STABILITY ANALYSIS OF MULTICOMPONi~T SYSTEMS by Bruce L. Beegle S.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1972) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August, 1973 Signature of Author: Department of Chemical Engineering, August 13, 1973 Certified by:-------------------- Thesis Supervisor Accepted by:......-. . . . .. . . ..... . 4 0 . .. Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Theses JAN 2 8 1974 ABSTRACT STABILITY ANALYSIS OF MULTICOMPONENT SYSTEMS by Bruce L. Beegle Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering on August 13, 1973, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. The criterion of intrinsic stability for a general m-component system is developed in terms of derivatives of U, the total internal energy. This criterion is converted to equivalent forms in terms of any Legendre Transform of U. The corresponding equations which define the critical point are derived. Stability and critical point conditions are applied to pure and multicomponent systems. Superheat limits and critical points are calculated using the Redlich-Kwong equaion-of-state and the Soave modification. The original Redlich-Kwong equation predicts that the limit of superheat for pure materials is at a reduced temperature of about .9, which agrees well with data. All other predictions show much less agreement. Thesis Supervisor: Robert C. Reid Title: Professor of Chemical Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am deeply grateful to Professor Robert C. Reid for his suggestions and encouragement thesis. during the work on this TABLE 01E CONTENTS Abstract 2 Table of' Contents 4 List of Figures 5 List of Tables 5 Summary 6 Introduction 9 I. Derivation of Stability Criteria II. Derivation of Critical Point Criteria III. One, Two and Three Component Systems 11 33 43 Binary Systems 51 Ternary Systems 57 IV. Predicting Superheat Limits and Critical Points 61 Superheat Limits 64 Binary Systems 68 Critical Points 73 V. Discussion 79 Appendices A. Determinant Reduction Formula 85 B. Sum-of-Squares Form 90 C. Legendre Transforms 93 D. Chemical Potential Derivatives 99 E. Redlich-Kwong Derivatives 102 F. Nomenclature 105 G. Literature Citations 109 LIST OF FIGURES I. P-V Plot of a Hypothetical Pure Material II. P-V Plot of a Hypothetical Binary Mixture III. Limit of Superheat of a Pure Material IV. Limit of Superheat of n-Octane in n-Pentane V. Limit of Superheat of Cyclohexane in n-Pentane VI. n-Heptane-Ethane Critical Temperatures VII. n-Eutane-Carbon Dioxide Critical Temperatures VIII. n-Heptane-JEthane Critical Pressures IX. n-Butane-Carbon Dioxide Critical Pressures 49 56 65 71 72 74 75 76 77 LIST OF1 TAELES I. Conditions of Thermal Stability 45 II. Conditions of Mechanical Stability 45 III. Conditions of Diffusional Stability 52 IV. Conditions of Stability for a Ternary System V. Limits of Superheat of Pure Hydrocarbons 58 67 SUMMARY The purpose of this thesis is to derive rigorously the to criteria of intrinsic stability and of critical points, what these criteria mean in physical terms, and to examine accuracy of examine the with the criteria using common equations-of-state in the prediction of limits of superheat and critical points. In a homogeneous system being and Nl which slightly splits into two numbers and mole statement is that at constant S, V and Nj, Consider total constant An equivalent (S) is maximized. the total entropy (NK), at volume (V), (U), total internal energy state equilibrium a stable U is minimized. held at constant S, V only phases, each differing For a system to be at stable from the original. equilibrium, the energy must increase during this change. The change Series in energy the about (SU) is expanded in original of rotentials) are shown The conditions. U (temperature, derivatives pressure to be constant a Taylor and first chemical throughout a stable equilibrium system. Except at critical points, the second derivatives the expansion control in determinants sign a sum-of-squares of the second of SU. Rewriting form reveals derivatives of the that certain U must positive for the system to be intrinsically stable. be One of these determinants is shown to become zero before or at the same time as the others, and is thus the first criterion to be violated. This criterion of intrinsic stability is listed in Section I as Eq. (52). The criterion terms of the of intrinsic Helmholtz Legendre Transform Legendre Energy of U using the Transforms derived this criterion positive Free stability is written is that (Eq. (50)). (A) or any other second derivatives in Appendix C. a single second in One of form of derivative be At critical points, this derivative and the third derivative are zero. of Legendre Transforms, these Using third derivatives conditions are rewritten in terms of U or any of its transforms, including A (Eqs. (62) and (89)). Several stability criteria may be thermodynamic terms. condition of thermal constant volume which All is written in common stable substances stability, positive." "the The satisfy heat the capacity at stability criterion is violated when a pure material becomes unstable is the condition of mechanical stability. Equivalent forms of the mechanical stability criterion are: "the derivative of the pressure with respect to specific volume at constant temperature is negative" and "the heat capacity at constant pressure when the remains finite." condition of Binary systems are stable only diffusional stability, "the derivative of a chemical potential with respect to its mole fraction at constant temperature and pressure is positive," Other equivalent forms of the conditions of is satisfied. of stability conditions stability, diffusional and mechanical thermal, and are given in for ternary systems Tables I through IV. All second and higher derivatives of A with respect to Superheat limits of pure and equation-of-state. explicit evaluated using a pressure numbers may le volume or mole multicomponent systems and critical points of mixtures were Redlich-Kwong original the using calculated equation-of-state and the Soave modification. superheat temperature l-K equation predicts a reduced The Soave agreement with virtually all measured compounds. produces equation Both instance. much less equations of This is in remarkable 9/10 for all pure materials. about The original results accurate predict that the in this superheat temperature of a mixture is very close to the mole fraction average of the which is partially pure component values, reflected in the data. Calculations of mixture equally points are about Trends are predicted poor correctly using but equation. either actual critical values are significantly in error. The apparent fault in the equations-of-state used is their poor handling of mixtures. Significantly improved mixing rules are needed to yield increased accuracy. INTRODUCTION Under certain conditions a liquid may be heated well above its boiling point and yet remain in the liquid state. lWhen vaporization finally occurs, it produces a explosion" due to the sudden phase change. "superheat The explosion increases in violence as the liquid is heated further above its boiling point. temperature All liquids at a given pressure have a above which they spontaneously vaporizing. may The not be degree of heated without superheat may strongly influence the violence and/or the possibility of a superheat explosion. Thus superheat is necessary the study in predicting of such the limits of behavior of a rapidly heated liquid. The limit of superheat is one intrinsic stability, with may that is, the stability regard to spontaneous undergo such aspect of the study of changes of a small changes. include Systems which superheated subcooled vapors and supersaturated solutions. problem of this intrinsic Since thesis is the derivation stability the study of for a general critical points is stability phenomena, the system liquids, The central of criteria of m-component system. closely related to conditions which define critical points are also developed. The criteria of intrinsic stability are derived starting with the entropy maximization principle. A system 10 is whether equations and subsystems, this change infinitesimally different two split into to assumed are developed proceeds determine spontaneously. of Legendre Transforms are derivatives to The found and are used to simplify the equations obtained. The examined stability as to their multicomponent systems. equations-of-state values. critical and in a predictions They conditions are pure and tested using two point are then comparison about with experimental Finally, this treatment is contrasted with that of several other authors. I. DERIVATION OF STABILITY CRITERIA The concept encountered in of intrinsic stability chemical engineering is not usually applications. For example, consider the reversible, isothermal compression of water vapor at 1000 C. 1 atm, liquid water vessel surfaces or compressed Normally, when the pressure reaches appears. Condensation begins on the on impurity motes. further, more liquid As phase the system forms. is When the water is entirely liquid, the pressure rises above 1 atm. If the vessel surfaces are not "wet" by liquid water and no other condensation surfaces are available, the water will remain entirely in the gas phase even though the pressure is raised considerably in excess of 1 atmosphere. This is because microscopic drops specific availability detailed of liquid have a higher function than the bulk phase. (A analysis of the availability is not required here --the important fact is that a potential barrier nucleation). The system is then stable with prevents regard to microscopic perturbations (intrinsic stability) even though it may be unstable with regard (phase instability) i.e., the to a large formation perturbation of two unlike phases with the transfer of mass from certain parts of system to others. If the This system is termed metastable. the metastable vapor is compressed further it will eventually become intrinsically unstable. That is, it will 12 become unstable with point The phases. intrinsically at limits will occur. such a which system microscopic into two becomes first "limit of intrinsic derived below to predict where Expansions in terms of the Gibbs Free Energy are or the Helmholtz to separate unstable is termed the Formulas are stability." even spontaneously will perturbations and respect readily evaluated using volume or pressure explicit equations of state. The criterion of intrinsic stability for an equilibrium state, first derived by Gibbs[I], is that for a stable, isolated system, In other words, for constant mole the total entropy is maximized. any possible microscopic variation at numbers, total volume and total internal energy (NI, V and U), J£<0 (1) Lq. (1) is easily changed into alternate forms. Consider a two-step stable equilibrium state both steps. variation The first at