THE MUTUAL INT'1 AUTIONS OF PLAS1A ELEC•RONS .E., ciusett· a ZSELTI ,E R. fILLIa6 s LIntitute T. of Tec 1o-oy 1934 XUBlIrT TD IT-RTI.L REuitlH FULFILL2ZNT O: T i:'iS FOR THE DEuREE OF DOCTOR OF PHIL2SOPHY From: the eS CT-1USETeSyLOGY IXSTI'tT 'ienature F TzC of autLor . D~e alrtment of >-ysics,SI~nature E1 01: ay.12,L13'd Prolessor in-1i_:r e of Resea, c .? Snt i of Cono.ittee on C-_Lirm rdu n of DePartment te -tudents A AiZ kn& C'le LMent The autilor wishes to ex•resj his Gratitude and -is debt for the u-•ailing encouragement, aI-on gii-ve nghim advice, by ProfesCsor W7llia rP. 0222764 and co- A~is. Abstract Te scat te ri" f electrt s b1 the J.ialds of other .j ectrons in a plasma has been investigat ed, and a method devised .andlin.g it• for cess has *a-n has bee- found that this pro- important effect an the velocity distribution der certain nder certain coiton, aondltlon, Sce when !AL %A--- is amey: ..... small, and Such conditions actually occur ep erime-etally rd for them "thi theory predicat that the 3 stributi•" n will be nearly maxwellian. The scattering at small angles is more important than that at large angles. Or the velocity distribution is m:aintained principall byby many small changes in energy rather than by less frequent large changes. size, (, The exact chosen for the potential hill used in computing the scattering cross section is of relatively small importance. Fa.rl. u.d fr This approxi 'atin, then, is nt eritical. satisfactory distribution functions have been dschLarges in whichinelasti c coliisiors are un- important z•d . also for some in which ionization cannuot be neglected. Table of Contents Section Page - - - - - - - - - I Introduction II General Equations III Constant Cross Section IV Calculation of Cross Sec. V Integration over Angles VI Special Cases VII Conclusions 1 - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 14 - - - 20 - 23 - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 50 After Page Figure 1 - - - - 2 - - - - 14 - - 8 26 - 3 - -- 4 - - - - - - - 35 5,6,7 - - - - - - - 35 8 - - - - - - - 39 9,L0 - - - - - - - 41 11,12 - - - - - - - 47 13, - - - - - - - 48 - - - - - - - 49 14 15 - ables I II II Iv - 36 - - - 42 I- Introduction Many measurements made with probes in gas discharges have shown the existence of electronic velocity distributions of Maxwell - Boltzmann form, with very high average energies. Such results are, in particular, found when the electron density is high, and the net space charge (electrons plus positive ions) is low, as in the plasma of a low pressure are. This form of distribution requires a very high rate of exchange of energy among the electrons. In theoretical studies, this electronic interaction has been considered only by Langmuir (/1) and Gabor (9 ). Of the two, Gabor's account is the more complete. It is not, however, satisfactory. He takes into account only the electrostatic phenomena, and is thus unable to compare their relative importance with that of collision processes and the macroscopic field. In his calculations, Uabor consit- ers the electrons to be scattered by the fields of partially shielded, stationary positive ions. Because of the great mass of the positive ions, this cannot lead to as rapid a change in $he velocity distribution as will the scattering of electrons by electrons. Furthermore, his methods of aver- aging are somewhat obscure. At low electron densities, the electronic interactions can be neglected, as is shown by the quite good agreement of theory with experimental data. (7,2/) Since these interactions increase with the square of the density, while the number of collisions with atoms increases with the first power, at some density the two effects willbe equally important. The object of this thesis is first, to find a means of calculating the mutual interactions of the electrons; second, to discover the exact conditions under which they become important; third to find approximately the form of the velocity distribution in the cases in which neither process can be neglected. The discussion willbe limited to discharges between large, plane-parallel electrodes, so that only one direction in space can be singled out. It will be assumed that the positive ion and electron densities are equal, and that the drift current is small compared to therandom electron current..It will be assumed further that the discharge is homogeneous in space, so that diffusion can be neglected. The simplest mode of exchange of energy among the electrons is that between individual pairs, or by "collisions". Among more complicated processes is that sug- gested by Langmuir of "plasma oscillations". It is the mutual collisions which will be investigated in this paper. The problem is simplifiedb y considering only the following processes: a acceleration by the field, b elastic collisions with atoms, c inelastic collisions with atoms, (excitation and ionization) d mutual collision. Collisions between ellectrons will be infrequent com- pared to collisions with atoms, but they are important. When two electrons collide, each is likely to suffer a coniderable change in energy, while when one collides with an atom elastically,it loses on the average, only afraction m of its energy. Collisions with ions will be as infrequent as those with other electrons, and will result in as little an energy change as a collision with an atom. Accordingly, electron-ion collisions will be neglected. Let7) be the electron density, and 7J fdy the number of electrons per cm! in an element dý' of velocity space. f will depend on only the absolute velocity u, and the angle m that this velocity makes with the field. f= f(u,cosa) As f is nearly spherically symmetrical, it can be develop, ed in terms of spherical harmonics, the first two terms giving: f = f (u2 ) + f (u')cosa and f will be much smaller than r . Following ioltzmann and Lorentz, the usual procedure to determine the distribution function would be to find the number of electrons entering and leaving each small element of velocity space per second on account of each type of process, and to set the sum equal to zero. in our prob- lem, this involves too many successive integrations orthe unknown function f, and is unmanageable. two equations are necessary to determine f and f . These will be an energy balance and a momentum balance equation. The first can be obtained by requiring the net num- ber of electrons leaving each central sphere of velocity space to be zero. The second is found by placing a similar requirement on the number leaving a region on one side of a plane perpendicular to the direction of the field. The first will mean that there will be just as many electrons having an initial velocity u, less than any given value w, which acquire in unit time avelocity greater than w, as there are having initial velocity greater than w and final velocity less than w. The second equation expresses a similar balance of the changes in velocity component u x allel to the field. II - par- The General Equations Consider the energy balance equation, inv6lving processes a,b,c,and d. 5 a Electric field E, In time dt, an electon moving in a field E increases its velocity by an amountEdt cosD. m The number per sec. that leave the central sphere of radius w will be: 2n7_E7V (fo + f•cosm) m 0 cosm sino dm or 4•h7eE wat (we) 3m b Elastic Collisions, An electron of velocity u, colliding elastically with an atom at rest, loses speed in amountsu = u (1 - cos ), where 0 is the angle between the initial and final velocity directions*. Let: N = atomic density w = angle u makes with field E J= corresponding azimuthal angle cTa( u, 8) = atomic cross section for elastic scatering at angle e Then the number per sec. of electrons originally having a vectorial velocity in the element u' sinm dw dY) which are scattered by angles between 0 and e + dG will be: N n u" f sino od 9V. 2n u cr(u, e) sineaed The only electrons able to cross the sphere w tic collisions will be those for which due to elas- w<u<w + Su. The number per sec. entering such a sphere will be: If 2n N •o wTra f sine dm" 2# / f u -a sinBd4 Q = 2s , CT- a ( 1cois) sinT d , this is 21TNflm w4 Q / (f + f o M coso ) sinm dw Or, finally, 4nNTm • M o q o Inelastic collisions, Let: Letm us = excitation energy e 2 m us = ionization energy i Q.