Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India 2011 Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Social and Human Sciences Sector 8QLWHG1DWLRQV (GXFDWLRQDO6FLHQWL¿FDQG &XOWXUDO2UJDQL]DWLRQ Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship November 2011 Published by the ! " New Delhi 110029 India And # $ %& New Delhi 110011 India '( )*+,* -.*/34*4- 5 6 7 # )&6 8% '( : ; 4- 4 <'( ( "'8: 3 4%<'#$" 8- 4-< =(>: ( )$*; -(> <7>(- (>(#?>56 = $-" @BC)CE)CEC)F)G 5- #4< -4 # ---4% #4<-H4 <46- "-4 - of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or the delimitation of its frontiers or % > 5- - 4%-- -4 - -%K -4H4-6-- <- ##- > 4 -4% # <%4 <#%< <# 6--6 4#> $<## -4% # <% ' ( : # 63- ) ! " New Delhi 110029, India 5'LEEEMBEGOOO : H'LEEEMBEGOOEEGOO # '#> Q>6-Q> R%'666>>6- Printed in India Supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust. Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India: Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Scientific Editors Marie-Hélène Zérah, Véronique Dupont, Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal Publication Editor Marina Faetanini 2011 Supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Acknowledgements ii 5-4% --# <"-6EM 4 4%<-6EF - 4 '4 H# 87 6"<R 6KS #! #@4& - % S& #>- 8 34 #( % @ @84 T(#% US- -6#K3 8 5 @ T(#% US %- -3T63-US & "3 5 -$ < @ 8 -4 8<8TR -3US .*/34& -:6 :-@& -3"4# T8 USV< ;-@4& -S (?- :#4 & 44 $/ # &- H"3 7 &-6KT63-US3< (- 8) :6T63-US? "< (-<8 3-- #S-" 6 & # 8) :6:-@T8-<US*4- 5 6 7 # )&6 & -:6 34< 3WXW@W$ T&)8 US ( )*+ ,* -& -:6T63-U @& -3"4#T8 U> 5- - # -7 ; < 8 - (K-4 -< <- " %## 6 (<$-< "$4 ( $ - > 4 - K -4 4 -)@&8# < (-C%OEO -8 &"6(-G( -OEET6 3-%- U-% 4 ', $-# Gautam Bhan, Banashree Banerjee, Alison Brown, < -6-<" !;(>$>V 6 3% ?3 -( - " - & # - $6 - - .! <-V>> 5- K? 4 .6 -> :--4% - <% #-4 8 ##4 @ ( ( 8 # / ( : 4 ##4 # 63- 6-- -6K 4% editor, assisted by Daniela de Simone and &K#5 K- - & - 4 ## -<< 4) ( )$*; -> 5-4% - %#- % -@ & -T@&U# %<' 3>V "$ #H)- 43>& !- (#% < 3>?>>V- H) 3) > 34 -3 %!5 56- 44- # - 4% 4%> Foreword $ 6)4-4- R## 3"4#E %6-)$@5$5- #" 4#- "4#% 4%46-- 44 4#" - # <> < ""--K%6 - 4<# K% " < 4< # " " -K% - "<% > $6% #6K <# @ 6-%<OO-% 44 6 4#- - -44 -< F>4 #- CB#446-#-right to the city4 46 % --- - # > <--H -4 4-4% ---- " @ -#4<< 4-right to the city as a vehicle for social % "4# @ >@ # 44- "4# -)% 44 - % @ -4 - 4 6 allocation favorable to the most vulnerable 4 " - -% 4 # 6# -> @6-4"4<# K < 4 6- ## 6 % 4 - 6- - 4% - tolerance, and reinforce the inclusion of the most " %% # #> We trust Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India: Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 6 44< # K " 6 % - H- K6%6 -< 4 -% "> @6-- K#6 #< -H4 6-- "%-#4- #4# 4 - # 63- -" %44-<- "H the right to the city initiative, and the Sir Dorabji 5 56- 44# 4%> @K 8 "K 3 &4 " >> @ - ( " 7 K iii Contents 1 12 16 21 31 39 43 48 58 63 76 98 Right to the City and Urban Citizenship in the Indian Context ( )*+,* -*4- 5 6 7 # &6 .*/34 %- - The Constitutional and International Framework (?- A Philosophical Reading of the RTTC 4 H Urban Governance: How Democratic? *4- 5 6 7 # )&6 Women’s Right to the City: from Safety to Citizenship? *4- 5 6 7 # )&6 Caste and Class in Indian Cities: Habitation, Inequality and Segregation 3< (- Muslim Neighbourhoods and Segregation in the City V< ;- Migrants’ (Denied) Right to the City & #>- Urban Spatial Exclusion: A Historical Perspective 3< (- Claiming Land: Rights, Contestations and the Urban Poor in Globalized Times #! # -" 6 & # The Challenge of Slums and Forced Evictions .*/34 Urban Livelihoods: the City versus the Informal Economy - -6#K( )*+,* - %- - 109 122 133 143 Water and Sanitation: Barriers to Universalization ( )*+,* - Urban Transport and the Right to the City: Accessibility and Mobility ? "< (-< The Retreat of the State in Healthcare Policy and the Right to the City & "3 A Human Rights’ Perspective for the Right to the City (?- 150 Notes on Contributors 154 References 172 List of Websites 175 List of Boxes 176 List of Tables 176 List of Figures 177 List of Abbreviations Introduction Right to the City and Urban Citizenship in the Indian Context Marie–Hélène Zérah, Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, Véronique Dupont, Basudeb Chaudhuri 5-]R- -&--<^ 4_OOF - :# for the Americas and later that year at the R% :#T 4#% OOFU# %< " #"# 4# -)% 44 -- - % >5-- " -44" "#6-- K4- K"4<- )$@5$5 6--- - -/% -4 ---<>@OO )$@5$5 4! ]% 8 -&-- <'&-&4% -4^ T6 ? OOU -6 6%<-)$@5$54 the state of the world’s cities which articulates -#4 K6 -- -< "- T) $@5$5OEOU> 3% -" -&--<- @ H%-" " for a series of reasons that are discussed in this 44 4>R--@ ;"# - "! --& !"$6 `! 8 ##T8 #):U 4 - % 8"<& <TOEO)OOU 44 #<4 4-% > 5-%!"-46%6'TU -&--<T&55U 44 - H # < 4 # " @ S TU KK-H 4%#- - H 4< #6K>5-6% -- #%-#'6#- < - % " # "- #- K -- -% K4# !>$4 - H-46 # " 4%4#-" 1 -# 644 ## > Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 1. The Concept of RTTC 5-4-&--<T&55U 46<" "< #%" - ##S%< < # <-4 <#4 <# " >The Right to the City is the title %K6EMC%<7%" :-( H 6-# it to be a radical call to all inhabitants in the <%-]4g% k 4 ^T7%"EEU 444 >@-EO7%"6 " %<$# )( H- - 3 " "<6----- 7%"p-- <p% >5---<-EMO - #4 << <%- 7%" "<- "- %- # 64 4 - 4 -<>@- 4 -&55 4 /- 4 # # S" ) "-6 ")% # - - " # -4%6 - -4" "< -6">]5---<gqk #- -" - - -<#%) - - -<# - p ^T "<OOC'GU>#- #"#- 4-- -- -< < 4- - -4% 4 1 -"%< < #% # %6>@--#"# #- - 1 4%<- “7%" ^ -< < %<- % >@--% 6K of associations and social movements, such as the International Alliance of Inhabitants2 or the % @ G - -> 5- 44 -4 # #4 -&55 %-- %% <%< 6--- "4# >-$ - 8 8 - - &55 4"< H% % T8 8OEOU>5-<- -T#" 4 - - < " % #"-- --% "6-- <% -"U- %%#- )#4 &55> $- -]- - -#% 4"< - - - "#"- / -"4"< >^ T8 8OEO'EU> 54#<-# 4 -&55 -in the city, while its radical 4 - -&55 - -#4 >@%-# -6"-4&55/" -4>:< - # : -]R ^ #4 6`K6--4 -&-<$ - T 666>--<>U> 2 5-@ $ @- % T666>- % >U 4 "## -6 --##644 44#6K -%- 4 - # ---> G 666>-)>>5- % @ 6 EBM#<-% - H4 " ##%-47 $# $ $ - %% #--ECO6 >5-@ )4 FOO T#4 #"# -)"# "< >U " 6- % #>@# " " 44-- - ">@< - % #4 K-- #4 -R - -&--<> 2 time, to entitlements and to claims, that is, to -# - - -# > @6-H-T- - -"#4 U% 6- #-T- --4% 4U>5- %6# % "-> 5--"-<6K-< #"-<>6# 4<# -<# %T -U4 % %T 4U T -4>U " %T% "U> 5-<-6 - 6--#-"% %6" "-> $7%" - 6 -&55 "-6-H ##-4-- >5- H4 - %6-4 &55 -6% #"# )# - < #"#T8OOOOGU>` -) % 44 - 4#" -'4%4 4 4 4 T % U <% % -<> 5-6 44 -- % #4# <'- #% #%66- - #4" #- # 4>(% #%6-- #4"4 % 4 4% -4"-" "- 6 6% 6 7%"4]#^-<>5- #4# % %<8 ( >:-#- -4%6- -< -&55 % - "-<)) <T6--4 # - % KU-<)- ) -)%T-- # # -U']( <- # 4 #-- # ' - -S4 %6 S < %"#S4 4 )# KS#4<#S S # 4- #%<> 5- 4 - -< < 6--# -]^- <- <6--7%"# >6"-< 4 S7%"p# #- <> % #4 4--%-< 6- # ^T( OEO'CCU> 5- < " -&55 4 -6-#-- 4"> %" -&55 46political 4>5-/ - series of social movements, in India as elsewhere, - - "--T- - - >>>U - #> 6"6--#%46- 4" " "4-/#4# 44 6-- 4> 5- --< by Indian social movements, and it would be #4 - -"#- 6- -6-p> @-46-466 4-#4 -&55 >>66 -- -<- >5-#4- 6 K<- -<6- < K-4% #%< # < %> 5-- # " - %<-4&556 %4 -% K>@- #4%- -"< -4- -&55 " <6-- % 4 6 4 %<"6 -< ]^> 2. Urban Citizenship in India -4&55-@ H%-- % -4>-4 % % < % <%6 3 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship ->>-6- - 6- -##<> -4 T-- -U% "" 4 T- % 4%U>5- % -4#% < #- -46-- 'K- - S % -4#- % < - %# <>(4<% -4 44 "<%"< 4% <%6-446- 4# -< ->@ -4# 4 T <6-44 #"#4 -U# K # 4 4"6 -#4# 4> $ $44 TEMU ]q8 # # -4%# ##%-4< qq 4 <4"- -4^T4>ECU> 5- -< - 6- -" 4 ]4# -4^T4>EU-> 4 5--4#- -6-- @ %-- -%!H4 %< "<" #<-<4%< -%- >5- <4-#" ] 6 % H4 <^-#4< - -4<Kp44< p#>5- -4- <>8 <p H <-#4 4% --4 % # <--%">5- #4- 4%<-%- -#%<K- - -% # - -<4 " #%K-% 4 TV OOCU>@-4 @ " 4 6--- 4" %64"< 4 4 "#K'-% 4- " #--- 4 4 - - > 8 - - !p%6]4 <^ ]"<^T- !OOFU %# H- %6-]"4^ -] H)4 < -^>5-6 %<6K4 %<-H- -- - %- - #- "-T 4%) 44< H4 <U6--- " ">@4"-4 -4 ## # "---/#- " % @ > : <#4 - 4 <- % 4!<% --<x% --" -- %---8%3% <#T83U--#6- # #-x-6- - " 4 >5- - % -4-4" % --<H # -% 4# --# 4- - -<%- < # !6 < -# -4 6KH #4><- 6 -464"#4 "H" 44T6# - U" H- -6- %< %/ -4>5- 4# / % -4 <K% # - 4<- 4@ > 3. Positioning India’s Urbanization and Urban Poverty 34# K %) GBB# 44 <x-% 44 4 - )-- @ 44 TGEz -OEEU>$ H4 <-@ 6- 44 <4 E>EO%TOEE U4 4 46- -"% 6 -"4##4 >@@ 4% -#% 4 # -6%-- than the numbers of current urban dwellers, -6- - 6 4 4<# K> % @ "- H<< - %< -% 44 # " -%>@EE- # - @4@ - # " #- % 4Ez- % 44 SOEE-6G FGz- % 44 #-## 46-#- E #44T(#% 3-U> Box 1. Towns and cities as per the Census 5- # % 6-EME@ % -6' T U $4 6-- 6 administrative criteria, such as the #4 < 4 #% 6 ##>5- - <6> T%U $-4 6-- <- 6- # <' U ###44 OOO - % SU 44 < FOO44/ K#S U B4-# 6K44 >5- - 6> #6- 44 EOOOOO # # ]^ -6- #44# ]#4 ^ % # > 6- 4 %% # -##4 % 6->5-- # - 6-% 44 - " %6Ez Fz#EME OOE6- T-H %-" -U %MOz #ECEOOET" # K- ? >OOU>5-% #" - 6 -Hp% - -#4% 6-% <-4% 4 6> 5- # < #-4" -OEE" # 4-6-6- #4 T6-- %H4 U- -- "%# 6#44"# 6-- %H <% T?OEEU>$" % 444 %6 <6-H#4 > 5-# THEU -/-%#4- > 5- # "% % # 4 % 4 >5-# -#4 % 6 - 6--% 4 " -%> @4 -"4#4)% "" 4 # 6- #4 ) "# " %<# K / 4) # "!> . 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The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNUURM) 7 -%<-(<% 3"4#3#%OO 4" < - 4 ###46%#'U% " #%<-(<% 3"4#S U "-% 8 T8U-(< % 8"<$" >5- #-V&( ] # K4 "4#>:% <% ""<#- ###<4 4 - %<7T% %U4 6 >^#4 #- -V&(' E> 5- ##%T%--G#)4 4C) 4 S - U> > 5- % # T&>EOOOO GGG% US$U>5 - "44 <3"4#8 >5- %-G""#' %"F#44 Gz ;"#Ez ;"# Oz% 7 S%6EF #44 - OzOz GOz4"<> G> 5-H4#4 "-K %6 " % "4" % 6 > Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship F> 5-#4EG# <#%-7 "#T 4 -% 7 & $#44< H - )" 4""-4U> > 5-#4 " --- 44 -BF- $##$T$$U- # ##<4 4 6 4% 6 4 # <#> 5-V&(p #- -4 %< % "4#4 #- #4 - -" 4%< 4-4 >$--6### </ - " "# #-V&(- ##" #<-# -"))"- - K -% 4T4 %# "-% 8U - / -4 4 -7> '-4'!#>> #4<#- 6>5- - 4#/ - < !%- #" %<4<# K><" H-#4 -# #%46-- # >- <-<- # < #- 4%<- 8 # #<T--4 - 6K # K6 # <U-< - - %<4# -4!- 4 #"> &-% #<# < %- # -H % 4 -46% 4 >-- ## #4H #4HT -6 -#-44 - -44-UH4 # 4 T- # <"--6 <U 64-< 4 @ ]6 ^>- -- #4 4 slum demolition and resettlement sites, when # " %- ""-4#- < -4 6K>("- 4" 4%4 ---4" # #4 K H #4%#44 - H" 4 % - -<>4 4-#- 4 6 #4 /4 >% 4"< < #--H"<# > #6-6-% 4"< - - 4%4< <%< # #4"# - -< -& !" $6 `! 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K ---###) <- &55>@ # 4" / 44"@ < - 4%4 -6 "> R- -/% 4"< #%-44 / - -/ / - / %6 4S6 will, therefore, not restrict ourselves to a focus on -% 4> $ 4<#-# %!" -#4# - -4-&55 4%46-- - -4 % / %- -%6-> $ 4 -% -4 4 H4-H 4< #6K 6-% 4 % % 6- 4<## > 5- #6K!%<- #% 6- 4<% S" 4 #"# < -""--- %<" ->-%- 4 - @ > 5-4 #%H- "% % %%K 6 10 % - -""- 4< # K ">:<- % - ##4 -#- < S -6"--44" -- - 4 4 " 6K %< %<% #>< 4%#4 44- - 6- " 4 4 -- % 4 -#> 5-<-# % 6 #4 %6-- % " %>6"- %!%<-44 -@ H'% - -% 44 S-< --#% -< H4 4- % S-< -# -V&(S <-<- " #4 -6 <-<# >5- #4#6-#4 < < 6 -- # the foundation and fabric of the Indian city (that 6# < % #<- U-% K>-6 -4 !- #6> 5-4 6>5- -4 44- #6K" - - -<-@ H>5-< on international charters adhered to by India, 6 -" - T?- US-&55 # -T HUS -" #4 < T5 6 7 # )&6 U>5-6%< 4 4- -T5 6 7 # )&6 U T(- UT;-U # T- U6- -- -<>5-4 4---- - )## % %4"<) % H>5-H64 4 6- " # #% 4 % >(- -- # @ - 6 % -#4 <# 4 / 6K6-! # & # # - <% -&55>8 4%<34 - -6#K,* - - - % "--46- %< -6# #---<> 5- 4 4 # !% "- 6 T,* -U 4T(-<U - - T3 U>5- %-%<?- %-6--# - #6K % K-|&--<p6 > " -4% -6- -- India is endowed with a rich and mostly 4" " #6K6--4" % 4--&556 -# #% -#4# - #6K>#-# % - >5- latter is evident when one considers the condition -% 4 -# 6K' ---< -]<# K^-# - #-]--<^ -]--<^ -# % S -< /< !4 ">:-# 6-"< < " in many areas in India cities, their modalities of intervention do not necessarily favour the #46#-% 4>@- H7%"p -&55- " @ <>R- K transformation of attitudes and frames of mind, <>5-&55#4 - ! - <#>@-6-&55 44 - 6 %<-]"^ > 5---4% 6--4 # K-#%46-&55 6-#4< # " > : <--4<# 4 4 4% >5- ""6H4%<-" - 6--"644>: %-" # - ----H ### 4 # - 6- -- % 6>-< current debates that all those concerned by the @ 4<)# K 6-> 11 The Constitutional and International Framework Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Miloon Kothari 5-#"#-]&--<^- %"4%< 4 " < #4 %44"<" 4 <-## 4" >5---<%"6 6 -% -# 6-<4 - #4-# - < <>@ # < #% -H <"4# "%- # # - #4 <> @- 4 <4 # - - 4< " # --# - #6K- 6#-@ - -# -# - @ - > 5- #4# " -44- 4-# -#- )# "%<46# K 12 -64-# <- # @ >: H #4-"%< 44 - / -x -- -&55x 6// --# - ---<--# <-4 --- - 6 "->$< " 4<# -- %6--6%6- -# -% > 1. Domestic Obligations Several articles of India’s constitution are 4 < -&55>$- $E O -&55 #<--# -<-- 6K -- / -- <>5-$E - ]$- - "--TqUTU#"<-- -<@ STU <4 -<@ S TU 4 <4 < < 4 %^>& -- / - --- H4<- %- # ->$E4"- 4% 4"-- 4 %<> 5-4# #- -- <#4 % #> 5- -- / - > -4 forced eviction results in the loss of livelihood, it is 4# $E> @ $EF E % "/ <%- K # " 44 - " 4-%# - H4 %->& --4"< 4-%-H-# # % - -% #4 -4" > @ p###! / < international level is enshrined in Article 51 of ->5-4#- - -4"!- 4 4#- 6> @4 --- " H" ##-44 %- " > 2. International Commitments - 4-" 3 # &-TEFCU@ - -# -# " -&55THFU H4 4 <- <% - # &- " 8&"6<## -#4# > @ - <% %"@ - 4 4 ## ### -# -- -3 8 ##$ -R# &- Box 4. International human rights 5-@ " # &-T@&EMMU> 5-@ " " 8 &-T@8&EMMU> 5-"-# :#& 3# T&3 EMU> 5-"# $ #3# R# T3$REBU> 5-"$ 5 - @-# 3 5 # 8-#T$5ECFU> 5-"-&-- T&ECU> 5-"-&-8 6-3 %<TOOMU> T. EGU6--# K #4 % -"%< 4 -# -> 5-- / -x K- -# - -&55x# #4-"< % -$EETEU -@ " # &-T@&U']5- 4 -4" -- "< / " -# - #<- - -#4"# "q^ It must be noted that India’s commitment to / --@&H4< 4-4 ">; ##B-### &-- % %<!< 4" < " -# - 6>5- ### &-- " " -# 13 -4 <-- / -> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship ;"- #4 - -# --6# - @ " K -# - 4--- -" -# 3# $ R# -"&-- ->R#p#4H6-- #< ---- %- %- ] / -^# 44">34-# 4 46#-- # #H- <6#-6-4 - > @ -% 6#p -- - ]4 /4 women who are more vulnerable than others, at --K%#-# #-/ / ->^ 5-"#4 6# # -" - %---%<- ### &-> 14 ("$EM-"- # 3# $ R# T3$RU <6- p% / < %-# 6#44<-6-4 # >##- #-- -- / - 6# p-) # > 5-/" %<-# #4-"< -" -&--->5-- "# - -% - --#- # --p# "4 "4#>$BTGU 4 4 4"-- 6-44- ->$ EMTEU4--# 6 % < 6---4" < #<-# 4>5-%" -##-&--- - @ p#4# 6- 4--- "% / ---4 -" / -# - "> @ -4"- # %"#4 -4 "#- -" <%- ""4>: -### &-- ; ##F- --- -%#4 -- "<4 <4" ---p# #>5-% - #4-- / - < " %< essential services, affordability, habitability, reasonable location and cultural sensitivity in -"4#4>- 4 -; ###6K - "- 4 - - # -- / -# - --4" <4 4 ##4> 3. Apathetic Implementation $ <%- #4#% >5#<#4# 4" -# # ##4 "> 5-<% 4 #" H4<6 - # -6- - p"#- -> 6"4 de jure #- % "< #4"- "/-4 ">5-" -#%6 H # - < -@ <<#4# 4 -<#4# % >5- - %4 <4%<# %- -### &- %" @ T( <OOCU> % - <" - " -&55@ > # K -% ## - > . -- / -4 in India today, in contravention of international 6>5--##-# $:#& 3# - "- ) based discrimination and directed State action - %<] K4"4-% # 4 ##%)% ## - #4<#^> 6 46-- % -# - " 4"-@ - )" < )% < 6 / 6-%4 > -" 4-# -<; ##>B-### &-4" 4< "# >R-- " " -# - the event that relocation is unavoidable General ##B <-4 #-< " -#4 -# #< 444 4%4 4 - % -# -% 4" %#4 >@ - 84 ; 3"4#)% " 34 # 4" K4 ##4 #< #4" ""S 4" / #-" - - )- S / #4 - ) > 4. Recommendations 5--# - 44 --&55 # #- # %<4" # H>@@ - p4% %<- #- #- % / >5-4 #-#4"#>8#4# # % 4 56@ -6- 6 6- $EMTEU3$R>5- $ 4%- 4 K# # # 6# #< # #-- ]- #-%-44 -6-4 /# # # !<# 4 44<>^@ p #- 6 %%< -4"x]< - 6-]4<) -4 <##<^) #4#-#- - / -4 > 5-"<## K " --# - #6K6-- # # " <6KK" ->#4-# - - #4 % |<-p -6- % 6--- #6K>@ 44 -- " - #4 <-# -#< - "-- % 44" society to raise objections to state actions and 4%< " >$"#- 6K" -# - "4# @ <"< contribute to the structure and use of a human - #6K- #"- 4" # -># - " - of a common sentiment imbued with human -> 15 A Philosophical Reading of the RTTC Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Upendra Baxi 5-|&--<p # K %< ethical invention of our times, if only because % 4 -K % 6- # <# <|-# p |- "p -> %<|#p -- |4 p - % <-# - S-64 % # -# - % # 4-<< -6 <6--4 - 4-- !- " <%<H4> 4-< <""T#< EFS3 <OOGOOFU%<6-- &55-< #"#- -K %-# - K <4 > $ %" 6 #7%"p 4-6% # -# " #%46 > 7%"p|4 p |4 4 pT-|4-< 4 16 "< <6K 4 -6 <pUS- 4 |4 4 pT# % K6 %<# 44 46 - 4 U -|4 4 p#4 - # < |- % p4 --6-- |#4H<#% K)-# # "4 TOO'GOU>@ - -- "|4 p 6 < socially constructed and the contestation always - H-44 4 4 >@ < K # 44p"-4 4 >@-/4%<- -<# > 1. The Right to City -6- &55 4 ! ->$ OO- )$@5$5# 6- < - -]--<^ 4"- '->>>- "- 4# 6 #9>^ 5-- "6 # -> 6# <6%-# &553 " "< " ## -p&-p6-- <- ' ]5---< #- -) " %< % ' -- "%<- -<>@ is, moreover, a common rather than an individual -- # " %<4 4-H "46- 4 -4% >5-# # K # K "q -#4<# -# -^T "<OOC'FU> 5- - -&55 -]- "%<- -<^ >@ -- %<%-46S " 6 "##-S - -"- "4 ">6"- |6)p # "% - % % only because those who wield economic, social, 4 # 4 6 <6 # -#|6)>p@ ---&55 |-p # >$ <- -4444 #4- H4 " < #"# #%<-44 4 < ->@#- # &55 # 4 -" < " 4 -# -> 5-)$@5$5 -&55) #6- "<< # -]H "46 - 4-4% ^T "< OOCU>@#4 - # # - K <4 -# &55 K- - <> 2. Understanding the City as a Site of New Rights 5# <# -<6- 4##<>%- < " 6-- -> :6- %% -4 6 6K% 4 >5-H -# &55 # #4H- -4-66 -6 # <6 6%6-|% p |6p |# p<10T4EBU> @66 % |# -p -4 % 4 p-&55 4# < #% # 4 4 > 5-# <4 4 4 - 6---6 %46# "-44--<> K-# &55<" " 4- 6> A much debated instance concerns the limits 46%4 4 4>@# - --K %-&55 - #-"-# -4 ) > 5- "4 - # &55 # <-< |# "p >@| /<-<- - 644 # -R'-# -4T" U %#T%Up- <4"-6|44"- 9 % 8 -&--<'&-&4% -4(5)8<8 4TOOU 4>G> $-- K %-# " 4 6-- <%#% ) T %EMU 6 %- "TOOU> 10 17 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 18 ## <S-6-< -# <pT`):5 ECC'GEMU>5- idea of a city as a moral universe accentuates " >@ #-- )$@5$5&55" - " - -4) 4%##6----- # #%6- -%- ##< - -# < > 5- -4 6K66# 4 %<4x! 6--- 4 <4# 4%<6 - 6-# ##%6-# - % 4#"-# < 4- < -# ->5- - ## Hx 46- !>)% # 6-- <#)K 46-4%< -# 6 #4 "- - # &55T-@ &<OEOU> 5- 6K-& | pp- # -- / <4 <)% -46-#&55> - -4-6-) # 44 "# H |"4#p4 44> :--&55 K K# <- - 6-- <"- ## ) 4 )" >$ -44"- -4 # #4 / <-| <p | p 46>$ -/-4%<&55 K #"# -<- 4 -# --#< - # architecture for at least the constitutionally 4 >5-@ -6-6> :--6 < 4 4 6# % # 4 - " "4 #,6<<> $" %-"% 4 # ) T4 U 4# 4 < ##<" "# K>$ K@ %/<# - K ' |p4 |"#p #->-- distance between moral and juridical human -# <%H " <# % -# ---# "-6-<4 K%->$6 / -4'-6 &55 K# < # - < / - K #|4p <5--4 4-" " T HOEO U# <%"-#4H <#" &55 --<> H--6# <6< 4 6&55 |#4-px6---< #"# " 4 6# 4- |4p|4 p |-4px 6 6|4 -4p -# % #4"-@ < @-#|#4"-#pT |4"<pU% #""<- 4 #"4# 4 -- < < # K K444|4>p5-# 4 -@ |% pp% p4 - " -#4"- 6)@ 6- %< &55 ## " % 4# < # !> 5-# &55-# <% 4# <#< # 4<T "#-% - US rather, it invites labours of theory and movement %- 6- % -# - 6 # # !>--" < the dominant idea of a city made, in the main, 4%%< 6% |" 6-p< @ # 4-> |@"6-p 44-# < |/ %"4#>p@# K# "H>8 K<- 44<%- have little choice but to allow the unconscionable H4 - %46 -4 -< - 644<-# # #<46----">@ - - |<p< ) 4 > "--6 "|#"6 p -&55K " - > 5-<- K% K" <# that relate the idea of city to the notions of " %- <4 "< <T"# K## 4U-4 "|" p T# K4 < " "6-6"6x 4 4U>@K6- #- -&55H- T-- "U %@%"- -> 3. The Specific Vicissitudes of RTTC in Indian Constitutionalism 5-@ %<# "%6 # T" 4 U- -8 @@@ 8 @.