Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from MIT Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/onefficiencyofke258mask working paper department of economics ON THE EFFICIENCY OF KEYNES IAN EQUILIBRIUM by Eric Maskin Jean Tirole Number 258 June 1980 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 ON THE EFFICIENCY OF KEYNESIAN EQUILIBRIUM by Eric Maskin Jean Tirole Number 258 June 1980 Introduction Theorems characterizing equilibrium in economics that fail to satisfy some of the strictures of the Arrow-Debreu model have recently abounded. In particular, Grossman and Hart [8], papers by Grossman [7], and Hahn [10] have studied the efficiency properties of equilibrium with incomplete market structures and have established analogues of the two principal theorems of welfare economics. In this paper we undertake a study of the efficiency of a model with a More precisely, we different kind of imperfection, fixed prices. start by showing (Proposition 2) that Grandmont's [5] notion of K-equilibrium in fixed-price models, which embraces both the Dreze and Benassy [1] [3] equilibrium concepts, is equivalent to a kind of Social Nash Optimum 2 , in which optimization is incompletely coordinated across markets and where the control variables are quantity constraints. Viewing K-equilibria as Social Nash Optima, we believe, permits a better understanding of the structure of the set of equilibria (see Froposition 3) K-equilibria possess two important properties: order (the requirement that at most one side of the market can be quantity-constrained) and voluntary exchange (no one trades more of any good than he wants to) After studying K-equilibria, we examine order and voluntary exchange and their connection with the two principal concepts of optimality in a fixed-price economy: constrained Pareto optimality (optimality relative to trades that are feasible at the fixed prices! and implementable Pareto optimality (optimality relative to feasible trades that satisfy voluntary exchange). We show first (Proposition definition of order (c.f., Hahn [9] 4) that the usual and Grandmont [5]), in fact, -2- implies that exchange is voluntary (assuming that preferences are convex and dif f erent iable) . We, therefore, introduce a less demanding notion of order, weak order, which is distinct from voluntary exchange. (Corollary 6) that, with convexity and differentiability, order is equivalent to the conjunction of implementability (voluntary exchange) We then demonstrate (Proposition although x>7eakly 7) and weak order. that constrained Pareto optima, orderly, are, except by accident, non-implementable and, hence, Furthermore, non-orderly. We prove (Proposition 8) implementable Pareto optima need not even be weakly orderly (although in an interesting special case absence of "spillover" effects In section 1 — they — the will be) we introduce the notation and definitions. 2 treats the existence and characterization of K-equilibria. 3 studies Section Section the relationships among order, weak order and voluntary exchange. We consider optimality in section 4. Finally, in section 5, we compute the dimension of the various sets of optima. 1. Notation and Definitions Consider an economy of m + 1 goods indexed by h(h = 0,1,..., m)_, whose price vector p is fixed (p„ = 1), and n traders indexed by i(i = l,...,n) where trader X i has a feasible net trade set X c= R . We assume that is convex and contains the origin (so that trading nothing is possible) and that trader i's preferences (denoted strictly convex on this set. dif ferentiable as well. by>.) are continuous We will at times require preferences' to be Following Grandmont [5], for such an economy as follows: and we define an equilibrium -3- Definition 1 A K-equilibrium is a vector of net trades (t ,...,t : associated with the vector of quantity constraints (with Z 1 1 1 Z 0, <_ 1 >_ Z 0, = and ZT = -°°, 1 is feasible at prices p: (b) quantity constraints are observed (c) exchange is voluntary: ),..., (Z , Z )) ^ . 