HODGE COHOMOLOGY OF NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS by RAFE ROYS MAZZEO 10 S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1982) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE, 1986 @ Rafe Roys Mazzeo The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author ..... 9ajtment of M!4hematics May 2. 1986 Certified by ..... Professor Ric ard B. Melrose sis Supervisor Ap &T #i Accepted by ....... Professor Nesmith C. Ankeny Graduate Committee Departmental Chairman, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 0 4 1986 LIBRAnIES x&?bl HODGE COHOMOLOGY OF NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS by RAFE ROYS MAZZEO Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on May 2, 1986 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics. ABSTRACT The Hodge Laplacian acting on differential forms is examined for a certain class of complete Riemannian manifolds of dimension n. This class consists of the interiors of compact manifolds with boundary, each endowed Such a metric, by with a 'conformally compact' metric. definition, is of the form g = p- 2h smooth nonsingular metric and p where h is any is a defining function These manifolds are all negatively for the boundary. curved near infinity; examples include the hyperbolic space Hn and those of its quotients which have no cusps. A parametrix is constructed for the Laplacian acting on the space of (n11). L 2 k-forms for all degrees k 1 n Thus, in these degrees the Laplacian is Fredholm, and in particular its null space is finite dimensional. The space of L2 harmonic k-forms is then identified with the relative and absolute deRham cohomology of the manifold when k < L(n-1) and k > 1L(n+1), respectively. It is also shown that the range of the Laplacian is closed when k = n/2, although its null space is of infinite dimension. The parametrix construction is microlocal: the Laplacian should be thought of here as a degenerate elliptic operator on a compact manifold, and a space of pseudodifferential operators large enough to contain its Green operator is defined and studied. calculus, including L A fairly complete continuity properties, is developed along the way. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Richard B. Melrose Professor of Mathematics Acknowledgements Among the many people who have bettered my life in some way during the past several years I wish especially to thank my family, Chet Roys, John Cohn, Diane Mariano, Joanne Murray, Dr. Michael Smith, Jimmy Page, Rick Kreminski, Chris Wendel and John Ostlund. For the mathema- tics they have taught me I am grateful to Woody Lichtenstein, Ted Shifrin, Victor Guillemin, Gunther Uhlmann and particularly David Jerison. Thanks also to Viola Wiley for a magnificent typing job. Finally, well deserving a paragraph of his own is Richard Melrose. suffice for all No amount of gratitude on my part would that he has done on my behalf. 5 "Don't brood too much on the superiority of the unseen to the seen. It's true, but to brood on it is mediaeval." - from Howards End by E. M. Forster Table of Contents Introduction History of the Problem Statement of Results 7 7 16 1. Conformally Compact Metrics Definitions A. Geodesics at Infinity B. Curvature Asymptotics C. Boundary Regularity D. Laplace's Operator E. 22 22 24 30 33 39 2. The Calculus of Vo Pseudodifferential Operators Vo Vector Fields A. B. The Stretched Product Construction C. Vo Kernels Indicial and Normal Operators D. E. Continuity Properties 43 43 49 63 81 89 3. Analysis of the Normal Operator Identification of the Model Operators A. The Inverse of the Hyperbolic Laplacian B. Structure of the Kernel C. Refined Mapping Properties D. 99 99 110 138 152 4. Hodge Cohomology A. The Parametrix Construction Proof of the Main Theorem B. 164 164 170 Bibliography 181 Introduction The many recent advances in the analysis of partial differential equations notwithstanding, the study of general linear elliptic operators on unbounded domains remains as yet inchoate. The lack of a systematic theory is due no doubt to the fact that the geometry of the domain and the asymptotic degeneracies of the equation each can radically affect the analytic nature of the operator. A natural class of problems in which the geometry and analysis are rather intimately intertwined is in the study of Laplace's operator on a complete Riemannian manifold, acting either on functions or differential forms. Even this case is far from well understood. A typical question here is whether, on a complete noncompact Riemannian manifold M, there exist functions, or k-forms, which are both harmonic and square-summable (or bounded). As was widely suspected from the classical sepa- ration of Riemann surfaces into those which do or do not admit bounded harmonic functions, the operative feature is the curvature. (Of course, the L2 class is not well defined in the conformal geometry of Riemann surfaces, whereas boundedness is an invariant concept, so long as attention is restricted to functions.) theorem of this The first general type in higher dimensions is due to Yau [28], and asserts the nonexistence of nonconstant bounded harmonic functions on complete manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature. Negative curvature produces the opposite effect, as may be discerned from the harmonic analysis of the hypern 1H. bolic space functions, L Although this space has no 2 harmonic it admits many bounded harmonic functions--in fact, by a Poisson-type representation theorem, there is one corresponding to each continuous function on aBH n Sn-1_ (and others with less regular boundary values). Much attention over the past several years has focused on the Laplacian of complete negatively curved manifolds, and some quite general results have been obtained. Let us discuss some of these, first for the Laplacian on funcHere the concern is only with bounded harmonic tions. functions since there are no nontrivial n dom u E L2 fact, if A ones. L2 In is harmonic, an integration by parts-which relies on the completeness of the lack of a boundary term-implies that M to ensure du = 0. is constant, and must vanish if the volume of M Thus u is infinite. atures is simply connected and has all sectional curv- M If asserts that each p C M. infinity, theorem of Cartan-Hadamard negative, then the KM S.,9 exp : T M -pp M is a diffeomorphism for It is possible to define a sphere at for such manifolds, cf. Eberlein-O'Neill [15]. Each point x E S. to one another, and these are said geodesics all asymptotic to converge to x. S. is identified with a set of itself is the aggregate of such mutually asymptotic classes of geodesics. natural topology which makes M = M U S. There is a into a compact topological manifold with boundary (in fact, a disc). for any asymptotic Dirichlet problem may then be posed: given continuous function on M f on S., The u find a function which is harmonic and assumes the boundary values asymptotically. f It should be remarked that it is insuffi- cient merely to require lim u(-Y(t)) = f(x) t -W for any geodesic T(t) converging to x E So,; the convergence must occur in the topology of stronger than this instead, M, which is 'radial' convergence. This asymptotic Dirichlet problem was posed by Choi in [7] and partially solved. For various technical reasons one must assume that the sectional curvatures are bounded away from zero: KM -a2 < 0. Choi proved the result with this hypothesis, but also assuming a convexity condition at infinity-namely that for two distinct points x, y E SW there are disjoint geodesically convex neighbourhoods U , This extra condition is y E U . with x E U , y x y Mike Anderson finished unnecessary when M is a surface. U the proof [1] by showing that if there is a two-sided bound on curvature, -b2 < KM ( convexity condition. result a2 < 0, M then satisfies the Sullivan independently proved the [27] using probabilistic methods. M This positive resolution has the consequence that carries many bounded harmonic functions. In fact, the asymptotic maximum principle of Yau asserts that, in this situation, the infimum and supremum of So, hence coincide with those of f. u are attained on At this juncture it is reasonable to seek a Poisson-type representation formula. This was accomplished in Anderson-Schoen [3]. Their paper also addresses a quite interesting and relevant question: namely, to what extent may sidered a smooth manifold? M be con- Inasmuch as there is a S M in the tangent p one may form the composite map homeomorphism between the unit sphere S0., space at any point and T pq : S p and study its regularity. -M S0 S M q Anderson and Schoen prove that a, this map is Hlder continuous with exponent a/b depending only on the curvature bounds. with a = Little else is known one way or the other about this question, though it seems likely that ever, T is rarely C . We note, how- the result of Fefferman [16] concerning the Bergman metric in the interior of a smoothly bounded strictly pseudoconvex domain. This metric has asymptotically constant holomorphic sectional curvatures, and he proves in (which is only defined locally) is C ; pq the map from S M to the boundary of the domain is p T that each fact, C. Finally, on a spectral note, it is also known that the spectrum of the Laplacian (on functions) is contained in the interval M (n-1) 2 2 a /4,co), cf. McKean [21]. In addi- (is simply connected and) has sectional curva- tion, if tures tending uniformly to its Laplacian has pure -o, point spectrum, cf. Donnelly-Li [13]. Much less is known about the Laplacian acting on differential forms. Hodge Of course, when M is compact the theorem provides topological meaning to the dimension of the space of harmonic forms in each degree. When M is complete but noncompact, it is natural to allow the Laplacian to act on L 2fQk = f the space of L2 Ek = F(AkM) : k-forms over 1w1 2 < , The subspace of harmon- M. ic forms is denoted k ={ Recall that EL2nk wE dom A n dom means A Aw = 0}. dw E L2 Qk+1, EL 2 k-1 and 2 k d6w E L 2k. 6dw, The (by now) classical theorem of Andreotti-Vesentini [4] allows one to integrate by parts, as on a compact manifold, to deduce that Ik = provided dom A 9k M if L2Qk (wE is complete. w E L 2k : dw = 6( = 0} Notice that this implies Aw = 0 and pointwise. the Hodge cohomology space of degree w E We shall call k. Another similar, but perhaps more widely studied, space is the L2Hk = cohomology space of degree {w E L2Qk : d Since each Ik L2 (o E 9k > L2 Hk = 0}/d{7 E L 2k-1 k: : dr is closed, there is a natural map for each k. However, unlike the compact setting, the two spaces are rarely isomorphic. their E L2 k A gauge of relationship is afforded by Kodaira's weak Hodge decomposition [9]: L 2k = d{L 2k-1 n dom d} @ 6{L 2Qk which is valid quite generally. wise orthogonal. Wk From this ~ {w E L 2 Qk n dom 6} D Wk The summands here are pair- it is easy to see that : dw = 0}/d{L2Qk-1 n dom d} Ik whence the map L2 k - is always injective. Furthermore, the two spaces coincide precisely when the range of d L2 The is closed. cohomology will rarely be mentioned again. The bulk of this dissertation is devoted to the computation of Ak pected for quite a while that if is simply connected, M and its sectional curvatures satisfy then most of the harmonic spaces It It has been sus- for a certain class of manifolds. *k a2 < 0, -b2 < KM should be trivial. is straightforward to do the necessary calculations n 1n, for the hyperbolic space or in fact for any complete rotationally symmetric manifold (which need not satisfy the curvature constraints), following conclusion: of + IR, such a manifold has 0 CS to arrive at the see Dodziuk [10], if in polar coordinates the metric the form ds 2 = dr 2 + f(r) 2 2 dG2, r n-1 ,then 1 if k = 0, n f(r)n-1 dr < 0 and %0 if k = n/2 and dim Ik = 0 <O otherwise. The first line simply asserts that constant functions are in L2 iff the volume of M is finite. The second is E more interesting; it reflects the fact that both the kernel n/2. invariants on that M norm are conformal L2 of the coboundary operator and the the integral means The finiteness of is conformally equivalent to a Euclidean disc of introduce finite radius: radial variable. R(r) = exp Jrr dt ft) as the new Then one only need note that there cer- tainly is an infinite dimensional family of smooth harmonic forms on such a disc. It is striking that in this proposition, the important geometric feature is the growth of the metric rather than This is unexpected since the spaces the curvature. :k implicitly depend on the derivatives of the metric, by way of the coefficients of the Laplacian. equivalent to g, c1 g g' c 2 g, domain different than that for C2 close to g. g If g' is uniformly then its Laplacian has unless g' is uniformly In contradistinction, the spaces are patently stable under C0 such a L2 Hk perturbation of the metric. Further support for the conjectured vanishing of Hodge cohomology outside of the middle degree(s) was given by the discovery of Donnelly-Xavier [14] that, so long as vature is (negative and) tightly enough pinched, e(n,k), 1/2. then Ak = 0 for all k such that the curIa/b-1| Ik-n/21 > Donnelly-Fefferman [12] extended the method to show that for the Bergman metric of a strictly pseudoconvex < domain in Cn, k where splits as O Cqp+q=k then ', p + q # n dim Wpfq p + q = n - Recall that the Bergman metric has holomorphic sectional curvatures asymptotically constant at the boundary of the domain. It was thus quite surprising when Mike Anderson [2] constructed counterexamples to the conjecture; simply connected manifolds with which Xk thermore, KM -b2 there exist -a2 is infinite dimensional for any given < 0 k. for Fur- it is seen that the curvature pinching ratio of Donnelly-Xavier is sharp. Many questions are thereby raised dealing with how one might recognize the negatively curved manifolds with suitable vanishing of the harmonic spaces. It appears that the key to this problem lies in the (intrinsic) regularity of the sphere at infinity. ifolds for which S., The characterization of those man- is smoothly attached is very likely quite difficult, so a first step might be to a priori assume some regularity at infinity. Among the many forms this assumption could take, we pursue the course of considering manifolds with metric differing from that of the interior of a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary by a singular conformal factor; these we call conformally compact. boundary, Consider the metric aM dp IBM s 0). (so that 8M g = p-2h. has the effect of pushing to see that, am, a metric nondegenerate and smooth up to h a function defining p and be a compact manifold with M More explicitly, let The singular factor p-2 It is not hard to infinity. like the Poincar6 metric on the unit ball after which it is patterned, this metric is complete and, There are aM. more importantly, negatively curved near other ways to produce metrics with 'inverse-square asymptotics' and the correct geometry. In particular, the Bergman metric is obtained as the complex Hessian of c log(S p n-1 + with *i., *2 smooth, tance to the boundary. 02 = 0.) h 1 2 log p) $1 (For the unit ball, p But, were it to be written as then partially degenerates at in the directions of the Our principal result Theorem (4.8): p nonvanishing, and CR aM -in the dis= 1 the metric h, fact, precisely TaM. bundle in is the For the metric g = p 2 h and on M, described above, there are natural isomorphisms as k <n-i kM,6M) Ik k Ak ~ Hk n+l w E Ik obtained by sending a (necessarily closed) form By virtue of conformal its de Rham class. is infinite dimensional when k = n/2. A , g L2 (dg). I - and its adjoint Q where = Q, Q A E g such that E a pseudodifferential operator A E Ik invariance, This is proved by constructing a parametrix for i.e. to = I - Q are compact and smoothing on From a fairly explicit knowledge of the Schwartz Q kernels of and Q , it is possible to deduce the boundary asymptotics of elements of k Ik. This, in turn, A allows the isomorphisms of the theorem to be proved. closely related 'Poisson' operator solves the asymptotic Dirichlet problem, but due to constraints of time and space this will not be developed here. E The main difficulty in the construction of from the fact that the principal symbol of quadratically at therefore have a corner of M x M. 8M. fairly complicated degenerates A The Schwartz kernel of arises E must singularity at the The systematic introduction of singular coordinates at this corner allows one to adequately 'resolve' this singularity. In effect, the degeneracies are transferred from the Schwartz kernel of the operator in question to the geometry of the new 'blown up' manifold which replaces M x M. This type of construction was first developed by Melrose [22] to deal with differential operators degenerating somewhat less considered here. thoroughly than the ones Melrose-Mendoza [23] studies that class of operators further, in particular proving Fredholm properties for the elliptic elements. Both that work and the present one are part of a more general construction, to be contained in the, as yet mythical, Melrose-Mendoza [24]-from which inspiration for the following pages comes. The interest in these methods as presented here lies perhaps in the ease of their applicability to a natural geometric question (albeit in a somewhat artificial setting). It seems likely that similar techniques will prove effective in other related geometric problems. For in- stance, Mazzeo-Melrose [20] employs essentially the same construction as here to deduce the meromorphic extension of the resolvent and Eisenstein series for certain quotients of Hn This paper is organized as follows. The first chapter examines conformally compact manifolds from a differential geometric point of view. Their curvature is seen to have fairly simple behaviour, and in particular is negative at Asymptotics of infinity. the geodesics are also studied, and it is shown that in a special case the ideal boundary has an intrinsic regularity structure. ter, operator