Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of Second Order Expansion of T-Statistic in Autoregressive Models Anna Mikusheva Working Paper 07-26 October 12, 2007 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, AAA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at Second Order Expansion of Models t-statistic in Autoregressive by Anna Mikusheva MIT, Department ^ of Economics Abstract The purpose of this paper is to receive a second order expansion of the t-statistic in AR(1) model in local to unity asjnnptotic approach. I show that Hansen's (1998) method for confidence set construction achieves a second order improvement in local to unity asymptotic approach compared with Stock's (1991) and Andrews' (1993) methods. Key Words: autoregressive process, confidence set, local to unity asymptotics, uniform convergence Introduction 1 The paper in AR(1) models. The finite of deals with inferences about the persistence parameter classical samples, especially macroeconomic time theory size , that is, n converges if Wald confidence the true value of p series. the setup to infinity. Wald type when The < \p\ 1 classical Numbers) do not hold uniformly over the becomes slower as p approaches 1, is coefficient) p interval typically has low coverage in close to unity as interval is (AR is it happens for most based on classical asymptotic considered to be fixed and the sample asymptotic laws (CLT and interval p € (0, 1), Law of Large rather the convergence and the both laws do not hold for p = An 1. alternative asymptotic approach, local to unity asymptotics, considers sequences of models with p„ = 1 + c/n as n goes to Andrews and Guggenberger (2007a,b) infinity. According to Mikusheva (2007) and local to unity asymptotics leads to uniform inferences on p, whereas classical asymptotics does not. There are at least three correct confidence set for p: methods that can be used to construct asymptotically method based on the ^The paper constitutes the second part grateful to my thesis comments. E-mail of my PhD local to unity dissertation at asymptotic approach Harvard University. committee Jim Stock, Marcelo Moreira and Gary Chamberlain for correspondence: I am for helpful Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from IVIIT Libraries (Stock (1991)), parametric grid bootstrap (Andrews (1993)) and non-parametric grid The bootstrap (Hansen (1999)). validity of the methods was proved Mikusheva in (2007). This paper compares three methods on a ground of accuracy of asymptotic ap- proximation they provide. All three methods are asymptotically that is, the coverage of the confidence sets uniformly converges to the confidence level The question I address as the sample size increases. is well order correct, first known is the speed of the convergence. It that Hansen's grid bootstrap achieves a second order refinement in clas- sical asymptotic approach, whereas the two other methods (Andrews' and Stock's) do not. I address the same question in local to unity asymptotic approach. My answer is that the non-parametric grid bootstrap (Hansen's method) achieves the second order refinement, that is, the speed of coverage probability convergence is o(n~^/^), whereas the other two methods in general guarantee only Oiyn'^/"^) speed of convergence in cal to unity asymptotic approach. To compare the three method expansion of the A around t-statistic its limit in local second-order distributional expansion is I find an asymptotic to unity asymptotics. an approximation of the unknown expansion is the first One example of a second order distributional two terms of well-known Edgeworth expansion. There are several differences between the expansion obtained Edgeworth expansion. First of all, Edgeworth