Health Sciences 483- Writing in Health Sciences Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What is HSC483? HSC483 is a two-credit course that seeks to improve student skills in developing and presenting written discussion of a topic in Health Sciences. This course is approved by the University for “Writing Across the Curriculum”(WAC) credit. The HSC483 course requirements are in compliance with WAC achievement standards. How is the course set up? Each HSC483 student must be enrolled during the same term in a 300-400 level Health Sciences course that serves as a “host course” for a writing project. Students select their own paper topics so that they fit with the subject content of the host course. For example, a student enrolled in HSC422 (Physiology for the Clinical Sciences) might choose the topic of “Stress hormones and muscle physiology” for their writing project. The writing projects are first completed in a rough draft format, followed by a final draft turned in at the end of the semester. Both drafts are graded by both the host course instructor and the HSC483 instructor. Students use the feedback on their rough drafts to improve the quality of their final draft. If the host course requires a term paper, the HSC483 paper must not be similar in composition or content to the term paper. In addition to the writing project, the HSC483 instructor provides students with online learning opportunities and assignments to improve the student’s research and writing skills. Required Text: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2009). 6th Edition. Washington, D.C. ISBN# 978-1-4338-0561-5 Whom should I contact with HSC483 questions? For additional information please contact the HSC483 course instructor, Sheri Ricciardi, at During the second week of the semester, there will be one face-to-face class orientation session for all students for the purpose of reviewing online access, course requirements, and answering any questions. Please note: It is important that registration for HSC483 must be completed prior to the end of the first week of classes. HSC483 Enrollment Procedure General Considerations- The host instructors in upper-level Health Sciences courses are limited to accepting three HSC483 writing projects for each course. If you are considering enrollment in HSC483, it is advisable to contact a host instructor in advance and confirm that he or she is willing to assist with the HSC483 writing project, and has enrollment places available. It is important that registration for HSC483 be completed prior to the end of the first week of classes. Instructions for Students: Enrollment requires three steps: (1) Ask your host course instructor to agree in writing, using the form below, to host your HSC483 paper. (2) Take the form signed by your host instructor to the Health Sciences Office (HS118). Our program Administrative Secretary is Ms. Martha Burt (216-687-3744, (3) At the Health Sciences office, obtain an enrollment form to complete and take to campus All in One to register for HSC483. School of Health Sciences Health Sciences 483- Writing in Health Sciences Permission for Content-Course Instructor __________________________ (Name of Student) ________________________ (Student CSU ID#) The above student has permission to register for HSC483 in conjunction with: HSC _________________________________ (content course number and title) during the following academic term (check one, and enter year): Fall Semester, 20_____ Spring Semester, 20_____ ________________________________________________________ Signature of Content-Course Instructor