Inequality and Development in a Globalizing World—Syllabus Nancy Birdsall Spring 2006 SAIS Bologna Description Primarily economic analysis of the consequences of inequality in the developing world, and of the effects of increasingly open trade and capital markets on poverty and on inequality within and across countries. Effects of within-country inequality on economic growth and on development of human and social capital and political institutions. Implications of global markets, including market failures, for inequality within developing countries and between developed and developing countries. Effects of global market imperfections and failures and of differences across countries in economic power on trade, capital, international migration and other global regimes. Concept of global social contract: Role of global economic institutions (IMF, World Bank, bilateral aid programs) in addressing unequal opportunity and global market failures. Course outline Introduction Part I. Does within-country inequality (or only poverty) matter for development? Part II. Is globalization (open markets) reducing inequality within countries? Across countries? Are open markets good for development? Part III. Are global rules and institutions reducing global inequality and advancing development? 1 INTRODUCTION Week 1. The debate about globalization, poverty and inequality Optimists Bhagwati, Jagdish. 2004. In Defense of Globalization. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Bhalla, Surjit. 2002. Imagine There's No Country. Poverty, Inequality, and Growth in the Era of Globalization. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics. Dollar, David. 2004. "Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality Since 1980." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3333. K=64165421&menuPK=64166093&entityID=000112742_20040928090739 Sala-i-Martin, Xavier. 2002. “The World Distribution of Income (estimated from individual country distributions).” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 8933. Wolf, Martin. 2004. Why Globalization Works. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Doubters and/or data driven Bardhan, Pranab. 2005. “Globalization, Inequality and Poverty: An Overview” University of California, Berkeley. Bourguignon, Francois, and Christian Morrison. 2002. “Inequality Among World Citizens: 1820-1992.” American Economic Review 92(4): 727-44. Lindert, Peter H. and Jeffrey G. Williamson. 2001. "Does Globalization Make the World More Unequal?" National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 8228. Milanovic, Branko. 2002. “Can We Discern the Effect of Globalization on Income Distribution? Evidence from Household Budget Surveys." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2876. K=64165421&menuPK=64166093&entityID=000094946_0209060421403 Pritchett, Lant. 1995. “Divergence, Big Time.” World Bank Policy Research Paper 1522. 0009265_3961019150217/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf Pessimists Cornia, Giovanni, Andrea. 2003. “The Impact of Liberalisation and Globalisation on Income Inequality in Developing and Transitional Economies.” CESIFO Working Paper 843. %20Working%20Papers%20January%202003%20/cesifo_wp843.pdf 2 Stiglitz, Joseph. 2002. Globalization and Its Discontents. New York, NY: Norton & Company, Inc. Wade, Robert. 2004. “Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality?” World Development 32(4): 567-589. NEF. 2006. "Growth Isn't Working. The Unbalanced Distribution of Benefits and Costs from Economic Growth." National Economics Foundation Report. f Websites ActionAid Center for Global Development Globalization and Inequality Group hosted by the Brookings Institution and the Center for Global Development Oxfam World Bank Globalization page PART I: DOES WITHIN-COUNTRY INEQUALITY (OR ONLY POVERTY) MATTER FOR DEVELOPMENT? Week 2: Inequality (and Poverty, Mobility, Equity, Capacities, Opportunity): Concepts, Data, Relationships World Bank. 2001. World Development Report 2000/01: Attacking Poverty. (Overview chapter). World Bank. 2005. World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development, (Overview chapter). 0112742_20050920110826/additional/841401968_200508263001833.pdf Inter-American Development Bank. 1999. Facing Up to Inequality in Latin America. (Overview chapter). Milanovic, Branko. 2005. “Worlds Apart: Measuring International and Global Inequality.” Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Deaton, Angus. 2003. “Measuring Poverty.” Princeton University. Frank, Robert. 2005. “Are Concerns About Relative Income Relevant for Public Policy? Positional Externalities Cause Large and Preventable Welfare Losses.” American Economic Review 95(2): 137-141. 3 Behrman, Jere. 2000. “Social Mobility: Concepts and Measurement.” In Birdsall and Graham, eds., New Markets, New Opportunities? Economic and Social Mobility in a Changing World. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. Easterlin, Richard. 1995. “Will Raising the Incomes of All Increase the Happiness of All?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 27(1): 35-47. Graham, Carol and Andrew Felton. 2005. “Does Inequality Matter to Individual Welfare. An Initial Exploration Based on Happiness Surveys from Latin America.” CSED Working Paper, No. 38 Sen, Amartya. 1992. Inequality Reexamined. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Chapter 3 on capabilities). Sen, Amartya K. 1990. “Development as Capability Expansion.” In Griffin and Knight, eds., Human Development and the International Development Strategy for the 1990s. London, UK: MacMillan. Pogge, Thomas W. and Sanjay G. Reddy. 2003. “Unknown: The Extent, Distribution, and Trend of Global Income Poverty.” Ravallion, Martin. 2005. “A Poverty-Inequality Trade-Off?” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3579. Ravallion, Martin. 1997. “Can High Inequality Countries Escape Absolute Poverty?” Economic Letters 56(1): 51-57. Birdsall, Nancy and Carol Graham. 2000. “Mobility and Markets: Conceptual Issues and Policy Questions,” in Birdsall and Graham, eds., New Markets, New Ideas: Economic and Social Mobility in a Changing World. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press and Carnegie Endowment. Kanbur, Ravi. 2004. “Growth, Inequality, and Poverty: Some Hard Questions.” Cornell University. Galbraith, James and Hyunsub Kum. 2002. “Inequality and Economic Growth: Data Comparisons and Econometric Tests.” University of Texas Inequality Project Working Paper 21. Morley, Samuel A. 1995. Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: The Impact of Adjustment and Recovery in the 1980s. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press. Websites WIDER (World Institute for Development Economics Research) UN Millennium Development Goal Indicators Database Transmonee Database World Bank Inequality Around the World page 4 World Bank Poverty Net,,menuPK:336 998~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:336992,00.html World Bank EdStat Database University of Texas Inequality Project (UTIP) Week 3: Inequality and Growth: Theory and Evidence World Bank. 2005. World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development, (selective reading). /EXTWDR2006/0,,menuPK:477658~pagePK:64167702~piPK:64167676~theSitePK:477642,00 .html Lundberg, Mattias and Lyn Squire. 2003. “The Simultaneous Evolution of Growth and Inequality.” The Economic Journal 113(487): 326-344. Aghion, Philppe, Eve Caroli, and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa. 1999. “Inequality and Economic Growth: The Perspective of the New Growth Theories.” Journal of Economic Literature 37: 16151660. Barro, Robert. 2000. “Inequality and Growth in a Panel of Countries.” Journal of Economic Growth 5(1): 5-32. Birdsall, Nancy, David Ross and Richard Sabot. 1995. “Inequality and Growth Reconsidered: Lessons from East Asia.” World Bank Economic Review 9(3): 477-508. Alesina, Alberto and Dani Rodrik. 1994. ”Distributive Politics and Economic Growth.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 109(2). (also National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 3668.) Forbes, Kristin. 2000. “A Reassessment of the Relationship Between Inequality and Growth.” American Economic Review 90(4): 869-887. Easterly, William. 2002. “Inequality Does Cause Underdevelopment: New Evidence.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 1. Banerjee, Abhijit V. and Esther Duflo. 2003. “Inequality and Growth: What Can the Data Say?” MIT. Week 4: Other Consequences of Inequality: Human and Social Capital Birdsall, Nancy and Juan Luis Londono. 1997. “Asset Inequality Matters: An Assessment of the World Bank's Approach to Poverty Reduction.” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 87(2): 32-37. Carter, Michael R. 2000. “Land Ownership, Inequality and the Income Distribution Consequences of Economic Growth.” WIDER Working Paper 201. 5 de Janvry, Alain and Elizabeth Sadoulet. 2000. “Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: A Causal Analysis, 1970-94.” In Nora Lustig, ed., Shield the Poor: Social Protection in the Developing World. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. Birdsall, Nancy and Arvind Subramanian. 2004. “Saving Iraq from Its Oil.” Foreign Affairs July/August. Lindert, Peter H.2004. Growing Public. Social Spending and Economic Growth since the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Glaeser, Edward L. David Laibson, and Bruce Sacerdote. 2002. “The Economic Approach to Social Capital.” Harvard Institute of Economic Research Discussion Paper Number 1916. Week 5: Limited Political Capital (“Institutions”): Cause or Consequence of Inequality? Engerman, Stanley L. and Kenneth L. Sokoloff. 2002. “Factor Endowments, Inequality, and Paths of Development Among New World Economies.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 9259. Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson. 2004. “Institutions as the Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Growth.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 10481. Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson. 2002. “Reversal of Fortune: Geography and Institutions in the Making of the Modern World Income Distribution.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 117: 1231-1294. Glaeser, Edward L., Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, and Andrei Scheifer. 2004. “Do Institutions Cause Growth?” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 10568. Easterly, William. 2000. “The Middle Class Consensus and Economic Development.” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2346. K=64165421&menuPK=64166093&entityID=000094946_00062005301380 Birdsall, Nancy, Carol Graham, and Stefano Pettinato. 