(u) = cross section for ionization Q (u) a cross section for excitation e It is assumed that when an electron excites an atom by collision, it loses just an energy 1 m us . with velocity greater than / wi + us e sphere w in this way. It is Electrons will not enter the also assumed that there is just one ionization energy, and that the surplus kinetic energy in an ionizing process is equally divided between the two resulting electrons. average, N u Qe per sec. An electron will make, exciting, and N u Qi on the ionizing collisions Then the number per sec. entering the sphere w is, /wa + ua 2r N + 2 N 1w W 7 =n N)? Let equal to d Qeeo(u) u 8 du f 2Q (u)u" du I e 7w 14+ u w w + u's W J(w) (f T + f cosaO) sine dn f + f coso) Qe(u) fo u du + 2/ w-2+ ul sin dW Q fl u3 du be defined by setting the above expression 4n NNJ(w). Mutual collisions, The mutual collisions of electrons are much more com- plicated, Let: u = initial velocity of electron considered, V t It scattering electron, U = velocity of center of gravity, u = velocity of first electron relative to C.G. u'~ ' corresponding quantities after collision, 0 = scattering angle reffered to C.G. = corresponding azimuthal angle, 0-(i,8) = mutual scattering cross section for angle 8 , S= angle between directions of u and v, = corresponding azimuthal angle, = angle between directions of U It A• U and u, ' and = corresponding azimuthal angle, 7/ = angle v makes with the field EXi Fig. 1 shows the geometry of a collision of an electron of velocity u velocity is 2 U. with one of velocity v. Their relative Vectorially: U= 11( u * v ) 1 = 1u ) u = U* T Algebraically: I 4 tui = u' + v -2uv coa ( 2 4 U4 = us + 9+2uv cos 9( After collision the velocity of the first particle is: U + u= . u = u', T •. 0 and sphere of radius about or u, u , 1 as an axis, and /) about the axis u are v alllie on the same 99 are the polar angles of i' and the same velocity about the axis v V, and A4 are the polar angles of U . 2 The polar angles of . a-depends on the relative velocity. I f and v u lies in the element of velocity space dd"u , in the element drv , the number of such collisions per sec. is: 2iOcXr, 8) sin( dod '9f(u,cosc) f(v,cosY) dyu d~yv To find the rate at which elbctrons of velocity u- w / /· ~1 are given a velocity u'> w by mutual collision, this ex- pression must be integrated: and first, over allvalues of G on that portion of the sphere of radius outside the sphere of radius Yv with u cuts the sphere second, over a domain of found by integrating over 0 of the sphere ; w; third, over a domain off u The rate at which the reverse process takesa u< w. place is u inside the sphere and over apart of ru Because of symmetry, it and , than 8 and and B on that part w; with over a part of the u>w. is more convenient to use A 9. cos8 = cosScos - e~n Ssinj F'or the purposes of integration, replaced by sinA dý dA, . and A from 0 Then ' to 3A , where ~ this circle, vectorially: W cos2wo 4 / will run from is - u2 - v 4U T Also, = u4 can be -rr to n, the value of A U + U = w , or U4 + U2 + 2uU cos cosL sinGdOd the. circle of intersection of the spheres - which lies (velocity space of second electron) such that the sphere X w; u u and w. on On o + U" + 2u Ucos% whence, uM -•a cos S 5 In the integration over XY, v,%, used as variables, if cosy in cos cosf+ sin5 sin/Tcosq 6 since cosA expression 4 for u' + v*- 6 c(must be restricted. 4Ulv2co u" + V;> w, cos -/>0. When w, (that is, follows that w) < v are on opposite sides of sphere u when u and and T - (6 = 0. v and v the fraction is ( (T - •. When w, there is no re- , as the fraction is greater than one. this case it is possible to let 2( ) (u + v' ,-a less than one,and it are always ±xpanding r>,ý> 4W* + u* + v*1 -qw (u +. v are both greater or both less than striction on/ u, , are on the same side of sphere and is replaced by 1, and since, through U and cosA cos Because , f(v,cos7) can be . -l1< cos /) depends on/ and In Then the limits: 2( . The number of electrons leaving the sphere because of mutual collisions is: u 11 I± = udau n fo 2nr 2X f(u,coso)sin~dm fo d -r vdv j sin (d (uT, )d/0 o TT -rr sifnl 2 d A fc - -TI Let: Z B •. o 0 Tsln•~ •I,( Cfo , -n1 d.,,, The order of integration can be changed: TT -2o XT I = 21' f u'du J vadv J uB sinXd( 2rr "of f(v,cosv)d Expanding f 2TT and substituting for iof(u,cosw)sinadm 2rr ad d/ cos 7-' 2rr f(f(v,cos)v)d = f (va) + f (v2 )(cosýcosw + sin'sin•ocos) = 2r(va) +if (v')cosX cosm) Taking the product of this result with , fr.f.(ua) + f (uO)cos 1f.(v)a) f(u,cosa), sin(owdo (+)iosfco = 2f o fua)f 0 (us) + 2f (u')f (v'a 3 .1 f is much smaller than is negligible. f , so the product 12 Then: a I = 16na h (ua)uadu kf ft uB sind (v')vadv Turning to the electrons entering the sphere due to mutual collisions, let: IT B = Tn sinA dA f9 (u,0 )da The number entering is: I = 161·T ns ff (u*)usdu if 10 o 0 (v')vadv j uB sindX oa ' a a,b,c, and d have now been cal- the four processes culated, and the energy equation can be written symbolically: a 11 4 + b + .M1týgf + d -4~ýAQwt f I 3m 0 M = o 0 or: , + I -I This must be true for all values of a - 4rrN J = 0 w. If the mutual scattering terms are omitted, and the inelastic terms considered constant, one can derive J from this equation, by one differentiation, Lq. 8 of Morse, Allis and Lamar (with diffusion left out). -, E 2w 4TrN2J (waf) dw . , ma d (w M 2v dw o ) =O is the number of electrons entering the sphere due to inelastic impacts. 13 The mutual collisions of electrons will not be as important in the momentum balance equation as in tIhenergy relation. In collisions with atoms,electrons of energy H undergo a change of energy of the order H.* In correspond- ing encounters with other electrons, the change is of the order H . On the other hand, this is not true of the 2 changes in momentum. Electrons are scattered by atoms nearly isotropically, momentum. and lose almost all of their directed The pair interactions of electrons will be neg- ligible for the purposes ofthis equation, because they are so much less frequent than collisions with atoms. The in- elastic impacts, which are also much less frequent than the elastic, will be neglected too. An equation corresponding to eq.ll can be set up for momentum balance. -E d d 12 which is This leads to: + NQwf = 0 equation 7 of Morse, Allis, vation from the integral form is and Lamar. Its MIri- given in the appendix. So far, those integrations have been performed which involve only the geometry of the mutual scattering process. It O-. is now necessary to consideir the cross-section function The true form of this is difficult to handle; is worthwhile to postpone its treatment, so it and to consider 14 first the assumption that Cr is true if constant. This would be the electrons behaved like hard spheres. 'he dif- ficulties arising from the form of 0- will be avoided, and it will be possible to show clearly the peculiarities of mutual collisions, as well as the method of handling them. First, the energy and momentum equations can be comf • bined to eliminate 13 -4TQfr M uM Ln 3Qf o 3NQ I- m m d E w-f d dw o + (I - I ) -4N a = J 0 The four terms come from the elastic collisions, thefield, mutual collisions, and inelastic collisions respectively. III - Constant Cross Section it is convenient to represent mutual collisions on a diagram of the v*,u a plane. (Fig.2) Each point stands for the velocities of a pair of particles. conservation of energy, Because of the every point PI'epresenting the re- sult of a collision between a pair P, will lie on a 450 diagonal line through P. Points in the shadea region, for which us + va<w a , cannot lead to collisions in which a particle crosses the sphere v = w w. The lines u = w, and divide the plane into four quadrantg,each of which must be treated separately. and v<w), the angle In 2 (u(W,v>w) .o= 0 , because and 4 (u>w u and v lie on op- V= w 4 U A"iy t= w 15 posite sides of sphere w. In 1 (u<w,v<w) and 3 (u>w,vw), o< X-< T 0 2 Integration over quadrants 1 and 2 gives the electron flux across the line u = w in an increasing direction; over 3 and 4, the flux in a decreasing direction. Let : Tr-o B' = u B sinXdX9 B' = S Quad. 1 B sinX d? 14 B'3 B' 4 = - ff B sinX dX asnXX From eq's. 7 and 9, B 1 0 sin ad~ C~ d•/A -T = 2 cr(l - cosAo) B = f?b sin)d' /fr--dA -iT Repeating eq's. land 2, 4u' = us + Vo - 2uvcos 4U* = u2 + v2 + 2uvcos X Eliminating 15 cos (X 4U" = 2u2 + 2v - 4 u = 2n~(1 + cos 0o) 16 When u and v are held constant, 4udu = uv sindd X 47d. U V sindXaX= cos~o from eq.4, Substituting for B B = 21Td .31 a 1 - 1 = 2O v• • - us- 2w 2f Uu - us + 4 u T 2 Thus the integration over I can be replaced by one over U, if the proper limits are found. be u . and u 8a , Let the limits on a u<u , sothat when, U=u O U=U awm, For