Ative Control of an Automobile Suspension System for Redution of Vibration and Noise by Kristen Lynn Clements B.S., Mehanial Engineering (2002) Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology Submitted to the Department of Mehanial Engineering in partial fulllment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Siene in Mehanial Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2005 Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology 2005. All rights reserved. Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of Mehanial Engineering May 19, 2005 Certied by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steven R. Hall Professor of Aeronautis and Astronautis Thesis Supervisor Read by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Culpepper Rokwell International Assistant Professor of Mehanial Engineering Thesis Reader Aepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lallit Anand Chairman, Graduate Department Committee 2 Ative Control of an Automobile Suspension System for Redution of Vibration and Noise by Kristen Lynn Clements Submitted to the Department of Mehanial Engineering on May 19, 2005, in partial fulllment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Siene in Mehanial Engineering Abstrat A new method for ontrolling road noise transmitted through the suspension system of an automobile was developed, using a Linoln LS automobile as the target vehile. In this vehile, road surfae roughness generates vibrations that are transmitted into the automobile primary through a single bushing (the point 4 bushing) on eah of the front suspension ontrol arms. An eletromagneti atuator was designed, built, and tested on a Linoln LS with simulated road noise. The atuator applies a fore aross the point 4 bushing, in response to aelerations of the vehile frame, just inboard of the bushing, with the goal of reduing the net fores transmitted into the vehile frame, whih ultimately produe unwanted interior noise. Several tonal ontrollers were developed, eah designed to operate in a narrow frequeny band, and to eliminate ross member (frame) vibration just inside the point 4 bushing. The tonal ontrollers were able to eliminate ross member vibration at the desired frequeny. Eliminating the ross member vibration resulted in modest redutions in interior sound levels. A suessful vibration ontrol system (in this vehile) would need to eliminate ross member vibrations over the frequeny range 100 to 200 Hz. However, a broadband ontroller with this eletromagneti atuator system proved to be diult, due to undesirable non-minimum phase dynamis. Thesis Supervisor: Steven R. Hall Title: Professor of Aeronautis and Astronautis 3 4 Aknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor, Prof. Steven Hall, for his support and guidane, espeially his patiene and willingness to explain onepts as many times as neessary. I also extend many thanks to Dave Robertson for the use of his eletroni equipment, as well as his advie, enouragement, and humor. Dik Perdihizzi helped me nd the various and sundry supplies neessary for the ompletion of this projet. Don Weiner tried to teah me self-defense as well as how to use the various mahines in the Gelb Laboratory. I am grateful to Prof. Martin Culpepper for taking the time from his busy shedule to serve as a departmental reader for my thesis. Joe Shmidt of Ford provided muh of the automobile expertise neessary for this projet and proured Sneezy and the Linoln LS used. Dieter Giese, also of Ford, was willing to answer any question, no matter how trivial, that ame up during the ourse of my researh. I also thank Dr. Joe Saleh, the Exutive Diretor of the Ford-MIT Alliane, and Kristin and Steve Shondorf, also of the Ford-MIT Alliane, for their assistane with this projet. Dr. Kyung-yeol Song helped get me started on this projet and was always willing to try to answer any questions I had in the later stages. Jorge Feuhtwanger assisted with the use of the eletroni disharge milling (EDM) mahine. Josh Chambers provided advie and tehnial assistane. I would also like to thank my friends: Chris for his endless omputer assistane, Christina for stress relief and ookies, Rohan for help with all things MIT, Vitor for omputer hardware and editorial advie, and Zoa for onverting what I wrote into what I wanted to say. Finally, I want to thank my family for their ontinual support, partiularly my mother. This work was sponsored by the Ford-MIT Alliane. Additional funding was provided by Dean Isaa Colbert, MIT Dean for Graduate Students. 5 6 Contents 1 Introdution 9 1.1 Noise and Automobiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Previous Methods of Reduing Interior Noise 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.3 Ative Suspension System Researh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.4 Analysis of Ford Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.5 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.2.1 Interior Loudspeakers 1.2.2 Power Steering 2 Atuator Design 19 2.1 Problem Desription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2 Atuator Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.3 Piezoeletri vs. Eletromagneti Atuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.3.1 Piezoeletri Cerami Stak Atuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.3.2 Eletromagneti Atuator 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Eletromagneti Atuator Speiations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.5 Atuator Amplier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3 Experimental Setup 29 3.1 Linoln LS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.2 Simulated Road Noise Exitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.3 Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 7 3.3.1 Aelerometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.3.2 Mirophones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.3.3 Shaker Fore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.4 Dynami Signal Analyzer 3.5 Eletroni Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4 Experimental Results 41 4.1 Open Loop Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2 Tonal Controller 42 4.3 Expeted Performane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4.4 Closed Loop Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.5 Interior Sound Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.6 Summary 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Broadband Controller 57 5.1 Diulties with Broadband Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Tonal Controllers at Various Other Frequenies 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5.2.1 Tonal Control at 140 Hz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5.2.2 Tonal Control at 160 Hz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5.2.3 Tonal Control at 180 Hz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 6 Conlusion 69 A Calulation of Atuator Parameters 73 8 Chapter 1 Introdution 1.1 Noise and Automobiles Unwanted noise is undesirable in many environments, among them the workplae, home and automobile. Automobile ustomers typially onsider a lak of interior noise to be a desirable harateristi when purhasing a vehile. Interior road noise an be generated by numerous soures throughout the automobile, with the engine being the major soure of noise [30℄. Generated engine noise is transmitted to the interior of the ar both as sound that radiates from the engine ompartment and as vibrations that are transmitted though the engine mounts to the frame [14℄. Other mehanial systems in the vehile, suh as the power steering system [28℄, an also produe audible noise in the interior. noises from outside the automobile an be heard inside the vehile. Additionally, Interior noise is also aused by frame vibrations, whih are the result of tire ontat with various road surfaes and potholes [33℄. This road-indued noise transmitted through the suspension system into the frame is the soure of noise that will be primarily onsidered in this projet. Undesired noise inside the abin of an automobile an range from merely annoying (making it more diult for passengers to listen to musi or to have a onversation) to dangerous (preventing a driver from hearing important signals from outside the vehile, suh as an emergeny siren). Constant noise on extended drives (even at low levels) an also redue onentration and fatigue the driver [23℄. 9 For the reasons desribed above, a quieter automobile interior is highly desirable. Noise redution an be aomplished through three general approahes. First, the soure of the noise an be eliminated or redued. Seond, the paths that the vibration follows an be modied to redue the vibration transmission. Third, the sound at the user end of the path, in this ase the interior of the automobile, an be modied to redue the apparent noise in the interior of the vehile. However, many tehniques employed to redue interior noise an also have a detrimental eet on other aspets of automobile performane. For example, the following parameters an be negatively impated by attempts to redue interior noise by modifying the suspension system: 1. Handling. Handling is the pith and roll of the vehile body as a result of ornering and braking maneuvers. 2. Road holding. Road holding is the ontat fore between the tires and the road. 3. Suspension travel. The allowable limit of suspension travel in any vehile design will aet the performane ahievable from the suspension system. 4. Stati deetion resulting from variable payload. [12℄ The goal is to make the interior quieter without ompromising other faets of the automobile performane. 1.2 Previous Methods of Reduing Interior Noise Beause of onsumer preferenes for quieter ars, researhers and automobile ompanies are always looking for new ways to redue interior noise, assuming that handling remains omparable. Many of the details of the noise redution projets are onsidered proprietary information. Presented here are desriptions of some of the non-proprietary researh eorts. 1.2.1 Interior Loudspeakers One previous method that has been used to redue interior noise (aused by road-indued noise) is plaing loudspeakers in the interior that anel road indued noise. This tehnique 10 an be employed if the soures of noise are known, and a orrelation between a reading at the noise soure and the sound inside the vehile an be determined, so that the interior noise an be predited. Interior loudspeakers an then be used to produe sound out of phase with the noise, reduing interior sound levels. Using this method, Sutton and Elliott [31℄ were able to redue low frequeny road-indued noise inside an automobile by approximately 7 dB. They plaed referene aelerometers on the wheel, suspension, and parts of the frame that onstitute the road noise transmission paths. Then, the loudspeaker signal was omposed of a linear ombination of the past and present referene aelerometer signals. When this pratial road noise ontroller (developed at Lotus Engineering) was tested, noise was redued roughly 7 dB at the major frequeny peaks in the range of 100 Hz to 200 Hz. 1.2.2 Power Steering Another potential soure of noise is the power steering system. Pressure waves in the power steering hoses ause uid noise. This noise an be redued some by adjusting the parameters of the system, suh as the length of the hoses and the onguration of the omponents. One study by Smid, Qatu, and Drew [28℄ used a Matlab simulation software program to determine the optimal onguration for the hose, tuner, and tube in the power steering system. (Tuners ome with some hoses and attenuate aousti waves in the uid.) They reated a model that alulated the travel of the hydrauli pressure pulses (the soure of vibration and noise). Smid, Qatu, and Drew found that the optimal length of hose is pressure ripple, and the worst hose length is 1/2 1/4 of the wavelength of the of the wavelength. Later researh in their lab was onduted to optimize the other omponents of the power steering system. 