'vl t ^_ =0} |p-t f) it <_ Z, : is the t = X X e t t Z , such that, for all i, +°°) (a) ((Z_ ) Z maximal element among - net trades satisfying (a) and (b) (d) exchange is orderly: l 1 > t t and t j > t j 1 Y h (Z,Z) - = {t 1 X e then (t^ - zj) h h , ' i 1 1 IZ '—k aggregate feasibility: (e) for some commodity h, (t if, < - k < - St —h n 1 1 t, (t{ - zj) > — 0, )ey^(Z_,Z)y-y^(Z,Z) t , where Vk^O.h}. Z, k =0. i For any trade "canonical" rations then if t} > h — * Z^t 1 ) h by trader i, we may confine our attention to the t _Z(t ) and Z(t ), associated with that trade: = tj and Z^Ct h —h 1 = ) 0; if ' < — t"" h 0,' then zV 1 ) for h 4 0, = and zNt —h Voluntary exchange implies that agents are not forced to trade more of any good than they want to. An allocation characterized by voluntary exchange is said to be implemen table. Definition (t ,...,t 2 ) : Formally, we have An implementable allocation is a vector of net trades satisfying conditions (a), (b) , (c) , and (e) for the canonical rations associated with these trades. A market is orderly if buyers and sellers are not both constrained on that market. The next two definitions represent alternative attempts to capture the idea of order. First we introduce property (d'), which is equivalent to (see Proposition 1) but somewhat easier to work with than (d) 1 ) = t^ h (d'): A vector of net trades (t ,...,t ) satisfies property (d') if, for all markets h, there exists no alternative vector (t lly, and (Z(t ),Z(t )) 1 I 1 t, = 0. such that £ t , ...,t )e (with at least one strict preference) t 3 h The following definition is standard: Definition 3 An orderly allocation is a vector of net trades (t : satisfying (a), (b) , (d'), and (e) , ...,t ) for the canonical rations associated with those trades. The problem with the above definition of an orderly allocation, if one is attempting to distinguish between the notions of order and voluntary exchange, is that it itself embodies elements of voluntary Indeed, we will show below (Proposition 4) that, with exchange. differentiability, the above concept of order implies Heuristically, this is because, under the definition of order, exchange. the trade voluntary in Y,(Z(t ), Z(t )) could be preferred to t t forced trading on on market h. a market k 4 h and not because t simply because involves t relaxes a constraint Therefore, we propose a new notion of order that is free from the taint of voluntary exchange. We first define property (d") (d") : A vector of net trades (t ,..,,t ) satisfies property (d") if, for ~1 ~n all markets h, there exists no alternative vector (t ,...,t ) ... such that, for each i, and E i tj = 0., t where yJCtVft . e —i 11 Y, (with at least one strict preference) t 1 P i=l . > e X 1 | tj = tj, k f 0, h } i (t ) -5- Notice that properties (d') and (d") are identical except that the latter requires that alternative net trade vectors be identical to the original trades in all markets other than h and 0. Definition ,...,t (t 4 A weakly orderly allocation is a vector of net trades ; satisfying property (a), ) (b) (d") , , and (e) for the canonical rations associated with the trades. An orderly allocation is obviously weakly orderly. Below we shall be interested in the Pareto-maximal elements in the sets of K-equilibria, implementahle allocations, orderly allocations and weakly orderly allocations, which will be called K-Pareto optima (KPO) implementable Pareto optima (IPO), orderly Pareto optima (0P0) , and weakly orderly Pareto optima (WPO) respectively. , A still stronger notion of optimality, selecting Pareto-maximal elements in the set of all feasible allocations, is constrained Pareto optimality: Definition 5 A constrained Pareto optimum (CPO) is a Pareto optimum of the : economy for feasible consumption sets X = X f\ {t p*t = 0) I.e., it . solves the program max 1 subject to 1 and Y.t~ = 0, i=l for some choice of non-negative A 's, where the u 's are utility functions (*) Z X u (t ) t e X representing preferences over net trades. Characterization and Existence of K -equilibrium We first check the consistency of the definitions: P roposition 1 {K-equilibrium allocations} = {Implementable allocations} C\ 2. : {Orderly allocations}. Proof: is not satisfied for (d') n X (t ? We need just check that (d) and (d') are equivalent. . . . ,t )e n 1=1 Y^UCt h 1 ) (t ^(t ,...,t 1 )) )", 4 If there exist h and such that (t ,...,t n ) Pareto-dominates (t ,...,t n ) -6- Because (t ...,t , ) maintains equilibrium on market h, we can infer