Nonlinear model: Yi = f (Xi; ) + i; Analysis of Nonlinear Models Linear Model: where Xi Y = X + E () = 0 and V ar() = Then, E (Y) = X is a linear function of the unknown parameters : E (Yi) = X1i1 + : : : + Xpip i = 1; 2; : : : ; n (additive random errors) i = 1; : : : ; n is a vector of values of explanatory variables for the i-th case is a vector of parameters Examples: Yi = 0 + 1X1i2 + 3X2i4 + i i = 1; : : : ; n Yi = 0 exp(X1i1) + i i = 1; : : : ; n 1001 1000 Intrinsically linear model: A model that can be transformed into a linear model. Growth Curve Models: Example: Model how some response grows with the increase in some variable Yi = 0 exp(1Xi)i where fi : i = 1; : : : ; ng are random errors with E (i) = 1 and V ar(i) = 2. Then E (Yi) = 0 exp(1Xi) and V ar(Yi) = 2[0 exp(1Xi)]2 manpower needs over time = log(0) + 1Xi + log(i) " call this 0 = animal or human growth over time cracks in airplane wings across ight time Transform to a linear model: log(Yi) plant growth over time " call this i maintenance costs for rental trucks over mileage and time 0 + 1Xi + i 1002 1003 Logistic growth curve: growth is slow in the beginning growth becomes more rapid 10 Logistic Growth Curves B0= 10 and B1= 2 0 = 1 + exp( 1 2Xi) + i 6 Yi 8 growth slows as a limit is approached 4 where Yi is the population size at time Xi i is a random error with E (i) = 0 and V ar(i) = 2 0 > 0; 1 > 0; 2 > 0. B2= 0.25 B2= 1 B2= 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time 1004 1005 Properties of the logistic growth curve model: 10 Logistic Growth Curves B0= 10 and B1= 20 Xi ! 1 E (Yi) ! 0 8 as 4 6 when Xi = 0 as Xi ! 1 2 0 5 10 15 E (Yi) ! 0 " this parameter corresponds to the limiting growth B2= 0.25 B2= 1 B2= 4 0 E (Yi) = 1+01 20 Time 1006 1007 The Gompertz Growth model: Yi = 0 exp[ 1e 2Xi ] + i 10 0 > 0; 1 > 0; 2 > 0. 8 where Gompertz Growth Curves B0= 10 and B1= 2 4 6 This is also an S-shaped curve. E (Yi) = 0e 1 B2= 0.25 B2= 1 B2= 4 2 when Xi = 0 as Xi ! 1 0 E (Yi) ! 0 " this is the limiting response 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time 1008 1009 The Richard Growth Curve: + i E (Yi) = [1+0]1=3 E (Yi) ! 0 Weibull Growth Curves B0= 10, B1= 10, B2=1 1 6 when Xi = 0 as Xi ! 1 2Xi ]1=3 10 0 [1 + 1e 8 Yi = 4 Weibull Growth Curve: 2 B3= 0.25 B3= 1 B3= 4 0 Yi = 0 1 exp( 2Xi3 ) + i 0 when Xi = 0 as Xi ! 1 E (Yi) = 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 Time E (Yi) = 0 1010 1011 Mitcherlich \Law": Used to model how the yield of a process Mitcherlich Growth Curves B0= 10 and B1= 8 8 10 increases with the increase in some factor { increase in yield of a crop when level of fertilizer is increased { increase in yield of a chemical process when temperature or level of a catalyst increases 0 2 4 6 B2= 0.1 B2= 0.5 B2= 1 No inection point, this is not an S-shaped curve 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time 1012 Yi = 0 at as Xi = 0 Michaelis-Menton equation: Used to model the rate of uptake of dissolved substrate by organisms of microbial communities. (1)2Xi + i E (Yi) ! 0 when 0 < 2 < 1 Alternative expressions of the same model are: Yi = 0 1e 2Xi + i Yi = 0[1 e (1+2Xi)] + i = velocity of uptake ( g/`/hr) 0 = maximum velocity 1 = transport constant g/` X = concentration of substrate g/` Y E (Yi) = 0 1 Xi ! 1 1013 The model is at as 1014 Yi = Xi = 0 Xi ! 1 0 + 1 + Xi i E (Yi) = 0=1 E (Yi) ! 0 1015 Pharmacokinetics Plasma concentration of a drug at time T after an intravenous injection Dkeka E ( Y jT ) = [exp( keT ) exp( kaT )] kc(ka ke) where Consequently, least squares estimationn will result in a constrained minimization problem. This can be avoided by reparameterizing the model in terms of the natural logarithms of the parameters. E (Y jT ) exp(1 + 2 0) = Dexp( 2) exp(1) [exp( T exp(1)) exp( T exp(2))] D is the initial dose ke is the elimination rate parameter ka is the absorbtion rate parameter kc is the clearance parameter where For this model to be meaningful, ke, ka, and kc must all be positive. D is the initial dose 1 is log(ke) 2 is log(ka) 0 is log(kc) 1016 Least Squares Estimation: Estimating equations: 0 = Data: (Y1; XT1 ) (Y2; XT2 ) .. (Yn; XTn ) Model: n X @g(b) = 2 [Yi f (Xi; b)] @f (@bXi; b) @b1 1 i=1 0 = Yi = f (Xi; ) + i 2 b1 Objective: Find b = 6 4 to minimize g(b) = 1017 n X i=1 [Yi bk n X @g(b) = 2 [Yi f (Xi; b)] @f (@bXi; b) @bk k i=1 These equations can be expressed as 0k1 = DT [Y f (X; b)] where 3 7 5 2 D= f (Xi; b)]2 1018 6 6 6 4 @f (X1;b) @b1 @f (X1;b) @bk @f (Xn;b) @b1 @f (Xn;b) @bk .. .. 