IN CHARACTERISTIC P QUOTIENT-SINGULARITIES BY PESKIN BARBARA R. 07 Harvard University A.B., (1975) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1980 ( Barbara R. Peskin 1980 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author. . . . . . . . . g . . *1. 1* Department of Mathematics, Certified by . . . . . . . . * . . . May 2. 1oR2 . Thesis Supervisor Accepted by. . ARCHNES MAzsAczrT7 U5smu_ TECHNW!LOGY TF JUN i i 19-o LIBRARIES Chairman, Departmental Committee 2 QUOTIENT-SINGULARITIES IN CHARACTERISTIC P by BARBARA R. PESKIN Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on May 2, 1980 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT In this thesis we study finite automorphism groups G of the ring R=k[[ui,...,un]] of formal power series over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p. Our interest in this problem is based on the geometrical question of classifying the singularities which arise as quotients of the smooth scheme Spec R by finite group actions. We consider mainly the case that G is cyclic of order p. In characteristic zero, Cartan has shown that it is possible to choose coordinates for R so that G acts linearly, but in characteristic p this is usually not possible. The main purpose of this work is to develop normal forms for these non-linear actions. Let 7 be a generator of the cyclic group G. Although the group action cannot, in general, be linearized, we show that coordinates can be found so that the action of G has a partially-linear form in which at most one higher-order term appears for each Jordan block of a . Canonical forms for actions in which a has a single Jordan block are developed in the cases that R has dimension 1, 2, p-l, and o. Finally, we consider ways of generalizing these basic Z/p -forms to a wider range of group actions. In particular, we examine the actions which produce as quotients the rational double points in characteristics 2 and 3. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Michael Artin Professor of Mathematics 3 A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis owes its existence to the extraordinary patience and support of two Michaels. Michael Peskin, my brother, has always encouraged me in my desire to do mathematics; my advisor, Michael Artin, has shown me how. To both, my heartfelt thanks. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page . . . . . . . . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . ABSTRACT CHAPTER CHAPTER . . . . . . . .0 . . 0 . . . . . .0 . . 0 . . . . . . 0 Preliminaries. 1. The map 2. The depth of 3. The characteristic zero method . 20 The One-Dimensional Forms. . 25 II. R-G +R RC . . 1. The structure of p-cyclic extensions 2. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 . . 1. A partial linearization. . 2. The method of non-linear slicing 3. The case n= p-1 . 4. The n= IV. 32 . case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . .0 39 46 59 . .. ... .... . . 72 .. Examples of Generalized Actions. . Remarks on generalized forms . 1. 2. The rational double points (i) (ii) (iii) . . . . . Actions in characteristic 2 Actions in characteristic 3 Actions in characteristic 5 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 85 86 89 . . Multiple-block 2Z/p-actions 2Z/p -actions for i > 1 (i) (ii) . . 25 Higher Dimensions: The Basic One-Block Actions. REFERENCES . I. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 . . . . 107 0 0 0 - 111 . . 0 0 112 . CHAPTER I Preliminaries In this thesis we develop canonical forms for certain p-cyclic automorphisms of formal power series rings over fields of characteristic p. Our interest in this problem is based on the geometrical question of classifying quotientsingularities over fields of non-zero characteristic. Let V be a smooth variety over an algebraically closed field group G of k of arbitrary characteristic. Given a finite k-automorphisms of V, we can consider the quotient variety V/G, whose points correspond to orbits of points in V. The variety V/G is smooth almost everywhere, but may acquire singularities corresponding to points of V with non-trivial isotropy. One would like to classify all singularities which can arise in this manner. In characteristic zero, this problem has been extensively studied and a complete classification has been given by Brieskorn in the case that V has dimension two [4 ]. The key to the characteristic zero solution is a result of Cartan [ 5] which states that it is possible to choose coordinates for V so that G acts linearly. Thus the study reduces to a classification of quotients by matrix group actions. This reduction has the two-fold advantage of greatly restricting the classes of actions to be analyzed as well as of bringing the action into a form for which explicit calculations are particularly straightforward. char k = p However, if breaks down: if divides the order of p of wild actions -- is non-zero, this approach G the case -- it is rarely possible to linearize the action of the group. Consequently, very little progress has been made in the study of characteristic p quotients, except in certain restricted cases in which G acts linearly (see, for example, [8 1). The purpose of this thesis is to construct normal forms for non-linear wild group actions and use them to study the resulting quotient-singularities. mainly the case that G We consider is a cyclic group of order p. In this first chapter we review the basic facts about quotient-singularities, including the relevant invariant theory, the depths of the quotient-spaces, and the linearization methods of characteristic zero. begin a detailed analysis of the case that group of order G We then is a cyclic p : Chapter II deals with the possible forms for 2Z/p-actions in dimension one and Chapter III studies higher-dimensional actions, concentrating on the case that G is generated by an element whose linear part consists of a single Jordan block. Finally, in Chapter IV, we consider ways of generalizing these wider range of group actions. 2Z/p-forms to a The wealth of actions possible in non-zero characteristic is illustrated by examining the rational double points in characteristics two and three. §1. The map Let n RG - R. k-algebra of dimension R be a noetherian normal k . over an algebraically closed field group G of R k-automorphisms of the ring of invariants of R we denote by , RG under the group action. V = Spec R , then the quotient variety of to the induced Given a finite V If with respect V/G = Spec RG G-action is defined by Therefore, in order to study the quotient space, we wish to examine the structure of the invariant ring RG The ring RG is a normal is local, then RG is local. Proposition (1.1): ring. If R To prove normality, let Proof: Fract(RG) be any element of r which is integral over n-dimensional R r Then . satisfies an equation of the form rm + a rm-1 where a. E RG . equation exhibits over R itself. + G m-lr + am 0, G r E Fract(RG) c Fract(R) Now r ... as an element of Since R , Fract(R) is normal, the element so this integral r lies RG . R ; being invariant, it lies in in Thus RG integrally closed. finite group [ 9]. R of maximal ideals of RG and RG R is a have the same dimension RG Finally, the maximal ideals of . G Therefore, by the theorems of Cohen- Seidenberg, the rings n is finite because RG -+ R The mapping R Thus if . are the restriction is local, the ring is also. RG - R Geometrically, the inclusion the covering map the order of 7: V -*V/G , which has degree equal to G . If the ring R is regular, then is a smooth variety and the quotient-space wherever the map is unramified. 7 ramification locus of p c R locus of the map , (RG ) I P (R )P, The image of the V/G be a minimal prime of the ramification RG - R . Let p' = p n RG Rp of the map G (B,)G. is smooth be a regular noetherian normal R If singular along the image of Proof: V/G V may, however, be singular in 7 Let Proposition (1.2): ring and let corresponds to Since ht p > 2 , then RG is p and consider the localization RG - R p at p'. Note that is a minimal prime of the ramification locus, the localized map is unramified except above p' . It follows from the purity of the branch locus [15] that the ring R , is singular, because the rami- fication lies in codimension greater than one. Now Rp is a regular ring and so R , is regular wherever the map is unramified. Therefore the singular locus lies entirely along the prime pt . // Because we are interested in the local behavior of V/G R near singular points, we will work mainly with If the map a local ring. maximal ideal of RG -> R ramifies only at the R , then the quotient-space V/G will have an isolated singularity at its closed point, provided n > 2 . We wish to study the singularities that can be obtained as such quotients of smooth spaces. To do this, we will first examine some properties of the ring §2. The depth of Let let G R RG RG be a normal noetherian local be a finite group of k-algebra and k-automorphisms of We begin our analysis of the invariant ring RG R by reviewing some facts from invariant theory and using them to investigate the relationship between depth R and depth R . In studying rings of invariants there are two particularly useful invariants to consider: Definition (2.1): Given any x E R, the norm of x , denoted 10 Nx , is defined to be Nx 1 = aG aEG tr x , is and the trace of x , denoted = tr x Ox aEG are elements of the tr x and Nx Clearly both invariant ring and so norm and trace determine mappings from R to RG x -- > Nx defined by If the order of and tr x , respectively. x- is invertible in R, then in fact the G trace map gives a surjection of R onto its invariant subring. If the order Proposition (2.2): g of the group G is prime to the ctaracteristic of k , then the map p = defines an G R. 1G -tr: g R -> RG RG-module homomorphism which projects R onto G Proof: If Given any x E R p p(r) lies in = - 1 1 x= -gx = x acts as the identity on the invariant ring. fact that R , then p(x) so r E R, its image p is an The RGmodule homomorphism also follows easily from the definition. R The characterization of the map p as the image of R under is fundamental in the analysis of invariant rings in characteristic zero. In particular, we now use it to show that the depth of is at least as large as RG depth R . Recall that the depth of a local ring with maximal m is defined to be the maximal length of a regular ideal m , i.e. the largest integer sequence in is not a zero-divisor in x is not a zero divisor in d for which xl,...,xd E m such there exists a sequence of elements that R and the image of R R/(x 1 ,...,xi 1 ) We will also . use the equivalent cohomological formulation that is equal to the smallest integer where such that If the order of teristic of k then = RG/InR. (R/I) and if The image p(I) I of G-invariant ideal of is a I is contained in . Now p(I) c I n p(R) # 0 We therefore have G . I Thus R p , because o(R/I) and the opposite inclusion follows from the fact that map. H$(R) is prime to the charac- G the ideal is stable under the action of o(R)/p(I) depth R denotes local cohomology (see [1o]). Hm Lemma (2.3): Proof: i x. is a projection = 12 (R/I) G = G be a group of Proof: Let zero-divisor in RG any Then its s E R (Nr)RflRG such that = (Nr)s which implies (R/(Nr) R)G s = ps =G/(Nr)RG obvious. be an element which is norm By the preceding lem ma, Now the ideal R k-algebra with order depth RG > depth R r ER R. RG/I nRG k-automorphisms of depth R = 0 , the result is If depth R > 0 in Then char k. prime to = R be a noetherian local Let Proposition (2.4): and let p (R)/ITn p(R) = p(R/I) Nr not a is not a zero-divisor R /(Nr)R rRG= (R/(Nr)R)G (Nr) R is equal to (Nr)s Assume , for given E RG , we have (Nr)ps p((Nr)s) and hence s E RG Therefore and so depth(R/(Nr)R) = depth(R/(Nr)R)G = depth R - depth RG - 1 . // The result now follows by induction. As an immediate consequence we have Corollary (2.5): Assume that the order of the characteristic of k. the invariant ring RG Then if R is G is prime to Cohen-Macaulay, is Cohen-Macaulay. 