that at least one agent is demand-constrained and one supply-constrained in (t ,...,t ), which contradicts (d) satisfied by such that ,...,t ), there exist h, (t (t\ t j t , EY^CZCt^ZCt ) 1 (t on the other hand, If, . J ) 1 )) x Y Pareto-dominates J h i, j , (d) is not and J (Z(t j ), Z(t )) (t 1 t , J and ) (t^" 1 - t, h h ) (t^ h - t? ) < h 0. Therefore, if the constraints on market h are relaxed by the amount min {|t?" - t^" | , |t^ - t^|}, Q.E.D. property (d') is contradicted. We now turn to the characterization of K-equilibria in terms of social Nash optima. As indicated above, the idea behind a social Nash optimum is to consider m uncoordinated planners, one for each market h (h^O) , who choose quantity constraints to maximize a weighted sum of consumers' utilities, subject to keeping equilibrium on their own market and given the rations chosen by the other planners. A social Nash optimum is then defined as a Nash equilibrium of that "game." Formally: Definition 6 : For each i, let t (p Z_ , , Z ) solve trader i's preference maximization problem, given prices p and rations i the indirect utility function V (p, —i i Z_ , Z i ) i Z_ ° = u (t x is a utility function representing i's preferences. for fixed positive weights {\ } , — Z — and Z i — (p,Z_ ,Z Define . )), where u Suppose that, the manager of market h chooses Z^ and n i i i — A I V (p, Z , Z ) subject only to for each i so as to maximize — . h n i= 1 °i i — the constraint £ t Z ) = and taking as given the rations (p, Z_ i=1 i -i Z and Z in each market k 4 h, Q. The allocation corresponding to the h . . . . , " K. < K. equilibrium of such a "game" is a social Nash optimum . By definition, a social Nash optimum is an implementable allocation. From the equivalence between (d) and (d'), it is also orderly. Conversely, -7- a K-equilibrium is a social Nash optimum. We have thus characterized the set of K-equilibria: Proposition 2 ; {K-equilibria} = {Social Nash optima} The set of weakly orderly and orderly allocations can be characterized similarly. In particular, a weakly orderly allocation is equivalent to a social Nash optimum where the instruments of planner h are the trades {t } on his own market. The characterization of orderly allocations, although straightforward, is less natural because of the hybrid nature of these allocations: an orderly allocation is a social Nash optimum where each planner chooses trades on his own market given the canonical rations associated with the allocations chosen by the other planners. In other words, each planner assumes that the others have the power only to choose rations, whereas, in fact, they choose the actual trades. Under differentiability, Corollary 6 below guarantees that this kind of social Nash optimum is identical to that of Definition 6. As a by-product of the character izaton of K-equilibria as social Nash optima, we obtain a straightforward proof of the existence of a K-equilibrium at prices p based on the Social Equilibrium Existence Theorem of Debreu Proposition 3 : [2] Under the above assumptions, for any vector of positive prices p and any choice of positive weights {A Nash optimum and, hence, a }, there exists a social K-equilibrium, associated with those prices and weights. Proof : We must show that each planner faces a concave, continuous objective function and that his feasible strategy space is a convex- and compact-valued correspondence of the strategies of the other planners. -8- To see the concavity of the objective function, consider two alternative ((Z 1 choices of constraints, 1 For any a, a / ) , . . . feasible for the constraints (aZ 1 , 7 (Z , Z n -n . Z , + (1-a) Z_ aZ 1 £L 1 ((Z_ ~n ),..., (Z Z , + (1-a) t ) , .. and ,Z )) 1 the trade at (p l, <_ ^ls Z1 , 1 X (p,Z_, + (1-a) Z z" £ik Z )). , is ) The ). concavity of the utility functions then implies the concavity of the Continuity follows immediately from the planner's objective function. The set of feasible strategies for planner continuity of preferences. defined by h is z£»| j.tjCp, {((zj, zj;),...,(z£, and is denoted by r, restrict Z., r, h (Z h ,, —)h(' N , (Z., Z., — )h(., .) Without loss of generality, we can . )h( to canonical quantity j constraints. i .) )h( is not empty because it contains (0,0). the preferred vector in y (Z\, Zv < — < max — Z, h { t, 0} , h To see that i (?