FGS 2 Dark + Background Count Determination The FGS 2 Dark and Background counts were determined from a failed acquisition on 2009:229:05:23, two time segments were examined. This analysis determines the Dark + Background counts, since they cannot be separated when the FGS is searching in the Field-Of-View. The results are consistent with each other and are presented in the following Table. Data Collection Start Time 05:35:57.215 05:27:26.940 Data Collection End Time 05:37:24.715 05:33:54.215 XA PMT (counts) 1.91 1.83 XB PMT (counts) 3.35 3.33 YA PMT (counts) 0.63 0.61 YB PMT (counts) 1.79 1.76 Total PMT Counts 7.67 7.54 FGS 2 - 15 arcmin x 15 arcmin Background measurements done at center of FOV, RA = 107.96905 deg, DEC = -26.09807 deg. The FGS 2 Dark counts were determined from the SM4 Acceptance Test on 2009:138:16:17, while the HST was still attached to the Shuttle. The results are presented in the following Table. The results are disappointing, it would appear that some light was leaking into the OTA, while HST was on the Shuttle. Data Collection Start Time 16:17:06.444 Data Collection End Time 16:20:18.144 XA PMT (counts) 2.66 XB PMT (counts) 5.25 YA PMT (counts) 0.26 YB PMT (counts) 2.15 Total PMT Counts 10.33 As an alternative to the SM4 AT data, eight data sets from the day 159 and day 160 Astrometry observation sets were examined. These results are presented in the following Table and agree better with the Dark+Background measurements presented earlier. Just based on the number of points in each data set, the 3rd data set which has the maximum number, should be used as the FGS 2 baseline values for this point in time. Data Collection Start Time 160:01:44:38.509 160:03:19:29.434 159:15:54:11.458 159:17:33:40.458 160:01:45:57.609 160:03:19:57.584 159:16:05:57.583 159:17:41:57.583 Data Collection End Time 01:45:56.659 03:19:56.659 16:05:56.658 17:41:56.658 01:46:22.459 03:21:06.484 16:06:32.483 17:42:38.533 XA PMT (counts) 1.62 1.65 1.61 1.62 1.60 1.61 1.69 1.61 XB PMT (counts) 3.20 3.13 3.13 3.14 3.17 3.09 3.22 3.12 The plots for these data sets follow the SM4 AT plot. YA PMT (counts) 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.27 0.32 0.22 0.24 0.29 YB PMT (counts) 1.43 1.39 1.43 1.42 1.45 1.41 1.37 1.41 Total PMT Counts 6.51 6.40 6.44 6.45 6.55 6.33 6.53 6.43 No. Points 3127 1090 28209 19849 995 2757 1397 1639