WFPC2 SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 1 REVIEW OF WFPC2 VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS DURING SMOV3B Anton Koekemoer (WFPC2 Group, STScI) With the collaboration of: Shireen Gonzaga, Inge Heyer, Lori Lubin, Vera Kozhurina-Platais, and Brad Whitmore WFPC2 SMOV3B Goals SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 2 • Contamination Mitigation – – – – Minimize UV flux for 12 days in Bright Earth Avoidance (BEA) Protect Safe mode (shutter closed, F785LP in place, TECs off) Cool down to –88o C only after the end of BEA Frequent UV observations and weekly Decons after cooldown • Instrument Health and Safety Verification – Complete set of internal observations: • biases, darks, Intflats, Visflats, UV flats, K-spots – Repeated regularly throughout SMOV3B • Calibration Verification – Photometric filter sweeps, Earthflats, PSF verification, focus check WFPC2 SMOV3B Activities Activity ID Description of Activity WFPC2-01 Transition from Protect Safe to Hold, and to Protect Decon SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 3 Applicable Time External Requirements (hours) Orbits J. 20 Cool Down to –88o C, WFPC2-03 UV Contamination Monitor J. J. 26 17 WFPC2-04 Lyman α Check J. 24 4 WFPC2-05 Flat Field Calibration J. WFPC2-06 Relative Photometry Calibration J. WFPC2-07 PSF Verification J. J. 4 WFPC2-08 Internal Monitors J. 3 - No External Parallels <30 days J. 1 10 Transition to Hold, and to Protect Decon Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 4 J. WFPC2-01 8949 SATISFIED NOMINAL • Recover WFPC2 from Protect Safe to Hold mode. • Perform engineering matrix verification. • Initiate transition to Protect Decon: enable CCD heaters on, radiator heat pipe heaters on, close shutter Blade A, place filter F785LP in optical path. Results: • Successfully verified nominal operation of WFPC2. • Placed WFPC2 in Protect Decon with CCD temperatures at +22 C. o Cool Down to –88 C, Contamination Check Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 5 J. WFPC2-03 8950 SATISFIED NOMINAL • Cool down CCD cameras to –88o C. Monitor UV contamination on CCD windows with frequent photometry of the standard star GRW+70d5824 in the F170W filter, at 0, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 hours after cooldown. • If projected decrease is safely within 30%, continue operations at –88o C. • Fast analysis turn-around required (<12h); typically <3-6h in practice. • Preliminary focus check using 3 observations within 48h after cooldown. Results: • Average contamination rate from 0.65% /day (PC) to 0.93% /day (WF3). • Slightly higher than normal (~0.4-0.5% /day), to be expected due to new hardware and other SM3B-related activities. • Total decrease never exceeded 10%, well within the 30% limit. • Preliminary focus measurements showed no strong off-nominal behaviour Contamination Check: 0–7 Days after Cool Down SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 6 UV Contamination Monitor During SMOV3B Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 7 J. WFPC2-03 8950 SATISFIED NOMINAL • Continue monitoring UV contamination with frequent observations of the standard star GRW+70d5824 in the F170W filter, at 3, 4, 5 and 6 days after cooldown to –88o C, and before and after each subsequent Decon (7, 14, and 28 days after cooldown). Results: • Contamination rate remained steady at <1 % / day. • Largest decrease was never more than 10% for WF3, ~5% for the other cameras (all safely within the maximum limit of 30% decrease). • After each Decon, throughput was successfully restored to nominal value. • Contamination rates now the same as pre-SM3B (~0.4-0.5% / day). Contamination Monitor for 4 weeks of SMOV3B SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 8 WFPC2 PSF Verification Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 9 J., J10. WFPC2-07 8954 SATISFIED NOMINAL • Obtain exposures over a wide dynamic range of a bright star (GRW+70d5824) to characterize the extended wings of the PSF. • Observe a crowded stellar field (Omega Centauri) with sub-pixel dithers to construct critically sampled PSFs across the WFPC2 field-of-view. • Characterize the PSF properties with respect to pre-SM3B