by A. M. Teeter and D. J. Baumgartner Marine and Freshwater Ecology Branch Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory Corvallis, Oregon 97330 CERL PUBLICATION 043 November, 1978 CORVALLIS ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY CORVALLIS, OREGON 97330 Page . Abbreviations, Symbols, etc. Acknowledgments 1. • • Introduction General Requirements Mixing Zone Concepts ..... Ocean Discharges . Buoyant Plume Models • • . . .. ... . .. .. • ..... • ......... .............. Summary and Conclusions General. . .. . . . . . . . ..... . ......... . Simplified Results for Plumes in Stratified Ambients . . . . Jets in a Stagnant Environment. Jets in a Flowing Environment Merging or Slot Jets in a Stagnant Environment Merging or Slot Jets in a Flowing Environment Non-Uniform Stratification B. Recommendations Methods Appropriate Conditions Mixing Zone Specification 4. PLUME Model Theoretical Development .. .. Model Description. . . ...... . . . Example Input, Output and Model Listing. 5. OUTPLM Model Theoretical Development and Model Description. Example Input, Output and Model Listing. DKHPLM Model Theoretical Development. . Model Description. . . . . Example Input, Output and Model Listing. . . . ... LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS, ETC C Radius or characteristic half-width of the plume.Concentration by volume, = 1/Sa. Diameter of discharge port. E - Entrainment. Froude .number, = U./(g D ©o/p0)1 Fn /2 Gravity. Volume rate of discharge. - Volume rate of discharge per unit length of diffuser. r - Radial distance from the plume's centerline. s - Distance along plume axis. Sa Flux averaged dilution or the total plume efflux divided by the volume of the discharge. Length of the zone of flow establishment. T Temperature. T' Fluctuating component of T. U Ambient current speed. U. - Initial velocity of the jet. u- Fluctuating component of V. V Velocity at some point in the plume in the s direction. Velocity normal to the plume's axis. Fluctuating component of v. Horizontal distance in the direction of a jet discharge and currents or the horizontal distance parallel to a diffuser. y - Horizontal distance 90° to x. z - Vertical distance from the discharge depth. Z Depth of water. - Normalized density disparity, = (p. - p)/(p. - pd). pd. A. - Initial density disparity of the waste, = Po - Oh - Maximum height of rise or height of rise to the trapping level. p - Density of the plume at some point. - Ambient density at the level of the discharge. - Density of the discharge. Pd p ,Ambient density at some level. dp/dz - Absolute value of the ambient density gradient. 1 m3 = 35.31 ft 3 = 264 gallons. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The assistance and cooperation of Drs. Lorin Davis, Larry Winiarski, and Safa Shirazi, and Mr. Walter Frick of the Ecosystem Modeling and Assessment Branch of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory are gratefully acknowledged. A similar acknowledgment is due Bill McDougal of the Marine and Freshwater Branch. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Initial dilution is the rapid turbulent mixing between wastewater discharged at depth in the ocean and seawater. It takes place close to the point of release, resulting from physical interactions between these components. The understanding of this process can be used to predict the initial dilution attained under given conditions. Such information enables comparison of wastewater constituent concentrations, subsequent to initial dilution, to water quality standards and thus can assist in evaluating the discharge's effect on the marine environment. The purpose of this report is to present procedures by which applicants and reviewers can calculate initial dilution and describe the zone of initial dilution surrounding the discharge site. These calculations would be required under regulations proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on April 25, 1978 (1) implementing section 301(h) of the Clean Water Act (2), draft regulation implementing section 403(c), and provisions of the State of California's Ocean Plan (3). MIXING ZONE CONCEPTS When wastewater is injected into the ocean, it has buoyancy and momentum. This energy is used in an initial mixing or dilution process. The wastewater discharge forms a plume which rises and entrains ambient water and is thus diluted. The mixing process slows markedly when plumes reach a position of equal buoyancy and momentum with the ambient (no relative energy) or the surface. Then the dilution process becomes more dependent on ambient oceanic processes. Thus, the mixing zone is thus an area where rapid mixing takes place between waste and ambient waters. It can be thought of either as a concentration isopleth or as the zone where initial mixing takes place. It is not a treatment for wastes but a transition region (4). By insuring that water quality standards are not violated outside the mixing zone, impacts on the marine environment from the waste discharge should be controlled. Of course, the dilution of some pollutants may have little effect on their impacts. In general, however, biological uptake, concentration, and deposition, and physical processes, like aggregation and sedimentation, are concentration dependent. OCEAN DISCHARGES Ocean discharges of municipal wastes have a wide variety of physical characteristics which can affect initial dilution. Although single port outfalls are still used, many discharges now are from multi-port designs to optimize the dilution and vertical rise attained by their plumes. The numbers of ports and their orientations can form complex patterns reflecting a great deal of design effort. The discharged material is almost uniform, with physical characteristics similar to those of fresh water. The marine environment varies greatly along the miles of our country's shoreline. Physical conditions at the discharge site also have a great effect on initial dilution. The ambient receiving waters are of a higher density than the waste discharge and are typically vertically stratified. Currents are usually present but may have periodicity caused by tidal and other forces. Discharges initially have momentum and buoyancy as they are injected into the environment. Densimetric Froude numbers (Fn = U/(g D A /po) 1 /2 ) describe the ratio between these two forces. The higher the initial Froude number, the more closely the resulting plume resembles a momentum or forced jet. The smaller the number, the more the plume resembles a purely buoyant element. Because the density difference between the waste and the ambient varies only slightly and jet velocity is bounded by practical considerations, Froude numbers for ocean discharges generally vary between 0 and about 30. The ends of this range are characteristic of single-port and multi-port diffusers, respectively. In this range of Froude numbers, buoyancy is likely to dominate the initial mixing process, making volume rate of discharge, currents, ambient stratification, and possibly water depth, important. Especially in a current, buoyancy dominates since the plume's momentum becomes insignificant compared to the momentum entrained from the ambient. Coastal discharge sites vary in depth up to about 75 meters (currently). The water columns at these sites are typically stratified vertically by differences in temperature and/or salinity. This leads to density stratifica tion. The amount or degree of stratification varies widely in time and space. Proximity of large sources of fresh water, surface heating, advection, and wind mixing all can influence density stratification. Salt wedges can form near the mouth of estuaries with large fresh-water flows. Advection and nonlinear interactions between wind-induced surface turbulence and buoyancy gradients also can produce pycnoclines, areas of strong density gradients or discontinuities. Strong pycnoclines can arrest the vertical motion of buoyant plumes, ending the initial mixing process. Winds of sufficient duration can erode the density gradient by the turbulence they produce, leaving the ambient well mixed. Currents are very complex in coastal areas. These are areas of high energy received from a number of processes. Currents at discharge sites have tidal components which can be strong. Oceanic currents impinge on the coast and intensify on the western edges of the oceans (the Florida Current for instance). Local forces such as wind shear and waves also generate currents. Instantaneous current values (time scale of minutes), rather than long-term (time scale of hours, days, etc.) net currents, are important in the initial dilution process. BUOYANT PLUME MODELS Ocean outfalls can be modeled by properly scaled hydraulic models, or by mathematical models. The methods described here include only the latter, although in cases of complex geometry or special conditions, physical or hydraulic modeling may be appropriate. The characteristics and behavior of plumes and jets in other aquatic settings, the atmosphere, as well as for ocean outfalls, have been studied by means of mathematical models. Many excellent reviews have been published (5, 6, 7). Early work in this field was concerned with purely buoyant convection (no initial momentum). Rouse et al. (8) studied the buoyant plume above a continuous heat source in a uniform, stagnant environment. Equations of mass continuity, momentum, and energy were integrated by assuming Gaussian approximations for the lateral distributions of velocity and temperature across the plume and with experimentally determined spreading constants. The results were used to describe the distribution of velocity and temperature as functions of mass flow and height of rise. Priestly and Ball (9) studied thermal plumes issuing into a stratified, as well as uniform, environment. They used essentially the same equations as Rouse et al. for mass, momentum, and energy, but their lateral Gaussian profiles of temperature and velocity assumed a lateral length scale. Morton et al. (10) studied buoyant plume convection. They introduced an entrainment function based on local characteristic plume velocity and length scale to replace the spreading ratio. This approach has been