expansion normal distribution. In our case we expand the asymptotic the first limit, which t-statistic a non-normal distribution. is is in this paper and an expansion around around Secondly, its local it is to unity known that two terms of Edgeworth expansion do not constitute a distribution function themselves. In particular, special feature of t-statistic And dis- some other tribution function of the statistic of interest (t-statistic in our case) by function up to the order of o(n~^/^). lo- it my expansion is that it to 1. One approximates the distribution function of the distribution function (cdf), that can be easily simulated. by a cumulative finally, can be non-monotonic and not changing from opposed to the Edgeworth' expansion which came from expanding characteristic function, my approximation principle. expansion comes from stochastic embedding and strong The same idea was used in a very inspirational work by Park (2003a). He obtained a second order expansion of the Dickey- Fuller for testing a unit root. construct a random way The expansion variable on the is That "probabilistic" one. same probability space I also is, I as the t-statistic in such a that the difference between the constructed variable and the t-statistic order o{n~^/'^) in probability. it obtain I t-statistic is of the show that under additional moment assumptions leads to a second order "distributional" expansion. The me distributional expansion allows show that Hansen's to grid bootstrap achieves the second order improvement in local to unity setting compared to An- drews' method and the local to unity asymptotic distribution. parametric grid bootstrap improvement is the classical one - The intuition for non- Hansen's grid bootstrap uses the information about the distribution of error terms. The paper and contributes to the literature on bootstrapping autoregressive processes on making inferences on persistence closes the discussion some of the known results in AR(1) model. Here on bootstrap of AR models: Bose(1988) showed in classical asymptotics that the usual bootstrap provides the second order improvement com- pared to the OLS usual bootstrap asymptotic distribution. However, Basawa et al(1991) showed the fails root. Their result can (has asymptotically wrong be easily generalized to size) if the true process has a unit local to unity sequences. Park (2003b) showed that the usual bootstrap achieves higher accuracy than the asymptotic nor- mal approximation with AR of the t-statistic for weakly integrated sequences (for sequences coefficient converging to the unit root intuition behind Park's result about closeness of the is with a speed slower than 1/n). The that the ordinary bootstrap uses the information AR coefficient to the and the reason of bootstrap improvement is unit root. His expansion is non-standard also not usual (usually bootstrap achieves higher efficiency due to usage information about the distribution of error term). 1 get many ideas from a paper by Park (2003a), where he proves the second order improvement of bootstrapped tests for the unit root. expansion of My t-statistic for the unit root in He found an asymptotic terms of functionals of Brownian motion. expansions for local to unity sequences will bear the similar idea to The rest of the paper is his. organized in the following way. Section 2 introduces nota- tions. Section 3 obtains expansion of the a probabilistic embedding of error terms and a probabilistic Section 4 shows that the probabilistic expansion from the t-statistic. previous section leads to a distributional expansion. Section 5 establishes a similar expansion for a bootstrapped proofs are left to the Appendix. 