3 7 7 7 5 1019 2 Y = 64 Y1 .. Yn 3 7 5 2 and f (X; b) = 6 4 f (X1; b) .. f (Xn; b) 3 7 5 These equations are not linear in b There is often no analytic formula for the solution as a function of Y and X An iterative procedure must be used to solve these equations Gauss-Newton procedure: Use a Taylor series expansion to approximate f (Xi; ) with a linear function of . Apply OLS estimation to the linear approximation to \update" the estimate of . Repeat this until convergence 1021 1020 Apply a Taylor series expansion: For the j -th case at the i-th iteration, we have Start the iterations with a vector of \starting values" b(0) 1 (0) .. b = 2 3 6 6 4 7 7 5 b(0) k At the end of the i-th iteration the values of the parameter estimates are 2 b(i) = 6 6 4 b(1i) .. b(ki) 3 7 7 5 f (Xj ; ) =: f (Xj ; b(i)) + @f (Xj ;) k `=1 @` P ( b(i)) =b(i) ` ` + (approximation error) Then Yj = f (Xj ; ) + j = f (Xj ; b(i)) + 1022 k X `=1 " @f (Xj ; ) (` b(`i)) + j @` ( i ) =b # 1023 (Y f (X; b(i))) = D(i)( " and Y or = f (X; ) + = f (X; b(i)) + D(i)( Y f (X; b(i)) = D(i)( 2 This is D = 6 6 6 4 % b(i)) + b(i)) + @f (X1;) @1 @f (X1;) @k @f (Xn;) @1 @f (Xn;) @k .. " vector of responses .. 3 7 7 7 5 evaluated at = b(i) model matrix b(i)) + - parameter vector Use OLS estimation to obtain (b(i+1) b(i)) = ([D(i)]T D(i)) 1[D(i)]T (Y f (X; b(i))) Then b(i+1) = b(i) + ([D(i)]T D(i)) 1[D(i)]T (Y f (X; b(i)) and the \deviance" or sum of squared residuals at the end of the (i + 1)-th iteration is n SSE (i+1) = [Yj f (Xj ; b(i+1))]2 X j =1 1024 1025 Selection of starting values: Continue the iterations until some convergence criterion is satised: SSE or (i 1) 8 > > < SSE (i) < some constant speed of convergence convergence to \local" minimum or a \global minimum" divergence { 9 > b(` i+1) b(` i) > = max < constant (i) `=1;:::;k > > b : + c >>; ` at each iteration check if SSE (i+1) < SSE (i) { or ?? if not, you might use a \halving" step i+1) = b(i) + :5(b(i+1) b(i)) b(new try dierent starting values 1026 1027 Inference: Estimate e2 with Grid search: evaluate P g(b) = nj=1(Yj f (Xj ; b))2 for values of b on a grid, and make a contour plot. P n (Yj Ybj )2 SSE j =1 = MSE = n k n k where Yj = f (Xj ; b). b Obtain starting values from For large samples, when i NID(0; e2), we have past experience { scientic theory { linear model approximations { (n k)MSE _ 2(n k) e2 1028 Approximate t-tests: For large samples, when k iid(0; e2) we have 1029 H0 : i = ci vs. HA : i 6= ci Reject H0 if b _ N ( ; e2(DT D) " 1 jtj = jbiS cij > t(n ) bi Estimate this covariance matrix as Sb = MSE (DT D) 1 c Approximate (1 intervals: c bi where D is D evaluated at = b. ) 100% t(n k);=2 condence k)=2 Sbi " Square root of the (i; i) element of Sb c 1030 1031 Example 11.1: Weight loss from an obese patient (V&R, Section 8.1) Y = weight (in kg) X = time (in days) Data le: wtloss.dat Obese patients in a weight rehabilitation program tend to lose tissue at a diminishing rate as the program progresses. We have data from one patient male, age 48 height 193 cm (6'4") initial weight 184.35 kg (406.42 lb) S-PLUS: Use the nls( ) function and the deriv( ) function for symbolic dierentiation. Code is stored in the le wtloss.ssc SAS: Use the NLIN procedure in SAS. Code is stored in the le 1032 # # # # This is SPLUS code for fitting nonlinear models to the weight loss data in Venables and Ripley (Section 8.1). This file stored as wtloss.ssc # First access the MASS library library(MASS, first=T) # Enter the data stored in the file # # wtloss.dat # # There are three numbers on each # line in the following order: # Identification code # Days since beginning of the study # Weight (in kg) wtloss <- read.table("wtloss.dat") 1033 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Days 0 4 7 7 11 18 24 30 32 43 46 60 64 70 71 71 73 74 84 88 Weight 184.35 182.51 180.45 179.91 177.91 175.81 173.11 170.06 169.31 165.10 163.11 158.30 155.80 154.31 153.86 154.20 152.20 152.80 150.30 147.80 wtloss 1034 1035 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 95 102 106 109 115 122 133 137 140 143 147 148 149 150 153 156 161 164 165 165 146.10 145.60 142.50 142.30 139.40 137.90 133.70 133.70 133.30 131.20 133.00 132.20 130.80 131.30 129.00 127.90 126.90 127.70 129.50 128.40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 170 176 179 198 214 218 221 225 233 238 241 246 125.40 124.90 124.90 118.20 118.20 115.30 115.70 116.00 115.50 112.60 114.00 112.60 1036 # Code for plotting weight against time. # Unix users should insert the motif( ) # command here to open a graphics window. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Specify plotting symbol and size of graph in inches. fin=c(w,h) specifies a plot that is w inches wide and h inches high, not including labels pch=18 requests a filled rectangle as a plotting symbol mkh=b requests plotting symbols that are b inches high mex=a sets the spacing between lines printed in the margins plt plt=c(.2,.8,.2,.8) defines the fraction of figure region to use for plotting. This can provide more space for labels. 