Quad's.2 and 4, X. = 0 , 0 4 g = (u - v) I Since u and thus : , 4 U (U + V)a a is essentially positive, Quad. (v - u)1/2 (v+ u)1/2 u For quad's.l and 3, cosa' IV from inequality 6, 8 = (u•" u vlv W) (u - v)1/2 (u + v)1/2 17 Using this value for cosX., u2 + v -2wJ us + v = u' 4 - ' 2 4 ua = u2 + v + 2wJ u" + Vt w Let s = u + v - wa is the energy of the 1/2 ms" two particles in excess of that necessary to produce a collision in which one electron crosses the level w,. of s, In terms 4u= (W - 8 4 _U a = (w + 8) This gives: (w- s)1/2 u (s- w)1/2 (s +w)1/2 (w + s)L/2 8 The integrals of equations 14(over X) can now be thrown into the forms: B'- 8 1 uv S(w+s) 8 - 1/2 _ (w s) /2 (~w-s)1/2 1 2uJ - "4 au 26/ 2u +2vO-4773 (mw-s)Jv 2ua*2va-4us _U+ v8TrB'u8(ws) 3 uv 16a 1 1 UV3 u du• (w]+s)1/2 1/2 (w-e)1/2 uv3 Similarly: B'= 3 (s+w) /2 (s-w) 1/ 2 "g 2 a- 5a 2i~~4ZuLL 4 udu 18 ca BJ3 = 8T___3u 3uv 16b s B' (v+u)1/2 B' = 4 1T-u(3vQ - 3w* S 3uv 16c' - uv lv-u)1/2 a B'- 2u / 2u'+2Va-4iU 2u Svu (u-v)1/2 3' = T y(3w- 16d' J + 2u*) -(u+v)1/2[_ 8 udu "" I udu 2 / •u+2,'-4u - v") B' and B' can be simplified by taking advantage of 4 0 the symmetry in u and v. I - I 38 , say 16ai-"• w I'= • o - f They appear eq.13 as terms of , where (u')usdu An f(u')usdu f o (v')vadv B' a f f(v')v'av B' Substituting B' and B' from eq's.16', I' =•0L 2)vdv u(3v' -3,~ +2u') Jf(us)udu fa (v S4cfr- f(u)du 3 0 f (v') vdv v(3w - vS) 19 Because of the symmetry of I' in u and v, 2ua cab be sub2v a is tracted from the bracket in the first integrand, if subtracted from that in the second. I' = 41r- 4 f (uO)u.du ff (vs)vdv (v' 0o o w) V- W ra-f f (u')u'ndu f f (v')v'dv S. "* ) Wo o o U - But this is equivalent to taking: 16c 16d --- B' - 4 B' -= 4 - ( v a _ wa) (wa - v) u The functions B' derived here are much simpler than the ones to be calculated later for the shielded Coulomb field. They do show, however, the same symmetry properties in u and v. If all processes except the mutual interactions are neglected, the solution of the balance equations willbe a maxwellian distribution. f =Ae -us/wa o This fact can be used to chebk the calculations. The u',v9 plane can be divided into strips between the diagonal lines u2 + v a = c S and u4 + vs = ca + c a . The first integration may be carried out along the length of these strips, instead 20 of along lines parallel to the ua or v a axis. The maxwellian distribution function has the unnque property of being constant along such a diagonal line. In other words, for this function and this path of integration, the f's from the inner integral. disappear It turns out that the BI functions can then be integrated. The result is zero for every value of ca, showing that the mutual collisions do not change this distribution, complicated This was a valued check on the correctness expressions derived 2rxm from the assumption of a shielded potential hole. IV - Calculation of Cross-Section The force between two electrons in the plasma is when they are very close, where r is separation. When r -- their distance of is larger, this force is reduced. Be- cause the space is macroscopically neutral, at very large distances There is r the force between electrons will be zero. a space charge of positive ions,which, as far as the faster moving electrons 6ze concerned, is nearly uniformly distributed. Near each electron there will be,on average, a defliciency of other electrons, leaving an average net positive density which "shields" the electrons from each other. A suitable approximation to the interaction potential is: a V = .. . -r/l r This defines a potential "hill" whose radius is measured 21 The value to be assigned to ( is uncertain. by a. A low- er limit is the mean distance of separation of the particle&, _-L -4 1 3. This may be of the order 10 cm. An obvious, but certainly excessive upper limit is the size of the apparatus, say lcm. It turns out that this enormous range foro is reflected in the results by an altogether smaller effect. o( cannot, however, be infinite, coulomb potential, and with it, section. for this would give the an infinite collision cross No value willbe specified for this parameter at present. The cross section-(U(, 8) for this potential hill is found with the aid of quantum mechanics. The Born approx- imation can be used. (29) Let the wave function! of the two electrons be a product of two functions, one representing the motion of the center of gravity, and the other, lative motion. plane wave, , ikx Let: If' be approximated V/, representing by the sum of a and aspherically scattered wave, - e ikx re- , then ikx , where x and x I are the distances ofthe two electrons from the center of gravity, and k - 2nmu h Then the first apprwoximation to the siation of Schr6dinger' s 22 equation, with V = e Le -r/w( , gives: r A4m 7..= A . + (2 4k 2 s in g =1 , Or since ', 2. -- h / (4kA sin2".9 + -J- This can be written: 17 cr(iu6') 1 /6z-274 where, h 32= 18 1/10 2 To measures the size of the hill din terms of A, the wavelength corresponding to the relative velocity 2u. ,132 is L MU -2= = a very small number. Measured in volts, 150 he 92 A•• 16 n• Vm2Vr -30 - 16 7= 0.95" 10 Vr oe If the electronic density is to 10 per cc., and d is set equal 77 3 -46 0T and if 0 is larger, 13 by so much the smaller. 5 23 in the denominator of-,- It is this term that pre- vents the cross section from becoming infinite at small angles,as it would for a Coulomb field. controlling part for distant encounters. small, It will be the Since it is so it will scareely affect g-for large angles. These correspond to close encounters, and scattering by a nearly purecoulomb field. V - Integration over the Angles In this section, the functions B and B' are calculated. Equation 17 capalso be written: 1 J= - 4ma 4 (1+29 -cos) iby equation 2 for coso , this becomes ,-= .. Y m 1 (1+2,8' -coss8cos•,+sinSsinjcos/) When this is integrated over/, and 3 , we obtain the functions B, and B, which are given on page 24. The details of this and the following calculations are given in the appendix. These functions B are to be integrated over %, results are the B' functions. Exactly as was done in the case of constant cross section, an integration over substituted for that over X. sin d( = 4u du uv T he u is [ I509 Ax 5 0.ft 2o a fe )hIV1 I (Z V -f4 V) -1 - )o ~a - oy ~' ~·(br'J L( ',ý) (,C/ -/,-& /,) - to e , 15--~Z UU~7 a LL 7 25 A new symbol "a" is defined, a = 2h w 4nd mw where Aw is the wavelength corresponding to the velocity w. Since~3 is extremely small, "a" also is very small. It is found upon evaluating the integrals over B1 = u, that: 19a 2T # ,2 miw xauv FS- •A B 19ce u - W -u -w 1w-Iatuv S = 2 A -~i uv a -I1 2was tan wx- ul +wa-aJ -t tan 2wa =B Ž'wZa 2 T uv B I I we-u A +w a 2wa w _U V 2Wa a W+wm - u2-w -w a 2w a 2w au wtuR +w4 a0 tan 2w a tan 1 w 2wav , which list the These may be compared with eq's. 16, which list the corresponding quantities for 0Q = constant. The functions B' are large near the line u = w, and decrease rapidly away from it. are independent of v. In quadrants 2 and 3, In quadrants 3 and 4 they are asymp- totic to zero as u becomes large, B' is 2 they and B' is zero when v=O. zero at u = 0 , and B' = 0 along the line u + v = w 26 These functions are plotted in fig.3. the value 6.1 was used for "a", In this figure, so that the peaks are not so sharp. The B' functions would,when multiplied by the distribution function, be very difficult to integrate. Therefore approximations are made. Over most of the plane, it is satisfactory to expand the arc-tangent functions, retaining ao . only terms through the order breaks down for But this expansion utw4(wa . Hence, in a narrow strip about the u = w line, some other method must be used. width of this strip, the product f(uO)f(v a ) Over the does not change anywhere nearly as rapidly as Bt . So the distribution product is expanded, and the exact form of BI is retained. fWhen w2 - u>> wa , 20a B'=2_. 4 s3 20c B' 1 m"uv 3(wi-u)•3 ýa 2= m~ uv 4u" 3(w '-U ) + W 2u ' 4-3 20b B' = 2rTA 20' 2n a4 3T(U4v BI = muv Yz- + 2v These expressions no longer containg "a", which is as- sociated with small angle scattering. They represent that part of the flux across the level u = w ,whichis caused by collisions in which there is a comparatively large exchange 07 5"/ 07 5 27 of energy. They become infinite at u = w , while the more exaxt expressions do not. Outside of a strip of width tw" (fig.2) on each side of this proximations. (t>Ž a) mation is used. line, they are very good ap- Inside this strip the other approxi- The number "t" must be so chosen that on the one hand, t>> a, and on the other, so that the expan- sion of f(u2)f(9V) o is sufficiently precise inside the strip. 