2 statistic and obtains the main result of the essay. All Notations and preliminary results Let us have a process y3 We assume that yo = absolute sets is moment 0. PVj-i + ^v = J 'i-,-,n Error terms Sj are iid with of order based on the = The procedure r. t-statistics. mean of testing (1) zero, unit variance and finite and constructing confidence Let ,, s t{y,p,n)^ E^iivj - pyj-i)yj-i ^^JEU yU be the t-statistic The classical to infinity for testing the true value of the parameter p using the sample {yj}"=i. asymptotic approach states that for every fixed \p\ < 1 as n is a standard increases we have t{y,p,n)^N{0,l). According to local to unity asymptotic approach t{y,Pn,n) — J^ e'^^^~^''dw{s) is = 1 + c/n, C > J^ Jc{x)dw{x) ylo where Jc(x) if /0„ Jc{x)d2 an Ornstein- Ulenbeck process, w{-) Brownian motion. As it was shown in Mikusheva(2007) the uniform. In particular, if Za lim inf n-»oo|p|<l is classical asymptotic approximation is not the a-quantile of standard normal distribution, then Pp{za/2 < t{y,p,n) < zi-q/2} < 1 - a. As a if the usual result, we OLS confidence set would have a poor coverage in finite samples allow p to be arbitrary close to the unit root. A local to unity asymptotic approach on the contrary is uniform (Mikusheva(2007), Theorem Namely, 2). sup sup \Pp{t{y, lim = where Fl^ix) The use p, < n) - F^ Jx)\ = x} ^ "^'^/9e[o,i] P{j; Mt)dw{t)/yJ J^ < x} J^{t)dt = with c of local to unity asymptotic in order to construct a confidence set suggested by Stock (1991). It to test a set of hypothesis Hq = p : A po (in practice the testing could test compares The acceptance The method = Pp^{t{z, po,n) and normal errors. accurately, let y^ OLS < x}. Here — t-statistic for Poyl-i + ^t regression, then F^p^{x) Previously, Zt is differ in is an , where — My goal is to we use AR quantiles of F*p{x) the finite e^ are sampled from the residuals of the Ppg{t{y*,po,n) all < x}. three methods are uniformly asymp- I will show that Hansen's bootstrap provides the second order improvement in local to unity asymptotic approach. That = pn = exp{c/n} as n increases to called "nearly integrated" process). expansion of i(y, coefficient po explore the second order properties of the methods in local to unity asymptotic approach. a sequence of models p errors: a bootstrapped model with the null imposed. Mikusheva (2007) proved that totically correct. is the choice of model with normal AR(1) process with the In Hansen's grid bootstrap sample distribution of the models set In particular, in Andrews' grid bootstrap critical values are taken as quantiles of finite sample distribution of the t-statistic in a initial critical alternatives to the procedure above are Andrews' parametric grid bootstrap critical values. More with set. and Hansen's non-parametric grid bootstrap. F^p^{x) be performed t-statistic t{y,po,n) values which are quantiles of the distribution of F^p^{x). asymptotic confidence was can be implemented as a "grid" procedure. One need over a fine grid of values of po). Two nlogip). The goal p„,n) along this sequence of models. devoted to probabilistic expansion. is is, I infinity (this consider sequence of to obtain the second order The next section would be Stochastic embedding. 