13 R since is RG -*R because the map have the same dimension RG and R The rings Proof: finite. dimR = depthR Also, It follows from the proposition is Cohen-Macaulay. that > dim RG depth RG > depth R = dim R Therefore equality holds throughout and the ring is RG // Cohen-Macaulay. Consequently, quotient-singularities in characteristic zero are always Cohen-Macaulay since they are defined by thering of invariants of regular, hence Cohen-Macaulay, rings. We now examine how this situation changes when the order g of the group G is divisible by the characteristic of k. If char k = p is non-zero then the operators norm and trace still define mappings from R to RG, but now the characterization of In fact, down. if RG as the subring of traces breaks p divides g, then given any x E RG , we have tr x ax = = x-g = 0 aEG Thus all of RG G lies in the kernel of tr: R - R G Because of this collapsing of the trace mapping, the G above results are no longer valid when the order of divisible by the characteristic. is The remainder of this section is devoted to an analysis of the depth of R for these wild group actions. (Fogarty, [7 ]) Proposition (2.6): depth R > d If If Proof: d= 0 d = 0, 1, or 2. Let depth RG > d . then the result is clear. depth R > 1 If , then there is an element r which is not a zero-divisor in R . Its norm Nr and so RG is not a zero-divisor in depth RG >1. Now assume depth RG > 2 consider the quotient map R-*R/(Nr) . on invariant rings which has image d=1 case of this proposition. element i has the form invariant in Z (R/(Nr)) Z . s+h for some . Therefore In particular, by the h E (Nr) depth(RG/(Nr)RG) > 1 and so since , ep(Ns)= 9g , where Zg (R/(Nr)) Lift a E G , the element lies in is not a zero-divisor in is not a zero-divisor in . s is g is RG/(Nr)RG. RG/(Nr)RG because Therefore depth(RG) > 2 Unlike in characteristic zero where with , Therefore there is an Given any s E R R/(Nr) the order of G. Moreover, The ring Z E (R/(Nr))G which is not a zero-divisor. to an element as is ep: RG ->(R/(Nr))G RG/(Nr)RG . has depth > 1 and hence so does R/(Nr) Nr Because G , there is an induced map fixed under as above and Nr Choose . . depth RG increases depth R , the depth of RG is often bounded in non-zero characteristic. In particular, we will show that the d > 2. statement of Proposition (2.6) cannot be extended to For example, if is a cyclic G Let Proposition (2.7): noetherian local p-group we have char k= p and let R be a normal Let G be a group of k-algebra. k-automorphisms of R, cyclic of order Then and assume , pcR. is ramified only along the prime RG-+R that the map pV depth(RG) < 2 + dim(R/p) Let R be a noetherian local ring and M a Lemma (2.8): Then R-module. finite for all primes depthM < dim (R/p) p E Ass(M) If Proof: depthM = 0, depthM > 0 and let r R the result is be an element in the maximal ideal of which is not a zero-divisor on M . depthM' = depthM - 1 depthM' < dim (R/q) and it Set M'= M/(r)M. Then follows by induction that for all primes q e Ass(M') therefore suffices to show that for any prime there exists a prime Assume trivial. such that q E Ass(M') . It p E Ass(M) q = p+(r)R. This will imply that depthM - 1 since r E q Let m but depthM' = r < dim(R/q) < dim(R/p) - 1 p. be any element of M for which Ann(m) =p. 16 Since R is noetherian local, there exists some integer m E rNM such that some x EM Ass(M') r N+1M. i The image containing q of in m as rNx M'= M/(r)M for is non- There exists an element of . Ann(x) and this gives the desired If R is a noetherian local ring and p is a prime ideal of R., then If depth R < depth (R ) + dim (R/p) depth R = 0 , the lemma is depth R > 1 and that there is zero-divisor in and, x Write . Lemma (2.9): Proof: m Ann(i) -J p +(r)R zero and prime but N setting R. Then r R' = R/(r), some r Ep Assume that which is not a is not a zero-divisor in we have depthR1 = depthRp - 1 , and clear. R depth R1 = depth R - 1 R/p = R'/p n R' since r E p. Proceed by induction. If p contains no prime lemma, since R-regular element, then there is a g E Ass(R) which contains p depth R < dim (R/q) and . By the preceding dim (R/q) < dim (R/p) p c q Lemma (2.10): (Fogarty, [7 ]) Let k be a field of charac- teristic p and let R be a noetherian local Let G be a group of p k-algebra. k-automorphisms of R, cyclic of order , and assume that the induced action of G on free except at the closed point. depth RG < 2 . If Spec R is depth R > 2 , then 17 Proof: Let X denote Spec RG - {m,} , where m n RG m' = Spec R - {m) . is the maximal ideal of R and By assumption, the map We want to show H I(R) / m and let Y denote depth RG < 2 X-+Y is unramified. or, equivalently, By the local cohomology sequence . H1- (RG and the fact that H(R) H1(RlG H (RG) = 0 , H (RG G it suffices to show that =H(Y) / {m'}) - H2(RG- 0 Consider the spectral sequence for unramified covers whose term is E2 E' (2.11) HP(G,H (X,X)) We will show that the term injects into Therefore the if a E2 H*(Y,y) E2 ,0-term is non-zero. H1 (Y,,y) By hypothesis, == Since this this will complete the proof. depth R > 2 and so -term is equal to H0 (X,OX) = R . H (GR). is a generator of the cyclic group G , Recall that then H1(GR) is defined to be H (GR)= (2.12) {elements of R with trace 0}/{image of (a-l)} Now given any a is a k-automorphism. tr(l) =p'-1 E12 0 x E R, the element 0 . Therefore This implies that does not vanish. ax- x 1 g lies in m since Tm(a-1), but H (G,R) /0 and hence 18 Let_pt Proof of Proposition (2.7): of p that to and consider the map RG (RG)p, (R,)G = , dim(RG, depth(Rp ,) > 2 (RG)p t ->Rp Note . and that the localized map is ramified only at the maximal ideal. depth (R denote the restriction < 2 If ht p' > 2 If . ht p' < 2 then then by Serre's criterion for normality. Therefore we can apply the preceding lemma to conclude depth(RG) , < 2 . again that since the map RG ->R Also, dim(RG /p') = dim(R/p) is finite. Therefore, by Lemma (2.9), depth RG < depth (RG) , + dim (RG/p) < 2 + dim (R/p) Proposition (2.7) implies that the bound on the depth of RG is determined by the dimension of the ramification locus. In particular, for the case of isolated quotient-singularities we have Let Corollary (2.13): be a regular noetherian local R k-algebra of dimension > 2 ideal of Proof: . If G R , cyclic of order k-automorphisms of p = char k and let RG ->R R , then be a group of p , where ramifies only at the maximal depth (RG) - 2 . By Proposition (2.6), depth RG > 2 hand, Proposition (2.7) implies that . On the other depth RG < 2 . / 19 Thus, although quotient-singularities in characteristic zero are always Cohen-Macaulay, isolated singularities arising from wild group actions are Cohen-Macaulay only in dimensions < 2. Finally, we remark that Ellingsrud and Skjelbred have shown the inequality of Proposition (2.7) can be strengthened to equality in the case that the action of G is a polynomial ring and is linear. Proposition (2.14): R R (Ellingsrud and Skjelbred, [6 ]) Let be a polynomial ring over a field of characteristic and let G be a group of linear automorphisms of order p prime p C R , then . If the map RG - R R p of ramifies only along the depth(RG) = min(2 + dim(R/p), dim R) We refer the reader to [6 ] for the proof. Note that Proposition (2.14) also holds for a formal power series ring R , since depth is preserved under passage to the completion. 20 $3. The characteristic zero method. In this section we review the methods used to classify quotient-singularities in characteristic zero. Because we are interested only in the local behavior of the quotient space near its singular points, we will work with complete local rings. Therefore let R = k[[u ,...,un be the ring of formal power series in algebraically closed field group of and let k k-automorphisms of R . letters over an n be a finite G In order to classify Spec RG the possible quotient-singularities arising as we wish to develop normal forms for the action of Let a E G R . be an automorphism of can be realized as a system of n of a in u ,...,un , one for the image of each Such a system defines an automorphism of G on R The action power series under u R a provided the linear terms of the power series define an invertible linear transformation. au = a au = anlu Therefore u1 + a1 2 u2 + ... a has the form + alnun + h (u,...,un) (3.1) where + an 2 u2 + ... + annu detla. a.. E k are such that has order > 2 . Denote by + hn(u ,...,u n), 0 and (a.) E R the invertible trans- a formation determined by the linear terms of matrix action given by h . a , i.e. the 21 Using a variant of the trace map p of the preceding section, it is possible to define a coordinate system for R so that a acts as a linear transformation. [ 5 ]) (Cartan, Proposition (3.2): Assume that the order g of the group G is prime to the characteristic of k and 5i define elements L = - i =1,.9e*..,n ~Aa(ui) , . aEG form a coordinate system for R for which (5 } Then the of R by the action of G is linear. A map Proof: u "+ defines a change of coordinates provided the linear part of the map is an invertible transformation. For the above choice of ui verified, because the linear part of this is easily a is the identity transformation on R. Now consider the action of G in the new coordinate system (5 } . T E G , the image of Given any Tu in the new system is 3~AaTu (i~~~A(aT)ui - I(-fr)~A(CT)ui 1-1 = Therefore the action of action of on u. u T on u . transforms to the linear // 22 Thus if the characteristic of k is zero, the problem of classifying quotient-singularities for all finite automorphism groups G reduces to the one of classifying quotients under matrix group actions. and -- -- k=0 In the case n =2 i.e. the case of complex surface singularities Brieskorn has given a complete classification of quotient- singularities by cataloguing the possible finite subgroups of GL(2,W) [ 4]. and examining the corresponding quotients We briefly sketch the results for cyclic groups. Example (3.3): The case of a cyclic group with order n and generator a G c GL(2,C) Since G is a group of . order n , the eigenvalues of a are nth roots of unity, say C and ('. Therefore we may assume that a has the form 20 0 If the map and C' some i 2 - 2/G ramifies only at the origin, then are primitive roots of unity and so relatively prime to If V)' C'= C for n. C'= (- , the invariants of a are generated by x =u, y= u , and z = u u2 and the invariant ring RG is defined by k[[x,y,z]]/(znxy). This is a rational double point of type At the other extreme, if generated by the n+1 monomials C'= , An-1 * the invariants are 23 n n-l U1, u1 u 2 ,.., n-l ulu 2 n ,u2 and the resulting singularity is the cone over the twisted n-ic, a rational singularity of multiplicity n. The singularities resulting from the other choices for C' are also rational, with multiplicities ranging between 2 and n. (See [4 ] for a complete listing.) C -C2 /G If the map ramifies in dimension 1, then the resulting quotient-singularity is equivalent to the quotient by the smaller group G'= G/H , where H is the largest subgroup of G fixing the ramification locus. map 02 2/G' the action of The will then be unramified in dimension 1 and GI will have the above form for some n' dividing n. This example is indicative of the methodology used in the characteristic zero classification. For all the quotient-singularities, one first finds an appropriate matrix form for the action from which invariants can (in theory) be computed. The resulting singularities are then classified and, in characteristic zero, all such quotientsingularities are rational. Over fields of non-zero characteristic p , the above analysis is still valid provided p is prime to the order of G. In contrast, if the order of G is divisible by p then it is rarely possible to linearize the group action. 2~4 Proposition (3.4): R= k[[u ,...,un]] Let and let G be a group of k-automorphisms of R with order divisible by p= char k. If RG -R ramifies only at the maximal ideal of R, then it is not possible to choose coordinates for R so that Proof: G acts linearly. Assume that coordinates u the order of G is call it p-divisible, could be found. there is a, which has order p. Since an element of G, We may assume that the coordinates u have been chosen so that form. a = 1., every eigenvalue of a is a pth root Because of unity: a is in Jordan in characteristic p , this forces every eigen- value to be 1. (3.5) Therefore a has the form au1 = u au2 = u2 + e1 u1 YUn = un + e where, for each i, the number un-lunc is either 0 or 1. this action fixes the 1-dimensional locus = un-l= 0} , i.e. the assumption that RG-R {u = u2 But =''' un-axis, which contradicts the ramifies only at the maximal ideal. // Therefore wild group actions cannot, in general, be brought into linear form and so it is necessary to develop new normal forms for these non-homogeneous actions. To understand what forms these actions can take, we turn first to an examination of the case that R has dimension one. CHAPTER II The One-Dimensional Forms Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p . We begin our analysis of wild auto- morphisms of formal power series rings examining the case that automorphism group §1. G The structure of R R over k by has dimension one and the is cyclic of order p p-cyclic extensions. Our main result on the structure of the extension RG ->R is the following: Theorem (1.1): R = k[[u]] Let be a formal power series ring in one letter over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p . Let G be a p-cyclic group of k-automorphisms which acts non-trivially on generated by an element a . R such that the invariant ring (ii) where RG u for Fract(R) is generated by an element z R is equal to x = Nu; the field extension relation and is Then (i) there exists a choice of coordinate kEx]], k over Fract(RG satisfying the 26 (1.2) zp - (iii) z for some integer i > 0, relatively prime to p ; the action of on a R has the form au = u + h , (1.3) where h E R has order i+l, and this form is independent of the choice of Lemma (1.4). is equal to k[[x]] The ring of invariants is normal and 1-dimensional, hence is regular. has the form Being a complete local ring, it therefore k[[x]], by Cohen's Structure Theorem. Let Proof of Theorem (1.1): RG = k[[x]]. so that a R . x E RG * for some Proof: The invariant ring U x be chosen as in the lemma The field of fractions p-cyclic extension of // Fract(R ) Fract(R) is and therefore, by Artin-Schreier theory, it is generated by an element z satisfying the relation zP - z where t as a ax E k -iG and t i >0 for some unit to the equation x---> cx = c = is a Vx relatively prime to a E RG If c p. is a solution = a , then the coordinate change results in the new relation Write 27 zP - z x-i = , and so gives the desired form (1.2), proving claim (ii). Now the action of a on az = z + 1 (1.5) and therefore the norm of Nz = z Tla'z z is given by is equal to = - z x~ = To establish claim (i), it remains to show that there exists an element u generating Choose the element u j -i mod p Let x as its norm. n be the integer and such that ln <p-l. to be the smallest positive integer for which (1.6) in u = xjzn Set which has as follows: which is the inverse of Choose R . = jp-1 Then Nu = (Nx)3 (Nz )n = xpji -in = x, as required. . The complete local ring R has a natural valuation given by the order of power series and this is independent of the choice of coordinate. generates Therefore, to show that R, it suffices to show that ord u = 1 . u Now 28 ord(u) = ord(avu) the extension R v , and for all over RG ord(x) p , since = is Galois of rank p and is totally ramified at the origin. Hence p-1 p.ord(u) = ord(avu) = ord(Nu) = ord(x) = p v=0 and so ord(u) = 1. This completes the proof of (i). To establish (iii), first observe that since ord(u) = 1, ord(x) = p, and of on a z u = xiz. az = z +1 is given by au = a(xizn) = ord(z) =-i, The action and therefore x(z+1)n = xizn + nxizn-1 + ... = u + h , where ord(h) = pj - i(n-1) = pj - in + i = i + 1. Although the choice of the coordinate canonical, the order of u Any other coordinate u for some a5=- a E k for R is not is independent of choice: has the form a1u + a2u2 + a3u3 + .. * with a #' 0 . = a1 (h) + a 2 [ (u+h)2 = h(a Thus = au- u u Therefore u 2] + a3 [(u+h) 3 -u 3 ] + .. +higher degree terms) ord h = ord h . . 