#%3"84 8<T #-U% unfavourable conditions for democratic judicial --- "-44-% #4"-> :-4 % 6) K6 < "-- -% # - - % 44< "4> 5-4- -# - #4<# " >5-" --# -% #4"-4" #" %- <<) # --# -- -> @-H- - ! < -4-- 4 -4#@ T@ - U5-6K-6 -4)#< 6--4# @ <-" 4# " # 4@ T:# OOCU>5- -)"x 6---@%' U "8 @.- %8 @@@ -S %U "% -# ! -# -S U & <# --! #" T$7U # # 4% T8@7US U 3"4 4 -4%6 4 -# - #"#4 -# - 4! " 4%4< H" > @-H- -4# @ - 5 case # - " - --H-#% < 4 "#66-6%" --#4-- #"<4% >@"" 4-%- -# ->5-!- 5# OEO %<-3--- # ->@ H#4 <#- p#<4<-" % 4<% <# - - ; ##BTEBU-## # -- 19 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship &4-4 & 44$/ -384> - - #4#%<"- % #4"->@-- < necessary relocation shall be consistent with the 4"- - |% " #6--- < --p - "<| >p 20 $ < ! < -4 4 < %<-! >@OOO-4#$# >8 ">@ -3- Government and other authorities to remove |# -p|4%p 4 # G># 44>@ -6 4 -#)6 | -p6- |# p ##4 4#-!- # |4K)4Kp- H4 <@ 3- -!#T8 #4 - #"> ;"# 4 5<3- x ##!#MG4 %<-# ##<--- 4"6 U3- #)6 |! - - !# -< p% - |- p 5-6 <@ ! "#66 -4 --664-#! ! % x #6--- -# --4 -# < T; OEOU #4x" 4<x"--|6- - ->p@-H@%"- - &55# -%-4- --# - %6> 4. Conclusion - -4of4 6- 4for4 >5-## < 4 # 6--- and new forms of veneration of the sacerdotal -#44< " -46# # - > - rule of law sanction various forms of violent H" 4 --6) 44 < - #4 < <-# - "- -% #4"-> @ 4for4 K|4p 6-4% |4-p6- < -4 # >@- # # "4>5-|&- -<p- -| p --# -#44< -6 <"<- -#<<## 46> 5--#< 44p everywhere, we witness the battle cries for the # |4%p4 4 # -# - x6--- -#"#44- % #4"--< # "-# -T 6 < 4< U>$ #< -&55#"### #6 % #%< |6 "p- #% -# - and social movements which remind us that # <" K-# -< 6- K-# / <<> Urban Governance: How Democratic? Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal 5-" @ - %< #4H<# 4 > - #4H<-# ! 'TU- -@ - < - %< STU- economic reforms launched in the early 1990s, 6--- " 6# #x6- % x -@ #<S TU- 4< 4E>@-H- -4%6% " - --< %##4- 4 4 '6- -44 - - 4 < % 6# <4 4 -)# K4- - -<$#4- /#4--6 )#4 #46 #46 -H "4 4 S% / - -4%6" #4 4 )# K4 > 1. Facts 5-" "" #4< %-4% T#4 4 4 4- - "#-U 4" T- 4 "<U>- #4< % % 4 < %<>#- K 4% " 46--# K <- - 4% "4%#- delivery of urban services, and therefore to 44<- -" >5- ""#-4 -- 4%)4" 4 -4T888U " -4 <-- 4%<>: < - ""#-T%- -- -4#U- 21 # !- 4 # # > 5-" 4-#-" % " #4 "< -"<>5-%"< -#4 6-- -%4" %<-(4 8 ##T(8U - 444- #6K- 4< 4 E> -6"< xR ( - - #<$- 8 - ;! )- "#4#- 4"11>@#@ -6"- % (8 6- "# K44 < # !% " <K<- "4# 4 6 > 5-- " <%6--" "#T" # K- ( OO'MU-#4 %< " < -"%64 " >8 % T6--# - K< - 6 < 4>U # 6 <#4 # !< #<4 " - " - 46" % " >-%!" - 4< % %<& !" ; -p"#- ECO #4##EG6 6 4< # "## K# 4 " #4"- 44 > 5-#4# - 4<-6"6 <%-- #% -BGrd BFth ##> 5- - ## Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship !"# context 5- 4< K-#6 ##-BGrd$$ 6- @ -BFth$$ 6-% @ >5-4<-" > E> @ ] <^T H-"#U--" #' - " K4 6-H#-#--# -4" -4" ##> > @# K # <#4 "'" T>> / U- -%6--- "%#4# -"%-- 4 # p " #%4 6H- ">5-" 44- # 4-6-5>$ #4 " " 6#6-- %--#TGGz U> G> 5-4< # K # <#4 4 "'-BFth$$ 4 4 <4 x-6 ##x# 4#-4 4 -# #% > F> @"" 4%% %-- % )"#x-56--> 11 5--?K (4 8 ##T?(8U#EC# 44 "- % %- -#4 T6-U T-U> 22 #4# %4<6 --- #< - - 4 #EG6 >5-4" # -4 "4 " 466">$ "#6 K@ " >- #4 4 T#%- U #- <"# < K- --@@--> 56-# #4 # ]##<#^12H" 46-H"6- 4 S-# -#4 4 --##x @ $# ""T@$U # %<- "# -- the mayor, who is usually indirectly elected and <- # >5-% the reservations system, many councillors are 6#6--# K-##4 " H- 4 ">$ #4 4 K -<6--H4 - - - # <- <K6 #<6 many of whom are also unaware of the name of - > 5- "#H4 -6 4 4 - - #4 ># -6"- 4 4 - level is even more determined by class than it is 6-@ TV OOCU'6- - # % ##4 4"4 4 en massex #4 4-6- 4% 6K6-6-# -< 4"# 6- 4% -% -#4 --"T;--5 6 7 # )&6 OO -OEOU> R- -#4 4 -- 4% 65-BFth $$4#- 6 ## %)#4 4 %6 -" -# <x-6 > -4"- %4 in a restrictive way, and in most cities ward committees are really wards##'-< H -" 6 x - / < >@ 6 ## <# K4 "<x 4#H4% (#% 6-6 ##G ;x%<->@4 therefore wards committees only add one level of interaction between councillors and >(4 "#- 6-- < " <4 p 4 4 %<> 6" " "4 4 % - "#-4 6 >#-6 46 < #'-- 6-4 4 < 4 ## %< "# T- -- -#x%6U %<(4 4 TK-$" 7 <( #;4 OOE (#% U>-- 4 4 #%#4' # #4 T---U4% 4% > 2. The Legal and Policy Framework 5-BFth$$TEU % K-- -4 !<4@ 6 'TU4 6--BGrd$$ - #% 4< # %"STU - )"## - -" - 6-4 46-- -% 12 5- "#4 # ( <))<##4#<R ( -< 8 ->@ - <#-- -H"6-( <%<#4 # #-#"6--# # #%6- "- -# 4T- 6 >U #- ]^-# %-R#<#> 23 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship - >6"-BFth$$- %< 4 <#4#'#4 4" - -#4 6 ##- "%4 "< "6 <S6-## <4" - -# (4 8 ##- "#4<%# > - %!"-V 6 - - % &6 ( TV&(U) -OO 44 #4# -BFth$$-M >5-V&(4 <4 -4 4 <# democracy, yet its contribution in the matter has %" >: - %%-V&( 6 - % <3"4#8 T38U>> #4-"#< -% 4!- - %"4< 4" # 4"% "4#>38644 -4 K-6--#4 H" 6-<)6% - 44"%H#< 6# ' # 6 - 6 <- -<# - 4 4 -4- "< S6--< K4 # <- 64 - 38T OOU> 5-V&( # K# <% #4# ##<8 4 7 6T87U# -"6- 6 ## #< 4 4 <4 - sabha (or #%<U6-- #4 6 % 6-4 "- EG> 5- %- 6%#4 " "4%-T 4%-U 4 " 6%##%-6 ##>5- 87- %<%< ->:<-]#87^ %<-V&(4<6--- 4 "6%# %<->< 6 <- %- 4 "#- <") 4-4"- 44 6-6%%/44 # >: < - ###%-4-% 6 H# 6-# K 4 % 44 # area sabhas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at the national level15%- % 4 " "%- >5-&5@ # K# < " "#4" <#/ %< T6- 6H4U6- GO <- 44 T-4'-# >">U>@ 46## - %%<" 4 H44 -<46 %<4% -> 3. Political and Academic Debates 5-#]" ^- </ %/6-#-# # of urban affairs, has been the object of an international academic debate, in which @ 4 - "%#4 %>5-" #4 #-" % <- 4 - -6#4 # 4 # <TV < EB- -KOOGU6---# < --<#- -# )# K> 5- #% --K # "-] " ^> $#@ )% 6#- V- 8 - - !6 -46K@ 6- 4 4 4 4 Box 6. The undemocratic governance of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) 5-4 -,$OO -@ "#p4< 6 - 4 H H4 >5-, 4<# 4#4" T #U"# - H4 !%6-# % 6>5- " % H 4<#, "%-"4, T6-66U #- 4 ,>, %"4-%<- 4" "# -- 8%8" 8 -4T888U> 5-4- %"<4"6- #- BOO44 " > ,- "4 #4 % @ >(, < "4H >5-< -4 -6--# - -< %#4" 6-4>@ <H4- ,6 into 50 to 70 new satellite towns (with a 44 #4%6- # #- % U"- H > 5-,4<-%! "< " 4>-#- - ,H#4<# " ' - 4< 44 %,-- % !< <-4 4 - " %<-- 4 "TVK?< (K-4 -< <-#U> -% H% <#> TOOB'BEBU -]44 4 -# #"#4 < >>> 44# < "6K4 ^ -]64>>>%4 15 5-&5@ 44 %- V ## ? -#> 25 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship " < "< -- 4 4 6 #"#q -- % q## -- 6K4 ^># <- !TOOFU --]4 <^%< 4 4 -# #-]"<^#4 ]44^6-#%-#" -- >-4 --- 4%6 #% > 5- #% -- #4 #-4- H4 -#"@ >-4 ##< -#- % - - - -4 %6-" - >@@ <T% U-4 # % %< 44 -6%<4 4- 4 #>-- -%- - #<4# - -<-obligations %<-4S- #-4- - ] 6 % H4 <^> --- 4 4#6-rights, -% -# - " H4- ]-44-## # ^><-- - 4% 64 4 #-# - <"K -4S< " < # !4 -4 -4 -# -"@ - 4" 44<]4#^--4 T ECMU> Another debate concerns the role of civil society TU-# - % " >$#%- " 4 < -x 6)46 - >x<6>$#-(? T-( ? - K - ; 26 % & ! - U- -- -# >5- # - "4% x # %6 44 4% - " 6--" "< # %<>8% / -""# ; 3- 8 " (%+-V #- - " 6--4 # " 6- 6--/ % ">@(#% -<- 8#$ &T8$&U - %#-""-#% #6-->5- is now a debate, both in the activist and in the #4-"-/- ; #% " >3 %4% # < T$44 OOEU] 6<4 % % # <^TROO' FOU- < - # 4- - % 6 T&<OO%U 4. Good (and Bad) Practices $ "% " 4 <>: EM- ;"# ? - /H4#'- 84p #4 3 8 > K"<6-@ # < 6 "< H 4 T6" 6 4U% 4 4 > :#EMOOE- 446 #%4 4 <4 >? p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ration cards are not an individual document T- 4 #<6-- %"U># " <#T- 8$ " 4-%U#4 "# 6--%< % "> 5-|/@ p#%- -4% %-6- 44 @ #-4" % -> In India as in many other countries, there are #4 "4 #4 4 " # < -- 4- - "%##/ -4 -]" ^ " 44p4 4 >5-6 "-#46 - @ % #' -( 8 >H4 - 3-( 8 " #4# -4 4 44-4> 46" H4-"6x6---<S%- ( 8 #-BOOO4 ## "T OOU> 8 4 -- 4 4 <-#- - 3- -$" 7 <( #T$7(U 4(#% > -- -$7((#% - " % % # % 4S -6-<#46- <46>`--#- " 4"" %<- %!" %<- 44 #<-# >: 27 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Box 8. The Bhagidari scheme 5-% 4 4 <" - OOO%<--(3-- 3K-4" -H #4- 4 #4- 4 4 < " >5--# ] x"#4 -4^EM is %6 residents and city administrators in order "4 #4 4 4# <% ">5- - T|4 -4pU-# < # ]"4 # #6K6--4 ## 4 -46- "#" "#4 <4%#^17>@4 --# #H"<- " & R $ # - T 6 U> 5-- -##4 < -# 6K-4T < - <U--6-- 4 "&R$ -" # 6-% " meet and debate, with the intention that -< % T -- U |5 #3-p"##4%#%< <| 44p K< --#>5-- -# 6 %4 %<- %- - < % -#4 - % 4 "< <3-> 3-&R $ T&R$U- """ 4- <- "# -#4 4 -<- " 6- 4-% 4 #"#-4" 6 "<6--# <4" EM T5 6 7 # )&6 OOBU>@(#% #$7(4- "!#4 elections in 2007, and their candidate has been T,* -OOBU- - 4 4 <4 ## -4-- electoral abstention of the middle classes, which <#4 -# < -< "#> $#- "]4-- -#^T 3-p-(18U ("'-4 ##6 OOC% - 6 4 #-3-"# - )66<# --6--% < -#- 4 >@OEO-4 ##66 # #-##6 -$ 8%$# ( # T$8$(U6 % " >6"("! K-- -#< %<4 "6-- - % T U 6--4"-#- # %6-6 4 # % > $#%/4 -4" - %< #% # 6-3- $- 8 -x6 6--(- " 4 < -###] " ^>- # -K<-" 4 K #< 4 <>5- " %< #4" # 4- K# !% as well as the name, function and contact of the 4- < #4 4 towards a true accountability of administrations >6"- #4 - - # <4TU- 4 < -44 - -4'-">> 3-#T%--- -#3-;"#OOBU 18 :OGOOEO> 17 28 -#x6-- /-""# " <; ]#<< 44 ^-- T !OOM'EEUS TU-H <" #- #x 6--< -#4# -&-@# > : < ##% - 4bandhT KU dharnaT)UgheraoT 4 4- -<U - "-6-4 - <>: -- -K 3-OOM -#4# -6( 8 4 " #4-" #" # %"'4 #4 8@719 street 4># <6 -K demonstrations called by the traders, and joined %< -446--- "# 4#H " - #4 #-( 8 - 66- <->5- 4H#4-66- - %#% 44 --%<4>R-44 #4# -( 8 T>> -44U " " - -( 8 6 %%< 6 44"K- !- -!<-44 -44#H > 5. Barriers 5-# % #4# - 4- 4<#% - --- 46 %< "4 >R- -- 44 - "# - "<6K6 - 4 -BF-$$#- - % 46> $-% "% " # '-6 <" "4 4 #%< > $##4 4 #4 46-#4 4 4 4 <-# # > 6. Policy Recommendations "4%6 <#46 )"# # K#4" <6>#46 6- # K% " #"% -# 44 - %4 " 4% -4<6> At the same time, it is necessary to create 4 %6 4 "- 44 - would involve middle class residents as well, in " -#-# 6K%<->5-6- %<"%- " T6- -)OEO) ]%K 4 ^U6 T U##> E> 5-( <))<#-% 20'5-#4 # <#4#6 " H" -<-- - ( <>"-(4 ## # %<- 4 < # ! -#4# -(4 4 p--4% -( <))- "#> 19 5-8%@7 4 %-- <ECO@ 6-%< 4 44 -- K #< 6-4% K"--- 4 "4 <> 20 5-## 4-- -((4 7 644 %<-(<% 3"4# - #6K-V&(6-- " ']H"46"6-#46 ##^S]:"< # ( <- # ^S ]8"6 6 ##^> 29 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 30 > 5-( <-%<%< " "< >3 as well as a tenure that matches that of the #4 4 6 -"%<-( <" -- 4 " )"#"))" -6%<-5 # H4- > F> 5-(8(7$7 $ 3"4# -#-%44 " - "%4%< #% %">-%-< 4 "6- -<> $ -# 6- credibility in the eyes of voters and > G> -%<# <4" 6-6 ! %>5- - - TU# <-# are newcomers (because of the rotation of "U TU-<- " 6K6- 6- # H4- -< >$ 6#46# K-% -4 "> > 5-##<8 4 7 6-% #4"x 6 # 4 -" 4 4- <x #4#> 5-"4#-%- "# -4 - -6- # class residents are concerned with local -#>: area sabhas are much needed to channel this < ## 6 <> Women’s Right to the City: from Safety to Citizenship? Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal R# 4 6-# % 4 -% ) - - # !#4 -">$ close analysis of these constraints reveals that 6- K-- -6>>- < H>;#% 4 %<% 4 - ##-4" - ])4 ^ <%<! TECOU - 4-Right to the City>@-@ H]#4 q6#p#%< 4% 4 q#44 4 #4 g6-- K k-H < 4 %<^T?- OOB'EU>$ -]<4 %<^T.6 - (- OOC'U- # @ 6#%-4" 4-- 4" 4 > 5-66 6# 4"-- -6- <6#46#6# # 6#6- % 4 <" %>@ <- H- K% # <- 46-- x-%x">5- " 6# 6--%" ##4" 4%4 - #-#- 6K4 " 4% 4 4% 4 > 1. Facts 5- <x -- Kx - -4%66# -<>@-H <# 4#H " K <# # --/" #- >. 6# K# < #> <]# 6#^T 31 # " < EU 4K 44-#6<6< T4-< # U# H - #T]" ^U#4 ## -# 4 6# sati21 (National #& OO'FEU>5- ## -6 -<4 - - < %##/ "- $ > Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship $- #& -G @ 3-# # 6#'OO GG>z 4 GB>FzK 44 % E>Ez6< - G>Ez# - 443- T4>FMU>5-% -4 @ p 4 < % 6#> (#% <4% 6# )<-6- - "# - Cz6#4%% 4 - <T8- KOOB'EEEU6--" "-]6# )^> @#4" </ - 'TU% STU% 4 STU44>:<- #4% - <6#> - / #4 #@ K 6# - " - - K#- "> 8% / < / -#% 6 -/ <>5- #4- 6#p4 -# evident from the fact that the ratio between 6#p #p3-EEO> 3# K -#(#% 6-4% #H4" 6#- #>@4 T# #U6- % 4-% 44 - are often only collective toilets, which women % -< H4" % <# >$ 6# -6--< #H4 H >R-- - /# will miss school every month when they are # > 8% 4 - < / '% " %<66-- H - #> #-- - K- 4% 4% 4 K T- % 4%< "-#" < 6#U T - K # ")6 % U<- - -<"K "6-#< H > <% 4 4 < #4 6#p <>@@ 6- 6# 4 >5-<# # %4 < - 4 4%<4# - - 6K> 5--6- x 44- 4# <% 4 x% #4 <#6#p % 4 >@ %<;] 6 K- #4%- - <%6 - "<%<- -44|4 p6# 6- -<# - |4 p | -#p>^22 6"-@ H64 / < %<6#>]@@ %- "<64 44%# 6#S- 4"# H 44<H - #^G> 21 5- -666-## -- 4<- -% ><H] ^- #- 4 66## > 22 '-4'666>>4 4 -)H<-# " %<>-# G @"66-? 4 .6 -V EEOEO> 32 5-<44# 6# < / >$%-4 ) 6-< -#" ""-#>@-6- 6#4# 4- #'-<-4 -4-#4- -< -4 >5- -446# #4 ' <3--@ <6- - 446#4 TBz%-##6 -; #EOz U 44GFz-TBz (#% U> 5- K < - 6#p#%<- - # ! #4 - %< " -#" 44%<< 6- >5-%" - "--]- K < -46K #"< 6#- ""4 #4#-- "-% K 4 -4 6K>@6# 4 # <<6- 6 - -#-% - H "-6 <-4 < %<%>$ -- " %# /-" ->^T.6 -(- OOC'U 5-< 4 44>5-- #<@ #44 <-"4# the service sector, offers new jobs to women, %#-#""6K -T instance journalism, call centres, malls and --4 <<U6--46# %< -<- " %-- - #< -6 > : <-< 4 - <4 6#H4-#)4" 4 #4- *# - # x6---6" <4< 6# T8- KOOBU> -6- x 4 # % 6x 444 6#6- # <4<4%4 <6- #4" 4 -T& OOBU> 2. The Legal and Policy Framework 5- -- %- 4 -@ 6#p #"#6-6 "#- EBO 4 4>5- women’s movement really consisted in a series #4 -# # -"- -- >6" - 66 #-EO onwards, as it became clear that those laws 44-#"#p %%<- -- 4 6% <#4#>7 # 6# 44 % / 6'4 > $ -4 - 6 &K#- -6-6- -@ 8 T # ECMOU <44 6- K6- 6# -"# #>]6 -4" # H - # %Kg -#< 6# k^TOEOU>;"- - ---! 46- |#<p 4 % " <4 6# p 444 %- " T_@OEOU>5-. - @ 8 T@8U-- 6- #%46#p" --T#4-#"# >U>@H %%< -@8 TGFU TOU-#< 6# x -#4< - 6# 4 <#<>- 6!< 33 # 4%<" H4 - -(8:6 4 % # ]4 ( !^ OO6-%< 4 4 K-#4 <% -#4TOEOU>5-- - - - 6 # #6#p- #" #- "> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship $-# ! / <H -6%<: " $>]8< 4 6- GB-@8>5- 4 6 %6-4 6-- -4 q>$H % 4 - <GF6-- # KH 6- |#<p 6# 4- %6- 4# H##< >$4 # 4 4--<- @86-- 6-H >^T_@ OEOU> U-#4 4 #4 nagar panchayats24>5- 6# - #6K- " been limited in their effectiveness by various 4 << - %<4H<- K / -)""## >("6-# -% # 4 4 4 #"6# councillors are constrained by fears for their -4 >"-- 6# "46# # 4 "- 4" '%- -## 444 46 # # 4" # 44 - % mediation resource for women voters, which #-#4T;-- 5 6 7 # )&6 OOU>5--4 -R#p&" %<-& !< %- OEO- # #4## women’s reservations in Parliament and in state #%- #--4> ( <]-4< " #6K6-- % "4%4 x%6-# 4 6KqK-3#. $6--4" #% 4 % "-# 4 - # " #6Kq4%4 >^T_@ OEOU>: - 8< -#46#R# 4%<- ;"#@ OOE- of women’s safety in the city, and the section " 6#<4 <"K "4%4 > 3. Experiments 6"6 "% K-- %#->5-- BFth $##$6-- %-" 6#TGGz $4% 25- - 4 6--- in India as elsewhere, since the late 1990s, also #4 -@ 6#p#"#> 5-% K---].- K ;^%<-4# EB # K!#H - # 6K>5-8R# H # -RK4 OEO% ->"-# ) 6 # -- 4" - - - " <-## 4#4 ## > F $ 4 - < T<U-% %<" # <T6- 44 #4%6GOOOO EOOOOO- % U> 25 - #4-4% 4-<4 > <-]&"6 R#^4%-6 < %<-6< # 8 RK<6-- 6 <" -% 6-- ##4-6#p#"#6 <"- -4%66# % 4 $4OOB> 34 .- 6 <% - #"#<]- - % -# 4 ">>>g5-k-6 - 4%4 4 4%#^M>5-6 6 K- 6#-- < THU- 64 44 - -#6#p - " 6K the intersectionality of both discrimination and " > 5-]; 4 ^4!TOOG)OOMU %<-4 8- K # ?- -4 & (#% 4 < 4 4->5- 4!6 6-8?$&T8 % ?6$ & -U % -" Box 9. Safety auditing as research and action 5-#-<6 <"4 %<-(4 $## .$ R# - T(5&$U ;% % - % 4-@ H %<8?$&T8 % ?6 $ & -U(#% V 3-> < ]"# 44 H^T8 OEO'MCU]6--"" 6 K-- 4 < 6-- % > 5- -%"# T-4 "# 4 KU- 4%- 4%4--4 -" <4 - # # -- # %6#^ T.6 -(- OOC'U]5- 4 4 <>>>% -4# - - 4 H4 -4 ^TV OEOU> <H #- H4 -<4 <4%4 (#% > Another major collective study was conducted by V 3-)% ;6- 44 -6 # # )> As a result we now have a series of innovative 6K-# <6 <]4 4 ^T8 OEO'MU @ >& - (#% 3- ?K - %-%<" "#-x <#4 < #H#- - - 4-%" % 4 -"# 44 4"6x %<H - ->5-< % < -# <#)T 6- clothes and ornaments to wear, what to carry, 6-6 KU- <# %< 6## H#- <6- -<4<4%4 >$## # -- ' << 4 %< -%4%- 6-6#-#"']5-4 >>> <K-# %- 44 4 %<# 6#p44%4 ^T8- K OOB'EEEU> 5-#- -4 % -%6-4" discourse on safety and the conservative, 4 - %-4 # #4 6#p4 %< #<<-6-6 <% ] H "4%"%<^ T8- KOOBU>5-6K-6- - < 4 - 4 6#p- #-6 <6#p/ % >]@-#"#-- 4 6#4-# #<4 <- 4 % #<^6& TOOB'EU6- 8- K-# < M @"66-? 4 .6 -V EEOEO> 35 - ]6- 6# 4%4 #- -4" < -- KK^ T8- KOOBU> (<HpTECU%6 ]4 ^ ] ^ -4 -"))" - -> <- the need for safety (which can be assimilated # 4 8- KOOB'EEMU practical '-< # ## 4 - 6#p% 4 <K- K # 4 -4x6-- strategic> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 4. Good (and bad) practices ( <- " 6#p <% 4 - " K 4 3- 6 >:<3-|4 < women has been recently reinforced by several # 6K6#% # -6--- " # x-4 # - @ p 4 <>$- %<-### 6#p--4 - 3H3-p -(EC> 5--3-4 #H >-- ## - #4<4-% # " 6#6# -#">]:H #4OOF-3- 8 |p pp- - K K "< > (<-3-8 "6# #--) -6 "H harassment which included advice about dress %- "^T.6 -(- OOC' U>--- -3-8:- %"" 4" " 6--TR#pU# K4 ECG6--6 ]- 444 <6# @ qg6"k-p" # ## 4 6- institutions (schools, residents associations, local 4U>^T 6 OEO'EU> Another, more visible initiative is Parivartan, a 4 ## -OO <- -R33-- 4 #"%<4<6#4 % 6#p" 6- -##<>5- 4 ## 6 -- 4 ##4# 6K-46- 4 - - K->@OOM -4 ##6 H-6- 3-%4% -H" years27> Parivartan was associated with the Safe Delhi #4 -OO%<V 6- -44-3-;"#>V 6#p- 6K3- ECF 4-#-< < -3-H "< %6#p <-<>5- #4 4% 6 T-- %# K-#-6 # - - U]%4%4% - - 4 %K ^28>V % 4 -4 6-K< 4% 4' 4" %OOO#4<) " 4"x -3-5 44 >5- #4 #--3-;"# # ]6K##^6#p 27 5K6# %-4 ##-4'666>-4>>4 " 4 " >-#>5- ""- ]R%% "<^@ $6 OOM]/ < 6#^%<-@ $ -8 R -3> 28 @"66-? 4 .6 -V EEOEO> 36 <6--" 4 # 3-83-## R#> : <-( K3- R# #4 6 #4 %<-;/< @ T_@U --" #OO6--- ##- %<- - ( 6#p < 3->5- #4 4# <# %<-4 |# <p 4"%- " - > #-6"- 4- series of initiatives that testify to the sensitivity )# K6- -4%# of women’s safety in the city, such concerns # #- " 44 #>5-- <3"4#8 44 OOM- #6K-V&(# K# of the fact that urban infrastructure must be 6# )<> @ "--(#% 4-4 %-OOC - " <6K %<-; $K- 6-E-6#p > 5- #4 - - -)4-44# 6#- > ]$K- K4- "OOC -#---4%< -4 - # #4 % 6-- " <7 4 6 %--4q R-" 6# --4 4 " " -6-EO#>5- 4#4 %<-4- # <- % #### 6#^>29 5-4" "- #4"- </; -"< 6K 4 -46-# ! "%-4- %#4 >4- ###4"% 6-- K- ### 4 > < <-% #4- Indian women’s movement also contributes in a # !6 < 6#p # -4 " <6 <>$# ! -'- " ;- " - )-4 4- #%6#"# -4-# --- K-( - - ( -3-># 6#p T- -3-)% & -U 4" "x6--- need in all citiesGO> 5. Barriers ]- < -"% -< -6 # 4<)- #4 %6#p<^ 6 ;GendersiteT-4'666> >U>5- " - this statement, as shown by studies on Indian -%<6#>5-6 ?K --) #4" ## #%<6-- <K 4 6- # 6#>( 4 4 4]# - -# 6# 4 < - 4%4 > >>>( 4g-6# pk4 6---#>>>-#4<# <# 4 -#-- K 29 ]86&^:( -B)$4OOEO> @V <OEE-3---"#%6-4 <6#6- 4) > GO 37 # !44> # -- # 4-< " %<S # ###K4- 6 <#4%4 ^ T8 OEO'MFU>5--4 4 women slum dwellers in the same city, concludes - ]-<6# -## K %/- "6-6# #%4" "6-- 4"-< -"#>& --<- #^TE'EU> 6. Policy Recommendations31 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship -6## - # #4"6#p < - - %!"-4>5-6%!" %"<#4# --']R-6# # <4%4 -< #---4^ T$OEO'GU>5-64 -# %"%64 > In order to increase safety for women, a number " -# ' % 4 -4##H - 6K -# KS @ 4"-TU -/ </ < %<4% STU-S TU4% 4S @#% " - -4#6# )< T %<#6# GE 4S%<- " 4 46K 4 "<6 46# 4 <64 S%< -4 # 6- ; 6-6# that they feel comfortableGU>("4 H4#- / K<% T% "-4U 6 < #4"6#p <> A second set of recommendations stem from the - 6-6# 4 ## -)# >@ /#-46#p hostel (economically more affordable, and <# 4 %- T)U US %/ <+-S% - #- ##4 %6- )# !