3 Assumptions A. Assume a^ — 1 and < £'|ej|'' that error terms £j are > oo for some r with i.i.d. mean zero, variance 2. According to Skorokhod embedding scheme, there exists a Brownian motion a sequence of on an extended probabiUty space such that the sequence iid variables r^ of error terms have the same known that Etj — a^ define T„j — ^ ^11=1 It also We constant. ^j = (a'^'^) matrix S = "^i- KrE\ej\'^, where K,. is Let us consider a sequence of = ^J2f^\v, = an absolute random vectors {wnit),Vnit),Un{t)). Park(2003a) a Brownian motion with covariance i? is given by ^ S= ^ Here Ee] < 1,E\tj\^^^ {w,V,U), where >'^ Brownian motion: distribution as a sequence of stopped and Bnit) — B = proved that B„ w and = a^ = 1 ^3/30-3 i^^/3a^ K/a" ^i3/(T^ 1, (//4 = Ee^^ //g, - 3^4 Ee^^ way that B„ {fi4-3a^ 3K)/12a4 IJ4, E{tj 5„ and Park(2003a)also proved that space in such a = + > ^^/^3 B - + 3K)/12a* {f^^-a^)/a* a^-f = (3) ^ k. can be defined on the same probability —^''^ B. Let N{t) — w{l + t) — w{l), M{t) be aBrownian motion independent on w. Theorem with r > 8, 1 Let pn = 1 + cjn^c < 0. Assume that Sj satisfy set of assumptions A then one has the following probabilistic expansions: (a) -^ - Jc(T„,,.) = -^ r " e'^C^/"-) Je(5)dy(s) + o,{n-"^) iVy,-_i£fc= / Mx)dw{x) + n-'/'Ul)M{V)+ +1=1 -cj j e'^^'-'^Us)dV{s)dw{t) + Ul)N{V) + ]^M\V) + ]^u\+o,{^) f Mx) re'^'-'^Jc{s)dV{s)dx\Y.yl= JoI Jl{^)dx-^ yi^ Jo Jo IT- Jl{x)dV{x) 1 + 1 ,o -j=Jl{l)V + op(^) s/n Jq (d) '^ ' V^ Jo ^ Jo Jo ^M1)V + Op{^) / Mx)dV{x) + (e) = t{y, p„, n) here ^ ^ = t^ /J Mx)dw{x)/^ J^ J^{x)dx, f Mx) lo The expansions from Theorem variable t{y,pn,n), ^n (whose distribution probability: P{\£,n interest + n-'/^f + n-^'^g = + o^{n-^'^) J,{1)M{V)/^J J^ J^ix)dx, Tites (~^^o' Ioe'=^'-^^Ms)dV{s)dw{t) + Jc{l)N{V) + '^MHV) + \U +t \/r^',, (2c lo dom t^ — is known + J^ are probabihstic. Namely, whose distribution Ux)dV{x) - Ul)V we approximate a ran- unknown, by another random variable is or could be simulated) with accuracy o{n~^^'^) in > t{y,pn,n)\ by themselves 1 e'^^^-^U,{s)dV{s)dx en~^^^} -^ 0. Probabilistic expansions are not of (since they are abstract constructions) , rather they are building blocks in getting distributional expansions described in the next section. The random motions B{t) = variables on the right-hand side are functionals of several {w{t), V{t), U{t)) only on some characteristics the first four moments are defined above). of Sj M{t) {a'^ and M{t). The covariance matrix depends ^3 ^4 k) of the distribution function of Sj namely on , , and some characterization is of B{t) , , Brownian of non-normality k (parameters independent of B{t). As a result the distribution of the approximating variable depends only on = ip {a^,iJ.3, ji^, k, c). The distribution of the approximating variable can be easily simulated. Remark to the 1 // one has an exact unit root (c expansion obtained by Park(2003a). = 0), then the expansion is exactly equal Remark U(-). 2 If Ej are implies that It w. So, according same up to normally distributed, then V{t) = t f^ + -K=—j==^ + to this probabilistic = and w{-) Op(n~^/^), where U is same independent on expansion Stock's and Andrews' methods are the an independent summand of order Op{n~^^^). I show that they are the independent of is in the next section distributionally up to the order of o{n~^/'^). Distributional expansion 4 For making inferences we need asjrmptotic theory to approximate the we found a sequence In particular, of random ip (the distribution can with known distribution depending on a vector of parameters be simulated That if V' is known) such that t{y,n,pn) = ^n + dis- we estabhshed a prob- tribution of the t-statistic t{y,n,pn)- In the previous section abihstic approximation. unknown variables ^„ Op{n~^^'^) for pn — 1 + c/n. is, lim Pp„ The <^ \t{y, n, goal of this section is expansion of the second order p„) - ^„| > ^= I = for all e > to get a distributional expansion. I mean a sequence 0. By distributional of real- value functions G„(-) such that P {t{y, n, Pn) <x} = In general, (?