adapted by many later investigators (5). Later, Morton (11) assumed other lateral profiles of velocity and temperature to account for the difference between eddy transport of heat and momentum. Another coefficient was introduced and estimated from experimental data. Abraham (12) investigated neutrally-buoyant forced plumes, purely-buoyant plumes, and plumes with combinations of both properties. Equations of mass, momentum, and energy were integrated using lateral Gaussian profiles recognizing the difference in transfer rates between momentum and heat (or concentration). Entrainment was considered by integrating the continuity of mass equation with appropriate spreading coefficients. Abraham's results included analytic expressions for plume centerline velocity and concentration as func tions of initial plume characteristics, height of rise, and entrainment coefficients for momentum and heat. The limiting cases of neutrally-buoyant forced jets and purely-buoyant plumes were considered. Fan (13) reported on plumes issuing at arbitrary angles into a stagnant, stratified environment. Velocity and buoyancy profiles were used similar to those used by Morton (11) and included a lateral characteristic length. Solutions were found by simultaneously solving six equations (continuity of mass, vertical momentum, horizontal momentum, conservation of buoyancy, vertical geometry, and horizontal geometry). Fan (13) also investigated buoyant plumes in a flowing, uniform-density ambient. A theoretical solution was given as a function of plume drag forces and an entrainment function. The entrainment function was such that drag and entrainment coefficients varied with plume conditions, a disadvantage in applications beyond the range of experimental validation (14). Abraham (14) introduced an entrainment function based on subdomains influenced by initial momentum and buoyancy. With entrainment coefficients defined for these two subdomains and a single coefficient describing the drag force, the theoretical solution was in good agreement with the experimental results of Fan. Plumes from multi-port discharges have been studied less extensively. Cederwall (15) studied the flow regimes of line sources for discharges in confined and un-confined environments. Roberts (16) studied the flow regimes of line sources in unstratified and unconfined environments. Sotil (17) posed a mathematical model for slot jets or continuous line sources in stagnant, stratified ambients. Koh and Fan (18) posed a mathematical model of multiport diffusers by interfacing single jet and slot jet solutions at a transition point. A good review of this subject is given by Davis (7). Three models are described in this paper. The PLUME model by Baumgartner al. (19) simulates a solitary plume in a stagnant environment of arbitrary stratification. OUTPLM by Winiarski and Frick (20) models a single plume in a stagnant or flowing environment of arbitrary stratification. DKHPLM by Davis (21) describes single plumes in flowing, stratified ambients which are allowed to merge with identical adjacent plumes to simulate closely spaced, multipleport diffusers. The results of these models have been used to develop analytic solutions to describe the initial dilution of ocean discharges in terms of the principal quantities involved. These three simulation models and the analytic solutions resulting from them will be presented along with sugges tions and example applications. SECTION 2 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS GENERAL The plume attributes of interest here are the dilution attained at the end of convective ascent through ambient waters, and the plume's position. For our purposes, the poorest or lowest dilutions are important. Dilution is defined as the total volume of a parcel or sample divided by the volume of waste contained within it. This is equivalent to the inverse of the volume fraction (or concentration) of waste that a parcel or sample contains. The behavior of buoyant plumes can be mathematically modeled by properly considering mass, momentum, and energy. Some form of entrainment function must be assumed and fitted to experimental data. Other assumptions generally made are that all flows are steady and incompressible, pressure is hydrostatic throughout, the plume is fully turbulent and axisymmetric, and that turbulent diffusion dominates and is significant only in the radial direction. Distri butions of velocity and concentration may also be assumed. The physics of this problem can be solved in various ways. Systems of differential equations can be integrated across the plume, reducing the equations to one independent variable, length along the axis of the plume. Difference equations can be used with Lagrangian coordinants. Simultaneous equations or three-dimensional numerical schemes also have been used. Simulation models of buoyant plumes are systems with internal variables (mass, momentum, and energy), external variables (discharge characteristics, ambient vertical density, and currents) and internal mechanisms (entrainment). These models have behavior which is affected by principal quantities. Computer model studies can be used to describe plume behavior of interest in terms of effecting principal quantities. For stagnant conditions, the principal quantities are initial density difference between the waste and ambient (to), ambient stratification (dp/dz), and flow rate or flow rate per unit length for multi-port diffusers (Q or q). Current speed (U), if considered, is also a principal quantity. Froude number is not important to the dilution attained in the neighborhood considered (0 < Fn < 30), especially in currents. The Froude number and orientation of the discharge affect the plume's trajectory in stagnant conditions but have only a small effect in a flowing ambient. The spacing of multiple ports, for a given discharge rate per diffuser length, does not significantly effect the dilution attained by merging plumes in a flowing ambient. In stagnant conditions, port spacing has a moderate (perhaps 20 percent) effect on initial dilution. Closed-form solutions for the behaviors or attributes of interest (dilution at maximum height of rise and height of maximum rise) have been found in semi-theoretical, state-transition modeling. These solutions have been mapped or tuned to the behavior of the computer models. Plume behavior can, therefore, be solved analytically in terms of the principal quantities. These solutions also allow the importance of the principal quantities to be seen directly. The computer models are still useful for detailed analysis or special conditions. In many cases, however, the analytic models are quite adequate to calculate dilution and maximum height of rise. The discharge configuations which will be considered include single ports, and multiple ports spaced such that they interact at some point during convective ascent. These configuations are termed, respectively, plumes, and merging plumes. Some other restrictions and assumptions must be made. The discharge site is assumed to be at least ten port diameters deep and unconfined. Flow in the ambient is assumed to be uniform. Each of the three models used in this study is suited to certain combinations of conditions. Recommendations are given in Table 1. TABLE 1. RECOMMENDED MODEL APPLICATION. Discharge Configuration Single Plumes Ambient Density Ambient Currents Stratified Stagnant H II II Flowing II H Uniform H Stagnant Flowing Merging Plumes Stratified Stagnant U 11 H Flowing 11 II Surfacing Plumes? Analytic Models Yes No Yes No Yes Yes X X X X X X Yes No Yes No X X X X Computer Models PLUME OUTPLM DKHPLM X X X X X X X X SIMPLIFIED RESULTS FOR PLUMES IN A STRATIFIED AMBIENT Analytic solutions are given in this section for dilution and height of rise of plumes and merging plumes. For stagnant conditions, the height of rise is taken to the trapping level. The trapping level is where the plume first loses its positive buoyancy. Above this level the plume is expected to "pool" and spread horizontally. For flowing conditions, height of rise is taken to the centerline of the plume where it first becomes horizontal. Dilutions predictions are made for these locations. The results described cover ambient conditions including vertical density stratification, both stagnant and flowing, and the previously described discharge configurations. Vertical density stratification is normally found in the marine environment and, since it adversely_ affects dilution should be considered. A summary of the analytic solutions covering the conditions and configurations listed in Table 1 will be given. Following these, sections on non-uniform stratification and single plumes in uniform-density ambient are presented. SI units (kilograms, meters, seconds) are used. Plumes in a Stagnant Environment The dilution for a single port discharge into a stably-stratified and quiescent ambient is given by: Sa = 0.46 Q -1/4 A0 3/4 (dp/dz) -5/8( 1 ) The height of the trapping level can be determined by: Ah = 4.6 (Q 40) 1/4 (dp/dz) -3/8(2) where Sa is the flux averaged.dilution at the trapping level. The dilution of the plume is most affected by initial density difference (6,o) and ambient density gradient (dp/dz), and secondarily, by the volume rate of discharge (Q). Flux of buoyancy and ambient density gradient both affect height of rise. The height of rise (Ah) given by equation (2) is a maximum value for the trapping level. This expression does not consider the angle of discharge from the vertical or the Froude number which can reduce the actual trapping level height. If, in application, it is found that the height of rise given by equation (2) exceeds the water depth (Z) at the discharge site, dilution can be calculated by: Sa = 0.10 Z Q- 1/2 A01/2 (dp/dz) -1/4(3) This relationship assumes linear dilution with height of rise which is not strictly observed in stagnant conditions. As the water depth becomes smaller than Ah, equation (3) predicts dilution which becomes less than those predicted by the PLUME program. should be used. If greater accuracy is needed the PLUME program Equation (1) is in good agreement with model results for jets with Froude numbers of up to about 