1.3 Ative Suspension System Researh Many automobile researhers have studied the benets of ative suspension systems over their passive suspension ounterparts. [15, 16℄ Passive vehile suspensions, found on most road vehiles, are designed with two ompeting requirements: good vibration isolation to ensure ride omfort, and good steering fore transmission for vehile handling and safety. Ative suspensions require additional power soures, but an allow improvements in both 11 ms ks bs m us kus Figure 1-1: The ommonly used quarter ar model. mus is the unsprung mass (wheel mass), sprung and unsprung mass, and kus ks and bs ms is the sprung mass (vehile mass), are the spring and damper between the is the tire stiness. ride quality and vehile handling. Suspension system design onstraints inlude maximum allowable relative displaements between the vehile body and unsprung mass omponents (inluding wheels, bump stops, and protruding parts of the steering mehanism), overall system robustness, reliability, weight, and ost. [16℄ Also, Hrovat's researh shows that, for a quarter ar model (desribed below), an ative suspension system based on Linear Quadrati optimal ontrol an substantially improve ride and handling performane when ompared with the onventional passive suspensions. [16℄ However, LQ ontrollers do not neessarily have good stability robustness properties. For good ative suspension performane, and robustness over all desirable ride harateristis, the passive suspension should be designed with low stiness and damping. [32℄ To model vehile dynamis, many ative suspension system researhers use the one or two degree of freedom quarter ar models. [15, 16, 32, 3, 25, 21, 10, 1℄ (See Figure 1-1.) This model onsists of a sprung mass (ms ) representing the vehile mass, an unsprung mass (mus ) representing the wheel mass, a spring (ks ) and damper (bs ) representing the dynamis between the sprung and unsprung mass, and another spring (kus ) representing the tire stiness. The ontat point between the tire and the ground is also allowed to move in this model. Also used are the half ar model [16℄ and the full ar model [16, 34, 13℄. These models have similar omponents at eah wheel, but also allow for more ompliated 12 two or three dimensional motion. A hydrauli atuator is the ommonly used atuator in ative suspension system researh. [34, 3, 25, 21, 1℄ The hydrauli atuator used by Yamashita, Fujimori, Hayakawa, and Kimura operates dierently at low and high frequenies. At low frequenies, where the servo valve an follow the swithing of the input signal, the ow rate from the servo valve is onverted to pressure by a hybrid gas spring and damping valve, and this pressure is used to atively attenuate the body's vibration. At high frequenies, where servo valve following is not possible, the ylinder pressure is generated only by the gas spring and the damping valve. This ensures the dynamis of the onventional suspension and the body's vibrations are attenuated passively. This atuator and its ontroller (designed using H∞ methods [4℄) were implemented both in shaking experiments and driving experiments. In both ases, the vibrations were redued at frequenies lower than 8 Hz. Also in the driving experiments, there was an improvement in handling with respet to maneuvering. [34℄ A diulty in using servo valves (with the hydrauli atuator) is that they are high ost items, and dirt intolerant, so atuator maintenane ould be ompliated. [27℄ Nonlinear ontrol has also been used with hydrauli atuators (beause hydrauli atuators ome with assoiated nonlinear dynamis [25℄) to aommodate and improve the tradeo between ride quality and suspension travel. [25, 21, 10℄ The added nonlinearities in the ontroller make the suspension stier near its travel limits. In experiments by Lin and Kanellakopoulos [21℄, a nonlinear ontroller was used to redue body aeleration by almost 70% and body travel by almost 80% as ompared to the passive suspension. The suspension travel, however, is inreased slightly in ative designs. [21℄ 1.4 Analysis of Ford Data Prior to the start of the projet desribed here, engineers at Ford Motor Company had performed dynamometer tests on a Linoln LS. They took vibration data on a dynamometer with a oarse road surfae. Two aelerometers were plaed on the ontrol arm, one near the spindle (near the wheel) and one near the ross member (near the point 4 bushing). [33℄ 13 −4 4.5 x 10 Near cross member Acceleration spectrum, Φ (g2/Hz) 4 Near spindle 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency, f (Hz) Figure 1-2: Aeleration spetrum measured by aelerometers plaed at two loations on the ontrol arm, one near the ross member and one near the spindle. The thin line represents the aeleration spetrum near the ross member and the thik line represents the aeleration spetrum near the spindle. Note that for both aelerometer positions, virtually all of the energy is between 100 Hz and 200 Hz, with a peak near 150 Hz. Data ourtesy of Ford Motor Company. (See Setion 2.2 for a desription and photograph of these suspension omponents.) Figure 1-2 shows the aeleration spetrum on a linear sale measured by the two aelerometers in the dynamometer test. The thin line represents the aeleration spetrum for the aelerometer on the ross member (near the point 4 bushing) and the thik line represents the aeleration spetrum for the aelerometer near the spindle. The aeleration spetrum learly shows that, for both aelerometers, almost all of the energy is between 100 Hz and 200 Hz, meaning that any atuator employed to redue this vibration would likely only be required to operate near this frequeny range. Figure 1-3 is the same data as in Figure 1-2, plotted on a logarithmi sale. Again, the thin line represents the aeleration spetrum from the aelerometer near the ross member and the thik line represents the aeleration spetrum from the aelerometer 14 −3 10 Near cross member −4 Near spindle Acceleration spectrum, Φ (g2/Hz) 10 −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 −8 10 −9 10 −10 10 Figure 1-3: 0 200 400 600 Frequency, f (Hz) 800 1000 The same data from Ford as in Figure 1-2, plotted on a logarithmi sale. The thin line shows the aeleration spetrum from the aelerometer plaed on the ontrol arm near the ross member, and the thik line shows the aeleration spetrum from the aelerometer plaed near the spindle. Again it is lear that there is a signiant peak around 150 Hz and that there is little energy at frequenies higher than 300 Hz. Data ourtesy of Ford Motor Company. near the spindle. The sharp drop beginning at 200 Hz onrms the hypothesis that the atuator would not be required to operate at higher frequenies. The aeleration spetrum essentially goes to zero at frequenies higher than 400 Hz, so any atuator authority at frequenies higher than 400 Hz would be unneessary and wasteful. Figure 1-4 shows the umulative aeleration spetrum. frequeny f The umulative spetrum at is the total mean-square aeleration at frequenies of f and above. The thin line represents the aeleration umulative spetrum for the aelerometer on the ontrol arm near the ross member and the thik line represents the aeleration umulative spetrum for the aelerometer on the ontrol arm near the spindle. On this umulative spetrum, the previously observed peak at 150 Hz is learly seen as a large drop in energy. This suggests that an atuator that ould redue the energy around the peak at 150 Hz, even without 15 0.045 Acceleration cumulative spectrum (g2) Near cross member 0.04 Near spindle 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Frequency, f (Hz) Figure 1-4: Cumulative aeleration spetrum of the data shown in Figure 1-2. The thin line represents the aeleration umulative spetrum from the aelerometer near the ross member, and the thik line represents the aeleration umulative spetrum from the aelerometer near the spindle. The resonane near 150 Hz is lear as a sharp drop o in the umulative spetrum. hanging the energy at any other frequenies, ould signiantly redue the total energy, presumably also reduing the total sound. In other words, the frequenies around 150 Hz are the highest energy, and therefore likely the loudest frequenies, so reduing the energy at that frequeny would allow a redution in noise as well, assuming that reduing suspension vibration does, in fat, redue interior noise. 1.5 Overview The goal of this projet was to redue interior road-indued noise without negatively impating handling. Based on the assumption that reduing vibration of the ross member (frame) will redue the interior abin noise, we designed a ontroller to redue the ross member vibration in the frequeny range of 100 to 200 Hz. 16 Chapter 2 disusses the atuators we onsidered using to provide the fores neessary to redue ross member vibration, and the speiations of the eletromagneti atuator we hose. The eletromagneti atuator ats aross the point 4 bushing to redue road noise vibration transmission. Chapter 3 desribes the experimental setup: the Linoln LS, shaker, aelerometers, mirophone, dynami signal analyzer, and eletroni ontrol unit we used for testing. Chapter 4 presents the experimental results we obtained using a tonal (narrowband) ontroller entered at 150 Hz. Both open and losed loop vibration data is given, as well as the expeted ontroller performane and losed loop sound levels. The diulties with broadband ontrol are disussed in Chapter 5, along with additional tonal ontrollers, similar to the one disussed in Chapter 4, entered at 140, 160, and 180 Hz. Broadband ontrol proved to be diult due to two zeros in the transfer funtion from the atuator to the ross member aelerometer, at 128 Hz and 184 Hz, giving the atuator no ontrol authority at those frequenies, and due to the large non-minimum phase lag between 60 and 70 Hz. diretions for further researh. 17 Chapter 6 disusses the onlusions and 18 Chapter 2 Atuator Design This hapter desribes the atuator design proess. First, Setion 2.1 disusses the problem desription, namely, reduing interior abin noise aused by road noise vibrations. Then the requirements on the atuator suh as required fore and displaement are desribed (Setion 2.2). Two dierent types of atuators, piezoeletri erami stak atuators and eletromagneti atuators, are onsidered (Setion 2.3). Finally, in Setion 2.4, the ele- tromagneti atuator seleted for this projet is desribed, and the speiations for that atuator are derived. 2.1 Problem Desription The spei goal of this projet is to redue road noise that is transmitted through the suspension system and frame of the automobile into the passenger ompartment, without ompromising vehile handling. Bumps, potholes, and the general unevenness of the road all vibrate the wheel as an automobile travels over road surfaes. The vibrations are then transferred through the ontrol arm, a rubber bushing, and into the frame, eventually reahing the passenger ompartment, ausing undesired noise. As disussed previously, there are three ommon approahes to the problem of noise redution. Eliminating or reduing the noise at its soure is not pratial in this ase; the roads annot be made perfetly smooth to prevent the wheel from vibrating. Although modifying the interior to redue noise has been explored by other researhers [31℄, it is 19 Figure 2-1: Photograph of the ontrol arm, ross member, and point 4 bushing, taken of the front left suspension with the tire removed. The A shaped ontrol arm is towards the bottom of the photograph. The ross member, the upside down U shaped part of the frame over the bushing, is near the top. The visible bolt end is the bolt that goes through the point 4 bushing. outside the sope of this projet. Modifying the transmission path of the vibration is the approah that we have employed here. The geometry of the suspension system is shown in Figure 2-1. The ross member is a strutural element of the frame, loated approximately on the axes of the front wheels, that supports the engine. The ontrol arm is an A-shaped omponent of the suspension system. It is onneted to the shok absorber, the wheel at the spindle, and to the frame through two bushings, the point 3 the point 4 bushing. The point 3 bushing is the front bushing on the ontrol arm onneting it to the frame, and the point 4 bushing is the rear bushing on the ontrol arm, onneting the ontrol arm to the ross member. Aording to tests onduted by Ford Motor Company, most of the road noise (and the steering fores) is transmitted in a single dimension, parallel to the wheel's axis, through the point 4 bushing [9℄. For noise redution purposes, a soft point 4 bushing is preferable. A soft bushing would transmit less fore to the frame of the vehile, making the interior quieter. However, softening this bushing has a negative impat on the vehile handling. A 20 sti bushing is superior for vehile handling, beause it better transmits the steering fores to the wheels, so that the ar responds quikly and aurately to driver inputs. Beause of the two opposing requirements for the point 4 bushing stiness soft for noise redution and sti for vehile handling, a passive bushing is neessarily a ompromise. However, the