Quality Account 2014-15 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2014-2015 Contents Page Part One Statement on quality from the Chief Executive of the Trust 3 Part Two Priorities for improvement and statements of assurance from the Board 6 Patient Safety Patient Experience Clinical Effectiveness Mandatory declarations and assurances Review of services Participation in clinical audits Participation in National Confidential Enquiries Local initiatives in clinical audit Participation in clinical research Goals agreed with the Commissioners 25 25 27 29 31 32 33 What others say about us: The Care Quality Commission (CQC) Data Quality Information Governance Toolkit attainment level Clinical Coding error rate Department of Health Core Quality Indicators 37 39 39 39 40 Part Three Other information 48 How we performed on Quality in 2014/15 The Intensive Care Audit Nursing Technology Fund Midwifery Urogynaecology Unit Top 100 Places to Work Queen Mary’s Hospital Patient Led Assessment of the Care Environment Kent, Surrey and Sussex Safety Collaborative Falls Pressure Ulcers Complaints NICE Standards compliance Workforce ‘Our Behaviours’ Statements from other organisations Dartford Gravesham and Swanley Clinical Commissioning Group Medway Healthwatch Kent County Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) Trust response to comments from other organisations. 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 55 56 58 60 61 62 63 2) Statement of directors’ responsibilities in respect of the Quality Account 64 3) Independent auditors testing of indicators 4) Independent auditors opinion 65 66 How you can comment on this Quality Account By email – glyn.oakley@dvh.nhs.uk By letter – Susan Acott, Chief Executive, Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford, Kent DA2 8DA DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 2 Part One Statement on quality from the Chief Executive of the Trust I am pleased to be writing the introduction to the 2014/15 Quality Account which gives me an opportunity to tell you how we have concluded the year with strong performance in all of Trust’s key areas of responsibility. The Trust has finished with a small surplus of £235k. The key access target on the 18 weeks maximum waiting time was achieved at 92.4% and achievement of the A&E 4 hour wait was just below target, at 94.7%. The very demanding target for health acquired infections measured on C-difficile has been met (17 cases); and the Trust has had just one MRSA case in 14 months. 81% of patients admitted with a fractured neck of femur (hip) were operated on within 36 hours which is good, leading to better outcomes for this frail group of patients The ‘Our Behaviours’ standards which form the basis of the culture of our organisation have been updated with the values work completed by staff this year. The Trust’s Hospitalised Standard Mortality Ratio (HSMR) is 89 which is better than average. There are no issues demonstrated with weekend mortality rates. The year, 2014/15 has been another busy year for this organisation and for the NHS in general. We, along with our health and social care partners managed the winter better than most and this was due to better whole systems working as well as developments around integrated discharge planning and ambulatory care. There has been much debate and comment in the health media about the new NHS England Chief Executive, Simon Stephens’ early views on the role of smaller hospitals like ours. I was invited to speak at an event hosted by the Nuffield Trust on this same subject. I was delighted to take part as I think smaller hospitals have a huge amount to offer. Hospitals like ours often have a strong culture, are very friendly, have great commitment amongst the staff and are accessible for the local population. We will have to change over the next few years however and ensure we have a strategy which is relevant – and I think the clinical strategy which we have is strong and also flexible. We also needed to agree a five year strategy and as part of this we have asked staff to become involved to develop our new vision and values. Many staff have participated in small workshops to tell us what is important to them and what they think our hospital should stand for. This has proved an important contribution to guide our overall strategy and plans. The five year strategy also considers the developments that have taken place in the local area. I attended the first meeting regarding the new Ebbsfleet housing development and heard first hand that there is already planning consent for 6,000 houses. Whilst the whole ‘Garden City’ will take several years to deliver in full, I was surprised to see that building work has already started on the first houses. I, and other health colleagues, made the point that the design for the Ebbsfleet space needs to be based on healthy architecture and healthy living space as the most fundamental contribution to the residents’ long-term health and wellbeing. We confirmed that the current health infrastructure could not cope with the development and there would need to be appropriate investment in primary, community and hospital infrastructure. Lastly, we and all of the other people present expressed concerns regarding the wider infrastructure requirements around roads, rail, schools and policing. Overall there was wide support for both Ebbsfleet and the Paramount London development as both were likely to make the whole area more vibrant and attractive, bringing new employment, housing and leisure opportunities. In part two of this Quality Account you will find the priorities set by the Trust Board for the year, 2015/16, together with the results and achievements in respect of the 2014/15 priorities. For 2015/16 there are three priorities set in each of these areas – Patient Safety, Patient Experience and Clinical Effectiveness. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 3 For Patient Safety the priorities will be (a) achieving a reduction in the number of inpatient falls which result in harm; (b) improving the reporting of medication errors within the Trust; and (c) increasing awareness, detection and treatment of acute kidney injury. For Patient Experience our priorities will be (a) improving the organisation of care for the population we serve; (b) reducing the elective Caesarean Section rate; and (c) achieving better patient representation and engagement in the services provided by the Trust. For Clinical Effectiveness we will (a) continue to work for improvement in the care of patients who have had a stroke; (b) develop the Sepsis Six pathways across the Trust; and (c) work at developing care pathways between primary and secondary care for patients who have frequent admissions to hospital as a result of a long term condition. We have also reported on the outcomes and achievements of the last year and the priorities we set ourselves for 2014/15. We have achieved the priorities set for the use of the Safety Thermometer to measure avoidable harms on the wards; and the national C-difficile target. We have achieved an improvement in the documentation of fluid balance in patients’ clinical records. In addition, we have partly achieved the patient experience priorities with an improvement in the scores for treating patients with dignity and respect and, against a background of increased planned surgical activity; we have achieved a reduction in the number of complaints about cancelled procedures. The management of pain for children attending our Emergency Department is much better, and there is also better supervision for junior doctors undertaking emergency gynaecological procedures. We have done less well in improving the experience of patients being discharged from hospital and in getting a therapist to see every patient who has a stroke within 24 hours. We have ensured that almost every stroke patient is seen and assessed by a therapist within 72 hours of admission but the 24 hour target remains challenging because we are not able to provide a 7 day therapy service for stroke patients. I fully recognise that this is a standard that we should be able to achieve. So, we are looking at practical ways to achieve a 7-day service and we have kept this priority for the coming year to ensure that we are accountable for doing so. I would also like to tell you about some of the new initiatives and services we have launched this year and you will find more information about these in Part Three of this report. The Trust has scored highly in a survey about support provided to the families of patients in our Intensive Care Unit. This is an area where patients are not able to provide feedback and their family members are in a particularly stressful situation. It is reassuring to know that our staff recognise and know how to support these family members in a caring, sensitive and well-informed manner. Our Midwifery Department has had another successful year with several Midwives gaining awards and nominations and the service has been awarded the stage 2 Baby Friendly Initiative accreditation. We also th delivered the 50,000 baby to be born at Darent Valley Hospital this year. The Trust has been recognised by the Nursing Technology Fund and awarded funding to complete a real-time patient tracking solution for the wards. This will better support bed management whilst being compliant with Information Governance requirements and maintaining the dignity of patients. th Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has become only the 11 trust in the UK to have a Urogynaecology Unit accredited with the British Society of Urogynaecology for high standards of patient care. The Urogynaecology Unit team provide services both at Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup and at Darent Valley Hospital. This Quality Account also includes the results of the annual NHS national staff survey which was published by the Care Quality Commission in April 2014. The survey showed that overall staff engagement with this organisation is in the highest 20% of all Trusts in the country. Our staff said they were able to contribute towards improvements at work, and that they would recommend the Trust as a place to work or receive treatment. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 4 I share the sense of pride held by staff about the Trust and was pleased to see this acknowledged when the Trust was rated by the Health Service Journal as one of the top 100 places to work. In conclusion, this Quality Account includes the mandatory criteria that we are required to report by NHS England but will also tell you about the services we provide, improvements we have made this year and the plans we have for the future. It is my responsibility, as Chief Executive, to ensure that we present an honest and accurate account of the work done at the Trust. I hope that, as you read, you will understand why I am proud of the achievements of the staff who work here. I would like to thank all the Trust’s staff, whichever role they fulfil, for delivering care to more patients than ever, with skill, kindness, intellect and compassion. Staff are resourceful and dedicated and it is to their credit that our hospital is held in high regard by our local population. To the best of my knowledge the information in this report is accurate. Susan Acott Chief Executive Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 5 Part Two Priorities for improvement and statements of assurance from the Trust Board for the 2014/15 Quality Account In the previous Quality Account the priorities were set for 2014/15 on the basis of feedback from staff, Governors, patients and commissioners. The themes decided by the Board were: Patient safety Patient experience Clinical effectiveness These were linked to the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) payment framework and other contractual quality mechanisms the priority being to ensure that no patient suffers avoidable harm or complications whilst in our care. The 2014/15 priorities were selected by the Trust Board having reviewed information from many sources for example; incidents reported by staff, letters and complaints from patients and/or their carers, comments placed by service users on the NHS Choices website and other social media, internal audit outcomes and data published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre. Summary of results and achievements for the 2014/15 Quality Account priorities Patient Safety Continued use of Safety Thermometer to measure falls, Priority 1 pressure ulcers, urinary tract infections and VTE assessment (venous thromboembolism). To achieve or better the nationally set Trust target for Hospital Priority 2 Acquired Infections in respect of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and C-difficile. Priority 3 To improve the documentation of fluid balance in each patient’s clinical records as part of clear nursing documentation. Achieved/Notachieved Fully achieved Partially achieved Fully achieved Patient Experience Priority 1 Improve patient experience in respect of privacy and dignity in different areas in the Trust. To improve the patient experience of discharge planning following an inpatient episode of care. Improve the processes of scheduling elective admissions and patient contacts to minimise cancellation or rescheduling of Priority 3 procedures by the Trust aiming to reduce hospital cancellations by 20%. Clinical Effectiveness To improve aspects of care given to patients admitted following Priority 1 stroke in respect of admission; swallow assessment and assessment by therapists. To improve the management of pain in paediatric patients in the Priority 2 Emergency Department in line with NICE Guidance. Priority 2 Priority 3 To improve supervision of junior doctors undertaking emergency gynaecological procedures. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 6 Partially achieved Not achieved Partially achieved Partially achieved Fully achieved Fully achieved Results and achievements for the 2014/15 Quality Account priorities A) PATIENT SAFETY Priority 1: We will continue the use of Safety Thermometer to measure falls, pressure ulcers, urinary tract infections and VTE assessment (venous thromboembolism). Background The NHS Safety Thermometer (ST) has been designed to be used by frontline healthcare professionals. It measures a snapshot of harms once a month from pressure ulcers, falls, urinary infection in patients with catheters and treatments for VTE. The NHS Safety Thermometer provides a ‘temperature check’ on harm and can be used alongside other measures of harm to measure local and system progress. In April 2012, the Safety Thermometer became a monthly tool under the National Operating Framework. The tool was designed to measure local improvement over time and should not be used to compare organisations. Important considerations are: Demographics and case mix of patients surveyed. Not all harm is avoidable. Operational definitions can be interpreted by data collectors. Causation can occur both in and out of hospital. The national standard was originally set at 95% in 2010 however this has since changed so that Trusts are expected to show year on year improvement goals. In December 2014 the rate was 94.1%. Why was this a priority? We looked at the NHS Safety Thermometer as one of a number of vehicles in engaging staff in the promotion of a safety culture. What was our aim? The Trust aimed to achieve the national standard by the end of 2014 and continue this improvement theme in 2015. Did we achieve this priority? This standard (94.1%) was not reached in December 2014 but was achieved in January 2015. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 7 Safety Thermometer results Month Trust September 2013 (baseline) Harm Free (%) 93.67% Old Harms (%) 3.17% New Harms (%) 3.17% Trust April 2014 91.25% 6.25% 2.71% Trust January 2015 95.64% 3.27% 1.09% National dataset Jan 2015 93.9% 3.7% 2.4% Source: NHS Safety Thermometer database How have we improved our performance? The improved performance is focussed on achieving successful data collection together with an overall improvement in harm-free care since 2012. The Trust will continue to focus on reducing harm in all four categories - in particular pressure area damage. How did we measure and monitor our improvement? Through monthly submissions to the NHS Safety Thermometer database which feeds into the Health and Social Care Information Centre. How was progress reported? The Trust Quality and Safety Committee receives a six monthly report on the NHS Safety Thermometer performance. Our key achievements: 100% data collection in all inpatient bed areas on a monthly basis. Monthly data validation with ward sisters from the collection team on the same day collection. Increased awareness of Safety Thermometer among ward staff, ward sisters and Matrons. Review of all falls occurring in the Trust by the Falls Steering Group which is chaired by the Director of Nursing and Quality. Harm Free Care is a monthly agenda item at the Clinical Nurse and Midwifery Board. Safety Thermometer results published monthly in Board Papers. Root Cause Analysis of all Grade 3 and 4 Pressure ulcers - led by the Director of Nursing and Quality The Executive Lead for Safety Thermometer is the Director of Nursing and Quality. Priority 2: To achieve or better the nationally set Trust target for Hospital Acquired Infections in respect of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Cdifficile. Why was this a priority? The Trust is maintaining a focus on infection prevention and control initiatives to continue reduction of hospital acquired infections. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 8 What was our aim? The aim was to have sufficiently robust systems in place so as to be able to meet the nationally set standard. Did we achieve this priority? This priority was achieved for C-difficile. However there was one MRSA case assigned to the Trust in March which was disappointing as it was the first case for 14 months. Period Trust C-difficile cases MRSA cases National target 2014/15 17 0 Trust cases 2014/15 17 1 Source: GOV.UK - Clostridium difficile infection: annual data (10/07/2014) How have we improved our performance? The introduction and embedding of a new drug chart within the Trust which has separate pages for antimicrobial prescribing and allows only 7-day prescribing. This ensures a review after 7 days. The chart also includes a very obvious field (in red) recording the patient’s MRSA status. Increased use of the electronic Pharmacy data collection system to allow close monitoring of prescribing, and prompt intervention when necessary. Monthly reporting of the Hospital Antimicrobial Prudent Prescribing Indicator (HAPPI audit) which is part of the antimicrobial stewardship guidance for hospitals issued by the NHS England. The audit is a spot check on each ward that, for all patients on antibiotics, the medication has been administered as prescribed for the correct number of days and changed from intravenous to oral antibiotics when appropriate. The internal Trust standard to achieve a ‘green’ rating in the HAPPI audit was raised during the year to make it harder for clinical areas to score ‘green’. How did we measure and monitor our improvement? Progress to achieve this priority was measured and monitored by submissions to the Public Health England database and by reports to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee on the Quality Account priorities. How was progress reported? Progress was reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee and Trust Board. In Submissions to the Public Health England and data published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). The Executive Lead for the prevention and control of infection is the Medical Director. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 9 Priority 3: To improve the documentation of fluid balance in each patient’s clinical records as part of clear nursing documentation. Why was this a priority? A review of the clinical documentation of deteriorating patients who are the subject of a Medical Emergency Team (MET) call shows that fluid balance is often poorly documented or interpreted. What was our aim? To demonstrate by clinical audit an improvement on the baseline internal audit ‘Observations and Fluids Audit’ completed in quarter two, November 2014. This is an annual audit carried out by the Outreach Nurses to establish Trust compliance with NICE CG50 and local policy. Did we achieve this priority? This priority was achieved. Results of fluid balance audit 2013 2014 Recording of patient demographics 82% 92% Full date and current ward documented? 88% 88% Fluid Balance – Input: 38% 49% Fluid Balance – Output: 34% 41% Total fluid balance 18% 21% Previous 24hr balance 20% 17% Source: Trust information system. How have we improved our performance? By creating a robust clinical audit and having a good pathway of accountability as follows: This local audit is registered with the Clinical Audit Department and uses a standardised audit form, making it easily repeatable for on-going monitoring. Local audit results are presented at the Nursing and Midwifery Board and the Ward Sisters meeting so that collective learning can take place. The Matrons and the Ward Sisters meet with the Director of Nursing and Quality to discuss the outcomes and progress for each ward. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 10 How did we measure and monitor our improvement? Progress to achieve this priority was monitored and measured by re-audit following implementation of the new documentation and by reports to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee on the Quality Account priorities. How was progress reported? Progress was reported to the Audit Leads Committee and the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. The Executive Lead for clinical services is the Medical Director. B) PATIENT EXPERIENCE Priority 1: Improve patient experience in respect of privacy and dignity in different areas in the Trust. Why was this a priority? The CQC Inpatient survey is one of a number of ways used as part of the programme to engage staff in promoting improved patient experience. What was our aim? To improve the responses to the following questions in the CQC 2014 Inpatient survey: Q11 Did you share a sleeping area with patients of the opposite sex? Q14 Did you use the same bathroom or shower area as patients of the opposite sex? Q37 Were you given enough privacy when discussing your condition or treatment? Q38 Were you given enough privacy when being examined or treated? Q66 Overall, did you feel you were treated with respect and dignity in hospital? Did we achieve this priority? This priority was partly achieved. 2013 result (out of 10) 2014 result (out of 10) Q11 Did you share a sleeping area with patients of the opposite sex? 7.8 8.4 worse Q14 Did you use the same bathroom or shower area as patients of the opposite sex? 7.7 7.5 better Q37 Were you given enough privacy when discussing your condition or treatment? 8.3 8.2 same Q38 Were you given enough privacy when being examined or treated? 9.4 9.4 same Q66 Overall, did you feel you were treated with respect and dignity in hospital? 8.7 8.8 same Question Source: CQC Inpatient Survey 2014 DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 11 Better / Worse or the same How have we improved our performance? Patient experience is regularly discussed at the Ward Sisters meeting. The Director of Nursing and Quality has reviewed the terms of reference for the Patient Experience Group and chairs the meetings. The 2014 CQC Inpatient Survey indicates that scores are similar or improved on the results of the 2013 survey. The response to Q11 is less good reflecting the pressures of increased activity in the Trust and the imbalance between admissions and discharges. How did we measure and monitor our improvement? Progress to achieve this priority was measured using the CQC inpatient survey and monitored by reporting on the above questions in the CQC 2014 Inpatient Survey to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. How was progress reported? Reporting to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee, which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board. The Executive Lead for patient experience is the Director of Nursing and Quality. Priority 2: To improve the patient experience of discharge planning following an inpatient episode of care. Why was this a priority? The CQC Inpatient survey is one of a number of ways used as part of the programme to engage staff in promoting improved patient experience. What was our aim? To improve responses to the following questions in the CQC 2014 Inpatient survey: Q49 Did you feel you were involved in decisions about your discharge from hospital? Q50 Were you given enough notice about when you were going to be discharged? Q60 Did hospital staff take your family or home situation into account when planning your discharge? Q61 Did the doctors or nurses give your family or someone close to you all the information they needed to care for you? Q62 Did hospital staff tell you who to contact if you were worried about your condition or treatment after you left hospital? DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 12 Did we achieve this priority? An improvement in this priority has not been achieved. 2013 result (out of 10) 2014 result (out of 10) Q50 Did you feel you were involved in decisions about your discharge from hospital? 6.6 6.7 same Q51 Were you given enough notice about when you were going to be discharged? 6.7 6.4 worse 7.2 6.7 worse 5.7 5.8 same 7.7 7.6 same Question Q61 Did hospital staff take your family or home situation into account when planning your discharge? Q62 Did the doctors or nurses give your family or someone close to you all the information they needed to care for you? Q63 Did hospital staff tell you who to contact if you were worried about your condition or treatment after you left hospital? Better / Worse or the same Source: CQC Inpatient Survey 2014 How have we improved our performance? The CQC guidance on the interpretation of the report advises that the small variations in the scores are not statistically significant so the conclusion should be that whilst the results statistically are no worse they do not demonstrate a measurable improvement. How did we measure and monitor our improvement? Progress to achieve this priority was measured using the CQC inpatient survey and monitored by reporting on the above questions in the CQC 2014 Inpatient Survey to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. How was progress reported? By reporting to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee, which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board. The Executive Lead for patient experience is the Director of Nursing and Quality. Priority 3: Improve the processes of scheduling elective admissions and patient contacts to minimise cancellation or rescheduling of procedures by the Trust aiming to reduce hospital cancellations by 20%. Why was this a priority? A number of complaints have been received concerning the inconvenience of cancellation or rescheduling of appointments. Complaints may be received as a formal, written complaint or via the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) which offers confidential advice, support and information on healthrelated matters. PALS provides a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 13 What was our aim? The Trust received a number of written complaints reflecting similar concerns associated with the inconvenience of cancelled appointments and having these rebooked by the Trust. The aim was to improve the experience of patients using Trust services by reducing the number of occasions when this occurred and so improving the experience of patients and service users. Any improvement would be reflected in the number of written and PALS complaints received. Complaints received about scheduling elective admissions or rescheduling of procedures Formal written and PALS complaints received Complaints per 1,000 bed days Number of procedures 2013/14 2014/15 25 29 1.8 2 26,156 31,485 Percentage change 13.8% 10% increased increased 20.4% increased Source: Trust information systems This priority did not improve and the Trust recorded a 10% increase in the number of complaints received but this should be considered against the increased activity and a 20.4% increase in the number of procedures carried out. The Trust did achieve the 20% reduction in cancelled operations target. Cancelled operations 2013/14 and 2014/15 reduced by 20% Cancelled operations rate by monthly submissions of **HES/SUS CCS Group 2013/14 2014/15 Percentage change 256 194 24.2% decreased Source: Monthly submissions national reporting ** Hospital Episode Statistics, Secondary User Statistics Clinical Classification System Did we achieve this priority? This priority was partly achieved as although there was an increase in the number of formal complaints received the number of operation cancelled was reduced. How did we measure and monitor our improvement? This priority was measured and monitored using data reported into Trust information systems on the number of formal and informal complaints received and the reported activity targets to NHS England. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 14 How was progress reported? Progress was reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee as part of reporting on the Quality Account priorities. The Executive Lead for patient experience is the Director of Nursing and Quality. C) CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS Priority 1: Improvements in the care of patients who have had a stroke. Continuing the work of 2013/14 we will ensure that; 75% of patients admitted following a stroke are admitted directly to the Stroke Unit (national average is 73%). 65% of patients have a swallow assessment completed within 4 hours of admission (national average is 56%). 60% of stroke patients are assessed by a Physiotherapist within 24 hours (national average is 48%). 45% of stroke patients are assessed by an Occupational Therapist within 24 hours (national average 37%). 80% of eligible stroke patients are assessed by a Speech and Language Therapist for communication impairment within the first 24 hours (national average is 16%). Baseline: Current data on achievement of the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) survey indicators as shown in the table below. Why was this priority? A direct admission to a Stroke Unit is seen as the most important marker in improving the quality of stroke care. Recent research and clinical audit reviews have shown that access to a high quality Stroke Unit with access to each speciality of Therapist is associated with reduced mortality and improved outcomes for the patient. What was our aim? To achieve an outcome equal to, or better than, the national average for acute trusts in respect of the SSNAP survey indicators. Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) Organisational data results for the reporting period to October 2014 Table to show SSNAP data for 2013/14 and latest published DGT performance (Oct-Dec 2014) First ward of admission = stroke unit National average as of 31/03/14 DGT Jan to Mar 2014 DGT Oct to Dec 2014 National average as of 31/12/14 73% 64% 77% ↑ better 76% 56% 59% 72% ↑better 69% 48% 35% 49% ↑ better 56% Swallow screening within 4 hours Assessed by Physiotherapist within 24 hours DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 15 Assessed by OT* within 24 hours Assessed by SALT** within 24 hours (note: 50% of patients admitted to DGT had no deficit requiring SALT assessment for communication). 37% 10% 41% ↑ better 47% 16% 19% 25% ↑ better 38% * OT = Occupational Therapist **SALT = Speech and Language Therapist Source: Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) data Did we achieve this priority? Priority Admission to ward Swallow screening Physiotherapist Occupational Therapist Speech and Language Therapist Source: Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) data How have we improved our performance? The Executive Board have agreed in principle to keep a ring-fenced bed for available for acute stroke admissions. This principle is adhered to, however, it is jeopardised when there are extreme bed pressures throughout the hospital. All of the indicators have shown an improvement compared to the Jan – Mar 2014 results, but not sufficiently improved to achieve the target. How did we measure and monitor our improvement? Progress to achieve this priority was monitored and measured in reports to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee on the Quality Account priorities and the results of the National Sentinel Stroke Audit. How was progress reported? Progress was reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee as part of reporting on the Quality Account priorities. The Executive Lead for clinical services is the Medical Director. Priority 2: To improve the management of pain in paediatric patients in the Emergency Department in line with NICE Guidance. Why was this a priority? The CQC inspection in December 2013 highlighted a need for improvement in pain management for child patients attending the Emergency Department. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 16 What was our aim? The aim was to improve the assessment of child patients and the management of their pain whilst they were patients in the Emergency Department. Did we achieve this priority? There has been a steady improvement in the documentation of initial pain scores in the notes of child patients presenting at the Paediatric Emergency Department. The documentation of the review pain score, which is necessary to see if the medication has been effective, is less good and has not shown a significant improvement. Initial pain score completed Review of pain score documented Baseline April 2014 47% 4% Quarter 4 Jan-Mar 2015 96% 9% Source: Paediatric Emergency Department audit data. Pain Score Documented 120% 100% 80% 60% Pain Score Documented 40% 20% APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN MAY APR 0% Source: Paediatric Emergency Department audit data. How have we improved our performance? A Paediatric sub-group has been established as part of the Emergency Care Redesign project and has commenced a review of paediatric pathways. Senior paediatric nurses consistently monitor triages during their shift and support colleagues to correct omissions. Time agreed for referral to paediatrics is now agreed as being a maximum of 30 minutes after triage. Level of paediatric nursing cover in the Paediatric ED increased to 24 hour cover. How did we measure and monitor our improvement? This priority was monitored and measured in reporting of the Paediatric audit outcomes to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 17 How was progress reported? Progress to achieve this priority was monitored by reports to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee as part of reporting on the Quality Account priorities. The Executive Lead for clinical services is the Medical Director. Priority 3: To improve supervision of junior doctors undertaking emergency gynaecological surgical procedures. Baseline: Consultant cover for the number of emergency operations during 2013/14 done by junior doctors. Procedures to be counted identified from OPCS codes. Why was this a priority? The Trust is responding to a concern raised by junior doctors regarding the supervision arrangements for junior doctors undertaking emergency procedures in gynaecology. Did we achieve this priority? This priority was achieved. The number of procedures has increased which reflects good training opportunities for junior doctors. It is still the case that a Consultant is not in theatre for every procedure but the Directorate scored well in the 2014 survey of the opinions of junior doctors training in Gynaecology in the national survey carried out by the General Medical Council (GMC) Number of surgical procedures carried out by junior doctors in 2013/14 and 2014/15 2013/14 Number of emergency gynaecological operations carried out by junior doctors 29 2014/15 38 Source: Trust information systems (correct to Dec 2014) Outcome indicator scores for junior doctor trainees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the 2014 General Medical Council national survey 2014 Indicator score for: DGT mean 2014 National mean 2014 Clinical supervision 89.9 ↑ better 87.4 Induction 88.0 ↑ better 84.9 Adequate experience 89.0 ↑ better 78.8 Overall satisfaction 86.0 ↑ better 78.6 Source: General Medical Council (GMC) National Trainee Survey 2014 DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 18 How have we improved our performance? Consultants now review all emergency admissions within 24 hours of admission. Phone calls from the Emergency Department are now taken by the Registrar level doctor not the Senior House Officer. Clinical Director reports that trainees do not operate unsupervised or beyond level of their expertise. This requires most cases to be supervised by a Consultant. How did we measure and monitor our improvement? Monitoring of the number of emergency gynaecological operations carried out by junior doctors in 2014/15. Progress to achieve this priority will be monitored and measured in quarterly reports to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. How was progress reported? Progress was reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee as part of reporting on the Quality Account priorities. The Executive Lead for clinical services is the Medical Director. Introduction to the 2015/16 priorities for improvement The next section describes our priorities for quality improvement in the coming year 2015/16 and provides the required statements of assurance from the Board with regard to services, clinical audit, research, clinical quality goals, CQC registration and data quality, the priority being to ensure that no patient suffers avoidable harm or complications whilst in our care. Qualitative information from a number of sources including patient surveys, staff surveys and complaints has helped inform the Trust’s priorities for 2015/16. The themes decided by the Board were: Patient safety Patient experience Clinical effectiveness These priorities have been agreed by the Trust Board and each priority has an identified Executive Director lead. Progress towards achieving these priorities will be recorded in the Trust internal data management systems and submissions to the external reporting bodies e.g. Public Health England, the National Patient Safety Agency and the Health and Social Care Information Centre as per the reporting schedule. Progress and interim results will be reported to the Trust Patient Safety Committee and the Trust Quality and Safety Committee, the latter being a sub-committee of the Trust Board. The minutes of the Trust Board are published on the Trust website. Some of the schemes presented here also form part of the Commissioning for Quality Improvement (CQUIN) programme, agreed with our local lead commissioners, Dartford Gravesham and Swanley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The following priorities under the headings of Patient Safety; Patient Experience; and Clinical DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 19 Effectiveness were selected by the Trust Board having reviewed information from incidents reported by staff, letters and complaints from patients and/or their carers, comments placed by service users on the NHS Choices website and other social media and internal audit outcomes. A) PATIENT SAFETY Priority 1: To achieve a reduction in the number of falls sustained by patients in the inpatients setting together with a reduction in the number of fractures resulting from an inpatient fall. Why is this a priority? Falls are serious at any age, and breaking a bone after a fall becomes more likely as a person ages. The fracture may require surgery which has associated risks and the person’s independence and activities are limited whilst recovering. Preventing falls in hospital is important because the recovery period can add to the time spent in hospital and is a serious consequence to a person who is already unwell. Baseline: Trust performance in 2014/15, the number of falls resulting in a fracture or other significant harm. Measurement: Progress to achieve this priority will be monitored and measured by incidents reported by staff to the Datix incident reporting system and monitored by the Trust falls group. How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. Priority 2: To improve the reporting of medication errors within the Trust and reduce the number of inappropriate omissions of doses of medication. Why is this a priority? Medication incidents are the second most commonly reported incident to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS). These may be ‘near misses’ where the potential injury is avoided or incidents resulting in actual harm. The Trust can improve patient safety if there is understanding of the circumstances and mechanisms by which mistakes occur and this will happen if staff are encouraged and supported to report incidents. Only when the causes are understood will patient safety improve. Baseline: Medication incidents reported to the NRLS by the Trust in 2014/15. Measurement: Progress to achieve this priority will be monitored by submissions to the National Reporting and Learning System database and by reports to the Trust Medicines Management Committee. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 20 How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. Priority 3: To increase the awareness of the prevention, detection and treatment of acute kidney injury to support the prevention of avoidable harm related to AKI in all care settings. Why is this a priority? This priority is high profile nationally with increasing numbers of frail elderly people in hospital and is also a possible complication of some medications likely to be prescribed for this group of patients. It is therefore a significant issue for safer patient care and has been designated a national priority within the Commissioning for Quality Improvement (CQUIN) agenda. Baseline: A local audit to show the number of patients in the Trust with deteriorating renal function in a two week period in quarter one of 2015/16. Measurement: Progress to achieve this priority will be monitored with a re-audit of the above to measure the number of patients in the Trust with deteriorating renal function in a two week period in quarter four of 2016. How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. B) PATIENT EXPERIENCE Priority 1: To improve patient experience by improving the organisation of care for the population we serve. Why is this a priority? The Trust values all communications, written and verbal, formal and informal, received from patients and people who have contact with our services. A number of formal complaints have been received which include communication by Trust staff within the complaint. The Trust Board views poor communication seriously and has designated this as a priority for improvement across the organisation. Baseline: The number of formal complaints received which include a complaint about the communication standards of a staff member as an element of the complaint. Measurement: The number of complaints recorded is monitored each month and progress to achieve this priority will be shown in patient experience reports to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 21 How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. Priority 2: To reduce the elective Caesarean Section rate at the Trust Why is this a priority? The Trust rate for elective Caesarean Section is higher than the peer average and has been the subject of an alert from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Baseline: The Trust rate for Caesarean in 2014/15. Measurement: Progress to achieve this priority will be measured and monitored via the Midwifery dashboard reflected in the Directorate report to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. Priority 3: To achieve better patient representation and engagement in the services provided by the Trust. Why is this a priority? The Trust Board recognises that involvement of people and organisations external to the organisation is needed at different levels to get real time feedback which can be used to improve services provided by the Trust. Baseline: The number of Trust committees or groups with lay membership in 2014/15, currently three; the Research and Development Sub-committee, the Maternity Services Liaison Committee and the Patient Experience Committee. Measurement: Progress to achieve this priority will be monitored and measured when revisions of the terms of reference for Trust committees are received. How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 22 C) CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS Priority 1: Priority 1: Improvements in the care of patients who have had a stroke. Continuing the work in 2014/15 we will ensure that; More than 76% of patients admitted following a stroke are admitted directly to the Stroke Unit (national average is 76%). More than 69% of patients have a swallow assessment completed within 4 hours of admission (national average is 69%). More than 56% of stroke patients are assessed by a Physiotherapist within 24 hours (national average is 56%). More than 47% of stroke patients are assessed by an Occupational Therapist within 24 hours (national average 47%) More than 38% of stroke patients are assessed by a Speech and Language Therapist for communication impairment within the first 24 hours (national average is 38%). Baseline: The SSNAP audit percentages for each of the above achieved between October and December 2014 which is the current report. Why was this a priority? Achievement of the metrics used in the SSNAP audit is recognised as best practice in the provision of care and rehabilitation for patients suffering a stroke. The Trust does better in achieving some indicators than others and has a continued aspiration to improve care for patients suffering a stroke in 2015/16. Measurement: Progress to achieve this priority will be monitored and measured in reports to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which include the results of the National Sentinel Stroke Audit. How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. Priority 2: To maintain and progress improvements made in the care of patients presenting with, or developing, sepsis by the trust-wide implementation of the metrics used in the Sepsis Six pathway. Why was this a priority? This is a priority because ensuring that these six actions are taken within the first hour after diagnosis can double the patient’s chances of survival. With each hour of delay the mortality rate increases. The Sepsis Six are: Administer of high flow oxygen. Take blood cultures. Give broad spectrum antibiotics. Give intravenous fluid challenges. Measure serum lactate and haemoglobin DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 23 Measure accurate hourly urine output. Baseline: A local audit of Emergency Department admission cards against the Sepsis Six metrics, 20 cards in quarter one of 2015/16 and repeated for 20 cards in quarter four of 2015/16. Measurement: Progress to achieve this priority will be monitored and measured by the Mortality Working Group reporting to the Patient Safety Committee. How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. Priority 3: To develop care pathways between primary and secondary care for patients who have frequent admissions to an acute bed as a result of failure, or inability, to manage an exacerbation of a pre-existing long-term condition. Why was this a priority? The Trust sees a number of patients with long term conditions admitted and readmitted due to a worsening of their condition that is not managed outside the hospital when they are at home. Sometimes this may be due to the patient not having sufficient knowledge to become successfully self-caring, and sometimes it may be because there is insufficient service provision in the community to provide support. Baseline: The number of clinical care pathways between primary and secondary care which existed in the Dartford and Bexley area in 2014/15 Measurement: Progress to achieve this priority will be monitored and measured by recording the pathways in quarter one of 2014/15 and recording each additional pathway until the end of quarter four in 2016. How will progress be reported? Progress will be reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board, on the Quality Account priorities. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 24 Mandatory declarations and assurances The information on the following pages contains mandatory text that all NHS trusts must include in their Quality Account. We have added some explanations of key terms. The requirement for all NHS trusts to produce Quality Accounts is included in Chapter 2 of the Health Act 2009. Subsequent to the Act guidance may be issued annually by the Secretary of State for Health relating to the content and form of trust Quality Accounts. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust receives this guidance in notification by letter(s) issued by the NHS England and the implementation of the guidance is overseen by a designated Executive Director. Statements of assurance Review of Services During 2014/15 the Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust provided and/or sub-contracted twelve relevant health services. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has reviewed all the data available to them on the quality of care in twelve of these relevant health services. Emergency Department (Accident and Emergency). Acute inpatient care: medicine and surgery, both elective (planned) and emergency (unplanned). Critical care (Intensive Care) and Theatres. Daycare. Outpatient care. Maternity services. Gynaecology services. Children’s services. Therapy services. Pathology, Radiology and Pharmacy services The income generated by the relevant health services reviewed in 2014/15 represents 88.6 per cent of the total income generated from the provision of relevant health services by the Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust for 2014/15. The Trust receives the other 11.4% of its income for other aspects of work for example; training and education, research and development, recharges of salaries and wages for staff working at other organisations and other direct credit and miscellaneous income. Each clinical directorate is led by a senior doctor, who is responsible for monitoring quality in the directorate through the directorate’s governance processes and the directorate Quality DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 25 Laboratories (Q-Labs). For Q Labs the information is collated and produced by Caspe Healthcare Knowledge Systems (CHKS), the Trust’s partner for data analysis and is a significant element of this assurance process. The Q-Lab is a clinical meeting at which multidisciplinary teams (doctors, nurses, therapists, midwives and managers) review detailed, comparative clinical quality indicators and patient care data, mortality rates at speciality level, with complications and re-admissions. Services are managed through a clinical directorate structure Chairman Janardan Sofat Chief Executive Susan Acott Deputy CEO/Director of Operations Gerard Sammon Radiology Department Clinical Director Dr Paul Holder Medical Director Annette Schreiner Vikki Carruth Surgical Directorate Clinical Director Mr Jacek Adamek Pathology Directorate Clinical Director Dr Maadh Aldouri Director of Nursing and Quality Emergency Department Clinical Director Dr Winston Martin Medical Directorate Clinical Director Dr Philip Mairs Children’s Directorate Clinical Director Dr Selwyn D’Costa Theatres, ITU and Critical Care Directorate Clinical Director Dr Mike Protopapas Women’s Directorate Clinical Director Mr Rob McDermott Orthopaedic Directorate Clinical Director Mr Farid Moftah Clinical Directorate Structure April 2014-March 2015 The clinical directorates each have individual governance meetings which report into the Trust’s Quality and Safety Committee, which is a sub-committee of the Trust Board and chaired by a Non Executive Director. Each month the Directorate Governance Committees review complaints and compliments, incidents, compliance with national requirements and standards and data from clinical audits. The agenda is centred on patient safety, patient experience and clinical effectiveness. The Q-Lab is our in-house system to compare ourselves against other providers. It is a process of systematically reviewing the Trust's data firstly to ensure that no untoward outcomes go unnoticed and secondly to present data to clinicians at regular intervals to enhance their understanding and ownership of these data and the outcomes they represent. Q-Lab usually takes a one hour slot in the monthly directorate clinical audit meetings every three to four months. Sometimes being an outlier requires further investigation or a review of the clinical pathway or DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 26 protocol, for example; in December 2013 the General Surgery Directorate looked at readmissions which overall were comparable to peer, but were high for appendicectomy patients age over 18. It was decided to look into these cases in more detail. At the April 2014 meeting it was fed back that these cases had been reviewed and it was mainly due to postoperative pain, not to any other complications. As a result the department decided to improve information regarding postoperative care to be given to the patients, and also to review prescription of postoperative analgesia (pain relief). Board to Ward to Board The Executive and Non-Executive Director members of the Board have ‘adopted’ a ward or clinical department. This is very helpful in allowing Board members to understand the successes and challenges of those areas. For example, the practical difficulties of maintaining the provision of single sex accommodation. This creates a meaningful ‘Board to Ward to Board’ relationship and dialogue. The relationship is equally valued by staff who have a direct pathway to an Executive Director. The Trust Board receives regular clinical presentations from nursing and/or medical staff as part of the agenda each month which keeps them abreast of clinical initiatives. Participation in National Clinical Audits and National Confidential Enquiries in 2014/15 The required wording has been used by the Trust in this section of the Quality Account. Clinical audit aims to improve the quality of patient care by looking at current practice and modifying it where necessary. During 2014/15 31 national clinical audits and 4 national confidential enquiries covered relevant health services that Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust provides. During 2014/15 Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust participated in 97% national clinical audits and 100% national confidential enquiries of the national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries which it was eligible to participate in. The national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries that Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust was eligible to participate in during 2014/15 are as follows: these are presented in the table on page 28. The national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries that Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust participated in during 2014/15 are as follows: these are presented in the table on page 28. The national clinical audits and national confidential enquires that Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust participated in, and for which data collection was completed during 2014/15, are listed below alongside the number of cases submitted to each audit or enquiry as a percentage of the number of registered cases required by the terms of that audit or enquiry. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 27 Participation Y, N or N/A Audit Title No. of cases submitted % of cases submitted Acute Care Adult Community Acquired Pneumonia Y Data entry in progress Case mix Programme (CMP) ICNARC Y 645 100% Major Trauma: The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Y 116 45% National Complicated Diverticulitis Audit Y 53 100% National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) Y 119 80% National Joint Registry (NJR) Y 1372 100% Pleural Procedure Y 6 75% Y 13 100% Bowel Cancer (NBOCAP) Y 130 100% Lung Cancer (NLCA) Y National Prostate Cancer Audit Y 177 100% Oesophago-gastric cancer (NAOGC) Y 86 100% Blood and Transplant National Comparative Audit of Blood Transfusion programme Cancer Data entry in progress Heart Acute Coronary Syndrome or Acute Myocardial Infarction (MINAP) Y Cardiac Rhythm Management (CRM) Y Congenital Heart Disease (Paediatric cardiac surgery) N/A Data entry in progress awaited - - Coronary Angioplasty / National Audit of PCI Y Data entry in progress National Cardiac Arrest Audit (NCAA) Y National Heart Failure Audit Y National Vascular Registry N/A - - Pulmonary Hypertension Audit N/A - - Adult Diabetes Audit Y 0 0% National Diabetes Foot Care Audit Y 0 0% Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) Y 350 100% Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) programme N - - Renal Replacement Therapy (Renal Registry) N/A - - Rheumatoid and Early Inflammatory Arthritis N/A - - 106 91% Data entry in progress (261 cases submitted to Dec 14) Long term conditions DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 28 Mental Health Mental health (Care in emergency departments) Y 50 100% Falls and Fragility Fractures Audit Programme (FFFAP) National Hip Fracture Database – ongoing data collection Falls – starts May 2015 Fracture Liaison Service – feasibility study in 2013 Y 807 100% Older people (care in emergency departments) Y 100 100% Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme – Organisation Audit Y Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme – Clinical Audit Y Older People 100% organisational data submitted Final quarter data collection in progress Other Elective Surgery (National PROMs Programme) Y Fewer than minimum number of patients National Audit of Intermediate Care Y 34 68% Fitting child (care in emergency departments) Y 47 94% Maternal, Newborn and Infant Clinical Outcome Review Programme (MBRACE) Y 10 100% Neonatal Intensive and Special Care (NNAP) Y 817 100% N/A - - For detail see page 43 Women’s and Children’s Health Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network Source – Trust locally validated data Apr 2013 – Mar 2014 These audits are reviewed and managed by the Trust Audit Leads Committee and reported to the Quality and Safety Committee. In addition Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust was eligible to, but did not, participate in these national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries. Audit Title None Source – Trust locally validated data Apr 2013 – Mar 2014 Participation in National Confidential Enquiries into Patient Outcome and Death A National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) is an investigation into an area of healthcare. When the enquiry is complete a report is produced which details recommendations for improvement. N The NCEPOD documents have been discussed within the directorate and a report provided to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. The Quality and Safety Committee monitors and DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 29 advises the Trust Board on progress against the NCEPOD recommendations requesting action plans as appropriate. In addition there are 4 current NCEPOD studies: National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death Participated in 2014/15 % of cases submitted Sepsis Yes 80% Gastrointestinal haemorrhage Yes On going Lower limb amputation study Yes 100% Tracheostomy Care Yes 91% Source – Trust locally validated data Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Notification The National Patient Safety Agency took over the monitoring of maternal and perinatal mortality from the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquires (CEMACE) from April 2011. Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Notification Participated in 2014/15 % of cases submitted Maternal mortality surveillance i.e. mothers Yes 100% Perinatal mortality surveillance i.e. babies Yes 100% Source – Trust locally validated data National Audits reviewed by the Trust in 2014/15 The reports of the three national clinical audits were reviewed by the provider in 2014/15 and Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust intends to take the following actions to improve the quality of healthcare provided. 1. Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock in Adults – College of Emergency Medicine This national audit measured compliance with the ‘surviving sepsis’ care bundle for septic patients through six different standards of management. Although the Trust met the target for administering antibiotics within one hour of septic patients being in the ED, there were other areas where standards were not met. Subsequent to the publication of the national report the Trust has introduced specific ED teaching sessions on the early recognition and treatment of septic patients, and developed a new algorithm for sepsis which is widely available on electronic systems as well as laminated copies in appropriate areas of the ED. 2. National Care of the Dying Audit for Hospitals – Royal College of Physicians This audit recognised several areas of good practice at this Trust, including being one of only 21% of hospitals providing a 7-day face to face visiting service in line with recommendations and has sustained this since 2011. The Trust compares favourably against other organisations, achieving higher than national scores in discussion and communicating care plans, anticipatory prescribing, hydration and nutrition, and scored 100% for achievement of five or more assessments in the last 24 hours of life – demonstrating very high levels of care for the dying patients. Understandably in an audit of DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 30 this size, some areas for improvement were highlighted and actions taken to address these include the development of bereavement support service and information and the introduction of further training to improve the recognition of dying patients within the Trust. 3. Asthma in Children – Royal College of Emergency Medicine The audit identified room for improvement across all Emergency Departments in processes for repeating vital signs in patients after intervention; however this Trust was within the upper quartile for recording respiratory rate, pulse, blood pressure and temperature. Identified actions being taken forward as a result of this audit included the compilation of a local pathway for the management of children with acute asthma, highlighting the timeliness of reassessment. Local initiatives in Clinical Audit The Trust uses a locally devised scoring system to indicate the priority that completed audits have been given, known as the Implementation of Clinical Effectiveness (ICE) score; this system has also been shared with a number of other organisations for their own use. The score ranges from ICE 1 (indicating a high level of priority) to ICE 3 (low implications or priority). Giving a score to an audit presents an effective way of managing the findings from audit activity across the Trust. All ICE 1 audits are reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee and the action plans are monitored at specialty audit meetings. All local audits registered with the Trust’s Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Department are required to be presented at directorate/specialty audit meetings where the findings and implications are discussed, and the ICE score and action plan agreed. These action plans are then monitored by the department and, once fully implemented, a re-audit is undertaken to confirm changes in practice have been achieved. The reports of the three local clinical audits were reviewed by the provider in 2014/15 and Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust intends to take the following actions to improve the quality of healthcare provided. 1. A Review of Current Practice in Post First-TURBT Intravesical Instillation of Mitomycin-C (MMC) Clinical guidelines recommend the chemotherapy drug MMC should be given within six hours of primary Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour (TURBT), although the first round of audit identified that we did not always manage to meet this standard, with many patients not receiving the MMC instillation until 15 hours after. Actions were undertaken to improve the coordination between urology nurse and pharmacy to ensure the availability of MMC for patients booked for TURBT, and funding was made available to provide a MMC trolley in theatres to enable the instillation whilst the patient is still in theatre. A subsequent audit has shown significant improvements in the pre-operative requests for MMC with 100% of patients now receiving this within the recommended six hours, with the average time to MMC delivery being only 11 minutes. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 31 2. Retrospective Review of Quality of Documentation in Patients Discharged ‘Home to Die’ from Hospital. Around half of all deaths in England occur in hospitals but many patients would like to die in their own place of care. The Trust recognises its core responsibility to deliver high quality care for patients in their final days of life, including respecting their wishes to achieve preferred place of death, and to provide appropriate support to those close to them. This audit was designed to review the quality of discharge documentation of patients discharged for end of life care at home, ensuring appropriate level of supporting medications and communication to relevant healthcare professionals. Overall the audit found high compliance in the prescribing of crisis medications but a need to improve aspects of documentation and communication. Actions taken included the introduction of a new training programme for medical and nursing staff on the processes involved in discharging a patient home to die to ensure all steps are completed, and to update the discharge notification system to ensure GP’s are aware of the patient’s choice to avoid unnecessary readmissions to hospital. 3. Re-audit of Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) The MUST is a five step tool designed to aid in the identification of individuals at risk of malnutrition, as many patients are. The audit was designed to ensure the MUST too is consistently completed and used in line with local and national recommendations and that all patients are being correctly monitored and treated accordingly. Actions taken as a result of this audit include the introduction of regular ward based training including the calculation of BMI and weight loss, and the development of more effective referral procedures to specialist nutritionists and dieticians when needed. Participation in clinical research Clinical research involves gathering information to help understand the best treatments, medication or procedures for patients. It also enables new treatments and medications to be developed. Research involving patients must be approved by an ethics committee. The number of patients receiving relevant health services provided or sub-contracted by Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust in 2014/15 that were recruited during that period to participate in research approved by a research ethics committee was 547. Participation in clinical research demonstrates the Trust’s commitment to improving the quality of the care we offer and to making our contribution to wider health improvement priorities. Our clinical staff stay abreast of the latest possible treatments and actively engage in participation in research. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust was involved in conducting clinical research studies in cancer, cardiology, diabetes, epilepsy, gastroenterology, hepatology, infection control, intensive care, mental health, paediatrics, obstetrics, respiratory, stroke, surgery and urology during 2014/15. There were 61 clinical staff participating in research approved by a research ethics committee at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust 2014/15. These staff participated in research covering 15 medical specialties. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 32 Goals agreed with Commissioners Commissioning for Quality and Improvement (CQUIN) 2014/15, progress and achievement The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) held the NHS budget for their area in 2014/15 and decided how money was spent on hospitals and other health services. This is known as ‘commissioning’. Dartford Gravesham and Swanley CCG was the main commissioner of services at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust. The CCG set performance targets based on quality and innovation. A proportion of Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust income in 2014/15 was conditional upon achieving quality improvement and innovation goals agreed between Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust and any person or body they entered into a contract, agreement or arrangement with for the provision of relevant health services, through the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation payment framework. Further details of the agreed goals for 2014/15 and for the following 12 month period are available online at: http://www.england.nhs.uk/nhsstandard-contract/ CQUIN 2014/15 progress and achievement For 2014/15, the Trust had 7 CQUIN indicators (3 mandatory and 4 local) to achieve. CQUIN for 2014/15 was set at a level of 2.5 per cent value for all healthcare services commissioned through the NHS Standard Contract, excluding high cost drugs, devices and listed procedures. CQUIN is now worth around £4.5 million for the Trust. The trust achieved 90% delivery against the seven indicators in 2014/15, approximately £4m. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 33 The following information gives details of the CQUIN goals and achievements for the year 2014/15. National Indicators: There are three national CQUIN goals applicable to the Trust for 2014/15. RAG - Red = Not Achieved, Amber = Partially Achieved, Green = Achieved in full. 1. Staff and Patients Friends and Family Test (FFT) Description: Improve the experience of patients in line with domain 4 of the NHS Outcomes Framework. The Friends and Family Test will provide timely, granular feedback from patients about their experience. Indicator 1a. Implementation of staff FFT % weighting and RAG 30% Value Green 1b. Early implementation of the patient FFT in outpatient and day case departments. 1c. Increased patient FFT response rate in A&E 1d. Increased response rate in Acute Inpatient services - 15% £200K (0.125%)* Green 15% Red 40% Amber Actions Aim to increase the number of surveys in A&E using alternative methods of collection. Increase the visible profile with new posters in A&E with a QR code to encourage responses. New patient experience FFT and generic displays being provided on each ward with performance. Provision of covered Patient Experience Boards on each ward. Staff Friends & Family Test – High profile information via Trust communication platforms. The QMH site clinics have been set up to start collation FFT. 2. Safety Thermometer To reduce harm. Requires monthly survey of all appropriate patients (as defined in the NHS Safety Thermometer Guidance) to collect data on three elements. 2.1a. Indicator 2.1a. Reduction in the prevalence of new pressure ulcers hospital acquired. ( 2 and above including ungradeable) 2.1b. Reduction in the prevalence of community acquired pressure ulcers through a collaborative health economy steering group and action plan % weighting and RAG 50% Value Green £410k (0. 25%)* 50% Green Actions Collated data circulated to nurse managers, matrons, ward sisters and other interested parties. Clinical Fridays with the Director of Nursing continue. Tissue Viability Nurse attended a multi- agency pressure ulcer workshop in June 2014. The Tissue Viability team are participating in the Kent Surrey and Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 34 3. Dementia To incentivise the identification of patients with dementia and other causes of cognitive impairment alongside their other medical conditions, to promote appropriate referral and follow up after they leave hospital to ensure that hospitals deliver high quality care to people with dementia and support their carers. Indicator 3.1 Find, Assess, Investigate and Refer 3.2 Clinical Leadership 3.3 Supporting Carers of people with Dementia % weighting and RAG 60% Green 10% Value £200K (0.125%)* Green 30% Green Actions Designated Carer Support and two Dementia Buddy Co-ordinators in place. Current model under review in response to feedback from carers via carer support worker. Carers Clinic - carer support worker to give 1-1 sessions to carers – increased to twice weekly. Carer support worker is setting up a community group for carers requiring longer term support. Level 1 "holistic skills for dementia" - on-going programme, delivered quarterly. Joint Education committee work stream on-going. Sessions delivered with clinicians at the Grand round. * FFT, Safety Thermometer and Dementia cover all three key contracts - DGS, Bexley and Specialist commissioning. Local Indicators There are four local CQUINS - the reduction of emergency admissions, which is a whole system CQUIN, reducing pressure ulcers (Braden score), improving assessment of nutritional status using Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) and an indicator for Bexley CCG on smoking cessation. 