SPECIFICATIONS The attached document provides recommended modifications to Article 1.3 in Section I "Introduction" of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. The modifications provide a method to include system factors that account for system ductility and redundancy during the design and safety evaluation of highway bridges. 1.3 DESIGN PHILOSOPHY 1.3.1 General Bridges shall be designed for specified limit states to achieve the objectives of constructability, safety and serviceability, with due regard to issues of inspectability, economy and aesthetics, as specified in Article 2.5. Regardless of the type of analysis used, Equation -1 shall be satisfied for all specified force effects and combinations thereof. 1.3.2 Limit States General Each component and connection shall satisfy Eq. for each limit state, unless otherwise specified. For service and extreme event limit states, resistance factors shall be taken as 1.0, except for bolts, for which the provisions of Article 6.5.5 shall apply, and for concrete columns in Seismic Zones 2, 3, and 4, for which the provisions of Articles and shall apply. All limit states shall be considered of equal importance. Q R i i s n Rr ( where: s=system factor: relating to ductility, redundancy and operational classification as specified in Article 1.3.6 for the design of structural components for strength and extreme event limit states. For all other limit states, the system factors shall be taken as 1.0 =resistance factor: a statistically based multiplier applied to nominal resistance, as specified in Sections, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 i=load factor: a statistically based multiplier applied to force effects Rn = nominal resistance Rr = factored resistance: sRn Qi = force effect Service Limit State The service limit state shall be taken as restrictions on stress, deformation and crack width under regular service conditions. A.1-1 Fatigue and Fracture Limit State The fatigue limit state shall be taken as a set of restrictions on stress range due to a single fatigue truck occurring at the number of expected stress range cycles. The fracture limit state shall be taken as a set of material toughness requirements of the AASHTO Material Specifications. Strength Limit State Strength limit state shall be taken to ensure that strength and stability, both local and global, are provided to resist the specified statistically significant load combinations that a bridge is expected to experience in its design life. Extreme Event Limit States The extreme event limit state shall be taken to ensure the structural survival of a bridge during a major earthquake or flood, or when collided by a vessel, vehicle or ice flow possibly under scoured conditions. 1.3.3 Ductility The structural system of a bridge shall be proportioned and detailed to ensure the development of significant and visible inelastic deformations at the strength and extreme event limit states before failure. Energy-dissipating devices may be substituted for conventional ductile earthquake resisting systems and the associated methodology addressed in these Specifications or in the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Design of Bridges. 1.3.4 Redundancy The structural system of a bridge shall be configured and its members designed to ensure that it meets three system strength conditions: a) limited functionality and b) resistance to collapse if the strength of its most critical member is exceeded, and c) ability to carry some level of live load in a damaged state. Therefore, multiple-loadpath, ductile and continuous structures should be used unless there are compelling reasons not to use them. A system factor s shall be applied during the design of bridge members to account for a bridge’s system level of redundancy as specified in Article 1.3.6. 1.3.5 Operational Importance This Article shall apply to the strength and extreme event limit states only. The Owner may declare a bridge or any structural component and connection thereof to be of increased operational priority. The Owner may also declare a structural component or connection to be damage-critical. A.1-2 1.3.6 System Factor The system factor, s, is a multiplier applied to the nominal resistances of the structural components of a bridge system or subsystem to reflect the level of ductility, redundancy and operational classification. For bridge superstructures under the effect of vertical loads, s, shall be taken as specified in Article For bridge substructures under the effect of horizontal lateral or longitudinal loads, s, shall be taken as specified in Article System Factors for Bridge Superstructures under Vertical Loads For the superstructures of bridges classified as being of increased operational priority and for trusses and arch bridges, and for bridges not covered in Tables through s shall be calculated using an incremental non-linear analysis following the provisions of Article For the superstructures of straight bridges of types (a), (b), (c), (d), and (k) as defined in Table having damage-critical components: s = min (su, sd) For the superstructures of straight bridges of types (a), (b), (c), (d) and (k) that are not damage critical: s = su where: su = system factor for superstructure functionality and resistance to collapse conditions. sd =system factor for superstructure strength in damage state condition. s is applied to all members affected by the vertical load. A minimum value of s=0.80 is recommended but in no instance should s be taken greater than 1.20. Recommended values for su, for typical straight superstructures are specified in Table for I-girder superstructures of type (a) and (k) and Table for spread box girder bridges superstructures of type (b) and (c) and Table for multi-cell boxes of type (d). Recommended values for su, for typical straight superstructures are specified in Table for I-girder superstructures of type (a) and (k) and Table for spread box girder bridges superstructures of type (b) and (c) and Table for multi-cell boxes of type (d). A.1-3 Table System factors for straight I-girder superstructures of types (a) and (k) for system functionality and resistance to collapse conditions under vertical loading Bridge cross section type System Continuous steel I-girder bridges with non-compact negative bending sections 1 su 0.80 0.16 D 1 LF 1.16LF 0.75 and factor All other simple span and continuous I-beam bridges su 1 R 1 1.5 D / R 2 1 LF12 Table System factors for straight spread box girder superstructures of types (b) and (c) for system functionality and resistance to collapse conditions under vertical loading Bridge cross section type System Simple span box girder bridges 24-ft wide su 0.83 0.14 D Simple span box girder bridges 24-ft wide su 1 Continuous box girder bridges 24-ft wide su 1 Continuous steel box-girder bridges with non-compact negative bending sections and su 1 LF1 1.75LF1 Continuous box girder bridges with compact negative bending sections factor R 1 1.5 D / R 2 1 LF12 1 1.5 D / R 2 1 LF12 1 1.5 D / R su 1 4 2 1 LF12 1 1.5 D / R 2 1 LF12 Where: D/R = dead load to resistance ratio for the member being evaluated. LF1 = load factor related to the capacity of the system to resist the failure of its most critical member. LF1 LF1 R+ D+ L1+ LF1 LF1 = R D L1 when when LF1 1.0 LF1 ( 1 1 LF 1.0 LF R = load carrying capacity. D = dead load moment effect. L1= moment effect of applied live load due to two side-by-side LRFD design trucks applied at the middle of the span or due to two trucks in one lane applied in each of two contiguous spans. L1 D.F . LL D.F. = load distribution factor LL = effect of the LRFD design truck with no impact factor and no lane load. The negative superscript refers to negative bending and the positive superscript refers to positive bending. A.1-4 Table System factors for single cell and multi-cell box girder superstructures of type (d) for system functionality and resistance to collapse conditions under vertical loading Bridge cross section type System factor Single cell box girder bridges su 0.80 Multi-cell box girder bridges su 1.00 Table System factors for straight I-girder superstructures of types (a) and (k) in damaged state condition under vertical loads. Bridge cross section type Simple span I-girder Bridges Continuous steel I-girder bridges with non compact sections in negative bending Continuous prestressed concrete and steel Igirder bridges with compact sections in negative bending Redundancy ratio Rd System factor Rd 1 0.056 S transverse weight Rd 1.00 0.08 S transverse Rd 1.35 0.08 S transverse A.1-5 sd Rd 0.47 (0.47 Rd ) D R Table System factors for straight spread box girder superstructures of types (b) and (c) in damaged state condition under vertical loads Bridge cross section type Fractured simple span steel box girder bridges less than 24-ft wide Narrow simple span steel box girder bridges less than 24-ft with no torsional rigidity All other simple span box girder bridges Redundancy ratio LF Rd d LF1 System factor Non-redundant sd=0.80 Rd 0.46 transverse Rd 0.72 transverse sd Continuous steel box-girder bridges with non-compact negative bending sections and LF1 1.75LF1 Rd 0.72 transverse All other continuous box girder bridges 4.50 Rd 0.59 transverse LF1 Rd 0.47 (0.47 Rd ) D R Where Rd = redundancy ratio for damaged bridge systems S beam spacing in feet. weight 1.23 0.23beam (kip / ft ) beam = total dead weight on the damaged beam in kip per unit length. M transverse transverse 0.50 0.50 1.10 13.5 kip. ft / ft Mtransverse= combined moment capacity of the slab and transverse members including diaphragms expressed in kip-ft per unit slab width. Table System factors for single cell and multi-cell box girder superstructures of type (d) in damaged state condition under vertical loads Bridge cross section type System factor Single cell box girder bridges sd 0.80 Multi-cell box girder bridges sd 1.20 A.1-6 Incremental Non-linear Redundancy Analysis for Bridges under Vertical Loads For trusses and arch bridges, bridges classified to be of operational importance, and for bridges not covered in Tables 1. 3.6.1–1 through, the system factor of Equation for the structural components of a system subjected to vertical loads shall be calculated from the results of an incremental analysis using Equation R f Rd R s min u , , 1.30 1.10 0.50 ( A minimum value of s=0.80 is recommended but in no instance should s be taken as greater than 1.20. Where: Ru = system reserve ratio for resistance to collapse condition Ru Rf = system reserve ratio for the functionality condition, R f Rd = system reserve ratio for damaged state condition, Rd LFu LF1 LFf LF1 LFd LF1 LFu, LFf, LFd and LF1 are obtained from the incremental non-linear analysis where: LFu = vertical load factor that causes the collapse of the superstructure LFf = vertical load factor that causes the maximum vertical deflection of the superstructure to reach a value equal to span length/100. LFd = vertical load factor that causes the failure of a damaged superstructure LF1 = vertical load factor that causes the first member of the intact superstructure to reach its limit capacity A.1-7 System Factors for Structural Components of Bridge Substructures under Horizontal Loads Design of abutments, piers and walls shall be investigated for structural safety at the strength and extreme event limit states for each structural component and joint using Equation for bridge systems subjected to horizontal loads. Bridge systems evaluated using the displacement-based approach The displacement based approach of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design may be used in lieu of the force-based approach of Eq. The displacement-based approach compares the seismic displacement demand to the seismic displacement capacity such that: demand s capacity ( where: s= 0.75, a system factor relating to ductility and redundancy of structural components evaluated for seismic extreme event limit states. capacity = nominal seismic displacement capacity of the bridge substructure element. demand = nominal seismic displacement demand. For the substructures of bridges classified as being of increased operational priority, capacity shall be calculated using the incremental non-linear analysis approach provided in AASHTO (2011) Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design. For the substructures of bridges classified to be damage-critical, the bridge system must also satisfy the provisions of the nonlinear analysis procedure specified in Article for vertical loading. For the substructures of all other bridge systems evaluated using the displacement based approach capacity shall be calculated using the appropriate provisions in AASHTO (2011) Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design for seismic loading. Bridge systems evaluated using the force-based approach For the substructures of bridges classified as being of increased operational priority and for bridges not covered in Table, s shall be calculated using the incremental non-linear analysis approach following the provisions of Article For the substructures of bridges classified to be damage-critical, s shall be calculated using the incremental non-linear analysis approach following the provisions of Article for horizontal loads. For systems with damage-critical columns, an incremental non-linear analysis of the complete system under vertical loading should also be performed following the provisions of Article A.1-8 For the substructures of straight bridges with single-column and multi-column bents of equal heights under lateral load being evaluated using the force-based approach s Fmc C u tunc tconf tunc ( s is applied to all the bridge members affected by the applied load. A minimum value of s=0.80 and a maximum value of s=1.20 are recommended. where = Risk factor specified in Table -1. Fmc = multi-column factor specified in Table -1. C = curvature factor specified in Table -1. u = ultimate curvature at failure of the weakest column or connecting member in the system calculated using Eq. tunc = constant curvature for typical unconfined columns specified in Table -1. tconf = constant curvature for typical confined columns specified in Table -1. = curvature reduction factor for substructure systems with deficient detailing calculated using Eq. The ultimate curvature at failure u is calculated from the ultimate plastic analysis of the column’s cross section: u u c ( where u = maximum strain at failure equal to the concrete crushing strain or steel rupture strain c = distance from the fiber that fails first to the Neutral axis. For the cases where the shear capacity or the detailing of the columns or the capacity of the cap beams and pile caps are not sufficient to develop a mechanism in the columns but the bridge columns reach their plastic moment capacity under the effect of the applied loads, a correction factor is applied in Eq. to reduce the ultimate column curvature M available M p column M u column M p column 1.0 if M u column M available M p column otherwise A.1-9 ( Where M available =moment capacity of the connecting elements such as cap beams and pile caps or the reduced moment that can be supported by the column based on the available shear reinforcement, development length, splice or connection detailing. M p column = plastic moment capacity of column, M u column = ultimate overstrength moment capacity of column. For bridges with nontypical configurations which are not covered in Tables, the incremental non-linear analysis approach of Article shall be used. For bridges with one-column bents and those subjected to longitudinal loading with bearing connections between superstructures and substructures: s ( A.1-10 Table 1.3.6. 2 -1 Recommended values for redundancy parameters for bridges with one-column and multi-column bents under horizontal load Variable , risk factor Applicability Recommended value Seismic hazards All other lateral loads =0.75 =0.85 Non-redundant systems s s, system factor for: One column bents Longitudinal loading of systems with bearing connections between superstructures and substructures Systems where failure is controlled by shear. Systems with insufficient detailing to allow plastic moment capacity of the columns to be reached. Systems connected to components with plastic moment capacities weaker than those of the columns. Systems evaluated using the displacement based approach s, system factor for: Multi-column bents under lateral load Longitudinal loading of systems with integral connections between superstructures and substructures. Systems with sufficient detailing to allow plastic moment capacity of the columns to be reached. Systems connected to components with plastic moment capacities stronger than those of the columns. Redundant systems s Fmc C u tunc tconf tunc Two-column systems Fmc =1.10 Three-column systems Fmc =1.16 Systems with four or more columns Fmc =1.18 C , curvature factor Constant for all systems C =0.24 tunc , typical unconfined column ultimate Constant for all systems tunc =3.64 x 10-4 (1/in) Constant for all systems tconf =1.55 x 10-3 (1/in) Fmc ,multi-column factor: For bridges loaded laterally, count the number of columns in each bent For bridges loaded longitudinally with integral connections between superstructure and substructure, count the number of bents between expansion joints curvature tconf , typical confined column ultimate curvature A.1-11 Incremental Non-linear Redundancy Analysis for Bridges under Horizontal Loads For bridges classified to be of operational importance and for bridges not covered in Table 1. 3.6.2- 1 that are being evaluated using the force-based approach, the system factor of Equation 1. 3.2.1-1 for the structural components of a system subjected to horizontal load shall be calculated from the results of a nonlinear pushover analysis using Equation R f Rd R s min u , , 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.50 ( where: Ru = system reserve ratio for resistance to collapse condition, Ru Rf = system reserve ratio for the functionality condition, R f Rd = system reserve ratio for damaged state condition, Rd Pu Pp1 Pf Pp1 Pd Pp1 Pu, Pf, Pd and P1 are obtained from the incremental pushover analysis Pu = lateral load that causes the failure of the superstructure Pf = lateral load that causes a maximum lateral deflection equal to clear column height /50. Pd = the lateral load that causes the failure of a damaged superstructure Pp1 = lateral load that causes the first member of the intact substructure to reach its limit capacity REFERENCES Ghosn, M. and Yang, J., (2013) NCHRP 12-86, BRIDGE SYSTEM SAFETY AND REDUNDANCY, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC Ghosn, M., and Moses, F., (1998). Redundancy in Highway Bridge Superstructures. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP Report 406, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC: National Academy Press. Liu, D., Ghosn, M., Moses, F., and Neuenhoffer, A., (2001). Redundancy in Highway Bridge Substructures. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP Report 458, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Buckle, I, Friedland, I, Mander, J., Martin, G,, Nutt, R., Power, M. (2006), Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures, Part 1 Bridges, FHWA-HRT-06-032, Turner-Fairbanks Highway Research Center, McLean, VA AASHTO (2011) Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, 2nd Edition, Washington, DC. A.1-12