steering fore frequenies are on the order of a few hertz, and the road noise vibration frequenies are on the order of a hundred hertz. Therefore, an ative bushing that ats sti at low frequenies and soft at higher frequenies ould be used to reate a quieter interior without negatively aeting vehile handling. There are two approahes to reate this ative bushing. One ould begin with a physially soft bushing, and use ative ontrol to stien it at low frequenies; or one ould begin with a sti bushing, and use ative ontrol to soften it at higher frequenies. The low frequeny fores assoiated with handling are omparable to the weight of the ar (approximately 20,000 N), and therefore the amount of ontrol authority required to stien the bushing at those frequenies is quite large. An example of the former approah (stiening at low frequenies) is the work done at Bose Corporation. The modular design added a linear eletromagneti motor at eah wheel with a modied MPherson strut arrangement. [20℄ To demonstrate the ative suspension, a Bose modied Lexus LS400 was plaed atop a four post shaker to simulate traveling down a rough road. From the outside, the wheels ould be seen to be gyrating wildly, and from the inside, there was virtually no sense of motion. [6℄ Currently Bose is reduing the weight and seleting a manufaturer for the ative suspension system. [20℄ On the other hand, using a sti bushing, the fores assoiated with road noise are muh lower, on the order of 150 N (see Setion 2.2) and, as a result, muh less ontrol authority is neessary to soften the bushing at higher frequenies. For this reason, our projet begins with a sti bushing, and we then use ative ontrol to soften the bushing at frequenies from 100 Hz to 200 Hz. 21 2.2 Atuator Requirements To begin atuator seletion, one must rst determine the design requirements of the system during normal operation. The design parameters of this partiular system inlude bushing displaement (required to ounterat displaements aused by road noise vibrations), fore aross the bushing (that orresponds to the bushing displaement), atuator bandwidth, and also the eets of shok loading. As an be seen in Figure 1-4, almost all of the energy in the spetrum is near 150 Hz, 2 and the mean squared aeleration is 0.04 g . The rms aeleration is given by σa = 0.2 g = 1.96 m/s2 (2.1) Sine almost all the vibration ours at a frequeny of 150 Hz (ω = 942 rad/s), the rms displaement is given by σd ≈ σa /ω 2 = 2.5 µm (2.2) During normal exitation of the wheel, the rms point 4 bushing displaement is approximately 1 σd . 2.5 µm under oarse road onditions. Allowing for should be apable of at least 7.5 µm 3σ motion, the atuator of atuation. The fore that the atuator must be able to provide is alulated by Hooke's Law, f = kd where k is the stiness of the point 4 bushing (about 20 kN/mm), and displaement (7.5 µm). d is the required Therefore, it is neessary for the atuator to generate at least 150 N of fore. As seen in Figure 1-2, the atuator will be required to ounterat disturbanes of frequenies between 100 Hz and 200 Hz. Therefore, the large signal bandwidth must be at least 200 Hz, meaning that the atuator must be apable of generating fores on the order of 150 N, up to 200 Hz in frequeny. However, to ensure that the phase lag in the atuator is small, we would like the small signal bandwidth to be ten times larger than the large signal 22 bandwidth. The resulting required bandwidth for the atuator used here must be greater than 2000 Hz. The atuator must also be able to withstand shok loads, suh as that of a wheel hitting a urb or a pothole, or those produed during sharp turns. The entire vehile weighs approximately 2000 kilograms; under normal onditions eah wheel supports 500 kilograms (5000 N). During an extreme turn or hitting a pothole with most of the lateral fores reated by the outer wheels, the fores might be as high as 10,000 N. Therefore, the atuator must be able to withstand steering loads of approximately 10,000 N to the bushing. Equivalently, the atuator must be able to withstand a bushing motion of 500 µm (0.5 mm) due to steering loads, again alulated using the bushing stiness. The atuator would not be required to ounterat these loads, but it must be able to bear them and ontinue to operate after the loading is removed. Beause the atuator must be able to withstand displaements muh larger then would normally be produed by the atuator, the atuator should be ompliant, when ompared to the stiness of the bushing. An atuator that is ompliant is eetively a fore atuator rather than a displaement atuator. The ideal atuator for this projet should ommand fore rather than displaement. 2.3 Piezoeletri vs. Eletromagneti Atuator After determining the requirements on the atuator, two types of atuators were onsidered. One is an atuator made from piezoeletri erami staks, one is an eletromagnet made from steel laminations. 2.3.1 Piezoeletri Cerami Stak Atuator One possible type of atuator is a piezoeletri erami stak atuator. This type of atuator is an attrative option beause the piezoeletri material has a high energy density, approximately 80 kJ/m3 , and a high bandwidth. However, it may be diult to get the neessary stroke, sine piezoeletri materials produe very small displaements, and very large fores. Also, piezoeletri eramis staks have high osts, and may be prohibitively expensive. 23 The size of a typial piezoeletri erami stak, suh as model P-885.10 made by Physik Instrumente (Auburn, Massahusetts), is fore and 6.5 µm displaement. 5 mm × 5 mm × 9 mm, and it is apable of 800 N A stak this size is on the order of $150. [24℄ One of these piezoeletri staks has more fore than is neessary for our needs, but not nearly enough displaement. Therefore, multiple staks and an ampliation mehanism an be used to meet the atuator requirements. As a rough estimate (order of magnitude) of the number of staks required, ompare the piezoeletri stak speiations with the atuator requirements. The fore of a single stak is The displaement is 500 µm/6.5 µm = 77 800 N/150 N = 5.3 times larger than we need. times smaller than we need. Thus, even with an ampliation mehanism to math the impedane of the material to the requirements, we nd that we need at least 15 piezoeletri staks to ahieve enough fore and stroke. The piezoeletri staks are too sti for this appliation. fator must be hosen to math the stiness requirement. Therefore, an ampliation However, the displaements and fores annot be modied separately (as assumed in the above estimation). A single ampliation mehanism must be used to both amplify the displaement and redue the fore. To make this piezoeletri material appropriate here, there must be some ampliation mehanism. Consider a mehanism that amplies the atuator displaement by a fator of A, so that the ratio of original to modied displaement is 1 A. Then the ratio of original to modied fore would be A, so that the ratio of original to modied stiness is 1/A2 . If the original atuator fore is 800 N, but the atuator is only required to provide 150 N of fore, then A = 5.3 for an ideal ampliation mehanism. Then 15 staks would be required to ahieve the neessary stroke, and even more piezoeletri staks for a real (less eient) ampliation mehanism. Beause the driving requirement on the amount of neessary piezoeletri material is the steering shok loads, not the higher frequeny atuation requirement, more than 15 staks would be required for a piezoeletri atuator ating aross the point 4 bushing. At a ost of around $150 eah, more than 15 staks is obviously far too many staks to make this piezoeletri erami stak atuator feasible in this appliation. A piezoeletri atuator ating aross the bushing is not feasible, but perhaps a piezoele- 24 tri atuator ould be employed in a dierent onguration. For example, pushing against a proof mass may be a more pratial type of piezoeletri atuator. At the operational frequeny range, between 100 Hz and 200 Hz, the piezoeletri material would push against the proof mass (whih ideally would not move) to displae the bushing. At the low frequenies of the steering shok loads, this type of atuator would push against and move the proof mass, making it ompliant, and reduing the required number of piezoeletri staks. To minimize the amount of piezoeletri material, the proof mass should have about the same dynami stiness as the stiness of the point 4 bushing (20 kN/mm) at 100 Hz. The dynami 2 stiness of the proof mass is Mω , where M is the mass, and ω is the pertinent frequeny (here 100 Hz). Setting the dynami stiness equal to 20 kN/mm results in a required proof mass of approximately 50 kg. Unfortunately, a 50 kg proof mass added to the suspension system is too large to be a feasible atuation solution. A smaller proof mass an be used, but that would redue the eieny and require more piezoeletri material. A 5 kg proof mass would be more appropriate in size, but would again require approximately 25 piezoeletri staks, whih would be too ostly for feasibility. Although ative material atuators, suh as piezoeletri ones, are attrative in some respets, they are probably impratial for this appliation. 2.3.2 Eletromagneti Atuator Another possible type of atuator is an eletromagneti atuator; with a xed element (magneti ore), oil (exitation winding), and a movable element (armature). [19℄ Eletromagnets are used in many appliations, for example: Solenoid atuators: aps, pneumati and hydrauli valves, slide valves, interloks breaks. Hammering atuators: riveting, punhing, stamping, hiseling mahines. Turning magnets: throttle valves, ontrol valves (hydrauli, pneumati), material support (for instane web of loth, paper), turnout in transport plants. Swinging magnets, vibrators: eletri razors, massage apparatus, piston pumps, 25 swim pumps, diaphragm pumps, small ompressors, swing saws, vibrating hauling plants, osillating sieves, osillating tables, swinging and helial onveyors. [19℄ Eletromagneti atuators an be very ompliant; the gap between the rotor and the stator allows for muh larger shok motion than the ontrol motion provided by the atuator. Another benet is that eletromagneti tehnology is mature, ontributing to a redued ost when ompared to the ost of ative materials. After determining that an atuator made of piezoeletri erami staks is not feasible, we hose to pursue development of an eletromagneti atuator for the reasons outlined above. 2.4 Eletromagneti Atuator Speiations The ore of an eletromagnet is made of steel laminations. Steel is used beause of its eletromagneti properties, but a solid steel ore is not as eient as a laminated ore. The laminations redue eddy urrents that result from the indued magneti eld. Beause the bandwidth of the atuator is proportional to the inverse of the time it takes for the eddy urrents to settle, reduing the eddy urrents inreases the bandwidth of the eletromagnet. The eletromagnet used here has 54 laminations that are eah 0.0185 inhes thik (0.47 mm), for a total thikness of 2.5 m. (Figure 2-2) The laminations were ut to shape by an eletroni disharge milling (EDM) mahine. The eletromagnet onsists of a stator, a rotor, and a 2 mm air gap separating the two. The stator is the approximately irular side of the eletromagnet, and is onentri with the point 4 bushing. It is bolted to the ross member and has a radius of 5 m. The rotor is roughly U-shaped, and is bolted to the ontrol arm. The ends of the rotor arms are rounded so that they onform to the urvature of the irular side of the eletromagnet, while maintaining the 2 mm air gap. These rounded edges allow the magnet to rotate about the point 4 bushing bolt with the ontrol arm without altering the 2 mm air gap. The magneti rotor is approximately 15 m long, 8 m high, and 2.5 m thik. Figure 2-3 shows the eletromagneti atuator in plae on the ar. 26 2 mm air gap copper windings laminated core with 2 poles laminated disk attached to cross member attached to control arm Figure 2-2: Diagram of the proposed eletromagneti atuator. The fore produed by an eletromagnet is proportional to the square of the urrent in the oil. Therefore, to get an approximately sinusoidal fore, a large bias urrent plus a sinusoidal urrent is required. For this eletromagnet, the rotor is wound with 120 turns of opper wire. The maximum required urrent is 10 A plus the bias urrent. 