1) Reduction in Emergency Admissions (whole system CQUIN) This CQUIN will be mirrored in the contracts with Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust, Kent Community Health NHS Trust, South East Coast Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust and Kent and Medway and Medway Partnership NHS Trust. NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG has set a challenging goal of This CQUIN is designed to incentivise whole system collaboration and achievement of the goal. The full CQUIN payment will only be achieved if local health economy actions achieve the reduction in emergency admissions. Indicator By the end of quarter 3 2014/15 there will be a 6% reduction in emergency admissions compared to the same period in 2013/14. % weighting and RAG Value Amber (90%) £2.2m (1.9%) Pro-rata payments will be made where emergency admissions are reduced and these will be calculated based on percentage reductions seen. Actions Integrated discharge team established. Group established to improve collaborative working between providers of various services. Scheme to be monitored and managed at Executive level meetings. The Emergency Care Redesign Project work streams in progress. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 35 Braden Risk Assessment – Pressure Ulcer Prevention / Treatment Indicator 1) To risk assess patients to identify potential development of pressure ulcers and ensure on-going management. Submit audit report on review of Braden risk assessment tool usage on 4 specified wards. 2) To ensure relevant referrals to appropriate services are made. Complete and submit overall audit report outlining the collective findings, outcomes and any change implemented. 3) To ensure transfer of care information is provided to appropriate services. % weighting and RAG Value 50% £250k (0.05%)* 50% 4) To audit outcomes Actions Braden template design revised prior to implementation. Key outcomes from the Q4 audit - Re-enforce / educate clinical staff on policies, NICE guidelines and CQUIN requirements. Disseminate audit results at tissue viability study days/sessions for all staff grades. Reactivation of Trust Tissue Viability Task Force. *The Braden and Nutrition CQUINs cover Bexley and DGS CQUIN contracts and exclude Specialist commissioning. 2) Nutritional Assessment – using Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) risk assessment and audit 1) To assess the quality of nutritional assessments undertaken and review of care plan in place. 2) To ensure nutritional assessment and relevant information is included on the discharge summary Indicator Submit audit report on review of MUST risk assessment tool usage on 4 specified wards. Complete and submit overall audit report outlining the collective findings, outcomes and any change implemented. % weighting and RAG Value 50% £250k (0.05%)* 50% Actions Dietician’s responsible distribution of audit results and arranging training as required. MUST is included as part of the Tissue Viability Study day. MUST audit results are reported to the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. Dietician referral is available on Trust electronic referral systems. The MUST is a mandatory section to complete to allow the referral to be made. * The Braden and Nutrition CQUINs cover Bexley and DGS CQUIN contracts and exclude Specialist commissioning. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 36 4) Smoking Cessation To deliver a quality smoking targeted intervention service, at Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup, to include: 1) Appointment of a smoking cessation coordinator to lead across the site. 2) Delivery of a staff training programme that supports staff to provide advice, appropriate interventions and referrals. 3) Maintain IT systems to monitor the referrals and establish pathways into the local ‘stop smoking’ service. Indicator Referrals into the Bexley Stop Smoking cessation work group held quarterly with agreed action plan to increase referrals Project lead and staff to undertake IT NCSCT training % weighting and RAG 20% for each quarter achieved max 80% Value £120k (0.5%)* 10% 10% Actions Contact maintained with the Bexley smoking cessation team. Staff maintaining manual referral system and providing patient information. An alternative IT system is being investigated using existing workstations and tools to provide the Tobacco Control & Bexley Stop Smoking Service Manager. Source – Trust data management and recording system. *The Smoking cessation CQUIN related only to the Bexley contract and £120k equated to 0.5% of the 2.5% Bexley CQUIN allocation. What others say about the provider: The Care Quality Commission The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates and inspects health organisations. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust is required to register with the Care Quality Commission and its current registration status is ‘registered’. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has the following conditions on registration. There are no conditions on the registration. The Care Quality Commission has not taken enforcement action against Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust during 2014/15. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has not participated in any special reviews or investigations by the Care Quality Commission during the reporting period. In 2013 the CQC introduced a new style of inspection and the Trust was inspected in December 2014, having volunteered to pilot the new ratings methodology. The review assessed the Trust’s services in five domains and the Trust was found to be meeting these essential standards for safety, effectiveness, caring and leadership. The CQC identified some improvements required in the ‘responsiveness’ domain. The CQC report mentions that inspectors spoke with patients, relatives of people who used the service and also to staff. Patients and their relatives said they had been involved in DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 37 making decisions about their care and treatment. Staff said that they felt well supported. They said that they liked working at the hospital and had the training and information they needed. CQC Ratings awarded to the Trust Overall rating for acute services at this trust Are acute services at this trust safe? Are acute services at this trust effective? Are acute services at this trust caring? Are acute services at this trust responsive? Are acute services at this trust well-led? Rating Good Good Good Requires improvement Good Green Green Green Amber Green CQC Quality Report – Darent Valley Hospital, February 2014 The CQC National Inpatient Survey results 2014 The Trust also reports on the results of the annual National Inpatient Survey conducted by the Care Quality Commission. People are asked what they thought about different aspects of the care and treatment they received. Each NHS trust receives scores out of 10, based on the responses given by their patients. A higher score is better. The results take into account the age, gender and method of admission (emergency or elective) of respondents for each trust. The survey information is collected anonymously, and all responses are confidential. Table to show national inpatient survey results 2014 and 2013 Q32 Q35 Q37 Q56 Q63 Adult inpatient survey questions 2014 and 2013 Question 2014 score (out of 10) 2013 score (out of 10) Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions 6.9 same 6.9 about your care and treatment? Did you find someone on the hospital staff to talk to about your worries and fears? Were you given enough privacy when discussing your condition or treatment? Did a member of staff tell you about medication side effects to watch for when you went home? Did hospital staff tell you who to contact if you were worried about your condition or treatment after you left hospital? 5.3 worse 5.7 8.2 same 8.3 4.1 worse 4.6 7.6 same 7.7 Source – Care Quality Commission 2014 The questionnaire was sent to 850 inpatients who had been treated at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust in August 2014 and responses were received from 389 patients (48%). The five questions shown above (the survey includes over 70 questions) were included in an overall ‘patient responsiveness’ score in 2013 and have been matched to the same questions in the 2014 survey. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 38 Quality of Data This measure of data quality refers to whether the Trust recorded patients’ NHS and GP numbers in their clinical notes. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust submitted records during 2014/15 to the Secondary Uses Service for inclusion in the Hospital Episode Statistics which are included in the latest published data. The percentage of records in the published data: - which included the patient’s valid NHS Number was: 99.22% for admitted patient care; 98.79% for outpatient care; and 97.42% for accident and emergency care. - which included the patient’s valid General Medical Practice Code was: 100% for admitted patient care; 100% for outpatient care; and 100% for accident and emergency care Information Governance Toolkit attainment levels Information governance means keeping information about patients and staff safe. The Information Governance Toolkit is an annual assessment that all NHS organisations are required to complete. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Information Governance Assessment Report overall score for 2014/15 was 75% and was graded ‘green’. Clinical Coding Error rate Clinical codes are a way of recording patient diagnosis and treatment. NHS hospitals are paid different amounts for different groups of codes. This system is called Payment by Results. Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust was subject to the Payment by Results clinical coding audit during the reporting period by the Audit Commission and the error rates reported in the latest published audit for that period for diagnoses and treatment coding (clinical coding) were 2014/15 Primary Diagnoses coded correctly 90.5% Secondary Diagnoses coded correctly 92.9% Primary Procedures coded correctly 88.2% Secondary Procedures coded correctly 83.1% Source: the Audit Commission. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 39 Statement on relevance of data quality Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust will be taking the following actions to improve data quality: Maintaining full compliance with the recommendations in the Audit Commission report on Payment by Results for the Trust’s data. Working with primary care clinicians to resolve differences in data collected. Continue the on-going collaboration between clinicians and clinical coders which supports the accuracy and consistency of coding. Embedding the use of real time bed management and order communications across the organisation; this increased use of information technology in direct patient care leads to an improvement in overall data quality. Developing enhanced data quality reporting to allow errors to be detected earlier in the data submission cycle. Department of Health Core Quality Indicators In 2012/13, for the first time, the Department of Health required the inclusion of a core set of indicators in the Quality Account and these have been continued in 2014/15. The Department of Health guidance on wording and presentation is prescriptive and there is no latitude. For convenience and clarity we have labelled these core indicators (A) to (H). A) Summary hospital mortality indicator (SHMI) The data made available to the trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to: a) The value and banding of the summary hospital-level mortality indicator (SHMI) for the trust for the reporting period; and b) The percentage of patient deaths with palliative care coded at either diagnosis or specialty level for the trust for the reporting period. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reasons: the Trust has made regular and timely data submissions to the Health and Social Care Information Centre and the figures are consistent with those produced by Caspe Healthcare Knowledge Systems (CHKS), the Trust’s information partner. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust intends to take the following actions to improve the indicator and percentage in (a) and (b), and so the quality of its services, by: Mortality indices will continue to be an agenda item at Directorate Governance meetings and featured at Q-labs. Outliers identified will be subject to scrutiny and review. The Trust Quality and Safety Committee will receive a report on mortality quarterly to enable assurance to be given to the Trust Board. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 40 Table to show SHMI, trust banding and percentage palliative care coding The value and banding of the summary hospital-level mortality indicator (“SHMI”) for the Trust for the reporting period. The percentage of patient deaths with palliative care coded at either diagnosis or specialty level for the trust for the reporting period. Apr 13 – Mar 14 Jul 13 – Jun 14 National average Lowest reported trust Highest reported trust 1.001 (Band 2) 1.018 (Band 2) 1.00 0.541 (Band 3) 1.198 (Band 1) 30.7% 32.8% 25.01% 7.4% 49.0% Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre B) Patient reported outcome measures (PROMS) The data made available to the trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the trust’s patient reported outcome measures scores for: I. Groin hernia surgery, II. Varicose vein surgery, III. Hip replacement surgery, and IV. Knee replacement surgery, during the reporting period The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reason: the Trust has made regular and timely data submissions to the Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust intends to take the following actions to improve this score, and so the quality of its services, by: Continuing to make timely PROMS data submissions. The health gain index used in PROMS PROMS uses a standardised instrument for use as a measure of health outcome. It is applicable to a wide range of health conditions and treatments and provides a simple descriptive profile and a single index value for health status. A higher score indicates better health and/or greater improvement in function after the operation. The health gain index is primarily designed for self-completion by respondents and is ideally suited for use in postal surveys, in clinics and face-to-face interviews. It is cognitively simple, taking only a few minutes to complete. Instructions to respondents are included in the questionnaire. Table (a) PROMs for groin hernia Period 04/2013-03/2014 04/2014-11/2014 Groin Hernia Adjusted Health National Gain (Trust) Average -* -* 0.085 0.081 Highest Reported Trust Lowest reported Trust 0.139 0.130 0.008 -0.014 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre *Fewer than minimum number of samples/patients The adjusted average health gain for groin hernia surgery, see table (a), indicates fewer than DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 41 the minimum number of samples/ patients surveys obtained in 2013/14. Table (b) PROMS for varicose veins Period Varicose Veins Adjusted Health National Gain (Trust) Average 04/2013-03/2014 04/2014-11/2014 -* -* 0.093 0.100 Highest Reported Trust Lowest reported Trust 0.150 0.142 0.023 0.054 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre *N/A – Fewer than minimum number of samples/patients The adjusted average health gain for varicose veins surgery, see table (b), indicates fewer than the minimum number of samples/ patients surveys obtained in 2013/14. Table (c) PROMS for hip replacement Period Hip Replacement Adjusted Health National Highest Reported Gain (Trust) Average Trust 04/2013-03/2014 04/2014-11/2014 0.457 0.416 0.436 0.442 0.545 0.501 Lowest reported Trust 0.342 0.350 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre The adjusted average health gain for hip replacement surgery, see table (c), indicates an average improvement in health status of those patients surveyed in 2013/14. Table (d) PROMS for knee replacement Period Knee Replacement Adjusted Health National Highest Reported Gain (Trust) Average Trust 04/2013-03/2014 04/2014-11/2014 0.345 0.348 0.323 0.328 0.416 0.394 Lowest reported Trust 0.215 0.249 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre The adjusted average health gain for knee replacement surgery, see table (d), indicates an average improvement in health status of those patients surveyed in 2013/14. C) 28 day readmissions The data made available to the trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of patients aged: (i) (ii) 0 to 15 and 16 or over Readmitted to a hospital which forms part of the trust within 28 days of being discharged from a hospital which forms part of the trust during the reporting period. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reasons: the Trust has made regular and timely data submissions to the Health and Social Care Information Centre and the figures are consistent with those produced DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 42 by Caspe Healthcare Knowledge Systems (CHKS), the Trust’s information partner. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has taken the following actions to improve these percentages, and so the quality of its services, by: Increasing numbers of Elderly Care Consultants Progression and development of dementia services – this work has been recognised by the Care Quality Commission, and has resulted in better discharge arrangements for this vulnerable patient group. The development of more ambulatory care pathways. Table to show 28 day readmissions under 16 years 28 day readmissions Age <16 Trust National Average Highest Reported Trust Lowest reported Trust Highest Reported Trust Lowest reported Trust * * Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre Table to show 28 day readmissions over 16 years 28 day readmissions Age 16+ Trust National Average * * Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre *NOTE: The Health and Social Care Clinical Indicators team has provided the following information: ‘Unfortunately the publication for the emergency readmissions to hospital within 28 days of discharge indicators has been delayed this year while we bring their production in-house from an external contractor. We are taking the opportunity to review the methodology and specifications which impacts on when they will be published. It is highly unlikely that they will be published this year’. D) Responsiveness to needs of patients The data made available to the trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the trust’s responsiveness to the personal needs of its patients during the reporting period. The figures are an average score from a selection of questions from the National Inpatient Survey measuring patient experience. The score is out of 100 and data is available up to the 2014 survey. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reason: the Trust has made participated in the national Care Quality Commission (CQC) inpatient survey which provides the data used by the Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has taken and intends to take the following actions to improve this percentage, and so the quality of its services, by: The Trust has implemented a Quality Improvement plan as a result of the findings of the inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in December 2013. Redesign of the Emergency Department (ED) as part of the redesign of the ED. The Trust has used the patient feedback to improve the experience of patients DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 43 attending the Outpatient clinics by reducing the number of hospital cancellations of appointments. Responsiveness to needs of patients indicator score Year Trust average score National Average Highest Reported Trust* Lowest reported Trust 2013 73.3 76.5 88.2 66.8 2014 73.5 76.9 87 67.1 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre *a higher score indicates greater improvement E) Staff recommendation to family or friends The data made available to the trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of staff employed by, or under contract to, the trust during the reporting period who would recommend the trust as a provider of care to their family or friends. The HSCIC links to data produced in the Department of Health NHS Staff Survey. The highest and lowest scores are unavailable for this question however the average for acute trusts is included below. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reason: the figure is taken from the National NHS Staff Surveys 2012/13 and 2014 published by the Department of Health. This annual survey is a poll of a percentage of randomly selected Trust staff each year. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has taken the following actions to improve this percentage, and so the quality of its services, by: The Trust has continued to use of 85% staff with current appraisal at Directorate level as a quality metric in 2014/15. All staff have direct access to the Trust Occupational Health Services as well as direct access to independent counselling services. Staff recommendation of the Trust as in the National Staff Survey Results for 2013 and 2014 for the indicator: ‘Staff recommendation of the trust as a place to work or receive treatment’ Year Trust score National Average Highest Reported Trust* Lowest reported Trust 2013 3.92 3.68 4.25 3.05 2014 4.01 3.67 4.20 2.99 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre / Department of Health annual staff survey. *Note: This is a scale summary score for which the maximum achievable is 5.0 and the lowest possible score is 1.0 DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 44 F) Assessment for venous thromboembolism (VTE) The data made available to the trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of patients who were admitted to hospital and who were risk assessed for venous thromboembolism during the reporting period. Percentage of adult inpatients (over 18 years) assessed for risk of developing VTE Year Quarter Number of admissions to Trust assessed for VTE 2012-13 Q1-Q4 50,586 53,421 Percentage of admitted patients risk assessed for VTE 94.7% 2013-14 Q1 13,503 14,016 2013-14 Q2 13,487 2013-14 Q3 2013-14 Highest Reported Trust Lowest reported Trust National Average 100% 80.8% 93.9% 96.8% 100% 78.8% 98.0% 14,093 95.7% 100% 81.7% 95.7% 14,979 15,721 95.3% 100% 77.7% 98.4% Q4 16,254 16,967 95.8% 100% 78.9% 96.0% 2013-14 Q1-Q4 58,223 60,797 95.9% 100% 79.30% 97.0% 2014-15 Q1 16,137 16,801 96.05% 100% 87.20% 96.16% 2014-15 Q2 16,330 17,054 95.75% 100% 86.40% 96.19% 2014-15 Q3 16,449 17,126 96.05% 100% 81.19% 95.96% 2014-15 Q4 16,029 16,678 96.0% 100% 79.0% 95.9% 2014-15 Q1-Q4 64,945 67,659 96.0% 100% 83.44% 96.05% Total Admissions to Trust Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reasons: the Trust has made regular and timely data submissions to the Health and Social Care Information Centre and the figures are consistent with those produced by the Trust internal information systems. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has taken the following actions to improve this percentage, and so the quality of its services, by: VTE assessment and prescribed VTE prophylaxis are now included as a mandatory section on the Trust patient drug chart. Hospital acquired VTE cases are reviewed by the Consultant led VTE monitoring group and reported to the Trust Patient Safety Committee. For each case of avoidable hospital acquired VTE in 2014/15 an RCA summary investigation will take place. There were no hospital acquired, avoidable VTE cases in 2014/15. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 45 G) Hospital acquired C-difficile infections and post 72 hour C-difficile cases per 100,000 bed days The data made available to the trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the rate per 100,000 bed days of cases of C-difficile infection reported within the trust amongst patients aged 2 or over during the reporting period. Period Trust C-difficile cases Trust rate (per 100,000 bed days) National average rate for acute trusts Trust with highest rate Trust with lowest rate 04/2012-03/2013 26 13.5 17.4 31.2 0 04/2013-03/2014 21 10.9 14.7 37.1 0 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre (GOV.UK - Clostridium difficile infection: annual data (10/07/2014) The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reasons: the Trust has made regular and timely data submissions to the Health and Social Care Information Centre and the figures are consistent with those produced by the Trust internal data systems The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has taken the following actions to improve this rate, and so the quality of its services, by: Training and education of ward and department staff on the risk assessment process/isolation /and stool specimen collection. C-difficile /Bowel risk assessment training to be undertaken by key staff identified by Matrons. Enhanced measures undertaken following each case of post 72 hour C-difficile. Audits of C-difficile risk assessment compliance, of patient management for all Cdifficile cases, of hand hygiene and of commode cleanliness. Review of cleaning processes following discharge of infected patients and on a daily basis. H) Patient safety incidents resulting in severe harm or death The data made available to the trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the number and, where available, rate of patient safety incidents reported within the trust during the reporting period, and the number and percentage of such patient safety incidents that resulted in severe harm or death. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reasons: the Trust has made regular and timely data submissions to the National Recording and Learning System (NRLS) which provides the data used for the Health and Social Care Information Centre figures. The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust has taken the following actions to improve this number and/or rate, and so the quality of its services, by: DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 46 Timely monthly data submissions to the National Recording and Learning System for incidents report in the Trust. Training, individual and group, of staff in use of the new Datix web system. Patient Safety Incidents resulting in severe harm and death as reported to the National Recording and Learning System Oct 13 - Mar 14 Patient safety incidents reported Apr 14 - Sep 14 Rate per 1,000 bed days Number Rate per 1,000 bed days Number Trust 26.6 2,436 29.52 2,709 National average Acute (non-specialist) organisations 33.3 2,185 35.9 4,196 Trust with highest score 74.9 2,854 74.96 3,795 Trust with lowest score 5.8 301 0.24 35 Source: Health and Social Care Information Centre DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 47 Part Three Other information How we performed on Quality in 2014/15 This section describes some of the 2014/15 highlights, awards and achievements of the last year. The Intensive Care Unit Darent Valley Intensive Care Unit staff are proud to have been ranked highly in the Family Reported Experiences Evaluation (FREE) by Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) for recruiting families and carers to assist with research into Intensive Care. The study invited families and carers visiting patients in Intensive Care to share their views and experience of the care of their loved one’s stay by answering a specially designed questionnaire. Phillipa Wakefield (Senior ITU Audit Nurse) says “This is a whole team approach, which involves thorough training, support and encouragement for staff to embrace research and recruit participants. It’s not easy; staff have to pick the right time to approach a family/carer sensitively. I’m delighted with their enthusiasm and success so far. It’s highly important to know whether we’re getting it right, as well as what we’re missing. Intensive Care patients, due to their condition are not normally able to offer feedback, or to remember their experience, and this is why the research focuses on ‘family reported experiences’. The Nursing Technology Fund Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust is one of seventy five NHS Trusts across the country to make a successful bid to the Nursing Technology Fund. The fund is for nurse-led projects which deliver real improvements to patient care and safety and the Trust was awarded £88,000 to support its 'Patient at a Glance and Emergency Vital Signs Tracking' project. The Trust was able to show that this project will move patient tracking on the wards away from the conventional and resource intensive handwritten, wall mounted whiteboards and will replace them with an electronic 'real time' solution. The Trust will install large monitor screens on each ward which will display 'real time' views of bed management information in accordance with Information Governance and patient dignity rules. Midwifery Sharon Hurst, a midwife at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust, recently presented at a national conference held jointly by The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and Stillbirth & Neonatal Death charity (SANDS) on the improvements and achievements made to the bereavement service and also how the team had worked together to implement these changes in practice. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 48 The conference, Uncertainty and Loss in Maternity and Neonatal Care, took place in Northern Ireland in June 2014. Sharon won the RCM Excellence in Bereavement Award in 2013. This award provided a scholarship to support training and enhance the care provided to those parents who experience bereavement and neonatal loss. Sharon leads in-house training and has also undertaken a counselling course so that parents have practical and emotional support throughout this sad and difficult time. The bereavement team includes 12 midwives who are dedicated and passionate about providing support to women from the first moment of contact through to labour, delivery and post birth. Through their efforts the Trust is now seen as offering one of the best practice bereavement services. Top 100 Places to Work Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust is one of the Top 100 Places to work according to the Health Service Journal (HSJ). In the article it states “These organisations have proven that they know what it takes to create environments where people love to come to work”. The information gathered by this survey was used by HSJ to complete organisational profiles and determine what makes them a great place to work. The Trust was also shortlisted for a HSJ 2014 Award in the Staff Engagement category. Judges are looking for organisations where staff can express concerns and receive an effective response and where there is partnership with trade unions. There were many different criteria’s that had to meet which included: An environment where staff are at the heart of decision making processes, feel valued, and understand the values of the organisation. Staff being able to express concerns and receive an effective response. Engagement and partnership working with trade unions. Urogynaecology Unit The Urogynaecology Unit has been accredited by the British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG). Accreditation is a demanding process which assesses whether a unit has high standards of personnel, procedures, audit and outcomes. Darent Valley Hospital is only the 11th unit in the UK to receive such accreditation which places a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary team working and patient-reported assessment of surgical outcomes. The Urogynaecology Unit team provide services at Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup and Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 49 Queen Mary’s is an excellent choice with waiting times lower than two weeks in some specialties. Patients requiring surgery or procedures can expect to access the high quality treatment and care sooner and in many cases within ’one stop’. Pre-surgical assessments of fitness for surgery and admission dates can be offered on the same day as the first appointment. On admission, patients are greeted and treated by professional staff who remain dedicated to ensuring all patients experience first class care. Being local, accessible, with easy parking and with faster appointments, treatment at Queen Mary’s still makes an excellent choice as well as reducing waiting and worry times. Those suitable for treatment at Queen Mary’s are low risk or without complicated health issues and, as there are no emergency cases arriving, cancellations or long delays for surgery are extremely rare. Patient-led assessments of the care environment (PLACE) The latest results from the annual Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) have rated cleanliness at Darent Valley Hospital in Dartford amongst the best in England. The scores reflect how the environment at the hospital supports patients' privacy and dignity, food, cleanliness and the condition of the building. The highest and most improved score (more than 8% improvement) was received for food service where during the last 12 months the Carillion team has introduced fresh homemade soup, improved the presentation and quality of sandwiches and salads and amended the ordering system so that more patients get their first choice of meal. Cleanliness, food and building condition are above the national average with the score for cleanliness placing Darent Valley Hospital in the upper quartile for England. The Kent Surrey and Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative The Kent Surrey Sussex (KSS) Patient Safety Collaborative is one of 15 new patient safety collaboratives established across England in October 2014, putting patients, carers and clinical staff at the heart of patient safety improvements. Patient Safety Collaboratives have been developed in response to The Francis Inquiry into patient deaths at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust and the Berwick review into patient safety, two major reports that highlight how basic safeguards breaking down or being ignored can lead to tragedy. In January 2015 Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust won a Patient Safety Award for a project on "timely treatment for patients with neutropenic sepsis" at the KSS AHSN Expo awards ceremony. The Trust is participating in DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 50 the other Safety Collaborative work streams include pressure damage, safe discharge and transfer, medication errors and acute kidney injury. Other Quality Indicators Falls resulting in fracture occurring in hospital In 2014/15 there have been 22 patients who fell whilst in hospital and sustained a fracture compared to 14 patients in 2013/14. However, this should be seen against the background of increased admissions and the numbers of frail and elderly patients coming to the Trust. The Trust is working to reduce falls in all inpatient settings. Falls resulting in a fracture over time, April 2013 – March 2015, per 1,000 bed days Falls per 1,000 bed days 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Apr-13 Jul-13 Oct-13 Jan-14 Apr-14 Falls per 1,000 bed days Jul-14 Oct-14 Jan-15 Linear (Falls per 1,000 bed days ) Source – Trust data management and recording system. All falls resulting in a fracture are investigated as a Serious Incident (SI) so that causes may be identified. Of the 22 falls shown above 15 were deemed ‘unavoidable’ on investigation. The term ‘unavoidable’ is used when all actions, appropriate to the care of a patient, to prevent a fall have been put in place but despite this the patient fell. Learning from such cases and from those which are deemed’ avoidable’ is included in the action plan resulting from the investigation. Recent improvements achieved The Trust has introduced the use of low rise beds with side bumpers (to reduce entrapments) and alarm cushions (to notify staff when a vulnerable patient is in need of support) The times at which falls occur has been analysed for significant patterns which may be related to staffing levels or the times of meals and medication rounds, for example. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 51 Analysis of inpatient falls 2013-2014 Source – Trust data management and recording system. Comparison of falls 2012/13 - 2014/15 against admissions to the Trust Analysis of inpatient falls Apr 2012 to Mar 2015 Activity (elective plus nonelective spells) Total falls Falls rate No harm *Low harm (requires minimal additional care due to fall) *Moderate (short term harm requiring further intervention *Death (caused by incident) 59,075 1038 1.76% 800 227 10 1 2013/14 65,715 1224 1.86% 904 303 17 0 2014/15 72,498 1282 1.77% 989 271 21 1 2012/13 Source – Trust data management and recording system and CHKS. The Trust increased its bed base in October 2013 by taking on services at Sidcup and Priory Mews. The overall falls rate to total elective and non-elective admissions is 1.77%% in 2014/15; this is a decrease of 0.09% compared to 2013/14, this is encouraging as there has been an overall 9.4% combined increase in elective plus non-elective admissions. Pressure Ulcers Some patients have a pressure ulcer (an area where the skin breaks down) when admitted to our hospital. The Trust focus on reducing avoidable harms includes actions to prevent pressure ulcers developing in hospital, by increasing vigilance and use of preventative measures, and halting any further deterioration when patients are admitted with pre-existing pressure area damage. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 52 Graph to show new pressure ulcers by grade over four years – 2011 to 2015 Source – Trust data management and recording system. Pressure ulcers can occur in patients especially those who are frail, vulnerable and bed bound. The tissue viability team has worked closely with medical and nursing colleagues to prevent pressure ulcers from developing in hospital. These measures have included: Review of policy and practice, making sure that nurses and medical staff are ‘doing the right thing’ and documenting care – e.g. the ‘SKIN’ bundle, a pressure ulcer prevention initiative, with charts for turning and positioning patients. The use of a new bed and mattress contract to ensure timely and cost effective provision of suitable preventative equipment. Training - ensuring staff have relevant skills, knowledge and competence. Analysis of incidents through the Root Cause Analysis method – particularly on Grade 3 and 4 hospital-acquired ulcers to focus on learning and prevention. Responding to Complaints There were 368 complaints received in the period 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015, which includes 37 complaints relating to services at Queen Mary’s Hospital (QMH) site, compared to 451 for the same period in 2013-14. Within the time period 40 complaints were reopened, compared to 21 reopened in 2013/14. This is usually because the person who has complained is not satisfied with the response and asks for additional clarification. The Trust supported and facilitated 16 local resolution meetings (LRM). This is an opportunity for the person who has made the complaints to meet with senior staff – usually the Consultant and the Matron for the service, and to discuss any outstanding issues face to face. These LRMs are documented and a transcript provided in addition to a formal response. Three cases have been accepted for further investigation by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). This is the next stage of the NHS Complaints Process if the person who made the complaint is dissatisfied with the Trust’s response. One of these DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 53 referrals was not upheld by the PHSO and two were partially upheld. Graph to show formal complaints received in months Apr 2014 to Mar 2015 Source: Trust information management system (Datix). Management of Complaints Each new complaint is screened to determine the most appropriate means of responding – this could be by a phone call, a face to face meeting, or by letter. The complaint is then taken forward by the Complaints Officer working with the directorate. All complaints are tracked to monitor deadlines and achieve timely responses. The majority of complaints result in action being taken to identify what went wrong, and to put systems in place to avoid this happening in future. Performance for the initial acknowledgement of complaints for the year within 3 days was 96% and issue of a final response was 51%, which is outside the departmental monitoring target of 85%. However, the Complaints Department has changed the way in which complaints are assessed and for those which are of a more complex nature the person making the complaint is advised that it may take longer than 25 days (the previous departmental target) to complete the work involved. This means that there are a number of complaints which will sit outside the local 25 day target. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 54 Prominent themes of Complaints 2014-2015 Source: Trust information management system (Datix). Complaint themes and trends are monitored by the Director of Nursing and reviewed each month by the Trust Quality and Safety Committee. Any emerging themes or variation is scrutinised in detail with further breakdown on the numbers to directorate and ward level. Directorates are asked to provide action plans in response to complaints received about services. NICE Standards compliance The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance is designed to promote good health and prevent ill health, is based on the best evidence and intended to deliver good value for money, weighing up the cost and benefits of treatments. New NICE guidance is received monthly and the Medical Director decides the appropriate clinician to review the guidance to see that the Trust is compliant. Chart to show number and type of NICE guidances received Apr 14 – Mar 15 NICE Guidances received 2014/15 33 30 20 5 1 Source: Trust information systems DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 55 4 NICE Guidances received in 2014/15 and status as at March 31st 2015* Nice Guidances received and status as at 31/03/2015* 61 28 29 23 0 Not applicable Awaiting response Fully compliant Partially compliant Not compliant Source: Trust information systems * Includes NICE Quality Standards NICE guidance is discussed at local meetings to ensure all clinicians are aware of the latest guidance and are practising in accordance with the guidance. In the very rare situation that a department or directorate decides not to adhere to the guidance there must be a formal record of this decision made. There are no guidances where the Trust has declared non-compliance. Workforce – our quality resource The Trust’s workforce is critical to the provision of high quality services to our patients. This section of the Quality Account outlines the number of staff we employ, feedback on the staff survey, and our approach to staff engagement. We have continued to grow our workforce during 2014/15 as a result of service developments, and investments in nursing staff are being made as a result of a comprehensive staffing review. We will continue to review our needs and invest in our staff during 2015.16. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 56 The table below shows the Trust’s headcount; vacancy, turnover and sickness rates at 31st March 2015 Total staff headcount (full-time and part-time) as at 31 March 2015 3036 Vacancy rate as at 31 March 2015 Turnover rate Sickness rate Turnover = total number of leavers over the period divided by average number employed as at 31 March 2015 Total number of days over the period divided by the number of sickness days for all employees over the same period (averaged over 2014/2015) 11.38% To follow – figure for annual report is calculated by DH and provided to the Trust for the annual report (and this figure needs to align with that in the annual report 7.8% Source: Trust information management systems A key development for the Trust during 2014/15 was the development of Our Values. With the support of NHS Elect the Trust spoke to over 300 staff across of our sites and staff groups to develop agreed values: 1. Delivery high quality CARE WITH COMPASSION to every patient. 2. Demonstrating RESPECT AND DIGNITY for patients, their carers’ and our colleagues. 3. STRIVING TO EXCEL in everything we do. 4. Sustaining the highest PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS, showing honesty, openness and integrity in all our actions. 5. WORKING TOGETHER to achieve the best outcomes for our patients. Our Values were approved by the Trust Board in October 2014, and the Trust has incorporated them into appraisal processes, induction, training, recruitment and corporate communications. We will continue to embed Our Values in 2015/16. A key component of embedding Our Values has been to realign Our Behaviours – the core standards we expect from all of our staff: DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 57 Staff Survey The Department of Health highlights the five key findings with which the Trust compares most favourably and least favourably with other acute trusts in England. These are shown below. Five top ranking scores Key factor Support from immediate managers Percentage of staff suffering work-related stress in the last 12 months Percentage of staff reporting good communication between senior management and staff Staff job satisfaction Percentage of staff able to contribute towards improvements at work 2014 Trust score 2014 national average score 2013 Trust score 3.83 3.65 3.68 30% 37% 32% 40% 30% 39% 3.74 3.60 3.70 74% 68% 70% In addition to the above five key factors the Trust was rated in the top 20% of acute trusts for 13 out of 29 factors. The Trust was also rated above average for 6 key factors. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 58 Staff responses to the national staff survey rated the Trust in the top 20% of acute trusts for the proportion of staff who would recommend the Trust as a place to work or receive treatment. Staff also rated the Trust highly on this measure throughout the year through quarterly Staff Friends and Family tests. In 2014/15 the Trust also saw an overall improvement in responses to the General Medical Council’s survey of doctors in training. Bottom five ranking scores Key factor 2014 Trust score Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public in the last 12 months Effective team working Percentage of staff reporting, errors near misses or incidents witnessed in the last month Percentage of staff appraised in the last 12 months Percentage of staff experiencing physical violence from patients, relatives or the public in the last 12 months 2014 national average score 2013 Trust score 31% 29% 32% 3.72 3.74 3.74 89% 90% 93% 83% 85% 85% 16% 14% 17% Source: Department of Health annual Staff Survey The above five ratings are the only five key factors where the Trust was ranked below average. The Trust had no factors in the worst 20% of acute trusts. Although the Trust is ranked below average for appraisal completion, it continues to be ranked in the top 20% of acute trusts for having well-structured appraisals. Trust has developed an action plan to improve below average ratings. Staff engagement and empowerment The Chief Executive has held open sessions throughout the year and across the hospital sites to speak directly to staff, and leads a monthly briefing session. The Trust has constructive discussions with staff representatives through Joint Consultative Committee and Local Negotiating Committee. The Trust was also rated within the top 20% of acute trusts for staff engagement. During 2014/15, the Trust was rated the top acute trust for Staff Engagement by Listening into Action, and was shortlisted for National Health Service Journal award in the Staff Engagement category. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 59 Annex 1 Statements from other organisations 1) Dartford Gravesham and Swanley Clinical Commissioning Group comments on the 2013/14 Quality Account for Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust (DandG). The Trust’s draft Quality Accounts document was sent to Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) for consultation and comment. The CCGs have a responsibility to review the Quality Accounts of the Trust each year, using the Department of Health’s Quality Accounts checklist tool to ascertain whether all of the required elements are included within the document. The CCG confirms that all required data has been included and that the account contains accurate information in relation to the NHS Services provided or sub contracted. The report is clear, well written and easily understood and a consistent, well-structured approach has been maintained throughout the document. There are defined levels of care and compassion demonstrated and the Chief Executive statement is effective in outlining staff pride and commitment for the organisation which they work within. The Trust has ensured it outlines its successes and achievements during 2014/15 but acknowledges the areas where further improvements are required and identifies its commitment in doing so. It is recognised that achievement was not attained in all of the priorities set for 2014/15, predominately within the patient experience priority, therefore it is positive to see a focus identified for 2015/16 is to achieve better patient representation and engagement in the services provided by the Trust. The Trust has identified three key areas of focus, where improvements are a priority for 2015/16 of which the CCG are in agreement and the Quality and Safety Team welcome the opportunity to work with the Trust and support the improvements, as outlined within the report. The trust may want to consider how it shares progress of quality account priorities with its patients and the public, as the report currently identifies that progress will be monitored through Trust internal committees only. In conclusion, the report identifies that providing a safe and effective service whilst maintaining patient’s quality of care is a high priority for the Trust and that this is only achieved and supported by an effective and committed workforce. The CCG thanks the Trust for the opportunity to comment on this document and looks forward to further strengthening the relationships with the Trust through closer joint working in the future. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 60 2) Healthwatch Medway commentary on Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Quality Account. Healthwatch Kent response to the Quality Account for Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust As the independent champion for the views of patients and social care users in Kent we have read the Quality Accounts with great interest. Our role is to help patients and the public to get the best out of their local health and social care services and the Quality Account report is a key tool for enabling the public to understand how their services are being improved. With this in mind, we enlisted members of the public and Healthwatch staff and volunteers to read, digest and comment on your Quality Account to ensure we have a full and balanced commentary which represents the view of the public. On reading the Account, our initial feedback is that the account is still very lengthy and we would welcome an additional summary document to be produced to make the information more accessible to the public reading it. Having said this, the CEO report is very readable and highlights the successes the trust has had, while acknowledging where improvements can be made and the process for doing so. One of these improvements is aimed at hospital discharge, something Healthwatch Kent is keen to work with the Trust on. We are particularly interested in the experience of patients as they are discharged from hospital into the community. The account also expresses the need to make sure there is adequate provision for services to absorb the increased demand from the Ebbsfleet development. Concerns over this have also been brought to Healthwatch Kent’s attention so we are pleased to note this is being considered by the Trust. There is a clear statement of priorities for improvement in 2015-16 which are evidence based with realistic targets and routes to assess the progress being made. We particularly welcome plans for better patient representation and engagement within the trusts services. Healthwatch Kent recognises designs to increase Friends and Family Test responses particularly in A&E. We would welcome more information on how seldom heard groups are being engaged with, and their experiences being heard. The high ratings for staff engagement must also be noted and there seems to be attention given to how staff are involved in decision making, identifying issues and planning solutions. In summary, we would like to see more detail about how you involve patients and the public from all seldom heard communities in decisions about the provision, development and quality of the services you provide. We hope to continue and develop our relationship with the Trust to ensure we can help you with this. Healthwatch Kent June 2015 DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 61 3) Kent County Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 62 Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust response to the comments received from other organisations. We would like to thank all the above organisations for their comments on this Quality Account. These will be helpful in further developing the document for the Quality Account 2015-16. Following receipt of these comments no amendments have been made to the Quality Account 2014-15. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 63 Annex 2 STATEMENT OF DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITIES IN RESPECT OF THE QUALITY ACCOUNT The directors are required under the Health Act 2009 to prepare a Quality Account for each financial year. The Department of Health has issued guidance on the form and content of annual Quality Accounts (which incorporates the legal requirements in the Health Act 2009 and the National Health Service (Quality Accounts) Regulations 2010 (as amended by the National Health Service (Quality Accounts) Amendment Regulations 2011 and the National Health Service (Quality Accounts) Amendment Regulations 2012)). In preparing the Quality Account, directors are required to take steps to satisfy themselves that: The Quality Account presents a balanced picture of the Trust’s performance over the period covered. The performance information reported in the Quality Account is reliable and accurate. There are proper internal controls over the collection and reporting of the measures of performance included in the Quality Account, and these controls are subject to review to confirm that they are working effectively in practice. The data underpinning the measures of performance reported in the Quality Account is robust and reliable, conforms to specified data quality standards and prescribed definitions, and is subject to appropriate scrutiny and review; and The Quality Account has been prepared in accordance with Department of Health guidance. The directors confirm to the best of their knowledge and belief they have complied with the above requirements in preparing the Quality Account. By order of the Board NB: sign and date in any colour ink except black Date: 25/06/2015 Chief Executive Date: 25/06/2015 DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final Chairman 64 Annex 3 Criteria applied for the measurement of the indicators tested by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Our external auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are required under NHS England’s ‘NHS Quality Accounts Auditor Guidance 2014-15’ to perform testing on two national indicators. A detailed definition and explanation of the criteria applied for the measurement of the indicators tested by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is included below. Rate of Clostridium Difficile infections The Trust uses the following criteria for measuring the indicator for inclusion in the Quality Account: The indicator is expressed as the rate of Clostridium Difficile per 100,000 bed days for patients; Infections relate to patients aged two year old or more; A positive laboratory test result for Clostridium Difficile recognised as a case according to the Trust's diagnostic algorithm; Positive results on the same patient more than 28 days apart are reported as separate episodes, irrespective of the number of specimens taken in the intervening period, or where they were taken; and The Trust is deemed responsible. This is defined as a case where the sample was taken on the fourth day or later of an admission to that trust (where the day of admission is day one). The rate of Clostridium Difficile infections for 2014/15 is 9.6 . Percentage of patient safety incidents that result in severe harm or death The Trust uses the following criteria for measuring the indicator for inclusion in the Quality Account: The indicator is expressed as a percentage of patient safety incidents reported to the National Reporting and Learning Service (NRLS) that have resulted in severe harm or death; A patient safety incident is defined as ‘any unintended or unexpected incident(s) that could or did lead to harm for one of more person(s) receiving NHS funded healthcare’; and The ‘degree of harm’ for patient safety incidents is defined as follows: ‘severe’ – the patient has been permanently harmed as a result of the incident; and ‘death’ – the incident has resulted in the death of the patient. The percentage of patient safety incidents that result in severe harm or death for 2014/15 is 0.15% DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 65 Annex 4 Independent auditors opinion INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ LIMITED ASSURANCE REPORT TO THE DIRECTORS OF DARTFORD AND GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST ON THE ANNUAL QUALITY ACCOUNT We have been engaged by the Board of Directors of Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust to perform an independent assurance engagement in respect of Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust’s Quality Account for the year ended 31 March 2015 (“the Quality Account”) and specified performance indicators contained therein. In accordance with section 8 of the Health Act 2009 (“the Health Act”) and the National Health Service (Quality Accounts) Regulations 2010 and subsequent amendments thereto (the “Regulations”), the Trust is required to prepare a Quality Account annually. NHS Quality Accounts Auditor Guidance 2014/15 (the “Auditor Guidance”), published in March 2015 by NHS England, sets out the requirements for our limited assurance work, including the choice of indicators. Scope and subject matter The indicators for the year ended 31 March 2015 subject to limited assurance (the “specified indicators”); marked with the symbol England: in the Quality Account, consist of the following indicators as mandated by NHS Specified indicators criteria Specified Indicators Rate of Clostridium Difficile infections Page 65 Percentage of patient safety incidents that result in severe harm or death Page 65 Respective responsibilities of Directors and auditors The Directors are required under the Health Act 2009 to prepare a Quality Account for each financial year. The Department of Health has issued guidance on the form and content of annual Quality Accounts (which incorporates the legal requirements in the Health Act 2009 and the Regulations). In preparing the Quality Account, the Directors are required to take steps to satisfy themselves that: the Quality Account presents a balanced picture of the Trust’s performance over the period covered; the performance information reported in the Quality Account is reliable and accurate; there are proper internal controls over the collection and reporting of the measures of performance included in the Quality Account, and these controls are subject to review to confirm that they are working effectively in practice; the data underpinning the measures of performance reported in the Quality Account is robust and reliable, conforms to specified data quality standards and prescribed definitions, and is subject to appropriate scrutiny and review; and the Quality Account has been prepared in accordance with Department of Health guidance. The Directors are required to confirm compliance with these requirements in a statement of directors’ responsibilities within the Quality Account. Our responsibility is to form a conclusion, based on limited assurance procedures, on whether anything has come to our attention that causes us to believe that: the Quality Account has not been prepared in line with the requirements set out in the Regulations; the Quality Account is not consistent in all material respects with the sources specified in Auditor Guidance, issued by NHS England on March 2015 and specified below; and DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 66 the specified indicators in the Quality Account identified as having been the subject of limited assurance in the Quality Account have not been prepared in all material respects in accordance with the Regulations and the six dimensions of data quality set out in the Auditor Guidance. We read the Quality Account and conclude whether it is consistent with the requirements of the Regulations and to consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any material omissions. We read the other information contained in the Quality Account and consider whether it is materially inconsistent with: Board minutes for the period April 2014 to June 2015; papers relating to the Quality Account reported to the Board over the period April 2014 to June 2015 ; feedback from Healthwatch Kent dated 24/06/2015; feedback from the Commissioners Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley Clinical Commissioning Group dated 22/06/2015; the Trust’s complaints report published under regulation 18 of the Local Authority, Social Services and NHS Complaints (England) Regulations 2009, dated March 2015; the latest national patient survey dated 2014; the latest national staff survey dated 2014; the Head of Internal Audit’s annual opinion over the Trust’s control environment dated May 2015; the annual governance statement dated 28/05/2015; Care Quality Commission Intelligent Monitoring Report dated May 2015; and, the results of the Payment by Results coding review dated May 2015. We consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with these documents (collectively the “documents”). Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information. This report, including the conclusion, is made solely to the Board of Directors of Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust. We permit the disclosure of this report to enable the Board of Directors to demonstrate that they have discharged their governance responsibilities by commissioning an independent assurance report in connection with the indicators. To the fullest extent permissible by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Board of Directors as a body and Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust for our work or this report save where terms are expressly agreed and with our prior consent in writing. We are in compliance with the applicable independence and competency requirements of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (“ICAEW”) Code of Ethics. Our team comprised assurance practitioners and relevant subject matter experts. Assurance work performed We conducted this limited assurance engagement in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 ‘Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information’ issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (‘ISAE 3000’) and the Auditor Guidance. Our limited assurance procedures included: reviewing the content of the Quality Account against the requirements of the Regulations; reviewing the Quality Account for consistency against the documents specified above; obtaining an understanding of the design and operation of the controls in place in relation to the collation and reporting of the specified indicators, including controls over third party information (if applicable) and performing walkthroughs to confirm our understanding; based on our understanding, assessing the risks that the performance against the specified indicators may be materially misstated and determining the nature, timing and extent of further procedures; making enquiries of relevant management, personnel and, where relevant, third parties ; considering significant judgements made by the management in preparation of the specified indicators; performing limited testing, on a selective basis of evidence supporting the reported performance indicators, and assessing the related disclosures; and reading the documents. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 67 A limited assurance engagement is narrower in scope than a reasonable assurance engagement. The nature, timing and extent of procedures for gathering sufficient appropriate evidence are deliberately limited relative to a reasonable assurance engagement. Limitations Non-financial performance information is subject to more inherent limitations than financial information, given the characteristics of the subject matter and the methods used for determining such information. The absence of a significant body of established practice on which to draw allows for the selection of different but acceptable measurement techniques which can result in materially different measurements and can impact comparability. The precision of different measurement techniques may also vary. Furthermore, the nature and methods used to determine such information, as well as the measurement criteria and the precision thereof, may change over time. It is important to read the Quality Account in the context of the criteria set out in the Regulations. The nature, form and content required of Quality Accounts are determined by the Department of Health. This may result in the omission of information relevant to other users, for example for the purpose of comparing the results of different NHS organisations. In addition, the scope of our assurance work has not included governance over quality or non-mandated indicators which have been determined locally by Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust. Conclusion Based on the results of our procedures, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that, for the year ended 31 March 2015: the Quality Account is not prepared in all material respects in line with the criteria set out in the Regulations; the Quality Account is not consistent in all material respects with the sources specified above; and the indicators in the Quality Account subject to limited assurance have not been prepared in all material respects in accordance with the Regulations and the six dimensions of data quality set out in the Auditor Guidance. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Savannah House 3 Ocean Way Ocean Village Southampton SO14 3TJ 25 June 2015 Note: The maintenance and integrity of Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust’s website is the responsibility of the directors; the work carried out by the assurance providers does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the assurance providers accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the reported performance indicators or criteria since they were initially presented on the website. DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 68 Abbreviations and Acronyms AandE Accident and Emergency Department ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome AKI Acute Kidney Injury AKIN Acute Kidney Injury Network AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction CAUTI Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection CCG Clinical Commissioning Group CD Clinical Director CDU Clinical Decision Unit CEA Carotid Endarterectomy CEMACE Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries CHD Coronary Heart Disease CHKS Caspe Healthcare Knowledge Systems CNST Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease CQC Care Quality Commission CQS Composite Quality Score CQUIN Commissioning for Quality and Improvement CT Computerised Tomography DandG Dartford and Gravesham DOLS Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards DVH Darent Valley Hospital EBUS Endobronchial Ultrasound ECIST Emergency Care Intensive Support Team ED Emergency Department EDN Electronic Discharge Notification EQ Enhancing Quality FYTD Full Year To Date DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 69 GP General Practitioner GI Gastrointestinal GMC General Medical Council HAPPI Hospital Antimicrobial Prudent Prescribing Indicators HES Hospital Episode Statistics HF Heart Failure HOSC Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee HSJ Health Service Journal HSCIC Health and Social Care Information Centre HSMR Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio ICE score Implementation of Clinical Effectiveness score ICNARC Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre IT Information Technology ITU Intensive Therapy Unit IG Information Governance KPI Key Performance Indicator LOS Length of Stay LRM Local Resolution Meeting MET Medical Emergency Team MINAP Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project MMC Mitomycin-C MRSA Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus MSSA Meticillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus MUST Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool NBOCAP National Bowel Cancer Audit Programme NCDAH National Care of the Dying Audit - Hospitals NCEPOD National Confidential Enquiry Into Patient Outcome and Death NCAG National Chemotherapy Advisory Group NDA National Diabetes Audit DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 70 NHFD National Hip Fracture Database NHS National Health Service NHSLA National Health Service Litigation Authority NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence NIV Non Invasive Ventilation NJR National Joint Registry NLCA National Lung Cancer Audit NNAP National Neonatal Audit Programme NPSA National Patient Safety Agency NRLS National Reporting and Learning System NSF National Service Framework ODP Operating Department Practitioner OSC Overview and Scrutiny Committee PAR score Patient At Risk score PAS Patient Administration System PCI Primary Coronary Intervention PCT Primary Care Trust PEAT Patient Environment Action Team PHSO Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman PROMS Patient Related Outcome Measures PSC Patient Safety Committee Q Labs Quality Laboratories QIPP Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention RAG Red Amber Green RTT Referral To Treatment SCBU Special Care Baby Unit SHA Strategic Health Authority SHMI Standardised Hospital Mortality Indicator SI Serious Incident DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 71 SINAP Stroke Improvement National Audit Programme SSNAP Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme SIRO Senior Information Risk Owner ST Safety Thermometer SUS Secondary Uses Service TARN Trauma Audit and Research Network TIA Transient Ischaemic Attack UK United Kingdom UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UoG University of Greenwich UTI Urinary Tract Infection VTE Venous Thromboembolism WHO World Health Organisation How readers can comment on the Quality Account By email – glyn.oakley@dvh.nhs.uk By letter – Susan Acott, Chief Executive, Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford, Kent DA2 8DA DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 72 How readers can comment on the Quality Account By email – glyn.oakley@dvh.nhs.uk By letter – Susan Acott, Chief Executive, Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford, Kent DA2 8DA Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Darent Valley Hospital Darenth Wood Road Dartford, Kent DA2 8DA Tel: 01322 428100 www.dvh.nhs.uk DGT 2014/15 Quality Account – final 73