JOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY Published by Association of Field Ornithologists VOL. 70, NO. 2 Spring 1999 PAGES 145--282 J. Field Ornithol., 70(2):145-157 USE OF RADAR FOR MONITORING COLONIAL BURROW-NESTING SEABIRDS D. F. BERTRAM Wildlife & BehaviouralEcologyResearch Groups Departmentof BiologicalSciences SimonFraserUniversity,8888 UniversityDrive, Burnaby British Columbia V5A 1S6 and EnvironmentCanada, Canadian Wildlife Service,Pacific WildlifeResearch Centre RR1 5421 RobertsonRd, Delta British Columbia, V4K 3N2, Canada L. COWAN Wildlife & BehaviouralEcologyResearchGroups Departmentof BiologicalSciences SimonFraserUniversity,8888 UniversityDrive, Burnaby British Columbia V5A 1S6 A. E. BURGER Departmentof Biology Universityof Victmia P.O. Box 3020 Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3N5, Canada Abstract.--We used high-frequencysurveillanceradar as a non-intrusivemethod to census nocturnal burrow-nestingCassin'sAuklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus)on the world's largest colony,Triangle Island, British Columbia. In the largestsubcolony,WestBay,the radar unit wasoperated 2200-0510 h nightly from 30 Apr.-11 May 1996 during the onsetof hatching. Radar imageswere storedon video cassettefor subsequentimage analysis.We report total nightly activitybasedupon cumulativesamplesfrom the tapesat 30-sintervalsto determine the percent of bird activitywithin a fixed area. Estimatesof the averageimage sizeof an individualbird wereusedto developconservative countsof birdsin the samplearea.Activity at the colony began approximately 1.5 h after sunsetand ended at least 15 rain before sunrise.Activitylevelsincreasedover the studyperiod and showedconsiderablynightly variation. Nightly activitywas continuousat low levels through the samplingperiod from 30 Apr. to 3 May. Late eveningpeaksof activityaround 2300 h were evidentand tended to increasein intensityfrom 3 May onward.Nightly activityat the colonywascorrelatedwith the number of chickshatchedthe followingday.The maximumestimateof individualbirds detectedwas156,327on 10 May.Radar hasgreat potentialto elucidatepatternsof seasonal activity.We contrastand evaluatethe use of radar and traditional methodsbasedon burrow 145 146] D. F. Bertramet al. J.Field Ornithol. Spring 1999 countsand identify severalmajor advantagesfor radar in long-term population monitoring and seabirdresearchprograms. USO DE RADARES PARA MONITOREAR AVES MARINAS COLONIALES QUE ANIDAN EN HUECOS Sinopsis.--Utilizamosradaresde seguimientode alta frecuenciacomoun m6todo no intrusivo para censarindividuosde Ptychoramphus aleuticusanidando en huecosen la colonia mils grande del mundo, en la Isla del Trifingulo, Columbia BritJnica. En la subcoloniamils grande,WestBay,la unidad de radar se oper6 de 2200 a 0510 h todaslas nochesdesdeabril 30 hastamayo 11 del 1996 durante el comienzodel empollamiento.Se almacenaronlas imfigenesde radar en cintasde video para analizarlasluego. Reportamosactividadnocturna total basfindonosen muestrasacumuladasde las cintasa int•rvalos de 30 s para determinar el porcentajede actividadde las avesdentro de un hrea fija. Los estimadosdel tamafiode imagen promedio de un ave individualse usaton para desarrollarconteosconservativos de avesen el firea de muestreo.La acfividaden la coloniacomenz6cercade 1.5 h despu•sdel anochecery terminaba al menos 15 min antes del amanecer.Los nivelesde actividadaumentaron a travis del perlodo de estudioy mostratonuna variaci6nnocturna considerable. De noche, la actividadfu• continua (a bajosniveles)a travis del periodo de muestreode abril 30 al 3 de mayo.Los picosde actividadtarde en la noche rueton evidentescerca de las 2300 h y de mayo 3 en adelante hubo la tendenciade aumentaren intensidad.Se correlacion6 la actividadnocturna con el nfimero de pichoneseclosionadosel dia despu•s.E1 estimadomfiximo