£. for Zjj)) < and a < CZ_ h 1. , If T h Z h (Z — ., . min/t , , 0l< Z . )h( r is convex, choose ,.) )h( Z. , in ) (Z Z h for example, t, n because constraints are canonical, and tJ;(p,aZ^ + (1-a) Z , h (Z N Z., ,, —)h(' . ,) )h( It is bounded because if t is and < —i—l _ ° t.'s. ,) r, is closed because of the continuity of the It . ,, 5 = o> z£, zj h(i z£, zjh( ) Z fe )h( ,a Z J; ) (p, t, n Z, — h (p, Z,) = —h' , h> Z., , 7 h( , Z, h , Z., Z, n Z., ; n , ., )h( Z^) Z n .) = Z ,),... h Z^ + (1-a) (Z^, Z, then, n v. , ((Z, , h' h and consider a(Z_ + U-«) Z*, Similarly, for the upper constraints. ( Z, Z. . )n{. , = ) —Z,h ; = aZ^ + (1-a) z£. That the correspondence T is upper hemi-continuous follows from the continuity and convexity of preferences. It is also immediate that restrict the domain of be canonical I\ h constraints. bounded and convex. I\ h to is lower hemi-continuous. only those rations (Z., ,, -)h(' Finally, Z N1 ,) )hC we can which could ever This domain is obviously closed, We can thus apply the Social Equilibrium Existence Theorem to conclude that a social Nash optimum exists. Q.E.D. , Z^ -93 Order and Voluntary Exchange . We can now demonstrate that if preferences are differentiable and there are at least three markets, order implies voluntary exchange. For convenience, we shall, from now on, delete the component of trade vectors corresponding to good Thus corresponds to trades t.,...,t on markets m 1 m on market h. implicit trade t n = -£ p t h h h=l Proposition 4: If preferences are differentiable and m> zero. t to m, with an 1 an orderly 2, allocation is implementable. Proof Consider an orderly allocation : is not implementable, in particular, then, if If this allocation ,...,t ). (t (t* ...,t* , is the vector ) of feasible, preference-maximizing net trades associated with the canonical rations for h and (t . , . . such that t, h ,t t* , ) 4 = t, t,,t. ,t., .) h )h( t feasible and is = 0) and since j or t (ii) and t,, = t t choose h' 4 h. , 1 t, • h (A) t < h If 0. (i) + At?" n = t E holds, then, since + (1-A) t* By convexity, = n t?" ! X 1, (A) X- F1 ) is not orderly, afterall. combination of t, h assumption above. Because (0, t , t Xl ,) )h( and If t, h |t If . > | t, h = 0, If (ii) then t, h It* L (t h I n ,...t ). h t, _± t . , • = A t 1 ) X t (A) Therefore is a convex which violates our is not orderly. > — + (l-A)t* then, by strict convexity, (0, tv, ,)S-. ,...,t t, h h there exists holds, then = t* and 1 Furthermore, satisfies the canonical constraints we again conclude that 1, , I n t" (A) . satisfies the canonical constraints associated with 1 ' Let . > 1 > — I j^i ,...,t (t (Z(t ),Z(t )), , 'h I h h h t 1 t, . / (t ey t contradicts the order of This, in turn, implies that either (i) . Then cannot satisfy the canonical constraints associated t scalar Ae[0,l] such that Then t?",, t ' =l Therefore, with t~, = E (otherwise, (ot t . l satisfies the canonical If t . quantity constraints associated with r t maximizes i's preferences among by differentiability and coivexity, t all net trades satisfying p«t For this i, there exist for some i. t associated with Thus, — t 1 . -10- in all cases, if (t ,...,t is not implemen table, we conclude that it is ) Thus order implies implementability. not orderly, a contradiction. Q.E.D. That there be at least three markets and that preferences be diff erentiable are hypotheses essential for the validity of the preceding proposition. Consider, for example, a two-market economy as represented in the Edgeworth box in Figure Point A represents the 1. initial endowment; Figure 1 the line through A, prices; indifference curves. and the curves tangent to the line, Any allocation between B and C is clearly orderly, but not implementable since it involves forced trading by the agent whose indifference curve is tangent at B. is crucial, To see that differentiability consider a two-person three-good economy where agents have preferences of the form log min {x ferences, we can treat goods 1 and , 2 x } + log x . Given these pre- together as a composite commodity, since traders will always hold goods 1 and 2 in equal amounts. economy is, in effect, reduced to two goods, and so Figure becomes applicable. 