,- 96 TABLE 40 TYPES OF EMPLOYERS OF MALE AND FEMALE GENETICISTS IN THE CURRENT STUDY Type of Employer Number of Males Number of Females Colleges and Universities State supported Independent nonprofit Independent denominational Independent denominational and nonprofit Foreign or unclassified Government Business and Industry Private labs and Institutions Hospitals and Medical centers Retired/other 199 24 6 3 19 28 13 2 1 3 2 3 Total 268 35 113 3 14 6 0 4 9 1 3 70 - 97 TABLE 41 LEADING PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS OF MALE AND FEMALE GENETICISTS IN THE CURRENT STUDY Females Males Profession Percent* Profession Percent Educator Geneticist Physician Researcher Pediatrician Biologist Administrator 73.9 23.1 13.8 6.7 5.6 4.9 4.5 Educator Geneticist Researcher Physician Biologist Microbiologist Administrator 62.9 25.7 17.1 14.3 11. 4 11. 4 5.7 * Percentages do not total 100 because many individuals were listed under more than one category. T .-. 98 . microbiologist for females. The male and female educators in the study listed the same top three subjects pediatrics. zoology, taught (Table 42): genetics, biology, and Among subjects taught only by males were medicine, and neurology, while women alone taught bacteriology, hematology, and pathology. Nine percent of males and 5.7 percent of females did not list the subjects they taught. Membership in Professional Organizations and Honoraries ~ Males and Females A seemingly higher percentage of females than males were members of many science associations and honoraries: however, the small size of the female population under study compared to that of the males may partially account for this discrepancy. Leading both the male (Table 43) and female (Table 44) geneticists' lists was the GSA to which 62.3 percent of the 268 men and 71.4 percent of the 35 women belonged. Second for women with 21 members and third for men with 136 was the AAAS, while the ASHG placed second for males with 141 members and third for females with 18. Interesting to note is that for the females, Sigma xi and Phi Beta Kappa ranked fourth and fifth with 45.7 and 34.2 percent respectively being members. For males, however, Sigma Xi ranked fourth with 34.7 percent of the men being members, and Phi Beta Kappa ranked ninth with only 11. 2 percent of the males being members. r~ Al though approximately 17 percent of both men and women had been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 99 TABLE 42 LEADING SUBJECTS TAUGHT BY MALE AND FEMALE GENETICISTS IN THE CURRENT STUDY Males Subject (198 educators) Percent Genetics Biology Pediatrics Medicine Biochemistry Microbiology Zoology Molecular Biology Neurology Psychiatry Not listed 24.2 18.9 10.6 10.5 6.6 3.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 8.9 Fema]es Subject (22 educators) Percent Genetics Biology Pediatrics Bacteriology Biochemistry Cell Biology Entomology Hematology Microbiology Molecular Biology Pathology Psychiatry Not listed 27.3 8.6 5.7 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 5.7 - 100 TABLE 43 LEADING PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND HONORARIES OF MALE GENETICISTS IN THE CURRENT STUDY Organization Number of Males 167 Genetics Society of America American Society of Human Genetics 141 American Association for the 136 Advancement of Science Sigma Xi 93 80 National Academy of Science American Academy of Arts and 48 Sciences American Board of Medical Genetics 43 American Society of Biological Chemists 40 American Society of Microbiology 37 Phi Beta Kappa 30 American Genetics Association 29 American Pediatric Society 21 .- Percent of Males 62.3 52.6 50.7 34.7 29.9 17.9 16.0 14.9 13.8 11. 2 10.8 7.8 .- 101 TABLE 44 LEADING PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND HONORARIES OF FEMALE GENETICISTS IN THE CURRENT STUDY -- Organization Number of Females Percent of Females Genetics Society of America American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society of Human Genetics Sigma Xi Phi Beta Kappa American Society of Microbiology National Academy of Science American Society of Biological Chemists American Academy of Arts and Sciences American Board of Medical Genetics American Genetics Association 25 71. 4 21 18 16 12 10 8 60.0 51.4 45.7 34.3 28.6 22.9 7 20.0 6 3 3 17.1 8.6 8.6 102 29.9 percent of males and only 22.8 percent of females among the currently studied geneticists had been elected to membership in the NAS. Only four females held presidencies of genetics associations, one of whom was the president of two organizations. Among NIH activi ties the proportions involved were fairly equivalent. of men and women Almost eight percent of men and 5.7 percent of women were recipients of an NIH fellowship, while 11.4 percent of women and only 7.5 percent of men received an NIH grant. at Seven and one half percent of men were employed by the NIH Bethesda, however, Maryland compared to only 5.7 percent of women; 20 percent of women and only 17.5 percent of men were members of NIH study sections. Women seemed to have been granted fewer Guggenheim, Fulbright, and Gairdner awards than men, with only one female recipient for each award. Their male counterparts received 33 Guggenheim, Fulbright, and 15 Gairdner awards. 18 The National Medal of Science and Nobel Prize were more evenly distributed with 2.9 percent of women (one) receiving each award, 2.6 percent of men (seven) receiving the National Medal of Science and 2.2 percent of men (six) receiving the Nobel Prize. Barbara McClintock was the sole recipient of both the National Medal of Science and the Nobel Prize awarded to women. Michael Brown, Lederberg - -- Six men -- Sidney Altman, Gerald were Edelman, the male Joseph recipients Baruch Blumberg, Goldstein, of Nobel and Joshua Prizes. National Medal of Science was presented to seven men: The Michael Brown, Stanley Cohen, Joseph Goldstein, Philip Leder, Joshua 103 Lederberg, James Neel, and G. Ledyard Stebbins. Foreign Born Geneticists Fifty-eight of the 303 geneticists were born outside of the united States, 84.5 percent of which were male and 15.5 percent of which were female. geneticists Five received two doctorates, and doctoral foreign studied, information for one born geneticist was not Similar to the entire popUlation of geneticists being the designations researcher. ~ were distributed as follows: 37 Ph.D.'s, 21 M.D.'s, three D.Sc.'s, and one D.Ch. available. , Doctoral degrees received by the foreign born foreign included born geneticists' educator, leading geneticist, professional physician, and SUMMARY This study was done to evaluate the academic backgrounds and special accomplishments of geneticists recognized in Who's Who in America. Geneticists were selected for the study on the basis of their inclusion in both the Membership Directory of the ASHG and the GSA and in Who's Who in America. From information collected for each individual regarding birth place and date, institutions of study, professions and employers, and significant recognitions and memberships, the following conclusions were reached: 1. Three hundred three geneticists were included in both the 1990-91 edition of Who's Who in America and the 1990-91 edition of the Membership Directory of the GSA and ASHG. 2. One hundred thirty-six institutions granted 269 bachelor'S degrees to the geneticists in the study, making baccalaureate origins the most diverse of the institutions granting degrees to the geneticists. The number of B.A.'s awarded was similar to the number of B.S. degrees granted. 