0 I t is shown later that this choice is not critical. In order that the approximation in the interior of the under strip may give a correct result fgrxkhz conditions giving rise to a maxwellian distribution, the product f,(us) (va ) is expanded along lines us* va= constant. 'or this pur- pose the variables x and y are introduced. 21 u+v x = us = x +v S2/2 y = v us, va /2 =X - r /2 Let u( u)=(vs) Then (x,y) where y (X,y) (x,yo) + = y - y (xy yj , and y. is to be so chosen that the point (x,y,) lies on the line u = w . Let rant. Sj represent the strip integrals of the jth quad- Below, symbols Hj,k (j= 1,2,3,4 ; k= 1,2) are used temporarily to show more clearly the structure of the Sj's. ( B1uv) willbe carried along as a single function,of either 28 u and v', orx and y , depending on which set is in use at the moment. Sj An 4= = ) j9du'• dv 2L/V f(u;)(v2 n=2 4 ( BtL v) (x,yo) + 9i (X,yY Ydy1 dx For the first integration, x is held constant, and there- fore g(x,y,) and [ are also constant. ('Yx,y) Let Hj,1 = ' (BCtv) dy, y dy (B j,2 ff Sj = 41f2, Then (x,y )Hj,1dx * J& (,y) Once having obtained this forfmfor Sj, Hj,2dxJ it is more con- and S by returning to the venient to evaluate H j variables us and v. j,k y = •u S= y - - x - x y0 = J2w , o = /2( u a- wa) In the first integration, dy, = /2dus 22a H = r2 / (Bjiv) duo 22b HJ= 2f (Buv)(ua- The limits on u s are: - wa(1-t) lso, (x,, hf where and wa; a), dttd for the first and second quadrants, for the third and fourth, w2 and w4 (l+t). ) = f,(w')f(va), Y(we f"(ws) I(w)ro(V) f• d_ ff(ws) WL d4 and 2) (v( ) ( 29 As us= wa when y = y throughout the second integration, , dx = + x = We + ya __w drx= /2 di9 /2 substituting allthis in the expression for Sj , j Sj = 4rr"Tý2f(w) f(v")-ii. dv + f 23 f'(wa)f(vs) - f(vrs)f'('j Neglecting terms of higher order thanthe second in 24 J-eH o 1 a q -To l • 2wae vhe- a, i hta3w 77 7____ -7 -7.., , The explicit- calculations are in the appendix. Because the integrals fromquadrqnts 3 and 4 are subtracted from those of quadrants 1 and 2 to find the net flxx, all terms willdisappear which contain: a and t otherwise than in the logarithm alone. 30 Assembling all terms from both approx imations, the total contribution to the balance ecuation 13 is written That form was used as out explicitly on page 31, eq. 25. of the numerical computations. the frame In order to verify that errors have not crept into our rather complicated calculations, proof is given in the appendix that both the values of B' listed in eq's. 19, and the approximate forms, permit an equilibrium solution of iaxwell-Boltxmann form. II Let - I2 = 8r9i" 1W K m) where K integrals of eq.25. -NQm wf - ,representing the The balance equation 13 is then: d 1 3NQ M V6 is a factor of dimensions f - NJ + 2_a__P KW = mA. dw m 0 Letting Letti = r m2NQ 26 -m wA f C - 1 = dw f E-a mNQ , - J + 2nri w 3 K corresponds to the parameter E this becomes: -o = 0 of the Townsend theory. "i" is a measure of the intensity of ionization. The function K can be separated into two parts: those terms containg the factor In t ; and the remainder. The 2a 31 25" t -2 )2 2 2 Sf0 o 2 2 00.r2 l z I +c 0 (',LZ) -OtI wa 7,_f O~i /-h~~r 0- 2co C4- 2 K 1 (,a2}~' 3ýL6 2 - --2, 2 7 2-1r 4- I,. 2L M2ur i -" ff-ccr 2 00 / 91,rz )CIO 2J 2T ] O c 2 10 eo&."? 32 former come from the narrow strip, and correspond roughly to smallangle collisions, in which little energy is transfered. u ,va ihe latter come mostly from the regions of the plane outside of the strip of width tw', and repre- sent close collisions with large energy exchanges. K contains a number of rather complicated integrals, and a solution of equation 26 cannot be found directly. is necessary to select a tenc It function having the properties to be expected in a solution, and to test it by substituting it in the equation. For most choices, the integrals will have to be evaluated by numerical quadrature. VI - Special Cases A The first special case investigated was that in which the effects of the field, the elastic collisions, and mutual collisions were included but the effects of inelastic impacts neglected. It is J = 0. Then known that if the mutual interaction is also neg- lected, the distribution function has the form: -w'4/2w,' fo =Ae When only the pair collisions are considered, the distribution is maxwiellian: -awe/wa fo =.A e The function chosen as a trial solution is: - f= A -(w/w) e -(l-g)(W /e2w, 33 27 f = -'g(w'/w 2 ) A (-g)(w4/2w*) - e = 3 2niw e 2nwt3 with 0< g, -p 1 . At g = 1 or 0 , this reduces to one or the other of those above. g and w0 are parameters which are to be determined so as to give the best approximation to a solution ofeq26. g is a measure of the relative importance of electronelectron an electron-atom collisions. trons having speeds between The number of elec- w and w* dw is: 4n wff(wO)dw Taking the derivative, d -P = d wtf(w') weP dw dw The derivative is I w 0 w' g1-g) gw - = 2w - zero at -g (-g) ~T w* =0 or when w- = wt w zW is thenefore the most probable velocity. "A" is a normal- ization constant such that a 1= 2A fw e - dw 7r 0 WO- Letting WW 0 A is dz . Ze , And -gz -(l-g) z o 0 a function of g alone. Define: In t 2a = In t 2a.' + In w w , or: a = 2h 4r0mwo 2nd 34 From pp. 22 and 25, -U a = 2*0.975 * 10 o V o expressed in electron 1/2 * mwe is the energy 0 volts. oV -q @of the order/O , and V S a few volts, o4 0 If o( is • 1 * 10 is of the order a 0 is a introduced to separate the dependance of K on the parameters 0(, g,,and w from that on w , K' = 4~w Define: Then: Al o and K w@o e - 1 K' = w KeP W 4TrNawb K' 6 A" 0 In is a dimensionless function of only w/w t 2a , g, . - mw'w-o + & g * (l-g)wj+ AiK' = 0 Re arranging: 0 Because 0( and t only apear in the equation through their logarithms, the results are not critically dependent on the exact values given them. lations, t equal to was chosen In:, 1 the numerical calcu. 25 larger than expansion of a, and is This is safely small enough so that the error in the f(ua)f(v4 ) willbe small. 35 It is seen that A i K' is linear in A K' = k + k I 0 may be a solution. function of w*/wI 0 or wa/w B o This is an condition that K' must satisfy f , •w/wa In fig. 4 ana~ in order that K8 is plotted as a , for g = 0 , and g =0.732 . These curves are seen to be fairly straight over the range containing most of the electrons. (w8 <4w2 ) The agreement is best for 0 the larger values of g. The amount of agreement measures the correctness of the function f which has been assumed. O The deviation of the curves at high velocities indicates that the function gives too many high speed particles. The slopes and inter-cepts of the straight portions of the curves similar to fig. 4 (but containg the factor A) are plotted in fig's. 5 and 6 as the functions g k and k of and Ilna From eq. 28 follow :- i 29 k 29' equations 29 an 29'. gel = - 2Oa (l-g) + m w* aO These equations can be solved for g andw the parameters i,e*, and In ao . in terms of In particular, g and 40 /i only. w*/C* are functions of log a This is shown in fig. 7 , where lines of constant and the ratio constant w'/t a are plotted on the log a 8 g and */i plane. t~ 't7 rl, i h 4ý-:" ý 3/- /7- I i I I' r i . . : i. _j Ii. I i I : 1 Hi i 11111111111111111111 .• : Pi 3/:.1 1>11 2 V Z ci ;i i i 5/ 0\ 36 Empirical equations for g and 30 g = 0.26 + 2.4 6 log a, 2/i 0.26 * 2.4 log a.- 2 3 30' W, = M are: w -2.92 - 239 logao + 2](1-g) It has been mentioned that K consists of two parts. One does not contain the parameter a That is, iu is indepen aent of the size of the potential hill. It corresponds main- ly to collisions involving a large change of energy. The second part, that containg the factor In t/2a ,corresponds to glancing collisions with small energy exchange. These glancing collisions are much more numerous than the first kind, and it is interesting to see which type is themore important. Table I gives data for two values of a0 that fall in the experimental range. the function w7•K' e , Column 2 gives that part of which is independent of In t/2a uolumns 3 and 5 list that part of the same function con- ing the factor. Columns 4 and 6 give the sums of 2 with 3 and 5 respectively. . L. 0.6342 1.356 .7352 b.464 -G.ES - -0 .55 -. 