constant U. may then be original value. reversible process starting holding V and step is any Ey Eq. (1), added reversibly until at a NL constant during small, reversible S decreases. S increases Heat to its This two-step process is equivalent to a net variation at constant S. In the first step U was held constant while in the second step heat was added and thus U increased. The total internal energy then increases during 13 all small variations around this stable state at constant S, V and N(. A similar unstable may process equilibrium be followed state. variation at constant U; The first S increases. U therefore decreases step is Such a must exist for the state to be unstable. removed reversibly until S starting this two variation Heat may then be value. process. step appropriate choices, this may be shown to be equivalent Lolding S constant. Thus there around this unstable state at an a small returns to its original in at By to exists a small variation constant S, V and NZ where U decreases. An for all alternate criterion of intrinsic stability is that variations around a stable equilibrium state at constant S, V and Nj, u>0o (2) Eq. (2) is equivalent to Eq. (1) when Eq. (1) is and is true since it violated is applicable when Eq. (1) is violated. The obtained V form of the criterion of intrinsic stability is by using similar reasoning. The two-step, reversible processes are all carried out at constant S and Li,. After the first small variation at constant V, enough work energy is either reversibly from the system (by added to or subtracted contraction or expansion) to return U to its original value. Assuming that the pressure is positive, the sign of 8V for the two step process is always the same another as the sign of criterion of U for the first step. Thus intrinsic stability is that for all small variations around an equilibrium state at constant U, S and N1, if P>O (3) Sv>o In some metastable holds systems P<O. The above except that the sign of SV is changed. general form of Eq. (3) is that argument Therefore a for all small variations around an equilibrium state at constant U, S and NZ P V>O (4) Using a procedure similar to the above, the criterion of intrinsic stability for small variations around an equilibrium state at constant U, S, V, and Nja is (5) a,, %<0 Eq. (5) is not particularly useful since it requires that S be held constant while N, is varied. Eq. (2) is the form of stability used in this thesis. the transforms thermodynamic and the criterion It is chosen since most of derivatives properties. of intrinsic of U Any other form are common could be used, and would yield equivalent results. Since N,, N,, Ns ... Nm, V and S completely specify U in a single phase, the test for stability must involve the 15 creation of phases, or and B, two microscopically from the original. of heat, volume and mass S, V and all each differing only Differential quantities may flow between the phases, NZ are held constant but for the entire system. Therefore, To simplify relabelled dS =-dS' (6) dVP=-dV" (7) dN =-dNJ (8) x, through x, (n=m+2). mathematically equivalent order. V, S and notation, N, through N• Since they may are V, S and NZ are be relabelled in any For instance, the xi's could be defined (for j>2): although any other x,=S (9) xz=V (10) xj =Nj, (11 ) ordering would be satisfactory. With any labelling, Eqs. (6), (7) and (8) summarize to dx =-dxZ Also for convenience, partial (12) derivatives of U or any of its transforms (A, G, etc.) are indicated by subscripts: U t=bx I/ Xx•.I 3t 4 ; 1T,Ni A v= V-V Since each subsystem is assumed to undergo only changes, the total Taylor Series through internal energy about the second order original terms may be small expanded in a conditions. Expanding (using a superscript O to 16 indicate that a variable is evaluated at the original conditions) dxL+4 . ý 4 U.L dx'dx U'= U .= dx +2 U The (13) dx dx (14) change in the entire system's total internal energy is the sum of the changes for the two subsystems, or U= USU+ SU (15) Combining Eqs. (12) through (15) (U. Since all incorporated constraints into on Eq. (16), Eq. (16) must therefore dx, (Uo++Uo. )dxLdxJ °U)dxL+ the each be true for through dx,, including system dxL Thus, since dx- negative, UO must be equal to UQ have been is independent. all possible sets the one where non-zero dxj. (16) of dxc is the only may be either positive or to prevent SU fror being negative. U=UTI Each UO is an intensive variable, being (17) either T, P or a •jA. The subsystem g may be defined to be any part of the original system. Therefore Eq. (17) shows that there are no temperature, pressure or chemical potential gradients in a stable equilibrium state. Since m+1 (i.e. n-1) intensive variables are sufficient to define extent) of a single phase the state (but not the system, all intensive variables are constant everywhere throughout the original system. U? , being with respect the derivative to proportional an of an extensive intensive is variable, variable inversely to the number of moles in the subsystem under The product of Uij consideration. and the number of moles is therefore the same for any subsystem. N'U "=N U Substituting Eqs. (17) and (18) (18) into Eq. (16) and eliminating ULJ : U nU=N E The system which is original system. part tested for stability is the The subsystem o may be chosen to be of the original are dropped (19) L jL( being dx dx when system. any Therefore all superscripts substituting Eq. (19) Eq. (2) to into yield as an alternate criterion of intrinsic stability n n (20) ZEULsdx dx>O A system is intrinsically stable if Eq. (20) satisfied for all microscopic perturbations. hand side (LHS) of Eq. (20) were negative perturbation, the system would be unstable. Eq. (20) were zero, then Eqs. (13) is If the left for some If the LHS of and (14) would have to 18 be include third (and possibly higher) order expanded to Following the above developement, Eq. (20) terms. include third order terms. then would the signs of all the If dx4's were reversed, then then the sign of the second order terms would be unchanged while the sign of the third order Thus when the LHS of Eq. (20) is terms would be reversed. zero, the change in U may be either positive or negative, also zero. Usually, unless the order terms third therefore, when of Eq. (20) LHS the system becomes unstable. third order terms are Eq. (20) when are zero, the At critical points, however, the also zero. the LHS becomes This special case is zero is discussed of further in Section II. LHS The limit of intrinsic stability is reached when of Eq. (20) is zero. Since each dxL the may be either positive or negative, it is desirable to express the LHS of Eq. (20) in a sum-of-squares form. Then the sign of the expression will be controlled by an appropriate combination of U L s. The sum-of-squares form is derived in Appendix B. Eq. (20) may then be written as Dk dZ2 >0 (21) where dZk=)C, k JdxjDk and Ckkj are defined as in Appendix (22) B, with Zk of 19 Appendix E written as dZk. Ckkj = U,, Ua U.1L U 2. 0-. U0k U .kU* Uk, Uki --- Ukki ..- Uk k U,1 U,~. 000 Ulk-, U2 1 U1 2 ... U Uk, Uk 2 Uj ,k- U2j *.. Ukk-1 Ukj I Eq. (21) is the basic equation from which all criteria of intrinsic stability will be derived. simplified using the Legendre Transforms It may be discussed Appendix C. Following the notation of Appendix C, y function x, through of x n and T is a Transform from x, space to E, space. indicate partial derivatives with corresponding variable. y=y(x,, x ... xY other in is a partiel Legendre Subscripts on y or Y respect to the 20 first let y be the total internal energy, U. 12,, yII 3,, Rewriting Dk * YTz I Dk= Y31 Y Y3 3 32 Yk2 Yk3 Vl lactoring y,, *' "' (23) Y3 k Ykk from colum n 1, 1 y2. y3 Y, Yk Y - Y2 Y; 3 . Yzk YIl Dk=Yl Y31 Y 32 y,, LL... Yk2 Yk;3· The first column multiplied by y,, the and so on. The end result is: by y,3 That Eq. (24) is then the second and subtracted from column is multiplied by ith column. Yk determinant in first column is multiplied the third column; first of the (24) y" k Y~ 33 column; and subtracted from is, for all i>1, the y,L and subtracted from the 0 0 "" Z Yk--Y,• Y, k y3, Y, y,3 IY1 yII YkI•,I k YeI Y,, Y,, (25) **" Yk-Y~ y, yI yl, "'" k Yk3 Ykk--Y'•IY y.' k Y1" Simplifying, •.Y Y• k--Y Y32 fY k Y,, yl • "Y3k-Y YLk Dk=y, I Y," y Yk I , -y form yYy~jy,• y, Yl',-I form Appendix derivative C), -y 1 k Yi2 ALJYL Y,,3 S." Y11l the determinant ' the Y1 of Eq. (26) where i>2 and j>2. each term of • 3y Each term in (26) yl is equal to Legendre is of the By Eq. (C-25) (from Y] , a second partial Transform, I. UsinL this substitution, Eq. (26) becomes I'32 V33 (27) D k=y I Skk Applying Eq. (27) to the ratio of terms found in Eq. (21) 22 4Jr12 S 'T33 ''' V 'Fk3 "' 0 kk (28) Dk = Dkj I T3 13 Tk-I 1 Tk-, by reduced be derivatives of y have, in Eq. (21) old eliminated form in contain of partial second The second however, been replaced with T is the Legendre Transform of y The first row and first column from x, space to 6, space. which -kk- order. one partial derivatives of 1. of the "S each of the determinants (except LD) Thus may k-j ' the determinant, the reduced derivatives form, are with have which been the row and column respect to x,, the transformed variable. All of reduced the determinants by another order by (except Do and D,) repeating the process used to generate Eq. (27) on each of the determinants in That is, defining VT ý( x. space into F, space be may Eq. (28). as the Legendre Transform of T from (also termed the second Legendre Transform of U from x, and x. space into E, and g, space) ='f)(&,, E , x, ... xn) =yl(@, x. .-- xn)-e,•=U(x, ... xj)-8,x,-gx,2 (29) 23 a may be defined as a partial derivative of either U or ?, i .e., (30) The two derivatives in Eq. (30) may be shown to be equal either by differentiating the definition of T, or by using Eq. (C-22) (from Appendix C). Reducing each of the determinants in Eq. (28) and cancelling the term that was factored out, Y,,, yields (a) S-k- Eq. (21) has been (a) (2) k-I reduced by (2.) (a) Tk-i 3 Y'k-I L two orders, and the second 'k-i k-1 Thus each has of been the determinants in Eq. (21) reduced by two(except orders, Doandandthe ID) second partial derivatives of y are now replaced by second partial derivatives of T ( ) **. . This stepwise procedure is continued until the of Dk to Dk , derivative. Legendre In is reduced to general, T (p Transform of U from a single is defined ratio second partial as the x, through xp space pth to E1 through Ep space, that is, (P) (E,, Xp+,, g ... 9p, Xp+ *.x)= p u(x,, x1 ... xn)- (32) ELxL where Using the notation of Eq. (32), y (or U) is written as ~ (0 ' and Y is written as generate . Repeating the procedure used to the determinants in Eq. (28) Eq. (28) on each of k-2 times 4k D (k kk (34) Eq. (34) is the final reduction of the determinants in Eq. (21). identical the Following procedure, the determinants in Eq. (22) are reduced to j The RHS of Eq. (35) is % =.