3. Independent nonprofit institutions granted the most baccalaureate degrees to the currently studied geneticists, 45.2 percent of the bachelor's degrees. In comparison, independent nonprofit institutions in a 1984 study by Mertens and Eastman (4) awarded only 28.2 percent of the baccalaureates awarded. 105 4. One hundred twenty-nine master's degrees were awarded to the geneticists by 57 institutions. M.S. degrees were awarded more frequently than M.A. degrees, and accounted for 57.4 percent of master's degrees awarded. 5. State supported institutions were the most frequent source of master's degrees, awarding 71. Independent nonprofit institutions followed with 49. 6. Eighty colleges and universities granted 328 doctorates to 301 geneticists; 208 Ph.D. and 111 M.D. degrees were awarded. 7. Independent nonprofit institutions granted 54.6 percent of the doctorates, followed by state supported institutions which granted 33.8 percent and foreign and unclassified institutions awarded 10.7 percent. which Conversely, in the 1984 study (4), 56.6 percent of doctorates were from state supported and 35.8 percent were from independent nonprofit institutions. 8. Fifty-seven institutions awarded Ph.D. degrees, while fifty institutions granted M.D. 9. ... - IS. Harvard University was the leading source of baccalaureate. master's, and doctoral degrees for the 303 geneticists. Columbia and Yale Universities and the Universities of California and 106 Chicago were also leading degree-granting schools. 10. The average age for receipt of the first doctorate by geneticists in the current study was 26.4 years, while the mode was 25 years. Almost 19 percent had received their first doctorate by age 24. 11. Forty-six percent of the currently studied geneticists earned their doctorates within four years of the completion of their baccalaureate degree. Only 26.9 percent of the geneticists in the 1984 study did so (4). 12. Of the 303 geneticists, 51 received honorary degrees, and 54 were board certified, most of the latter being M.D.'s. 13. Sixty percent of the currently studied geneticists were age sixty or older, while in the 1984 study (4) only 25.3 percent were over sixty. In a 1991 report (10) of scientists and engineers, only ten percent were reported to be older than sixty years. 14. Geneticists in the current study were born in 25 countries and in 39 states. Canada was the leading birth country of the 58 foreign born geneticists. 15. Many of the American born geneticists were born in New York and other states bordering the Great Lakes. 16. California led other states in employing geneticists in the study; the Mountain and East r 107 South Central regions employed the least. Employment trends of the current study were similar to those of the 1984 study. 17. Colleges and universities were the largest employers of the geneticists, followed by hospitals, private laboratories, and business and industry. 18. Two hundred twenty of the 303 individuals were listed as educators in Who's Who in America. Geneticist was the second leading profession, followed by physicians. 19. The leading subjects taught by the educators in the present study were genetics, biology, and pediatrics. 20. Leading organizations of membership included the GSA with 192 members in the current study and the ASHG with 159 members. Other organizations to which more than 50 of the geneticists belonged included the AAAS, NAS, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Sigma Xi. 21. Forty-seven percent of the geneticists were involved in some way with the NIH including fellowships, grants or study sections. 22. f Eighteen NIH Research Career Development Awards, 12 Lilly Research Awards, eight National Medals of Science and seven Nobel Prizes were awarded to 108 members of the current study. 23. Thirty-five women and 268 men were included in the current study. 24. The distributions of bachelor's and master's degrees in the arts and sciences were relatively equal between women and men. However, among doctoral degrees, 37.7 percent of the men and only 28.6 percent of the women earned M.D.'s, while 180 males and 28 females earned Ph.D. 's. 25. Women received their doctorates later in life than the men in the study. Only 65.7 percent of women compared to 83.6 percent of men had received their doctorates by the age of 29. While men averaged 5.3 years between completion of baccalaureate and doctoral degrees, women averaged seven. 26. Honorary degrees were received by 16 percent of the men and 22.9 percent of the women. Only three of the 54 board certified individuals were women. 27. Age distributions of males and females were fairly even. 28. Males were born in 24 countries, females in seven. The Middle Atlantic region was the leading birth region in the United States for both sexes and the leading area of employment for females. T The top employment region for males was the Pacific. r 109 29. Males and females were both employed primarily by colleges and universities, with more men than women employed by independent nonprofit institutions. 30. The professional designations by which most of the 268 man and 35 women were cited in Who's Who in America were "educator" and "geneticist." Physician was the third leading career designation of males in the study compared with researcher for females. 31. Higher percentages of females than males were found to belong to the following organizations: GSA, AAAS, Sigma Xi, and Phi Beta Kappa. The discrepancy may be due, in part, to the large difference in size between the male and female populations. 32. Fewer grants and fellowships were awarded to women than to men; however, a higher percentage of women was involved in NIH studies, and the proportions of men and women receiving Nobel Prizes and the National Medal of Science were nearly the same. 33. The group of foreign born geneticists was found to be very similar to the entire population of geneticists studied. Sixty-four percent held Ph.D.'s and 36 percent held M.D.'s, and the leading professional designations for the foreign born T individuals were similar to those of the remaining individuals in the study. r CONCLUSIONS The 303 geneticists in this study represented a wide variety of academic and cultural origins, research interests, and talents; therefore, identifying one specific background for which they were all recognized was nearly impossible. Rather, a combination of factors, including participation in either education or research, attendance at independent nonprofit universities, and the accumulation of accomplishments over many years of work, seemed to have led to the geneticists' inclusion in Who's Who in America. Participation in academia at the professional level seemed to have been a primary factor for selection of the geneticists in Who's Who. Employment by colleges and universities, honorary degrees bestowed upon the individuals, and academic positions held indicated great interest and dedication to education. Another important area for which many of the geneticists gained recognition was research as evidenced by the Nobel prizes, NIH Research Career Development Awards, and Lilly Awards granted to them. Eighty-eight of the 303 geneticists -- 80 men and eight women -- had been elected to the National Academy of Science and 54 (48 men and six women) to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In comparison to the GSA members in the 1984 study, the current population had several favorable factors that were likely r to have influenced their selection for Who's Who in America. r 111 Attendance at independent nonprofit vs. state supported institutions was much more common for members of the current study at the baccalaureate, master's and doctoral levels. One may question whether the quality of education at independent nonprofit institutions is noticeably better so