de avesindividualesdetectadosfu• de 156,327 en mayo 10. E1 uso de radarestiene un gran potencialpara elucidar patronesde actividadestacional.Contrastamos y evaluamosel uso de radaresy m•todos tradicionalesbasadosen conteosde huecose idenfificamosvariasventajasimportantespara el usode radaresen programasa largo plazo de monitoreo de poblacionesy de investigaci6nde avesmarinas. Most modern schemesfor censusingand monitoring numbers of burrow-nestingseabirdsare basedupon countsof "apparentlyoccupiedburrows" (Anker-Nilssen and Rostad 1993, Walsh et al. 1995) or estimates of occupiedburrows(calculatedfrom the productof countsof burrowsand the percentageof burrows known to be occupied through physicalexamination [e.g.,Rodwayet al. 1988,Bertram1995]). Countsof apparently occupied burrows, however,are subjectto significantobserverbias, and the necessitythat surveysbe conducted prior to the arrival of juvenile prospectorsand when vegetation is low and occupancyis most visible (Anker-Nilssen and Rostad 1993). In addition, burrow-based counts un- derestimatetrue adult population size (Anker-Nilssenand Rostad1993). Estimates of "true" burrow occupancy are not suitable for long-term monitoring for some speciesbecause physical examination causesfrequent desertionsand thus lowersthe chancethat thoseburrowswill be usedin subsequent years(Gastonet al. 1988,Rodwayet al. 1996).Further drawbacksof this method are reduced repeatabilitybecauseit is difficult to define objectivelywhat constitutesa burrow; possiblebiasin estimates of occupancybecausenest chamberscannot alwaysbe inspected;and intensive labor requirements because,in addition to counts, a subsetof the burrowsmust also be excavated(Gastonet al. 1988). In fragile habitats, methodsthat require burrow counting (and in particular thoserequiring excavation)are potentiallydestructiveto coloniesthus compromising conservationefforts. The purposeof thispaper is to report the useof radar asan alternative, Vol.7o,No.2 RadarMonitoring ofSeabirds [ 147 non4ntrusivemethod for monitoring, censusing,and quantifyingcolonyattendancebehaviorof a colonialburrow nestingseabird.Radar hasbeen used in studiesof seabird movements(Day and Cooper 1995) and for estimating numbers of the non-colonial Marbled Murrelet (Brachyram- phusmarmoratus, Burger1997) but had not yet been deployedfor census and monitoring studieson a major colonyof burrow nesters.We contrast the radar and the burrow count (seeabove)methods,identifyimportant areasfor further research,and highlight the potential utility of radar for long-term monitoring and researchprogramsfor seabirdpopulationsin general. METHODS We studied Cassin'sAuklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus)at the world's largest colony on Triangle Island (the Anne Vallae EcologicalReserve, 51ø52'N,129ø05'W),in BritishColumbia,Canada.It is noteworthythat 80% of the world's breeding population of Cassin'sAuklet are found along the rugged islandsof northern coastalBritish Columbia (Rodway 1991). Triangle Island is located 46 km northwestof Cape Scotton VancouverIsland (seeVermeeret al. [1979] for a descriptionof the breeding habitat). From 30 Apr.-11 May 1996we deployeda high-frequencymarine surveillance radar unit (Furuno FR810D, 940MHz, 10KW with a 2.0-m antenna) in WestBay (Fig. 1) where the largestburrow densitiesof breeding Cassin'sAuklet were reported. Cassin'sAuklet was the only seabird nesting in West Bay in significant numbers (Rodway et al. 1990). The radar unit was positionedabove high tide at the base of the edge of a rockyslopebehind a large log and woodenfence that reduced the interference causedby waveactivity.The radar antennawas75 cm abovethe ground and 30 cm below the top of the log. The radar antennawastilted 15øup from its normal horizontalpositionand,with an anti-clutterscreen mounted on the lower edge (Cooper et al. 