Seediscussions,stats,andauthorprofilesforthispublicationat: Optimizationofintervalformulasfor approximateintegrationofset-valued functionsmonotonewithrespecttoinclusion ARTICLEinUKRAINIANMATHEMATICALJOURNAL·APRIL2012 ImpactFactor:0.23·DOI:10.1007/s11253-012-0613-5 CITATION READS 1 44 1AUTHOR: V.V.Babenko UniversityofUtah 5PUBLICATIONS4CITATIONS SEEPROFILE Availablefrom:V.V.Babenko Retrievedon:25October2015 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 63, No. 11, April, 2012 (Ukrainian Original Vol. 63, No. 11, November, 2011) BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS OPTIMIZATION OF INTERVAL FORMULAS FOR APPROXIMATE INTEGRATION OF SET-VALUED FUNCTIONS MONOTONE WITH RESPECT TO INCLUSION V. V. Babenko UDC 517.5 The best interval quadrature formula is obtained for the class of convex set-valued functions defined on the segment Œ0; 1 and monotone with respect to inclusion. In [1], the problem of the best quadrature formula was solved on the class of monotonically nondecreasing functions f W Œ0; 1 ! R such that f .0/ D 0 and f .1/ D 1: The problem of the best interval quadrature formula on this class of functions was solved in [2]. In [3], the problem of optimization of approximate calculation of integrals in the sense of Hukuhara [4] was solved with the use of “point” quadrature formulas on classes of setvalued functions defined on Œ0; 1 and monotone with respect to inclusion. The aim of the present paper is to solve the problem of optimization of interval quadrature formulas on the classes of functions considered in [3]. We use the definitions and facts presented in [3]. Below, we briefly describe some of them. Let K.Rd / denote the collection of nonempty, compact, convex subsets of the space Rd : Assume that A1 ; : : : ; An 2 K.Rd /; ˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n 2 R; Ai ¤ ¿; and ˛i 0 for i D 1; n: As usual, we set n X ˛i Ai D ¼ n X i D1 ½ ˛i xi W xi 2 Ai ; i D 1; n : i D1 The Hausdorff metric in K.Rd / is defined by the formula º » ı.A; B/ D max sup inf jx x2A y2B yj; sup inf jx x2B y2A yj ; where j j is the Euclidean norm in the space Rd : The rigorous statement of the problem considered here is as follows: Let sets A; B 2 K.Rd / .A B/ be given. Let MA;B denote the class of functions f W Œ0I 1 ! K.Rd / monotone with respect to inclusion . i.e., the relation 0 x1 < x2 1 implies that f .x1 / f .x2 // and such that f .0/ D A and f .1/ D B: Dnepropetrovsk National University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Translated from Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, Vol. 63, No. 11, pp. 1565–1569, November, 2011. Original article submitted July 1, 2011. 0041-5995/12/6311–1781 c 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 1781 V. V. BABENKO 1782 For given numbers n 2 N and H 2 .0; 1/; we denote by Qn;H the collection of quadrature formulas of the form q.f / D C C n X kD1 1 ck jIk j Z f 2 MA;B ; f .x/dx; (1) Ik where C 2 K.Rd /; ck 0; k D 1; n; fIk gnkD1 is the collection of segments contained in Œ0; 1 and such that n X jIk j H; kD1 and jIk j is the length of the segment Ik : We set 0 R.MA;B ; q/ D ı@ sup f 2MA;B Rn;H .MA;B / D Z1 1 f .x/dx; q.f /A ; 0 inf q2Qn;H (2) R.MA;B ; q/: The problem of a quadrature formula from Qn;H that is the best on the class MA;B consists of determining quantity (2) and finding a quadrature formula of the form (1) that realizes the infimum on the right-hand side of (2). Theorem 1. Among all quadrature formulas q 2 Qn;H ; the following formula is the best on the class MA;B W H Z n 1C X .1 H / n n qn;H .f / D .A C B/ C f .x/dx; 2.n C 1/ nC1 H kD1 Ik where H 6 n I k D 4k nC1 2 H3 H n 7; ; k 5 n nC1 1C 1C k D 1; nI moreover, 0 1 1 Z 1 H Rn;H .MA;B / D R.MA;B ; qn;H / D sup