as to produce alumni more qualified for recognition in Who's Who, whether the rigid standards of admission of independent nonprofit institutions naturally select for those who will eventually be included in Who's Who, or if the reputation and prestige of attending such universities as Harvard, Columbia, and Yale make their graduates more likely to be included in biographical directories. Although recent literature has been reporting on the population of aging American scientists, the average age, 62 years, of the recognized geneticists in the current study is much older than the ages of scientists, engineers, and other geneticists in different studies. This advanced age of the recognized geneticists may be attributed to the fact that there are strict criteria for inclusion in Who's Who, and older scientists have had more years and corresponding recognition. experience In addition, to make achievements worthy of the 303 geneticists completed their degrees at a more accelerated pace than those members of the 1984 study. between By earning degrees at earlier ages with less time elapsed them, the members of the current study were able to experience longer careers in which to accomplish the recognitions required for inclusion in a prestigious biographical directory such r as Who's Who in America. 112 r The backgrounds of males and females in the study were not found to be as different as expected. Females did not out-achieve the males as previously hypothesized, and in fact, received their degrees later, on average, than did their male counterparts. Furthermore, fewer of the females than males studied at independent nonprofit institutions. Participation in professional organizations and in NIH studies were the only areas in which the female geneticists were more involved than the males, and those results may be a bit misleading due to the small number of females compared with males. Although there is some cause for concern over the low numbers of female geneticists in the current study, factors which may explain the there are several phenomenon. Many of those geneticists recognized in Who's Who in America are of relatively advanced age; however, few women were involved in scientific study during the first half of the century when many of these geneticists were laying their foundations. Furthermore, while the number of recognized female geneticists is drastically lower than the number of recognized males, one must remember that female participation in the sciences is still lower than that of males. If there is a male-female discrepancy to be concerned with, perhaps it is first with the number of females entering the scientific work force. After more women have joined the scientific community, then attention may be turned to increasing the numbers of recognized females in genetics and other science-related professions. r r LITERATURE CITED (1) Who's Who in America, 46th ed. 2 volumes. (1990). Wilmette, Illinois: Macmillan Directory Division. (2) Membership Directory (of the GSA and ASHG). (1990). Bethesda, Maryland. (3) Howard, D. J. & Mertens, T. R. (1968). The academic origin of geneticists in the united States. Journal of Heredity, 59, 353-357. (4) Mertens, T. R., & Eastman, K. W.* (1984). Academic origin of geneticists - a second look. Journal of Heredity, 75, 473476. (5) Atkinson, R. C. (1990). Supply and demand for scientists and engineers: A national crisis in the making. Science, 248, 425-432. (6) Widnall, S. E. (1988). AAAS presidential lecture: Voices in the pipeline. Science, 241, 1740-1745. (7) National Science Foundation. (1990). Women and minorities in science and engineering. Washington DC: NSF. (8) National Science Board. (1989). Science and engineering indicators. Washington DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. (9) T Blockstein, D. (1990). Women and minorities - how are the AIBS societies doing? Bioscience, 40, 607-609. (10) Staff. (1991). Dollars & jobs. Science, 252, 1112-1117. r 114 (11) National Science Foundation. (1988). Doctoral scientists and engineers: A decade of change. Washington DC: NSF. (12) American Council on Education. (1987). American universities and colleges, 13th ed. New York: Walter de Gruyter, Inc. (13) Walter, K.* (1983). The academic origins of members of the Genetics Society of America who are listed in the 1979 edition of American Men and Women of Science. Unpublished master's thesis, Ball State University, Muncie, IN. * K. Walter and K. W(alter) Eastman are one in the same person. APPENDIX I Sample Data Collection Form NAME LISTED AS ________________________ PROFESSIONAL ADDRESS _______________________________________________ YEAR BORN AGE BIRTHPLACE_______________________ SEX PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ____________________________________----DEGREES PLACE OF STUDY AREA OF CONCENTRATION YEAR Ph.D. M.D. M.S. M.A. B.S. B.A. WORK HISTORY_______________________________________________________ RESEARCH ORGANISM/AREA OF INTEREST________________________________ PUBLICATIONS _____________________________________________________ HONORS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS ----------------------------------------- Format used for data collection from biographies listed in Who's Who in America. f APPENDIX II Raw Data Printed from Microsoft Works 2.0 Database. 117 first name Edward Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Ames Anderson Anderson Russell Robert Sally Sidney Bruce Victor Wyatt Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall David William Fransisco Patricia William Raymond Harold John Robert Bearn Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Alexander Jonathan Dorthea Joe Seymour Fred Eliot Ernest David Blumberg Bostian Bowman Baruch Keith Barbara Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh Burdette Burdick James Sterling U Cal Virginia St Med Coli" Roscoe Ira Jean Jan Michael William John NIH Indiana U Sch Mad PAST U Rockefeller U Hosp UTex Pioneer Overseas Corp U Nebraska Walter Alan Burns Bush Caldecott George Guy Richard Plaza Med Ctr U Missouri n Campbell Allan Cantor Charles last name r professional address Adelberg Yale U Sch Mad National Science Foundation U Cal U Mich Yale U U Cal U Minn U Georgia Wash U St Louis NC St U U Cal U BC n n Kaiser Permanente Med Ctr Strong Meml Hospital Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Rockefeller U Harvard U Med Sch U Tex U Alabama Callnst Tech n Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation Indiana U Sch Dentistry Fox Chase Cancer Ctr Merck, Sharp, & Dohme Rsch Lab U Tex Mich St U U Minn Stanford U Human Genome Ctr 118 r r last name Adelberg Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall Bearn Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell Cantor zip =06520 =20550 =95616 =48109 =06520 dept address , Human genetics 1800 G St Hunt Hall Biology Biology Barker Hall Dight Labs Genetics 660 South Euclid Ave Genetics Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Medical Genetics Rt 9 Box 86 6949 Fickle Hill Rd 13652 Cantara 601 Elmwood Ave 6931 Arlington Rd 1230 York Ave n Zoology Medicine Biology 5430 41 st Place Berman-Gund Lab 10666 N Torrey Pine 1226 W Michigan St city New Haven Washington Davis Ann Arbor New Haven state CT DC CA MI Berkeley CA New York City Boston Austin Birmingham Pasadena Washington Boston La Jolla Indianapolis NY MA TX AL CA DC IN =46223 7701 Burholme Av Po Bx 2000 Health Sci Philadelphia PA =19111 Rahway San Antonio Davis NJ TX =07065 =78284 Genetics Po Bx 110 9000 Rockville Pike Pediatrics Warths Lab 1230 York Av Health Sci 6800 Pioneer Pkwy Life Scis 1200 Binz Suite Tucker Hall 354 Troy Rd Zoology Morrill Hall Bioi Scis Lawrence Berkeley Lab Minneapolis Athens St Louis Raleigh Irvine Vancouver BC Santa Fe Arcata Panorama City Rochester Bethesda CT =94720 =55455 MN =30602 GA =63110 MO =27695 NC =92717 CA Canada v6t1w5 NM =87505 =95521 CA =91402 CA =14642 NY MD =20814 MA CA =10121 =02115 =78712 =35294 =91125 =20015 =02114 =92037 Indianapolis University park New York City Dallas Johnston Lincoln Houston Columbia Delaware CA VA MD IN PA NY TX IA NE TX MO OH East Lansing Minneapolis Stanford MI MN CA =55455 -94305 Berkeley CA =94720 Richmond Bethesda =95616 =23798 =20892 =46202 =16802 =10021 =75235 =50131 =68588 =77004 -65211 =43015 -48821 119 r last name listed as educator Adelberg 13 1 18, 13 6 13 4, 18 18, 13 13 18, 13 18, 6, 13 18, 13 37, 13 18, 13 13,6 35, 24 37 15 15, 43, 37 18 18, 13, 42 13 13 43, 20 33,13 37, 42 16. 