -02365 -10. 531~77:17 .791240589 33 STD DEV OF Y =.0173124155 129997005 STD DEV OF CONSTANT =. STD DEV OF SLOPE = 168.957196 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - = -. 133 - 999732537 IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 IN TERNARY MELTS EXPERIMENT # A25 W. K20 43.94 W% S102 56.06 ADDED W% CAO = 4 TEMP E.M.F. LOG A 1347 -. 01652 -9.16041791 1312 -. 01779 -9. 45510182 -. 01737 1295 1278 1 245 - -9.61205194 -)1865 -9. 75976934 01951 -9.90518616 -1 -. - 0213:5 0562877 -9.9041473 1262 1278 -. 0 1868 --9. 75953273 -9. 64342314 1291 -. --9. 48225996 01775 -. 018314 .0186 -9. 8073 4334 -- 0o1941L -9.94464229 -. 01895 --9.76680739 - 0179 -9. 57140713 -. 01751 -9.47512938 -. 01585 -9.20796965 -. 0 1587 --9. ()72302 15 -. 01551 -8.95172429 -. 01472 -8.82043193 1273 1 '2277 13092 1277 1299 1342 1390 -9.56045148 INTERCEPT = 1.86015396 SLOPE = -14848. 1803 STD DEV OF Y =.0156076123 STD DEV OF CONSTANT .117864269 = STD DEV OF SLOPE = 153.366738 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - = 134 -. 999956489 - CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 EXPERIMENT # A26 W% K20 43.94 W% S102 56.06 ADDED W% CAO = e TEMP E. M. F. 1326 -. LOG A 01797 -9. 33013152 1328 -- 01763 -9. 31526958 1289 02003 1270 -. 01945 1251 -. 02147 1232 -. 02414 -10. 1253 -. 02074 -9. 1273 -6945 1292 --. 0199 1309 -. -9.64647444 -9.8290831 99628934 '-9. 1633348 98261188 -9.61986115 o 1(907 4720'7542 -9. 1290 --. 02129 -9.62740558 1271 -. 02-74 -9.. 80934758 1252 -. 02121 -9.98859979 1271 -. 02032 -- 9. 81267845 1286 -. 02068 -9.66913606 1306 -. 01989 -9.49267732 1343 -. 01788 -9. 18420063 1362 -. 01783 -9. 02503799 13780 -. 01715 -8.88291603 1397 -. 017 -8. 74850105 1.88435375 INTERCEPT -14862. 3747 SLOPE STD DEV OF Y =. 012318824 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .0834332973 STD DEV OF SLOPE =108.204332 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - = -. 999880402 135 - IN TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 IN EXPERIMENT # A27 W% K:20 43.94 W% S10'2 56.06 ADDED W% CAO = 12 E. M. F. TEMP LOG A -9- 13819307 -. 1268 -9.51156.363 01861 9. 83995021 02048 -. 1 253 -9 . 98357'723 1294 -. -018865 --9.60961367 0@1725 -9.24887286 INTERCEPT = 1.92865149 SLOPE = -14926.64()'7 STD DEV OF Y =.0138666717 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = 217362272 282.428149 STD DEV OF SLOPE -. 999917372 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT INTERPOLATION Y TEMP. K 1223 1273 13737 -- 10. 2762878 -9.79691075 -8.94290039 - 136 - TERNARY MELTS CALCULATION OF ABSOLUTE ACTIVITY OF K20 IN TERNARY MELTS EXPERIMENT # A28 W% K20 53 W% SIO2 47 ADDED W% CAO = 4 TEMP E. M1.F. LOG A 1326 -8. 95E-03 -8.61157956 1:326 -8. 76E-03 -8.61302388 1288 -9. 375E-03 -8.92875617 1272 -9. 969E-03-" -9.06468467 1259 -. 01(529 --9. 17705102 9.41313492 -. 01113 --. -9. 2305633 0 1068 1233 -9. 0534117 .01027 -8.89254217 -8. 72699103 1273 1313 1294 -9.36E- -8. 8'770313 1272 -9. 376E--03 -9. 06542163 1 252 -. 1275 -9.52E-03 -9. 24045909 O 1059 9. C)416)7 *39 -8.82528818 1 301 1317 -7. 205E-03 --8. 69917218 1337 -6. 80C17E-03 --8.53835907 1358 -5. 89E-03 --8. 37630784 1376 -5. :37E-03 -8. 24306079 1394 -5. 638E-03 -8. 1056(:)857 INTERCEPT = 1.8564047 -13892.32 SLOPE STD DEV OF Y =.013707191 STD DEV OF CONSTANT = .0968977465 STD DEV OF SLOPE = 125.829169 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT - =-.999933105 137 - QUANTITATIVE ERROR ANALYSIS. The scatter in the data, shown in Fig 5.1 to 5.5 and 5.8 to 5.10, was analyzed by applying statistical theory* the least squares coefficients of the equation: log anaa - A/T + B to (H.1) The standard deviations of the log acao values about least-square line were calculated using equation H.2: the &[(log aonao))O 1/2 S = - - (H.2) n - 2 where A(log.aa) is the deviation of from the least-squares line and n an is actual the data number of point data points. The standard deviations of A and B are then given by equations H.3 and H.4, respectively: n 1/2 =---.-------------------------I (H.3) a (1/TO= Sa f( - (1/T.))= (1/Tr,)= = Sa..------------------------1 ni(1/T.,)a - 1/2 W((1TO)a The standard deviation of a computed log awao given by equation H.4: ((1/T")= - 2(1/T 0 )t(1/To) + n(1/To)m S= aS...-------------------------------------I - 138 - value, S=, is 1/2 (H.5) the temperature at which the log aanc is where To value is calculated. the The values of least squares coefficients and their 5.3. The multiplying the and 5.1 standard deviations were given in Table error in H"waa and S",an was calculated by standard deviations of the least-square slopes and constants in Table 5.1 and 5.2 by 2.303R. . The systematic error in log aa from of data the of examination an can be estimated section Elliottaa-. The sulphate cell they used is given in 2.2. H.6: where E is log standard free was K=O, due to the SO. equation + &G.<a-* - ----------------------2.3RT (H.6) The formation of compounds log ---------P*na 2 the reversible cell potential. apan by &Gecao + AGeo. pa2 P'a". 1 2 ------2.3RT log a.oa.b in in th'is cell was given atno, as", Log error major energies SO. was taken from the JANAF Thermochemical and respectively. of error : S W [ SMM + K.SO. of and K2 SO4 . The data for these three Tables** and the uncertainties in the free energies of formation K=O, and Shigematsu 826 2060, are Using a standard and 2080 J/mole, formula for the propagation (H.7) fSa + .. J'/ - for 139 - the systematic error in log a or about 0.19 over the temperature range of the present study. There is 250/T, cell values of the measured in the binary system by Shigematsu was a scatter in the potential E as and Elliott. This resulted in a standard deviation for log avca of 0.035. 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