1991, Burger 1997), scanned an estimated vertical are of 35 ø above the horizon. Both the rain and sea- scattersuppressers were turned off to maximize the sensitivityand hence the likelihoodof bird detection.The gain wassetat 75% of maximumto maximize bird detection and minimize noise. Radial line markers at 240 ø and 340ø were added to the radar screen.The scanningradiuswas0.5 km. The time taken for the antenna to make a completehorizontalrevolution was3.02 m 0.01 s (SD, Burger 1997). Video imagesof the radar screenwere obtained by installing a video converter (Furuno RP-6065B) between the radar and a VHS video cassette recorder.A time-datestampwasalsoplacedon the recording.The system wasoperatedwith a seriesof 12V batteries.Each night the radar unit was startedbetween 2200-2300 h and stoppedat 0300-0510 depending on the availablebatterypower. The total sampleregion included the area abovethe ocean in WestBay and horizontally 100-500 m from the radar unit. The two dimensional samplingarea from the radar imagewas125,732m2 (Fig. 2a). Mostbirds flew straightin and out of the colony and circling birds were not seen 148] D. F. Bertramet al. J.Field Ornithol. Spring 1999 N West South Bay o lOOO lOOO 2000 Meter• TnangleIsland Vancouver Island Islands FIGURE1. Triangle Island, British Columbia showingthe location of the radar unit in West Bay in 1996 (©). on the video tapes.We assumedthat birds circling over the colonywould staywithin 100 m of the radar unit and hence not be counted twice. Seabird activitywas sampledfrom videotapesevery 10 min throughout the night and every 2 min near peak activityusing an image acquisition device (Play TechnologiesSnappyVideo Snapshot,with the contrastset to the maximum value) on a computer (Nantron Systems,pentium, 120 mhz). We did not sampleduring periodsof rain becausebird imageswere obscured.Birds flying at different heightsor distancesproducedvarying amountsof white on the video imagesthus creating a greyscale.We used Vol.70,No.2 RadarMonitoring ofSeabirds [ 149 A) Low activity B) High activity F[cup•2. Theradarimages captured fromvideotape during lowactivity (A:1 May,0020 h) andduring highactivity (B:10May,2333h) of Cassin's Auklets in WestBay. The sampling areaforactivity determination isdelineated in bothpanels. Theringsare separated by 100m andformtheboundaries for quadrants 1-4. 150] D. F. Bertramet al. J.Field Ornithol. Spring 1999 the UTHSCSA Image Tool program to create binary images (black and white) by convertingall graypixelsto white usingthe thresholdfunction. For each "captured" image the samplingarea in West Bay was selected and a histogramshowingthe percent white and blackwascreated.Activity wasdefined as the percent of white pixels due to bird attendancein the scanned area. This was calculated by subtractingthe number of white pixels in the imagesfrom control imagesthat were taken from the beginning or end of the tapeswhen no birds were present.Tide heightsof the control and sampleimageswere matchedas closelyaspossible,to accommodate changesin shorelineland appearingin the image. The flight speedsof Cassin'sAukletswere estimatedfrom the distance coveredbetweensuccessive imageson the radar screen (measuredwith a ruler with a precisionequivalent to 10 m) divided by the time taken for the antenna to make a complete horizontal revolution (3.02 s). To travel the 500 m from the edge of the radar screen to the colony at the minimum speed (60 km/h: max. -- 132 km/h, mean -- 95.8, SD = 14.8 km/ h, n = 60) would require approximately30 s.Samplingevery30 s counted the slowestbirds only once and thus produced conservativeestimatesof nightlyactivity.To obtain estimatesof the number of birdsat 30-sintervals we interpolated from the imagescaptured at 2-min or 10-min intervals. Samplingboutswere not alwaysthe sameduration, so to comparetotal nightly activitywe interpolated