1038 1037 par(fin=c(7.0,7.0),pch=18,mkh=.1,mex=1.5, plt=c(.2,.8,.2,.8)) plot(wtloss$Days, wtloss$Weight, type="p", ylab="Weight (kg)", main="Weight Loss") # # # # # The following lines are for adding an axis for weight on the "lb" scale. pretty(): Returns a vector of ordered and equally spaced values that span the range of the input. Wt.lbs <- pretty(range(wtloss$Weight*2.205)) axis(side=4, at=Wt.lbs/2.205, lab=Wt.lbs, srt=90) mtext("Weight (lb)", side=4, line=3) 1039 A negative exponential decay model: Yi = 0 + 1e (Xi=2) + i 0 > 0; 1 > 0; 2 > 0 where Weight Loss 350 300 250 Weight (lb) 400 180 160 140 120 Weight (kg) is time (in days) since the start of the weight loss program Yi is the observed weight at time Xi 0 is the limiting weight (stable lean weight) as X ! 1 1 is the total weight to be lost 2log(1 p) is the time needed to lose 100p% of the remaining weight to be lost Xi 0 50 100 150 200 250 wtloss$Days 1040 # Code for fitting an exponential decay # model for weight loss. # # # # # # The initial values of 90, 95, and 190 are specified by the user. Since no formulas for derivatives are specified, the Gauss-Newton optimization procedure is applied with numerical approximations to the first partial derviatives. 1041 # # # # # # # # # The first line of output comes from the initial values and the last two lines of output show the value of the sum of squared errors and the values of the parameter estimates for successive iterations of the minimization procedure. This output was requested by the trace=T option. Other information is obtained in the following way: <- nls( formula = Weight ~ b0 + b1*exp(-Days/b2), data = wtloss, start = c(b0=90, b1=95, b2=190), trace = T) summary( 305.628 : 90 95 190 39.5054 : 81.6598 102.392 204.343 39.2447 : 81.3736 102.684 204.735 Parameters: Value Std. Error b0 81.3736 2.26903 b1 102.6840 2.08279 b2 204.7350 7.63848 1042 Formula: Weight ~ b0 + b1 * exp( - Days/b2) t value 35.8627 49.3013 26.8031 1043 # Print the estimated covariance matrix of # the estimated parameters. This will not # work if you do not attach the MASS library. Residual standard error: 0.894937 on 49 degrees of freedom vcov( Correlation of Parameter Estimates: b0 b1 b1 -0.989 b2 -0.986 0.956 b0 b1 b2 b0 5.148517 -4.674626 -17.08394 b1 -4.674626 4.338010 15.21100 b2 -17.083939 15.211003 58.34644 # Print the sum of squared residuals. This # will not work if you do not attach the # MASS library. # Other information in the object created # by the nls( ) function names( [1] "parameters" [4] "residuals" [7] "assign" deviance( [1] 39.2447 "formula" "R" "trace" "call" "fitted.values" 1045 1044 # Plot the curve Some functions you can apply to objects made by the nls function: 140 160 180 Weight Loss Data 120 plot predict qqnorm resid summary update estimates of coeÆcients tted values condence intervals for coecients diagnostic plots predictions normal probability plots residuals summary information update the model Weight (kg) coef tted intervals par(fin=c(7.0,7.0),pch=18,mkh=.1,mex=1.5, plt=c(.2,.8,.2,.8)) plot(wtloss$Days, wtloss$Weight, type="p", xlab="Days", ylab="Weight (kg)", main="Weight Loss Data") lines(wtloss$Days,fitted(,lty=1,lwd=3) 0 50 100 150 200 250 Days 1046 1047 # Check residual plots. The scatter.smooth # passes a smooth curve through the points # on the residual plot qqnorm(residuals( qqline(residuals( 2 scatter.smooth(fitted(, residuals(, span=1, degree=1, main="Residuals") 1 0 -1 1 -2 0 -1 residuals( 2 residuals( Residuals -2 -2 -1 0 1 2 Quantiles of Standard Normal 120 140 160 180 fitted( 1048 # Now create a function to generate starting # values for parameter estimates in the # negative exponential decay model. <- function(x, y ) { mx<-mean(x) x1<-x-mx x2<-((x-mx)^2)/2 b <- as.vector(lm(y~x1+x2)$coef) b2<- -b[2]/b[3] b <- as.vector(lm(y~exp(-x/b2))$coef,ncol=1) parms <- cbind(b[1],b[2],b2) parms } b.start <-$Days, wtloss$Weight) <- nls( formula = Weight ~ b0 + b1*exp(-Days/b2), data = wtloss, start = c(b0=b.start[1], b1=b.start[2], b2=b.start[3]), trace = T) 1050 1049 39.6455 : 79.7542 104.130 210.266 39.2455 : 81.4217 102.636 204.573 39.2447 : 81.3737 102.684 204.734 # # # # You can supply formulas for first partial derivatives to the nls() function. Sometimes this makes the minimization of the sum of squared residuals more stable. # # # # # # # # # # Derivatives can only be provided as an attribute of the model. We will create a function to calculate the mean vector and the Z matrix of values of first partial derivatives evaluated at the current values of the parameter estimates. The Z matrix is included as a "gradient" attribute. Note that the gradient matrix must have column names matching those of the corresponding parameters. 