~TIVE SOLUTIONS FOR A CERTAIN SECOND ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION'§) - An Honors Thesis (ID 499) by William J. Wade Thesis Director Dr. T. K. Puttaswamy - -I "_,'~ )+1 - '\ """, tA L~.: ( \ Ll c."~\.''''~ , Ball State University Muncie, Indiana May, 1981 - @The point at 00 is an irregular singular point of our differential equation. I. INTRODUCTION For the past five decades, considerable progress has been made in studying the behaviour of solutions of equations of the form dz = xr-l (1.1) dx where r, the rank of this system, is a non-negative integer, ~. !iil and The unknown z(x) and the constant coefficients Ak are nth order square matrices and the indicated series is presumed to converge for all sufficiently large values of \xl. - G. D. Birkoff in two papers in 1909 and 1913, f[l and iY, at- tempted to terminate the infinite series in (1) and produce a new reduced equation of the form .2:z = dx xr-l (1.2) by using one of two types of transformations: Type I. z = B(x)y where the n 2 elements in matrix B are all analytic in some neighborhood of x =00 and the determinant B(<:») Type - II. z I o. = v(x)y where v(x) can be represented by a convergent series of the form 2 v. v(x) J where the lead matrix Vo I .~ X 0; g is an integer and the determinant of v(x) is nonvanishing in some neighborhood of infinity, ~ ~ \x\<.CP. The determinant of the lead matrix Vo may, however, be zero. G. D. Birkhoff asserted that, if an appropriate transformation of Type I were used, the s in (2) need not exceed r. However, in 1953, Gantmacher,i17, produced a counter-example showing that Birkhoff had made an error. In a paper in 1963, H. L. Turrittin L27 attempted to make clear to what extent Birkhoff was right and to what extent he was wrong. For instance, there is always some cutoff, i.e., form (2) can always be reached by a suitable transformation of Type I for some sufficiently large finite value of s. If r = 0, and this is the case covered by the counte~example of Gantmacher, Birkhoff would have been right if he had made his s one unit larger and if the more general transformation of Type II were used; Birkhoff is still correct provided the characteristics of Ao are all distinct. When Ao has multiple roots, the situation is complicated and obscure. In this Senior Honors thesis, an attempt is successfully made to effectively solve differential equations of the form ~' when + a(z)y' + b(z)y = 0 3 a(z) b(z) and both power series converge for - - \z\ > R. II. NATURE OF THE PRESENT PROBLEM Consider the differential equation y" where a(z) + a(z)y' = t + b(z)y ai z- = (2.1) 0 i l':oO b(z) :: L.. ()O ,::.0 - (2.2) biZ-J.. Here the variable z is complex as the coefficients ai, bi •••• ) with a 2 - 14 b o - (i = 0, 1, 2, (2.3) The two power series in (2) converge for \ z\ >R. In the language of Fuch's theory, the differential equation (2.1) will have an irregular singular point at z = ~. We effectively solve the differential equation (2.1) as follows: We first make the transformation y and yi Then (2.1) can be written as = Yl lC Y2 5 This can be put in the matrix form = Y' ° f = and A(z) where (2.4) A(z)y \ -b(z) (i Let ) 1 and and A2 R, = 0, 1, 2, •••• ) are 2 x 2 constant matrices, we find that 1: --- • \z\ > If A(z) where Ai 1) -a(z) A2 = 1, 2, 3, be the eigen values of the matrix Ao· Then are roots of the characteristic equation det (A - AI) = °: = 0, or Thus, if ).. 