785 -0.461 -0.742 -0.0091 -&,2695 -0.07562 +0.102 +0 .222 +034 +0.00201 +0.00513 iyl74 +0. Table I -0I.97 -OU .Ot +0.00729 +0.007319 -0.1080 +0.418 +0.00990 37 I t is seen that the larger part is that containing In a or that representing small angle collisions. It is interesting to see if conditions can exist which this theory would predlict a large value of for g. A search through the literature shows that thare are very few papers on th subeject of gaseous conduction which present enough data to determine allthree parameters. The required data are: a the gas used b th~ atomic density c the field strength d the electronic density e an estimate of the average energy Among the few papers giving all this dataare,one by T. J. Killian (II), and one by A.H. van Gorcum (8). In Killian's work, the gas pressure was so low (a few bars) that*: the mean free path of the electrons was comparable to the tube diameter or larger. Plainly, this theory is inapplicable to such a case. Van Gorcum reports work done on neon at a pressure of 4.7 mm.Hg. at 00 C . In the well developed plasma, he found by probe measurements that the electrons seemed to have very nearly a Maxwell distribution. The values found for the auantities listed above clustered about those in table . -3 17 1.67. 1 cm -3 10 9.5 * 10 cm 0.93 volt/cm 2.7 e.v. , 38 77 Vav -3 10 17 1.67* 10 -3 cm -3 O10 9.5*10 cm Table For neon, If 0.93 volts/cm 2.7 e.v. E Q• 0.28 cms eV, =1 mw then for a maxwellian distribution, o 300 7 aav V= 2 o 3 For this case, 2p8 = 9 .1 -4 2.19" 10 taking ci1 - 7)= 1.93, a = 6.6 31 then from equation U -5 10 g=0.-184... 30, log a , 0 we have; = -4.18 . This is quite a large value for g, and hence the mutual collisions are very important . V l mwa from eq. $0' , and calc V = Ocalc =1 mwO 2 calc 1.39 e. V 1.8 v. From the experiment, o = e.v. If w is calculated 39 These values are in fairly good agreement, considering the roughness of the approximations, and the fact that ionization has been neglected in the computations. If d is chosen to g = equal 0.91 , and 1 am , it is V cal 1.45 Ocalc found that: e.v. The agreement betweenthese two theoretical results is astonishing d in view of the violently differing values of that were used. In discussing measurements made with probes in a plasma, it is usual to plot the logarithm of the electron current to the probe against the retarding voltage, for a maxwel- lian distribution, the resulting curve is a straight line: log ip = c + V/V In the general case, the current to the probe can be calculated from the equation: 1= It 0o (5 ) f(w') (wa - 2QV) w dw SIVim (Vm ) may be mentioned here that probe measurements are no- toriously treacherous. In fig.8 , log ip is plotted against V for tions obtained by setting g equal to the func- 0.5 , 0.8 , 1.0 . The corresponding curves given by van Gorcum are qtite a bit straighter than the one given here for g = 0.8 . This would indicate that the mutual interactions are of evengreater importance than is predicted by this theory. On the other hand, the conditions in his tube Were mppe ~zzumed than thoQ much -w2 O complicated than those assumed here. ihis fact may more account for part of the divergence. B- can be taken into account by as- Inelastic collisions electron which acquires a velocity great- suming tha tnevery erntha a fixed value w 1A suffers such a collisin and loses all its energy. This assumption is equivalent to setting f(w') = O.for w> wi Eq. , and J w = constant = j for w< wi . 26 takes the form *Zw'W t -w + 2niw 3 K= j w 4f The assumption may be expected to w = 0 * andnear f (w<W) be good except must be sharply cut off near w = wi at wi . In an actual discharge, it is not zero at this point,but only very small , and decreasing very rapidly for w>w i . Near the origin thb function may be expected to be large,gor the assumption that the electrons undergoing aninelastic collision lose all their enrgy cessive piling up gives an ex- there. Two forms of distribution function were tested: OW"/we A a 2nw, in wL ew Mw 4//W b - f = Consider function w w0 = a w e Let A 41 Then -z =f z In 1 e A dz s Eqation 32 becomes mAw M -Z z 2 in 1 e -Z + 2 z A (z In 1 Az 3 w + Aa•K m w. Where K w3 K = a ~A This is and ) = a K trJ * 1) e III is dimensionless. of the form -Z e + F(z In 1 -Cz In 1 a -Z + 1) e * LK,= 2rj The terms on the left represnt collisions with atoms, acceleration bythefield, and mutual collisions,respectively. K (z),, In a ) a a Values of A wi/wa= 2.08 and 1/4.16 . (i.e., used ware 1/2.08 or Curves of K (z,A ) ,/za In I z in i + 1 finite was evaluated by numerical integration. 4.16) e are shown in fig's.9 and/O. at z = 0, but is U, F, and it is -z eZ K very large for smallvalues of From the form of the curves, the parameters and is z plain that no choice of can satisfy the equation. This function is not, then, a satisfactory solution. I t is, however, interesting, to compare the relative O-h or a t~ fe7 Z-Z• zw"* 74,o ~?/7~? z~ / ,.afil· / "-f·~·d; r9t~(14 z 7-T Q'Z 07- F 10- U,- go 07 0; O'Z - '/ go 1 zo +0, 9'0 42 magnitudes of those terms of Ka which contain the factor In t/2a tabled f and those which do not. n . S+ 9 3 these values are given in The actual factor used was In t 2a Column 2 contains thevalue of the terms indepndent of this quantity. Columns 3 and 5 , the values of the terms containing it, and Uol's. the sums. Here , as in the case ma where ionization is neglected, the terms representing the effect of small angle collisions are the more imporgant. ~nr;~ o/0t+ 3 3 W IV 4 0.2~5 1A " 2.08 1.00 ].00 +2.312 +4.188 +4 ;14 +U. -0.1110 +0.639 -0.172 'bU z- 4.16 '300 '0'o .447±1 t +0.57O -VC 377 -0.5713 -0.0240 +0 ,006 .'- 1ý 7 +2.2(65 -0.008C>' Li.~ 20 15 i 0.50 /½ -C0.79 3 +5,817 +b.U09 -u.233 +0.517 -1,.143 -1.168 -(3• 132 -0.235 -0.301 -0.307 +A +U.07539 +0.0868 +0.0937 1054 -0.437 -u.583 -0.675 -0.24 -0.919 -1.065 -0.0079 -0.244 -0 252 -0.3 66 -0.374 -0.487 -0,495 +0.032. +0. 276 +0.308 +0.403 +0. 435 +0.530 +0,568 Table 11 It has been seen that the most important of the mutual are greatly collisions are the glancing ones. Tihe integrals simplified if the others are neglected, that is, if only are considered. the terms containg the factor In t/2a Now ; ~teZen _& -t & ' Except very near w = 0, the term small compared to In t/2a' . wil be 21n w/w i It will be neglected. Then (eq.Ze) 3- 2 7__r _ toi3 j 4 I7~z,) 7_0-2), fJ ~ p 0~f .&.# Z GZW 4f (/V2) CýO /0 ~U-2~ 2 4 :3 -.. 3 2 T~f0 $ 7he expr-ess/'on /7 '~4K7 ";·, S d~L~c7I c 6- nec *ke s Ifo is r 2 /742 (U2/ 74 3 (/0 ,Z C,,2 ) I-e Z 4We can now verify that the Maxwell aistribution is the equilibrium solution with the mutual interaction abbreviated in this manner. -/.,1, 2) X,/I<r2) - For, let 2- e2 --.22 2e A) 2 -wd Then /a _ aJ· ur t'2)j OC fidJ or -I =o Peh/w y Ao 9enera/ 4 Pd I-VJ n 00 A ~ff~wi /0 '4r2)c&Z , . U AAT hy 00vo1 . •d 44Crg £,,.<..vl .- 31~r/••!C,-j 2<l/-·C a, '7e~, /ePg-· ~ frc~c~r)B /~4r27~ 7a, AA~r fCrP~Cv AA-r2. z ~ .tva t(;.•7, SSuAs( 2 -jf i71 33 7r de 2 IIt- 3 2r on BdAA r UIrlI o 0 ;A~jCr 1/ rs 45 We now make an assumption about f Let: -wx/wa f A l - e wa a = wa Defingtg: 0 1 0 1w w1 In terms of * z , -z f a = f (wO) f The upper limit is o = (z) 0 (1- ) z) e A 2rnw -A -z 1/A , since e d2z f" = 0 when z > Calculating the field term in eq. 32, w d dw f (w2 ) 2A = 2vla A = w w• W-* O o w /iw - w -we i -Z 2_A - ;1 - Az) z e 1 -Wa /Wa Likewise, -A 1 o e + +1 1 w 0w 2. o = -A o . 0 0 a oI (1 + 0 A -z - z) e / . 46 Consider the integrals in f ° (v=) d"v we - I I A a i- fi wa 2A = I vT w o (1 - e y) v e dy 0 when we set y = v-/wa 0 Under the same substitution, f a V ) dv4 = v3 f (T A w- o 2nw z @o J z 0 -y y (1 - y) e y a3r and v Jo = f (-V) -y z, A y-"(1- z 2naw 2,iow 3 y) e dy Evaluating these three integrals, fJ f w ° (v) Svf dv 0 = 2A 2inw - (1- (va)d9v = Az) e z 2rnw z3/', L Wa f v f (v3)dva iva Substituting these in 2nwAz eq. 33 for I + - 1 - I 2, e )] ] 47 = 331 2A 77 83rr rn 2.Y 36 2al L(/-A-z)e- 2 t /,- - Az) e -z S J3 7 UIz (4/2) + _L_,hiAz) - +,Iýj (7(1)] 736 e b•4anc e e u7a t ic hn 32 then becomes: -••Az^U -Az )e - + + Ai T3 where .3 A24i 3 z- K3 3 .A9 -,<,21 -x"Gr3 t"; --- (0+3-ez )e-z 27t 2 #zpit ),__ . X3 4 rNQ 47rivQ ft im es = 271a/ exp ress ion braces, and/ Is di'm ension/less. E7. 