People, health, and local
government, in England
Michael Jennings
APPSI Member
(with thanks to Dean White and Hugh Neffendorf )
APPSI 1 February 2012
Why PSI?
• Citizen Engagement – Information, Choice,
• Service Delivery
• Business Development and Economic Growth
• Interactions - Transactions - Transformations
Why PSI?
• Raw Data - Tailored Information
• Needs - Performance
• Plan - Do (Apply - Transact - Deliver)
- Review - Account
• Safe - Satisfactory - Successful
Government View
Autumn Statement 2011
• Making more public sector information
available will help catalyse new markets and
innovative products and services as well
improving standards and transparency in
public services
• Access and data linking to core datasets on
weather, transport, health, school information
and learning services, and welfare – for
personal and commercial use
Government View
Autumn Statement 2011
• Open Data Institute (standards), Data
Strategy Board (commissioning), Public Data
Group (delivery)
• Core data sets “free” at point of delivery, but
charging not ruled out in commercialisation
People’s view
British Social Attitudes Survey 2011
1. Less political engagement and trust
2. Less socially democratic
3. More socially segregated, particularly
through education
4. Want choice in schools, but also local, and
with ability to buy better
5. More acceptance of fees, but less for
expansion, in higher education
6. Less concern about the environment
People’s view
British Social Attitudes Survey 2011
7. Concern about congestion, but not willing to
use car less
8. Want home ownership, but not new houses
nearby, unless with community facilities
9. Highest support for NHS, linked to waiting
10. Good place to live; children generally wellbehaved but less than in the past
11.Child poverty like to grow, due to poor
parents: task for central & local government
12. Less religious
NHS Information Centre – Indicator Portal
Service provision
NHS Choices
A- Z of conditions and treatments
Health Services near you (GPs, hospitals,
Key Facts
Quality & Safety
What people say
What staff say
Facilities and other services
Live Well – healthy living advice
Carers Direct
NHS Connecting for Health
National data sources, e.g.
– NHS organisation lists
– Choose & Book
– Transfer of E-prescriptions
Clinical 5 (exempt from PSI)
– Patient Administration System
– Ordering and receiving diagnostics
– Letters (with coding)
– Scheduling
– E-prescribing
Service level and patient level costing
Government announcements
Primary and secondary and prescribing
anonymised data to be made available to life
sciences (N.B. Biobank)
Summary care record
GP Practice data
NHS Outcomes Framework 2012/13
– 5 domains
– 12 overarching indicators
– 27 improvement areas
– 60 indicators
Health & Social Care bill – commitment to PSI
Health Research Authority
Local Government (1)
Cabinet Office – emergency
CLG – housing, planning, fire & rescue
DBIS – economic development, regulatory
DCMS – culture, sport, lottery funds
DoE – schools, colleges, youth provision
DEFRA – environment, flood prevention,
pollution, rural affairs, animal health
DoH – health and social care
Local Government (2)
HO – police and community safety
MoJ – criminal and youth justice
DoT – roads (and roadworks), public
DFID – elections and development
DWP – benefits, job centres
Treasury - money
FCO - ?
Local Government (3)
Over 700 distinct functions
All can require or generate information
More delivery and interaction with the citizen
(including businesses) than most public sector
Experienced at co-ordinated procurement (e.g.
Census, OS), and supply (e.g. NAG)
A mix of transparency data and resources that can
support the information economy
Not all local government data is appropriate for reuse
Councils have historically been more open than the
rest of the public sector (though some are
recalcitrant) – little evidence so far of further
demand or new applications
Local Government
Government Code of Practice (1)
Expenditure over £500
Grants and payments to the voluntary and social
enterprise sector
Senior salaries over £58,200
Organisational chart
Councillor allowances and expenses
Contracts and tenders
Policies, performance, audits and key indicators on
the authorities’ fiscal and financial position
Data on the democratic running of the authority
including constitution, election results, committee
minutes, decision-making processes, and decisions
Local Government
Government Code of Practice (2)
Public data – objective factual non-personal data
collected during service delivery
Demand led – let public decide, not pre-determine
Publication – open and machine readable
Timeliness – Quickly in raw format, with
rectification following if required
Local Government
Local government response
Hardly localism, but…
Most already published, except for contracts and
tenders, and payments were shown at a higher
Concern over fraud (councils have already reported
to the Audit Commission that they have detected
over £7m of attempted fraud using the publication
of the data)
Local Government
Information Commissioner
Consultation of publication scheme (22:12:2012)
Code of Practice on data transparency
New or amended classes of information?
New types of information required by the public?
Open format data publication
Re-use using OGL (excluding third party data)
URLs to permit data harvesting
Means of monitoring
Local Government
Many PSI re-use issues are common to other
public sector bodies
A few data structures are statutory and centrally
Ensuring consistency (standards and content)
across 450 local authorities is a challenge
How to identify and catalogue re-use potential?
Insufficient extra resources to support open agenda
Councils’ revenue generation statutorily restricted
or publicly constrained – forces emphasis on cost
Reduced central capacity to promote/support open
In conclusion…
50% Consumerist driven approach
– Delivery, but not yet resourcing
Active consumers and businesses, but what
is the real demand/pay-off?
Mixed economy – obligations of private,
independent, and voluntary/charitable
sectors where they provide public services?
Right framework?
Right data, right information?
Data security?
– 250 laptops, 100 discs and memory sticks, 100
mobile devices, lost in last year (ICO)