CCR NUMBER: 4834 CRITICALITY: ROUTINE DUE:4/27/01 DISTRIBUTION SHEET HST LEVEL IIIA CCB MEMBERS X X X X X E. P. K. D. J. X X X INFO: only (Level IIIA or II) D. Scheve/440 X M. Weiss/440 K. Kalinowski/440 X W. Gallagher/QSS/442 D. Leckrone/600/440 C. Coltharp/740/442 X X X X X AD B. R. K. B. D. HOC: Bruce/441 Dedalis/302/442 Hartnett/586/441 Kirkham/TRW/441 Knapp/581/441 E. S. B. T. Cheng/685 Cover/214.1 Fafaul/442 Griffin/442 X X X Beyer/441 Burch/441 Carpenter/681 Douds/441 Gainsborough/441 X X X X X X X X X X 3A HOC: Barasch/561/442 Baugh/568/442 Brinker/561/442 Broderick/563/442 Butler/QSS/442 Chamberlin/730/442 Coltharp/565/442 Dedalis/302/442 Fineberg/730/442 S. L. D. B. J. Jeletic/441 Manfra/441 McGrath/214 Ruitberg/441 Sparacino/441 Leskiewicz/583/441 Mazzuca/583/441 Nguyen/545/442 Nims/584/441 Pepe/581/441 HST LEVEL IIIB CCB MEMBERS X M. Jarosz/442 X M. Kienlen/442 R. King/442 X R. Lundquist/730/442 INFO: (Level IIIB only) D. Scheve/440 K. Kalinowski/440 J. Decker/440 AD R. M. E. R. S. K. C. R. D. J. G. M. E. S. X X 3A 3A X X X X Hubbard/740/442 Jenkins/549/442 Kamen/730/442 Krupacs/740/442 Metzger/543/442 Miller/565/442 Nguyen/545/442 Pham/740/442 Phan/543/442 Purves/571/440 Sticka/303 Vernacchio/441 Watson/441 Wilkinson/441 M. Kienlen/442 R. Lundquist/730/442 M. Turczyn/730/442 X X X X X L. M. H. K. J. Purves/571/440 Simons/730/441 Wajsgras/563/441 Walyus/581/441 Wood/551/440 K. Miller/442 X R. Moe/442 3A R. Sticka/303/440 X R. Werneth/442 P. Burch/441 D. Douds/441 J. Gainsborough/441 M. K. B. E. J. A. D. T. M. L. R. A. W. C. E. Ruitberg/441 C. Wilkinson/441 P. H. S. R. X P. X T. X J. X M. 3A J. X D. Salerno/565/442 Smith/740/442 Stanford/442 Strafella/730/442 Sullivan/740/442 Toutsi/303/442 Townsend/545/442 Turczyn/730/442 Wood/551/440 Zimbelman/730/442 HST LEVEL IV CCB X X X D. SIMPSON/582 F. SEXSON-RAYL /BATC/WFC3 F. DOLAN/CREARE R. KUTINA/ST ScI X X X X T. NOTHEY/HSTOMS/581 F. SEXSON-RAYL /BATC/AC S. BUSCHING/JHU/AC N. RINGEL/LMMS/CHAMP X J. ANDREWS/UCOL/COS F. SEXSON-RAYL /BATC/COS L. HERRELL/JPL N. PITERSKI/SWALES 11/3/00 HST FLIGHT PROJECTS CONFIGURATION CHANGE REQUEST PROGRAM HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE TITLE B/L SMR-3029 HST SM3B OBSERVATORY VERIF. PLAN CCR NO. 4834 ORIGINATOR DATE INITIATED 04/11/2001 ORIGINATOR'S CHG. NO. EFFECTIVITY AST COSTAR DADS ESS FS&S FOC FOS HRS HSP HST MOSES NICMOS ORU OTA A. VERNACCHIO/HST/441 SPONSOR/CODE SA-I SA-II SI C&DH-I SI C&DH-II SSM ST SCI STAR STIS STOMS VEST WFPC-I WFPC-II OTHER OPS/SM A. VERNACCHIO/441 CHANGE CLASS PHONE 301-286-1337 TYPE OF CHANGE I II MILESTONE INTERFACE SOFTWARE PRELIMINARY DOCUMENT POWER OTHER FORMAL COST NO WEIGHT DOCUMENTS OR SOFTWARE AFFECTED SMR-3029 PROBLEM The attached draft version of SMR-3029 HST Servicing Mission 3B Observatory Verification Plan dated March 30, 2001 requires baselining by the HST Level 2 CCB. This document establishes the plan for verifying that the HST Orbital Replacement Units and Orbital Replacement Instruments installed, replaced, or serviced on the HST Observatory are functioning properly. The plan commences once the HST has been released from the Orbiter's Remote Manipulator System and terminates upon initiation of normal science operations with all scientific instruments. Participating organizations are GSFC/Code 440, GSFC/Code 441, GSFC/Code 442, ST ScI, STOMS, BATC/ACS, JHU, LMMS/CHAMP, Creare Inc., and GSFC/Code 582. PROPOSED SOLUTION Baseline the attached draft version of SMR-3029 HST SM3B Observatory Verification Plan by the Level 2 Configuration Control Board. The document will be maintained by the HST Configuration Management (CM) Office/Code 440. Changes will be submitted by Configuration Change Requests (CCRs) and Preliminary Specification Change Notices (PSCNs). BOARD ACTION APPROVE APPROVE WITH CHANGE DISAPPROVE WITHDRAW APPROVAL LEVEL REQUIRED LEVEL I HQS LEVEL II JSC LEVEL II GSFC LEVEL III (A) OPERATIONS (B) SERVICING CRITICALITY LEVEL PROCUREMENT CHANGE ORDER CLASSIFICATION EMERGENCY ROUTINE URGENT URGENT OPTION 1 OPTION 1 ROUTINE OPTION 2 OPTION 2 EMERGENCY LEVEL IV CONTR/ASSOC COMMENTS LEVEL IIIA CHAIRPERSON DATE LEVEL IIIB CHAIRPERSON DATE LEVEL II CHAIRPERSON DATE 05/04/1999 I SM R-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE THIRD SERVICING MISSION B OBSERVATORY VERIFICATION PLAN MARCH 2001 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 CONTENTS Section Page 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1-1 1.1 SCOPE ............................................... 1-6 1.2 CONFIGURATION CONTROL ............................... 1-9 2. OVERVIEW OF THE HST OBSERVATORY VERIFICATION PROGRAM ..... 2-1 2.1 ACTIVITY SUMMARY FORMAT ............................. 2-1 2.2 STRUCTURES AND MECHANISMS SUBSYSTEM ................. 2-4 2.2.1 2.3 2.4 NOBL Thermal Monitoring ..................... 2-5 ELECTRICAL POWER SUBSYSTEM .......................... 2-7 2.3.1 SAIII Drive System Performance .............. 2-8 2.3.2 SAIII Power Generation Performance ......... 2-10 2.3.3 Power Control Unit (PCU) Performance ....... 2-12 OPTICAL TELESCOPE ASSEMBLY/FINE GUIDANCE SYSTEM .... 2-14 2.4.1 Guide Star Acquisition Verification ........ 2-15 2.4.2 Verification of Operational Calibrations ... 2-17 2.4.3 FGS Mini-OFAD .............................. 2-19 2.4.4 FGS-to-FGS Alignment ....................... 2-20 2.4.5 FGS K-Factor Determination ................. 2-22 2.4.6 FGS Jitter Test ............................ 2-24 2.4.7 FGS Astrometer Calibration Verification .... 2-26 ii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 CONTENTS (Continued) Section 2.5 Page POINTING CONTROL SUBSYSTEM ......................... 2-28 2.5.1 FHST Field of View Check ................... 2-29 2.5.2 First Attitude Determination and Initial Gyro Drift Rate Bias Determination .............. 2-31 2.6 2.5.3 Attitude Initialization .................... 2-33 2.5.4 FHST/FHST Alignment ........................ 2-34 2.5.5 RGA Polarity Check ......................... 2-36 2.5.6 Gyro/FHST Alignment ........................ 2-37 2.5.7 FHST/FGS Alignment ......................... 2-39 2.5.8 Vehicle Disturbance Test (VDT) ............. 2-41 2.5.9 Transfer Function Test (TFT) ............... 2-44 ADVANCED CAMERA FOR SURVEYS ........................ 2-47 2.6.1 Load and Dump On-Board Memory .............. 2-49 2.6.2 Science Data Buffer Check .................. 2-51 2.6.3 CCD Functional ............................. 2-53 2.6.4 CCD Temperature Set Point Determination .... 2-56 2.6.5 ACS SBC Anomalous Recovery Test ............ 2-58 2.6.6 ACS SMOV Contamination Monitoring .......... 2-60 2.6.7 ACS to FGS Alignment ....................... 2-62 2.6.8 HRC Coronagraph Acquisition ................ 2-64 2.6.9 ACS Coarse Corrector Alignment ............. 2-67 2.6.10 ACS Fine Corrector Alignment ............... 2-69 2.6.11 ACS Image Quality and PSF Measurement ...... 2-71 2.6.12 HRC Coronagraph Repeatability .............. 2-73 2.6.13 ACS Image Stability Verification ........... 2-75 2.6.14 CCD and SBC Flat Fielding Stability ........ 2-78 iii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page 2.6.15 ACS Sensitivity ............................ 2-82 2.6.16 SBC Detector Mini-Functional ............... 2-83 2.6.17 SBC Dark Rate Measurement .................. 2-84 2.6.18 ACS SBC Image Quality and PSF Measurement .. 2-86 2.6.19 Scattered Light in Coronagraphic Observations2-88 2.6.20 ACS Ramp Filter Test ....................... 2-90 2.6.21 CCD and SBC Geometric Distortion ........... 2-93 2.6.22 ACS Grism/Prism Performance Check .......... 2-96 2.6.23 ACS CCD Hot Pixel Annealing ................ 2-98 2.6.24 CCD Flash Verification .................... 2-100 2.7 DATA MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM ......................... 2-102 2.8 INSTRUMENTATION AND COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM ....... 2-102 2.9 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS CONTROL AND DATA HANDLING SUBSYSTEM ............................... 2-102 2.10 POINTING AND SAFEMODE ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY ........ 2-102 2.11 CORRECTIVE OPTICS SPACE TELESCOPE AXIAL REPLACEMENT 2-102 2.12 SPACE TELESCOPE IMAGING SPECTROGRAPH .............. 2-103 2.12.1 Pre-SM Calibration ........................ 2-104 2.12.2 CCD Functional ............................ 2-106 2.12.3 Image Quality ............................. 2-108 2.12.4 MAMA Dark vs. Temperature ................. 2-110 2.12.5 Jitter Test ............................... 2-112 2.12.6 End of BEA Test ........................... 2-114 2.12.7 Contamination Monitor ..................... 2-116 2.12.8 CCD Bias .................................. 2-118 2.12.9 CCD Darks ................................. 2-120 2.12.10 MAMA Darks ................................ 2-122 iv SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page 2.12.11 Corrector Alignment ....................... 2-124 2.13 NEAR INFRARED CAMERA MULTI-OBJECT SPECTROMETER .... 2-125 2.13.1 NICMOS Filter Wheel Mechanism Test ........ 2-126 2.13.2 NICMOS FOM Operation Test ................. 2-128 2.13.3 NICMOS Flats/Quantum Efficiency ........... 2-129 2.13.4 NICMOS Detector Read Noise/Shading/Cosmic Ray Rates ..................................... 2-131 2.13.5 NICMOS Transfer Function Test ............. 2-133 2.13.6 NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment ............. 2-135 2.13.7 NICMOS NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment ........ 2-137 2.13.8 NICMOS Focus Monitor ...................... 2-139 2.13.9 NICMOS Aperture Locations ................. 2-141 2.13.10 NICMOS Plate Scale ........................ 2-143 2.13.11 NICMOS Mode 2 Target Acquisition Test ..... 2-145 2.13.12 NICMOS Coronagraphic Performance .......... 2-147 2.13.13 NICMOS Internal Flats ..................... 2-149 2.13.14 NICMOS Photometry Test .................... 2-151 2.13.15 NICMOS SAA CR Persistence Test ............ 2-153 2.13.16 NICMOS Astronomical Persistence Test ...... 2-155 2.13.17 NICMOS Thermal Background ................. 2-157 2.13.18 NICMOS Grisms Absolute Sensitivity ........ 2-159 2.13.19 NICMOS Grisms Wavelength Calibration ...... 2-160 2.14 NICMOS Cooling System (NCS) ....................... 2-162 2.14.1 Start NICMOS Cooling System (NCS) ......... 2-163 2.15 WIDE FIELD/PLANETARY CAMERA 2 ..................... 2-169 v SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page 2.15.1 WFPC2 Transition From Protect Safe Mode to Hold Mode to Protect Decontamination Mode ....... 2-170 2.15.2 WFPC2 Cool Down, Contamination Monitor and Focus Check ................................ 2-172 2.15.3 WFPC2 Lyman Alpha Check .................... 2-174 2.15.4 WFPC2 Flat Field Calibration ............... 2-176 2.15.5 WFPC2 Relative Photometry Calibration ...... 2-177 2.15.6 WFPC2 Point Spread Function Verification ... 2-178 2.15.7 WFPC2 Internal Monitors .................... 2-179 2.16 EARLY RELEASE OBSERVATIONS ....................... 2-181 2.16.1 Early Release Observations ................ 2-182 3. SMOV NOMINAL TIMELINE .................................... 3-1 3.1 REAL-TIME COMMAND PHASE ............................. 3-6 3.1.1 3.2 HEALTH AND SAFETY SPC PHASE ......................... 3-6 3.2.1 3.3 Real-Time Command Phase Activity Table....... 3-6 Health and Safety SPC Phase Activity Table . 3-11 SCIENCE MISSION SPECIFICATION COMMAND PHASE ........ 3-11 3.3.1 SMS Command Phase Activity Table ........... 3-11 APPENDIX A REQUIREMENTS TRACEABILITY MATRIX.................. A-1 vi SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1-1 SMOV Management Organization............................ 1-3 1-2 SMOV Phase Activity Flow................................ 1-7 3-1 SMOV Timeline Summary................................... 3-3 3-2 SMOV Network Timeline................................... 3-4 vii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 TABLES Table Page 2-1 Verification Activity for the Structure & Mechanisms.... 2-4 2-2 Verification Activity for the EPS....................... 2-7 2-3 Verification Activity for the OTA...................... 2-14 2-4 Pointing Control Subsystem SMOV Activities............. 2-28 2-5 ACS SMOV Activities.................................... 2-47 2-6 STIS SMOV Activities................................... 2-86 2-7 NICMOS SMOV Activities................................ 2-125 2-8 Verification Activity for the NICMOS Cooling System... 2-162 2-9 WF/PC-2 SMOV Activities............................... 2-169 2-10 ERO Activities........................................ 2-181 3-1 SMOV Milestone Schedule................................. 3-2 3-2 Sample Activity Table................................... 3-5 3-3 Real Time Command Phase Activity Table.................. 3-8 3-4 Health and Safety SPC Phase Activity Table............. 3-12 3-5 SMS Command Phase Activity Table....................... 3-13 A-1 Verification Requirements Table......................... A-3 viii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS ACE Actuator Control Electronics ACP Astronaut Control Panel ACQ Acquisition ACS Actuator Control Subsystem/Advanced Camera for Surveys AD Activity Description/Aperture Door ADC Analog to Digital Converter ADRS Astrometry Data Reduction System AFD Aft Flight Deck AFM Actuator Folding Mirror AI Artificial Intelligence AM Amplitude Modulation AMS Actuator Mechanism Subsystem AOS Acquisition of Signal AP Application Processor ARU Attitude Reference Update AS Aft Shroud ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCS Aft Shroud Cooling System AT Aliveness ATC Absolute Time Command ATP Absolute Time Processor AURA Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy A & V Assembly and Verification BAE British Aerospace BAT Battery BDF Block Data Format BEA Bright Earth Avoidance BER Bit Error Rate BLD Bi-Level Discreet BOD Bright Object Detector ix SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) BOP Bright Object Protection BOT Beginning of Tape BOW Bright Object Warning BPI Bits per Inch bps Bits per Second BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying C Celsius/Centigrade CAD Coarse Attitude Determination CAL Calibration CARD Constraints and Restrictions Document CASH Cross Aft Shroud Harness CC Configuration Controller/Command and Control CCA Configuration Control Article CCB Configuration Control Board CCBD Configuration Control Board Directive CCC Charge Current Controller CCD Charge-coupled Device CCD/POM Charge-coupled Device/Pick-off Mirror CCL Closed Conference Loop CCR Configuration Change Request CCS Control Center System CCTV Closed Circuit Television C&DH Control and Data Handling CDBS Calibration Data Base System CDI Command Data Interface CDOS Customer Data Operations System CDU Command Data Unit/Command Detector Unit CEA Central Electronics Assembly CF Command Format CG Center of Gravity/Command Groups x SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) CIF Computer Interface (Module) CL Command Loader CLPS Calibration Lamp Power Supply CM Contamination Monitoring/Configuration Management cm Centimeter CMD Command CMS Command Management System C/O Checkout COMM Communications COMP Computer CONN Connector COP Contingency Operations Procedure/CoProcessor COSTAR Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement CPL Capillary Pump Loop CPM Central Processor Module CPU Central Processing Unit CR Change Request CRB Change Review Board CS Crew Systems/Control Section CSS Coarse Sun Sensor CSSA Coarse Sun Sensor Assembly CT Current Telemetry CTE Charge Transfer Efficiency/Coefficient of Thermal Expansion CU/SDF Control Unit/Science Data Formatter CVL Cryro Vent Line CVZ Continuous Viewing Zone D/A Digital-to-Analog DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter dB Decibel xi SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) dB/Hz Decibel-Hertz DB Data Base DB Diode Bus DBA Diode Bus Assembly DBC Diode Bus Controller DBMS Data Base Management System DC Detector Controller DCE Deployment Control Electronics DCF Data Capture Facility DEC Declination/Digital Equipment Corporation DF-224 HST/SSM Flight Computer DH Data Handling DIM Data Input Module/Data Interface Module (OCE) DIU Data Interface Unit DM Data Management DMS Data Management Subsystem DMU Data Management Unit DN Derived Nominal/Digital Number DOB Deployable Optical Bench (COSTAR) DOC Data Operations Center DOD Depth of Discharge DOV Director of Orbital Verification DPC Direct Power Converter DRD Data Requirements Document DSN Deep Space Network E/A Ephemeris/Attitude ECA Electronics Control Assembly EC/LSS Environmental Control/Life Support Systems ECU Electronic Control Unit ED Engineering Data xii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) EDAC Error Detection and Correction EDB Engineering Data Base EMI Electromagnetic Interface EMU Extra-vehicular Mobility Unit ENG Engineering EOD Enter Orbit Day EOF End of File EON Enter Orbit Night EOT End of Tape EP/TCE Electronic Power & Thermal Control Electronics EP/TCS Electronic Power & Thermal Control System EPER Edge Pixel Extended Response EPS Electrical Power Subsystem ERO Early Release Observation ESA European Space Agency ESM Electronic Support Module ESS Engineering Support System ESTR Engineering and Science Tape Recorder ETR Engineering Tape Recorder/Eastern Test Range EU Engineering Unit EV Extra Vehicular EVA Extra-vehicular Activity FAD Fine Attitude Determination FALIGN FHST Alignment FDF Flight Dynamics Facility FF3 Fold Flat 3 FGE Fine Guidance Electronics FGS Fine Guidance Sensor FGSS FGS System FHST Fixed Head Star Tracker FIFO First-in First-out xiii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) FM Frequency Modulation FMT Format FO Flight Operations (MOC) FOC Faint Object Camera FOM Field Off-set Mirror FOT Flight Operation Team FOV Field of View FPA Focal Plane Assembly FPAS Focal Plane Assembly Shroud FRP Functional and Performance Requirements FS Finish to Start FSK Frequency Shift Keying FSS Flight Support System/Flight Servicing Structure FS&S Flight Systems and Servicing FSW Flight Software FUV Far Ultraviolet FWD Forward FWHM Full Width Half Maximum FWM Filter Wheel Mechanism GBU Gyro Bias Update GEA Gimbal Electronics Assembly GG Gravity Gradient GGM Gravity Gradient Mode GHz Gigahertz GMT Greenwich Mean Time GO General Observer GRND Ground GS Ground System/Guide Star GSE Ground Support Equipment/Ground Systems Engineering GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center xiv SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) GSOWG Ground Systems and Operations Working Group GSSS Guide Star Selection System GSTDN Ground Spacecraft Tracking & Data Network HGA High Gain Antenna HGAS High Gain Antenna System HGBU High Gyro Bias Update HLD High Level Discrete (Command Type) HOPRS HST Observations Problem Reports HRC High Resolution Camera H & S Health and Safety HST Hubble Space Telescope HSTAR Hubble Space Telescope Anomaly Report HSTP Hubble Space Telescope Project HV High Voltage H/W Hardware HWCC Hardware Change Control Hz Hertz I & C Instrumentation and Communications Subsystem ICU Instrumentation Control Unit ID Identification IDB Internal Data Base IDL Interactive Data Language I/F Interface INTFLAT Internal Flat I/O Input/Output IOU Input Output Unit ips Inches Per Second IR Infrared IRAF Image Reduction Analysis Facility xv SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) I & T Integration and Test ITS Internal Test Source IUE International Ultra-Violet Explored JSC Johnson Space Center k Kilo KA Keep Alive KBPI Kilobits Per Inch KBPS Kilobits Per Second Kbytes Kilobytes kg Kilogram km Kilometer KSC Kennedy Space Center LBBIAS Long Baseline Bias LED Light Emitting Diode LGA Low Gain Antenna LGBU Low Gyro Bias Update LHCP Left Hand Circular Polarization LLD Low Level Discrete LMSC Lockheed Martin Space Company LMTO Lockheed Martin Technical Operations LMU Logical Memory Unit LOS Line of Sight/Loss of Signal LSB Least Significant Bit LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply m Meter MA Multiple Access MAMA Multi-anode Microchannel Array xvi SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) Mbps Megabits Per Second MCC Mission Control Center MCE Monitor and Control Electronics MCP Microchannel Plate MCU Mechanism Control Unit MEB Main Electronics Box MET Mission Elapsed Time MF Major Frame MHz Megahertz min Minute MIQ Maximum Image Quality MLI Multi-Layer Insulation mm Millimeter MM Maintenance Mission MMI Man-Machine Interface MOC Mission Operations Contractor MOI Moment of Inertia MOM Mission Operations Manager MOR Mission Operations Room MOU Memorandum Of Understanding MPO Mission Planning Office MPT Mission Planning Terminal Msec Millisecond MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center MSS Magnetic Sensing System MT Magnetic Torquer MTB Magnetic Torquer Bar MTE Magnetic Torquer Electronics MTP Master Test Procedure/Master Timing Pulse MTS Magnetic Torquing System MU Memory Unit xvii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) MUX Multiplexer N/A Not Applicable NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASCOM NASA Communications Network NCC NICMOS Cryogenic Cooler/Network Control Center NCS NICMOS Cooling System ND Neutral Density NGC New General Catalog NIC Near Infrared Camera NICMOS Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer nmi Nautical Miles NOBL New Outer Blanked Layer NSSC-1 NASA Standard Spacecraft Computer, Model 1 NUV Near Ultraviolet OA Operations Astronomer OBC On-Board Computer OC Operations Controller OCC Operations Control Center OCCO Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator OCE Optical Control Electronics OCS Optical Control Subsystem OFAD Optical Field Angle Distortion OFLS Off-Line System O&GS Operations and Ground Systems OLD Off Load Devices (Solar Array) OLS On-Line System OMS Orbital Maneuvering System O/P Output OPD Operations Department of ST ScI xviii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) OPS Operations ORD Operations Requirements Document ORI Orbital Replacement Instrument ORU Orbital Replaceable Unit OTA Optical Telescope Assembly OTASIM Optical Telescope Assembly Simulator OV Observatory Verification PAM Pupil Adjustment Mechanism PASS POCC Application Software Support P/B Playback PC Planetary Camera PCDU Power Control and Distribution Unit PCEA Pointing Control Electronics Assembly PCM Pulse Code Modulation PCS Pointing Control Subsystem PCSIU PCS Interface Unit PCU Power Control Unit PDA Photon Detector Assembly PDB Project Data Base PDM Primary Drive Motor/Primary Deployment Mechanism PDU Power Distribution Unit PGSC Payload General Support Computer PI Principal Investigator/Payload Interrogator PID Proportional Integral Derivative PIP Payload Integration Plan PIT Processor Interface Table P/L Payload PM Primary Mirror PMT Photo Multiplier Tube PMU Physical Memory Unit xix SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) PN Planetary Nebula POCC Payload Operations Control Center POL Point of Light POM Pick off Mirror PORTS Preliminary Operations Requirements & Test Support PRCS Primary Reaction Control System PRD Program Requirements Document/Project Reference Data PRS PORTS Refurbishment System PROM Programmable Read Only Memory PRT Planned Real-Time PSCN Preliminary Specification Change Notice PSEA Pointing and Safemode Electronics Assembly PSF Point Spread Function PSI Pounds per Square Inch PSK Phase Shift Keying PSP Payload Signal Processor PSTOL PORTS Systems Test and Operations Language PWR Power Q(ch) Quadrature-phase (channel) QCI DF-224 On-board Quaternion (variable name in FSW) QD Quick Disconnect Q & I Quadrature-phase and In-phase (channel) QCM Quartz Crystal Monitor QPSK Quadrature-phase Shift Keying RAM Random Access Memory REFOC Refocus REC Record REL Release REV Revolution/Revision xx SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) RF Radio Frequency RFI Radio Frequency Interface RGA Rate Gyro Assembly RHCP Right Hand Circular Polarization RIU Remote Interface Unit RMGA Retrieval Mode Gyro Assembly RMS Remote Manipulator System ROP Routine Operating Procedure ROSI Raytheon Optical System Inc. rpm Revolutions Per Minute RSU Rate Sensor Unit/Remote Sensing Unit R/T Real-time RTC Real-time Command RTCS Real-time Command Sequence RW Reaction Wheel RWA Reaction Wheel Assembly SA Solar Array/Single Access SA3 Solar Array Three (Replacement Arrays) SAA South Atlantic Anomaly SAC Sensor Analysis & Calibration SACOPS Sensor Analysis & Calibration Operations SADA Solar Array Drive Adapter SADE Solar Array Drive Electronics SADM Solar Array Drive Mechanism SAGA Solar Array Gain Augmentation SAT SSA Transmitter S-band 1500 - 5200 MHz SBC Solar Blind Channel S/C Spacecraft SCAMA Switching, Conferencing and Monitoring Arrangement xxi SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) ScI Science Institute SCR Schedule Confirmation Request (NCC)/Strip Chart Recorder SD Science Data SDAS Science Data Analysis Software SDF Science Data Formatter SDM Secondary Deployment Mechanism SDN Schedule Deletion Notification (NCC) SDPF Sensor Data Processing Facility SDU Signal Distribution Unit SE Systems Engineering sec Seconds SEER HST Systems Engineering Evaluation Room SESD Science and Engineering Systems Division SHP Standard Header Packet SI Scientific Instrument SIAF Science Instrument Aperture definition File SIC Spacecraft Identification Code (NCC) SI C&DH SI Control and Data Handling Subsystem SIM Simulation/Simulator S & M Structures and Mechanisms Subsystem SM Servicing Mission/Safe Mode/Secondary Mirror SM3A Third Servicing Mission A SM3B Third Servicing Mission B SMA Secondary Mirror Assembly (OTA) SMC Safe Mode Computer SMEA Safe Mode Electronics Assembly SMIT Service Mission Integrated Timeline SMM Science Mission Manager (ScI) SMOV Servicing Mission Observatory Verification SMS Science Mission Specification xxii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) SMU STFS Safemode Utility SOC State of Charge SOFA Selectable Optical Filter Assembly SOP Standard Operating Procedure SOR Science Operations Room SP Sun Point SPA Solar Panel Assembly SPC Stored Program Command SPIF Shuttle-POCC Interface Facility SR Schedule Result (NCC) SS Safing Subsystem/Start to Start/ Shift Supervisor SSA S-band Single Access SSATX2-R S-band Single Access Transmitter 2 (Replacement) SSD Space Systems Division (LMCO) SSE Space Support Equipment SSM Support Systems Module SSPCP STFS Special SPS Processor SSR Solid State Recorder ST Space Telescope STAT Space Telescope Astrometry Team STDN Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network STDOC Space Telescope Data Operations Center STFS Flight Software Subsystem (DF224) STIS Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph STOCC Space Telescope Operations Control Center STOMS Space Telescope Observatory Management System STR Science Tape Recorder STS Space Transportation System STSDAS Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System ST ScI Space Telescope Science Institute ST ScIF Space Telescope Science Institute Facility xxiii SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) S/W Software SYNC Synchronization TBD To Be Determined TBR To Be Resolved TBS To Be Specified TC Thermal Control T & C Telemetry and Command TCE Thermal Control Electronics TCS Thermal Control Subsystem TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite TDRSS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System TDRST Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Terminal TEC Thermoelectric Cooler TFC Telemetry Format and Control TFT Transfer Function Test TLM Telemetry TP Timed Processor TTRB Telescope Time Review Board TTSC Telescope Time Steering Committee TRSWCC Trim Relay Software Charge Control TSPC Timed Special Processor URL Uniform Resource Locator UTC Universal Time Coordinated UV Ultraviolet VAP Velocity Aberration Parallax VCS Vapor Cooled Shield VDD Version Description Document VDT Vehicle Disturbance Test xxiv SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ACRONYMS (Continued) VEL Velocity VEST Vehicle Electrical System Test Facility VIK Voltage Improvement Kits VISFLATS Visible Flats VOCC VEST Operations Control Center VSC Voltage Sensing Circuit VSS Vehicle Support Software VTFE Voltage Temperature Front End WD White Dwarf WFC Wide Field Camera WF/PC Wide Field Planetary Camera WF/PC2 Wide Field Planetary Camera II WFS Wave Front Sensor ZOE Zone of Exclusion xxv SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 TBD/TBR LIST Item No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Text Location Section 2.6.4 Section 2.13.5 Section 2.13.11 Section 2.13.13 Section 2.13.17 Section 2.14.1 Section 2.16.1 Description ACS-06 – CCD Temperature Set Point Determination NICMOS-05 – NICMOS Transfer Function Test NICMOS-12 – NICMOS Mode 2 Target Acquisition Test NICMOS-14 – NICMOS Internal Flats NICMOS-18 – NICMOS Thermal Background NCS-01 – Start NICMOS Cooling System (NCS) ERO-01 – Early Release Observations xxvi Responsible Party Due Date STScI 07/01/01 STScI 07/01/01 STScI 07/01/01 STScI 07/01/01 STScI 07/01/01 STScI 05/31/01 STScI 07/01/01 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 1. INTRODUCTION The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Servicing Mission Observatory Verification (SMOV) program for Servicing Mission 3B (SM3B) program has been established to verify that the HST Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs), and Orbital Replacement Instruments (ORIs) installed, replaced, or serviced on the HST Observatory are functioning properly. The SMOV program commences once the HST has been released from the Orbiter's Remote Manipulator System (RMS), and terminates upon initiation of normal science operations with all scientific instruments. The SMOV Manager is responsible for the Observatory Verification operations of the HST Observatory. The SMOV Manager is chairperson of the SMOV Management Team, which is composed of representatives from the HST Operations and Ground Systems Project (O&GS), the HST Flight Systems and Servicing Project (FS&S), and the Space Telescope Science Institute (ST ScI). The SMOV Manager coordinates all rapid turnaround changes with the Telescope Time Steering committee (TTSC). The SMOV Management organization is headed by the SMOV Manager and is supported by the SMOV Planning Group consisting of representatives from a number of elements from within the Project including prime mission contractors and other directorates at the GSFC. Its responsibility is to efficiently and safely conduct the Observatory Verification activities while concurrently allowing the maximum amount of normal science operations to take place. This responsibility is expected to extend for approximately four months after Servicing Mission 3B (SM3B). The SMOV organization verifies the performance of the newly installed hardware and conduct appropriate tests to ensure the Observatory 1-1 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 is functioning properly. Figure 1-1 shows the SMOV Management organization. 