1051 Obtain rst partial derivatives of the mean weight at X days after the start of the program E (Yi) = f (Xi; ) + i where E (Yi) = f (Xi; ) = 0 + 1e (Xi= ) 2 We have @f (xi; ) @0 = 1 @f (xi; ) @1 = e (Xi=2) @f (xi; ) @2 = 1Xi (Xi=2) e 22 <- nls( formula=Weight ~ expn(b0, b1, b2, Days), data = wtloss, start = c(b0=b.start[1], b1=b.start[2], b2=b.start[3]), trace = T) 39.6455 : 79.7542 104.130 210.266 39.2455 : 81.4217 102.636 204.573 39.2447 : 81.3737 102.684 204.734 1052 # # # # expn <- function(b0, b1, b2, x) { temp <- exp(-x/b2) model.func <- b0 + b1 * temp Z <- cbind(1, temp, (b1 * x * temp)/b2^2) dimnames(Z) <- list(NULL, c("b0","b1","b2")) attr(model.func, "gradient") <- Z model.func } Use the symbolic differentiation function, deriv3( ), to createe a function to specify the model and compute derivatives. You must attach the MASS library to use deriv3( ). expn1 <- deriv3(expr = y ~ b0 + b1 * exp(-x/b2), namevec = c("b0", "b1", "b2"), function.arg = function(b0, b1, b2, x) NULL) # List the contents of expn1 expn1 function(b0, b1, b2, x) { .expr3 <- exp((( - x)/b2)) .expr7 <- 0 .expr8 <- b2^2 .expr9 <- x/.expr8 .expr10 <- .expr3 * .expr9 .value <- b0 + (b1 * .expr3) 1054 1053 .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 3), list(NULL, c("b0", "b1", "b2"))) .hess <- array(0, c(length(.value), 3, 3), list(NULL, c("b0", "b1", "b2"), c("b0", "b1", "b2"))) .grad[, "b0"] <- 1 .grad[, "b1"] <- .expr3 .grad[, "b2"] <- b1 * .expr10 .hess[, "b0", "b0"] <- .expr7 .hess[, "b1", "b0"] <- .expr7 .hess[, "b2", "b0"] <- .expr7 .hess[, "b0", "b1"] <- .expr7 .hess[, "b1", "b1"] <- .expr7 .hess[, "b2", "b1"] <- .expr10 .hess[, "b0", "b2"] <- .expr7 .hess[, "b1", "b2"] <- .expr10 .hess[, "b2", "b2"] <- b1 * ((.expr10 * .expr9) - (.expr3 * (( x * (2 * b2))/(.expr8^2)))) attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad attr(.value, "hessian") <- .hess .value } 1055 Condence intervals: bi # Now fit the model <- nls( formula = Weight ~ expn1(b0, b1, b2, Days), data = wtloss, start = c(b0=b.start[1], b1=b.start[2], b2=b.start[3]), trace = T) 39.6455 : 79.7542 104.130 210.266 39.2455 : 81.4217 102.636 204.573 39.2447 : 81.3737 102.684 204.734 t(n k);=2 Sbi Using = :05, we have t49;:025 = 2:0096 For 0: 81:374 (2:0096)(2:26902) ) (76:81; 85:93) For 1: 102:684 (2:0096)(2:08277) ) (98:50; 106:87) For 2: 204:734 (2:0096)(7:6384) ) (189:4; 220:1) 1057 1056 The minimum sum of squared residuals is n RSS () = [Yj f (Xj ; )]2 Approximate prole likelihood condence intervals (V& R, Section 8.4): X b b j =1 Let 2j1 be the \conditional" least squares estimate of obtained by xing 1 = 1;0 and optimizing with respect to 2, the remaining parameters. Minimize b Partition the parameter vector in E (Y) = f (X; ) as = " 1 2 # n X j =1 Derive an approximate F-test of H0 : 1 = 1;0 vs. HA : 1 = 6 1;0 Let be the least squares estimator of obtained by minimizing n (Yj f (Xj ; ))2 Then, j =1 " Yj f (Xj ; 1;0 2 b 2j1 = b X " " 1;0 b 2 # #2 ) # : The minumum sum of squared residuals is n RSS (2j1(1;0)) = [Yj f (Xj ; 2j1)]2 b X b j =1 1058 1059 Approximate F-test: F (1;0) = with (1; n k) " RSS (b 2j1(1;0)) RSS (b ) (RSS (b)=(n k)) degrees of freedom number of parameters in Approximate t-statistic: Approximate (1 ) 100% condence interval for 1: Find all values of 1;0 such that H0 : 1 = 1;0 is not rejected at the level of signicance, i.e., nd all values of 1;0 such that t(n k);1 =2 t(1;0) t(n k);=2 t(1;0) = sign(1;0 b1) F (1;0) n k d.f. q with 1060 This is a large sample method: It uses the limiting normal distribution of parameter estimates { This procedure may fail if the sum of squared residuals (or prole likelihood) becomes too at { These condence intervals are not necessarily centered at the point estimate of the parameter { These condence intervals are produced by connt( ) in S-PLUS { 1062 1061 # Compute 95% confidence intervals for the # parameters using a profile likelihood # method rbind(b0 = confint(,parm="b0"), b1 = confint(,parm="b1"), b2 = confint(,parm="b2")) 2.5% 97.5% b0 76.48233 85.63038 b1 98.78522 107.18805 b2 190.42694 221.22585 1063 # # # # # Compute confidence intervals for parameters using standard large sample normal theory. We will have to create our own function. The intervals( ) function cannot be applied to objects created by nls( ). est.b <- function(obj, level=0.95) { b <- coef(obj) n <- length(obj$fitted.values) length(obj$parameters) stderr <- sqrt(diag(vcov(obj))) low <- b - qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, n)*stderr high <- b + qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, n)*stderr a <- cbind(b, stderr, low, high) a } Inferences about functions of parameters: Suppose you are interested in a function of the parameters (i) Expected weight after X days on the program h() = f (X; ) = 0 + 1e (X= ) 2 (ii) Time until expected weight is Y0: = Y0 > est.b( 0 + 1e (X0=2) ) X0 = h() = 2 log Y0 0 1 b stderr low high b0 81.37369 2.269015 76.81394 85.93345 b1 102.68422 2.082771 98.49874 106.86971 b2 204.73381 7.638405 189.38387 220.08376 1064 2 G= 6 6 6 4 @h1() @h1( ) @h1( ) @1 @2 @k .. @hq () @1 @hq () @k 1065 (i) Expected weight after X = 100 days in the program Point estimate: Y = h(b) = b0 + b1 (X=b ) = 81:3737 + 102:684 e(100=204:73473) = 144:379 kg. Delta method: If b _ N (; V ) then h(b) _ N (h( ); GV GT ) where ! 2 b 3 Apply the delta method: @h() @h() @h() G = 7 7 7 5 " b This is a large sample approximation, It is more accurate for larger sample sizes. @1 @2 " = 1 e (100=b2) # @3 =b b1(100) ( e b22 (100=b2) = [1 :6135847 :1503129] 1066 1067 # SY2b = Gb Vb Gb T (ii) Time until weight reaches Y0 = 100 kg. Y b X = h(b) = b2 log 0 0 b ! 5:14841 4:67453 17:08394 = G 4:67453 4:33792 15:21101 17:08394 15:21101 58:34646 = :033378 2 b 6 4 c 3 GT 7 b 5 1 :3738 = ( 141:911) log 10010281 :684 = 349:5 days Apply the delta method: @h() @h() @h() G = @ @ @ Standard error: p SY = :033378 = :182696 " 0 1 2 b " = (Y 0 Approximate 95% condence interval: Yb t49;:025SY b2 b0) 5:148941 4:67453 17:08394 4:67453 4:33792 15:21101 17:08394 15:21101 58:34646 = 66:8393 2 Gb 64 Standard error: p SX = 66:8393 = 8:1755 b1 b0 !# 3 GT 7 b 5 # Construct a confidence interval for the # time needed to achieve specific predicted # weights: (110,100,90) kg. # # # # # Compute the estimated times and their standard errors. First use the deriv3( ) function to get values of the first partial derviatives of the mean function needed to apply the delta method. time.pds <- deriv3(~ -b2*log((y0-b0)/b1), c("b0","b1","b2"), function(y0, b0, b1, b2) NULL) b Approximate 95% condence interval c X log Y 1069 1068 = =b = [10:991737 1:993829 1:70708] b ) (144:01; 144:75) SX2b b2 b1 # # list the function t49;:025 SX b ) (333:1; 365:9) days time.pds 1070 1071 function(y0, b0, b1, b2) { .expr2 <- y0 - b0 .expr3 <- .expr2/b1 .expr4 <- log(.expr3) .expr6 <- 1/b1 .expr7 <- .expr6/.expr3 .expr10 <- .expr3^2 .expr13 <- b1^2 .expr16 <- .expr2/.expr13 .expr21 <- - (b2 * (((1/.expr13)/.expr3) - ((.expr6 *.expr16)/.expr10))) .expr22 <- .expr16/.expr3 .value <- ( - b2) * .expr4 .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 3), list(NULL, c("b0", "b1", "b2"))) .hess <- array(0, c(length(.value), 3, 3), list(NULL,c("b0", "b1", "b2"), c("b0", "b1", "b2"))) .grad[, "b0"] <- b2 * .expr7 .grad[, "b1"] <- b2 * .expr22 .grad[, "b2"] <- - .expr4 .hess[, "b0", "b0"] <- b2 * ((.expr6 * .expr6)/.expr10) .hess[, "b1", "b0"] <- .expr21 .hess[, "b2", "b0"] <- .expr7 .hess[, "b0", "b1"] <- .expr21 .hess[, "b1", "b1"] <- - (b2 * ((((.expr2 * (2 * b1))/(.expr13^2)) /.expr3) - ((.expr16 * .expr16)/.expr10))) .hess[, "b2", "b1"] <- .expr22 .hess[, "b0", "b2"] <- .expr7 .hess[, "b1", "b2"] <- .expr22 .hess[, "b2", "b2"] <- 0 attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad attr(.value, "hessian") <- .hess .value } 1073 1072 # Compute the estimates of the times and # the large sample covariance matrix and # standard errors est.time <- function(y0, obj,level=.95) { b <- coef(obj) tmp <- time.pds(y0, b["b0"], b["b1"], b["b2"]) x0 <- as.vector(tmp) lam <- attr(tmp, "gradient") v <- (lam%*%vcov(obj)*lam) %*% matrix(1,3,1) n <- length(obj$fitted.values) - length(obj$parameters) low <- x0 - qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, n)*sqrt(v) high <- x0 + qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, n)*sqrt(v) a <- cbind(x0, sqrt(v), low, high) dimnames(a) <- list(paste(y0, "kg: "), c("x0", "SE", "low", "high")) a } 1074 est.time(c(110, 100, 90), x0 SE low high 110 kg: 261.5140 2.795183 255.8968 267.1311 100 kg: 349.4987 8.175451 333.0696 365.9279 90 kg: 507.0944 31.217816 444.3598 569.8289 # # # # # # # # # Calculate confidence intervals by inverting large sample F-tests. Reparameterize the model in terms of the desired quantity. Then use deriv3( ) to construct a function that provides the model formula and partial derivatives. This method may fail for some values of some quantities. Try obtaining a confidence interval for days until weight reaches 85 lb in the following example. expn2 <- deriv(~b0 + b1*((w0-b0)/b1)^(x/d0), c("b0","b1","d0"), function(b0,b1,d0,x,w0) { }) 1075 Relative to the \true" curve, the time at which weight reaches Y0 = 100 kg is Y X0 = 2 log 0 0 ! 1 Then, 1 = 1 log X 2 0 Y0 0 1 # Define a function to calculate initial # values. ! Substitute this formula for 2 into the formula for the curve Y = 0 + 1e X= + error to obtain X log Y0 0 + error Y = 0 + 1exp X 2 !! 0 = 0 + 1 Y0 0 1 1 ! X X0 + error wtloss.init <- function(obj,w0) { p <- coef(obj) d0 <- -log( (w0 - p["b0"]) / p["b1"]) * p["b2"] c(p[c("b0","b1")], d0 = as.vector(d0)) } # Construct the confidence intervals result <- NULL w0s <- c(110,100,90) We have expressed the model as a function of and X0, the time at which the weight reaches Y0. 0, 1, 1076 1077 Maximum Likelihood Estimation for (w0 in w0s) { fm <- nls(Weight ~ expn2(b0, b1, d0, Days, w0), data = wtloss, start = wtloss.init(,w0)) result <- rbind(result, c(coef(fm)["d0"], confint(fm,"d0"))) } dimnames(result) <- list(paste(w0s,"kg:"), c("time","low","high")) Example 11.2: Specic gravity of a three component mixture. Myers, R. H. (1964) Technometrics, 343-356. Yij(X1i = x1i; X2i = x2i; X3i = x3i) N (i; 2) where and i = 1 1x1i + 2x2i + 3x3i is the specic gravity measurement of a mixture X1 is the percentage nitroglycerine (NG) X2 is the percentage triacetin (TA) X3 is the percentage 2-nitrodiphenylamine (NDPA) Y result time low high 110 kg: 261.5140 256.2309 267.5009 100 kg: 349.4987 334.7384 368.0203 90 kg: 507.0944 457.5568 594.9653 and Y1, Y2, ... , Yn are independent. 1078 1079 The score function Joint likelihood function: L(1; 2; 3; 2 j data) Qn = i=1 p 1 exp( 21 [Yi x + 1x + x ]2) (2 ) 2 2 = = Qn i=1 1 1i i=1 f (Yi ; u() = 64 3 3i 1 2 1 x1 +2 x2 +3 x3 ] ) i i u1() 2 3 .. = ur () 7 5 6 6 6 4 @`(;Y1;:::;Yn) @1 .. @`(;Y1;:::;Yn) @r 3 7 7 7 5 is the vector of rst partial derivatives of the log-likelihood function with respect to the elements of p(21) exp( 21 [Yi Qn 2 2i 2 i 1; 2; 3; ) 2 = 64 Joint log-likelihood function: `(1; 2; 3; j data) = Pni=1 log[f (Yi; 1; 2; 3; )] 1 3 .. = r 7 5 2 6 6 6 4 3 1 2 777 : 3 5 The likelihood equations are u(; Y1; : : : ; Yn) = 0 1081 1080 Local approximation to the Fisher information matrix (this is the negative of the Hessian matrix): The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) 2 ^1 ^ = .. ^r 6 4 3 id ( ) 7 5 is a solution to the likelihood equations, that maximizes the log-likelihood function. Fisher information matrix: i() = Var(u(; Y1; : : : ; Yn)) = E u(; Y1 : : : ; Yn)[u(; Y1; : : : ; Yn)]T = E @`(; Y1; : : : ; Yn) " = " @`(; Y1; : : : ; Yn) @r @k # Newton-Raphson algorithm: " ^(k+1) = ^(k) + i(^(k)) d # 1 u(^(k)) where (i) = 1 if ^(k+1) provides a larger value of the log-likelihood than ^(k), otherwise #! @r @k 1082 (ii) Cycle through = (0:5)h, for h=1,2,....,H, until ^(k+1) provides(ka) larger value of the log-likelihood than ^ . 1083 Fisher-Scoring algorithm: ^(k+1) = ^(k) + i(^(k)) 1 u(^(k)) Large sample normal theory: where (i) = 1 if ^ provides a larger value of the log-likelihood than ^(k), otherwise ^ N (k+1) ; [i()] 1 for \large" sample sizes (ii) Cycle through = (0:5)h, for h=1,2,....,H, until ^(k+1) provides(ka) larger value of the log-likelihood than ^ . 1084 # # # # # This is SPLUS code for fitting a nonlinear model to the mixture data from Myers (1994) Technometrics, 343-356. Maximum likelihood estimation is used. This file stored as myers.ssc # First access the MASS library library(MASS, first=T) # Enter the data stored in the file # myers.dat # There are five numbers on each line in the # following order: # mixture: Identification code # x1: percent nitroglycerine (NG) # x2: percent triacetin (TA) # x3: percent 2-nitrodiphenylamine (2N) # y: specific gravity of the mixture myers <- read.table("myers.dat", col.names=c("mixture","x1","x2","x3","y")) myers 1086 1085 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 mixture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 x1 79.98 80.06 80.10 77.61 77.60 77.63 77.34 75.02 75.03 74.99 74.98 72.50 72.50 72.50 72.49 69.98 69.98 69.99 69.99 67.51 67.50 67.48 67.49 64.98 64.98 64.99 x2 19.85 18.91 16.87 22.36 21.38 20.35 19.65 24.96 23.95 22.99 22.00 27.47 26.48 25.48 24.49 29.99 29.00 27.99 26.99 32.47 31.47 30.50 29.49 34.00 33.00 31.99 x3 0.