Discrete Techniques CS 352: Computer Graphics Chapter 8:

CS 352: Computer Graphics
Chapter 8:
Chapter 7 - 2
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 3
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 4
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 5
Interactive Computer Graphics
How do you do this?
Space balls
Dynamic cubemap
Chapter 7 - 6
Interactive Computer Graphics
How do you do all those nice object textures?
Brick pattern on a walkway. How to give it some
depth—model the bricks? Model the roughness of
the brick surface?
Pool-like light patterns in water water (caustics)
Shiny objects with reflections
Chapter 7 - 7
Interactive Computer Graphics
Discrete Techniques
Texture mapping
Bump mapping
Reflection or environment mapping
Displacement mapping
Bit and pixel operations in OpenGL
Depth cueing and fog
Using the accumulation buffer
Chapter 7 - 8
Interactive Computer Graphics
The Joy of Frame Buffers
For decades, shape only – no access to
frame buffer
Access to frame buffer and operations on
fragments have made enormous difference in
interactive graphics
Applications: texture mapping, antialiasing,
compositing, transparency, fog, accumulation
buffering, …
Silicon Graphics/GL – first real texturemapping systems. Major advance.
Chapter 7 - 9
Interactive Computer Graphics
OpenGL frame buffer
The OpenGL “frame buffer” actually consists
of many separate buffers
Chapter 7 - 10
Interactive Computer Graphics
Fragment processing
These various buffers are accessed during
fragment processing
Chapter 7 - 11
Interactive Computer Graphics
Mapping methods
Imagine modeling a piece of carved wood, or
a golf ball, or a spoon, or a tree…
Rather than modeling the geometry at a very
fine level of detail, we may
prefer discrete methods:
texture mapping
bump mapping
Chapter 7 - 12
Interactive Computer Graphics
Texture mapping
Texture mapping:
applying images to
rendered polygons.
A separate texture buffer on the graphics
card stores texture images
Texture “pixels” are called texels
Textures may be 1-, 2-, or 3- (or 4-!) dimensional
(mapped onto 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional surfaces)
The need for texture images is why you have 1GB
graphics cards (and repetitive patterns!)
Chapter 7 - 13
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 14
Interactive Computer Graphics
Mapping geometry
Texture mapping:
rendering polygons by
applying images with
mapped geometry
(s,t) – texture coordinates
T(s,t) – texture
x(s,t), y(s,t), z(s,t) – texture map
(a mapping of texture onto world coords)
To render, we really want the inverse map: s(x,y,z)
and t(x,y,z)
Chapter 7 - 15
Interactive Computer Graphics
Mapping geometry
Also have to map screen coordinates (xs,ys)
into world coordinates before you can map
texture coordinates onto world coordinates
Chapter 7 - 16
Interactive Computer Graphics
Texture Mapping Coordinates
Sometimes finding the mapping is easy
(rectangle onto rectangle)
Can use some standard mappings (rectangle
onto a sphere, for example)
Otherwise, it’s generally done by hand
Automatically “unwrap” shape onto plane
Hand-paint or otherwise create custom texture
Chapter 7 - 17
Interactive Computer Graphics
JSON Teapot
"vertexPositions": [
5.930, 4.125, 0,
5.387, 4.125, 2.748,
5.297, 4.494, 2.876, ... ],
"vertexNormals": [
-0.967, -0.256, 0,
-0.893, -0.256, -0.370,
-0.893, 0.256, -0.369, ... ],
"vertexTextureCoords": [
1, 1,
0.75, 1,
0.75, 0.975, ... ],
"groups": [ { "Kd": [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], "faces": [
[0, 2, 1], [2, 0, 3], [3, 4, 2],
Chapter 7 - 18
Interactive Computer Graphics
Texture Mapping Details
Assume texture image has coordinates (s,t)
from (0,0) to (1,1)
Specify texture coordinates for each vertex
and interpolate
Look up color from texture
Mix texture color with object color:
Replace – just use the texture map color
Decal – apply lighting to texture mapped point
Modulate – multiply object color by texture map
Blend – alpha-blend colors
Chapter 7 - 19
Interactive Computer Graphics
Pixel color from texture map?