50. For jets with Froude numbers above this value the PLUME program should be used. Example -A discharge has a maximum, flow rate of 0.10 m 3/sec and a density of 1000 kg/m3 . The ambient at the discharge site has a density at the surface of 1020 kg/m3 and, at 30 m depth, a density of 1025 kg/m 3 during periods of maximum stratification. From equations (1) and (2): Sa = 0.46 (0.10) -1/4 3/4 -5/8 (25) (.166) = 28 Ah = 4.6 ((0.10)(25)) 1/4 .166) -3/8 = 11.3 m If the depth over the discharge were only 10 m, then from equation (3): Sa = 0.10 (10.) (0.10) -1/2 (25) 1/2 (.166)-1/4 = 25 Plumes in a Flowing Environment The dilution and height of rise of a single plume discharged into a stably-stratified, flowing ambient are: Sa = 3.0 (U/Q) 1/3 (A0/(dp/dz)) 2/3(4) Ah = 2.33 (A. Q/U(dp/dz)) 1/3(5) The dilution of the plume is most strongly dependent on the ratio of initial density difference to ambient density gradient. Neither the dilution nor the height of rise are sensitive to discharge angle or typical Froude numbers. The maximum height of rise is for the centerline so that the plume actually extends one radius up from this level. The plume radius can be estimated by: B = (SaQ/nU/ 1/2. If Ah + B exceeds the depth of water at the discharge site, the computed dilution can be corrected by: Sa (corrected) = Sa Z/(Ah + B) (6) where B is the plume's radius or half width. By substitution into equation (6), the dilution of a plume which reaches the surface is: Sa = 0.91 Z (U/Q) 2/3 (A0/(dp/dz)) 1/3(7) Example-In the previous example, A. = 25 kg/m 3 , Q = 0.10 m 3 /sec, dp/dz = 0.1667 kg/m 3 /m. If the lowest 10 percentile of current speed observations is 0.10 m/sec, what is the dilution and height of rise? 1/3 2/3 Sa = 3(0.10/0.10) (25/.1667) = 85 Ah = 2.33((25)(0.10)/(0.10)(.1667))1/3 = 12.4m The radius can be estimated as: B = (56(0.10)/n(0.10)) 1/2 = 5.2 m If the water at the discharge site is only 10 m deep, dilution as corrected by equation (6) is: Sa (corrected) = 85(10)/(12.4 + 5.2 = 48 Alternately, dilution can be re-computed using equation (7): Sa = 0.91 (10) (0.10/0.10) 2/3 (25/.1667)1/3 Merging Plumes in a Stagnant Environment Brooks (22) gives expressions for the dilution and height of rise of slot plumes in stagnant, stratified ambients. Slightly re-arranged, re-dimen- sioned, and tuned to DKHPLM for consistency with the other analyses presented here, dilution can be predicted by: Sa = 0.32 q-1/3 Ao 2/3 (dp/dz) -1/2 (8) The height of rise of the merging plume is: Ah = 5.85 (q ©0)1/3 -1/2 (dp/dz)(9) The height of rise is predicted from equation (9) is the maximum trapping level height. Widely spaced plumes which merge after a significant rise will attain a higher dilution (perhaps 20 percent) than predicted by equation (8). If the height of rise of the plumes exceeds the depth of water, dilution can be calculated by: Sa = 0.055 Z q -2/3 Do t/3 (10) This dilution will be lower than predicted by simulation model DKHPLM because of the assumed linearity of dilution with height of rise and because the trapping level is assumed to be the maximum. If more accuracy is needed, DKHPLM should be used. Example -A diffuser discharges 0.02 m3 /sec/m in 50 m of water. If the efflu ent has a density of 1000 kg/m 3 and the ambient density gradient is 0.05 kg/m3 /m, the dilution by equation (8) will be: Sa = 0.32(0.02) -1/3 (25) 2/3 0.05)1/2 = 45 The maximum height of rise to the trapping level, from equation (9), will b Ah = 5.95 ((0.02)(25)) 1/3 (0.05)1/2 = 20.8 m If the water depth were 10 m, the dilution, from equation (10), would be: Sa = 0.055 (10) (0.02) -2/3 (25)1/3 = 22 Merging Plumes in Flowing Environment For multi-port diffusers where plumes interact or for slot plumes, the Principal quantities which affect dilution and height of rise of the plume are initial density difference (AO, discharge rate per unit length of diffuser (q), current speed (U) and ambient density gradient (dp/dz). The dilution from these discharges can be found by: Sa = 2.75 (UAo/q(dP/dz))1/2 (11) and the height of rise by: Ah = 1.25 (6.0 q/U(dp/dz)) 1/2(12) Like single plumes, the dilution and height of rise of multiple plumes in a current are not sensitive to Froude number and discharge orientation. Apparently the port spacing or level of interaction also have little effect on the values ultimately attained by the plume. If currents are not perpendicular to the diffuser, the discharge rate (q) can be adjusted to consider the length of the diffuser projected by the current. Below a relative angle of about 45 degrees, prediction on stagnant conditions. The rate of dilution is normally about linear with height of rise so that equation (6) can be used to correct the dilution if the height of rise plus the plume half-width exceeds the water depth at the site. The half width of the plume can be estimated by B = Sa q/2U. The dilution of merging jets reaching the surface can also be calculated by: Sa = 1.0 Z U/q (13) These analyses, as well as DKHPLM, assume that the diffuser length is very long compared to the height of rise. Otherwise edge effects complicate the problem. Example -A discharge of 12.5 m 3/sec (N 300 MGD) is made in 50 m of water. The ambient density during maximum stratification varies from 1024 kg/m 3 at the surface to 1025 kg/m 3 at the bottom. The diffuser is 1250 m long so that the discharge rate per unit length of diffuser (q) is 0.01 m 3/sec/m. Density of the effluent is 1000 kg/m 3 . If the lowest 10 percentile of current speed occurrences is 0.05 m/sec, the dilution will be about: Sa = 2.75((0.05)(25)/(0.01)(0.02))1/2 = 217 And the expected height of rise will be: Ah = 1.25((25)(0.01)/(0.05)(0.02))1/2 = 20 m If the discharge site were only 20 m deep, equation (13) predicts the dilution to be: Non-Uniform Stratification The preceding analyses are for uniform, or monotonical, density gradients. Often density gradients deduced from field measurements are not strictly monotonical but can be approximated as such. For cases where the vertical density distribution is interrupted by a sharp discontinuity or pycnocline, other approximations are necessary. Brooks (22) gives one method. The height of rise can first be estimated by using the density gradient of the lower layer. If this height of rise extends to the upper layer, the density gradient is taken as the average gradient to that point. It may be necessary to re-estimate maximum height of rise if the first adjustment resulted in a large change in the average density gradient. The density gradient can then be re-estimated. By this method, an average density gradient over the expected height of rise of the plume can be estimated and dilution calculated. If the density structure of the ambient is very complex, or if more accuracy is needed, then PLUME or OUTPLM models should be used. Uniform Density Ambient Conditions may exist at a discharge site which mix the ambient to a uniform state. Normally these are not the conditions of interest since ambient stratification is more critical to the initial dilution process. The analytic solutions for single plumes in stratified ambients, because of their form, approach infinity as the ambient density gradient approaches zero. Thus, they may over-estimate dilution when stratification is slight. Different analytic solutions are necessary for single plumes in uniform ambients. The analytic solutions for merging plumes in stagnant and flowing conditions, equations (10) and (13), are applicable to uniform density ambients. Analytic solutions will be given here for cases of single plumes in stagnant and flowing ambients with little or no stratification. For a single plume in a stagnant, uniform ambient: Sa = 0.074 Z 513 Q-2/3 For a single plume in a flowing, uniform ambient, dilution can be calculated Equation (15) should be applied when: (dp/dz)/A0 < 0.194 Z -3 U -2 Q (16) No criteria is presented for the application of equation (14). This is because of the uncertainty in predicting dilutions in stagnant, stratified ambients when the height of rise is limited and much less than the trapping level height. In very slight stratification, this is the case. However, in either the flowing or the stagnant case, results from equation (14) or (15) should be compared with equation (3) or (6) when stratification is slight. The lower result is correct since stratification should reduce the dilution of single plumes. SECTION 3 RECOMMENDATIONS METHODS The buoyant-plume phase of waste dispersion can be described by a variety of published methods. However, to evaluate of water quality impacts of municipal ocean discharges for permitting and other purposes, the methods presented here are well suited and recommended for consistency. The analytic emthods or computer models can be used as the situation warrants or requires. When especially high resolution is necessary, the computer models should be used. For unusual situations or conditions, other methods will be considered. Although these methods are considered reliable, they should be continually evaluated evaluated to theoretical developments and measurements, especially quality field measurements. APPROPRIATE CONDITIONS The dilution achieved during the initial mixing process is dependent on ambient and discharge conditions and is, therefore, highly variable. In evaluating a discharge's effect on water quality, the appropriate conditions to consider are those which result in the lowest dilution and those which occur at times when the environment is most sensitive. For example, minimum dilution will be predicted using a combination of maximum vertical density stratification, maximum waste flow rate, and minimum currents for a particular site. Other situations may be more critical to water quality depending on the ambient water quality, and applicable water quality standards. This approach relies on the availability of quality measurements or data with which to estimate absolute worst case conditions, and is therefore not without problems. There are inherent biases to some, oceanographic measurements. For example, current measuring instruments have finite thresholds. It therefore becomes difficult to distinguish low values (which may be as high as 0.05 m/sec) from zeroes with these