%> : <#- - 446#p- -< - 6>@ ]-<H^T;EFU@ on women in the city, as well as research on H #T - OOMU4 -# < H# - H 6--6- -@ < -#4-%>5-4< recommendations listed above are therefore K<- " #4 %<6# >$ 8- K4T8- KOEO'EGU]-4 %4%4% 4 4%4 K a city that is friendly not just to women but also -# x-4-< -4-< <- -^> : # ## 6 6#p <V OO> 5-6## 6%<3& 4 /<4%<-63- ] <R# % $ ^H- T;##<UEM%OOT-4'666>H) - )>>>-#U G 38 Caste and Class in Indian Cities: Habitation, Inequality and Segregation Diya Mehra 5--4 4H #-< # - % / < 6@ 6- 4 4 )% 4 > 4 )% 4 - < 4"4 4 ##S < 4 # K 4 4>5-4 4 based on evidence available in the secondary literature in relation to Indian cities and 4 <-4 3 - TU6--#6-# -- < " 4- -%T5U # -% K6 TUGG>R-- " %-4 -4 4 6H #4---K< 4> 1. Caste in Urban Spaces 5-@ # 4" / - 44 -)# >$< |- p |- %pT %<-@ U6- %- <44 )# < " #% |4" "4# p# - " % K #-< 4# -] #^ T5- OO'BU> # #4" )% discrimination and violence, to reservations in "#4# justice and mobility for members of these ##> In the case of India’s cities, studies from the < 4 )% GG V < <6-- -6"- ##44" > %< > 39 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship #4 6-<-%- 6- <6 -- " in the centre of the city and lower castes on -44-<T& ! OOMU>5-# 44 %#6- # --##% "4#> 5 <- %- ) based distinctions are less visible in Indian >@--4#-# <4 < @4)4" 6# 4 #%< 4H#< " % T <OOEU> 40 While it is certainly true that Indian cities, 4 H " 4 <#<"< #%< 6 and communities, at the same time, it has to % K6- )% 4 # 4 % H>@#4 to remember in the case of Indian cities, as -- < ##< %6 distinction and discrimination based on class "))" >5-4# | p %-# -%6 4 44 < % @ # < - - "T:EMU - H% --< # "%6 4 not obviously visible in urban environments 6-# 4 4 H">6" - - )% 4 remain salient to urban status distinctions TEMU>@%%-"6 the hybridity of class and caste in urban India, -4 464#"- 44%# )% #/ < T 6-4 U# "<4 to the continued discrimination in access for 3 - " 4- <> 2. Housing Segregation Based on Caste @-4)@44 #- % % 44 %# %<# #% "4#>- < -4 % ## 4 4 # % 4 6- --<6 residents to be located in low class areas of T34OOFU>@- <6 # # <%#H%< -<6- - ##%K -%-- #>5- - - % 4 and residence, what is seen in the more recent decades is the cohabitation of low castes/classes 4 6--6 6-% 4H# 6 -44 6-#6 #4" # "< <"T-KECMU> "< # " 4 - #--# @ 4%<-- >-# 44 %/<-< #< %#4% % #% >5-H4 %<- 44 %6 4 -## - -< #6--|4%#p 6---- < 4-#> 6" )"- " enumerated that individuals from low castes 4<# #%- -4# <> -4OOEK- TOOCU 4- " #5## ##- z-44 # 3- -K 4 -4 - V 4 8>( "< of selected slum settlements in Delhi (Gidwani, OOMU4#% -- MOz>@ $-# % - -- Ez6- (#T)$@5$5OOGU> @# < <-% 4 - # "<-<#4# <5 4 (#>3-4 TOOGU 4- -< OOO5 (#- Ez- % ]%6-4"<^T87U44 > % -H- 44 - %644 44 "))"6 #<44 > 3. Poverty, Access to Urban Basic Services and Employment ;"- # 4 -% 4 4-- -## have lower access to urban water and sanitation #- 4K6 % -# )54 % >@--Mth - #4"<TOEO U -6-65 44 # ##<)% 6-# # -- " 6 - K 6 -% #> -6 - -|H"pK6 -% -# " % households, who also have the least amount of TOEO U>5-6-Fz |-p--- Gz 6- #%> 8- 4-- " % / <% - %!4"< #4<# "->@ - 4- -4)#4-- % % 4"<T- K- (K-4 -< <OOCU6-- % 4"<%6EG)F OOF) O>R--4OOO< - --- 4"< <4@ % T(K OOU> 4<- " # !< 6K %-# 6- 4 -#%#4< " 4 6K %>R--% # #4<# 6K- %--- # 4- <6K- " -#4<# - -- ># <6--6K 4 4 % # - -)5 - # <- 56#T# - OOCU> 6K <# % !%T # U/ K 6K| p6) 4 - 64 -6K #%> 6K 44 %<#-6" - -- )#4<# 4-4 K - 4# <% - K 4 >5-#4 B>Bz% # #-|-p < 6-6 <C>Mz" - -" #>5- 4 "%% 6#6- 6 %65 |-p44 T# -OOCU> 5- %6K#-6 4 44 < @ x 4%< #% x"#-K%6 # T5- 6# OEOU>$#%T## ( K- ! OOS: #- OOMU6--"<-@5 H #44 6K-4 6K>$ 4 -< <TOOBU 5- 6# -6 #-6K--) 4# # !%-@5 -4 " # 44 ) % K6- K % 4 T - | #<p 444 K4# |4 <pU> -4" 41 % <<4 < 6-4%<4- %%<" ## <44 ) % K> 5- -6- # #4 "<#H )- % -6K4 ) - 4 -%-) -6 -)#4#6- 4 # %< #-4 -6K> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship : <- <- < #4 4< 4 T6-4 %6 % - #4- 6 4U % % H" 6-H >7 : H #4- #4 <# #4"-% 4#- -%- #|4 p 42 T: OOMU>- -# -4%6 #4< -6) " 4 -#4 4< 4 # - >5-# ---#4<p# | p 6 |4< 4p %# -| %- # of bathrooms, clothes, dishes’ if shared with " -4--6K |<pT_ <#OOGU> # "<-4 4 #44 ) #-6 ) % 4 6- <#" 4 4 6" @ p H4 "< < 4 ## 44> Muslim Neighbourhoods and Segregation in the City Joyita Ghose 5-4 4%-" H <4 -@ 6 |#pGF% 4 > @4 -K %6 ## in Indian cities and communal violence and # >R--4 4 6- @ "-- 64H #44 # 4#x4 #H<- <% >@#%6- K6-# %<- #<@ - -4 4 <H4(# 6 'TU## " - 4 ##< HTRKOO'EBU TU- #H"<6-) (#> 1. The Legal and Policy Framework 5-6-@ 6 %< - "<- H@ - #4>-K<#4 - 6 -K " #6-/ <" ##>5-$- " ##-- 44 44 -> $ <-@ 64 64" ## " #<# > $(##6 EBC -(<#$ --# T%- U 6 - 4 4"-6 GF 5-;"#@ TU- ##($E(#- K-- , #@ >5-@ OOE-6- -# %EC>Fz-44 6--EG>Fz (#>Gz - E>z K-O>Cz - O>OOBz , T8 U> 43 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship -4 - -"] ^>$-E3 -&-8 -& 7(- ##($TEU 6 - ## (T(U% # < %<EG>5-(4%- 4" - #S # K## -" #4# -4 -#- "#S" 4 #4 -" - # -< %< 444 - #-> 44 : <-(<(<$ OOM- <-]" 4 " "6 - < "4# 4 ## -#<##^G>5- 4<# 6-- "# issues related to minority communities in -% 6- -(<H $ -x# # 6- # #4<#44 #"# 4" #->5-#<6K6-- ##(- R KGM-( $ : - ( 3"4# : 4 > # #-8" ## 5 .T$ G V &4 U 8 #-##OEE>5- # 4"4#- - K (#;! OO 4" "#-"> 2. Current Debates 5-% -"44" #- - -4 %6# -&- -<xH #< # 4 S< - /)- "%<H # 4 S -<-#4 -)# -#46- - #6K-)% #4 <@ > $K -# 6--#- "# to educational, social and economic institutions % 4 --#4 " TV- ( K OOU>5- - ## &4T;"#@ OOM'GU4 - -"% 6--(# 44 - - <%--- - 44 6- # >GB`- "4" (# % #--- #4 6- >@<-4- #4H4%6 (# (#--# 6T6-44 - OOOO %6OOOO OOOOOUT;@OOM'EGU> @ -4"<-- # (## 6T6-44 %6OOOOU>GC5-4 - - 4 -4'#< >">6# %! > 4 @(# 66 K44< - %44>5- R K6 %-%<-;@EMF -44 "# - # R K -<> R K 4%-# # 4R K44--- %-#3R K##) ( R K## ##" R K44>5-R4%6# !"4# "S-"4#% R K44 44> GB @EME6-ECz-44 "% B>Ez-(#44 OOEG>Bz-(# 44 6 % #4 B>Cz <> GC V- ( K TOO'EGFGU-<#4" (#- K- -#) @ - - " #-<4 4 #H4T(8U(#-6%- % @ >--- - " (8K- - - --- % @ 4"<>: < -4" 4"< #(# K-#% @ - @ >6"-" - -|-p> GM %6 <"(# |$-p --% - " "-- <" <--% TBO>EzU- T>EzU >G "# - - < 4%6(# - " % womenFO> -H #- /-)" % 4 %<x# " %>. -<TOO'MxBU - -)T%6 (#U4# < % 4-#FE> ----#4 ## " # 4 T 44"< <U # - -4 T. -<OO'CEU> - - % #T-#4%#% 4 U- # K# #44 ## "> "< <# # -- -" " 4"" % - 44 >F R-. -<4 #4- - K "< <# #%6## K< %4> - | p |4p%< 6KK64 -<6>4- ## - - &- #4 <@ T OOGU>RKTOO'EBU- # ! ## # @ ' 4# K 4 <- " "# 6 K4"> "# %64# % -<<# <)4 -#6--"#4 # >: <-4 < #4 -" - "# 4 (#6"6-- 6---"#6 -4" # 4 -#> - " # ! >&-#4H 6 <6--# ]entre soi^ T>>)#4 K6- H44 <6-##% p6##<U 4 ?# -4 4 -- "- #4 <% - -### -" ](# ^- 4 )% T?# OOC'BU>FG (<- "%" -#4 # 4 % -)# - #4>@-<$-# % p - )4 ( - " TOOU - -$-# % (4 G & (###> (TOOU> FE 4- %6EO E% @ 6--<--44 # - Mz- -## ">$ <"6-% @ -T$-# % (#% $ - < % ( ?K 3-U- " 44 < - % " Fz % -x(#">5-4 %z- 44 6--# - z -44 - %4> F - -KH4-4-H"<-H- "< 4## "-<$-# % OO - -4 #"< % -- -%--6K4 4 >6""- %") #--#<"<S-H"< 6 < # 4 - 6-]<# <6- " K- 6 6-- 4-^T- -KOO%'EOBU> FG @-"66-#, K 3-?# - <6 -# K 44pH4-% 4 - 6 #4 - > FO 45 % %6### -<"4#4 % # <H <>-H4 -%6 ## # % -< -- % H']5-4H # -#<6--6 #-% %6- % ^T( - " OO'FCEU> 3. Experiments Promoting Socio – Spatial Diversity in Cities Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Mohalla Committees in Mumbai, Maharashtra 46 @-6 K-E#- % ( !$<-< 8 --< (#% H4- % K of communal violence in its history, with over EOOO44 " - -<T# &-R -E'MxBU> (- T]-%-^U##6 %-- # --(#% ## ExG6-6# ! #'TU44- ## %6-4 4 < -%-(###<S TU4# x4 #H %6 (#T5- KK OOF' CEU> @ <--(#% - 4!4)4## -B4 4### - #<>@6 -- 6- minority communities was the way forward, to both increase levels of trust in state structures, -#"#44 <|-p% 4 >(- ## - #4 small areas, usually determined by the local 4 - %< % > (#%-4444 ## "- >$ 44 %<- -% - -##>5-K< " -##"#4 -- 4S "- - -K 6 % 4 S# S 4### - #<---% " 4">T5- KK OOF'CU>@ EF( -# 6- -<## "6 - < (- ##>-" %< -##6 6#4 the theme of communal harmony for the school -- >$#%## - " K# - # ## <>7 ""6-(- ##- " 44 >5- (- ##- "" -"# --4 4 <-" %<## #4"H- %6## |- p>@:% < OO-;! -(#% 4 " -(- ##6K ---< #- #" (#% - 4 - -#6 TOOM'U> Disha, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh . -<TOO'xGU%- #4 " #%66# (### - 4 8 ---- ; Disha, involved in the state’s Mahila Samakhya 4 #>3- p6#6K-- - 6-6##%-(# mohallas bastis T-%-U %6- 6##>5-( - # K-< 4 TEE'BExBGU4- - 6##-(#mohalla did 4 K6##-basti in the >5-6#6K -#4 4#H- %6 -6##%%6- !#- 6 <>$ -< 4 #-6 >; <-<% #%-- # % #4- >" <-<6 %#% both communities on common issues such as ration cards so that ultimately collective #6-%- >. -< 4- - # -- % ( !#6 -%6 the women from the two communities that -4 ## - #<> Shanti Sena, Uttar Pradesh 5- - T4 #<U6 4%<; -pH6 !T@ #&U 4 %<6 !8- ;6K4### - #< --; - >$- ##<x% " 4 4 K4 4"- ## >6OO OOCEBO # 6#K4 -4 ## M6 " # #<6K 6 - -# -" >6 !8- - %-H - R 8 ->@OO-- " -< 4 ( % "- (# 4 6- #4H T. . OOCU> 4. Key Challenges and Recommendations "--# -< " % ## " in India, there is broad consensus on the idea - ]- <#< 4 < % 4 < ## 4)4@ ^ T4 OO'OFMU> < #% - # |- p# 4 <(#-<>3 6-- #/ 44 -6-- "-#4H# 6-- #4 # 4%- as education and health on the one hand, and -->5-#4" 4%--#4" 44- - S 4#x4 "< - community level must be the two cornerstones of <4< # K-# #" "% 4 #4 <@ > 47 Migrants’ (Denied) Right to the City Ram B. Bhagat Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 1. The Context 5--<-@ %) -#-- ##6--#K 44 (-!3 -@" < T- #4 K K-#OOM'CU>3 4- @ -<# <6- " # # <- "- 4- -<@ T& # - EU>5- < #<6--6- # - % "<#4 #4 6 # "> 5-- "% 6-# # %>84 # <6K% % # > $- """--" # " 4#-< - %<"<#- 4 - % >@ -<- 48 - # K " x6-- # - "4 < "< x -H> ( 4 < # % <-6-@ >5-@ freedom of movement and freedom to settle within the territory of India as a fundamental - T$EU> `# face several barriers in terms of access to civic #- #4<# 6 -4 - % > 5-# " 4 @ --<‘sons of the soil’, 6--"K # #TR EBC OOEU.( -# " %# H4 # <-# 4 " # - 4 #>$-- # % / < % 4 4 ##> ( -- -<x>>--"< # -%- -<- ) -6%4# 6 4 # 6-- <T %OOC'EGU>5-&--< 44"K#4"- # %<4" ""64 - ")% 4T8OOU>@ " 4 " # - # K4-% " % >5-4 44 < - # p- -<S"6- 4 # % --< " %"-H < 44 @ # # - # % "@ > 2. Migration, Urbanization and Cities: Spatial Pattern and Exclusionary Processes ( - %-# #4 % >@@ %)-- 44 "% TGE4U OEE>5-% 44 #4GBB#- 44 EEO## %<- OEE4 " %COOO 6>5- 6 - - < K6- --%4# < #%-4 - #<>5-4 -@ #<- 4%<-4 #<?K (#% - %- T& %%EBU>3- 4 < #4 % #- 4 <EEE> 5--# -% 4 -) 6# > 5-OEE-6- -% 4"% -R - @ 6--- #<3- (#% - # - 4">< % $-# % -4%- - 4- 4 % > --- -) @ %-6--#4 ?K - K <-# <- >5-H K< -) East India is Patna, which is about 7 times smaller - ?K >5-H -) @ -# 4% "- - - 6- - %<--) )# 6-- <- K"% ->5- # - - 8 - ( -< 8 --- - & ! - > @ - - 4<#% EE>3-4% 4- -#4 % @ p#"4#- % 6>:H #4-%% areas to India’s GDP has increased from 29 4EO)EFB4ECOxCE M4MG4%<OOB H4 B4%<OE T8 ##OOC'GFU>@ % #4- - EO46- ;38 # <4# K@ #" % "T8 ##;">@ OOC'GFU>6" 6- #6-6 - %# % - 4%6 % @ #"6 #4<# 446>:-# #6- 6-6 4 < 4 % >( <- " - -4 % -4% 4- - %H <T?OOBS - OEOU>@<H <- % 4 46--< 6%4 -# % > 49 3. Internal Migration: Trend and Pattern @ 6-- # K#"4 6- # - % "< #4> - "%< # R # - "" more attention from researchers, international >@6 - -44 # x -6-#"6-- <x " # - -6-#"%< % >$-# 3"4#&4OO-#%- 6-#" -# ! # within their countries was nearly four times TBFO#U- -6-#" <TEF#UT38OO' EU>6"6 K# - " 6 4- # # 6 # < GO# @ % -4 2001, out of which 101 million were enumerated in urban areasFF> 3.1 Migration to urban areas @ p% 44 6 B#EME - <GBB# OEE><OGOK< - % MOO#T$-6 OEEU>5-- )# T U- 44 % - # GE>M4ECGGG4E) OOOG4OOB)OC6--- " %# #4 "<TOEOU>5- - # F% - 4# < -# # T :EU>$--# # # # <-# K46K !-4 # 6K% > --- -# # urban areas has remained constant (between 50 45.6 41.8 39.6 35.4 32.9 31.6 30 38.4 38.2 36.6 40 27 30.7 26.8 25.7 Percent Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Figure 1. Migration rates in urban areas, India, 1983 to 2007-08 (in percent) 25.9 20 10 0 1983 Male 1987-88 Female 1999-2000 2007-08 Total 'TOEOU> FF # - #%# % %CC#OOB)OC6--F#6"% > 5- -<H-4 >> 46- "" H#-- 4 % " -44 >-/- # % - 4 T- OOCU> F 5-# -#% # 4 < "%<-4"44 >@ 4 #%# 4EOO4> 50 Figure 2. Employment-related reasons for migration by streams of migration, India, 2007-08. 80 70 60.9 60 48.2 Percent 50 40 30 29.1 28.8 20 10 1 2 3 3 0 Rural to Rural Urban to Rural Rural to Urban Urban to Urban Male Female 'TOEOU M B4U%#4<#) # # #F 4EG4E)OOO M4OOB)OCTOEOU>5--6 - #4 #4<#) # % >R-6 - # " # # - % % % % #4<# -- M4- # % # T OEOS :U>:-6-- % # #-- #4 ) % # #4<#) T- OEOU> /64#-% # 4@ >$-%-6- <?K /- # 4<6%<(#% EEE><EE 3-- < % !- K -#4><OOE-6G #4@ 6-- %GC 4- % 44 >5- #%#4- G -44 -#- FG4%<OEET-4'666> > ">OEE)4")4 4OEE 4 4>-#U>5-#4 # 4%-#% 6 -- % 44 6--# - # -< 4 >5-- )# T U-44 " #- E4#4 K$ - % $ 4 # K 7- : % > (#% 3-- %F4 # OOE>R-6K -- -# -#4 /"- -- < -#4 "% < T- 3 - OOU> ( % 4# < -# " <6K- 6K - 6K "#" K- 64" 4#% # <4>5-# !< -#4< 6K>$% GO4# 6K 6K 6K -/ " %-" - %# K K 4><G4 # 6K #4< 6KTOEOU> 3.2 Migration to cities As mentioned in the earlier section, internal # @ %<- 4 <""4# %- ><6 # % ###4 #4 3.3 Seasonal and temporary migration ( ""- - 4# #)4# % % - #%446-#" for a short duration in the lean season from 51 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship -4 <>- # K6 #4 < # < 4%<- " % - #4<%<-4 %- 4 >$ # - %%< 4 #4 <# > $ #4 <# ]---##%6-- < 6 < #-" 6 4#- #%- H#-- GM <#4<# - #4<#^TOEOU>5- # #4 <# EF#FM < 4 #4 "<MFth&OOB)OC>5- #4 <# 4# <TMG 4U6 % T?- - -#U> " - "4- #4 <# #4" # -)# <4"4- - % #- 4-4 -->@ is mostly driven by distressed circumstances and #"- <- 4 T3-K $KOOS?- - OEOU> 4. Migrants’ Exclusion and Denial of Rights R-#4<- 4 ##- %#%## %-- T38OOU>( %# 4 -" 4"<- % ###4- % # K>( %6K " " 4 6 KK6-- " >$-4 #4 # -% @ p;386%4%6- # # 6K>#4< # < 4# 6K6- - 6K4 4 % 4 > ( %-"< -<><6 "H #4' successful actors or actresses and other artists -# -#"-4 - "# -<(#% >R- # -<6-# <- "%# ># < -% ##K- 8 ( 6 ;! >4# trade and commerce in several Indian cities has %4%-6 K-# > $# <@ p #- ( - # ; -V 6 - - >& $#%K - # %- 4- -< <@ >5- # <- 6--4- - # -%#4< 4 % #- 4 -44>@- K "4#% 44p 44> K-## " #4" -"#--> In India, almost all households use remittances --H4#4" -/ <>$"<--44 --# #TBM 4U6%<- - TGC4U TGE4U T OEOU>$4 # # # %% K " <K " K6K6 remittances, which contribute to the social and #- - >5- H #4-6- # %% %- > FM 8< 3-K - -$KTOOU# EOO# # % - -< - "# - -# %EO4- ;38> 52 34-#%# 4"64"< # # -<- %6T -ECMS& ! OEEU>$ # " <H < %-< <>@@ H <4 # %K- 6-# % # -% --- <#ThukouU>@ - # 4 -% hukou # #4<# 4-- - >5- has been a matter of intense debate in recent < TES7OEOU>-- - @ -H # # K4 --4 # "4# K#- # )#4 %6# - - >@ < 6-- %< >( < #-6# 6-- <#--- # 6--"# > 5-# p--<#< -4 |sons of the soil’ 6-- # "% K - ""# ##-6-%- T #4U -# #- T4UFB> 5- -# # -# K4-< H % -" %-" - %# K-K# "- -K -K #K -4 -% " %6--<>$ 44 ## - < 6 # -<%4 H4S-< K44- #4"K6 - -">5- -#% % 44"#FC># # 4" - # 6-"# -< %<- ---4 % K6 - - T 4 4|5-- # :"pU> $<%<-TOEO UOOC -6- 4-% -- - " K6 6-- 4#4- "% -#E 4- " < EE4"- " < <> <-)-% --6 -6OOC)O>5- % 6- 44 4" - " - " %4- # 6-- <>5-< % 6 4- )% 4< #- --4 # # "# #6--<#>(" / #4# # -<#4 - <%! ">5- H #4% " --- 6 --# -# > ( <# K4< 4 -<>5-%- %% ->3 K 4# < -"p H-- ">7 K 4 FB & ! TOEEU4H #4]-^#"##" @ - ( - - $ # (- < ; > FC $4@ F>M#44"#OOE>5-# %<-56 <8 ) T58U6 ME>C#T@ @84 OO'EU>--- ) % TOOM'EGU-6 #44 EC#@ OOE6--6 # %ECF#OEO># " < 4#44 > 53 Box 10. Mobile Crèches in Delhi and Mumbai Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship (%+-4"- " MOOO- < E < centres at construction sites across Delhi, @3$T 8 -U ; T < U#>OO >#>>OO4>#> H < 6K>@ ensures child care services for another 5000 children < %<4-%- +- 4%" -#3- % 4 ##<6# <-- 3"4#T3U-@ >(% +-6K6-4 4 #4 "#T-4'666> #%->U>@(#% (#% (% +-4"44 related to health, education and the safety --6K <4 <6K# % T-4'666>##% #%->U> H#4 % K " 6-- "<#4 #-< /%# "#4 ##>@6-6- - 444 # p ability to either own a house in his/her name or -- #<##%p # - " #>5- @3T/@ U4! 4F> 5- 4 -T"U # <K- - ---<>3- K 44-# <# "# # % /4 >@ #-#6K -# -<- "44< F 4 4]% ;" '63# ^ 54 4<#-#4< K-4 6-6K-# > 3 K< 4 # %)-<> 5-< %!4- # #4 # >5-< - K 4-< < < -6K 6 -4 <>R#6- <# -< #4 -# 4 K H>R# <6K 6K# <6 6K>5-< 4 66 #4 # # - " # K6 -6K -K H - #>5- % +- K -<- #-6KTHEO# 4 U> 5--# -- K #- #%# - % "#>5-# p < #- - -% - " > 5-H# # - - " "<>8%- - " " % 4" - - " <%>( # - % 4-% - - -#-< 4" 6-- - %<-#4<>5-< K@.$@3T ( - 4 6 - 6 OEEU> 5. Challenges of Migrants’ Inclusion 5-H# ---4 " 6 -4# % >--- # #4-4 4 -" 4 ## -;"#>5-- - 44 - #4- # 4>R- -# <%4 <- #4- %-# ## -"4# -<>5- -#4# 4< "4# % # "46- vulnerability is determined not only by economic % %< #%) # >5- 4 46- - -<>@ #4 - 4#-# p 6---##<6% -4% 4 44<> $-% 44 -% " <4" 4-4-< % whom to include, how to include and where to >@- %%#- - -# p4- -4H4 --# /<6-- "<4# -# - - --<4 >@# <% - ---<K % 4 # #4-- -6K # - <>:-# % #4 > 5.1 Inclusive urban policies and migrants’ right to the city Creating a positive attitude towards migration and migrants @%" 4# # p - 44 -# p--< %<"% "# - K- # > 4" 6 # # -% -< -- #4 >$ 4 ##< #4 % <--6K-4 %< 4# 6%-4> $4" 6 # 64 " -6 <-4 # inclusion in the city, reduce discrimination in -""# " "-##4 - #> City planning and migrants <4 " < @ >3 - # <% # <-" #% # -<p6>5-< " %" - "6 # >< 4 "<#4 #6- 6-- -# p--<> #--# 4 % / - % to address the needs of the city inhabitants # 4 >5- <# 4 - <6- "% - <44 and bureaucratically envisioned with little ""#>$&--< 44 -6# -44 -# 4 %" < "4# < 4"44 < -- % |- T# pU6--<T>>-- ---6 - - - -U% ]- -- -< -- p ^50>36/# % 4 --<"4# > Migration and governance ( % ## 4%# 6 -<>## -< "4" - <>5-# - 44 50 $ "<TOOC'GU- K## K # K "-#4%-# -# -> 55 Box 11. Citizen’s Charters declared by Urban Local Bodies &<" (4 4 K' 63-T-4'666>#>">$%3(- > 4HUS.- K- 4 # T-4'666>"#>"> %"# )- E>-#U #% T-4'666>#>">#H>4-44#"6 CE@#GBU - "44 p- -6%>5-# - 4""%-->4<-6%-4- # 6> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship - # <# <#- <% K< % -4>5-4 # %# %<"" ; ##%--%-6- could be allowed to certify the residential status -# - "# # - -< % K -"> 6-- 6 <% -451> $4 "#4 %6 --4-4 # -<>@-4-p- 44 %<" #4 % 4""4#THEEU> Government policies and programmes ;"#4 4 ## -# 4- -# >5-"-:"` 8 #>--EEth:"` 8 TOOB)OEU -3 $44 -8 4 the 12th:"` 8 TOE)OEBU % 4" #6K< - %# -# -# - # p--<> % "4# %! @ %-# -% 51 "4#4 ##"44< - K " -#>5- V 6 - -% &6 ( TV&(U & !"$6 `! T&$`U 6#4 H #4>5- " % 8T8U#4V&( &$` "< 4 --% 4 #6> @K<- -6-- " /# / T #U 6%>6" -4 ## -# H4<>:H #4(#% -6-- "%"#% " -< OOO6-- -#- % 4 ##> 5- "-# 6--% 4 4 ## # < # >5- %- %--< 6--44&-- < -" " <> 6. Policy Recommendations ( -% K6 4 "4#>;"#4 --%K # >@-#- <4 -<"4# 5-H4#6-- (# # 6 %6 4;6K6-# 6K) K6 - <( RK -/@ $-<@ T@3$@U -# 6K-@34 ## 44 % 4>-4' >"> T -%OEEU> 56 -K # 4 <# < < < 4 <>5-/ #- - -6- 444 # 6 -4# % >$- - 4# % - # p%6 way, but it needs to be communicated 44 --6K-4 4 # %-%6# ##> Policy documents such as the 12th:"` 8 V&( <3"4#8 - -" # "<H4 # -# --/" <> @%#4- - - # <" - 4 # )# K 4 64 "<> $-% 44 -<"4# would usher in a new era of freedom and human "4#S#%-< # %6-# > 57 Urban Spatial Exclusion: A Historical Perspective Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Diya Mehra 58 5-4 4H #4 4 4 H % <-@ - 4 4>@ K4- # " -4 -6-<# <- "- -#4-< @ - #>R-- # <H #44 H- %H # 4 4T 4"4 4-4U - <6-|4%#p -% # >@- 4 H #4H-6% # <# - - "%4<H #4 4 -< %-- < #4 <>5- 4 4-H #6< #- - 4| <p# #4 <@ p % "4# < 4 4" > 1. The Historical Problem of Informal and Indigenous Urbanism ; <-%6- # 4 @ < - # 4 <##- p"4 % 4 >5-6 4# <--- - #4# % 4 6- 6 x -##4 6--%<) 6 % "4#4! 