82 Research & Sponsored Projects Highlights of Sponsored Activities 2002-2003 A total of 335 proposals were submitted in FY2003. This is about a 30% increase over proposals submitted in FY2002. The amount of funding requested for the total project period for these proposals was $150,586,673. In FY2003, there were 307 sponsored project award obligations made for a total of $35,006,303. The total number of award obligations received in FY2003 was approximately 10% higher than those received in FY2002; however, the dollar amount was slightly lower than last fiscal year. Overall, Boston College faculty continue to be successful in securing external funds and there remains a general upward trend in sponsored project activities at Boston College. In addition, there is a greater number of faculty working with the Office for Sponsored Programs to secure external funding from both Federal and non-Federal sponsors. Source: Office of Sponsored Programs Summary of Sponsored Project Awards 2002-2003 Department Associate Vice President for Research Biology Center for Corporate Citizenship Center for Religion & American Public Life Chemistry Computer Science Fine Arts Geology and Geophysics History Institute for Scientific Research Irish Programs Law School Learning to Learn Mathematics Physics No. of Awards Amount Department 1 20 1 35,000 2,533,632 150,000 6 43 1 8 5 2 47 2 5 1 7 17 358,013 5,082,211 74,400 236,700 408,477 160,000 4,560,988 500,000 150,259 230,341 360,429 2,622,521 Political Science Psychology School of Education Campus School Center for Child, Family and Community Partnerships CSTEEP International Study Center (TIMSS) School of Management School of Nursing Graduate School of Social Work Social Welfare Research Institute Sociology Theology Total No. of Awards Amount 3 11 26 6 $116,032 495,217 3,073,822 2,851,571 7 12 435,360 1,478,183 13 13 14 29 1 3 3 307 2,961,370 2,581,239 794,344 2,390,439 100,000 166,755 99,000 35,006,303 Source: Office of Sponsored Programs Sponsored Projects* Source and Application of Funding (Thousands of Dollars) Revenues Sponsored Research Other Sponsored Activity Student Aid Total 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 10,307 4,198 5,324 19,829 11,691 5,259 5,513 22,463 12,542 6,102 5,672 24,316 12,902 5,558 5,863 24,323 14,608 4,961 6,544 26,113 18,700 5,112 6,871 30,683 22,860 6,240 7,270 36,370 23,796 8,234 7,430 39,460 26,296 8,675 8,079 43,050 27,136 8,143 8,016 43,295 14,821 1,127 1,449 2,432 19,829 17,644 1,213 1,543 2,063 22,463 19,614 862 1,902 1,938 24,316 18,957 1,001 2,009 2,356 24,323 20,182 1,415 1,913 2,603 26,113 22,760 1,326 2,005 4,592 30,683 25,449 1,908 3,118 5,895 36,370 28,677 1,858 2,741 6,184 39,460 31,513 2,060 2,333 7,144 43,050 31,773 1,584 2,412 7,526 43,295 Source Government: Federal State Local Non-Government Total * The amounts represent actual accounted expenditures (including Pell Grants) for the referenced fiscal year. Source: Office of the Controller