calculus is developed, including V the In the second chapL2 continuity of its elements, and the parametrix construction In Chapter 3, a certain model for is outlined. analyzed. In these circumstances this model A is is nothing but the (constant curvature) hyperbolic Laplacian; however we require some rather unusual mapping properties of it. Finally, the hard work now complete, the actual construction and proof of the Main Theorem are contained in the last chapter. brief In conclusion we recall an old conjecture of Heinz Hopf's, for it has stimulated much of the work directed toward the computation of folds. Xk on negatively curved mani- One formulation of the classical uniformization theorem classifies surfaces by which constant curvature metric they admit. Motivated both by this and the higher- dimensional Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, Hopf proposed the generalization: Conjecture: If M2 m is compact and admits a metric with strictly negative sectional curvatures, then (-1)mz M) > 0. The corresponding query for compact flat manifolds is trivial, and the one for compact manifolds of positive curvature is likewise unresolved. The proposed methods of proof are quite different for the positive and negative cases; in the positive case much work has been devoted toward showing that the Gauss-Bonnet integrand-the Pfaffian-is pointwise positive. hopeless task by Geroch [17] This was shown to be a (who gives a local counter- example) and Bourgouignon-Karcher [6] (who give a global one). Following a similar pattern of history, Anderson's counterexample [2] likewise dashed hopes that the negative case could be resolved by settling the hopefully less complicated issue of determining the L2 harmonic spaces on complete noncompact negatively curved manifolds. In fact, Singer had suggested that combining Atiyah's index theorem for covers [5] with suitable vanishing of the Hodge cohomology would settle Hopf's conjecture. This index theorem equates the alternating sum of the Betti numbers of M, a compact manifold which of course is just the Euler characteristic, with the alternating sum of certain Betti numbers on the universal cover Y(M) = F = w 1 (M). These (-1)kbk(M) = b L2 M: (-1)( k( are nothing but the (normalized) dimension of the negative k Wk = 0 M for is simply connected, if one could show that k A m = pullback metric on x(M ) = The that 1 M, dim M for the negatively curved it follows that F (-1)kb(M) = (-1)mb are always nonnegative, and it is not hard to show bk b Thus, since if the curvature is Xk. m is strictly positive, so the conjecture is proved. This method of proof does work when the curvature is close to being constantand in particular when hyperbolic-by virtue of Donnelly-Xavier's work. M is We remark also that Anderson's counterexamples are not universal covers of compact manifolds since their isometry groups have no cocompact subgroups. true Thus it may well still be that such periodic covering manifolds have vanishing Hodge cohomology outside the middle degree, but to prove this would likely be quite difficult. question that warrants attention. It is, I think, a Chapter A. 1. Conformally Compact Metrics Definitions The interior of a compact manifold with boundary M may be endowed with a complete Riemannian metric, and thus becomes a complete open manifold. that The general effect is is placed at infinity; geodesics take an infinite 8M time to reach it. The seminal example, and model, n Bn. is the Poincar6 metric on the unit ball for us In local coordinates near the boundary the components of the metric become arbitrarily large. The rate of this blow-up is essentially fixed by balancing the requirements that the metric be complete and that its sectional curvatures be negative and bounded away from zero near aM. Explicitly, suppose h is a nondegenerate smooth metric on the (closed) manifold (1.1) M. p is a defining function for P~ (0) = BM, and dp OM: p 0, is nonvanishing on N"BM\O and set g = p -h, a > 0. Then, from computations in sections B and C of this chapter 23 it will follow that g is complete for a > 2, whereas its sectional curvatures are bounded above by a negative constant only when a < 2. to negative infinity if a In fact the curvature diverges is strictly less than 2. This thesis focuses on a study of the analytic properties of g = p (1.2) 2 h 8M, which is both complete and negatively curved near in particular of its Laplacian. that and Let us however mention there are other examples of metrics of this general form which are both complete and negatively curved, but which are not "conformally compact"-i.e. as in (1.2) with p and ple, h satisfying the hypotheses of (1.1). the Bergman metric on the unit ball in correct geometry (and there is a vanishing Cn For examhas the theorem for its Hodge cohomology), but in Cartesian coordinates it blows up as in directions converging to the complex (-Iz12)-1 subbundle of TB n (1|z| 2 )-2 only in the other It would be quite interesting to under- two directions. stand the ways and as p and h could degenerate so that p2 h still is complete and of bounded geometry. This chapter is devoted to a discussion of the geometry of (M,g), g as in (1.2). In particular, we examine the behaviour of diverging geodesics fairly thoroughly, as well as asymptotic properties of the curvature tensor. computations use addition, C (M). must B. p and g = (p)- 2 2h h routinely, but note that, E g therefore be invariant under such a transformation. Geodesics at Infinity 1 zn = 0 such that inward pointing z 8/azn is 1 n-i ) (z ,-,z = p E near a point on the boundary and h-unit normal. the are It is more convenient to work BM. then coordinates on n (z ,---,zn) Introduce coordinates OM in * for any strictly positive formulae for the geometric quantities of All All with the co-geodesic flow, the equations for which, in terms of -i z (1.3) - = -P _g 1 p _p are 2 ijE f =p h 2 Bh pq 1 pq h f p q iz Here all f ,---,n and the dual coordinates z 1 - - 2 h_ 2 Bz 1 ' f p q i 1 ~ 2 indices vary between p and n, the summation convention on repeated indices is used, and attention is restricted to the energy surface p h (1.4) 1. = Notice that (1.4) implies Ci, |f C1 /p (1.5) C2 /p _ 2 2 1I +---+ E2 n* depend only on the largest and largest eigenvalues C2 h'3 . of the matrix Now consider a maximally extended geodesic (z i(t),---,zn t)) and suppose p(r(O)) < e, where e r(t) zn(O) < 0 -r is, of course, the is sufficiently small. projection of a Hamiltonian curv ,e which solves (1.3). 1 n (z ,---,z , y,---,fn) By virtue c f the choice of coordi- nates, Op/8z for some C i = = ai(z)p(z), functions is smooth up to 8M. I.,***,n-1, and in particular ai, Using (1.5) i t. 1 = 0(1) = i n p1 Op/Oz in (1.3) one concludes 1,---,n-1 (1.6) -k1/p ap/azn > 0 -k2 26 k1 , k 2 where If (1.7) Lemma: and e > 0 depend only on We first prove e. is a geodesic as described above, r(t) then is sufficiently small, -n(t) < 0 for all t > 0. By (1.3) Proof: a the sum in then hnn n; zn n 1 is from F(0) < 0 na By (1.5) and (1.3), nn 2 na n) a + h p (h 2 ni p h Set n-1. to where F(t) = h na + by assumption, and we compute +hnnn a z = h a i + Pz O(p) so i a + Bhnn z + 8 i n -na z fa, z n are 0(1). Thus F'(t) = h nnn + 0(1) where C < h nt + C again depends only on the metric but not on By applying the bound (1.6) and assuming e is small enough we may ensure that n(t) where K < -K is chosen so that zn (t) if - < zn(O) -K + C < -1. 2 Now set -r. 27 t0 = inf{t If 0 < t < t0 Finally, if > 0 : n (t) zn(t) < zn(O), then hnn > 1/2 in {z > 0}. so En(t) < -K. p(z) < e}, we conclude that + C < -1 hnn n + C ( -!K 2 F'(t) for all zn(t0) (1.8) 0 < t < t0 . < 0, g Proposition: < 0, F(t 0 ) < F(O) < 0, i.e. a contradiction. particular, if z (0) Hence and is a complete metric. is a geodesic with 7(t) p(-Y(O)) Y is small enough, then e In < e, can be extended to infinite length. Proof: First observe that the function zn of our coordinate system may be defined on a collar neighbourhood of the full boundary. On this neighbourhood there is a product metric k = (zn -2 h lm + (d(nh2i Clearly for some c, g > ck. This implies that clzn|/zn = -cZn/zn |r'(t)|1 1 = tt 4 t = |t'(r)| (-c) Z (T) dT dT Z(T) 0 0 which by Lemma (1.7) reduces to n ()dn t > c = c log(zn(o),z (t)). z n (t) 0, zn (t) tends to infinity as t In other words, has infinite length. i and consequently Notice that completeness still obtains if n -a (zn)-, replaced by tends to in a > 2, proof is modified accordingly. k (zn)- 2 is and the rest of the Now, as might be hoped, it is also true that geodesics approach definite points of the boundary. More is true: boundary as t tends to a definite point of the -(t) (1.9) Proposition: o. - Furthermore, taking Proof: Since / 8 zn n - at the boundary. -n, we may use nonsingular parameter, and then as the new tangent to the variable, the reparametrized geodesic is h-unit normal zn in as a 29 Oz /8f n p2 h = f./(-2 = p 3 h 'j i = 1,---,n-1, = pn p 3 /(-2pn p/Oz n -(t) + O(p)) = O(p2 ), From (1.5) it follows that C -2 |Bzj/afn I Hence + 0(1)) n-1 1 (zo ,---zW ,0), tends to i Z0 + z zi(t) t 0 z (0) + = where (Blz/afn Oan En (0) is well-defined since the integral converges. Next, (1.5) and (1.6) En -C/p, * Ofn/t Recalling that integrates to < 0, imply n kn , 2-k2 k > 0. this differential inequality 30 < -Ce a = O(1), On the other hand, |fa(t)| a = 1,---,n-1, and thus < Ct. Finally, dz i/dzn n = h estimates above, dz i/dz C. Ei./Phnj + hin hna(Ea /f n) a n + hnn a 0, fa 2h n) hia By assumption _ hnn 0. n --- 1, and by the We conclude that > 0. Curvature Asymptotics The conformally compact metric g of (1.2) is patently modelled on the Poincar6 metric on the unit ball in IRn The obvious desire is that much of the well understood hyperbolic geometry (and analysis) will be reflected in this more general setting. Indeed, this is the case with geodesic behaviour at infinity, as we have demonstrated in the last section. sectional curvatures of g It is also true that the are negative when p is small; there is a well defined limiting curvature tensor in fact is isotropic. OM for which -Y(t) tion at The sectional curvatures in any direc- p E OM. approaches tend to (8p/8zn) (p) - > o. t as h-unit normal to is the i 8 zn Here, as usual, be a geodesic which '-(t) Let (1.10) Proposition: BM at p. this proposition implies BM, on 0 pn Since Remark: that the sectional curvatures are bounded between two negative constants in some collar neighbourhood of the boundAlso, recall from the end of section A that we may ary. + function for any strictly positive by 02 h, h Op, by p replace g. without altering The quantity invariant under this transformation at new '2h-unit normal is -1 0 a (Op) nn z Proof: nates a/azn -1 9ao/az p = pn n + 0 is Indeed, the and at p = 0. For the duration of the proof only, we use coordin 1 (z ,.--,z) for which ,n-1, which are normal with respect to corresponds p orthogonal to 1,- = p 0 p = 0. ap/azn BM at p. ap/zn (p) > 0. to 0, Thus and and such that ap/az i(p) = 0, a/azn i = h, is 32 h.. 13 Set = log p, u = 6.. Notice that 13 of g u with subscripts on Tk derivatives, and denote by h. .. + O(|zI). 13 referring to z the Christoffel symbols of F ii = O(Iz|). The Christoffel symbols are k Ti (1.11) = ~k k u u6 - k ekh h + Insert these into the formula exp ressing the components of the curvature tensor in terms of the A straightforward but me ssy calculation shows that atives. R + Here -2 .. = p-{R i.. 131l iji~j Ivu| 2 (6.13.-1) - 1 11 2u.u 6 1j 2u ij 6. ij + u 22 ij ja . + u. + O(|x| )}. and assume i p Substitute h. ui = 2 + u. + uii - are components of the curvature tensor for R, R respectively R. .. and their deriv- F's R =2PP u=pp = p /p, j .. p 2 2 -pu/p to get + p { - Ivp| 2 + p 2 0(|z1 2 )}. g, 33 Therefore, the sectional curvature in the vpI R-2 t n]2 - LznJ (h..h. .-h . ) 311 ja3 p as 2 plane is i-j C. -+ It is easy to follow through this proof using the metric k F.. for any p ah, a > 0, Indeed, the new instead. are obtained from those for a = 2 by replacing u 13 au. with The sectional curvature in the i-j plane now becomes 2 aP7 - -1 a-2 2 a2a 2 1p (p p +p ) + 2p (-2 vp 2 + F({1)p +p + O(pU). This substantiates the claim of section A that only when is the curvature bounded between two negative con- a = 2 stants near D. BM. Boundary Regularity By their very definition, conformally compact mani- folds have Co compactifications, but it is quite unclear to what extent this regularity is g. intrinsic to the metric In the present section we partially resolve this issue. Geometric regularity of an 'ideal' boundary is natu- rally gauged by the asymptotic properties of diverging geodesics. In this particular setting, let be a geodesic ray emanating from p p E M and i(t) and tending toward the 34 boundary. Define : w V lim exp -- This maps a neighbourhood of sphere in to T pM) 8M. r'(0) Since (tw). p t-+) p g in (the unit S M p has negative curvature bounded away from zero in the cone around r(t), sults of Eberlein-O'Neill [15] imply that vP homeomorphism. on the re- is a local To impose an intrinsic smoothness structure it is sufficient to show that the composition maps 8M > S M all possess a certain fixed regularS M 'ir q p q p Anderson-Schoen [3] prove quite generally that each ity. V ~ such map is Ca, where the H~lder exponent only on the upper and lower curvature bounds. a depends Here, how- ever, we are able to strengthen this considerably, but only with the strong proviso that the limiting sectional curvature function on bourhood of 8M - r (-'(0)) = (p/zn )2 r.. is constant in a neigh- This bears marked resemblance to Fefferman's analogous result [16] for the Bergman metric of a strictly pseudoconvex domain, in which case the curvature is asymptotically constant along the whole boundary. I do not yet understand how essential this hypothesis is for conformally compact metrics. (1.12) Proposition: that - (ap/azn )2 Suppose, for the metric g = p 2h, is constant on a neighbourhood of 35 Tr (-,'(O)) = 7. 7'(0) E S M p in 8M. Proof: aM. in Then maps a neighbourhood of r diffeomorphically to a neighbourhood of The technique, inspired by [16], rize the geodesic equations (1.3) is to reparamet- so as to obtain a nonsing- ular system on a finite interval. It is convenient to hnn = 1, han = 0. choose coordinates so that the following, we assume all Greek indices between 1,---,n. 1 and i,j,---- while n, (1.13) 2va za n 1 v ,---,v -n Here and in a,Iv,-r-- vary take the values p(-r(O)) By renormalizing we also assume Introduce new functions -r, = 1. by n so that (1.14) va = hap n = n' From the relationship (1.4) we have p 2h n 2 =1. + (v) v v af3 By differentiating (1.14) and using this last equation, a bit of algebra shows that the v satisfy 36 -a v Oz ~13 h Bz Yn 83haP n 2 6 hap v -r6 v + phP = p h P5OIf (1.15) happ -n v h p 2 a n 2 = pp v v h zn a T 'zP C a ( P pnhap V V af ah 1 3 2 p h pah~ aCZn Now introduce hap ahp C vr v v The resulting as the new parameter. equations of motion are dza/dz n (1.16) a dv /d z - n hap a n h ap =ph P6 ph h hap pp 2 v 2 1 - n _ (2 vn dvn/dzn = p va - Y 6 h yt y /vn + z p hap ah" vCv /Vn /vn _h h a ahhap3 P3r aIz n AV h a P n a vp azn These equations are nearly regular, the obstructions being only the vn factors in the denominators and the third summand in the equation for va. However, from (1.14) and the proof of (1.9) we have the a priori bound 0 > -c1 where c , c2 ) vn -c2 2 - are independent of the particular geodesic. This resolves the former difficulty; write p(z) function g, a(z') The coefficient is naturally associated with the metric aplazn being simply when b = O((zn )2). = a(z')zn + b, a(z') as for the other one 0 p . Hence = O(p 2) is locally constant, and in this case precisely p /p2 is smooth. Since we already know that solutions of (1.16) exist zn = 0, down to the standard theory for ordinary differ- ential equations-in particular, smooth dependence on ini- tial conditions-implies that the map (z'(0),v(0)) -- from the initial values at t - W Iv(0)| = 1 is a C - t = 0 (z ,v ) to limiting values as diffeomorphism from the energy surface Of course we need to show that to its image. Vw-(0) : v(0) - z 38 is a diffeomorphism. It has already been noted that 7 is known to be a homeomorphism, so it suffices to prove that its differential is nonzero. If To this end a Jacobi field argument is natural. M w E T is orthogonal to then essentially by -r'(0), definition dir () (w) = lim J te ) Here is the Jacobi field along J w(t) J,(0) = 0, (t). w w such that It satisfies the equation J'(0) = w. J" -'(t) + R(J ,), = w 0. By calculations very similar to those in section C, the components of tor R0 and of the corresponding curvature opera- for the metric of constant curvature blow up as O(p 2), R p -2. -a2 Furthermore, using strongly that both p = it is also the case that |R-RO| = 0(1). Hence, by the clude that J technique of asymptotic integration we congrows at the same rate as constant curvature Jacobi field basis 1/ - n a/az ,*'8/z ,this J 0 . w the corresponding With respect to the latter field 39 tends to a finite nonzero limit as t - O. Thus does also, and the proof is complete. E. Laplace's Operator This chapter concludes with a calculation to express the action of the Laplacian for the metric ential OM, and on differ- We use, now and for the rest of this paper, forms. coordinates g n 1 (z ,.