at the beginning and/or the end of tapes. We assumed that the earliest (2200, 2210, or 2225 h) and the latest (0510, 0525, or 0535 h) interpolation times had no bird activitybasedupon our observationsat thosetimes on other nights.Followinginterpolation,col- ony activitywasgaugedfor a 7 h 10 min period (861 30-sintervals)each night by the cumulativetotal of white pixelsfrom all 30-sintervals. To estimate the number of individual birds in the samplingarea we calculated "bird area" estimatesbased upon echoes of known single birds. We testedfor differencesin the size of echoesof singlebirds by sampling 30 individualsin each of four quadrantsat distancesof 100-200 m, 200-300 m, 300-400 m, and 400-500 m from the radar unit (quadrants 1-4). If differences could not be detected we would use the median valuefor all quadrants.To calculatea conservativeestimateof the number of birds in the radar imageswe divided the area of activityby the median area of an individual Cassin's Auklet. The cumulative totals of birds ob- servedat 30-sintervalswere reported for each night. In the Farallon Islands,Manuwal and Thorsen (1993) reported that incubating and brooding pairs of Cassin'sAuklet alternate duties every 24 h. Brooding lastsfor up to 5 d after hatching. Followingbrooding, both parentscan deliver food but singlenightly feedsare most common (provisioningrateson Triangle Island vary from 0-2 feedsper night; DFB, unpubl. data). Our estimatesof activity and the numbers of individual birds in West Bay assumedthat all birds were incubating, brooding, or one parent from each pair was delivering a single meal then brooding. Hence each parent is detected once, either while returning to or departing from the colony. Vol. 70,No.2 RadarMonitoring ofSeabirds 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 o 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Date in May 25000 B ß 20000 15000 10000 5000 ß ß ß ß ß o 0 2 Number 4 6 8 of chicks hatched FIGURE 3. Increasein cumulativenightlyactivityduringthe studyperiod (A). The relationshipbetweenhatchdate and cumulativenightlyactivitylevelsduring the studyperiod on Triangle Island (B). On four occasions concurrentwith radar monitoringwe capturedGassin'sAukletsastheydepartedfrom the colonybetween0200-0430h using a "pheasantnet" 15-mlongand 3-mhighin WestBay.We scoredthe iris color type aswhite, offwhite,light brown,or brown,basedupon minor modifications of the techniqueof Manuwal(1978). Eyecoloris reported to becomelighter asthe birdsage (seealsoEmslieet al. 1990). Hatchingdatesof nestlingsin WestBaywere estimatedby inspection of a sampleof burrowsat 3-d intervalsbeginning30 d after laying. RESULTS Activitylevelsandpatterns.--Activity levelsincreasedoverthe studyperiod (Fig. 3a) and showedconsiderable nightlyvariationin pattern (Fig. 4). Activityat the colonybeganapproximately 1.5 h aftersunsetandend- 152] D. F. Bertram et al. J. FieldOrnithol. Spring 1999 6o /rMay j 20 •April •30 •/1 4O 0 0 0 100 200 ,.• 0 0 100 200 300 400 ,81 May 112 ,/ 40 40 • 400 -[ 60 I • 300 100 200 300 400 6o 0 100 200 300 400 May 213 40 ,•-• 20 • • I I•/ •,• 0 .•, 60 • 40 < 0 0• • ] • 0 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 300 400 May 314 40 • 0 • 100 200 300 0 400 . • 0 I 100 4o 200 May 10111 0 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 Time (min) FIcu• 4. Patternsof "nightly"activity(2200-0510h) from 30 Apr.-11May 1996in West Bay,Triangle Island as gaugedby radar.Video imageswere "captured"at 2-10-min intervalsand the othervalueswereinterpolated. Activitywasgaugedasthe percentage of the samplingareathat wasoccupiedby birds.Arrowsdepictthe time of sunrise. ed at least15 min before sunrise.Nightlyactivitywascontinuousat low levelsthroughthe samplingperiodfrom 30 Apr.