«(•) is G„(x) not required to be a cdf of any + o(n-i/2). random (4) variable. An example of a distributional expansion is the second order Edgeworth expansion. Initially, Edgeworth expansion was stated as an approximation to the distribution of normalized sums of random variables. Nowadays, Edgeworth type expansions have been obtained for many statistics having normal limiting distribution. Traditionally Edgeworth type expansions are obtained from expansions of It is also known any random is that usually, in Edgeworth expansions function variable. In particular, In our setup characteristic functions. G„ is not monotonic in Edgeworth expansion does not not normal. In this section I many G„ is not a cdf of applications. exist since the limiting distribution show that under some moment conditions our proba- expansion corresponds to a distributional expansion. Namely, bilistic sup |P,„ {t{y,n,pn) < x} - P{^„ < x}| = o{T-^'^). X = here ^n Gn{x) f^ + + n~^/^f = P {^n < x} is from part(e) of Theorem rT^/'^g a cdf. It Definition 1 (Park(2003a)) That 1. depends on a parameter vector A random variable in is, our case ip. X has a distributional order o{T~°-) >T-^] <r-" ifp{\x\ Theorem 2 Let all assumptions of Theorem ments (a)-(e) of Theorem Corollary // error 1 1 hold, then all Op{T~^^'^) terms in state- are of distributional order o{T~^^'^). 1 terms are mean with i.i.d. zero and 8 finite moments, the following distributional expansion holds: sup \P{t{y, pn,n)<x}- P{f + n-"^f + n-^'^g <x}\= o{n-^'^) X One can Gn that Remark tion If and Gn would a is notice there cdf. no "unique" distributional expansion even This surprising fact 3 Let Gn{x) is is = P{^n < x} is also satisfy That it. is, be a cdf and assume i^„ and F that on The idea is A. = P{^n + FA^rj < x} approximation (4), the additional term (which then Gn{x) This point was that the characteristic function for ^„ is It might seem strange that the probabilistic expansion of e''^" up of probabilistic order is A equal to has normal distribu- rj be measurable with respect to of Op{n~^/'^)) has distributional impact of order o{n~^f'^). Park(2003a). to the + ^(1) VWl^ is order 0{n~^). totally parallel to the note above. Indeed, where M(l) ~ made by F-j^r) conditional ^ yj-i£j order Op{n~^^'^). This term has distributional impact of order 0(n~^/^). the statement require explained in the note below. independent of a- algebra A. Let satisfies the distributional we if N{0, 1) and is M{V) independent of B{-) = is has term of The idea of distributionally {w, V, U). Remark 4 Combining Notes 2 and 3 one get the following. If error terms are nor- mally distributed then we have a distributional equivalence P{t{z, n, p) That is <x} = P{f <x} + oin"^/'^). the difference between quantiles constructed in Stock's is of the order o{n~^^'^). The two methods achieve the and Andrews' methods same accuracy up to the second order. Bootstrapped expansion 5 5.1 Embedding In section 4 we got by a sequence of for bootstrapped statistic that the distribution oft-statistic t{y, n, p„) could be approximated of functions Gn{x) = P{t'^+:^^f+ -y^g}, where / and g Brownian motions B{-) (covariance structure cr^, fj.3, fi4, K, c) and statistic value" (not estimator) of p(or and the (3), it depends on M (independent of B). The bootstrapped t-statistic described in is are functionals c). has totally the same form, since The only difference between the grid bootstrapped distribution of t-statistic is it uses the "true initial distribution of different distribution of error term. P{t{y*,n,p)<x}^G:{x) + where G;(x) same = Pji'^ + Jjjf* + ^5*} with /* and g* are functionals of 5*,M(the functionals, covariance structure of The next B* depends on (a^,/X3,/i4, k) at up to the order A with r initial and grid bootstrapped statistics of o(n"^/^). 