29 We next wish to find the equation for ring RG. u over the In order to do this, we first need to introduce certain symmetric polynomials which arise as coefficients. Lemma (1.7): Let polynomial on denote the sm p mth letters and let elementary symmetric be a root of the equation zp - z ii = . Then sm = ,1 0 if m < p-1 -1 if m = p-1 if m= p M-t+1 s-1 _- it x~ and p-1 qm = for L( +2 )m m < p(p-1), where such that Proof: s m = s(p-1) + t The formula for and and sm t are non-negative integers 0 < t < p-l follows at once from the fact that 0 The formula for q = (z -)(z- = zP - z - (i+1)) x-i ... (z- ( +p-1)) is derived from the general formula of Girard [11], which expresses the symmetric function Mmin terms of the elementary symmetric functions on i=l the a 's 30 p a, = (-1) (le -1) !m/e where the summation is over all ie. = m and e and sp - (el,e 2 , ... ) for which = S . + , all the s.f s ep-1 (P-l) in (1.9) 0 < m< p(p-1) vanish Therefore the only non-zero terms of the summation result from expressing Now .9 > 0 In the case that except for te>eie2 2 a0 0 !e2!... s M in the form + eP(p) < p and 0 < e 0 < e In this range there is at most one choice of ep and and so < p-l. eP 1 satisfying (1.9) and the summation (1.8) collapses to p-1 1= m+e = (-1) Write m p eP((e in the form m = +eP-1) !m/e_ P !ep !)(-1)-lxs(p-1)+ t where p 0 < t < p-l . Then s(p-1) + t = (s-t)(p-1) + t(p) and e _1 = s - t and e = t . The formula therefore becomes -it ~~mns = -) =(-1)m-t+1 - ((s-1)!(-1)(s-t-)/(s-t-l)!t!(s-t))xi s-t1 )x-it Note that if no choice of range 0 then p-1 I to and eP s < t e and so exists in the = 0 (S1 corresponding to the fact that the summation is 0. Theorem (1.10): u = x jzn Let // be chosen as in Theorem (1.1). Then the integral equation for p-1 (1.11) U + La(-1)a u over k[[xJ] x u = given by is x , 2%=1 where a, (1.12) e1 e2 +e i(e e2 .. /l 2 Qq = a~~~-l are defined as in lemma (1.7) and the q The elements summation (1.12) is and = A Lie Proof: 11 where e over all (el,e 2 ,...) such that > 0 . The equation for p-1 .e le2 ''' (z- ( +A)) z over = zP - Fract(R G) - x~ = 9 is any fixed root of the equation. u = x z is given by 0 The element therefore satisfies the equation p-1 R (u - x (+ )n) = 0 Expanding this product, we obtain p uP + Now (-1) x s (gn,., p s + p_ (-n( 1 )n) 1n,...,$( +p-1)n up-A =R g+4n = s (,gl = 0 . .9, +p-1) ]n= 32 -in x , and so the last term of the summation is (-1) p jpx-inu = . -x The remaining terms can be calculated using the formula inverting (1.8) [11], namely L sja.) l+e.,(, D-(1.L2 el 1,2 )e2.e where (a) = (ac,...,a ) all ,e 1 'e2 !,,.) and the summation is taken over = I for which lie (e1 ,e2 ,...) 1e2 / 1 2 Evaluating this equation for (0) and e > 0 . (,n,. ,+pl)n) results in the formula (1.12). Although the a. may contain negative powers of x., the total exponent of x (1.11) is at least 1. This follows from the fact that au = u+h x ord(h) = i+1 where = Nu in each term of the summation = u , so that + (terms of order > p+i) // §2. Examples. The equation for u is, in general, far simpler than Theorem (1.10) suggests because almost all terms of the summation (1.12) vanish. Consequently, it is usually easier to derive the integral equation for ring RG zp- z = x~ u over the by computing directly from thte equation defining the field extension. In this section we illustrate the forms the resulting equations can take by computing the possible formulae for several choices of p i and . Consider first some m > 0 the case p = 2. i = 2m+l Then for and so, with notation as in the proof of Theorem (1.1), we have u = xjZn = xm+l z . n = 1 j = m+1 and . The equation satisfied by Thus u can be derived from the equation Z2 - by multiplying through by clear denominators. x Z= x-(2m+l) x 2 (m+l) pj in order to We obtain 2m+2 2 x 2m+2 z-x z=x or u2 -x m+lu (2.1) x = . This is the basic equation for all characteristic 2 forms. The action of the automorphism au = a(x a is given by m+l(z+1) z) u + x m~l The equation (2.1) can be solved recursively for terms of u terms of u x in to obtain a closed form for this action in m+1 alone. We note that Nu= u(u+xm) _ u - x m+u , which agrees with (2.1). If p = 3, there are two possible forms for degree p 34 extensions, depending on whether the first case, j = i = u = x 2m+l, and 3m+l for some 2mn+1 2 z . In i = 1 or 2 (mod 3). m > 0 and so The equation for u n = 2, is obtained by squaring both sides of the equation z3 - z and multiplying through by X6rm+3 6 (2.2) x pi _ 2 i6m+3 4 + U The action of =x-(3m+) a 2x 2 - on z u = 6m+q = x u+2 = x 6m+3 2 u2 + x can be computed using the fact that = l/x3m+ (z2-1 = l/xm u- x2m+1 It follows that au = a(x 2mr+1 2 z ) = x2mn+1 (z+1) 2 2m+l z2 + 2x2m+lz + x2m+1 = u + (2xm+ /(u-x2m+)) + x2m+1 and again a closed form can be obtained by solving equation (2.2) recursively for If i = 2 (mod 3), then and the resulting form is equation. action for We have a is x i = 3m+2 u for some m > 0, analogous to the characteristic 2 n = 1, j = m+l, given by in terms of and u = xm+lz . The 35 au (z+1) = xm+1 = u + xm+1 and the resulting equation is x Nu = (2.3) = u(u +xm)(u+ 2xm = u3 - x2(m+l)u In general, the form of the equation for determined, up to changes in the exponents of alone and hence depends only on the residue of u x , by n i mod p (This can be seen in the formulae given in Theorem (1.10).) Therefore, to simplify notation, we will deal only with equations arising from values of i between 1 and p-1 for the remainder of this section. If njp-1 , as in all of the above examples, the formula for Nu is particularly easy to determine. i < p-1 , this condition is equivalent to say Proposition (2.4): for u (2.5) in = p-l Assume . Since in = p-1 . Then the equation is given by ( )x ui (-1) and the action of a on u i = x has the form n (2.6) ( )(x/(u -X )- au = u + 2=1 Proof: From the equation in = p-l, it follows that j= 1 36 u = xzn. and therefore that The relation for u is then derived from the equation (1.2) Z Z z~nz -i = x~ defining the field extension, by raising both sides of this equation to the by xpj = x . nth power and multiplying through We obtain n p- in (p- pznp- - 1=0 n (-l)z(n)xuzn(p-i) = Z=0 n (-1) )x Again z . u using equation (1.2), it is possible to solve for in terms of u: z 1/(x i(zp = xi zin S1/(Xi = - 1)) 1/(u -x ) Subsituting this into the formula Cu = a(xzn) = x(z+1)n = u + (n)xzn-,e results in the equation (2.6). The first case in which n jp-1 is when p = 5 37 i = 3. and n = 3, j = 2 In this case u = x 2z3 . and therefore u , we again raise To find the equation for the relation z z5 - to the nth =x-3 power and multiply through by x . This results in the formula x = x 1 0 (z = xz = u =u 5 5 15 3z 1 1 + 3z 7 - - 3xz (z 5 - z) - - 3x u2(x 3) - - x 3 u-2 u x8 u n 1 p-l forms, the exponents do not decrease by a constant multiple nor do the exponents of to - x1 0 z' x 8 u. Note that here, unlike the of - z3 ) x and u within each term necessarily add p . p = 5 The remaining cases for are all of the form given in the proposition, and so the complete listing for p =5 is - 4xu 4 +6x2u3 - 4x3u2 +x i=1 x= u i =2 x = u 5 - 2x2 u3 +x4u 3=i=4 -5 x =u - 4 u 3 2 - x 8u xu x = u 5 - x4 u More generally, given any to obtain the equation for u p and i, it is possible by methods identical to 38 those used above: is raised to the the equation defining the field extension nth power, denominators are cleared by multiplying through by xpj , and the resulting equation is then translated from an equation in in x and u. x and z to one However, this last step may become quite complicated, depending on the relationship between i p-i, and as a result the general rule simplifying the formula of Theorem (1.10) has not yet been found. and 39 CHAPTER III Higher Dimensions: The Basic One-Block Actions. In this chapter we examine p-cyclic actions for rings of dimension greater than one. and let G of order p. be a group of Let R = kLu1 ,....,un k-automorphisms of R , cyclic We wish to study the possible structures of the invariant space RG by first constructing canonical forms for the action of G. Although the group action cannot, in general, be linearized, we show in §1 that it can be brought into a partially linear form. We then turn to a detailed analysis of the case that the linear part of the action consists of a single Jordan block. In §2 a method is developed for studying the resulting invariant ring as the slice of the invariant ring for a linear action on a higher dimensional space. The remainder of the chapter is devoted to applying this method to the study of rings of dimension 2 and §1. p - 1. A partial linearization. As in the characteristic zero analysis, we would like to choose coordinates for R so that G acts in as simple a form as possible. However, in the case that the map RG -4R ramifies only at the maximal ideal m c R , ] 4o Proposition (1.3.4) shows that it is not possible to linearize the action of G. In this section we develop instead a partially linear form for the group action and set up a program for analyzing these non-linear forms by means of linear models. a be a generator of the cyclic group G. Let Because the obstruction to linearizing the group action is controlled by the ramification locus of the map RG -+ R we first give a criterion for determining when the map m . ramifies only at Let Proposition (1.1): a cyclic group of Let R = k[[u l,...,un]] k-automorphisms of a be a generator of G. and let R G be of prime order. Then the map RG -R is unramified in dimension > 0 if and only if the ideal r = (au - u1 ,...,aun- un) Proof: p The map is fixed by is m-primary. RG -+R is ramified along the prime a and the induced action of a on p if R/p is trivial. Assume that the map ramifies along a non-maximal prime p Because the action on . follows that and so r au - u. E p is not Conversely, non-maximal prime R/p is trivial, it for every i Therefore r C p m-primary. if p r is not m-primary, containing it. there exists a Therefore au 1--u1 E o 41 for all mod p i and so is trivial. p is fixed by Hence RG -R a and the action ramifies along To study the ramification locus of RG -R p . /// it therefore suffices to study the primes associated to the ideal r = (cu1-u 1 ,...,aun-un) Now any automorphism a of R can be represented in the form au = a u 1 + .. aun = anlu + ... + annun + hn(u ,...,un) ' and hi E R + alnun + h (ul,...,un) (1.2) where a.. E k linear part of has order > 2. Denote the a , i.e. the invertible transformation determined by the matrix (aij) , by ' . change of coordinates we may assume that form. All the eigenvalues of since a has order p ; B are pth in characteristic that all eigenvalues are 1. By a suitable 3 is in Jordan roots of unity p this means 3 The matrix representing therefore composed of blocks of the form 1 1. Lemma (1.3): is p O The maximal size of a Jordan block of F is 42 The automorphism a , and hence its linear part Proof: has order p. Therefore is nilpotent of index -1 ', < p for (a-1)P p = It follows that no Jordan block of -1 3 0 = . can have dimension greater than p . // The action of a itself is therefore defined by + blocks of the form au = U au i+1 = Ui+1 + u (1.4) au +j where h E R at most p h (ul,...un + hi+1(u ,...,nI ui+j + ui+j-1(u,...,un has order > 2 and-the block size = j+1 If the map RG -R is is unramified in dimension >0, it is not possible to eliminate all of the higher order contributions h within each block. However, it is always possible to partially linearize the action: Proposition a k-automorphism of Let R with order p . a choice of coordinates for blocks of the form ,...,u u[uJ] R = R so that and let a be Then there exists a is composed of , 43 (1.6 ) au = u aui+1 = ui+1 + u au. CuJ where f p . f j+l = p , then If the maximal ideal If m C R, then We may assume that form (1.4) above. u Aas follows: '1 a f = 0 RG ->R j+l < p is and the action ramifies only at and f'3/ . is composed of blocks of the Within each block, choose new coordinates Let =U u =ui+j-1 + h =U i+j-2 + hi+j-1 + (a-l)hi+j i+j-1 = (a-1)ui+ (1.7) ,...,un) + ui.i-l i+j u within the block is linear. Proof: (u has order > 2 and the block size = j+l E R at most = i+j + i+J-2 = (a-l) u i~ Ui = (a-l)Jui = u +hi+l + (a-l)h2 +... + (a-l)~ hi+. The Jacobian of the map u identity matrix, so the for R. f (o,...,0) is the Is define a coordinate system Setting = (a-l)5i we have at == h + (a-l)h + (a-1)2hi2 + + (a-l)h ,+4 a i+1 i+t + ui+1-1 0 < for <j and au. Thus a has the required form. By lemma (1.3), > p + if U. no block of a can have dimension If the dimension of a block equals . ui+j . (a-l)Jui+j = (a-l) f If , then u = Consequently, = (a-l)ai = (a-l)Pui+j = (aP-l)ui+j = 0 ' and so the action is linear. element p Note that this forces the to be fixed. a RG-R be invariant. ramifies only at This implies that m f , no element aA can / 0 and hence that the block size is strictly less than p. // The proposition shows that all the non-linear contributions in a can be pushed to the top of each Jordan block, leaving the remainder of the action in linear form. Now suppose that the action of i.e. at least one f. / 0 . a is not linear, In this case, the process of forming successively higher powers of (a-l)Lui+j used in defining the new coordinate system (1.7) can be continued within each block until the result is zero. with notation as in (1.6), set In particular, 45 = f. = (a-l)j+ 1 u f (1.8) f2 = (a-l) j+2 u = (a-i±)j+ui Because = 0 (a-l) is possible that , f1 the element a fP J is zero, but it i becomes zero earlier. Let m be the last index for which of . 0 . fi' Then the full action within the block (1.6) can be represented by af. = fm i i f (1.9) 1 au aui where f E R 1 = f = u i 2 + f1 + f =u + ui+j-1 has order at least 2. the extended form for the action of We will call this a . If the action is similarly extended within each Jordan block, we obtain a set of power series (fj%}yj in ul,...un Now consider the power series ring k[[u ... un,...w ,..]] , where one variable added for each power series form for a . The ring defined by letting variables w4 a S = S f w4 is occurring in the extended has a natural linear action act as in (1.9) with the new replacing the f4 . Moreover, the ring 46 with its non-linear action can be R = k[[U.,...,un]] obtained from S t: S - R by the map defined by $(u ) = u ' t(w(l) =f((ul,...,un which is compatible with the group actions. thus exhibits R as a non-linear slice of The map 4 S . Rather than compute the invariants of the inhomogeneous action of a on R , we instead study the Because invariants for the ring S. on S, the invariant ring stand than RG is often easier to under- SG despite its increased dimension. remains to study how information from information on acts homogeneously a SG It then passes to RG The remainder of this chapter is concerned with the simplest case of studying invariant rings by slicing -namely the case that that the element f single power series §2. has only one Jordan block and of (1.9) is fixed, so that only a f appears in the extended action. The method of non-linear slicing. Let of a R R = k[[u 1 ,...,1un of order p and let defined by a be an automorphism 47 au (2.1) = + U au2 = U f + u 2 aun = un + un-1 where G f E R has order > 2 and is invariant under denote the p-cyclic group generated by a a . Let By . Proposition (1.5) the dimension n of the ring R is at most p. If is linear. n= p the element , f is zero and the action In this section we develop a procedure for studying the non-linear actions arising if quently, we assume n < p-l The ring of invariants f/O . Conse- and we will also assume RG is a complete n > 2. n-dimensional local ring whose structure varies with the choice of f in (2.1). Lemma (2.2): The map if and only if some f is unramified in dimension > 0 RG-R contains a term of the form ui for i Proof: By Proposition (1.1) the map is unramified away from ma R the maximal ideal r = (au -u ,...,aun-un) r = defined above, exactly when f if and only if the ideal is m-primary. (f'u*..,n- 1 ) For the action and so is contains a term of the form Therefore the structure of R a m-primary un breaks up into two cases: 48 Proposition (2.3): the automorphism of (i) If f RG -+R R = k[[u ,...,un]] Let R and let a be defined by (2.1). contains a term of the form u ramifies only at RG m and so , then has an isolated singularity at the origin. If (ii) contains no f uI term, then q = (u1 ,..., un 1 along the dimension 1 prime and RG is singular along the image of q, provided Proof: ramifies RG -+R n >2 . Statement (i) follows directly from Lemma (2.1) u' n term, then is equal to the prime ideal If and Proposition (1.1.2). r = (f,u1,...,un- 1 ) (ul,...,un-1). f has no The result again follows from Proposition (1.1.2). Now consider the (n+l) -dimensional ring S=k[[uOu,...,unII The p-cyclic group generator a G also acts on S by defining the <tnen eA to be ruO = u 0 au1 = u 1 + u 0 aun = un + un-1 The resulting invariant ring SG dimensional ring and the map SG ->S , like the map has degree p is a normal (n+l)R -+R, and is ramified only in low dimensions. 49 Proposition (2.5): SG -+S The map p = (u0 ,u ,e.un- prime ideal is ramified along the 1) . SG Hence along the 1-dimensional locus determined by Proof: . S = The result now follows from Proposition (1.1.2) and the fact that The ring p, = p n sG r = (au0 -u0 ,...,aun-un) The ramification ideal (u0,ul...,*un-1) is singular dim S > 3 maps to R *(u0) = // . by the homomorphism t: S--+R defined by f(u 1 ,...,un) (2.6) = u. (u. l which assigns to $ Because R , u0 for i > 1 1- the invariant power series f E RG is compatible with the group actions on there is an induced map S and p: SG -+RG between the invariant subrings. Now *, being a map between regular power series rings, is easily understood: generated by (u0 -f) it is surjective with kernel . However, the map subrings is far more complicated. Lemma (2.7): Proof: u0 E SG SG and so cannot p . The element Because on the invariant For example, the element (u0 -f) does not, in general, lie in generate the kernel of p u0 -f E SG if and only if it suffices to show that f= 0. f lies 50 in f SG only if it is zero. By definition, the power series contains no terms involving be the first index such that u . Then af u0 f If . f / 0, let i > 0 contains terms involving contains terms in u il and so does not equal f . To derive results for cp * introduce an addition hypothesis for on it is necessary to analogous to the statements . S Definition (2.8): An integral domain R is factorial if every height 1 prime of R is principal. Theorem (2.9): let R* (Samuel, [13]) denote the group of units in R. cyclic group of automorphisms of RG ->R ring Proof: R RG is factorial if and only if Let Let G Then the invariant H1(GR*) = 0. a be a generator of the cyclic group H (G,R*) be a such that the map is unramified in codimension 1. recall that (2.10) Given a factorial ring R, G and is defined by H (G,R*) = {elements of R* with norm 1)/{image of (a/id)R*) Note that this is the multiplicative form of (1.2.12). the set of elements of R* Now with norm 1 can be identified 51 with R* n Im(a/id)R where , Im(a/id)R c Fract R argument as in the proof of Hilbert's Theorem 90. will use this alternative formulation of Assume prime of H (GR*) = 0 RG and let The primes of . R p by an , We H1 (GR*) . be any height 1 lying over height 1 and are therefore principal, since p R are all is factorial. Consequently, their intersection is given by an ideal (a) for some a E R aa = ta Therefore vanishing of hence in ca/a = a/u E RG. R for some unit H (GR*) au/u = t that and this ideal is , and so , t E R* follows that u E R* factorial and let a unit in map RG -4R a = ub u E R* b (b) a E R . , R* RG is n Im(a/id)R We need to show that t = au/u such that (a) equals (a) (aa) to Since . t is and so is RG gives a by the factoriality of generates the ideal (a) in RG R because the is unramified in codimension 1. Therefore for some unit and hence be any element of The restriction of principal ideal Furthermore t R , the ideal G-invariant. p is principal. for some there exists a and This element must generate the ideal p t = aa/a . such a/u = ca/au To prove the converse, assume that the ring Then G By the . there exists a unit It . invariant under u E R* . Also aa = a(ub) = a(u)-b t = ca/a = au/u. Using this criterion for factoriality, Fossum and 52 Griffith have shown Theorem (2.11): (Fossum and Griffith, [8]) is factorial if n = p-i. The ring SG We postpone the proof of this theorem until §3, where the S = k[[u u ,...,up-l]] case is treated in greater detail. 2 < n < p-1 The analogous result for is not known and we state it as Conjecture (2.12): The ring SG is factorial for 2 < n < p-i. Under the assumption that SG possible to obtain results for Proposition (2.13): Proof: ker cp = s E S ((u 0 -f)s)S G a(u0 -f) = is factorial, then such that (uo-f)s E SG and af-f lies in (u0 -f) under $ a u0 - af u- in SG Consider the image of The element analogous to those for If the ring there exists a unit hence cp is factorial, it is f - ker $ (af-f) because R , and therefore it tas the form f (uo-f)t is invariant for some 53 t E S Consequently, . a(u0 -f) = (u0 -f) (u0 -f)t - = (u0-f)(1-t) Now N(u0 -f) = N(a(u0 -f)) has norm 1. = N(u 0 -f)N(l-t) Since the ring SG S* s E S this choise of s , T((u Clearly such that as/s = (u 0 -f)s . lies in SG . follows from the fact that and x s is a unit: and s are fixed by y E S 1y E SG such that because both w E Im cp of the same order as Proposition (2.14): Given any x= (u9-f)y. a the inverse image of any element wt For given any It follows from this characterization of elements . The opposite inclusion x E kercp, there is an element (uo-f)s (1-t) = (u 0 -f) (1-t) (1-t)~ s ((uo-f)s)SGckercp. y) Therefore there . = (u -f)s x = (u -f)s(s~ S vanishes, = (u0 -f)(1-t)as 0 -f)s) Thus the element Then H1(G,S*) is the group of units of exists a unit 1-t is factorial, Theorem (2.9) implies that the cohomology group where and hence ker cp that includes w w E RG which lies in the 54 cp(wt) = w ord w' = ord w and . be given as in the preceding proposition. s Let is 1, so that s We may assume that the constant term of s such that We first establish the proposition in the case Proof: w = f w' E S p , there exists an element image of has the form + s0 + h s = where s ,h E S and consists of all terms of s ord(f) - 2 having degrees 1 through . s Then a((u 0 -f)s) = (u 0-f)(l+ as0 + ah) = u0 +uo*-as + (terms of degree > ord f) 0 On the other hand, the element a (uo-f)s is invariant under and hence a((u 0 -f)s) = (u0-f)(1+s 0 +h) = U0+u s0 +(terms It follows that t = s(l+s under 0 )~ so = as 0 . Now replace s Since so = 1 + h(l+ s0 ) a , so is of degree > ord f) (u0 -f)t . Moreover, by the unit is invariant (u0 -f)t has the form u We claim that of f : + (terms of degree > ord f) u - (u0-f)t The element fl . is the desired preimage is invariant in S fl because both 55 u0 and CP(u) are invariant. (uo-f)t f = (u0 -f)t and lies in construction, ord fV > ord f equal because ord x < ord p(x) Also p(f') = f , since ker p . and so the orders must be w' E SG x E S for all w E Im cp , and Now consider the case of a general let Finally, by be any element in its inverse image. only check that the condition on ord w' < ord w . Certainly all terms of ord w' If We need can be met. ord w' < ord w then w' of lowest degree are divisible by u, ; any term involving only u1 ,..., un would map to itself e and so the order would not increase. under w' Therefore has the form w' = u0 w0 + w where all terms of ord T > ord wt for w' . have degree = ord w' - 1 w0 Replace u0 and call the result maps to w since element w" by w" f' cp(uo) = p(f') is invariant. geneity of the action of in the expression The element . f and . w" also Furthermore, the This follows from the homoa on S w0 The elements w' are invariant, hence so are and w f' is invariant by construction, the element . u0 and Thus, since w" = f'w0 + G0 lies in Now S ord w" is strictly greater than ord f' > ord u0 = 1. ord w' Therefore this procedure gives a new invariant of strictly greater order mapping to Continue as above until because ord w is reached. w 4 is Finally, we examine whether the surjectivity of inherited by cp [ 1] Lemma (2.15): Given a map cp: R -+S between noetherian rings, (i) cP: Rp - Sp If p such that is an isomorphism for all depth (R ) 0 , then = c primes is injective. (ii) If S all primes cp Proof: p such that is an isomorphism for depth (R ) < 1 , then is bijective. (i) Assume that there exists an element cp(x) = 0 . that p is a domain and for all primes primes element Then the image of p p E Ass(R) x such that . depth(R pp Since is already 0 in R in x ) = x E R Sp 0 , is zero i.e. for all is an isomorphism, the Therefore, for any . p E Ass(R) there is an element x-r, = 0 This implies that the annihilator of . such r not contained in any of the primes E R-p for which p E Ass(R) . x is Therefore x= 0. (ii) map It follows from part (i) of the lemma that the R - S is an injection and so Furthermore, setting (0) , is also a domain. the hypothesis RP' and S are birationally equivalent. be any element of S and consider the ideal implies that s p = R R Sp Let 57 I = {r E R| cp(r)-s E Im cp R This ideal is non-zero because field of fractions. r Let and . S have the same be any non-zero element of I and consider the diagram -- + R/(r 0 ) -Since R and S S S/(cpro) are domains, the elements are not zero-divisors. Therefore the map r0 and pr0 R/(r0 ) -> S/(cpr 0 ) satisfies the hypotheses of (i), from which it follows that it is injective. an x E R such that image 0 in S/(cpr ) 0 )cp(t) = cp(x) = i.e. the map cp Theorem (2.16): Then the map f = cp(u 0 ) Proof: ep(x) = cp(r 0)-s . t E R p(r0 )-s for which . the image of S has x = rot. But then s = cp(t) ; is surjective. Assume the invariant ring cp: SG -+ RG S x R/(r0 ) This implies that SG is factorial. is surjective if and only if contains a term of the form Let The element and so must already be 0 in Hence there exists a cp(r r0 , there exists By the choice of un denote .S /ker cp , which is isomorphic to under cp . along the dimension 1 prime singular along its image Recall that SG -+ S p = (uo,...,un-1 ) p' = p n sG and ramifies SG is (Proposition (2.5)). 