How do we get the pixel’s color from the
texture map?
We could map the center of the pixel to the
texture map and use the color we find there
Chapter 7 - 20
Interactive Computer Graphics
Texture Mapping in Three.js
Specify texture map in material object
var moonTexture =
THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'images/moon.jpg' );
var moonMaterial = new
THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { map: moonTexture } );
Chapter 7 - 21
Interactive Computer Graphics
Basic Texture Mapping
Chapter 7 - 22
Interactive Computer Graphics
Basic Spherical Texture Mapping
Chapter 7 - 23
Interactive Computer Graphics
Lighting and Shading
Chapter 7 - 24
Interactive Computer Graphics
Texture and Color
MeshLambertMaterial({ map: moonTexture,
color:0xff8800; ambient: 0x0000ff } ) ;
Chapter 7 - 25
Interactive Computer Graphics
Pixel color from texture map?
How do we get the pixel’s
color from the texture map?
We could map the center of
the pixel to the texture map
and use the color we find
But this can result in severe aliasing and flickering
Better to map the whole pixel and average. But
won’t that be slow?
Chapter 7 - 26
Interactive Computer Graphics
Aliasing and Filtering
What happens if texture is too small or too big?
What happens when you zoom way in or out on
a textured object?
(Moire patterns)
Chapter 7 - 27
Make pre-filtered
images of size 1x1,
2x2, 4x4, …, nxn
Choose the best
Examples: [1][2]
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 28
Interactive Computer Graphics
Mipmaps in Three.js
Chapter 7 - 29
Interactive Computer Graphics
Handling Multiple Textures
Using multiple texture objects:
Make two texture samplers
Read the values from both
Combine however you like in fragment shader
Fragment shader example:
baseColor = texture2D(s_baseMap, v_texCoord);
lightColor = texture2D(s_lightMap, v_texCoord);
gl_FragColor = baseColor * (lightColor + 0.25);
Chapter 7 - 30
Interactive Computer Graphics
Three.js Multiple Textures
Chapter 7 - 31
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 32
Interactive Computer Graphics
Light mapping
Like a projected texture
Or “bake” it – built it into textures for static
Chapter 7 - 33
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 34
Interactive Computer Graphics
Environment Mapping
Compute viewing direction reflection vector
See where it hits the environment map
View direction
Surface normal at every pt
Assume environment is
distant (only need direction
to environment)
Use the same environment
map for all objects (no one
will notice for curved surfaces)
Chapter 7 - 35
Interactive Computer Graphics
Dynamic Envmap in Three.js
Chapter 7 - 36
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 37
Interactive Computer Graphics
Creating an environment map
Take a panoramic photo
Load it into Blender (e.g.) and map it onto a
Create 6 images with orthographic cameras
Chapter 7 - 38
Interactive Computer Graphics
Heads-up display?
How to do a far-away tree?
How to a heads-up display?
Chapter 7 - 39
Interactive Computer Graphics
Sprites in Three.js
Sprite: 2-D image facing camera
var sprite = new Three.Sprite
useScreenCoordinates: true;
Chapter 7 - 40
How to do this?
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 41
Interactive Computer Graphics
Bump Mapping
Bump map (aka UV map) is an array of
values for modulating surface normals
XYZ components stored in RGB, 128=0
How to generate a normal map from height field?