1-2 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 SMO V MANAGER SMO V MANAGEMENT TEA M SMO V PLA NNING GRO UP SCI ENCE & ENG INEERING TEA MS PUBLIC AFFAIRS CONTROL CENTER OPERATI ONS STS cI INS TITU TE FIGURE 1-1 SMO V Manageme nt Organiz ation 1-3 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 The SMOV Management Team has the following responsibilities: • Publish the SMOV Plan and its subsequent updates • Resolve SMOV planning and scheduling conflicts and issues • Define/adjust priorities for SMOV activities • Track SMOV progress and report status to the HST Project Manager • Identify and reallocate failed SMOV activities and observations as appropriate • Track SMOV test results • Provide the weekly SMOV candidate activity list to the ST ScI at least one week before the generation of the flight SMS is due. This one week lead time will gradually be increased as the critical path, linked activities are completed (i.e., once the alignments are complete) • Interface with the HST Senior Scientist for NASA Public Affairs planning and information • Define the content requirements and coordinate inputs for the SMOV Execution report. Servicing Mission SI calibration and alignment activity progress will be reported to the ST ScI's Telescope Time Review Board (TTRB) on a weekly basis. The TTRB will provide senior science oversight to the SMOV Management Team and will be called upon to address requests for repeated SMOV science-related activities or requests for additional data, when the requests exceed six orbits of observing time. HST Observations Problem Reports (HOPRs) will be used to document SMOV observations that are repeated during the verification period such as SI alignment and calibrations. For those cases where the SMOV activity failed to execute in its entirety due to problems such as safemode entry or guide star acquisition failures, HOPRs will not be utilized. All requests for additional SMOV spacecraft time, in excess of six orbits, to 1-4 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 accomplish the goals of the SI SMOV programs will be reviewed with and recommended for approval/rejection by the TTRB. The ST ScI SMOV Lead will be the common link between the TTRB and the Project SMOV Management Team. The Lead will be responsible for coordinating any TTRB reviews and for reporting back to the SMOV Management Team. If the observation problem has been caused by a spacecraft or subsystem failure/anomaly, the Lead will file an HST Anomaly Report, if one has not already been filed. The three divisions involved in day-to-day operations of the HST are represented on the TTRB, namely the Data Systems Division, Science and Engineering Systems Division (SESD), and the Science Support Division (SSD), and the Servicing Mission Office. The TTRB will make recommendations to the ST ScI Director's Office on the disposition of requests for additional SMOV time allocation, in excess of six orbits, with Director's Office concurrence on recommendations required within the week following the TTRB disposition. The importance of timely disposition is recognized and will be supported whenever possible. In the event that additional information is required before a decision can be reached, the appropriate proposer/team members will be asked to present this information to the TTRB or a cognizant TTRB splinter group. A closure review will be conducted at the end of SMOV in which representatives of the SM Verification Team and the TTRB will be expected to serve as review/panel members. This closure review will consist of a walkthrough of the documented SMOV objectives 1-5 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 and requirements and how they have been met or what liens exist against the program and how they will be closed. The SMOV activity flow is graphically portrayed in Figure 1-2. It should be noted that this is a high-level functional plan, and is not intended to represent the exact ordering of activities for any given day. The SMOV plan provides a "big picture" view of the observatory verification program, whereas the HST Command Plan is the medium through which on-orbit activities are scheduled, executed and verified during the Real-Time (R/T) and Health and Safety (H&S) Command Phases. Science Mission Specifications (SMS) provide for scheduling and execution of activities during the SMS command phase. Note: The Servicing Mission Integrated Timeline (SMIT) and Command Plan will be developed by the Servicing Mission Operations Working Group. These documents will provide the detailed timeline and implementation approach to be used to conduct the SMOV activities described in the Real-Time and Health and Safety phases of the SMOV plan. 1.1 SCOPE Section 2 summarizes the activities included in the Observatory Verification Program for the affected HST subsystems, science instruments, and ground systems. Section 3.0 contains a SMOV plan that reflects activities in tabular format. For clarity and ease of use, the overall SMOV plan has been broken down into three major phases, which are determined primarily by the way activities are executed. These phases are: 1-6 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 SMOV PLA N PROPOSA L GENERA TION PROPOSA L IMPL EMENTA TION A ND TEST TESTING/TRA INING STA RT SMOV OPERATIONS REPL AN PROBL EM SMOV OBSERV ATIONS SMS/COMMAND LOA D GENERA TION FOR OPER. W EEK EXECUTE OPERA TIONA L WEEK DA TA PROCESSING A ND ANA LY SIS SMOV MA NA GEMENT TEAM smov r e su lts A LL SMOV A CTIV ITIES COMPLETE OBSERV ATORY V ERIFICA TION COMPLETE SMOV CLOSURE REVIEW Figure 1-2. SMOV Phase Activity Flow 1-7 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 • Real-time Command Phase during this phase all activities are executed via real-time commands from the STOCC. It is the shortest phase of the SMOV program (approximately 1 day), and covers from HST release from the Orbiter RMS to activation of the Health and Safety SPC Load. • Health and Safety Load Phase activities during this phase are executed by using a combination of Real-time and Stored Program Commands, with the majority of the commanding accomplished via SPCs. This phase begins once the uplinked Health and Safety Load is activated and HGA tracking is initiated, and terminates upon transition from the Health and • Safety Load to a Science Mission Specification generated SPC load. The Health and Safety Load phase covers approximately a 1-day period. • Science Mission Specification Phase in this phase the majority of commands are executed from a SPC load generated by a Science Mission Specification (SMS). This does not preclude however, real-time commanding where required. This phase makes up the largest portion of the SMOV program beginning when the HST is able to support normal operations via SMS generated SPC loads, and ends when normal science operations begins. Appendix A contains a matrix which traces the Level III mission operations functional requirements applicable to SMOV activities identified in this plan. These requirements were a flow-down from Servicing Mission 3B (SM3B) Level II Requirements (STR-80) and drive the SMOV program. 1-8 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 1.2 CONFIGURATION CONTROL This document shall be controlled by the Office of the Associate Director of Flight Projects for HST, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) via the HST Level II Configuration Control Board (CCB). After formal baselining by the HST Project CCB, any changes to this document will be accomplished via defined CCB procedures. 1-9 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2. OVERVIEW OF THE HST OBSERVATORY VERIFICATION PROGRAM Section 2 summarizes the activities (categorized by HST subsystem or science instrument) that are required to execute the HST Observatory Verification Program. The SMOV Plan begins during Segment 3 of the Servicing Mission Integrated Timeline, when the HST is released from the Orbiter. Note: While the general outline of activities of the SMOV Plan is reflected in this document, the subsequent proposal generation process has changed many of the approaches and details within each activity. A detailed description of the most current version of each SMOV activity is found by referring to each pertinent proposal. All SMOV proposals and ROP/Line Range numbers will be listed and updated at the following Web site: 2.1 ACTIVITY SUMMARY FORMAT Activity Summaries provide the data used to develop the SMOV plan. They are structured according to the following format, supplying the specified information shown: TITLE: ID: Paragraph and basic function to be performed. A unique identification number used to categorize and track each activity summary. 2-1 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: Number of the SMOV Requirement to which this Activity applies. DESCRIPTION: performed. Detailed abstract of the activity that is to be Included in the description is the purpose for executing the activity, as well as expected results upon completion of the task. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: Activities may be implemented using real-time (R/T) commands, stored program commands (SPCs) from a health and safety computer load, SPCs generated from a Science Institute Science Mission Specification (SMS), or passive analysis. DEPENDENCIES: A listing of prior activities, pre-conditions, and constraints or restrictions that affect in some way the activity being described. the execution of Also included here are the time delays associated with each of the designated dependencies. DURATION: Expected time to complete the activity. This time does not include the times associated with dependencies. RESULTS: Detailed description of the expected results or products generated by completing this activity. ANALYSIS: Identifies the required data processing/analysis of activity results, as well as the ground system updates to continue the SMOV program. COMMENTS: Any further information not previously discussed that is felt to be pertinent to the execution of the activity. AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: The authors name, organization, work telephone number, and e-mail address. 2-2 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DATE: Original date the activity summary was completed, or last revised. 2-3 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.2 STRUCTURES AND MECHANISMS SUBSYSTEM Table 2-1 shows the verification activity that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the thermal environment after the installation to support normal operations. Table 2-1 Verification Activity for the Structures & Mechanisms Activity Summary # TCS-01 Observatory Verification Activity NOBL Thermal Monitoring 2-4 Execution Duration Phase Hr:min Real-Time N/A NOBL SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.2.1 ID: NOBL Thermal Monitoring TCS-01 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J.10.4.13 DESCRIPTION: The determination of the impact of NOBL installation is expected to be ongoing for Bays 5, 6, 7 and 8, likely through and past the SMOV period. The Bay 5 temperatures will be monitored after NOBL installation for a preliminary determination of impacts. Bays 6 through 8 impacts are expected to be small, perhaps visible during trending. Bay 5 is expected to have greater impacts due to changing the heat rejection characteristics of the bay. Since the changes are not expected to have critical impacts, no specific thermal verification is really warranted for the SMOV period. Typically the verification of heater systems and thermal impacts is done on an ongoing basis, and not tied to the SMOV period, because there are no HST verification periods dedicated to remaining at certain attitudes and equipment configurations for thermal verification. Further correlation of the thermal model beyond the current levels (well correlated to flight data) does not seem critical enough to warrant taking the 2-3 days of stable HST configuration needed for additional correlation data. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: HST temperatures are trended periodically, catching the cold and hot environments as they occur in the science mission schedule. Since trending prior to and post SM3B will be done to determine any thermal changes to the vehicle, a specific on-orbit engineering test (i.e., stable thermal conditions for 2 to 3 days) is not required. 2-5 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DEPENDENCIES: Continue after the NOBL installation. DURATION: Through and past the SM3B/SMOV period. RESULTS: Understanding of the effects of the NOBL on HST thermal Conditions: N/A ANALYSIS: N/A COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: J. Piquero/HST Thermal Systems LMTO/(301) 901-6181/ DATE: April 5, 2000 2-6 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.3 ELECTRICAL POWER SUBSYSTEM Table 2-2 shows the verification activity that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the performance after the installation of the new Solar Array’s and the Power Control Unit (PCU). Table 2-2 Verification Activity for the EPS Activity Summary # Observatory Verification Activity Execution Duration Phase Hr:min EPS-01 SAIII Drive System Performance Real-Time N/A EPS-02 SAIII Power Generation Performance Real-Time N/A EPS-03 Power Control Unit (PCU) Performance Real-Time N/A 2-7 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.3.1 ID: SAIII Drive System Performance EPS-01 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J. DESCRIPTION: Solar Array 3 (SA-3) drive system performance will be characterized during the SA-3 Functional Test and throughout the SM-3B Mission Timeline and SMOV period. The sensed positions for both the +V2 and –V2 wings will be verified to be within +/3.5 degrees of the commanded position when operating within the range 0 to 130 degrees, and +/- 5.0 degrees outside this range. The maximum command profile error during the solar array slews will also be verified to be less than the safemode test threshold (10 degrees for 3 seconds). Slew performance will be verified by analysis of normal EPS telemetry. No special test is required during SMOV since telemetry is available during SMS commanding. HOW ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: Analysis Task Only DEPENDENCIES: Installation of new Solar Arrays. DURATION: Throughout the entire SM-3B/SMOV period. RESULTS: Verify sensed positions are within expected commanded position limits. Verify maximum command profile errors are less than the safemode test threshold. ANALYSIS: Solar array slews will be monitored in near real-time throughout the SM-3B Mission Timeline. Routine trend data will be reviewed for all SMOV and normal SMS commanding. Slew performance post SM-3B will be compared to performance prior to SM-3B. 2-8 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: None AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Stan Krol / EPS MOSES / 301-901-6101 / Date: January 11, 2001 2-9 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.3.2 ID: SAIII Power Generation Performance EPS-02 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J. DESCRIPTION: Solar Array 3 (SA-3) power system performance will be characterized during the SA-3 Functional Test and throughout the SM-3B Mission Timeline and SMOV period. Power performance will be assessed and compared to beginning of life predictions that account for expected degradation. To the extent possible, power measurements will be calculated when HST is at orbit noon, when the sun vector is within +/- 10 degrees of the –V1 axis, when the solar array to sun incidence angle is less than 5 degrees, and when all the available CCC K-relays and SPA Trim Relays are closed. HOW ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: Analysis Task. A SA power measurement data take will be performed during the Vehicle Disturbance Test (VDT). For the data take during the VDT, HST will be maneuvered to the anti-sun attitude (Sun vector to within +/- 10 degrees of the -V1, and SA incidence angle less than 5 degrees) and SA Slew Minimization will be turned off. DEPENDENCIES: Installation of new Solar Arrays. DURATION: Throughout the entire SM-3B/SMOV period. RESULTS: Verify that SA3 power output performance meets beginning of life prediction. 2-10 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSIS: Solar array power will be monitored in near real-time throughout the SM-3B Mission Timeline. Routine trend data will be reviewed for all SMS commanding. Power generation performance post SM-3B will be compared to performance prior to SM-3B. COMMENTS: None AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Stan Krol / EPS MOSES / 301-901-6101 / Date: March 19, 2001 2-11 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.3.3 ID: Power Control Unit (PCU) Performance EPS-03 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J. DESCRIPTION: The Power Control Unit (PCU) performance will be characterized during the PCU Functional Test and throughout the SM-3B Mission Timeline and SMOV period. Power performance shall be verified for the expected load range following SM-3B. No special test is required during SMOV since telemetry is available during SMS commanding HOW ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: Analysis Task Only DEPENDENCIES: Installation of new PCU. DURATION: Throughout the entire SM-3B/SMOV period. RESULTS: Verify Battery current and voltages are within expected values. Bus voltages, Bus Impedance, load currents and structure currents will also be monitored to ensure correct power performance. Verify SPA Trim Relay and CCCK Relay operation via status telemetry and current flow. ANALYSIS: PCU performance will be monitored in near real-time throughout the SM-3B Mission Timeline. COMMENTS: None 2-12 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Stan Krol / EPS MOSES / 301-901-6101 / Date: January 11, 2001 2-13 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.4 OPTICAL TELESCOPE ASSEMBLY/FINE GUIDANCE SYSTEM Prior to initiating the first verification activity for the OTA/FGS, the system has been brought to its normal operating configuration. Table 2-3 shows the verification activities that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the performance of the Optical Telescope Assembly/Fine Guidance System to support normal science operations. Table 2-3 Verification Activity for the OTA Activity Summary # Observatory Verification Activity FGS/OTA-01 Guide Star Acquisition Execution Phase Duration Hr:min SMS 04:30 SMS 18:00 FGS/OTA-03 FGS Mini-OFAD SMS 07:30 FGS/OTA-04 FGS-to-FGS Alignment SMS 06:00 FGS/OTA-05 FGS K-Factor Determination SMS 07:30 FGS/OTA-06 FGS Jitter Test SMS 03:00 FGS/OTA-07 FGS Astrometer Calibration SMS N/A Verification FGS/OTA-02 Verification of Operational Calibration Verification 2-14 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.4.1 ID: Guide Star Acquisition Verification FGS/OTA-01 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Guide star pairs will be acquired in finelock by the FGSs. A pair of guide stars will be acquired by two FGSs, tracked in finelock for a few (~5) minutes, after which time the PCS will drop to gyros. The same pair will be reacquired in finelock and tracked for an additional ~5 minutes. This test will be repeated with a different FGS designated to acquire the primary guide star. Each of the three FGSs will in turn be designated to acquire a primary guide star. The total test will require 3 HST orbits, and possibly less if a suitable CVZ pointing can be utilized. This test occurs within the BEA following the release of HST from the orbiter. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: Successful completion of J., the gyro-toFHST alignment process. DURATION: 3 HST orbits, within BEA. DATA REQUIREMENTS: The data need to be downlinked, either in real-time or by recorder readout, within two hours. ANALYSES & RESULTS: N/A COMMENTS: N/A 2-15 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL/DATE: Ed Nelan / 410-338-4992 / / 18-Jan-2000 2-16 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.4.2 ID: Verification of Operational Calibrations FGS/OTA-02 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The distortions, plate scale, and FGS-FGS alignment for each FGS shall be measured by observing the standard astrometric star cluster M35, which is accessible to HST from September through May each year. The test for each FGS will be a single orbit visit. The telescope pointing, ORIENT, and selected target stars for each visit will be identical to the appropriate pre-SM3B baseline visit for the given FGS. In each visit approximately 25 stars distributed through out the FGS field of view will be observed in Position Mode, and their relative angular positions will be determined during post observation data analysis. These relative positions will be compared to the appropriate pre-SM3B baseline data set to allow for a measurement of any changes in the optical distortions and or plate scale in a given FGS. Furthermore, by using identical, astrometric guide stars in the pre and post SM3B visits, the FGS-FGS alignments can be assessed for changes. The S-curve morphology and amplitude in each FGS will be obtained by observing the standard star Upgren69 in Transfer Mode. These data will be compared to pre-SM3B baseline data. The test in each FGS will be a single orbit visit. If there are changes to the distortion, alignment, or S-curve morphology and amplitude that are sufficiently large to compromise the reliability of guide star acquisition and/or telescope pointing performance under FGS control, the appropriate contingency calibration proposal shall be executed. 2-17 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: For the pre-SM3B observations there are no dependencies. For the post-SM3B observations the guide star acquisition test must succeed (FGS/OTA-01). DURATION: 12 external HST orbits (6 pre-SM3B, 6 post-SM3B) DATA REQUIREMENTS: N/A ANALYSES & RESULTS: N/A COMMENTS: Note, these are non-BEA observations. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL/DATE: Ed Nelan / 410-338-4992 / / 18-Jan-2000 2-18 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.4.3 ID: FGS Mini-OFAD FGS/OTA-03 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: If necessary, as indicated by the results of FGS/OTA-02, the optical field angle distortion (OFAD) will be recalibrated for a given FGS. The appropriate onboard flight software tables and PDB shall be updated as necessary. The OFAD will be recalibrated in a given FGS by observing selected stars from the standard astrometric star cluster M35 at a variety of telescope pointings and ORIENTS. The apparent changes in the relative angular positions of the stars as function of telescope orientation and translation shall be used the recompute the OFAD in that FGS. For a given FGS, the operational OFAD calibration will require 5 HST orbits. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: FGS/OTA-02 DURATION: 5 HST orbits per FGS. DATA REQUIREMENTS: N/A ANALYSES & RESULTS: N/A COMMENTS: Note that this is a contingency activity only. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL/DATE: Ed Nelan / 410-338-4992 / / 18-Jan-2000 2-19 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.4.4 ID: FGS-to-FGS Alignment FGS/OTA-04 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: If necessary, as indicated by the results of FGS/OTA-02, the FGS-FGS alignment calibration shall be performed and the appropriate alignment matrices will be computed. Onboard tables and the PDB shall be updated with the new calibration parameters. The FGS-FGS alignment calibration for a given FGS shall be determined by observing, with that FGS, selected stars in the standard astrometric star cluster M35 in Position Mode with the telescope's V1 pointing and orient held fixed. The stars will be distributed across the FGS field of view. The alignment of this particular FGS with respect to the others will be determined by using specific, astrometric guide star pairs in the guiding FGSs. The calibration for a given FGS shall require 4 HST orbits. The V1 pointing and orientation will remain fixed, but different guide star pairs will be used for each orbit. These "lever arms" from the FGS being calibrated to the guide star positions will be used to determine the FGS-FGS alignment. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: FGS/OTA-02 DURATION: 4 HST orbits per FGS. DATA REQUIREMENTS: N/A 2-20 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSES & RESULTS: N/A COMMENTS: Note that this is a contingency activity only. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Ed Nelan/410-338-4992/ DATE: January 18, 2000 2-21 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.4.5 ID: FGS K-Factor Determination FGS/OTA-05 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: If necessary, as indicated by the results of FGS/OTA-02, the S-curves in a given FGS will be obtained at 5 locations in the FOV. These data will be used to update the FGS commanding database so that appropriate K-factor values used for the acquisition and tracking of guide stars can be computed. The standard star Upgren69 will be observed at the standard "5 points of light" positions in the FGS (these correspond to the -45, -22, 0, +22, +45 degree azimuthal position along the FGS centerline). The S-curves will be obtained in both the F583W filter and the 2/3 PUPIL. The 2/3 PUPIL data will be used to recompute the optimal values of the guide star acquisition parameters K1X, K1Y, K3X, K3Y, KZ, and KB. These values will be used to update the FGS commanding database. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: FGS/OTA-02 DURATION: 5 HST orbits per FGS. DATA REQUIREMENTS: N/A ANALYSES & RESULTS: N/A COMMENTS: Note that this is a contingency activity only. 2-22 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Ed Nelan 410-338-4992 / DATE: January 18, 2000 2-23 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.4.6 ID: FGS Jitter Test FGS/OTA-06 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The FGSs will be used to measure the jitter experience by HST during the operation of the NCS. The Astrometer FGS1r will be used to observe selected stars in both Position Mode and Transfer Mode. These measurements are to be obtained after SM3B, but both before and during NCS operation. The before/after data sets will be compared to determine the affect, if any, of the NCS on HST pointing performance and jitter characteristics. The test will consist of two identical single orbit visits, one to execute before NCS turn on (but after SM3B), and the second to execute while NCS is operating under steady state. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: FGS/OTA-01 DURATION: 2 HST orbits, one to execute pre-NCS turn on, one to execute with NCS in steady state (cold). DATA REQUIREMENTS: N/A ANALYSES & RESULTS: N/A COMMENTS: N/A 2-24 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Ed Nelan 410-338-4992 / DATE: January 18, 2000 2-25 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.4.7 ID: FGS Astrometer Calibration Verification FGS/OTA-07 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The photometric response, distortions, plate scale, and S-curve morphology and amplitude will be measured in the Astrometer FGS. These data will be used to recertify the Astrometer for scientific observations. The Astrometer FGS will be used to observe selected stars in Position Mode in the standard astrometric star cluster M35 to measure their relative angular positions. The data will be compared to an identical data set (same V1 pointing and telescope ORIENT) obtained before SM3B. If the changes in distortions and plate scale are within the astrometry error budget than the Astrometer will be certified to resume scientific observations in Position Mode. The Astrometer FGS will be used to observe the standard star Upgren69 in Transfer Mode with the F583W filter to evaluate the changes, if any, of the S-curve morphology and amplitude as a result of SM3B, by comparing the new observations to similar data acquired before SM3B. If the changes are sufficiently small, i.e., no greater than what is typically seen over comparable time periods, the Astrometer will be certified to resume scientific observations in Transfer Mode. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: FGS/OTA-01 2-26 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DURATION: These data will be acquired by the activities associated with FGS/OTA-02, so no additional HST orbits will be required. DATA REQUIREMENTS: N/A ANALYSES & RESULTS: N/A COMMENTS: For the post BEA observations. the execution of the guide star acquisition test must be successful. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Ed Nelan 410-338-4992 / DATE: January 18, 2000 2-27 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5 POINTING CONTROL SUBSYSTEM Table 2-4 shows the verification activities that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the performance of the Pointing Control System to support normal science operations. Table 2-4 Pointing Control Subsystem SMOV Activities Activity Observatory Summary # Verification Activity Execution Phase Duration Hr:min PCS-01 FHST Field of View Check Real-Time 03:00 PCS-02 First Attitude Determination Real-Time 06:00 (Initial Gyro Drift Rate Bias Determination) PCS-03 Attitude Initialization Real-Time 01:00 PCS-04 FHST/FHST Alignment Real-Time 31:00 PCS-05 RGA Polarity Check SMS 03:00 PCS-06 Gyro/FHST Alignment SMS 56:00 PCS-07 FHST/FGS Alignment SMS 75:00 PCS-08 Vehicle Disturbance Test (VDT) SMS 27:00 PCS-09 Transfer Function Test (TFT) SMS 29:00 2-28 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.1 FHST Field of View Check ID: PCS-01 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: Preliminary to J. and J. DESCRIPTION: The proper mapping of all three FHSTs must be verified to ensure the success of all subsequent PCS Verification activities. The FHSTs will be commanded to perform maps of their full FOV and the observations will be examined for adequacy to support subsequent activities. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: R/T COMMAND DEPENDENCIES: FHSTs powered on. DURATION: Three hours. RESULTS: Verification that the FHSTs are mapping successfully and that a sufficient number of observations have been obtained from each FHST to support subsequent attitude determinations and calibrations. ANALYSIS: Data will be processed through the SAC Fine Attitude Determination application. Observations will be plotted on FOV grid and the stars will be identified. The attitude results and statistics will be evaluated. At least two FHSTs must be successfully mapping in order to continue to initialize gyro drift rate bias determination. COMMENTS: None AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Martin Gakenheimer/HTSI/301-901-6054/ 2-29 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DATE: January 3, 2001 2-30 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.2 First Attitude Determination and Initial Gyro Drift Rate Bias Determination ID: PCS-02 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this activity is to compute the initial high and low mode gyro drift rate biases. During this activity the S/C is in normal mode maintaining a constant attitude. The FHST maps are used to measure the vehicle attitude drift due to the uncompensated gyro drift rate bias. There will be three FHST map periods, with the gyro mode switched from high to low in the middle of the second map period. Observations from the first and second periods will be used to measure the high mode gyro bias, and observations from the second and third periods will be used to measure the low mode bias. The new gyro drift biases will be uplinked to the Spacecraft. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: R/T COMMAND DEPENDENCIES: Coarse attitude are determined. FHSTs are turned on. FHST FOV check is successful. DURATION: Six hours. Three hours for the mapping, and three hours for the data processing, data validation, and Table load generation. RESULTS: High and low mode gyro drift rate bias Table Loads will be generated and uplinked to the vehicle. The uncompensated gyro drift rate bias should be reduced to less than .05 arcseconds per second. 2-31 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSIS: The RGA Calibration application with the Long Baseline Bias (LBBIAS) option will be used to compute the initial high and low mode gyro drift rate biases. The fine attitude results and statistics will be quality assured. The gyro bias change results will be compared to the expected changes. The ground system will be updated with the new gyro drift rate biases in order to proceed to the attitude initialization and return to normal operations. COMMENTS: None AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Martin Gakenheimer/HTSI/301-901-6054/ DATE: January 3, 2001 2-32 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.3 ID: Attitude Initialization PCS-03 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Compute a Fine Attitude using FHST map data and use the result to update the on-board quaternion, QCI. This is needed in preparation for transition to normal operations. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: R/T COMMAND DEPENDENCIES: FHST FOV check completed successfully. High and low mode gyro biases have been uplinked to the vehicle. DURATION: One hour. RESULTS: Attitude Reference Update to vehicle. Planned real-time slew to desired attitude. The vehicle will be within .2 degrees of the desired attitude to allow communication via the HGAs, and return to normal operations. ANALYSIS: Any planned real time slew is constraint checked by the Interactive Pointing Control System program. Coarse attitude results will be used to initialize the Fine Attitude processing. COMMENTS: Forward link needed to send ARU/PRT to vehicle. AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Ed Kimmer/ATSC/ (301) 901-6179/ DATE: April 19, 1999 2-33 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.4 ID: FHST/FHST Alignment PCS-04 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Verify that the FHST/FHST alignment has not changed following the Servicing Mission. The vehicle will be at a constant attitude, and each pair of FHSTs will be commanded to perform a map of the full field of view. An FHST/FHST alignment will be computed and compared to the pre-Servicing Mission alignment. The FHST maps will be repeated as a backup to the first set. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: R/T COMMAND DEPENDENCIES: Vehicle under normal operations. Accurate gyro biases uplinked to vehicle. DURATION: Seven hours of data collection and 24 hours of data processing and analysis. RESULTS: FHST/FHST alignment table loads may be uplinked to the vehicle if the boresight separation between any pair of FHSTs has changed by more than 20 arcseconds. ANALYSIS: The data will be prepared by running the SAC Fine Attitude program to compute attitudes from the FHST map data. The prepared data will be processed by the SAC FALIGN program to compute an FHST/FHST alignment with FHST 1 as the reference tracker. The application reports the change to the boresight separation for each pair of trackers. If necessary an alignment will be written to a calibration file, and the ground system will be updated with the new alignment. 2-34 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: None AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Ed Kimmer/ATSC/ (301) 901-6179/ DATE: April 19, 1999 2-35 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.5 ID: RGA Polarity Check PCS-05 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: Contingent on the replacement of one or more of the RSUs. Preparation work for J. DESCRIPTION: In order to confirm the RGA polarity a positive and negative 1 degree slew will be executed about each vehicle axis. The FHSTs will be mapping throughout this period and will be used as a reference. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: R/T COMMAND DEPENDENCIES: FHSTs able to perform mapping. DURATION: 3 hours. RESULTS: Verification that the RGAs are sensing vehicle motion with the correct polarity. ANALYSIS: Data will be processed through the PASS Fine Attitude Determination application. The attitude before and after each slew will be computed and the attitude change will be compared to the commanded slew. COMMENTS: None AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Martin Gakenheimer/HTSI/301-901-6054/ DATE: May 3, 1999 2-36 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.6 ID: Gyro/FHST Alignment PCS-06 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: J. Contingent on the replacement of one or more of the RSUs. DESCRIPTION: This activity is performed to compute the alignment of the gyros to the FHSTs. The scale factors and high mode bias are also determined. The purpose is to reduce the attitude errors after large maneuvers to less than one arcsecond per degree of slew. Six maneuvers are executed that allow measurements to be obtained along each of the gyro input axes. Before and after each maneuver the FHSTs are commanded to execute a map of the full field of view. Attitude changes computed from the FHST data are compared to attitude changes derived from the gyro data in order to solve for the RGA/FHST scale factor/alignment matrix and the gyro biases. A follow-up set of six maneuvers is executed to verify the alignment results after they have been uplinked to the vehicle. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: SMS Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: FHST/FHST alignment must be verified, or updated if it has changed. The high mode gyro bias should be updated as close as possible to the start of this activity. No significant data gaps can exist. Preferably implement this activity with gyros in high mode. DURATION: About 56 hours. The maneuvers require about 8 hours to execute. Approximately 24 hours are required to process the data and generate table loads. Another 8 hours are required for the verification slews and about 16 hours to process the data. 2-37 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 RESULTS: RGA/FHST scale factor/alignment and gyro bias Table loads for uplink to the vehicle. Following this calibration attitude errors after a large maneuver are sufficiently small to allow FHST updates to remove them. ANALYSIS: The data is prepared in the SAC Fine Attitude application. Attitudes are computed before and after each maneuver using FHST observations. An attitude change is computed by integrating gyro data for the maneuver period. The prepared data is processed by the SAC RGA Calibration program. The ground system is updated with the new alignments allowing for successful FHST updates. COMMENTS: None AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Ed Kimmer/ATSC/ (301) 901-6179/ DATE: April 19, 1999 2-38 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.7 ID: FHST/FGS Alignment PCS-07 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: J. This is a Contingency Activity. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this activity is to align the FHSTs to the FGS system. This will allow computation of accurate attitudes for FHST updates following maneuvers, and for vehicle Attitude Reference Updates. FGS 3 will map out its field of view using coarse track astrometry observations. Comparing observed star positions to a catalog, SAC will compute the vehicle attitude and the FHST/FGS alignments. (This is an abbreviated pattern match). HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: SMS Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: Gyro/FHST alignment. DURATION: The data take requires approximately 3 hours and the subsequent data processing requires about 48 hours. An additional 24 hours is needed by SACOPS personnel to update calibration files to be used for future SMS processing. RESULTS: FHST/FGS and modified RGA table loads for uplink to the vehicle. This will allow for successful guide star acquisitions to be achieved. This is a contingency activity that will be implemented if guide star acquisitions are not successful and FHST to FGS alignment miscalibration is the cause. ANALYSIS: None COMMENTS: None 2-39 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Ed Kimmer/ATSC/ (301) 901-6179/ DATE: April 19, 1999 2-40 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.8 ID: Vehicle Disturbance Test (VDT) PCS-08 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the VDT is to characterize uncompensated environmental disturbances acting upon the HST during normal operation. The VDT is a passive test (not a forced-response test) used to obtain signatures for both externally induced (e.g. SA-3) and internally induced (e.g. NCC) disturbances for comparison with past VDT results. The disturbances observed will be used as the nominal on-orbit disturbances in pointing control simulations until the next VDT is run. The test occurs after release, and most of the VDT can be run during the BEA period. The –V1 sunpoint portion of the VDT occurs after the BEA period is complete. The VDT shall consist of five separate tests that need not occur consecutively. The overall duration of the VDT tests is at least 17 orbits of spacecraft time including (1) at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation while performing ACS Filter Wheel moves simulating routine flight operations, (2) at least 5 full orbits at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation, (3) at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint during NCC startup, (4) at least 5 full orbits at +V3 sunpoint while NCC is operating at steadystate, and (5) at least 5 full orbits at –V1 sunpoint with the NCC operating at steady-state. At the beginning of each test, the attitude control law gains are switched to maneuver gains, and the gyros are commanded to low mode. 2-41 The nominal attitude SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 control law configuration will be restored at the end of each test. HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: Stored Program Command and SMS DEPENDENCIES: PN Format, vehicle in gyro hold, gyros in low mode, SAGA filter off, attitude control law maneuver gains (low bandwidth controller), and two different solar array angles are used. VAP processing shall remain off during VDT intervals, and no vehicle slews shall be scheduled during VDT test intervals that may turn-on VAP processing. Forward link opportunities shall be provided after planned vehicle slews to disable VAP processing prior to VDT tests. At the end of each test, SMS scheduled null slews and full maneuver attitude updates shall be performed to re-enable VAP processing and to correct attitude errors prior to subsequent science operations. FHST maps shall be scheduled in the SMS during the VDT for monitoring vehicle attitude. Continuous SSR data recording shall occur during test intervals. DURATION: Seventeen orbits: 12 orbits at +V3 sunpoint with 90degree solar array angle, and 5 orbits at –V1 sunpoint with 0degree solar array angle. RESULTS: Verify that the HST is in the prescribed configuration during the test, and confirm that external disturbances are being measured by monitoring gyro count mnemonics and control law position path mnemonics. ANALYSIS: Data will be processed by the Pointing Control System group. Disturbances occurring during this test will be 2-42 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 classified by source item and characterized for comparison to previously measured disturbances. Results and observations will be documented in a final report within four months of the servicing mission. COMMENTS: It is preferable to have a 2-guide star FGS acquisition (with no moving target maneuvers) prior to each VDT interval to ensure that a fresh gyro bias is available (OBSINT method) before the test begins. This ensures that minimal attitude drift occurs during the extended gyro hold intervals required by the test. AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Brian Clapp/LMTO/(301) 901- 6062/ DATE: January 8, 2001 2-43 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.5.9 ID: Transfer Function Test (TFT) PCS-09 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Contingent upon analysis of PCS performance postSM3B, perform a Transfer Function Test (TFT). The TFT is a forced response test that measures HST system modal parameters (modal gains, modal damping ratios and frequencies) by applying a RWA forcing function and measuring RGA gyro response. This test will be performed if PCS analysis of post-SM3B HST flight data (such as the VDT) suggests that HST system modal parameters significantly differ from pre-SM3B analytical models. On-orbit modal parameters that differ from pre-SM3B models can cause degraded performance of the HST attitude control system because of reductions in stability margins and/or increased vehicle jitter. The test occurs after release and after the Vehicle Disturbance Test is complete. The overall duration of the TFT is approximately 18 orbits (contiguous) of spacecraft time that includes nine orbits in the +V3 sunpoint orientation and nine orbits at –V1 sunpoint. While in each orientation, three orbits will be allocated for applying forcing functions about each of the three vehicle axes. Forced response of the HST is required at two different vehicle attitudes because HST modal parameters are a function of solar array angle. At the beginning of the test, Stored Program Commands are activated to establish “modified PN Format” telemetry, to switch the attitude control law to the maneuver gain set, and to command the gyros to low mode. The nominal telemetry format and attitude control law configuration will be restored at the end of the test. 2-44 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 HOW THE ACTIVITY IS BEST IMPLEMENTED: Stored Program Command and SMS DEPENDENCIES: If performed, the TFT shall occur at least 24-hours after completion of the Vehicle Disturbance Test. The NCC shall either be off or operating at steady state temperature (out of surge). Modified PN Format, vehicle in gyro hold, gyros in low mode, SAGA filter off, attitude control law maneuver gains (low bandwidth controller), and two different solar array angles are used. VAP processing shall remain off during the TFT, and no vehicle slews shall be scheduled during the TFT that may turn-on VAP processing. Forward link opportunities shall be provided after planned vehicle slews to disable VAP processing prior to resuming TFT tests. At the end of the test, SMS scheduled null slews and full maneuver attitude updates shall be performed to enable VAP processing and to correct attitude errors prior to subsequent science operations. FHST maps shall be scheduled in the SMS during the TFT for monitoring vehicle attitude. Continuous SSR data recording shall occur during test intervals. DURATION: Eighteen orbits: 9 orbits at +V3 sunpoint with 90degree solar array angle, and 9 orbits at –V1 sunpoint with 0degree solar array angle. RESULTS: Verify that the HST is in the prescribed configuration during the test, and confirm that the commanded torque forcing functions are being applied to the vehicle by monitoring telemetry. Verify that the gyro measured vehicle response is consistent with pre-test simulation results. If possible, provide near-real time processing of telemetry for quick-look transfer function results. 2-45 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSIS: Data will be processed by the Pointing Control System and Safing groups. On-orbit modal parameters will be extracted using standard modal processing methods. Results and observations will be documented in a final report within four months of the servicing mission. COMMENTS: It is preferable to have a 2-guide star FGS acquisition (with no moving target maneuvers) prior to the TFT to ensure that a fresh gyro bias is available (OBSINT method) before the test begins. This ensures that minimal attitude drift occurs during the extended gyro hold intervals required by the test. AUTHOR/ORG/TELEPHONE/E-MAIL: Brian Clapp/LMTO/(301) 901- 6062/ DATE: January 8, 2001 2-46 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6 ADVANCED CAMERA for SURVEYS Table 2-5 shows the verification activities that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the performance of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) to support normal science operations. Table 2-5 ACS SMOV Activities Activity Observatory Summary # Verification Activity Execution Duration Phase Hr:min ACS-02 Load and Dump On-Board Memory R/T 00:20 ACS-03 Science Data Buffer Check R/T 12:00 ACS-05 CCD Functional SMS 22:50 ACS-06 CCD Temperature Set Point R/T N/A Determination ACS-08 ACS SBC Anomalous Recovery Test R/T 03:00 ACS-10 SMOV Contamination Monitoring SMS 04:30 ACS-11 ACS to FGS Alignment SMS 03:00 ACS-12 HRC Coronagraph Acquisition SMS 04:30 ACS-13 Coarse Corrector Alignment SMS 09:00 ACS-14 Fine Corrector Alignment SMS 21:00 ACS-15 Image Quality & PSF Measurement SMS 06:00 ACS-16 HRC Coronagraph Repeatability SMS 06:00 ACS-17 Image Stability Verification SMS 24:00 ACS-18 CCD & SBC Flat Fielding Stability SMS 36:00 ACS-20 ACS Sensitivity SMS 24:00 ACS-21 SBC Detector Mini-Functional SMS 00:10 ACS-22 SBC Dark Rate Measurement SMS 10:30 ACS-23 SBC Image Qual. & PSF Measurement SMS 04:30 ACS-25 Scat. Light in Coronagraphic Obs. SMS 07:30 ACS-26 Ramp Filter Test SMS 06:00 ACS-27 CCD & SBC Geometric Distortion SMS 09:00 ACS-29 Grism/Prism Performance Check SMS 09:00 2-47 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 2-5 (Continued) ACS SMOV Activities Activity Summary # Observatory Verification Activity Execution Duration Phase Hr:min ACS-31 CCD Hot Pixel Annealing SMS 28:00 ACS-32 CCD Flash Verification SMS 04:00 2-48 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.1 Load and Dump On-Board Memory. ID: ACS-02 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J. DESCRIPTION: This activity is a test and verification of the ACS dump of CS memory capability. Areas to dump include: EEPROM, PROM, EDAC RAM, and Buffer RAM with the CS in OPERATE mode. With the MAMA Interface Electronics (MIE) and CS both in OPERATE, perform a full dump of the Control Section's (CS) EEPROM, PROM, and EDAC RAM. Then copy MIE data from MIE RAM and MIE PROM to CS Buffer RAM. Finally, dump the portion of the CS Buffer RAM containing the data as normal science images. (Note: The remainder of CS Buffer RAM is checked in another proposal.) IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Special commanding DEPENDENCIES: N/A DURATION: 20 min DATA REQUIREMENTS: 8 MB ANALYSES AND RESULTS: Analysis of the CS and MIE memory data dump images produced in this visit will have to be coordinated with Michelle Troeltzsch at GSFC Code 582 who will have the necessary ground images for comparison with the memory dump images. COMMENTS: This proposal requires special commanding to execute. When executed, Michelle Troeltzsch at GSFC/Code 582 should be contacted to analyze the dump data. 2-49 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Vicki Balzano/4736/ DATE: November 9, 2000 2-50 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.2 Science Data Buffer Check ID: ACS-03 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J. DESCRIPTION: The ACS Science Buffer RAM is checked for bit flips during SAA passages. This is followed by a Control Section (CS) self-test consisting of writing/reading a specified bit pattern from each memory location in Buffer RAM and a similar test for MIE RAM. The MIE must be placed in BOOT mode for its self-test. The CS Buffer RAM self-test as well as the bit flip tests are all done with the CS in Operate. Using the set buffer memory macro, write zeros into CS Buffer RAM prior to passage into the SAA and then dump buffer memory to SSR after exit from the SAA to check for bit flips. This Buffer RAM check should be executed several times, both inside and outside the SAA. Then use the CS self test macro to conduct a pattern test of CS Buffer RAM and check the memory fail counter after the test has completed. Repeat for a similar MIE self test. The MIE will need to be in BOOT mode for its self-test. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Special commanding DEPENDENCIES: N/A DURATION: 8 orbits, none of which pointed (always internal darks). DATA REQUIREMENTS: 132 MB 2-51 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSES AND RESULTS: If at the end of the CS buffer test, any of the Results Tables are non-zero entries, a status buffer message (931) with the number of errors generated will be issued by the FSW. If this occurs, contact Michelle Troeltzsch at GSFC/Code 582 for further analysis. COMMENTS: This proposal requires Special Commanding to execute and the MIE to be in BOOT mode for the MIE self-test. For both the CS and MIE self-tests, a memory monitor must be set to check the results of the tests. The CS tests are done in OPERATE so that CS paging is enabled and all 34 megabytes of memory are available for testing. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Vicki Balzano / 4736 / DATE: November 9, 2000 2-52 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.3 CCD Functional ID: ACS-05 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J., J., J. DESCRIPTION: (1) Measure baseline performance and commandability of CCD subsystems using exposures of bias frames, darks, and flat fields with the tungsten lamps. HRC: 68 Biases, 8 Darks, 8 Flat fields; WFC: 29 Biases, 8 Darks, 8 Flats (Full), 8 Flats (subarray). (2) Parallel and serial EPER and FPR will be measured in WFC and HRC. EPER and FPR CTE data will be collected at 17 (WFC) and 18 (HRC) signal levels with three repeats at each signal level. The proposal calls for a sequence of exposures with increasing integration times that will be used function of signal level. to measure CTE as a Crossed filter elements, a configuration prohibited for science observations, are necessary for the WFC exposures at the lowest signal levels. A total of 75 trailing serial over-scan pixel and 75 virtual over-scan rows are readout in each EPER exposure. A short dark frame is taken with the same timing pattern used for the exposure at the beginning and at the end of each visit. Pointed observatory time is not required for the measurements. All data is acquired using the internal tungsten calibration lamp(s). (3) Measure baseline performance of the on-board compression algorithm for WFC data. Procedure is carried out purely with internal targets - 4 Biases and 4 Darks. Observations do not need to be contiguous. (4) Routine Monitor: This program will be executed once a day to monitor the read noise, the development of hot pixels and to test for any level source of noise. For each CCD at the default gain 2-53 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 setting and read out configuration we will obtain 1 bias, 1 short dark (60 s), 1 long dark (960s), and 1 short dark (60 s). The procedure is carried out purely with internal targets. The exposures do not need to be contiguous. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: ACS06 CCD temperature set point determination. DURATION: Note. No external targets are required. (1) 10.4 hrs (2) 22.5 hrs (3) 87 m (4) 66 m per day DATA REQUIREMENTS: (1) 84 full HRC frames (178 MB), 45 full WFC frames (1472 MB) and 8 WFC sub-arrays (17 MB) will be downloaded. (2) 168 full HRC frames (356.1 MB) and 110 full WFC frames (3598.1 MB) will be down-loaded. (3) 8 full WFC frames (261.7 MB) will be down-loaded. (4) 4 full HRC frames (8.48 MB) and 4 full WFC frames (130.84 MB) will be down-loaded daily. ANALYSES AND RESULTS: (1) Provide baseline measurements of levels and readout noise values for measurements of average dark rate of dark rate values all 4 bias amplifiers, (e-/pix/sec) and histogram per pixel, gain conversion factors and sub- array readout performance. After cleaning for cosmic rays, average bias frames will be determined for the 4 quadrant mode and for single amp readout. The difference between pairs of 2-54 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 bias frames will be used to determine the read noise. of the dark frames will be used to derive the dark The sum image, average rates, dark histograms, and hot pixel position. Relative gain calibration will be derived by comparing signal levels from the flat field images at different gain settings. (2) Dedicated software is already available to reduce both EPER and FPR data for HRC and WFC CCD. We will determine a baseline for monitoring of the effects of radiation damage. (3) We will measure the baseline performance of the on-board compression algorithm for WFC data. (4) We will use the observations to measure the basic performance of the detectors on a daily basis. We will identify hot pixels for the calibration pipeline. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Marco Sirianni - Mark Clampin / 410-5160779 - 410-338-4177 / - DATE: December 12, 2000 2-55 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.4 ID: CCD Temperature Set Point Determination ACS-06 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J. DESCRIPTION: Command the CCD temperature set point to successively lower temperatures, starting at -TDB C and decreasing by TBD degrees each time. At each commanded temperature, monitor engineering telemetry of CCD temperature diode reading for 24 hour. Assess the stability of that temperature over the 24 hour period, looking for orbital or longer-term variations. Stop going colder when the temperature is no longer controlled to a stability better than 1 degree peak-topeak. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: the set point shall be adjusted via "engineering only" commanding at pre-planned times. No real-time adjustments are required. DEPENDENCIES: None DURATION: 4 - 5 days DATA REQUIREMENTS: None ANALYSES AND RESULTS: Plot engineering telemetry readings of CCD temperature sense diode and assess the stability of the temperature control at each setting. Choose as the set point the lowest temperature at which control to better than 1 C variation (peak-to-peak) is achieved. Command that set point and leave it as long as no degradation in temperature stability is observed. 2-56 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Marco Sirianni - Mark Clampin / 410-5160779 - 410-338-4177 / - DATE: December 12, 2000 2-57 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.5 ID: ACS SBC Anomalous Recovery Test ACS-08 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J. DESCRIPTION: This procedure will be used for the initial turn-on of the ACS MAMA detector and for recovery after an anomalous shutdown, as might result from a bright object violation or hardware problem. The test is in three stages with all voltages returned to zero between stages. Beginning with all voltages off, first the low voltage is turned on and the amplifier thresholds set to a lower than normal value of 0.28V which allows noise counts to be measured to prove basic operation of the electronics. For the second stage, thresholds are set to their normal 0.48V, the low voltage is turned on and the Global Monitor set to turn the MAMA off if the count rate becomes dangerously high. The high voltage is advanced in 50V stages up to 2000V (300V less than the normal operating value), with counts being monitored at each stage. The field voltage is ramped up to 100V and a 720 second MAMA dark image taken. Stage 3 is a full ramp up to 2300V performed in the same manner, followed by ramping up the field voltage to its normal 1000V. Another 720 second dark image is taken. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: The activity requires real-time commanding and monitoring of count rates. It is a goal to schedule visits while a TDRSS is visible. DEPENDENCIES: The MAMA will not be operated within 30 days of the 2-58 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 servicing mission. (Requirement J. The MAMA ACS M3 fold mirror will be in the HRC position. Stages 2 and 3 of the procedure will not be performed within 24 hours of an anomalous shutdown. Each stage must await satisfactory analysis of the previous stage before proceeding. Event flag 2 is used to regulate the commanding. All activities with MAMA high voltage turned on must be scheduled to avoid SAA passages. If ACS08 is successful, ACS09. the MAMA Fold Analysis, should immediately follow while the high voltage is on. DURATION: Stage 1 takes 20 minutes and is followed by a 24 hour waiting period before stage 2. Stage 2 takes 53 minutes and is followed by another 24 hour waiting period before stage 3 which takes 69 minutes. The active period is therefore 162 minutes spread over slightly more than two days. DATA REQUIREMENTS: Continuous access to the engineering data is required. Two dark images are taken each 2 Megabytes in size. Data analysis consists of comparing count rates and dark images with previous examples. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Colin Cox/410-338-4792 DATE: July 25, 2000 2-59 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.6 ID: ACS SMOV Contamination Monitoring ACS-10 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J.; J. DESCRIPTION: This program has two main goals: (1) manage ACS operations to minimize the risk of contamination of its optics by materials out-gassed during servicing activity, and (2) initiate a program to monitor the UV sensitivity of HRC and SBC as early as possible after the SM. For 4 weeks following the release of the observatory, during the early period of out-gassing, bright earth viewing should be limited, and the cal door must be closed while HST is pointing at the bright earth to protect its optics from being polymerized by reflected solar UV light. In addition, during this period there will be no high voltage operation of the SBC MAMA detector. The ACS UV sensitivity of the HRC will be monitored using a standard star twice a week in the first week, once a week for the first 3 months, and once a month thereafter. The standard should be chosen to provide 10,000 counts per resolution element in less than 10 min. through the F220W, F250W and F330W filters of HRC. The chosen targets are G191B2B (05 05.5 +52 50, fall/winter) and GD153(12 57 +22 02, spring/summer), both of which are white dwarf standards that have been used for the SMOV contamination monitor with STIS. CCD observations with the HRC shall be performed first before the MAMA detector on the SBC is turned on. For the SBC, the globular star cluster NGC 6681 (18.7h -32deg) will be observed through all five longpass filters (F115LP, F125LP, F140LP, F150LP, F165LP). This cluster contains several well-observed stars with STIS, which can be used as photometric standards to calibrate SBC sensitivity. For contamination 2-60 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 monitoring purposes, the frequency of observations will be the same as for the HRC. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS14, ACS Fine Corrector Alignment, must be successfully completed prior to implementation of ACS10. DURATION: 3 orbits (1 for HRC and 2 for SBC) per week for the first 3 months; 3 orbits per month thereafter. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 12 HRC and 20 SBC images (70 MB) will be downlinked in the first week, 6 HRC and 10 SBC images (35 MB) per week in the first 3 months, and 6 HRC and 10 SBC images per month thereafter. ANALYSIS & RESULTS: Encircled energy and sensitivity (observed counts/absolute flux) will be derived and compared with the first measurements. They will be examined as a wavelength. function of time and Verify whether or not the ACS UV sensitivity is degrading with time. COMMENTS: Depending on the exact launch date, the choice of NGC 6681, which is unavailable Nov.--Feb., may necessitate a delay in monitoring the SBC sensitivity. This activity may be combined with ACS15, 27: SBC Image Quality, PSF measurement and Geometric Distortion. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Hien D. Tran / 410-516-5560 / DATE: November 11, 2000 2-61 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.7 ID: ACS to FGS Alignment ACS-11 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Mapping of the ACS detector coordinate frame to the FGS frame will be determined from observations of an astrometric field with the ACS HRC and WFC detectors. (The equivalent SBC measurements will be performed as a separate activity relating the HRC and SBC detector frames.) Substantial POS-TARG offsets of the OTA in two orthogonal directions will be performed between image sets. This activity must be performed after ACS14, Fine Corrector Alignment, has been successfully completed, and must precede ACS12, Coronagraph Acquisition Verification. Guide stars from the astrometric catalog associated with the selected target field must be used. The recommended target field is NGC 188, which has been used for the STIS alignment in SMOV2, has a suitable star density, and (at decl = + 85 deg) is always available. For this activity, images through only a single filter are required and only low SNR in a few astrometric stars is required, such that their image centroids can be determined within 0.5 px. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS14, Fine Corrector Alignment, must be successfully completed prior to this activity. DURATION: 2 orbits 2-62 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DATA REQUIREMENTS: 6 WFC full frame images (200 MB) and 6 HRC images (14MB) will be downlinked. FGS frame (V2-V3) positions of the astrometric stars in each field during the observations must be provided promptly. Matt Lallo is the expected SISD interface regarding acquisition of these coordinates, given the astrometric catalog coordinates of the target field stars and the guide stars. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Analysis will consist of determining the centroid positions of all astrometric stars in each field to accuracy of <0.5 px and relating those to their FGS frame positions. Aperture orientations and plate scales from this analysis will be corroborated with the image position changes between the POS-TARG offset images. The PDB SIAF aperture descriptions will be updated for the ACS HRC and WFC, and if the offsets from current values are significant, the SBC aperture descriptions may also be adjusted similarly, in advance of SBC observations. Also, the rotation matrix used by the ACS NSSC-1 FSW to compute target acquisition slews may be updated. COMMENTS: This activity may be combined with ACS15, ACS Image Quality and PSF Measurement, using the same target field. AUTHOR/telephone/email: George Hartig / 410-338-4966 / DATE: October 10, 2000 2-63 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.8 ID: HRC Coronagraph Acquisition ACS-12 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENTS: J., J. DESCRIPTION: This is a two-part activity for the purposes of (1) determining the relative positions of the coronagraphic field masks and the "Fastie Finger," and (2) verifying the ability of the flight software (FSW) to perform isolated point source acquisition onto the coronagraphic masks and Fastie Finger. Successful execution of these acquisitions will also demonstrate the ability of the FSW to calculate the centroid of the target positions and to perform automated telescope pointing. To determine the positions of the coronagraphic masks and Fastie Finger, good signal-to-noise HRC images of a wide-angle, bright, diffuse source will be recorded. Candidate targets are M42 (Orion Nebula; RA = 5 hr) for a Fall/Winter SMOV, M8 (Lagoon Nebula; RA = 18 hr) for a Spring/Summer SMOV, or Earth during HST occultation. The nebular targets will be imaged through F606W; Earth will be imaged through F334N. Telescope pointings will be selected to minimize the number of field stars within the nebulae that will saturate the detector. Regardless of target selection, sufficient signal-to-noise should be obtained within one orbit. After determining the locations of the masks and Fastie Finger, two unsaturated images of an isolated, 4th-5th magnitude solartype (G0-G5 V) star acquired at the nominal HRC aperture will be recorded through F220W with the coronagraph fully deployed. (The star must be non-variable and have no known circumstellar features or emission.) The star will then be offset by the FSW to the center position of the 1.8-arcsec diameter mask. 2-64 Four SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 images of the occulted star will be recorded through F220W with exposure times that permit both unsaturated imaging of the residual diffraction spot at the center of the mask and good signal-to-noise in the wings of the coronagraphic PSF. The star will then be re-acquired at the nominal HRC aperture and another two unsaturated images recorded. The FSW will then offset the star to the center position of the 3.0-arcsec diameter mask. Two images of the occulted star will be recorded with an exposure time that permits good signal-to-noise in the wings of the coronagraphic PSF. (Unless the 3.0 arcsec mask and the Fastie Finger are grossly misaligned, no short exposure of the occulted star is needed.) retracted. The coronagraph mechanism will then be The star will again be re-acquired at the nominal HRC aperture and another two unsaturated images recorded. The FSW will then offset the star to a location on the Fastie Finger. Two images of the occulted star will be recorded with an exposure time that permits good j signal-to-noise in the wings of the coronagraphic PSF. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS11 (ACS to FGS Alignment) must be successfully completed prior to this activity. DURATION: 3 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 18 HRC images (40 MB) will be down-linked. Data should be delivered to the archive without delay; subsequent SMOV observations depend on the coronagraphic mask positions resulting from this activity. 2-65 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSES & RESULTS: The positions of the coronagraphic masks and Fastie Finger will be determined from their shadows cast under quasi-flat field illumination. Pixels with values within 90% of the minimum transparency of each coronagraphic mask will be mapped for subsequent stability monitoring. The ability of the FSW to position a star behind the 1.8 and 3.0 arcsec masks and the Fastie Finger will be determined from the centroids of the star in the acquisition images and from the symmetry of the scattered light encircling the masks. For the 1.8 arcsec mask, the position of the occulted star can be verified from the residual diffraction spot at the center of the star's image. (No such verification can be performed for the 3.0 arcsec mask unless it is badly misaligned with the Fastie Finger.) COMMENTS: The first part of this activity (determining the positions of the coronagraphic masks and Fastie Finger) can be executed in tandem with ACS16 (HRC Coronagraph Repeatability) using the same illumination source. AUTHOR/telephone/email: David Golimowski / 410-516-6181 / DATE: November 2, 2000 2-66 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.9 ID: ACS Coarse Corrector Alignment ACS-13 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: This activity attempts to nearly optimize the ACS image quality over the fields of both the WFC and HRC channels by adjusting the IM1 and M1 corrector mechanisms in both tip/tilt (cylinder rotation) and focus. These observations of a moderate density star field constitute the "first light" external images for the HST/ACS. High SNR images will be obtained through the F502N narrow band filter to permit accurate phase retrieval estimates of the residual aberrations. Small focus offsets will be performed between the 3 images constituting each set, to remove focus ambiguity. The activity will proceed in three iterations, with pre-planned uplink opportunities for corrector mechanism adjustment after each observation. The recommended target is NGC 188, which (at latitude + 85 deg) is always available and has a suitable density and magnitude distribution. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, with pre-planned real-time uplink of new corrector mechanism positions. DEPENDENCIES: ACS06, CCD Temperature Set Point Determination, must be successfully completed prior to implementation of ACS13. DURATION: 6 orbits. 2 orbits at each of three epochs, with ~24 hr separation. DATA REQUIREMENTS: For each of 3 iterations: 6 WFC full frame images (200 MB) and 6 HRC images (14 MB) will be downlinked. The 2-67 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 images from each iteration must be available for analysis at least 18 hr before the planned uplink for corrector adjustment. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Phase retrieval analysis will be performed for selected (isolated, well-exposed) stars throughout the field to determine the coma and focus wavefront error contributions, which will be used to determine the corrector offsets in cylinder rotation and focus travel to optimize the images. The corrective actions will be computed using special IDL software that has been developed and successfully used for the ground alignments. The mechanism offsets will be specified in motor step units, relative to the current positions, at least 12 h prior to the planned uplinks for their implementation. COMMENTS: This activity will also result in an initial estimate of the ACS aperture positions, orientations and plate scales, in anticipation of activity ACS11. AUTHOR/telephone/email: George Hartig / 410-338-4966 / DATE: October 5, 2000 2-68 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.10 ID: ACS Fine Corrector Alignment ACS-14 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: This activity refines the WFC and HRC corrector alignments in order to optimize image quality over their respective fields. Two visits are required, the first to perform a fine focus scan, and the second to perform a tip and tilt scan, after the optimal focus has been set. The same target field, filters and exposure times as in activity ACS13 will be used. The focus scan will comprise 7 positions, with 250 (WFC) or 150 (HRC) step offsets between them, and centered about the best positions found in ACS13. Tip/tilt scans will be in +/- 3 step offsets in a 3x3 grid about the positions resulting from ACS13. Each scan will terminate at the initial position. Image (CR- split) pairs will be obtained at each scan position. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, with real-time uplink of optimal focus positions prior to tip/tilt scan and of optimal cylinder positions after the second visit (and prior to activity ACS15, ACS Image Quality and PSF Measurement). DEPENDENCIES: ACS13, ACS Coarse Corrector Alignment must be successfully completed prior to implementation of ACS14. DURATION: 14 orbits; 7 orbits for each visit. DATA REQUIREMENTS: For visit 1, 16 WFC images (530 MB) and 16 HRC images (34 MB) will be downlinked. For visit 2, 20 WFC images (660MB) and 20 HRC images (42 MB) will be downlinked. The 2-69 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 complete set of images from each visit must be available 24 h prior to the scheduled uplink for the corrector offsets. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Encircled energy, peak fraction and FWHM analysis will be performed for a subset of the stars representing the full field of each detector (selected for isolation from nearby stars and high SNR) for each scan position. The optimal focus and tip/tilt (cylinder rotation) of the IM1 and M1 mechanisms will then be determined and provided, in units of motor steps from the current positions, at least 12 h prior to the scheduled uplink. COMMENTS: Care must be taken when crafting the focus scans to assure that the focus motor temperatures will not reach their red limits. This may require explicit pauses built into the proposal, especially for the HRC; WFC images naturally pad the times between focus motions with their relatively lengthy read and dump times. AUTHOR/telephone/email: George Hartig / 410-338-4966 / DATE: October 5, 2000 2-70 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.11 ID: ACS Image Quality and PSF Measurement ACS-15 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J.; J. DESCRIPTION: This activity will obtain a series of images to evaluate the point source image quality over the fields of view of the ACS HRC and WFC channels in normal imaging (noncoronagraphic) mode, after the corrector mechanisms have been used to optimize the image focus and symmetry. A moderate density open cluster will be the target. NGC-188 is suggested, since it is available year-round and has suitable density and magnitude distribution. Images will be obtained in the F502N and F625W filters, with 0.5 px dithers in each axis. A larger (~10 arcsec) POS-TARG offset may be used to improve the sampling over the HRC field, while maintaining mean star separation (>5 arcsec) adequate for PSF evaluation to a reasonable radius. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS14, ACS Fine Corrector Alignment, must be successfully completed prior to implementation of ACS15. DURATION: 4 orbits; 1 per filter for WFC, 1 per filter for HRC DATA REQUIREMENTS: 8 WFC images (260 MB) and 24 HRC images (50 MB) will be downlinked. Data should be delivered to the archive without delay; subsequent SMOV observations are dependent on the image quality verification that results from this activity. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Encircled energy vs. radius, peak fraction 2-71 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 (sharpness), and FWHM statistics will be derived for all stars with adequate isolation and SNR in each field. Phase retrieval analysis will be performed a selected star images through the F502N filter to evaluate the residual aberration content. The F625W EE values will be compared to the ACS CEI spec at 633 nm and the F502N EEs with SMO-1000. COMMENTS: The ACS SBC image quality will be assessed with a separate activity. The far wings of the HRC and WFC PSFs may best be characterized by deep images of more isolated point sources, such as the targets used for the ACS sensitivity calibration. AUTHOR/telephone/email: George Hartig / 410-338-4966 / DATE: October 9, 2000 2-72 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.12 ID: HRC Coronagraph Repeatability ACS-16 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENTS: J., J. DESCRIPTION: The stability of the HRC coronagraph will be monitored by repeatedly deploying the cal/coronagraph door mechanism and subsequently recording a quasi-flat field image. Four cycles will be executed over the course of one orbit, followed by another four cycles in one-orbit three hours later. During the intervening two orbits, the coronagraph will be retracted and stowed. Eight quasi-flat field images will be recorded during these two orbits to monitor stability of the stowed configuration. To determine the positions of the coronagraphic masks and Fastie Finger, good signal-to-noise HRC images of a wide-angle, bright, diffuse source are needed. Candidate targets are M42 (Orion Nebula; RA = 5 hr) for a Fall/Winter SMOV, M8 (Lagoon Nebula; RA = 18 hr) for a Spring/Summer SMOV, or Earth during HST occultation. The nebular targets will be imaged through F606W; Earth will be imaged through F334N. Telescope pointings will be selected to minimize the number of field stars within the nebulae that will saturate the detector. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: None DURATION: 4 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 16 HRC images (36 MB) will be downlinked. 2-73 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSES & RESULTS: The positions of the coronagraphic masks and Fastie Finger will be determined from their shadows cast under quasi-flat field illumination. Pixels with values within 90% of the minimum transparency of each coronagraphic mask will be mapped for stability monitoring. COMMENTS: This activity can be executed in tandem with ACS12 (HRC Coronagraph Acquisition) using the same quasi-flat field illumination source. AUTHOR/telephone/email: David Golimowski / 410-516-6181 / DATE: November 2, 2000 2-74 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.13 ID: ACS Image Stability Verification ACS-17 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: This activity will monitor the location and focus stability of external star images on the WFC and HRC during both thermally quiescent and worst-case thermal slew conditions. Bright star images will be observed with high SNR in sub-arrays, alternating between the WFC and HRC channels. No ACS configuration changes (other than shutter rotation) will be made during the entire sequence. The observations will begin in a warm S/C orientation, with sun angle of about 135 degrees, and offnominal roll (-V2 toward sun), to warm the ACS quadrant. After 8 orbits, the telescope will observe a target near the anti-solar point, which represents a cold attitude, and images will continue to be obtained for another 8 orbits. Small sub-arrays will be used to reduce data volume and readout time and maximize temporal sampling, such that image motion can be assessed on a time-scale of ~ 1 minute. A variety of exposure times will be used, from the minimal (0.1 and 0.5 s on HRC and WFC, respectively) to 100 s, to assess jitter on shorter time-scales. The targets fields should contain stars with a range of magnitudes such that high SNR can be achieved on at least one star in each (WFC and HRC) sub-array field, without moving the telescope, at each exposure level. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS11, ACS to FGS Alignment, must be successfully completed and its results incorporated into the PDB SIAF prior to 2-75 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 implementation of ACS17. This will assure that the target stars will be reasonably centered on the detector sub-arrays. DURATION: 16 consecutive orbits; SAA free orbits should be scheduled in the middle of the program, during the thermal slew, to ensure more continuous coverage at that more critical time. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 600 WFC 100x100 px sub-array images (14 MB) and 600 HRC 200x200 px sub-array images (28 MB) will be downlinked. ANALYSES & RESULTS: The images of like exposure time from each detector will be cross-correlated to accurately (<.02 px) determine the image drift rates as the observatory comes into thermal equilibrium in both the hot and cold attitudes, and as it passes through a significant thermal slew. Images of various exposure times will be compared (peak fraction, FWHM) to search for evidence of jitter. Differences in image motion behavior (magnitude and direction) between the WFC and HRC will be interpreted as due to internal ACS instability, while coherent drift is likely attributable to the OTA or to the ACS moving with respect to the telescope. The results will be compared with the CEI image stability spec and may have ramifications regarding the scheduling of science observations. COMMENTS: Target selection is dependent on the time of observations, but since target requirements are not stringent, no difficulty is expected in selecting suitable targets for any date. AUTHOR/telephone/email: George Hartig/410-338-4966/ 2-76 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DATE: November 1, 2000 2-77 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.14 ID: CCD and SBC Flat Fielding Stability ACS-18 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The stability and uniformity of the low-frequency flat fields (L-flat) of all ACS detectors will be assessed by using multiple pointing observations of globular clusters (Omega Centauri, 47 Tucanae, and NGC6681) and/or Baade's window - thus imaging moderately dense stellar fields. By placing the same star over different portions of the detectors and measuring relative changes in its brightness it will be possible to determine local variations in the response of the detectors. Based on previous experience with STIS, it is deemed that a total of nine different pointings will suffice to provide adequate characterization of the flat field stability in any given band. For each filter to be tested, the baseline consists of 9 pointings with steps of ~20% of the FOV in a diagonal cross pattern. During SMOV, the complement of filters to be tested is limited to the following: for the WFC, the SDSS filter set (F475W, F625W, F775W, F850LP); for the HRC, the same as the WFC with the addition of F220W and F330W; for the SBC, F125LP and F150LP. In order to provide complementary data for the geometric distortion programs (ACS27), and also to check that the distortion is not chromatic, three additional exposures will be taken with each of F775W, F220W and F125LP with a very small (~10 pixel) offset from the center (see ACS27). During the HRC/F625W observations a parallel observation is take with the WFC to test that the image can be successfully compressed as expected (originally program ACS32). Parallel observing will only be activated for one orbit and when HRC is 2-78 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 observing in a filter which is not fundamental to other programs (namely geometric distortion). IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: SMS. All offsets will be done using POS- TARG commands. DEPENDENCIES: ACS14: ACS corrector alignment, ACS21: SBC detector mini-functional (limited to the SBC). Note also that this activity must be done in coordination with the Geometric Distortion program. DURATION: A total of 24 orbits as follows: WFC + F475W : 0 WFC + F625W : 2 WFC + F775W : 3 WFC + F850LP : 2 HRC + F475W : 0 HRC + F625W : 2 HRC + F775W : 3 HRC + F850LP : 2 HRC + F220W : 3 HRC + F330W : 2 SBC + F125LP : 3 SBC + F150LP : 2 (from geometric distortion) (from geometric distortion) DATA REQUIREMENTS: This activity will produce 33 WFC images (1150 MB), 56 HRC images (125 MB), and 13 SBC images (28 MB). Data should be promptly delivered to the archive, since flat fields affect all ACS programs in SMOV, ERO and normal science operations. To test on-board compression (originally program ACS32), 3 full WFC images will be collected during one of the HRC 2-79 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 orbits, generating another 100 MB worth of data (before compression). ANALYSES & RESULTS: Standard IDL or IRAF routines will be used to find well exposed isolated stars (e.g. DAOFIND) and measure their centroids and relative brightness across images. IDL code developed by T. Brown (GSFC) for assessing the stability and uniformity of STIS flat fields will be adapted to our specific needs. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Guido De Marchi (STScI) / +1 410-338-4810 / DATE: November 7, 2000 2-80 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.15 ID: ACS Sensitivity ACS-20 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The sensitivity of all three cameras will be tested by observing a set of suitable spectrophotometric standards in all band-passes. Targets include GD71 (or GD153) for the WFC and HRC, NGC6681 for SBC broad band filters, and HS2027+0651 for SBC medium band filter and prisms. A set of two CR-SPLIT images is always taken with the CCDs, but no long time stability (repeatability) is checked. All filters, including ramp filters, will be tested. In order to minimize readout times and to keep the data volume low, only a sub-array is read in WFC images of size 512x512 pixel square. In order to provide complementary data for the grism/prism characterization program (ACS29), three additional images will be taken with each prism by moving the target in the field of view. These data will provide information on the stability and uniformity of the wavelength response/calibration of the prisms across the field of view. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: SMS, stored command. DEPENDENCIES: ACS11: ACS to FGS alignment, ACS14: ACS fine corrector alignment DURATION: A total of 16 orbits as follows: HRC all filters 4 WFC ramp filters 8 2-81 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 WFC reg. filters 2 SBC prisms+narrow 1 SBC broad band 1 DATA REQUIREMENTS: This activity will produce 16 SBC images (32 MB), 116 WFC sub-images (116 * 0.5 MB = 58 MB), and 29 HRB images (58 MB). Data should be promptly delivered to the archive, since flat fields affect all ACS programs in SMOV, ERO and normal science operations. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Data will be analyzed using standard IDL and IRAF (digiphot) aperture photometry routines to build encircled energy profiles and to measure the total number of counts within any given aperture. Comparing these results with the predictions of SYNPHOT will provide absolute photometric calibration in each bandpass. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Guido De Marchi (STScI) / +1 410-338-4810 / DATE: November 7, 2000 2-82 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.16 ID: SBC Detector Mini-Functional ACS-21 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Operation of the SBC filter wheel will be tested. The SBC has 12 filter wheel positions, four of them being blocked. The SBC detector voltages will be off during this test. Starting at whichever filter is in place, shift to each of the 12 positions in turn in one direction and confirm from engineering telemetry that the position. has been reached. Then proceed to do 12 steps in the reverse direction. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Stored commanding DEPENDENCIES: None DURATION: 10 minutes DATA REQUIREMENTS: N/A ANALYSES & RESULTS: Analysis consists of examining the engineering position numbers and confirming that they are as commanded. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/ORG/TEL #/E-MAIL: Colin Cox STSci /410-3384792/ DATE: November 8, 2000 2-83 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.17 ID: SBC Dark Rate Measurement ACS-22 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Shortly after entering a block of non-SAA orbits, the SBC high voltage will be ramped up to nominal observing values. The ACS M3 fold mirror will be in the HRC position and the SBC filter wheel will be at an opaque blocker position. per hour, an 1800-second SBC dark exposure will be taken. Once In all, 10 such exposures will be taken over the course of 7 orbits. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS08 (SBC Anomalous Recovery Test) must be successfully completed prior to this test. ACS09 (SBC Fold Analysis for Anomalous Recovery) is NOT required in advance. DURATION: 7 orbits, in contiguous block of non-SAA orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 10 SBC images (21 Mbytes total) will be downlinked. Standard engineering data of SBC temperatures and event rates will also be monitored. ANALYSES & RESULTS: The count rate and image structure of the SBC dark images will be characterized as a function of temperature and time after turn on. identified. Hot spots in the dark images will be The event counter rate in the engineering data will also be examined as a function of time to search for any day/night dependence that might be indicative of a light leak (unlikely). 2-84 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: The principal point of this activity is to characterize the dark rate and image structure as a function of SBC detector temperature. Because the SBC power will typically be off when it is not observing, SBC observation sequences will be characterized by turn on at a relatively cool tube temperature and gradual warm-up of the detector over the course of the observing period. This test will give an indication of what can be expected in the way of detector background as a function of temperature and time after turn on and thus will help guide science planning of SBC observations. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Randy Kimble/GSFC DATE: November 22, 2000 2-85 301-286-5783 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.18 ID: ACS SBC Image Quality and PSF Measurement ACS-23 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J.; J. DESCRIPTION: This activity will obtain a series of images to evaluate the point source image quality over the field of view of the ACS SBC channel, after the corrector mechanisms have been used to optimize the image focus and symmetry using the HRC channel. NGC 6681 (18.7 h, -32 deg) will be the target, as this star field has been used extensively by the STIS program for UV PSF measurement and photometry. High SNR images will be obtained in the F122M, F125LP and F150LP filters, with dithers in each axis. The field will also be observed with the HRC (F220W) to establish the relative aperture location/orientation. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS14, ACS Fine Corrector Alignment, and ACS21, SBC Detector Mini-functional Test, must be successfully completed prior to implementation of ACS15. DURATION: 3 orbits (~1 per filter) DATA REQUIREMENTS: 12 SBC and 2 HRC images (30 MB) will be downlinked. Data should be delivered to the archive without delay; subsequent SMOV observations are dependent on the image quality verification that results from this activity. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Encircled energy vs. radius, peak fraction 2-86 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 (sharpness), and FWHM statistics will be derived for all stars with adequate isolation and SNR in each field. The F122M EE values will be compared to the ACS CEI and SMOV-1000 specs at 122 nm. COMMENTS: The far wings of the SBC PSFs may best be characterized by deep images of more isolated point sources, such as the targets used for the ACS sensitivity calibration. Choice of target NGC 6681 may require a delay in the implementation of this activity, as it is unavailable from Nov through Feb. This activity may potentially be combined with ACS27, SBC Geometric Distortion, which should use the same target. However, it may be safer to await the results of this test before continuing with the SBC observations, in case the image quality is sub-par and corrective action can be taken. AUTHOR/telephone/email: George Hartig / 410-338-4966 / DATE: October 19, 2000 2-87 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.19 ID: Scattered Light in Coronagraphic Observations ACS-25 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENTS: J. DESCRIPTION: The scattered-light suppression of the HRC coronagraph will be examined by obtaining several exposures of an occulted star through F330W, F606W, and F814W, as a function of position behind each coronagraphic mask. non-peculiar, 4th-5 th The target should be a magnitude, solar-type (G0-G5 V) star with no known circumstellar features or emission. The star will be acquired at the nominal center of the 1.8 and 3.0 arcsec masks and at a designated location on the Fastie Finger. At the nominal position of the 1.8 arcsec mask, four exposures of different length through each filter will be recorded for the purpose of obtaining unsaturated images of the central diffraction spot and the scattered light at distances of 1, 5 and 10 arcsec from the star. The star will then be dithered to the corners of a 2x2 pixel box centered on the nominal mask position. At each dither position, a set of four images through F606W will be recorded with the same exposure times used for that filter at the nominal mask position. Thus, 28 images will be recorded for the 1.8 arcsec mask. The star will then be re-acquired at the nominal HRC aperture and positioned at the nominal center of the 3.0 arcsec mask. The exposure-and-dither sequence described above will be repeated. The coronagraph mechanism will then be retracted and the star will be re-acquired at the nominal HRC aperture. The star will then be positioned at the nominal aperture of the Fastie Finger. Two exposures through F606W will be recorded for the purpose of assessing the small-angle and large-angle scattered light. 2-88 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS12 (HRC Coronagraph Acquisition) must be successfully completed prior to this activity. DURATION: 5 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 58 HRC images (128 MB) will be downlinked. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Each set of images for each filter and star position will be combined to produced one coronagraphic PSF with good signal-to-noise over a dynamic range of 5 magnitudes between 0 and 10 arcsec from the star. The combined PSFs will be compared with models to assess the structure and cause of the scattered light. Absolute flux calibration will be obtained using synphot analysis of a solar spectrum. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/telephone/email: David Golimowski / 410-516-6181 / DATE: November 2, 2000 2-89 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.20 ID: ACS Ramp Filter Test ACS-26 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: This program has 2 main goals: 1) to verify that the desired wavelength has been correctly placed over the aperture; 2) to measure the throughput at a few selected wavelengths as a function of position within the ramp filter monochromatic FOV. These measurements will be carried out by imaging a known and well observed (both HST and ground-based) planetary nebula (PN) in several key emission lines -- [OII] 3727, [OIII] 5007, Halpha+[NII] and/or [SII] 6717,6731. These 3 (4) emission lines fall onto three separate middle ramp segments -- FR388N, FR505N, and FR656N -- and will allow intercomparison between the ACS ramp filters and fixed bandpass narrow-band filters F502N ([OIII] 5007) and F658N (H-alpha + [NII]) for both the WFC and HRC detectors. The target PN need to be well observed by HST/WFPC2 and from the ground. This will assure quick and fair assessment of both the relative and absolute throughput of the ramp filters at the wavelengths of the emission lines as well as our ability to recover the real surface brightness distribution. In addition we require the PN to be reasonably large (D > 1 arcmin) to make sure the object fills out the ramp filter monochromatic FOV on both the WFC and HRC detectors. Good candidates are the Ring Nebula or the Eskimo Nebula ( The target (or some part of it) will be placed in one of the middle ramp filters apertures, say WFC1-MRAMP. Images will then be taken at the wavelengths of the emission lines 3727 ([OII], 2-90 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 FR388N), 5007 ([OIII], FR505N), 6563 (H-alpha+[NII], FR656N) and 6525 ([SII], FR656N) and through the fixed bandpass narrow filters F502N and F658N. The observational sequence will be repeated with the HRC detector. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS14, Fine Corrector Alignment, must be successfully completed prior to this activity. DURATION: 4 orbits (2 orbit WFC plus 2 orbit HRC) DATA REQUIREMENTS: 12 WFC full frame images (385 MB) and 12 HRC images (30 MB) will be downlinked. ANALYSES & RESULTS: The analyses of each emission line image will be as follows: First, reduction of the images will follow the usual CALACS procedure by using the pFlat from the nearest broad band filter including the wavelength of interest. We then apply a low frequency flat field (lFlat) constructed from the GSFC lab measurements of the ramp filters. This is essentially an "illumination" correction and is designed to recover the actual surface brightness distribution of the extended source over the monochromatic FOV of the ramp filter (for a given wavelength). The image will then be compared with the existing WFPC2 and ground-based images and with the ACS images taken through F502N and F658N. COMMENTS: This activity may be combined with ACS18, CCD and SBC Flat Fielding Stability, using the same target field. 2-91 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/telephone/email: Zlatan Tsvetanov / 410-516-8585 / DATE: November 2, 2000 2-92 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.21 ID: CCD and SBC Geometric Distortion ACS-27 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The geometric distortion of all ACS detectors will be measured using multiple pointing observations of globular clusters (Omega Centauri, 47 Tucanae, and NGC6681) and/or Baade's window - thus imaging moderately dense stellar fields. Centroid position of stars will be used to tie down the geometric distortion to about 0.2 pixels across the field of each detector. These high quality baseline measurements of the distortion will be ideal for diagnosing any temporal variations in later calibration campaigns. For WFC and HRC, 20 pointings in the blue (F475W) will be used, allowing us to sample the full range of spatial scales from 10 pixels to the detector width. Care will be taken to choose fields were all pointings can be obtained with a single set of guide stars, allowing the plate scale to be accurately determined. by the WFPC2 team. Our analysis method is based on that used It will determine the relative offsets of the pointings in pixels, and measure the geometric distortion in a completely self-consistent manner. A check of the distortion in the red (F775W) will be done by adding three pointings offset by about 10 pixels to observations of the same field in the same band that will be done as part of the L-flat SMOV observations. The distortion of the SBC in F125LP will be measured primarily from L-flat observations of NGC6681 and by boot-strapping off of HRC F220W observations of the same pointings. In order to accurately measure the stellar positions, three additional 2-93 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 pointings (beyond those required for L-flats) offset by about 10 pixels will be required for both the HRC F220W and SBC F125LP observations. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: SMS. All offsets will be done using POS- TARG commands. DEPENDENCIES: To be done in coordination with the L-Flat SMOV campaign. DURATION: A total of 6 orbits as follows: WFC + F475W : 4 orbits HRC + F475W : 2 orbits WFC + F775W : data will be obtained in L-flat campaign (9018) HRC + F775W : data will be obtained in L-flat campaign (9019) HRC + F220W : data will be obtained in L-flat campaign (9019) SBC + F125LP : data will be obtained in L-flat campaign (9024) DATA REQUIREMENTS: This activity will produce 20 WFC images (688 MB), and 20 HRC images (43 MB). The analysis will also incorporate data from the L-flat campaign amounting to 4 additional WFC frames, 8 additional HRC frames and 13 additional SBC frames. Data should be promptly delivered to the archive, since the determination and characterization of geometric distortion impinges on almost all ACS programs in SMOV, ERO and normal science operations. 2-94 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSES & RESULTS: Standard IDL or IRAF routines will be used to find well exposed isolated stars (e.g. DAOFIND) and measure their centroids. IDL code by S. Casertano used to measure the WFPC2 geometric distortion will be modified and automated for this campaign. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/telephone/email: Gerhardt Meurer / +1 410 516 5154 / DATE: November 3, 2000 2-95 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.22 ID: ACS Grism/Prism Performance Check ACS-29 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: This program has 2 main goals. 1) to measure the dispersion of the WFC and HRC grisms/prisms, i.e. the positions relative to an undispersed image as a function of wavelength. 2) to measure the throughput as a function of wavelength. These measurements will be carried out at several positions on the detectors in order to verify that changes in the dispersion and locations of the spectra are small. In case of the throughput measurements, the different positions are also needed to verify that fringing is small. The dispersions will be measured from spectra of spectral line objects. For that purpose, suitable WR stars with available spectra will be observed at five different locations on the detector, one close to the center and four more close to the edges. The center observations will be repeated once to verify repeatability of the dispersion parameters after filter wheel motion. Each observation consists of one image without disperser, followed by a second image with the prism or grism. The location and distortions of the spectra as well as the final throughput will be derived from spectra of the HST standard white dwarfs G191B2B or GD153. Observations will be taken at positions close to the ones selected for the wavelength calibrators. Again, an undispersed image will be obtained before each spectrum. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal 2-96 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DEPENDENCIES: ACS14, Fine Corrector Alignment, must be successfully completed prior to this activity. DURATION: 6 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 22 WFC full frame images (700 MB) and 22 HRC images (52 MB) will be downlinked. ANALYSES & RESULTS: For the continuum sources, the analysis consists of the following: First, the spectra will be "traced", i.e. the location of the spectra of objects relative to their undispersed counterparts will be measured at the different positions in the field. Subsequently, extracted spectra of the spectral line objects will be used to determine non-linear dispersion and its change within the fields. Finally, this wavelength calibration will be applied to extracted continuum source spectra. These spectra will be compared to the known absolute fluxes of the white dwarfs in order to compute the throughput of the grisms and their change over the field of view in electrons/Jy. COMMENTS: This activity may be combined with ACS18, CCD and SBC Flat Fielding Stability, using the same target field. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Wolfram Freudling / 01149-89-32006525 / DATE: October 15, 2000 2-97 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.23 ID: ACS CCD Hot Pixel Annealing ACS-31 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The effectiveness of the CCD hot pixel annealing process is assessed by measuring the dark current behavior before and after annealing and by searching for any window contamination effects. The CCD TEC will be turned off to allow CCD detector temperature to rise. In addition, heaters will be activated. The CCD will be left in an uncooled state for approximately 24 hours, after which the heaters will be switched off, the TEC turned back on, and the CCD cooled to normal temperature. Two dark images will be taken both before the TEC are turned off and after they have been turned on and the CCD returned to their normal operating temperature. This test will be run simultaneously on the WFC and HRC. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: SMS, stored command. DEPENDENCIES: ACS05: CCD functional DURATION: 28 hours DATA REQUIREMENTS: This activity will produce four WFC images (128 MB) and four HRC images (8 MB). ANALYSES & RESULTS: The result of this test will be a confirmation of the effectiveness of this technique for annealing certain types of hot CCD pixels. Pixel by pixel comparison of 2-98 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 dark images taken before and after the annealing will be run to determine the fraction of hot pixels annealed COMMENTS: This test should be scheduled approximately two weeks after the CCD detector functional test is completed. This will allow sufficient time for the CCD to experience the highly radiative environment of the HST orbit. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Guido De Marchi (STScI) / +1 410 338 4810 / DATE: November 7, 2000 2-99 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.6.24 ID: CCD Flash Verification ACS-32 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Operation of the WFC and HRC flash LEDs, on the primary side (MEB 1) only, will be verified and the exposure levels baselined. Each of the three current levels will be exercised and measurements will be made on both "sides" of the shutters, since the level and uniformity of the flash illumination may be dependent on shutter position. Short-term repeatability will also be evaluated with a series of identical exposures with and without intervening shutter movement. These calibration flash exposures are implemented as minimal exposure time (0.1 or 0.5 s, for HRC and WFC, respectively) darks or internals (with no cal lamp on), the latter to induce shutter rotation. The flash duration will typically be the maximum (~40s) to optimize SNR, but repeatability at the expected shortest useful exposure time (~1s) will also be verified. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: ACS05, CCD Functional, must be successfully completed prior to this activity. DURATION: ~4 hrs, all internal, may be scheduled intermittently during earth occultation periods. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 20 WFC full frame images (680 MB) and 20 HRC images (42 MB) will be down-linked. 2-100 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 ANALYSES & RESULTS: Analysis will consist of determination of the mean exposure level for each flash current on each detector, and evaluation of the exposure uniformity and repeatability. The latter will be determined by computing the smoothed ratio of similar flash exposures and will be examined for correlations with shutter "side" and exposure duration. The flash exposures will be summed to produce a set of "super-flash" images for use by the pipeline. COMMENTS: Although the flash capability is not expected to be put into routine use for science observations for several years, after which time the radiation-induced CTE degradation will warrant its use, this verification program will serve as a baseline for comparison with future flash measurements and will facilitate planning of the flash exposures. AUTHOR/telephone/email: George Hartig / 410-338-4966 / DATE: January 6, 2001 2-101 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.7 DATA MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM There are no specific activities required for DMS Subsystem during SMOV. 2.8 INSTRUMENTATION AND COMMUNICATION SUBSYSTEM There are no specific activities required for I&C Subsystem during SMOV. 2.9 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS CONTROL & DATA HANDLING SUBSYSTEM There are no specific activities required for SIC&DH Subsystem during SMOV. 2.10 POINTING AND SAFEMODE ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY There are no specific activities required for the PSEA during SMOV. 2.11 CORRECTIVE OPTICS SPACE TELESCOPE AXIAL REPLACEMENT There are no specific activities required for the COSTAR Subsystem during SMOV. 2-102 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12 SPACE TELESCOPE IMAGING SPECTROGRAPH Table 2-6 shows the verification activities that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the performance of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) to support normal science operations. Table 2-6 STIS SMOV Activities Activity Observatory Execution Duration Summary # Verification Activity Phase Hr:min STIS-00 Pre-SM Calibration SMS 09:00 STIS-01 CCD Functional SMS 09:00 STIS-02 Image Quality SMS 04:30 STIS-03 MAMA Dark vs. Temperature SMS 03:00 STIS-04 Jitter Test SMS 03:00 STIS-05 End of BEA Test SMS 01:30 STIS-06 Contamination Monitor SMS 09:00 STIS-07 CCD Bias SMS 01:30 STIS-08 CCD Darks SMS 01:30 STIS-09 MAMA Darks SMS 01:30 STIS-20 Corrector Alignment SMS N/A 2-103 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.1 ID: Pre-SM Calibration STIS-00 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: Prerequisite for successful analysis of "STIS-04 Jitter Test" and "STIS-05 End of BEA Test." DESCRIPTION: Prepare for SMOV3B program. Prior to SMOV3B, perform 1 iteration of "STIS-04 Jitter Test" to assess feasibility of the proposed jitter test. Also, observe new flux standards (WD 2126+734, WD 0320-539, WD 0710+741, and WD 0214+568) needed to completely cover all possible BEA dates. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: Execute prior to SM3B. Feasibility study for "STIS04 Jitter Test". Prerequisite for success of "STIS-05 End of BEA Test". DURATION: 2 external MAMA orbits (in 1 visit) for STIS-04 preparatory observations and 4 external orbits (in 4 visits) for STIS-05 preparatory observations. Total of 5 visits. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 80 MBytes prior to SM3B. ANALYSIS & RESULTS: Analyze jitter data as described in "STIS-04 Jitter Test". No jitter is expected, but Monte Carlo analysis of actual data will provide a realistic estimate of test sensitivity. Reduce observations of new flux standards using standard pipeline processing. Compare resulting fluxes with IUE or other archival data. Reduce observations again when "STIS-05 End of BEA Test" executes, just to ensure uniform processing of data obtained before and after SM3B. 2-104 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: PI will be Valenti. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-105 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.2 ID: CCD Functional STIS-01 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J., J., J. DESCRIPTION: Validate proper functioning of CCD while obtaining a baseline noise measurement prior to NCC turn-on. Verify that CCD is still able to maintain a temperature setpoint of -83 C in the early post-SM3 thermal environment. Measure CCD read noise from multiple bias frames obtained in common science modes: amplifier D, gains of 1 and 4 electrons/DN, and binning factors of 1x1 and 2x2. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: No prerequisites. This should be the first STIS CCD proposal to execute during SMOV3B. This proposal should precede NCC turn-on. DURATION: 6 internal CCD orbits. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 140 MBytes. ANALYSIS & RESULTS: Subtract bias images pair-wise. Bin data values in the resulting difference images into a histogram. For each mode, fit the histogram with a Gaussian to determine a robust estimate of the read noise. Compare the measured read noise for each mode with historical values. These CCD noise measurements will serve as a baseline for comparison with analogous measurements (STIS-07) made after NCC turn-on. Obtain 2-106 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 CCD temperatures from the standard engineering snapshots taken before and after each exposure. COMMENTS: This Program is pared down from the original CCD functional in SM2 and the SM3A analog (8502). PI will be Valenti. AUTHOR/telephone/mail: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-107 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.3 ID: Image Quality STIS-02 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J., J. DESCRIPTION: Check image quality using two tests. In the first test, use an ACQ/PEAK to dither the 0.1x0.09 aperture across a point source to sample the PSF. Disperse light entering the spectrograph onto the CCD using the G230LB grating. Relative counts at different wavelengths give a measure of PSF shape at different wavelengths. In the second test, image a point source onto the CCD through the F28x50OII filter. Compare the resulting PSF to the PSF shape prior to SM3. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: This proposal may execute after data for "STIS-01 CCD Functional" have been obtained. One iteration of this proposal should precede NCC turn-on, while the second iteration should follow NCC turn-on. DURATION: 3 external CCD orbits per iteration. 2 iterations. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 9 MBytes per iteration (18 MBytes total). ANALYSIS: Examine relative count rate as a function of dither offset and wavelength. Examine PSF shape apparent in [O II] image. For both datasets, compare behavior in first iteration (prior to NCC turn-on) with behavior seen prior to SM3B, both in "STIS-00 Pre-SM Calibration" and in the STIS bimonthly monitor program. Interpret any significant differences in terms of 2-108 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 telescope and/or instrument focus. Compare behavior in second iteration (after NCC turn-on) with behavior in first iteration. Interpret any significant differences in terms of NCC induced vibration. COMMENTS: This program is analogous to SM3A proposal 8506. PI will be Valenti. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-109 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.4 ID: MAMA Dark vs. Temperature STIS-03 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENT: None. This proposal takes advantage of a unique calibration opportunity during SMOV3B, when the MAMA detectors will be colder than during normal operation. DESCRIPTION: Measure dark rate for both MAMA detectors as a function of instantaneous temperature and recent thermal history. Make measurements at the beginning and end of 3 consecutive SAAfree passages. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. Apply high voltage using standard MAMA recovery procedures (STIS ISR 98-3). DEPENDENCIES: To be useful, this proposal must be the first STIS MAMA proposal to execute during SMOV3B. MAMA high voltage may not be applied until at least 4 days after release (J. If a reliable pressure sensor is operating in the aft shroud, ambient pressure must drop below 1e-5 Torr prior to execution. DURATION: 2 internal MAMA orbits per iteration. 3 iterations on successive SAA-free passages. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 32 MBytes per iteration (96 MBytes total). RESULTS & ANALYSIS: Measure dark rates measurement to constrain the existing model for phosphorescence from the face plate of the NUV MAMA detector. The improved model will guide plans for use of the Aft Shroud Cooling System (ASCS), when it is eventually installed. 2-110 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: This program is analogous to SM3A proposal 8504. PI will be Proffitt. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-111 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.5 ID: Jitter Test STIS-04 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Image a point source with the FUV MAMA detector in TIMETAG mode. Use power spectra of image position versus time to look for jitter at frequencies from about 0.2 to 100 Hz. Local count rate must be below the normal screening limit of 100 counts per second per pixel. Global count rate from the source will be roughly 100 counts per second over the entire detector. Minimize the global count rate from geocoronal Lyman-alpha by observing a relatively bright source through a low transmission filter. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: If "STIS03 MAMA Dark vs. Temperature" executes, it should precede this program. In any case, MAMA high voltage may not be applied until at least 4 days after release (J. One iteration of this proposal should precede NCC turn-on, while the second iteration should follow NCC turn-on. DURATION: 2 external MAMA orbits per iteration. 2 iterations. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 16 MBytes per iteration (32 MBytes total). ANALYSIS: Divide the TIMETAG event list into equal time intervals about 0.1 seconds in duration. Combine events in each time interval to form a temporal sequence of images. For each image in the sequence, calculate centroids along both detector axes. To maximize measurement precision, calculate centroids using a 2-112 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 uniform subset of all detector pixels. Use power spectra of centroid position versus time to search for periodic motion of the point source at the STIS detector. Use Monte Carlo techniques to assess the significance of features in the power spectra. For any significant periodic motion, determine the amplitude of motion in pixels and estimate the corresponding slit losses for commonly used science apertures. COMMENTS: This program was not executed in SM2 or SM3A. Test feasibility in "STIS-00 Pre-SM Calibration". Predict sensitivity prior to execution of the relevant part of STIS-00. Each image in the sequence will have low S/N, but roughly 400,000 total events in 40,000 temporal samples should ultimately provide excellent sensitivity. PI will be Valenti. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-113 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.6 ID: End of BEA Test STIS-05 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: Apparently there is no formal Bright Earth Avoidance (BEA) requirement in the official Requirements Document, but a 12 day BEA period has been the basis for many planning discussions. DESCRIPTION: Use a G140L spectrum of a flux standard to assess whether STIS sensitivity is significantly below pre-SM3 performance. Significantly degraded sensitivity will trigger additional observations of flux standards to validate the initial result and/or track subsequent (de)contamination. All standards used in this program will have recent preparatory observations obtained in the same configuration. Measurement accuracy will be limited by global sensitivity fluctuations (less than 5%) rather than photon counting statistics. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: From a health and safety standpoint, this proposal can execute any time after MAMA high voltage is applied (at least 4 days after release, J. In practice, it is likely to run after NCC turn-on. To allow ample time for outgassing, schedule this proposal no earlier than 7 days after release. To allow adequate time for analysis, execute this proposal at least two days before a decision is needed whether to end BEA. Earlier execution will allow more time for additional observations, if necessary, without delaying the end of BEA. Obtain preparatory observations as part of "STIS-00 Pre-SM Calibrations". This program is the only test of whether it is safe to leave BEA. 2-114 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DURATION: 1 external MAMA orbit per iteration. Nominally only 1 iteration, but more are possible if the first iteration implies significantly degraded sensitivity. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 16 MBytes per iteration. ANALYSIS: Reduce data from this program and all relevant pre-SM3B observations with identical software. Bin extracted fluxes in wavelength to reduce formal uncertainties per sample to less than 0.5%. Examine the ratio of fluxes measured before and after SM3B for departures from unity greater than expected from normal sensitivity fluctuations (less than 5%). A larger decrease in sensitivity at shorter wavelengths would suggest contamination as a contributor to the decrease in sensitivity. COMMENTS: This program is analogous to portions of SM3A proposal 8514. Five well-chosen standards are adequate to guarantee that a standard is always visible throughout the year in either the northern or southern BEA zone. The newly selected set of standards consists of WD 2126+734, WD 0320-539, GRW +70 5824, WD 0710+741, and WD 0214+568. GRW +70 5824 is regularly observed by STIS in the relevant mode, but the other 4 proposed standards will be observed as part of "STIS-00 Pre-SM Calibrations". PI will be Valenti. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-115 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.7 ID: Contamination Monitor STIS-06 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Use G140L spectra of the flux standard GRW +70 5824 to assess whether FUV sensitivity is significantly below performance obtained during execution of "STIS-05 End of BEA" and prior to SM3B. Significantly degraded sensitivity will trigger additional observations of flux standards to validate the initial result and/or track subsequent (de)contamination. GRW +70 5824 is observed bimonthly in the same mode as part of the regular STIS monitoring program. Measurement accuracy will be limited global sensitivity fluctuations (less than 5%), rather than photon counting statistics. Also obtain auxiliary NUV-MAMA and CCD observations. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: This program should begin in the first week after BEA ends. Since contamination must be negligible to end BEA, no evidence of contamination is expected in this monitoring program. Contingency planning should be limited to expedited (re)execution of existing sensitivity tests, including this program. DURATION: 6 external MAMA and CCD orbits per iteration. 1 iteration per week for 6 weeks after BEA ends. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 32 MBytes per iteration (192 MBytes total). ANALYSIS & RESULTS: Reduce data from this program in the same way 2-116 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 bimonthly calibration observations of GRW +70 5824 are reduced. Include newly extracted fluxes on a plot of historical flux measurements. Use observed scatter to characterize measurement uncertainty. A significant change in measured flux will trigger additional observations and analysis. COMMENTS: This Program is analogous to SM3A proposal 8505. This program is also similar to "STIS-05 End of BEA Test", except that execution after BEA ends allows more flexibility in target selection PI will be Valenti. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-117 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.8 ID: CCD Bias STIS-07 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J., J. DESCRIPTION: Measure CCD read noise from multiple bias frames obtained in common science modes: amplifier D, gains 1 and 4 electrons/DN, and binning factors of 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, and 2x2. Compare read noise measurements before and after NCC turn-on. Construct standard calibration reference files for use in pipeline reduction of SMOV3B data. Transition to analogous calibration program when normal science begins. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: Prerequisite for transition to normal science operation with the CCD. If convenient, begin program prior to the first iteration of "STIS-02 Image Quality" to facilitate data reduction. In any case, execute program at least once soon after NCC turn-on to test the impact of NCC operation. DURATION: 1 internal CCD orbit per day after this proposal triggers and until transition into the corresponding calibration program. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 40 MBytes per iteration. ANALYSIS & RESULTS: Measure read noise as in "STIS-01 CCD Functional". Subtract bias images pair-wise. Bin data values in the resulting difference images into a histogram. For each mode, fit the histogram with a Gaussian to determine a robust estimate 2-118 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 of the read noise. Compare the first read noise measurement after NCC turn-on with measurements before NCC turn-on and before SM3B. Diagnose any significant increase in read noise. Construct standard calibration reference files following the same procedure that is used in the corresponding calibration program. COMMENTS: This program is analogous to SM3A proposal 8508 and the standard calibration program to measure CCD bias each day. PI will be Dressel. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-119 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.9 ID: CCD Darks STIS-08 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Obtain daily dark frames, as in the corresponding calibration program. Construct standard calibration reference files for use in pipeline reduction of SMOV3B data. Transition to analogous calibration program when normal science operation with the CCD begins. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: Prerequisite for transition to normal science operation with the CCD. If convenient, begin prior to the first iteration of "STIS-02 Image Quality" to facilitate reduction of SMOV3B data. May begin any time prior to normal science operations, if necessary. DURATION: 1 internal CCD orbit per day after this proposal triggers, continuing until transition into the corresponding calibration program. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 6 MBytes per iteration. ANALYSIS & RESULTS: Construct standard calibration reference files following the same procedure that is used in the corresponding calibration program. COMMENTS: This Program is analogous to SM3A proposal 8507. PI will be Dressel. 2-120 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-121 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.10 ID: MAMA Darks STIS-09 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Obtain weekly dark frames, as in the corresponding calibration program. Construct standard calibration reference files for use in pipeline reduction of SMOV3B data. Transition to analogous calibration program when normal science operation with the MAMA detectors begins. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: Prerequisite for transition to normal science operation with the MAMA detectors. If convenient, begin soon after NCS turn-on to facilitate reduction of SMOV3B data. May begin any time prior to normal science operations, if necessary. DURATION: 1 internal MAMA orbit per week after this proposal triggers and until transition into the corresponding calibration program. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 8 MBytes per iteration. ANALYSIS & RESULTS: Construct standard calibration reference files following the same procedure that is used in the corresponding calibration program. COMMENTS: This program is analogous to SM3A proposals 8509 and 8510. PI will be Proffitt. 2-122 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-123 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.12.11 ID: Corrector Alignment STIS-20 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: If an adjustment of the STIS corrector is needed, obtain images of a point source while stepping through corrector positions. Use phase retrieval to determine best focus. Set the corrector at best focus. Take a confirming image. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal. DEPENDENCIES: Execute this contingency program only if data from WFPC and "STIS-02 Image Quality" both imply that the STIS corrector needs adjustment. DURATION: External CCD orbits. Real time commanding. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 44 MBytes per iteration, if this contingency program executes. ANALYSIS & RESULTS: Use phase retrieval of images obtained during focus sweeps to determine the best focus. COMMENTS: This Program is analogous to SM3A proposal 8512 and the proposal used to align the corrector in SM2. PI will be Kriss. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Jeff Valenti/410-338-2622/ DATE: January 4, 2001 2-124 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13 Near Infrared Camera Multi-Object Spectrometer Table 2-7 shows the verification activities that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the performance of the Near Infrared Camera Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) to support normal science operations. Table 2-7 NICMOS SMOV Activities Activity Observatory Execution Duration Summary # Verification Activity Phase Hr:min NICMOS-01 Filter Wheel Mechanism Test SMS 03:00 NICMOS-02 FOM Operation Test SMS 01:30 NICMOS-03 NICMOS Flats/ Quantum Efficiency SMS 09:00 NICMOS-04 Detector Read Noise/ Shading/ SMS 18:00 Cosmic Ray Rates NICMOS-05 Transfer Function Test SMS 00:40 NICMOS-06 Fine Optical Alignment SMS 21:00 NICMOS-07 NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment SMS 07:30 NICMOS-09 Focus Monitor SMS 09:00 NICMOS-10 Aperture Locations SMS 09:00 NICMOS-11 Plate Scale SMS 06:00 NICMOS-12 Mode 2 Target Acquisition Test SMS 06:00 NICMOS-13 Coronagraphic Performance SMS 09:00 NICMOS-14 Internal Flats SMS 12:00 NICMOS-15 Photometry Test SMS 24:00 NICMOS-16 SAA CR Persistence Test SMS 07:30 NICMOS-17 Astronomical Persistence Test SMS 04:30 NICMOS-18 Thermal Background SMS 18:00 NICMOS-19 Grisms Absolute Sensitivity SMS 03:00 NICMOS-20 Grisms Wavelength Calibration SMS 03:00 2-125 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.1 ID: NICMOS Filter Wheel Mechanism Test NICMOS-01 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: A simple test to verify the mechanical operation of each of the three filter wheel assemblies. Each filter wheel will be commanded to three filter positions and an internal flatfield exposure will be obtained at each position. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS cool down DURATION: 2 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: We will obtain 9 MULTIACCUM images with an approximate total data volume of 37 MB. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Each image will be examined for optical artifacts and count-rates compared to pre-NCS predictions. Result will be to verify the operability of the NICMOS filter wheels. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: All filter wheel positions will be visited in SMOV during the flat field test. However, the purpose of this test is to verify the operation of the filter wheel assembly as a whole, and therefore it is not necessary to visit every filter position. 2-126 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828,, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-127 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.2 ID: NICMOS FOM Operation Test NICMOS-02 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: This test verifies the FOM's mechanical operation. The FOM will be moved to several positions and vignetting in NIC3 will be used to verify the motion. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS cool down DURATION: 1 orbit DATA REQUIREMENTS: 6 MULTIACCUM images with total data volume of 25 MB. ANALYSES & RESULTS: Compare FOM position and rate telemetry with pre-NCS performance. Analyze vignetting in NIC3 as a function of FOM position. Verify that the FOM mechanical function remains at pre-NCS level. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-128 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.3 ID: NICMOS Flats/Quantum Efficiency NICMOS-03 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Flat-field exposures in all three cameras will be obtained once the NCS has reached a stable operating temperature and will be repeated at two additional temperatures during the temperature excursions that will be used to determine the final NICMOS operating temperature. The F110W and F160 W filters will be measured in all three cameras and the F222M will be used as well in NIC3. The test will determine any changes in debris on the detectors (grot), and will provide a measure of the quantum efficiency of the detectors as a function of temperature. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS cool down, stable operating temperature DURATION: 6 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 87 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Flat fields will be compared to pre-NCS flats to identify changes in contamination and to quantify changes in quantum efficiency. We will determine if additional debris has been generated during the warm up and cool down of NICMOS and will be able to produce bad pixel masks. We will determine the gain of the detectors at the temperatures provided by the NCS. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group 2-129 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: No additional comments. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-130 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.4 ID: NICMOS Detector Read Noise/Shading/Cosmic Ray Rates NICMOS-04 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: A series 30 of MULTIACCUM dark frames spanning 20 minutes each will be obtained, in parallel, in all three cameras. At least 20 of these must be obtained when HST is not pointed at the bright Earth, and all of them should be obtained away from the SAA. A subset of MULTIACCUM sequences will be used in order to characterize "shading" which is treated as a component of the dark current. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS final set point determined DURATION: 12 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 374 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Identify and clean cosmic ray events; construct signal versus scatter plot to determine read noise. Measurement of detector read noise and shading component of dark current. Measurement of cosmic ray event rate. Confirmation that the cosmic ray event rate is comparable to that measured in Cycle 7. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group 2-131 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: These observations may be scheduled as internals if suitable spacecraft attitudes are available. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-132 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.5 ID: NICMOS Transfer Function Test NICMOS-05 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this activity is to determine the optimal detector DC offset voltage at the NCS operating temperatures. This voltage is adjusted to optimize the analog signal processing A/D conversion. This voltage is a function of detector temperature so it will be repeated every (TBD) orbits after the start of data taking with NICMOS. The bias voltage will be stepped from 0.0 to 0.5 V in 0.1 V step increments with 1 dark images at each point. Data are taken with each detector. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS turn on DURATION: Internal unpointed darks, no orbits. minutes total per iteration. Approximately 40 To be repeated 3 times during cool down and once after final NCS setpoint is determined. DATA REQUIREMENTS: 300 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Correlate A/D output with bias voltage settings. Determine optimal DC offset voltage. voltages. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. 2-133 New DC offset SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-134 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.6 ID: NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment NICMOS-06 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this activity is to perform a series of adjustments of the NICMOS pupil alignment mechanism to establish the initial optical alignment in focus and tilt for all three cameras. A series of star field images will be obtained in each camera in one filter. Objectives: Establish PAM focus and X/Y tilt for each camera, compare deviations relative to past performance. region of PAM focus included. Cover enough space to insure the optimal locations are Allow sufficient time (7-10 days) to analyze data and uplink changes before the next activities. Steps: a) Do a 34-point focus sweep, +/- 8.5 mm along the PAM, in 0.5mm steps, in one narrow band filter per camera. b) Use PAM X/Y tilt and OTA offset slew compensations. c) Focus sweep will be in the shortest wavelength narrow band filter in each camera: CAM1=F095N, CAM2=F110W, CAM3=F108N d) 9 point PAM X/Y tilt alignment grid, +/- 30 arcseconds about camera 1 best focus position. This part of the proposal has to be executed after the best PAM focus has been established for each camera. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS semi-final set point determined DURATION: 14 orbits 2-135 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DATA REQUIREMENTS: 215 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Phase retrieval and encircled energy analysis will be performed on these images to establish PAM focus and X/Y tilt positions for each camera. These images will be compared to pre-NCS images. Focus and PAM alignment will be achieved, with accuracy levels comparable to the pre-NCS performance. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: Test assumes focus positions are comparable to cycle 7. Test design assumes implicitly that the year of inactivity has not altered the parfocality of the filters in each camera. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-136 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.7 ID: NICMOS NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment NICMOS-07 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: This proposal aims at establishing the best PAM/FOM configuration for the NIC3 focus, assuming that the NIC3 defocusing characteristics are similar to the pre-NCS situation. PAM sweeps over a restricted range around the NIC3 best focus position will be obtained (~ 5 mm in PAM range, with 1 mm steps) together with FOM sweeps along the Y direction (between 0 arcseconds and +20 arcseconds in 4 arcseconds steps). Star field images will be obtained in NIC3 in one short wavelength filter. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS semi-final set point determined DURATION: 5 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 52 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Phase retrieval and encircled energy analysis will be performed on these images to establish best FOM focus for camera 3. These images will be compared to pre-NCS images. Best focus for NIC3 will be determined. FOM alignment will be achieved for best NIC3 focus, with accuracy levels comparable to the preNCS performance. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group 2-137 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: Separate test for NIC3 is needed because of the different PAM range covered and the need to move the FOM to an off-axis position to reduce vignetting. Assumes conditions similar to cycle 7. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-138 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.8 ID: NICMOS Focus Monitor NICMOS-09 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Steps in PAM focus, over the range +/- 8 mm, in 1 mm steps, will be made to monitor the optimal focus and tilt settings for all three NICMOS cameras. Images of a star field will be obtained in all three cameras at short wavelengths at each PAM position. The proposal will start 2 weeks after the Fine Optical Alignment and will be repeated 6 weeks after Fine Optical Alignment. Test will cover sufficient region of PAM focus space to insure the optimal locations are included. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-06) DURATION: 6 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 100 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Phase retrieval and encircled energy will be measured at each position of the PAM. be determined for each camera. Optimum PAM positions will We will monitor focus stability and maintain NICMOS best focus. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. 2-139 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-140 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.9 ID: NICMOS Aperture Locations NICMOS-10 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Observations of a standard astrometric field will be obtained to establish the locations of the NICMOS camera apertures in the vehicle (V2,V3) reference frame, with accuracy of +/- 2 arcseconds. The test will be repeated after an interval of at least 28 days, to monitor temporal evolution, as a function of focus position. At least 3 stars must be observed on each NICMOS camera. A series of exposures at offset field pointings will be taken to facilitate the location of the NICMOS apertures and to measure the rotation angle of the apertures. Each measurement shall be done at each Camera's best focus (best PAM/FOM position, tentatively NIC1/2 and NIC3) IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-06), NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-07) DURATION: 6 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 50 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measurement of star positions in images will provide astrometric reference positions. PDB update of NICMOS SIAF definitions. The result will be a Test will determine NICMOS aperture positions in the HST focal plane. blind pointing to ~2 arcseconds rms. 2-141 This enables SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: COMMENTS: STScI NICMOS group No additional comments. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-142 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.10 ID: NICMOS Plate Scale NICMOS-11 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Measure the plate scale, field rotation and field distortion for each NICMOS camera. solution will also be found. The intercamera astrometric Observations of an astrometric field will be obtained in all three cameras. The optical plate scales at each of the detector focal plane shall be measured with a precision of 0.25 NIC2 pixel (18.8 mas). IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-06), NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-07) DURATION: 4 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 100 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measurement of star positions; update of NICMOS SIAF entries; if necessary, update of NICMOS FSW in support of Mode 2 Target Acquisition. Plate scales, field rotation, and field distortions will be derived for each Camera. The inter-camera astrometric solution will be improved. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. 2-143 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-144 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.11 ID: NICMOS Mode 2 Target Acquisition Test NICMOS-12 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: This test is designed to validate the ability of the Mode 2 acquisition process of positioning the brightest wellexposed point target in a 128x128 pixel acquisition region within 1/4 pixel (18.5mas) of the center of the coronagraphic hole. Mode 2 acquisition to be performed on a bright star and on a double star (in a field containing several stars) in Camera 2. For each target, acquisitions will be performed with three exposure times to investigate centroiding in saturation and underexposure regimes as well as well-exposed images. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Aperture Location (NICMOS-10), NICMOS Plate Scale (NICMOS-11) DURATION: 4 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: TBD ANALYSES & RESULTS: Acquisition images will be examined. Validation of NICMOS flight software for Mode 2 target acquisition. Validation of target location, centroiding, coordinate transformation. Verify ability of target to be positioned within 1/4 pixel (18.5mas) of the center of the coronagraphic hole. 2-145 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-146 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.12 ID: NICMOS Coronagraphic Performance NICMOS-13 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: A series of stellar images will be taken in a pattern with displacements as small as 1/4 pixel behind and near the Camera 2 occulting spot. Exposures will be sufficiently deep to allow determination of the magnitudes of both the diffracted energy rejection outside of the hole and the scattering floor, as well as to look for local structures in the PSF as a function of target decentration. Wavelength dependent characteristic will be examined in the F110W, F160W and F187N filters. Measurements will be obtained using telescope roll angles of +/-18 degrees. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Mode 2 Target Acquisition Test (NICMOS-12) DURATION: 6 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: N/A ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measurement of diffractive energy rejection and scattering. Determination of achievable local and global source/background contrast ratios near the coronagraphic hole. Validation of Coronagraphic performance to pre-NCS levels. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. 2-147 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-148 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.13 ID: NICMOS Internal Flats NICMOS-14 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J., J. DESCRIPTION: Pointed observation of a blank field target in each camera with the internal calibration lamps both on and off. At each position a 9-position dither will be used to remove background sources. measured once. All wide and medium band filters will be The test will be repeated after 4-8 weeks to test stability when a subset of two filters per camera will be checked. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS final set point determined DURATION: 8 orbits (TBR) DATA REQUIREMENTS: 1600 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Assemble flat fields from dithered images. Remove background sources using lamp off exposures. Demonstration of flat fielding capability and stability using the internal flat-field lamps. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. 2-149 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-150 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.14 ID: NICMOS Photometry Test NICMOS-15 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J., J10. DESCRIPTION: Observations of standard stars (one solar analog and one white dwarf) at 5 wavelengths spanning the NICMOS wavelength range (0.8 to 2.5 microns). The observations will be obtained in MULTIACCUM mode. This must be done in each camera, at the best focus position of the camera. In addition, one standard star will be observed in each camera in one filter in a 5 by 5 grid spanning 2/3 of that camera's field of view. This part of the test will be repeated after 30 +/- 5 days to check stability. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-06), NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-07) DURATION: 16 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 200 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measurement of flux from stellar images. Throughput calibration for the NICMOS/NCS configuration. Update of CDBS. Inter-camera photometric precision and stability. The stated goal is 3% relative photometric accuracy. stability over 30 days. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group 2-151 Demonstrate SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: No additional comments. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-152 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.15 ID: NICMOS SAA CR Persistence Test NICMOS-16 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: A series 10 of MULTIACCUM dark frames spanning 20 minutes each will be obtained in parallel in all three cameras, taken in pairs upon exiting the SAA and after the flight software delay imposed for SAA persistence reduction. The 10 darks will cover a range orbital characteristics relative to the SAA. The MULTIACCUM sequences will be identical to those used in the Detector Read Noise/ Shading/ Cosmic Ray Test. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS final set point determined DURATION: 5 orbits (could be scheduled as internals) DATA REQUIREMENTS: 42 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measure deviations from gaussian distribution of darks. Measure timescales for returning to `nominal’ situation. Measurement of decay timescale for image persistence due to cosmic rays. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. 2-153 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-154 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.16 ID: NICMOS Astronomical Persistence Test NICMOS-17 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Long exposures of a bright star will be obtained with each camera in MULTIACCUM mode. Overexposure levels of 300- 500 times linear full well will be obtained. The observation sequence will be an overexposure, a 5-minute dark, a second overexposure, and three 20-minute darks, all in MULTIACCUM. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-06), NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-07) DURATION: 3 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 62 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measurement of residual signal level in dark frames. Measurement of PSF to large radii. Measurement of effects of severe overexposure of NICMOS detectors. Measurement of the outer portions of the PSF to determine dynamic range of NICMOS. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. 2-155 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-156 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.17 ID: NICMOS Thermal Background NICMOS-18 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Observations in Camera 3 in the filters F110W, F175W, F240M, F222M, F160W will be obtained at a variety of spacecraft attitudes to characterize the thermal background light from HST+Instrument which reaches the NICMOS focal plane. In addition, Camera 3 pure parallel exposures in the F222M filter will be obtained for the entire duration of SMOV to establish the stability of the HST+Instrument thermal emission. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NCS final set point determined DURATION: 12 orbits (primary), 100 orbits (pure parallel) DATA REQUIREMENTS: 1000 MB (TBR) ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measurement of background in each image following removal of sources (accomplished by both multiple positions (dithers) and multiple wavelength observations). Measurement of the impact and stability of the HST+Instrument's thermal emission under the new NICMOS/NCS configuration. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: If suitable attitudes are available, the pointed orbits could be done as parallels. 2-157 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-158 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.18 ID: NICMOS Grisms Absolute Sensitivity NICMOS-19 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Observations of standard stars (one solar analog and one white dwarf) will be obtained in two NICMOS grisms, G096 and G141, and in the associated broad/medium band filters, at 5 positions on the detector, at the best NIC3 focus. The observations will be obtained in MULTIACCUM mode. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-06), NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-07) DURATION: 2 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 145 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measurement of flux from star images and spectra. Throughput calibration for the grisms in the NICMOS/NCS configuration. Update of CDBS. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, DATE: January 12, 2001 2-159 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.13.19 ID: NICMOS Grisms Wavelength Calibration NICMOS-20 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Observations of the planetary nebula Hb12 (or Vy2-2) will be obtained in two NICMOS grisms, G096 and G141, and in the associated broad/medium band filters, at 4 positions on the detector, at the best NIC3 focus. The observations will be obtained in MULTIACCUM mode. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal, SMS DEPENDENCIES: NICMOS Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-06), NIC3 Fine Optical Alignment (NICMOS-07) DURATION: 2 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 33 MB ANALYSES & RESULTS: Measurement of the position of the emission lines. Mapping of wavelengths onto detector's pixels. of the dispersion solution. the two NICMOS grisms G096 Derivation Wavelength dispersion solution for and G141. Update of CDBS. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: STScI NICMOS group COMMENTS: No additional comments. AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Keith Noll, 410-338-1828, 2-160 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DATE: January 12, 2001 2-161 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.14 NICMOS COOLING SYSTEM Table 2-8 shows the verification activity that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the performance after the installation of the NCS to support normal operations. Table 2-8 Verification Activity for the NICMOS Cooling System Activity Summary # NCS-01 Observatory Verification Activity Start NICMOS Cooling System (NCS) 2-162 Execution Duration Phase Hr:min Real-Time N/A SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.14.1 ID: Start NICMOS Cooling System (NCS) NCS-01 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J., J., J., J., and J. DESCRIPTION: Purpose: Configure the NCS to re-cool the NICMOS detectors, determine the optimal science operating temperature for the NICMOS detectors, and verify stable operation. Goals: 1) Cool the NICMOS to the coldest possible temperature with HST at a hot attitude and the NCC compressor operating near its maximum allowable speed. 2) Measure NICMOS detector performance during the cool-down and steady state operation of the NCS. 3) Demonstrate stability (+/-0.1K) of the NICMOS detector temperature at the optimal science operating temperature. 