data. In estimating environmental conditions, a more reliable estimation can be made at the lowest 10 percentile of occurrences. Data on ambient density structure are not collected by remote means so that the frequency of observations is generally low. To increase the reliability of worst-case estimates, data should be evaluated not only from the discharge site but from nearby coastal areas of similar environmental setting. Given the sensitivity of dilution to environmental conditions and the ranges of, these conditions, the evaluation of data and selection of model input conditions are critical to the proper evaluation of water quality impacts from municipal ocean discharges. The characteristics of the discharge needed for evaluation are: a) port sizes, spacings, and orientations, b) flow rates through ports, c) wastewater density, temperature and apparent salinity at the point of discharge. Apparent salinity refers to the major inorganic ions of the wastewater which contribute to its density. It has been found that a salinity, based on conductivity ratios for seawater, gives an acceptable value. Alternately, an apparent salinity which corresponds to a measured density can be used. Ap oparent salinities of municipal effluent generally range from 1 to 5 /oo._ In unusual cases, the ports may resemble thin (< 1/10 D), sharp-edged orifices. In these cases, the port diameter may be taken as 0.62 times the actual diameter of the orifice and the discharge velocity adjusted accordingly. This will increase the Froude number of the discharge. Where the orifice is rounded or thick, as is generally the case, no correction should be made. As mentioned, the principal quantities to consider in dilution prediction are volume rate of discharge (Q) or volume, rate of discharge per unit diffuser length (q), ambient stratification (dp/dz), initial density difference between waste and ambient (AO, and ambient currents (U). These quantities should be considered at: a) times of seasonal maximum waste outflow, b) times of seasonal maximum and minimum stratification, c) times of low ambient water quality, d) times of low net circulation or flushing, and e) times of exceptional biological activity. The quantities selected to represent these periods should reflect conditions of worst (or worst 10 percent) occurrence during these periods; highest volume rate of discharge, extreme ambient stratification, lowest initial density difference, and lowest current speed. MIXING ZONE SPECIFICATION The mixing zone is a zone of rapid mixing resulting from the buoyancy and momentum of the waste material. Conceptually, it terminates when plumes reach the end of convective ascent (buoyancy equilibrium without vertical velocity or surface encounter). Currents greatly affect the horizontal extent of convective ascent. Defining a zone in which convective ascent always occurs is impractical and unnecessary. Ambient conditions could not be specified with enough certainty to include the maximum distances which might occur and a great deal of analysis might be necessary to find the combination of conditions which fosters the maximum horizontal extent. The predicted dilutions used in evaluating water quality impacts are for conditions which will result in small mixing zones. If the mixing zone were specified using these conditions, lower dilution than predicted might occur at the mixing zone boundary at times when the plume trajectory becomes more horizontal. However, the mixing zone should always bound the lowest or most sensitive dilutions and thus define the area of possible water quality degradation and waste contact with organisms. The mixing zone should be defined in a practical sense as the area always bounding the minimum or most sensitive dilution. It can be specified as the radial distance equal to the height of rise of the minimum, or most sensitive, dilutions predicted, measured horizontally from the outfall diffuser or port. Its extent, therefore, will be intermediate to the conceptual definition and the conceptual definition applied to the minimum or most sensitive dilution prediction. This distance will often equal the depth of water at the discharge site. SECTION 4 "PLUME" MODEL THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT The computer model PLUME (5, 19) considers a buoyant plume issuing at an arbitrary angle into a stagnant, stratified environment. Two zones of plume behavior are considered. Profiles of velocity and concentration are considered to be uniform or "top hat" at the port orifice. The region required to develop fully established profiles is the zone of flow establishment. Beyond this point, similarity profiles are assumed for velocity and concentration. This allows the equations for mass continuity, momentum, and density disparity to be integrated across the plume, reducing them to one independent variable, the length along the axis of the plume. Zone of Flow Establishment The length of flow establishment (s e ) has been found to depend on the initial Froude number (12). As initial Froude numbers approach infinity, s e = 5.6 D. At low Froude numbers, this distance can be much shorter. The centerline value of concentration is assumed equal to the initial discharge condi tions. The inclination of the plume's axis at s e is determined by linear interpolation using 6, s e , and Fn. The centerline velocity at s e depends on the Froude number and, at low Froude numbers, may be greater than the initial velocity. To avoid estimation, the velocity at s (V ) is determined by s e me e and empirical spreading coefficients. momentum, 3 3 3/2 d/ds (Vm s /k ) = 3 DUPO-P )/P V m A m m pk 3/2 sine (23) density disparity, d/ds (Vm 2 AM s /k(p + 1)) = (1/(Po-Pd)) V m s /k-dp./ds (24) conservation of pollutant, V C0/4 VmC ms2 /k(p + 1) = (25) The equations can be cast dimensionlessly as: momentum, 04.10/2.s ) ^ R* sine dE*/ds* = 3/Fn -((1 (26) density disparity dR*/ds* = s*/k 1/2 E*1 3 (dp/ds*) (27) conservation of pollutant, Cm = (k 1/2 1 3 * (p + 1))/(4E* / s ) where s* = s/D, V* = V m/Vo, E* = (TM' s * /k 1/2 ) 3 , E* 1/3 Om S*/k 1/2 (28) = V* A m m *2/k(.1 4. 1) = (p + 1), and P.* P./(Po-Pd) The initial conditions for the zone of established flow are obtained by evaluating E* and R* at s* = s eIt is assumed that ambient stratification is negligible in the zone of flow established so A m = Cm and Re * = 1/4. Since C me = C0 E * = (k 1/2 (p + 1)/4 s *) 3 . The values of p and k are mean values e of the limiting cases of purely-buoyant and purely-momentum jets found by Abraham (12). The angle of the plume (0) can be evaluated by considering conservation of horizontal momentum, d/ds j VV2cost) r d which combined with equation (1J) yields = cos 1 ft ((E */E*)2/3 (30) MODEL DESCRIPTION The zone of flow established is first solved depending on the Froude number: s* = 2.8 Fn2 .3 Fn < 2 < Fn < 3.1 s* = 0.113 Fn 2 + 4. s* = (5.6 Fn 2 )/(Fn 4 2 + 18)1/2 Fn > 3 e Then other initial conditions, 0 , E *, and R *, are solved for, Equations e e 7 (26) and (2T) are then solved at steps along the plume's axis by Runge-Kutta A approximation. E* is used to calculate the inclination 0 and concentration C. Then the position of the plume's axis can be incremented by dx/ds = cos0 and dz/ds = sine, where x and z are horizontal and vertical coordinates, respectively. The centerline concentration is inverted to describe the centerline dilution. To convert the centerline dilution to a flux averaged dilution, the distribution of concentration must be weighted by, distribution of velocity. With the assumed distributions, the flux average dilution can be found by: Sa = 1.77 (1/C m ) or = 1.77 S m(31) where Smis the centerline dilution from PLUME. Calculation of dilution is terminated when the density of the plume equals the density of the ambient. This is normally somewhat below the maximum height of rise but is where sim ilarity ends and above which the plume will spread and become passive, possibly interfering with further dilution. Computation of time and plume diameter have been added to the original program. Those changes are set off by asterisks in the program listing given here. The centerline velocity, averaged over each step length, is divided into the step length to obtain time. The plume diameter is found by D = 0.308 s. EXAMPLE INPUT, OUTPUT, AND MODEL LISTING Input The example problem is that of a single port with a diameter of 0.25 m discharging 0.1 m3 /sec of effluent with a density of 1000 kg/m 3 . The discharge is horizontal. The discharge site varies in density from 1020 kg/m 3 at the surface to 1025 kg/m3 at the discharge depth of 30 m. A schematic of the computer-punch input cards for this problem follows. Fitill t 1 iti 1_,_,±.1_,â– _,J,L1 H.I 1 ; 1.•. ' , + --'11 I IM ,,,,, 1-.' 1,4-1t .." ...""rr...""" • A:. _ ____ __ ij 1 11 II I.N! QI IC)1 • 1 I I C•s: 111 ii ..laill,, NI 111111 1 Itti. r". • 4 ..._.. ,t-' ••• 4 ., ctsuaraturratwzwressw=a—macreva.sarsl-mressaesionaaarrsorarsadwansrenrantaraamaraccamcosx,raterneaneressaa.5.4.•gas_warvase.m.:0 usacsaurtex=amtamor fEPN 1TTG S L 1 R_______ DEPTH DIA s --=mrmactustscomegariarr.....nwqmicoomaseemericra....anscrwscserNzArnocc...nue RHOJ RFD I I I 1 1 1 I 1- METERS NPTS HANGLE' DEPTH. •RHOJ RFD Q FN PS - , .....r....„,........ 1 LI 0 1 G, % 1 1 i' ril ...! l I ."-."'"11—''. 1 I4.H....J.iI 2..1 0! I Units, 1=MKS, blank=:FPS Number of ambient density points to be specified, Port angle measured from the horizontal Depth of port 3 Density of effluent, gm/cm Blank Total volume rate of discharge Number of ports Print out interval • I' 1 u-",0 ' [,1 IL --,, I • I 1 'TT-Tr-71"""r-7.i 4 !i : I 4 7 4 .1 1I t 1 1...! 1 :. LI f f' ' ' • ''' L.L.1.11. 1 °8 1. -,..-z-,.....:.,x1= j I i_fi .smslarlikt---tme."=,..t.a.-7...:4 ..1,41S=1:1=i••••35••••â– 11011•01,11•31•7001...1.17.==.41 • -aZia.W.: • DP(r) - RHO(I) 0.0 1.0200 SAL ---..........1 Card 3 Card 1111111111111 mull i; t- a1 i 17-17, a. I :,. . i Li-- 0 • 1.....1 L4.....J I-N it11 ) 4 ...........4 7-s.----47 17-1177 ! 1 4.4 W 1..1 It) ..11,-=>Azi:13.:=716.,....5.7:=WYCZW=LIC...03:ste911===.- •` DP(I) - Depth measured from the surface Density (gm/cm 3 ), or temperature (°C) if Sal specified - If density not specified in . RHO(I) then salinity, o/oo. * SAL I --10 7.1--' IZI --• - • • -, â– â– • -- - - ! i I I 1 , 1 ! :=4' (-...'r TX.