2.5 Atuator Amplier To supply the large urrents that are required for the eletromagneti atuator operation, a substantial power supply and amplier were employed. The amplier used with the eletromagneti atuator is a brush type pulse width modulated servo amplier made by Advaned Motion Controls (Montville, New Jersey), model 100A40. It requires a DC power supply between 80 V and 400 V. The amplier is apable of ± 100 A peak urrent and ± 50 A ontinuous urrent. [2℄ Atuator urrent an be measured using the amplier's monitoring port. A Hewlett Pakard (Palo Alto, California) power supply, model 6479C, was used to provide the d power for the atuator amplier. The power supply an provide from 0-300 V and 0-35 A of power. To implement this eletromagneti atuator in a real ar, we learly annot use suh a substantial power supply and amplier. The atuator was designed to operate at around 27 Figure 2-3: A photograph of the eletromagnet bolted in plae to the ontrol arm and the ross member. 42 V, whih is ompatible with the 42 V systems likely to be used in the near future. [5℄ In addition, the total urrent requirements an be redued substantially by using a apaitor in parallel with the eletromagnet. 28 Chapter 3 Experimental Setup This hapter desribes the experimental testbed (the Linoln LS) used in this projet. In partiular, we desribe the shaker used to indue vibrations in the testbed; the load ell used to measure the fores generated by the shaker; the aelerometers used to measure the testbed vibrations; the mirophone used to measure the interior abin sound; the signal analyzer used as a virtual funtion generator, data reorder, and data analyzer; and the eletroni ontrol unit used as D/A and A/D onverters, as well as an interfae to the software ontroller. 3.1 Linoln LS Experiments previously onduted by researhers at Ford Motor Company on the Linoln LS led to the onlusion that most of the road noise vibrations are transmitted through the point 4 bushing, a nding spei to this model. [26℄ As desribed earlier, the point 4 bushing is the bushing that onnets the ontrol arm to the vehile frame. Other Ford vehiles did not exhibit the same major vibration pathway; any tehnique for noise redution aomplished by this study may not apply to other Ford vehiles. It is neessary to design a testbed setup in order to study the road noise transmitted through the suspension system of a Linoln LS, with the goal of reduing this noise. In our setup, road noise was simulated using a shaker to apply fores to the suspension. Sensors were plaed on the ontrol arm and frame to measure the vibration levels, and in the vehile 29 Figure 3-1: The original testbed, a Linoln LS front end, is referred to as Sneezy. interior to measure the sound. The testbed initially inluded the front suspension system omponents, part of the vehile frame, and the front wheels and tires for support. The initial testbed was the front end of a Linoln LS provided by Ford, niknamed Sneezy, with all neessary omponents forward of the steering olumn. (Figure 3-1) Inluded were the major parts of the frame and the entire suspension system. The body panels, engine, and other omponents of the engine ompartment were not inluded. Due to the missing weight of these omponents, the ride height was too high. We built a wooden box (loated in the engine ompartment) to hold approximately 700 kg of lead briks to ahieve the orret ride height. Beause the rear end of the ar was not present, a metal frame was welded to the rear of the frame in order to properly position the testbed. Sneezy was found to be an inadequate testbed; results obtained using Sneezy mathed neither the expeted results nor the results from previous tests onduted by Ford. To onsider Sneezy an appropriate testbed, the transfer funtions obtained from Sneezy and those from Ford's vehile modeling program should math, but they did not. The apparent resonane at 150 Hz from Ford's data was not present in experiments on Sneezy. (See Figure 3-2.) The resonanes of Sneezy's transfer funtions are at higher frequenies. Additionally, the result from Ford that most of the vibrations are transmitted through the point 4 bushing ould not be repliated on Sneezy. 30 Magnitude (dB) −20 −40 −60 −80 0 150 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 150 300 400 500 600 Frequency (Hz) 700 800 900 1000 Phase (degrees) 150 100 50 0 −50 0 Figure 3-2: The transfer funtion from the shaker exitation to the ross member aelerometer (data aquired with Sneezy). No major peak is present near 150 Hz (ompare with Figure 1-2). After it was determined that the front end of the Linoln LS did not produe the same results as an entire ar, Ford Motor Company provided a omplete, drivable 2001 Linoln LS. Using the entire vehile, the vibration transmission paths and noise ould be studied in more detail. Then eventually, we an design a ontroller to allow for a quieter drive without ompromising vehile handling. An additional advantage of using the entire Linoln LS is that it would permit measurement of the interior sound levels, and allow testing of the hypothesis that reduing the ross member vibration also redues the interior sound. Figure 3-3 shows the new testbed (the entire Linoln LS). The experimental setup using the Linoln LS is further outlined in Figures 3-4 and 3-5. During the shaker or atuator transfer funtion identiation, the dynami signal analyzer sends the driving signal to either the shaker or the atuator. (Figure 3-4) The solid line onneting the signal analyzer to the shaker box represents the onnetion that is present when identifying the shaker transfer funtions. The dashed line onneting the signal analyzer to 31 Figure 3-3: The Linoln LS in plae in the Gerhard Neumann Hangar and Laboratory at MIT. the atuator represents the onnetion that is present when identifying the atuator transfer funtions. The shaker is onneted in series with a load ell and a sting to the suspension, so that when the shaker is being driven, the applied fore an be measured. Either the shaker signal or the atuator signal an be used to indue vibration in the Linoln LS automobile. Signals from the sensors on the automobile (the aelerometers and the mirophones) are sent bak to the dynami signal analyzer and the eletroni ontrol unit's proessors, where the signals are reorded and analyzed. In the losed loop system (i.e., when the ontroller is present and operational), the system funtions in a slightly dierent manner. (See Figure 3-5.) The dynami signal analyzer still drives the shaker through a load ell to vibrate the ar, and the aelerometer and mirophone signals are still sent bak to the signal analyzers and hardware eletroni ontrol unit for analysis. The major dierene in the losed loop system is that the ontroller is downloaded into the eletroni ontrol unit expansion box and used to drive the atuator. 32 shaker load cell Lincoln LS actuator accels signal analyser Figure 3-4: mics electronic control unit The blok diagram outlines the experimental setup during either shaker or atuator transfer funtion identiation. The signal analyzer drives either the shaker (solid line) or the atuator (dashed line). Either the shaker or the atuator vibrates the Linoln LS. The sensors on the automobile, both the aelerometers and the mirophones, measure the vibration and return the signals to the signal analyzer and eletroni ontrol unit. 3.2 Simulated Road Noise Exitation For the purposes of these experiments, it was not feasible to drive the Linoln LS on road surfaes to measure and reord vibrations of the wheel and other suspension and frame omponents, and the resulting sound in the interior of the automobile. Therefore, the road noise vibrations had to be simulated in the laboratory. To aomplish this simulation, a shaker was attahed by a sting to the passenger side ontrol arm. (See Figure 3-6.) The shaker used was a model 420 shaker, made by Ling Eletronis, In. (Anaheim, California). The shaker is an eletromagnet; urrent is supplied to the shaker (whih has a permanent magnet armature), induing a magneti eld and a magneti fore. The shaker is apable of providing up to 133 N of fore in a frequeny range of 0 to 7500 Hz and a maximum aeleration of 118 g. The urrent required to produe 133 N of fore is 8.4 A 33 shaker load cell Lincoln LS actuator accels signal analyser mics electronic control unit Figure 3-5: The losed loop blok diagram represents the experimental setup during ontroller operation. The signal analyzer drives the shaker through a load ell to vibrate the ar, and the aelerometers and mirophones measure the vibrations and send them bak to the signal analyzer and eletroni ontrol unit. In this setup, the ontroller is downloaded to the eletroni ontrol unit expansion box and drives the atuator. rms. [22℄ The amplier used with the shaker is a Yorkville Audiopro 3400, a high eieny stereo power amplier, made by Yorkville Sound, Toronto, Canada. Vibration due to road roughness is simulated by the shaker, whih is attahed to the ontrol arm by a sting. A load ell was plaed in series with the sting to measure the fore applied. The sting is a slender aluminum rod with one end srewed into the load ell, whih is in turn onneted to the shaker fae, and the other end srewed into the ontrol arm. The sting is attahed to the ontrol arm at the point designated by the arrow in Figure 3-7. The shaker pushes fore and aft on the sting, whih pushes fore and aft on the ontrol arm. We also sometimes used an alternative method for mounting the shaker, by attahing the shaker through the sting to a wheel lug bolt. The sting was srewed into a lug nut adaptor, allowing the shaker to push on the wheel parallel to the wheel's axis. The vibrations resulting 34 Figure 3-6: A photograph of the shaker and sting in plae. from this method of attahment were found not to be as representative a load ase as the fore and aft exitation desribed above. Also, aording to Ford, the fore and aft exitation results in vibrations in the vehile that are more representative of real-world vibrations. [26℄ 3.3 Instrumentation In order to measure and reord the vibration, vibration transmission through the frame, and interior abin sound during experimentation, two types of sensors were used to instrument the Linoln LS automobile. Aelerometers were plaed in two loations to measure the vibrations, one on the frame, and the other on the ontrol arm. Also, a mirophone was plaed in four dierent loations in the interior of the vehile to measure the sound level throughout the automobile. 3.3.1 Aelerometers To measure and reord the vibration of the relevant suspension omponents, two Endevo (San Juan Capistrano, California) piezoeletri aelerometers were employed. One was plaed on eah side of the point 4 bushing, measuring the aeleration aross the bushing. 35 Figure 3-7: The arrow points to the spot on the ontrol arm to whih the sting is attahed. The photograph is taken from the front, looking aft at the right front wheel. Table 3.1: Additional Endevo piezoeletri aelerometer speiations Serial Number EL89 EL92 Charge Sensitivity 96.8 pC/g 97.1 pC/g Capaitane 2743 pF 2698 pF Max. Transverse Sensitivity 0.4% 2.0% The plaement of the aelerometers is shown in Figure 3-8. The small metal ylinders attahed to ables are the aelerometers. The aelerometer above the point 4 bushing in the piture is attahed to the ross member, and will be referred to as the ross member aelerometer. The aelerometer below and to the left in the piture is attahed to the ontrol arm, and will be referred to as the ontrol arm aelerometer. The aelerometers used were Endevo model 7701-100. The frequeny range of the aelerometers is 20 Hz to 5 kHz. The serial numbers for the ross member and ontrol arm aelerometers are EL89 and EL92, respetively. Additional speiations for the aelerometers are shown in Table 3.1. [7℄ Endevo laboratory harge ampliers, model 2721B, were used to ondition the aelerometer signals. The harge ampliers an be adjusted for the 36 Figure 3-8: A photograph showing the plaement of the two aelerometers. The ross member aelerometer is the aelerometer loated above the point 4 bushing. The ontrol arm aelerometer is loated below and to the left of the point 4 bushing. harge sensitivity of eah aelerometer, as well as the desired gain (V/g). The frequeny range of the harge ampliers is 3 Hz and 10 kHz. The output has a maximum voltage of 10.0 V peak, and a maximum urrent of 2.0 mA. [8℄ 3.3.2 Mirophones The mirophone on a sound level meter was used to measure the sound at eah of four positions in the interior of the Linoln LS. The 1982 Preision sound level meter and analyzer was made by GenRad (now IET Labs, In., Westbury, New York). The range of this sound level meter is 30 dB to 130 dB rms (150 dB peak). [17℄ The sound level distribution throughout the interior of the automobile is quite modal. The sound waves from all of the numerous soures of noise in the vehile interat, ausing a large number of nodes and antinodes. At the nodes, the sound waves are out of phase and anel eah other's magnitude; and at the antinodes the pressure waves are in phase and the magnitudes add together. However, the entire distribution is not pertinent, only the sound levels in the areas 37 (a) (b) () Figure 3-9: The rst mirophone position is loated at the driver's left ear. The seond mirophone position is at the reetion of this position at the front passenger's right ear (a). The third mirophone position is loated at the right (passenger side) rear passenger's right ear (b). The fourth mirophone position is loated in the enter of the driver's seat at approximately hin level (). where the driver or any passengers would be able to hear the transmitted road noise are signiant for this projet, and the mirophone positions were hosen to measure the sound in these areas. The rst mirophone position is at the driver's left ear. (See Figure 3-9(a).) The seond mirophone position is at the front passenger's right ear, a reetion of the rst mirophone position, as shown in Figure 3-9(a). The third mirophone position is at the right rear passenger's right ear. (See Figure 3-9(b).) The fourth and nal mirophone position (Figure 3-9(b)) is at approximately the enter of the seat, at the driver's hin level. The rst and third positions (driver's ear and rear passenger's ear) are similar to the standard positions 38 that Ford uses when measuring sound levels. The other two positions were hosen to obtain a better idea of the sound distribution throughout the interior of the automobile. 