13 15 15 6, 18. 13 13 25.13 28,13 35, 24 1.25.42 43. 13. 37 18 15 18 44. 13 18 13 13 1. 13 13 13 12 0 12 Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall Bearn Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott r Campbell Cantor 0 6 0 12 6 18 12 31 12 30 6 0 0 0 0 0 12 17 21 0 17 0 17 0 0 12 20 18 31 0 0 23 0 0 0 31 0 7 6 12 3 5 researcher 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 year born 1920 1934 1919 1926 1939 1928 1921 1939 1935 1942 1934 1937 1919 1920 1939 1927 1943 1923 1935 1929 1933 1921 1928 1937 1928 1929 1925 1951 1930 1937 1932 1923 1923 1944 1943 1941 1913 1935 1915 1920 1913 1929 1924 1929 1942 sex birth city Cedarhurst m m Monroe m Los Angeles f New York City m Montreal m New York City m Stromsburgh m New Orleans m Petah Tivka m Stilwell m Madrid f Rochdale m Portland m Holyoke m Chicago m New York City m Washington m Surrey m Cambridge f Honolulu m m m Birmingham New York City Feuchtwangen m Boston m Berlin m Chicago m New York City m Milwaukee f Mineral Wells m Denver m m Springfield Philadelphia m f New York City Towanda m New York City m New York City m Arbovale m Buffalo m Hillsboro m Cincinnati m Cincinnati m Greenfield m Vancouver m Berkeley m Brooklyn 120 last name Adelberg NY Aiuto MI Allard Allen Altman CA NY Quebec birth country ashg abmg gsa aga sigma xl AAAS ASM USA USA n n y n n n n y n n n y n n USA n y y y n y y n n y n USA Canada n n n n n y n n y n USA USA USA Israel n y y n y n y n y n n y n y n n y y y n n n n n n n n y n y y n n n y y y n USA Spain y n n y n n ·n n n n n n Ames Anderson Anderson NY NE Apirion Atchley Ayala n OK n Baird Baker n IN England USA n n Barratt MA USA n n y n y n n Bass Baum Beall IL NY DC USA USA USA y y n n n n n n n y y n n y n n n Beam Beckwith Bennett n England USA USA Y y n n y n n n n n y n n n y y y n y n Bennett Benzer Bergmann AL NY USA USA Germany n n y y y y n n y y y y y n y n n n n n n LA MA HI n n n n n n y n n n n n n y n n n y n n n n n n y n MA n IL USA Germany Blumberg NY USA y n n n n n n Bostian WI USA n n y n n n y Bowman TX USA y n n n y n n Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt CO USA USA USA n n n n y y Y n n n n y n n y n n y n USA USA USA y n y y n n n y n n n n y n y n n n n y n USA y n n n n n USA USA n n n y y y n y n n y y n n n n y y n n y y y y y y n n n y y y n n y y n Berson Beutler Bixler Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh r birth state Me PA NY PA NY NY WV NY TX USA y y y y n n y Burdette Burdick Burns OH USA USA OH USA n y y n y n Bush Caldecott Campbell IA BC CA USA Canada USA n n n n n n y y y n n n n y n Cantor NY USA y n n n n y 121 r T last name Adelberg Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall Bearn Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell Cantor am soc blo chem assn am ph am ped soc phi beta kappa ug ug year BS 1942 n n n n BA 1958 n n n n BS 1941 y n n n BA 1946 y n n n BS 1960 n n n y BA 1950 n n n y BA 1945 y n n n 1960 BS n n n n n 0 n n n n BS 1964 n n n n BS 1954 n n n n BS 1959 n n n n BA 1941 n n n n BS 1941 n n n n 0 n n n n n BA 1949 n n n n BS 1965 n n n n BS 1945 n n n y BA 1957 n n n n n BA 1951 n n n n BA 1954 n y n n BA 1942 n n n BS 1951 n n n n 0 n n n n n y n BS 1948 n n n BA 1950 n n n BS 1946 n n n n n BA 1973 n n n y n BS 1951 n n n n n n BA 1959 n n n BS 1950 n y n n 0 n n n n n BA 1942 n n y n BS 1965 n y n n n BA 1963 n y n n BA 1962 n n n y BA 1936 n n n n BS 1958 n y n n BA 1935 n n n n BS 1945 n n n n BA 1937 n n n n BS 1953 n n n n BS 1946 n n n n BS 1950 y n n n BA 1963 122 r ug Inst Yale U Eastern Mich U mastel master yr master Inst Yale U 1947 MS U NC 1963 MA U Cal Vassar Coli MIT n n n 0 0 Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Cornell U U Minn U Georgia n MS MS MS MA MA Bass Baum Beall n NYU Albright Coli Beam Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Guys Hosp U Harvard U Bernard Coli Samford U Brooklyn Coli MIT Brown Brown Brumbaugh Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell Cantor U PA Bridgewater Coli Cedarville Coli 0 1949 1962 1960 1966 1963 0 1943 1943 1963 0 1970 1945 0 0 0 1943 1951 0 0 0 0 0 1955 0 1952 0 0 1967 1964 0 1939 0 1936 1947 0 1960 1948 1951 0 last name Adelberg Aiuto Allard Allen Altman n Eastern New Mex U U Madrid McGill U Coli Wooster Rutgers U n U Chgo Indiana U Union Call Augustana Coli Baylor U Cornell U SW Mo StColi n NYU Mansfield U Columbia U Baylor U Iowa St U U Cincinnati Iowa St U U BC UCal Columbia U n MA MS MS n MA MB n n n MS MS n n n n n MA n MS n n MS MA n MS n MA MS n MS MS MS n o· n n n n U Minn U Georgia Hebrew U U Kansas Columbia U n U Tex U NH U Chgo n SUNY Guys Hosp U n n n Purdue U MIT n n n n n U Tex n Northwestern U n n UCal Columbia U n Wash U St Louis n U Tex Iowa St U n VA Poly Inst Wash St Coli U Illinois n 123 r la8t name dr Adelberg Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Ames Anderson Anderson PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MD PhD PhD Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall Beam Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann MD MD PhD MD PhD PhD MD PhD Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow MD MD PhD Brown Brown Brumbaugh r PhD MD PhD PhD PhD PhD MD MD PhD MD Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell MD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD Cantor PhD dr yr dr In8t 1949 Yale U 1971 U NC 1946 UWis 1954 U Chgo 1967 U Colorado 1953 1953 1967 1963 1969 1964 1963 1948 1948 1963 1954 1970 1951 1961 1956 1958 1947 1957 1962 1950 1956 1951 1976 1959 1965 1954 1947 1945 1970 1968 1966 1941 1963 1938 1949 1941 1964 1951 1953 1966 Callnst Tech U Minn Rockefeller U Glasgow U U Kansas Columbia U other other yr other In8t n 0 n n 0 n n 0 n n 0 n n 0 n n AA n n n n U Tex Yale U n n n U Chgo NYU SUNY Guys Hosp U Harvard U Columbia U Harvard U Purdue U n n n n n n n n UWis n n McGill U 0 1941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1959 1957 Harvard U U Chgo Indiana U Columbia U U London U Tex Cal Inst Tech Northwestern U n DDS PhD n n n PhD Harvard U Columbia U n n 1957 0 0 U Cal Harvard Mad Sch n n 0 U PA Wash U St Louis Iowa St U n n n U Tex U Cal U Minn Harvard U Wash St Coli U Illinois MD n n n n n U Cal n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1942 0 n Bethel Jr Coli n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Indiana U Oxford U n n n Duke U n n n n n n n 0 Yale U n n n n n 0 n 0 0 0 124 la8t name honor degree Adelberg Aiuto n n Allard Allen Altman n n n n n n n n y Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall Bearn Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh n n y n n n y n y n y y n y n y n n n n n n n n Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell n y n n n n n n y Cantor n diplomate n n n n n n n n n n n n n n ABMG, AB Pediatrics AB Internal Mad n n n n AB Internal Med, AB Rheumatology, Nat Bd