Mission Operations Snapshot Monday, June 15, 2009 Status:

Mission Operations Snapshot
Monday, June 15, 2009 Status:
This report covers 163/09:00Z (Friday 5:00am) to 166/09:00Z (Monday 5:00am);
executed SA159T03 (159/00:00Z-164/00:00Z), executed SA159T04 (164/00:00Z166/00:00Z), executing SA166T02 (166/00:00Z-173/00:00Z).
• FGS GSAcq 19 for 20 (Failure: 165/12:59Z – HSTAR 11878), FGS REAcq 7 for 7,
20 for 20 OBAD w/ Maneuver, 0 LOL
• COPs: None
• Operations Requests Completed:
18511-0: Genslew for Proposal 11469 - Slot # 1 @ 163/16:21Z
18510-0: Uplink New SMAC20 @ 163/17:28Z
18512-2: Update COS Aperture Positions in FSW @ 163/22:03Z
18513-0: Genslew for Proposal 11469 - Slot # 1 (Revised Offsets) @ 163/22:37Z
18515-0: Uplink OBSINT Gyro Bias Update @ 163/23:52Z
18514-0: Clear COS Event Flag 3 after FUV Initial Turn-On Part 3-4 Completes @
18519-0: Genslew for Proposal 11469 - Slot # 1 @ 165/17:29Z
18516-0: Clear STIS Event Flag 3 (MAMA2 Checkout Part 3) @ 165/21:58Z
18517-1: Gyro Calibration Configuration @ 166/06:41Z
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
Monday, June 15, 2009 Status (continued):
• Operations Notes Executed:
1386-4: User Class for Quick Updated Procs (CCS-H) @ 163/19:57Z
1409-1: Mnemonic Display Utility Work Around (CCS-H) @ 163/19:57Z
1847-2: Update COS FUV DCE HV Nom Preset Limits (Closed, Limits
Restored) @ 165/19:28Z
• Updated 496 ESB Limits (ROP DF-18A): None
Error ‘D25’ (HGA Torque Exceeded Limit X 2) @ 164/19:42Z
Error ‘705’ (Gyro Bias Limit Exceeded) @165/06:20Z, 165/18:54Z
Error ‘D24’ (SIC&DH Pit Toggle Fail) @ 166/07:11Z
Error ‘D01’ SMAC/HMAC @ 166/07:11Z
ROP DF-18A: ESB Operations Dump - Cleared 20 ESB Messages (Anomaly
Resolution) @ 166/07:50Z
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
Monday, June 15, 2009 Status (continued):
• Other ROPs:
SR-01A: Clear SSR1 Correctable EDAC Errors @ 163/18:39Z, 163/20:11Z,
163/22:38Z, 164/02:38Z, 165/00:59Z, 165/04:34Z, 165/23:13Z, 166/08:28Z
SR-09A: Clear SSR3 Correctable EDAC Errors @ 163/11:12Z, 163/18:39Z,
164/04:25Z, 164/06:31Z, 164/11:53Z, 165/05:16Z, 165/23:14Z
SR-15: Managing the SSR Dump & Redump TCL Arrays @ 163/19:57Z
NS-08: SI Delayed Error Nulling Maneuver (Genslews) @ 163/16:21Z,
163/22:36Z, 165/17:29Z
SR-14: Managing the SSR Redump Request Log @ 165/03:00Z
SR-15: Observation Redump (ACS 24 – Proposal 11371: CCD Cross Talk)
• CDS: None
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
• 11876: COS LTAIMAGE Moved Target Out of FOV @ 162/09:49Z
On day 09.162/09:59:42, a COS LTAIMAGE, a NUV image target acquisition,
was executed followed by a confirmation image at 09.162/10:01:34. The target
was present in the accum images retained by the LTAIMAGE, but post slew,
the confirmation image was blank. The FSW determined target offset
magnitude properly, however appears to have been applied with wrong sign in
at least one coordinate for the slew.
• 11877: POSTARG Has Incorrect Sign @ 162/05:25Z
In Proposal 11468, several sequences of POSTARG (Position Target) were
performed. From examination of the science data, the COS Science Team
determined that a least one POSTARG direction sign was incorrect.
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
• HSTARS (continued):
• 11878: GSACQ(1,3,1) Fine Lock Backup on FGS 1, Scan Step Limit Exceeded
on FGS 3 @ 165/12:59Z
GSACQ(1,3,1) at 165/12:59:58 acquired in fine lock backup on FGS 1 only,
with QF3SSLEX, QF3STOPF, QSTEPEXC and QSTOP flags set on FGS 3 at
Pre-acquisition OBAD at 12:54:58 had RSS error of 33.52 arcseconds, post
acquisition OBAD map at 13:07:28 had RSS error of 17.12 arcseconds.
Upon acquisition of signal at 16:12:15, vehicle was in fine lock backup on FGS
1 only, GSACQ(1,3,1) at 15:59:58 did not acquire lock on FGS 3, but no flags
were set. This acquisition used the same guide stars as the previous 12:59:28
Further information after engineering recorder dump.
Observations affected: None
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
• HSTARS (continued):
• 11879: Mnemonic LDCDSHAY Out of Limits @ 165/23:11Z
At 165/23:11:26 the mnemonic LDCDSHAY (DCe tDc imag SHft AY) flagged
out of limits red low EV=178.55 for 1 minute. The red low value is set at 176.0.
The on-call SI SE was contacted.
• 11880:SIC&DH Safed @ 166/06:51Z
During LOS at 166/06:51:54 the SIC&DH safed. At AOS 166/07:11:41
telemetry indicated that the SIC&DH Pit toggle test failed. The Level 2 page
was sent.