3.3.3 Shaker Fore A load ell was plaed between the sting and the shaker fae to measure and reord the fores applied by the shaker to the automobile through the sting. The fore measurement provides more detailed information about the load ase than what an be dedued from the shaker input signal voltage. The load ell used is model SM-50 made by Interfae (Sottsdale, Arizona). It an measure fores up to 200 N. At 200 N of fore the deetion is 0.08 mm and the natural frequeny is 1550 Hz. [18℄ 3.4 Dynami Signal Analyzer The dynami signal analyzer serves many funtions. It ats as a virtual funtion generator, data reorder, and a data analyzer. The dynami signal analyzer used here onsists of two Siglab model 20-42 signal analyzers and the assoiated software, made by Spetral Dynamis (San Jose, California). Eah signal analyzer unit has a 20 kHz bandwidth, 4 input hannels, and 2 output hannels, for a total of 8 input hannels and 4 output hannels. [29℄ The dynami signal analyzer was used as a funtion generator to provide the required sinusoidal signals to drive the shaker or the eletromagneti atuator, depending on the experiment. The software virtual funtion generator supplied the neessary signals sent out through a D/A onverter and the output hannels. The two output hannels an independently supply two dierent exitation signals for use during the testing. Eah hannel an output 20 mA and 10 V maximum with an available optional DC oset. [29℄ The signal analyzers also have analog to digital onverters, whih were used to aquire and reord the various aelerometer, mirophone, and load ell signals. The two signal analyzer units were time synhronized, allowing simultaneous reording of eight dierent signals. The voltage range for eah input hannel is adjustable from [29℄ 39 ± 20 mV to ± 10 V. The dynami signal analyzer was also used for simple data analysis, and to display the sensor signals, simple transfer funtions, and the oherene of the estimated transfer funtion. The available analysis funtions (other than oherene) inlude time history, autospetrum, transfer funtion, ross-spetrum, auto-orrelation, ross-orrelation, and impulse response. [29℄ Cheking the oherene was espeially important to ensure that the signals were of a high enough signal-to-noise ratio to trust the results. The reorded signals were also exported to Matlab, to allow for more extensive analysis. 3.5 Eletroni Control Unit The signal analyzers have analog to digital and digital to analog onverters that an be used to transfer the shaker and atuator driving signals, as well as to aquire the sensor signals. Another piee of hardware, the eletroni ontrol unit, made by dSPACE In (Novi, Mihigan), was used for the ontroller signals. The eletroni ontrol unit onsists of an expansion box (model PX10) and two I/O ds1003 proessor boards mounted in the expansion box. The ontrol feedbak signals (aelerometer and mirophone signals) were brought into the omputer using this eletroni ontrol unit. This eletroni ontrol unit has, among other things, hardware A/D and D/A onverters. It was also used as the interfae for the software ontroller. The ontroller was assembled in the Matlab modeling appliation Simulink, and then downloaded and run from this eletroni ontrol unit. An assoiated program alled Control Desk works with the eletroni ontrol unit, and allows some of the ontrol parameters to be hanged while the ontroller is operating. This feature allowed us to ne-tune some of the ontroller parameters, without the need to reompile the ontrollers. 40 Chapter 4 Experimental Results This hapter presents and explains the experimental data taken on the Linoln LS. First is the baseline data, the open loop transfer funtions from the shaker and atuator to the ross member and ontrol arm aelerometers, in Setion 4.1. Next (Setion 4.2), the design of tonal ontrollers is disussed. This is followed by the expeted performane. Both the predited performane from the Bode plot of the ontroller transfer funtion and the performane omparison of the alulated theoretial transfer funtion to the measured experimental transfer funtion (showing that the experimental results math the predited theory) is desribed. Finally, the losed loop data is presented, inluding the losed loop vibration (Setion 4.4) and the interior sound levels (Setion 4.5). 4.1 Open Loop Results The initial baseline results are the open loop transfer funtions. The two exitation inputs are the shaker (desribed in Setion 3.2) and the atuator (desribed in Setion 2.4). The two important open loop outputs are the ross member aelerometer and the ontrol arm aelerometer (desribed in Setion 3.3.1). Figure 4-1 shows the open loop transfer funtion from the shaker input to the ross member (thin line) and ontrol arm (thik line) aelerometer outputs. Clearly, both the ross member aelerometer and ontrol arm aelerometer transfer funtions are quite modal. Also, the 150 Hz peak that was present in the data from Ford (Figure 1-2) is diult to observe in the measured ross member aelerometer transfer 41 2 Magnitude 10 0 10 −2 10 1 2 Phase (degrees) 10 10 3 10 0 −1000 −2000 −3000 −4000 1 10 cross member control arm 2 10 Frequency (Hz) 3 10 Figure 4-1: Open loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the ross member (thin line) and ontrol arm (thik line) aelerometers. Both transfer funtions are quite modal. The 150 Hz peak that was present in the data from Ford (Figure 1-2) is also diult to observe. funtion. Figure 4-2 shows the open loop transfer funtions from the atuator exitation to both the ross member (thin line) and ontrol arm (thik line) aelerometers. Again, both of the open loop transfer funtions are quite modal. Control ould be diult due to the many modes present in the ross member aelerometer transfer funtion, as well as the large phase roll-o present in the ross member transfer funtion. The diulties with broadband ontrol will be desribed further in Setion 5.1. 4.2 Tonal Controller After examining the open loop transfer funtion from the atuator to the ross member aelerometer, the form and details of the ontroller must be determined. Beause the transfer funtions from the shaker to the aelerometers and also from the atuator to the aelerometers are highly modal (Figure 4-2), the design of a broadband ontroller that has good performane ould be diult. It is simpler to rst develop a tonal ontroller, then 42 2 Magnitude 10 0 10 −2 10 1 Phase (degrees) 10 2 3 10 10 cross member control arm 500 0 −500 1 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) 3 10 Figure 4-2: Open loop transfer funtions from the atuator to the ross member (thin line) and ontrol arm (thik line) aelerometers. Both transfer funtions are very modal, whih ould make ontrol diult. Also the ross member aelerometer transfer funtion has a signiant phase roll-o that an ause problems with ontrol. broaden the eetive frequeny range one the simpler tonal ontroller is funtional. This tonal ontroller will demonstrate whether ontrol is eetive, i.e., if reduing ross member vibration redues interior noise. The tonal ontroller will be a feedbak ontroller. Here, the logial variable to be fed bak is the ross member aeleration. In the unmodied bushing, with no atuator, road noise vibration is transmitted aross the point 4 bushing. The atuator added to the system will be used to supply a fore that anels the road noise vibration the ross member aeleration will be fed bak into the ontroller and driven to zero. If the vibration of the ross member an be redued, then the sounds in the interior aused by that vibration should also be redued. The tonal ontroller employed here is designed to eliminate the ross member vibration at a single frequeny. The initial frequeny onsidered was 150 Hz, hosen beause it falls in the range of highest amplitude in the vibration spetrum, as shown in Figure 1-2. 43 The form of the ontroller used here is from a methodology known as higher harmoni ontrol (HHC) originally designed to redue heliopter vibrations, developed by Hall and Wereley [11℄. Their ontinuous time HHC ompensator is 2k(as + bΩ) s2 + (Ω)2 K(s) = (4.1) where a= b= Re[G(jΩ)] (4.2) |G(jΩ)|2 Im[G(jΩ)] (4.3) |G(jΩ)|2 1 k= T and T (4.4) is the desired the settling time of the losed loop system. In this ase, (in rad/s) of the harmoni to be redued, is Ω = 2π × 150 Hz, and Ω, the frequeny G(jΩ) is the transfer funtion from the atuator to the ross member aelerometer evaluated at 150 Hz. This ontroller (Equation 4.1) eliminates vibrations at the frequeny innite there. funtion The onstants, G(jΩ), a = −0.099 and b = 0.2732, Ω beause K is determined from the transfer generally result in good phase margins at the rossover frequenies, just above and below 150 Hz. However, it is sometimes neessary to adjust a and b to give better phase margins at one of the two rossover frequenies (above or below Ω). 4.3 Expeted Performane Classial ontrol theory ditates that for the most basi feedbak ontrol system, suh as the one shown in Figure 4-3, the losed loop transfer funtion is given by H(s) = where K(s)G(s) 1 + K(s)G(s) (4.5) H(s) represents the losed loop transfer funtion from r to y , G(s) is the plant transfer funtion, and K(s) represents the ontroller transfer funtion. In Figure 4-3, the input or 44 r e + u y K(s) G(s) - Figure 4-3: Classial ontrol theory blok diagram. r e is the input (also alled the referene signal), and y G(s) is the plant, K(s) is the ontroller, u is the ontrol signal, is the error signal, is the output signal. d 0 e + u + K(s) G(s) - y + Figure 4-4: Disturbane rejetion blok diagram. The signals are the same signals desribed in Figure 4-3. referene signal, r, is the ommand signal. The error signal, e, the dierene between the referene signal and the output, is also the ontroller input. The ontrol signal, output from the ontroller. The output signal, y, u, is the is the measurement of interest. In disturbane rejetion problems (Figure 4-4), suh as this one, the input referene signal is set to zero, sine the desired output, to y, y, is zero. The transfer funtion from d whih measures the attenuation of the disturbane by the ontroller, is alled the sensitivity transfer funtion, and is given by S(s) = 1 1 + G(s)K(s) (4.6) The Linoln LS system is only slightly more ompliated than the standard disturbane rejetion system desribed above, beause the disturbane signal, to the plant tion, making G(s) w, does not add diretly output. The disturbane signal is modied by the shaker transfer fun- d = wGw (s) the signal diretly added to the plant output. A blok diagram representing the signiant parts of the Linoln LS system is shown in Figure 4-5. 