1 Thus the again -11- We next show that voluntary exchange and weak order together imply To do so, we make use of the following: order. Definition trade 6 Agent : is said to be constrained on market h for feasible i if there exists t feasible and Proposition (t 5 , t, t, h V- ,) . with It, h ' t > I ' such that t. h ' h is ,) t-. , )h\ . If preferences are dif ferentiable, : (t. {implementable allocations}! {Weakly orderly allocations}^: (Orderly allocations}. Proof Suppose that (t ,...,t : vector of ) is a weakly orderly and implementable If it is not orderly, there exists market h net trades. and feasible net trades (t ,...,t ) that Pareto dominate (t ,...,t ) n = I t, and, for all i, t e Y. (Z(t There are Z(t ) ) ) h h , 1=1 two cases, depending on whether all agents i are constrained on market such that , . . h for trade Case I t . Every agent : i constrained on market h for t . Either everyone is constrained from buying or all are constrained from selling - a mixture is not possible because of weak order. Suppose, without loss of generality, that everyone is constrained from buying. Then t. h = for all i, and there exists all i then (t ,...,t with (t ",..., t ), ) j J such that t^ < h a contradiction of implementability) h (t^, h = t, for h satisfies the canonical constraints associated constrained from buying on market h, there exists t^ > is feasible and (if t ^ )n .) ( Vf j , tJ • . Because j such that is (t, n , t ; n ) { Choose Ae(0,l) such that At J + (l-X)tr' = h h 0. 1 -12- Let t J of = X (t^ t.^ , + (l-A)f3 ) By strict convexity . t ,...,t )'s implement ability. (t ,1 that ,...,t (t Case II n. , 1 t /^. I J and therefore £t, i such that , yet , violation , t, h and |t j Let S be the From strict convexity and implementability, we Thus if tt = t* for all ieS, there exists h h . 1 t J for all i, with strict inequality if and only if t 1 2l 1 t a , t Not all agents are constrained on market h. : t, t . is orderly. ) set of all sellers. I (A) Therefore, in this case, we conclude Suppose, in fact, that the sellers are not constrained. have J satisfies the canonical constraints associated with (A) t (A) > 0, < — 0. a contradiction. jg!S J such that Therefore, there exists < t, < |t h h S ' Assume, for the moment, that [}. 1 = H^tf) For each k e H, . 1 1 t (k) (such a choice is possible since i is t -constrained on market k) | > tjM | tjM convexity, we can choose the = i £ J t, Define H = {k i is constrained on market k for and, if ) h . choose t* so that A(t -t > t? (1-A) of elements in H. |h| t, (t -t^) ' s (tJ\ t. / ), t (k))^-. so that there exists Ae(0,l) for all keH, where |h| ~ ~ (1 A) ti5 ° t By . for which is the number Define S A Z V-Qt) l± = + 1 if ,H| > rlf 1 t , if |h| = is strictly preferred to t = By convexity, t for all keH. But by differentiability, convexity, and implementability, , and, by construction t, t, -13- t is the best trade that i can make if forced to trade t, k on each market Thus, in this case too we conclude that (t ,...,t keH, a contradiction. is orderly. Corollary 6 Q.E.D. If m > 2 and preferences are dif ferentiable then : {implementable allocations} allocations} 4. f) {Weakly orderly allocations} = {Orderly {K-equilibrium allocations} = Optimality We next turn to constrained Pareto optimality. a ) We show that although constrained Pareto optimal allocation is weakly orderly, it is ordinarily neither implementable nor orderly, at least when preferences are dif ferentiable. Proposition A constrained Pareto optimum (CPO) is 7: (i) weakly orderly (which implies that {Constrained Pareto optimal allocations} = {weakly orderly Pareto optimal allocations} and preferences, neither implementable nor (when m (ii) with diff erentiable > 2) orderly, if it is not a Walrasian equilibrium allocation, if each trader is assigned a strictly positive weight in the program (*) , and if there is some (i.e., non-zero) trade on every market. . Proof : Let (t n , . . . , ) be a CPO. If it were not weakly orderly, then trades could be altered on some market h, leaving trades on other markets undisturbed, in a Paretoimproving way, a contradiction of optimality. Therefore, (i) is established. -14- Suppose that ,...,t (t is not a Walrasian equilibrium allocation, ) that