4 -#> - - "% 4 ### #%> : # - -#@ < |<-< - <4 " 4 pT? " !EBU 4 # "#- #H %' |" 4%- - even certain ideas of beauty related to the # #4% 4 an order of aesthetics from which the ideals 4%- - -< % 4 pT- K %<EE'EMU> @--@ 6K4)(< TECBU-6-6- ## <6- % # # ! 446 -#4 # 6-# 4%- - - --4-#"#" 4 -<# T% ECFS;4 EBEU>3 4" - -# -< 44 #4% 4<> @- -x6-- aesthetic or to do with health or security x- #%4 44 - - 4 4 - % @ "% 6 )- - 4 T? " !EBS$ ECBS- K %<EES- OOMU> 5-44 6-- 44 - #4 # <% "- H # % <#% -44 6- "4 #6 < 4"< H | p % %->5-H <6 4 <# - "% 4 6-#4 64 # |4p" 6K4"%4 and infrastructure for local and everyday city activities, even as wealthier Indians came to 464 % #> @- 4- " 4"6 446 < #-6 <"-#4"% >-#4 K4 #| "p 4 ## -" 44 % /##64 >5- " %-6"6# - "#4< %4 < 4 # 44 #% -4 @ H4 6 - % " > 5-"- /-| "p 4 - K4 6-#4 T4" < 4%<U6 #K #4-"" " 4%-- @ #4 46 < #> $- ###4 6 # 6-" 46"-< / % "# - #4 4 6#> -# # # -#"-4%< # "x H--#" >5- H #44 <## - 6K#" %-- 4 >(4 -# -#" ] -#^ of trades and services onto the street (a habitual 4 | "p U #4 " T - EBS- OOMU> @- <#4 8 -p6%6EE)EG ;4TEMU-6-6-#4 #46#6KH -% 4 -# 4 >-#<" - 4 -/ 4 " 8 -p 6"4# %#>5-6 %< < | /# p drives in - 6-"4 59 6-#->$) -# drives 6 # " %<-4> Such actions led to the removal of the formerly 6K4-44- cities, to areas that could not be commercially "4 "- 6"#--<> $ 44 %- 4 #% < -4"H #4 |# -- 6 #4p>< - -- # -% 4- # - / %<-46 # %<- K of civic infrastructure for slum areas which 6 - ##%H4 >@% # - |4%#p-% 4 #4 # < 44 <4" 4%#> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 5-" -#-4) @446)> <4 # % 4 #- #% # # " - 6K -- - #4<-% 4 -# #<x6 not- 6- " H ) 4 4>` -# # #4"4 <#6"< 4 -4 <-TEBMU>5- latter continued to be derived from colonial #4 6 -|#p6 4 "- K4 |<-<- < 4 "p% 4 > < 4 <--4 - # 4|#p6-- 52 60 # # -4 4 % #" % < / < <4%4 > @-4)@44# H4#6%- |#pand/ %% 4 >@- #H #4 -3- ( 8 4- K4 - EO4 #4- 6% "4#6 %-< )%" - -66 #3->5-6 %< # - )% - 4#4 # #/ %" 4">6"-#- #%< #% 6-- include scarcity of resources and those subsidies -4 <#) ->$# # 6 4 3- <)"4 | - % p were 4 <"#6" -#%/ 6# 4 3-p% 4>:- -( 8 K # %-#- / % 4 - #64 < 4 -| p-% 4>5 %" < -% # # " %4 #" - T33$EMOS (- OOC). # <- 6K # -- <%OEO524- - %/<- 6K"@ >8"< ---# <- "% # " H ) 4 6- 6K- #- #%H4 "K #4 6- < K#| p- 6K#%>@ ##--#%- 6K 4#V#; & #"(4 4 3-C%OEO> H-#% " % # K <H-#6-/>@ (#% H #4- 6Kp- " %EBCT? - OOBU> 2. Continuing Segregation and Exclusion of the Urban Informal in Contemporary India @-#4 <4)% 4 - <# # - #-% ) " #" -% 4 # #4 K3-T34 & # - OOCS(- OOMU ?K T&<OOGU (#% T( - " OOCU #->"- " # <##-#" - 6K# -4 " #| -p>- mass evictions have come at a steady rate after a lull and there are numerous case studies of -6"- " -64 4 @ -4) % 4T34 & # - OOCS(- OOMS: OOMS "K OOGS( - " OOCU> In the case of evicted slum settlements # ##4 < # - 44---! #% 4 # ' 5-- % -- 6K- -# < H4 S 5-H ) 4 44 urban informal economies, which increases -" %<S 5-<#% - 6K% % # 6 |< 4 - </ p % 4 < # "# !# -# #) " which cumulatively and effectively resurrect 4 S 5- # " ) -% 4-- - 6 4 T# # 4 K U 6 |" p ## real estate, that raises demand for land 4 %<-% # 4S 5- - 6%<-% 4> 4 #" H- 44 4<### K "#"4 -<% - "4 4 #) class urban residents, their civic associations, -! <T34 & # - OOCS: OOMU>5- 6 - 4% 4<6- )# -4" 4 % % x" -# H 64 6 -6--#"# #x <4# K< 6) #4 >@-- 4 6- #4 # # <x##4 # H# % 4 #- #4%# - and orderly cities, at a time when cities are H4 4 < # < 4 >@-#4 <4 %<#4 4- - 446--6/# 4 <6 "4# #- > The privatization of space 6# H%6 # )# 4)- "%-4" 6% 4 61 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 62 %4# <#) >- 4" -%/ < # - < -%-# 6-- # < H4 <-% 4>5- #%-#)4% <4" 4 6K" #4x- # #4H x- " <6- 6 <% #H6- # -4 -# H4 "6K -< -# #-6 4 6K-# >:- ## "4# --4" "4#T6-- - # U #<" - -4 64->@ -"4#|<p - %%6# < wealthier urban residents, their new ambient "# -4- |- p<4 #TOO R 4OOFU>$#4 -% 4" -#" # 6 - 6K "##4% > 3. Conclusion and Recommendations <- " #" 4 <-% 4 the informal in Indian cities is based on the <" #4 6% 4 6-- " # 4 444 % 4 > 5-<# < 4 - < < 6- - ##%# < %-% 4 # H <>:-#-4)# 4- - ) 6) -6--H -4 # % <# - 4 "TH4 "6KU --4 % <# )K4> ;"--<% H-% 4 # 4% <- % 4 |p 4<< # - "# <#% # # -% # <>$# - / -- # #6K #) %<#6--6 #4< 4" -% 4 # H!%#6->@# <# 4"# %" 6 -<>8" / 4 -6K -6 #%- < 4 ---<> Claiming Land: Rights, Contestations and the Urban Poor in Globalized Times Solomon Benjamin and Bhuvaneswari Raman A consideration of urban land is central to the -#-&--<T&55U-6 < 6 ">5- &55#- 44"< % % %/ 6-6- -6>5#"%< #4#- 44 -6#% 7%"p4|-p #) # 4 - 4--"< < 4# 4 -<>@ #4 K -# 4 - 4" <44 -6-4 - 4-4 T7%"EEU>5-4 6 44 - # 4 ) > 1. Facts and Conceptions: Interpreting the ‘Rights’ to Land 1.1 Crises in facts and conceptions Globalisation and urban land 7 " < 4<"4% 44- "<- 4- #44 4-< <4 4 #<4 <6- # 44#%#4 <- % ) >@#4 here to carefully consider the nuanced ways in 6-- ## %<44 ->(H4<-#4 " %<44-# K(#% 3- # >8 H < H4 %6 -- 6-- --- !<4 ##>5- < 6 K- #44 63 % " 6 <> ;% - 4&55#- 44" 6 <>8<# K #% 3TOOOUp - - 4 "#"4# #"4-% 6-- ><-6 - %<>5-6 %<<<" 4< and institutional structures for clear titles and 6 6 ) /- become the centre of several new laws and #6K6- K<4 < %<464 4>5- 7 ) 5TOOB)OEOU-# < 4< "->5-- form the basis for central city urban renewal %<#- -5 3"4#&-T53&UG and new land /4# 4!- H46 <6 4 4 #,T,U> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Climate change and competing claims to the urban environment $ #6-# - -"#4 # K 4 # 66 <' # K% <#4"" ) % 6 - #K(#% - "# /4%< >@(#% - K- -#%<4 44 T8 - K 8 OOU 6 "T ;4 OEOU>5- 4-% "# #- 44" - "# ""# <"6 > new metro level institutional forms allow for easy "4% - -# 6 -4 @5 ## #4H>7 -6" - )-44" # 4 -< 4 # # # ) >5- 4K discussed below, to the mobilisation of the term #> ‘Slums’ as a language of disempowerment :#-#)"- < - < -- "4--6-- 6 "4"6 <>5- 44"- - ( 8 44"- )4 |#p>" - - "4-4%# 4 )# 4 #T& OOMS&<OEES! # OOFU>34-/" 4- " 6-#4 "<--6 "4# >:-#- -#- -% /<" >6" -#6%4" 44 %<%<" 4-4 H--< '- -|&R $ p times the senior judiciary, and many researchers " 4 # >( <-4 that slums create deviant behaviour and fuel H4 "|4 #p>5-4 " % "- <6K -6> # - T: OOEUH4#- # G 53& 4 #"#--$# H- 64 - / < %<4#4" "4#4 6H "4#-#H 44) >5-#4 - #% - - < "<# 4 - / 4>(#4 <53& 4 #4< /-4% -< % # 44<4 #6-#-# 46 "4>@@ -- %#-"<6-53&(#% > 64 4 <>-K 6 < -#% # T3- -6 ECU>& -- 4-<" - 4 <"" 4 4#% 4 # level bureaucracy to claim land and services in "< " 44 T! # & # OOEOOMU>5- circulation of the term slum also facilitates a 4" " <> $- "<#%"; #4 4-4#"#4> 5-##4 -6; # #4 " 4># # 44 #- 4 # 4 4 <4 6; K- #4 6-- 444< 4 "# < 6-- #--#44> 84- " 6- #;6--644 4T #U 4 #- 4 > -# < -4 - --"4 # " - %%%% -K<% -6 - # " )%< 4 #% 6 > @- 4 - - 4-H"" -4 4 #% # -## <4 4>-# #%< - " -6- 6<- #% >5----"6# -# # # K> 5--6 -/ < -%<"# <>R-- " |-% <p# % 4"<4%" )4 #6-% " #>--K 6" %4% 6 < >5-# < 6 # " <% < <# K#4H- 4 -# 4--6-- @ -4 >@ -- # --## 4- -K)#- # 4 H <4-6 <- H-46- 44% #-# "44"> Poverty alleviation programmes miss out crucial land dimensions 8"< " 4 ##- " 6 4'4" -6- 44 4- ">-- 6K 4< #<- >@-H#% # #-- % # K 44 -<- " >$-H4%6 street traders and the state in different Indian -6 4 " # # "- " " -4 - <T& # OEOS$! OOMU> #4 -6# # - "" 444 # medium economies in the cityF>@< -#- --- 4 ##% # ) - (#% 6-- ) 4 # "4> F 5-% 6 4 ## # <4 ###4#K - (#% 3- %- 6- - %- >5-%6# # " -H> 65 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) induced displacement @ 4 - 4"< 4 # # 4 4 #>-K6- #4!-#&& 4 44"<") - -% 44-<>5- %KK- % -< # < ) sale, are located away from livelihoods and #4 >5- %-"< ;4- " # %4" -4>; # -4%)4" 4 -4#- % &&"< lists as an instrument of social control in a #4H46< #6-44 T < (K-! OOES(: OOFU> 5-%#"##4 6- --4 4 44 KK% K" T(K-! OOGU 4 <6-# ; #4- 46-6 T&<OO S! # & # OOEU>@ #4 - -- -" )-"4-- 44 6 <#<" #) >" - < 6K-" "#%<6 #) 4---- " "%< 6 T&R$UH-4 -4 # "4 55> 5-- 44-6# -%-# #- # # 4 6-# 4 | / p%<-T, -OOBS5 6 7 # ) &6 OOBS! #OEOU> 55 $- <" - |- 6K>p5-4 # 4H#- #4" "%<&R$ #" - 6K## <4") T! #OEOU>5-- 4 < #@ -#4 -- #44<4 644">5-6- H - 4- 4% 4 %< ----- # " # " 4 4 > 4<- # # -< "% %- # " 4 ) 4 ##>5--- "%"6 6-- # # " 4x 6 -4 4>- #4 -"< #> 1.2. A nuanced understanding of land: interpreting the rights to land From slums to more accurate descriptions of territorializations 5- -4%6 4"< %" #44 >- -#)- - "6#-$ 7 $# -" < ) "- - 4 " # "4#T ! OOS&%OOS . 7 ECS! # & # EU>@-@ -) - 4" %"" </ #)#" % <%)"6 -6K#)chawls (in (#% U 6 6 ': TOOMU-4-6# - K4 " 4"<#4%4 S$! ) TOOMU & ! 4 TOOEU-%6 -<(#% S! #TOEOU ;--TOOU - $ 5 K: S$ %TOOU- # #% > 66 < >( <- #- " #'" <? K "<# -"4#4 |) -p3-x- 4%< # " > What binds these various forms is that they ""-( 8 4 --4<%< #4# 4- - 4 #- --" ) #> 5-4 <"" "# "4- - %!>5-6- #4 ! 4# 4% 4 - >5- -4%< # "4# #H that remain common to these settlements in " 4%T! #OOFU> Land regularization as a central progressive intervention 7 - 6 - 6-4 % ">$-- # <%%< " -#" "# 4%<6- " 4 <#<44 -"#4"# ">-4)44 middle level bureaucracies, many of whom stay, - " "#6- % >5- )4" " such terrains across cities and towns coalesces 4 4#"--" # > 5-%#)4 -# # % | p ( 8 # # - -%<4< and are accommodated via administrative 4- -|) p> 7 - % #4# % -%< 4 #4 # " 4 - #%%<%<" 4 # 4>R- - " # ) #H4# )-) " subversion by the elite who lobby for stricter ( 8 4 #- 53&> 5- "- - 46 6--#4 < " 4 - 46 --" # > 5- - -46 "% " "4#>" bureaucrats retain their alliances with decision # K 4 #%-- " 4< # T& # OEOU> 5-4 - "T<# - 444U) >#- H4 "6- #%< -44-< - "< K- #4 often turn out to form the basis for evictions and #>- 6) 4 #4 6- # < #%%< " ) % 4 <% -%<% 44 #4H 6- K 4##-#46 > Diversity of land territorialization and tenure forms underpins an economy of the poor 5--# " - 44" - 6 % 4-% #<'-444p-% # # <-- #<- 6K- ">5-6- % "- !% 4 ## %< - %<;# 67 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship - >7 %# -K %-<#< 6--4 4" >4 -4 - % -4- " # 6 <%K# 6- 44"6-#-4 < %#<>5-#< ## -4 4- " -6# ) #% #T"6 -# U 6- 6 < 4 4 # # <4 T! #OOFU>5-6 < 4"<4<-4 % #"#)#4 who are connected to varied small economic ">@ - %< "<4#6---%K #4<# %< " <# # "TOOU>( <- # 6--- 6-"#T! # & # OOES! #OOFU>:H #4 44# @ p|" <p - - Fz#4<# %< -@5T# -<U - 44K<%-# T( - " OOMU>6"-@5 -<"%4< -- # " %<-4 4 T! #OEOU>( <- "-6 < --4 4T ECS! #OOFS& # OEOU - 4%< 4 < 6>5-" - 6 " <# 4H#< - #K #4 4 4 > 5-%# < - 6 <6--<4 " #- #44#- --44 #4 4 6K>- 68 formations constituted for economic activities # @ x%-#- %% # 6>5- #- x4"< -4 6< #<"6--- - #-64%<6-- -<>- 44"K6- < 6 # 44<" ->8- 4 -- 6-<--/ # -4 -- K<- # 44@ T! # & # EU>5- %6 4"< %%" -6 <' Access to productive locations: Areas with #4#4<#44 6 44# 4> to economies of different scales:R- #4< 4 " -4 # K # #< #4 #> Similarly, investment in land as a way of -K <## " < %-- 4"" <4# "> Diversity of land tenure forms observed in some localities allows poorer groups, among others, to claim land and consolidate it over time::# "4#--- 4 <4 )% )4 -<4# - "" "4 4 4 T! # & # OOES! #OOFS & # OEOU> 5- 4"<<6- -%##4 <6- -44p #4< 4" > Competing land territorialization between -" ) > :#-44"4"<4 land claims and the issue of access are related - %< "<44 4<<#x- -# 4 4T! # & # EU> "<< - - -%< different economies differ, and relate to very 4 > # )##4" # % #4<#-4 #)# 4>5-<# -4 < 6-6 # level bureaucracy and are able to mobilise local "#>5- 6 <- 64#""4 -4 H4 # <4## K T! #OOFU>"<% #4""# %-# # --%- #H > 5-#4#4- 4K # <" % <4 %- 4 4 %"<6 <> - - "# - K %6 44p % "/3p # #4 4" 6)##T;% OOS )K# T"U: OOGU> 5- - % " 4 - #4<#%<4 - K !%6-- - remains at crisis level accentuated by the 1998 % >5-- &55--- " - 4%<% #4- # -- -4"- 6 > @ #44% --4-# 4 6- --/ < > -# # #K 4#4"# - # " 4 x%"<6 < |4 <% #pT! #OOCU># ##%-"# T"6< #%U % 4- # K< 4 >@ # - #% "< '-4! % 4%4 -##T! #OOCU> 5-44--""# 4 K# # 6-# 44## #4 #- 46 2. Academic debates 5- -4- % -"6 <-4 #-4 # >5-#44" the need to consider the social construction of land claims, and in turn, to have institutional 4 #-"- -- 6---- 44>5-##K 6 '#% 4-< -4< 64% 4< #"4# "4#>5-H" K -6 %< " < "4#4- 6- 4 ( 8 >$ 4 x < - EO6- H%% -66K - x# # > -4<4"6-)4 view, with an entry into both a construction of 6 - 4%<- <4 land in an incremental way, and also the nuances 69 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship -6K4% # >5- "6%7%"p84 TEEU% "< <4 >5- -4< 644% - 44< - 4 #%% # K )# K4T ECU> #4"6- <- #4 -4%6 #<# # # - # <#<>- 4-<4<- # - 44% # 6 % <""4K # "## #4H>$ consideration of the city economy around land -# 4<4 6-- 4 # 6 -4 4%< 6--4<- 44> 70 @H4 "6 4 6 % >@-EBO - mid 1980s, closely connected with what can be #|% "4# #p- # !6 --" 44< ->5-# - # -- EMO <EBO>:6-ECO 4 <@ 4 7 $# -#4- 6 4 6% % - 44 -# territorial formations into the liberal notions of <# #>5- 44 -6- # #( 8 #%<#4 > -#"4%4<6 #4 -6 <6'#- EMO)BO-#4- |# Kp "-ECO 4% >7 -< 4 46KH"<- ->/- %" 44 - -"4# -<> @-EO-6#"6 # K % <#4">5- # #4%<3TOOOU #4#6-H"4 #4 >5- - 4" - 6- - # 4-- 44x 6- -4- 4- # % %-4 #4 "> It was in the late 1990s that a distinct turn away #% 6-- 4 radical transformation via urban renewal and # 4!)- 4 4 4 "- > <OO-6 #4 %<- " 6 -4% /> -4 %<44 # - " >$K< 4 %< 4 64%<" #6K>5-4- -4%% - #% 4-#-# ##4 <-6 -- 44>- # # "#< 44< H% K #6- 444#%# <# T3 OEOU>" <# K; / 4!K,% # # <4 >$- #%"###4 - 444 # "4 " ## 4TOOCU>5- ) - 6-- -6 "# 4% < 4-) T! #OOFU> $ 4 - --4 4- 4--</6-- -) % 44 - <# K% 4 #4"6 -4>@ -#4 H 6# 44 # 4 4 " recommendations for individual titles, biometric "< -) 6--6- #<TOOGU# -"-| "<p>5- - <4 "6- # % % 6 4 ## " 4 ##> $/4"< 4 ## 4 #>5- " of Indian society and their different avenues #6-- -4- " %#- T! #OOOS- !OOFS %OOS: OOES& # OEOU>5-6K----#4 #4 4 44<#- # % < # " - >;"4" 46 -4 # %<-4 # # !<-% -H4 #4 4 <4 % -4< -|"< < pT: OOES% OOU4" >5--< - #4H4 46-- - <%-)# 4 4<446- 6 "%<- H<- #%# % <#4"> 3. Inclusive and Exclusive Practices 7 % #4# 4- 6 -"6 4 %>@- 6!--)# 4-4"4 %- 4 H>R that the trend of simultaneous, selective #4< ---" -# - " # "- 6 4> - 46--) # 6 <4-44 6 <# #4<# < > "-6-#<-46K -4" 44- 6 < -46--# #> 5-# <-4H4 4 H 6-%<#44 # ## ># -64 ## - 6 4 44 "4# - -#4- 4%4<- #) M>$-- 44 a climate of fear of eviction and the trauma of # / < #4 >$- - #4- 4 |p - 6-#4 # are confronted with what seems to be inevitable " ##- 64"-#6-### " - - 6>$-#- #4- |4%)4" 4 -4p 4#- 44">5- 4 < #6 -% 6- 4 # 4 #- %"% 6-4 -# K> At one end, the diversity of forms of tenure and - 4 # # # "6 - -# M 5- 44 -& !"$6 `! - 4%4" 4 -4# "4#)% -- -<4 >$-4 - ; 5<T;@OEOU %" -6%> 71 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship # K% - K <#T3< >OOMU>$ -/< / 6-4" -4 > :6#- # #%#4# 4 ## ;@# 444 ## # " 57>5-4 H < -44-"# 44 -4- evidence that such interventions affect adversely "<44 -# 6---< T& # OEOS ! # & # OOEOOMS(-OOFS #<OOGU> @ -4 H 6 < "4 - 4 %%<) - < "#>6"6-# /6- "# K - #4 -)#46# ">- <OOO - 4-64%4<- 4 %<464" -K K- 4 T! #OEOS;--OOU>5- 44 4<-% |-p < # - #-4 -<>@ #4-"6 < "-4 4 --4>:#-44" 4K-& !"$6 `! 4 ## # <H <-4>@ - 6-)# 44" -4%4<6% -44< # - %# K # 6 # >5- 44" #4 %<- ---&&4 ##T3< > OOMU> Such a view dominates the discussions of the R K 4<>6- K " -6 # K # #6-" # -46 % -44" " >5- #4-%- 6- # K6K6% -4- 6 "" #% -6 - # %<44> 7K-# 4 <4 <4 > ! 4)/ " # K >585-"6 - <#4# 4 ##;@# 4459-7 5 7 5$-< % K 6 #4 " %< #4"-4 # 4 - %6--6 - "--# # K> 5- 4 ## #4 %<> R-4 ##- "% 4)% # < % 44<-V&(H4 44< <#> K& ! - 3-? K $- 8 - < <6K -# >5-- " "-#4 tools, laws, and institutions need to be seen - -#4 4 4>@V<OEO#4# <# 57 -6%-;V - T-4'666>! - >U 4 4 ##@ % 4 : T-4' 4>U> 58 $H #4--5 # % @ : 4 T5@:@U4#%<-R K 4" 4 @ 7 : "T@7:U$<@ 3"4# T$@3U> 59 - 7 5OEO> 72 ; 84<5T;75U- %# -# <#-V&(> 5- -(<% 3"4# - "4 ## 87$5@(T8 -47 5@#4# % ( #U 6-- %<-@ 3"4#: 4 T@3:U %#4#%<-@ % 4 : T@:U%< " 4 % >MO@<- @:44 -#4# ;75>@ -4 constitute new territories for the new economies -- ) /- 44-<, 6 -"44 -< #K53&T! # & # OOEU> @- %" ! - - # 44 6- - --4!" -#> 6-<- - - 4" 4-#4# ) 4 ## - - 6--- - <- 4%< " %<>5- 4 ## - "/ - %< %4-<p 44 4 <44 # -4 ##-6' 5--# # diverse small and medium economies are 4 < # #- #6->5- -H4 H<4 -< / --< # %- # 4 ME>5-"<# "6 K-4 )# "4# /- "4"% K> 5--< / @ " # 4 4 % - %< / > 5-# -#4 or the local institutional level is viewed as a - >@-H4)% areas, many of which fall under the rural or % 4 - < # - bureaucrats of revenue administration had K6 T$-! - OOU> # - the control of information at the local level -#4 "< --% > 5-- - 4!-44"> #4 " "%<- H<% 4 %% -46" small local institutions and to undermine the 4 "- 4>5-4 6 - - < 4 -4 to control local institutions as well as local 4 6###6- % > 8 6% " 6#-6 % 4<#>@<# 44 4 <" " #6- there have been mass demolitions since the -< | p -#6- 4" # #> 5-- #4 -# discourse, actors and institutions associated 6-- #4 # K MO -4'666>># 4< % 4!>-#> -4'666>! - > ME 73 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 444 6- 46% "#- 4 p %< 4 < #4 " T$-! - OOU>5--4K #%< - "6--# K senior bureaucrats to control street bureaucrats 4<# K4 "<T7% K- OOU>- #4 /#- 4 ##6--- "% #4#%<-;"#? K OOG>5--6 %% T& # 6 OEEU> -44 4< documents, we see a central issue in the trend 6 4!)% 4 # 4 ##)% -# > <-K<6--6- # 4%4<-- |< /<p 4 "4# # 4" # %< 4 4>$- ## # "# -4 44#% >: K4 # % # >@ 4 # -- 44#4 freedoms, in fact restructures institutions, which 6- 4<> 5-- --< % < < <-46- - 4 4< > 4. Policy Implications at Different Levels R"K<4- 4 " ' E> Land regularization as a policy for shelter and pro-poor, job-centric economic development. 5-# # 44<- #<- 44" # 74 "4## 6 " #44- > > Political empowerment of local government (municipal/ panchayats).5-%- 4 # "4 6- T H " % U # "4#- ">- #46# # 4)/4#H" )4 % "> G> De facto tenure via in-situ upgrading promoted by local government.5--444 %- -- # S-- - #<> F> ‘Job-centred economic development’, employment and value addition#4 4 "H concentrations of usually small home and -%-)% #>@- 4"#4 < ## %<# # #H > > Strengthening pro-poor political management of land in contested urban settings>5- - 44 "# #- 4 4 > 5- %""4<4/ " ##<- #4' The ‘housing fetish’ 6--#4- #4|-p) -##4 # > 7 4% /" # 4< 44" #<'U|-- p !<|# -p%<4 - -S U)! 4)/"4# "> Local governments as mainly ‘administrative/ maintenance’ bodies: their role would be ##4# -# # 4# | #<p%<--" "#> Hi-Tech zones such as SEZs, or IT/BioTech corridors, or ‘urban renewal as a prerequisite for economic development’: 5-"/ /4 #- 53& < %- #--"4> Advocacy politics as the sole political space favourable to poor groups:5-4 ;&R$ - - 4 " "4 "# 4 "44>; 4 < |- -p%-# " #46#> 75 The Challenge of Slums and Forced Evictions Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Véronique Dupont $ / - -- 4 46-- 4--- -- ECO%<-@ #4 &- ]- -"<6# # - 4 "4 <^T?