Mad Ex n n n n ABMG n n n n n n AB Pediatrics, ABMG n AB Pediatrics n n n AB Surgery, AB Thoracic Surgery n n n n n n 125 employ teach U Cal, Yale U Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt U Cal Bethel Coli, U Minn U Georgia Washington U St Louis n UCal UBC U Chgo, U Utah Dartmouth, Humboldt St n n n n n n n Bass Baum Beall UCLA Mad Sch U Rochester Med Sch n n n Beam Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman r employ rsch last name Adelberg Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Albion Coli U Cal UMich Yale U n Rockefeller U Harvard U Cornell U Mad Sch n Purdue, Cal Inst Tech n n U So Cal, U Cal Indiana U Sch Dentistry n n UTex n n n n n n n n n Sloan Kettering Cancer Rsch n n n Harvard-Berman Gund Lab Scripps Clin & Rsch Found n Fox Chase Cancer Ctr n n Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh U Cal U Minn, Va Commonwealth U Georgetown U Sch Mad Yale U, Indiana U Sch Mad n n NIH n PA St U Harvard U Med Sch UTex n U Nebraska n n n n n Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell Cantor n Purdue U, U Missouri U Minn, OH Wesleyan U U Tex, Mich St U U Minn U Rochester, Stanford U Columbia U n n n n Dept Agriculture n n 126 r last name employ med employ other Adelberg Aiuto n n n n Allard Allen Altman n n n n n n Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt n n n n n n n U Minn dir n n n n n n n Bass Baum Beall n n Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Beam Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann n n n NY Hospitals n n n n n Berson Beutler Bixler n City of Hope Med Ctr n n n n Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow n n n n n n n n n n n· n n n n n Biotech Inst n Brown Brown Brumbaugh n n n n Pioneer Hi-Bred Internat Inc n Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell n n n n n n n n n n n n Cantor n n n n n n n n Clin Immuno And Rheum n Nat Inst Gen Med Scis 127 last name Adelberg Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall Bearn Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell Cantor nas gugg y y n n y y n n n n n n n n y n n y n n y y n n n n n n n n n n n n y n y n n n y n y n n n n n y n n n y n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n y n y n n n y n n y n n n y n n y n y y ful n n y n n n n n n y y n n n n y n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n y n n n n n galrd n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n y n y n n n n ri n n n n n n n n n n n n n am acad A&S nobel n y n n n y n n y n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n y n n n n n y n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n y n lilly n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y nat med sci rsch car n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 128 last name Adelberg Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall Bearn Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell Cantor nih fell nih 9 nih beth nih study section n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Microbial genetics y n n n Behavioral scis y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n y n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n y Hematology n n n n n n n n n y y Genetics n n y Genetics n n y n n Genetics n n n n y Genetics y n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y Genetics n n n n n n n n n n y y n n n n n n n n on n n y Genetics n n y n Chemistry 129 last name Adelberg Aiuto Allard Allen Altman Ames Anderson Anderson Apirion Atchley Ayala Baird Baker Barratt Bass Baum Beall Bearn Beckwith Bennett Bennett Benzer Bergmann Berson Beutler Bixler Blumberg Bostian Bowman Boyd Bradley Brady Brandt Brenchley Breslow Brown Brown Brumbaugh Burdette Burdick Burns Bush Caldecott Campbell Cantor other n NSF grantee AGA Pres, GSA Pres Mem Am Soc Cell Bio n Am Chem Soc Sigma Xi pres AGA pres n NSF fellow n Mem Gen Soc Canada GSA pres n n n NIH merit awd ASHG pres, NIH consultant n n NIH Bd Health Sci Policies n n MemAMA n NIH consultant to P&G NIH chief gen sect n ASHG pres n Mem Am Soc Cell Bio n n Am Chem Soc Am Acad Pediatrics Albert Lasker Awd n Mem Am Soc Cell Bio Mem Am Cancer Soc n n n n USPHS Rsch Career Dev Awd Am Chem Soc 130 U Chgo Childs Barton Johns Hopkins Hospital Christian Joe Indiana U Clark Alvin U Cal Cloninger Claude Wash U St Louis Cockerham Columbus NC St U Cohen Stanley Stanford U Sch Med Comings David City of Hope Med Ctr Conneally P. Michael Indiana U Cooper Terrance U Tennessee Cortner Counce-N icklas Jean Philadelphia Children's Hospital Cox Sheila Edward Duke U Princeton U Cox Rudy U Tex Southwestern Med Ctr Craig George U Notre Dame Crow James UWis Curtiss Roy Wash U St Louis Davis Ronald Stanford U Sch Med Dawid Igor NIH Dawson Wallace Day De Serres Robert USC Fred Hutchinson Cancer Rsch Ctr Frederic Center for Life Sciences & Toxicology Desnick Drake Robert John CUNY Mt Sinai Sch Med NIEHS Dubes George U Nebraska Coli Med Duvick Donald n Echols Harrison U Cal Edelman Gerald Rockefeller U Hosp Ehrman Lee SUNY Eiben Robert Metro Health Med Center Elsas Louis Emory U Franklin Enfield Charles Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling L. - ! professional address Roswell Park Memorial Inst first name Verne Brian last name Chapman Charlesworth U Minn U Cal New York State Psychiatric Inst Esposito Fialkow Rochelle Philip U Chgo U Washington Hospital Finley Sara U Alabama Med Sch Finley Wayne U Alabama Med Sch Fitch Walter U Cal Fletcher John U Virginia Med Ctr Flory Walter Wake Forest U Fox Maurice MIT Frankel Joseph U Iowa Frias Jaime U Nebraska Med etr 131 - city Buffalo Chicago Baltimore Indianapolis Berkeley St Louis Raleigh Stanford Duarte Bloomington Memphis Philadelphia Durham Princeton Dallas South Bend Madison St Louis Stanford Bethesda Columbia Seattle Rsch Triangle Park New York City Rsch Triangle Park Omaha Johnston Berkeley New York City state NY IL IA CA NY zip =14263 =60637 =21205 =46202 =94720 =63110 =27695 =94305 =91010 =47405 =38163 =19104 =27710 =08544 =75235 =46556 =53706 =63130 =94305 =20205 =29208 =98104 =27709 =10029 =27709 =68105 =50131 =94720 =10021 NY OH GA MN CA NY =10577 =44109 =30322 =55108 =94143 =10032 IL WA AL AL CA VA NC =60637 =98195 =35294 =35296 =92717 =22908 =27109 MA Biology New York City n Atlanta St Paul San Francisco New York Chicago Seattle Birmingham Birmingham Irvine Charlottesville Winston-Salem Cambridge Iowa City IA =02139 -52242 Pediatrics Omaha NE -68198 last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-Nicklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubes Duvick Echols Edelman dept address 666 Elm St Ecology & Evolution Ehrman Eiben Elsas Enfield Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling Natural Scis 3395 Scranton Rd 2040 Ridgewood Dr Bioscience Ctr Pediatrics n Esposito Fialkow Finley Finley Fitch Fletcher Flory Fox Molecular genetics & cell biology 1959 NE Pacific St University Station University Station Ecology & Evolution Bx348 Biology Biology Frankel Frias Pediatrics Medical Genetics Molecular & Cellular Bio 4949 Aububon St Statistics Genetics Duarte Rd Medical Genetics 858 Madison Av n Cell Biology Biology n Biology Genetics Biology Biochemistry 9000 Rockville Pike Biology 1124 Columbia St Rsch Triangle Inst 5th Ave n Pathology & Micro PO Bx 85 Biochem & Molecular Bio n MD IN CA MO NC CA CA IN TN PA NC NJ TX IN WI MO CA MD SC WA NC NY NC NE 132 r last name listed as 18 6,13 Charlesworth 37,13 Childs 42 Christian 13 Clark 17,42, 13 Cloninger 18, 13 Cockerham 18, 13 Cohen 37, 24 Comings 13 Conneally 13 Cooper 37,13 Cortner 13 Counce-Nicklas 13 Cox 13,21 Cox 14 Craig 13 Crow 13 Curtiss 42 Davis 6 Dawid 18 Dawson 1 Day 19 De Serres 18 Desnick 18 