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
• Flash Reports:
• New SMAC20 Load Uplinked (S. Sands, 06/12/09, 2:09pm)
Ops. Request 18510-0 to uplink the post-SM4 normal operations version of
SMAC20 was completed at 163/17:28:57.
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
• Flash Reports (continued):
• COS FUV Partial Ramp to HVNom Part 3-4 (J. Bacinski, 06/12/09, 7:15pm)
The FUV HV was partially ramped to HVNom (-5199/-5152 volts) on both
segment A and B respectively today @ 2009.163:17:25, the DCE memory was
dumped immediately after the ramp and was dumped again @
2009.163:21:40. All voltages, currents and temperatures were as expected.
The detector was ramped back to HVLow @ 2009.163:21:41.
A 5-min. time-tag dark and 250 second PtNe#1 lamp, G160M exposures were
executed. Plots are attached of the HV and current monitors as well as
detector counter telemetry during the ramp. The line lamp exposure was
executed in LOS and the engineering data has not yet been dumped.
The FUV detector is scheduled to be ramped to a 5th and final iteration of its
HVNom state Sunday @ 2009.165:19:00, it will be ramped to it’s nominal
operating voltage (-5293/-5246V) on segment A and B respectively. Ops
request 18514 has been written to clear COS event flag 3 to allow Sunday’s
FUV HV commanding to proceed as planned.
Ops. Request 18513 (Genslew revised offsets V2:-1.672 a-s, V3: 1.363 a-s) and
18512 (Update COS Aperture Positions in FSW) have been completed in
preparation for tomorrow’s visit of Proposal 11469 (COS Alignment and
Focus - Part 1).
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
• Flash Reports (continued):
• COS FUV Partial Ramp to HVNom Part 3-5 (J. Bacinski, 06/15/09, 12:44am)
The FUV HV was ramped to its nominal operating voltages (-5293/-5246 volts)
today @2009.165:19:00, the DCE memory was dumped immediately after the
ramp and again at @2009.166:03:42. All voltages, currents and temperatures
were as expected. The detector was ramped back to HVLow @166:03:43
Unlike previous iterations two sets of exposure were executed today, the 1st
immediately after the ramp and the 2nd 8 hour later just prior to ramping
down the FUV to HVLow. Each set of observations consisted of a 5 min timetag dark and a 250 second PtNe lamp exposure. Plots are attached of the HV
and current monitors as well as detector counter telemetry during the ramp.
For both sets of exposures I’ve attached plots of the segment counters; all data
is in family with previous ramps.
On Tuesday @167:15:41 the FUV detector is scheduled to be ramped to its
HVNom state at the nominal ramp rate (~3 times faster than today’s ramp).
Ops. Request 18520 has been written to clear COS event flag 3 to allow
Tuesday’s FUV HV commanding to proceed as planned, nominally this should
be the last time COS event flag3 needs to be cleared.
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
• Flash Reports (continued):
• COS FUV Partial Ramp to HVNom Part 3-5 (J. Bacinski, 06/15/09, 12:44am)
Ops. Request 18519 was executed this afternoon to load Genslew offset vectors
(V2: -0.749 a-s, V3: 1.294 a-s) into the NSSC-1 V2-V3 slew vector table in
preparation for tomorrow’s visit of Proposal 11469 (COS alignment and focus
part2), the slew is schedule to execute at 166:17:48. The offset vectors were
determined from data collected from Proposal 11469 (COS alignment and
focus part1) and were provided by George Hartig and Tom Delker.
Ops. Request 18521 has been drafted to update COS mechanism patchable
constants. This ops request updates COS aperture positions in CS FSW by
+12 steps in cross dispersion and -11 steps in dispersion; it updates the OSM1
NCM1 by +1 step rotary and +42 steps in focus. These updates were the result
of data collected during Proposal 11469 (COS alignment and focus part1) and
were provided by George Hartig and Tom Delker. These patches must be
completed prior to the start of Proposal 11469 (COS Alignment and Focus
Part 2) scheduled to start at 166/17:48Z.
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
• Flash Reports (continued):
• Gyro Calibration Maneuvers (J. Wirzburger, 06/15/09, 4:09am)
The first iteration of the gyro calibrations and all associated commanding was
successfully completed at 166/06:42. The following On-Board Attitude
Determination and Guide Star Acquisition corrected for nominal accumulated
attitude errors and gyro biases. The data is in the process of being dumped to
the ground to process the gyro calibration.
The SIC&DH Pit Toggle Test failure (HSTAR 11880) occurred in an LOS that
started approximately 10 minutes after the command to return the gyros to
low mode with autonomous mode switching enabled. At this time, no
connection between the two events has been found.
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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Mission Operations Snapshot
Monday, June 15, Meetings:
• HST Morning Meeting, 8:00am-8:30am, B3/S107A
• SMOV Status Meeting, 8:30am-10:00am, B3/S107A, 866-650-8309 Passcode:7660003
• Asset Consolidation Meeting, 9:00am-10:00am, B3/S107A
• HITT Weekly Status Meeting, 10:00am-11:00am, B3/S107A
• LAN Staff Meeting, 2:00pm-3:00pm, B3/S107B & B7/N200G
Monday, June 15, Operations Highlights:
• OR 18473-2: Recover STIS MCE after Resets (Generic)
• OR 18505-2: Clear STIS Event Flag 3 (MAMA2 Checkout Part 4)
• OR 18520-0: Clear COS Event Flag 3 after FUV Initial Turn-on Part 3-5 Completes
• OR 18521-0: Update COS Aperture and OSM1 NCM1 Positions in FSW
lbassford@hst.nasa.gov (286-2876)
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