45 Gw (s) w Gw(s) d 0 u + + K(s) Ga(s) - y + Gw (s) Ga (s) is the atuator transfer funtion, K(s) is the ontroller signal into the shaker, u is the ontrol signal, and y is the Figure 4-5: Blok diagram representing the pertinent parts of the Linoln LS system. is the shaker transfer funtion, transfer funtion, w is the measurement signal. represents the shaker transfer funtion, ontroller transfer funtion, w Ga (s) is the atuator transfer funtion, is the signal into the shaker, u K(s) is the is the ontrol signal, and y is the measured ross member aeleration. The referene signal in this ase, as in the disturbane rejetion ase, is zero beause the ontroller is supposed to rejet the shaker vibration disturbane. The frational attenuation due to ontrol in this senario is Tyd = 1 1 + K(s)Ga (s) (4.7) and the losed loop transfer funtion from the shaker to the aelerometer is Tyw = Gw (s) 1 + K(s)Ga (s) (4.8) Some of the harateristis of the expeted performane an be seen in the Bode plot of the atuator to ross member aelerometer transfer funtion times the ontroller transfer funtion, Ga (s)K(s). (See Figure 4-6.) Clearly, the Bode plot shows that there is a large gain at 150 Hz, and lower gains at frequenies farther away from 150 Hz. Also, the Bode plot shows that there are two rossover frequenies, 147 Hz and 153 Hz. First, onsider the lower rossover frequeny, at 147 Hz. At this frequeny, the phase is -67 degrees. This rossover is obviously stable, with a phase margin of 113 degrees. The seond rossover, at 153 Hz, has 46 Magnitude 0 10 −5 10 1 2 10 3 10 10 Phase (degrees) 1000 500 0 1 2 10 Figure 4-6: Bode plot of 10 Frequency (Hz) Ga (s)K(s), 3 10 the atuator to ross member aelerometer transfer funtion times the ontroller transfer funtion. There is a large gain at 150 Hz, and two rossovers, one at 147 Hz and the other at 153 Hz, with orresponding phases of -67 and 72 degrees. a orresponding phase of 72 degrees. Again, the rossover is stable, and the phase margin is 108 degrees. This Bode plot demonstrates that the ontroller designed above should be stable and attenuate disturbanes at frequenies near 150 Hz and have little eet elsewhere. The expeted performane demonstrated by the Bode plot is shown in Figure 4-7. Consider the losed loop transfer funtion from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer of the ontroller used here. The measured experimental transfer funtion should losely resemble the transfer funtion alulated from theory. Figure 4-7 shows a omparison of experimental and predited results. The experimental losed loop transfer funtion from the shaker exitation to the ross member aelerometer is measured using the signal analyzer, and is represented by the thin line. The thik line represents the theoretial losed loop transfer funtion alulated using Equation 4.8. The experimental and theoretial results are similar, although the bandwidth of the experimental transfer funtion is narrower than the theoretially alulated transfer funtion bandwidth. This is likely due to the data pro- 47 Magnitude (dB, g/V) 0 −20 −40 −60 −80 100 125 150 175 200 150 Frequency (Hz) 175 200 Phase (degrees) 0 −200 −400 −600 100 Experimental Calculated 125 Figure 4-7: Experimental and alulated transfer funtions from the shaker exitation to the ross member aelerometer. The thin line is the experimentally determined transfer funtion and the thik line is the alulated transfer funtion based on ontrol theory. The theoretial alulated transfer funtion and the experimental transfer funtion math losely. essing done on the experimental data. The signal analyzer aquires the experimental data at a nite rate, and it also averages several streams of data. The lose math between the experimental and theoretial transfer funtions indiates that the experimental ontroller does what it was expeted to do, and the ross member vibration is signiantly redued near 150 Hz. 4.4 Closed Loop Vibration The purpose of the tonal ontroller is to eliminate ross member vibration over a narrow band of frequenies. As a result, the magnitude of the transfer funtion from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer should derease signiantly at 150 Hz when the ontrol loop is losed. This drop an be seen by omparing the open loop transfer funtion from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer and the losed loop transfer funtion from 48 Magnitude (dB, g/V) 0 −20 −40 Phase (degrees) 100 150 −100 175 200 Open Loop Closed Loop −200 −300 100 Figure 4-8: 125 125 150 Frequency (Hz) 175 200 Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the ross mem- ber aelerometer. The thin line shows the open loop transfer funtion and the thik line shows the losed loop transfer funtion. At 150 Hz the ross member vibration dereases dramatially, as expeted. the shaker to the ross member aelerometer. (Figure 4-8) The thin line is the open loop transfer funtion and the thik line is the losed loop transfer funtion. As expeted, the ross member vibrations (open and losed loop transfer funtions) are similar at all frequenies, exept at those around 150 Hz, where the vibration goes to nearly zero. The vibration derease extends for only a few hertz on either side of 150 Hz, roughly 148 Hz to 152 Hz. Unlike the ross member vibration, the magnitude of the ontrol arm vibration at 150 Hz would not be expeted to derease when the ontrol loop is losed. The ontrol arm a- elerometer is on the opposite side of the point 4 bushing, relative to the ross member aelerometer. A ontroller that redues the aeleration on one side of the bushing (ross member) is not expeted to redue the aeleration on the other side of the bushing (ontrol arm). Figure 4-9 shows the open (thin line) and losed loop (thik line) transfer funtions from the shaker to the ontrol arm aelerometer. No signiant dierene is seen between the open loop ontrol arm vibration and the losed loop vibration at 150 Hz. There is a level 49 Magnitude (dB, g/V) Phase (degrees) 0 −10 −20 −30 100 125 150 175 200 Open Loop Closed Loop 0 −200 −400 −600 100 125 150 Frequency (Hz) 175 200 Figure 4-9: Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the ontrol arm aelerometer. The thin line is the open loop transfer funtion and the thik line is the losed loop transfer funtion. As expeted, there is no signiant derease in vibration at 150 Hz. At 142 Hz, there is a derease in the magnitude of vibration. shift upwards of magnitude of vibration at frequenies above 150 Hz, probably due to small experimental dierenes. Also, there is a derease of roughly 6 dB in the magnitude of the vibration at 142 Hz. This result is diult to explain. With the addition of the ontroller (losed loop), the only part of the loop that hanges is the eet of the ontroller on ontrol arm vibration. Therefore, we would expet the ontrol arm vibration to hange only when the ontroller signal is large, but without a more detailed examination of the ontrol arm transfer funtions, it is diult to predit what eet the ontroller would have. However, how the ontrol arm vibration hanges is not very important, assuming that ontrol arm vibrations are not extreme, sine it is only the frame vibrations that we are about. 50 4.5 Interior Sound Levels We know that most of the road vibrations are transmitted into the frame through the point 4 bushing [9℄, and these road vibrations result in inreased interior abin noise. Therefore, we assume that using the tonal ontroller to eliminate the ross member (frame) vibration near the point 4 bushing will redue the sound in the interior of the vehile. In the modeling tests onduted by Ford, all fores aross the point 4 bushing were removed and the interior sound was measured. the bushing. The sound dereased signiantly when there was no fore aross This result points to the elimination of ross member vibration as a logial approah to ounterat the road noise indued fores aross the bushing, beause it would leave the net fore aross the bushing nearly zero. In our test setup, the sound level meter mirophone was positioned at the four loations desribed in Setion 3.3.2. Sound was reorded at eah loation, and ompared to the sound without the ontroller in operation. The open loop (thin line) and losed loop (thik line) transfer funtions from the shaker to the mirophone are shown in Figure 4-10 (rst mirophone position, Figure 3-9(a)), Figure 4-11 (seond mirophone position, Figure 3-9(a)), Figure 4-12 (third mirophone position, Figure 3-9(b)), and Figure 4-13 (fourth mirophone position, Figure 3-9()). If the assumption that reduing ross member vibration redues interior sound is orret, then magnitude of the mirophone signals at eah loation should derease when the ontroller is turned on. We do see redutions in sound level, ranging from 2.4 dB at the rst mirophone position, to an almost negligible redution at the seond mirophone position, but the redutions were not as large as we had hoped. Although we did not reord the vibration levels at other loations on the ar, we did notie that when we felt the hood, front fenders, et., there was a signiant redution of vibration levels under losed loop ontrol. Nevertheless, the interior abin sound level redution was small. There are a few possible onlusions from these results. It is possible that the statement that most of the road noise vibrations are transmitted laterally through the point 4 bushing is inorret. Or, it is oneivable that our experimental setup introdued a new sound 51 Magnitude (dB) 10 0 −10 −20 −30 Phase (degrees) −40 100 125 150 175 200 Open Loop Closed Loop 0 −500 −1000 100 125 150 Frequency (Hz) 175 200 Figure 4-10: Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the rst mirophone position. The thin line is the open loop transfer funtion and the thik line is the losed loop transfer funtion. Notie that there is a small redution (about 2.4 dB) in sound level at 150 Hz. transmission path not previously observed, or that our setup does not aurately represent driving onditions. Future researh would need to be done to disover why we were able to signiantly redue ross member vibrations without reduing interior sound levels muh. 4.6 Summary In this hapter, we presented the experimental results for a tonal ontroller. Although a broadband ontroller is neessary to signiantly attenuate sound levels over the 100 to 200 Hz band, the use of a tonal ontroller allows us to determine whether a losed loop redution in ross member aeleration redues interior sound levels. We had hoped for a bigger sound redution, but we did show that eliminating ross member vibration does redue the sound somewhat (up to 2.4 dB at one loation). Although we do not have data desribing the loations of the aousti nodes, we observed by moving the mirophone around 52 Magnitude (dB) 10 5 0 −5 −10 −15 100 125 150 175 200 Phase (degrees) 200 Open Loop Closed Loop 0 −200 −400 −600 100 125 150 Frequency (Hz) 175 200 Figure 4-11: Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the seond mirophone position. The thin line is the open loop transfer funtion and the thik line is the losed loop transfer funtion. No signiant dierene in the sound level at 150 Hz is seen at this mirophone position. the vehile interior near the driver, that the node loations hanged when the ontrol loop was losed. A more detailed study of the entire sound distribution in the interior is required to determine how muh the sound levels are redued, or if the sound pressure distribution is merely hanged without a net redution in overall sound levels. Additionally, this tonal ontroller was expeted to eliminate ross member vibration in the losed loop ase and have little eet on the ontrol arm vibration, and the experimental results show the ontroller did behave generally as expeted. The results also show that, as expeted, the tonal ontroller was stable when implemented. In addition, it was important to see that the measured experimental transfer funtions losely math the alulated theoretial transfer funtion to show that the ontroller works as it was expeted. 53 Magnitude (dB) 10 0 −10 −20 −30 100 125 150 175 200 Phase (degrees) 0 Open Loop Closed Loop −200 −400 −600 −800 100 125 150 Frequency (Hz) 175 200 Figure 4-12: Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the third mirophone position. The thin line is the open loop transfer funtion and the thik line is the losed loop transfer funtion. Note the small (roughly 0.75 dB) derease in sound level at 150 Hz at this mirophone position. 