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.99 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 y 1.4774 1.4807 1.4829 1.4664 1.4677 1.4686 1.4684 1.4524 1.4537 1.4549 1.4565 1.4410 1.4414 1.4426 1.4438 1.4279 1.4287 1.4291 1.4301 1.4157 1.4172 1.4183 1.4188 1.4042 1.4060 1.4068 1087 # Create a scatterplot matrix with smooth # curves. Unix users should first use motif( ) # to open a graphics window points.lines <- function(x, y){ points(x, y) lines(loess.smooth(x, y, 0.90))} par(din=c(7,7), pch=18, mkh=.15, cex=1.2, lwd=3) pairs(myers[ ,-1], panel=points.lines) 25 30 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 Use maximum likelihood estimation to model specific gravity of the mixture as the inverse of a linear combination of the percentages of NG, TA, and 2N plus a random error with a normal distribution. Initial values for coefficients are obtained from a regression of the inverse of the specific gravity of the mixture on a linear combination of the percentages of NG, TA, and 2N. 75 80 20 # # # # # # # # # # 30 65 70 x1 2.0 3.0 20 25 x2 myers$d <- 1/myers$y; myers.lm <- lm(d~x1+x2+x3-1,data=myers) b <- as.matrix(coef(myers.lm),ncol=1) b 1.46 0.0 1.0 x3 1.42 y 65 70 75 80 0.0 1.0 2.0 [,1] x1 0.006289329 x2 0.008680710 x3 0.008073777 3.0 1089 1088 # Use the sum of squared errors to get a # starting value for the variance estimate n <- length(myers$y) ss <- var(myers$y-1/fitted(myers.lm))* (n-1.)/(n-length(b)) ss [1] 7.5867e-007 # # # # # # # # # # # # # Compute maximum likelihood estimates for a model where the conditional responses are independent and normally distributed with homogeneous variances. Use deriv3( ) to create a function to specify the log-likelihood and compute first and second partial derivatives. You must access the MASS library to use deriv3( ). Note that S-PLUS stores the value of pi in an object called pi. Furthermore, ms( ) is a minimization function so we must give it the negative of the loglikelihood. 1090 lmyers <- deriv3( ~ 0.50*(log(2*pi)+log(ss)+ ((y-1/(b1*x1+b2*x2+b3*x3))^2)/ss), c("b1", "b2", "b3", "ss"), function(y, x1, x2, x3, b1, b2, b3, ss) NULL) # List the contents of this function lmyers function(y, x1, x2, x3, b1, b2, b3, ss) { .expr9 <- ((b1 * x1) + (b2 * x2)) + (b3 * x3) .expr11 <- y - (1/.expr9) .expr12 <- .expr11^2 .expr16 <- .expr9^2 .expr17 <- x1/.expr16 .expr19 <- 2 * (.expr17 * .expr11) .expr26 <- .expr16^2 .expr33 <- x2/.expr16 .expr36 <- 2 * (x2 * .expr9) .expr43 <- 0.5 * ((2 * ((.expr17 * .expr33) (((x1 * .expr36)/.expr26) * .expr11)))/ss) 1091 .expr44 <- x3/.expr16 .expr47 <- 2 * (x3 * .expr9) .expr54 <- 0.5 * ((2 * ((.expr17 * .expr44) (((x1 * .expr47)/.expr26) * .expr11)))/ss) .expr55 <- ss^2 .expr58 <- - (0.5 * (.expr19/.expr55)) .expr60 <- 2 * (.expr33 * .expr11) .expr78 <- 0.5 * ((2 * ((.expr33 * .expr44) (((x2 * .expr47)/.expr26) * .expr11)))/ss) .expr81 <- - (0.5 * (.expr60/.expr55)) .expr83 <- 2 * (.expr44 * .expr11) .expr96 <- - (0.5 * (.expr83/.expr55)) .value <- 0.5 * (((log((2 * pi))) + (log(ss))) + (.expr12/ss)) .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 4), list(NULL, c("b1", "b2", "b3", "ss"))) .hess <- array(0, c(length(.value), 4, 4), list(NULL, c("b1", "b2", "b3", "ss"), c("b1", "b2", "b3", "ss"))) .grad[, "b1"] <- 0.5 * (.expr19/ss) .grad[, "b2"] <- 0.5 * (.expr60/ss) .grad[, "b3"] <- 0.5 * (.expr83/ss) .grad[, "ss"] <- 0.5 * ((1/ss) - (.expr12/.expr55)) 1092 .hess[, "b1", "b1"] <- 0.5 * ((2 * ((.expr17 * .expr17) - (((x1 * (2 * (x1 * .expr9)))/.expr26) * .expr11)))/ss) .hess[, "b2", "b1"] <- .expr43 .hess[, "b3", "b1"] <- .expr54 .hess[, "ss", "b1"] <- .expr58 .hess[, "b1", "b2"] <- .expr43 .hess[, "b2", "b2"] <- 0.5 * ((2 * ((.expr33 * .expr33) - ((( 2 * .expr36)/.expr26) * .expr11)))/ss) .hess[, "b3", "b2"] <- .expr78 .hess[, "ss", "b2"] <- .expr81 .hess[, "b1", "b3"] <- .expr54 .hess[, "b2", "b3"] <- .expr78 .hess[, "b3", "b3"] <- 0.5 * ((2 * ((.expr44 * .expr44) - ((( x3 * .expr47)/.expr26) * .expr11)))/ss) .hess[, "ss", "b3"] <- .expr96 .hess[, "b1", "ss"] <- .expr58 .hess[, "b2", "ss"] <- .expr81 .hess[, "b3", "ss"] <- .expr96 .hess[, "ss", "ss"] <- - (0.5 * ((1/.expr55) - ((.expr12 * (2 *ss)) /(.expr55^2)))) attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad attr(.value, "hessian") <- .hess .value } 1093 -147.8 : 0.006289 0.008680 0.008073 7.5867e-007 : -7871.99 1124.22 1680.63 1977140 -147.893 : 0.00629 0.008680 0.008062 6.43125e-007 : 1404.37 -205.418 -302.131 -862364 -147.905 : 0.006289 0.008680 0.008064 6.68382e-007 : 52.9135 -7.81551 -11.4196 -63072.5 -147.905 : 0.006290 0.008680 0.008064 6.70535e-007 : 0.169677 -0.0251879 -0.0366787 -404.412 <- function(info, theta, grad, scale, flags, { # Check the gradient cat(signif(info[3]),":",signif(theta),"\n", ":",signif(grad[1:length(theta)]),"\n")$gradient invisible(list()) } b1 b2 b3 4.500951e-006 -1.771914e-007 -7.388685e-007 # Now maximize the likelihood SS -0.01687477 <- ms( # Compute fitted values and residuals ~ lmyers(y, x1, x2, x3, b1, b2, b3, ss), data = myers,$fitted <- (as.matrix(myers[ , start = c(b1=b[1], b2=b[2], b3=b[3], ss=ss), c("x1","x2","x3")])%*% trace =, as.vector($parameters[ control=list(maxiter=50,tolerance=10^(-10), c("b1","b2","b3")]))^(-1) rel.tolerance=10^(-10),miniscale=1000))$residuals <- myers$$fitted # # # # # We will trace the iterative process that minimizes the negative of the log-likelihood with the a function that provides the value of the negative of the log-likelihood, parameter estimates and the gradient. 