Chapter 7 - 42
Interactive Computer Graphics
Bump Mapping Math
Light vector, etc. must be in the same
coordinate system (frame) as normals
Could convert everything back to object
space or (easier) rotate direction vectors into
texture space
Called texture-space bump mapping (aka tangent-space
bump mapping)
Requires a new transformation
matrix for every point
Allows you to use a single
bump map for multiple
Chapter 7 - 43
Interactive Computer Graphics
Reflect/bump Vertex Shader
attribute vec3 g_Position, g_TexCoord0, g_Tangent, g_Binormal,
uniform mat4 world, worldInverseTranspose, worldViewProj,
varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec3 worldEyeVec, worldNormal, worldTangent, worldBinorm;
void main() {
gl_Position = worldViewProj * vec4(g_Position.xyz, 1.);
texCoord.xy = g_TexCoord0.xy;
worldNormal = (worldInverseTranspose * vec4(g_Normal, 1.)).xyz;
worldTangent = (worldInverseTranspose *
vec4(g_Tangent, 1.)).xyz;
worldBinorm = (worldInverseTranspose *
vec4(g_Binormal, 1.)).xyz;
vec3 worldPos = (world * vec4(g_Position, 1.)).xyz;
worldEyeVec = normalize(worldPos - viewInverse[3].xyz);
Chapter 7 - 44
Interactive Computer Graphics
Reflect/bump Fragment Shader
const float bumpHeight = 0.2;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform samplerCube envSampler;
varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec3 worldEyeVec, worldNormal, worldTangent, worldBinorm;
void main() {
vec2 bump = (texture2D(normalSampler, texCoord.xy).xy *
2.0 - 1.0) * bumpHeight;
vec3 normal = normalize(worldNormal);
vec3 tangent = normalize(worldTangent);
vec3 binormal = normalize(worldBinorm);
vec3 nb = normal + bump.x * tangent + bump.y * binormal;
nb = normalize(nb);
vec3 worldEye = normalize(worldEyeVec);
vec3 lookup = reflect(worldEye, nb);
vec4 color = textureCube(envSampler, lookup);
gl_FragColor = color; }
Chapter 7 - 45
Interactive Computer Graphics
Bump, Specular Mapping in Three.js
Chapter 7 - 46
Interactive Computer Graphics
Bump Mapping in Three.js
Chapter 7 - 47
Interactive Computer Graphics
Bump Mapping in Three.js
Chapter 7 - 48
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 49
How to do this?
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 50
Interactive Computer Graphics
Displacement Mapping
Texture map
Displacement map
Normal map
Alter location
of vertices in
vertex shader
Chapter 7 - 51
Interactive Computer Graphics
How to do this?
How exactly are the
two colors combined?
What if underlying
pixel is also transparent?
Chapter 7 - 52
Interactive Computer Graphics
Blend a source and destination fragment
Source: fragment currently being drawn
Destination: fragment already in frame buffer
Turn on blending
gl.disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); //optional
gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE);
First parameter: source factor
Second parameter: destination factor
Possible values: ZERO, ONE, SRC_COLOR,
Chapter 7 - 53
Interactive Computer Graphics
Blending Function
Source: Rs, Gs, Bs, As
Destination: Rd, Gd, Bd, Ad
Source factor: Sr, Sg, Sb, Sa
(Can have separate
RGBA components of source, destination factors)
Dest factor: Dr, Dg, Db, Da
Combining colors:
Rresult = Rs * Sr + Rd * Dr
Gresult = Gs * Sg + Gd * Dg
Bresult = Bs * Sb + Bd * Db
Aresult = As * Sa + Ad * Da
Chapter 7 - 54
Interactive Computer Graphics
Blending example
Draw a transparent polygon (given by alpha)
on top of an opaque background
gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE)
Resulting function:
Rresult = Rs* As+ Rd
Source and background both potentially
gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
Rresult = Rs* As+ Rd * (1-As)
Does this really work?
Chapter 7 - 55
Interactive Computer Graphics
Custom bending example
Chapter 7 - 56
Interactive Computer Graphics
Blending Problems
What if we leave the depth test on and want
to draw these faces (back to front order):
1. (1, 0, 0, .5) [Red 50% opaque]
2. (0, 1, 0, 1) [Green 100% opaque]
3. (0, 0, 1, .5) [Blue 50% opaque]
What happens if we draw faces…
1, then 2, then 3
2, then 1, then 3
1, then 3, then 2
Chapter 7 - 57
Interactive Computer Graphics
Blending Problems
Unfortunately, blending doesn’t work with
depth-buffering and arbitrary polygon order
What to do?
Possible solution:
Draw all opaque polygons with depth-buffering
Enable blending, sort transparent polygons, draw
back to front
Or skip the sorting
Chapter 7 - 58
Interactive Computer Graphics
Screen-door Transparency
Another approach for fast transparency effects:
“Screen door” method–put a pattern with a set
percent coverage into
the stencil buffer and
Even works with many
layers (but use
different patterns)
Chapter 7 - 59
Interactive Computer Graphics
More uses of blending
How to make a nice-looking (ish) tree with
two polygons?