--,Z ) a/azn the with z n vanishing simply at h-unit normal there. With the hindsight of experience, the metric on (1.17) < , >g = p2k< A kM h is best regarded as a nondegenerate metric on singular k-forms. Introduce the space of sections (dzi p over T * M. dn p In the next chapter we shall define a new vec- tor bundle for which these are nonsingular sections. any rate, k-fold wedge products of these basis for AkM 1-forms give a over any point of the interior. combinations of these basis forms may be written ~01 At Smooth ~% M. is a genuinely smooth form on w where If T1 = p -k T, then 7 gW = <W(q>, A W it is g more convenient to study the induced operation on w: w Instead of studying the operation (1.18) A (p k) g = p - k -k P = pA p. g PW, Much of the 'hard' analysis later will focus on determining the mapping properties of a simpler operator which models P. Now, since there is a factorization k -k+1 )( P = (p dp it 6 g k-1 6 g p -k ) + (p k6 gp -k-1 )(p k+1 is easier to first calculate the conjugates of First, then, . j-1 dpAw) p j+1 (p -j dw-jp -j j+1 p pa= (1.19) = As for pdw - jdp A w. the adjoint, use duality: dp -k d ) and >hp j-ndh <d, <dTa, p do)> dg = =f =f h <, j-nW)>hdh <7, 6 h( j-n W)> p2-2j+ndg (7, p-j+1 j-form for any W and j-1-form = pPj -1 S 6 p -j p j-nW]> dg In other words Ti. n-j+16 = n-j+16hP j-n Sh Furthermore, for any metric 6(f-a) = f~a = Combining p these 1 P t vf a. last two formulae yields = pn-j+1 (Pj-n h-(j-n)p j-n-1 Lv (1.20) = Here vp Finally, p6hw + (n-j)uy(. is the gradient of (1.19) and (1.20) computation, show that p with respect together, along with a bit of 42 Pw = P 2 Ah& + (2-k)pdp (1.21) L vp = dc vp + L A Shw - kp6h(dpAw) + (n-k)pL w - 2pt + (n-2k)dp A t e VP d dw - k(n-k-1)yp (dp)o is the Lie derivative. The Calculus of V 0 Pseudodifferential Operators Chapter 2. A. Vo Vector Fields The only distinguished submanifold of a manifold with boundary M Related to this is the ob- is its boundary. servation that the ring of differential operators has two natural subrings of geometric origin: Diffb(M) The former is the space of operators which Diff 0 (M). and Diff(M) are sums of products of vector fields, unrestricted in the interior but required to lie tangent to the boundary-the so-called totally characteristic vector fields, analogously using the at 8M. Both Vb The latter space is defined V of which is denoted and the class Vo-vector fields, the ones vanishing are Lie algebras under the V usual bracket operation for vector fields. Diffb(M) the related space of totally *b(M), and characteristic pseudodifferential operators, were introduced and studied by R. Melrose in [22]; [23] contains further developments. Melrose-Mendoza It is the purpose of this chapter to define and examine the ring pseudodifferential operators generalizing % 0 (M) of Diff 0 (M). Much of the material here derives from information gleaned during conversations with Richard Melrose. If usual z = (y,x) E type, with is generated as a zn n-1 x [+ = x) are coordinates of the vanishing on C (M)-module by OM, then V0 44 zn a ,---,zn zl (2.1) a Bzn Thus a typical element of Diffm(M) (2.2) aa(z)(zn aa P = has an expression |aIsm The (modified) Laplacian of a conformally compact metric (1.21) lies in 2 Diff 0 (M). Associated to V0 diffeomorphisms of M is the group composed of those which fix nential of a vector field in V0 aM pointwise. The expo- belongs to this group. Any diffeomorphism induces a linear action on the tangent space of one of its fixed points. aM and Mp In particular, if is the inward pointing half of a member T pM, T M p of this class induces a linear transformation on which preserves (2.3) where now M (x,y) -- (x,y) p . Such a map is of the form (sx,y+xu) s E R + , u are linear coordinates on order reversed from the previous paragraph). note this R+ with p E C R M n-1 p Let 81M p (with the Gp de- linear group which is the semidirect product of Rn-1. Its composition and inverse laws are 45 = (s,u)-(t,v) (st, tu+v) (2.4) (s,u) -1 -1 -1 (s ,-s u) = (2.3) should be recognized as the left action of itself. G on p In addition, the vector fields in (2.1) are the For future infinitesimal generators for this action. reference let us record the right action, along with its invariant vector fields (x,y) - (s (x,y).(s,u) = - x --- -1 x,s -1 (y-u)) (2.5) It - y ' G = ANK S = AN Furthermore, the hyperbolic. Gp in the Iwasawa decompo- of the group of hyperbolic isometries: G = SOO(1,n), fields n-1J is interesting and significant to identify with the solvable subgroup sition ' A S = + IR , N = n-1 IR = ,K invariant metric on Thus, the introduction of the G/K V0 SO(n). ~ Mp is vector leads rather inexorably to constant negative curva- ture geometry. 46 In order to view convenient to define the bundle, vector tangent bundle V0 0TM as that sections of which are precisely the C the somewhat more globally it is V0 V0 fields V0 r( = TM). This way of constructing a bundle will be used several later on, so we pause to elaborate briefly in this times 0T The individual fibre case. alence relation on V, V' is obtained by an equiv- M V V E V0; 0 Vf = V'f p p V' +=* p V f E C (M), p C 6M; d(V-V')f = 0 V f E CM(M), p E aM. (2.1) tions; 0 TM. exhibits a spanning set of sections with no rela- The dual bundle bundle structure on C these determine a unique is also quite useful. 0T*M A basis of sections here, dual to the vector fields of (2.1), (2.6) dz - z dzn -, n z n = d dx - xx is has a well defined symbol, Diffo(M) An operator in which is a homogeneous polynomial of degree If 0T*M. fibres of P is written as 0 am(P)(z,C) (2.7) m on the in (2.2), then aa(z)(a = |a|=m zn a/az i.e. each is replaced by terms are discarded. and lower order C Invariance follows by continuity from the interior. The operator P is elliptic in this calculus if oam(P)(z, C) The Laplacian (1.21) Our goal = 0 4* C = 0. is elliptic in this extended sense. in this paper is to prove Fredholm properties for this particular operator acting on certain weighted spaces. tic V L2 The general theory applies of course to any ellipdifferential operator. In the study of Diff 0 (M), as in the usual theory of standard differential operators, it is important to understand simpler models of operators in this class. interior of M In the these are obtained by freezing the coeffi- cients so as to obtain constant coefficient operators on each tangent space, also discarding all but the top order terms, exactly as usual. able since aa z This last reduction is justifi- is 'stronger' when lal = m than when 48 |ai < Gp modelled more effectively by a certain ator on M p, which we call will be P on the boundary, p At a point m. invariant oper- the normal operator N p(P). zn = 0 Its definition is suggested by the fact that near az zi Bz are all equally strong. k > |ai , zn [zn 0 n 6 1 [zn 6_ a and each Oz azi However, any (zn)k[_ a with is dominated by one of these operators, hence weaker. Motivated by these observations we describe a procedure to define (2.43) is differential. P when N p(P) further on contains a more general definition for pseudoWe require first the notion of a differential operators. normal fibration at a neighbourhood T M p T p E aM. of This is a diffeomorphism from of ' to a neighbourhood p such that f(p) = 0, f(T) C M , f(6qI) C am4, f* 0 = Id. Such a map is readily constructed using for example the geodesic flow of a metric for which geodesic. (2.8) aM is totally Then N (P)u = lim (Rr) f r-+0 ** -1 ** ) (R1/r) u P(f 0 E where R z moment by z is dilation by the factor r on M, induced P then from (2.8) one may easily check '. n 86za - Np(a(z) (2.10) N p(P-Q) = N p(P)-N p(Q), zn These formulae show that B. Letting, for the denote the linear coordinates on (2.9) Diffo(M) r. to the G = a(0) zn Np M aa _ , p = {z = 0} P, Q E Diff 0 (M) is a homomorphism from operators on (left)-invariant p M . p The Stretched Product Construction Any attempt to construct a pseudodifferential inverse for an elliptic P E Diff 0 (M) must reconcile itself with the rather complete degeneracy of P at aM. In partic- ular, the Schwartz kernel of such an inverse must possess a singularity somewhat more severe than usual at the submanifold where the diagonal of am x am. M x M intersects the corner In order the more thoroughly to display this singularity we shall define the appropriate class of kernels on a slightly larger manifold stretched product of abode; M with itself. M x0 M, the V0 It is their natural the additional singular behaviour is transferred to the geometry of possible here. M x0 M and these kernels are as smooth as 50 M We first examine the product M x has rather more natural structure than more closely. alone. M It Thus there are two natural hypersurfaces, the left and right boundaries ae(MxM) = aM x M, 8r(MxM) = M M These are mapped surjectively to left projections M x M irr and ir., x aM. by the right and respectively, which send onto the right and left factors. They intersect in the corner a,(mxm) n ar(MxM) = am x aM. Finally, the fixed point set of the involution interchanges the two factors of This, ,?At . I is the diagonal M which AL. in turn, is bounded by the diagonal of the corner &I VO-pseudodifferen- As noted earlier, the kernels of tial operators should exhibit a singularity at aAL greater than their customary conormal one along the whole diagonal. to the V This new behaviour is best exhibited by passing stretched product have a certain extension property. fined by taking the real blow-up of or where these kernels M x0 M This manifold is deBAL, around M x M to put it more familiarly, by introducing polar coordi- nates around this submanifold. formed from the disjoint union of is M x0 M Abstractly (MxM)\OAL and SN++8AL, the closed inward pointing sector of the spherical normal bundle to unique C 8At. [25] contains a proof that M x0 M has a structure such that the blow-down map Mx b : M x0 M - (2.11) M defined as the identity away from the new face, and as the bundle projection on SN++BAc, is smooth and of rank along this new face. (= dim 8AL) n-1 We shall content our- selves by relying on coordinate descriptions. Using the coordinates M (x,y) on the first factor of in the product, and an identical pair (xy) on the second, then AL = {x = x, y = y}, 8AC = {x = x = 0, y = y} 52 Let Y = y - y, and define the singular coordinate system (R,w,y) (2.12) R = [x 2 + Y2 + x 2] /2 R O , n E S++ R~ = (j {W E - n+1 wo0 so (,Y,X) Wn ( n) = > 0} that x = RwO, x = Rw (2.13) y = y + Rw'. This system lifts to be sion one boundary, where The original C on R = 0, M x0 M. The new codimen- is called the front face. two codimension one boundaries lift to and bottom faces: the top F = {R = 0}, T = = 0} = b~ {(0 ({x = 0})\F (2.14) B = = 0} = b ({x = 0})\F Figur e 2 It M is often easier to picture x M instead as Figure 3 The front face is the loca tion where the analysis of the next chaper takes place. one might first suspect. quarter-sphere bundle over I t has more structure than First and foremost it is a aAt with fibre F p ~ Sn ++ over 54 (p,p), This follows either from (2.12) or its p E OM. intrinsic description as completely natural origin 0 , p also has a Fp Each SN++AtL. F which is where inter- p sects the lifted diagonal At0 (2.15) 0 = F n At 0 =M The bundle of origins rated from R, y ={w = (1/-s2,0,1/%/), In fact 6F. is clearly sepa- 0 8(Mx 0 M) intersects At0 arbitrary}. transversally, and only at the codimension one boundary. This remark indicates the fundamental gain incurred by passing to the stretched product, as we discuss in the next section. The fibre Fp G admits two separate transitive Gp actions in its interior, where is the group of (2.4). The groups x Id, act on the quarter space M G p = G p p Gr =Id p x M p C T x G (p,p) p (MxM), BAt, they also fix T fixes OM (p,p) p p these actions descend first to the normal bundle Since G N B At = T p E aM. hence (MxM) +/T BAL thence to its projectivization SN++aAt 1= F . Because of 0 , p the natural origin either by way of F the action of le Gp or that of corres- Fp I. intertwined by the (lift of the) involution (2.16) Gp on itself, and are G pond to the left or right action of the map on p r Through this identification these actions on ally, G may be identified with p Specific- Mp x Mp ( 2 .1 6) *((x 1 ,y 1 ),(x2'y 2 )) = (xyl)*(2'2 - 1 1 y1 2] 2' x12 is invariant both under dilations and translations by elements of T(BAc). Hence it diffeomorphically identifies F p with G p Then . G p acts as (tv)-((x1 ,y1 ),(x 2 ,y 2 )) = , whereas for (Mp xM p)/T BAL = interior of) the projectivization of (the y -Y2 Lx2 ' x2 x ((tx 1 'y1 +x 1 d, (x2'y 2 )) 1 1 2 2 2 172 Gr p (t,v)-((x 1 ,yl) (x2 ,y2 )) = [1 .- - 1 -1 t x 2' t proving the claim. lY2 x2 -- v] t ((xly = 1 1 ),(tx 2 'y2 +x 2v)) 1Y~2](tv) -1 -,(tv x 2' x2 56 Next we describe the infinitesimal action, which p leads to an important perspective on the nature of F . p (2.17) Lemma: a The vector fields M the left factor of trictions of these M, x xg-, thence to lifts to F G a ay xJ M x0 M on M. lift to The res- lie tangent to each Fp; C -invariant vector fields. p with respect to (i.e. These restricted lifts are in V 0 there they span the space of vanish on) tangent to) be F and in fl T F p space of F 'mixed V 0 Bn fl B - with respect to (i.e. are Finally, the quarter-sphere fl B. regarded as a ball boundary, with Vb Vb' F p may blown up around a point on its as the created face. The full vector fields, generated by the Geinvariant ones described above, is then the lift of p under this blow-up. VO(Bn) Figure 4 Remark: All assertions concerning tangency properties of various lifts in this statement are special cases of a if a general property of the blow-up construction: is a V manifold is blown-up around a submanifold, and lifts on then it vector field tangent to this submanifold, to the new boundary, the blow-up to a vector field tangent which is the pre-image of the submanifold. as in (2.12), on (R,w,y), to M Next, (x,y,x,y) Use the coordinates Proof: x0 Then M. x8 and x M , xa lift to vector fields with the same expression. M x M M on b if is the map of (2.11), then a brief computation shows that n bM(W 2 RBR + -0(0 jB =O 0 }) =xa (2.18) n bX(W 0 WiRaR + oO ~ Wi j=0 8j } i1 Since b - =x ' - is a diffeomorphism on the interior, and all these vector fields are smooth, the vector fields in parentheses here are the unique smooth lifts of Their restrictions to F are x x. xa . n X = ( W0f aw j= 0 j.8 .j=0 JO (2.19) Y. = w 1 0 {a - 0. i 9. =},0 0. = 1,---,n-1. j=0O w8() , These are patently orthogonal to to F. Furthermore, since they contain no F P. are also tangent to each their vanishing at Fp n T The factor where w0 = 0. Y - = 0 hence tangent terms, they 6~ y W0 ensures On the other hand, X-6 (0 at F p fl B, = 0 o where = i 1 (0 is the normal, 8 and so n(0 they are tangent here, as claimed. It is by no means obvious that are It G Rinvariant. convenient is of (2.19) Y and X to therefore use the p projective coordinates of (2.16) (2.20) (x,y),(xy) E MP . u= s = x/x, x These are nonsingular on the interior of neighbourhoods of Notice that F p fl T F bounded away from and even on , fl T F p n B. 59 s=-, 0 u ' - n n Another short calculation now shows that (2.21) X = sas' i = S invariance is obvious. p As for the last assertions of (2.17), first observe from which G q that the blow-up of a ball around a point in its bound- ary is smoothly equivalent to a quarter-sphere. Denote the blow-down map by p:nF B Fp =S++ It carries F sends VO(Bn) F p P F \F p p fl B to q. fl B p n diffeomorphically to Bn\{q}, and We need to verify that the lifts of F vector fields vanish at fl T and lie tangent to fl B. The vanishing is obvious from the bijectivity of near F p fl T; the tangency is proved by essentially the same computation as goes into (2.18), which we leave to the reader to check. (2.22) Definition: full space of at F p fl T Cm This completes E the proof. is the vector bundle over Fp whose sections are the vector fields vanishing and tangent to F p fl B described above. We 60 have shown that P* (T("T(Bn))) = F(E). Our description of the basic natural b aggage carried by concludes with a discussion of certain vector M x0 M bundles we shall be using. density V0 k-form bundles. V bundles and the These are the Let us commence with the density bundl es, as they are density fine then of (1.2), dg Fo(M) M To(M) line bundle over M, such that near p-n which grows as OM. De- densities C to be the space of all on the interior of the closure. the Riemannian Recall somewhat simpler to understand. v ext ends smoothly ti pn *v is the space of sectio ns of a C and a typical element may be written in coordinates as v = h(xy)Ix-ndx h E CW(M). dy This generalizes naturally to a manifold sion one) boundary components fining functions (2.23) pl,**-,pN, X1 ,---X N, p --- pNv v with (codimen- which have de- respectively. F 0 (X) = (smooth densities that X on Let X extends smoothly such to X}. 