36 Is of the form ý2 'S -Cz.2-Az - +F r +)eZ T-he functions z /-az) A K, are p/o 7 ed l(/f,4-z)e-l"+ z 6*n fi•y /AI ) Kj= 2fj -,a4e zge- nd * // and/2 rj L -PO./ 1.0 '-U 4e6o iA 0.3 i ,4;4~ i i t i i e YI-i) r j · i i r i 0/ ·: ·~ ·3 i i : ; I i I I . i 0 r I i , 9 z~./ r i-02 C C 1• lZa .0Z -O •o i 2.0 48 i~,77, E, and a Suppose that the values of If the function A (1 - w ) e are given,. is the correct dis- tribution function for this discharge, equation 36 will be satisfied for all values of was assumed ad hoc. z (or w'/wa). But the function hence the problem must be considered from the opposite point of view. values 6f the parameters N, 4, we ask, " Are there any a , E for which equation 36 is satisfied for all or nearly all values of z2". If such a set be found we will have a problem to which our f0 is a slution. There are really only three independent parameters in eq. 36, as is seen when it is written as eq. 737. They are A, u/F , and r/F . The problem is to find what, if any, values of these parameters will make *k. the sum of the terms on the left of 36 nearly constant -- and positive. We can pickj arbitrarily, and then may be able to find, by a lest squares method,a reasonably satisfactory pair of values for In c/F and)F . This procedure was followed. /3',',AI fig(s. the values of this sum are t)otted for the S, U/F, C/F tabulated below. /2.2 4 .- C/F 0.63 0.42 ?V/F 6.56 Ta ble-lT 33.0 sets ~ ·6/j OF i 07oz ?ov. 500 r i I i. I 0/0 Oi o 7'0 i. 0.3 51 ~ t-Jl- 0f so a FQ /'0 E'O 49 The curves are fairly level except at the lower end. The degree to which they approximate a horfizontal line is ameasure of the correctness of the chosen function. It is seen that the fit is reasoably good,except the distribution function gives too few slow electrons. zrom the babulated values of the ratios, the relations among the parameters of the discharge can be found. Semi- logarithmic curves of probe current vs voltage are plotted for this type of distribution. (fig./•). ,-r2 2, 1.o -•o- .o 3 .0 - -~--~;-L~L-r -----i---~_11----- ~~~.~---r ~--- -- ~ i--r:- _- ~ :-·-:---:.._.-·-------------- ------ ------- ·---- ·- ---------- -----------.---rl------ ~ ----------l;-L 1- ~I ~-------r-- ------- L._~ 1: "' ---------- :--_ ·---- l:i-_ .. _ ~_ : _~:,--:II --.-----~-- ::---- ----- -------;-..~.~~.~.-.~~.~ ---- ------~--- . ---..~i~~-.-~_._... .~.__ ·- ------ 1-- ---------. -~ -· ---- i--:-- --- ,--_C-.-L~,i __ i----------~ 0.0 -------- :-:-- :. :::ll·iL::-::~: : :~1__:~ -- '--·-:------"-;;;;--I;;i~l:;'i~ ·- ·---------;-; :-.t------ I-------i-, ---.--~---~-~I_._ r-~-t---~---I.~ .-.l___(_i._ ~~~___f- i L; ·----i L: -:: i -~~---·-------------- -i--;--·- : 1 i · -·--~---~ -- I r- --- 0.00 --- -----------------1 ·-- ---- -- _---.~~._ -~~~~~~~-~-'-~'------ i i; ._ ···--:... ; .~ ·---. -.~-..~.. -.·---· ·-.. · · ;II!.-:----:-: i.. 1! ---------------::::-: i ~----^ 1 0,00-, "v•V O-S 2 -4"14 Z .a 4Yos ,;, /5 /=/ýF / x 2.0 VII Conclusions "·e have considered some of the processes t~king place in a simJpliflied model of the plasma or 'positive cl -C region c of a n low pressure. c c •tz•• l•• dischtrge tough gas at The most difficult problem arose when li sions of particles of equal mass were con2 sidered. The first part of this paper deals with this question in a jen -era way. We have been interested pri- marrly in the velocity distribution function of the electrqns. Two balance equations in this unknbwn function were set up. rq quire One, expressing conservation of energy, that the number of electrons acquiring in unit time a speed greater than any value, w, be equal to the number losing energy and falling below this speed. The second expressed balance of the momentum parallel to the fiel d. From these, one non-linear integral equation was derived. The geometry of the mutual scattering process was examined and the necessary integrations performed insofar as these depended only on this geometry. This much of the work applies to any type of cross section function irrespective of its dependence on relative velocity or scattering a nle. As an example, the calculation fo the case of elastic spheres was carried out upto to the point where integrations over the distribution function, f, became necessary. In the second part of this thesis the cross section o.n oCunis derived for electron-electron collisisons. This was done by means of a wave-miechanical approach. For the interaction potential a shielded Coulomb field, - - was used. tions depending on Next, th ose integra- r-but not on f were carried out. In view of the relative complexity of the resulting expresslons, two different approximations were made. One was valid when the velocity v of the pariticle was very nearly equal the velocity w. This corresponded to grazing col- lisions or small angle scattering. The other was used when v was appreciably different fm , and correspoonded to close cllisions, or large angle scattering by a pure Coulomb field. In the third part we attempt to find functions which ae so••tions of the problem. "hen the term representing inelastic Impacts is disregarded in the equation, it is found that the fl.nction 7( is a fairly 3 ie ood a -roximate : s•lution. Here the parameter a .ueasure o0, C'llisions. the rat e iOportace f .' the mutal'U hen the inelastle te rm 1 Ire the func- tion was acceptable, though it gave too few low velocity elec- trons. These trial functions were not expect• d to be exact solutions but they served to test the ascul p tons an. to indicate the relative importarce of the various processes. The result of the calculations on mutual collisions can be cler~ly divided into two parts. true pror•ess with large angle scattering~b Gollision Coulomb field. ad of t:h It f ptential hill,. te e scattering and is egl~ It contairs the width of the strip A c7hane trelattive . The -( dependence n th e value ss eona chage f o uV u L of a d.i- ,L " Here lane plstne, aa an d anda, and on the assu~ptions cons not criteal, however, rom- 10-4 to i produced onl. i the out that this second part is 'he •-e h.ýe second Thus this depen-s both o -pro•• mation involvIn• t, erning the factor-; -- is the electron wavelengti. t:he a independent of the approximati-on small a f'raction natre, is is sieO, Oh, part represents t The first is a fna result. It a tutrn the largest over most of the range of velocities. tribution is In other words, the velocity dis- maintained mainly by many exchanfges of small rather than by less fre;quent large amounts of energ ch anges. The mutual interaction of electrons becomes import- ant when -I NQ is large and -E. N Q small, where 2/ is the electron density, E the field strength, N the atomic density, and Q the atomic elastic cross section for electrons. This can be pictured as follows. The electron- electron collisions tend to set up a Maxwell distribution. This is disturbed by the collisions with atoms. The number of encounters of a given electron with others is 7 proportional to atoms to NQ. , and the number of collisions with The first fraction measures the relative frequency, of the two types of collision. The field also tends to disturb the equilibrium distribution, energy and imposes a drift on the electrons. of its effect is path. the field strength This is It adds A measure times the mean free E The Townsend discharge, with very small 92, is an ex- amprle of the cases where this mutual interaction is negligible. In the plasma of an arc, on the other hand, the conditions are such that thIs mutual collision process is 54 very important rndeed. The cal3ulations ,•how that it very largely determines the form of the distribution. A comparison with one of the rare complete sets of expeerimental data showed a fairly go. check. A si• gle electron-electron collision catnnot change the mean energy of the distribution. But the aggregate of such encounters does change the fo.rm of the distribut ion and, in particular, locity. In this way the rate is alters the most probable vechanSed at which other processes take place and the mutual encounters may very well lead to a different mean energy. When inelastic impacts were taken into account in finding an approximate distribution function, it was considered that their effect was merely to cause electrons acquiring a velocity greater than some value w, to lose all their energy. A more exact treatment is desirable. This would be possble usg• • the complete balance equation 13 with approximate ionization and excitation probabilities. In this way the form of the distribution above the critical potentials could be found and the intensity of ionization calculated. An exiaination by power series of the abridged equation 31 shows that f must have a logarithmic singularity at the ritgn. This is caused by the piling up of low velocity electrons, which results from the crude way in which the inelastUz ollisions are ý%V, vj'. Collisions are han dled. ".jLffj. /~R J The more correct treatment wuld remove thi, Lst oO S-ymvbols pear•n, N.ormal 313 2 / 25 71 at w = w , w 0 34,43 '11 , Integrals = on page: zation fac'tor =~ a First a p- ,,,4) 47 47 Electric field strength 30 e/m NQ =E base of natural logarithms charge of electron distribution funct on parts of f 47" parameter- in f0 13 energy j, k Integrals, (j = 1,2,3,4; k = i,2) Plank' s const4ant degree of ionization Ionization integral 0" 0constant Stun of integrals K I, If ¶I #1 40 30 47 47 k wave number 2i on k,,ka defined on M mass of atom 77n 47 m mass of electron N atomic density 7) electronic 5 " elas "tic cross section ;e,4 excitation, ionization cros 6 section 6 r distance 20 S1 integrals 27 s velocity, s9 t 2t w' = width of strip dt element of time 5 U velocity of center of gravity 7 u velocity 3 u,u' half relative ve>•3ity "u',v,' u x = u+ NT 17 27 velocities velocity parallel field u e, e:cItation, ionization velocities V p.ot ntial V retarding V ener"y &- Volts) O otential,probe ener"gy of relative motion volts) er w, or/c r ve4olCO S+ 39 par in f 32 dum•my variable of inteSration 2 = / w 2 0 radius of potential hole 00 22 'eleent of veloc i ty space angle betweenr, U and polar angles about LI !I 0 e1 go 'V A AJAWA w "/ 2 av wave functions defined on a- mutual cross •eog section II1....