Boston College Fact Book: 1998 - 1999 Faculty by School and Rank 1997-1998 Professor Associate Assistant Instructor Total School No. % No. % No. % No. % Arts & Sciences Education Law Management Nursing Social Work Total 136 22 23 21 6 5 36 42 46 24 14 24 158 18 17 33 25 8 42 34 34 38 60 38 68 13 10 26 6 7 18 25 20 30 14 33 15 8 5 1 4 9 12 5 377 53 50 88 42 21 100 100 100 100 100 100 213 34 259 41 130 21 29 5 631 100 No. % Source: Office of the Academic Vice President Full-Time Equivalent Faculty by School* 1997-1998 FTE of Full-Time Faculty School Arts & Sciences Education Law Management Nursing Social Work Total No. % 352.10 46.70 48.05 83.10 37.30 20.50 60 8 8 14 6 4 587.75 100 FTE of Part-Time Faculty No. FTE of Teaching Fellows & Assistants Total FTE Faculty % No. % 124.67 14.00 9.33 16.33 4.67 29.00 63 7 5 8 2 15 93.94 15.67 - 86 14 - 570.71 76.37 57.38 99.43 41.97 49.50 No. 64 9 6 11 5 5 % 198.00 100 109.61 100 895.36 100 *Method of computation: three courses equal one full-time faculty member. Note: Figures representing full-time faculty do not include the following: full-time academic administrators or directors; teaching fellows; special contracts; part-time academic administrators or staff. Source: Office of the Academic Vice President Faculty by School and Tenure Status 1997-1998 Tenured Faculty School Arts & Sciences Education Law Management Nursing Social Work Total Non-Tenured Faculty Total No. % No. % No. % 274 35 26 50 31 11 73 66 52 57 74 52 103 18 24 38 11 10 27 34 48 43 26 48 377 53 50 88 42 21 100 100 100 100 100 100 427 68 204 32 631 100 Source: Office of the Academic Vice President Boston College Fact Book: 1998 - 1999 Faculty by School and Gender 1997-1998 Women School Arts & Sciences Education Law Management Nursing Social Work Total Men No. % % No. % Total No. Women Men 98 22 18 22 42 8 47 10 9 10 20 4 279 31 32 66 13 66 7 8 16 3 377 53 50 88 42 21 26 42 36 25 100 38 74 58 64 75 62 210 100 421 100 631 33 67 Source: Office of the Academic Vice President Faculty by Highest Earned Degree and Rank 1997-1998 Professor Associate Assistant Instructor Total Degree No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % Doctorate 212 99 253 98 124 96 24 83 613 97 Masters 1 1 6 2 3 2 4 14 14 2 First Professional* - - - - 3 2 1 3 4 1 213 100 259 100 130 100 29 100 631 100 Total *Including S.T.B., Ph.L., and S.T.L. Source: Office of the Academic Vice President Faculty by Highest Earned Degree and Gender 1997-1998 Women Men Total Degree No. % No. % No. % Doctorate 195 93 418 99 613 97 13 6 1 - 14 2 2 1 2 - 4 1 210 100 421 100 631 100 Masters First Professional* Total *Including S.T.B., Ph.L., and S.T.L. Source: Office of the Academic Vice President Boston College Fact Book: 1998 - 1999 Faculty by Rank and Gender 1997-1998 Women Rank Professor No. Men Total % No. % No. % 45 21 168 40 213 34 Associate 92 44 167 40 259 41 Assistant 60 29 70 17 130 21 Instructor 13 6 16 4 29 5 210 100 421 100 631 100 Total Source: Office of the Academic Vice President Full-Time Faculty, Teaching Fellows, and Teaching Assistants By School and Department, 1997-1998 Full-Time Faculty Teaching Fellows Teaching Assistants 20 20 4 10 24 39 13 9 3 38 5 25 3 25 13 19 22 20 5 19 4 37 11 25 9 10 22 1 4 36 9 8 41 43 13 14 24 3 15 7 4 1 14 17 377 135 196 57 50 88 45 21 24 15 - 38 4 - 631 174 238 Arts & Sciences Biology Chemistry Classics Communication* Economics English Fine Arts* Geology Germanic Studies* History Honors Program* Mathematics Music* Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Romance Languages Slavic/Eastern Languages Sociology Theater* Theology Total Arts & Sciences Education Law Management Nursing Social Work Total *No graduate program. Sources: Office of the Academic Vice President Boston College Fact Book: 1998 - 1999 Faculty Compensation Average by Rank* Year Professor Associate Assistant 1988-89 71,200 54,600 43,500 1989-90 75,200 58,100 46,600 1990-91 81,200 61,500 52,000 1991-92 87,000 66,800 57,700 1992-93 91,300 70,000 59,000 1993-94 96,400 71,700 60,400 1994-95 102,300 75,200 66,400 1995-96 106,700 78,500 69,800 1996-97 111,100 80,700 69,000 1997-98 115,900 83,400 71,400 *Includes salary and fringe benefits. Source: Office of the Academic Vice President Average Faculty Compensation by Rank* Boston College Compared to AAUP Category I (9-Month Equivalent), 1997-1998 Rank Boston College All Combined Category Church-Related Professor $115,900 $97,500 $98,200 Associate 83,400 69,100 71,700 Assistant 71,400 58,100 58,300 *Includes salary and fringe benefits. Sources: Office of the Academic Vice President; Academe, March-April 1998.