3 Let us have an AR(1) process Assumptions al- a speed of Op(n~^/^), which would be enough to say that the second order terms in expansions of Theorem a'^\fL3,'p,4,K) subsection states that the parameter vector (a^,/23,/24, k) converge most surely to coincide o{n-'/^), > 1. Assume (1) with yo that p„ 10 = 1 + = c/n,c and error terms < 0. satisfying Let us consider for every n a process y* — + PnVj-i and normalized residuals from sup|P{i(y,n,/9„) < — ^jil/o where 0; the initial regression. x} - < P*{t{y*,n,pn) sample from centered e* are i.i.d. Then x\y}\ = o{n-^^'^) a.s. X Theorem 3 states that Hansen's grid bootstrap provides the second order improve- ment compared with Andrews' and Stock's methods The proach. intuition for that is in local to unity asymptotic ap- The second order term depends on the usual one. the parameters of the distribution of error terms. Those parameters are well approx- imated by the sampled analogues. The non-parametric grid bootstrap uses sampled residuals whose parameters are very finement is achieved. The only parameter that could not be well estimated 3 is As a result, the re- (on which the limiting expansion depends) local to unity is procedure uses the "true" value of Theorem close to the population values. parameter c. The grid bootstrap c. a statement obtained in local to unity asymptotic approach. The statement that Hansen's grid bootstrap achieves a second order refinement in the classical asymptotics is an easy one. It could be obtained from Edgeworth expansion As a along the lines suggested in Bose (1988). result, we should advise applied researchers to chose Hansen's grid bootstrap over Andrews' and Stock's methods. 5.2 Convergence of parameters This subsection is a part of the proof of Theorem 3 from the previous subsection. Here we show that the parameter vector tp = a sample analog (moments of residuals) Lemma (cr^, V' = ^3, /i4, k) could be well approximated by (5'^,/^3,M4)^)• 1 Let error terms Sj satisfy the set Assumptions A. Then there is a Sko- rokhod's embedding for which The convergence of the third and forth sample moments population analogues with a speed of 0(n~^/^) is of residuals to their the usual statement. For that need to require enough moments of error term, 8 moments should be enough. 11 we One parameter, «, as was discussed above Skorokhod embedding was non-trivial mainly because is The realized). is not intrinsic fact that —>p depends on a way the Et^ with speed most of known constructions are not dependence of moments of r on distribution of e I k, (it is not evident. explicit By messy 0{n''^^'^) and the calculation got that in the initial Skorokhod construction published in Skorokhod's book(1965) Et"^ = |£'^'*. That would imply the speed of convergence we need. Appendix. Proofs of results 6 We use the following results from Park (2003a): Lemma 2 (Park (2003a), Ifr>8, Lemma 3.5(a)) then (a) -j^ Y^ sj = where V— + n-'/^M{V) + n-'^^N{V) + Op{n-'/^), V{1)- About convergence Lemma w{l) of stochastic integrals: 3 (Kurtz and Protter) For each D with sample paths in Skorokhod space that Yn = Mn + An + Zn, variation process and Zn whcre is Mn is n, let and let a local (X„,y„) be an !F^- adapted process Yn be JF" semimartingale. Suppose T^ martingale, An constant except for finitely many is stochastically bounded for each stopping times {r"} such that t > 0. P{r^ < a} < J-^ adapted finite discontinuities. Let Nn{t) denotes the number of discontinuities of process Zn on interval Nn is [0, t] Suppose that for each a l/ce Suppose that . > there exist and sup„£'[[M„]jAra +Tt/\T^{An) < oo. If [Xn, Yn, Zn) —^'^ {X, Y, Z) in the Skorokhod topology, then with respect to a filtration to which {X,Y, J XdY) X and Y are adapted 12 is a semimartingale and {Xn,Yn, J XndYn) in the Skorokhod topology. If {Xn,Yn, Zn) -^ then convergence in probability holds in the conclusion. Y {X,Y,Z) — ^'^ in probability, Proof of Theorem 1 (a) k V^ .7=1 .c^ _ pC(T„,fc-T„,j) ) {w {Tn,j) -W (Tnj-i)) + j=l / ' n, + = I n e^e^/"-^) J,(5)dF(s) + ^i,„ + R2,n + R3,n, Jo where we have the following lines of reasoning: j=i V" j=l fe fe --^ 5Z ^'^ IZ ^"^ _ y„(^ _ 1)) (^ (T„,,.) _ u, (T„,,_i)) + ^=.