54 Magnitude (dB) 0 −10 −20 −30 100 125 150 175 200 Phase (degrees) 200 Open Loop Closed Loop 0 −200 −400 −600 −800 100 125 150 Frequency (Hz) 175 200 Figure 4-13: Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the fourth mirophone position. The thin line is the open loop transfer funtion and the thik line is the losed loop transfer funtion. A derease in sound level of approximately 1 dB is seen at 150 Hz at this mirophone position 55 56 Chapter 5 Broadband Controller After the tonal ontroller, the next logial step to redue interior noise in the Linoln LS is a broadband ontroller. We would like the ontroller to operate over the range of 100 Hz to 200 Hz, but the tonal ontroller only has eet over a range of a few hertz. It turns out that a broadband ontroller is diult to design and implement for this partiular hoie of atuator. Setion 5.1 disusses these diulties. Seondly, to show redution of ross member aeleration at other frequenies (other than 150 Hz), Setion 5.2 desribes several dierent tonal ontrollers similar to the one designed in Setion 4.2, but entered at other frequenies, namely 140 Hz, 160 Hz, and 180 Hz. We use these tonal ontrollers to determine if reduing ross member vibration at eah frequeny is eetive at reduing interior noise. 5.1 Diulties with Broadband Control The rst step in designing a broadband ontroller is to examine the pertinent transfer funtion, in this ase the transfer funtion from the atuator exitation to the ross member aelerometer vibration. (See Figure 5-1.) We would like the broadband ontroller to at over the range 100 to 200 Hz. As an be seen in the Bode plot, the magnitude plot is quite modal, but is generally steadily inreasing over this range. The ideal ontrol open loop transfer funtion would be a broad peak with rossovers below 100 Hz and above 200 Hz. This would attenuate the noise in this range, and have little eet at other frequenies. It would not be diult to design a suh a ontroller that would atten the transfer funtion 57 2 Magnitude 10 0 10 −2 10 −4 10 0 1 Phase (degrees) 10 2 10 3 10 10 1000 500 0 0 1 10 2 10 3 10 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 5-1: Bode plot of the transfer funtion from the atuator exitation to the ross member aelerometer vibration. The transfer funtion is modal, but generally inreasing in the signiant range. and then add a broad peak that extends from 100 Hz to 200 Hz. transfer funtion attened by adding stable poles and zeros. Figure 5-2 shows the In this Bode plot, it is also lear that there are two zeros in the frequeny range we are interested in, at 128 Hz and 184 Hz. Due to these two zeros, this atuator has no authority at 128 Hz and 184 Hz; we will not be able to aet the ross member vibration at these frequenies with this atuator alone. Another purpose of the attened transfer funtion is to show if there is the presene of non-minimum phase lag. Beause phase is related to the slope of the Bode magnitude plot in a minimum phase system, a minimum phase system that has a perfetly at magnitude would also have at phase. In pratial appliations, a minimum phase system with an approximately at magnitude plot will have roughly at phase. If the system is not minimum phase, the exess phase lag will be learly seen. broadband ontrol. Exess phase lag auses diulty with Non-minimum phase lag an be aused by time delays in the system 58 −2 Magnitude 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 0 Phase (degrees) 10 1 2 10 10 3 10 1000 500 0 0 10 1 2 10 10 3 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 5-2: Bode plot of the attened transfer funtion from the atuator to the ross member aelerometer. The transfer funtion was attened by adding stable poles and zeros (minimum phase poles and zeros). There are two zeros in the range of interest (100 to 200 Hz), at 128 Hz and 184 Hz. These zeros mean that this atuator has no ontrol authority at those frequenies. Also, there is a large amount of non-minimum phase at roughly 30 Hz, as well as a signiant amount between 60 and 70 Hz. and right hand plane zeros, and tends to make a system less stable. As an be seen in Figure 5-2, there is a large amount of exess phase lag at roughly 30 Hz. The non-minimum phase lag here would not ause too many problems to a ontroller ating around 100 Hz, but there is also a signiant amount of non-minimum phase between 60 and 70 Hz that would ause problems with a ontroller ating at 100 Hz (the lower end of the frequeny range we are interested in). If the broadband ontroller is to at at frequenies as low at 100 Hz, there would have to be a rossover near the loation of this exess phase lag. In summary, with this partiular atuator and sensor (aelerometer) pair, an eetive broadband ontroller would be diult, if not impossible, to design. There is no way to get around the fat that this atuator has no ontrol authority around 128 Hz and 184 Hz, and the atuator annot attenuate the ross member vibration at those frequenies. The 59 non-minimum phase lag is also a problem for broadband ontrol, but this problem may be overome by a arefully designed broadband ontroller that has the rossover frequeny above the non-minimum phase lag (above 70 Hz). These broadband ontroller diulties, however, are ontingent on this partiular atuator, sensor, and plant system. It is possible that a dierent atuator design may make it easier to design a broadband ontroller for this system. 5.2 Tonal Controllers at Various Other Frequenies To show that we ould get ross member vibration and interior sound redution at various frequenies (other than 150 Hz), we implemented three other tonal ontrollers, very similar to the ontroller designed in Setion 4.2, but at dierent frequenies. These ontrollers show that ontrol (and noise attenuation) is possible at multiple frequenies. 5.2.1 Tonal Control at 140 Hz The tonal ontroller entered at 140 Hz is similar to the tonal ontroller entered at 150 Hz designed in Setion 4.2, with a = −0.2382 and b = −0.1663. The ontroller should eliminate the vibration of the ross member around 140 Hz. Figure 5-3 shows the open loop transfer funtion (thin line) from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer as well as the losed loop transfer funtion (thik line) with the tonal ontroller at 140 Hz. As expeted and similar to the results from the tonal ontroller at 150 Hz, the ross member vibration drops signiantly around 140 Hz, in the range of 137 to 145 Hz. in Figure 5-4. The interior sound is shown Figure 5-4(a) shows the open loop (thin line) and losed loop (thik line) transfer funtions from the shaker to the rst mirophone position. Figure 5-4(b) shows the same transfer funtions from the shaker to the third mirophone position. As an be seen, there is a derease of about 6.5 dB in interior sound at the rst mirophone position and about 2 dB at the third mirophone position. There is little hange in the interior sound at other frequenies with this tonal ontroller. The tonal ontroller entered at 140 Hz has similar results as the tonal ontroller entered at 150 Hz. Both eliminate ross member vibration at the frequeny of interest, and redue 60 Magnitude (dB, g/V) 0 −20 −40 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Phase (degrees) 300 Open Loop Closed Loop 200 100 0 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Frequency (Hz) 170 180 190 200 Figure 5-3: Open and losed loop transfer funtion from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer with the tonal ontroller entered at 140 Hz. Notie the signiant drop in ross member vibration in the range 137 to 145 Hz, entered at 140 Hz. the interior sound by a small amount over a small frequeny range. 5.2.2 Tonal Control at 160 Hz The tonal ontroller entered at 160 Hz, with a = −0.0249 and b = 0.28945, is also similar to the tonal ontrollers entered at 140 Hz and 150 Hz. The ross member vibration at 160 Hz should be eliminated, as seen in Figure 5-5. The open loop transfer funtion from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer is the thin line and the losed loop transfer funtion is the thik line. Clearly, the ross member vibration is eliminated at 160 Hz (between 153 Hz and 170 Hz), as expeted. There is, however, an inrease in vibration in the frequeny range 136 to 153 Hz. This inrease in vibration is due to the poor phase margin in that range. (See Figure 5-6) This tonal ontroller ould be improved by adjusting a and b in Equation 4.1 to give better phase margins. In Figure 5-7, Figure 5-7(a) shows the open loop (thin line) and losed loop (thik 61 Magnitude (dB) 10 0 −10 −20 −30 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Phase (degrees) 200 Open Loop Closed Loop 0 −200 −400 −600 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Frequency (Hz) 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 140 150 160 Frequency (Hz) 170 180 190 200 (a) Magnitude (dB) 10 0 −10 −20 Phase (degrees) −30 100 110 120 130 140 150 200 0 −200 −400 100 Open Loop Closed Loop 110 120 130 (b) Figure 5-4: Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the mirophone for a tonal ontroller entered at 140 Hz. At the rst mirophone position, (a), there is a derease in interior sound of about 6.5 dB near 140 Hz (at 136.5 Hz) and almost no hange at other frequenies. At the third mirophone position, (b), there is a minor derease of roughly 2 dB in sound near 140 Hz (at 137 Hz) with little hange in sound at other frequenies. 62 Magnitude (dB, g/V) 0 −20 −40 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Phase (degrees) 300 Open Loop Closed Loop 200 100 0 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Frequency (Hz) 170 180 190 200 Figure 5-5: Open and losed loop transfer funtion from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer with the tonal ontroller entered at 160 Hz. As expeted, there is a large derease in ross member vibration entered at 160 Hz, and between 153 and 170 Hz. There is also an inrease in vibration between 136 and 153 Hz due to poor phase margin. (See Figure 5-6.) line) transfer funtions from the shaker to the rst mirophone position, and Figure 5-7(b) shows the open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the third mirophone position. A small redution (3.1 dB at the rst mirophone position and 2 dB at the third mirophone position) in interior sound an be seen, with only minor hanges in sound at other frequenies. The results from the tonal ontroller entered at 160 Hz are very similar to the results from both the 140 Hz and 150 Hz tonal ontrollers. At 160 Hz, the ross member vibration is eliminated and there is a small redution in sound. 5.2.3 Tonal Control at 180 Hz Again, the tonal entered at 180 Hz is similar in design to the other tonal ontrollers previously desribed, with a = −0.0249 and b = 0.28945. 63 The open loop (thin line) and losed 40 Magnitude (dB) 20 0 dB 0 6 dB 3 dB −20 −40 −360 −270 −180 Phase (degrees) −90 0 Figure 5-6: Nihols plot of the transfer funtion from the atuator to the ross member aelerometer times the ontroller transfer funtion from 100 to 200 Hz. The low frequenies start in the bottom middle of the plot and the high frequenies end at the bottom right. The plot line touhes the 17.4 dB ontour (innermost ontour) at 147 Hz, explaining why the vibration transfer funtion from Figure 5-5 inreases approximately 17 dB around 147 Hz. loop (thik line) transfer funtions from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer are shown in Figure 5-8. Unlike the previous tonal ontrollers, the tonal ontroller entered at 180 Hz does not eliminate the ross member vibration, it only dereases it by a small amount. This an be explained by the zero at 184 Hz, as disussed in Setion 5.1. The tonal ontroller at 180 Hz is lose enough to the zero for the atuator to have only a little ontrol authority at 180 Hz. Also, due to the lak of ontrol authority at 180 Hz, we do not expet the sound to be redued at 180 Hz. (See Figure 5-9.) The open loop (thin line) and losed loop (thik line) transfer funtions from the shaker to the rst mirophone position (Figure 5-9(a)) and the third mirophone position (Figure 5-9(b)) show that the sound atually inreases, 2.1 dB and 1.9 dB, respetively. The lak of ontrol authority explains the lak of sound redution. The results from the tonal ontroller entered at 180 Hz are dierent from the results 64 Magnitude (dB) 10 0 −10 −20 −30 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Phase (degrees) 200 Open Loop Closed Loop 0 −200 −400 −600 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Frequency (Hz) 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 140 150 160 Frequency (Hz) 170 180 190 200 (a) Magnitude (dB) 10 0 −10 −20 −30 −40 Phase (degrees) 100 110 120 130 140 150 200 0 −200 −400 Open Loop Closed Loop −600 −800 100 110 120 130 (b) Figure 5-7: Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the mirophone for a tonal ontroller entered at 160 Hz. At the rst mirophone position, (a), there is a roughly 3.1 dB derease in interior sound at 160 Hz and little hange at other frequenies. At the third mirophone position, (b), there is a minor derease of roughly 2 dB in sound at 160 Hz with only a little hange in sound at other frequenies. 