2000. “Stuck in the Tunnel: Is Globalization Muddling the Middle Class.” Center on Social and Economic Dynamics Working Paper 14. Birdsall, Nancy. 2002. “From Social Policy to an Open-Economy Social Contract in Latin America.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 21. Milanovic, Branko and Shlomo Yitzhaki. 2001. “Decomposing World Income Distribution: Does the World Have a Middle Class?” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2562. PK=64166093&theSitePK=469372&entityID=000094946_01032007445640 6 PART II: IS GLOBALIZATION (OPEN MARKETS) REDUCING INEQUALITY WITHIN COUNTRIES? ACROSS COUNTRIES? IS IT GOOD FOR DEVELOPMENT? Week 6: Inequality and Open Markets: Trade Birdsall, Nancy and Amar Hamoudi. 2002. “Commodity Dependence, Trade, and Growth: When ‘Openness’ Is Not Enough.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 7. Rodrik, Dani. 1997. Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Washington DC: Institute for International Economics. Wei, Shang-Jin. 2000. “Natural Openness and Good Government.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 7765. Krueger, Anne. 1974. “The Political Economy of the Rent Seeking Society.” American Economic Review 64(3): 291-303. Milanovic, Branko and Lyn Squire. 2005. “Does Tariff Liberalization Increase Wage Inequality? Some Empirical Evidence.” World Bank Policy Research Paper 3571. K=64165421&menuPK=64166093&entityID=000012009_20050425134759 Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou and Nina Pavcnik. 2004. “Trade, Inequality, and Poverty: What Do We Know? Evidence from Recent Trade Liberalization Episodes in Developing Countries.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 10593. Cline, William. 2004. Trade and Global Poverty. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics and Center for Global Development. Dollar, David and Aart Kraay. 2001. “Trade, Growth, and Poverty” World Bank Policy Research Paper 2615. K=64165421&menuPK=64166093&entityID=000094946_02082304142939 Dollar, David and Aart Kraay. 2002. “Growth is Good for the Poor.” World Bank Policy Resarch Working Paper 2587. PK=64166093&theSitePK=469372&entityID=000094946_01042806383524 Behrman, Jere, Nancy Birdsall, and Miguel Szekely. 2001. “Economic Policy and Wage Differentials in Latin America.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 29. Easterly, William. 2004. “Globalization, Poverty, and All That: Factor Endowment versus Productivity Views.” Prepared for NBER Globalization Workshop, September. Website Ann Harrison’s Poverty, Inequality, and Globalization page 7 Week 7: Mid-term exam Week 8: Inequality and Open Capital Markets Birdsall, Nancy. 2005. “Stormy Days on an Open Field: Asymmetries in the Global Economy.” In George Mavrotas and Anthony Shorrocks, Eds., Advancing Development. Core Themes in Global Economics. Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan Ltd. Also, Center for Global Development Working Paper 81. Arestis, Philip and Asena Caner .2004. “Financial Liberalization and Poverty: Channels of Influence.” The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper 411. Lustig, Nora. 2000. “Crises and the Poor: Socially Responsible Macroeconomics.” InterAmerican Development Bank Sustainable Development Department Technical Papers Series. Birdsall, Nancy and John Nellis. 2003. “Winners and Losers: Assessing the Distributional Impact of Privatization.” World Development 31(10): 1617-1633. Loungani, Prakash and Assaf Razin. 2001. “How Beneficial Is Foreign Direct Investment for Developing Countries?” Finance & Development 38(2). Moran, Theodore. 1998. Foreign Direct Investment and Development: The New Policy Agenda for Developing Countries and Economies in Transition. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics. Selected chapters available at World Bank. 1998/1999. Global Economic Prospects and the Developing Countries. Beyond Financial Crisis. Easterly, William, Roumeen Islam and Joseph Stiglitz. 2000. “Shaken and Stirred: Explaining Growth Volatility.” Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics. Washington, DC: World Bank. Prasad, Eswar, Kenneth Rogoff, Shang-Jin Wei, and Ayhan Kose. 2004. “Financial Globalization, Growth and Volatility in Developing Countries.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 10942. Beck, Thorsten, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, and Ross Levine. ”Finance, Inequality, and Poverty: CrossCountry evidence.” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3338. K=64165421&menuPK=64166093&entityID=000112742_20040723123757 Frankel, Jeffery A. and Eduardo A. Cavallo. 2004. “Does Openness to Trade Make Countries More Vulnerable to Sudden Stops, or Less? Using Gravity to Establish Causality.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 10957. 8 Honohan, Patrick. 2005. “Banking Sector Crises and Inequality.” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3659. K=64165421&menuPK=64166093&entityID=000016406_20050706095327 Pfeffermann, Guy. 2002. “Why Latin America Stays Trapped.” The Globalist, November 21. Dervis, Kemal and Nancy Birdsall. 