+1 i=i k (14(i) i-l V'^ i=l j=l = --^ V e'^'^ (K(i) - K(i - 1)) y,_i + i?i,T = fkjn c X _ gCCr^.k-Tn,. n \W {Tn,j) ~w{Tn,j-l)\ 13 < l.-'n.fe -'nj, ^i,„ = k < i?2,„ ^ / c^e'^^ = -^ V'lT' E ~^ \ 2 • 7 i (T„,fc ^'"^ ^^n{i) '' - - K^(^ T„j) - \w (r„j) j 1)) y^-l -w '^ f (T„,j_i)| ^ e'^''/"~''> = i?i,„ Ms)dV (s) y/n Jo rTn,j (b) where we used statement (a). In the next theorem distributional impact of the Op term, so, ^ V V^ I we would need to estimate the keep track of them J \/n ^/n Jo Jo n VnJo y/n V^f^^Jo Jo So fl n ^ tr; fc=i v" ,._i fc=i v" 7o rt Jo Now y2jc{Tn,k-l)^- I J{s)dwS^ f Ji ^ tt By definition of n „T Jo 0-U process J{s) — ^'^ "' {Jc{s)-MTn,k-l))dw{s) Ms)dw{s)-f2 f t^iK.-. w{s) + cj^ « 1. J{t)dt: /-T w{s) n »Xn - it (5(s) +^Z1 JTn,k-l / fe=l 14 B(7;,fe-i))du;(s) w{Tn,k-i))dw{s)+ where j5(s) nition /j,"'*" " nT = - ELi ff^^tJBis) - B{Tn,k-i))dw{s). By - w{Tn,k-i))dw{s) — ^+ "''''2"'"" ^^ ^ result /; Jc{t)dt. Let Re,n {w{s) ' 1 I. 2^^ fc=l •''^n,k-l Now the last. We know that d{J^{x)) /Tn,n = 2Jcdw + 2cJ^dx - + &, (J,2(7;„) - J,2(l)) 1 - [cJlix) J Je(l) {Jc{Tnn) ~ Jc{l)) Je(l) (U;(r„„) 1 + - '^ Here the terms last equality is . (MTnn) - u;(l)) = n-i/V,(l)M(F) + n-1/2 + MW - -^V ,...,2 {wiTnn) I z ('jc(l)iV(V^) + due to statement is so pTnn 1 = J,(5)d«;(5) = defi- ' w{l)f - ^M2(1/) - (a) of -)dx / .0,.lcJ^{l) .- 1 + = 1 + -]+ R^,r^ -^V + Rs,n = 2y/n ^v\ + Rs,n + Op{n-'/'). Lemma 2. The definition of error /Tnn {Jl{x) - Jl{l))dx- /Tnn ( As a Jc(x) - Jc{l))dx - i?7,n + cJc{l)R%,n- result, -y^yk-iek= I Jc{x)dw{x)+n-"U,{l)M{V)+ +-^ (-cj j (c) = e'^'-'U,{s)dV{s)dw{t) Using the statement of part + Jc{l)N{V) -^ / Jc{x) ^t/) + Op(-^) (a) iE (-;!/""'"""-"^.W^V-M + = + '^M\V) + o, (-1;)) (27,(T„.) r e'^''-'^Ms)dV{s)dx + R9n + 15 +0, (-L)) = 0pin-'^"-), where l^" V ^Vt[ 1 = -^ i?9,„ /"^ / 1 - Bi{k/n) - B^{x)di / Jo here Bi(x) = -cJ,(x) / e'^(^-^)Je(5)dy(5). Jo As a result, '2 •" — /-i 2c Now, i Y, Jc(Tn,k-l) - -E Jl{x)dx j^ "^ / " = J2 JciTn,k-l) (^ (Tnk - Tn,k-l)^ - ^^ {J^it)-JUTn,k-i))dt+ f Jl{t)dt. Let us consider each term separately: where i?io,n = --^ (E Jl{Tr,,k-i){Vn{kln) ^' -Y.I (Jc (^) - Jl{TnM-i))dt - = 1/n)) i?ii,„ - = y J2(x)dy(x)^ Op(n-i/2^ v^ Ji Summing 14(fc up: fjci^)dx-^ f Ux) r e'^^^-^^Us)dV[s)dx^E?^'^ — Jo Jo v"- Jo J^ 1 VnJo (d) Using the statement of part (a) 16 ,o...,, , 1 . '•^ '' c Jo As a Jo result, fl n V^ "^ i-x Jo Jo Now, ^ J2 Jo{Tn,k-l) - j Jc{x)dx "' - 5] / = Y, Jc{Tn,k-l) - (-^^(^^ Q- me T„,fc_i) - j Je(t)di Jl •^T^,fc-i Let "" + / Jc{Tn,k-l))dt " {Tnk consider each term separately Q- J2 Jc{Tn,k-l) {Tnk - T„,fc-l) j = --^ / + ^c(x)ciF(x) i?i2,„, where ^i2,n = --^ f 5^ Je(r„,fe_i)(K(Vn) " Zl / " "' ^-^^(^^ - - Vn{k Jc{Tn,k-l))dt = Mi)v + Jc{t)dt 1/n)) = - /" J,{x)dV{x)\ . i?13.„. /?8,„. Summary -^ Part (e) follows Now we -^2,71, grals. from and and i?ii,„ G Li,C2 G 1/2. i?i3,„ Then for all Lemma have a structure of ^i^k = E^i^n ~ E Jo Jo Yllz=i we have ^ i?9,„ where consi cl{s)dsdudt) Jo 17 for 3 on convergence of stochastic inte- CiC^t^O Jo Statements Op{n~^/'^). = • = Op{n~^/'^). ^k,n are i.i.d. across Ci{t)dt + C2{t)dw{t) n~^, and pu nt ^E{ = Ri^n C{t)dt for dC{t) Jq ^ilo rr/n E^l„ we have i of non-stochastic integrals and distributionally equal to Ci and Taylor expansion. follows from i?i2,n Prom convergence Terms (a)-(d) need to check that + ^J,{l)V + Op{^) J^{x)dV{x) [ < const n'^. k with As a We both terms are Op(l). result, can also notice that Chebyshev's inequality imphes that they are distributionally