= (k-i) k /(k- - is the transformed Appendix C) shows that B3k•) . By Eq. (32), is from x k space to gk space. the Legendre Transform of Y~(•) Since xk (35) variable, / -' Eq. (C-29) is equal (from to V,, IRewriting Eq. (35) (for j>k) C -=T (k) (36) 25 rtom the definitions of Ckkj and Dk, if j=k ,j=k ,k' C (37) Eq. (34) is substituted into Eqs. (36) Eq. (21) and and (37) are substituted into Eq. (22) to yield the reduced form of the criterion of intrinsic stability - dZ >0 (38) k=j d where dZk =dk dxj (39) j=k+, (k-i) is shown equal to ýk either by differentiating the definition of (k- ' (from Appendix C). (Eq. (32)) or Therefore k-) = Similarly, t) differentiating is the xkk Xk E,.shown k-,) equal of using Eq. (C-22) simplifies to k-I,, , k+i definition Eq. (C-21) (from Appendix C). by (40) xn to -xk either (k) or by by using T ( k simplifies to F.M -X I xk For material. Eqs. (9), (41) example, the system under test may contain a pure Then, if x,, xa (10) and (11), the by Eqs. (21) and (22) is: and x 3 are defined as in criterion of stability given 26 Uss Us UIss dZ, + Uvs Uvv Uvp USV UVs Uvv Usv UsN dZa + UWs UNV UAw 1UssI Uss Usv Uvs UVV 1 dZ3 >0 (42) where (43) UsNdN dZ =dS+s UVS UssdV+ Uss (44) Uvs Us~ Uvv UuV dZ 3 =dN (45) through (45) may be The determinants in Eqs. (42) reduced to single terms using the Legendre Transform methods above. This alternate form of the criterion stability, given by Eqs. (38) and (39), (0o)(dS+ - 131 dN)• II(1) dV+LI_ Since x,, '1 (dV+Y' V - A3 of intrinsic is d2)a 33 (dN) >0 (46) x. and x3 were ordered to represent S, V and N respectively, the Legendre Transforms of U as used here are ° =A(T, V, N)=U-TS )---G =_(T, -P, N)=U-TS-(-P)V 27 The second derivatives in Eq. (46) are =Uss =1) = T STNN () =A v= I= 1 T,P N SS =v=()T,P = '; Substituting the above formulas into Eq. (46) yields ' Uss (dS-+ATvdV+AT)dN) +A(+G(dV+GpCdN)+GNN(dN) >0 (47) or equivalently, d bS dV(dS+-Plb'l(dV- bT TN +67I Eq. (48) may Eqs. also be - dNi); TP obtained dN)'+ from (dl') '>C (48) T Eq. (4.6) using (40) and (41). The leading coefficient of the is the derivative potential), of an intensive last term in Eq. (48) variable (the evaluated. while holding two intensive variables completely specify chemical other intensive variables (temperature and. pressure) constant. , by the Since state single component system, this derivative is equal to The result is generalized below to any system. two of a zero. 28 Eq. (38) intrinsic is the reduced form The stability. leading coefficient. derivative final Using En, holding of all Since each ýL is either T, -P or variables. Since n-1 (i.e. of the criterion of term has Y as a -n) is a Eq. (40), other n-1 8g's constant. yJ, all 8's are intensive m+1) intensive variables equal is ,, completely specify the state of a system, to zero. The LHS of Eq. (38) must be greater than zero for all permutations around a stable * equilibrium state (except at critical points, where it may be equal to zero). There is an and apparent contradiction between this fact the preceding paragraph, since the dxt's in a variation may selected all the dZk's except dZn are Since the coefficient of dZ, (-in zero. be so that equal to ) was shown to equal to zero, the LHS of Eq. (38) is equal to zero for this variation. The contradiction is resolved by the nature of this particular variation. mole numbers, total volume noting It is a chance in and total entropy by the same proportions, or simply a shift in the boundary between two be subsystems. property, or system. There in any Therefore is no extensive this in any intensive change property variation the of the is actually entire not a variation in any measurable, physical sense. n-1 independent intensive variables can always be 29 found for a stable single phase system. For example, the temperature, pressure and mole fractions of all but one the components variables. could be the independent system (c plus P) are these n-1 system variations cause is stable. an increase dZf through dZn, dZI through dZ_, (-1< a stable phase. then all of in U, since the Thus the coefficients of ) must be positive The "limit of intrinsic stability" is (except ('-' ) becomes zero. to Dk- , if The ratio of Dý reduced k-1 times using Legendre Transform methods discussed earlier, is shown by Eq. D k- the correspond to linear through reached when any T' k- the S, V and N of If held constant, combinations of these variations. in intensive Therefore the subsyster c has r-1 independent variations which do not change N . entire of (34) to be equal to )(k . If the ratio of Dk to is reduced only k-2 times, it is shown equal to a form involving only derivatives of \Y - k- i k-i Since phase, both -• kk Vk kk and must be k-i k-i are positive in positive as well. k[ ) kk the coefficient of dZý_, if the ordering of xk- reversed. (k Therefore without limit as k is assumed approaches zero. to a stable would be and Xk was not increase If k is 30 also assumed (k-1) 4) not to becomes zero kk Both be zero, then at the Eq. (52) same time of these assumptions are shows that W -2- or before used throughout the rest of this thesis. Since k Vk-(k-1) k-I I -kkk -- any cther becomes zero at -2 becomes zero 6-I (except -) ,-') the same time or at the same ). before time or before Therefore the final criterion of intrinsic stability is -, >0 (50) Rewri ting Eq. (50) in terms of xj's and 9ý's >0 )811,- (51) Using Eq. (34), Eq. (50) is equivalent to (52) D., >0 Using Eqs. (34) and (28), Eq. (50) is equivalent to S . i2 3 ... •_, . _, • 3_,.. A., _, ,_, (the ratio of Dy-, to Dn-z) ratio of two VY). Using Eq. (50) >0 . (53) ,-I may be expressed as the determinants whose terms are derivatives of L•>O where LL is defined for any given n and i (54) T(L) C.#I ý42 L#/ 'LF LfZ n-I If. and (53) Eqs. (52) ii-i L+2 (55) 'i-1 are Eq. (54) with i=O and i=1, and if i=O, respectively. (x,, If ... xn)=(S, Ni, N;L ... Nw, V) X, then Y " ) =U and Eqs. (54) and Uss USN, Usv, U•s UIV, UN UNm UN N4 Uh N a 55) become Usum ... 0rjM (56) >0 ..UNJ • Derivatives are defined as before: UN N.(7 Eq. (56) FT ) PN,ý(j is a criterion of intrinsic stability stated Gibbs[2] . The example of a system containing a pure material again employed. Eqs. (9), (10) and Values of x (11). is again defined as in Eqs. (52), (50) and (51) then are become Usv Uvs Uvv AV,>0O >0 (57) (58) 32 b(- P ) Eqs. (57), (58) and (59) are equivalent criterion of intrinsic stability for a system pure material. (59) TN>0 forms of the containing a Forms which arise from different orderings of x,, x. and x,, as well as considered in Section III. multicomponent systems are 33 II. DERIVATION OF CRITICAL POINT CRITERIA The "limit of intrinsic stability" is reached when Eq. (50) is first violated, ,_, i _,. =0 (60) or equivalently, when Eq. (51) is first violated (61) ben-=0 or when Eq. (54) is first violated (for any i) LL=O The locus of (62) the points is called the system reaches (62) which satisfy Eq. (60), (61) "spinoidal curve." the spinoidal or In general, when a it curve, becomes intrinsically unstable and spontaneously separates into two (or more) phases. Consider through Kn-z equivalently, This is demonstrated below. a system which is and x,. Eq. (50)) In a is being held at constant t, stable phase, true. In Eq. (51) other (or words, U increases for all small variations at constant S, V and Ný. for certain values of E, through -,_2, the locus of points formed by varying x,_, will intersect the spinoidal curve, where Eq. (60) becomes true. Eq. (50) was based on the assumption that second order terms would be sufficient to determine whether U would be negative for some variation or positive for all variations. This assumption is not valid on the spinoidal curve, since 34 Eq. (50) predicts U is non-negative for all variations and is zero for at least one variation. analogous to Eq. (50), fourth) but including order terms is necessary of a system on the Therefore an equation third (and possibly to examine the stability spinoidal curve. Such an equation is derived by examining again the two subsystems, o and g. A variation possible to the system described above is holding ý, through 8,-, and x, constant in each of the subsystems and varying x,-, and then V-~z Y)-I ,-I of the total x,., Assume that the subsystem o increases allocated to each. in the fraction two If that p decreases. will become positive and n-s n- positive - n-I will become negative. o will now be in a stable region, but p will be unstable. At this point, an additional transfer of from p to a will take place. splitting into two smaller becoming part of oc. In effect, the subsystem subsystems, one of well equilibrium is Since p is in an unstable region, this as driving 9 further Thus this process , which is will result in a decrease in U, the total internal as xn-, into the is spontaneous and is reached, with at energy, unstable region. will continue until least two distinct phases formed. If still -- is negative then the above applies, with the roles of a and f reversed. system to be stable and to lie on the spinoidal argument For a curve, 35 S_•_ must be zero (63) n-i n-i r-i Rewriting Eq. (63) in terms of xL's and E•'s , For =0 a system on the spinoidal addition to Eq. (63) (or (64) curve to be stable, in (h-a) (64)), n-t n-( n- must be positive iI If Eq. (65) is not zero. (65) satisfied, then the be positive, and all must >0 derivative of y(n-.) non vanishing i 1 lowest even order with respect to xn,- lower order derivatives must be This condition is necessary to insure that after a small variation inside the entire system, all subsystems are still stable. x,,- Varying spinoidal curve will and different values a system remain stable of g, through Fn-, values allow to only when are held constant. are chosen then the touch the particular If slightly system will either rass through the unstable region or else miss the spinoidal curve entirely. curve lie (where on two the phases Thus the stable points on the spinoidal boundary between are changes are continuous. formed) and the unstable a region region where all These points are called "critical points ." For example, a pure material may have x,, x, and x, 36 Then the conditions defined as in Eqs. (9), (10) and (11). of the critical point (Eqs. (60) and (63)) are Av,=O (66) AV V=0 (67) or equivalently, Eqs. (61) and (64) (68) P ITN=O S-)T,N pure of the the conditions Other forms of well as materials, as critical point for examples using multicomponent systems are presented in Section IV. The section below derives a general form of analogous to Eq. (57). the determinant LL The ML is defined as The determinant (Eq. (58)) with the jth term in the last Eq. (64), last row changed. row becomes the derivative of LL with respect to x;,j. (C1- 4)L4 c+2 IA- L3 Ll IA ; Li- -i L+1 ÷÷. Lý+a C4--1 n-i 0-ý n- L t= (70) • (;1 -,2 L+I rl _L LL •X L, u J(L LCL1 Trn-' La At L+LL •X-~ • n- L+3 XL÷- n- 1 ... X __L_ - t The first determinant considered will be Mo 37 H7 i.o= 7 hf 3 Y2 (71) .... >ýx I T x, Vx, Y The same sequence of operations used to produce Eq. (25) applied to Mo. by y,, while Each element of the first column is divided the entire determinant quantity. same is is multiplied by Then, for all j from column is multiplied by y,y the 2 to n-1, the first from the and subtracted jth column. 