- OOG' U>5- / -x 44 H#x#4 %- 4-< - > 1. Facts: Shortage of Decent Housing and Recurrent Evictions 1.1. Shortage of decent housing @ 4 <- 6- - -6-- - K# % --T4 %) 6 K #U - 6-4 #>5-H M -% 44 "#4" <- -' $4-OOEMFG#44 4Gz-44 6-"OOOO- % "#> 5-44 - ' Ez- 3-GGz?K Fz(#% >6"-OOE THEGU# -"#% of slums and slum dwellers, as towns below OOOO44 6-- MO--6"> %/<-### T;@OEO%UK - EME6 # -# 44 T MO--U B>G# M>Gz- % 44 >5-4!OEEG #> $-#6-OEE %# --- #6 " %> 76 $4-##4-" )$@5$5THEU@ p% # 44 6 # EC>F# %<#)< OOEz- % 44 > @OOC)OFGz-6# 6< T>>6katcha or semi-paccaU Oz-6- %) <)#K6> TOEO% HEFU>"-< - consolidation of structures, the addition of a < -"4# - "% < # < " %<-6>$-OOE GBz% --- < #"-44Gz 3-FEz- Mz(#% >@ OO-4 4 " %6 F>M />#># C>F/>#-% TOOFU> / % - H#4%<- %>@ (#% T(4 4 UOOEM> ##6 %- -44 4<Cz > In Delhi in 1998, before the massive demolition " #/ # -G#- % Bz - % 44 %4< - Mz- T?OOFU> (- K / - structures and amenities is combined with the Kx#4- -]/ #^THEU %<"4 >@ 4 " #6- % -<4-% 4 -6 % "-# > @ -# K- - %) % % "-/ 4<# - % not meant for < - -- and that were K< - "4 -## >- "% K446< # -< % 6 #4 6 < K %6--> 5- %FOOO## % @ OOC)OFz6 nallahs Ez 6 <> $%FCz-#6 < %<6 -#T OEO%U>5-#6 4 < vulnerable to industrial and natural disasters, as # <-6%<-H4- %4 <-4 ECF -OO(#% > 5-4@ # < -#44 "#S # -#- -#" %>`- -# <%<- T--#6 EEU>@ Delhi they were estimated at between 100,000 OOOOO-#EOEz - % 44 >5-#%- # <6 ) # Box 12. UN-HABITAT operational 5-4 # ##%< H4 ;4(T %C)GO% OOU slum as an area that combines, to various H-64-< - T)$@5$5OOGU' / 6 S / - S 4 / <-S "6S > 77 57'!+ Census of India 5'; <+<=>&;<<>* :-#OOE-@ collected data about slum areas in cities/ 6- " 44 OOOO# % -EE 6' 5- 4-6 "<' Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship ]$4 |#p %< 7 ;"# 5T5U$# < $S$ ]#p%< 7 ;"# 5$# 6--# <- "%# < |#p <$S$#4 GOO44 %MO) BO--4<% # -<"# <6- / K44 < K6 >^ $% #4# 6 44-#OEE #<' <#4 - settlement of at least 20 households with a 4<%#6-- #<#4 < 6 - <6- / < K6 -< > #'%<Gz3-%6OOO OOCT5 ?# 8 <OOCU>( ! demolitions, with similar effects, also affected (#% -#> 5-RK;4% 6-: ## - M>G#- 6/%% -4OOB)OE < # <R KTRU 76 @#;4T7@;UT;@OOM 'GU> MG ]$# #4 #6- 4<%##< #4 < 6- < 6- / < K6 -<^>- 6 ) slum if a least 20 households lived in that >$ #%<4" #4 4 % "4# -6 ]#>^ 1.2. Extent of slum eviction in large metropolises -EO @ #4- " H4 -% 4 6--/#% > 5-#4# % 4!4 < H4 % 6 4! ]% ^4 - " # <#4 - settlements and forced evictionsMG> @(#% %6"#%OOF ( -OOOOOO-6#- FOOOO4FF >5-# %<-@ 84p5% "# # &-MF# <%#4 - - OOOO-> @?K BBOOO4464 OOF)OOT 4%<&UM> @3-OOF)OOM## 6--"4#- ") --$-p . -OEO##6 -; # % @ x 7 &-6Kx-$ & 8 ##T@)7&OEO OEEU -4'666>-) 4>> MF 666>4 > M &- "'666>->> 78 5<%@ 5-#$ T@#4"# U$EM# # 4 "6-6--%] <4-# - % ^ - ] %< 4 "6 < # -% 6 < # K" - < #% - # <- -# ^>g#$ T@#4"# $UEM- 4@@k> 5-# < 44<-- %%< 446- - - -% 3-6--6 # >5-$6 #4#3->- - " -6#$ $6- #- # <" <# % <% # > 5-- T U-#$ $>@ - % - -! < ]/ #^# # 4 %46--4#- 6 <>5- - ] #^ < !-)!-#43-!-4 4 (#% - - > # < # - #% K#-` # " - " %GOOOOO44x OOOOO44#:% <( <OOFMM> 2. Legal and Policy Framework 2.1. Urban and housing policies and the urban poor 3-6 6- @4@ TEFBU4<# K 4 6- ( - # ; -p " < " ) #"4# 4% 44 < )% % > -ECO% -6 4 -4%<-:"` 8 -64%-4 ## - %<- "#6--44 - 6 %#- --% 44 4 < -4> - -# % - 4-6# -4 ##- "%-# T(%ECCU>5-EO- #4%< -- - 4"66 "<-# % <-4 - / #>$- # #% 4"<6 <4" / 4"<6--4 # 4# 4-# ! #46#6- 6% % -T(K-!OOMU>: with this fear, until the early 1980s, authorities " # %<# K % ">@ "4# 6 <--- <#S -- 6K 6S # #6 - T OOU> 5-&4- ## % ECC - MM '(5@)7&V$$44 @3):OOOF>3-;" 'R 5) % @ ) 7 &-6K( <OOF> 79 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship % 8<TEFU # K >5-6% "4# <6 % -4 4" T;@ECC EU>@ #6- -# <4#-"4# - %4 -# >8%)4" 4 -4- --4" - 44"<6 #- % 4 ## --#-4>" # - " -H% "4#4 '- the cement sector, which boosted the construction S- %-<#- # !< 4 S -4 -EBM% 7 T U$ T#4 6% 44<U E6- "6# # K> 5-# !---"# #% 4"- # % %6-4#4%) 4" 4 -4- %# -%/ % 4 4 ##- -OOV 6 - - % &6 (TV&(U>$ 4 V&(-%)#] " -% 8^T8U-(< % 8"<$" MB, # / % "< "4# #4# - "---4"% 6#)#4H -# <6 K>- " -6"H44# % -"- -% 4 ---4 ##T( - " , OOMU - <-H-- ### 4 #K -#4# 4! MB | p"-T@)7& OOU> ]$ %$^- - -T U % % 8<TOOBU6--- K6 - - ]- "% %<"#--- 4 <-# <6 K TRU 6#4T7@;U^ T;@OOM 'F)U>5-- #-4<] %< " -6-R 7@; ^T@%'EFU>5- - 4<## # KOzz the land to be made available at affordable rates -R 7@;>@-## # - % >]5-# # K#- # # 4 "4# - 44<---5 3"4#&-MC : 4 @H^Mx6--K(#% - " %T( - " OO'EU>5-4< - " - - to slum dwellers in situ or in relocation sites, and #4- -44 4 4 #6> 5--4" "4 %<4#6-- "#% > 6"-#K<- - -46%"4-% 44-6--6/ %# 4% 4<# % -# #4<# # 4 -<>("- -#-K<# - -]-6)## - " / # "^6- -4'#-4 >">-4'!##>>!#-4 H>-#T EO)OC)OEOU> 5 3"4#&-53& #-< # "- 6T "4 %UH %4 >@ 6-%"4 - -4 -<T6- - - (#% U---%> M 5-:4 @HT:@U:$ & - - % 4 - - 4> MC 80 ]6"/ #^ T@%'EMU> $--- % % 84"- # "- @ - <#"# - 4%< # # % "4#>5- - 4- 4 %<-4 # #6 6 % 4 #4H46- 6%< "# > 5- 4 5<T5U3- 4 '- "# - 4 6 >5- -3-3"4#$-<T33$U- <4%#-4 "4#- 4 <- 4"6- "#> 2.2. Slums and squatter settlements: historical and legislative background V @4TEFBU-4 #- 4 <6 # !>5-8 # -# $ T@#4"# U$ EM 4 6- # #4"--K # 4 % -THEU>5-$6 #4# 3- H- >@6 conceived to address the issue of unauthorised # ] --gk446 #4"--- /<%4 " # "^T@)7&OOF' BU>5- #44"-4 / # - # 4 6T- -OOE$## -( - - #$ $U !# - -# %T %6U>5-#$ $ %6- ) #K< 6 H-4"% "> 2.3. Main ad-hoc strategies implemented till date70 : 6--H 4# / #-"# 6 -- "#4#" <4ad hoc"'4"% " 4 4"< " 4 ##S# " 6--) )"4 ##S )- % >5-4 ## may be initiated and funded by the central "#- "# 4%< > 6"- < -#66-# <- # -#/ - "%-"# #"6- <#4 S --< <-<#4#- 4"<6-"--4%#> A Draft National Slum Policy was formulated by - (<% 3"4# 8"<$" $4E>@ 4" - -4" -#6 wherever feasible, and where this was not %-4"44#> -4<6 44"%<- "#4 #4 <- 6 6--# <# # - "4- - 6 <4 %-#T OOU> /<-;"#@ " -4<- % #%6- - "-6 <]#):< 8 ^OEOT%6U> Environmental improvement of urban slums 5-#4"#-" -H#---4" % "6 < 46 70 -'$TEOU !TOOU TOOU34TOOCU34 )` #K<TOOU &%TOOGOOU> 81 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship - 4%- - >@EB- ;"# --"# @#4"# % #-# # 4" % < #>--#6-# # #4-"%!"6 4 %<-% " -#-% 4 %<@: 66-ECO>5-EM # 3"4#8 ##T38U #- ;"#- #44- #K <>$- <44 ## "#x-. #K$#%K $6 `! T.$($`U -OOE - 4"#6 44"%64"<% #>7 <-4"| " -% 8p6- # 4 - -OOV&(> 5-4 # ---)# 44 -x #4"-"#6 6--< % -- )--#x-6" -#-4 <4 -### "- ) 6 <#46-4!]% 4%^<4> T-4 ECF(#% ECU- -6" - -#4) 4 ##> Resettlement schemes and site-and-service programmes – a focus on Mumbai and Delhi $ 8<&# &- % T&&U4! 4 6 4OOF6%< 6 &&8< &&OOB (yet to be U>$---4- "% % %<-(<& 3"4# -# < 44<-" < 4 #44-H of slum demolitions in urban areas due to the #4# 4!4%44> 71 5-# <% 4" #]4" % " # K4" %#- #^ ] - % -"4#4 #4# 4^> (-%-# && 8<( - - 6 - @ # TEBM #ECMU - - " 44<% '-]8< &# &- % 8 $%<% 8!% K4- (#% (4 &-gR Kk(#% % 5 48!^ TEBU6--6 H % - EC> @(#% K3--#" # / #44# %6- / 4!4%<>@) )" 4 ##4 #- "% 4 - < 4"6-% 6--< - %-66> -# - 6-">& #6--6 - 44 - "%<-3- - #- EOOEO 6-/ #>@-/ %#% #T@&BOO x}EMBx-EO OOOU>(" --46 %< #CO/>#>--#EMO EC/>#> "E>/>#>-EO the 2000s, which resulted in the recreation of ")6#x - - # >- #-##4#3- #EOOOC MOOO/ #6 < 71>@(#% # 4<6 #- '# V-)V-#434 #(4 4 3-> 82 ECO%<-R K4 ## ## # with- < 4 #%K T#- 6- # #U>7 <OEO-;"#3- #4<- # dwellers, with a shift towards the allotment of 4> 5-#4 &&4 ##T) - % H #%6U# eradication has been seriously limited by the %< ) " -#>34 !# - --44- -" #%# # 6- <#4 > &#4 ### #44- ##- < > 5- %6-6 -4" "< - #4<# 6K # < -< 44T3-() - OOCU>$ 4 - 4 - "%%<-# #6- -4# "#4 "--<- " % 4%<4 > In-situ rehabilitation – the example of Mumbai @)4) - % - % 44 -##" 4<#- <> @(#% )"4# of secure tenure to rehabilitated slum dwellers 6 -4 <-EO6- -""#4" % 6 "< >5-44 4" %#) <%-# #- # <4 - - rest of the land thus cleared for residential or ## "4#-4# K -64>$ "- :4 @H 5 3"4#&-T53&>>H % 4 U 4"-%) %--4> 5-#&"4#-#6 EE# 4" S6 " HE slums on land owned by institutions of the state "#6-- #%4" COOOOO#E/>#F# #6><#OO %EOOOO -6% 4- E#&- % -# Ez- %!"72> # !<6 " 4% -#4 < # #S -# #4% # |4# p>5--#6 "-- %%< T OOU4 # 4- % # TROOCU 6 ]" #^> 2.4. The new strategy for “slum-free city planning” $6 <#):<8 x -& !"$6 `! 4 ##T&$`UBG, was OEO 4 -V&( "-% 8%)# - % 8"<& < OEO)OOT( -OOU>5-4 66-- "%<V&( -@ #3"4# 8 ##- 4 -4" 4 ##T38 .$($`U> 5- 44 -&$`- - % # -- - #> 72 '# &- % $-<(#% ( - - $ 3"4#$-<> & !"$6 `! >;#):<8 ;"@ (<% 8"<$" > g-4'#-4 >">-4'!##>>!#-4 H>-#T EO)OC)OEOUk BG 83 ]&$`-#6 -% 4 " |#)@ p-- K-4%# # "# >@ #) 4 44 -' E> -H#6--# <# %-# " - # level of basic amenities as the rest of the 6S > &- -# <# - %-- #S G> 5 K-- % -- K4- -- % 4 -#H ) % - "- #4<#>^T;@OEO ' EU Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship @4 #464 ' 5-4 H# 6- 44<-' 4"<#"4# - % 4 ## %#T>>]-6-- | <p|- -- p-- % --%-""4^x @%OEO 'ECUS $4"6# " --% 4> 5-4 "4# < 4%) 4" )4 -4#% % ->@ 4###< 4 4 ' -# -)# K4 "4#4 ]- <% 6--""#-##<^]6- - # ;^T@% OEO 'ECU> 5-]6 -% 4^T( - OOU"" ##4-" 44 - - -4" %-6 < 6--6%#4#%< |p# %64> $-- -" - -#6-4 # <"K'-% #-< #4 <% K - 6-- H4#-# ## <" <H- 4#-4 ##6- 4 ---#%<--#4 T %"4"-# - 6#4U>& %<-4< # K#4 / #6--##- -! <> 2.5. The changing role of the courts vis-à-vis slums and squatters @ - 4! <<# -- "# < #4 % " 4 < ---8%@7 T8@7U 4>-EO- 4 <- 4" "#6T$-! EBU 4 !#-6# -"-4 - 4%#4 -- ##- 4""" #6T;-OOCU> < ]-4#@ - TqU" !#4---- - #%----6- <-- K6 --"->^BFT?- >OOM' EBU>-@ -- - # -6--4#-- $ETEUTU -- $E> &" 4 4"!#- 4# --- " 4 #% )4>"- ]!#-@ ! <- " %-" - BF : "5<3-ECES- #- -" 8EMS 5"#% <(4 4 ^ECTHEMU> 84 5K<"O' @-ECO-] 5"#% <(4 4 ^ TECU# K #> @K4 H6--# -#"# - #4 -- -#% "< "T !OOU>| 5p 6 8@7 %---4 "#6p- 4 ">5-!#-4#-% ---# 4 "#6 6 --"- 4 --" K6 - <%64 "- 4 "# #6>--- "-6 4#46- --4 -4 "# 4 - "4>5-- - -/ p-#%#-- 6- / 4">$---4" "%"6 # # < - -#4# #4(#% -> 5--- -OOO>#!#4 4 < 3-- "%-44#6 / 4 -#"K"-# #6 4K4K6- -# "# -4< % "4#>5-#6-) % -4%# -]6 ^ ]-4# <#- #%<6--## K4 4^3-T;- OOCU>5-"%<-! <- EC< - #-3-#4< H>@EG -/ # 6 4%%< -3-- %4 %< <#>#K< !#-$# 8 "@ T4#OOOU -K- : < 6p$ ";"#53- T3--OOU- -% - 4"# "-" #T& # - OOMS34 & # - OOCU> @# < -"-6 444- 6 # <44 ##46-46 "# -- 4% K-#" -%#-H % - #%6---4 - 4 ] ^ 3-> 5-"-! < "# 4"%#"3-x - 4 < - ;"# 6 -4#>"-# !#%<-3---6# -4--# 4 "#6>: -V - -"3-3"4#$-< T33$U T3--OOMU-!# - %# -@ -% --# #4%#<6-- S-' - <% 33$4"--R 4-4 -( 8 3-S 85 - -4 33$4#- <<S -#-R6--#6#-% # 4 -> 7 % "< 6#-]4 -% K^!# " #6"%< "%--3--:% <EOEO- # -";"#3- -# >3#- # -3-;"# -(4 4 3-- -!-6 "% -<- 4-!-4% -" - |-6 <p-%-- ]!-6 % <> TqU5-< -6--4-<" -<"4 -4-- <6--- -#^>5-!# - -!#%<- #4 ! "6> -4 <-4^ %< --#"#T?- >OOM' FGS&OOCU>-"6- # " %---- 4 44 #!#TH EMU> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 3. Current Political and Academic Debates – Policy and Research Questions 3.1. Which conditions for effective housing and slum policies? 5- - -4-44 "<6%#-% <- - %#4#-EO>5- - -5-:")` 8 TOO)OOBU] 4--- F>B# TqU4 -R 7@;^T;@OOB'GU> 5- -6"""6 - # 444 6 <"#-- - -#4%#> Which role for the market? 5-<)% % -4T&$`U - #4- # K- %%< #"< - T@)7&OOS( - " OOM OO 86 !# OOCU>5-<-< - 4% K 4%< 4" - -# <6 K<>@ contrast, other academic circles advocate an even -# KT$ >OEOU> 5-< - "#"- # K-# K4 % ## # TU4" 4" 66 % #6STU#" < STU#" % " % S T"U- 44<- > -4"--<% -#6 4"">$444 ##<%#&& 446-- 44%<#" < - -(#% % |$ p4# # % #- #-- ##<p#46###< %)4 4%<T OO'BU> `6- #- % 4 - "<-4" # %4 --# "<-- 4> R-- # K 6-<4"# " <#4" %>("- )"4#% interested only in certain lucrative locations T!# OOCU> 5--- & K-(- ) (#T666> #-#>#U " 4 -# rental, each with user contributions and based %<4 < -- -]))) ##^>5- #- < variety of solutions can address the diverse needs -% 46-- --<)# 4>@-# %< "< -%#%> Slum upgrading: problem or solution? 5- # "#4 %## 6>## -% - % "4%<- % 4 -% 444 -"- ">5-4%4< -6K#4"-- - % # -4 %-#>5-"## %<-% 4-6 T #-@"$-# % OEO HEBU> `-# <-# 44 -- #4# K# 4# -< 4'- 44 - <% - %6-4%# -T36 .# OOS34 & # - OOU> #- "4 6--4 4 <>5-H#- H -4 H -4 >5-) -"# -K-R- ) H--4 ## % -4 #S 4 in situ6<# K 4# -4%#6-- 4 H4 -<>@ -"6-4%#-4 - >5-6- - # 4% 6 #"- 6 - 6% # < 4 S #"644 -H#< / %<-% 4> 5-" # ---- #4H<#) 6--/ 6-- )#> 3.2. Cumulative impoverishment generated by forced evictions 5-"75- #4 < -# 4< &&4 ## /- 4< # K#>5- K tenure in most slums or, in other words, the H#-] ^< K " / # homelessness, urban nomadism and further #4"-#>5-#" % - #6- && 4 ##>R---" 4 " ##4"-# # <#%!<- -- 4 <-# >5-6 <<4 T-# 4 %< <-4)H #4U -<4 -T #U -#4# 4 %>@ --- # %"# < # "-- - - 4" '4" resettlement and rehabilitation entitlement, loss - "-% !%- #>$-!4 75 :6- p-# - 44 -" ]-#" " ###) #--# -%- -6<< % %- ^T&);EM' @U> 87 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship ---< --"6- <>:# / -) - % 4 #%#) <)6> 88 `# #6-]%^# resettlement scheme also suffer from the loss of livelihoods in relocated sites, usually situated -<K>( < -44 4<# # / % " 4-# # # < K" < %4 4 >@#4"-#% - #% - K access to basic urban services and social facilities -- - / ->5--6- 4 --4% -p 6 -#>$ - 4 - # H4 T< 6 %U!% K 6-H4 >/< --# 4 ### <--- 4 "-- - -<--# ) 44>5- # 44 -- - 6- - K )# "- # > "< H46" affect all households in demolished slums, 4"6---< #4 ##>@ H #- # %</ " 4 %<"-4 "#T% - K# UH4-#"-K -">&4 # <4#4 # # 4 4 that reveals the inability of evicted families to rebuild their lives over time and recover from the -K#T34OEOU> 5-4 < %" /- ] #^# / #%< "# -' - "4 <- -/ 6--- #- 4H$--4 may mention inclusiveness in their objectives, -< 6#H-- -#- #>H#- ## #-"<#&& 4 ##% 4 <- %< '- 44 ]) ^ " -#S - %/#--> 5-#&& % %4- --% 4>< - -%<-H mechanisms, which stem from the conditions 6---4 ## #4#, -H #%% # 6T34OEOU>5-H ##&&-# ##4-#>@-4 - % #/ > 5-/ #6- / - % - 4 -H4 H#>5-- 4 - %/##@ >: # %% 4"< 4 ## # 4# #% 4- -<#4# -4"<-#"%% 4 > @ -<-#4"-- #% #)66- H#&& 4 ##>5-/- -4%4 -- #4# > @-H@ -]#)<^ H4 44'-4--4#% "x4 <-xS# 66--"K - #6-44- % S the real estate lobby and builders, there is an H4 - - ## 6%4 %<4" - 6- H S -% #) ]#)<^# --# -6 # %" <>:-# -6]#^] % -4-< 4%#4 / <-6--- - 44"-^T;%OOB'MBU %/<"- K 64 #"> "##T@) 7&OEEU )% < 6T- - #% <8"$EU6 -#44| p -<#--%- event, which entailed arrests, detention in ]% -#^# ! 4 -<x- access to the city for the homeless, which was denounced by national as well as international ; -# - T OEOS@)7&OEOS$#< InternationalBMU> 3.3. Identification of “worst” practices &444 %<- 7 &-6KT-4'666>-) 4>U- # &-##- :#&-@ 84p 5% "# # &- T666>4 >U-&- "T666>->U4"# % --64 """ -# -%<- @ -H## "4- # -44 " 6>-" ] !--# - / -% --# -"-- - 6 -- "6-<^- %#-6 6# -T?- >OOM'BU> 5## - p64 4 #6- < " 44"6-4 # 6-#"- 44 "-%%- houses are destroyed, and above all with the " #> 5- " -6 %#46-#-H -OEO##6 -; #3-' 4. Initiatives Aiming at a Better Inclusion of Slum Dwellers in the City "< TU- "% "--#6 --# K-"- -4-##4"-" &# &- % T&&U 4 ##6--6"#H6- ">- "- " ##- 4#- 6 #-"#> 4.1. Human rights and housing rights movements # x- % @ x 7 &-6K- :# &-x - -- 4 " < -4 #-# ->5-<- -# - #6K- 6#- @ T %"U #- -# -%# - @ - 4 <-@ " # &- - % -##4-"6 < -- / - H4< 4-4 "> BM ]@ # " --# - %3--##6 -; #^$#<@ ) #FEOOEOT$@H'$$OOOEOU7> 89 - ]de jure instruments has not substantively translated #4"- " /-4 "^-< further denounce “the vast schism between H # - < -@ <^T?- OOG'MU>@-6- " # K# - >> #-# % "-> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 5-$ &- 6K ;- 4 < -- ECO>8###<))##< H- 4 4H4 K66- ---6K - -' ]# " 4 6)#6#TqU##<)" enumeration of local residents, surveys and # 44##- # # - - 4-#"##< # K 6-#4 "# - >5- "6%##<) % -% 4>Tq>U> @" " - # "TqU 64 <^T8 >OOE'FBMU> 5-@ $ ;-<- 8#$ &T8$&U 6 - # 36: T3:U ( - ( T 6K "p" #%<6# 4 "#6U77, was 4 < "-6K - %" - "%#4#(#% #4 -@ TH ECOU>5-#"# %< >5-|$ p also "%<- #6-- 77 -! Urbanization and EnvironmentT OOS8 >OOE OOOOS$4- # 8 OEOU> 4.2. Civil society organizations’ mobilisation # " # # 4 < 4" 4 44 %< 4 #"-4 4 >5-4%- - % "-4 # $-# % - #THEBU>5- <4 4 %< ## / # 4%# )--% K-#/ 46- 4- 6 #4 T- 3-- #4 -&-7"6-3< -%<3- - #K - - -V )]4" #4 ^ (#% -];- % - - % $ ^x| "-#%-#p #"#U 6-- #46# 4 <% # 44> @(#% --3- " &"4#8 OOF 4%) 4" 4 -4 44 #"#' ] "#3- "pp ##<)% -"<4- "- - - # < >5-- % #x - 4 H4##6-"< 4 %<-- S 4 - #4-" household survey, and discussions about # ##<)" 4 ^T$4- #8 OEO'OEU> p#% -<-H#4 " # -##< 4 4 -H4 -4 :-# %-]$ ^T -U'-4'666>4 > 90 "4-OOO%6- "#; -4" #&&4 ##>5-;- < #4 <#4 "# 4 -<4"% # -4 #6- # %# "" "4&&-#THEC EU> #K< ##- H4 #<x ]-#4 6)#-- -##% -<- "%% % -"4#- # T U - " # ! #- - #">76)## 4 "##< - #4 ## - 4 %-##%S- # K- 4" # everyone affected by the resettlement, and that can oversee the move and be there to 46--6---< #"^T8 >OO'EBOU> 5-; -#6 - -&&4" -" (#% 6-4)4 " - # - TH EU%- #4 p>$ #6 % #x #4 H #4- 3-4 x 6-- K-4% 6 4" -% -T34 )` #K< OOS?# OOCU>5- ---- "<% H> #H4#% -- # %6 );"# T;U ##<) TU6- # - 4 -46-- Box 17. Public hearing on habitat and livelihood displacement in Ahmedabad $# #]@"$-# % ^6 4%<$-# % >@ ##%-### "p4" 6K6- -% 4--;-# - " #%444 6<>5-:# 4%- 3#%EthOO%- -" % "4# 4 # H4%<-4-< $-# % "% "4#- 6 -" "--4>- 4%- !< 4#-<"-44 %<4 # - 6--# K #4-""6 <>$%MOO444 4 - 4%- 6--"#4 "6 "> 5-6 --<" "4--<- 6 - >5-466#'-- -"#-4 #S -""4 %<4 <" 44-4% K -4-<p"4#4!> 5-!<p"" -" 6--%<-H $-# % < % 4<## > Sources:@"$-# % TOEOUg&7'-4'666>44> >6 #8%) )&4)OEO>4k 91 Box 18. Displacement from the railway tracks in Mumbai: an example of people managed resettlement 5-#4"#(#% p 4#4-(#% % 5 4 8!6- #-R K6--(#% (4 & 3"4#$-<T((&3$U -4!#4# <>5-4! - 4 #6)#/ # - 6 < K>5-((&3$ -;8$& $ 4 -& 6 <#36: T&3:U#-&&-#> 5-4 #MOOOO446 6-%6$4OOO VOOE ## -%%<-(#% $ 3"4#$-<>5-# #8$& &3:#%# 6 6 < -ECO 446#4 "4 -4"% /K<# -#4>5- #4 ##6 -4%<"##< # -44 % "6#p4 4 >5-##<""# '44 -% #"<--%#"T -)-# 44#% "< --"< # 4U- ## 6---<#" # - 4- -6- 4 -4 -->@-# 6 "##--6- 6 > @#4 <-R Kp &&4<#4- 6 < - %%<- % - -<#-<#> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Sources'8 p> TOOUS !TOEOU> 92 - - ] ^x 4 " %<-$ >6"]- 4 4 < 44 - H K K %"4 < -44 6- "^T !OEOU>@ - #;p"- K%--" ""#&&4 6"T36 .# OOU> ;# < K- <- K- 4% -#>5-6 %<-R K@48 TOOU -#4# - ##4-(#% % 5 48!>:-#- %< x-) - H # <6#-&&4 ##x # ) "- H4##%< ; >RK6-- 4< #6K"< p ""#&# &- % 4 ## -" <" 4 > 5-- 4#- " 4 "6- 4 -- " #4 6- - ##- # #4 K K< 6Kx %<-"> 4.3. Initiatives by “social enterprises” @-] 4^# " # 4" % -4- ]()# ^6--" 4# Box 19. The Chandivali resettlement project in Mumbai 5- H #4 #4(#% #%< ;" KK K- #TU-H-"#6# ! <; - 8 KT;8U6 -#% <-( <EB 8@7>- - 4 # #(#%8 #- 44 -- ;"#( - - -( "># < 4" %T##4 U44 4 #4!- %%- " EOK#--;8>5-C 4 -<% 6 - # 4" / <#4 < - < "" "4#4 > 5-(%--- ### 6- 4-OOO E/>#6--EOBO6%-8 Kp# 6> -"4 -4!p ->5-44 6 4%<--OOO>5- #-##4H - T- " -Up" -"#-#6 < ! > 5--4!6 --- #53&-%% - #>5-""#-;-4!6 #4 - "<4-4#- -"<% # - 6%4 -#S < - "4-4!>5-# -#6p%<# %<K4 6--6 -;p4">@ --#&- % $-<T&$U6 # 6 %<> 5- -- (#% - - #6-- / #4!-<>5--#4H OO>5-/ <-%K -4" #4 %<6 --- - /%<-&$>6"OOB # %6 -4" %6-4 % <"---/ < #- % 4! < 446 ->%/<-4 6 %<# - #4 -OOO " 4 > 5-H4----#4 ;""#% 4 % %44 "#4!