o(n~^/^). Terms A;. Here and i?3_„ ~ ^i,„ J^ E^l^ < const iJg.n also have a structure of ^^^^ = C{t)dw{t) with dC{i) n~^. It ^k,n, Cidt. It is where ^k,n are i.i.d. across easy to see that £'^i,„ = and implies that terms are probabilistically and distributionally o(n-i/2). Terms i?7_„ and ""^ have form of i?8,n Jj Lemma 4 (Park(2003a)) PI sup \Bn{t) - If r B{t)\ > C> /or any didw+d2dt. >c\ < n^-'"/4C-"/2(l B + a-')K{l + such that E\ej\') J n-i/2+2A Proof of Theorem Theorem we might choose B„ and 4 then lo<i<l = D easy to see that they are Op{n~^^'^). It's {D{s) — D{l))ds where dD{s) 1 is We 2. need to check that all terms R^^n used in the proof of distributionally of order o(n~^/^). In the proof of Theorem 1 we aheady showed that terms -Rs^n, R6,m Rn,n and Ri3^n are distributionally o(n~-'/^). Terms Vn{t)) or and i?2,n, -Rs.m -^lo.n -^ Jg ^{t)d{w{t) — Ri2,n have a form of stochastic integrals -^ Wnit))- Their distributional order quadratic variations which have forms of supo<j<i \Vn{t) The w{t)\'^. Terms order of the last expressions i?7,„ is is determined by and/?8,n have form of /j^""(i:)(s)-£)(l))ds| Lemma < (1965) Let \wn{t) — 4. supo<t<i \D{t)\-\Tnn-l\ distributionally o"^/^. Proof of First, would depend on the — V{t)\- and supo<j<;^ | which J^ ^{t)d{V{t)- I Lemma show that 1. for Skorokhod's construction presented in Skorokhod's book we have Et^ = §£^^1 Tafi is the smallest root of the equation {w{t) „ w £^g-Ara,f, ^ sinh 6v2A — — a){w{t) sinh a V 2A — a)v2A 0. Then ,^, ^ sinh(6 — 6) = (5) and (-1)'=— ^e-^-.^^^ = £;<,. dX'' 18 (6) book (1965) the stopping time In the construction from Skorokhod's = r where s P{e < Then 'w{t) has the same G{£))} = defined as t,,g(s), G is defined by JZ. ydF{y) = independent of w and the function x}. We The is - e){w{t) - iniiiwit) is distribution as 0, = F{x) e. can notice that last formula G{G{x)) moments could be calculated using equation (6) for We for the characteristic function (5). = = X and G{x)dF{G{x)) < Since Ee^ and the also use the following explicit two facts: xdF{x). By tedious but straightforward calcula- — Et^ tions one can obtain the formula of Ta^ \E^^. oo by using Chebyshev's inequality one can get the statement of the lemma. Proof of Theorem t-statistic and 3. Theorem 2 states the distributional expansions for the grid bootstrapped analog its sup \P{t{y, < x} - n, p) = Gn{x)\ oirT^I''), (7) X = here Gn{x) The B{-). P{t'^ + :^^ f + A^g} , covariance structure of M Brownian motion is where / and g are functional of Brownian motions B described in is independent of B. 2 that the term o{n~^^^) in equation (7) eights moment is of the approximated error For almost any realization of an its finite It depends on cr^, jj.^, could be seen from the proof of ^4, k, c. Theorem bounded by a constant depending on the term infinite (3), it fxg times n~^/^~'' for some 5 sequence of error terms (ei, ..., > e„, 0. ...) and subsequence of the length n we would have sup \P{t{y*,n,p) <x}- G;(x)| < Const{Jls)n-'/^-\ X here G* (x) = Plf^ + ^r??/* B*,M*. The covariance Const{Ji^)n~^/'^~^ = + ;^5*} where /* and structure of o{n~^/'^) a.s. B* depends on As a g* are the same functionals ct^,/X3,/24,k Since r > 8, of then result, sup\P{t{y*,n,p)<x}-Glix)\ = X 19 o{n-'/^) a.s., ' (8) Combining equations Theorem 7 (7) and (8) with Lemma 1 one obtains the statement of 3. References Andrews D.W.K. " (1993): Exactly Median-Unbiased Estimation of First Order Au- toregressive/Unit Root Models," Econometrica, 61(1), 139-165. Andrews D.W.K. and sample Methods ", P. Guggenberger (2007a): "Hybrid and Size-corrected Sub- Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper 1606. Andrews D.W.K. and P. 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