Draw two intersecting
rectangles at right angles
Texture map with tree image
Use alpha to “cut away”
hollow parts
Three.js: sprites
Or, us a single poly and
make its normal point to the viewer
Chapter 7 - 60
Interactive Computer Graphics
How would you do this?
Chapter 7 - 61
Interactive Computer Graphics
Particles are essentially rendered points
Full-fledged systems include generators,
velocity, randomness, etc
Particles in Three.js:
No generators that I could find – handle the
geometry on your own
You can give the particles any of the material
types, including sprites
Chapter 7 - 62
Interactive Computer Graphics
Five snowflake images as sprites
Particle system
materials[i]= new THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial(
{ map: sprite, blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
depthTest: false, transparent : true } );
Chapter 7 - 63
Interactive Computer Graphics
Render an image at higher resolution (or “jitter”)
Average results in the accumulation buffer
(This taxes bandwidth, fill rate, etc)
Multisampling (according to OpenGL def):
Run fragment program once per pixel
Supersample depth and stencil values
Supersample fragments that are on edges
Chapter 7 - 64
Interactive Computer Graphics
Depth of Field with Bokeh
Chapter 7 - 65
Interactive Computer Graphics
Depth of Field with Bokeh
Post-processing filter (fragment shader) with
depth of field, bokeh
Chapter 7 - 66
Interactive Computer Graphics
Fragment Processing Summary
You can read and write buffers:
Color (normal drawing buffers)
Depth (for hidden surface removal)
Stencil (masking – e.g. screendoor transparency)
Use buffers and fragment processing to
magnify, reduce, flip, fog, blend, blur, gamma
correct, modify colors, dither, histogram, add,
multiply, composite, do screendoor
transparency, depth of field, …
Chapter 7 - 67
Interactive Computer Graphics
How can you determine from a click on an
image which object was selected?
Chapter 7 - 68
Interactive Computer Graphics
How can you determine from a click on an
image which object was selected?
Method 1: pseudo-colored image
Render image of scene in off-screen bitmap
Use false colors: unique solid color for each
Determine color of point clicked – this gives
Chapter 7 - 69
Interactive Computer Graphics
Method 2: Ray casting
var ray = new THREE.Ray( camera.position,
vector.subSelf( camera.position ).normalize() );
var intersects = ray.intersectObjects( scene.children );
if ( intersects.length > 0 ) {
if ( INTERSECTED != intersects[ 0 ].object ) {
if ( INTERSECTED ) [do something]
Chapter 7 - 70
Interactive Computer Graphics
Collision Detection
How do you prevent walking through walls?
Chapter 7 - 71
Interactive Computer Graphics
Collision Detection
More ray casting
Chapter 7 - 72
Interactive Computer Graphics
3D Object Formats
Alias Systems Corporation (3DS max) – .obj
Collada (.dae)
Many many others, standard and custom
Designed for digial asset exchange
XML-based, standard, royalty-free
Many files available, e.g. Google’s 3dwarehouse
WebGL framework for Collada is appearing
Many conversion programs, or hack your own
Three.js installed (examples)
Chapter 7 - 73
Interactive Computer Graphics
Creating Objects
Model in Sketchup
Export as Collada
In Blender, load Collada file and export as
Alias .obj
Use Three.js python script to convert to
Three.js’s JSON format
See https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki
[these are old instructions; hopefully most
formats work directly now]
Chapter 7 - 74
Free 3D models
Interactive Computer Graphics
Chapter 7 - 75
Interactive Computer Graphics
Environment Maps
Find a cube map on the Internet
E.g. Google image search for cube map
Create your own
Chapter 7 - 76
Interactive Computer Graphics
Another Option
Unity3D: full-featured game engine
Chapter 7 - 77
Interactive Computer Graphics
Texture mapping: http://radoff.com/blog/2008/08/22/anatomy-of-an-mmorpg/
Texture, bump-mapped teapot: http://caig.cs.nctu.edu.tw/course/CG2007/assignments.htm
Multitexturing example: OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide example