PULSE Learning-Work Agreement: 4-Hour Elective Students

PULSE Learning-Work Agreement: 4-Hour Elective Students
Student ________________________________ Supervisor _______________________________________
Placement ______________________________ PULSE Professor_________________________________
To be completed by the STUDENT
1. What do you hope to learn from your involvement in this placement?
2. How do you think you can contribute to your placement?
3. What do you expect from your supervisor in the way of guidance?
To be completed by the SUPERVISOR in consultation with the STUDENT
1. Indicate the student’s schedule (days of the week and times he/she will be expected to arrive at and depart
from the agency).
2. Describe your policies on punctuality, absences and missed shifts, and make-up time.*
*NOTE: PULSE students are not required to work on Boston College breaks, holidays, and end-of-semester study days unless otherwise
agreed. Please see the PULSE website for a complete list of dates: www.bc.edu/schools/cas/pulse/calendar.html
PULSE Student: I agree to all of the specific arrangements outlined above regarding learning goals, placement
tasks, work schedule, and supervision. I realize that my placement work will be evaluated based on my adherence to
this agreement. I acknowledge that these expectations will form the basis for my placement grade at the end of the
Signature _________________________________________________
PULSE Supervisor: I agree to all of the specific arrangements outlined above regarding learning goals, placement
tasks, work schedule, and supervision. I will evaluate the student’s placement work based on his/her adherence to
this agreement.
Signature __________________________________________________