58 By Proposition (1.2.14), depth SG = 2 + dim(S/p) = 3 because a S . acts linearly on - principal, the depth of Since ker p is is 2. Consider the commutative diagram S S SG - S Because - G- R -- 7S ramifies along ramifies along the image of ideal . ideal , the induced map under $ , 3-R namely the r = (f'u..,un-1) We assume first that u p p f contains a term of the form In this case the ideal m r R , and so the map of dimension 0. is primary to the maximal S -+R ramifies only in Therefore in the diagram R ) RG Y and S ramified only at m the maps prime a q c , are both finite maps of degree p . If we localize at any non-mazimal we obtain a corresponding diagram where the a localized maps and q are now everywhere unramified. It follows that the third map unramified [ 9 J. y : RGG is also q R q Since the degree of the map is one, it is an isomorphism. Therefore the map 7 q --RG a is an isomorphism for all 59 q c3 non-maximal primes . depth 7 = 2 As noted above, and so the set of non-maximal primes includes all primes of 7 for which depth implies that -q S ' RG 7 and hence that p f un f E (u1 ,...,un-1) contained in p' . involves no and so term. ker c = (u0 -f)S p, and is again a non-maximal prime, call it Spec S -Spec SG In this n SG is p' to is 7 If we localize the map at the prime p' , the result is again p-cyclic quotient which is now ramified only at the closed point. ring 9 p cannot be normal: violates the that Since 9 RG is By Serre's criterion, the if ht > 1 , the ring S 2 -condition, and if ht p = 1 is singular along p violates the is a normal ring, the map The case SG p By Corollary (1.2.13), the depth of depth S- = 1. 2 and hence %3. is surjective. Therefore the restriction of singular along this prime. a By Lema (2.15) this . - Now assume that case q < 1 q p , the fact R1 -condition. is not surjective. n = p-1 In order to develop a normal form for the automorphism a in the case that R has the maximal dimension p-l we first examine which coordinate changes for a general will preserve a's partially-linearized form. , R 6o Proposition 3.1: such that R Let 1 < n < p-l. of order p R = k[[u ,...,un] Let a for any n be an automorphism of defined by au 1 = u1 + f(u ,.*.un) ru2 = u2 + u (3.2) aun = un + un-1 I where a . f E R has order at least 2 and is invariant under Then a change of coordinates the form of a U (3.3) a =c 1 u 2 = ci E k, (a-i)nh E RG . series ' = a5 (3.4) + c 2f +(a-1)n-lh 2 u1 + c 1u 2 R cl # + c3 f + (a-i)n-2 h 0 , h E R + Ciun + h has order at least 2, and For this coordinate change, the power - 5. = Proof: preserves given above if and only if un =cnul + cn-lu 2 +... where {u>-'-- { 5 j} is given by cif + (a-l)nh The most general form of a coordinate change in is given by u = a1 u + a 1 2 u2 +... un = anlul + an 2 u 2 + .. + alnun + g (u ,...,un + annun + gn(u,...,un) 61 where a.. E k are such that has order > 2. | detla. / 0 and g. E R If the coordinate change preserves the form (3.2), then a =y 1 1 - a 1f + a12u1 + a u2 +... + alnun-1 + ag must have order at least 2 and so a 1 2 = a1 3 = 0.. Since a, Then detlai , the element c1 u1 + gi. U1 c f + ag / 0 - g, - g1 = a ln= 0. 0 ; set a1 1 =c . Furthermore, the expression must be invariant because a2 - The requirement that 2 = 1 T E RG imposes the condition u 1 = c1 u 1 + g 1 = au - u 2 2 = a2 1 f + a2 2u1 + ... + a2nun-l + ag ~ 2 Setting the linear terms equal, it follows that and a 23 = 24 = * = a 2n = 0 As for the . c1 =a htigher degree terms, this requires that g, = a2 1 f + ag ~ g 2 2 Set a2 1 = c 2 * In general, setting aU. - U. = U _ c a the requirement , imposes the conditions a. " ij = ci-+ i_-j+l if j< i a..j = 0 if j > i lai and = gi_1 = c f + (a-l)g . 22 2 62 gn = h . Then Set gn-1 = Cnf + (a-l)h gn- = Cn- f + (a-1) (cnf + (a-l)h) 2 = Cn-lf + (a-1)2h , (a-l)f = 0 , and in general, since (a-l)n-ih gi = ci+1f + Finally, note that I = c 1 f + ag -g 1 = c 1 f + (a-1)nh Therefore, if in RG f is fixed, it follows that cl / 0 , then If detfa | = and so this defines a change of coordinates for R. Now consider the special case that this case (a-1)n (a-1) condition n = p-l. In becomes - ap 1 + ap- which is the trace operator on h E R lies Combining the above restrictions, we obtain the . set of equations (3.3) above. cl / 0 (a-1)nh (a-1)nh E RG 2 + ... + a + l , R . Therefore the is trivially satisfied for every and the expression for ? becomes f = c1 f + tr(h) Thus the power series f can be modified, under a suitable (3.5) 63 coordinate change, by the trace of any order at least 2. element of R RG Consequently, power series in having which differ by traces of elements of order > 2 give rise to equivalent actions. Now any power series an automorphism a f E RG of order > 2 determines via the action (3.2). Therefore the classification of automorphisms reduces to the study of RG the invariant ring modulo the ideal (tr(h)| h E RG, ord h > 2) . R = k[[u 1 ,...,u ]3] To examine the situation for we pass to the model S = k[[uO 3u 1 ,...,up_l]] on which a operates by the linear action (2.4). The invariant ring SG if the coordinate system coordinates (3.6) (v ) V The fact that the S can be more easily understood (u } is replaced by the new defined by = a up v. i= 0,...,p-1l determine a coordinate system for follows from the relation p-i-1 u. = (a-l) p-i-u = (-l)P-lt(Pjl1)tu p-1 = - t t=o p-1 p-i-1 (-1)P- - - ( - - t=o In this system, the automorphism (i3 ),)C~ip-l = i+l a acts by i+l v . 64 and therefore corresponds to a cyclic permutation of the variables v This action by cyclic permutation of the . coordinates of k[[v ,...,vp_l]] is one of the few wild p-cyclic actions that has already been studied (see, for example, [8 ]). M Let degree i S . in M modules denote the module of homogeneous forms of Since a are stable under as G-modules. of Mpm Let Fm Lemma (3.8): a (i) If and so can be regarded denote the invariant submodule (v0 vl'' generated by S , the acts linearly on p Y i p-l*)m , then M is a free G-module. (ii) If i ,let p is a free Proof: The module degree i M i = pm. Then Mpm/Fm G-module. is generated by the monomials of v0vl''' p-1 and the automorphism sends monomials to monomials. We therefore wish to in examine how the orbits of monomials partition monomial has fewer than orbit, then since fixed by all of a G . p M. a If a . distinct elements in its has prime order, the element is Because a permutes the follows that the monomial is symmetric in the so has the form c(v0 v l''' vp-1t v. v., , it and 65 j ,where for some If p J c Ek. i , this situation can never arise and so the orbit of each monomial splits off as a free If i = pm , then the elements of G-module. are the only fixed Fm monomials; the orbits of the others again determine free G-submodules of M ./ Using this result, we prove the factoriality of the invariant ring SG stated in the preceding section. Proof of Theorem (2.11): By Theorem (2.9) it suffices to prove that the cohomology group where S* is the group of units in we may replace S* For, given any unit c E k u , express (higher degree terms), so u Nu = 1 c = 1 . Also in the form Then c+h Nu = c only if c is a + pth au/u = a(u/c)/(u/c) Im(a/id)S* = Im(a/id)U . so that Let F denote the subgroup of units of k[[(vO lv''vp-l)]] group First note that . with constant term l} is the constant term. root of unity; i.e. S vanishes by the subgroup U = (u E S* where H1(G,S*) U U composed of the with constant term 1. is filtered by subgroups U = (l+x E U such that ord x > i} The , 66 Let U. denote the image of The quotients Lemma (3.8), U U./Ui U/F are all free G-modules by since U p/Ui+i SMi/Fm Therefore in Ha (G,Ui/Ui) 0 = if . i =pm for all j >0 . By induction, using the short exact sequences 0 U /Ui+ 1 -> it follows that Now U/Ui+1 -+ HJ(G,Ul/Ui) = 0 lim Ul/n 2 U/F HO (G,U/F) -+ Ui/U 0 > i >1 for all and j >0 and therefore the groups also vanish for j > 0. Thus HO (G,U) ' HO (G,F) j >1. By the periodicity of the cohomology for for all cyclic groups, this also implies that But the action of Therefore G H1 (GU) = 0 on F H (GU)E H (G,F) is trivial and so and hence SG H1(G,F) is factorial. = 0 /7 Lemma (3.8) also enables us to understand the structure of S as a k-vectorspace. Proposition (3.9): The invariant ring by traces of monomials in 0 1'' Proof: S SG is generated and by powers of Nv 0 p-l * By lemma (3.8), the orbit of any monomial m which 67 has Nv0 is not a power of any invariant containing a m = tr(m) except distinct elements, so p as a term must contain m Because this holds for all monomials . (v0 v1 *vpl)a which is fixed for any , j , any invariant can be expressed as a sum of traces and powers Nv 0 . . of Now return to the NuP in the 1 coordinate system for p-1 = Nv0 v0 v1 ''' The element u. is equal to u -system, by (3.6). S II (au,) i=0 Therefore the above = proposition implies Corollary (3.10): w E SG can be expressed in the and 1 Proof: h is S an element of such that ord h > ord w h E S and such that w = tr We can eliminate from ord w is a power series in By the proposition, there exists an q E k[[Nup_ ]] h + q(Nup 1 ) h all terms of degree less than since the trace of these terms vanishes, by the homogeneity of the action of Thus, in the linear model SG q tr(h) + q(Nup_ ), where form NuP Any a . // S , the ring of invariants differs from the image of trace only in the existence 68 of power series in NuP . 1 We want to show that this situation is preserved in the passage to the ring wher'e the action of the notation N a and is non-linear. tr trace for the action of R We remark that will now denote the norm and a on R , not on Lemma (3.11): Given any w E RG G G of cp: S ->R , there exists an S . which lies in the image h ER and q E k[[Nu 1 ]] such that w = tr h + g(Nup 1 ) and ord h > ord w . Proof: This follows from Proposition (2.14) and Corollary (3.10). Theorem (3.12): an automorphism of consist for some R of order p R so that au 1 =u au2 =u a + (Nup_ 2 and let a be whose linear terms of a single Jordan block. of coordinates for (3.13) R = k[[u 1 ,...,u_ 1 ]] Let Then there is a choice has the form ) + u1 j > 1. Furthermore, the automorphism a completely determined by the choice of the integer is j . If 69 the action of a j Spec R, then Proof: is not free outside the closed point of = au1 = u i.e. co, We may assume, and the action is linear. by Proposition (1.5), that the action f= au - u1 . has been brought into partially linear form with The proof is divided into two main steps: we show first that there exists a coordinate change so that is and then that coordinates can be a power series in NuP chosen so that is a power of f f 1 Nu P-1 itself. The first step proceeds by induction. It suffices to show that tnere exists a converging series of coordinate changes in NuP R under which the terms of f not involving are forced into arbitrarily high degrees. 1 assume that f h ER where is expressed in the form has order > n and q Therefore, trh + q(Nuq 1 ) , is a power series in We show that it is possible to choose coordinates - = mn-1 ui u (mod m- ) so that the resulting f has the form NuP . 1 ?