ı @ f .x/dx; qn;H .f /A D ı.A; B/: 2.n C 1/ f 2MA;B 0 Proof. We need the following result on integrals of monotone functions (see [3], Proposition 5): Zb f .a/.b a/ f .x/dx f .b/.b a a/: (3) O PTIMIZATION OF I NTERVAL F ORMULAS FOR A PPROXIMATE I NTEGRATION OF S ET-VALUED F UNCTIONS 1783 In what follows, for simplicity, we set H lD 2n xk D and H 1 C H=n Ck D 2n nC1 1 C 2l l Ck ; nC1 k D 1; n: Taking into account the additivity of the integral (see [3], Proposition 4), for f 2 MA;B we get xZ1 Cl Z1 f .x/dx D 0 For k D 0; n xZ2 Cl f .x/dx C x0 Cl xZn Cl f .x/dx C : : : C x1 Cl xn Z1 f .x/dx C f .x/dx: xn Cl 1 Cl 1; using (3), we obtain xkC1 Z Cl xkC1 Z l f .x/dx D xk Cl xkC1 Z Cl f .x/dx C xk Cl f .x/dx f .xkC1 xkC1 l n 1 H H nC1 Z H Z n n f .x/dx D nC1 H xkC1 Z Cl f .x/dx xkC1 l 1C Z f .x/dx C I kC1 1 H l/ C nC1 I kC1 f .x/dx: I kC1 Furthermore, Z1 f .x/dx xn Cl 1 H B: nC1 Then Z1 H n Z X 1 H n f .x/dx f .x/dx C B : nC1 nC1 1C kD1 0 Ik By analogy, we obtain Z1 0 H Z n X n 1 H n f .x/dx f .x/dx C A : nC1 H nC1 1C kD1 Ik Thus, H H Z Z1 Z n n 1C 1C X X 1 H n 1 H n n n A C f .x/dx f .x/dx B C f .x/dx: nC1 nC1 H nC1 nC1 H kD1 Ik 0 kD1 Ik (4) V. V. BABENKO 1784 It was proved in [3] that if X; Y; Z 2 K.Rd / and X Y Z; then X CZ 1 ı Y; ı.X; Z/: 2 2 Using this result and (4), we obtain 0 1 H Z1 Z n 1 C X n 1 H 1 H B C n ı @ f .x/dx; .A C B/ C f .x/dx A ı.A; B/: 2.n C 1/ nC1 H 2.n C 1/ kD1 0 Ik Thus, we have proved that Rn;H .MA;B / R.MA;B I qn;H / 1 H ı.A; B/: 2.n C 1/ (5) We now show that, for any quadrature formula of the form (1), one has 0 1 1 Z 1 H R.MA;B ; q/ D sup ı @ f .x/dx; q.f /A ı.A; B/: 2.n C 1/ f 2MA;B 0 This and relation (5) yield the statement of the theorem. Consider the set Œ0; 1 n n [ Ik : kD1 Since n X jIk j H; kD1 this set contains an interval .a; b/ whose length is at least f1 .x/ D 8 <A; x a; : B; x > a; 1 H : We set nC1 f2 .x/ D and 8 <A; x < b; B; x b: : Then Z1 Z1 f1 .x/dx D Aa C B.1 0 f2 .x/dx D Ab C B.1 a/; 0 and q.f1 / D q.f2 /: b/; O PTIMIZATION OF I NTERVAL F ORMULAS FOR A PPROXIMATE I NTEGRATION OF S ET-VALUED F UNCTIONS 1785 Therefore, 0 Z1 1 ı@ sup f 2MA;B f .x/dx; q.f /A 0 8 0 1 1 0 1 19 Z < Z = max ı @ f1 .x/dx; q.f1 /A ; ı @ f2 .x/dx; q.f2 /A : ; 0 0 8 0 1 1 0 1 19 Z Z < = 1 @ A @ A ı f1 .x/dx; q.f1 / C ı f2 .x/dx; q.f2 / ; 2: 0 0 0 1 1 Z Z1 1 1 ı @ f1 .x/dx; f2 .x/dx A D ı.Aa C B.1 2 2 0 a/; Ab C B.1 b//: 0 For sets C; D K.Rd /; we put e.C; D/ D sup inf jx yj; x2C y2D so that ı.C; D/ D max.e.C; D/; e.D; C //: Consider e.Aa C B.1 a/; Ab C B.1 e.Aa C B.1 a/; Ab C B.1 b//: Using the duality theorem (see, e.g., [5], Theorem 2.3.1), we get b// ¼ D sup sup ½ f .z/ f .w/ sup z2AaCB.1 a/ jjf jj1 w2.AbCB.1 b// ¼ ½ D sup .af .x/ C .1 sup jjf jj1 a/f .y// x2A;y2B sup .bf .u/ C .1 b/f .v// u2A;v2B ! D sup a sup f .x/ C .1 D sup ..a jjf jj1 D .b a/ sup f .y/ x2A jjf jj1 b sup f .x/ y2B b/ sup f .x/ C .b x2A a/ sup sup .f .y/ y2B jjf jjD1 .1 x2A a/ sup f .y// y2B sup f .x// D .b x2A a/e.B; A/: b/ sup f .y/ x2B V. V. BABENKO 1786 Since A B; it is easy to verify that Ab C B.1 b/ Aa C B.1 a// and, hence, e.A; B/ D 0; so that ı.Aa C B.1 a/; Ab C B.1 b// D e.B; A/ D ı.A; B/: Thus, for any quadrature formula q 2 Qn;H ; we have 0 sup f 2MA;B Z1 ı@ 1 1 f .x/dx; q.f /A .b 2 a/ı.A; B/ 0 1 H ı.A; B/: 2.n C 1/ The theorem is proved. REFERENCES 1. J. Kiefer, “Optimum sequential search and approximation methods under minimum regularity assumptions,” J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math., 5, No. 3, 105–136 (1957). 2. V. F. Babenko and S. V. Borodachev, “On optimization of cubature monotone functions of several variables,” Visn. Dnipropetr. Univ., Ser. Mat., Issue 7, 3–7 (2002). 3. V. B. Babenko and V. V. 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