61 is V 0 -geometry The connection between these densities and illustrated by (2.24) Lemma: TO(Mx0M) lift to densities in FO(MxM) Densities in under the usual blow-down map. In fact, the line bundle for which the latter space is the space of sections b is the pullback under of the line bundle corresponding to the former space. F Away from Proof: b since dinates and there is nothing to prove OAt At is a ,diffeomorphism there. (R,w,y) use the coor- F of (2.12): dx dy dx dy n n The left term spans _ RndR dw dy ~ ~(RwO)n (Rn n TO(MxM) since dy dR d I x n nn and x ' are defin- ing functions for the left and right boundary components, whereas the term on the right generates T, B are defined by R, w0' Wn, To(Mx0 M) respectively. F, as This proves the lemma. One may also consider the powers of either of these they too correspond under pullback. The 1/2 (MxM) F Both half-densities are the ones we use later. density bundles; and 1/2 (Mx0 M) will commonly be denoted simply the base space should be clear from the context. F 2 62 k-form bundles; consider first Let us turn now to the the left factor of "A 1 bundle By pulling it back to the 0T*M. cotangent bundle V M x0 M, and then to M x M, one obtains a The subscript over the stretched product. signifies the involvement of the left factor of A ). oA A . Call this new bundle of sections are denoted b The blow-down (p,p) E aAc. Oe, 0 Their spaces r' Fp carries oA , Hence Using the right is also defined. oAk r o k o k factor of the product, By Ak (oTM) as above coincides functoriality the pullback of with M x M. e to the single point for example, restricts to a F . p canonically trivial bundle over To identify this res- triction with a more familiar object, compute the lifts of x - M x0 to M on 'x0 with (s,u,x,y), as in (2.20), which is nonsingular (s,u) away from the bottom face x d~ ds dx _ (2.26) Lemma: phism B, dyi 1% - 2dx x du dx u, ^. s s-x - x F 'formal pullbacks' to We define their (2.25) dy 1 dx0 x s Using the coordinate system M. d dy. du. s x s p - The correspondence (2.25) induces an isomor- 63 OA F E where ~ Ak (E*) is the dual of the bundle E described in (2.22). s Proof: ds, s~ du. are dual to sa s, su which by , 1 (2.17) generate the bundle there that In addition, we showed F is a smooth bundle over the closed face also extends smoothly to the closure. E hence E E. p The rest of the proof is obvious. Remark: (3.3). We shall prove a slight extension of this Lemma in Also, the rules (2.25) apply to the V0 density bundles since densities are simply 'absolute values' of So analogously n-forms. To(MxoM)I F C. Vo FO(F). Kernels The temperate distributions on a manifold with boundary M are those with specific extension properties across this boundary. If M is an open region containing its interior, then distributions on constitute M M in M with support in the space of distributions dual to C (M). On the other hand, restrictions of arbitrary distributions on 64 M to the interior of M lie in the space dual C (M)-functions vanishing to infinite order on resulting spaces on M, to 6M. The of supported and extendible distributions, respectively, are quite similar but have slightly different extension properties nonetheless. On a manifold-with-corner, for example on M x M there For instance, an ordinary are various other possibilities. pseudodifferential operator on M x M, M has a Schwartz kernel which has a conormal singularity along the diag- onal and is elsewhere. Co In fact k conormal along the 'longer' diagonal of in some sense fixes its singularity at then extends to be M x M, 8AL. and this There are, however, other quite reasonable extension properties which k could be required to have. recall To formulate one of these, that a manifold with boundary can be doubled across its boundary. [Mx0M]2 k In particular, we may form the double of the stretched product across its front face. NM . M I Figure 5 65 The lifted diagonal joins with its double, resulting in a boundary-less submanifold contained in the interior of [Mx 0 M] 2 (2.27) Definition: 1/2 K 0 (M;F1/) is the space of distribu- tional sections of TO12 (Mx0 M) which extend to extended diagonal extension of C (tensored with 1/2 ) TO (see [19]) along the m as distributions conormal of order [Mx 0 M] 2 sections of a smooth and vanishing to all orders on 8([Mx 0 M]2 ) 1/2 m %P(M;T1/), the space of VO pseudodifferential operators, is the collection of operators with Schwartz kernels on Remark: A E belongs to K(A) IC If M x M m1/2 lifting to elements of then we shall say that its kernel 0m 0 Km Notice also that the pushforward of 00 1%K is well defined: the blow-down map F, diffeomorphism away from F with KO(M;TO is transversal b is a and the intersection of BAL so by wave front set considerations this operation makes sense. Let us examine how A E % m 0 1/2 ) (M;F 0 acts. Set dx dy 1/2 x (2.28) ds du dx dy s x 1/2 dx dy ds duj1 s x 2 66 where s and (s,ux,y) u are defined in are regular except along quently be used. B, system and shall fre- x(A) = k(s,u,x,y)-r k On the hal f density (2.30) s - = s -1 ~ x ity is represented by x, - + u = 0}, = |ul ,0 and 0. - we have f -p, y = y - since (s on s 0, (Af)(x,y) = ~0 m is conormal of order decreases rapidly as (2.31) The full Then (2.29) where (2.20). k(s,u, f s -1 xu. i(Id) = 5(s-1)6(u)- s ,y s )f( s ,y- u)! s5 In particular, 0 E K0 (M;/O d - the ident- 1/2 We record another representation of this action, now using the coordinates the half density (x,y,t,v), r t = x/x, equals dx dy dt dv 1/2 ntn and v = (y-y)/x. Here (2.32) if (Af)(xy) = } k'(x,y,t,v)f(xt,y+xv)--dv -p tn K(A) = k'(x,y,t,v) in these coordinates. Although (2.32) appears both more natural and neater than (2.30), the first expression is better for our purposes. reason is that we are frequently interested in the behavAf iour of The x as the top face T, 0, - hence but are singular along (t,v) less convenient. It is straightforward to extend these definitions to include operators acting on the section. k-form bundles of the last Thus (2.33) A E *m(M;OAk O1/2 0F <= x(A) E K 0 (M;T 1/2) @ Hom(A , A ). Unfortunately the class of operators we have defined is not large enough to contain inverses of elliptic differential operators. Diff For if E is to invert V0 P E it must somehow incorporate information about the , asymptotic behaviour of (formal) the boundary. solutions to Pu = 0 near The kernels we have already introduced vanish to infinite order at the relevant boundary components T and B. 68 We remedy this shortcoming as follows. Let T pT Suppose and Vb pB B [Mx 0 M]2 denote also the extended top and bottom faces in with and their corresponding defining functions. is the space of vector fields on this double which are tangent to both boundary components; set a,b {u E V 5'([Mx0M] E Vb' 2 V 1 ... V u ) : E for all i = 1,--e,j, N CO ab PTPB(log j B) T log and some L N independent of j}. This has an invariantly defined subspace of polyhomogeneous elements CO dab _ phgi N. a+i a,b :u ~ i=0 j u=0 P j =0 (log near T, (2.34) N' Ni u ~ u i=0 j=0 =0log ) near B}. 69 u Here and u'. are Co and depend only on the 'tangential' variables at the appropriate boundary. (2.35) Definition: K' ma~b 0phg i) ah b mX 0 1/2 i ma,b ) (MFI K' ii) A E iii) 0M C (Mx0M;T 1/ 2 '0O + m 1/2 KMMF OMI C 1/2 m,.a,b 4* i(A) E Kma,b 00 1/2 (Mx 0 M) TO The kernels in i) are just sections of are w,ab K which in the interior and up to the front face, and T conormal with classical expansions at and B. The extension of these last definitions to operators acting on differential forms is slightly arcane since we need to consider forms with tangential and normal components vanishing with different rates at the boundary. additional Some structure is needed so that these components are well-defined; for the present problem we have the conformal class of the metric h with which to work. the ordinary form bundle splits at k A (M) lM k = At Using this, aM: k n Similarly, from the formal pullback (2.25) we have 70 0kM | = oAk ok n (t Next, by virtue of the metric h again, we may actually assume that such a splitting is defined in a neighbourhood of the boundary. point is This is less natural, but the important that in any two such splittings the summands agree to first order at the boundary. is to say that Another way to phrase this the conformal class distinguishes the col(y,x) lection of coordinate systems the boundary and a/ax for which is orthogonal to aM. x = 0 on Henceforth only such coordinates will be used, and we assume that a splitting of the V form bundle is given. The real purpose of these machinations is so that we may attach an invariant sense to the requirement that the components of w = wt + wn vanish at different rates at am: S= If Wt' (y,x) on O(x) a b Wn = O(x ). are computed with respect to the coordinates and are seen to vanish at these rates, and then recomputed with respect to new coordinates rates might be intermingled. (yx), these If, however, both coordinate systems are of the special type above, then from the fact that 71 Ox ai O(X),= 0(x) B9y ax it is easy to see that the new components vanish Wt respectively. min(a+1,b), min(a,b+1), at the rates Wt' Hence, these rates are well defined provided we assume Similarly, it is likewise invariant b+1. b-1 ( a to re- quire that CL la-bi if E t a b phg n pgh' The spaces here are simply those of (2.34) 1. when only one boundary is present, and of course are extended to contain vector-valued elements. Now, using all of these technical hypotheses, we oA k assume that both F of in bundles. M x0 M Thus any split in a neighbourhood oA r and 10 into their tangential and normal subG E Hom( A ,A r) may be associated to a matrix G (2.36) Gnt] tt = Gtn Gnn where G tt Ak r t - (oAk e t G nt :(Ak r n oAk (A t G tn : Thus, for The G.., (0Ak ) r (A - t w = e + W n, t = G (Go)t = (Gw) = G i, j = t, G : (oAk nn r n n ttt (GW)t + oAk R n (GG) where + G nt n t + Gn . are also called the components of n, These byzantine preliminaries allow us finally to define kernels generalizing those of (2.35). when expressed as a matrix, con- G., simply to let each ab A phg tain entries in The idea is More precisely, suppose a, T are two by two real matrices a tt nt ttant =T= .tn a nn, tn Tnn- (2.37) Definition: i) K G G. EK ii ii) iii) 1/2 okT(M;'Ak (MT1,2 0 K Km,a,r 0 A E * 00 m + K 0 # 0) i, j = t, n, H m 1 2 ) @ Hom(( 0A ).,(A )} aiTi(M'r = (G =G 0 (A) E Km '. As before, these spaces are well defined only when Imin(att'ant) - min(atn' a nn) |min(Ttt'nt) V isomorp hism. 1. pseudodifferential VO their composition properties operators, we discuss with min(Ttn'Inn treatment of To conclude this cially - (espe- differenti al operators) and the symbol The following results will only be stated and proved for scalar operators but obviously still hold for operato rs on forms, by, for example, referring t o a basis. *,a,b 0 (2.38) Proposition: Diff0 0 m,a,b 0 Proof: m,a,b C 0 - Dif It suffices firs t of inclusion, for the other m+p,a,b 0 all only to prove the first by taking adjoints (note %m,ab 0 Furthermore it also suffices to take iterate. module f 0 c *m+pa,b 0 fol lows that adjoints of elements in Diff is a two-sided lie in %m,b,a ~0 p = 1 Consider then the vector fields and then xd , xa 1 . 74 (2. 17) these lift to M M x0 to vector fields tangent to all boundaries, whence they preserve the conormal spaces wa b. we Furthermore, using the coordinates (s,u) of (2.20) showed there that x , bM(s s Thus if A E x(A) = and m,a,b b(sOu )=x 0 1/2 ds du dx dy k(s,u,x,y)Insnd s x = k-r =lk - -A) ic(xO then as k- 2 J (2.39) K(xO y -A) = sk - -r. iu K m+1,a,b , 0 These new kernels each belong to so we are done. Diff 0 (M) A symbol map on was introduced in (2.7); there is a natural generalization of this map to Recall first ,0 that Im 0 This implies that if -o,a,b -0 0 0 A = A' + A" is a decomposition as in 0 am(A') am (A) = then it makes good sense to let (2.35) ii), and only define the symbol on % . Now, the map here, apart from simplifications in the density factors, is just the usual symbol on the space of distributions conorAt 0 : mal along am Sm (N*(AL : K (M; F 1/2 0 ); Fo(M) o T(fibre)) The space on the right contains symbolic densities on the At0; fibres of the conormal bundle of T(fibre) -- densi- ties on the fibres of this bundle-arises through the use ro(M) results of the invariant Fourier transform. Also from the restriction of 1/2 (Mx0 M) TO to the diagonal, for the half densities on each factor combine along At0 to give densities of weight one. The ing the map tors. N*(At 0 ) steps. 0 am symbol map V a is obtained by first apply- above, and then removing the density fac- It suffices to construct a natural density on by which to 'divide'. This proceeds in three First note the isomorphism TO(M) ® F(fibre) = TO(N (At0 the latter being the space of densities along singular like R-n natural isomorphism at F. N*(AL 0 ) Next, observe that there is a 6 : N*(At 0 ) > This is dual to the isomorphism of TM - which is away from near this boundary it comes from the identification xO x lifts 0 TM, N(At 0 ) N(AL) the usual natural isomorphism AL0; 'T*M. xa , y. which span , sas, sa u, 0 TM near N(At 0 ) which span BM, with their near CAt 0 ' 1 Finally, by way of the natural map 0T M T M -- (which is not an isomorphism at density on T*M the symplectic corresponds to a density on density is singular at 0T*M. This yet a nonsingular section of cM, The resulting naturally defined element of TO(OT*M). may thusly be removed so as to obtain the FO(M) @ F(fibre) V0 OM) symbol map 0 (2.40) a m Here we have also used N (AC0 ) (2.41) m E ER. to q 0(T) 6 m 0T*M). to transfer the symbols from OT*M. Theorem: 90 For any such filtered by the symbol maps 0 am we have a short exact sequence 77 0 m 0r-i m m 0 *M)/Sm-1 =a (A)am 1r 0 oT*M and the product formula 0 Proof: +m(A A am1 +m 2l' 2) (A2. 2i'm The exactness of the sequence is a consequence of the same property of normal to the symbol map on distributions co- The product formula follows from the usual At o one on standard pseudodifferential operators, provided we operator. VO pseudodifferential is in fact a A -A2 ascertain that For, both the symbol map and the composition rule agree with their ordinary analogues away from 8M, hence the product rule must extend by continuity, provided the left hand side makes sense. The first step is to derive an expression for the Use the representation (2.30), kernel of a composition. near k2 and k since we may assume that as functions of This is x, y, s, u). (rather than x, y, s, u A , A2 of ki, k2 kernels but write the are supported quite With At0. s = x x y-y' x -V ,U = x , s2 = x , legitimate u2 x , and recalling the half densities of f = f(x',' | I- )-p ) f -> fk 2 (x,y,s 2 ,u )f s 2 x ds -NI _d2 d2 2 'y--s-u2 2 2 kl(x,y,sl,ul)k2 s ,YX Us1 s1 1u 2') As1 ds2 du2 ds 1 du" f( the composition kernels, becomes, on the level A1A f (2.28), s1s2 ,y- s s2 ( s 2u 1+u 2) - II. s1s2 Now, introduce x x s 1s 2, x = s2 u 1 + u 2 ' Hence A1 A2 f = f k(x,y,a,v)f(l, where, by the substitution k(x,y,a,v) y-xv/a)- s 1= a/s 2' u dv = (v-u 2 )/s 2 = ds 2du2 kl(x, y ,a/s2, (v-u2)/s2)k2(ax/s2, y-x(v-u2)/a, s2, u2I n-1 2 79 The k are conormal along so we must show that k, (s i = 1, u = 0}, i = 1,2, as given above, is conormal along, and supported near, {a = 1, v = 0). The support condition is obvious from the similar assumption on k2 . As for the conormality, consider first the special = y = 0: x case (2.42) Lemma: Gp k , If k , k2 are distributions on the group of (2.4) which are conormal at, and supported near, the (1,0). identity Then k(a,v) = f k 1 ((av)-(su)~ )k2 (su)s-n ds du enjoys the same properties. Proof: We reduce this to the corresponding assertion for the group IRn where this result is well known. The main point is that the space of distributions conormal to some submanifold (e.g. (1,0)) is coordinate invariant, and furthermore that, under a submersion, conormal distributions pull back to conormal distributions. (a,v,a-s,v-u) a/s = (1 - a - - v-u s Thus, (a/s,(v-u)/s) _ -u a _ a-s -1 a since 80 kl(a/s, (VU) which is conormal at kj(a,v,a-sv-u) a-s = 0, v-u = 0, and C0 else- The pairing where. J k defining proves defined by k is a surjection, there is a distribution kj(a,v,a-sv-u)k2 (s u)s-n ds du is therefore of the required regularity, which the lemma. To understand the group convolution when the parameters x, y necessary. are present, only a slight modification is Thus, as before, there is a distribution kY(x,y,a,v,s 2 ,u 2 ) = k 2 (x(l also conormal along a, V 0 is conormal along - ay -(v-u 2 ),s 2 ,u 2 ) and for which As in the lemma a = 1, u = 0. the x, y, kernel The proof of is complete. Remarks: Diffm, 2 - s2 = 1, u 2 = 0 are smooth parameters. k(x,y,av) (2.41) -a Though we did not verify it, that 0 am(P) P E as defined here agrees with the earlier definition (2.7) is quite easy to check. In addition, the product rule oa m+L A E % (P-A) E Oa (P)oa (A), m 0 is simpler to prove, since we may operate directly on the kernel of ing A with the lifted operators on M x0 M cover- P. the The residual space for this symbol calculus is %~ ; kernels of the operators in this space are on the stretched product M x 0 M, but not on though smoothing in the interior of pact on any reasonable space. M, M x M. C Thus, al- they are not com- This is discussed at length in the next two sections. D. Indicial and Normal Operators The first step in constructing a parametrix for Diff0 P E is to iteratively 'remove' the conormal singulari- ties of its kernel along At 0. As in the ordinary con- struction, this is reduced to algebraic manipulation by way of the symbol calculus. But, as noted at the end of the last section, the resulting error after compact. this step is not This necessitates the use of two additional steps, both iterative in nature, and both employing models for the various operators involved. These we describe now. If E0 is the operator obtained in the first step: PE 0 = I x0 , then the all boundaries. at B; and T trivial - kernel of F, (which causes QO0 QO, is x0 In fact, at Q0 0 C on M x0 M up to vanishes to infinite order however, its Taylor series is nonQO to be compact). not Thus the second step of the construction is the removal of this Taylor series. PE 1 at the xi, and F. kernel of - vanishes to infinite order lying in 1 9-o,a,b I0 for Consequently a, Q R o*-00 QE 9a'b, 0 where the space of b b ic IC Rw - E R KO a,b kernels on the right consists of those KO 'a,b elements of and E1 (We are restricting discussion to scalar oper- a, b. a 1 Unfortunately, in order to accomplish this, we must ators for simplicity.) If Q Q , settle for a correction term some such that E We seek an which vanish to infinite order on are sufficiently large then Q F. is actually Usually, though, compact and the construction is complete. the re- it is necessary to carry through the third step: of moval E Here we seek an face. x1 the conormal singularity of 2 P2 Q2 The operator ~ 1 such that E R q'-w ab 0 0 42 E ~2' top the along L2 is compact on appropriate weighted spaces and P-(E 0 +E 1 +E so that E = E0 + E + E2 2 ) = I -2 is the desired parametrix. From this somewhat vague discussion it should be clear E that cally, at F and E1 E2 P should only depend on the operator and the relevant Taylor series of KO, must rely only on the infinitesimal action of and the conormal expansion of Consider first the K frozen whereas near P E2 T there. former of these steps. stated goal, define the normal operator of (2.43) Specifi- may be 'locally' constructed. Toward the A E %0 a,b Np (A) = x(A) IF By the remark following (2.26), and recalling that is actually a section of the half density bundle, ic(A) N p(A) 84 is a section of T1/2 0 p) . a,b aF phg F p ) i.e. smooth in the interior, an d with the appropriate conormal singularity at n Fp T and B n F p As . it stands, this seems to bear no relations]hip to the previous definition (2.8) for we must Fp P E Dif:f 0*To make this comparison N p(P), interpret as an operator. N p(A) Remember that is naturally identified (in its interior) with the identification, p is to be thought of as a left convolution operators G p group N p(A) on half densities over (s,ux,y) of (2.20), G Using the in two ways. F Thiis, in the coordinates . p p = (0,0 N p(A) = k(s,u,0,0)- I ~1/2 ds du ds ~ du n'n s s (2.44) Np(A)f = k((su)-(s,u) f = f(s,u) ds du/ where Now, if (2.21) P E Diff 0 its lift to ds du 1/2 ds du ,0,0)f s,u) ~n s ' s n s 1/2. is expressed as in (2.2), M x0 M is then by -~ 'I aa(sxy+xu)(sau) a) a a (SOS) n a = (a' , ,an |a|(m Hence, applied to the =I a(P) kernel of the identity (2.31), a nb(s-1)6(u)_-y aa(sx,y+xu)(sa) a(ssO |a|(m so that, b) according to (2.43) N (P) = a aa(0,0)(sau) a (sOs u s 2 a n 6 (s.