1 M•=,i Y j, . f#Lo . Y, a I 3Lo y', ... 0 ex Y, O 1 . Y1ý (, 3Lo-~ ZYI (72) Y, , y1 L ax,- .. . aL, -y,- y,x, ax, y is defined (for j between , t Lo x 2 and n-1) as the jL• term in the last row of the determinant in Eq. (72) ftLo = Lo-y _ŽLo )x3 y1, (73) bx, Defining [#] as the derivative operator in brackets, below [W]=[ X -y 1 _] )xj y1 Eq. (73) is rewritten bx, (74) 38 ýTLo=[#]L, (75) Multiplying and dividing Lo by y,, j Lo=[#](y,, L,) (76) jLo=y,, [1#]( Lo)+( Lo)[#y]y, YI! Y11 (77) Expanding Eq. (76) If Eq. (77) is considered only on the spinoidal curve, Lo is equal to zero .L =y, [ Repeating 1I, used the procedure Eq. (72) on L. over y,, 1 (78) Lo) L#o]( above to generate 0 0 y IY YY, Y1I Lo- (79) Y1, ... * y, Y•, y A 'derivative - -,-,jI n, f, Y y•,L Yi operator Y1I applied to a, determinant evaluates as the sum over all k of the determinant with the derivative operator applied to each element of the kth row. Simplifying Eq. (79) and substituting it into Eq. (78) 39 ·' Xn"- -X YI 17-f [k-]Y [t]Yk-,-L-yLk-1-r~~ n-1--Yl kYI yr *** ye' k=a yll Jz-ye' L y,, (80) yII YI, Y~cI ;;LLLt+ ye' • -- Y-, .- -Y n-#, Yl A-, Y7e Evaluating mth the Y1I element kth row in the (80) determinant in Eq. xjj S the of YI, Yl, Y3r ik+Y , b•(Yk m-YYII Yo bx, ) If + , (81) Yik y3 I;L Ie Rewriting Eq. (81) SYM (YkM-Y, k Y, Yek ) +Yj Y, k )Y,-I +YJ Ya kmn =Ykm)-(Yi kY nj +Yim Ym tj r +(Y k Ylm Ytij +Yj Yim Yj k )Y., +yk Y, Y,,1 -Y7k Using equal Yl, Y, • Y, ,,, Y,1 Eq. (C-29) (from Appendix C), the RHS of Eq. to Tkm, 9 a third derivative of I, the (82) (82) is Legendre Transform of y from x, space to £, sp)ace. (83) .xj 40 of the determinants in Eq. (80) is simplified using Eq. (83). All The of row involving the [#] the other terms in the in each determinants are shown equal to 'f,using Eq. (C-25) (from Appendix second derivatives of C). operator (80) is The simplified form of Eq. •*0** 0 0 ýxs bI'2j2 0r *** n-0 Y1 3Ik. k=a Z flk-I n-I ** "• (84) n-I 0kk '' ' Y/-I o,. n-I The RHLS of Eq. (84) is the formula for the derivative of the determinant LO with respect to xj (85) ,L.=~Lx determinant in Eq. (72) is simplified The last row of the using Eq. (85), and the simplified using Eq. (C-25). rest of the terms are again Eq. (72) becomes **o y'2n-I I (86) Mo = ,I V ,.l 0x 'x n-i 0XA- All the terms in the determinant in Eq. (86), except for the last row, are identical to the terms in L,. For all j, the of L jth term in respect to the last row xl+j. Therefore, Eq. (86) is equal to M,. is a derivative by Eq. (70), the with RHS Multiplying by y,2 Mo=ya M, The procedure used to Mo , could start with ML. (87) derive Eq. (87), starting with The result is +I1L-+1i+, (88) Repeatedly applying Eq. (88) demonstrates equal of that if Mj is to zero, then ML is equal to zero, for all i<j. Eq. (70), Tn-j is zero alternate is at Mn_,. critical form of the second Eq. (63) points. By shows that Therefore an equation for critical points is (for i<n-1) ML--=O Eqs. (62) and (89) (89) (or (60) and (63), or (61) and (64)) define the critical points of any substance. If and the xL's are defined as in Eqs. i is chosen to be (9), (10) and (11), 2, then the Legendre Transform in Eqs. (55) and (70) is G. The conditions of the critical point given by Eqs. (62) and (89) then become where L2=0 (90) M=--O (91) 42 N, IN G N I N2 GN; N, G (92) G Nm-r 0ntW a, GNI , ,N GN;. N, GN GNm-a N, 0zW 0Nn7 (93) ~ S GNm-. Nm-; ... • L•2 bTT Eqs. (90) through (93) are conditions of the critical point stated by Gibbs[3]. 43 III. ONE, TWO AND THREE COMPONENT SYSTEMS In Sections I and II formulas were derived to predict limits of intrinsic stability general m-component system. special and critical points for a This section will consider the cases of pure materials and of binary and ternary systems in more detail. Eq. (46) gives a criterion of intrinsic stability a pure material. F3 ,2), was shown for The leading coefficient of the last term, equal to to be Therefore a pure zero. miaterial is stable if the leading coefficients of the first two terms are positive: < >0 (94) S>0 (95) Since the leading coefficient of the second term was to become zero before or first, Eq. (95) examined is the to determine at the same time only criterion the limit shown as that of the that needs of stability. to be However, iqs. (94) and (95) each contain useful information. The specific form that Eq. (94) takes is dependent on the ordering of x,, x, and x 3 . If x, is defined as S, then Eq. (94) becomes Uss >o (96) Since Us=T, Eq. (96) is equivalent to •_bT >0 (97) Lefining Cv, the heat capacity at constant volume C(=T bS =TIb\ (98) bTV 757TIV,N Substituting Eq. (98) into Eq. (97) T >0 (99) Since T and K are always positive, Eq. (99) reduces to (100) CV>O Eq. (94), from which Eq. (100) for rulticomponent as systems well was derived, is valid as pure materials. Therefore Eq. (100) states that for an intrinsically stable the heat capacity at substance, constant volume is always thermal Eq. (100) is termed the "condition of positive. stability." forms of Eq. Other x 3 are may be obtained if ordered differently. Table S, V and possible orderirgs correspondinr be (94) of form of Eq. (94). limit of intrinsic violated, and all 1 lists all N, each stability is reached forms of the of the with All forms of Eq. (94) must stable equilibrium state. satisfied in any x,, x, and Eq. (94) Since the when Eq. (95) is are automatically satisfied up to that point, the label "condition of thermal stability" is herein applied to all of the forms in Table 1, not just the first. Eq. (95) is that condition of intrinsic stability (for a pure material) which is violated first. If (x,, xZ, x 3 ) 45 TABLE I ORDERING OF (x, Sor , V, CCONDITIONS OF THERMAL STALILITY x,, X3 ) ___ To >0 FORM hT SS>0 T,9 or UvV >0 N) or N, S, V V, TAELE: II U, ,>O >0 bP <0 >O i-,ý*) s 7v CONDITIONS OF MECHANICAL STABILITY -- ORDERING OF (x,, ~T SVIN, TV) S,N v) o, LERIVATIVE FORM x;, x3 ) >O FORM LERIVATIVE FORM (S, v, A,V>O bP <0 bTV T,N (S, L1,v) ANM >0 >0 (V, s,N) (V, h, S) (N, S, V) (N, V, _S) HA >O H,>O ( ) T,V >0 >0 >0 (P I4 <0 S \VIp, Ix,_ ý7 1,_.s 46 are Multiplying each side of Eq. (59) by equivalently, (59)). C, Eq. (95) becomes Eq. (58) (or ordered (S, V, N), then the total an expression moles, yields involving only intensive properties: (101) V)T<0 Eq. (101) is termed "condition the of mechanical stability." are possible, and are Other forms of Eq. (95) in Table 2. necessary and Since any of the sufficient to forms in Table 2 is both establish intrinsic the stability of a pure material, they must all be Therefore listed equivalent. of mechanical stability" is the term "condition herein used as a label for any of the forms of Eq. (95). If Y' (x,, xZ, x 3 ) are ordered as (V, S, N) then =H=_U-(-P)V and Eq. (95) becomes (102) H55>O Since Hs=T, Eq. (102) is equivalent to bT >O (103) Defining Cp, the heat capacity at constant pressure C-=T P=(! I))T )PN (104) Substituting Eq. (104) into Eq. (103) T >0 (105) Since T and N are always positive, Eq. (105) reduces to 47 Cp>0 Eq. (106) shows (106) that the heat capacity at ccnstant pressure is always positive for a stable equilibrium state. Eq. (105) also shows that as a pure material approaches its limit of increases equivalent intrinsic without stability limit. forms of the (spinoidal Eqs. (101) curve), Cp (105) and are criterion of mechanical stability even though one involves a heat capacity and the other uses cnly P-V-T properties. which determine critical Eqs. (60) and (63), are easily evaluated for a pure material. points, Rewriting the critical point conditions for n=3 If (x1 , x , x 3 ) are (1)=0 (107) (t)=0 (108) again defined as (S , N) then Eqs. (107) and (108) become Eqs. (66) and (67), or, in derivative form, Eqs. (68) and (69). Each the side of Eqs. (68) and (69) is multiplied by N, the total moles k T=0 (109) 2Pi =0 (110) 7)JT Eq. (109) defines the spinoidal curve, points which are on the limit of stability. simply Eq. (101) equality (=). with the inequality the locus of Eq. (109) (<) changed Other equations which define the is to an spinoidal 48 curve are obtained from the last column chanting an inequality to an equality. the second entry in the last of Table 2, by For example, using column of Table 2, the spinoidal curve is defined by =0 (111) TV Critical points are defined as points on the spinoidal satisfied to insure the intrinsic stability for any point It is obtained from curve. spinoidal must be equation which is an Eq. (110) variations. small to all possible stable with regard curve which are Eq. (109) by changing the first derivative to a second derivative. procedure may be spinoidal curve used on and any equation is of This which defines the For form of Eq. (61). the on example, the first derivative in Eq. (111) is changed to a second derivative (112) TV0 and (112) define the Eqs. (111) critical points in a pure material, and may be used in place of Eqs. (109) and (110). The significance apparent when examining pressure versus hypothetical specific isotherms plotted volume. Such material with a critical atm, a critical volume (109) and of Eqs. (101), temperature (Ta) of (110) is on a graph of a plot, for a pressure (Pc) of 26 5000 K and a critical (V ) of .4 liters/g-mole, is presented in Figure 1. 49 FIGURE I - P-V PLOT OF A HYPOTHETICAL PURE MATERIAL P + 40 30 (OOOK 20 5000K 10 0 o40OK V /g-mole) -10 -20 -30 E N ION -40 50 assumed is material The to follow Redlich-Kwong the The equation-of-state, which is discussed in Section IV. isotherms drawn inside the metastable region are valid only If such surfaces if no nucleation surfaces are available. exist, or curve, substance is brought to if the the spinoidal the material will separate into two phases, each on a boundary between the metastable and stable regions. The area below the critical temperature (5000 K) and to the left of the point critical area to the corresponding is the region; liquid right of the the critical point is the vapor region. The Three isotherms are drawn on Figure 1. at 600 0K always has a negative therefore always satisfied stable, single points. Even region phase isotherm reaches zero and the at the Eq. (101) slope. material remains all times. slope (the spinoidal though isotherm If the temperature is low is always is exist as a single phase. enough, e.g. 400 0K, the metastable liquid may exist under a negative pressure. a gas two predicts an isotherm running through the unstable region, the slope positive and the material cannot in a The 4000K curve) at equation-of-state is positive. The The critical pressure of isotherm (5000 K) touches the spinoidal curve at one point. Since both the slope and the curvature are zero, Eqs. (109) and (110) are satisfied. 