Review of ACS-R Performance During SMOV4 David Golimowski (STScI) 3 Sep 2009

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Review of ACS-R Performance
During SMOV4
David Golimowski (STScI)
3 Sep 2009
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
ACS-R SMOV Timeline (1)
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ACS-R hardware successfully installed on 16 May 2009 during EVA-3
WFC and SBC passed Aliveness and Functional Tests; HRC not recovered
Day 146 (26 May): WFC 12-hour anneal performed; pre- and post-anneal dark
frames show little change indicating that 18 month hiatus at ambient -10 C
was sufficient to anneal nearly all temporary hot pixels.
Day 148 (28 May): WFC Optimization Campaign commenced
Day 150 (30 May): SBC UV contamination check; BEA exit deemed safe
Optimization Campaign showed that all pre-failure settings remained valid for
CEB-R operations and that no changes in default settings were warranted.
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
ACS-R SMOV Timeline (2)
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Optimization Campaign truncated on 3 June 2009 after Iteration 2
 Performance matched or exceeded projections and expectations
 VOD offsets of < -1 V produce anomalous behavior in amps C and D
that mimics charge-injection but was unexplained by Tiger Team
 HSTMO and Project elect to proceed with WFC default configuration
and continue “off-line” investigation of VOD anomaly
Dual-Slope Integrator selected as default mode of ASIC pixel sampling
Low-frequency bias variations and signal dependent “bias shift” can be
effectively removed during post-image processing with Teledyne algorithm
Bias striping pattern varies among quadrants and between frames; caused by
1/f noise (1 mHz to 1 Hz) generated with ASIC during setting of bias voltage
offset. Striping is constant across rows of CCD and is removable.
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
ACS-R SMOV Timeline (3)
Day 166: Suspend due to failed SIC&DH toggle test (15 June 2009)
Day 174: Suspend due to ASIC comm error and power down
(23 June 2009)
All WFC and SBC SMOV programs executed by end of SMS 193
(12 July 2009)
WFC enabled for science in SMS 194; first GO (SNAP) images on
16 July 2009
ACS ERO successfully executed on 17 July 2009
CCD Daily Monitor transitioned from SMOV to Cycle 17 calibration
phase on 31 Aug 2009
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
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WFC Bias and Dark Frames
Superbias - 1 full anneal cycle
(7/7/09-8/3/09; 34 frames)
SMOV Status 9/3/09
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Superdark - 1/2 anneal cycle
(derived with latest CCDTAB)
David Golimowski
Bias Stripe Removal
SMOV Status 9/3/09
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David Golimowski
VOD (Reset Drain) Anomaly
VDD: +27V, VLG: -3V
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VOD: +14V
(default is +15V)
Illumination 1
Illumination 2
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
Bias and Read Noise Monitor
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Amp D, gain=2.0
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
WFC Linearity and Full Well
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Photon Transfer Test from Iteration 1 of O.C.
(Amplifier D, Dual-Slope Integrator)
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
WFC Performance Summary
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January 2007
May 2009*
Read noise
(e-; gain = 2)
C&S: 5.5
DSI: 4.0
DSI: 3.9-4.7
C&S: 4.4-5.7
Dark current (e-/pix/hr)
Hot pixels (%)
Full well depth (e-)
Non-linearity (%)
< 0.1
< 0.1
< 0.2
Post SM4
(exp time > 2 s)
CTE (1620 e-)
Bias shift** (%)
< 0.1
< 0.2
(before correction)
* Projected and problematic values from Gilliland et al. 2008 (TIR ACS 2008-04) .