preferences are dif f erentiable, that there is non-zero trade on every market, and that all traders have positive weight. establish that (t ,...,t is not implementable. ) We will Because it is not Walrasian, there exists at least one market h and one agent prefer a trade different from k ^ 0, h. If, say, trader i t, h , ,...,t (t ) is a net buyer of h, either he would like follows immediately. like to buy more. who would given his trades on other markets to buy more or to buy less of good h. of i If less, the non-implementability Assume, therefore, that he would Because, by assumption, there is non-zero trade on market h, there are traders who sell positive quantities of good h. among these traders, there exists an agent j who would like to sell less of good h, the proof is, again, complete. sell more than -t, than and h) , If If j would like to units of good h (given his trades on markets other i and j can arrange a mutually beneficial trade at prices p, contradicting constrained Pareto optimality. that all sellers on market h are unconstrained. Therefore, assume From differentiability, forcing them to sell a bit more of good h does not change their utility to the first order but does increase i's utility. allocation assigns positive weight to trading. 4 Thus (t ,...,t ) : in (*) , is not implementable. implies it is not orderly. Remark i Therefore, if the it involves forced If m > 2, Proposition Q.E.D. This proposition demonstrates that Hahn's Proposition 2.2 (see [9]), which asserts the existence of a K-equilibrium that is also constrained Pareto optimal, is false. -18- By the absence of spillovers, we mean that a change in a constraint on a market does not alter net trades in any of the other markets, except the uncon- strained market. A sufficient condition to obtain no spillovers is that traders' utility functions take the form U = t_ U + £ $, (t, h h ) . In the no spillover case, the only change in Figure 3 is that the IPO set shrinks to coincide with the KPO and 0P0 sets. Proposition Proof : 9 : In the case of no spillovers, An IPO must be orderly. We have (iPO) = {KPO} = {OPO} Otherwise, slightly relaxing the constraints in market h for one demand- cons trained and one supply- constrained agent would be implement able (since it would not disturb the other markets) and Pareto improving. Q.E.D. -15- The hypothesis of differentiability in Proposition is, 7 as in Crucial too is the assumption that all previous results, essential. traders have positive weight in the program (*). To see this, refer Point B is both constrained Pareto optimal and again to Figure 1. implementable. However, the trader whose indifference curve is tangent to C has zero weight. (Note, incidentally, that all the other CPO's - the line segment between B and C - are non-implementable. ) Finally, the hypothesis of non-zero trade on each market is necessary. for example, to the Edgeworth box economy of Figure 2. Figure Refer, Initial endowments 2 are given by A, which is also a constrained Pareto optimum relative to the price line drawn. Although A does not involve forced trading, it does not violate the Proposition, as it involves no trade at all. Although differentiability is a restrictive assumption, the non-zero weight and trade assumptions rule out only negligibly many CPO's. On the basis of Proposition 7, we may conclude that, with differentiability, CPO's are generically non-implementable and non-orderly. -16- We now consider the set of Pareto optima among implementable the Implementable Pareto optima. allocations: As opposed to a Social Nash Optimum where an uncoordinated planners choose the rations on their own market according to their own weights, an IPO is a Pareto optimum for a unique planner choosing all the rations. Obvious questions are whether IPO's are necessarily orderly or even weakly orderly. The following proposition demonstrates that this is not the case. Proposition 8 Implementable Pareto optima need not be weakly orderly, : a fortiori (nor, Proof orderly). , The proof takes the form of an example. : Consider a two-trader, three-good economy in which trader A derives utility only from good and has an endowment of one unit each of goods 1 Trader B has and 2. a utility function of the form