1094 1095 # Construct residual plots scatter.smooth($fitted,$residuals, span=1, degree=1, xlab="Fitted values", ylab="Residuals", main="Residuals") 0.001 qqnorm($residuals) qqline($residuals) -0.003 -0.001 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 -0.002 Residuals 0.0$residuals 0.0 0.001 Residuals -2 -1 0 1 2 Quantiles of Standard Normal 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 Fitted values 1096 # # # # # Compute confidence intervals for parameters using standard large sample normal theory. We will have to create our own function. The intervals( ) function cannot be applied to objects created by ms( ). <- function(obj, level=0.95) { b <- coef(obj) vcov <- solve(obj$hessian) stderr <- sqrt(diag(vcov)) low <- b - qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2)*stderr high <- b + qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2)*stderr a <- cbind(b, stderr, low, high) a } b1 b2 b3 ss b 6.289741e-003 8.680121e-003 8.064233e-003 6.705490e-007 stderr 1.056896e-006 2.959864e-006 4.059974e-005 1.859768e-007 low 6.287670e-003 8.674320e-003 7.984659e-003 3.060411e-007 high 6.291813e-003 8.685922e-003 8.143807e-003 1.035057e-006 1098 1097 # In this case, the results for least squares # estimation are very similar, but not # exactly the same. myers$d <- 1/myers$y; myers.lm <- lm(d~x1+x2+x3-1,data=myers) b <- as.matrix(coef(myers.lm),ncol=1) myers.nls formula data start trace <- nls( = y ~ 1/(b1*x1+b2*x2+b3*x3), = myers, = c(b1=b[1], b2=b[2], b3=b[3]), = T) 1.74494e-005 : 0.00628933 0.00868071 0.00807378 1.74343e-005 : 0.00628974 0.00868012 0.00806423 1099 # The first case may be an outlier. Delete # the first case and refit the model. summary(myers.nls) myers.1 <- myers[-1, ] Formula: y ~ 1/(b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 + b3 * x3) myers.1$d <- 1/myers.1$y; myers.lm <- lm(d~x1+x2+x3-1,data=myers.1) b <- as.matrix(coef(myers.lm),ncol=1) b Parameters: Value Std. Error t value b1 0.00628974 4.77088e-006 1318.360 b2 0.00868012 1.27708e-005 679.682 b3 0.00806423 7.22151e-005 111.670 [,1] x1 0.006281328 x2 0.008694754 x3 0.008166900 Residual standard error: 0.000870639 on 23 degrees of freedom n <- length(myers.1$y) ss <- var(myers.1$y-1/fitted(myers.lm))* (n-1.)/(n-length(b)) ss [1] 1.692968e-007 Correlation of Parameter Estimates: b1 b2 b2 -0.9190 b3 -0.2950 -0.0228 1100 <- ms( ~ lmyers(y, x1, x2, x3, b1, b2, b3, ss), data = myers.1, start = c(b1=b[1], b2=b[2], b3=b[3], ss=ss), trace =, control=list(maxiter=50,tolerance=10^(-10))) -160.922 : : -161.008 : : -161.021 : : -161.021 : : 0.00628133 0.00869475 0.0081669 1.69297e-007 10524.6 -3105.81 495.381 8860170 0.00628122 0.00869506 0.00816662 1.42527e-007 -1977.72 583.024 -93.0682 -3963970 0.00628124 0.00869502 0.00816665 1.48434e-007 -78.7239 23.1976 -3.70426 -303121 0.00628124 0.00869502 0.00816665 1.48965e-007 -0.280366 0.0825972 -0.0131917 -2151.45 # Check the gradient$gradient b1 -7.452989e-006 ss -0.1103133 b2 1.975943e-006 b3 -3.383961e-007 1102 1101 # Check residual plots. The scatter.smooth # passes a smooth curve through the points # on the residual plot$fitted <(as.matrix(myers.1[ ,c("x1","x2","x3")])%*% as.vector($parameters[ c("b1","b2","b3")]))^(-1)$residuals <- myers.1$$fitted scatter.smooth($fitted,$residuals, span=1, degree=1, xlab="Fitted values", ylab="Residuals", main="Residuals") 1103 qqnorm($residuals) qqline($residuals) 1.42 1.44 1.46 0.0 -0.0005$residuals 0.0 -0.0005 Residuals 0.0005 0.0005 Residuals 1.48 Fitted values -2 -1 0 1 2 Quantiles of Standard Normal 1104 # # # # # Compute confidence intervals for parameters using standard large sample normal theory. We will have to create our own function. The intervals( ) function cannot be applied to objects created by ms( ). <- function(obj, level=0.95) { b <- coef(obj) vcov <- solve(obj$hessian) stderr <- sqrt(diag(vcov)) low <- b - qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2)*stderr high <- b + qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2)*stderr a <- cbind(b, stderr, low, high) a } b1 b2 b3 ss b 6.281238e-003 8.695017e-003 8.166655e-003 1.489684e-007 stderr 5.113040e-007 1.412531e-006 1.913770e-005 4.213463e-008 low 6.280236e-003 8.692248e-003 8.129146e-003 6.638606e-008 high 6.282240e-003 8.697785e-003 8.204164e-003 2.315508e-007 1105