4) Demonstrate repeatability (+/-0.1 K) of NICMOS detector temperature following changes from the optimal science operating temperature. Methodology: Execute step 1 of VDT (at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation while moving the ACS Filter Wheel). Execute step 2 of VDT (at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation with no filter wheel motion). As early as possible in the BEA period: 1) Start the NCS CPL. Execute step 3 of VDT (at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint during NCC startup). 2-163 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2) Start the NCC circulator. 3) Start the NCC compressor. 4) With the NCC compressor max speed at its default value (7300 rps.), set the NCC PID control set point to 60 K, controlling off of the weighted average of the neon temperatures. This will result in the fastest cool-down. 5) 24 hours after the NCC cool-down is begun, begin taking NICMOS detector internal temperature monitoring observations (30-minute dark, 0-sec bias exposures, FPA temperature, mounting cup temperature) once per orbit until the conclusion of the test [148 hr after start of cooldown (TBR)]. 6) 76 hours (TBR) after the NCC cool-down is begun, slew HST to the sun angle and roll (consistent with the BEA constraints) that produce the warmest mean NCS radiator temperature. Maintain this attitude for 72 hours (TBR). 7) 90 hours after the NCC cool-down is begun, set the NCC compressor max speed to 7250 rps (normal max speed is 7300 rps) and keep the NCC PID control set point at 60 K. This will cause the compressor to run at a fixed speed of 7250 rps. and will result in an asymptotic cool-down to the lowest temperature that can be reached at this speed and under these thermal conditions. No HST attitude requirements pertain to steps 8-15. 8) 148 hours (TBR) after the NCC cool-down is begun, set the NCC PID control set point to 3.0 K warmer than the temperature reached and the NCC compressor max speed to 7300 rps. This will put the NCC under active PID control at a controlled operating temperature. Maintain this set point for 48 hours (TBR). (Note: This configuration is a normal operational configuration and can be maintained indefinitely.) Steps 9-11 verify the repeatability of the NICMOS detector temperature: 2-164 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 9) Increase NCC PID control set point by an amount that corresponds to 0.5 K at the NICMOS detector and maintain this temperature for 48 hours (TBR). 10) Decrease NCC PID control set point by an amount that corresponds to 1.0 K at the NICMOS detector and maintain this temperature for 48 hours (TBR). 11) Increase NCC PID control set point by an amount that corresponds to 0.5 K at the NICMOS detector and maintain this temperature for 48 hours (TBR). Execute step 4 of VDT (at least 5 full orbits a +V3 sunpoint while NCC is operating at steady state). Execute step 5 of VDT (at least 5 full orbits at –V1 sunpoint while NCC is operating at steady-state). Two weeks after the end of the BEA period: 12) Set the NCC PID control set point to the temperature that corresponds to the NICMOS detector optimal science operating temperature as determined from analysis of the data taken in step 7. This temperature will depend on NCS and NICMOS detector performance. Maintain this set point for 48 hours (TBR). 13) Concurrent with steps 8-12, take NICMOS detector internal temperature monitoring observations once per orbit. 14) At the end of the 48-hr stabilization interval, take continuous NICMOS detector internal temperature monitoring observations for 1 orbit to demonstrate +/-0.1K stability at the science operating temperature (known as rapid monitor data takes). 15) Continue NICMOS detector internal temperature monitoring observations once every three orbits for 1 month (150 samples) to demonstrate +/-0.5K stability at the science operating temperature. 2-165 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Real-time commanding for NCS operations. Proposal for NICMOS measurements. DEPENDENCIES: 1) Fill NCS circulator neon loop (done in servicing mission command plan) 2) Perform STIS baseline measurements. 3) A Vehicle Disturbance Test (VDT) is planned in regards to NCC startup. The following are the requirements in conjunction with NCC startup: a) at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation while moving the ACS Filter Wheel b) at least 5 full orbits at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation with no filter wheel motion c) at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint during NCC startup d) at least 5 full orbits at +V3 sunpoint while NCC is operating at steady-state e) at least 5 full orbits at -V1 sunpoint while NCC is operating at steady-state 4) ACS CCD Functional 5) FGS Jitter Baseline DURATION: Starting the NCS CPL requires approximately 3 hours of sparse real-time commanding. Starting the NCC circulator and compressor requires approximately 1 hour of real-time commanding. The NCC cool-down during the BEA requires approximately 148 hours. The final 76 hours of this is at a specified attitude. The NCS stability and repeatability steps require approximately 15 days. There are no related HST attitude requirements and these steps can be done in parallel with other activities. 2-166 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 DATA REQUIREMENTS: Several NCS history buffer dumps for NCS start-up (8 Kbytes/dump) NICMOS detector data: Once-per-orbit internal temperature monitor: DARK = 30-min dark, 3 detectors = 12.5 MB. BIAS = 2 x 100 0-sec exposures, 1 detector = 32 MB. There is no additional data volume for FPA and mounting cup temperature. Daily data volume = 15 orbits of 3-detector DARK + 15 orbits of 1detector BIAS + 1 orbit of 2-detector BIAS = 15*12.5 + 15*32 + 2*32 = 731.5 MB. One orbit rapid monitor: 88 MB. ANALYSES & RESULTS: The CHAMP Thermal group will analyze NCS thermal performance. The BEA NCS cool-down and steady state data will be used to determine the coldest NCC Cold Load Interface temperature that the NCS can maintain under active PID control in all expected thermal environments. Analysis is expected to require two weeks. Results of this analysis are required for the stability and repeatability parts of this activity, which begin after the BEA period. The STScI NICMOS team will analyze NICMOS detector performance. NICMOS detector data from the BEA cool-down period will be used to determine the detector temperature that will provide the optimal science data by trading detector quantum efficiency and dark current and considering the minimum sustainable NICMOS temperature. is expected to require two weeks. Analysis Results of this analysis are required for the stability and repeatability parts of this activity, which begin after the BEA period. NICMOS detector data from the post-BEA period will be used to determine detector temperature stability and repeatability. is expected to require one week. Analysis Results of this analysis are 2-167 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 required prior to beginning NICMOS calibration and science observations. COMMENTS: The TBRs associated with the various event times in the “Methodology” section will be resolved by 05/31/01 when the MOSES Thermal Group has finished their analysis. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Ken Pulkkinen, (301) 901-6152, DATE: March 29, 2001 2-168 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.15 WIDE FIELD/PLANETARY CAMERA 2 Table 2-9 shows the verification activities that must be accomplished during SMOV to verify the performance of the Wide Field/Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) to support normal science operations. Table 2-9 WF/PC-2 SMOV Activities Activity Summary # WFPC2-01 Execution Duration Observatory Verification Activity WFPC2 Transition From Protect Safe Phase Hr:min SMS 20:00 SMS 31:30 Mode to Hold Mode to Protect Decontamination Mode WFPC2-03 WFPC2 Contamination Monitor, Cool Down, and Focus Check WFPC2-04 WFPC2 Lyman Alpha Check SMS 03:00 WFPC2-05 WFPC2 Flat Field Calibration SMS 10:00 WFPC2-06 WFPC2 Relative Photometry Calibration SMS 06:00 WFPC2-07 WFPC2 Point Spread Function SMS 04:30 SMS 24:00 Verification WFPC2-08 WFPC2 Internal Monitor 2-169 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.15.1 WFPC2 Transition from Protect Safe Mode to Hold Mode, to Protect Decontamination Mode ID: WFPC2-01 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Recover WFPC2 from Protect Safe to Hold. Configure power relays, clear and reset safing status bits, enable and execute application processor limit checking, turn LVPS on, initialize microprocessor, select SDF I/F, enable microprocessor idle checking and bay 1 temperature control. After transitioning to Hold, begin real-time microprocessor memory collection for PROM and RAM. SMS has an appropriate wait time for RAM dump and verification. After RAM validation and while WFPC2 is in Hold mode, initiate Protect decontamination transition. Enable CCD heaters on, position filter F785LP in optical path, close shutter blade A, enable radiator heat pipe heaters on. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: Completion of SM3B activities DURATION: 20 Hours DATA REQUIREMENTS: Availability of serial telemetry data, and RAM and PROM memory dumps. ANALYSIS: 1. Perform engineering matrix verification (commanding, application processors, microprocessor, mechanism, and error messages), 2. Perform dump and miscompares on RAM and PROM data, 2-170 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 3. Monitor thermal and power performances, 4. Monitor camera decontamination thermal profile. RESULTS: 1. Verify nominal operation of WFPC2, 2. Place WFPC2 in protective decontamination state with CCD camera temperatures at +22 C. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/TELEPHONE/EMAIL: Sito Balleza, STSCI ESS, 410-338-4532 DATE: January 16, 2001 2-171 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.15.2 ID: WFPC2 Cool Down, Contamination Monitor, and Focus Check WFPC2-03 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J., J. DESCRIPTION: After 24 hours in Protect Decon mode (Activity WFPC2-01), the camera is cooled down to the standard operating temperature of -88C. The cool down is timed to end shortly after the end of the BEA restrictions. The expected growth of UV contamination is monitored with observations of a standard star, initially very frequent, then progressively less frequent as better information on the contamination monitor is obtained. UV monitoring observations will be taken at 0, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 hours, 3, 4, 5 and 6 days from the end of cool down. The camera will undergo planned decontamination procedures (PROTECT DECONs) 7, 14, and 28 days after cool down. Observations include a set of internals (darks, biases, INTFLATs, KSPOTs) after the initial cooldown and after each decontamination. The focus check consists of three separate sets of F555W observations of the standard star, starting shortly after cooldown and spaced by about 24 hours. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: WFPC2-01; End of BEA DURATION: Total of 21 external orbits, as follows: - 12 orbits for UV contamination monitoring - 3 orbits for focus check - 6 orbits for pre- and post-decon photometry verification 2-172 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Total of 50 hours of internals, as follows: - 36 hours for the three decons - 10 hours for darks (4 sets of 5 darks each) - 4 hours for other internals (4 sets) DATA REQUIREMENTS: Estimated total of 260 images ANALYSES & RESULTS: - Trend UV throughput (expected accuracy better than 1% per epoch) - Verify photometry before and after each decon - Determine contamination rates - Measure focus position using phase retrieval COMMENTS: WFPC2 is enabled for science observations after the first 24 hours of UV monitoring. IMPORTANT: UV monitoring data within the first 24 hours after cooldown are QUICKLOOK - must be made available to Instrument Scientist within 6 hours of observation, and analyzed within an additional 6 hours. IMPORTANT: UV monitoring data within the first week, focus data Must be delivered within 12 hours IMPORTANT: If contamination is detected that would result in loss of 30% of the UV throughput at F170W, the camera will be safed via real-time commands, as in the WFPC2 contingency plan. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Stefano Casertano / (410) 338-4752 / DATE: January 16, 2001 2-173 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.15.3 ID: WFPC2 Lyman Alpha Check WFPC2-04 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The WFPC2 primary standard GRW+70d5824 is observed in the far UV with filters F160BW, F122M by themselves and crossed with F130LP to assess Lyman alpha contamination, with an expected measurements error of about 5%. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: WFPC2 enabled for science observations (WFPC2-03, Cooldown plus 24 hours UV monitoring) DURATION: 1 external orbit DATA REQUIREMENTS: 17 images ANALYSES & RESULTS: The UV photometry is compared with pre-SMOV measurements, both for the UV filters and for the UV filters crossed with F130LP. Flux decrease in the UV observations, but not in the UV crossed with F130LP, is indicative of Lyman alpha contamination. COMMENTS: Because of the small impact of Lyman alpha observations on WFPC2 science, we do not plan a return to BEA if low-level contamination (5-10%) is detected. 2-174 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 AUTHOR/telephone/email: Stefano Casertano / (410) 338-4752 / DATE: January 16, 2001 2-175 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.15.4 ID: WFPC2 Flat Field Calibration WFPC2-05 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: External (Earth) flat fields will be obtained for the four narrow-band filters F375N, F502N, F656N, and F935N (20 images each) after the end of the BEA phase. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: WFPC2 enabled for science observations (WFPC2-03, Cooldown plus 24 hours UV monitoring) DURATION: 10 hours, non-contiguous DATA REQUIREMENTS: 80 images ANALYSES & RESULTS: Flat fields in each filter will be combined to remove cosmic rays and streaks. Images will be compared with pre-SM3 images to quantify stability and measure any changes that may have occurred. Check for changes in flat field. Update pipeline flat field calibration (not a prerequisite for further SMOV activities). COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/telephone/email: Stefano Casertano / (410) 338-4752 / DATE: January 16, 2001 2-176 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.15.5 ID: WFPC2 Relative Photometry Calibration WFPC2-06 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: The WFPC2 primary standard GRW+70d5824 is observed through F160BW, F170W, F185W, F218W, F255W, F300W, F336W, F555W, F675W, and F814W in all four cameras. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: WFPC2 enabled for science observations DURATION: 4 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 44 images ANALYSES & RESULTS: Aperture photometry will be performed on each image to measure instrument response and throughput. Results will be compared with historic pre-SMOV photometry results. Update pipeline and database photometric tables if required; this is not a prerequisite for further SMOV activities. COMMENTS: Must execute shortly (1-2 days) after a decontamination. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Stefano Casertano / (410) 338-4752 / DATE: January 16, 2001 2-177 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.15.6 ID: WFPC2 Point Spread Function Verification WFPC2-07 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J., J. DESCRIPTION: Exposures over a wide dynamic range of a bright star through a wide-band filter (F555W) will be obtained in order to characterize the extended wings of the PSF. Exposures will also be made of a crowded stellar field with sub-pixel stepping to provide a critically sampled PSF. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: WFPC2 enabled for science observations DURATION: 3 orbits DATA REQUIREMENTS: 33 images ANALYSES & RESULTS: The PSF will be reconstructed by DRIZZLE and checked against both theoretical models (TinyTim) and pre-SMOV observations. Linearity will be checked by comparing PSFs taken at different count levels. COMMENTS: N/A AUTHOR/telephone/email: Stefano Casertano / (410) 338-4752 / DATE: January 16, 2001 2-178 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.15.7 ID: WFPC2 Internal Monitors WFPC2-08 APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: J. DESCRIPTION: Routine internal observations will be obtained to monitor the basic instrument health and its optical alignment via K-spot observations, to verify the stability of the calibration and INTFLAT channels, and to check for contamination. Initial execution will include bias frames, darks, K-spot images, INTFLATS and VISFLATS in F555W. Once the prerequisites for UV operation have been met, two F170W UV flat fields will be obtained. These data will be obtained weekly, compatibly with SMOV activity levels, with the exception of VISFLATS and UV flats which will only be obtained once because they use limited lifetime items. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: Proposal DEPENDENCIES: WFPC2 enabled for science observations DURATION: 24 hours of internal observations; 2 external orbits (used for UVFLAT scheduling) DATA REQUIREMENTS: 49 images ANALYSES & RESULTS: Compare each set of observations (bias, dark, K-spot, intflat, visflat, UV flat) with pre-SMOV data to check for changes in instrument performance. Weekly images throughout SMOV will be compared to identify and trend any changes. 2-179 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 COMMENTS: This proposal covers normal internals (DARKs, BIASes, INTFLATs, KSPOTs) during non-decon weeks, as well as the INTFLATs and UVFLATs which are executed only once during SMOV. Both INTFLATs and UVFLATs require the use of limited lifetime items. UVFLATs must not be scheduled within 12 hours of a decontamination. UVFLAT observations require contiguous darks, therefore blocking an opportunity for external observations, and thus are counted as 2 external orbits. AUTHOR/telephone/email: Stefano Casertano / (410) 338-4752 / DATE: January 16, 2001 2-180 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.16 EARLY RELEASE OBSERVATIONS The Early Release Observations (ERO) program will be conducted to demonstrate that after SMOV, HST is still capable of producing the superb images and premier science for which it has become celebrated. The ERO activities list is shown in Table 2-10. Table 2-10 ERO Activities Activity Observatory Summary # Verification Activity ERO-01 Early Release Observations 2-181 Execution Duration Phase SMS Hr:min TBD SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 2.16.1 ID: Early Release Observations ERO-01 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: J.10.4.6 DESCRIPTION: The Early Release Observations (EROs) are intended to demonstrate that after SMOV, HST is still capable of producing the superb images and premier science for which it has become celebrated. BEST IMPLEMENTED AS: SMS Proposal DEPENDENCIES: The EROs will be performed with ACS and NICMOS; therefore, they should be done after requirement ACS-11 is completed and NICMOS requirements NICMOS-21 and NICMOS-34 are completed and operating nominally. DURATION: TBD RESULTS: Images of astronomical objects, and a description of the contents of the images; the latter will discuss how the images show the continued ability of HST to advance our knowledge of the universe. ANALYSIS: ACS and NICMOS images will be obtained and released through the coordination of the STScI/GSFC, NASA Headquarters, and the science teams. AUTHOR/ORG/TEL: Andrew Fruchter, STScI,, 410-3385018 DATE: January 18, 2001 2-182 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 3. SMOV NOMINAL TIMELINE This section presents the milestone schedule and the nominal high level timeline for conducting the planned SMOV activities. Figure 3-1 presents the SMOV Timeline Summary, while Table 3-1 presents the SMOV Milestone. The SMOV timeline is presented in a set of tables containing the SMOV activities and the planned order of execution during the Real-time, Health and Safety, and SMS Phases of SMOV. Figure 3-2 is a SMOV Activity Dependency Network that graphically presents the dependencies for the SMOV key activities listed in the Section 3 tables. The network chart allows the SMOV Management Team to continually measure the progress of SMOV, and also react to contingency situations, since the activity dependencies are already known. The schedule provides some contingency time for completing SMOV operations. The ST ScI will schedule appropriate non-SMOV science observations to utilize available time each week. 3-1 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-1 SMOV Milestone Schedule WFPC2 Milestones WFPC2 Science Enable Launch + 27 days STIS Milestones STIS CCD Science Enabled STIS MAMA Science Enabled Launch + 23 days Launch + 30 days 8 hours PCS Milestones PCS/OTA Configured Launch + 22 days NCS Milestones NCS Set Point Determined Launch + 33 days NICMOS Milestones NICMOS ERO Enable NICMOS GO Science Enable Launch + 42 days 48 days ACS Milestones ACS ERO Enable ACS PRD Aperture Location Updates ACS SBC Science Enable ACS CCD Science Enable Launch + 39 days Launch + 68 days Launch + 69 days Launch + 69 days 3-2 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 HST RELEASE 12 BEA 20 WFPC2 WFPC2 SCIENCE DECON, C/O, CALIBRATION 16 STIS ALIGNMENT, FOCUS, C/O, CALIBRATION STIS CCD SCIENCE 23 STIS ALIGNMENT, FOCUS, C/O, CALIBRATION STIS MAMA SCIENCE 26 NCS SET POINT DETERMINED 41 NICMOS NICMOS SCIENCE GO SCIENCE ENABLED 61 ACS APERTURE LOCATION UPDATES 62 ACS ALIGNMENT, FOCUS, C/O, CALIBRATION ACS SBC SCIENCE 62 ACS ALIGNMENT, FOCUS, C/O, CALIBRATION ACS CCD SCIENCE LEGEND: # DAYS:HOURS SINCE HST RELEASE Figure 3-1 SMOV Timeline Summary 3-3 ._ !!” . . . . . . . . . :i i!Ki# .i . . . . . . . .- I .. . . . . . ;Ka-AC2 :clATl wf i.. . . . . . . . . . i.. . . . . . . ITU ,211v ~“11,,,1,1, - SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-2 Sample Activity Table Activity Name and Duration Identification Number (Days) HST Release from Type of Dependent On Dependency 3 FS Orbiter Transition to Software 2 HST Release from Sunpoint Mode (D028) • FS Orbiter Activity Name and Identification Number - Title of the basic function to be performed, with its assigned unique identification number. • Duration - Expected time to complete the activity, shown in either days or hours. • Dependency - Provides the title of the activity upon which that function is dependent. In many cases, there are multiple activities, which must be completed prior to initiating a specific task. • Dependency Type - Two types of dependencies were used in preparing this plan, Finish-to-Start and Start-to-Start. A Finish-to-Start dependency requires a preceding activity to be completed prior to initiating its dependent activity. A Start-to-Start dependency means that the dependent activity may be started any time after the preceding task is started. 3-5 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 3.1 REAL-TIME COMMAND PHASE The Real-time Command Phase is the shortest phase of the SMOV program and covers from HST release from the Orbiter RMS, to activation of the Health and Safety SPC Load. It primarily consists of the basic operations that are normally used to recover the HST from a PSEA safing. The majority of activities during this phase require relatively short execution periods, so durations in the activity tables are expressed in minutes. The Real-time Command Phase is planned to be completed within approximately 36 hours, to alleviate any unnecessary pressure caused by keeping to a specific schedule. If no anomalies are encountered, Real-time activities can be performed within reasonable time limits after due consideration of safety issues. 3.1.1 Real-Time Command Phase Activity Table The activities in the Real-time Command Phase following HST release are shown in Table 3-3. 3.2 HEALTH AND SAFETY SPC PHASE The Health and Safety SPC Phase begins once the uplinked Health and Safety Load is activated and HGA tracking is initiated, and terminates when the HST is configured to fully support normal operations via an SMS generated SPC load. The Health and Safety SPC Phase is planned to take approximately one day to complete, and allows for a low pressure schedule to complete both on orbit activities as well as processing of data by the ground system to prepare for science operations. As with the Real-time Command Phase, if no anomalies are encountered, successive tasks may be performed ahead of schedule after due consideration of safety 3-6 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 issues. The Health and Safety SPC Phase Activity are shown in Table 3-4. 3-7 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-3 Real-Time Command Phase Activity Table Activity Name Duration (Minutes) HST Release from orbiter Transition to Normal Mode 3 9 Reconfigure HST LGA Direct TDRSS Maneuver to Bright Earth Avoidance Attitude 19 16 Configure MCU and RETR/DEPL HTRS for Normal Ops 8 Turn On FGEs After Deploy FHST FOV Check 7 Enable Battery SOC SM Tests Attitude Determination for First HLGBU Dependent On HST in Software Sunpoint. Vehicle Body Rates < 30 arcsec/sec. HST in Software Sunpoint. Transition to Normal Mode and Coarse Attitude Determination Complete Aperture Door Open, HST in Software Sunpoint Type of Dependency FS FS FS FS FS 20 I & Q Channels Uncombined 3 FS FS 120 Re-Center HGA Gimbals 9 First LGBU/HGBU 10 Attitude Determination 2nd ARU 100 3-8 FHSTs are Operational and sufficient FHST Visibility to Determine Drift HGAs Deployed, HGA CTRL Laws Enabled, GEAs On R/T FHST Maps for HGBU and LGBU Completed and PASS Generated Table Load Available FHSTs are Operational FS FS FS FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-3 Real-Time Command Phase Activity Table (Continued) Activity Name Load Ephemeris Duration (Minutes) Dependent On 5 Current On-Board Ephemeris Tables Have Been Previously Loaded with an Epoch Time Less Than 6 Days From New Epoch Time. Fine Attitude Determination is Complete PCS/FSW Configured for Normal Ops. STIS TEC Set Point to –67 deg updated and the Detector has Stabilized None Transition to Normal Ops Uplink 2nd ARU 20 Enable B.O.P. Test 4 STIS/NCS Noise Test (Post Baseline) 200 Safe SIs Before NCC Fill-Operations Fill NCC Circulator Loop 12 30 Load Health and Safety SPCs (First Opportunity) 7 Attitude Determination For 2nd HLGBU & 3RD ARU 10 3-9 ESM In Operate Mode SSAR Service Available with 4 KBPS AN Format Active on Q Channel Available for 4 KBPS Memory Dump. I & Q Channel Uncombined None Type of Dependency FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-3 Real-Time Command Phase Activity Table (Continued) Duration (Minutes) Dependent On Activity Name Second LGBU/HGBU and ARU 10 Configure HST HGA Direct TDRSS -Initiate HGA Pointing Mgmt HGA/TDRS -Configure SSA TX 1 & 2 for SN Ops 9 R/T FHST Maps for HGBU and LGBU Completed and PASS Generated Table Load Available TDRSS Service Scheduled SSAF (H04) /SSAR (L23), HST H&S Load has been uplinked and started, HGAs have been splined to TDRSS-Intercept Angles, HGA Gimbal Angles, verified correct per PASS .RGM Report 3-10 Type of Dependency FS FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 3.2.1 Health and Safety SPC Phase Activity Table The activities in the Health and Safety SPC Phase are shown in Table 3-4. Please note that some activities in the far left column have multiple dependent tasks. The key activities in this phase are activation of the Health and Safety SPC load, which provides for HGA tracking of TDRS and completing the flight software transition to support science operations. 3.3 SCIENCE MISSION SPECIFICATION COMMAND PHASE The Science Mission Specification Command Phase begins once the first SPC loads generated from the first ST ScI SMS begins to execute, and terminates upon transition to normal science operations. The majority of activities during the SMOV program are executed during the SMS phase, and the activities are generally of much longer duration than the previous two phases, the time unit used to show activity duration is days or hours. Tables 3-5 lists the activities planned for the SMS phase of SMOV. 3.3.1 SMS Command Phase Activity Table The SMOV activities for the SMS Command Phase are shown in Table 3-5. 