%- 4 #6x6- -"# - > -6-# -;p464# #4"-# -" -4" %- #6K4%)4" 4 -4-#- &$> Source'. /TOEOU> 93 Box 20. Experiences with surveying and mapping Pune and Sangli slums on a geographical information system (GIS) 5-;-$ - T]%-^U 6# ##66K-# ---## 8 T( - - U # 4- 6- "4" -#p46--<>5-4# #%4#4 -p"4#4 %< ;@>5-4" #4 # % #4" "6-# #<)6 4 > 5- H4-# %<-6 "#- # >@8-#4!6 % #- #4 %6 # # < % -(4 4 44>@ -#4 4 4 -"< -""#- "#4"% K< --H4> 5--6- -""# -4 x-##; "#x -### #% 4 "4#> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Source:V- %TOOU> T666>#-#>#U>"K ] 4%<^- 7 ;4- -6# ]4! %444 --/ <- % ^ " %< <<4%<-;4x $ %-@ ' # T &4 %OEOU>`- " -6 -4 # K>5-<6"" # - 4< S- %-# % -4 6644> 4.4. Monitoring by funding agencies 5- T- - R K -$ 3"4# KU - &&4@ - <" / - % - 44 >: H #4-4 3"F>GO- 94 R KTEOU4 -6 '" <4 #-% "##S6- " % #4 -%- 4!S##<4 4 4 #4##- % S - -#4 -%4"- 44 > @EG 44 6 4#- # %< K4 6-44< 4S"/- 44>@-(#% % 5 48! #4#%<-((&3$- K4 % -44 4 4" #4 - K%< 4!) 44 >5-8 - #-#4 6!TR K@48 OOU>5-4 "-R K -@4 8 4" ## % #- #4# #4 - #4-4!) 44p 6 " #- # 6 6>3 - - K) 4! 4"# - 44- -% 4 %<- K """>5- # < 4 < # # the inhabitants of a same city, as in the case of (#% TR K@48 OOU> 4.5. Government initiatives )" # <% 4# 4#% # % 4 <--->: the recently established Delhi Urban Shelter @#4"# V<OEO -;"#-53- 46%T-4'-->> U # 4#-# 4#4 >`- # 4 < #%-#% 4! 4 <%-#4# >5- -(#% (& 8!x4- @@ # 6 - "-&- @# 6 6-- # - ]- # 6% - - <- ^>78 5-]8H4 &7 ^ T8$&7UV&( "#> @4 "]44 "<4 "#4# 4! #^TqU]@- V&( 6K # -#" - H4-"<# -^T666> % 4 >U>5- ")# ]% 4 ^---4 % 6 &&>6- 4 ]%4 ^#-4"6- 78 % - #4# # <%4"- #6 <%<- K-4 <-4! 4>: - % # &": 3"4#8!$-# % T - OOFU#-4 % 4 % 6 6-- # 4%- THEBU- OO"4#4 # " # < 6 " >$ 46 ##4-" K6-8$&7 "% #4"%<44 4 "66%> 5. Barriers to Achieve a Better Inclusion of Slum & Pavement Dwellers 3<4% # % ' 5-# S# -%46 4% %6- "# - "#>5- - # % "4# -%]-"-H %<- "# "#4# -H 4-- - ^T@)7&OO'US - -### -@ #- of international conventions and covenants are 4> % 4"%"<' 4! H<4 44# "< #6 / - # - 44 6T34 & # - OOCS ?- >OOMU>-44- %<-4#4 % - #4 " ]@ '#368 <(#% (8- @@^EG( <OO-4'666> 6> E>-# 95 T "K OOGU -4# >5-< 4" -% " ' -#6 4" -<6% "4-%4% 4> 5- K 4 K6 about slum dwellers, and even more about 4 "#6 -44 %-- 4! % 44 --- - % -p4<%> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship @-4 -<- %6 K- " #- -44 # 4 "# 6>5- K#46# #% 4-- 6- 4 - - %# 4 "#6 -% 4 4> " -4 ##% 4"< " - "% < T;@)8 ##OOS( -OO' )GOU>5-<'/- - # K)4 #4-4 ## 6--6" <<# " S - 44"#4 6 6- -% 4 -#S K 4 <% #- ##4 %S < # ##4"#4 ## - K of a coordination mechanism between local urban % 6- " %<4" ]4 -4-64 4^> 5- % - 4#&& 4 ## --## R 7@;%<--#4S < -4%#4 -#4# -4 ##>5# H# <- K ### - %4 6> 79 6. Policy Recommendations79 #4-%% 44 -4 % # 6 - 6 -K%6- "4## # - K % / -- 6#4>5-" %6-- % -% 4 - access to their means of livelihood should also % K >5-&& 4 ## -4 should be articulated to facilitate the access #4<#44% " #>/<- - % -% 4-%6 6- % 4% 4<#> 5-% 4"< " 4 ##-% >8< -%" - 44<-% 44% --#>5--%44%< #- #4"- 4%<-- #4- # 4 >7 " % K- -% 46% <>5- # K - - -44< 4% 6 4" <- 4!R 7@;-%# 4%#- &$`4 ##> 4-#4 4#-)) # - # < -#6-4>5-<- K - >5 -4 ## --# / --% 4 -6# ->6"-- % 5-#-4<## # %<-# -#"#T- @)7&U " < T- @"$-# % U> 96 #<# "- #4"-#>@ % % 4"< " 46--# --4%# #4 %- % -K > $---"<- % # -4- be based on the notion of universal entitlement -4>5-< -%4" #6 4"- " -<> 4 ]) ^ " - # %<&& 4 ##-%# >5- based on any substantial rationale and creates -4p## -->(") can sanction the demolition of houses thereby -# <" %% -H #4"-#> ( 4 < %< <4 4 <4 "<46- " K--%#% % 4 -#4# % 4!>@- 4! 4 # ]"#4 #^ -% K6-- "# ##4 % <" > R-4 # " %- "## %- 444 4 6- international law and international human - > # - " ")-6 4 4<# K 64 4 % %)- 4!"))"-% 4 #6-4 -4 4 4 4#-# -> K-#% < 8"$E - 6-% %- -<"<# -4 - -# -#>5 -4 -- 4 <# 6)- % 6-- > &4%'-- / -< # 4%4% - 4%< - -"<>5- %- K%<K 6- < -# - #6K- > 97 Urban Livelihoods: the City versus the Informal Economy Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Sharit Bhowmik, Marie-Hélène Zérah and Basudeb Chaudhuri In the last two decades Indian cities have 6 - 6- ) -- 6 - < 64 % 6 4!>5- 4# H4 %# K 4" -4"< / -4#" 6-> #4<# %# / # K <K -6- # #4 -/ < - / <#4<#> 5----# #< 6# >:<OOBz - #%6K% 6 <- "-# T U80><-6% 4<#p-<T U 80 6 -# #<4<- % "- /<-- -< -% 44 > 1. The Facts 5- @ p!%6- 44<-% #<>5- #4<#6- 6-# -OOO 44 < " -!%6-- - -4) % 4%- -6 -4"6-- # -TOEEU#-6< !%6#6- !% >#4<# K !% " % %# K> ("- %6 # -#< R- %<# 6K 66- 6K"%<- TOOB'FU'] 6K-6K- --H 6K6- <%4"%<-#4< -6K-# 6- <#4<# < %4"%<-#4<>^ 98 and a constant reduction in the number of 6K>5- ## 4- TU 6 4OOF%<-;"#@ H #-4%# %<- sector, which has indeed absorbed most of the #4<#6-><- K %4 4 <- --%%6- #% 6KT U - )#4<6KT-U 4 4# -# > $ #%# < % # # # )#4<6K6--% !% <TOOB'FU> - <- # -TOEEU -6- E>M#% # -# E)OOO 6K -# OOF)OO>@# 6H4 - -4 > $K 4 4" "4 6K 6-H) 6)4 #6 6K>#481 <6K4" % --#4-44 - -- 6K-4 " %4TOzU--- - - )#4<6KTBF>BzU 6KTOOB'CU>@# 6 @ 6K - times more than casual labourers and these / " < # T% # - 6K 6K 6 ---- F>M -6 ? E>U-%< - 4- 46 -4 - -< 4 < - % %# K> : <- "<-# 6--#4" 44 6-6#>5- %64"< # 6K -#46-- " such as the level of education, which is critical %!%44>5- 44 - (# 5#4<-# T OOB'U>R#T 4 <-U <#4<4) 6K #6K6-- "-#"< 4# >5- K!% 444 -6 # # !%6# T- K- OEEU>5--" %< KH4%<# 6K %-## <> 2. The Legal and Policy Framework 5- -4#4 - #6K>5----6K # - ETEUTU - - -]4 <4 < <4 %^>7 % the concurrent list and both central and state "# 4 > 5- 4- 682 % T4 < 6U%"<6-# "6K" <>5- 6 6-- 6K #4 <'TU- -4%6#4< #4<CG, TU6 # CF TU <%85># 4 < " -% - - -RK$EM -<4 3#RK$ OOC>6"- 6 #4# % %% #4< 6 81 5- 644"## %-- 4 % ") #4H44 4 4 <> 82 5-"-H- " - %< > CG 5-7 %<#T$%U$EBMS5--7 %T8-% & U$ECMS5-: $EFCS 5-@ ( RK#$EBS5- 7 %$EBOS5-5 $EM> CF 5-(##R $EFCS5-8 <#R $EGMS5-/ &# $EBM> 85 5-8:$ES5-RK##4 $EG #4< @ $EFC> 99 "<- 4 4 % 4 <4" THE H #4U> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 7 6 4 -4# #4<# K>5-(# (#4T((U3"4#$ OOM # - -#4" ## ##46-- - "6 4< %Fz- # 4 FOz- H4>5-K3"4#( -#%K6K> 5- #4 4- % "-- 4 #% %-- <T# )%U <T "U 4 #-"% # % "- " 6-- 4% 44 THU> @-H-/ % &-RK- % < and a series of consultations were held by the UNDP and Government of India in 2005, which concluded that there was a need to focus on the ]&-RK^ % H>5- 4- ##4 - TU%<- ;"#@ - - RK <$TOOCU6-- -% H>@- -- % # 4< - 6" 4 # <T- -% %<" 6 # < "U- 6K- 6-#4<# 4"< - / 4> %<# # # K 44%<- #" 6 " -)% 44 -> @--4 %" 6 -4" < %K-# K # "-4"4% 100 -%-4< # - #- #T $# < - # < U> % - -T% U6 #- " 4 %6 - %44 / #%<> : < -/% "- -#4 # 4 "4# % %<) 6 - #%- <- <>5- #4%< #<# 4 T "#3- 6--( 8 - - 6U #4<- # <# # " -< #-( 8 ># <- 44 % %<) 64"-< ## % >5- -# 6--% " " -44-<6-- %<) 6 44<%#4 6- - - 4 ## % 4>@## < <- 4 )4% 6--4 # "-> 3. Policy and Academic Debates 3.1. Livelihoods, employment conditions and social protection Since the informal sector has absorbed most of -6#4<#6-H4 !%44 #4"% "- >@%-- (# (#4T((U )#4< 6K 44 constraints limit their ability to create solid >& #4 #%# #)#% 44 H4 <#% >6"-H # < #6K- %"< effective either because it is not feasible or it %#"T-- # %%U>5- K" 4 <H4 - 46-- and its ability to create jobs, which relates to % - / % 6--"% <- ### T 4U>6"4 4< -% - " " " T- -4 # U 4" - # # K %<K> :-#% # # #6- 6--H4-#-- of demolition, or where institutional tertiary >$6) K6H #4- 3- "- - -# -"4) -- 4 #) -%- - - " % K 6< 4% <- ;38(#% >5- % 6-4- -# - K 4 4# - % % K #4%>5 ## #43TECU -#4 4" 6-4 -% 4" >5- 44 - < -@ H% %<- 6# K forces that would evict these clusters (see ! # & # -"#U> $K<" -4 !% 44 #4" -"K 4 < "46 6 / %6K K 6KCMT$6 -? -< 4 ` KOOU> $---%<--4 6K -%#-6K - -<- - "#- 6" >TOOU - "6- 6K % 4# - %<" 4 6 K #4 "<%-#4< %< 46 #%<>5-#-6-- - K6K #<--# 6K - K " @5@T@ 5 @U- -"# 4- K>@#4"K T---#4# -K 3"4#(-4 4" <" 4%) 4" 4 -4>U 6- 4# < - %< 6K% #6!%44>@-## -6% 46 #4" -% 466K% % 6 6K- % # K> @-/6 # #4 #/ - " % @ >R / - 4 4) 4 -> & TOEE' FU-6- FO>CzT4"<GCz # FO>Cz6#U% 6K 4 %6- ### 6 >$% H%6-6- - 44 ###6 - 44 -H #6K T & OEEU -6- 6 <# - < - %# K 4% 4 ## / < # K"" < 4 %<4>:-#6-- 6#% #- 6 - 4 #,# < 6-- -#4 %%< % 64- --KT-OOU>$ CM 5---" % % "> 101 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship H #4-;"# < p -K%<6K - ( <( T3-(4 &U- "- 6Kp- % 4<- % #4 #<> 5-- - -4%# <-# %- 4 %<4" T - K#4<#6 6 as other factors such as health and education "U - % <>( - 6K 4 # 6K% K-4 - ;TOOU- "-6K- 6 # K3->@-% H- -4%6#4<)#4<T 6 <H4 "U #4H % 4" <-#" % 4>R<< 4 -# 4!% - 4- <<#>5% -4 <<# -# 4 K #4-""6 # ] insecurities related to the failure to meet basic economic and social needs as well as those related - -6^T)@& OEO'U>@----#4 #- #46---K and vulnerability87> 3.2. The relationships between the city and the informal economy ( < "-% # #< 6K-4 -44 ## > 5-< K4 -- 4 "# -# 4 - # K> : z#6K z6K-64 -6 EGz6K-6 6>RK#-#- Fz -6# -# > --EO H4 %< (- T-"#U4#4 #-4< "< 6 --6K 4% 4%4 >5-EO- " - -4%6-< -# #<>5- 4 - # T3(OOS # OOGU- "4 # #%4"<6K>5- 4 # < % # ]6 ^ %-4>5-% 6K 4 <4" 6- -<# >` -6K# K # !% -<p#%<T"<K- 6 K- 6 " H"U#< T-#)% "# # 4U # 6%"#T6KU <"<T- U> $%" - KK6 4 -6 T 44U%6 the formal and the informal economy that - -% #<>$ /4 -T6-- - < "U % 6-- -# #<<4 >$ (K-4 -< <TOEEU-< -< the informal economy as dysfunctional while on 87 &-#4 < / 4<#- <#-H" TU< 4$4OO]- 8:@ "^T8:@U K<44 6--% >$) < "-8:@4 " - "<6--!<- --#%-# - >@%!" 4# 44TU-#4# % - K4 -4 " % 4"####< - - TU- " %< "- - - / 6 > 102 Box 21. Struggles for implementation of better working conditions: the case of construction and domestic workers 4# -6K4 6 % #4# / 6 # <% +-> % - "#% <z- 46--% >6"%#- -6K# %# ##%-% >(6K 6 -H-% -<K66- >5---4%<- %4 # 6K--- <>@ -46K>56- - "%#4 6K <4<)# K #4"6K> 5-RK: @ 886 EC 4-- #4# #%-- - -RK $EM-@) ( $EB-4"- 6K 6#p-- / 6 44 -( <7 6 EE -"<466> @( -OEE-4# #% 44<- - RK$ /"# 44 <- #4# -$-# >5-6 4 8@7%<- #4 ##7 %> 5-#4<R#p$ TR$U89-# " -6Kp--# #< 4 - # 6K90>@3-% -- #4 6K #6K6--% >R$- 6 -#6# # #4<#> # #- 3#RKp("#- 6K6-# 6KT- # U>5- #"#--#4# H 6-)#4# 6 4 < "- % <p >5<4 <-#"# #- ]" ^ ]# ^6--#4< < 4-- #6K- % 6T6-- 44<U - 6K- %> $#H "- -@ - %H#6K --& -< 6 -< # `! 44" #- %V OEE>@6" FB>O K-#6K>5- <: RK6-#4"- - "4&>GOOOOTMMM>MM }U-- -# >6"K<- - " 6% -OE> 88 -4'666>6> 666>6 > 90 -4'666>#6K-> 89 103 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship - <6K " -<> If there was no demand for what the informal #<4"#4 "6#4< 44 > TOO'OU-6-6-< 3"4#8 $-# % - 4 %4 -K% 6K6-4 "4" H#p S- " - -EFE H# KS- <4" 4"% #6- Ez-6K6#4 4<>5-% # <- @ >5-H #4-3- " &"4#8 # # < -%-<#% - 4 #<#4H-- 4"#4 >@ - %<# K 4- ## - 4 <@ 4" 6-- < %# 6K>( 4<-%6- - < -% # #< K " - 4> :-4%4 %- 4 -- #4 " ->34-"- # <4# % %-4 -H % ---- % 4- "%<" -6-- 446 T$! OOMU>$-6#KTOEOU-6 #% 6- #4"K - "4" <"# -- 4 <4 T%%4#<U "4 # 4 -<#>` authorities remain very reluctant to include these "-4 H> 5-- -- - $- 8 -- " 4" 4 "> 104 Box 22. Urban Street Vending Bill 5-< 8< % .TOOU - "- %4" @ #### >@- -%<- 4#--- 6K - "4" ####44 - % 4T-6#KOEOU>6"- 44 - #% of recommendations that were framed by - 8<% .T- 4 <K -"64 #"#K - $ . @ THGUU>5-- 4 %64<# K 6 # 4- %<-4# %OEO--% " - #4"# - - 4> 5-4 OO"#- 8< OOF #%4- ' -4" # K T%<-OOUS -4<H" %66-- - # 4 % ) 4 # S " # - 8<6--4 #"-- - % < - ""S -4 ""' -< # 4z- % 44 -H4 "- %## 6- -44> '-6#KOEO> @-% 6 )--4 "# allotted to street vendors and harassment by city -- 44 #"T-6#KOEOU>5- % . 6KT& & U<7 6OEO-- - 6 -- 8< -$- 8 -.pT8 7"- & .U OEO4"-%< - " % - "% - > 5-4"44-- " 6- - 3-(#% ?K 6-" "4% - 6K and reluctance by the city authorities to allow - 6K- "%->R ( - - - ""<" 44 -6 ">: -( - - ;"#- 4 6 OEO- - #4 ">@4"<- "6-- "4E< #- >(""4 6- -)- 6K 6%&>OOO ! #H #-> -4% (slum eviction, rehabilitation schemes and U -#4# 4! #" 4 ## >-- # <# " #>< 4"- 4-< #4<## # -#)% 6K4 <6#> In the worst cases, slum eviction without notice <%-- " - % -K--#% 6K#-6K 6K T34-"#U>@- Box 23. The National Alliance of Street Vendors of India91 5-$.@ 6KEC # OOG> @4-# - -# "4< ">@ <5 ##< ;"# 4 ##- "p- 6 >5-6K 44 %-- % K6 - #4#4"- "->$.@ "< " " 4 4 " # K # %4 >@ 6 - situations which threaten the livelihood of ">8<$.@- F ##%#GBG 4 6K " > rehabilitation, more often than not, rehabilitation #%- <4"4 44 6K-%< -" %< #6>5- " - 44- # -- % 4 K K of arrival in the residential location, or for women 6- #4< #6K - " "#- --4 6K <- 44-<> @ 6- " %- -H#(#% -- -6K #-- "%# " H< 4 ##4HT$ K 8- KOOU>$- ## #% 91 666> "> 105 informal economic clusters are under threat -% 4!4# 4 <"# >5-- 6-- ( <# K6- - #%4 T;OOU - # 4 - % K-(-"(#% 6--% 6 4-OO >@#4 -- # -- "# %/ 46 -4%6 actors92> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 5--4 %< - -44-% 4 - # #<- # "" 4 4 -<%<"<6- -"6K #-< - >5- - ##6 -; #3- ) " # "% -" -- 6K6- < # THFU>5- 4 % %# #-" % 46-- 4%#-# -< # # 6 % < >5-'-#4 < S- )-# /<] ^#S - # >5-# p#4 < 4 -##-%" 4 -4%% <#T83U -%- 44 ##>5- 6## "#4 % -< "66 - #T " / 4 </ 6KU>7 %# 4- < ) < # # < ->As --< and are often considered as a burden on the resources of the city by the # K #-% >@-# -6 < ]<6-#^ %"-- - "% -4 #4 <-> Box 24. Violation of workers’ rights at the Commonwealth Games construction sites in Delhi and civil society organizations’ campaign $-#-EC$ ; #3-T-$ U-46K " %< % 8%@7 T8@7U-4# >5-!# - - %<#4<" 4"- 7 %7 6 #-" -6Kp # - @ $EFE G->@OOB-H- 44 -OEO##6 -; #TR;U- 6 ]&--R$ p C^ " - ##6 -; #p "RKR# -TR;)RU -6K " -EOOOOOH4K6K#<# - 4 <> 5- %!"- #4 ' 6 - #- 4%#4 - ;"# -6K-#"S 8--#4# - -RK$EMS 92 5<4 <-# --(-"-(#% (4 & 3"4#$-< - 6-"> 106 8 6-#4## K - 6 -> K' $" <- 6K6--6K6 % - 6Kp -%#-R :S 4+--S @# #4 T--6%6 )-4) -# US $4%- 6Kp3- %EGOOS $<- < <6K # !R; " 4!3-> 6" -"# -#4"#-6Kp4"%# ' <OEO %MOOO6K6--6K6 % < BBB6--6| "p > 5-R : &>FEOT3E>EE#U4#%OEO- K- %4 #<%<"# -3-(& 6 <4 > 6"<&>ET3OOOU6%-6 - 6K - #T #< - -4U> " 4" 6 4 %TEBO$U # 6K#TEB$U 6K#H4 % %TEBM$U 6" %<-#4<'6K64 - - ###6 S-<6 # 6K"#6-"-4 % S 444 <# -6S-<64"6- %-< > 5-" 6-#4<-6Kp- -R;- 8%@7 V <OEO--3-x84 3# &-T83&U -"@ ->5-4-4% - #-6K" 6%# 44 -> 6"-6K- % 4 <-# 6-- " <% K-4 > $#% 4"-R;)R #4 #%>5-" 4< < 44 # !% 4-6 - -" % 4 -# 6K4 <> Source'#4%<.*/34#"66- " (%+-T; R;)RUSR;) R6 )-S83&TOOU@)7&TOEOU> 4. Policy Recommendations 3#4<# / 4 --4 - # #< K<# #4"% "- - 44 #!<> @#4"#4< %< - 6Kp 4 4 %- 6 %4> -#-#" " -4 #6- 46 need to be debated for different sectors of ">5-<'TU-# H #%<6K <%STU % #- # # 4-# % 6-"% <STU-- 4 107 4- -4 !% 44# )#4< 6K>5-6#44 #- # % #4" K"4#ST"U 4K " 4 <# 6 -< -/> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship $- ## # <% 4>$ #% %4 - " -- # 6K4"- 6K#4" # K % 4"+-6K 6#- - 4 #H% 4<#><-# 6-- 4 "" - <#H -6% 4 #6-- 108 "--4% %<) 6 6-- - "4#4 4 4 <# -#4# # ) 44! #4"#> %" 4 #-#-H #]6-#^ ]6 ^>% 4 <4 K - functionality of the informal economy and its K #- 6-- # #<T6--6/ # 4 " -#% the informal sector in terms of its contribution to ;38 < HU>-- -6 -4"H4 # "4>--- 64-- -% 4 - # 6K <)% <# K -- < > Water and Sanitation: Barriers to Universalization Marie – Hélène Zérah 1. Facts: Inequalities and Vulnerability 5-(#3"4#; #%< OE- "-44446- K6 < K# -4@ 6 " > 1.1. Water data: an apparent success @-%-EO # Oz-% 44 - K6 #4 >GzOO>$-;"# @ -(3;%!"6 -OOB> <OE-" 6 - Cz-% 44 T OO'CFU>@-6" 6- -> 6"-<<K -4 --6- - -/ <"4"> 5--4 )- #zFCz- O < # -6 KK%6-- "# %"-4 T(- (- OEOU>$ 4- 6 44<@ > @-4 " # ' -OOEEG 4" 6 # %6 Oz>8# " %<## >$ #% 4" 46 # - Oz-44 T? K V ## ? -#KK#(- < <) K8-< - -U6-- 4#% <T- 'z$ #'GMzU " T 8 - ? 6- 46 4"FBz FEzUG> G 3 #OOE>OEE < " %> 109 < # F>846 OOE" #BGz @Cz - @. .@% KTR KOOM'EGU95>:-- @@ .@< ( - - - --- 4 446 " T MOzU6- -- -6 4# 44 GOz 44 6-446 >3 # "4 " - -# 64 > : <@ - %< % 44<# 6-4 <"--6-) ->8%#/ <" T4 %<44<#44<U 6 / < / <6 44 %T,* -OOOSR K OOMU> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 1.2. Sanitation data: an evidently unsatisfactory situation & - #-6> 5-(3;6% - -" #4" - 4 4<-> . 4" #4" 'BB>z -OOM: Fz -R@: TV(8OEOU> - -6- 4 # ##4 EBz)ECz% 6>< %Cz-% 44 - 6 %MGBGz has a household toilet connected to a sewer 4 TR8OO'U>5-" / T #U# M>Fz-@ p ;38 / <#% 4 TR8OEOU> Another concern is the low level of wastewater 4 #<#> 5- # 4 <-6 6 -Ez#4 TE#4UGz6- 44 %"EOOOOO Cz<6- 44 #4%6OOOO EOOOOO- % T8OOU>. ##4 '- 6 # 4 << % EOOz #4 Mz3-Mz 4 EEz7K6>8 - 6 6 6 % 4 - " " #4 -"# 4%- -> # ## -# #6 > <# " Bz6- " > 5-%4# ? < T<"CzU -6 4# - ;! Tz MEz4"<U>$#(#% - Mz< #4 z( Ez #M>5 4 4 < #T BOzU # - # 64 4 4 "##- # -< < >: < / 4 6 T4 #4 % <4 U "# > 5-% - "<- #4 6 -# -/ < # <#%#> 34 %64 " %<44 %/ # # <4 4 <-@ < as far from inclusive in terms of access to urban % > F 84 ) 6' @'EOOOOO %"S @@'OOOOS @@@'OOOOFS @.'EOOOOES .'OOO .@'7- OOO4> 95 5- -"-8 -;"#@ > M 5-" T 6 <6U- "%#4 <%<- -< >TOOCU> 110 1.3. The ground reality: distributional inequalities and cumulative vulnerabilities ( "#4 - % / ->5-6")-6 - % 446 44<# 4 >8%4"6 --- 4#4 44 6T #<--6 KU>- " % # T K##U"< 4" <# # 6K>44< from these sources is limited in time and #4</ 6 4 #4- # %6BO4 4 4 < T- % - # OOBU>/< 6 #4 - G6 44<> "--#6 - 444" "#) %< #4 - "< #44<>( < - "# - 44 -#4444 <#6 - -TR8)$EU'-<<< " " # 6 K4 <##4< 4%44< 4 < 4#-4>5-- - "# #4 -# %%<-4>@ ]-4 4 ##4 / -4OzMOz#- -% " ^TR8OOU> Beyond the low level of access and the related #- #4- - %<" -4 % " / 4# !> " <H4 6 44< % #<-H K 97 security and fear related to the denial of basic ->-/ 4 < 6# - 6 6K "" "> 1.4. A focus on vulnerable groups 3-4%- #< 6 6# -4#"# 46 44<>$ - -# "-6 T # -4 6KU 6 4/ 6 6 --46-6 T- # EU>:--<-# # / '6# H - # 6 4 S6- -< 4-< -# "4 <# absence of toilet facilities also force women -# 4 % -46-# - #K -#-- -< ' -H % - #>" 6-- %K4%#4' 4 44 - % % 4%# 6#- menstrual cycles97>$4 #- #46) 4 - - K "4%< 4%6--6 4 # 6-4 > -4 -" %4> $6-6#< - - K6 "% ->5- K- -#>3 - / 6 -6%6"< >5 )4">5 46 4" BCz]-^-44 Mz 5 - % Fz-4 Gz Ez5TOEOU> 8 %<V M-"#%OEO-6K6#3-> 111 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship RK #4<- 6- "<4 6K"#>5-" < 6K6- <4"/4#x fact that leads to both injuries and diseases T" OOMU>8# #4< -- ) % - <6 % / 6K>5- 4K -6"-6 - #-6 -<6KT " U ># 4%# %<-""-4 # ">5-<#4 < K T4 -U -- --6 # #<#- 6K "<6 % -# 4% 4>: <-# -- !% 4 #--) 4 <> H# # "4 #-4 #" % - ->< "H - #4#T# # U6--% - #" 6K < # ! > 2. The Legal and Policy Framework 5- -4%6- " 4<# #4H>$# - - "TOOU6 4< -4<# "6 6>5- #% /#- #4 # #4H %-- # -#4# 6 4 6- ## " 44> 2.1. Legal framework 5-/--6 - % -#% /- - 6 >@V<OEO- General Assembly of the United Nations voted 6 -# ->5-6 consensus on this resolution since some states 66 <-4%## #4 >"-" 4 6K# <6 --6-- 6 #4 --6 98 by ;> 6"- #% #- /-- - " -6 > KKTOOB'FGC)FGU ## #-/-- 6 'TU--6 #%#4# #- )% < TU-H - # < #4" TU # ###-44" --# -6- - < #4# -- 6 #- --< )<#T"U <--6 % 4-" -> the one hand, this is not in itself contradictory 6--44" ## #- -##- % 4##< # # "4%<> 5-% 4- /- # 6--- - %"T" "U 6 " #4"- > In the case of India (who voted in favour of this U--6 #4%< 98 - #4 %<;@ T-4'666> >U- % #4 T-4'666>-6 > U-"#T-4'666>-6 >U #-> 112 ! <4 -$ET- U --- "#TOOU>$ H TOEO U-@ 4#] "< 4-$E -- %<- 4 6# -# 6 -^>34-# - - - - water in all its dimensions (cultural, symbolic, - "# "U very limited in the Indian laws that mostly deal 6- 6 44<>/< - % - #4 &-R - - !"T HOEO U R 7 6- 6%% - 6 44> 7 - " #-(4 R T( # U& OOO%<-(<"# :4 -## #4 4#!#>5- !#6 -4 8%@ 7 EM - %< % %- -6 >5- 4#4 H4##6- -(R& OOO>$" "T- 4-%4 6 #4<64 # #4" 4 #<#U 6- #4 > 4% - % % #4# / 4> 2.2. Public policies R %!