-1) 6 d d d1/2 (u) ds du ds du ss |alsm However, according to (2.8) c) Np(P) a(0,0)(s = )a (sOS) n |a|(m Finally then it is not hard to see that the expression c), applied to a half density f(s,u)Ids du/snl/ 2, coincides with the result of setting expression b) into (2.44). We have shown that (2.43) is a proper generalization of (2.8). (2.45) Proposition: There is an exact sequence 86 N O-0 > W 0 a,b -00 a, b 0 da,b (F) p phg If : 0. then A E 9-I,a,b 0 P E Diff m, 0 @ T 1 /2 (F ) p 0 N p(P-A) = N p(P)-N p(A). Remark: For operators whose Proof: k R k0 k = 0,1,2,---, -m a b ' the space of is kernels vanish to order F. at k The exactness of the sequence is obvious, save per- haps the surjectivity of N p But that too is easy since . one may readily construct in local coordinates a with fixed restriction to F . p As for the product formula, either by applying the operator a) above to setting x = y = 0, kernel and then K(A) or by applying the operator c) to in (2.44) one arrives at the same section of N (A) p for x and y are merely parameters in a). The conjugate k R N R shall not use this fact. Z+, the residual -k acts on p k 0 R k0% Nonetheless, as space R %-o,a,b 0 a~b ' k , 1/2 ' T though we varies in 87 is the outer limit of the effectiveness of N elements in this space, when pushed down to conormal aM x at M, Kernels of . M x M, lie in 1/2 (Mx1M). a,b (MxM) consists of those distributions which are da,b 0 The space p (with expansions) along the boundary components M x M of aM x and which vanish to all orders M, BAt. The final step utilizes the indicial operator, which It kernels in the last residual space. once again models is defined by the exact sequence Thus, for A E R I a+1,b - o a,b 1/2 0 0 a+1,b 01/2 0- ,a,b I(A) R (2.46) kernel of the expansion of the -,a,b - 0 0 0. is simply the top term of A OM on x M. It too may be defined as an operator, but we have no need of this. also has an indicial P E Diffm(M) On the other hand, operator, which we do want to regard as an operator. that A E R* -, 0 a,b * P-A E R0%-w,a,b 0 Note 88 I(P) is now defined to be that operator acting or equivalently on OM'. 'infinitesimally at N8M, for which I(P-A) = (2.47) I(P)I(A). Strictly speaking there are many operators satisfying (2.47). But since X4 :a, x 0 a+l,b b a+1 ,b a,b 0 xva P > 0 V 0 I(P). there is a natural choice for aa k+ IaIm > 1 k ) (x8 ) y)(xa xy (x. k~a a then set I(P) (2.48) = ak,0 (o, y) (xa x) k kfm This is well defined, provided only coordinate systems of the type discussed in section C are used, and obviously satisfies (2.47). induced by I is The residual space of the filtration Rw%-w the is E. , w, b kernels of which are compact on L2 (so long as b large enough), as we prove in the next section. Continuity Properties We now study the continuity properties of the L2 pseudo- Following the usual scheme of such differential operators. proofs, first VO boundedness of residual operators is demonstrated-this is the most arduous part of the proofthen the symbol calculus immediately implies boundedness Finally a few more refined for operators of order zero. statements, including criteria for compactness, are proved. Other less general results are discussed in the last secAs before, we limit all tion of the next chapter. consideration to scalar operators; the analogues for opera- tors on the form bundles are either obvious or will be commented on when required. (2.49) Proposition: Any induces a bounded A E * 0,a,b map dy) A : xrL29-ndx c - xr' L2 loc (X-ndx dy) 90 a + b a - r > r' ( r, provided n-i b + r' > -, n-i 2 , and > n-1. The slightly bizarre method we employ is to reduce Proof: L2 bounded- to the familiar one concerning the statement ness of ordinary pseudodifferential operators of order B where it is conormal. It is < 1. T except at M x 0 M, when lifted to C of course lyl, |y| 0 < x, x < 1, is supported in A of k kernel First note that we may assume that the zero. and It also suffices to demonstrate boundedness of -r '-(n-)/ 2 Agr+(n-)/ 2 dy) . 2 -dx L(x on kernel of this last operator is The k c= x r-r' rx]-r-(n-1)/2 k = x~r-r'*]r'+(n-l)/2 k. x 2x and the other in x 2x. the first of these divided by divided by k and k2 . x k2 Write and x K into a sum of two kernels, one supported in kc Split since k xr-r k 1 + k2 dominates as a function of k1 and > let 0, k1 be the second k2 We need only demonstrate boundedness of kc x, y, s, u x, y, t, v is supported in 0 as a function of by assumption r - r' As as in (2.30) as in (2.32). x < 1, Iy| Then 1, o ( s in k2 and K 2, |y| 0 ( x < 1, ( 1, 0 ( t < 2; both are supported within the domain of regularity of their Furthermore coordinate systems. a) for k 1 E Co sa-r-(n-1)/2 with an expansion of lowest power and a symbol s = 0 is conormal at s A 0, - of order u in a-b (2.50) b) for k 2 E Co tb+r'+(n-1)/2 with an expansion of lowest power symbol and a , [x,y, k alone. k Consider first x jf(, - of order u. in a-b t = 0 at is conormal t A 0, By the Plancherel formula dx dy= )nx x e x dx d77 f(x,ri)x x since to y the Fourier transform of is ,1 x with respect Next, introduce into -- k x1. kl(x,y,x/x,-xl)e- -t this last integral the new variables e = x, e -t obtain ^ f kl(e -t - ,y,e t-t) ,e -t TI)e - iy - T^ f(e - t ,~ ~ td - =x to 92 t > 0, t > 0, where the integrand is supported in Notice that by (2.50) a) the first factor in- t-t > -1. in which case creases exponentially unless a-r > (n-l)/2, it decreases rapidly. -~ = Cj(t,y,T,T) Finally set r kl(e-t -a ,ye -t ,e r)e -iy-a -iarT e da so that the former integral becomes ei~-)~~-)a Kt,y,T,,q)f(e~ at e t Q = 0, k that and so represents an dT1. of order In L2 (dt dy) L2 (dt dy) = L2 (- 1dx dy), Since operator. T, except for a mild conormal (1,0)), (and type is a symbol in K We shall show that ,y)dt dy dT 0 singularity bounded this shows has the required boundedness. To prove the claim we need only examine the effect of differentiating the integral which defines notice that by (2.50) a), kl(x,y,s,u) in u Ky Since imply that its Fourier transform is a+b > (n-1), k also enjoys these properties. (n-l)/2 as assumed, First the symbolic properties of rapidly decreasing in the dual variable 0. K 1. K1 ' and conormal at is bounded there. Hence In addition, if a-r > is rapidly decreasing in T. or T Thus differentiating with respect to either y 93 preserves this rapid decrease. is a smooth parameter, x As fourth. either affects the first slot of t respect to Differentiating with the former preserves In the latter case a factor regularity. or the k e -t ri is pro- duced in front: { = t (e t k1 + e -t ^ r k~e -iy--irT d x is of the same regularity as in particular bounded. S1, Finally, i( . 1 1 - Ck is also uniformly bounded. k ^ )e -iy-7-iUTada i+iny By iteration it da is readily seen that Bae t1 Y 1 (t yrtr) C t and, as mentioned before , singularity at Ti = 0, By the standard theory tion on L2 + ITI + I1i)' has a bounded conormal uniform in all other parameters. kg1induces a bounded transforma- -1 dx dy). The proof for k2 requires the hypothesis proof of V.1 Jean (1 (2.49). is quite similar, only here one n-1 b + r' > -. This completes the 94 Before proving continuity of operators of order zero, let us note that %Pm 0 is invariant under the operation of taking adjoints, for any kernel of A m. A E * Thus if is 1/2 dx dy dx dy n'n x x K *(x,y,x,y) A - 0 _1/2 dx dy dx dy n'n x x A(x3Ytx'YJ which certainly has the same regularity as In addition, it (2.51) Theorem: A E 9O,a,b 0 M x0 M. is bounded from rL 2F1/2 0 0 a+b > n-1, Write A = A a-r > n-1 -, 2 calculus of (2.41) to find sufficiently large b + + A2 E %0 + 0 1 2 between these spaces by (2.49). bol on ua(A). rL2 1/2 Proof: KA is easy to see that o mA ) = provided then the M E IR r' ,O' 0 As for B E % 0 n-i > -, 2' 'ab A A 2 r > r'. is bounded use the sym- such that for some 95 A A 1 + B*B = M-I + R, R E 4 . f = f(x,y)|x-n dx dy1/2 Then, for | Ajf| 2 + | 2 + |jBf| 2 = M If| which implies, using the boundedness of f 1A f|2 M' Rf-f that R, |f12 as desired. The next step is to consider the action on Sobolevtype spaces. Since the interest here is with parametrices of differential operators, developed. (2.52) For Hb(MF the full m = 0,1,2,--- set ) = (u E L2 r1/2 i + lal (2.53) Corollary: A E %-m,a,b 0 r L2 1/2 0 for r, r', a, b as in (2.51). theory shall not be (xO i(x 8 Y)au E L 2 < m} is bounded from xr' Hm b 1/2 ) 96 If Proof: k then recalling (2.39) A, is the kernel of (xa ) (xa )ak C KO,a,b for i + |al m. The corollary follows. The space of conormal half densities daA(M; 1/2 FO 1/2. FO f = f(x~y)Idxndy x ) af(xy) E pa(log pN L (xO ) (x for all has, as (2.54) and some fixed i, a, in (2.34), the subspace of polyhomogeneous elements 1/2 dhM Aphg (M;FO0 iO {f C da . the natural range of fi f(y)xa+i (log X)} V0 tors applied to smooth functions. special case: N _ i=0 This is N} 0 pseudodifferential operaAgain we only prove a 97 (2.55) Proposition: A E b, m E R, For any m,a,b p0 maps a 600 C ~ ~phg (where the space on the left denotes the smooth half densities vanishing to infinite order on Proof: If k E Km"ab is the aM). kernel of A, 1/2 ~ then the product dx dy dx dv k(x,y,x,y) x n n x x f E C , infinite order on vanishes to ~ 12 f (XY) dx dy xn x {x = 0} and has an ordinary conormal singularity along the diagonal. Its integral then is that of an ordinary pseudodifferential kernel against f. Furthermore, if k ~ L k. E 1 k , 1 a+i,b phg then each ^0 '% dx dy dx dy k (x,y,x,y)f(x,y) which gives the result. 0~.0 n x x n 1/2 C Aa+i 98 Our final result concerns compactness of operators of negative order with appropriate boundary conditions. (2.56) Proposition: -m,a,b A E R'qO is a compact map between r ' L2 1/2 r L2 1/2 0 0 for a+b > n-1, m > 0, a-r > Proof: x~FA = B E *-m,a-e,b small, B -1, b+r and if , > The compactness of uniform smallness of 21 is sufficiently 6 r ' Hm xFB b A = x B is furnished by the :x > 6,I for each BM in a neighbourhood of the uniform equicontinuity of functions in {(x,y) n-i is bounded between xr L2 also. n-1 6l > 0, cf. Hm b [29]. on and 99 Analysis of the Normal Operator Chapter 3 A. Identification of the Model Operators The novel step in constructing a parametrix for Ag , as indicated in section D of the previous chapter, is the use of simpler models for this operator at the boundary, where it degenerates. These models, the normal and indi- cial operators, are employed in iterative schemes analogous to the initial symbolic step of the construction to obtain It is a parametrix for which the remainder is compact. important then to reach a thorough understanding of their mapping properties; ter. this is the goal of the present chap- In this section we identify these operators explicit- ly and analyze the indicial operator. Since it is an this is quite ordinary differential operator of Euler type, The normal operator, however, is a partial differen- easy. tial operator, and the derivation of those of its properties we need later will require more of an effort. We have given two different, yet equivalent, definitions of the normal operator of one, P E Diffo(M). The first (2.8), is an operator on the half tangent space p E aM, M , while the second, (2.43), is a convolution kernel of the front face. This latter p interpretation is the one we ultimately use, but the former on the fibre F is easier to manipulate, hence the one of interest in this chapter. given by Recall now that the action of A on Ak (M) is 100 P the operator N (A ) (1.21), is an operator on A k(M p); so that k -k P = p A p . Then acting on sections of Mp the induced operator is N p(A ) that of N p(P). It turns out is actually the Laplacian of a constant curv- ature metric, whence it has greater invariance properties G p-invariance. than merely the expected N p(A ) (3.1) Proposition: stant curvature metric is the Laplacian of the con- (dp ) p -2 thought of as a linear function on Ak (Mp) on Proof: on M is given by Choose coordinates near such that p, and z |/BzIn x = coordinates on Then The induced action . N p(P). -n-1 -1 z = (z ,---,z 8M, -n ,zn) = (y'x) -1 -n-i ) y = (z ,--,z z = (y,x) Let M p . are geodesic centered at p. the corresponding linear be Finally, write = a(y)x + b(yx), Idp |2 = a(0) 2 . Now, for p p is to be p is a defining function for the boundary and h = 1. p(j,2) M restricted to h coordinates for dp here h ; p b = O(2 w E 0 (M) 101 PW + = p2 Ah (2-k)p - 6 h(dpAw) kp (3) (n-k)pLpw - du 2pt (5) (4) + Sh w (2) (1) + A dp (n-2k)dp A - cvw (dp)w k(n-k-1)t (7) (6) is dz-I , Suppose ( ik We shall ( = W I = (i , --- (1) p2Ah ~ p k -1 ik consider each term (1) always using the product rule (PW) Ag (k p defined by the operator of (1.21), - (7) separately, (2.10). has normal operator n I 2I I-a(0)2 (3z (2) dx )2 p dp A 5h ' = I -n+-n -n (az +b)(adz +z da+db)A(-6.i d-n d z =a2-n 5vWI d (-1s) dz az s which becomes s I\i s +--- 102 - 2z -az Cl - dz' if i = n azn r a 2 ) k+s-1 z n I\i s cz . . n. . Adz 1±i az s s (3) I __ -I A w Idz ) pbh(dpAw) = (az +b)6h( (adz +--) k+1 I n ( k 1,I\i =(az'+b) S S ,n v n(a1 (an+b)(-1)k+1,I *S )dz -I\i (aw)dz +- which reduces to 2 n aw I dz azn s k+sn (-1)az s if if i k < n ik = n sA dzn A dzn 103 (4) = pL v(* . S .i --s-1i i s+1 8p s dz_11 azj - n +b)(vp(w )dz- I +w (az 1 2-n + 0 8(I) 2 n a z which remains as I -z n dz for any dz I azn (5) -nb 3 p vp dw = (az +b) c 1.z 1 = (azn+b)pi Adz ) azi (dzjAdz) + 0 0 81/82n if = O(p) recalling A dz] (dz = an OW ai z dz i 8a i < n yielding 2zn az ___ i. < n dz i A dzI\n if dz if de a2 kzn ozJ k = n k) 104 (6) dp A tLO = +---) (adz a = and all 2 -n dz A . gdz I f) _ -I dz that remains 2 a w dz O (7) -I i A Finally, dp(vp)o leaves a 2 I gdz = 2 ao i ik dz k = n < n. -I +00 for any Heuristically, the procedure throughout is to expand the coefficients of P which the power of in a power series, discard any term in z exceeds the number of derivatives, and then replace all coordinates logues -i z by their linear ana- i z . Collect all terms above with the appropriate coefficients to obtain 105 2 a(0)2 - (zn)2 i2+ i=1 (8z ) nW I (n-2)z k(n-k-1)w1 - - azn I dz (3.2) + 2 I n z (- 1 )k (-1) s-dz sI\i A dzn C -z s ik if < n N p(P)(w) =s 2 n a(0)2 1-(zn)2 2 + (8z ) (n-2)zn az nI - I (k-1)(n-k 1(. d 1dz n-1 n 1 +2(-1)k+1 j= 1 dzi A dzI\n (3z if ik = n. Furthermore, the product formula (2.10) shows that N p(A ) = (zn)-k N p(P)(zn )k ][ so by that N (A ) p g (A )= (z n) k 9 Ak (M ) on p N (P)W i.e. the action induced (znyk as claimed. is given by N (P), p 106 Finally, to see that metric is the Laplacian of Np(A ) (a(0)zn)-2 dz 2, simply observe that the this a special case of all of the calculations above, and preceding (1.21), with p = a(0)zn, h = dz 2 P The corresponding is already dilation invariant and so no terms are lost in passing to the limit in (2.8). The assertion now follows, for (3.2) depends only on the dimension n, the degree Idp 12n and k, p n In the next section we construct an inverse for the action of N (A ) Ak(M P), on for i.e. N p(P). However, it is really the normal operator, as defined by (2.43), 1/2w ok that we need to F 1O acting on sections of oAk 0 p invert. It is true, though not immediately obvious, that this bundle and phic. are naturally isomor- Ak (M ) ® r1/2 (M) p p O Thus'it suffices to study the operator over then transfer the results back to F . p the details of this bundle isomorphism. identification only for the Mp, Let us now examine We prove the k-form bundle; a similar argu- ment applies equally well to the half-densities. In fact, the density bundles will be systematically neglected through most of this chapter. Their later inclusion is by effected by 'conjugating the whole discussion xn/2 , 107 oAk (M ) Both (3.3) Lemma: and OA kF are trivial, There is a canonical equivalence though not naturally so. between these two bundles over the interiors of their Furthermore, each is also naturally equivalent to bases. again only over the interiors of 0Ak Bn) = A (oT*Bn), their bases. M x M Ak (M ) lifts to the left factor of p p p the resulting bundle we denote thence to M x 0 M ; p Op oAk(M x M It then pulls back to the fibre F over 0 R p o p Examination of the rules (2.25) for x OM . (0,0) C OM p p formal pullback show that this restriction is isomorphic to Proof: oAk(M P). Now, the linear model order with ducts and Mp x 0 Op M lent near F0 oAk (M)(MX0M) M x O0 M F P, and and is equivalent to first This means that the stretched pro- p. at M MP are also first order equiva- respectively. OA (Mx0 M) agree to order zero at these fibres, so their restrictions to cide in a natural manner. Hence F least over the interiors of the bases. conformal map 0Ak(M P n ]R+ -- o Ak (Bn) B F coin- Finally, Lemma (2.19) asserts the equivalence of any of these bundles with isomorphism and Ak (Bn), at Notice that the is not induced by the usual n As we have indicated earlier, the indicial operator of P is an ordinary differential operator of Euler type; it 108 Using the coordinates of is actually an uncoupled system (3.1) with p 0, corresponding to from (3.2) we derive WI a(O)2 -(zn )2 -1('zn'2 (n-2) k(n-k-l) WIdz (3.4) I P(P)(w, dz 2 - zn)2 WI z I P(P)(W) cial roots. s The numbers dy s1 ik = n. solutions of and = x s2 2 dyi A dx, III = k, are called the indi- or n-k-1 unless k = or n-k unless k = (3.5) s2 = k-l I az n = 0 W , if A short calculation shows that = k n 2 the = (y,x), I si w = x (n-2) dz (k-1)(n-k)I Reverting now to the notation + (azn) I IJI = k-i. ik )I= a(O) are of the form if az n n+1 -g 109 The solutions in the exceptional cases k = (n+l)/2 involve additional logarithmic factors, but we are not concerned with these here. The basic reason the parametrix construction breaks down in these exceptional cases is that only for these rates at do the indicial roots not vanish at different k values of x = 0. For the other values of only one of k, the solutions corresponding to each pair of indicial roots space which is natural for the problem. L2 lies in the Thus: Both xn-k Both x Both xk x n-k-i 2 ( -n E C Lloc dx) x if f k < n-1 2 if f k (3.6) 2 (X -n dx) k-1 E Lloc w Slightly restated, if (-n L2 loc dx), solves IP(P)w = 0 and > n+1 2 w E then (with summation intended) + c xn-kdyZ A dx J 1 W= cx n-k-1 dy I if k < n-i if k (3.7) (j = x dy + c x k-dy A dx I1 We shall PW there. w E L2 (dg), then it is polyhomogeneous conormal at = 0, (3.7) prove in the next chapter that if is the > n+i 2 aM, leading term in its asymptotic expansion and 110 We should remark, as a general note, that the anaylsis elliptic problem is greatly simpli- of this particular V fied by the fact that the indicial roots (3.5) are independent of the base point p. In the general problem they may well vary, and complications arise from repeated roots, etc. B. The Inverse of the Hyperbolic Laplacian Let a(0)2 denote the operator of (3.2), neglecting the N may be interpreted N From Lemma (3.3), factor. as the operator induced by the constant curvature Laplacian or Ak (IRn) either on have both of Ak (Bn). It is important that we is constructed using the Fourier ables in the upper half space. N The inverse for these models available. transform on the y vari- This is quite natural, for these hypersurfaces are horospheres, hence have natural Euclidean structures. Then, however, the additional rota- tional symmetry of the ball behaviour of So, N this inverse near 00 E n R+' has a partial symbol given by N (xa ,x y) f e' '(n)dn where is useful in understanding the -q = T 1 dy +---+ = nn-1dy n- eiY is -N(xax,ix7)w'(T)d1 dual to y, and 111 ={ (1) w(y)dy e the usual Fourier transform on the components of w. easy to see from (3.2) that 2^^ Np(x8 2 6mBOw + (n-2)xg -x 23x I ,ixI)COdy = + (x2 1 2-k(n-k-1))W ]dy + 2(-1) k L(ixq)w Idy I A dx (3.8) Np(xa ,ixn)wj dy A dx = 2 [-x2 + C1x 2C (n-2)x 0 + (x2 212- k-1)(n-k))wi dy" A dx k+l + 2(-1) The r ix A wjdy J in the first of these formulae is the - y= +-+ 77 n-1 -l By and is to be contracted with The operator of only mildly coupled. dy By h-dual of n-1 A dx. (3.8), which we also call N , This allows all solutions to is Nw =0 112 to be found, whence the inverse may be constructed and the ri now as a fixed parameter, Thus, regarding analyzed. coordinates may be rotated so that (3.8) assumes a y particularly simple form. 1 Iril dy In fact, rotate y so that 7 = .Then 7 A dy j0 > 1 d O 4 There are three cases to consider: (3.9) i) dy I o = o = i A dx s 0 t* L(n)dy 1. > 1. 2^ N 2 = 1-x W ii) = e W nI W + (n-2)xg-- A dx, dy j + (x = ||-k(n-k-1))w I dy 1. 2^ ^2 Nax= P a C3 (n-2)x= WJ 2'+ - + (x2 -4 iii) (ii,---,i = ^ c = W I dy k) = I 2-(k-1)(n-k))oj dy ^- + O '1 J dy A dx, ''' k-1) A dx 113 No ^ = 2^^ 2 I 2 aI WIknk1 2 + (n-2)x -- + (x -x dx |n| 2 -k(n-k-1))I + 2(-1) k+ 1ixl + -x2 2 dx 2 -(k-1)(n-k))w + (x 2 + (n-2 )x Jdy + 2(-1)kIl dyJ A dx. The first two of these operators are quite easy to invert. The third one is slightly less so, since not all of its solutions are known explicitly. Nonetheless, it may be regarded as a compact perturbation of the diagonal system formed by i) and ii). The program now is as follows. Ultimately we seek to prove that the partial differential operator N of (3.2), acting on L2 + n-1 -n dx dy) has a bounded inverse. n L2 + -n dx;L2 n-1,dy)) Yet more refined regularity proper- ties of this inverse are proved in the next section. Upon conjugation by the Fourier transform it suffices to show that the ordinary differential operator acting on N of (3.8), 114 L2 + -n dx;L2 n-1dp)) also has a bounded inverse. There exists a unique kernel (3.10) Proposition: G(x,x,n) which is bounded on L2 R+ -n dx;L2 n-1dl)) and such that Np(xax,iX71)G(Xx~T1) (The right side of = X 6(x-x). this equation is the Schwartz kernel of the identity on the space above.) The proof is quite long and involves several lemmas Consider first the two operators (3.9) along the way. ii). Set P 2 = - -2 d2 + (n-2)xdx (x2 1j 2 -k(n-k-1)) -2 d2 dx + d (n-2)x - (x 1_ dx These are Fuchsian operators as expected, are k < i), n-1 (the case k, n-k-1 k > n+1 2 -(k-1)(n-k)). the indicial roots of which, and is k-1, n-k. In fact, for treated similarly, and 115 shall be mentioned only rarely) we find, cf. n-1 n-1 P 1u = 0 * u (x) = C1 X 2 [19], ,i~2 I (XIT) + K 1(xlIi), 1 c2 x 1 n-2k-1 2 V1 (3.11) n-1 n-1 P22 = 0 * u2(x) = clx Il 2 (xIIq|) IV amd Kv l) n-2k+1 V2 The K V2 + c2 2 ' are Bessel functions-specifically, the modified Bessel function of the first kind and Macdonald's Their asymptotics v > 0. function, respectively, of order are well-known [19] I K (x) -xV/2VT(1+v), - 1) ~1 T( 2 0+ x - (3.12) I(x) - e /vIr, KV(x) - e~X7r/2x x Thus, near x = 0, n-1 2 1 (xiii) 1 _ xn-k- liiv - 0o 116 n-k -v xkhi' (xlIl) x2 K 1 (3.13) n-1 (XIl) 2 1 n-k 1 1 "2 2 n-1 2 K(XII) (up to constant factors). L o (x-n dx) Recalling (3.7), c2 = 0, only if k-n i = 1,2. "2 1 u. E On the other hand, these solutions are exponentially increasing at The other pair, with infinity. at decrease suitably c 1= 0, infinity, but do not vanish to sufficiently high order at x = 0. I and V K k = (n+1)/2, (For the exceptional degrees V differ only by a logarithmic factor at x = 0.) Now we construct kernels inverting fact only P1 and P 2. these two operators are treated so similarly that the work for is displayed. P n-1 n-1 u(x) = x With Io (xr|), v(x) 1 we know the kernel is of the form = x 2 K 1 the 117 G1 (x,x,1) = a(x)u(x)H(x-x) + P(x)v(x)H(x-x) and satisfies n~ P 1 G1 (x,x,n) = x 6(x-x), which is the kernel of the identity on form is chosen so that x X x, x) L (x-n dx). This is a 'free' solution for G satisfying the boundary conditions (with respect to of sufficiently rapid decay at Now, as shows a(x)xu(x)v'(x)-u'(x)v(x)]. dx-x)[-22-nd xn nd 2-n d ) + -xn P A bit of c. a(x) = Y(x)v(x), P(x) = Y(x)u(x), calculation, with P1GS- x = 0, (x2 -k(n-k-1)), the expression x 2-n(u(x)v'(x)-u'(x)v(x)) is simply the Sturm-Liouville Wronskian of independent of series as ing 7(x) x x. > 0, P1 , hence By examining, for example, its power it is also independent of to be the appropriate constant p. Choos- 118 G 1 (x,x,7) = Ck,nX (3.14) n-i n-1 2 ~ 2 + I with placing V 2 I)H(x-x) (xI1)KV(xl7f|)H(x-x)]. for Analogously, the kernel (x 171 1 (xln|)K is obtained by re- P, . It is convenient to introduce the space W (3.15) = H ([0,2];x where p E Z+, r E IR, HP order p = dx) + xrHp([1,w);dx) is the usual Sobolev space of and {f 2 L ([O,2] ;x f dxa x -n dx) for p > i > j 0} so as to formulate the For (3.16) Proposition: p is i an isomorphism, k < n-1 2 W(0) r+2 :12(2) r k > or i = 2 1,2 with inverse represented by the kernel Gi(x,x,r7). Proof: Obviously and it suffices to show that P2 map W(2) into Xr+2 so 119 G. i W(2) r i = 1,2 By construction it must then actually invert is bounded. P.. :1W(0) r+ 2 Uniqueness is also immediate since solutions in has no r. for any W(2) r P u = 0 The basic tool to prove boundedness of a kernel is Schur's Test: G(x,x) The positive kernel map on induces a bounded if there exist positive L2 (dji) measurable functions f G(xx)q(x)dl(x) q and p such that J G(x,x)p(x)dp(x) ap(x); Now, given the decomposition of W(O) r+2 as a sum in (3.14) it suffices to prove boundedness on each summand. f E W(O) r+2'1 f2 f = f write xr+2 L2 ([1,);dx). + f 2 2 ' Bq(x) Thus if 1 E L2 ([O,];x-n dx), 1 Accordingly 1 %1 lif1|2r,(0) _ 0 Case I: (x-r-2f f1 (x) 2 x-n dx + f E L ([O,1],x-n 2 ( ) %1 dx) = x n/2L2 ([0,1],dx). dx. 120 It is convenient to include Thus let in the kernel. J(x,x) = Then x -n/2 -n L2 : ([0,1],x-n dx) G the various weight factors ~ ~ ~-n/2 . G1 (x,x)x 2 [,, -n dx) > H([0,1],x is bounded i f and only if L 2 (dx) f 3 I-- x n/ 2 f fj-- G1 (x,x)x n/2 J(x,x)f(x)dx C H2([0,1];dx) = Furthermore, it even suffices to prove is also bounded. L2 (dx) J on are similar to J in their asymptotics as 0. derivatives (These as a factor, but never coefficient; and x 6'(x-x), x x 0 - contain terms with lie in 6(x-x) [0,1] on L 2 . we may replace by Ja(x,x) = x -n/2 [x ~-n/2 k'n-k-1 n-k-l1k H(x-x)]x x H(x-x) + x x -k-lk-n k-- -k-1 2""2 2 x H(x-x) + x x _ 2 = x and multiplied by a bounded these are obviously bounded Now, since J since x2 d 2J/dx2 xdJ/dx, boundedness of - ~ dx G (x,x)x -n2f(x)dx f x-/ x ~ ~-n f(x)x H(x-x). 121 For k < 2 1 -k- k-n x Ja(xx)dx = 10 p = q = 1: test with apply Schur's --k-i~k-a 1 x dx x 2 x 2 dx 0 k-n1 n + -k-1 a-k x (1-k) xk- 2 x V (k-n1 ) IxI =-x 22(x21-k / 1-k)) n_-k-1 nor k-2 since neither k--+ 1 _2 a-k- 1 2 -1, equal --k-1 < C and > 0. 2 1 J(x,x)dx < Symmetrically 0 For (-log use (the only excluded case), k x)/V'X. 1 1 e"1/2 Ja(xx)(-log x)/x 0 I-1 ~ %0 -log x 1 3/x 3/2 1/2 x d ~" dx p = q 122 = x -1 (-2x "1/2 log gx + 4x~1/2 ) I + (2xv- 1/2 -1/2 ~ l og x + 4x )I and likewise for ( C(-log x)/Fx 21 Ja (x,x)(-log On the other hand, as dx. x)/& C- the only nonvanishing x term in dx G 1 (x,x)f(x)x is, by (3.14) 1 dx f (x)xn v(x)u(x) since v(x)u(x)f (x)x -n = ~ dx 0 supp f C [0,1]. This decreases exponentially provided the integral makes sense. But n-k-1 I so that Ii ~n-k-1 ~ ~-n dx f(x)x x 0 ['J f2 -n d x ~n-2k-2 1/2 x %O 1/2 dx] < C. 123 f E x r+2L 2([1,O);dx). Case II: Again we combine weight factors into the kernel. Thus we need to prove boundedness of the composition 3 L 2(1i,o);dx) k-- jf x = x J(xx) prove that J -r J(x (3.17) Lemma: ~~' ~r+2-n is bounded on If 2 ,x)f(x)dx C H ([1,c],dx) As before it suffices to G (x,x)x for its derivatives are L We require the handled simil arly. p E R x e then as dxI x eX x m, -- -.1 1 x x Proof: x) dx ~ ~r+2-n -rn~ G(x,x)x f(x)dx = where Gj(x, x)~xr+2-n f f-- xr+2f x-- f eX dxx Apply L'Hopital's rule. e -x-e-- 1. 124 J Now by (3.12) we may replace -r-1 r+1 -n 2 [e x-x H (X-X) + e XxH(x-x)]. x x Ja(XX) p = q = Apply Schur's test with -r-1 "%A %0 x Ja(x,x)dx = f1 x2 + by e x 2e x dx ( C X 2 ex r+1- -x dx by (3.17). %x By symmetry, < C. Ja(x,x)dx 1 Finally, then as supp f C [1,), G(0 -n dx = G (x,x)f(x)x ndx x > 0 u(x)v(x)f(x)x -n dx %x = u(x) v(x)f(x)x -n ~^. 2 dx E H ([0,1];x -n since the integral exists and is independent of u(x) dx) x, lies in this space. This concludes the proof of Proposition (3.16). and 125 We must now construct an inverse for the operator of Set (3.9) iii). 02 L 0 [0 L 1= L 0 + A. Then that operator is Lt + = L 1 1 0 -2(-1)kixial P 2- By (3.16), 2(-1) k+1j 1. More generally, let tA, 0 < t < 1. (2) r 1(0) r+2 for any L is invertible. : 0 (Strictly speaking, these spaces are defined to contain only scalar functions. Here of course we extend the definition to allow vector functions by requiring each component to lie in the space.) each L maps t (3.18) Lemma: Proof: 1(2) r A : X(2) r Certainly is bounded. into X(0) r+2' *(O) r+2 is compact. A : xrH2 ([1,o),dx) The inclusion r+1 H2 Clearly X r+2L 2 -> xrH2 ([1, o),dx) 126 Theorem. version of the Arzela-Ascoli L2 is compact by the On the other hand, between ^2-n H ([0,2],x is A dx) 2 L ([0, -> 2 ],xn dx) the strong limit of the same multiplication operator acting between ^2-n H ([e,2],x dx) ~ 2 T2 ([6,2],x e > 0, which, for each -n dx) - -n 2 L ([e,2],x is compact as before. dx) Such strong limits are compact provided a 'uniform smallness' condition at the boundary holds, cf. f varies over a bounded set in functions Af Here this states that if -n "" 2 dx), H ([0,2],x the have uniformly small norm in L 2([0,6],x-n dx). A. [29]. This follows from the factor of x in The proof is complete. By the Lemma, L t : (2) r (0) r+2 is an analytic family of Fredholm operators. t: Thus, for any 127 index L t (3.19) W( 2 ) 4 1(0) r r+2 = index L L To prove that u = Note some u E 1 2 r r * for some 0. (3.21) Corollary: each is an isomorphism we need only show L 1u = 0, (3.20) Proposition: r+2 = 0. (2) rr2 0 L '(2) ecr > () r+2 is invertible for r. that from (3.16), a solution to W(2) r must actually lie in every L u = 0 *(2), r lying in -o < r < o. For u E 1(2), (L+A)u = 0 * L u = -Au C X(0) r+1 r00 > u C W(2) r-1 and the assertion follows inductively. In essence, (3.20) is nothing but the statement that IHn has no L2 harmonic forms outside the middle degrees. However, rather than developing this connection directly, which requires a fair bit of effort, it seems better to give a proof more nearly consonant with our overall niques. There is actually an easy proof that L techis 128 strictly positive based on the inequality -x2 + ddx 2d (n-1) (n-2)x - -- which is equivalent to the well-known fact that trum of the hyperbolic Laplacian on functions below by degrees (n-1) 2/4. k = the spec- is bounded Unfortunately this fails in the two 2 -+ 1. The method which covers all cases involves an integration by parts to replace the second order system NP = 0 by the larger first order system-which may be solved- = NdW N 0, 6 = 0. Obviously this is just the normal operator analogue of the fact that L2 harmonic forms on 11-n are both closed and coclosed. Recall first that the conjugated hyperbolic Laplacian may be factored N (xk d Here 6H -k+l k-i H-k = xxkAH-k + (xk H-k-1i is the coboundary operator on by the product formula (2.10), n IH. k+l d x-k Furthermore, 129 N = N(xk dx k+1)N(xk-1 H X-k) + N(xk 6H x-k-1 )N(xk+1 d x-k (neglecting basepoints). Now, from (1.19) and (1.20) a calculation similar to that in Proposition (3.1) the (conjugate by the Fourier transform of) shows that the normal operators are k Nd ( xaiI kw 1 )dy A dx + ixn A (Wsdy +WJ dy Adx) (3.22) N W = (-1)k _. - (n-k)wJ )dy In Using again the reduction Idy' - ixL(n)(wIdy +W dyAdx). = 7, into three cases, just as in (3.9). T (I then, Ld for Only the last of these I interest here, and arises when possibilities is of (1,J): this system splits w = k oydy d _I + W dy -k - kw,) + ixa A dx 1 l-1 I dy A dx (3.23) Ldw = (-1 )k and the relationship - (n-k)j ) ix ~nleI dy , - 130 L1 = LdL + L Ld k (The degree is still valid. Ld in L and has been suppressed, so in this last equation it is different in the two Ld's, L 's.) and also in the two -~ w = f Idy Let (3.24) Lemma: aKdyK + P dyL A dx be + g dy J+-A dx I i = (k-1)-form valued func- k-form and tions, respectively, on and Then using the pointwise IR. Euclidean scalar product on forms we have ^ ^ -n <Ndjp>x ^^ (w,N6 pAx dx= 0 -n dx %0 {g(x I: if and only if for each 1ff~)dx = 0. 0% <Ndo>x Proof: F n dx df -n %0 <(-)kx- -J kk df (-)(x %0 kf1 )dy -- -d kf,)P, A dx + ix A w4p>x ^ i ^ + <(J,-ixt(77)p> Ix -n dx dx 131 77T) (x (-1)k I 1 ~, x-n) dx 1-ngy)-kb (-1)(- 1I d 1 4>x- n £0 + (-1) k d 1-n f iP3)dx d-(x 0 <j, 10 ^ -n dx N p4>x N, Hence and *1O k d 0 (-1) 1-nf dx(x ) f iPI)dx. are adjoints iff this boundary NA term vanishes. Proof of Proposition (3.20): A dx g dy suppose solves = 0 L1 I (here and F 2 W EL (x 0 -n J dx) (LW, Wx %0 w E :(2) r and indicate and decreases rapidly at inf ini ty. ^( ^ = I = (1,J)), are fixed, The comments following (3.21) r. for some w = f dy -n ^ ^. (L dL 6 w + LSLdoo)x dx 0 -n that Then dx 132 (IL6w|2 + ILd^I 2 )-n dx %0 provided a) d: 1-nx1n (xd& - (n-k)g + (-1)k+1ixinf)g dx = 0 %0 and b) Now L { [xl-nxif - kf + (-1)kixInig)?Idx = 0. is a Fuchsian operator, the indicial roots of which coincide with those of the indicial operator of From (3.6) and a bit of calculation, g if k < n, f P. and have convergent expansions f = c 0 xn-k-1 +---+ log x-(c6xn-k+1 +- -- ) (3.25) g = d0 n-k +---+ log x 0(d xn-k +---). The logarithmic factors arise since the indicial roots differ by a positive integer. That these factors actually occur follows from an explicit computation of the first few terms of the Frobenius series. For later reference we 133 record that when k > 2 = c0 g = d 0 xk-1 k log x-(c6xk +---) +.--+ f (3.26) +---+ log x-(d6xk+1 + 0..) To prove that the boundary contributions vanish, use these expansions near x - o. x = 0 Then, for example and the rapid decrease as in a), when k < n-i 2 the integrand is d-(a n-2k+1 dx 0 while in b) it is n-2k-1 d-(b dx 0 By the second fundamental terms vanish as desired; theorem of calculus the boundary similar reasoning holds when k > n+1 22 We have so far shown that an L solution of N pW = 0 also satisfies LdW = 0, L6 = 0. In terms of the coordinate components f and g these 134 equations are df (n-k)g + - x kf + (-1)kixIn7g - = 0 (-1) k+1ixI7If = 0. These equations may actually be uncoupled and solved. Thus, with a bit of work one sees that x2 d2 f d2 dx %dx + (k(n-k+1)-x2 1 0 2)f 22 x2 dx Iri2)g = 0. are Bessel functions, [19]: g and f Once again + ((k+1)(n-k) x 2 nx 2dx 2 n+1 n+l f = cx 2I (xln|) + c2x (xlI|) v2 n-2k+1 2 Ko 1 (xlii) 1 n-2k-1 2 K (3.27) n+1 n+1 g = d x 2 Io (xlii|) 1 In order that and d2 f, g + dX2 d2x lie in L2 (x-n dx) must vanish, as in (3.13). near zero, c2 But the solutions thus obtained increase exponentially, which is a contradiction. This proves Proposition (3.20). ' 135 Notice that the solutions d2 = 0 with above are the factors of the logarithmic Proof of (3.10): G(xx,i) terms in By virtue of (3.16) and (3.21) there is a for which Np(xaxix1)G(x,x,n) = and such that, for each T, x n 6(x-x) the corresponding operator L 2 (-n G : L2 (X-n dx) - is bounded. c 2= Finally we may complete the (3.25) and (3.26). kernel g and f dx) As of yet we may not assert this uniformly in Of course this uniformity is -q, which is what we require. obvious for the 'uncoupled part' of G (3.14); for the 'coupled part' we know little save that it is an analytic solution of for x > x. invariance of Thus let 1. of the form (3.25) for Ng, x < x and (3.26) For this extra information we use the dilation N . G(x,x,i) be the solution above when It is obviously smooth in N (xO ,ixlnriQ)G obtained by replacing x, x = by n. The solution I x1 6(x-x) xI-fl, x-rjl G must be |I| to = 136 where rI/|77|. = T1 |) |,1 /1 G(x,x,i) = |,|1-nG(xl |, (3.28) The known part of the kernel (3.14) does indeed satisfy this. The boundedness of L2 as in (3.10) is now quite C Define the transformation easy. D :f(x) = f (x) -4 a 1-n 2 a E f(ax), This correspondence is readily seen to be an isometry. (3.29) f where C Set | I . -n dx) into the inequality fa "~F ~'~-n G(x,x,)f(x)x dx x -nn2 dx C replacing fa J If 2xn PO n-2 ri E Sn. may be assumed independent of right hand side, with a. L2 + dx The new is independent of f, On the other side, a change of variables x I-- ax inner integral on the left side results in a new n-1 G(x,x,r)f (x)x -n ~2 dx = Applying the dilation a n-1 G(a D _1 -1 x,a a G(x,a -n 1~ xn)f(x)x transforms this ~ ~-n -1~ ^ dx x,n)f(x)x to dx. 137 L2 (x-n dx) which retains the same |9|~ with a = the definition (3.28) implies 1, (3.30) f C where Thus, norm. G(x,x,)f(x)x is independent of allowed to depend on sides of p dx dx < C x n E Rn-1\{}. f(x)| x If dx is now f also, then by integrating both (3.30) with respect to Ti we obtain the required estimate of (3.10). The kernel inverting the partial differential operator is G(x,y,x,y) = cn (3.31) It is bounded on e L (x-n dx dy), (x,x,n)d hence is the unique Green funct ion for the constant curvature Laplacian. some . It also has isometry invariance, namely that of translation and di lat ion: G(x,y+v,x,y+v) = G(xy,x,y) G(az,az) = G(zz), z = (x,y), z = (x,y) the latter following from a change of variables in (3.31). 