-3 May.Late evening peaksof activityaround2300 h (whichlastedapproximately 2 h) were evidentand tendedto increasein intensityfrom 3 Mayonward.Activity levelsextendedprogressively into the latenightfrom7 Mayonwards until the end of sampling. Breeding chronology and activitylevels.--Thefirstaukletnestlinghatched Vol.70,No.2 RadarMonitoring ofSeabirds [ 153 TAI•LE1. Cumulative"nightly" activity,time, and magnitudeof maximumactivityof Cassin's Auklets as gauged by radar in W•st Bay of Triangle Island in 1996. Estimatesof the cumulativenightly number of birds in West Baywere basedupon the median estimates of the area for an individual bird. Cumulative Date Time radar operated 30 April 1 May 2May 3May 2238-0449 2200-0510a 2250-0330• 2245-0535c 4May 2230-0500 6May 7May 8May 9May 10May 2245-0445 2210-0430d 2230-0440 2230-0440e 2220-0440f activity Maximum Time of (white activity maximum pixels/100) ( %) activity 3057.34 2157.57 4410.50 2875.52 7.62 6.81 8.52 30.93 2340 0400 0330 2245 Total area of birds (me) Estimated number of birds 3,844,032 2,712,733 5,545,369 3,615,430 21,475 15,155 30,980 20,198 5525.16 62.99 2246 6,946,848 38,809 12,501.89 9715.62 12,955.84 17,112.31 22,255.85 59.26 52.36 51.92 62.22 69.01 2258 2304 2318 2314 2302 15,718,773 12,215,567 16,289,530 21,515,509 27,982,542 87,814 68,243 91,003 120,198 156,327g Except 0220-0400, 0402-0420 h. Except0027-0306h. Except0030-0150 h. Except0240-0300 h. Except 0215-0225, 0410-0425 h. f Except2225-2310, 0150-0210, 0240-0300 h. Estima•s were 1,974,774,44,716 and 142,810usingthe minimum,maximumandmean valuesforindividual bird area, respect•ely. on 2 May in 1996. The median hatch date was 11 May with the latest hatching on 16 June (n = 56). During the radar sampling period the number of chickshatchinggenerallyincreased.Nightly activityat the colony waspositivelycorrelatedwith the number of chickshatchedthe following day (r = 0.93, n = 10, P < 0.001, Fig. 3b). Conservativecountsof birdsin WestBay.--The size of individual bird images did not differ significantlywith the distance from the radar unit and therefore samplesfrom all qaudrantswere pooled to estimatenumbersof birds. The median bird image was179 me (mean = 196.5, SE = 10.2, n = 124; range = 14.6-661.3). As expected,the increasein number of birds in early May mirrored the activityresults (Table 1). The maximum estimate of individual birds detectedwas 156,327 on the night of 10-11 May. The minimum was 15,155 on 1-2 May. At the netting site in West Bay eye color became progressively darker at later capture sessions.No brown-eyedbirds (presumed to be immatures) were captured on 5 May (n = 23) and 8 May (n = 31) but they appearedamong6% of captureson 10 May (n = 28) and 11 May (n = 27). The broad category,light brown,increasedfrom approximately18% on the first two capturebouts to 40% in the last two bouts.Conversely, the incidenceof white eyedbirdsdeclined49% to 16% during the same 154] D. F. Bertram et al. J.Field Ornithol. Spring 1999 time frame. The number of birds with off-white eye color wassimilar for all capturesessions (range 25%-43%). DISCUSSION Nightly activitylevelsin West Bay varied seven-fold,with the minimum occurringon 1 May and the maximum on 10 May. Basedon the assumptions of 24-h shiftsin incubation,and singlefeeds/night coupledwith brooding of young nestlings, the observed increase in activity during hatchingwasnot expectedand thuswarrantsconsiderationof the validity of the assumptions.For example, the magnitude of shift duration for incubationand brooding may be variableand longer than 24 h. Data on Cassin'sAuklets from Frederick Island, British Columbia (1995-1997) do vary (e.g., some48 h and 72 h incubationshifts),but mostnestingpairs (95% or greater) exchangeincubation duties every 24 h (A. Harefensit, unpubl. data). Information from another project on Triangle Island in 1998 alsosuggests 48 h incubationin 5 of 16 burrowsexamined.Variation in shift duration coupledwith more regularvisitsaround