>5- - " 4 <T -4 "- # U 6 44<# ## 444 - # % %< %<-E-- -BF- $##> At the national level, the National Water Policy TR8UOO - % Sanitation Policy of 2008 are the two main #4 -> 5-R8OO #4 - # "<4 >@ 4" #%44 -4<K6 > @#-#4 ##< 4 4 -4%< 4" 4 4 6-- - 6 ##<> 6"-4<- "<#4 6- #4# - " %4 6--< - R 8<> @OOC-;"#@ 4 National Urban Sanitation Policy whose objective - ]$@ 6%# < - -< " % 4%- - "# # -6- 4 -< % -% 4 6#^T;@OOC'U>5 #4" 4 # " -) % <6K>@ - 4 %# - "<]% 6-%4"6- ###" 4" - - 6---- 64<4 # ^T;@OOC'EU>5-# 44 "<4"-# #> 4% 4 < 4 % %#>"44 - 6 -#> : <4"6 - % 4-# <# -4"%<-V 6 - - % &6 (6-- - #%6 44< -#>6"-V&( -#- "#< 6-% new infrastructure such as traditional water 113 Box 25. The stakes of providing 24 hours water supply @ <4"F-44<> %6 44<- "# 44 <6K 6 # --4>8- -# # 6 44< 4<%!"- ;"#> -#-OOO 64H4-K6 44<6 #<-? K 4>5-4! -- 4% 4" 4 -4 %- - "% 6 :- 6 #4 <>5-# #H #4- ? K 6-OOG- ;"#6-- - 44-R K - 44! #;% %)3 6 4- 4 EOz- < #H-44 >4 $4OOC> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship R- - --4!# - # " 44" :# - 4"6 -4- % %4"6- 44<>5-6-%6KT K % --4U- % 4 )-64 #>-4! 6 'TU- 44 -<6T-6-F- - -U K6%6 F--4 STU---%--6-%<# %6-H >5-4-4- %6 TK- % 4 #<U <H - F-44<6 -"- K#4"# -%6K 44<>@44! per se, cost %<%--< < -# -6# H#-H6K6 4!> :# 4"6 % #"<# %K <#6 %-4 <#%"6-%-4> " -6< 4 <46 -4"% 6 44<6- -4 T4 -- -<%4#46 KU"--# <--K4- K <#4---6 / <>4#4- 6K - "%#">& 64 < - H4%< -4! #>@ #--#46/446- ">$- 4 6--6"4"6--6-- " - 44<6--6 >:#44<# /%-< 6%6-- # 4 4 --#>--" <6 #4"-% %<>@- "44 -4!- % -p# -44"-F -44< <H4 # 4!> : <# <-4!- " -# 6---% % ? K 6%<4 %<-4!#4# - - "<- ;"#>@- 4-(4 ##6 -# "- 6--4" 4 >:# " 44" 4 <% # 4 " 6 -""#-6 ##4# 4/> 114 44<-# 6 6 <# #4 > $- " #% - "4 6 4%? K - T <U- " % R 8<>5-4< #" #4"#"-% 4 # %!">6" 6-#- H# -6 #%<44>$- -6 # #- "< 6 ## 6 4-6 4"F-44< THU>$- - #6K6--6 - 4 R & <$-<T- - ( - - 8 -U "--- -- "- 46>$--4 - 4 4 4 6 # #% % "@ 4%6 # #>@- 6 44< sanitation, water boards or other city or state 4 4%6 44< %) 6--BFth ##6-- 6 44<-% %> : <#4 - 6 #6--- "- 6 6 4 -# - ->5-#- "% <%< - <44# %">5- 6-6 issues stems from a number of international @ -# -EO> "# # K4## 4 < - <"% > 6"% <#%# 6 ## % -6% " %4" > 3. Current Debates Regarding the Existing Mechanisms of Exclusion &# %< 44 -- #- 6" % %<4# " "<#- #>6" " #6K6- ## #6K# %<-<4- %<# TV ,* -OEEU>5-H4 -% - # - 4 # - <#-# -- 4-- -4" --- -> 3.1. Legal and administrative procedures as a tool of exclusion 8"% "/4 6-4>344 4----#4 < # < settlements in Indian cities are still located on 4 6- < >( #4 H"- #6-- -- % ">@"6-#4H4 < # 4 4" - 4- 6 K-/ #"4">##4 @ - "# 4-- THMU6-- #4#4 ##- "4""- -# 8 #(#% THBU> 7-< #4H4"6- <H -% / "">: 4-BFth $## 4 # "<#4 - <% # 115 Box 26. Bangalore – delinking land tenure and service provision OOO- R 44< 6 -K #4""#>$#4 # -6 -/# "4"## ##444 <T <%U>@ " 4- 6 T-" - U - # 4% 44>: < 3"4#- # <4 #6--## %-K 6K6-K6;> <-6K 6-- )"]#6-^> - <# - 'TU-- %< #- # #-##4H- <%%< >K # % K -- #4<%6- ]##^TU% #" K##- - 4! K6 TU 6- 4 -- #4< < - > 'TOOBU Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Box 27. Contradiction of slum policies and land ownership – the case of Slum and Sanitation Program (SSP) in Mumbai 5-# 8 ##T8U6 %6-R K - (4 4 >@ E6--%!"GOOO 6- 4 4 < 44 ->5-(4 4 44 ; 6 4"6 <>& -- #4# - -R K #H% %;%>56 4" 4 8$&6 6 >5- - 6 # 6--## -44 H# >5-4!4 ""## - -4> -<4 4 -- - "%- 4 T BOz- #- " U>5-6<#4-6K> $-# -# - > @6 #-R 8 #----4%#- #>:)#" 4" -# K<%#" -8 % 44>:#- p# $ $-- " ]-6^%-#4<<- -4>5- %- -4%<"4#-#6-- #4#-86 K>:--"< #4H< 6-4 " 4- 4 </ #4# - 8>@(#% FCz# 4" Ez "# EBz #4 -# #<6- ;"# -@ 6 < 6 <#>8 ###-8 # < #4###4 6-4" %! TU/-#4 4 "> ' K >TOOM')EOU> 116 4%<-6 6 THCU> -#4H4 # >5-< also lead to the incidence of intermediaries KK% K 4-- /44 6-#4H% # ->() --- K to their social and class status, can access % K-# / 6- 4-44 other modes of intermediation to access the State T OOU>/<#4< #4 44 Box 28. Procedure to get a new water connection in Puri 8- 66 44 ##-8% - T8U %# 44 6- 44#-- V8 $44 #6 - VTVU V K "# %< 66 connection @- %-V 6 - 44 - $ T$U $ "6- 44 44# - %< 4 @$-#- 44 # 6 - 44 $44 4 44 / K-- 4-V 'T@$OEO'GEU #4 # RT6 44< U" % % 44" 4 < - >: <-/ - % - / %<> 3.2. Are services affordable for the poor? " Oz<6- " )-><" "4 6--<- T- 4- #- %6 %<Gz% --U /#-- %44444 <# 6 - --TR8)$ EU>:-%< # " % -- 4 <# of water are a deterrent to shift to a more # 44<>5-/- - R" - % #-#6- #< -# 6- /<> 8)#- " - 6 K structure contributes to a vicious circle of low 6" -6 "#->5-<- "4- # - 6 6>6" % -4 > 5-- #%% - #4 4> $/ -<4 - #%>&#- " -#4 )%> 5-4 -- " # 46- -% >5- -H)% # -%>R- ##4#)% % "-6- --#4 ">@- ##4 117 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship % - %K T@5U<#T- " %GCz- % 44 U-6 %K -]^%K>5-- %K >@-%K6 6 "#4 - #%#% #-%>$-6)K64%# 6--@5-- #<4 >V 4-4--4 >@- - 6K% H>@ -%% < --#4" -44 6- - -"% %> @- 4<"<#4< %>5 /<" 4%-->: 6 4"%<4% 4 6)# -#" % 4%>-<< 4zEOz-%- -T: >OOU>- #-EO# <THMU- " -# 4% 4%# 6K 4#-%# "--6 - # |4"p> @#4#--6 #-$ p " -H%# 4" --- - ) #4#46- "- ->8 <# #4%< many utilities can also be used but they still #- - <6>5- ! H #4-% - K4 44"- - <%< # > : <-/"##4 - 6 6 >- -- <% 118 4--% #6 -< >86 4 <# 6 -]#4 ^% -46 >@ 6 " #- 6- >"-4% 4% 4H4 6 6 6 #4 6 % "#%<4%6-- - 6<%# <>5- #4 -< # -K- -- 6%-> : <- < -% around tariff increase and shift in subsidies 4 - "%-#- -]#^>@- %<4 -% <>5- %<4 <>5--- %< 4%#4"-% -#4 <# 6 - 4% - >5----- ambivalence of this shift that could also be seen ##46 -/ "> 3.3. Understanding demand: accountability, incentives and voice $ %< 4 < - 4 4 - "%#" #4 # #4"- %<%6 4" "> $ 4%<# <- % <@5T# ## -<U 4 <#% #4 <# # # >< % 4 #4- - 46-- ## 66 - >$- "#% 6- 4% -4#4" %<#- # -# -% ## %%6 -<T < OOFU>( <- "6# '- "# cell and increased its number of bill collection S-4 p6%4" increased information on urban services, as well -4%< 44< # K#4 >6"-- 6 #<- " 6 < #4"#- "">5- 4%# <H4%<- < % H #4-4 disjunctions between customer services and "4"><-- - "#<%-#) > $#4 - 4 4 <-#.: - 4 4 4< % # "< - "# K-" - 4!6-4>@ 4#4 # #46#>( < " p4%<4 6- 4% -> 8KH - "% #%-/-)# %<T%- U# > ( </- "% 4 4 <-# 4 <- " - 4 4 % 6 <6->: # <4 4 <-#-# - %4 <#%<## -- )# 4 <) %6-##T,* -OOU> Secondly, as mentioned before, it has often been #4K6-- 6--## 4 - / #% # >5-< "-4%< " -##-#" 4- " H #% THMU> $-- "< 4 # "" 4>5-]--<^#4 --4 4 )# K 4 % -4% >- - "-% %<-"##-" ;% -K K6K 4 & R $ >% 6 services are often a concern civil society 6----- 4% "%<%4 )# K4" T#6 # % 4 # % U>% "- "%- 6-]#) ^4- "% % # K- #-<>< - -66#4"# % "#4 4 44#%<-4% - " - # -# -<> 3.4. Reforming the government vs. claiming the right to water Water reforms have been mostly based on #4"<>$ 4""6]% 4 ^-@ % 8 T666> % 4 >U#<4"H #4 #- 6- T 6 - "#4" # #U 4 4 # < F%<B6 44<-#>.<6H #4 6-- /#4""-4> 5- #-"#- " <%% - -R% <4% < H - 4/ >5-# - 4-)% " 4"% 6# - #4 "< <4 # 4 4 %K T-OEOU"<%<-4> @- -#- "# <#"4"% - - R% % <4" 119 "# 4 < T-|"<p8>- !U - |4% <pT! #OOCU % -|4 <p>- <- !6--4"#H de facto-"- %#%<4) # 6K T? ?-# OOFU> /<-#- " <464 K ---44 ) -4 < ->- <6 6- -- <4< % " 6--4%- - -<" - % - # 4 6 - 4 - / H> 5 # % " % 4 <#- H <%#H # > @-H-#4 6 #"##4<4 #- --< -/% "#%<4 %< 4%4>@< - " -#% 4 #"# 4 - 6 4" - ## -## %TH GOU> 5- - -6 %<; - 4#>-H #4 -4 4)4 6 #(#% - <- %--/--6 T -##- 6 U ---< #6 - <>( < - -)% # -4(#% 6<6 -448-V- %- Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Box 29. Anti water privatization campaigns in large Indian cities |4" p#- # #% @ 6-4!6-4" 4 4 - "%> $H #4- 3-6- 6 -" < 8 " 44-4!6 4" 4#%<-R K>5-4# - 4- %< 4%<< # >5-< |)H4p #4 6 -4!-" -4! -/ - 4">5-#"# %<]# ^6 - 4#6-6 -% 4> $H #4#% - (#% 6- # " -4" 4! ##4 6 T## 6-- 6K- U ##<)% <44 < #4 4" > # H #4? K H6--""#@.@ 4 )4" #4 #"# 84 #4 - &-R 4: %K # # > '3--% %68 " T- ?!6 OOU -R KTV - OOMUS (#% 6 TOOU -84p #4 -&-R > 120 Box 30. The Safai Karamchari Andolan: a movement for the elimination of manual scavenging 5- ? #- $ #"#-- # ">:6- K #4# - ( " 3<7 T$%U$ EG-$ 3#%OOG 4-4# #4# - %<" >344"%<- -4 H#< 6>5-- -#"# - #4 OOC ]$OEO^- # - 4#<- >"-- - - actions by the Andolans are related to the - -4 --6K < -- 44 % --)% #"#> '-4' K # - > $ # />5-# the embeddedness of the debate on water with - % ---< % > 4. Policy Recommendations &## %# - # # 'T- # 6U " > %--/"# 6 - #4 #4 <) - > 5 K - # 66-"" < 6- >5-#4 "#-6 6 -#46# 4 <% - # > -# / #4"""<#- # -- 4%#- % -- - <"' 3)K-/ "# -/ > &<% --- -6K'#4< 4 - 4 <# #> ( 66K 4% 4 -- # -#> "%-- 44 -/ !> 5 K# # K# < "- %<-4' # 6- ## - 4 -4## - 6-##> @-# " $ -/ #46 > <- -4%6 6 4< %<-K--H6 6 - % 4> 3# )# K4 discuss the contents of water reforms lest they 44 < #4 #4" "%K> 8 6 6 6-- 66-#4 "# 4%- -H >5- &-4 ## -# #-##- H -> 121 Urban Transport and the Right to the City: Accessibility and Mobility Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Kavya Murthy 122 5 4-@ < S<%4 ## <%<4 < #) % #%<>-" %< %%<4% 4" %< - -# <6-< # 4 #>5- %< 4 4 4%) 4" 4 -44#- - 44%" < %< #4 - --# !<> 5- -%##4%< -%6accessibility and mobility solutions, - "4 44 <- #"# >& -- - K < %< 4- activities, mobility in and of itself becomes a 4# %!"4 6- 4%"# < % by car users rather than modes that facilitate multimodal access -4%> 5-"## -@ 4 6-#%< %<> 1. Context % " -4 < - H-@ % 6--% 4 <#< <-)# - 4 - #4<# 44 <>5-# 4 4 - |# p#/ #4 # - -4% <# -#4 -- # # >5-# !<-44 in transit is accounted for by users of low cost "#- %< 6 K6- | 4"p-#%<< #4> % "- % %-| 4"p low cost travel modes, and users of intermediate 4% 4- #4<K- 6 %%--# ) 4 4>5- "# 4OBOz##4 - # ## 4%< 4% 4% O Mz 4T56 OOBU> -66 % 46- -H-- #%6-" "-" % -< 4 -<3-% 4 4 @ < - -8 6- H -8 64 6 <6-- 4H#H ) # "- 5- @ 6# 4 4% 6- % >7 4 < #4 commercial and residential localities in urban 44- 4" #"- -6- % / 4% 4 ## -% 4 6>5-#4 %#H# )## 4 - >5- 6 - #-6- 4" # "-H6--4 6 4 4%#>& 4 < #4" #"- " - #4 K 4 <#6#4> 8" # 4- %4 to have increased twenty fold in the last decade, 6- 6-4 "# ECEOO>@ # 4% 4 6(#% 6 - 4EF) %% ">(#% %6EO OOO 6 CMz -%6-- Cz 3- %- Cz>6"- # 6- - 4" #"- 6-%/ 4 cars and motorcycles increased nearly seven > %4 4% 4@ 6- #" K- 6 <K- 6- # 4 " %-4% GOz% 4%6E #Fz6-44 # MGz6- 44 "#>-<44?K %<4% 4 MOz(#% Fz- 3-4"<T6-- 4< 6<U>@3- Ez 3-" 4" # <K- 6 >5-COOOO < % -6-- 4 #< %<> 8-) # "44 "-#%< 4 <" 6 T8- OOU>$#4 4#%< -#4 "44-4 6- " < ## 4 # !<6K ## /#>5- 4 4 4%%<-- <%4 "4 > 2. Policy Framework 5- % 5 48< T58UT;@OOM%U 4%<- %OOM # 4<- that seeks to address the mobility needs of -4>5-58 # 4 4 6 <#4" <6 )% #%<T56 OOBU -K< # #"4# 6 4"4% 4<#>5- 4<4#-#4 -% # 4# 6-< ">5-6- -44 6--4#4" #%< -6 44 4<- # K#%< 123 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 6)# ">R- -4 44)#4- - # K" %as # 6->5-584-% 4 4 #4 -- 4) % 4 6>3 6 # #6K| %<pK 4 "-6-44 % #4"4% 4 )# # ## <#6--# K room for safety, affordability and access to jobs, >8<%!" 4%)4" 4 -4 44 % 4 4 4 - -- #6K> 124 < K 44 % #"-4# < -58- - 6- < 4)4 46K -- "4 4<# 4 6- K4 >5- % 4-/ %% 4 - 44<44 "->5-"4 4% 4 )##- < 6 K" 4 - "- 58p #6 %44) 4<- K % "-4 > 5-4<-#4 " 4 %-6-4" )4% 4 -4 --4 -# 4% 4#- # K - - -% 44 > $4 #% " % -4##"--/ < -#-44 % 6 6 <#-4" 4 ">$-V&(-58 4 #4- 4<#- # 4 # "S-#H" # 4/% 4 4% 44 6--%" #4>$6-4 - < #4"<#" 4 !6-4 % - -4# 4% 4 <#> 5-58#4 "-4 6 4 % @ < - H4 % 44 >@- - #4" # 4 "4#4! %< "#- 58p 44)" 44"%/< < # %<-# 4" # 4>6"-#4# -4<%!"# %6- "#/- % 44 % # 4> 5-V 6 - -% &6 ( TV&(U% 4 - M-4 6-44% 4#4 6--58>8% 44 %< - & 45 <#g&5k - 4"6 4 >&5 %<) "4 /#< H4 -# " -M 6--4" %T56 OOBU> 3. The Experiments 5-- 4 <<#gk- %% 4 H 4 # < 44# 4-#% #)# 6K6- % 4 "4#> 4 %<# 6K#%<-- 4 6--% # 44-> 5-"-# K#4# < 4% 4 )#"- 4 4 #4 6 - 44 <#- <4" #"- >5- 6K -4%# - #H) # >5- #4 ## 4 6K- #4 6 %< 4-< <" - # K4 - " 4# 4- % %< 4 > 3 6#-H4- -7 $# - # % %< # #<>$44 to the metro rail, held to be unsuitable in itself to #-#%</# # !< <"-#H 4 @ - " % # 4<# 6#6-6K> 3#! % "-6 <% 4# 6#4 4-4g44-4k < # %#"#>4 %6-6 < -> 5-& 45 "- % -<-- <4 - ## -#) 6K ) <#6- #4#"-6 <T8 OOM'OGU> 5-#4- -&5 ## - convenient and economical movement of public transport, and in addition to a dedicated corridor %#-4 %<- ## -4# < COz-##- >$ H # -4 T KU- &53-$-# % (#% 6-4" -H6-- < /< 6- -4!spatially #4# -%44' #4 > 5-% "4#"" %<- V&(# K#-- &5$-# % -4 3-@V 4 8 .- K 4 #>-4" -3-@ ()( 5 4 <#6--6 #OOM3-- --%M&5 " -GEOK#%<OO>5- V&($-# % 4! &>CCO# 4EK#>@ -4% 4 # " %%<-$-# % (4 5 4 "T$(5U-V&()&5 4! 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The Affordability Question < 6 K44B GCz4"< 4## @ >5- -# 6-<6- --# #4"#>< ""4 EOz 4 %Fz- <"# >76#--6- 4-#<S <K3- GOz--- " #-<#- &>OOO# K #4% 4 % 4-%"<H4">5- 4K# -#T&>O>MOU3-5 4 4 %T&>O>OU #- Ez #<#T56 V OOCU>-6" " 44H# <- "# % " >5-" % 6 < -# !<-## 44 44% 4 %<4- ) #%<> 5- -6) <- %- %-- # (#% p >5-4- 4- the vision and reinforces the very subjective H4 4 >5- <44#) -# 446-4% -# 466 K<>:- 4-4"- %%6-- %<4% 4>5-<<6K- "##%6- " --4 #- %6 K%#- #4 4##>- of mode of travel, of either bus or rail is also #%< -<6--4 6-6%# - - 4- %"- 6 <# 99 5--4-4 @ #<6- #4H<# 6 - -#< # 4 6> 127 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 4%-- - 6 <>$)6 <OK###- 6- &>FTO>O}U < 44-&>O%<%T K >OO' GOU> 5-;"#( - - "- - "- R ) 7K-(#% % 5 48! g(58k-(#% (( 8 -&5 -(#% ( ( 8 6-- " <">34 -%% 6 < FOOO < H# "6 #>7 K 4 < - and that conjoined with the railways has led to # <- >5-(586--6 4"GO8 ; 4 -# - 6--6--#4< >5- # (#% |6) <p6--4!/H" 6%#4# - 6 66-4 -4 > -#<T$ OOM' GFFU - )#-)6% <#" -<<# <H # !<-44 >@(#% % - "% -< # K## K- 6 K % %# - <- <>" #"- %# - #46 T$ OOMU> 5-5100%(#% 4 F>E#4 4 < - 6 < 4M#"GOGK# KS FBz(#% p44 #" %< Bz #4 %< 4% 4T44 - - < OOBU>6"-##4"#%< still focus on rail based systems as solutions to 46-- 100 5-- ##% 44<5 4 K 128 -&5-% K>5-&5 (#% 6K #"# 4 )##%< %<#- - 6 <> 5-%%<-4 "-(#% (( 8 <" K<6 K4!"%<-(#% (4 &3"4#$-< %<4#-)- )6&5>- 44 -# 6%#-- 4- H4 T #OOM'FBMU> 5- (#% - - 6 - -<4"- 6 <4 %</ -<% 4-# S% -"-#<-# p % -&5 3--- H"# -|4%p%<4 4 6-4-4 /<-#4# 4 > 5- - 444 "4#@ 4% # - "# # %-# |4)# p6--% 4 % #4!#%% 44 of a successful venture in an advanced country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p 4 4%#^ T( OO'MU>5-H4- -3- (6/ "#&EFOO T G#}U- -3- (& 4 K#-33$ -V 4 @ 4 $< TV@$U -M>BK##-- H6>$&>C&>GOTO>EBO>MM }U --#% 6- %"% % -44 >6" & -# ] <#% -#- <#6 <>>>TU #%"4 "4#S 4- 3- 6) <4 6 ]4 )@ -#^T OEO'BCU> 5- ## (4! - < % (& 4 6- 64 8%@7 >5-<444 <--- K4% " 4 # "# - 4"# <"> 5-8@7%<-"#44;4 T;U <% 4 #44 - 7 % - - 4 " -4%4 K -%- 6%4%<- ## (4!> 5-8@76 < "- < 4%##- 6 6%4 %< >5- %<--- ( in November 2010 demanded that metro rail <#%"4#4 6- -? K 56 <8 $ 6--/4% < 4 >@-8@7 that which the metro needed to address as 6'-44 -( 8 4% % 4 < %>6"--|4%p #%-;p44 6- - %% % "# #S-46 # not by the concern for the metro as a mode of 4 %< %< %%<- 8@7 - <4%##S- < -"4#-#- 6--<4%4 K!< %<# > 5-! -# -% - "%% %- #4" -<# 129 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 4 " # ">6" - - 44 6- " <) < H4>; #56 - - #-44 6- |)p #-H4 #4 -#4!>5-#4 -3- (4--6--4H#< -4!- %%<$" Arora, who documents the commercial and "4 <6# #%<-3-( >$ p--"<% 4# < " - --- that were not evicted by the metro line, there was reduced accessibility to bus services, and for those households relocated by the metro, 6K - " 6- 4 %<T% 4 6K U>3 # - " 4CGz ---"6>5-6# resident could also not afford the metro without GOz #<# ">5- % 4 - 4 K--#" 44 "< %< 4 -#T$ OOBU> $K -| p4 ---<6-- 4 -4 # %-<-6- -K %6- "--4 < % " >:6#% slums from low income households the situation #4 6-4"< ##%<>< 4 4 @ <#- %< %<H@ 4 -4 101 4>5-KH - # -"6# - based restrictions on mobility with the added % K %# " for women in urban slums have barely been > 5. The Law $-4- -3--8%@ 7 101%<( - -@ " 5 4 3"4#- 6--#H%<-(4 4 3-T(3U- <K- 6 6-- OOO -%<) 6EMO- # - <<K- 6 |6)4p>5-#%<-(3 6--# #4 <K- 6#! - 4 6 <4"-6 <) ## 4K-< K- 6T-3-OEOU> 5-4#-8@76 % - < 6<K- 64< 6--"< <H4 - # %<K- 6)4> 5-#4<4COOOOO # 6K / 6 4 "##4""->( -# 4 #4 #-4% 4 - ##-4>5- -#%%<-8@7 hostile discrimination since no such licenses are issued to motor vehicle owners, which are also "4# -4 (.>5-(3p 4 " 3-( 8 OE6--# - (.>5-6-44<-%<) 6 5-8%@7 T8@7U6 -EBO --%<-4 <6 44- K4 # -# -%->:#-#)ECO 6 #%8@7 "# # % " 6%--4# -- #! "#- 6 <%<-# 6 # < "-) -4> 130 -- -4 <K- 6- %-6 -8@7-- "- # !<K- 64 #4"- K# /"- --#-44< - "- # > 5- )< - K 4 < # -#<K- 64% >5- K4 K4 4 4 < 6--6 6 K- 64< < % %<-"#4" 6K > ;"- #"- 6 4<-#6-- 4-%-4<<K- 6# - 6"- - 4 ##>R-- " %<--- K # # >5--4% - %# " # 4 % 444 #4%< # 44 <6--%K -44 4% 4>5- < K%<-3- ( 8 6--%6-- # # #6" 4# < < "-> 5- #-<K- 66-- #-<%<-<4 - % K#-"4 # / 44<- 6 #% K--"-%< - 4<K- 6 % <S not only does it stress the need to allow cycle K- 64<<- % -#4 - "< #4<#-4>;"- % <4" #"- -- 4 - / < % % <>@4 #4- -4#) # 44 <#- K -<4"4% 4>@ --4-# "-44 3-p44 - 4<K- 64" #4"" # 4% 44"#4<# #4"-4>5- - 6--#4 < 4 <- 4% 4 #- # )## -% ## -"6 K-- > 6. Conclusion and Recommendations 5-444"4- - % 5 48< 6 -4 4 -- 46--<--## 6K- %-4 4- #<>6"- 4! K4" % 4-@ " K K %6# "> R- - 44 4 4 -## -#<4 " # ) "4# ## #%<6- - #4- #)# <>R- - 4%<# 4!-44-8 4 > -% #"4#4! 4 - -4% 4 ## " 4 > $H4 -# # 4<4"%<-4%) 4" 4 -4#" K / <% # %< 6-## 4 #6- <%>5-# H- 4%6-# 4 - % " >8% 4 6K#- 6 4 %< 131 4" <)# < 4# 6-- %<-58 %4"6-"< 4- <>R- < K -H- -4<#4 %<- ;"#6-H4#6- -# -- 4 <%<# "-#/ % < %<>R- 44 %< 6K #4- 4% 4 " "4" #"- >5- %K"6 %"-4 / <4" -@ % 6--# !< 4 )4" "-> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Given the diversity of Indian urban forms, 4 4 < -K%6"- 4 6-) 132 4! 4%# -% >$ %<% < " - #4 )@ / < > $4%<; #- - ] # < %% -4)%<6- 6- 6- 6"<#^ T- OOCU>5-4%# - %6-8 - - infrastructure as it stands, and infrastructure as 4!-% 4 # > 5-4 "6-8 #4 "<- ! 4H% #"- # >% 4 4 4< #4# "% -6 6- H-4%4- 4# ##6- H- - -#- # <#-< |4%p> The Retreat of the State in Healthcare Policy and the Right to the City Ravi Duggal 1. Context 5-4%- -<#% @ 6 <%--->5- "-4 6 - - -4 4 <-4 #6% H - - >5- 6 #-<6>5- - - 6--<>@ - < -4 - # 4 <# - <% # -% "4 $ $ >-4%- - % @ 6 < - -< -4%-4 - " 6- <4! # > -6 6-4%-4 4# - #-% # H4 >5- #4% 4" % 6--- %- <- - adjustment reforms of the early nineties under 4#-R K- ->5- 6 % "64%-4 - as well as in many districts, became victims -##--% < >3"# H4 4%- -%#4E>z ;38- - -6O>Cz ;38%<#)T3 OOU ---4 < #% #- - 4" 6K--4 >$- ## 4" - - <6)- 4 4# < H4 4<-4 - -4% -4 6 > 5-4" 6-6 %< 46-# -4" -<-4" 133 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship - - -4 - - >5-- -4 #< % - - >:# "/< H4"-4 -6 - /<6--% # 44%<#4< #"-4" >5- # "##4< 6-"4%- - %- H4" - - "# 6- 6- 6 - 44 -4%- - <# -4% - -%#4"- 4>@6- 4%<# functions best when it is based on universal <-6--%# -#-4%# 4<#> $-%6-4%- -<# # 6--) - -#4! #<%<-R K % K 3:@3 $@3>5-4!- 4%-4 ---46-- %#-# -> 134 5---- -6 ##-% 4%- - <# < # >< # -" - - -)% 44 - "-4>5-4 46 -% - - - - H> 2. Policy Framework 5-- -% - - -4)-- 44% -6 % - -4<" % - ->5-EC - 8<T8UT;@OOU6 < % 4# < >-6 "4# - - -4 6-- # K> # - -- -# -<>5---4 6##4 - -4 6--4" 4# < /<6 4# < -4 >5-% 4" < < -< % #-4# <- -6- - 4 K4# < < "6--4 >5- / "#4# < - 4"-"4# <# -- - / --4%- -<# % >6"% 6- --4 % - -6 4 H-# p 4"" #4 # 4"#4-"4# < % 4KT8 > EMU>5-6 - #4 % 4# < % ""- -<% # # <4 # > :-" % 4< 4%# > <- % %6- "# - %T- 6EMU>6- - BF-$##-@ - tension continues and in most urban areas the "#4# -- "% 4< "4# #> 6"- 4 -- !<% - -4<6 - 44--R K>5-% - " % - -4<# K>5-6 -:- @ 84 8!T@88.U6-- 4-.?- ## TECU- -46## (#% - T @88.@@@ 3- ?K < % U>5- - -446 -4- 4# <- - % %- 44<6 -%4% 6 <>@ < %#4-" 4# <- - 4!-@88. .@@@ % # #<4 &T&4" - -U4! - -# 4- -- - Table 1 Trends in urban hospital utilization rates (%) and average medical expenditure per hospitalization (Rupees) across 42nd (1986), 52nd (1996) and 60th NSS rounds (2004) 5<44 4 T4U 4 H4T&>U MO- 52nd F MO- 52nd F Public GC FG MO GCBB 2195 GC Private M 57 FO EEG GFF EOM 'MO-&xOOF&4>OB63-OOM ->5-<6 # < # 6 -4 -6 - -<"4 44# <- - <#>@-# #@ 6 !