51 Other Figure 1 shows only the liquid-gas transition. transitions, for instance solid-liquid, will show identical effects except thesis is mairnly the (liquids in critical for not having concerned a critical point. with superheated metastable region) points. with and This liquids liquid-gas These topics will be considered further in Section IV. EINARY SYSTEMS In a satisfied binary by all Eqs. (94) system and equilibrium stable (95) states. are still However, to obtain the condition Eq. (50) is rewritten with n=4 of intrinsic stability which is violated first: If - (113) >O 33; (XI, xP,X,, x,) are again ordered (S, V, N_, Nb) then 0=G and Eq. (115) becomes G >O (114) or equivalently, ) (115) P >0 S T,P,Nb LRewritinL Eq. (115) in terms of x , the mole fraction of component a, (ixx 7X Eq. (116) stability." is termed (116) >0 T,P "the condition of diffusional Other orderings of (x,, x., x,, x,) will yield other forms of Eq. (113). These forms are listed in 52 TABLE III -- CONDITIONS OF DIFFUSIONAL STABILITY ORDERING (x,, XI, or or , V Nao, 7V, -9, Nc, 5, V, Nb, or x, ) Nb Nb) 'N _I, s, or (TS, s, or (NS, or Nbs V, Na, S, or g, or NgV,N Nb Nb l,Nb V, >0 Ga- >0 [N) T,P,Nb >0 )) T,P,Na >0 V)bi No_ 5, V, N, ) , S,N,N DERIVATIVE FORM ( PT,4 ,N1 Nb TNT ,V FORM <0 V, S, Na, S, S(a>0 Nai , Nb, 1No- _, or or X3 , T, ,V <0 (P \7 IT,jlbNo >0 V_-, Nb (bT >0 >0 () P,aIN >0 6,Sb P, yP,1 ,Na V, Na, or ,, NV, or Nr,N Nb , N I or N b, Na.,q PI la ySN>0 D 5) E, i) Nb , V, S ") bT >0 bP ý ,, s <0 53 Table 3. to Since any form is both necessary and determine the stability of sufficient a binary mixture, all forms are given the label "condition of diffusional stability." Eq. (116) is often not the most convierient form applications to real materials. P-V-T data. This data may Free Usually one desires to use be in the explicit equation-of-state. for In this form of a pressure case, the Helmholtz Energy is particularly useful, as it is a function of temperature, total volume, and mole numbers. Eq. (53) is of the ordering as required form. (Eqs. (9), above (10) Using and the same (11)), Eq. (53) becomes for n=4 Avv >0 Amv Aa (117) or, in the expanded form, A vv A,-A Eq. (118) may be evaluated equation-of-state. directly using only a pressure AV=-P, computable. (118) >0 and Appendix thus Avv D derives and a explicit A, are formula for evaluating AO, Eq. (D-9). The conditions of the critical point for a binary mixture are Eqs. (60) and (63), with n=4. Eqs. (119) and (120) =0 -) (119) 333-0 (120) may be evaluated directly. 54 Alternately, conditions of stability may be derived from stability criteria, as was done with a pure material. Eq. (116) is a condition of stability Therefore is defined as the spinoidal curve for a. linary. the locus of points where Eq. (116) is first violated. (121) ( 0,P=0 For a binary on the spinoidal curve second derivative of to be stable, the with respect to x, must be zero, as well as the first. Other (122) T,P =0 \bx forms of the conditions of the critical point may be obtained stability in the same in Table fashion 3, or from directly the conditions of from Eqs. (119) and (120). The critical point conditions may also be expressed in Helmholtz Free Energy Eqs. (62) and (89) forms. become, for n=4 and i=1, L,=O (123) M,=O (124) where L,= A A SAoV Ao-0 M,= (125) (126) UL, bL, ýVjT-W; Expanding Eqs. (123) and (124) Avv Aao-A--O SA Eqs. (127) and (128) (127) A +3A (128) may be evaluated using any pressure explicit equation-of-state. The P-V-T diagram of a hypothetical binary mixture is presented in Figure 2. The binary is assumed to follow the Redlich-Kwong equation-of-state The mixture composition is: in Figure liters/g-mole; and atm and liters/g-mole. Tc and Vc are approximately componet atm material and VC=.4 20% a substance with T,=700 K, Pc=20 The binary has Pc=30 atm and Vc=.45 liters/g-mole. pure Section IV. 80% the hypothetical Tc=500 0 K, P==26 1, with V,=.7 discussed in values. Pc T,=5600 K, The mixture values of mole fraction averages of of the mixture, the however, is considerably larger than either of the pure component Pc s. A binary system becomes pure material. This is because for a mixture, Eq. (118) is violated before Eq. (58). be unstable more readily than a calculated using The unstable region which would Eq. (58) is contained within the unstable region indicated in Figure 2. This is verified by noting that the isotherms in Figure 2 always have a negative slope. Different mixture compositions would produce P-V-T plots differing slightly from Figure 2. Therefore, for a 56 FIGURE II -- P-V PLOT OF A HYPOTHETICAL BINARY MIXTURE P (atm) 40 30 20 ,O0 K 'D°K 10 V (1/g-mole) 0 -10 -20 - ISOTHERMS URVE INT -30 GION REGION -40 57 complete description needed. P-V-T plots of of a mixture, a P-V-T-xo plot is approaching 0 mixtures with xCL's and 1 will approach the P-V-T plots of pure component b and pure component a, respectively. TERNARY SYSTEMS Ternary systems are pure and binary systems. analyzed by the same methods as The intrinsic stability criterion for a system with n=5 is, using Eq. (50), (129) 4 >0 Table 4 presents the fundamentally forms of Eq. (129). while different derivative Each form involves taking a derivative holding at least one ul constant. forms are difficult to evaluate and Therefore, these are not useful in calculations with real materials. Again (11). the xZ's are Then defined as in -_=A and Eq. (54), an Eqs. (9), (10) and alternate form of the criterion of intrinsic stability becomes (for i=1) L,>O (130) where Av, AvO Avb L,= Aav Aaa Aab (131) ,A Ab Abi AV,, A w, and A,b are evaluated directly from a pressure explicit equation-of-state. Aaa, Abb and Aab are evaluated using Eqs. (D-9) and (D-10), from Appendix D. 58 TABLE IV - CONDITIONS CF STABILITY FOR A TERNARY SYSTEM ORDERING OF (xl, DERIVATIVE FORM xI, xS, x0, X) x N, N, Nc ) (S, v, T,P,ýU,Ne>O (v, NO, Nb, V, Ne) V) No, (S, No, Nb, (V, No, Nb , S, Nj) 1bT\ >0 (V, NO, N b , Nc (&\ >0 >0 (N,9Nb , NC , , S) V) bp _ (N , N, N , V, S) ,TV , <o NOTES: 1. Any orderings of x,, only in the arrangement order of the first x,, x 3, x. and x s which of N., Nb and three variables differ Ne and/or in the are not considered different and are not listed separately above. 2. Since no third Legendre Transforms of U have common names or symbols, no condition of intrinsic stability the Vý3 L4 4I·I>0 form is listed above. in 59 Critical points are handled the same ordering (1), of (x,, the critical in the same way. Using x2 , x 3 , x4, x5 ) and the same i point conditions of Eqs. (62) and (89) then become L,=O (132) M,=O (133) where L, is defined in Eq. (131) and Avv Aw, Avb M,= Aav Ao As bL ( 14) ŽL , )L, A ternary P-V-T plot at a given x, and xb will approximately the same as Figure 2. appear The unstable region of a ternary is larger than that predicted by Eq. (113) (which is used in Figure 2), but is of a similar shape. Systems the same with four or more procedures components are analyzed by used above. If the equations are always chosen to be in the Helmholtz Free Energy form, then they may be evaluated equation-of-state. second condition considerably using only a pressure explicit Although the number of the critical of terms in point the increases with an increase in the number of components, this is not a significant difficulty if a computer is used. The equations derived above may be used to locate the spinoidal curve and critical points of any substance, given a suitable equation-of-state. Section IV demonstrates this 60 using the equation of Redlich and Kwong (and also the Soave modification) with nulticomponent systems. several pure materials and IV. PREDICTING SUPERHEAT LIMITS AND CRITICAL POINTS The equations derived in Sections I, II and III may be materials the if appropriate data is applied to real available. Yor example, equations involving the Gibbs Free Energ.y, such volume explicit are readily as Eq. (90), equation-of-state. evaluated using a Pressure explicit equations-of-state, as already noted, enable the evaluation of equations which use the Helmholtz Free Energy. Perhaps the most used two parameter equation-of-state is that of Redlich and Kwong[4]: P=RT - aI (135) 7'-U T'3 V(V+b) K is the Gas Constant and for each substance. a' and b are constants selected Defining a as the ratio of a' to T 5' (136) a= a' T77- Combining Eqs. (135) and (136) P=RT - a (137) P-E V(V+bJ Lq. (137) is the form of the Redlich-Kwong equation used in this thesis. The term "a" This modifying permits changing the is a function of the temperature temperature. equation-of-state dependence of by simply "a" (Eq. (136)) without changing Eq. (137). The reduced temperature, T., is defined as the ratio of the temperature to the critical temperature 62 (138) T,=T The constant a" is defined as the ratio of a' to T 5 a"= a' (139) Combining Eqs. (136), (138) and (139) a-:a " 0(140) Substituting Eq. (140) into Eq. (137) P=RT The constants using (141) Eq. (137) are b in a" and point conditions for the critical Eqs. (109) and (110). V=V, . a" evaluated a pure material, At the critical point T=Tc, T,=1 and simultaneously Solving Eqs. (109), (110) and (137) for a", b and V. yields a"=@R "TR (142) b=6 bRTc (143) VC=RTe (144) @a= .427480 (145) @b=.086640 (146) 3r7 where Thus in the Redlich-Kwong equation the constants evaluated for temperature and pressure. Lq. (144) yields compressibility. material, pure any of value of The value given of 1/3 for the may be critical Vc predicted the by critical This is somewhat higher than the actual 63 value for all known compounds. The reduced pressure, P., is defined as the ratio of the pressure to the critical pressure P4=P (147) V', a type of reduced volume, is defined as one-third the ratio of the volume to the critical volume predicted in Eq. (144) (148) V'=VPc Combining Eqs. (141), (142), (143) and (147) vP-•,T a(V-' (149) Eq. (149) is the completely reduced form of Eq. (135). It gives PR as a function of TR and easier to use in calculations last term by partial V%. A form that is is created by expanding fractions, and using the the identity Av=-P. -P,=Av=- Ts +T@- where @C (150) VW where @C= (151) @Q Ce is a function of temperature. Using Eq. (148), the definition of VO, and taking all derivatives at constant T and N AVV= Wi = FAv) c IMy\(1 (152) Combining Eqs. (150) and (152) NRTr A,= T @c+ 77JT0VP2 Eq. (153) is used with (153) _@c (V 7+-3j Eq. (58) to determinine the stability of any pure material, given T, and V(. SUPERHEAT LIMITS A liquid at 1 atm pressure temperature is raised will vaporize its above normal boiling in temperature stability heated with contact may be surfaces, any nucleation raised to the limit of the normal "superheated" liquids, boiling