=2,1l5.A.,:4:-W.:=-7----,' a: Output The first part of the model output repeats the input and provides other computed initial conditions. The Froude number given is the square of the definition used here. The discharge velocity and characteristics of the zone of flow establishment are also given in this section. The next section of the output traces the plume and its characteristics along its trajectory. T is a time based on the centerline velocity. S is the distance along the centerline. X and Z are distances measured horizontally in the direction of the discharge and vertically from the water's surface to the center of the plume, respectively. Elevation is the vertical distance to the centerline of the plume from the level of the discharge. D is the diameter of the plume and DILN is the centerline dilution. The dilution and height of rise to the trapping level are also given. As mentioned, equation (31) is used to convert this to a flux averaged dilution. In this case, Sa = 1.77 Sm = 27.3. The example output and program listing follow. S3 PLUME VERSION 2.3 9/12/77 ********A BUOYANT PLUME IN A DENSITY STRATIFIED MEDIA******** PLUME TEST CASE CASE NO. 1 INITIAL CONDITIONS UNITS: MKS PORT ANGLE . • • OOOOOOO O • FROUDE NUMRER LENGTH FOR FLOW ESTABLISHMENT • . • INTEGRATION STEP LENGTH PRINTOUT INTERVAL X0 ZO • • • • • • • • • . • • • • DISCHARGE DENSITY PORT DEPTH FLOWRATE • • • OOOOO • OOOOO NUMBER OF PORTS • • • • • • • • • • DISCHARGE . VELOCITY PORT DIAMETER • • • • • • • • • DENSITY STRATIFICATION DEPTH RHO -67.7 1.40 .076 3.00 1.39 29.84 1.00000 30.00 1.00000E-01 1 2.04 2.50000E-01 30.00 T S X Z D ELEV THETA 2.35 4.29 4.06 28.85 1.32 1.15 36.2 6.43 7.25 5.99 26.62 2.23 3.38 59.1 11.51 17.64 10.22 13.18 7.27 8.30 9.41 .23.95 21.17 18.42 3.15 4.06 25.61 16.14 4.97 33.91 18.12 10.74 --17.07 5.58 LAST LINE ABOVE IS FOR MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF RISE. TRAPPING LEVEL IS 21.5 WITH DILUTION OF HEIGHT OF RISE= 28.3 PERCENT OF DEPTH 6.05 8.83 11.58 12.93 68.1 70.3 63.1 DILN 3.3354 7.0703 11.6926 00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 110 .00007 PROGRAM PLUME COMMON G9FK9FM9COSTH.SINTH9COSTHE,DS9C19C29E139FLAG9GRAV DIMENSION ZD(50),DG(50),RHO(50),DP(50),CMT(S) INTEGER NDC9TRAPPD9FLAG9CHGDEN9METERS WRITE(69110) FORMAT("053 PLUME VERSION 2.3 9/12/77") NOCASE=0 00008 CUE:WT=1./3. 00009 TWOTHD=2./3. 00010 20 READ(5,222)(CMT(I),I=1,5) 00011 222 FORMAT(5A8) 00012 IF(EOF(5)) CALL EXIT 00013 READ(5,73) NDC9METERS,NPTS,ANGLE•DIA9DEPTH,RHOJ9RFD909FN9PS 00014 IF(EOF(5)) GOTO 74 00015 73 FORMAT(211913,F5.0.7F10.0) 00016 FD=A8S(RFD) 00017 DO 102 I=1,NPTS 00018 READ(5.75) DP(1)9RHO(I),SAL 00019 IF(EOF(5)) GOTO 999 00020 IF(SAL.E0.0.) GOTO 102 00021 RHO(I)=1.+.001*SIGMAT(SAL9RHO(I)) 00022 102 CONTINUE .00023 CALL ASORT(DP,RHO,SAL,NPTS) 00024 999 IF(NPTS.NE.1) G0T0.76 00025 NPTS=2 00026 DP(2)=DEPTH 00027 RHO(2)=RHO(1) 00028 76 NOCASE=NOCASE+1 00029 75 FORMAT(8F10.0) 00030 GRAV=32.172 00031 IF(METERS) GRAV=9.80665 00032 DO 55 I=1,NPTS 00033 IF(DP(I).GE.DEPTH) GOTO 56 00034 55 CONTINUE 00035 WRITE(6959) NOCASE 00036 59 FORMAT( "-NO DENSITY INFORMATION FOR JET LEVEL. EXECUTION FOR", 00037 0 " CASE NO."9129" DELETED.") 00038 GOTO 20 00039 56 NP=I 00040 NM=I-1 00041 RHO8=(DEPTH-.DP(NM))*(RHO(NP)-RHO(NM))/(DP(NP).-DP(NM))+RHO(NM) 00042 DISP=RHOJRHO8 00043 DO 54 I=1,NM 00044 J=NP-I 00045 ZD(I)=(DEPTH-DP(J))/DIA 00046 54 DG(I)=(RHO(J+1)•RHO(J))*DIA/(DISP*(DP(J+1)-DP(J))) 00047 IF(NDC) GOTO 58 00048 U0=0/(FN*.7853982*DIA*DIA) 00049 RFD=UO*U0*RHOJ/(DISP*DIA*GRAV) 00050 FD=ABS(RFD) 00051 58 IF(FO.LE.4.01.0R.FD.GE.9.99) GOTO 61 , 00052 S=.113*FD+4. 00053 GOTO 62 ---m--'00054 61 IF(FD.LE.4.01) S=2.8*FD**CU8RT 00055 IF(FD.GT.10.) S=5.6*FD/SORT(FO*F04.18.) 00056 62 TEMP=ATAN(1.416667*S/FD) 00057 TMETAO=.0111*ANGLE*(1.5708-TEMP)+TEMP 00058 COSTHE=COS(THETA0) 00059 SINTHE=SIN(THETA0) 00060 OSI=DEPTH/(177.*DIA) 00061 IF(DG(1).E0.0.) GOTO 77 00062 DGTEMP=.01/DG(1) 00063 IF(DGTEMP.LE.0.) DGTEMP=-DGTEMP 00064 00665 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00T79 00080 ,00081 00082 00083 00084 0 0 085 00086 00087 00088 - 00089 00090 `00091 00092 00093 00094 00095 00096 00097 00098 00099 00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105 00106 '00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00112 00113 00114 00115 00116 m•—••••••••••‘,-,* 00117 00118 00119 00120 00121 00122 00123 -00124 00125 00126 00127 00128 00129 DSI=.12*1.6**(ALOG10 NPO=IFIX(PS/(051*DIA N=0 Z=S*SINTHE X=S*COSTHE E=(4./S)**3 R=.25 C1=E**TWOTHD C2=.75/RFD IPTS=1 G=DG(IPTS) ZLIM=ZD(IPTS) CHGDEN=0 FLAG=0 TRAPPD=0 XP=X*DIA ZP=DEPTHZ*DIA OSIP=DSI*DIA SP=S*DIA C ************************************ T=2.*SP/(U0*(1.+336.67*(S*S))) C ************************************************* C C WRITE INITIAL CONDITIONS C WRITE(6,23) (CMT(I),I=1.5),NOCASE FORMAT("0********A BUOYANT PLUME IN A DENSITY STRATIFIED 23 *IIMEDIA********"/"0".5A8/ *"-+CASE NO. ",12," INITIAL CONDITIONS ....") IF (NDC) WRITE(6.104) UNITS: NON DIMENSIONAL") FORMAT("0 104 IF(.NOT.NOC.AND.METERS) WRITE(6,105) UNITS: MKS") FORMAT("O 105 IF(.NOT.NDC.AND..NOT.METERS) WRITE(6.106) UNITS:FPS") FORMAT("O 106 WRITE(6,108)ANGLE.RFD,SP.DSIP.PS.XP,ZP,RHOJ,DERTH FORMAT( 108 • ..F7.1/ PORT ANGLE *40H ..F7.1/ ... • . FROUDE NUMBER . *40H0 .14'8.2/ LENGTH FOR FLOW ESTABLISHMENT • *40H . • . .,F9.3/ INTEGRATION STEP LENGTH *40H .,F8.2/ PRINTOUT INTERVAL ...... *40H ......... ,F8.2/ XO • . • • • . • *40H ZO • • • • • • .......... • tF8•2/ *40H ,F11.5/ DISCHARGE DENSITY *40H *40H PORT DEPTH ....... • ..F8.2) IF(.NOT.NDC) WRITE(6.60)O.FN.UO,DIA FORMAT( FLOWRATE • . • • *40H NUMBER OF PORTS • *40H . • • DISCHARGE VELOCITY *40H *40H PORT DIAMETER . .... • WRITE(6.24) ((0P(1),RHO(I)).1=1.NPTS) RHO"// FORMAT("-.. DENSITY STRATIFICATION DEPTH *10(24X.F6.2,F11.5/)) 77 DS=DSI WRITE(6.109) C *** ....... *************************************** FORMAT(1H-...6Xe"T",9X."5".9X,"X".9X."Z".9X."0".7X0ELEV". 109 *6X."THETA",4X,"DILN") C *** ...... ***** ********** * ***** ******************* GOTO 16 DS=DSI 45 DELX=COSTH*DS 00130 DELZ=SINTH*DS 00131 00132 DELE=FK DELT=FM 00133 SPOS2=S+DS*.5 00134 00135 DO 10 1=1.2 CALL SDERIV(SPDS2.E•.5*FK9R+.5*FM) 00136 DELX=DELX+2.*COSTH*DS - 00137 DELZ=DELZ+2.*SINTH*DS 00138 DELE=DELE+2.*FK 00139 00140 DELT=DELT+2.*FM CONTINUE 00141 10 CALL SDERIV(S+DS,E+FK.R.FM) 00142 00143 ZLAST=Z ZINCR=(DELZ+SINTH*DS)/6. 00144 Z=Z+Z1NCR 00145 IF(CHGDEN) GOTO 41 00146 IF(Z.GT.ZLIM) GOTO 40 00147 X=X+(DELX+COSTH*DS)/6. 00148 43 ***************************** 00149 C 00150 EOLD=E ***************************** 00151 C E=E*(DELE•FK)/6. 00152 R=R+(OELT+FM)/6. 00153 ************************************************* 00154 C DT=.218*DIA*DS/(U0*(EOLD**(1./3.),S+E**(1./3.)/(S+05))) 00155 T=T•DT 00156 ************************************************* 00157 C S=S+DS 00158 IF(E.LE.0.) FLAG=1 00159 C 00160 C THIS STOPPING CRITERIA IS BASED ON VELOCITY GOING TO ZERO 00161 00162 C IF(FLAG) GOTO 13 00163 CALL SDERIV(S,E,R) 00164 16 IF(TRAPPD) GOTO 14 00165 IF(R.GT.0.) GOTO 15 00166 RAT=R/(R0.4i) 00167 E13TRP=E13+(E13—•E130) 00168 ZTRAP=DEPTH(Z+ZINCR*RAT)*DIA 00169 SMTRAP=.245*(5.05*RAT)*E13TRP 00170 TRAPPD=1 00171 00172 GOTO 14 RO=R 15 00173 00174 E130=E13 00175 14 N=N+1 00176 IF(N — (N/NP0)*NPO.NE.0) GOTO 11 XP=X*DIA 00177 13 ELEV=Z*DIA 00178 ZP=DEPTH—ELEV 00179 SP=S*DIA 00180 ************************************************* 00181 fl=.308*SP 00182 **** ***** **************************************** 00183 DILN=.245*S*E13 00184 THETA=ACOSF(COSTH)*57.2958 00185 IF(.NOT.TRAPPD) GOTO 72 00186 **** ***** **** ***** ******************************* 00187 WRITE(6,101) T,SP.XP.ZP.B.ELEV,THETA 00188 ****** ******* ************041#4******43,041**41.0******* 00189 GOTO 71 00190 C ************* ***** ********************** ***** **** 00191 WRITE(6.101) I.SPIoXP.ZP98.ELEVeTHETA,PDILN -00192 72 FORMAT(6110.2.F10.1.F10.4) 00193 101 00194 'C *4741p*******0********OAM.** ****** ******* e******* 71 IF(.NOT.FLAG) GOTO 11 00195 -00196 POEPTH=100.-(ZTRAP/DEPTH*100.) 00197 WRITE(6.65) 00198 65 FORMAT("-LAST LINE ABOVE IS FOR MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF RISE.") 00199 67 FORMAT("ATRAPPING LEVEL IS",F10.1. 00200 * " WITH DILUTION OF"lF10.4) 00201 IF(TRAPPD) WRITE(6,67) ZTRAP,SMTRAP 00202 IF(.NOT.TRAPPD) WRITE(6,68) 00203 IF(TRAPPD)WRITE(6.69) PDEPTH 00204 69 FORMAT(" HEIGHT OF RISE=".F5.1," PERCENT OF DEPTH") 00205 68 FORMAT("ATRAPPING LEVEL NOT REACHED") 00206 GOTO 20 00207 C 00208 C FIND NEXT STRATIFICATION AND RECOMPUTE LAST STEP IF 00209 C NECESSARY 00210 C 00211 40 DS=DS*(ZLIM-ZLAST)/(Z-ZLAST) 00212 CALL SDERIV(S,E,R) 00213 CHGDEN=1 00214 Z=ZLAST 00215 GOTO 45 00216 41 CHGDEN=0 00217 IPTS=IPTS•1 00218 IF(IPTS.GT.NM) GOT() 42 00219 G=DG(IPTS) 00220 ZtIM=ZD(IPTS) 00221 GOTO 43 00222 42 WRITE(6,44) 00223 44 FORMAT("OPLUME HITS SURFACE"/ 00224 *" HEIGHT OF RISE=100.0 PERCENT OF DEPTH") 00225 FLAG=1 00226 GOTO 43 00227 74 CALL EXIT 00228 END 00229 SUBROUTINE SDERIV(S,E,R) 00230 COMMON G.FK,FM,COSTH.SINTH.COSTHE.DS.C14,C2.E13,FLAG.GRAV 00231 INTEGER FLAG 00232 F13=0. 00233 IF(E.LE.0.) GOTO 3 00234 E13=E**(1./3.) 00235 COSTH=COSTHE*C1/(E13*E13) 00236 IF(COSTH.LT.1.) GOTO 1 00237 C 00238 C THIS STOPPING CRITERIA IS 00239 C AGAIN 00240 C 00241 FLAG=1 00242 SINTH=0. 00243 COSTH=1. 00244 GOTO 3 00245 SINTH=SORT(1.-COSTH*COSTH) 00246 3 FK=C2*S*R*SINTH*DS 00247 FM=.109*S*EI3*G*DS 00248 RETURN 00249 END 00250 FUNCTION SIGMAT(SAL,T) 00251 SIG0=(((6.8E-6*SAL)-4.82E-4)*SAL•.8149)*SAL....093 00252 8=1.E6*T*((.01667*T:.8164)*T*18.03) 06253 A=.001*T*((.0010843*T-.09818)*T.4.7867) 00254 SUMT=(T-3.98)*(7-3.98)*(T•283.)/(503.57*(T+67.26)) 00255 5IGMAT=(SIG04..13241*(1.