#6--% < - - 4- -H4 -4" - - 4 <-4 >5-- !< 6- #4"< TU#%< TEC OOMU> 5- - -H4 -FndTECBx4 !#UndTEMx <4 !#U MOthTOOFx#4 !#U-6 "< #T5 %EU> 5-" )-- 4%- - -4 % /< " Oz-4" - - > R-<-8 <- 66-- # >5-K #" 4%-4 - ")> 3- #4-4- 46 -4 - - < % 6 < /-nd MOth-6--" #%< 6 %6 T%UK-4 4 < #-44>5- !< - - %- 4<- #- %<- - > 5--4 - 6- "# H4-4%- - 6#E>z;38ECBO>Cz OOF>8<-6" #Ez -4-- -4- & -(T&(U4 ##>@ &(- - "/ % - -x6- % 4#4 - - "6- % < -4%- --% - - "6- - 46- ""- >& -- ;"# % -( T(OEOU%% K-% - -"%"6< - "4 # -- - <> 6""-(6#4# one is not sure if the situation would have - -%% -4< 44 #6K# 4%# ']5- % -( aims to address the health concerns of the urban 4-- / % " %- - %< --H 4 <- - "<#4"-- - - % 4>5-6% # - 6) 4 -#- 44 6-- % # ->^:-- #- #%K4%)4" 4 -4T888U##<K4 -# <) < 4 #-"< < H-" 44 - 6---@884#>$- 44 - 6<- # -4%- -<# % T3 4 -OEOU> 135 Box 31. Public health resources availability 8%- -% 44 %< / 6- 6- -- - --6H4% < %66- - 4 - - % 6-4K%EO #- 6- - 4 - - >(4 K(#% %- -4%- - - %FOz4" - ->5-6-64< "% - - 6 # " %< "--- > Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 3. Debates and Key Challenges % ## -/ -- - 4") -4 %H4>% <- "- - 4 6-"4< " <6-- #6K%< -R>5-6% "<"- - %< % 44 6- "- -#>4EO -H4 "# %--4%- - <# 4 <-% - -<# 6--6-#-6% < - 6#46-- 64" - -> !# 4 ## 4 "6 # K -- - 4<6 x##4-" 4"") ""-#% 4%4%< - % -# -4" - -> @ % - - < K6--64#- -#<-#)ECO6--- " 136 - 6-- 4" - -4 <4 - - 4" " " 4%- - >5-6- -6- # K4-4#S - 4H4 4" # # K#- # 6 - 46-4" - - -6 K 4" /<-" 6 K4%- -<#> $- <- 44%< " %<- -4< #444" 6->@ -- nineties, the state reduced its role by virtually 44 <6"#4%- - -6 4%% %- 4 "#% 6 - ;38>5--# - - - 6 K 4% - -6--H 6- "#--#6- -- ---" 4"<-- 4 #< K46--/ 6- -->5-/-- "- 4 # K% - - 6- " %"6- %- - /# 6 -44 ailments as revealed by the trends from the NSS - - "<> 34&(-4%- - <# @ "#- % >% OEO %MOz-&>MO%TEF>F% }U4%H4- - %< "##%>5- 6K %&>EEGOT }U4 4 -% 44 T #G># - T&>Gx B})4 4 U6-- - - UT3 OEEU> @ 6 - "#4 "#4- - > : (#% (4 4 6- %&>E>MB%T FCE# }UOEE6%4"&>EGOTGO }U4 4 - - 6- - "#4T(;(OEEU>` (#% <p4%- - <# ##- ECz #% < # GMz-4 # T34 3 OOFU>5- K %<- 4" )4 ))4 # "&>GOOOT MM}U 4 4 6)- %%< ---#"> ` 44-4 6 6# - " / - - % >R-<- % - - %-4% 4" "# >8"" 4#" care, as well as environmental health in urban < / >5- unnecessary medical care and hence a waste of " %>-% / <% < 6 %--4% 4" # >5-4%" / <4%- - -4" % 6- " %# >5-% - - #4<)>$ "- - 4# <6- " ">8%- -# < / -4-< 4 "# - ->:- 44# <" 4" %- -4%#>5- " %# H4>5 %4" " - - Box 32. Healthcare delivery in Puducherry – pride of public healthcare 8-<p4%- -<#4% - 6--F " - >@ <% 6-"6)-- 44 " 6>5-- - " 6- < -" 4"#4<- >5-4 4 4%H4- - "&>EMCE>z; 3#86-- < "FC K-)4 T44 4 4< U E> K-)4 TE-4 4EOOO44 <U4- 4---# <6--<>5 44-6--4%- -4 %'44 E'OO' 44 E'OOO '44 E'EOOO FHB #% "> /<8-<p" - - -%-<x@ ( <& ( <( <& G %- EM>F>8-<- " 4 - - "K 4 4 ## - - 4 # %64"<4 K < -5< K< 4 < >8-<4< - Oz% >Cz"- 44>@-< ( - ` #6- <4% / - - 4 ## % #4" - < < #4&>> K- % >6-<8-< R- 44 - / 4% "#- "- 44 K44 6- # % <### - - -- /< "%>R- 4% %< - < -"#--44 #46 4 6 - 4" %- -<-> '8-<(< --4'- ->4-<>"> 137 4% -H % " >@6 - - " %5 %-H < %"- -4- health outcomes for urban India are certainly not ## "--# - " " > Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 6 - "-H #48-< 5<6--- #<% 44 - # % 4%- -<#%< - / 4" - - - -#T HGU> Urban health resources as we have seen above <- # >5- 4%- - /4# % 4-"#4% 4" - -##% >8# <- - -4% < / % -%4# < % 4%-4 4 #- " <4" 4">5- determinants of health and environmental - -K6 6 <# % 4 - 4 " 4"< -- 6--%<-# of the healthcare system and at the same ##4 - % <># - # - - % -V&(>4< "% K%<-4#4 for these social determinants or environment - - " % 6 #4 % - -4"<>5- " 6-- -<4 ##- -R- %4#THGGU> 6"% - - %-4# < "-4 T6-- "# H4U# 6 K4<""> 5-(46 K be sidelined and one can only conclude that 138 % - -4<< 4<6- -"#6--4 - - -% - - -4 #>5-< #4 - #4 "#- #4 "#-- -# K64"% - - 6-- 4<64" - - # K>5-# %< -(4<#- > ;"- %"%% - -4< "# 44%- - <# < -#<4 < -4>5- 4 6- " < "# H44%- -4 - < 4 !# 4 ##4-# >R--4% - -<#-44" % # %%>$ -"-4" - - H4 4< -4 <-4" - - >5-- -- - % <>@ "4%- - - - "% % <>5-# K - - "#<-4% -# >$6- / 6--4%- -<# "-4 %# -%#4" - - -% /> 5-4" - -4 < % - 4 #4< ## "# /<4 %< ) # 4 <" >- - # 4" - - #K< # %> 5- H4 4 p " %< " % - -4">5-#4 K- ) 6--4# K matters worse and has affected the status of the # 46-- < % - T U % 4> "-"#- % % -4" - ->" <4- "-"# -K %- < 6 %# % % - - 44 <>5-- 6- -4" #-43-p4" -4 >5-<" 4" -4 6" %<- Delhi Government under the condition that -<6"z-)4 4 # 4 < EOz% #-4>:6- )#4 - # 4 6< 4-- 3-6- " !#OOB --4 %%<- 6---<- >5-6 - -4#%<- -4 -% - -<4""< 4 #- < %">6"-4# 4#%OEE4--- - --4 4" #-4># <- (#% -%<- - "4# %< -4 -8%- % 5$6--# --4 4"Oz4 EOz 4 -4>5--4 6-- #-#6K6 -4 @ "#4# H6 "- %" % > 5--4 - ""4- % - - ""# %<#-#> 5--- - -4" %#4#% <- #- #-- % > \$+&" percent unless otherwise stated) . % Urban . Urban $" T#U 8%4 4 K- 108 >O $4 -34 K- EM EF -@ " EO>F F>B 8%: < GO O>CE 8" : < 70 E>EE ( < 52 E>C @ ( <& F E>FC $. - 58 E>FC $) GL BF E>B Institutional Delivery M >G $) %<3 77 E>CC Delivery by Doctor M >GC 3"<8%: < 29 >OB )3"< 17 >CG 8) ME >EC Ultrasound Use FF >B - Wasted 6- Anaemia FO 17 GG MG E> E>G E>G E>EF <( @H E)F<EC> Women ( 25 M E>MF E>FM $ # E)F Women ( 52 17 E>EE E>M @ -3"4# ") <" )44#)- )44#x#- G 82 CG O>MM O>CB O> 846 71 >F 5 < CG G>E ; < K: MO B> GE EGBC EFCC BGF E>B O>F E>EC O>G 3 47 K5% Diabetes Asthma 3 '@x -8OEO #) -4'%-->>H> 4EE%KS - @@8&( ):)G)-4'666>-) > ->-# 139 Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 4. Policy Recommendations @% - < < 4 <" 4# < %>"4% - -"" / 4# < >: 4 - -4-(#% (4 4 - -%<Mz- >34 " CO4 4 <6-- a reasonable number, and this shows that we H4 -4 < # T"<-6- <EO)Ez 83T4 34 #U 6-%<-4%<#U>5-- -4 <)>3# "< -6- 4444%" 4"-<%## %> 4 444 <# < <">5-6 #4"- <-4%- -<#>5- #%"4# < "K4 - -4 6--% % K%< 4 <#- %- 6 " > 8%- -# "# health issues need immediate attention and increased investments because they cause a 44- - - -"# #)"> : (#% --@ city both in terms of income as well as its %- H-/% -K4 #4% - -"#>@4%- - "# #4"#- - -4% 4" # % ">5-" - -<4 # K- #4"#> & # 4 >& -- -4 <4" - - 140 4< >3 %% %- < - - #4# #> 5- % -# 4 # !- -- - " --> (##/ < 4 #4 - "% 44 >5- 6/4 % "<#/ <# >5-4- % 6--4- _ < - 4 $ %%" < %<%< - - >5- - # K # <> #4-"% - - 4<>8 #4 % - -# - " < #- #--- " 44 -" - - - 44 -6-- 4- -#% @ 4 <-4 -#6> 5-( #6K # - 44 - % < - 6-- #6K " - - <#> @% 7 - ""4) % 4- - #<# 4< ##4# % 4>:--" # % - - #4"- ' TU-% H4 #4-" 4# < "- 4 - -4TU4%-4 %!" - K <## K-#"# %- -<64-ECOp TU"# - - the various social determinants of health 4 ## <- # < Box 33. Healthy Cities What is a healthy city? $- -<<6--- -" 4 - - >$- -<< - - "#4">5- << % ]- -<^< current health >R- / ###- - 4 -"> 5-R -<8 ##- #4- - - K6-% >@6 --- $ &EF>5-R 4 ## # %!"--4 -4%64%4" " < > Healthy Cities approach 5- 44 -K4- ----4 % #"#4%- - - ">@<#4- /<4 4 <" <) % -# - -> #4# - 44 -/" " 4 - - " H"6K%6 -< >5- 'H44 ###S -4S - S ) 4 -4> 5- -< 44 --# - - -6K % 4%4" " < ##< >@ -4% #4 -#> Framework for action -<-- $ & #6K - -<4!6 "4>5- #6K % 4- %<%-> 3"4# K>5-##%- "#- # " ;##<4 > $6 %4%44> @<4<> % 44" #-;"#> $44# 4 -4 K 4 6K ## 4<> 84 -8 ##8 6 %>5 6-% -%>/ <6%#4 - - 6% < #4> 8 #4# >$-"4#-4 -4 6 %##%#'-##<"# 4" #4#-4 > " #-%4 < #4-4# K < !# #4"#-4 #4# > ' E>-4'666>>6->6- )6)- -)4"# )- -% )- - "- -<)6-) 4 )- -<))6K6- )) )- -<)< >-4'666> >6->GF>-# 141 4" % K -# # /< > Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship (#4 <-% - - <# -% - H 4%# H "6-- 4 4 <#- #>$-"# K- ##< >%44> 142 @ - %"- - - <#%-4" 4% 6- "% <#- # %<4% 6 #-# - - $ >@ " #4-"- - # %< 6 %< 4%4 -$>5-4 6--4 # H > - - > A Human Rights’ Perspective for the Right to the City Miloon Kothari 5-< <"< / <>-# K " % "%44 >5- ## -4 - - -#>#% - )% 4 --4" "" - 4/ # 44<%6 6->5- in turn has led to an increase in the number of 444< / - " 6-"< %"-4> @ - "%#4 # K %<% / < 6|- p >R-64!T ### ##4HU - " # %6|-p |4p # 4 66- ""4 <6 < >5-4 %%<"#--## K6 < -%-- - "%# 4 <-->5-H < @ - - % ) % - #4 right to the city -# -4> 1. The Right to the City within the Human Rights Framework 5-#4" -# -" @ - 4 #4# -# -% 44 - -<6 <4" 4- -< -< -#4" 4%# %<#> As already mentioned earlier in this volume, -#"#-]&--<^- "4 4%< 4 " < # -6 #4% 44 "<"4 <-# 143 # 4">5- to the elaboration of a World Charter on the Right to the City.5-&55%"6 6 -% -# - #4-# -6-<4 > 5-4 #4# -&55 %-% -# - 44')# S"%< -# -S/ <S4" S)S% <S <S 4 >@#4- - 4 4 " %<-%"4< 4%< %< 44> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 2. Expanding the Right to the City 144 While the Charter #4-"# 4" 4 44 K6 # K < --6" %< - -# - - " K"<4 6- 4 -# " % 4>5-&55#4 - " / <>@ #<-- <<4 < <-6 <6K6 <% <% # 4 # < ! 6--4 -6 44' <US6 SS- -S 6K)"-S S<- 4 -#S%<S/ <S4 4 S # S S"### -# # - ##"# #%< > 5-&55- #4 -- # -# #%< --"4# x 4 4 #x %-4 < "<> @#4 - -&55-- -- ! " -% "-> 5---4"< 6 %#4 44 ">@ #4 --## 44< 6 4%4 > -# - 4 #4 - "4 4 #H #4>5- K%6- "- - -#% %6K4 % 4 >: -#)% 6K4 <6#-%4"> --4 # K- % >- not be situated in locations where residents face "# - - 4 < K> Indivisibility of human rights 5-% 44-&55- -# - 4 "%>5- -# -# - -<>5-# - -# -"4 # "# - #"/ 4<<" 4 # # #4# > 5- -# -- #%4 4 inter alia, the - / " / -T % "K Non-discrimination and inclusion # -#% - women, men, youth and children who choose # K-<--#x4" their economic status, identity, caste, class, race, H 6K" 4"6---< ]- % ^]>^ --% 4 % / >@ K- < -% <> "<#- "/ # !<#-<p"4 % 6 -"!<# > @" - 4 "#<4 "4# 6 - #H # #H -%- 4" 4 - - ]- ^<4 >("- 4 -##%# subjected to forms of abuse and violence by the # -<>$)" < ) % < 6% %- -%-6K4 -<#<> 5-44)# - #4 " ## % %44%< # K - >5-44 -% #4# < 6--444" %6>5-&55#% - - " 4 4 4 > Priority to vulnerable and marginalised groups 5-44)# 4 4 4<%" ---## 4> 5-4%46-- - "%- <# such as the Dalits and nomads, the homeless, -46- % 6#"#"#6K # 6KH6K4" 6-# @.$@3 H #6K-# <4 4 - -"4 >R- --44 #%"-6# 4>4 # % K 4-- --4>: 4"%# 4 6- %x %-/ <4 4 4 <>5- 6""# K 6 K- %4%4 4% % 46- %>: --#---<6# 4# -6- / "" 444 4 #4<#>$# " # # < %/4#- - # 4> 5-&55# ### 4"<>5-#" # <4" 6 4 - -4 # <6 K >: "% 4<-6-< #%4" -" / - <- 6-"> Gender equality 5-&55- %4 -- <- -/ 4 6#p-# ->< 4 <# %<4 - 4 %> #46#p--4" < < ##">5- ""4 6-6## K - 6#- "/ %- 4% 4" 4 4% 4 6 K# K4 KT%- 4% 4" U6K4 4 4 ##<4 >5--6# "--#) % 6K- %46- <4 >5- 4# -"6# 4 victims of domestic violence, and hostels for #- 6K6#>R#p 4 4 <4 4 " 6 4# % / %"4#-<> 145 Interdependence and sustainability Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 5-&55# - 4 x- - 4- "- -# -->@44- 44 -6- 4 6- H"#%< < !4 --% ->5-% - "-< 4 -%--#" the detriment of those from a lower income, or - 4>5-44# 4%< %<#%4- 4 <6- -"# use of land, water, electricity, and other basic >5-% %-K 4 H> 146 5-44 - % 4%# # <-< >5-&55-- " %<6--4- - - -< "#>;"- - # - - # 44 4#% #4<4 "4#>R-44- "% 4- - - -- / ##% 4 > Participation and consultation "# 4 4 )# K 4 - -# - <> $/ 6- 4 4 # <K<% " # <4 >5- 444##" 4 )# K6- <> 7 "# # 6- -6-6%< < %<- >5-- 4 4 --4 4 4 -<>$- <-- "-- "# 4 >5-44- 4 4 -/ %% -<>: <"# must include civil society and social movements -"4# #4# < 4 > Social function of the city and property 5-< 4 must ensure that it meets the needs of all its >5-44-] 44<^- 4 to ensure that land is not diverted to meet --- -H4- 4>5-|4%44p# %%<"#" |4" 4p>:H #4-44 # #% 6#4 "4%-4%- -4 >5- 44< #4- --%#- -4#/ < 6-4> 5-right to land# % 4-/ <6-4 < <4 >5- --"<6 # 44<>5-- < K-4" < "- >5-6 4 " -K 4 %% and accumulation, enable the sustainable "4## 6 4 >7 6 4- 4% 4"- K" # 44 -"K-44 ## <#%< >4 4"% " 6- " %< % 4-%4" -4 # <6 K -/ > Recognition and respect of diversity in economic, social, political, spiritual and cultural life 5-<#"< # 4# # 4>@# 446-- % " 4"4 -4 > 5-&55 -- " "<> Progressive Realization ###-)# -# ->5-<### #4"#- -# - -6% >5- means that, at all times, states must be able # - -< K4 4# / " #4"#" 4 4 - 6- <" / > 7 K %!<- #4#-# ->7 <"## 4-44 ### #4"# - " <66- %-# K#-4 -" -# - > Non-retrogression <"# #4 - " 4< K "# - 6!4 - -% -# -- #4-&55>3% # --- ## or omission, that lead to an increase in those " / " -###-# -> 3. Need for a Sensitive Interpretation of the “Right to the City” R- -44#4 ---< #4 # 6- -&55 4"#4 >H4 # - -6 <-&55< %#4## K46--# -44>5- - -&55% > 5--# - 44 --&55> $<" -# - # " -&55> @#4 - -&55 % 4 4 %-K#4 6--# K>8 %- "44<"4#>5-&55 is also not about concentration of wealth and -- 6>@ < -# K 4" K- %)4#--- K %-"% @ p >$###&55# - #"6-4 - <# K 6- <"- # K -" %<6)# -# 44-# K">$< #% ##-# -4#- ## -- 6 -4" ">8" "# - - "< % "- %-&55 % -# -> 5-&55 -% # "4#>5-- #H-%->@ % 4# ##-- - -4-> @#4# -&55#- ]<% ^ % 6 # K4 -H4-4>5- <p6K -6-% # -#--<# %" / - % "> 147 5-"#%4"< ameliorated, in situ 4%>5-< must not be subjected to forced evictions and 4 #>5-%-<p4 -<p#<#% K6 6-# -# "--> 4. Countering Obstacles 5-44%<-4- K-&556 >5-&55 in our current reality, however, is limited to <x-6-- " -# 4 46% #-<>( <4 ## " < -# - < /><-- such dynamic actions will we be able to ensure - -&55 -4 # --# - 4 <-# # #4# -6> < "#'- Box 34. The World Charter on the Right to the City 5-R- -&--< "6 - H %4 # >@46 44 -K-# - # #>$<-- -&--< ]-/ % 6--44 %<# </< !^> Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship 5--- % H44 -&--<' TEUH-4 # # #-<STU -< % 44<STGU/ < )# STFU4 44 4" % STU ###-4" S TMU4# - <#< 4" H 4> $/-- - ]g>>>k --### # - #% #%<"< "###%4 # - 44# <"6-<>^ <# <- "- #"-R- -&--< <## "#4; # 4 4 -- "# > - -87@@- :#% &#- % @ -7 $# $ 8#$$$# -%" <(4-@ %" <<&--&- " )$@5$5 6K "4 #4"-- > 5-R- -&--<-4< 6-- -)4-E -##&V >5- -- 6 "OOO -R :#8$ >:6-R :#OO; #"# -"-- > $#4""-- 6 % -OOF :#- $# _ >@6 -44#%OOF -R% :# 4 V <OO -R :#8$> ' 6$> ? $>% 8 -&--<'&-&4% -4>$@) 5$5OO44>)M> 7>5-R- -&--<)$@5$5@OOM> 148 #4# -# -###S # 66- -# - S @#4# -# -% !# ## #- -# -<#- - <% -# &- -4 & 44> -# -% #< 4 "4#4 # <S 4 6<"# #4#-# - 4 adhere to the World Charter on the Right to the CityS 3"4# 4 -# ""4# 46- 4 - ## --# # S @#4# <# -K 6--# K> 5. Conclusion As elaborated above, in order to counter the % <-4 H-6K - % 4-|--<p 4 #4 %-# - %# 46 44 #% " <>$ #"# -4 -# "<x- -# - % / <# 4 # !> Across the world today, individuals, movements #4 --# - / - "-6K- - < % 4 " - %"-44 ##" / #>5- " < -4 #-&55 44- #4 -# - - < -< # -6x6--<4 # - "4< 4<> 149 Notes on contributors Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship Upendra Baxi Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Warwick 150 4 H<#8 7 6 -"<R 6K - "<3- -6 87 6 3-TEBG)EMMU R 6KTEM) OOU>- " .- Universities of South Gujarat, University of 3- <35-@ 7 6@>8 H- - #4 " -<-# - transformative constitutionalism, law, science -< -"<<< 6`K"<;% 7 68 # R -7 6$# "< 3K7 6- "<5> - %--%K O --# 6 #> #6K'5-:# &-S# &- 8-# R' <>6K4% '$5 5-'$4V 5- $!#@ V $"#> Solomon Benjamin Independent Researcher and Urbanist #! # 4 - % >)- @$" T@$U& - 8<8 #T&88U>!@$ he was a member of faculty at the University 5p348 >- 8-3 ( p3#(@5 #% ( -> -K 6% " "4# #4 % 4"<4 #<> - K @ -% # - "# 4## ## - #4 # )% >- - %K% #4<#4%- %<-7@7 8< #% ( - 6 4 4"6 ! -$&$@ & 6 4 ! 6- :-;# 4 -> Ram B. Bhagat Professor and Head, Department of Migration and Urban Studies, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai & #>- 6K 8 34 #( % @ @84 T#%"<U(#% @ > - # % "## 4-<-< 4>- 4%-F - - ! K;$ 84 84 "# 4V 54 ; 4-<$ 8@ V $-4<$ 8 84 V $ 8 ( V " # 8 RK<>- % 6--@8RK;4 % #- " ( 4OOE) OOG>- % ##%-@8 4 -3# 4-<$# OOM)OEO #- 8- 4- ( K-OOG)OO> <6K ) - "# @# <# T.@U84 "# @@8%<-(<"# :;"#@ -4! -" & -(> Sharit Bhowmik Dean and Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai - -6#K6K 3 8 5 @ (#% @ - --( # 7 %>- 8-3<# -"<3- ( p3 <#-"<#% <T6 (#% U> -K -< 4 %-% # the industrial labour and trade unions, the 4%# #6K -6K)4 " # <>4% ']< @# #4<#( - - ^TUS ]( #@# #4<#'5- (#% ^-% @R - OOBS% 8"<@8<" 8%8 4 (#% $&8 4%<-- @) @ < @3$OOM> Basudeb Chaudhuri Director, Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH), New Delhi %- -3- # -& -- :-(<: 4 $ &T &-- /U63- $!3 of the combined social sciences research unit of &@ T @:8U>6 $ 8# -"< : & -:6 - p@p$8 >- 8-3 #-"<8 E8 -*% $ ($#-"< > 4 4%# % "4## 4 #<> Ravi Duggal Senior Trainer and Health Analyst, International Budget Partnership, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, DC & "3 !-@ 8 -4%OOC - 8 -4@ " - - <>-( p3< ( ##-"< #% <>- %"" - - -"6 - " %<46K- - #-4" - - - -<# 4> include health economics, health systems, health 4<% " -# ---- - 4"- ->6K< 6- )"# - : & -##< - R@$@3 /< - $5-#T$5U-- - "4#>OO-- % 4 % " EE$ > Véronique Dupont Senior Research Fellow, French Institute of Research for Development (IRD), Paris .*/34 -6 # 4-< -:-@ & -3"4#T@&3U- - ]3"4# ^T(&OE @&3x"<8 E8 -*% 8 : U>- ##% -@ -$ T8 U 6 -3- # 63-#OOG OOB># --#- "%- 151 interrelations between the transformations of #4 44 #%< % 4 6 -4 )4 H@ 6- 3->4% '3-> % 4 # 3T) 6->5 3>. ( - x3- OOOUS7 .$g5-<- $ kT)6-3>;>*8 OOBUS]5-3 #3- ;% <^ T@ V % & & -OEEU> Joyita Ghose Independent Researcher Urban Policies and the Right to the City in India : Rights, Responsibilities and Citizenship V< ;- 4 - % 4 >- - ( p3#4 <@ #-"<H -p 38 #-"< 3->- 6K - -@# 3"4#6 3-> 152 Miloon Kothari Former Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, United Nations Human Rights Council and Executive Director, Housing and Land Rights Network, New Delhi (?- 6 444#% OOO%<-# &- - 4 & 44$/ > # ""4 < -##T6-# &- U- ---6 - --- -- / - < 4 4 6 ->(>?- - H" H4- - ->- --$ & 8 ##- % @ p 7 &-6K ##%- @ ;### &-5 @"#T@&@5@U>@ < -- %4 < " - 6#p- - 44<- % % -#4 - - / - - -> Diya Mehra Post-doctoral Fellow, Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH), New Delhi 3< (- -6% 3< # -# TU63->-"-8-3 $-4<#-"< 5H $OEE>- 6K - - - <3"463- - )- 63->- 6K - -<"< 6`K>4%-6K- 44 in a number of different edited volumes on urban India and focuses on the historical and #4 <"4#@ 4 <3-> Kavya Murthy Postgraduate Student, Delhi School of Economics ? "< (-< 4 <#-3--# 66K -8 ## 3>- 6#4 <- #- ] ^6--% -4H4 #- < % -> Bhuvaneswari Raman Post-doctoral Fellow, French Institute of Pondicherry -" 6 & # - % 4 >-- - -4 -7- # 8 T7U? - # the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, and -"<#- #? 6 "4# - R K ->-- H4 6-#4#% 4"< " -#- "6K6-- % 8"<$" 8 ##> --4 #< % " / < "4>3>& # % - 8-3#7?> Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal Research Fellow and Deputy Director, Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud, Paris *4- 5 6 7 # )&6 -6 4 4<- 8 )% WXW@W$ T&)U> - % # <@ > 4% |<@ ' 8 3% p-$ (4 <$ #V GOO |;"@ W(4p3-& OOT)6-V&U> Marie-Hélène Zérah Research Fellow and Head Urban Studies, Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH), New Delhi and the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD), Paris ( )*+,* - 8-3-% #-8 @% > She is currently a senior researcher with the @& -3"4#T8 U 4-# 63->-6 ""4! < #% -4 -R 8 #-R K > -- 6KH"<- 6 44< @ 6 -% " 4%- %K 6 3-># - --% " @ > 153 References $ K >8- K.?>&<(7 '5#H4(#% ># 8 RK<.FOEOO4>GM)MC> $-6 (>>|84 8<- -56-8 p# 8 RK<. 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