~ •~Cb., 0I" elastic partial cross sectio~ polNr angles aecut E (refer to u) 7 8 Bib.lio Allen, H W., gr a nhy Phys.Rev. 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APPEND/IX 4m94 2,3 2 - cosA'cosA / 'I 8,= /o Sz = + sin SPcosA CO05 1 ) SiiT s/nA dA Cc/U JA s iM A O -/7 Se //n Ihe In/ey'ratl s of /e /orrr77: z=/2g -e4 ,7aZ r4n - W7 IV = z d1 4 f77 -cs0 Cos , o sCs /n5 Plere 'c Sh7or/ 7,/e o/ Then31y 2r ,1m //egfra/s J#o 300: ton -4 rp ý--q-z Ian iLL -Z 2ff-s4~ (>Z_~zi4/ ilz~ //Now, PZ2 Z = 7 - 27Zc os ~~ 50 S1- s/'n2 27-e 4 4mnZ fyt- + cos'Z cosC y27cos2cos - y 2_ cos5 cosA ,s yCSO sny5/2ccos - sn cosZ- Cs: s5nZ B&i 3, at/,J CA Acs, 0 xXz- cos cs A 5C blity W-e 4 Cos AO S -:7 where B3 '= p'= Y) 5/npzJ, P/e ceis /62, cZ') +f2cosc 9( a' €' (4p'. 2e 'f ZZ,2 r- 7os) -4 4m'I 4 + Z) Y ZA< 2 sX' cos' (- 2zcsJ+Z Cos 2sz - 2os Cos XI 7 y4/.(y 9 -/+cosd'- 2/2 xcosS-i xz co ,Y'OSAO -t5 ,?;Z-e4 4t~/I Is )2 cosS. / ?2 B n4mu - /2(05 same wa y #7 e o7a ,,7lead O/x a5 /h1e //m/is d o+ cos o,/ 21Y-zcos and 7i &s/n y zcos : - co•s •Z 4m' 7(7r z ~1' //Xa Rememder/ny - C05/o = /1 -/+ 2 zc - u 2 zycoscos5, o (eis. 4 and 5/ - -t. 4~Uu 7y= 2z/8 / cC05S9- = Z Cos05 zz twa 4/fly 2 Scos,~)9' Z Z 1 /1e6L/ n1a 4, 2-P =',2 /66 z /6 m+U-2) L, 2 2 % 4U& r Cc -//uv 4z~ i+ 2 a4 - £ 4UI i~i I., •, C4(-: .41' uz - .: 2W-u-zr u 2W U/67 -2 I/ /SU 7Th upper s/§n /5 usedl or 3, the /ow -rfor -v-ul 2 "',ýýz2 - z/2 -?/2 (2w2- 2- a- 4( it , Z . / a2) .4l/Uz = 2 u + 2/ • • - 4 z an _44 I /+1: /62mf 2 /KL/j/U 2 Ofsiua. b/- z(2' LeA'. ar z 2 2) / k = 2) Oz (-w 2 2ý /6A 2%)(a)+a2 , 2•• J'12 _ 2• _ =~~cu g (z. ( )- ; 22 /6= Then .t p1,.2 /7,---,7,1 7w w- u. 2 Z A- 2 /) u(-g-e 3. I z 2(Z~ z ~i S Lz / 'Zo 0B3 sIny, ly 2 /6U'O' L -7 4 24z)(w-t - u. * v ,Jla jz where For I = / / I 20, L-3, -•4, 2w r 4e /, 4mQ'u 3" Se/Yn5 = s-2t Z uF z 22f uurw'v7- ZLW -U Z( n +( j z"L79211 2 - 2)dU I -a7 - 2 4 nj aif/li,lit d ~t2/ 2 -2 7+0 ~ /2 Z2 /•_hZ- 2 ' 7 -iz Z)V 4 -1' y -az = 2-e4 L/U -- 4m-_zt 2z 1 A' ýeadran/.: In order and 2/ (auadra 2 - U, S = ( arc f/Igen/ U fan d- Then /it•s z77 fan ' 5 erm decom•.e, /an (02- - 2kz /, _n ltz -,h-janyU 2l'VF/kV 2an2 I 21-k)z 7zz 9 -l't/h 2V' ~- Zk%4-e Y h z - k z, ~ V -y k erms uz 2Vk / e4 The firsA 7/- 49, /6/ Pierce s Examine LU2 .lI d, 61j 2 Z St w- ZL }7u i-/,-V, £1 , 02 Z= 27e~4 ,v- ·t1Ju 25, 2u, _-Z, 1j= 2, Ut+*S -= 1= /, 2b, S i/g I, Ay/ yea'rat77s, Z Z z, ( uacadran/ / 44s tzatr -' 1 v z'az2t 4 4 2 @ 3 II /1 - G an-' Co/ns /ler + 4 -/Zv-• 4- seco/cl/ arc l/l//el; - 4g = S- Zklz = /nserf/~ný 1he 86(u r'9 /z va/lus of appropro ial h- ,kz, (fwiu 2 _/6 /f 2 r. / or 3 2for 4 Z /r4 (z,• 2/ -- I, ano' O, h - 2hz 'ws /6--/6u Gu (We /61 (? Z /6a /it A/so, /he ra'/ca/ is 84 4 (UL S+hz- z = 2 z1 (2W t§/ = lnser zli., 4(a tP8M+ 4/+. v a Z uz for ý1aadr / /4is /ecomes S'w-/•+4 2(t 1• ZI 5I / 2(u - 2 I -- -- , Now, 80- (2gZ- 4/' 4 .2= S424 ws -ws- 2 4 4- 4 (W - s) 4w And 6 (v SZu (2~ , sZ ( (w 2- 5 2(t1_ 5()2 - or 2( tv/ s)+ -( 5 s- 2ilCZ 2 ( 2/ 2 j7s- (Z - L7Z - 2) )(! - 2~ hz, - kz / ii (j'- W=zjw-S =7 T/ (d = 2W 24W 4 L _a Z)( S2)+ s z}{W , -u27 - 441,'Z - S) 4 Z(w- 5J 2 for /A,0rs/ pladran-. 5, rn//a ny for /he /ower /,mi/t ,£ 7+hz,- A /n U2) (W ·4 I'" &= ;'(W-S, -S), 412(14*52/2 uad/ran,/ 2 2ý 414 ir hz - kz2 2J W7-1 { 'vuf 2Uiv/( (/r+ u)f 4 e/' 2- 2(r<'+~ U l' Z.'(., (2W,' .2u-,2 i- 5of 2 -+ vair)- 2 Z () (; 2 IZv-U 2 z 2 2 z 2- 2 j - -v v') tZ 2/Zi ZZ) Z/7 '- Pzz ) V+ & ~-v (vv :- 2 U) X- ere /ore , 7/ z- 2r(,u+ /.-+u )2 - (2 2(• -( and T (V/+ U /1j z- )Za +--, z z ztl-W7,- 2 !L# ,/1. 2)( c) 2 u likewiise, for f1e sarme ý7 a aran;, +4 ' +/z +A-j The eporess/ons for .4 as for 2, u, and 2 eer UZ on/-y/1Y ,*e/r sIle'/ u/7 /hey can be wr///en . pow ers. iAz,- kzZ 3 / 4kiA- ýz //~~2 /72 4 S•a ýZ 4z, 2 ze/ 2el + where when - /Ae fou r // 2 a3 = -4 z - V/ 912 -f- =ur 2 are of 7%e form aov0 4f/z 2z p //e seJcotn' Ouai. ur /cu - 2 a T//en it z7 . . 2z/ / q(( - exvpressi on 's /(a2 4Ik/ / _ 2 acn a' s- z + 42 " , '-, , - kz 27 res 2/ a-~U kz,1 3 + hz,,- 4 3 are M•e same c&uaaran/ and for ,uadran/ forruaa'ran! /, 2 = -c9= 2 arc- /algen/ arn /yivous / /erms i/ BI, Aeco/ e, sg/n Ovaa. O -I e±2 /an 4, l6g4_ /l.t' 4/Az (w) ws Z j5 S ifr a;~ t1 /+4-//6z FIp"4/fai( ar) + dt g' (- a - aan /(' 41 2 (w-s), 4/ (w,, s'j7 a- /6/• • aj( 4#f /4ff w 4l fit)# / Ouad' 32/ 0 4 4/16 884 rA /?c/%'r /o These z ca o? /Gbfur El f- af 4 4 I Ur a fa ý017 U UJ t: *C /6 /61 af- u4 V 6feais //- VLY - / 42ý C la ble e .5"/, , +hz- /'Z2 .-4 and/he A/ /forcan be reduced to Qood. - a, ,e. - San 4 x,'z + 4' - 4/?u cz2t 2 4ý5 P - aZ + 4 1 ( -4euw 3 4• 4 z rf2+ 2 4. t -an' Consider now 42/h- _f* /_A u/-rd z/e - 2y- arc- tangent ~( 2Z - - 2 217+ (,4 2 r /I 6464+/61 C,64 os vj +4(w 2 z 2(z/24?Z (utý,o+ 22 12 - (2v 2/ ( 4 2,< •( A)z = / - (2 1( 2v v V GIZz•>U iStC 7 t z%//6lO IC ftg 2//- /4 g 7erm, wU- z Lrz2 =2W4 A /so. z a 4 + 44 2 2z7e/ LW - 32/ 47-2 z (2u 2 _U: 24 z ,Y-2,L 9j-- /f now we l/e 2P, /19/ 2 P2 -1P 2 the n 1 2 21/ z (a'-j -/I2/ 2 2' a- 2 Iolr fa//vdaran/s. 2y - .A +(A+ 2 2 k)z - g;" T7-he A 4I 62, /e 2: 4f+q g)4 0 eif"2(a +4 4'U (v42 2 ' V'77h - q -/l kt aov/ ears both outs,,de and under /he lan-' opera,or, oord can Ae repkcec/ in bo/h expression /oces AB4' GI'= bering-7 1ha7l / ý /7z -_z /1ia212 ; a/so remnetr- r~~W2 z 2v +4 , /he fhbrd arc- arn en/ 4- 4i 2a{ l-, 4 4f,/7 4(t 1 42 z (vuZIl-2 22. u L>(af , f•<e4+/ /2M 40,,z2,, •/42 2.a where /be + s5/i/ and 1h½ - s gn (a .2, •/,2r P8/7 +,-+4 -•49e now app//es to 20, uac/iran/5 2 aad 4. qa adrcw/5 Th7ese can de reacead/o ~: 1~/~J17' 1,482(v S(c~Z 4 j+ - 42 -) + /6 , -2 /0 an "4 = Then, com,5n/n/. 56 2a2 'y** -( krV' ie/lrt7s o /7he R.', t7?6k/tQ (52, 53, 55, 56,) 2n4r 4 fu 31= 4rnef 8 272;e = ?, /an 3f 4m3 4/P 4w 7 t( z a#z 4w9Z ~7na~';B·4duj 4~/e /an - 41 a7 - fC -"' 4· 2 4 , 4 z zr4/ar' 4/-mu 4g- ac,41Z a az 4 24M e)v Z l/ _a- zan - a~z-Lq2-4e4 4 , an - 2u ?- - n 4s , /7 'I a4 41 -4' 24 a7' 4l 4mt&! / az 46s lan-'- B =- C7] 4 6' 4g 2 .42,/ Now Startz & -Ljo, Zr.- -Z ruv 4--, 4a 4 4/ z 2 aZ_ t, i Sz , 4 7,- L 4 ,z z as /1 i'c/ 7-, ana7 Tsese are syimme/r/ca/ /17 U f e case wh/ere c=- cons/ana/, we are perm/I//ec/ 5/iisfrom BI' /f we a/so s•vfrac/ ho s•u/rac/ the the secona' /roo77 B/ Then finra//: 4 2 / 3, se - 4-m -u I, - wu zi*4ý, IaI v/ 'J Suz- 32 4A 4 22 47 f u , 46u w 27Y 4m fu '3 4 - an/7 2-7 equaG/ors 1/9 4 4 4w z 4m7u - Since 24-- L+ r S/ 3 /n uz, 44 U/ 46% 71 7 145 Z- l5 ze2 44 7 /hese are fhe samne as of /be ma/n text. u*a , /2 APPA/VD/I II STRIP /NT§EGRALS The fw-nch!o ns ±o he cac/ca/ofed By fhe/r de/t/n/on, 2 I,; Z/m7//s 0on z' B'-ra-u~ 1( 22 e's ( u a'2 - are u Ouadrants So 4 3 anlId /e Scarr /n76egra//0n l/ine 1/Z &iZ carriea' /i z/) = 70 Ut S z 2 (+/) 42 2 Z 227" 2 zU 2/2 = U 4 V- - u -- /77 Or -halk of in/fera /ion, (cZ+/ZZ z w(c - Z/ Ile 2c z /n7 ei?ua//Ons /9 we - tan Z4/4C /1e ivariab/e 2' /nse75 r/iny or w~t ,ZTZ Then a/ony /e rZ Z2 Utr Col a/ont7 Aep/a ce a:-by /he Z= H k. are ihe 2a o, z -Z +a i3 i, Z-2 (-,Z +a2} - m u'cz 2a 2ac , tan I - z +a , 2c,7 (-z- a2) 2ffe4 2 7-IlzT -Zi-a2 t7? G~~r U?/ 2 - z a tnz-' 2a 2a 2a m? uwa (z- a/n u VB 34 iu~4 2 2a 2 m7 zua 2a_ 2z z+ a/ - 7 z~ a1 Then, wri///'l' / 9/, m2ruwzaz 177a' 43 22 ma 2 = / c/- H, 2 /' and also replacing z 6I / and 2, we Aove: zC- Za o_ --o /,2 = /C72 t7 2,/ y7Ty2. 