hatchingcould have contributedto the observedincreasein activityin our study. It is also possiblethat somenestlingsmay be fed by a singleadult and not brooded, resulting in two detectionsof the same individual when incoming and outgoing.Someof the oldestnestlingsmay alsohavebeen fed by both parentsand not broodedin the later part of the studyperiod in which caseboth parentswould be detected twice. Increasesin colony activityat hatching have alsobeen reported for Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica;Harris 1984). Increasedattendanceby young, non-breedingbirds at the colonyduring hatchinglikely contributedto the observedincrease in activityduring our study.Birds with light brown and brown irisesare most likely to be 1-2 yr old and immature, while thosewith white and off-whiteirisesare most likely to be breeders(Manuwal 1978, Emslieet al. 1990). A larger proportion of dark-eyedbirds were capturedin the later netting sessions. Harris (1984) alsonoted that the number of young, non-breedingAtlantic Puffins on the colony increasedas the breeding seasonprogressed(Harris 1984). In British Columbia, a comparisonof four surveymethods (quadrat, transect,point-centerquarter and Batchder's) identified the quadrat and transectmethodsas most accurate(Savardand Smith 1985). That finding led to the developmentof the principal inventorymethod usedfor most seabirdcoloniesin the province,including Triangle Island. The census technique (Rodwayet al. 1988; Bertram 1995) is basedon countsof burrowsin plotsplacedat specificintervalsalong transectsperpendicularto the shore, averageburrow density,estimatesof colonyarea, and burrow occupancyestimates.The total estimatednestingpopulationon Triangle Islandbasedon 1989 transectsamplingwas547,637 _ 25,748 (SE) pairs (Rodwayet al. 1990). In West Bay the breeding population estimates ranged from 96,346 pairs (Rodwayet al. 1990) to 130,359 pairs (CWS unpubl. data) depending upon the burrow densityestimateused in calculations.This translatesto approximately195,000-261,000breedingin- Vol.70,No.2 RadarMonitoring ofSeabirds [ 155 dividualsin WestBayin 1989. In the presentstudy,the maximum number of birds detected was 156,327 based on the median size of individuals on the radar screen.This is likely to be a conservativeestimatebecausethe samplinginterval (30 s) wasbasedon the slowestflight speedsobserved, and we could not detectbirds that flew into WestBayoverland. A further potential sourceof error, which could produce underestimates,is overlapping and obscuredimagesof birds flying near each other. The relationshipbetweenthe actualnumber of Cassin'sAuklet and the number detected would be asymptoticif bird overlap and obscuredimagesincreasedwith activitylevels.Note, however,that the maximum observed activityneverrepresentedmore than 70% of the samplearea,and that thosehigh levelswere short-livedthus reducing the potential for underestimationdue to bird overlap.Finally,manydepartingbirdsdivesteeply from the slopesand often staycloseto the water perhapsreducingtheir chance of detection on radar and thus contributing to the underestimation of individualbirds. The similar magnitude of the estimatesof numbers basedon the 1989 transectsurveyand the presentstudysuggests that radar can be a useful tool for quantifyingpopulationchanges.We evaluateand summarizethe merits of radar versusmonitoring techniques basedupon burrow countsbelow. Gastonet al. (1988) suggestthat a monitoring techniqueshould provide an accurateindex of populationtrends,be fast,havelittle observer bias and causeminimal disturbanceto breeding birds. Our work shows that the radar method has strongpotentialto providean accurateindex of populationtrends.Prior to implementation,however,general design principles (e.g., choice of sampleunit, when to sample,and statistical power; see Peterman 1990, Thomas 1996) for a