2005. “A Stability and Growth Facility.” Paper presented at the Conference on IMF Reform, Institute for International Economics, September 23. Week 9. Asymmetric Globalization: Global Rules and Global Inequality (Trade, TRIPS, Global Warming, Migration) UNDP. 2001. Human Development Report 2001. Making New Technologies Work for Human Development., Chapter 5. Lanjouw, Jean O. 2002. “Intellectual Property and the Availability of Pharmaceuticals in Poor Countries.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 5. Lanjouw, Jean O. 2005. ”Patents, Price Controls and Access to New Drugs: How Policy Affects Global Market Entry.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 61. OECD. 2003. Poverty and Climate Change: Reducing the Vulnerability of the Poor through Adaptation, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. and Oxfam International. 2002. Rigged Rules and Double Standards. Trade, Globalization, and the Fight Against Poverty. Washington, DC: Oxfam International. Rodrik, Dani. 2001. “The Global Governance of Trade As If Development Really Mattered.” Background paper to the UNDP project on Trade and Sustainable Human Development. New York: UNDP. Commander, Simon, Mari Kangasniemi, and L. Alan Winters. 2003. “The Brain Drain: Curse or Boon?” IZA Discussion Paper 809. Bhagwati, Jagdish. 2004. In Defense of Globalization. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Cline, William. 2003. “Trading Up: Trade Policy and Global Poverty.” Center for Global Development Brief. Elliott, Kimberley. 2005. “Delivering on DOHA.” Center for Global Development Brief. 9 Kapur, Devesh and John McHale. 2005. Give Us Your Best and Brightest. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development. Websites World Watch Institute OECD on Climate Change,2688,en_2649_34361_1_1_1_1_1,00.html Migration Policy Institute World Trade Organisation Week 10: Globalization and Inequality: Revisiting the Debate Aisbett, Emma. 2003. “Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: Are the Criticisms Vague, Vested, or Valid?” Prepared for the NBER Pre-conference on Globalization, Poverty and Inequality October 24-25. See readings week 1. PART III: GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT Week 11: Debt, Aid and Aid Effectiveness Azariadis, Costas and John Starchurski .2004. “Poverty Traps?” Prepared for the Handbook of Economic Growth. Birdsall, Nancy and John Williamson. 2002. Delivering on Debt Relief: From IMF Gold to a New Aid Architecture. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development and Institute for International Economics. Radelet, Steven. Forthcoming. “Foreign Aid.” Chapter 14 in Perkins, Radelet, Snodgrass, Gillis, and Roemer, Economics of Development. 6th edition. New York, NY: W.W. Norton. Clemens, Michael, Steven Radelet and Rikhil Bhavnani. 2004. “Counting Chickens When They Hatch: The Short-term Effect of Aid on Growth.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 44. Burnside, Craig and David Dollar. 1997. ”Aid, Policies, and Growth.” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 569252. Rajan, Raghuram G. and Arvind Subramanian. “What Undermines Aid’s Impact on Growth?” IMF Working Paper 05/126. 10 Sachs, Jeffrey D., John W. McArthur, Guido Schmidt-Traub, Margaret Kruk, Chandrika Bahadur, Michael Faye, and Gordon McCord. 2004. “Ending Africa’s Poverty Trap.” Kraay, Aart and Claudio E. Raddatz. 2005. “Poverty Traps, Aid, and Growth.” World Bank Policy Working Paper 3631. PaperDownload Easterly, William. 2005. “Reliving the 50s: the Big Push, Poverty Traps, and Takeoffs in Economic Development.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 65. Birdsall, Nancy, David Ross, and Richard Sabot, 1997. “Education, Growth and Inequality.” In Birdsall and Jaspersen, eds., Pathways to Growth: Comparing East Asia and Latin America. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank. United Nations Millennium Project. 2004. Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Week 12: The Global Social Contract, Global Governance and Global Public Goods Birdsall, Nancy. 2003. “Why It Matters Who Runs the IMF and the World Bank.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 22. Dervis, Kemal with Ceren Özer. 2004. A Better Globalization. Legitimacy, Governance, and Reform. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development. Birdsall, Nancy, Stijn Claessens and Isaac Diwan. 2002. “Policy Selectivity Foregone: Debt and Donor Behavior in Africa.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 17. Levine, Ruth and the What Works Working Group with Molly Kinder. 2004. Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development. Levine, Ruth, Michael Kremer and Alice Albright. 2005. Making Markets for Vaccines: Ideas to Action. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development. Birdsall, Nancy. 2002. “Asymmetric Globalization: Global Markets Require Good Global Politics.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 12. Birdsall, Nancy, Dani Rodrik and Arvind Subramanian. 2005. “How to Help Poor Countries.” Foreign Affairs July/August. Websites International Task Force on Global Public Goods 11 UNDP Office of Development Studies Providing Global Public Goods Bretton Woods Project Inter-American Development Bank regional public goods Global Policy Forum Week 13: Globalization and Inequality: East Asia, Latin America, Africa Websites Asian Development Bank African Development Bank Inter-American Development Bank 12