**Residual bias shift after analytical correction of signal-dependent effect.
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
WFC Dark Current History
12 hr anneal
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6 hr anneal
-77 C -81 C
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
WFC CTE History
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
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SMOV Light Leak Test
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Multi-SI proposal (11515; Biagetti & Sembach) to check external
images for contamination from COS and WFC3 calibration lamps
Stray light streak noted in ACS/WFC F814W images regardless of
whether the COS or WFC3 lamps are on or off
Streaks also seen in pre-SM4 images and F814W images of 47 Tuc
(SMOV4 Prop 11397)
Streak absent in images from other broadband filters
Morphology and wavelength dependence strikingly similar to
WFC3/UVIS glint seen in TV
Caused by scattering from CCD surface and reflection from window
and beveled edges of camera housing
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
WFC and WFC3 Glints
SMOV Day 219
SMOV Status 9/3/09
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WFC3/UVIS Thermal Vac
ISR 2007-21
David Golimowski
ACS Anomalies &Suspends (1)
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SIC&DH Anomaly (HSTAR 11880)
Day 166 (15 June): SI commanding lost after failure of SIC&DH toggle
Tiger Teams investigated:
 Dangers of overexposing SI detectors during Bright Earth crossings,
SAA crossings, and slews across bright stars
 Potential polymerization of contaminants on UV-channel optics
Implications for ACS:
 No danger to WFC CCD
 SBC MAMA vulnerable to catastrophic damage during BE crossings
 Impact of SAA on MAMA unknown because HV normally turned off
 ACS optics exposed to 100s of hrs of BE crossings with no ill-effects
SBC concerns resolved by 486 FSW revision that automatically shuts down
MAMA HV after future (expected) SIC&DH anomalies
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
ACS Anomalies &Suspends (2)
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ASIC Anomaly (HSTAR 11895)
Day 174 (23 June): ACS suspended after 2 Error Status Buffer messages
during NED collection cycle :
 ACS 955: CEB Command Max Retries Exceeded
 ACS 1002: NED ASIC Not Alive
Tiger Team identified 2 possible causes:
 ASIC Status Line raised (informs FPGA of bit anomaly or comm error)
 FPGA reset in response to SEU of power regulator
Radiation test reports show ambient heavy-ion flux sufficient for SEU every
~100 days, but only 0.1% chance of causing observed ESB sequence
Status Line probably raised by single-bit comm error, which is automatically
corrected by memory scrub. Should be raised only for double-bit comm errors.
Incorrectly set bit in error response register  register now patched
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
Other Items
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WFC focus initially -2.5 m off nominal. OTA secondary mirror was moved
on 20 July 2009 to make other SIs confocal with WFC
SIAF update program showed WFC aperture had moved < 1 arcsec in both
x and y, with negligible rotation.
Internal and external analyses of WFC amplifier cross-talk are mutually
consistent. No perceptible difference in cross talk between pre- and postSM4 images at all signal levels.
SBC performance:
 MAMA dark and flat images unchanged from pre-SM4 states
 OTA breathing effects on encircled energy unchanged from pre-SM4
 UV contamination check revealed 2-3% drop in sensitivity for
 < 140 nm after SM4; no change in sensitivity at longer wavelengths.
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
SBC UV Contamination
Bright Earth photopolymerizes
contaminants onto pickoff mirror
Pre SM4 (short)
Post SM4 (short & long)
Delta Mag (Pre-Post SM4)
F115LP = -0.034 +/- 0.017
F125LP = -0.014 +/- 0.013
F140LP = -0.019 +/- 0.015
F150LP = 0.002 +/- 0.015
F165LP = 0.008 +/- 0.015
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski
Forward Plan
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First delivery of WFC calibration reference files (superbias, superdark,
CCDTAB) to CDBS will occur TODAY in advance of ERO release on 9/9
Determine by next week final cadence of CCD Daily Monitor to produce
temporally well-sampled reference images with minimal bias striping
Complete software for removing bias stripes and signal-dependent “bias
shift” in WFC images. Deliver software as standalone packages to users.
HST Project approved modifications of FAC and FSW to allow “slow
suspend” of ACS after future occurrences of 955 errors to enable dumps
of FPGA and ASIC memory before power shutdown. Delivery in October.
VOD anomaly and its possible beneficial use to mitigate CTE through
charge-injection will be investigated
SMOV Status 9/3/09
David Golimowski