-A.B*ISIGO-.1324))-SUMT 00256 RETURN 00257 END 00258 -SUBROUTINE ASORT(OP.RHO,SAL.NPTS)-00259 DIMENSION DP(1).RHO(1),SAL(1) 00260 NESTEO=NPTS 00261 L=NESTED-1 00262 00263 00264 00265 00266 00267 00268 00269 00270 00271 00272 00273 00274 00275 10 00276 00277 00 10 M=1,1_ NESTED=NESTED-1 DO 10 I=1,NESTE0 IF(DP(I).LE.DP(I.1)) GOTO 10 DUMMY = OP(I) DP(I)=DP(I•1) DP(I•1)=DUMMY DUMMY=RHO(I) RHO(I)=RHO(I•1) RHO(I•1)=DUMMY DUMMY=SAL(I) SAL(I)=SAL(I.1) SAL(I+1)=DUMMY CONTINUE RETURN END In the computer program, the entrained mass (DM) is added to the element's mass (PM) to become the new mass (SUM). The new temperature and salinity of the element are the averages of the old values and the entrained ambient values (TA and SA) weighted by their relative masses. The new density (DEN), and thus buoyancy, creates a vertical acceleration on the plume segment. Since the element is considered to be one of a train, each following the preceding element, drag is assumed to be negligible and the vertical velocity is incremented (by DV). The horizontal velocity is found by conservation of horizontal momentum with the current-induced entrainment (EINS) having the velocity of the current. The segment length (H) is changed in proportion to the total velocity (VEL) to conserve mass and pollutant. The radius (B) is changed to correspond to the new mass and density. Dilution (DIL) is calculated by comparing the initial volume to that of the element. The program terminates execution when the vertical velocity reaches zero, the surface is reached, or length scales or execution step limits are reached. EXAMPLE INPUT, OUTPUT, AND MODEL LISTING Input Consider, for example, a horizontal, single port discharge into a flowing, stratified ambient. The maximum discharge velocity is 2.0 misec. The discharge port radius is 0.125 m. The temperature and salinity of the waste are 15.0°C and 1.09 °/oo, respectively. The ambient at the surface is 15.0°C and 27.2 °/oo. At 30 m, the level of the discharge, the ambient is 15.0°C and 33.71 0/m. Currents are assumed to be 0.10 m/sec. The input punch cards for this case follow. 1171.4e=CM74.101.1. Wfr...71=4,1,1171=i==== . IletteEMILittbtlleanC61. . ,. , - - .... , viesaan.acacal. B )1 UW / 0.0 0.10 15.00 1.09 .125 1.0 F10.3 F10.3 F10.3 F10.3 F10.3 F10.3 I 1 ' 1-11-7-1--7-1-1-1171,7-77-7 mil L,_11_L_L.__L. ii ^-1 V .UWT S H E A - ,G _--- 1.1.A..1 L. ! 1 I 1‘,.. sz,......,..,, sut-W-.",-*-' .....-Zrzams.c. F10.3 F10.3...............-..............t r"...777.7717"' . L.....L. / 1 i .1.: 10) f 1 . I1.. - armacl-,..a. ak.Lcsal.-1 -,- ez...=o=r.--:.....=t-r..xu,..uzw=:rr==-y.d ' 1 . , 1e- i • ,- i-r',-...essar-w., .125 0.10 ..1.,‘,.., 1.C.*.,,. Vertical velocity of the plume, m/sec. Current speed, m/sec. Temperature of the plume, °C. Salinity of the plume, o/oo. Thickness of the plume element (=8), m. Impingement entrainment coefficient (recommended = 1.0) Aspiration entrainment coefficient (recommended = 0.1) Plume radious, in. Orea:Cv-Ictrastal:Z=msztax="...con se,-xemar=tcusrcsaasesccs, 1- L.': ; ,... , SECTION 5 "OUTPLM" MODEL THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT AND MODEL DESCRIPTION The computer model OUTPLM (18, 23) considers a plume element or puff. By following this element, the characteristics of the entire plume are described. The original model has been adapted for ocean discharges. Density, velocity, temperature, and salinity are assumed to be average properties of the element. The quantities of mass, momentum, and energy are conserved. Two explicit functions for entrainment are used. An equation of state is used to calculate the density of the ambient and the plume element at each time step. Initially, the plume segment has a horizontal velocity component (computer variable U) and a vertical component (V). It has temperature (T) and salinity (S) and is injected into a uniformly flowing (UW) ambient. The segment has a radius (B) and thickness (H) and is tracked in two dimensions, depth (Z) and horizontal distance (X). Entrainment brings ambient mass (plus momentum, temperature, and salinity) into the plume element. Entrainment is assumed to consist of two mechanisms. One mechanism (EINS) is due to the impingement of current on the plume. That mass which crosses the exposed area of the plume element projected by currents is entrained. The other mechanism (ZWEI) is aspiration entrainment which captures 0.1 times the product of the external area of the plume element and its shear velocity. The assumption that the total entrainment is the larger of these two mechanisms gives good agreement with data. Zone of Established Flow The following assumptions are made: a) flow is steady and incompressible, b) the plume is fully turbulent, c) turbulent diffusion is significant only in the radial direction, d) pressure is hydrostatic throughout, e) plume flow is axisymmetric. It is also assumed that the distributions of velocity and concentration are Gaussian across the plume, so that: V/V C/C • m m = exp (-k (r/s) ) 2 = exp (-kp(r/s) ) (18) where V and C are the velocity and concentration, respectively, at some radial distance, r, and the subscript m refers to the centerline. The distance along the plume's trajectory is s, and k and p are the empirical coefficients. The integrated governing equations are: conservation of mass, d/ds fc° V r dr = -r u 0 (19) conservation of momentum, d/ds fc° V 2 r dr = sine f (p . - p)g r/p d dr 0 0 (20) conservation of density disparity, d/ds f V A r dr = fc° V r dr • dpolds (Po-Pd) conservation of pollutants, d/ds fVCrd 0 Substituting in the velocity profiles (17) and (18), and simplifying yields: (21) Output Model output and program listing follow. The line above the header echoes the first two input cards. Ambient stratification is then given with input depth, salinity, temperature, and computed sigma-t densities (density, kg/m 3 , -- 1000). Other discharge conditions are given. K is a velocity ratio, = U/UW. Q is the volume rate of discharge. The first data line in the listing are the initial conditions. The horizontal distance inthe direction of the jet discharge is the X dimension. Z is depth measured from the water's surface. B is the radius, THICK is the plume element thickness along the centerline. MASS is the mass of the plume element being considered. EINS and ZWEI are the previously mentioned entrainments. DENDIF is the plume's density difference with the ambient. DILUTION is an average volumetric dilution, the inverse of CONC. TEMPDIF is the temperature difference between the plume element and the ambient at that level. .,.__. â– •â– 5441. _. ,, • U XSCALE YSCAL: NPTS FTERB 2.0 500 501 2 1000 5 E10.3 F5.0 F5,1 15 15 15 1111111 EI TR ___-....._ _ _ .,.....1.L., 1...1_5_, _LL.,..__LLIIIN ... 1.1._ 1;.[...,__,.. j I I( I 1 11 .- 1111 1_,...,., II F.,•,. ....=if_i , . it3 - 17_11_ U Horizontal Velocity of the plume. .XSCALE Number of diameters in the X direction at which run will be cut-off. YSCALE - Number of diameters in the Z direction at which run will be cut-off. NPTS - Number of points at which ambient is specified. ITERB -',Number of steps allowed. IR -'j Interval of printout. 1_ _ DP(I) SA(I) TA(I) 0.0 27.20 15.00 Card. - 30.0 33.71 15.00 Card 4 F10.3 F10.3 F10.3 all 11110111.11 Killi .2 II i .--1.7"-,J,.t. . k__ DP(I) Depth where ambient is specified, m. SA(I) - Salinity, o/o0. TA(I) - Temperature, °C. _ _ _ ___ .___ __ _ i 3 ••â– â– â– ••â– â– â– ••.............clow.....g1 1111111 .. al ,.. g 1 1 IZI , Ur I TirT1 J I ,-'4 .100 15.000 1.090 .125 1.000 .100 .125 2.000 500 500 2 1000 25 4.00 OUTFALL BUOYANT (JET) PLUME IN FLOWING, STRATIFIED AMBIENT 0S3 VERSION 2.2 5-31-78 AMBIENT STRATIFICATION- DEPTH,M SALIN TEMP,C SIGMAT 0 27.20 15.00 20.01 30.00 33.71 15.00 25.00 00 9.82E-02 1.00E-01 X OE 00 4.43E-03 1.22E-01 2.68E-01 4.45E-01 6.58E-01 9.16E-01 1.23F 00 1.60E 00 ?.04E 00 '2.56E 00 3.I3E 00 9.78E 1.05E I.13E 1.20E 1.28E I.37E I.48E 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 3.0nE 3.00E 3.00F 3.0oF 3.00E 3.00F 3.00F 2.99F 2.99F 2.97F 2.96F 2.93F 2.1IF 2.02F 1.94F 1.88E 1.83F 1.80E 1.7AF (LINE . 1) AND MODEL OUTPUT Z : B THICK , MASS EINS 01 1.25E-01 1.25E-01 6.14E 00 OE 00 01 1.25E-01 1.24E-01 6.18E 00 OE 00 01 1.48E-01 1.05E-01 7.30E 00 3.08E-03 01 1.75E-01 8.85E-02 8.68E 00 4.50E-03 01 2.08E-01 7.46E-02 1.03E 01 . 6.66E-03 01 2.47E-01 6.29E-02 1.23E 01 1.00E-02 01 2.93E-01 5.31E-02 1.46E 01 1.53E-02 01 3.46E-01 4.51E-02 1.74E 01 2.39E-02 01 4.08E-01 3.86E-02 2.06E 01 3.76E-02 01 4.77E-01 3.35E-02 2.45E 01 5.90E-02 01 5.53E-01 2.97E-02 2.92E 01 9.05E-02 01 6.32E-01 2.71E-02 3.47E 01 1.34E-01 01 7.12E-01 2.53E-02 4.13E 01 1.88E-01 01 7.95E-01 2.42E-02 4.91E 01 2.55E-01 01 8.83E-01 2.33E-02 5.84E 01 3.35E-01 01 9.79E-01 2.25E-02 6.94E 01 4.31E-01 01 1.09E 00 2.17E-02 8.26E 01 5.51E-01 01 1.21E 00 2.08E-02 9.82E 01 6.78E-01 01 1.36E 00 1.96E-02 1.17E 02 8.06E-01 01 1.54E 00 1.81E-02 1.391 02 9.59E-01 01 1.76E 00 1.65E-02 1.65E 02 1.14E 00 01 2.03E 00 1.48E-02 1.96E 02 1.36E 00 01 2.36E 00 1.30E-02 2.331 02 1.61E 00 01 2.76E 00 1.13E-02 2.781 02 1.92E 00 01 3.231 00 9.77E-03 3.30E 02 2.281 00 01 3.77E 00 8.57E-03 3.93E 02. 2.71E On 01 4.34E 00 7.69E-03 4.67E 02 3.23E 00 01 4.71E 00 7.29E-03 5.25E 02 3.63E 00 ZWEI 1.91E 01 1.91E 01 4.97E-02 5.91E-02 7.03E-02 8.36E-02 9.94E-02 1.18E-01 1.41E-01 1.67E-01 1.99E-01 2.38E-01 2.83E-01 3.37E-01 4.01E-01 4.77E-01 5.67E01 6.46E-01 6.93E-01 7.24E-01 7.31E-01 6.98E-01 6.18E-01 4.94E-01 3.60E-01 2.58E-01 2.13E-01 4.67E-01 DILUTION DENDIFF 1.00E 00 2.50E 01 1.01E 00 2.48E 01 1.18E 00 2.10E 01 1.40E 00 1.77E 01 1.66E 00 1.48E 01 1.98E 00 1.25E 01 2.34E 00 1.05E 01 2.78E 00 8.83E 00 3.31E 00 7.42E 00 3.93E 00 6.22E 00 4.66E 00 5.21E 00 5.54E 00 4.34E 00 6.59E 00 3.59E 00 7.83E 00 2.94E 00 9.31E 00 2.38E 00 1.11E 01 1.88E 00 1.32E 01 1.45E 00 1.56E 01 1.08E 00 1.86E 01 7.51E-01 2.21E 01 4.74E-01 2.63E 01 2.42E-01 34131 015.16E-02 3.72E 01-9.62E-02 4.42E 01-2.00E-01 5.26E 01-2.63E-01 6.251 01-2.91E-01 7.44E 01-2.98E-01 7.44E 01-2.92E-01 HOR VEL VER VEL TOT VEL TEmPDIF 2.00E 00 OE 00 2.00E 00 OE 00 1.99E 00 5.43E-04 1.99E 00-2.33E-10 1.68E 00 1.37E-02 I.68E 00 2.33E-10 1.42E 00 2.80E-02 I.42E 00 OE 00 1.19E 00 4.33E-02 1.19E 00 1.40E-09 1.00E 006.02E-02 1.0IE 00 1.16E-09 8.46E-01 7.92E-02 8.50E-01 4.66E-10 7.15E-01 1.01E-01 7.22E-01 6.98E-10 6.05E-01 1.26E-01 6.18E-01 6.98E-10 5.13E-01 1.54E-01 5.36E-01 9.31E-10 4.38E-01 1.84E-01 4.75E-01 4.66E-10 3.76E-01 2.14E-01 4.33E-01 4.66E-10 3.26E-01 2.40E-01 4.05E-01 9.31E-10 2.86E-01 2.61E-01 3.87E-01 9.31E-10 2.53E-01 2.74E-01 3.73E-01 1.40E-09 2.26E-01 2.80E-01 3,60E-01 4.66E-10 2.05E-01 2.80E-01 3.47E-01 6.98E-10 1.88E-01 2.74E-01 3.32E-01 6.98E-10 1.74E-01 2.60E-01 3.13E-01 6.98E-10 1.63E-01 2.41E-01 2.90E-01 1.16E-09 1.53E-01 2.16E-01 2.64E-01 9.31E-10 1.44E-01 1.88E-01 2.37E-01 2.33E-10 1.37E-01 1.56E-01 2.08E-01'2.33E710 1.31E-01 1.24E-01 1.80E-01-6.98E-10 1.26E-01 9.20E-02 1.56E-01-1.40E-09 1.22E-01-.1.24E-02 1.37E-01 4.66E-10 1.19E-01 3.28E-02 1.23E-01 9.31E-10 1.17E-01-2.50E-03 1.17E-01 OE 00 uuout 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 00011 00012 0C413 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 PRObHAM OUIPLa DIMENSION oP(30),s4(30),TA(30).DENp(30) DATA (G=9.8).