temperature at and the Liquids are point the intrinsic (spinoidal curve) before it vaporizes. above point, If the liquid is assuming that nucleation surfaces exist. not when the termed which the liquid, reaches the spinoidal curve is termed the "limit of superheat." gives Eq. (66) a defining equation of the spinoidal curve for a pure material. Combining (153) yields Eqs. (66) and a criterion of the spinoidal curve in terms of T, and VT T - @e+ @C =0 (154) A liquid at the limit of superheat will satisfy Eq. (154). In addition, if the pressure is 1 atm, P,=1 atm (155) p. Solving Eqs. (154) and (155) simultaneously for VO and TR yields the limit of superheat for any material, in terms of 65 [FIGURE III - LIMIT OF SUPERHEAT OF A PURE MATERIAL LIMIT OF SUPERHEAT T7 .94 - •93 - Lu=. .92 - .91 ~ ~rc· W=c .90 '.Ow .89 - I-l I -- - I - I I I .65 .10 20 10 I I I ~'~ .15 6.66667 - ORIGINAL REDLICH-KWONG SOAVE MODIFICATION Pc (atm) the reduced temperature. of Figure 3 is a graph of the limit superheat (as T,) as a function of PR (or P,). For materials with critical pressures above 10 atm, the reduced temperature at the limit of superheat predicted by the original Redlich-Kwong equation is between .894 and .904. Limits of calculated using Table 5 under the Table 5 are superheat for Eqs. (154) ten and (155), columns labelled R-K. obtained experimental values Kremsner and Blander[5]. are listed in Also listed in from Eberhart, The calculated values are in good agreement with the experimental data, the average deviation being 20K. as hydrocarbons, Since absolute Redlich-Kwong equation the always predicts a reduced limit of superheat of about .9, a Lood rule-of-thumb for pure materials is that the limit of superheat is nine-tenths of the critical temperature. A modification of the Redlich-Kwong equation is used in this thesis. Soave proposed[6] retaining Eq. (137), but changing the definition of "a". Instead of Eq. (140), "a" is defined by a=a"[1+( .480+1 .57w-.176 where w is the acentric factor defined by Eqs. (142) and (143). )(1-T;' and a" and (156) b are still If the definition of @c is changed to @c=@a[1+( .480+1 .57w-.176w2)(1-T 5)] (157) 67 TABLE V -- ~F PURE HYDROCARBONS LIMITS OF' SUPERHEAT O SUPERHEAT LIMIT (DEGREES K) HYDROCARBON - R-K -- REDUCED SUPERHEAT LIMIT SRK EXP R-K - -- EXP SRK -- n-butane 381 388 378 .897 .911 .890 n-pentane 421 430 420 .897 .915 .896 n-hexane 455 466 455 .898 .918 .899 n-heptane 485 498 486 .898 .921 .902 r-octane 511 525 513 .898 .924 .902 n-nonane 534- 551 538 .898 .926 .906 2,-3-dimethylpropane 389 395 386 .897 .911 .891 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 488 500 488 .898 .919 .898 cyclohexane 496 505 493 .897 .912 .891 1-pentene 417 426 417 .897 .917 .898 2 11 .004 .020 AVERAGE ABSOLUTE ERROR Notes: R-K=Calculated using the Redlich-Kwong equation-of-state SRK=Calculated using the Soave modification to the R-K EXP=Experimental values[5] 68 Eqs. (152), (153) and (154) are usable with the Soave then modification. Figure 3 and Table 5 also have calculations using Soave-Redlich-Kwong In equation. 3, Figure the the Soave equation predicts that the limit of superheat is a function of critical pressure span a much larger range values of The experimental to the much closer Table 5 are superheat in predicted (TR from .89 to .94) than do those of the original Redlich-Kwong. limits The and acentric factor. original Redlich-Kwong prediction of T,=. 9 . Therefore, the limit recommended for superheat Soave modification is not calculations. EINAEY SYSTEMS original Redlich-Kwong The equation-of-state and the Soave modification are used for multicomponent systems, mi-aking a' and b functions of composition. of the mixture constants, are constants, and the square root fraction average of terms "mixing rules." termed mixing rules, still in widely used, the of a' are each of the by The definitions pure In component the original mixture values computed as pure component values. of b a mole Writing these rules for a binary system, a =xa. where af, a", b, and bb +bab (158) b=x b-+xbbb (159) are the pure component values and 69 x, and xb (159) are mole in terms Rewriting Eqs. (158) fractions. of mole numbers, using and Eq. (136) to note that the mixing rules for "a" are the same as those for a', a=1 (Na' 5 +Nba •5)2 (160) (161) b=1 (Nb,+N b, ) Eq. (137), in either the original or the Soave form, is applicable to binary mixtures using Eqs. (160) and (161). The most convenient equations which define the spinoidal curve and critical points of a binary mixture are in terms expressed Hielmholtz Free Energ:y. of A, the make Eq. (137) compatable with A, it is rewritten in To terms of the total volume, V -Av=P=NRT where -@G+ @d C=Na=(Naa @where U- +Ia (162) )2 (163) Nbb+Nbb6 @ =Nb=NO+Nbb6 Cd and 4 are functions of (164) composition, and @d is a function of temperature. Eq. (127) defines mixture. The terms Avv,, the Redlich-Kwong (E-6) the spinoidal curve A, equation) (from Appendix E). a binary and AL are evaluated (for using Eqs. (E-1), Solving simultaneously yields the limit material. of Eqs. (127) (E-2) and and (155) of superheat for a binary The required data are the criticel temperature, 70 pressure and each component of mole fraction (plus the Figures 4 and 5 &centric factor, for the Soave equation). gLive the calculated and experimental[5] limits of superheat for and cyclohexane in n-octane in n-pentane the systems r-pentane, as a function of composition. of limits The calculated for superheat, both the original Redlich-Kwong equation and the Soave modification, are almost exactly nole fraction averages of the superheat well not agree This does pure compounds. limits of' the the data, as the experimental values in Figures 4 and xwith The original 5 deviate somewhat from a straight-line plot. much better than the Redlich-hwong matches the data is to be expected, since the original This modification. Soave equation is also better with pure materials. The reason disappointing that results may using calculated derivative Eq. (D-9) number. region, the produces A, A_. Appendix (from with respect cannot exist in the to is which D), the unstable region of pressure Since substances the a mole unstable any equation-of-state in that region must be based on extrapolations. pressure of the term lie in involves an integration across second treatment the theoretical Taking the second derivative of the with respect to a mole number is a severe test of mixing rules (Eqs. (158) and (159)). thernodynamic calculations take at most the first Most FIGURE IV - LIMIT OF SUPERHEAT OF N-OCTANE IN N-PFNTANE SUPERHEAT LIMIT (OK) 560 520 480 440 400 MOLE FRACTION N-OCTANE - - - CALCULATED USING THE REDLICH-KWONG EQUATION CALCULATED USING THE SOAVE MODIFICATION A EXPERIMENTAL DATA[5] 72 FIGURE V - LIMIT OF SUPERHEAT OF CYCLOHEXANE IN N-PENTANE SUPERHEAT LIMIT (oK) 560 520 480 440 400 MOLE FRACTION CYCLOHEXANE - - - CALCULATED USING THE REDLICH-KWONG EQUATION CALCULATED USING THE SOAVE MODIFICATION Z EXPERIMENTAL DATA[5] 73 derivative. Much more refined mixing rules are required to produce accurate predictions of the limit of superheat. CRITICAL POINTS the second condition of the critical point Eq. (128), is also evaluated using Eqs. (E-1) for a binary material, through (E-7) (from Appendix E). involves of P with a third derivative integration does respect to VN, across the unstable not extend the critical point Therefore Even though the term A 0aa the region. calculations may be expected to produce more accurate results than those of the limit of superheat. The critical point are conditions, Eqs. (127) and solved simultaneously for the critical temperature and volume, and critical pressure. n-butane composition. pressures. is used the equation-of-state in to obtain the Figures 6 and 7 give the calculated critical temperatures for the and (128), carbon systems n-heptane in dioxide, as ethane a function of Figures 8 and 9 do the same for the critical The results of both the original Redlich-Kwong equation and the Soave with experimental modification are plotted, together data collected by Spear, Robinson and Chao[7]. Both equations-of-state yield values in fair agreement with the experimental data. As in the limit of superheat calculations, the mixing rules are suspected of causing 74 FIGUFE VI - N-HEPTANE-ETHANE CRITICAL TEMPERATURES CRITICAL TEMPERATURE (eK) 600 00 400 300o MOLE FRACTION N-HEPTANE - - - CALCULATED USING THE REDLICH-KWONG EQUATION -- CALCULATED USING THE SOAVE MODIFICATION A EXPERIMENTAL DATA[7] 75 FIGURE VII - N-BUTANE-CARBO-7 DIOXIDE CRITICAL TEMPERATURES CRITICAL TEMPERATURE (OK) q1s qoo 395 300 MOLE FRACTION N-BUTANE -- - CALCULATED USING THE REDLICH-KWONG EQUATION CALCULATED USING THE SOAVE MODIFICATION A EXPERIMENTAL DATA[7] 76 FIGURE VIII - N-HEPTANE-ETHANE CRITICAL PRESSURES CRITICAL PRESSURE (ATM) 100 80 60 40 20 .6 .8 MOLE FRACTION N-HEPTANE - -CALCULATED USING THE REDLICH-KWONG EQUATION CALCULATLD USING THE SOAVE MODIFICATION A EXPERIMERTAL DATA[7] 0 77 FIGURE IX - N-BUTANE-CARBON DIOXIDE CRITICAL PRESSURES CRITICAL PRFSSURE (ATM) 100 80 60 40 20 1 .0 MOLE FRACTION N-BUTANE - -- CALCULATED USING THE REDLICH-KWOIKG EQUATION -----CALCULATED USING THE SOAVE MODIFICATION A EXPERIMENTAL DATA[7] 78 most of the inaccuracy. in the mixing predictions. The use of interaction parameters rules These undoubtably would parameters being determined from data already the use of are improve usually empirical, Therefore, available. interaction parameters the is more a correlative The results obtained using the original Redlich-Kwong than a predictive technique. equation and the limits and Their Soave modification critical moderate points success, are to predict superheat somewhat however, leads disappointing. to hope that improved equations-of-state or more likely, improved mixing rules will yield significantly higher accuracy. 