= tr i + q(Nip_) power series in ord b > n+l ,where Nu- such that Choose new coordinates letting u_ - h. c 1, c = = 0 for u f + tr(-h) = tr q(Napli) u = u +h, so in the is a q(Np i > 1, and setting f 1 ) (mod mn p- = is given by h + q(Nu = q(Nup_1 ) Now q as in Proposition (3.1), Then the corresponding = and 1 ) - tr h . u -system the element Nu 70 is equal to N(_ P 1 +h). i =q(N(fP_ +h)) + (terms of degree > ord q(Nup_ ) - 1 +ord f) = Denote the difference ord ? because both ? and where q' ord h > ord 8 in cp: SG -> RG ) R E R and some q+q' = q = q(Nap_ 1 ) + tr . Also , for we obtain nR q(Nip1 ) - q(N~p_l) = q(Np_l) order > ord 6 > n+l and so has Nu Setting . and note that do, and so, by Lemma (3.11), tr h + q'(Np_ = ord h > n+1 8 1 + ord h > n +1 q(N~p_l) for some power series ? - by lies in the image of 6 8 q(Np_l) - > ord q(Nup_) The power series which Therefore . Thus this coordinate change satisfies the conditions mentioned above and so this completes step one. f = q(Nup_ ) Assume now that q and write f as f = (Nup-1 )(c for some 0 +c(Nup_1 ) +c 2 (Nu_1 )2 +...) j > 0, where c = c0 + cl(Nup_1 ) + Let a E RG for some power series ... E k c , and c0 / 0. which is a unit in Set G R be a solution to the equation 71 Mpj-l= Such a solution exists because is prime to u. = au p RG Now consider the map . pj - 1 is complete and ui u where a. This is an invertible transformation since . is a unit, and so defines a coordinate change in R Under . this change, we have f = = mc(Nup9j = P(Nup_)' =N(au,,-)j Hence f has the required form. In fact, given any integer j , the element f = (Nup_ )j , and hence also the action of a , is completely determined by the set of equations (3.13). This follows from the fact that the identity p-1i Nu_ P- can be used to solve for u,...,uP_1 . Ca u n i=O NuP - as a power series in 1 Specifically, by expanding a u in terms of the action (3.13), we obtain a polynomial expression for Nup_ in terms of expression for Thus Nu 1 NuP , and (Nup_)j . The can then be substituted into this Nu polynomial to eliminate a formula for u ,...,u_ 1 NuP 1 recursively, resulting in in terms of u ,...,u_ depends only on the choice of alone. j. 72 Finally, if the action of a on Spec R is not free outside the closed point, then the map RG -+R ramifies in dimension > 0 and so, by Lemma (2.2), the power series f contains no terms of the form + ... ,this implies that p-1 action is linear. U u i Since f = 0 Nu._ = and the resulting Thus, by a suitable change of coordinates, the action of a form. ring can always be brought into a particularly simple Unfortunately, the equations defining the invariant RG for these actions are, in general, difficult to write down. In the case p = 3, the ring is Cohen-Macaulay and an explicit equation for the quotient-singularity can be calculated. This is given in the next section (see Corollary (4.15)). structure of §4. RG The case However, even when p = 5, the ring is not known. n = 2. We now apply the methods of §2 to the case of surface singularities. k[[u ,u2 ]] R be the power series ring in two variables and let automorphism of (4.1) Therefore let R defined by au 1 = u 1 + f au2 u2 + u = , a be the p-cyclic 73 where has order at least two. f E RG for this action is k[[uO,ulu 2 ]] , The linear model S with homogeneous action given by (4.2) Here au0 = u0 au = u au2 = u2 + u 1 dim RG = 2 = depth RG dim SG = 3 = depth SG + uO (by Proposition (1.2.6)) and (by Proposition (1.2.14)) and so both invariant rings are Cohen-Macaulay. In this case it is possible to write down equations defining these rings of invariants explicitly. We begin by examin.,ing the linear model invariant ring Denoting Nu1 SG The contains the elements x by x = n a u S . Nu2 and by = p-1 R (u1 +muO) m=0 = up 1 - u 0~ u uO, Nu1 , and Nu 2 ' y , one can compute 1 (4-3) p-1 y =lau 2 = m=0 U (u2 +mu +(2 )uO) = u2 - u Let S' be the subring of Lemma (4.4): of ranks p2 The rings and S 1 u2 + (terms divisible by u SG and generated by SG p , respectively. are free ) uO, x, and y. S'-modules 74 Proof: uO, x, and The elements parameters in The ring S S ; hence S SG S' S . form a system of is a finite extension of S' is regular, therefore Cohen-Macaulay, and so 0 < i,j < p-1 . , (u iu) is finite of rank p2 A basis is given by the the extension is free [14]. elements y Now the extension SG p , so has rank Again the extension is free because p over SG is Cohen-Macaulay. The element (4.5) is z = u also invariant under the ring a and z z The invariant (p+])/2 R = zp + (-1)n n=2 z not contained in uO,u 1 ,u2 S is two. over S' satisfies the relation ((2n-2)!/n!(n-1) !)u2p-2nzn + 2u0y 0 over the ring is generates the extension Lemma (4.6): Proof*: 2u u2 S' because its degree in We claim that (4.7) - -uu - X2 S' . The relation 9 is homogeneous of degree 2p *Thanks to Ira Gessel for discovering this considerably simpler (and shorter!) proof. in and u2 and so, for simplicitly, we will verify the relation in the inhomogeneous form obtained by setting u = 1 . Consequently, the elements x , , and z are now replaced by their inhomogeneous forms p-1 (u +m) y= z z = xP = U1 m=0 p-1 n + mu + 2 m=O (u2 u2 - 1 The coefficients 2u2 ' (2n-2)!/n!(n-l)! appearing in the equation (4.7) have a particularly nice representation in terms of binomial coefficients. (1/2) n (1/2) (-1/2) ... Specifically, (-(2n-3)/2) n! c n! (n-1) (l)en-1 2 2n- 1 Therefore, with coefficients considered (p+l)/2 (p+D/2 = n=2 n! (n-1) ! n > 1 (2)(4). . . (2n-2) (2)(4)... (2n-2) (-1)n-1 (1)(3) ... (2n-3) 2 for mod p , we obtain 22n-1 1/2 - n n=2 (p+13/2 n 2 n n=2 =- ( (1 +4 z p+D/2 - 1 - (p+D/2)(4 z)) =-1((1+4z)(p+D/2 - 1 -2z) 76 Next we develop a suitable formulation of the product y . appearing in the definition of p-1 (+ (p-])/2 _ (_)IP-l/2) 2 + (se - $) 2 )2 (m+ We first claim that m=O To prove this, one need only check that the right-hand a = -(m+s)2 side vanishes when for m = 0,1 .p-1 This is straightforward and we omit the details. Now setting a and setting = 2u2 -(ul = 2u 2 = -z - u - 1/2 , we have 2u (u1 - 1/2)2 + (m +u 5 = a + (m+5) = = - u1 - 1/2)2 - 1/4 + u 1/4 2 2u 2 + - 1/2)2 m2 + 2mu 1 - + (M)2 = 2(u 2 + mu 1 Therefore p-1 n 2y =2P m=O p-1 u2 +mu +()) (m+s)2) 1)2 (m+ =0 (-z-1/ 4 )(z = / 4)(P-1)/2 + ((u z - 1/4) = -z - 1/4 + - (_l)plY2)2 - 1/2) - (u1 - 1/2))2 +2(z +1/4)(P+1)/2 - z -'1/4 + (u +1 + - z -(4z - 1/4 +x 2 - u1 )2 77 - 1 - 2z) +x 2 = zP + I((1 + 4z) =x2 -zP -7 (-)n((2n-2) ! /n! (n-1)t)zn and so the proof is complete. Proposition (4.8): The invariant ring SG where S'[z]/(/) 9 is the relation of the preceding lemma. Proof: Clearly, we have the inclusions S [z]/(R) C SG S' Both = SG is defined by SG and S'[z]/(9) and the relation S' [z]/(R) S'[z]/(P9) = SG R , it is are degree irreducible. p extensions of Therefore to show suffices to show that the ring is normal. Consider the partial derivatives 3P/ x = -2x 3R/by = 2u 0e These partials vanish simultaneously only along the codimension 2 locus (x = uO = O} . Thus is non-singular in codimension 1 and, being a hypersurface, it is therefore normal. // We now examine how this structure carries over to the ring R . The ring of invariants RG again contains Nu and Nu2 , where the norms are now computed with respect to the inhomogeneous action of a on R . We continue to denote these norms by x and y ; they correspond to the images of the above x and y under the map f 1 u x = U- y = u2 and therefore - cp: SG -*RG . Note that now up + (terms of degree > p) uP1 u2 + (terms of degree > p) x and y alone forma systemof parameters in R. Consequently, we obtain the following analogue of Lemma (4.4) : Lemma (4.10): of ranks The rings R and RG are free k[[x,y]]-modules // p2 and p , respectively. We concentrate on the case that RG -4R at the maximal ideal singularity. CP: SG--+RG ramifies only m c R, so that RG has an isolated If Conjecture (2.12) is true, then the map is surjective, by Lemma (2.2) and Theorem (2.16). In this case the invariant ring RG is generated by the In fact, it is possible images of x, y, z, and uO under cD. to show that the image of RG over k[[x,y]] z alone generates the extension Denote the element p(z) = u2 fu -2fu again by z Proposition (4.11): then RG is If the map CP: SG -+RG is surjective, generated over k[[x,y]] by the single invariant z. 79 Proof: Let w be any element of the invariant ring The element w can be represented as a power series in RG x, y, z, and f; it suffices to show that all terms involving can be forced into arbitrarily high degrees. f By Proposition (2.14), there exists an element wt E SG w' such that in the form p(w') = w r + u0 s ,where k[[x,y,z,u0 ]]/(9) and r ord w' = ord w and Write . r,s E SG= depends on x, y, and z alone. Now w Therefore = p(r+u 0 s) p(r) + f-cp(s) = ord w = ord w' = ord cp(r) ord(u 0 s) > ord w. and Thus the terms in w ord(f-cp(s)) which involve lie in degrees strictly greater than the order of Set w 1 = fecp(s) . The element w1 can repeat the above argument using lies in w1 RG > f w and so we in place of w . Continuing in this manner, we conclude that a representation for w can be chosen so that terms in f have arbitrarily high degree. The elements x, y, z, and f satisfy the relation (p+1/2 (-1)n((2n-2)!/n!(n-l)!)f 2p- 2nzn (4.12) 9' = z + n=2 + 2f y - x 2 = 0 GG in RG , corresponding to the relation If the map by x, y, z, and uO in SG. c(4.7) satisfied cp is surjiective, 8o the preceding proposition implies that k[[x,y,z]] among and, consequently, that x, y, and z alone. f lies in F,' defines a relation In fact, we now show that even without the assumption of the surjectivity of hypothesis that Lemma (4.13): x lies in k[[x,y,z]] m C R The map RG -* R if and only if ramifies only at the maximal f By Lemma (2.2), the map is unramified away from if and only if f some x = u1 - f 1 u 1 i f Now . contains a term of the form is relatively prime to is not divisible by are is relatively prime to z . and Proof: so is sufficient to RG = k[[x,y,z]]/(A') prove that ideal f cp , the u1 and u1 . and x and u2 for zz~= u 2fu -2f2fu , 1 -f 1 2 z exactly when it Since the only variables in u2 , this requires that m f R contain a pure u2 -term. Theorem (4.14): If f E k[[x,y,z]] and the map R - R is ramified only at the maximal ideal, then the ring of invariants RG is equal to k([x,y]][z]/(R') where Proof: R' is the relation given by equation (4.12) above. As in Proposition (4.8), it suffices to show that the relation Let cn = k[[x,y]][z] defines a normal quotient of ' (-l)n(( 2n-2 )!/n!(n-l)!) and consider the partial derivatives (p+1D/2 )-'/3x = (-2n)cnf 2p-2n-i zn (3f/x) - 2x n=2 (p+l/2 2p- 2 n-lzn( f/y) +2 (-2n)cff = n=2 (p+])/2 [(-2n)c f2p-2n-lzfn()f/z) + nc n f2 p-2nzn-l )R'/3z = Ln n=2 = fp- 2 z(2c 2 fp-2 + terms divisible by z ) There are three cases to examine: (i) If (39'/3y) = ()R'/ z) = 0 f = 0, then (II'/3x) = -2x . The elements and f and are x relatively prime, by Lemma (4.13), and so vanish simultaneously only at the maximal ideal (ii) of k[[x,y]][z]/(') If z = 0, then 2fP at (iii) . (32'/3x) = -2x and (3,'/3y) = and again these simultaneously vanish only m' . The only other possibility for which (3R'/3z) = 0 is that 2c2 fp generated by prime and at Therefore m' 2 z . is contained in the ideal But f and z are relatively c2 /1 0, so again this happens only m' . k[[x,y]][z]/(P9') is singular only at the maximal 82 ideal. Since the ring is non-singular in codimension 1 and defines a hypersurface, it is normal. As in the previous section, we ask how much the choice of f can be restricted. By Proposition (3.1), f can be altered by any element of the form (a-1) 2h which a , provided is invariant under h is an element of R of order at least two. Now x x E tr(R) = = Nu since N((a-l)u 2 ) = n (a u 2 - i=1 aC~1 u 2) and it is easily checked that the expansion of this product can be represented by a sum of traces. Therefore x lies 2 in Im(a-l) R D tr R and so any terms of f involving x can be eliminated by a process analogous to that used in the proof of Theorem (3.12). On the other hand, the element eliminated from f dimension > 0. if the map y RG -- R cannot be entirely is unramified in This follows from the fact'-f must contain a pure u -term (Lemma (2.2)) and of the generators and of z RG is the only element which does. y , x, y, Moreover, one can easily calculate that tnere is no element h E R of order y E Im(a-l) 2 > 2 only if y = (a-1) 2(u2 + ... The fate of for which f = y + ... (a-l) 2h = y . In fact and then ) z is still unresolved. One would like 83 to be able to eliminate all variables except dim R = p-l . as was done in the case the z 9 Im(a-l) 2S case, here p-l y unless In the special case that p-l cp(z) p = 3 , and we p: SG - R does lie in p = 3 f, However, unlike have not yet determined whether the kernel of is sufficiently large so that from Im(a-l) 2R the dimensions 2 and , coincide, and so the results of sections 3 and 4 can be combined to obtain Corollary (4.15): and let a be any automorphism of linear terms consist map RG (4.16) for some RG -* R R = k[[u 1 ,u2 ]] Let R , where char k = 3 of order 3 whose of a single Jordan block. If the ramifies only at the maximal ideal of R j > 0 = k[[x,y,z]]/(z3 +y2jz 2 R, then _ y3j+l_ X2 If the map ramifies in dimension 1, then . is regular. Proof: By Theorem (3.12), there exists a choice of coordinates for for some R so that a au1 = u au 2 = u 2 + u1 j > 0, where y = Nu2 has the form + yj . If the map G R -R ramifies only in dimension 0, then Theorem (4.14) gives the desired form for RG . If the map is ramified in 84 j = o dimension 1, then and a is given by the linear action au u2 u The elements and = u = u2 + u1 y = Nu 2 =2 u 2 - U1 u22 are invariant under this action and it is easy to check that they are algebraically independent and generate the invariant ring. Thus RG is a regular complete local ring. It is interesting to note that if j = 1, then the resulting singularity (4.16) is a rational double point of type E6 . singularities, However, in the range 1 < j < though Cohen-Macaulay, are no longer rational. co, the Finally, we remark that the structure of the invariant ring RG for dimensions between 2 and understood. S p-l is not yet For these intermediate rings the linear model is-a truncated form of the (p-l)-dimensional model and no longer has the filtration by free G-modules which makes the p-l analysis possible. Nor does the invariant ring have the compensating property of being Cohen-Macaulay and hence possible to compute directly, as in the 2-dimensional case. CHAPTER IV Examples of Generalized Actions. In the preceding chapter we examined the forms for 2Z/p -actions generated by an element a with a single Jordan block and a single higher order entry in its extended linear form. We would like to know how information about this basic form can be generalized to a broader range of group actions. The first section of this chapter examines several methods of extending the one-block Z/p- action results and several conjectures are formulated about the resulting canonical forms. In the second section, these generalized forms are illustrated by analyzing the actions which give rise to tne rational double points in characteristics 2 and 3. §1. Remarks on generalized forms. Let R be a formal power series ring over an alge- braically closed field be a cyclic group of an element a a . k of characteristic k-automorphisms of R p and let G generated by By Proposition (111.1.5), the action of can be brought into a partially-linear form in which all higher-order terms are pushed to the top of each Jordan block. Following the methods of Chapter III, §1, the non-linear action can then be extended into the linear-style 86 action (111.1.9) and a linear model S constructed in which one new variable is added for each non-linear term in this extended form. However, if the number of new variables is greater than one, the methods of Chapter III, §2 must be modified: the invariant ring R no longer can be realized as a simple hypersurface slice of SG and the coordinate changes required to bring each of the higher-order terms into a canonical form must be compatibly chosen. In this section we indicate several ways in which the results of Chapter III may be extended; specifically, we examine the cases of 2Z/p-actions generated by an element whose linear terms consist of several Jordan blocks and of 2Z/p -actions for (i) Multiple-block Assume that and that a i > 1 . 2Z/p-actions. is a ;.;u ,...,u R=k[[u p-cyclic automorphism of linear part consists of n R whose Jordan blocks, each of the maximal non-linear dimension p-l. By Proposition (111.1.5), there exists a choice of coordinates so that the action of a within each Jordan block has the form au i.1 (1.1 = u ui,2 au 1 + f (ul1 ,... ,unol) = u i,2 + uil - + uip-2 ' 87 i = 1,...,n for is , invariant under all of the where f a . E R has order at least 2 and Note that each f. may involve uj's, not only those within its block. In the one-block case, Theorem (111.3.12) shows that it is possible to choose coordinates so that the single higherorder term f is a power of Nup_ . However, in a several-block action, there is a possibility of interplay between the higher-order terms of different blocks. We therefore conjecture that Theorem (111.3.12) has the following generalization: Conjecture (1.2): For R and a a choice of coordinates so that where q j = 1,...,n f as above, there exists = qi(Nu is a power series in the norms of . Furthermore, if the map RG - R only at the maximal ideal, then the ideal primary to (u ,...,un,p-1 In the case n = p established by Artin [2 = 2 J. A ), ,.,Nu u for ramifies (f ,...,f ) is * , this result has been non-linear action in characteristic 2 has Jordan blocks of maximal size 1, so that actions in dimension 2 have the form au = u + f (1.3) au2 = u 2 where f = q (Nu ,Nu2 ) + . f2 ' If the action is free except 88 at the closed point, then maximal ideal m = (u ,u2) relatively prime. (f ,f2 ) is primary to the and hence f z = u 1 f2 + u 2 f1 z2 + ff (1.4) This action is 2z , x = Nu1 is f = x and are , y = Nu 2 subject to the single relation + f2y + f2 x = 0 one of the basic forms arising in the study of rational double points in characteristic 2. if f2 In this case the resulting invariant ring is generated by the three elements and and For example, f2 = y , the resulting quotient-singularity defined by the equation (1.5) 2 2 2 z + xyz + xy + y which is a double point of type If the Jordan blocks of 0 D4 a have less than maximal dimension, the situation is far more complicated. As the size of a block decreases, the number of choices for higher-order terms increases, so that the single-block actions themselves have a greater variety of forms. Nonetheless, examples based on 2-block actions where the action within each block is one of the many one-dimensional forms of Chapter II indicate that the analogue to Conjecture (1.2) still holds: the main principle in generalizing from one- to several- block actions should be to allow higher-order terms to be chosen from the common 89 pool established by the choices from each of the one-block components. (ii) 2Z/p -actions for Now assume that series ring i > 1 a is an automorphism of the power R = k[[u 1 ,...un]] of order p for i > 1 For simplicity, we will assume that the linear part of consists of a single Jordan block. Z/p -actions, the action of coordinates for a As in the case of can be chosen so that has the form au 1 (1.6) R a = U1 + f(u,.*,u n) au2 = u2 + u aun = un + u n-l where f E R has order at least 2. The maximal size for a Jordan block in a linear action is p , so that the maximal linear model is given S = k[[v 1 ,...,v ]] p by the power series ring with automorphism (1.7) 2/p - av - av2 = av i= p 2 + v v + v p . p -l Any non-linear one-block action can be realized as the image of this model under the map t: S -> R defined by 90 (a-l)p -n+j (f) 4(v) (1.8) = for j = 1,...,p -n-i f for j = p -n u n-p i +j for j = p -n+1,...,p Note that this map simply sends the last S to f , u 1 ,. . .,un , respectively, n+l letters in and the images of the earlier letters are determined by the action of a on f. a on R (If the extended linear form for the action of has length less than several p , then the images of the first v.'s will be 0.) In order to employ the methods of Chapter III in analyzing canonical forms for 2Z/p -actions, we consider Pi-i the 2Z/p-subaction on S generated by T = a. The action of T = Jordan blocks of size p . Lemma (1.9): p a on S splits into The action within each block is defined by = v Tv 1- i-1 j+(p-1)p where Proof: j = 1,...,p + v- 4+(p-l)p - + j+(p-2)p i-i This follows at once from the definition of using the facts that T-1 = ap - 1 =(-1 a , l and v. , ~Jv (C-l) = p// Therefore the linear model generated by T with 2Z/p-action closely resembles the linear model for the multiple-block Jordan blocks. S 2Z/p-action consisting of p i- maximal However, in the multiple-block case the blocks remain independent in the passage from linear to non-linear systems, whereas in the 2Z/p -action the blocks T are intertwined, the elements of the same block of being distributed to every (p i)st position in Consequently, the single higher-order assignment completely determines the images of all earlier S *(v i) p -n v 's. =f We are primarily concerned with the case that the is unramified in dimension > 0 and so now -. R R map examine which elements order terms in R v. in order for this to be true. Lemma (1.10): If the map maximal ideal, then Proof: RG -- R n = dim R If the action of ideal of must be assigned to higher- G G . at most u. R cannot fix any of T maps to a non-linear action on i: S -R - p i- can be fixed by any In particular, the induced action of on that p is free except at the maximal R , then no coordinate subgroup of is ramifies only at the u T and so each of the Jordan blocks R . This implies sends at least the top letter in each block, 92 namely v1 ,...,v il the remaining to a higher-order power series in , v 's. Hence at most p -p variables * . remain degree 1 under In the maximal case, i.e. the top letter in each block of R . order power series in dim R = p -p T only , is assigned to a higher- The situation is therefore like that of the preceding example where now the lowest letters in each block are given by j = l,...,p the map in = ,for i fli u u il = 1,...,p j p . +j p -2p denote the norm of the element respect to the subgroup generated by Under above. j u. t , these elements map to the last R , namely N u. in place of the , v letters Let u with T ; note that this is not, in general, invariant under the full group G . Then by analogy with the multiple-block forms we obtain the following conjecture for the maximal 2Z/p -action: R = k[[u 1 ,...,u ] and let p -p whose linear a be an automorphism of R of order p Conjecture (1.11): Let part consists of a single Jordan block. a choice of coordinates for is defined by R Then there exists so that the action of a 93 Ou 1= u1 + q au 2 = U2 + u au =u p -p where for q j = + u p -p p -p -l is a power series in the elements N u +j p -2p G i-1 . Furthermore, if R -4R ramifies 1,...,p only at the maximal ideal, then N u i il p -p involving q contains a term alone. As in the case of multiple-block 2Z/p-actions, the simplest forms of these 2Z/p -actions arise in the classification of the rational double points. p= i= 2, then a is a 2Z/ 4 For example, if -automorphism of k[[u ,u 2 ] defined by au (1.12) =u 1 + f 1u Cu2 = u2 + u 1 If f = NTu 2 = u2 (u2 +f) of u2 then f can be expressed in terms alone by solving this equation recursively. resulting invariant ring RG is generated by the three elements x = y = f-af af z = f 2u - f + f u 2 + f af + f'af.u subject to the single relation The + (af) 2u 2 94 z2 + x3 + xy3 + xyz = 0 . This equation defines a double point of type E . It is interesting to note that the 2Z/2-subaction generated by 2 T = a is, after a suitable coordinate change, precisely the multiple-block 2Z/2-action leading to the rational double point (1.5) of type D4 considered in part (i) above. §2. The rational double points. In this section we illustrate the variety of actions possible over fields k of non-zero characteristic by examining the automorphismof the smooth scheme X = Spec k[[u,v]] which yield the rational double points as quotient-singularities. rational double points are obtained as quotients of by the finite subgroups space with basis of In characteristic zero, the u,v . G of acting on the vector SL2 However, if G , the group action degenerates singularities in characteristic p simply to the smooth reduction of action. X p divides the order mod p and the do not always correspond X modulo this group Artin [ 3 ] has shown that the rational double points in characteristic p do still have coverings by smooth schemes; we now calculate the actions necessary to exhibit these singularities as quotients of the form up to purely inseparable extensions. X/G , 95 Unlike in characteristic zero, the rational double are not necessarily rigid, i.e. p points in characteristic there may be several non-isomorpnic singularities having the same configuration of exceptional curves in their The classification of the double minimal resolutions. points used below is that given in [ 3 ]- The simplest family of singularities are those of type n > 1 , which are defined in all charac- An , for teristics by the equation =0 zn+1 - xy (2.1) In characteristic zero, quotient of An- the singularity by the cyclic subgroup of X is the SL2 generated by C0 (2.2) where ring 1 C k[[u,v]]G is generated by the three elements , = x = un (2.3) subject to the single relation If pjn , zn z = uv = xy then the covering of by (2.3) becomes inseparable m The invariant root of unity. nth is a primitive is relatively prime to Let by X defined n = p m where p . Then the substitution e x =x mod p . An- e , yy- , defines a purely inseparable cover of z=z An- 1 by the simpler singularity Am- 1 The singularity quotient of X since . Am- pm , and therefore realized as the quotient of is a tame An-1 can be X by a tame m-cyclic action e plus a purely inseparable extension of degree p . Tnis is one of the few cases where the characteristic zero behavior specializes nicely to the characteristic singularity. p We will see below that in general such a simple explanation is not possible. To analyze the remaining singularities we first G observe that if the group producing the characteristic G/H zero singularity has a quotient p , then the cover to characteristic X/H p . - X/G of order prime to is preserved in the passage Thus the singularity explained in terms of the simpler singularity X/G X/H can be and so we need only consider those cases in which the characteristic zero group has no quotients of order prime to p This occurs only in characteristics 2, 3, and 5, which we examine separately below. (i) Actions in characteristic 2. The actions producing the rational double points in characteristic 2 are modifications of the basic forms (1.3) and (1.12) described in §1. Of particular interest are two generalizations of the multiple-block 2Z/2-action (1.3): First consider the effect of allowing the higher-order terms f1 and f2 to take on common factors, say f = ac f2 = bc and y , Nv , and the elements = prime. c