radar-basedmonitoring programwill need to be consideredto developthe mostsensitiveindex from the leastamount of field effort. It is noteworthythat recent analysis of Norwegianlong-termdata derivedfrom burrow counts(Anker-Nilssen et al. 1996) showedthat trendsdocumentedfor someseabirdpopulations could have been detectedwith much lessfield effort (fewer plots and less frequent visits).By contrast,in British Columbia,population trendshave been difficult to detect because few colonies have been visited in less than 5-yr intervals,and plots on transectsurveyshave coveredonly limited proportionsof the colonyarea. Moreover,on LangaraIsland,BritishColumbia, populationestimatesbasedon transectsurveysdid not reflect a decline in Ancient Murrelets despitethe fact that colonyextent had diminishedby half from rat predation (Bertram 1995, Bertram and Nagorsen 1995). The present studywas confined to West Bay, but complete colonycoverageon Triangle Island could be achievedby sequentialsampling in subcolonieswith a mobile radar unit. Unlike burrow-basedmonitoring and censustechniques,the radar techniquehas the potential to be conductedquicklyand to be repeateddaily.However,the mostappropriate time frame for samplingneeds to be determined. The large increasein activitylevelsduring our studyalsounderscorethe sensitivityof estimatesof apparentlyoccupiedburrowsto samplingdate. Radar mon- 156] D. F. Bertramet al. J.Field Ornithol. Spring 1999 itoring shouldbe readily transferablebetweendifferent observers.This is a major advantageover burrow-basedschemeswhich often require that countsare made by the sameperson in everyyear (e.g., Anker-Nilssen and Rostad1993). Finally,radar is non4ntrusiveand doesnot causethe disturbanceand possibledestructionto breedinghabitatwhichhavebeen identified as significantdrawbacksof burrow-basedmethods (see above). Our resultsstronglysuggestthat radar technologycan be a usefultool in seabirdpopulationmonitoringand researchprograms.Note that the radar technique could also be applied to monitoring flight activities around large coloniesof surface-and cliff-nestingseabirdswhich are too large for countingindividuals.On Triangle Islandwe will investigatefactorswhich affectcolonyattendancepatternsto developa populationindex based on the radar techniquesoutlined herein. Long-term radar monitoringwill thus facilitatethe developmentof a time seriesdata set which will be coupledwith traditional demographicstudiesto evaluate the causesof population changesand to predict future trends.Suchtime seriesinformation will be fundamental for evaluatingthe effectsof largescaledecadaland interdecadalchangesin marine ecosystem production on seabirdpopulations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Discussions with G. Kaiser(CWS) prompted this study.L. Dill loaned equipment,D. Otto located'Snappy'and B. Robertsonprovidedadvicefor imageprocessing. Thanksto UTHSCSAfor placing Image Tool on the web. Natural Sciencesand EngineeringResearchCouncil (NSERC) of Canadagrantsto F. Cooke,A. E. Burgerand a NSERCCollaborativeResearch and Developmentgrant to F. Cooke and T D. Williams supportedthe research.Logistic support and additional funds were providedby G. Kaiser.A. Harfenist, H. Knechtel and M. Lemon kindly providedunpublisheddata. Thanks to C. Smith for assistance with data analysis. LITERATURE CITED ANKER-NILSSEN, T. ^ND O. W. ROSTAD.1993. Censusand monitoring of puffins Fratercula arcticaon Rost, N Norway, 1979-1988. Ornis Scandinavica4:1-9. , ERISTAD, K. E., ANDS.-H. LORENSTEN. 1996. Aims and effort in seabirdmonitoring: an assessment basedon Norwegiandata.Wildlife Biology2:17-26. BERTRAM, D. F. 1995.The rolesof introducedratsand commercialfishingin the declineof Ancient Murrelets on Langara Island, British Columbia. Cons.Biol. 9:865-872. , ANDD. W. NAGORSEN. 1995. 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