79 V. DISCUSSION The study of intrinsic stability, as well as virtually other branch every first major developenents from article "On got its of thermodynamics, the J. Willard Gibbs. Equilibrium of and shows its principle. minimization u=U(s, V, N, ... to equivalence Then the In his Heterogeneous Substances"[83], Gibbs introduces the entropy principle start and maximization the energy fundamental ecuation Nm) is developed, as well as the forms in terms of A, G and H. Working with only the fundamental equations, uniformity of temperature, pressure and chemical in a system equations (x, ... at equilibrium Dk>O ,)=(S, which is for N, ... violated all is deduced. k<n, in listed the as potential The stability Nm, V) are then found. first is the form where The equation Eq. (56). These criteria are transformed into a single equation in the form of Eq. (51), with the same ordering of x, through x,. The corresponding conditions Eqs. (60) and intensive properties of coexistent point. (63), are of the developed by critical point, considering phases near a critical A consideration of the stability of the coexistent *phases yields the alternate criteria of Eqs. (62) Swith i=O and the same ordering The the forms with i=2 are also and (89), of x, through x, as stated, and are above. listed as 80 Eqs. (90) through (93). The above paragraphs demonstrate that Gibbs every significant area of stability. his work is its extreme lack can be The major problem in of readability. Often the Much of later authors' step-by-step logic is not apparent. work developed considered a clarification rather than an extension of Gibbs. The separation of one is used by Prigogine phase into two separate and Defay[ 9] as calculation of the stability of a system. is much more intuitive, as it models of a pure component studying the micrcscopic new original. entropy phase This in treatment unstable. is determined increase for the the actual physical process which occurs when a system becomes stability a basis phases the differing only The by directly formation slightly of a from the Multicomponent systems are considered only at constant temperature and pressure. Prigogine and Defay derive the conditions of mechanical and which conditions diffusional are stability. violated first The is not thermal, question of discussed, except that the condition of diffusional stability is shown to be the violated before mechanical for a binary mixture. The critical however, point conditions are stated without proof; a fairly extensive treatment of critical behavior in solutions is presented. In deriving the S(n , the nth conditions of stability, Gibbs Legendre Transform of U uses (transformed with respect to all of its variables), as well as the transforms between these functions, the relationships the discusses he Although H. A, G and general nature of Legendre Transforms is not developed. the use of Callen presents Legendre Transforms in A, 0, H and 4/'P) , the pth transform of thermodynamics[IO]. U, are defined and analyzed in terms of a general theory of Legendre Transforms. For instance, the various first derivatives of transforms are derived. The sum-of-squares form of the expansion of the change in U is obtained directly in the (39). ,Eqs. (38) and In an formulation in terms of significance explained, the of however. reduced appendix, the use of of alternative determinants is developed. The is not criteria of stabilitly Callen's treatment, although Eeneral and highly mathematical, is easy to follow. his notation Legendre Transforms, This is due to a very important developement. Munster covers equations Legendre Transforms in somewhat more detail[C1]. the stability criteria is several different similar to Callen's. ways. and fundamental The derivation of also extensive and presented in treatment is Otherwise, the 82 The idea of a subsystem and diathermal, non-rigid introduced by Modell possible variations and which is enclosed membrane totally permiable Reid[L2]. This is all permits the subsystem and between by a the main system, and insures complete generality. Second derivatives of Legendre Transforms are obtained a Taylor Expansion. using the U form of the form stability criteria to the A form, to the G form, and so on until one derives the form. are This permits the conversion of the A A_,,•, Thus the stability criteria of Eqs. (54) and deduced, with x, through (55) as in Eqs. (9), x, defined (10) and (11). Other authors critical point present conditions derivations which are previous works[Lg] or are unclear[si]. suffers from not having defined of stability or similar to either The last reference the change which occurs when a system becomes unstable. This thesis considers the any formation of two phases of size, not necessarily one large and one small, from an original homogeneous phase. Thus this model of intrinsic instability corresponds more closely to the actual physical processes. The third derivatives of Legendre Transforms were found in order to show the equivalence of the various forms of the second condition of the critical point. This, plus 83 the general representation of variables used, enables the expression of the criteria of stability and of the critical point in terms of any Legendre Transform of U. Redlich and Kister derive critical point criteria a binary system, usable with an equation-of-state[15]. in terms of volume, some Some of their derivatives are in Although formulas are given to convert terms of pressure. suitable for any equation-of-state, to the form most for this treatment is awkward and unnecessary. Given a pressure explicit equation-of-state, the forms of the stability and critical point criteria in terms of A are the most convenient, A being a function of T, V and NZ. are They in this derived for an the condition of equation-of-state to pure materials and thesis arbitrary m-component system. results The stability and the poor for using Redlich-Kwong predict superheat limits fairly by obtained are good for mixtures. For this and other reasons discussed in Section IV, the mixing rules are thought to be causing most of the error. The Soave modification produces quite poor superheat limit predictions. Critical points of binary well using either are suspect. The mixtures are not equation-of-state. calculation of predicted Again mixing rules superheat limits and critical points involves taking second or third derivatives 84 of the pressure with respect to a mole number. This is an extreme test of mixing rules, and it is not surprising that the results are poor. The accurate prediction of superheat critical points may only be obtained if limits and equations-of-state and associated mixing rules are greatly improved. In fact, obtaining this accuracy may be regarded as an advanced test of an equation-of-state, probably not satisfied by any now in common use. 85 APPENDIX A DETERMINANT REDUCTION FORMULA This appendix determinant smaller. a proves formula of one to determinants which relates order and in Appendix B in The relation is used any two orders deriving the sum-of-squares form for a general quadratic expression. The formula is presented here as a separate appendix since For it may have other uses. used to prove which of example, it could have the conditions been of stability were violated first, except that other methods were easier. if i<k and j<m then The desired formula is: B BLjk,,=BL Bk,-B4,B j• B is defined as an n the it" row and jtý EBSkm as B with the (A-1) by n determinant, EiL with column removed (the minor of U;j ), i ' h and kth rows and the je and columns removed, etc. U1, U12 ... Uln U ... Uan UA U* U, B as E * U,2 ... U2 U31 U3 3 Us I .. Ua ... U . UI Un Unn . Unr mth 86 U33 U3• B I 9 =B120 =BII1• , =B~1 ,I = In the first step Uqs - U3n Uq' ... U Unz Us ... Us of the proof Eq. (A-i) is assumed true for a particular n with (i, j, k, m)=(1, 1, 2, of i, j, k, and m. is then shown true for any set 2) and B' is defined identical to B but with the second and mrh columns interchanged (m>2). U,, B .. UIM-, Ulm U, UMP U, 11, U UUM ... ... Uln Uni UnM U '= . *3 .. UnfM-I U*1 Relabling 2 as m' and m as 2' inthe second and m Un, Ui, UZ i3 .** U I M- UjM' Ulr... 00.. U• U.1-' U-r.l.-U2n I1 * U*' if true U*0 • 4 Uns Uh;' Unt Eq. (A-1), 0 columns *00 U4 K-1 Uni Unm 0+.. Un for (i, j, k, m)=(1, 1, 2, 2), applied to B except that to B' (which appears identical certain subscripts are primed) yields B'B'Pj I' =B', B'P, -Bf' , B , (A-2) Irom determinant column exchange rules, B'=-B B it F=-B (A-3) ; B'1 =-BE '2 21 (A-4) 87 ; B,=(-l)A+Bam B,2,=(-)m+, (A-5) (A-6) E',,, ,=(-1)"' Bleam Combining Eqs. (A-2) through (A-6) and factoring yields B BEI,m=Bi, Bm-B•mBl (A-7) Equation (A-7) is Eq. (A-i) with (i,j,k)=(1, 1, 2), but with m arbitrary. The same proof applies if i, j, or k instead of m were changed to a different value. if Eq. (A-i) were (i, true for j, k, m)=(1, Therefore, 1, 2, 2) it must be true for any (i, j, k, m). The Eq. (A-i) second step to be true of the for n=2. proof involves Since EB,1, showing as a 0 by 0 determinant, is defined equal to 1, B=U,, U2-U, U., =U,~Ul, -U., Uja (A-8) transforms to B B11 , =B 1 ,B 1 B-B1 ,B,, (A-9) Thus Eq. (A-1) holds for n=2. In the third true step of the proof Eq. (A-i) is assumed for an n-1 by n-1 determinant, B11 , and is then shown true for B, the n by n determinant. By the above assumption, if k>2 and i>2 then B,, hB12 k =E, zBkt-B, Lach term is multiplied by and rearranged, giving (-1)kUk,, 1 B ,ka (A-10) summed from k=3 to n 88 kz3 (-1) B k -3 k=3 Expanding (A-11) U k Baitk I -EIa2 Z(-1 )k Uk1jl B',, E,i and B3j42a by minors along the first column n E2 =U;, B 2 1I; =U2 Bl(21 + - · C3 lk.= Combining eqs. (A-11) (A-12) )kU i l3ik, (A-13) + ka3(-1 -1) Elza =: )k Uki B12k/ (A-14) Ukj BE ie22 through (A-14) and simplifying -E, Bif,IC22 -22=--E--B Ila / ,a,LB,, by (-1)'u,, Each term is then multiplied (A-15) summed from i=3 to n, and rearranged, giving -L ~i (-1) U,; B22c, = L= 3 rl S1122 -~ (-1) U1I i -b 'r7 Ia ~(-l (A-16) )L ~ 0= 3 Expanding B, B2, and B9, by minors along the first row B=UE 1 ,, -U, SB,_- (-1 )ýUI,ý F Cc'? E 1 =UB I 1 UIBL iL23 ,I (A-17) (A-18) 89 B,~=U 13 +(A-19) Combining Eqs. (A-16) through (A-19) and simplifying B B,,,=B, Bý2-B,19B (A-20) I By the first part of this appendix, Eq. (A-20).implies Thus, if Eq. (A-i) is true for determinants of Eq. (A-i). order n-1, it is true for determinants of ixq. (A-i) is true for determinants of order n. Since order 2, we have showr by induction that Eq. (A-i) is true for all n_2. 