Drake 18 Dubes Duvick 38 Echols 13 4, 13 Edelman 6 Ehrman 29, 13 Eiben 13 Elsas 18 Enfield 37, 13, 24 Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling 13,42 18, 13 Esposito Fialkow 13 Finley 24, 13 Finley 13 26, 13 Fitch 5,13 Fletcher 8, 18, 13 Flory Fox 13,26 Frankel 13 Frias 35, 13 Chapman educator 0 11, 12 23 0 19 26 12 12 0 17 16, 18 23 8 6 17 0 12 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 31 0 31 17 0 5, 23 26 6 17 12 17 11 27 7 19 6 23 researcher year born 1938 0 1945 0 1916 0 4 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1934 1933 1944 1921 1935 1935 0 1942 1930 0 1937 1926 1930 1916 1934 1941 1935 1931 1930 1929 1943 1932 1926 1924 1933 1929 1935 1922 1937 1933 1933 0 1941 1934 1930 1927 1929 1931 1907 1924 1935 1933 sex birth city m Sacramento m Brighton m Chicago m Marshall m Oak Park m m m Beaumont Mountian Park Perth Amboy m Beacon m n m Wyandotte m Nashville f Hayes Center m Alberni m New Brighton m Chicago m Phoenixville m m m n Maora Czernowitz m Louisville m Framingham m Dobbs Ferry m Minneapolis m Detroit m Sioux City m Sandwich m Charlottesville m New York City f m m Cleveland Atlanta m Woolstock m Philadelphia f Princeton f New York City m New York City New York City f Lineville m Goodwater m m San Diego Bryan m m Bridgewater New York City m Vienna m Concepcion 133 r IL OK IL TX NC NJ NY birth country ashg abmg gsa y n n USA y n n England n USA Y Y n USA Y Y y n n USA n n USA Y y n n USA y n n USA n USA Y Y n MI Ireland USA y n y n TN NE BC PA IL PA n IL n USA USA Canada USA USA USA n USA Romania y n n Y n KY MA NY USA USA USA n MN MI IA IL VA NY NY OH GA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Enfield IA Epstein PA Erlenmeyer-Kimling NJ USA USA USA Esposito Fialkow Finley Finley Fitch Fletcher Flory Fox Frankel NY NY AL AL CA TX USA USA USA USA USA USA VA NY n USA USA Austria Frias n Chile last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-Nicklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubes Duvick Echols Edelman Ehrman Eiben Elsas birth state CA Sussex Y n n n Y n Y ·n n n n n Y Y Y n aga sigma xl AAAS n y y n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n y y n n n y n n y n y n n n y n y y n n n y y n n n n y y n n n n n n n y Y y y y n n n n n n n y n y n n n n y n y y n n y n n y y n n n n y n y y n y Y y y y y y n n y Y n y n n y n Y n n n n n n n Y n Y Y n y Y n Y Y n Y Y n Y n n n y n n y Y n n y Y n y n n n y n n n n n y n y n n n n Y n n n y n y y n n n n n y n n y n n y y n y y y n n n n n y y n n n y n n y n n n y Y n y n y Y Y n n Y y ASM n n n n y n n y n n y n n n n n n y n n n n n Y n Y n y n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n 134 r last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-Nicklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubes Duvick Echols Edelman Ehrman Eiben Elsas Enfield Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling Esposito Fialkow Finley Finley Fitch Fletcher Flory Fox Frankel Frias am soc blo chem assn am ph am ped soc phi beta kappa ug ug year BS 1960 n n n n BA 1966 n n n n BA 1938 n y n n BS 1956 n n n n BS 1955 n n n n BA 1966 n n n n BS 1943 n n n n BA 1956 y n n y BS 1955 n n n Y BS 1954 n n n n BS 1965 n n n y BA 1952 n n n Y BA 1948 y n n n BS 1959 n n n n 0 n n n y n 1951 BA n n n n n BA 1937 n n n BS 1956 n n n n BS 1964 n n n n n n 0 n n y BS 1954 n n n n n 0 n n n n BS 1951 n n n n BA 1965 n n n n BS 1954 n n n n BS 1949 n n n n BS 1948 n n n n n n n BA 1955 y n n BS 1950 y n y BS 1956 n n n n n y n BS 1944 y y n n BA 1958 n n n n BS 1955 n y n y BA 1955 n n n BS 1957 y n n n n BS 1962 n y n n BA 1956 n n n y BS 1951 n n n BS 1948 n y n n n BA 1953 n n n n BA 1953 n n n y BA 1958 n n n n BS 1944 n n n n BA 1956 n n y n n 0 135 r last name Chapman Charlesworth mastel master yr master Inst Oregon St U 1963 MS Cambridge U Williams Coli Oklahoma St U U Rochester n 0 n n MS n n U Kentucky U Tex n Cockerham Cohen NC St Coli Rutgers U MS n 0 1959 0 0 1949 0 Comings Conneally Cooper Northwestern U National U Ireland n MS Wayne St U MS Cortner Counce-Nicklas Vanderbilt U U Colorado n MA Cox U BC n Cox Craig Crow Curtiss n Indiana U Friends U n Cornell U n Davis Dawid n n Dawson Day E Illinois U n W Kentucky U n De Serres Tufts U MS Desnick U Minn n Drake Dubes Yale U Iowa St U n n Duvick U Illinois n Echols Edelman UVA Ursinus Coli Queens Coli Western Reserve U Harvard U MA n Iowa St U MS Harvard U n Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Ehrman Eiben Elsas Enfield Epstein r ug Inst Cal St Poly Coli MS n MS MPh MS n n Erlenmeyer-Kimling Columbia U n Esposito Brooklyn Coli n Fialkow U PA Finley U Alabama n n Finley Fitch Fletcher Jacksonville St U UCal U South MA n n Flory Fox Frankel Bridgewater Coli U Chgo Cornell U MA MS n Frias n n n n NC St Coli n 0 n 1960 1967 0 1950 0 0 1952 0 0 0 0 1959 1958 1953 0 UWis Wayne St U n U Colorado n n U Illinois n n n n U Kentucky U Cal Yale U n 0 n 0 0 1957 0 1957 0 0 1957 0 0 0 0 0 1950 0 0 1929 1951 0 0 n n UWis n Columbia U n n Oklahoma St U n n n n n U Alabama n n U Virginia U Chgo n n 136 r last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen dr PhD PhD MD PhD PhD MD PhD MD dr yr dr Inst 1965 Oregon St U 1969 Cambridge U 1942 Johns Hopkins U 1960 U Kentucky 1959 Harvard U 1970 Wash U St Louis 1952 Iowa St Coli 1960 U PA Comings Conneally MD PhD PhD 1958 1962 1969 1955 1954 1964 1952 1956 1941 1962 1970 1960 1962 1956 1955 1970 1958 1953 1951 1959 1954 1959 1946 1962 1960 1959 1961 1967 1960 1955 1958 1958 1969 1931 1951 1960 1959 Cooper Cortner Counce-Nicklas Cox Cox Craig Crow r Curtiss Davis Dawid MD PhD PhD MD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubes Duvick Echols Edelman PhD MD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MD Ehrman Eiben Elsas PhD MD MD PhD Enfield MD Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling PhD PhD Esposito MD Fialkow Finley MD PhD Finley Fitch PhD Fletcher PhD Flory PhD Fox PhD Frankel PhD Frias MD Northwestern U UWis Purdue U Vanderbilt U Edinburgh U U PA U PA U Illinois U Tex U Chgo Cal Inst Tech U Vienna Ohio St U U Chgo Yale U U Mlnn Callnst Tech Callnst Tech Wash U St Louis UWis U PA Columbia U Western Reserve U U Virginia U Minn Harvard U Columbia U U Washington Tufts U U Alabama U Alabama U Cal Union Theol. Seminary U Virginia U Chgo Yale U U Chile other other yr other Inst n 0 n n 0 n n 0 n U Kentucky 1964 MD n 0 n n 0 n n 0 n n 0 n 0 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n n 0 0 n 0 n PhD 1962 n 0 MD 1971 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 PhD 1960 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 0 n n 0 n 0 MD 1960 n 0 MDiv 1957 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n U Cal n U Minn n n n n Rockefeller U n n n n n n n n n U Alabama n U Heidelberg n n n n 137 r last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-N icklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubes Duvick Echols Edelman Ehrman Eiben Eisas Enfield Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling Esposito Fialkow Finley Finley Fitch Fletcher Flory Fox Frankel Frias honor degree n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n diplomate n n n n n AB Psychiatry & Neurology n n n n n AB Pediatrics n n AB Internal Mad n n n n n n n n ABMG, Nat Bd Mad Ex n n n n n n AB Pediatrics AB Internal Mad, ABMG n ABMG n n AB Internal Mad. ABMG ABMG n n n n n n Am Acad Pediatrics, ABMG 138 r r last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-N icklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubes Duvick Echols Edelman Ehrman Eiben Elsas Enfield Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling Esposito Fialkow Finley