138 C. Structure of the Kernel of G We now discuss the structure of the kernel (3.31), which is of the type discussed in the last chapter. -2,a G(z,z)-r E KO0 (3.32) Theorem: T n 1/2 n 0 T(If+ O + 0 1 @ 0 k Ak) where n-k-1 T= Ln-k ar = k k n-k+1 n-kJ n-1 2 k] k, k-1 t T = a tn-i , for > -, k and -r 2 k+l is the half-density of (2.28). First we prove As always, the proof is rather involved. uniform symbol estimates in the regions x, x < x. x This implies the requisite regularity in the interior and, together with properties of the indicial operator, yields the correct estimates at the boundary. We commence by examining the 'uncoupled' part of the kernel: (3.33) Lemma: The kernels G1 furnish inverses for the operators the estimates, for |a7l 1, G2 and P of (3.14), which and P satisfy 139 x, |B x B X B.a'G.(x, 1 7)| - . . C ,1,j a uniformly in 6 > 0, ( x < x < 6 i = 1,2. -1 ~~ -1 , 6 6 for any ( x < x < 6 In particular, neglecting the dependence, they are symbols of order 7 a classical expansion as uniformly in -1, G. has of lowest homogeneity 0 - (x,x) Finally, each (xx) plane. these regions of the -x|N|Q i+ji e- 1-|a|+ (1+|T?|) |T |0. Proof: Consider only in the region G1 x x; the other Then cases are quite similar. n-1 G) G 1 (x,x,ri) = (xx) where assume. v = (n-2k-1)/2 Both I 1v for K and V 2 x IV(xI1I)K k < (n-1)/2, V(xIr1I) which we also have asymptotic expansions for large values of their arguments, the first terms of which All derivatives of are given in (3.12). I , K also have expansions which must equal the ones obtained by I , K differentiating those for . All these expansions are of step size one in descending powers of xjri|, hence it suffices Thus replace G1 n-2 (xx) or to argue only for the first terms. by ~) 2 xIqI| ~ e -(x-x)|n| | Tl -1 140 IH as O, - The estimates of the Lemma are e < x < x. the only point to be noted is that quite easy to verify; aae-(xx)I1 -(x-x)I|l - I3lIla| 1(31 where each p3 1#| degree | || -{a term homogeneous in (x-x) }. of n Since -(Xx) I I-|aI(-x) I C (1+| |) |a| this too has the correct growth. As for the behaviour as 71 0, - both I and K V have convergent Frobenius series (the one for K contain- ing logarithms) so that from (3.13) n-k-1~k GJ(x,x,n) = c 0x (with an additional x |n | + |n|(cl x log 171 n-kk x +c ix n-k-1~k+1 ) +--x term when k = 1 - 1). This proves all claims. To extend this to the 'coupled' part of the kernel G c , which inverts better. L , 1' we must understand its structure This necessitates a closer examination of the solutions to L 1 u = 0. Altogether, this nullspace is four dimensional and two independent elements are identified in 141 these, both components are exponentially In one of (3.27). v ; increasing-call this solution the other solution has both components exponentially decreasing. record that when |aI= Let us 1 n/2 x n-k+1 u1 = u u1 [bxn-k +,,, Kxn/2 x e x b~x +-- b c~x --- c x 0 X +--- (3.34) k d0xk+1 +000' 1 n/2 e -x +-- - 0 dxn/2 e-x+..i "1 Other solutions are not known explicitly, but fortunately their asymptotics may be derived as follows. A Frobenius series calculation posits two additional solu- |7| tions of the form (also when = 1) - n-k-1 u - - n-k x Lk (3.35) c0 v2 In (3.34), bO, b, +Au 1 log dO x ++ Bvy1 k-1 x (3.35) none of the coefficients bO, B, c 0 , c. c 0 , d O, log x +- d6, Eo a 0 , a0 , a 0 , A, vanish. 142 On the other hand, the singularity of One may find formal is not regular. L at x = O solutions which are x (possibly divergent) series in descending powers of Thus a straightforward multiplied by an exponential. computation produces series x 2 + a 1x+a -_1 a_ x -1 + --- x eI x 1x + :0 + --- n 2 x x -1- + a-2 x 1+ +00 --- +--- x +---. x X +---W are different of course in each of these solu- a., 11P. The x a_ 1x 2 #x e n-_ a 1x +--- -_1 a x x Once tions, and none of the leading coefficients vanish. these formal solutions have been found, the theory developed in Chapter 5 of [8] the coefficients of L (for which the analyticity of is essential) implies the exis- tence of actual solutions obeying each of these asymptotics as x -p . Indeed both and u v1 of (3.34) fit this pattern-their series being the ones commencing in Thus for some choice of a., b, c., d in (3.35) x 1 143 ax2 u2 x +--- 1-2 ex +--b 6x 2 , a6, b6 , c', d6 0 (3.36) 2 -x c 6x 2e v2 n_ 2 .dx2 The kernel -x+ o 0 -x + C (x,x,i), || = has a form similar 1, to (3.14): Gc(x,x, U, V where ) = U(x)A(x)H (x-x) + V(x)B(x)H(x-x) are two by two matrices, the columns of which are linear combinations of and A, B u , u 2, respectively vi, v2' are matrices chosen so that ~ L LOn c = x 6(x-x)-I. But L is self-adjoint with respect to formally and by (3.24) as an operator), too: G (x,x) = G (x,x) Hence A(x) = V(x) , B(x) = U(x)* and xn dx so that (both Gc is 144 Gc = U(x)V(x) H(x-x) + V(x)U(x)H(x-x). (3.37) The only obstruction to completing our task is the explicit identification of u , v . the columns of in terms of the U, V L Gc However, the condition that n6 = entails that U'(x)V(x) 1 n-2 V'(x)U(x) - x - I. Of necessity then, from (3.34) and (3.36) (3.38) U(x) = for some a, b, c, d, bu] au 2 , V(x) = [cv 1 dv 2 ] none of which may vanish. Since G (x,x, n) = | a verbatim repeat of |8 i8 3BaG (x , x. x -n c x uniformly in the proof of (3.33) shows that more, each term of x x G_ 6 , 6 ( nI > 1, l)1-|aI +i+j e-x-x||nl Sei-,j a(l+ 7)X 6 the estimates, for satisfies G (3.39) Lemma: n nG,(xIn ,xIn|In/|In|) x < x < F6 Further- has a classical expansion (in fact 145 a convergent series) as > 0, - uniform in x, x < C I|0 and of lowest homogeneity We now have sufficient information to study the kernel G(z,z) of (3.31). when C is G(z,z) (3.40) Lemma: z X z and x, x > 0. The singularity along the diagonal is classical conormal, with an expansion involving (quasi-) homogeneous terms of z increasing degree in the first such term, up to a z; ~ -n . 1z-z| constant factor, is Proof: - By virtue of the uniform symbol estimates of the two previous lemmas, the usual arguments imply that is CO G(z,z) The singularity along the in the stated region. diagonal is the normal one for the inverse of an elliptic From our vantage point, differential operator. symbolic behaviour of that when x = x powers of y homogeneity behaves - away from G(x,x,n) G(z,z) 77 = 0 shows has an appropriate expansion in the most singular of which has degree of y, -(n-1) - (-1) = 2-n. That thusly in all directions along invoking the rotation invariance of G. might consider the Fourier transform of with respect to though, the t identically one near (where t = 0 p the singularity {z = z} follows by Alternately one G(x,x+t,ri)p(t) is a cutoff function and compactly supported in, 146 (- say, , (r -2 of degree (T,77) is symbolic in this It is straightforward to show that )). being dual to t) and polyhomogeneous. (3.41) Proposition: x > 0}, {x = 0, x > {x = x = 0, y s y}. and 0} {x = 0, is conormal on G(z,z) Its components each have expansions on either of these codimension one faces, with leading terms determined by the two-bytwo matrices a {x = 0} for and {x = 0} for r of (3.32). Proof: We prove all assertions only for the inverse transform of the kernel k < n-. kernel, of (3.14), and assuming G The methods apply equally well the full to though the notation becomes more intricate. Consider first the region near x = 0, x > e. From (3.33) the integral (xa) aaap x f ei(Yy)-G (xxI) dr x Y y n-1 e ( -Y . (xax)e jA = # _ .,i ) a ) 2 VII | I|)K V(xln|)dn x converges absolutely for any 1 ~%0 -1 lyl, e, IyI a, P, and uniformly in indeed it decreases 147 Furthermore, it obviously has the exponentially there. same regularity as {x = 0, x > 0} independently of these This yields the conormality along indices. various > 0 x Similar arguments was arbitrary. e since {x = 0, x > 0}. apply to For the corner, where both x x, |y-y| convenient to observe that we may assume the dilation invariance G(az,az) = G(z,z) x Now, assuming only that ply both sides of the equation above by place ,~ x by ( since {x = x = x, (y-y) we may multiand re- to get xO~ x e i(Y-Y) > e, allows for all computations to be performed well away from y - y = 0}. is it 0, - 18 ) n-1 (x 2 1 (x1n|)K (x(|I |) p ) ((in)a x as the new right hand side. rj is permissible since (The integration by parts in the whole expression is to be considered as an oscillatory integral.) 7 so that -1 integral over over I| 1 + e + j + |lii > 1 d |a| + 1| - Now, by choosing |7| < -n, the is convergent, whereas the integral can only produce a C contribution. Furthermore, the regularity of this expression is stable as 148 x, x > 0. - y - y X 0, Since the conormality along the corner is now established. As for the various expansions, notice that when > 0, x x > 6, in the first factor n-1 S(x (y-y)-n d )K(xII)(xx) 2 may be replaced by its Frobenius series . x < 1e, 2' each term of this (convergent) grand decreases exponentially with 77, Again, provided sum in the intehence we have a series 0 n-1+j~ c.(x,y-y) x j =0 furnishing the asymptotic behaviour as obtain this expansion uniformly down to x To 0. - x = 0, but still of course, we may instead replace assuming x < x IV(xJ77|) by the first terms of its Frobenius series N plus an exponentially increasing remainder. Each term in the resulting integrand exhibits symbolic behaviour, and the first N summands still decrease exponentially in These provide the first sion; N TI. terms of the asymptotic expan- the remainder term is indeed lower order as may be seen by multiplying it by (y-y) for |-r sufficiently 149 large and integrating by parts so that the resulting integral converges. Applying the arguments of the last paragraph to the full kernel yields the correct expansions in all components, for these all are derived from (3.34), (3.35). Proof of Theorem (3.32): The lift of has the correct behaviour along n n G(z,z) to IR+ R+ and B, as T, At Indeed the only point demonstrated in (3.40) and (3.41). not yet discussed is the behaviour near the front face However F. G this is trivial since the dilation invariance of is equivalent to the independence of the lifted kernel on R. Hence not only is but the expansions at G smooth on AtO, T, B F, except at all continue uniformly F. down to Let us now untangle the various definitions and iden- tify both the operator induced by the Laplacian on T1/2 and its inverse. G for which First recall then is tion G that the operator P, -k P =_kx kAx- the kernel induced by the standard Green func- k k E F Hom(A ,A ). In fact, since A k and canonically identified over the interior we may let act on 0Ak 0 is an inverse, satisfies A~-k9_ (PG) <= k ) = x_-kp A(x- G BAt0' 0Ak: o k A GA are 150 ~k ~ ~-k (i(x,y_) k x GA(x,y,x,y)x f = x -k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n dx dy W(xy)x ~ G(x,y,x,y) (x,y)x -n ~ dx dy i.e. GA(xyx.y) = x -k ~ ~ ~k G(x,y,x,y)x (3.42) AGA = xn 6(x-x)6(y-y).I. To incorporate half-densities, use (2.28) and define A(x -k W- ) = x -k P (PW)- 4 The corresponding kernel -which 1/2 F0 P = x k+n/2 (3.43) G Ax -k-n/2 A r Hom(A E T n/ 2 Axn/2 ' GA) (x2 -() = is the kernel of From - A on k) n/2 x n/2 Px o k -n/2 1/2 ®1T0 must satisfy = x 6(x-x)6(y-y)-I the identity with respect to (3.42) one may check that GA = x -r of and by It is of course the operator induced by A-(G p ~-n/2 GA x =x -k+n/2 Gx~k-n/2 151 The kernel transfers to G Bn under all hyperbolic isometries there. and is invariant The preceding dis- cussion may be carried through on the ball, x difference being that is the only must be replaced by the Euclidean coordinate on B n). 1 - |w1 2 The appropriate kernel inverting the Laplacian acting on, 0Ak Bn) is 1/2 n (B )i F0 (3.44) GA = (1-Iw| Suppose now that ~ 2 -n/2 ~ 2 n/2 . )G,(w,w)(1-Iw ) is any two-by-two matrix-the compo- a nents of which regulate decay rates of the tangential and normal components of a section of -and Hom(Ak ,oAk) define the new matrix a + q = (a. .i+q), i, j = t, n, q E R. 13] In summary, we have proved (3.45) Corollary: -2,a-k+n/2,r+k-n/2 n o k 1/2 GA(ww)*t E KO (B A O a, r as in (3.32). A(G A-) Furthermore = (1-|wi 2 )n6(w-w)-r*I. (w 152 D. Refined Mapping Properties In this section we further refine the mapping properTwo results are ties of the Laplacian and its inverse. proved; the first, a straightforward extension of Proposi- tion (2.55), is valid more generally, but its statement and Let us proof are simpler in the present circumstances. define a form valued version of the space (2.54). (M,oAk), SE Aa a = phg (3.46) + Wtn = a. k 1, oAk _ oAkt The decomposition near 0012k E o k 1 C A phg~(M) (a t ,an ) 0An i = t, near aM n. is defined aM following the discussion in Chapter 2, Section C, and the spaces above are invariant under coordinate changes only when |at-anI 1. (3.47) Proposition: (n-k-ln-k) and if f E dg k < (n-l)/2, a + q = (a +q), is a unique Let a w E A phg q E Z+, nok ) n Ao = (Bn oAk), a = (k,k-1) where if in either case. such that f. a = k > (n+l)/2 Then there 153 Proof: and e Let p Bn, be a defining function for f and normal components of 0, Now, the tangential n-1. 3Bn the variable in p have expansions i = t, n j=0 a +q+j (log tj =0 Inasmuch as near the boundary. A - for any a, p) 104 a+1 : Aa IA w. we proceed by first choosing , i = t,n so that = I U. A 10 f. 10 a. +q o. 10 = c: e 1 ()p (log p) e=0 Then, assuming so that w im have been chosen, m < j, pick j 154 I A . ). =f. ij ij N.. a.+q+j (J)jc = UR(O)p (log 1 p) e=0 are quasihomogeneous terms of the correct degree f:. The which depend only on m < j. All methods. f and (A-IA)Wtm' (A-A)"nm' these equations are solvable by finite series Note only that uniqueness holds at each step since each exponent a + q + j is greater than the largest of the indicial roots of duced by I ok Ak. on I --the operator in- For the same reason the highest power of the logarithm at each stage is never increased. L co-~-Ethen 0.. If If Aw0 - f ~ g EC (B n ) @ o Ak . (2.55) and (3.45) together guarantee the existence of a w such that AW 1 Then A(o 0 - 1 ) = f, = g. as desired. The other solvability result is of the same type as (3.47), but with somewhat more singular right hand sides. Recall from (2.17) that it is useful to think of the quarter-sphere point w0 Sn as the ball in its boundary. Bn blown up around a Analogous to the spaces (3.46) 155 are oAk a(Bn A B OAk n 5AAphg d Aphg (S++ (3.48) (348 OAk An element is a section of n). = P a = (at an)' which is conormal, with classical expansion, at the top and bottom edges of the quarter-sphere. a, 3 The two-vectors determine the most singular terms in these expansions; in (3.46) we require |a t analogous spaces over Bn aBn - ing function |w-w r(w) = 1. or The are those with expansions at In particular, using the defin- {w0 }. and at {w0 } an ' IIt PnI = 0 as 0 |, the tangential component of an element has an expansion SN. (3.49) 0ier t ft 0 r (log r) i=0 e=0 and similarly for the normal component. functions of space to Bn (3.50) Theorem: w0 . * here are the sphere in the half tangent 8 E Sn-1, at The We may now state the For any a+q,p f E dphg there is always a solution w E dajh(Bn oAk (B n o k , A ) q E Z + 156 Aw = f, to a are integers and 3 (3.47). 2-vector of the is so long as the entries of The typically arduous proof involves removing the singularity at additional This step is essentially local, to (3.47). Bn R +0 n by A k and regard N than rather corresponding to w0 with by A replace so as to reduce the problem w0 ok Ak. and w so we replace 0. In addition, f as sections of The principle tool is the Mellin + r E IR has polar coordinates n-1 E S+ , . z E R+ where r, transform, taken in the radial variable This the is transform u(r,8) r C-1 u(r,O) dr uM(co) = - (3.51) u(r,8) In general, space uM Re C < a, = (27r)-l r uM(C,6) dC. is only defined (and analytic) in a halfand so the integral defining the inverse transform is taken over a line Re C = c, c < a fixed. (For all facts quoted here regarding the transform, see a The constant closely related to the decay of 0 for large values of at r =0, then |Im C| - c, uM Re C uM which limits the domain of [23].) r u as r > 0. If is u = and vanishes at a definite rate is rapidly decreasing as fixed. 