3-11 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-4 Health and Safety SPC Phase Activity Table Activity Name Health and Safety Load Activated Configure SSA Transmitters Configure HST HGA Direct TDRSS Load NSSC-1 5 SI S/W Verify 486 TLM Formats FHST/FHST Alignment (Data Processing) Normal Ops via STScI SMS Generated SPC Loads Duration Dependent On (Minutes) 0 Load Health and Safety SPCs/Initialize Attitude 2 Health and Safety Load Activated 6 Type of Dependency FS FS FS 2 60 FS FS 1440 FS 0 Verify TLM Formats Star Trackers Aligned Health and Safety Load Activated Polarity Slews Configure HST HGA Direct TDRSS SSR1 Sci & Eng Recording 3-12 FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-5 SMS Command Phase Activity Table Activity Name HST Release Bright Earth Avoidance NOBL Monitoring FHST FOV Test NCS Fill Procedure Gyro Bias Determination Attitude Initialization FHST/FHST Alignment ACS CCD Temp Set Point Determination Guide Star Acquisition (FGS 1&3) Veh Disturbance Test FGS Pre-NCS Jitter Test FGS Recommissioning NICMOS FOM Optical Operations Test ACS Load & Dump Onboard Memory ACS CCD Hot Pixel Annealing STIS CCD Functional Astrometry Sci Enabled ACS Science Data Buffer Check STIS Pre-NCS Image Quality CCD Dark & Bias Images Duration (Days*) 0 12 28 4 hrs 1 4 hrs Dependent On Type of Dependency HST Release HST Release HST Release HST Release FHST FOV Test FS FS FS FS FS FS 3 hrs 1 Gyro Determination Att. Determ. HST Release FS FS 3 hrs FHST/FHST Align. SS FS FS 1 1 Guide Star Acq. Guide Star Acquisition Guide Star Acq. HST Release 1 HST Release FS 1 ACS CCD Temp Set Point Determ. HST Release FGS Recommission ACS Memory Dump FS 1 1 1 3 hrs 1 1 hr 1 10 STIS MAMA Turn-on 1 ACS CCD Pre-Flash Test 1 ACS Coarse Alignment 7 STIS MAMA Darks 19 CCD Functional & Guide Star Acq. Set Point Determ. & Sci Buffer Check STIS CCD Functional ACS CCD Functional ACS CCD Functional STIS MAMA Turnon 3-13 FS FS SS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-5 (continued) SMS Command Phase Activity Table Activity Name STIS End-BEA Test STIS Pre-NCS Jitter Test NCS Activation NSSC1 Patch (Enable NICMOS FW) NICMOS Cool-Down Darks NCS Set Point Determined STIS MAMA Science Enable NICMOS Temp Stability Duration (Days*) 2 Type of Dependency FS 1 STIS MAMA Turnon STIS MAMA Turnon Fill Procedure, Vehicle Disturb Test, FGS PreJitter Test, Pre-NCS Jitter Test & pre-Image Quality NCS Activation 4 0 NCS Activation NCS Activation SS FS 0 STIS MAMA Darks SS 1 FS 1 NCS Set Point Determined NCS Set Point Determined NCS Set Point Determined NCS Set Point Determined NCS Set Point Determined & NSSC1 Patch(Enab NIC SW) NCS Activation FS 1 NCS Activation FS 1 0 NCS Activation BEA, Guide Star Acq (FGS 1,3) FS FS 1 4 NICMOS Det Noise & CRs 1 NICMOS Thermal Background NICMOS Transfer Function Test NICMOS Filter Wheel Test 70 Vehicle Disturb. Test (+V3) Post-NCS Image Quality Check Post-NCS Jitter Test PCS/OTA Configured Dependent On 1 1 3-14 FS FS SS SS FS FS FS FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-5 (continued) SMS Command Phase Activity Table Activity Name Duration (Days*) Dependent On NIC 1&2 Fine OPT Alignment Vehicle Disturbance Test (-V1) FGS Post-NCS Jitter Test WFPC2 Protect Decon 10 1 NICMOS Temp Stability Veh Disturbance Test (+V3) NCS Activation FS 1 PCS/OTA Config. FS STIS/FGS Alignment 1 FS STIS CCD Science Enable 0 WFPC2 UV Mon Cool-Down 4 WFPC2 PSF Verification ACS Fine Alignment WFPC2 Science Enable WFPC2 Contam Monitor WFPC2 Focus Check STIS Contamination Plan (UV MON) 35 7 0 2 1 42 WFPC2 Lyman Alpha Check WFPC2 Flat Field Calibration WFPC2 Rel Photometric Calibration WFPC2 Int Mon WFPC2 ERO STIS Sensitivity & Geometry 1 PCS/OTA Config., STIS CCD Func. STIS/FGS Align., CCD Dark/bias Image WFPC2 Protect Decontamination UV Mon Cool-Down ACS Coarse Align UV Mon Cool-Down UV Mon Cool-Down UV Mon Cool-Down STIS MAMA Turnon, STIS/FGS Align. UV Mon Cool-Down 3 UV Mon Cool-Down FS 1 UV Mon Cool-Down FS 14 3 2 UV Mon Cool-Down UV Mon Cool-Down STIS MAMA Turnon STIS/FGS Align. NIC 1&2 Fine Opt Alignment NIC 1&2 Fine Opt Alignment FS FS FS NIC3 Fine Opt Alignment MODE2 Target Acquisition 1 10 1 3-15 Type of Dependency FS FS FS FS SS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-5 (continued) SMS Command Phase Activity Table Activity Name Coronagraphic Focus Coronagraphic Performance ACS/FGS Alignment ACS Image Quality & PSF Measurement ACS Flat Field Stability HRC Flat Field Stability ACS Ramp Filter Test ACS Grism/Prism Performance ACS Sensitivity ACS CCD Geometric Distortion ACS Polarization Capability Check SBC Activation ACS SMOV Contamination Monitor SBC Detector MiniFunction SBC Dark Current Measure NICMOS GO Science Enable NICMOS EROs Duration (Days*) 1 Dependent On Type of Dependency FS 1 NIC 1&2 Fine Opt Alignment MODE2 Target Acquisition ACS Fine Alignment ACS Fine Alignment ACS Fine Alignment ACS Fine Alignment ACS Fine Alignment ACS Fine Alignment ACS/FGS Alignment ACS Sensitivity 1 ACS Sensitivity FS FS FS 1 HST Release ACS Fine Alignment SBC Activation 1 SBC Activation FS 0 NIC3 Fine Alignment NIC3 Fine Alignment NIC3 Fine Alignment NIC3 Fine Alignment NIC3 Fine Alignment Opt FS Opt FS Opt FS Opt FS Opt FS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 63 2 NICMOS Flat Fields 1 NICMOS Persistence Measure NICMOS Grism Wavelength Calibration 1 1 3-16 FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table 3-5 (continued) SMS Command Phase Activity Table Activity Name NICMOS Photometry Duration (Days*) 1 Type of Dependency FS 1 NIC3 Fine Opt Alignment NIC3 Fine Opt Alignment NIC3 Fine Opt Alignment NIC3 Fine Opt Alignment ACS Fine Align. & SBC MiniFunction SBC MiniFunction SBC Activation 1 SBC PSF Measure FS 1 NIC 1&2 Fine Opt Alignment ACS/FGS Alignment SBC Geometric Distortion, PRD Aper Loc Updates PRD Aperture Location Update PRD Aperture Location Update PRD Aperture Location Update PRD Aperture Location Update HRC Coronagraphic Acquisition HRC Coronagraphic Acquisition FS NICMOS Grism Sensitivity NICMOS Aperture Locations NICMOS Plate Scale 1 SBC PSF Measurement 1 SBC Flat Field Uniformity SBC Fold Analysis & Anomaly Received SBC Geometric Distortion NICMOS Focus Monitor 1 ACS PRD Aperture Location Updates ACS SBC Science Enable Dependent On 1 1 1 1 HRC Coronagraphic Acquisition ACS Pointing Stability 1 1 ACS CCD Science Enable 1 ACS EROs 2 HRC Coronagraphic Scattered Light 1 HRC Coronagraphic Repeatability 1 *Days unless otherwise noted 3-17 FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 APPENDIX A REQUIREMENTS TRACEABILITY MATRIX A-1 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 APPENDIX A Appendix A contains tables that trace the Level III verification requirements to activities identified in this plan. These requirements are found in Appendix J, Section 10.4 of the Mission Operations Functional Requirements Document (SMO-1000C) and are controlled by the HST Project, Code 440. The following tables provide a list of the verification requirements (following HST release from the Orbiter), that correlates requirements to activity summaries. Shown in each table are: • Requirement Identification Number • Requirement Description • Activity Name and Identification Number • Execution Time (by execution phase and week) A-2 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number Execution Time J.10.4.1 WFPC II Verification Requirements J. Engineering Activation and Check-Out Requirements J. After release, the instrument shall undergo an active decontamination procedure (Protect Decon) of at least 12 hours. In the interval between release and the start of the decontamination procedure, the shutter shall remain closed and the Thermal Electric Coolers (TECs) shall remain off. WFPC2-01 SMS J. Upon completion of the decontamination procedure, the instrument shall undergo a contamination verification phase of at least 48 hours which shall be monitored by the STScI. Upon the approval of STScI, the instrument shall be cooled to its nominal operating temperature and the AFMs shall be reset. WFPC2-03 SMS A-3 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number WFPC2-03 Execution Time SMS J. Following TEC turn on, a standard UV stellar monitor shall be scheduled at least trice during the first week &, starting with the second week, at a declining frequency for the duration of SMOV. A decontamination procedure shall be executed no later than 1 week after TEC turn-on, and at declining frequency thereafter. (The STScI will use the UV monitor to determine whether the planned decontamination cycle is executed or additional decontaminations are necessary.) J. Science Verification Requirements J. An initial set of PSF measurements shall be performed. WFPC2-07 SMS J. A photometric calibration shall be performed. WFPC2-04/ 06 SMS J. Internal calibrations, including dark frames, bias frames, K-spot images, and internal flat fields, shall be performed. WFPC2-05/ 08 SMS A-4 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. If the operational state of the NCS changes with respect to the first PSF measurement (J., a second PSF measurement shall be performed to reflect normal HST operations. J. During the first 30 days after TEC turn-on, no external WFPC2 pure parallels shall be scheduled, except as required to test its parallel capabilities as provided in J. J.10.4.2 COSTAR Verification Requirements Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number WFPC2-07 Execution Time SMS N/A NORMALOPS N/A NORMALOPS No applicable requirements J.10.4.3 ACS Verification Requirements j. Engineering Requirements J. ACS entry into each of four instrument states (Boot, Hold, Operate, Observe) shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via stored commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. A-5 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number N/A Execution Time J. ACS entry into each of the defined detector states shall be demonstrated. Operations shall be commanded via stored commands transmitted over the Supervisory Bus. J. ACS command and engineering data interface via the RIU and science data transmission via the Science Data Formatter (SDF) shall be verified by monitoring of normal configuration and science activities. N/A NORMALOPS J. The ability to load and dump on-board memory shall be demonstrated. ACS-02 R/T J. The ability to read and write data from and to the science data buffer shall be demonstrated. ACS-03 R/T A-6 NORMALOPS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. J. J. The performance of the cal/ Coronagraph Door, M3 Fold Mechanism, Im1 and M1 Alignment and Focus Corrector Mechanisms, WFC/HFC Filter Wheels 1 and 2, SBC Filter Wheel, and WFC and HRC CCD shutters shall be verified. The functionality of the ACS Tungsten calibration Lamps and Pre-Flash LEDs shall be verified. Operation of the deuterium lamp shall be deferred for an initial outgassing period following release of the observatory, as defined in the CARD. Functionality of all three ACS detectors shall be demonstrated through normal SMOV operations. This shall include the proper accumulation of signal over a specified time internal and data readout (including compressed data), as well as, for the CCDs, readout of a single subarray and commandability of gain settings. A-7 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number ACS 16/21 Execution Time SMS ACS-05/32 SMS ACS-05 ACS-08 SMS R/T SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number ACS-06 Execution Time SMS J. The ability of the TECs to cool and stably control the CCDs shall be tested at a small number of temperature set points, in order to determine the coldest stable operating point, which is the final setting desired. The requirement is that this point be at least as cold as –80C. J. ACS operations shall be managed to minimize risk of contamination of its optical surfaces by materials outgassed either internally or from other units installed during the SM as well as from the payload bay environment during servicing. The ACS Cal Door shall be used to provide ACS contamination protection while the OTA is viewing the bright earth for the duration of the SMOV program. A contamination monitoring program shall be initiated as early as possible after the SM. ACS-10 SMS J. High voltage operation of the ACS SBC MAMA detector shall be delayed for an initial outgassing period following release of the observatory, as defined in the CARD. ACS-10 SMS A-8 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number Execution Time J. Target Acquisition Requirements J. The location of a reference ACS HRC camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of +/- 1 arcsecond in V2-V3 coordinates and 10 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle. ACS-11 SMS J. The relative positions of the ACS coronagraphic field masks and Fastie finger, determined during ground test, shall be confirmed. ACS-12 SMS J. The ability of the FSW to perform isolated point source acquisition onto the coronagraphic spots shall be demonstrated with the ACS HRC detector. Successful execution of these acquisitions will also demonstrate the ability of the FSW to calculate the centroid of target positions and to perform automated telescope pointing. ACS-12 SMS J. Optical Alignment Requirements A-9 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. J. J. The encircled energy and image diameter shall be measured over a grid of focus and tilt positions for both IM1 and M1 correctors. These measurements shall be used to se the nominal corrector positions. The camera mode image quality at the detectors over the full field shall be measured via broad and narrow band imaging of stars. The requirement for encircled energy in the WFC and HRC is 75% within a diameter of .25 arcseconds, through the F502N filter. The requirement for encircled energy in the SBC is 30% within a diameter of 0.10 arcseconds, for a star observed through the Lyman alpha filter. The internal stability of ACS from coronagraphic field stop to HRC detector shall be monitored. The image shifts seen shall be compared to the specified stability of 0.12 HRC pixels RMS over 1300 s and +/- 0.20 HRC pixels over a three hour period. A-10 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number ACS-13/14 Execution Time SMS-R/T ACS-15/23 SMS ACS-16 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J.10.4 3.3.4 The pointing and throughput stability of the OTA-ACS combination shall be measured over several orbits. The purpose of these measurements is twofold: 1. Confirm that the typical Thermal environment after SM3B does not cause unacceptable image drifts. 2. Determine ACS image quality and pointing stability before and after the start of NCS operation. J. The ACS Point Spread Function (PSF) in normal imaging and coronagraphic modes shall be measured. J. Calibration Requirements J. The plate scale, orientation and geometric distortion shall be measured for each of the ACS channels by imaging an astrometric field. Relative location of each aperture in the FGS frame shall also be determined with these measurements. A-11 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number ACS-17 Execution Time SMS ACS-23/25 SMS ACS-27 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Dark rate and read noise and CTE for each CCD detector shall be measured, as well as dark rate for the SBC MAMA detector. The hot pixel creation rate shall be assessed and the efficacy of the hot annealing cycle shall be demonstrated. J. Instrument sensitivity vs. wavelength shall be measured for a subset of ACS modes. Sensitivity measurements shall be performed using astronomical standard stars. As part of this process, UV sensitivity measurements shall be obtained as early as possible, to enable early trending of UV sensitivity. J. The instrumental polarization as function of wavelength shall be measured for both WFC and HRC channels. A-12 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number ACS-05/22 ACS-31 Execution Time ACS-20/26 ACS-29 SMS SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. J.10.4.4 The flat field uniformity per pixel & cosmetic defect fraction shall be measured for each of the 3 ACS detectors. The ability to determine the residual response variation using the ACS internal calibration sources shall be demonstrated. The difference between sky flats and internal flats and temporal stability of the flat field correction shall be assessed. NICMOS Verification Requirements J. Engineering Activation Requirements J. The ability to command NICMOS via the RIU, science data transmission via the SDF, and the ability of NICMOS to transition between its primary operational states (Hold, Boot, SAA-Oper, Operate, and Observe) shall be verified. A-13 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number ACS-18 Execution Time SMS NICMOS-03 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Operation of the NICMOS mechanisms (PAM, FOM, and filter wheels) shall be tested. PAM motion over the range needed to assure focus in all three NICMOS cameras (best achievable focus for NIC3) and +/- 10 steps in X tilt and +/- 12 steps in Y tilt shall be demonstrated. The ability to reposition the field offset mirror (FOM) over the range needed to remove vignetting in NIC3 shall be demonstrated. Internal lamp exposures shall be obtained at each filter wheel position. J. Target Acquisition Requirements J. The location of each NICMOS camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of +/- 2 arcseconds in V2-V3 coordinates and 7 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle for Camera 2 and 1 degree for cameras 1 and 3. The performance of the coronograph shall be demonstrated by an observation of an isolated point source following an onboard acquisition (Mode 2 acq) with an autonomous location of the coronographic hole. J. A-14 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number NICMOS-01/ 02/14 Execution Time NICMOS-10 SMS NICMOS-12/ 13 SMS SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number Execution Time J. Optical Requirements J. The optical plate scales at each of the detector focal planes shall be measured to a precision of 1/5 pixel in each camera. NICMOS-11 SMS J. Optical alignment shall be restored to the level of performance achieved during Cycle7. PAM focus setting should be measured and trended to establish and maintain focus within +/- 1 mm of nominal (best) focus for each camera. The encircled energy within a 100 mas (200 mas for Camera 3) radius of an unresolved pointsource shall be measured. The goal is to re-establish the performance achieved in Cycle 7 when the total wavefront error was λ/14 or better in all cameras except for NIC3 in the J band where it was λ/10. NICMOS-06/ 07/09 SMS J. Root mean square image motion shall be characterized. J. Calibration Requirements A-15 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number NICMOS-14 Execution Time J. The ability to determine residual pixel-to pixel variation using the internal flat-field calibration source shall be demonstrated. The stability of the instrumental flat-fields will be characterized over timescales of orbits, days, and one month. J. The ability to calibrate spectral throughput shall be demonstrated. The goal is the calibration of the absolute flux level to an accuracy of approximately 10%. Total instrument throughput shall be determined and compared to that measured previously during Cycle 7. NICMOS-05/ 15 SMS J. The ability to do differential photometry with a residual measurement error no greater than 3%, and a temporal stability of 3% over a month shall be demonstrated. The consequences of detector temperature stability will be assessed. NICMOS-15 SMS A-16 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. NICMOS geometric stability will be characterized as a function of orbital elements, vehicle orientation, and dewar temperatures by measuring the lateral motion of the image in the Camera 2 focal plane. J. Detector read noise and dark current shall be measured. The minimum acceptable levels of performance are a read noise of </=40 electrons and a dark current of </=2.5 electrons/second. J. The cosmic ray background will be measured and confirmed to be comparable to the Cycle 7 levels. J. HST + NICMOS thermal emission will be characterized in a subset of spectral elements over the duration of SMOV. A-17 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number Execution Time NICMOS-04 SMS NICMOS-18 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number NICMOS-16/ 17 Execution Time NICMOS-19/ 20 SMS J. The decay timescale for image persistence will be determined for both images from external sources of light and from cosmic rays. J. The photometric and wavelength solutions for the G096 and G141 grisms will be remeasured. J. During the initial cooldown phase, NICMOS detector dark current and flat-field performance in all three cameras shall be measured in 3-degree steps starting at 100 degrees K. J. NICMOS Cooling System (NCS) Engineering Verification Requirements J. Configure the NCS to re-cool NICMOS detectors. The goal during SMOV is to verify the capability to maintain the NICMOS Cooling Coil temperature less than or equal to 69 +/- 0.1K. NCS-01 R/T J. Verify the capability of the NCS to achieve a NICMOS Cold Well temperature of 75 +/- 3 degrees Kelvin and maintain it within 0.1K. NCS-01 R/T A-18 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number NCS-01 Execution Time R/T J. Verify the NCS capability to provide adequate level of thermal stability and repeatability for NICMOS science operations. Minimum acceptable levels of performance are thermal stability at the detector baseplate of +/- 0.1K over one hour and +/- 0.5K over one month. J. NICMOS/NCS Calibration and Performance Requirements J. The temperatures of each NICMOS detector, along with its range of variation and the timescales for variation, shall be determined. Detector temperature stability shall be characterized over periods of 60 sec, 2000 sec, 24 hours, and 30 days. NCS-01 SMS J. The temperature of the VCS (and hence the filter elements), along with its range of variation and the timescales for variation, shall be determined. The thermal stability of the VCS shall be determined to be within +/- 5K of the nominal operating temperature as determined by models of NCS performance. NCS-01 SMS A-19 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number Execution Time J.10.4.5 STIS Verification Requirements J. Engineering Requirements J. Minifunctional tests shall be executed for all three STIS detectors. The high voltage for the STIS MAMA detectors will not be activated until at least four days after release, as in SM3A. STIS-01 SMS J. The ability of the TEC to cool and stably control the CCD at the nominal CCD operating temperature of –83 degrees C shall be tested during the course of normal operations, including simultaneous operation of other instruments. STIS-01 SMS J. Contamination Plan: 1. The STIS Deuterium and Krypton lamps will not be operated until 3 weeks after release as in SM3A. 2. STIS sensitivity will be monitored periodically. STIS-00/05 STIS-06 SMS J. Target Acquisition Requirements A-20 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The location of a reference STIS camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of 1 arcsecond in V2V3 coordinates and 10 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle. J. Optical Alignment Requirements J. The slit plane encircled energy vs. wavelength and image diameter shall be measured for the nominal corrector focus and tilt positions. A standard aperture throughput test shall be used to assess STIS focus. If throughput is down by more than 3 sigma (7%), relative to the pre-SM3B mean, further tests and perhaps a STIS corrector alignment shall be done. A-21 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number STIS-02/04 STIS-05 Execution Time STIS-02/20 SMS SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. For each supported combination of optical element and detector, the location on the spectrum or slit image on the detector shall be compared to pre-SM3B values. Operationally significant shifts shall be corrected by updating on-board mechanism calibration tables. Updates shall be verified by retesting the affected optical element and detector combination(s). Only one orientation of each optical element need be tested. J. The slit-to- detector internal stability of STIS shall be monitored. The spectral shifts seen shall be compared to the specified stability of 0.2 low resolution MAMA pixels over a one-hour period. The purpose of this measurement is twofold: 1. Measure spectral shifts in the typical post-SM3B thermal environment to check if the maximum time between wavelength calibration exposures need to be reduced. 2. Measure STIS spectral image quality with and without NCS operating. A-22 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number N/A Execution Time STIS-04 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The pointing and throughput stability of the OTA-STIS combination shall be measured over several orbits. The purpose of this measurement is twofold: 1. Measure image drifts in the typical post-SM3B thermal environment. 2. Measure STIS image quality with and without NCS operating. J. Calibration Requirements J. Dark rate and read noise for each detector shall be measured at the nominal operating temperatures, and will be periodically monitored to track variations with time and temperature. The goals are: 1. Measure the noise properties of STIS detectors with and without NCS operating. 2. To calibrate NUVMAMA dark rate vs. temperature and time since SAA passage in the post-SM3B operating environment. A-23 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number STIS-02/04 STIS-01/07 STIS-08/09 Execution Time SMS SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Instrument sensitivity shall be measured for the lowresolution spectroscopic modes for contamination monitoring. Sensitivity measurements shall be performed using astronomical standard stars. Sensitivity shall be measured at different values of the MAMA temperatures. J.10.4.6 Early Release Observation J. SMOV activities shall include early release observations with at least ACS and NICMOS science instruments. The resulting science data products shall be released into the public domain to demonstrate the improved HST capabilities. J.10.4.7 Optical Telescope Assembly/Fine Guidance Sensor Verification Requirements J. Optical Interfaces J. HST‘s secondary mirror shall only be moved to compensate for desorption in the graphite epoxy structure. J. A check of the OTA focus shall be made. J. FGS Calibration A-24 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number STIS-06 Execution Time SMS ERO-01 SMS FGS/OTA-06 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The distortions, plate scale, alignment, and S-curve morphology and amplitude in all three FGSs shall be measured after the completion of SM3B. These data are to be compared to pre-SM3B observations to verify the validity of the operational calibration database for each FGS. If necessary, as indicated by the results of J., the optical field angle distortion (OFAD) will be recalibrated for a given FGS. The appropriate onboard flight software tables and PDB shall be updated as necessary. J. J. If necessary, as indicated by the results of J., the FGS-to-FGS alignment calibration shall be performed and the appropriate alignment matrices will be computed. Onboard tables and the PDB shall be updates with the new calibration parameters. A-25 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number FGS/OTA-02 Execution Time SMS FGS/OTA-03 SMS FGS/OTA-04 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. If necessary, as indicated by the results of J., S-curves in a given FGS will be obtained at 5 locations in the FOV. These data will be used to update the FGS commanding database so that appropriate K-factor values used for the acquisition and tracking of guide stars can be computed. J. The FGSs will be used to measure the jitter experienced by HST during the operation of NCS. J. FGS Astrometry Science ReCommissioning J. The photometric response, distortions, plate scale, and S-curve morphology and amplitude will be measured in the Astrometer FGS. These data will be used to recertify the Astrometer for scientific observations. J.10.4.8 Pointing Control Subsystem Verification Requirements A-26 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number FGS/OTA-05 Execution Time SMS FGS/OTA-06 SMS FGS/OTA-07 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number PCS-01/03 J. The initial attitude shall be determined to an accuracy within .2 degrees using Fixed Head Star Tracker (FHST) data. J. R/T The gyro drift rate bias shall be calibrated to within 0.05 arcseconds per second prior to the first guide star acquisition. PCS-01/02 R/T J. The FHST/FHST alignment matrices shall be computed, using FHST observations at the initial attitude, to an accuracy of 5 arcseconds (1σ). The FHST/FHST alignment matrices shall be updated if the change in the pitch or yaw alignment exceeds 20 arcseconds. The alignment computations will be further refined during normal operations to achieve accuracy comparable to the pre-Servicing Mission level. PCS-04 R/T J. The gyro-to-FHST alignment matrices shall be maintained to an accuracy that reduces the attitude error following a vehicle maneuver to less than one arcsecond per degree of slew. If any gyros are changed out, a full RGA calibration will be performed. PCS-05/06 R/T-SMS A-27 Execution Time SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. The PCS shall acquire guide stars in fine lock. J. The vehicle jitter during periods of fine lock shall be measured. A-28 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number PCS-07 Execution Time SMS PCS-07 SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Perform a Vehicle Disturbance Test (VDT) to characterize the disturbance environment of the HST using a low-bandwidth attitude control law during gyro-hold with the gyros in low-mode. The VDT is a passive test (not a forced-response test). Obtain signatures for both externally induced (e.g. SA-3) and internally induced (e.g. NCC) disturbances for comparison with past VDT results and characterize jitter induced by the SA-3, NCS, and the ACS Filter Wheel. The VDT shall consist of five separate tests that need not occur consecutively. The overall duration of the VDT tests are at least 17 orbits of spacecraft time including (1) at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation while performing ACS Filter Wheel moves simulating routine flight operations, (2) at least 5 full orbits at +V3 sunpoint prior to NCC operation, (3) at least 1 full orbit at +V3 sunpoint during NCC startup, (4) at least 5 full orbits at +V3 sunpoint while NCC is operating at steady-state, and (5) at least 5 full orbits at –V1 sunpoint with the NCC operating at steady-state. A-29 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number PCS-08 Execution Time SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. Contingent upon analysis of PCS performance post-SM3B, perform a Transfer Function Test (TFT). The TFT is a forced response test that measures HST system modal parameters (modal gains, modal damping ratios and frequencies) by applying a RWA forcing function and measuring RGA gyro response. This test will be performed if PCS analysis of post-SM3B HST flight data (such as the VDT) suggests that HST system modal parameters significantly differ from pre-SM3B analytical models. On-orbit modal parameters that differ from pre-SM3B models can cause degraded performance of the HST attitude control system because of reductions in stability margins and/or increased vehicle jitter. J.10.4.9 Data Management Subsystem Verification Requirements No applicable requirements. J.10.4.10 Instrumentation & Communications Subsystem Verification Requirements No applicable requirements J.10.4.11 SI C&DH Verification Requirements A-30 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number PCS-09 Execution Time SMS SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number Execution Time TCS-01 SMS EPS-01 Analysis Task No applicable requirements J.10.4.12 Structures and Mechanisms Subsystem Verification Requirements No applicable requirements J.10.4.13 Thermal Control Subsystem Verification Requirements J. Verify the predicted temperature changes due to the NOBL installation on SSM bays 5, 6, 7 and 8. J.10.4.14 Electrical Power Subsystem Verification Requirements J. Solar Array III (SAIII) Verification Requirements J. SAIII drive system performance shall be characterized during the SMOV period and the following requirements verified. 1. The sensed position is within +/- 3.5 degrees of the commanded position when operating within the range 0 to 130 degrees, and +/- 5.0 degrees outside this range, 2. The maximum command profile error shall be less than the safemode test threshold (10 degrees for 3 seconds). A-31 SMR-3029 Draft March 30, 2001 Table A-1 Verification Requirements Table (Continued) Req. ID Number SMOV Requirement Description J. SAIII power generation performance shall be assessed and compared to Beginning of Life (BOL) predictions that account for expected degradation. To the extent possible, measurements shall be recorded when HST is at orbit noon, when the Sun vector is within +/- 10 degrees of the –V1 axis, when the SA/Sun incidence angle is less than 5 degrees, and when all the available CCC K-relays and SPA Trim Relays are closed. J. Power Control Unit J. A software charge control mode, Trim Relay SoftWare Charge Control with the V/T Front End (TRSWCC/VTFE), shall perform charge control and maintain battery thermal stability. This shall be verified for periods of high suntime, low solar array incidence angles, and at a minimum HST load power for the expected load range following SM3B. A-32 Activity Name and Identifica -tion Number EPS-02 Execution Time EPS-03 Analysis Task Analysis Task