(TWO=2•),(PI=3•1416),(ZERU=0.) INTEGER NPTS •••' 5 FORMAT(/,9F10.3,2F5.0,315/" 2/" OUTFALL BUOYANT (JET) PLUME IN FLOWING, STRATIFIED AMBIENT"/ - '• 3/" 0S3 VERSION 2.2 5-31-78"/ 1/" AMBIENT STRATIFICATION- DEPTH,M SALIN TEMP,C SIGMAT"//) 6 FORMAT(8F10.3,/:,1F10.3,2F5.0,315) 9 FORMAT(3F10.3) 14 FORMAT (26X,4F6.2/) READ (10,6) V,UW,T,S,H,E,A,B,U,XSCALE,ZSCALE,NPTS,ITERB,IR WRITE(11,5) V.UW,T,S,H.E.A,B,U,XSCALE,ZSCALE,NPTS,ITER8,IR • DO 8 I=1,NPTS READ (10.9) DP(I),SA(I),TA(I) DENP(I)=SIGMAT(SA(I).TA(I)) 8 CONTINUE WRITE (11,14) ((oP(I)s54(I),TA(1),DENP(I)),I=1,NPTs) nr=i• =ZERO X=DD=B5AVE=ZWEI=DH=DP 7=0P(NPTS) nEL=T-TA(NPTS) AK=9999. DTL=1. RA=B 80=B*TWO VI=VEL=SORT(NON+U*U) DFNA=1000.+SIGMAT(SA(NPTS).TA(NPTS)) DEN=1000•4.5IGMAT(S,T) RHO=DEN DENDIFF=DENA-DEN PM=PM0=PI*B*8*H*DEN 0=PM/DEN*VEL/H TF(UW.NE.ZERO) AK=VEL/UW FR=VEL/SORT(DENDIFF/DEN*TW0*B4G) lo, 7 FORMAT(/" CURRENT"/1X4E9.2// 0 K FROUDE 1" "/" X MODEL INPUT (LINE 1) AND MODEL OUTPUT 2" ZWEI DILUTION OENDIFF EINS MASS THICK 8 3 Z 4 HOR VEL VER VEL TOT VEL TEMPDIF") WRITE(11,7) AKtFR,O,UW UO=U RATIOX=RATIOZ=1. DO 99 J= 1,ITER8 no 88 I=1.NPTS IF (DP(I).GE.Z) GO CONTINUE 10 FORMAT("NO DENSITY WRITE(11.10) GO TO 999 888 LL=I -,-.LU=I-1 TT=TA(LL)+(DP(LL)-Z)*(TA(LU)-TA(LL))/(DP(LL)-0P(LU)) SS=SA(LL)-(DP(LL)-Z)*(SA(LL)-SA(LU))/(DP(LL)-DP(LU)) DENA=1000•+SIGMAT(SS.TT) FTN5=E*OENA*UW*DT*B*H*(TWO*V/VEL+PI/D0*(U*08/VEL+B/TWO*(U/VEL 1-UO/V1))) ...L.ZWEI=TWO*PI*DENA*H*B*ABS(VEL-UW*U/VEL)*A*DT nM=EINS TF(ZWEI.GT.EINS) DM=ZWEI GAMMA=DM/.0069555/PM nT=DT/GAMMA FINS=EINS/GAMMA 00064 00065 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 00084 00085 00086 00087 00088 00089 00090 00091 00092 00093 00094 00095 00096 00091 00098 00099 00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105 00106 00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00112 00113 00114 00115 OM=DM/GAMMA 13 FORMAT (1)(914E9.2) TF(J.E0.1)WRITE(11.13)X,Z,R,H,PM.EINS.ZWEI 1.0ILIDENDIEFoUfV,VEL,DEL SUM=PM+DM UO=U U=(PM*U+EINS*UW)/SUM T=(PM*T+DM*TT)/SUM s=(PM*S+DM*SS)/SUM OFL=T–TT OFN=1000.•SIGMAT(S,T) DENDIFF=DENA–DEN V=PM*V/SUM+OENDIFF*G/DEN*DT V1=VEL PM=SUM VFL=SORT(U*U•V*V) OZ=V*DT DX=U*DT IF(DZ.LE.ZERO)G0 TO 999 00=VEL*07 RSAVE=B R=SORT(PM/(DEN*PI*H)) OR=(B-8SAVE) H=VEL/VI*H X=X+OX Z=Z–OZ TF(Z.LE.0.)GO TO 999 IF (J.E0.1)G0 TO 98 IF (J/IR – (J-1)/1R.NE.1)G0 TO 99 IF (RATIOZ.GT.ZSCALE.OP.RATIOX.GT.XSCALE)G0 TO 999 OiL=(RHO*PM)/(PM0*DEN) 98 RATIOX=X/80 PATIOZ=Z/80 OIL=(RHO*PM)/(PMO*DEN) WPITE(11,13)X,Z,B,H,PM,EINS,ZWEI,DIL,DENDIFF I.U4V9VEL,DEL 99 CONTINUE 999 CONTINUE wRITE(11+13)X,Z,H,H,PM.EINS,ZWEI+DIL,DENDIFF 1,U,V+VEL,DEL 15 FORMAT(/"NUMBER OF STEPS="I5/) wRITE(11.15)J CALL EXIT END FUNCTION SIGMAT(SAL,T) SIG0=(((6.8E-6*SAL)-4.82E-4)*SAL+.8149)*SAL–.093 C=1.E-6*7*((.01667*T–.8164)*T+18.03) 0=.001*T*((.0010843*T–.09818)*T+4.7867) SUMT=(T-3.98)*(T-3.98)*(7+-283.)/(503.57*(T+67.26)) SIGMAT=(SIG0+.1324)*(1.–D+C*(5IGO–.1324))–SUMT RFTURN END SECTION 6 "DKHPLM MODEL THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT The computer model DKHPLM (7, 21, 24) is an approach to the problem of merging plumes which considers the detailed dynamics of the process instead of simplifying the problem to a idealized slot plume or to a combination of plume and slot plume. DKHPLM considers three zones of plume behavior; zones of flow establishment, established flow, and merging. The first two zones are based on the analyses of Hirst (25, 26) for a plume in a stratified, flowing environment. In the zone of merging, neighboring plumes are superimposed. This allows a smooth transition as single plumes begin to compete for dilution water then gradually merge with their neighbors. Equations for the conservation of mass, pollutant, energy, and momentum are developed for all three zones. Entrainment is an explicit function dependent on the local Froude number, plume spacing, excess velocity, and ambient velocity. Similar lateral profiles, a 3/2 power approximation of a Gaussian, are assumed, for velocity, concentration, and temperature. These profiles are superimposed in the merging zone. A complete theoretical development of this model is beyond the scope of this paper but can be found in (21, 24, 25, and 26). The following is a brief summary. Zone of Flow Establishment All quantities are assumed uniformly distributed in the plume at the point .of discharge. In the zone of flow establishment, these uniform profiles change to similar profiles as the boundary layer diffuses inward to the centerline of the jet. The rate at which the profiles of velocity, concentration and temperature develop may vary. The integrated forms of the governing equations are: conservation of mass, d/ds fe° V r dr = -lim r 00 ((r v) = 0 (32) conservation of energy, d/ds V (T-T, ) r dr = - d T./ds f V r dr - lim r - r v"T") (33) - 00 ((r v' C') (34) conservation of pollutant, d/ds fc° V (C-C. ) r dr = -d Colds fw V r dr - lim conservation of momentum in the s equation, d/ds fw V2 r dr = U E sine l cos0 2 + fw g (p. - p)/p d ) r dr sin02 - lim r + (r u' v') (35) where 0 1 is the horizontal angle between the centerline and the x axis and 02 is the angle between the centerline and the horizontal. Two additional integral equations have been developed from equation (35) to describe momentum in two additional plume coordinants. These "natural" coordinants of the plume, described in (25), are converted to conventional three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates for model output. Implicit in the derivation of these equations are the assumptions that: a) flow is steady in the mean, b) flow is fully turbulent, c) fluid is incompressible and density variations are included only in the buoyancy terms, d) all other fluid properties are constant, e) no frictional heating, f) pressure variations are purely hydrostatic, changes in density are small enough to be approximated by a linear equation of state, h) flow within the jet is axisymmetric, i) flow within the jet can be approximated as boundary layer flow, j) the ambient is infinite in extent. Several of the assumptions are compensated for in the solution. The zone of flow establishment uses a special entrainment function (see equation (128) of (24)) which is a function of local Froude number, velocities, port diameter, spacing, and thickness of the developed flow region. Zone of Established Flow The equations of mass, energy, pollutant, and momentum (equations 32 35), and the additional momentum equations mentioned above are also solved in the zone of established flow, but are cast into a slightly different form. The governing equations are written in a cylindrical coordinant system where 0 is the circumferential angle around the plume and cross section and the independent variables are r and s. These are evaluated using the assumed 3/2 power approximation to Gaussian lateral profiles. The angle 0 is the angle between the centerline projected to the xy plane and the x axis, 0 2 is the angle between the centerline and the xy plane. These angles relate the two coordinate systems. Another entrainment function is used in the zone of established flow which is a function of the local Froude number, velocities, plume diameter, and spacing. Zone of Merging When adjacent plumes begin to overlap, the discharge is no longer considered axisymmetric. The distributions of plume properties are superimposed. Another entrainment function is used which also considers the variable entrainment surface during merging. A drag term is also introduced to account for the additional bending of the plumes after merging. MODEL DESCRIPTION An equation of state for sea water has been added to the original program (subroutine SIGMAT) replacing the linear equation of state. In the zone of flow establishment, the system of six governing equations are solved simultaneously (subroutine SIMQ) and stepped forward in space by a Hamming's modified predictor-corrector method (subroutine HPCG). This procedure continues until velocity, temperature and concentration become fully developed. Subroutine OUTP1 contains the results which are stored as initial conditions for the zone of established flow. In the zone of established flow, similar profiles and the integral method allow solution of the six governing equations for the six unknowns initially by Runge-Kutta integral approximation and then by the Hamming's modified predictor-corrector method. At the point where the plumes overlap, the assumed similarity no longer applies. The merging plumes have axes of symmetry along the discharge line and normal to it. Only one quadrant of a plume, taken to a midpoint of the overlap area, is evaluated. The profiles are superimposed in this region using integral similarity coefficients. Above the point where the plume and the ambient have equal density, results are obtained by extrapolation. The program itself contains many comments and explanations which serve as EXAMPLE INPUT, OUTPUT, AND MODEL LISTING Input As an example case, consider a diffuser 1250 m long with discharges 12.5 m3 /sec. The ports are 0.178 m in diameter, oriented vertically, and space 5 m apart. The ambient currents are assumed to be 0.05 m/sec and normal to the discharge line. (Note that the angle of currents to the diffuser should be within about 20° of normal.) The velocity through the discharge ports is 2.0 m/sec. The effluent is 15.01°C and 1.09 0/00. (Note that the effluent should have some finite temperature difference with the ambient.) The ambient at the level of discharge is 15.0°C and 33.71 0/00. The ambient temperature gradient is negligible but must be finite. The ambient salinity gradient is -0.026 o /oo per m. Depth of the discharge is 50 m. Computer punch card format for this input follows. _. ........