U(x ,x ,x Q 1 ) 2 = —x 15 3 + — x - 3x - 3x x 2 2 - x 2 2 + x Q , where x. is consumption of good i, and an endowment of one unit of good 0. All prices are fixed at It can verified that trader B's 1. unconstrained demands for goods respectively. trader B. and 1 at these prices are 2 is 3 -rrj- 16 . and — o This is an IPO in which all the weight is assigned to In this IPO, trader A is constrained on both markets. suppose that trader B is constrained from buying more than of good 1. — 12 — 13 11 — r-r- Now units It can be verified that his corresponding demand for good 2 Because -7-7- 24 + — 16 > —— 12 - H - — 8 , trader A obtains more of . -17- of good 3 when B is constrained on market 1 than when unconstrained. more Therefore the allocation in which A is constrained from selling than the vector good 1 (~ is an IPO. ,-A- ) and B from buying more than units of Furthermore, it is not weakly orderly, because given a purchase of 3/16 units of good 2, of good A, 24 trader B would like to buy -^- units Q.E.D. and 5/96 > ~j^~ this We can summarize the results (with differentiability) to point in a schematic diagram (Figure Figure 3) 3 One "unappealing" feature of Figure 3 is the fact that the set of IPO's is neither completely within nor without the set of weakly orderly allocations. With an additional hypothesis often made in the disequilibrim literature - the absence of spillover effects - this unaesthetic property disappears, •19- 5 . Structure of K-Equilibrla, Constrained Pareto Optima and Keynesian Pareto Optima Sets . In this section we undertake a study of the local dimension of the different sets. 5 .1 (h = K-Equilibria Assume that at a K-equilibrium the m markets . l,...,m) comprise at least one binding constraint (a constraint is binding if the derivative of the indirect utility function with respect to the constraint is different from zero). Let us show that, the number of degrees of freedom is equal to the number on market h, of binding constraints (b ) , minus one; for that let us remember that a K-equilibrium is a Social Nash Optimum. The first order condition for a Social Nash Optimum with a binding ration Z h yields 1 i A, h 3V = ~-i u, h , where u, h is the multiplier associated with market 3Z, 1 1 A h's equilibrium constraint. Let A, h = — and % F = — A, h : 1 I It is easy to see that the jacobian of F is of rank is a function of of dimension (b thus E (2b -1). ) Z, [b variables, the inverse image F 1 (p.z /^ +1]. (0) 1 ) Because F is a manifold The local dimension, of the set of K-equilibria is - 1) = b - m, (b 1 1 3Z, where b is the total number of binding constraints, h 5.2 Constrained Pareto Optima . The local dimension of this set is (n-1) since a Constrained Pareto Optimum is a Pareto Optimum of the economy with consumption sets X induced preferences. and -20- 5.3 K eynesian Pareto Optima . The only (direct) way to change the weight between two traders is to change their rations for a market on which they are. both constrained. constrained on Call T = {(i,j) at least one market}. the redundant pairs; more precisely, at most one sequence of pairs: | and i j are both T is obtained from T by eliminating in T, (i,j), starting from (j ,k) , . . . , (£,i) i there can be leading back to i. The local dimension of the set of Keynesian Pareto Optima is then: Min [ I T , | n - 1] FOOTNOTES Benassy's equilibrium is a K-equilibrium if preferences are convex. 2 The term is due to Grossman [7]. Grossman's SNO, however, is related only in spirit to our own. 3 Grandmont, Laroque, and Younes [6] call property (d ' ) market-by-market efficiency. 4 This equivalence is demonstrated by Grandmont, Laroque, and Younes [6]. If x is an m-dimensional vector, vector (x , . . . ,x, deleting component , h. x, ...... ,x ), denotes the the notation x N1 )h( , i.e., the vector obtained by REFERENCES [1] Benassy, J.P. "Neo-Keynesian Disequilibrium Theory in a Monetary , Economy," Review of Economic Studies [2] 42, , 1975. Debreu, G., "A Social Equilibrium Existence Theorem," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA [3] , 38, Dreze, J., "Existence of an Equilibrium under Price Rigidity and Quantity Rationing," International Economic Review [4] 1952. 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