Finley Fitch Fletcher Flory Fox Frankel Frias employ teach n U Chgo Johns Hopkins Sch Mad Indiana U U Cal Wash U St Louis NCStU Stanford U n IUPUI U Pitts SUNY Duke U Princeton U NYU U Notre Dame UWis U Alabama Stanford U n USC U Washington n Mt. Sinai Med Sch U Illinois U Kansas Sch Med n U Wis, U Cal Rockefeller U SUNY n n U Minn U Cal Columbia U U Chgo U Washington U Alabama Mad Sch U Alabama Mad Sch UWis n Wake Forest U MIT U Iowa U Fla Coli Mad employ rsch Roswell Park Memorial Inst n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Carnegie Inst n n n n NIEHS n Pioneer Hi-Bred Intern at Inc n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 139 employ other employ mad n n n n n Johns Hopkins Hosp n n n n n n n n n n City of Hope Mad Ctr n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Desnick n n Drake n n Dubes n n Duvick n Echols n n Rockefeller U Hosp Edelman n Ehrman n Respiratory Care & Rehab Ctr n Eiben n Elsas n n Enfield n Epstein n n n Erlenmeyer-Kimling n Esposito n n U Washington Mad Ctr n Fialkow Finley n n Finley n n Fitch n n Fletcher n NIH Flory n n Fox n n Frankel n n Frias n n last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-Nicklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres f 140 r last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-Nicklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubes Duvick Echols Edelman Ehrman Eiben Eisas Enfield Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling Esposito Fialkow Finley Finley Fitch Fletcher Flory Fox Frankel Frias nas gugg n n n n n n n n n y n y y n y y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n y n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n y y n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n y n n n n n ful n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n galrd n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n ri n n n n n n n n n n n n n am acad A&S nobel n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n lilly n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nat med sci rsch car n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 141 - last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-Nicklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubes Duvick Echols Edelman nih fell nih gl nih beth nih study section Mammal Genetics y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Genetics y n n n n n n n n Genetics n y y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n Genetics, Metabolism, y n n n Tropical Medicine y y n n Genetics y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n molecular genetics n n n n n y n n n n n Genetics n n y n n Biophysics n n n y y n n y n n n n n y n y n n Unlisted Clinical investigation & therapeutics n n Human Embryology & dev n Genetic basis of disease n n n n n n n y n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n Ehrman Eiben Elsas Enfield Epstein Erlen meyer-Kim ling Esposito Fialkow Finley n n y n n n y y n n n n y n n n n n Finley Fitch n n n n y Fletcher Flory Fox Frankel Frias n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 142 - last name Chapman Charlesworth Childs Christian Clark Cloninger Cockerham Cohen Comings Conneally Cooper Cortner Counce-Nicklas Cox Cox Craig Crow Curtiss Davis Dawid Dawson Day De Serres Desnick Drake Dubas Duvick Echols Edelman o1her Mem Am Soc Cell Bio n NIH consulting committee n n NIMH Rsch Sci awd n Albert Lasker Rsch awd Mem Am Soc Cell Bio, ASHG Pres n NASA traineeship n Mem Am Soc Cell Bio, NSF Grantee, NIH Mem Cell Bio Panel n n n, GSA pres, ASHG pres NIH Recom DNA Committee n Mem Am Soc Cell Bio NSF grantee Am Assn Cancer Insts pres NIH directors awd, Am Soc Cancer Rsch BGA, Am Acad Pediatrics USPHS fellow Am Assn Cancer Rsch n n Am Chem Soc, Mem Am Soc Cell Bio Ehrman Eiben Eisas Enfield Epstein Erlenmeyer-Kimling BGA pres Am Acad Pediatrics, US PHS Fellow n n ABMG pres, mem Am Soc Cell Bio NIH peer review group, mem BGA Esposito Fialkow Finley Mem Am Soc Cell Bio n NIH sickle cell disease advisory comm NIH Nat Adv Rsch Coun, MS 1955 U Alabama Am Chen Soc, USPHS Fellow Hastings Ctr founding fellow Finley Fitch Fletcher Flory Fox Frankel Frias n USPHS fellow n n 143 .- last name Gall Ganesan Gardner Gartler Gay Gelehrter first name Joseph Adayapalam Charles Stanley Helen professional address Carnegie Inst Stanford U U Nebraska U Washington U Michigan Thomas Gerbie Giblett Giles Giles Gill Gillham Goldstein Goldstein Golomb Goodman Gorlin Albert Eloise U Michigan Med Sch Northwestern U Sch Med Puget Sound Blood Center U Illinois U Georgia U Pittsburgh Med Sch Joseph Lester Harvey Major Robert U Chgo NC St U U Minn Gottesman Graham Grant Green Greenwalt Gross Irving John Verne Orville Tibor Samson U Virginia U NC U Tex Children's Memorial Hospital Hoxworth Blood Center Duke U Grumbach Grundbacher Hackel Hall Hamerton Melvin Frederick Emanuel Benjamin John Philip U Cal Sch Med U Illinois Sch Med Michigan St U U Washington U Man Hanawalt Harris Hart Hartwell Haynes Hecht Helinski r Eugene Norman Thomas Nicholas Harry Daniel Leland Robert Frederick Heller Henry Herndon Herskowitz Heston Hillman Hirschhorn Hodes Hommes Donald Paul Susan Claude Ira Leonard Richard Kurt Marion Fritz Horowitz Norman Duke U U Tex U Kentucky Stanford U U PA Sch Med Wash U St Louis Sch Med U Washington York U Hecht Associates, Inc U Cal U Illinois Sch Med Carnegie Mellon U n U Cal University Hospital U Missouri Mt Sinai Sch Med Indiana U Med Center Med Coli Georgia Cal Inst Tech 144 r last name Gall Ganesan Gardner Gartler Gay Gelehrter Gerbie Giblett Giles Giles Gill Gillham Goldstein Goldstein Golomb Goodman Gorlin Gottesman Graham Grant Green Greenwalt Gross Grumbach Grundbacher Hackel Hall Hamerton Hanawalt Harris Hart Hartwell Haynes Hecht Helinski Heller Henry Herndon Herskowitz Heston Hillman Hirschhorn Hodes Hommes Horowitz dept address Embryology Genetics Agronomy Genetics Biological Scis Human Genetics n Terry & Madison Sts Anthropology Genetics n Zoology Health Scis Center Biology Hematology & Oncology Crop Sci MS Unit A Gilmer Hall Pathology Botany 2300 N Children'S PI 3231 Burnet Av Biochemistry Pediatrics Medicine Medicine Genetics Genetics Biology Human Genetics Genetics Genetics Biology 4134 McGirts Blvd Biology 820 Damen St Biology 1600 Lynwood Ave Biochemistry & Biophysics PO Bx 393 Child Health Gustave Levy Place Medical Genetics Cellular & Molecular Biology Biology city Baltimore Stanford Lincoln Seattle Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Chicago Seattle Urbana Athens Pittsburgh state MD CA zip =21210 =93405 NE WA MI MI IL WA IL GA PA =68583 =98195 =48109 =48109 =60611 =98104 =61801 NC =30602 =15261 Durham Dallas Lexington TX KY =27706 =75235 =40506 Chicago Raleigh Minneapolis Charlottesville Chapel Hill Austin Chicago Cincinnati Durham IL NC MN VA NC TX IL OH NC =0 =27695 =55455 =22903 =27599 =78712 =60614 =45267 =27710 San Francisco Peoria East Lansing CA IL MI =94143 =61605 MO =63110 =98195 Seattle Winnipeg MB Stanford Philadelphia St Louis Seattle =48824 WA =98195 Canada ir3eOw3 CA =94305 PA =19104 Toronto ON Jacksonville San Diego WA Canada m3jip3 FL =32210 CA =92093 Chicago Pittsburgh IL PA =60612 =15213 NC Winston-Salem San Francisco Minneapolis Columbia New York City Indianapolis Augusta NY IN GA =27104 =94143 =55455 =65212 =10029 =46202 =30912 Pasadena CA =91125 CA MN MO 145 educator last name listed as Gall Ganesan Gardner Gartler Gay Gelehrter Gerbie Giblett Giles Giles Gill Gillham Goldstein Goldstein Golomb Goodman Gorlin Gottesman Graham Grant Green Greenwalt Gross 0 6, 42 12 18, 13, 42 0 11,38, 39 12 18, 13 0 6 12, 17 13 13 31, 13 14 13 2 13 12 18, 13 22 37, 13 30 18, 