90 APPEIiDIX B SUM-OF-SQUARES FORM This appendix general derives the sum-of-squares form when the differential in form is The quadratic expression. energy goes for a used to show negative and the system in question therefore becomes unstable. Assuming that Uký= and that Uj k all denominators are non-zero, the desired result is DkZ Uks x k=j j k-• where Zk k: C "_xj j=k Dk is matrix the k by k in the k'h (B-2) < principle sub-determinant of' the coefficients of with all U k, in the k t h the quadratic. U, U,2 U2 1 U Uki U1 ... U11 Ckkj of Ckij row replaced with U., and all column replaced with U]J. Dk= (B-1) k-[ UýI U , U ... Ulk ... Ukkk U 1 k-I Ulj as0 UZ -. Ukk~ Uký k-i 2 the is Dk Uk U2 ' Ckj = U,, •.. U22 ..0. Uak- Uk-t_• U a *** Uk-, k-, ** UL k-i U. . J k-, ULj derivation comes from working with the expression UL The UIk-.j ·... · ; - E. defined Since (B-3) Since C,,,=3Mz, E,= D (xXm+•Xl +2xr - C I)mM1)+ my+I X IX, xn Lxy R (B-4) */h~ J1M+ Adding and subtracting terms to "complete-the-square" n CMIxj+( .D,-• E = D. [x'+2xZ SSimplifyikx CM Ixje) ] j-M I = M+1 ts\+ S' I DM- C kI xkxj Xj + Tim -I (B-5) Simplifying. C 'x' EM- DM (x,,+ T,, 3fl\tI /1: C ,kCmI-C Mk CcAj D•D•_ 1 (B-6) If B (of Appendix A) is defined as C -, jk v then the determinant reduction formula shows that C,,.jk Dr-, =C•kcC rAmrA-C kmCi,~j (B-7) 92 Substituting Eq. (B1-7) CM,, kt 3t;--yv + E,= Dm (• C D/ Dm J=ni Substituting Eqs. (B-6) into Eq. (B-2) 2 kmn and (B-3) into Eq. (B-8) (B-9) E,= Dm Z +E •-Ie Applying Eq. (B-9) (B-8) to E, n-1 times (B-10) n-I El=yT D Z Eh From Eq. (B-3) E Using Eq. (B-11) kx (B-2) (B-12) Eh= Dn Z D,-r Substituting Eq. (B-12) into Eq. (B-10) EEl D Dk_ Z (B-13) Since UkS=CI kj and Do=1, Eq. (B-3) shows that (B-14) k=, S--, Combining Eqs. (B-13) Eq. (B-I), the desired result. and (B-14), one obtains 93 APPENDIX C LEGENDRE TRANSFORMS In derivatives of expressed in terms of enable the T, the Legendre derivatives interconversion rapid transforms (A, G, etc.). arising second and third partial this appendix the first, of y. These of U any and In particular, the stability and from the of Transform y, are formulas of its determinants critical point conditions are easily simplified. Throughout this derivation, all terms that will appear only in higher order fourth or Subscripts on y and derivatives are W indicate corresponding dropped. partial derivatives. y is the given y=y(x 1, x 2, x 3 ... ', x,) the Legendre Transform of y, is defined ,- Y-=y (C-1) ='=Yf((,, x,, x ...x)=y-I,x, (C-2) Defining S9, and eSx K,=9,- (c-3) 1, gx Z=xý -xL° (C-4) Using Eqs. (C-3) and (C-4) in Eq. (C-2) xp=y- ST •oux,-xysu,doxy- • x, Expanding y around yO using a Taylor Series (C-5) 94 b n n jki nCZ-I yIoLxLL .xcx +L 1 SXx Sxix I Yj (C-6) DO, D1 and D2 are defined independent of x, V% Sx. 9j; xk (C-7) DO=E Dl= (C-8) y L=• j=2 i z n D2=y % (0-9) nx 2=2 Combining Eqs. (0-6) through (C-9) y=y +DO+(y'+D1)Sx,+7-(y -1 +D2)Sx>+-y , 1 • "il 1 From Eq. (c-4) Using Eq. (C-11) X,1 3 d(x, )=dx, (C-10) (C-11) to differentiate Eq. (C-10) with respect +D2)gx , ,+.y ay I (C-12) to x, Y, =Y y=y°+D1+(yo Dl+( Substituting Eqs. (C-1) and (C-3) into Eq. (C-12) c,=D1l+(yo,, +D2)gx,+,-.y,, Solving x Sx Ex," (C-13) for 9x, and choosing the positive root of the quadratic x,= {-y -D2+ [ (y, (D- +D2) -2y, y0- ,) (C-14) Using the binomial expansion U x,=-(y, +D2) (D1- • ,)y, Using the geometric series (y +D2) (D1- (C-15) 95 y,0 x,=-(1-y, , D2)(D1- ,)-'y,,, yo-(Dl - ,) (C-16) (C-5) and Eq. (C-16) Substituting Eq. (C-10) into Eq. into both yields T=y-O Ex , - x Or DO , -2(D2-y, ,,)2 )(D1- (-9) (-), -8)an(DEqs. (C-2), Substituting and (C-8) (C-7), (C-17) (G-9) into Eq. (C-17) O~ -x0s, i + y 7 oox,Y g• •-•Y 0 • y (y 'di, +t z JE(Y kY, 2 Lk Rearranging Y"gx , 2+Y10 -I IL yoo I yiI/ Eq. (C-18) so IYj" + •.Yi -1,2 YC Y/] 1,, . ) x, x; YIit o Y , the terms which L I/k ýxj sxk (C-18) are summed are symmetrical with respect to the summation indices 96 ySx Y=V -xS yo-I - 0o o- , (-2 LZ ya. - -y x '7ý y.YO )ýX~dxx: Y0r -IiYr0 y3 + y 0-I o o 0-3 1 Y1 O ) 5•,x. ,: -YYl 3= VL (Y 01 y,.j -Y 2 [YO Y y,. +,-3 +Y "0Y, y i, I +y 0 0-C, -Y1 I=2 jAt kh -Y,, [Y,• Yrgk +Y J y, Y, ) °, x xx Y jj)Esx o jo YO 7got7jo7 -y,, 1 0 I Tl 7A Fi' 70 (C-19) y,, yx0x3 ,xky,; y•. y-3 ) Expanding T around ~to using a Taylor Series Iz ITIISel o 0 o L n0 ,6 111 Sxi x + Comp •. ja SE7Lt= 3+1E 10 se Ix x jk Sx , 1 x i (1X LgX (C-20) Eqs. Comparing Eqs. (C-19) and (C-20) term-by-term yields (for i>2, j22 and k>2) (C-21) (C-22) If =Y, LL Y, Y =Y ! -Y, LY, (C-23) (C-24) (C-25) 97 (C-26) ,"L7,1-y (C-27) Y,7-YI! Y1,, Yj I YTjKk =Yz; Y1, -(Y,1 +Y'I Y,I )Y ; +Y,' Y, Y11, Y,,I Yj I (C-28) -3 (C-29) TY~jk =Yljk -(YiI yiSk +Yifr Y,zk+Yj, Yj ýj)Y-1 +(YY J + 2 +Y,j Y, Y,, )y,7 Iy + Eqs. (C-21) through (C-29) are If Y, kY the desired first, second and third derivatives of the Legendre Transform. For example, let y(x,, x2, x3 )=U(S, V, N) Y( I,,x2, x3)=A(T, V, N)=U-TS dy=dU=TdS-PdV+ dN dt'=daA=-SdT-PdV+AdN Derivatives are defined as before: A,=b~)TN all derivatives In this example are taken holding N constant. 4/1 =AT=-S =-x I =-S =1I = S,=ATV=-T•T i -- TTT--V ;YI- =USVU=S T (Ž)T - I2T' =/)2T I'"Y"=U555 S _-PT iv -3-3= 3 _j 98 , - -TVV) -I T 2- -I 2 -,2 -I -3 a =Usv Uss-2USvUs5vUs +UsvUsssUss S NT 2T (-bT -2 ýbT S T (T +T sVS _ S "9Ž V iS V So te: In this appendix only the first Legendre Transform Eq. (32) of y from x, space to 6, space was considered. defines (P), the xp through • (-i) T (, since ... ... through may be x,) p-,, y from x, ,p space. defined recursively Transform Legendre the as 8, to space 4p, xp., v P)(8, ... p-h Legendre Transform of of xn) from x, space to Cp space, xp ... (o) is defined as y. (t Eqs. (C-21) through third derivatives of (C-29) give first, second and 'V in terms of derivatives of y. They may also be used to give the derivatives of 4(P) in terms of derivatives of W(P-' ) , if y is changed to F (P ' 2V , is changed to P) and all subscript 1's are changed to subscript p's. In other words, Eqs. (C-21) through (C-29) are usable with any Legendre Transfcrm, as long as the subscript "1" means a derivative with respect to the transformed variable. 99 APPENDIX D CHEMICAL POTENTIAL DERIVATIVES In this appendix a formula derivative of mole the Helmholtz numbers, for Free Energy is derived. Aab is the A,b, a second with respect to derivative of a chemical potential constant temperature, total volume and other mole numbers. with respect to a mole number The formula requires pressure to be given as a function temperature, therefore total volume usable with equation-of-state. and numbers, mole any pressure and at of is explicit These derivatives are used in finding the limits of intrinsic stability, given such an equation of state. The derivation begins with the Maxwell Relation T,N V Taking the =-IP (D-1) 7 T,V,NI derivative of each side with respect to Nb, holding T, V and other NL constant I)!2p1 ____D (D-2) Multiplying each side by dV and integrating from V=co (with superscript *'s indicating that the to V variable is evaluated in the limit of infinite total volume) T,,N Tv.Y2N;ýb-Pb T9V *INI-* b=-f,, dV (D-3),NTV, T VI I'l L,a b 100 All materials (at a given temperature) behave as ideal gases if the specific volume is sufficiently is, T are held constant, if L' and large. then a substance will approach ideal gas behavior in the limit of infinite volume. Since the fugacity of an gas definition of fugacity (using the total ideal gas is equal to of an the chemical potential the partial pressure, That ideal with N,(T) being a function of temperature only) is ,~,=RTln(PNa)+ Taking the derivative (T)=RTln(NaRT)+ side of each ,(T) (D-4) with respect to Nj (holding T, V and all other Ný constant) and evaluating at the limit of infinite total volume =RT Repeating the last step but taking (D-5) the derivatives with respect to Nb instead of N, (valid only for afb) S=0 (D-6) T,V ,Ngb Substituting Eq. (D-5) into Eq. rV (D-3) - AP .ikz (D-7) dV+E T Substituting Eq. (D-6) into Eq. (D-3) (valid for a-b) V =-)P T,V_,Nl' To simplify the b 6C0 -W -)V notation of dV (D-8) Eqs. (D-7) and (D-8), T,_VNý-ý subscripts on A are again defined as partial derivatives 101 AV=(b) ; \TV_ IT,N ATN= \ } /bT,V,N ¢ Eq. (D-7) simplifies to V a=jAv_ dV+RT A= (D-9) Eq. (D-8) becomes (for a4b) A•= AfAbdV (D-10) Eqs. (D-7) and (D-8) (or (D-9) and (D-10)) may le used to find the second derivative of the Helmholtz Free with Energy respect to mole numbers, given pressure as a function of temperature, total volume and mole numbers. 102 APPENDIX E REDLICH-KWONG DERIVATIVES equation-of-state Redlich-Kwong stability and point critical used in the evaluating the a of conditions derivatives in The required mixture. of derivatives the derives appendix This binary terms of A, the Helmholtz Free Energy, are Avv, Av,,A , Avv Avv, Av and A,,,. Eq. (162) derivatives gives A v in terms of V, T, N_ and Nb. The Avaa are thus Avv, Avv Avv, Av, and evaluated directly: (F-1) ,= NRT -Qd+ G A- RT -@ ,.1Tj 1 +0@4 NRT AV,,7+fb@4 _ J-e• V1-(@j ~X )v+( Avvv =- 2NRT +2Q@+ Avva= RT +2 @41 NRT+2 (E-2) (E-3) -2@t_ NRT - (i)1 + Av,,a-[ W" @4 +1W)I RT] Q_/_ 1 -2 2 -2 (E-4) NRT +2@d) 1 \) @d (E-5) 103 Eq. (D-9 ) (from Appendix D) gives a formula for A,_ of terms A v. A,,, and A, calculated are in using Eqs. (D-9) and (L-5) i I2 ln( V )+[ -- Ao= A 9 ')+ In(( )+[ NR• f2T+ +3[ 2 ] )@ @)+2 ( -a[(@ + 1 RT] 1 +NRT NRT+2 +W@ 2 (. \NRT+3 (2@ IRT] 1 @I+ ET Eqs. (165) d_ expressed in terms (164). and I] +2 1 -2 d( and Cf are @d +RT (E-6) NRT • -RT (E-7) of mole numbers in and. (164) to Using Eqs. (163) evaluate the derivatives of @d and @r t@) =2a. N a• ,+N a -b (N.a +Na)') 4 2ab, ' ýN•IT) Na 1a~.b NY b,~+Nb @= -6q® +12a• a~ (N•b) • +Na.+2b2 (N,,a +Na' ) bb+Nbbb) ko(N (Nb,+Nkb ,a +N'a - 6 a(N (7bE bbr) j h f=b ]ý af +N (E-8) (E-9) (E-0) (,b,+N•bý (E•l) 104 (E-12) throu Eqs. (E-1) through (E-7), (E-13) which through (E-13), are the desired formulas. use Eqs. (E-8) 105 APPENDIX F NOMENCLATURE LETTERS A --Helmholtz Free Energy=U-TS a --a'/T " a' --constant in the Redlich-Kwong equation-of-state a" --a /Tc B --n by n determinant EBiJ --B with the i"4 row and jPA column removed Pjkm -- Bj with the k h row and m -4 column removed with the second and m"1 columns interchanged E' -B b --constant in the Redlich-Kwong equation-of-state CkLj --Dk with all Ukm in the kt row changed to U , all U,~ in the ktA column changed to UMj Cp --heat capacity at constant pressure=TIS) CV --heat capacity at constant volume=T () Dk -k \ýTT P by k determinant with UL; h , -- G -- Gibbs Free Energy=_U-TS+PV -total -- LL C kt the ith by j th term xkx 3 enthalpy=U_+PV -- the determinant -0 , "- +. and 106 Mt -LL with the jth term in the last row replaced with the derivative of Lt with respect to xej m --the. number of components in the system S.1 --the total number of moles n --the number of independent variables=m+2 P --pressure Pc --critical pressure PR --reduced pressure=P/Pc I.E -Gas constant --total entropy T -temperature Tc --critical temperature TR --reduced temperature=T/Tc U --total internal energy V --total volume V --specific volume Vc --critical volume V -VPc - xa --(letter subscript) mole fraction of component a xz --(number subscript) ith fundamental variable S, /RTc, V or Nj) --function of x, through x,=U y _ Ckk 1X -Z jz (either 107 OTHER SYMBOLS -- chemical potential . X(T) --purely temperature dependent part of the fugacity W -acentric factor --Legendre Transform of y from x, to £6 space=y-g,x, (F) --pth Legendre Transform of y from x, through x, to CI 7 P through 2p space=y-"C XL L=i --conjugate variable of xL= LyL 8 ~L0o -- [ ]Lo [1] --the derivative operator [ CE -- .427480 -b --. 086640 ,_ -- @a./( C ),• -y~ • •] J, -- Nal/b f --Nb OTHER SUBSCRIPTS Subscripts on U, A, G and H, and numerical subscripts on y, Ifand T(P) indicate partial derivatives with to the indicate corresponding variable. Otherwise, respect subscripts that the value is of the corresponding component. of U with respect to S US -derivative i, --number of moles of component a 108 SUPEESCRIPTS w -evaluated o-value at the limit of infinite total volume around which an expansion is being made 109 APPENDIX G LITERATURE CITATIONS [1] Gibbs, J. W., volume of J. W. Gibbs," "The Collected Works 1, p. 56, Press, Yale University New Haven (1957). [2] Ibid., pp. 110-112. 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