157 The most important property of uM for us is that if then large, continues meromorphically to the whole uM + Z7+ C E P C-plane, with poles only at Furthermore, the Conversely, if + 1. Re C = constant, then rapidly on each line u(r,0) = fRe rcv([,8) C=c dC has an expansion as in (3.49) with the exponent s rs (log r) occur for which is the with real poles and decreases C is meromorphic in v(C,O) N is PO + i order of the pole at 0 (if most singular exponent in the expansion). term r has an expansion as in (3.49), and vanishes for u(r,O) the location of a po le of v. in s Only those and the order of the pole at Re s > c, is one greater than the highest power of the = s rithm multiplying each loga- s r . L Define the operator (N u)M by = L uM Clearly LC Since N = |z~ INgIz| . is invariant under the homothety this conjugate is also. z ) az, Therefore it is differential only 158 in the 8 variable; in C it is purely algebraic. Sn-i Furthermore, as an operator on |9| = 1, boundary 9 2 Diff 0 it is in n > O} = 0 ='...') --with respect to the A short calculation shows of course. that its indicial operator is one we know: I(L ) (3.52) = IP. L , The present goal is to invert equation L M M. C. every value of Naturally, I ts inverse is not invertible for L GC so as to solve the is meromorphic, and its poles contribute to the expansion of I l C (IR) equal one for formally, the inverse for 1/2, dilation by t G(r p(r)f(@))} the inverse of oAk, U1 (Sn-1 and define, at least LC G f = lim M {r t4O f E N, M and Substituting the integral for G formula we get ~% ~% ~ (3.53) G C f(e) = n Sn- where p(r) E Let wM. HC (9,)f(9)(0)n) (n-1~ l d8 the in this 159 (3.54) Hf (0,0) = C For any value G( ,To)T C dr ~ TO O . n at which this last integral con- then serves as an actual inverse for G verges, J fact, but for an insignificant difference, a VO-pseudodifferential operator. values of C as 7 - 0 and T all other components exhibit n-i then Suppose k < 2 , of decay. H -(n-k-1) (n-k-1) < Re C < n-k-1. - extends meromorphically to the whole + C-plane with poles at ± C E k-i + Z+if order two; = 0 - Hence (3.54) converges when (3.55) Lemma: G(8,TG) G, 'more favourable' rates (,O Gtt tn-k-1, ev and the extreme case is However, G tt -G 8 A 0 decays at various rates G W. - is actually G Fix where (3.54) converges. The components of 0,8). In Let us now examine the notice that by the dilation invariance of G(r L . t E n-k-i + Z are kernels of finite rank. k < n-i n2 1 and These poles are of at most k > n. the residues at if ( = N of H and (C-N)HC 160 Proof : Choose a partition of unity 1 = 0 1 (T) *3 ( T) where is supported in , /2, $ 3 (t) 1 (T- 1 ). '0 be defined by the int egral H 1 -H H Write in (1/4,4). *2 and by le tting = + 0 2 (r) + H (3.54) 2 + 3 + H with inserted into the integrand. di (T) H 2 discu ss ? entire in is which 8 X 0, for singularity we By a change of variab les later. H (0,0) C d $*(T)G(8 = n = H (0,0) J -0 1 (T)G(T9,8)T n A = + r+, by r Replace of r+ The family sions. each of these expres- in , homogeneous distributions is to well known to extend meromorphically Now, sions as T r Gm1 , rm log 0. - These expansions where the 8 or Gme 8 by their expan- G(T0,8) and G(8,T9) replace is X = -N the residue at X E -Z+; poles at with simple C involve terms are kernels in for in respectively. The expansions commence with , any T k-, or X, term of m, and k > TX n. Inasmuch log T = dX(r), as the T X which (0,0) or G(r8,O) are polynomial rm Gmo G(O,r8), n-k-i nk, r= +m k < for integrals of each the expansions should be thought of as a pairing of 161 r+M or T +M log r a kernel of finite rank since it Finally, since 0. for example, will have a pole resulting 3 H , 1 H . and not in Since L G ( = n-k-l+i log T H is occurs only The proof is complete. n-1 ni) 6(0-) = and G(6,TO), Similarly, the pole at regular. n-k-l+i n (0,0), in the expansion for ) (9, G C = Specifically, at n-k+i rn -ki only from the two terms in H or only one or two i > 0, terms will actually be singular. -(n-k-l+i), 9 is polynomial in (0) = 0, *1 the coefficient here is (T); with in the region where must continue to hold in the extended (3.54) converges, it domain, away from the poles, by the uniqueness of analytic The kernel continuation. K-2,09,-1 strate. First of all, a few extra (0,0). = S n- over r essentially lies in H S n-, X as we shall now demon- is the pushforward of H factors) under the submersion {9 = 9, r = is conormal along along (with (9,0,) - The restriction of this map to the submanifold is still a submersion onto its image, and 0} G {0 = 9}. Next, 1}, has H so H {0 G(6,rO) is conormal the proper singularities along the top and bottom faces, as may be ascertained by setting the expansion for one way in which H G into (3.54). differs from the V Finally, the kernels we have already studied is that it has a logarithmic singularity at the front face. The easiest way to check this is to 162 GA observe that the kernel (3.42) is actually a of function of the hyperbolic distance between z and z. This simplifies the calculations necessary to display this singular behaviour, which are then straightforward and much the same as those in [20], hence will be omitted. Despite this one difference, H still enjoys all the continuity properties discussed in Chapter 2. From this, and using (3.52), the proof of (3.47) may be repeated to show that L has a unique solution meromorphically on f E = ( n-1 ,Ak + a+q phg k n-i a ,A ) w E dphg S+ depending Its poles are precisely those of C. Hr. Proof of (3.50): a+q,f no0 k ) f E sdq (BA n phg Take to the upper half-space, with by xk so as components w0 = 0. meromorphic; r. its poles are at The new form, and it wM(c e) = G fM(c,9). It 0. By are integers, WM 0. Let too is meromorphic in C, and lies in virtue of the hypothesis is fM(c,e), C E min(Pt ,Pn ) + Z+, d phgC in in Now, express its in polar coordinates, and take their Mellin transform with respect to is still Also, multiply it k-form. to get an ordinary and transfer it that the P3 Aaphg in 163 + has poles at ( E n-k-1 + Z+ (or k-1 + Z+) and min(13 t'1n) + Z4. Def ine f Wi(rO) = (2 r)i where the integral is over No (3.47) to find w2 r = 0, o- 92is 1/2. Then A and upon being (Bn,Ak). such that N - - f =g lies in Bn, dC Re C = min(Pt' n) vanishes to infinite order at transferred back to r&)M(,9O) 1 W= gs the desired solution: Ng(w 1 -& 2 )=f Now apply 164 Chapter 4: A. Hodge Cohomology The Parametrix Construction We now have all the analytic tools at our disposal necessary to construct a suitable parametrix for the k-forms for a conformally compact metric Laplacian on (1.2). As described in section D of Chapter 2, the conEach of these involve struction proceeds in three stages. the normal --the symbol, A inverting model operators for operator, and the indicial operator at the diagonal, front face, and the top face of M x0 M, the respectively. The first step uses the symbol calculus of Theorem (2.41), but is otherwise identical to the usual microlocal procedure. Thus we seek an operator E EP 2 (M;oAk 1/2 the kernel of which is supported quite near M M, x0 and of course such that (4.1) First choose 1, in AL E,0 E -00 Q0 ' Ag E 0 -2 0 Q0 satisfying which is possible by the VO 0 o o a 2 (Ag) 0- ellipticity of 2 (EO00 ) A . 165 Then A E g 0 = -Q -I ,0 E q1. 0 0,1 Similarly, by induction, we may find EO'j 0 such that A E j = 1,2,---. of each - = -Q Q E 0 Obviously it may be assumed that the kernel E 0 'j, and thus QO,j, is supported near At0' Now take E0~ EOj and the first step is complete. Next we seek an operator (4.2) A E1 where the kernel of front face F. Q Although E1 = QO - for which Q1 vanishes to infinite order on the x(Q 0 ) is supported well away from all other boundaries, it is not possible to choose and (4.3) Q with this property. E E *O In fact, we will find that 1 E R 00 E 166 where a' = a-k+n/2, T' of (3.32). T+k-n/2, = and a r the matrices We note that it is precisely at this step where the proof breaks down in the middle degrees k = n/2, (n 1)/2. process. is obtained by an iterative E As in the first step, is chosen to satisfy E1,0 The first term N p(A )Np(E1,0) for each p E OM. In fact, by (3.47) there is a function N (E l0) E d p = NP (QO) 10 phg T' (F ) @ T1/2 0 solving this equation, and then, by the exactness of sequence in (2.45) there is an A E g It is crucial 1 ,0 with this function as E1,0 Thus its normal operator. - = -Q' Q Q 0 Q E R- 0 to observe now that Q slightly better: Q' 1,1 ,''T 0 ,1 the E R 0-"a'+1,r' 0 is actually 167 Qj = *i Q'', 1 xQ' 1 1, E q1cI 0 ,T The reason for this gain is that the normal operator of A g annihilates the top order term of the asymptotic expansion E1,0 for Np(E 1 Indeed, this is so because at the top face. is given by applying the Green function for this ,0 ) (which is supported in the Np(QO) normal operator to interior), and now (3.47) implies that E1,0 has the correct top order term. terms in the series for To get further assume that, instead of a Taylor series in let us El, R, we let so that g Define Q 1, j = kQ" x x 1, j A .; E g 1,j 1 L'- g 1,j* then the inductive step is - Q 1,j =-xQ" 1,3+1 where 1, j E -Q 0 , a'+1, 0 '-j , Q1,j 00 ', T'-j+ to solve 168 j = 0. This has already been accomplished for values of N p (A )N g' p j, ( For greater we solve this equation by first solving N (Q = N(Q p 1,j 1,j 1/2 k a'.+1,T'-j E d-j) C T' (F p ; AkTr 0 0 ). By Theorem (3.50) an appropriate solution may indeed be found; its extension into the interior of M x0 M then satisfies A E . - Q 1,j.= -RQ ,+. g 1,j 0 1,j+l However, by reasoning as above-and now the point to note is that by hypothesis the top order term in the expansion for Q . 1,j is of type a' + 1 and so doesn't interfere with the argument-we actually have A E l,j+l as desired. =-xQ .- g 1,1, Finally, since xE 1,j.E 1,+ 0 E 9-0,a 0 C E ,T ,T j 169 and L X'j 1 This ,1 j 0 0, ' T solves (4.2). E The final step of this construction is to find R - a ,r such that A E 2 ~ (4.3) This is quite easy: of (3.47). 1 Q2 . R one merely solves for each term in the using the indicial operator, cf. T expansion at E2 E the proof This completes the construction. Set E = E1 + E2 + E3' (4.4) Theorem: for E E %k02',T' )1/2is a parametrix (M;oA A g A E =I -Q, g (4.5) Corollary: compact, and thus O - 000T' Q ER~ 00 Q : L2 ( TAk ) o k 1/2 (0M0A L ( 12 O ) is 170 A B. gOO >1L2 ( A k1/2) L2 ( 0A k1/) is Fredholm. Proof of the Main Theorem It follows from Corollary (4.5) that the harmonic space Ak = 2k dg) {w E L : A o = 0} g It remains for us to identify it in is finite dimensional. terms of the topological cohomology of First observe M. that the adjoint of the remainder Q ER' k ,o"(M; (A® oU 0 x(Q ) To double check the order of 1/2 0 . on the top face, notice that E A Ik * g = I - implies (4.6) Thus that W E the order a' Q*(Weii) = W-P. is the only one possible which ensures 171 I(A = 0 ) modulo terms of one order higher. Remove the density factor and regard of the ordinary form bundle. 2 as a section w From (2.55) and (4.6) 2 phg ,Ak (4.7) k < n-i (n-2k-l,n-2k) a = k > n+1 2 (0-1) L2 These explicit asymptotics of harmonic forms, together with various consequences of the existence of the parametrix, allow us to identify spaces of Xk with the deRham cohomology M. Let us first briefly review the deRham theory on a compact manifold with boundary. There are, of course, two flavours of cohomology to consider, the relative and the absolute, and these are dual. M Inasmuch as and its interior share the same topological cohomology, it is reasonable to let the absolute cohomology be defined by Hk (M) = {WE 2k (M) : dw = 0}/{da :r E )I. Mk- 172 In this equality we must specify what sort of regularityand boundary values-these forms should possess. it suffices either to let just distributional constraints. W and T1 (currents), cf. be Co in In fact, M or [9], with no boundary However, when proving the Hodge theorem for a nondegenerate metric it is more convenient to use smooth M forms on cf. which satisfy 'absolute' boundary conditions, [26], which we shall not define here since we do not need them. On the other hand, the relative cohomology not surprisingly always requires constraints at Hence, it is well known that we may compute the boundary. Hk (M,M) using the complex of forms satisfying relative boundary conditions H k (M,c3M) = i :M Here - = 0, dw = O} i* (M) {wE C co k-i (M), i W = O} {dT : q E C0 M We could equally is the inclusion. well use forms supported in the interior of M, as shown by an argument using the chain homotopy operator in the proof of our next theorem. We need to define the relative groups using somewhat less regular forms. on M, There are two spaces of distributions briefly mentioned already in Chapter 2, but see [22] for more details. Let C denote the smooth func- tions vanishing to infinite order at BM and let 173 (M) = (C (M))', C C (M) = (C (M))'. These are the 'extendible' and 'supported' distributions, respectively. M If is an open extension of A former space contains the restrictions to distributions on M, distributions on M M, then the of arbitrary while elements of the latter are actually supported in M. The sequence 0 --- + C~w(M,aM) ---- + O~(M) --- + C~M(M) 0 is exact, the initial space being of distributions on supported in 8M. M One of the few differences between these spaces arises by comparing how differential operators act on them. As may be checked from duality, an extendible distribution is to be differentiated in M, the result extending to the boundary by continuity; a supported distribution is differentiated as a distribution on M, so that boundary layers may well occur. Having stated these facts, we now come to the discussion. the point of the case (which unfortunately is not It is to be found in the literature) that the absolute and relative cohomologies of of M forms with values in mention all may be computed from the complexes C and C , respectively. We this to justify a minor technicality concerning regularity in the proof of our 174 (4.8) Main Theorem: Ak 3 There are natural isomorphisms -- k < [w] E H k(M,OM) n+1 k k 22 harmonic forms are closed and coclosed since k n+1 k W k > Hence when is complete. g the metric 2 n-i represents an absolute cohomology class. If k (2 Proof: L2 -, . may then consider it as lying in vanish at w then from (4.7) both components of -00 C (M), 8M. We and it is still Thus closed in the sense of supported distributions. w It will suffice to show that represents a relative class. below the middle degree the map is injective, while above the middle degree it is surjective. n-i Suppose then that for W = d, k < n2 1, i* o E k f , = 0. Choose finitely many coordinate patches near h an = 0, h ally near nn = 1, and the coordinate the boundary. we have Then, since zn 8M such that is defined glob- 6 ce = 0, we compute 175 IoII 2 = <dn,w> - <I,6 9 w> = g = 2k-n h lim {z n=6} F-+0 By assumption on the coordinates, only (-*h t 1t = O(pn2k and wn We know that enter into this last integral. W but A * W) d( JMg log p) it is less clear at what rate Tt vanishes. We study this issue by using the chain homotopy operator of [26]. Thus if dy A dx E Ok then we define Rw = (Rw) w = W and w 1 (y,O) = 0, dy + W J dyi by %1 (Rw) = (-1) k-1 w (y,tx)x dt. This is actually coordinate independent, and satisfies dRw + so long as i w = 0. Rdw = w Note also that i*Rw = 0. 176 If w = dRw is closed then w is defined. Rw of the boundary where in the neighbourhood If P is a func- tion supported in this neighbourhood which is identically one near then aM, w - d( PRw) represents the same relative cohomology class and vanishes near the boundary. trivial, j3 for which so there exists a form i* which is We are assuming that this class is C = 0, up to w - d(NPRw) = dP This shows that we may take aM. n = P + %pRw and so lit = O(p log p). The limit above must now vanish, hence w = 0 and the map into relative cohomology is injective. n+1 On the other hand, when k > -+- take a smooth representative class. a Obviously for an arbitrary absolute cohomology a is square-integrable with respect to 177 since p2k-n |a is bounded. 2 has A We know that closed range with a finite dimensional complement, so we may write + w 13P a = A for some # E L 2k the interior of w E * . and M, [a] = [o] Hence da = 0 and since 1 a = d6 Obviously + 1 is C in it follows that o. and the theorem is proved. As the last part of this proof shows, we have actually proved something about the L2 cohomology spaces discussed in the introduction. (4.9) Proposition: For k < n-i 2 2k L 2H k L2Hk or k > n+1 2+1 we have k is finite dimensional. and so, in these degrees, Proof: We have established a strong Hodge decomposition for these values of k: 178 a = d6 L2k (M,dg) k W E I. so f3 + 6 df3 + w is closed iff the second summand vanishes, and a [a] = [w] 2 k L2H in The existence of a parametrix away from the middle degrees implies that the spectrum of A is L 2k on bounded below by a positive constant for these values of k. k = (n+l)/2 However, when -so that the dimension is odd-then judging from the special case cf. IH, n [11], the continuous spectrum should in general extend down to zero, and A About would not have closed range. final case, when n is even and k = n/2, the we can reach a definite conclusion. (4.10) Proposition: the orthocomplement positive lower bound. L2 n/2 n/2 Proof: Since n/2 (n/ 2 ) the spectrum of A has a g Hence the range of the Laplacian on is closed, a strong Hodge decomposition holds, and 2 n/2 on is of infinite dimension, but on n/2 L 2n/2 (the space class of the metric), (M,dg) = L2n/2 (M,dh) n/2 and 6 = p 2h depends only on the conformal it is necessary only to solve the elliptic boundary problem 179 = 0, A io = pi for the nondegenerate metric hence in Wn/2 is L2 (dg), n/ 2 (aM), E C0 h; i *6 h = each solution is and an infinite dimensional 0 C subspace of thereby obtained. The argument for the next part follows [14] closely. Choose so that e > 0 [0,e] does not intersect the spec- n/2+1 (the superscript indicating the degree of g Now suppose is supposed to act). form on which A trum of A =((A n/2 )a # 0. g By the assumption on dw = dK(A 6g and so e, n/2 )a = g n/2+1 )da = 0 ,/(A g = 6 x(An/ 2 )a = x(An/ 2 g w E i(n/2. g g This proves spec(A n/2) g g )6 a = 0 g that [0,6] = {} as desired. 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