2 + ao ~ ~1 = + bo Ja~ = - 0. 4 bo 2 and • 2 which can be written as A1 6 In view of (2.3), we observe that ).1 and Ne xt we diagonalize the rna trix Ao. A2 are distinct. To do this, we make the transformation (2.4) , in = Then, This can be written as = WI where B(Z) - (2.5) B(z) w, _(1 1)_1 ~2 - Al Recalling that A(z) has the representation Ao + Al z + A2 z2 +. • ., \z\ )R we obtain that B(z) where - = + • • • , (2.6) 7 i = 1, 2, • • • Next, we make the transformation w = T(z) H in w' = Then, - T(z) + T'(z) H' H = B(z) T(z) H which can put in the form H' where c(z) (2.6) = c(z) H, = T""l (z) I B(z) T(z) - T' (z) J. We will choose T(z) such that c(z) is given by this truncated representation: c(z) = Co + cl z' where Co Let T(z) have the form given by T(z) = z where TO' Tl' ••• are constant 2 x 2 matrices. 8 Now [T(Z) -I] = +•. -) 2 _(!L Z T' (z) ~.'E3.3+ ... +-Z+ )3 + • • • • Z Z - . . .. - = T:rr-2 - • • •• + 1 zn So, B(z) T(z) - T' (z) + • • • + • • • - . Thus, = + 1 zn Bo + ~ (B1 + BoT1) (Bn + Brr-1TI + + 12 (B2 + B1T1 + BoT2 - To) z 9 c(z) = + + ~ zJ -l ~ (B" + Bn-l Tl + - B3 + B2Tl + BIT2 + B0 T3 - - + BoTn - (n-l) - 2Tl - rp.., ~~ T"..2) (B2 + BITI + - - + BoT2 - To) + = In order to get the desired trunoated form we have to ohoose and so on. -1 10 We now make the transformation in (2.6) to obtain I e which reduces to + Dl = (: ).-z-k ) 0 Here, = Do - z = t: ) l: :) ' w~·th P=A 2-~1 2 and = C1 Dl + 4 Next, we make the transformation I = C : II = C : ) J' in (2.7) • ) J We get - - ((: 0) 1 P +- z (2.8) ( PI P2 P3 P4 )1(: : ) J • 11 Where Eo ~ (~ = - = : C-: )(: :)( ~ :) (1 _b) ( 0 0) o El = (1 o = r(: :) (~ :) -b 1 1 )f (Pl- bP3 P3 PI \ P3 0 P2) P4 = (0 -bf ) POP (1 • b) 1 0 bPI + P2 - bP(bP3 + P4) bP 3 + P4 • 12 o where rl = PI - b P 3 and r2 = b P 3 + P4 • Finally, make the transformation J' .-.. = (2.8), in k We get , J = z rl kl + rl z r l -1 k = (Eo + :) z rl k which reduces to k' = (Eo = Fo + -El z + Fl z Here, Fo = Eo = ~ 12 z ) (2.9) • k (: -:p) ( 0 0 Fl = El - rlI 2 k = p 3 r2 - r l ). 13 We now show that (2.9) is equivalent to the confluent hypergeometric function: m w dw dt + t Let t = A*z, where A* is a complex dw dt = dw dz = dz dt 1 A* w" = = (2.10) • 0 constant. dw dz· . (2.10) becomes - 1 i.e. w" w" + + I-E-. \A*Z ( S ) -1 m -A*Z WI w') - - A* z 1 A* mA* z w =0' w = I o• Now, let and Then WI = k2 wt = c*kl' = k2 W" = kl 2 (A* - ~) = k2 + niA* c* k1. Z This can be put in the foI'm (:~)' = ( 0 mA*c* Z 1 c* A*- .9. Z (:: ) - If k = l~;). k' = then we have r(: ~*) which is the form - A* (2.9). + BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOURCES 1. Birkhoff, G. D. "Singular Points of Ordinary Differential Equations." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,10 (1909), 463-470. 2. Birkhoff, G. D. "Equivalent Singular Points of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations." Math. Ann.,74 (1913), 134-139. 3. Gantmacher, F. R. 1959. 4. Hukuhara, M. "Sur 1es Points Singuliers des Equations Diffe"rentie11es Lineaires, IlL" Mem. Fac. Sci, 2 (1942), 127-37. 5. Tritzinsky, w. J. "Analytic Theory of Linear Differential Equations." Act. Math., 62 (1934),167-227. 6. Turri ttin, H. L. "Reduca tion of Ordinary Differential Equations to the Birkhoff Canonical Form." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 107 (19 6 3), 485-507. The Theory of Matrices, Vol. 2. New York: Chelsea, ;-