data. Results: • PSF properties across the field consistent with pre-SM3B data. • NCS was already turned on, thus PSF did not need to be remeasured. Lyman α Check Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 10 J. WFPC2-04 8951, 8943 (pre-SM3B) SATISFIED NOMINAL • Aim to measure Far-UV contamination on the WFPC2 pick-off mirror. • Observe the WFPC2 primary standard star GRW+70d5824 in the Far-UV with filters F122M and F160BW by themselves, and crossed with F130LP. • Use the crossed F130LP measurements to compensate for red-leak. • Compare the measured throughput from the single and crossed filters, and compare these in turn to the pre-SM3B measurements, with a required accuracy of 5%. Results: • No significant decrease in Lyman-α throughput compared to pre-SM3B. Photometric Verification Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 11 J. WFPC2-06 8953 SATISFIED NOMINAL • Observe the WFPC2 primary standard star GRW+70d5824 through a wide range of filters: F160BW, F170W, F185W, F255W, F300W, F336W, F439W, F555W, F675W, F814W in all four cameras. • Data obtained within 2 days after a Decontamination (for UV filters) Results: • No significant changes from pre-SM3B values for: • Visible filters (to <1%) • UV filters (to within measurement errors of 2 – 5%) • Thus, WFPC2 photometric throughput not affected by SM3B. Photometric Comparison Methodology: • For each filter, the difference between the post-SM3B and the mean pre-SM3B countrate was determined. • This difference was then expressed in terms of the standard deviation of all the pre-SM3B measurements (which is different for each filter). • Each “point” in the histograms corresponds to the measured difference for a given filter. Measurements: • For PC and WF chips combined, the distribution is offset from the mean by 0.34 sigma. • For PC alone, the offset is 1.31 sigma. • For the WF chips, the offset is 0.02 sigma. -> No significant photometric change SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 12 Flat Field Verification Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 13 J. WFPC2-05 8952 SATISFIED NOMINAL • Obtain external (Earth) flat fields for four narrow-band filters: F375N, F502N, F656N, F935N (20 images each). • Combine the flat fields in each filter to remove cosmic rays and streaks. • Compare with pre-SM3B images to quantify stability. Results: • Systematic changes less than 0.3% over the central area (400x400 pixels). • Very low-level (0.1-0.2%) large-scale gradients, attributable to previously measured slow long-term vignetting changes in the cameras. • r.m.s in flat field ratio ~0.4% (WF), 0.8% (PC), consistent with photon noise. • No significant changes due to SM3B. Flat Field Comparison • Ratio of post- / pre-SM3B Earth flats, taken in F502N. • The greyscale covers +/- 2%. • There are no large-scale changes with an amplitude above 0.1-0.2%, well below the calibration accuracy of 1%. SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 14 Internal Monitoring Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 15 J. WFPC2-08 8950 SATISFIED NOMINAL • Obtain routine internal observations to monitor basic instrument health and optical alignment (bias, darks, Intflats, Visflats, UV flats, K-spots). Results: • No significant changes in gain, bias level, read noise, or dark current. • Small change (0.2-0.5%) in Intflat illumination patterns, consistent with slight time-dependent variation of the Carley bulbs. • No significant Visflat changes, apart from documented pre-SM3B changes. • No differences in the UV flats. • No significant shifts in K-spot locations, apart from slight trends associated with documented long-term changes in the camera geometry. Internals: Read Noise SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 16 External Pure Parallels Requirement Number: SMOV Activity Number: SMOV Proposal ID: Requirement Status: Execution Status: Description: SMOV3B CLOSURE REVIEW 30 September 2002 WFPC2 Anton Koekemoer (STScI) 17 J. SATISFIED - • No external pure parallels shall be scheduled during the first 30 days after cooldown, unless this is required for testing parallel capabilities. Results: • No pure parallels were scheduled until 30 days after cooldown.