65 Magnitude (dB, g/V) 10 5 0 160 170 180 190 200 Phase (degrees) 100 Open Loop Closed Loop 50 0 160 170 180 Frequency (Hz) 190 200 Figure 5-8: Open and losed loop transfer funtion from the shaker to the ross member aelerometer with the tonal ontroller entered at 180 Hz. There is only a small derease in ross member vibration at 180 Hz, and almost no hange in vibration at other frequenies. from the other tonal ontrollers due to the lak of ontrol authority at 180 Hz. The ross member vibration dereases only slightly, and the sound at 180 Hz does not derease at all. 66 Magnitude (dB) 5 0 −5 −10 Phase (degrees) −15 160 170 180 200 190 200 Open Loop Closed Loop 150 100 50 0 160 170 180 Frequency (Hz) 190 200 180 190 200 180 Frequency (Hz) 190 200 (a) Magnitude (dB) 0 −10 −20 Phase (degrees) −30 160 170 300 200 100 0 160 Open Loop Closed Loop 170 (b) Figure 5-9: Open and losed loop transfer funtions from the shaker to the mirophone for a tonal ontroller entered at 180 Hz. At the rst mirophone position, (a), there is no derease in interior sound at 180 Hz, there is a slight inrease (2.1 dB). At the third mirophone position, (b), again there is no derease in sound at 180 Hz, and a small inrease in sound (1.9 dB). 67 68 Chapter 6 Conlusion The aim of this study was to attempt to redue the interior abin noise of an automobile without ompromising vehile handling by using an ative suspension system. In passive suspensions, typially used in prodution vehiles, reduing interior noise and improving handling are ompeting goals, and reduing noise typially redues handling quality. With an ative suspension, however, it may be possible to redue noise while maintaining good vehile handling. In a passive suspension system, the point 4 bushing must have onstant properties at all frequenies. A soft point 4 bushing is good for noise redution purposes beause it damps road noise vibrations and makes the ride quieter. For vehile handling purposes, on the other hand, a sti bushing is more eetive. A sti bushing allows drive fores, suh as the steering fores, to be transmitted without attenuation. A passive suspension system annot be both sti at the drive fore frequenies and soft at vibration frequenies. An ative suspension system, however, allows the point 4 bushing to have variable harateristis at dierent frequenies. At the low frequenies assoiated with drive fores (on the order of a few Hz) it is possible to make the bushing sti, while at the higher road noise vibration frequenies, the bushing an be more soft. To implement this ative suspension system, we designed and built an eletromagneti atuator that ats aross the point 4 bushing. A broadband ontroller ating over the frequeny range 100 to 200 Hz would be required to implement this system in an atual automobile. To simplify the system for our preliminary 69 studies, we began with a tonal ontroller entered at 150 Hz to eliminate ross member vibration. The eet of this tonal ontroller extended for only a few hertz on either side of 150 Hz, but was intended to demonstrate our ability to redue ross member vibration and to show that reduing vibration leads to a redution in interior noise. We also designed similar tonal ontrollers entered at 140 Hz, 160 Hz, and 180 Hz. Our experiments determined that eah of the tonal ontrollers has a small frequeny band at whih it is eetive at rejeting the disturbane aused by shaker vibration. Also, eah of the tonal ontrollers (with the exeption of the tonal ontroller entered at 180 Hz) signiantly redued ross member vibration. The tonal ontroller entered at 180 Hz proved ineetive at rejeting the shaker disturbane, due to the lose proximity of a zero in the transfer funtion from the atuator to the ross member aelerometer (further explanation below). Although the ross member vibration at the pertinent frequeny was redued to nearly zero for eah of the 140 Hz, 150 Hz, and 160 Hz ontrollers, the interior abin sound levels did not derease as muh as we had hoped. The sound levels did derease somewhat (a few deibels at most of the mirophone loations), but we had hoped for dereases on the order of 6 to 10 deibels. Designing a broadband ontroller turned out to be more diult than antiipated for several reasons. The transfer funtion from the atuator to the ross member aelerometer (Figure 5-1) has two zeros in the frequeny range of interest (100 to 200 Hz): one zero at 128 Hz and one at 184 Hz. At the frequenies where the transfer funtion is zero, the eletromagneti atuator used in this projet has no ontrol authority. No ontroller an be designed with this partiular atuator that would allow us to attenuate ross member vibration at 128 Hz and 184 Hz. The zero at 184 Hz explains why the tonal ontroller entered at 180 Hz was not eetive at attenuating ross member vibration. Additionally, the exess phase lag (Figure 5-2) between 60 and 70 Hz would make it diult to design a stable ontroller with a rossover below 100 Hz. Our studies demonstrated that it is possible to redue ross member vibration at various frequenies with the eletromagneti atuator used here, although the atuator has no ontrol authority at 128 Hz and 184 Hz. We also found that eliminating ross member vibration at 70 a partiular frequeny redues interior sound, albeit by a small amount. The redution in sound level was not as enouraging as we had hoped, but it may be explained by examining our assumptions. Some of the assumptions made in this projet appear to have perhaps been not entirely orret. One assumption that may not have been orret is the one suggested by Ford [9℄, that most of the road noise vibration is transmitted laterally (parallel to the wheel axis) through the point 4 bushing. Given the experimental data presented here, it is unlear whether this assumption was orret. One possibility is that although most vibration may initially be transmitted through the point 4 bushing, our ontroller modies the vibration transmission and reates other paths. This may explain why the magnitude of the sound redution is not as great as we had hoped. Another assumption vital to this projet was that reduing the frame vibration at the ross member would lead to a redution in interior abin noise. This was a reasonable assumption; reduing the amount of road noise that is transmitted through the point 4 bushing would redue the vibration of the ross member, and reduing the ross member vibration would be expeted to redue the interior abin noise aused by road noise vibration. Again, it is unlear if this assumption was orret. The road noise vibration transmission paths ould have been modied by the addition of the atuator, resulting in the transmission of road noise into the interior abin through pathways other than those involving the ross member. Further studies are needed to resolve the diulties with broadband ontrol desribed above. We would rst need to determine whether broadband ontrol is possible, despite the two zeros in the frequeny range of interest and the exess phase lag. Seond, if broadband ontrol proved impossible, we would need to determine whether the diulties were spei to the eletromagneti atuator used here. It is possible that a dierent type of atuator, or a dierent onguration of the eletromagnet, would make broadband ontrol possible. Additional researh is also required to determine why we were unable to redue interior sound levels as muh as we had hoped. Determining the exat noise transmission paths using our atuator ould determine if and how the vibration paths had hanged, giving lues as to why our studies were only partially suessful. 71 72 Appendix A Calulation of Atuator Parameters This appendix inludes the alulation of all important atuator parameters. First, we desribe the atuator size and shape, as well as the required air gap between the rotor and that stator. Then, we dene some of the material properties of the steel laminations that will be neessary in the later alulations. Next we use the required fore (determined in Setion 2.2) to alulate the magneti eld, the magneti ux, and the magnetizing fore. Then we alulate the relutane and use it (along with the magneti ux) to alulate the number of amp-turns required for this magneti atuator. Finally, we alulate the estimated power required to operate the eletromagnet. Geometry of Atuator The atuator (Figure 2-3) is omposed of a irular side (the stator), onentri with the point 4 bushing, whih ats as a magneti return path, and a U-shaped side (the rotor) wound with the urrent arrying oil, attahed to the ontrol arm. The radius of the stator is 5 m, large enough so that when the ontrol arm rotates about the point 4 bushing, the magnet does not interfere with any of the automobile omponents near the bushing. The ends of the rotor are rounded so that they onform to the urvature of the irular side of the eletromagnet while maintaining the air gap. The size of the rotor is set both by the required eletromagneti eld required, and by the free spae available near the ontrol arm. The length (L) of the magneti ore is 73 L = 30 m = 0.30 m, making a U- shape that is approximately 15 m long and 8 m wide. (2.5 m)2 = 0.000625 m 2 . An air gap (g The ross setional area is = 2 mm = 2 × 10−3 m) A= is neessary to separate the eletromagneti rotor and stator, and allow for some relative motion aross the point 4 bushing. At least 2 mm is required so that the two sides of the magnet stay separated during normal operation of the atuator. Material Properties Several material properties are required to alulate the atuator parameters suh as the magneti permeability of ore. The permeability of the ore is µ = κm µ0 where µ0 = 4π × 10−7 N/A2 is the permeability of free spae and (A.1) κm = 8000 is the magneti permeability of steel. Then the permeability of the ore is µ = κm µ0 = 0.0101 N /A2 (A.2) Atuator Fore The total fore required is given by Ftotal = 2F = 150 N where F (A.3) is the fore in the air gap, beause the magneti eld goes through two faes, eah leg of the U. Therefore, the fore in the gap is F = 75 N 74 (A.4) The magneti eld required to produe this fore is B= where F is the fore in the gap, µ0 r 2µ0 F = 0.5492 T A (A.5) A is the permeability of the gap (air), and is the ross setional area at the gap. Then, the total magneti ux through any surfae is dened by Φ= Z B dA = BA cos θ = 3.432 × 10−4 Wb (A.6) if the magneti eld has a onstant magnitude and diretion, as in this ase, where the magneti ux, B is the magneti eld, A is the ross setional area, and θ Φ is is the angle between the normal to the surfae and the diretion of the magneti eld (zero in this ase). Finally, the magnetizing fore is H= where µ B = 0.68 Oe = 54.374 A/m µ is the magneti permeability, and B (A.7) is the magneti eld, both from above. Relutane The relutane of the ore is Rc = where L is the length of the ore, µ L = 47, 525 A /Wb µA is the permeability of the ore, and (A.8) A is the ross setional area of the ore. Similarly, the relutane of gap is Rg = g = 2, 550, 000 A /Wb µ0 A 75 (A.9) where g is the length of the air gap, µ0 is the permeability air, and A is the ross setional area gap at the ore. Then the total relutane, R = Rc + 2Rg = 5, 140, 000 A /Wb (A.10) is the relutane of the ore plus the relutane of eah air gap. Required Amp-Turns The magnetomotive fore, M, required to produe the desired eld strength in the gap is given by M = ΦR = N I = 1764 amp-turns where Φ is the magneti ux, turns, and I R is the N total relutane, is the urrent in the oil. NI (A.11) is the number of urrent arrying is the number of amp-turns required for the magnet. As a result, the magnet has 120 turns and 15 A urrent. Estimate of Power Required The length of the turns is the length of one side of the magnet (L radius of the oil is approximately thikness of the oil (t = 1.25 m). r = 2.4 m, = 15 m). The average the thikness of the ore plus half of the But the volume of the oils is not ompletely lled with opper, so we assume a volume lling eieny η of approximately η = 0.7. Then the ross setion of the oil is A = ηLt = 13.125 m2 where L is the length of the eletromagneti oil, and t (A.12) is the thikness of the oil. The irumferene of the oil is l = 2πr = 15.1 m where r (A.13) is the average radius of the oil. The resistivity of opper is ρ = 1.673 × 10−8 Ωm. 76 The resistane of the oil (if it were only one turn) is given by R1 = where ρ is the resistivity of opper, l ρl = 1.9 µΩ A is the irumferene of the oil, and (A.14) A is the ross setion of the oil. 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