13 20 37,24, 13 6 13 17 32, 13 7 13 13 9 25 11, 13 17 13 13 6 37, 13 23 17 37, 13 18,4, 13 12 37, 13 23 18, 13 12 28 13 13 12,18 18, 13 12 13,42 31 13 15 13 12 18, 13 31 7, 13 6 37, 3, 13, 42 23 6 0 13 17 13 6 37, 13 12 27,13 5 13 26 35,13 23 13 23 37,13 17 13 6 6, 13 6 Grumbach Grundbacher Hackel Hall Hamerton Hanawalt Harris Hart Hartwell Haynes Hecht Helinski Heller Henry Herndon Herskowitz Heston Hillman Hirschhorn Hodes Hommes Horowitz researcher 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 year born sex birth city 1928 1932 1919 1923 1918 1936 1927 1921 1933 1915 1932 1932 1940 1924 1943 1938 1923 1930 1918 1917 1926 1914 1926 1925 1926 1925 1932 1929 1931 1919 1943 1939 1931 1930 1933 1914 1946 1916 1946 1930 1940 1926 1925 1934 1915 m m m m f m m Washington Madras Tecumseh Los Angeles Pittsfield Liberec Toledo f m m m Tacoma Salt Lake City m m m m m m m m m m m m New York City Sumter Brooklyn Oak Park Budapest New York City m m m m m m New York City Kirchberg Brooklyn Berkeley Brighton Akron m m m Manchester Marshfield Los Angeles m m London Baltimore m Baltimore m f m m m m m m m Komotaw Alexandria Greensboro Brooklyn Burns Pawtucket Vienna New York City Bellingwolde m Pittsburgh Atlanta Malden Pittsburgh n Hudson Cleveland Goldsboro San Francisco 146 last name Gall Ganesan Gardner Gartler Gay Gelehrter Garbie Giblett Giles Giles Gill Gillham Goldstein Goldstein Golomb Goodman Gorlin Gottesman Graham Grant Green Greenwalt Gross Grumbach Grundbacher Hackel Hall Hamerton Hanawalt Harris Hart Hartwell Haynes Hecht Helinski Heller Henry Herndon Herskowitz Heston Hillman r birth state birth country USA DC India n USA NE USA CA USA MA Czechoslovakia n ashg n n n Y n y OH WA USA USA Y UT GA MA NY SC NY PA IA NY OH NC CA IL n NY USA Y n USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Hungary USA Y n NY n NY CA n OH n WI USA Switzerland USA USA England Y y usA n CA Ontario MD MD n VA NC NY OR Hirschhorn Hodes Hommes RI n NY n Horowitz PA USA USA USA USA USA Y Y n Y n Y Y Y n Y y n gsa aga sigma xl AAAS y n n y y n n Y y y y y n n Y n y n y y y n n n n n n n n n n y n n y n n n n n n n n n y n n n y y y n n n y n n n n n Y n n y n n n n y n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Y y n y n y Y y n n y England y n n n n n n n USA USA n n n n Canada n n Y n Czechoslovakia y USA n USA Y USA n USA Y USA Y y Austria USA Y Netherlands y USA n Y n n y n n n n n n USA USA Y n y ASM abmg n n n n n n n y Y y y y y y y y Y y Y n n y y Y y n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n y y n n n n n n n y y y y Y n n n n n n y y n y n n n n n n n n n n y y n n n y y n n n n n n y n n n n n n n n n n n n n y n n n n n n y n n y Y n Y n n n n n n n n n n n n y y y n y n y n n y n y 147 last name Gall n n n n Ganesan n n n n n Gardner n n n Gartler Gay n n y n n n n n n n n n n n Gelehrter Gerbie f am soc blo chern assn am ph am ped soc phi beta kappa ug Giblett n n n n n Giles n n n y Giles n n n y Gill y n n n Gillham Goldstein n n n n y Y n y Goldstein n n n n Golomb n n n n n n n n BS BS BS BS BA BA n Green n n y n Greenwalt n n n n Gross y n n y BS BA BA BA BA BS BA BA BS BA BS BS BA BA BA BA Grumbach n y n n n Goodman Gorlin n n n n n n Gottesman n n n Graham n n n n Grant n n n y Grundbacher n n n n n n n n Hackel n Hall n n n n Hamerton n n n n Hanawalt n n n n BS BA BS BA Harris n n n n n Hart n n n y Hartwell n n n n Haynes n n n n BS BS BS BA BS Hecht n n n n Helinski y n n n Heller n y n n n Henry y n n n Herndon n n n n Herskowitz Heston n n n n n n n n Hillman n n y n Hirschhorn Hodes n n y n n y n BS BA BS BS BA BA n n Hommes y n n n n Horowitz y n n y BS ug year 1949 1952 1941 1948 1940 1957 0 1942 1955 1937 1953 1954 1962 1948 1964 1960 1943 1953 1938 1940 1949 1937 1949 0 0 1948 1954 1951 1954 0 1965 1961 1953 1952 1954 0 1968 1935 1967 1955 1962 1950 0 0 1936 148 - I mastel master yr master Inst n 0 n Annamalia U 1953 MA last name ug Inst Gall Ganesan Yale U Gardner U Nebraska MS Gay UCLA Mt Holyoke Coli n Gelehrter Oberlin Coli MA Garbie n Giblett n U Washington Giles Harvard U MA Giles Emory U MA Gartler Annamalia U MA MS Gill Harvard U MA Gillham Goldstein Harvard U Washington & Lee U MA n Goldstein Brooklyn Coli n Golomb U Chgo n Goodman Gorlin Iowa St U MS Columbia U MS Gottesman Graham Illinois Inst Tech Davidson Coli n n Grant U Cal n Green Harvard U n Greenwalt NYU n Gross NYU MA Grumbach Grundbacher Hackel n n U Michigan MS MS Hall U Kansas n Hamerton London U n Hanawalt Oberlin Coli MS Harris n MA Hart UWis n Hartwell Cal Inst Tech n Haynes U Western Ontario n Hecht Dartmouth Coli n Helinski U Maryland n Heller n U Maryland n Henry Herndon n Duke U n n Heston Cal Inst Tech U Oregon n Hillman Brown U n Herskowitz n Hirschhorn NYU MS Hodes n n Hommes n MS Horowitz U Pittsburgh n 1948 0 1942 1959 0 1947 1960 1938 1957 1955 0 0 0 1963 1956 0 0 0 0 0 1951 0 1953 1949 0 0 1955 1946 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1958 0 1958 0 U Nebraska n Mills Coli U Oxford n U Washington Harvard U Harvard U Harvard U Harvard U n n n NCSt U Iowa St U n n n n n Columbia U n Swiss Fed Inst Tech U Michigan n n Yale U Cambridge U n n n n n n n n n n n NYU n U Groningen (Netherlands) n 149 I- r last name Gall Ganesan Gardner Gartler Gay Gelehrter Gerbie Giblett Giles Giles Gill Gillham Goldstein Goldstein Golomb Goodman Gorlin Gottesman Graham Grant Green Greenwalt Gross Grumbach Grundbacher Hackel Hall Hamerton Hanawalt Harris Hart Hartwell Haynes Hecht Helinski Heller Henry Herndon Herskowitz Heston Hillman Hirschhorn Hodes Hommes Horowitz dr PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MD MD MD PhD PhD MD PhD MD PhD MD PhD DDS PhD MD PhD MD MD PhD MD PhD PhD PhD DSc PhD MD PhD PhD PhD MD PhD MD PhD MD PhD MD MD MD MD PhD PhD dr yr dr Inst 1952 Yale U 1963 Stanford U NC St U 1951 1952 UCal 1955 U PA 1963 Harvard U George Washington U 1951 U Washington 1951 1966 Harvard U 1940 Harvard U 1957 Harvard U 1962 Harvard U 1966 UTex 1953 U Pennsylvania 1968 U Pittsburgh 1965 NC St U 1947 Wash U St Louis 1960 U Minn 1942 Cornell U 1949 U Cal 1954 Northwestern U 1937 NYU 1953 Columbia U 1948 Columbia U 1960 U Cal 1953 Michigan 5t U 1959 Harvard U 1968 London U 1959 Yale U 1943 Cambridge U 1968 UWis 1964 MIT 1957 U Western Ontario 1960 U Rochester 1960 Western Reserve U 1938 Charles U (Czech) 1971 UCal 1939 Jefferson Med Coli 1971 MIT 1961 U Oregon 1965 Yale U 1954 NYU 1947 U Buffalo 1961 U NiJmegen 1939 Callnst Tech other n n MBA n n n n n MA n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n PhD n n other yr other Inst n n 0 Harvard U 1943 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 1956 U Cal n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 0 n 0 n n 0 0 n n 0 n 0 0 n 0 n n 0 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n n 0 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 0 n 1955 Columbia U 0 n 0 n 0 150 last name Gall Ganesan Gardner Gartler Gay Gelehrter Garbie Giblett r honor degree diplomate n n n n n n n n n n n n n AS Forensic Anthropology n n n Giles Giles Gill Gillham Goldstein Goldstein Golomb Goodman Gorlin Gottesman Graham Grant Green Greenwalt Gross Grumbach Grundbacher Hackel n y n n y n n n y n y n n n n Hall Hamerton Hanawalt n n n Harris Hart Hartwell Haynes Hecht Helinski Heller Henry Herndon Herskowitz Heston Hillman Hirschhorn Hodes Hommes Horowitz y n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n AS Pathology n n n AS Internal Mad, AS Med Oncology n n yes, in psychology n n AS Pediatrics, AS Ped Endocrinology AS Internal Mad n AS Pediatrics n n n n n n n n n AS Pediatrics, ASMG n n n n n n AS Psychiatry & Neurology AS Pediatrics, AS Mad Ex, ASMG n n n n ASMG n