a, b, and where The action of a x = Nu are power series in a and b are relatively is then given by au = u + ac av = v + bc (2.4) and the invariant ring is generated by the three elements z = ub + va , which satisfy the relation x, y, and z2 + abcz + a2y + b2x (2.5) Because of the common factor in f 0 = f2 , the covering and of this singularity by the smooth scheme (c = 0) . along the locus X Note that if c is ramified = 1, this gives the original unramified form (1.4). Secondly, the action (1.3) may be modified by allowing Nu and Nv to be polynomials in the invariants y , instead of x y and of replacing the themselves. and x y polynomial expressions for the smooth cover x and This has the effect in equation (2.5) by the Nu and Nv and of replacing by a more complicated surface. X To illustrate these actions, we first examine the singularities of type DN . These singularities are described in characteristic 2 by equations of two forms, depending on whether (2.6) Dr 2n D2n :z 2 N is odd or even: + xyn-rz + x2y + xyn = 0 2 + xyn-rz + x2y + ynz = 0 (O < r < n-1) 98 In characteristic 0, the singularity quotient of DN is obtained as a aN-2 X by the binary dihedral group In . characteristic 2 the actions producing these singularities split into several types depending on the relation between r and n. If N = 2n and n > 2r then the singularity , X . has a ramified double cover by the smooth scheme n The action for even DN is of the standard form (2.4): n CU = u + xy (27)av where = v + yn-r x = Nu and y = Nv . The ramification in the cover y(n/2)-rin the higher-order is seen in the common factor terms. The equations defining the covering of can be obtained by expanding the identities DN x = Nu by X and y = Nv; specifically r 7-n u u =x + xy v2 +yn-rv If n =y is odd, the singularity can be realized as a quotient by the related action n+l au = u + xy (2.8) where av = v + yn-r y = Nv but now Nu = xy The equation . n+1 Nu =xy =u 2 + xy r u 99 defines a cover not by the smooth scheme singular surface. by setting 6 = X , but by a However, the cover can be normalized u/v NO = x so that , and the result is easily seen to be smooth. N = 2n If 2r > n , then the common factors in and the higher-order terms of (2.7) and (2.8) are lost and the action has the form CU = u + x (2.9) av = v + y where the cover now ramifies only at tne closed point. Again y = Nv , but now Nu = xy 2 r-n , and the cover defined by this equation is smooth only if 2r > n For a direct calculation shows that the cover is by A4(2r-n)-l is 2r = n . which, with a suitable choice of coordinates, given by the equation uw + v + (higher degree terms in v) = 0 The action (2.9) extends to an action on the ambient space Spec k[[u,v,w]] defined by av = v + y (2.10) where ou = w Ow u = y = Nv = v(v+yn-r) . Now A4(2r-n)-l purely inseparable extensions, a quotient of is, up to X by the 100 cyclic group whose order 2r-n m is the greatest divisor of relatively prime to 2. Therefore the Dr 2ns singularity is a quotient by the dihedral group of order the group has order 2m 2m , since and has no quotient of order prime to 2. The situation for to those for even N . N = 2n+l splits into cases similar The analogies to the basic form (2.5) are more easily seen if the equation (2.6) is replaced by the equivalent form z2 + xyn-rz + x2y + y2r+l = 0 , (2.11) x,-~- x + y which results from the substitution substitution is valid only if r > 1. r . This r = 0, the If equation has the equivalent form z2 + ynz + x 2 y = 0 and this singularity has a purely inseparable cover by X defined by y = u2 and z = v2 . We remark that this analysis also works for the singularity D2n n, which is equivalently defined by 2 2 n z + x y + xy = 0 and has a purely inseparable cover by y = u2 and x = v 101 We will see below that such purely inseparable covers exist r = 0 for all If larity forms. n > 2r Dr 2n+l in the equation (2.11), then the singu- is obtained as a quotient by the action au = U + xyn-2r av = V + yn-r where both even Nu and Nv equal y . As in the case of N , this cover is ramified in dimension 1, but the y = Nu equations y = Nv and now define a cover by A1 , which, with a suitable choice of coordinates, has the form uw + v2 + (higher degree terms in The action on (2.10). Since k[[u,v,w]] A1 is again given by the equations has a purely inseparable cover by X , D n+1 (n > 2r) is, up to purely inseparable the singularity extensions, v) = 0 a quotient by the ramified In the case 2Z/2-action a alone. n < 2r , the covering action is defined by au = u + x av = v + yn-r Nv = y where and Nu = y4 r2n+l , and this action is unramified in dimension > 0. of type A2(4r-2n+l)-l , The cover is a singularity which has equation uw + v8r-4n+2 + (higher degree terms in v) = 0 102 Again the induced action of by (2.10). a Here, however, the on k[[u,v,w]] A singularity is the 4 is given quotient of X that is a quotient by the dihedral group of order Drn+1 2(4 r-2n+l) by a cyclic group of order so n < 2r for The r-2n+l singularities are defined in characteristic 2 E6 by the equations E60: z2 + x3 + y2z = 0 1 2 3 2 E6 : z + x + y z + xyz = 0 (2.12) In characteristic 0, the of X E6 singularity is by the binary tetrahedral group 7 . the quotient This group has a cyclic quotient of order 3 corresponding to the normal subgroup P2 , and so the singularity has a degree 3 cover by the double point D4 Because the degree is prime to . the characteristic, this cover carries over to the characteristic 2 singularities. The substitution z = t3 (2.13) defines a 3-cyclic cover of If Er by the corresponding Dr r = 1, the substitution (2.13) results, after normalization, in an equation of the form + xyz + x 3 + y3 = 0 z for new choices of form to the D1 x, y, and z, and this is an equivalent equation given in (2.6). The action on 103 X producing this quotient is defined by (2.14) x = Nu where and au = u + y av = v + x y = Nv . This 2Z/2-action commutes with the tame 2Z/3-action introduced by the cover (2.13). T Let where denote this 2Z/3-action, defined by TU = CU TV = C~V , C is a cube root of unity. Then the is obtained as a quotient of the smooth scheme cyclic group G of order 6 generated by The situation for unramified E6 2Z/2-action of by the ramified a singularity E6 and X by the T . is analogous, but here the a producing 2Z/2-action for D4 . D1 is replaced (Alternatively, one could replace it by the purely inseparable extension which also gives a cover X -+D40 .) In both the r = 0 and r = 1 is cases, the quotient of the tame 2Z/3-quotient X A2 by the automorphism We therefore obtain the diagram of covers T (2.15) A2 T Dr / E6 104 where the covers marked by those marked by a if are tame of degree 3 and are degree 2 and are unramified in r = 1 dimension > 0 if T and ramified (or purely inseparable) r = 0 . E7 The singularities of type are defined by the equations (2.16) E : E1 : 2 E2: z2 + x 3 + xy3 = 0 2 0 + x 3 + xy 3 + xyz= 2 z 7. z +x +xy yz =0 E: z2 + x 3 + xy 3 + xyz In character 0, the E7 = 0 singularity is the quotient of by the binary octahedral group 0 whose only quotients have order divisible by 2; hence the cnaracteristic 2 actions are completely wild. 0 The singularity E has a purely inseparable cover by X of degree 2, defined by x =u 2 The singularity E7 and y = v2 . has a ramified double cover with action of type (2.4), defined- by au = u + xy av = v + x where x = Nu and xy=N. T the equations Though t X 105 Nu = x = u2 + xyu Nv = xy = v2 + x2v (2.17) do not define a smooth covering for r by setting v/u = then , Nv = y E7 , if we normalize and the resulting cover is smooth. The equation for Nu ramified double cover for given in (2.17) also defines a E2 . Now, however, normalization of the resulting cover yields a surface with singularity D0 , which itself has, a purely inseparable cover by 53 It is the quotient of above. was studied in §1 (ii) E Finally, the singularity 7 X X by a cyclic group of order 4 (see (1.12)) and has as an intermediate Z/2-quotient D1 the rational double point The last family of rational double points are those of type E8 , which are defined by the equations E0: z22 + x3 + y5 = E : z2 + x3 + y 5 + xy3z E82: z2 + x 3 +y (2.18) 3 . z 25+ x EB8: + xy 2 z = 0 + y5 + y 33z = 0 E : z 2 + x3 + y5 + xyz As usual, the cover by E E = . singularity has a purely inseparable X defined by 2 x =u Both = 0 and E and y = v2 . have double covers given by actions of 106 The action producing the type (2.4). au = u + y3 av = v + xy E has the form (2.19) where by X X x = Nu y = Nv and This defines a double cover . ramified in dimension > 0. For 2 E8 , the cover by given by ramifies only at the origin and the action is au = U + y av = v + x x = Nu where again and x = u2 + y3 u The equation Nu in y = Nv. from the definition of (2.19) also defines a ramified double cover for the EA singularity . Normalization of the cover yields a surface with double point E2 (This could, alternatively, . have been realized as a purely inseparable cover defined by x = u2.) However, we have not yet been able to compute the action for which this is the quotient-map. The most complicated of the This double point is 4 E8 singularities is obtained as a quotient of X by the metacyclic group of order 12, which is generated by two elements, a and T , satisfying the relations a4 = 1, The tame 2Z/3-automorphism 3 = 1 , and. a'r= 2a. T acts on X by E8. 107 Tu =Cu 1~A , Tv = where C is a cube root of unity, and the wild 2Z/ 4 -action is defined by a au = V av = u + g ag = N 2 u = u(u+g) . (These 2 v = V(v+ag) and a a definitions are-not circular; they may be solved recursively where g = N for both g in terms of ag and that the action of u and v .) We note can be expressed in the more conven- a tional 2Z/4-form (1.12) by introducing the new coordinates u = v = v , and setting u + v + g , a2 Now the action of is precisely the 2Z/2-action (2.14) producing the double point elements a and whose quotient is T f = ag . D4 . Moreover, the together generate the group action E6 .Consequently, 11 the can be realized as the degree 2 quotient of Eg8 E6 singularity corre- sponding to the quotient of the metacyclic group by the subgroup generated by (ii) a2 and T Actions in characteristic 3. In characteristic 3, the rational double points of type An and Dn occur only in their characteristic zero forms and, up to purely inseparable extensions, the actions producing them are the maximal tame quotients of the 108 We therefore begin our analysis characteristic zero groups. of the characteristic 3 singularities by examining the E6 forms. There are two E6 singularities in characteristic 3: E60: z2 + x3 + y4 = 0 4 22 3 1 2 E6 : z + x + y +x y (2.20) The first is the classical form for The singularity E1 B6 and it has a purely E6 X , defined by inseparable degree 3 cover by z = u3 = 0 and y = v3 . has a separable degree 3 cover by which is unramified in dimension > 0. 1 i E6 is given by X The action producing au = u + y (2.21) av = v + u where Nv = y and Nu = z . Note that this is the basic maximal block form for an unramified 2Z/3-action discussed in Chapter III (see, for example, Theorem (111.3.12) and Corollary (111.4.15)). The (2.22ce (22)1 E singularities are defined by the equations 7: E: z2 +x 3 +xy 3 = 0 2 3 3 22 z + x + xy + xy = 0 . The characteristic zero singularity has a degree 2 cover 109 E6 , corresponding to the index 2 subgroup by 7 in 0. This cover is preserved in the characteristic 3 forms, the substitution x = t2 (2.23) defining a tame C) double cover of by the corresponding Er 7 Er E6' The action on X which produces the double point is generated by the tame automorphism T of order 2 E introduced by (2.23), Tu = -u TV = -v and by the wild 2Z/3-automorphism As in the case of the covers a Dr -. 4 Er 6 defined in (2.21). in characteristic 2, the wild and tame actions commute, giving rise to the diagram of covers E6 ECA 7 If r = 0, the separable degree 3 covers become purely inseparable, cover of D - Er E06 resulting 00 in by X . the cover of E0 by A and the Again note the analogy with the covers in characteristic 2. 110 The singularities in characteristic 3 have three E8 possible forms: (2.24) E : z2 + x3 + y5 =0 E1: z2 + x3 + y5 + x 23 _ E8: z2 + x 3 + y5 +x The classical form cover by X 0 E 2 y2 = has a purely inseparable of degree 3 defined by z =u3 and y = v. The substitution t3 x2 + y2 defines a purely inseparable degree 3 cover of E81 by E0 6 ' whicn itself has a purely inseparable cover by X 2 More interesting is the case of E8 . If the basic 2Z/3 -action (2.21) producing Nv = y 2 instead of is modified by setting y , we obtain a 3-cyclic cover of ramified only at the origin. Nu = E6 E2 The resulting equations z = u(u+y)(u+2y) Nv = y 2 = v(v+u) (v+2u+y) D4 , which in charac- define a cover by the double point teristic 3 is a tame quotient of X by the quaternion group therefore an 2 . The action on X producing E 8 is extension of the cyclic group of order 3 by the group a2 111 and, since it has no quotient prime to 3, the binary tetrahedral group (iii) it is given by 7 . Actions in characteristic 5. singularities have E8 In characteristic 5 only the 5 ; the other singularities no covers of order prime to exist only in their classical forms. 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