1 -, -, for ruao/ran/s z = -z zac z' , a z+al z, 2ac a2 Sfan-' Z /z z t C- a 7 i?Lfln 0 Z 2 / z-a 2 tar )-a 267 z '- az a z- a _Z /z 2a k7Yn 'z'a'z z/a 0 /4 Z- a Za 6 -3, ! zea' Za 2a Ian-/ Z7-2 z 3,2 0 74, --z / z- a 2 4, 0z z2 0 C~ Since z' 2a oan ' 7 2- z 'z on/ly a a'mmy var/ah/e /he ltr/176 can be dropped. /n legrat/ng by ioar/s : z az C- Za 0 4'a (z +a ZJ =cz A/ -4a a z = 0 _a3 ac /-- - cc since v (Z+az 4 z Sc Zac n_ / /an - z (z)a / 2ac a ( - zaz 4a (z--a27* an -' Zac cz Z+a 2 ac/ - 2ac/dz t 4 a zc2 2ac2 te -/2Lz+a Z+al0 /1,s express/on7IS . - aG 67-G ( ,2c7 a is very /f t >> 2c, /he 2 - ) , 2c 2111al arc la ne7/ terrns can ;e expanded whenr approx/imoae/I ct c +ýl a' z The . = 2azc3 9-l 51 ve< upper za 2 c 3 40,3 6lZ· 3(t+a§) 3t Retaining only second order /erms in a, 2 Sr C "I Moww dý It? /egra 2 lwc 22c ur, S= SY ; 2iaw 2 I, / a32 23 2w @ (6) 3w may be /ound Iro-? M/s w3,, or /•in//e seco1706 we rep/a ce c 6y z2 Sand we obh ain i/Ct? 4o2c3 Jt zA 3y scbL//? Zt -= Z Ira a 2 .Z* - 631,/ 4a' 2 3t Z-· -a21 ?j/,Z -~t zc zdz ToW': z I=2 _/z" 2z3+ a~zz /2a 42a 2z'+'z eo, " -/ z a /y /2a ay t 2ac a /§qaun 2ac)dz '(2zz 3 3z a (Z12a a(z . Zac za azC tr & i 0/ re/a/aing only lermns 1f/ro•y cz2 Zz' 3,zza2 Zac cz 2 -2 /2a /an- zz a ,- 3 4aý2 4c -)A-azz second order o/ a, 4a . 6 z~u+a #0 , d-4 2 / (main7 4a2a c /2 /6 2~t'Z3 t3 a 2'ac /2a ta+a 2ac • t 3 J_t2 ac' 3t>a /2a a a-t 6 and 7 4 c-7a 'a 9 G 3 6t At z = 0, the /oyar/hrn 4aJ 3 r/ -3 3 "7Y~ 4a c3 ferl/r 3 da'v" tc 3_- // Jul3 7j -3 Zac Z//t zac · + L kAewise, 3 3,2 t / 4a'2 2a-/ 3 Tonsiaer t 4,1 Let =a Z Z-La fan / T cr = ,/c2-Z z = c (/- r-, I/an / / /n/egra//nry S31 c dz =-2c z. adr C3C / 4, 20V" dz 27- a 2 2Z-a a Za -3(c 2 2-rz (-2rar) . /opr /r-f by parls" 4/ 4 3 , -/_____~ ___ __ /7 $P7C 3 -t c c 41o rz 2P 2 (/-r_ p} 2 Th/en G. C _ Lp I 2p(r 4p ¾ 22, 3?(5 4" 2 r /an I 1- -0r //.ivZ Sr " c7 1__ _ _ , / 2 z back, Subs/iuing - / cZP>7 I J%A 4a (/c~z-j; ar 4"----- -t" =+ cV2/ - + a20 ~4a (- (C- 2YC - ac/a/nI az V2 1 za I/EsT 7t 77 2a1 Z-az2 4a3 k/•Ta 2_ e 0 a'c a - Expanaiony Me _ z~a 2 6 -('- t -/J-2a2 z (z -aaz z /w 2 / dr " '-+ 74r;o Cal!/ /h15' integra/ /erm 4,1 / r:) arc /a7ngenr-s 2 2 7 aC2 2 Z77 2 2 3 4az(c 2 To second order t) Ct //7 ,V tt a 6Z 2 z t V77 2 T 6 r S2acP acZc a,. 2 a fj ·4a 2(' ( <7- a ",4, 7 ac 1 21/c 2 t f << rac 2 cz 3 4C3 3t Then 1Facz , 6 . I 4,, £ S,' 2u 2 Cc- -9- 3 4a-c 3t or z w 2-w2 7< z 3wt -- se /ling / i/kewise, 7ra 9--- -'- Z d4ac a2 ,1/ © 35 Now lake /- /-/t -7 72/,o - P' -Zdz z/: 0 117legraýn hy parls, -- - - - : 4 1+//c /5 2'/t-SL ,'3 3 rfz/-rp)2 2. a // 1he Infegra/l - 70-~P 4d /,ein /o second order i n p, /9 Cs zz I~ /7 3 2 -/ A2/ ' z/ c' Zrs 2p'r 2' 1 2 /5 3 Zr / ( r ' - 953 i/7~pf/l' # Ca// 1f e /oa5 /nXegra/ G, . Then, se///ng r- Z( fr%(,aI S2 (, : -,Z)( A2 ), t t~ A-7 _ I 'oJ ; 122~ t c-/P Az s- Now,/, :pg,% wit/ A re/ I-,-: = ,4e and /1, p,Z Ae r/ i122 -idB 4e, = 1/4'0e- , (z/-:2or (/~0/ 2cos L9 2/- /- Is•Z co. 8= Z7 Ihen P'= (/A/e', A'2 2 a/lso p,z'+, Pz -Az ,/Z -,-,- pc5/ /+2 5,1/7 Z'll n= eO I COS cc1,z /, if+ ;. ,,'_/7+= ,5117 2 - /0 rl70 1,:- I p2;. _,-P 2 9/o1 (Ip? 20, A = /lpi PA-l= -2/ -p • = /-t rt l- ~ z z /-P e /- rt bz- r (/- r})p lj3 V (/- " /~#- r lb,p,z-l/,ý b, -P, 6,-, rr _- p r i/anZa 7/- r2;r z z, p_ Srm' i/C/7o /2 - Then, dropping ferns of 3- 2a7 ;'Ian-I l,-+io !2(/.jr2/ /-p z S _-r /a nr,2 rzl 2 • /04t (Z+/ bz +r -P J'z -- hgher In arder 'f0 (/- p.b // (ij-5 Assem-nb/in 9 /he feris of /, 4ci1 -/41 4,2 /-It / 3 52r2/,02 1 Zr Z 3 9-+ /i1SUDS ;fl/Ii//n -21 czt2• 4,Z 3 3 - - 3 e 3 /3- 21,o/ S/- 2 /4o/r ,'o '32 j f -r P 3 ,/l /7he i/i/si. 4(czt) jc /5 - /5 c -, , z (7 I 3 I,/,7 • /and (/j r) /p p 1 t+az4 / ) 7az ! h-f,_a'; (c5-) /5 23 /5 9 9 23 ac Zz a c Vc 2- Y S 2 3 3 ac'6 3 3 3 Z Siince c2 >» > 7 SaZc c4c~-L c 0- 7 (c-$- 47 , 6 3 3 a 13 ' a a, (c+ -cz-t az 2 a2 (c- 'C ,•U • di z 1/ c 4 z Iz t 4 4c 2 -6z2 , EIx and/ng /he arc-iangeni, Za V•-7 4LZ (iaa t 8a:c 6a/t az 3 4 t). 7 taz22 2 3 - 9 (o//ecl/ng ferns 3 4,2 3 9- 3w' 3 3 Za YZ /3 4a I7.1 3 /7n vew o/Ac 7e ///Y/dn/ 6Y are eavcoun 2 c Zac Se /nct 62 /Aroug A 8oa4a tA Za / '3 oW1/ y69 7s 7l/ /o e4s 6/ //ie £4 o/f7 e ma1/ e9 /a/w7ns /e/d 22 rA22EI;= e The namber of electrone per -~- du, range r ane e ..... .elocitis * + IIi ".., hazvinh parallel t n ti~ di da . fl (a -zd) (a , the field increases the velocity of each per unit time, da - particle parallel to the field an amount Then, the number of particles for wihich this com- ponent of velocity increases from leas ( the field in the is 2r 77 2? than speeds in the than to greater _ is 27T7 T 00 --- / /0 dtJ/ý §~dt Zne 2 77Y-nf-e f u i/-''ydli-na gd L-e m (nn tnz 'V 0 (-ut ~f/y4Ja'. In the case of elastic collisions with atoms, we neglect the energy loss, and consider only the scatterinm, Let 0, 9 Ie polar angles about VP "! The number of electrons scattered . a , of " er c, -U cer second at 23 angles in range $sin 6dBd a7mwdwdy is N'77 'u out of a velocity space element *1fcosq, uca%,('up 8jsz 9d6a'p/ndcn dw d . The velocities are scattered over a sphere of radius U4. The number of electrons leaving in this way the region of ve- y locity space to the left of plane 8 with respect to is found by integrating for that part of the sphere to and 0 and with respect to 60 , the-right of the plane, L , and U for such values as make the initial velocity lie to the left of the plane, i.e,, , Now si6lOded (/, c-/ adfs u, can be replaced by for purposes of inteTration, if cos 9 = cos Wcos0 and is remembered that + si c)s/inA s/nU and F Then limits of it si/n/d•ad are simpler than those of 0 : 0 A, Now if o 27r ,o fo 77, where cos5. / Z = COS . we let X: = COS OW and write a = x'z; , ) our expression becomes: - Y 0 eor z tjc/zj2ff# 24 Similarly, the number scattered into the region to the left of the plane is The net number leaving by collision is the difference of these two expressions, change of the limits for is symmetrical in X These differ only in the interZX , and Z , and Z , since (X, Z..J, f term Therefore the Requiring the total number leaving due to disappears. both field and collisions to be zero, we obtain 2'}u (u + 27r -4 xdxJ dzj/u, Now, ai J/ #4z; z/j}f 0. zf, a similar equation can be written for the plane e eE o T, Z 271 777 !w,/31/ +/ Z77 4V/ 2i f(Z,iI4au V04'zA6 -M • But, since 1(-x, we can replace X z by -X , and Z by -Z in the integ- rals, and the collision term then becomes identical with the correspondint term in the equation for + 25 Adding the two equations, -- zdz ddzjt, xt,, Z, , ,Jd- 0 the restriction ivide by hi -o The absol1ute . differentiate with respect to , and value eglas can nob w be dropped, by making -eEor r , the transformation to N= COSU = --co 4- is I- i o n5/ COS 26 4;j~·B(Z11 I Y -o i -2 J 1 nos -- i-s/0cos U (u L2 o (/- cos tL /UijOk •' u..• d 0 € 2 V, The equation then is and differentiate azain: Divide by ef d rn 9Qýu dua = 0 (U /yQ '77 dy quoted in the main paper, This is equation If the equations for stead of added, 77? is + and - / y u 0. impossible to satisfy this as'well as the pre- vious equation and the energy equation J are subtracted in- we obtain: 47r1ef It 0. /y/Qy,/yfoyZ 1yj was approximated 'by 10f f, what has been ne•lected, COSi) SIt enters because and sho-:os just 27 APPEDIT• TEI AT AS A CIECK SOLUTION I•I•L LIT We wish to show that the zero along a path Y rZ 2 I1V functions integrate to (C /)w 2- c 2 ,> / There are two cases, and C < / Along this path S2 When When 2 C 2..Z Z 2 2-= 12 W Z/ . = Cu 2zr-e Dropping the constant factor 4 , the expres- z ZZ /72 zra sions to be evaluated are: Case /. /Z c> I: 1)/a2u÷ z oto- 2 2 u aa'w2 z S2wa Z01uv a.2Z 2wa S2 LLrZ, /-I' /cs lura S2 Case 2. 2zeta us c2 < / U0011u U+i13 2wa W u Aaý ,.,• Zwa 2 Z 2 (kc/W i- z TWan 22 2 -/n 2 Z2 -•-u+a ur 1 2w- a, up' U2 U, - / /d ue Z•-ur*• aza ;k 2waZur-a 4U(--u-awIan-/ I• u-w7a2d ana z=--z, ?uta 'c z +/- u-ar*-a u Cl )d -/a vl ut,,a uz as /n Appen/r If 7ý-en 28 2 / =j,977~ -R al"' 0 2a Y/- i7,, zla- 2a z z-a zdz 0- 2a fa- z a 2 dz2 0 za- z-az 2- an -,-_ z Za 2 C?, d a , z and I/ /" 3 Ri- ac ,Z 1IcC Za 0 Z+a /j'z /s5 *n resu//5- from A4ppend/x R, 2 z .1:- 'zza' /f _" as a' fza_ <•Ia 4 z1-a za (/- zj/·*--- 2 a T CE, - af 7- 4 2z a2 a Z#2 ---Ye -I or A' J -Z' 3 a a/7/-,2 a 4- / ( /#aI 1' 672·P 2a -- c-/ 2 (-/-a 44 4a IZ 'a c /#a2 za [a a 2z 29 3 z ///-A" f'/-'zz•4 -/aý 2 ten / 2 Sz Yca Z 2 47zao , a2 c ac"Z ( 44 · 2 z a Zac ' Ta-zacz1447 2 2~ a /-•-2 2 7L a 4a < Z4ayz 2 Tcz/2Y/CZ' zýý/, 2a /-7a cz ,ZI/ -c ac -------9. 2/ ac , 2ac 2 /-c *a2 4a Zac 4a -aI YAt -' laj7-l 2j 4 a S 4 /L/' - Zac Iz bnl/ -~'ac 7~ I5'~ 7 - O. a