„,......... , 1 J3 HEADER INFORMATION (N11) 1 DKHPLM EXAMPLE RUN 14 16A4,..„L. - . .......--, * ti _ „, 11 0 WM II Lai 0 ;t G r ..........g. rn c...) =, X 0., ru -s = g 0_ p2 a fro 4 y .....1 .....1 ! m = -o a (-I- 1 ; 1 ... 17=rial:C=116,M922500,. i .2¢1.51OCIVISOILVOMMI=911=1.1203M.S.."30.Z20=X. "^" r" ' ^ , —,,A g ar antzsavramsaav- GILL,=1:17111tIMICCII2121= .MISOMMEHMILVSLCOMMTVI , #-; UA TO CO TAO CAO TIZ 2.0 0.05 15,01 1.09 15.00 33.71 .00001 -.026001 F10.6 F10.6 F10.61 ; F10.6 IMUIIII 1 1 •••â– • UO F10.6 , VIWJE.ITAXIMWOU2C=WOM======5 11151=1,0â– =1.7. -Jr•1:1,241GINEtt, -,3 1 i [ •- F10.6 III 1 F10.6 F10,6 ' CIZ NM • 411MCMANOINTMINIMIMM./IINMIIMMII.* _.7_,..,....„1 T _.111.j_ 1I 1 1 lu'o,_..._____ _...–,7-77 ,, ___ :=1`...__ 11 1 L! ,...a--...—p------7— ..,1 i: t.-1..; _}.70,.L..,_!.,,,....,,, ,,, UO - Initial jet velocity, m/sec. UA. - Current 'speed, m/sec. TO - Initial jet temperature, °C. CO - Initial jet salinity, o/oo. TAO- Ambient temperature at the level of discharge, °C. CAO- Ambient salinity at the level of discahrge, °C. TIZ- Temperature gradient, °C/m, CIZ- Salinity gradient, o/oo/m. • •,I=TXMO.WIC111,1; , _ DO THT TH2 SF SPACE 0.175 90.0 90.0 500.0 5.0 OA F10.6 F10.6 F10.6 F10.6 F10.6 F10.6 1 r" 1 , ,ZWer72,4X.7-W.NAWIEuszvu,..... - -----_--- i-T--T-1 ,z .„, . . . ,,._.1= ==.. . .C. . p _, -• Port-diameter, m. - Horizontal discharge angle' (DEG) relative to the current (70<THl<110).90 - Angle of diSdharge from the horizontal, DEG. - Number of diameters along centerline at cutoff. - Port spacing, m. - Depth, m. 9 . VfialffMti=aff3aSZEGII2d=3.1Wwle:=21 . --,--------4 ci i .: , 1 L=.22 , , normal to current. Output Example output and program listing follow. The initial input conditions are printed along with dimensionless conditions. The first section of data listing concerns the zone of flow establishment. The columns list: length along the plume axis (S), horizontal distance parallel with discharge line (X), horizontal distance normal to the discharge line (Y), vertical distance from the level discharge (Z), the horizontal angle from the plume's axis to the discharge line (TH1), the angle the plume's axis makes from the horizontal (TH2), the radius (B), potential core widths for velocity, temperature and concentration (RU, RT, and RC), normalized centerline disparities of velocity, temperature, and concentration with the ambient (DUCL, DTCL, and DCCL), the ambient density normalized by the density of the discharge (PI), and nondimensional time (TIME). In the zone of established flow, width and average dilution (Q/Q 0 ) are also given. Time is given in seconds. The centerline dilution before zone of mergin is: Sm= 0.52 Q/Q 0(36) after complete merging (which never actually occurs): S = 0.70 Q/Qo (37) based on the assumed distributions of concentration and velocity. If stagnant conditions are specified, the dilution should be taken at the point of buoyant equilibrium with the ambient. The location is announced in the model output. SOLUTION TO MULTIPLE BUOYANT DISCHARGE PROBLEM WITH AMBIENT CURRENTS AND VERTICAL GRADIENTS DKHPLM EXAMPLE CASE I.D. = DISCHARGE VELOCITY = 2.00-M/S * TEMP. = 15.01-DEG C DIAMETER = .18-M ** SPACING = 5.00-M ** DEPTH = AMBIENT CONDITIONS AT DISCHARGE ELEVATION. VELOCITY = ** AMBIENT STRATIFICATION GRADIENTS ** TEMPERATURE AMBIENT CONDITIONS AT DISCHARGE - NONDIMENSIONAL TEMP= .99933 SALINITY=30.92661 DENSITY= 1.02501 ** SALINITY = 1.09-PPT 50.00-M .05-M/S ** TEMP. = 15.00-DEG C ** SALINITY = 33.71 PPT .000010-DEG C/M ** SALINITY ** -0.026000-PPT/M TEMPGR= .000000 SALGR=-0.002123 DENGR=-0.0000018 PORT SPACING L/D. = 28.09 FRounE NO = 9.58 VELOCITY RATIO = .025 STRATIFICATION NO = 14096.6 OF FLOW ESTABLISHMENT -- ALL LENGTHS ARE IN METERS Z RT TH1 RU TH2 B 0 0 0 0 90.00 .09 .00.09 .00 90.00 i .18 .00 .00 .1A 90.00 .27 .00 ..00 .27 90.00 .36 .00 ..00 .36 90.00 .44 .00 ..00 .44 90.00 .53 .00 :.00 .53 90.00 .62 .00 .00 .62 90.00 .71 -0.00 '.01 .71 90.00 .80 -0.00 1 .01 .80 90.00 STARTING LENGTH. T = .844 -0.00 ' .01 .84 .84 90.00 STARTING LENGTH. VELOCITY = .866 .87 -.0.00 . .01 .87 90.00 -0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DTCL DCCL PI TIME 0 .018 .038 .059 .082 .107 .133 . 162 .193 .226 .089 1.000 1.000 1.000 .083 1.000 1.000 1.000. .077 1.000 1.000 1.000 007770 .0773 ..0070 .5 1.000 .070 1.000 1..000 .062 .062 1.000 :::: 1.000 1.000 .053 1.000 1.000 1.010 .043 .043 .999 1.010 1.000 :00; :::: .033 1.000 .999 1.000 .021 1.000 99 .9 .999 = .007 .007 .999 .999 .999 1.02500 1.02500 1.02500 1.02500 1.02500 1.02499 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 88.62 .243 .004 .999 .999 .999 1.02499 .4 88.57 .252 -0.000 .999 .930 .930 1.02499 9.7 .089 .083 .089 .083 WIDTH DUCL DTCL DCCL PI 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 88.57 84.59 80.81 77.58 74.86 72.50 .51 1.24 2.03 2.82 3.59 4.35 .997 .429 .284 .223 .190 .169 .930 .354 .196 .126 .088 .065 .930 .354 .196 .127 .089 .066 1.02499 1.02498 1.02497 1.02495 1.02494 1.02492 .87 5.03 90.00 1.14 5.69 90.00 6.34 1.43 90.00 1.74. 6.9R 90.00 7.63 . 90.00 2.081 2.77 :- 8.88 '90.00 3.49 -90.00 10.11 69.97 66.86 64.78 63.27 62.08 60.32 58.89 5.09 5.71 6.27 6.81 7.35 8.44 9.64 .154 .144 .138 .132 .126 .113 .099 .050 .040 .033 .027 .022 .015 .010 .051 .041 .034 .028 .024 .017 .011 1.02491 1.02490 1.02488 1.02487 1.02486 1.02483 1.02481 . .01 .05 _.14 .28 .45 .65 .87 1.58 2.2A 2.98 3.67 4.36 DUCL 90.00 89.91 89.81 . 89.70 89.57 89.43 89.28 89.11 88.92 88.72 ZONE OF ESTABLISHED FLOW Z TH1 TH2 .87 1.58 2.29 300 . 3.71 4.43 RC TIME .43 1 1.00 . 2.03 3.43 5.12 7.04 9.14 11.40 13.76 16.20 18.81 24.21 30.19 1.02501 1.02501 1.02501 1.0d501 1. 0/00 2.07 5.48 9.99 15.67 22.48 30.37 39.29 47.81 55.90 63.73 71.60 86.36 100.48 I.D. = OKHPLm EXAMPLE CASE Z X TH1 TH2 4.24 11.32 90.00 57.55 5.04 90.00 12.55 56.06 54.44 5.85 13.72 90.00 6.70 90.00 14.86 52.58 7.58 15.98 90.00 50.38 S REACHED ITS EQUILIBRIUM HEIGHT 8.10 16.59 48.94 90.00 .00 8.22 16.72 90.00 48.60 .00 8.34 16.86 90.00 48.25 8.46 16.99 .00 90.00 47.89 .00 8.58 ! 17.12 '90.00 47.52 8.70 .00 17.25 '90.00 47.15 .00 8.82 17.38 90.00 46.76 .00 8.94 17.51 90.00 46.36. 9.06 17.64 .00 90.00 45.95 9.19 , 17.77 .00 90.00 45.53 .00 9.31 17.89 90.00 45.09 .00 9.44 18.02 90.00 44.65 .00 9.57 18.14 90.00 44.19 .00 9.70' 18.27 90.00 43.72 9.82 .00 18.39 90.00 43.23 9.95 18.51 90.00 .00 42.73 .00 10.09 1 18.63 90.00 42.21 .00 10.22 18.75 90.00 41.68 .00 110.35 ! 18.87 90.00 41.13 .00 '10.49 ! 18.98 90.00 40.57 .00 10.69 , 19.16 90.00 39.68 .00 10.97 19.38 90.00 38.44 .00 11.25 19.60 90.00 37.12 .00 11.53 90.00 19.81 35.70 .00 11.83 1- 20.01 90.00 34.19 12.12 20.21 .00 90.00 32.58 .00 12.43 20.40 90.00 30.86 12.73 .00 20.57 90.00 29.02 .00 13.05 20.74 90.00 '27.05 .00 13.37 ! 20.90 90.00 24.96. .00 21.04 90.00 22.73 .00 21.17 20.36 90.00 .00 21.29 17.85 90.00 .00 21.39 90.'00 15.21 .00 21.48 90.00 12.45 .00 .00 .00 .00 19.00 19.18 19.36 19.53 19.71 19.89 20.07 20.25 20.42 20.60 20.78 20.96 21.14 21.31 21.49 21.67 21.85 22.03 22.20 22.47 22.83 23.18 23.54 23.89 24.25 24.61 24.96 25.32 25.67 26.03 26.39 26.74 27.10 27.45 WIDTH 11.18 12.63 14.13 15.73 17.43 STRATIFIED 18.45 18.68 18.91 19.14 19.38 19.62 19.86 20.11 20.35 20.60 20.85 21.10 21.36 21.62 21.87 22.14 22.40 22.67 22.93 23.20 23.60 24.15 24.70 25.27 25.84 26.41 26.98 27.55 28.12 28.67 29.21 29.72 30.20 30.64 31.04 DUCL DCCL OTCL .087 .006 .084 .004 .080 .002 .076 -0.000 .071 -0.002 ENVIRONMENT .068 -0.003 .067 -0.003 .066 -0.003 .065 -0.004 .065 -0.004 .064 -0.004 .063 -0.004 .062 -0.004 .062 -0.005 .061 -0.005 .060 -0.005 .059 -0.005 .058 -0.005 .058 -0.005 .057 -0.006 .056 -0.006 .055 -0.006 .054 -0.006 .053 -0.006 .052 -0.007 -0.007 .051 .049 -0.007 -0.007 .047 .045 -0.008 .044 -0.008 -0.008 .042 .040 -0.009 .038 -0.009 .036 -0.009 .034 -0.010 .032 -0.010 .U30 -0.010 .029 -0.010 .027 -0.011 -0.011 .026 PI TIME WU 0 .008 .005 .004 .002 .000 1.02479 1.02476 1.02474 1.02471 1.02469 36.87 44.28 51.69 59.38 67.41 114.06 127.61 140.44 152.93 165.00 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 -0.004 -0.004 -0.004 -0.004 -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.006 -0.007 -0.007 -0.007 1.02468 1.0246a 1.02467 1.02467 1.02467 1.02467 1.02466 1.02466 1.02466 1.02466 1.02465 1.02465 1.02465 1.02465 1.02464 1.02464 1.02464 1.02464 1.02463 1.02463 1.02463 1.02462 1.02462 1.02462 1.02461 1.02461 1.02460 1.82460 1.02460 1.02459 1.02459 1.02459 1.02459 1.02458 1.02458 72.11 73.17 74.24 75.32 76.40 77.50 78.60 79.72 80.84 81.97 83.11 84.26 85.42 86.59 87.77 88.96 90.17 91.38 92.6193.85 95.73 98.29 190.91 103.58 106.32 109.13 112.01 114.96 118.00 121.11 124.30 127.58 , 130.95 134.39 137.91 171.58 173.02 174.45 175.88 177.29 178.69 180.08 181.46 182.84 184.20 185.55 186.89 188.21 189.53 190.83 192.12 193.39 194.65 195.90 197.13 198.95 201.32 203.62 205.85 208.00 210.06 212.02 213.89 215.66 217.30 218.83 220.22 221.47 222.58 223.52 PI TIME I.D. TH2 WIDTH DUCL .00 15.40 27.81 '21.54 90.00 .025 9.57 31.36 28.34 15.93 90.00 21.61 ' 5.09 .00 31.71 .023 28.88 .00. 16.46 21.64 '90.00 .50 31.88 .023 29.06 ! .00 16.64, 21.64 .023 90.00 -1.03 31.91 PLUME HAS REACHED ITS MAXIMUM HEIGHT - STRATIFIED ENVIRONMENT MAXIMUM PLUME HEIGHT. EXTRAPOLATED -! NO OF INTEGRATION STEPS= 898 LINEAR = NO OF HALVINGS= 11 DTCL -0.011 -0.011 -0.011 -0.011 44.52 PARABOLIC = ABSERR= .00100 DCCL -0.007 -0.007 -0.007 -0.007 1.02458 1.02458 1.02458 1.02458 141.49 146.96 -152.51 154.36 0/0 224.31 225.16 225.63 225.72 43.41 PRMT(5)= 1.000 FINAL SPACE = 4.000 00001 PROGRAM DKHPLM 00002 C THIS PROGRAM CALCULATES THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A LINE OF EQUALLY 00003 C SPACED BUOYANT DISCHARGES , INTO A FLOWING STRATIFIED AMBIENT 00004 C IT IS ASSUMED THAT BUOYANCY IS DUE TO TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 00005 C THE METHOD OF SOL*N INVOLVES .7 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 00006 C WHICH ARE 1. CONSERVATION OF MASS; 2. CONSERVATIONS OF ENERGY; 00007 C 3. CONSERVATION OF , CONCENTRATION (SALINITY); 4. DENSITY DEFICIENCY 00008 C (DERIVED FROM 2)3); 5,6,7. MOMENTUM EONS IN THE Z (AXIAL), 00009 C K (VERTICAL) ) J(HORIZONTAL AND PARALLEL TO AMBIENT CURRENT) DIRECTION 00010 C EQN 4 IS USED. ONLY IN ALGEBRAIC FORM. 00011 C THE SIX EQUATIONS ARE WRITTEN FOR A CONTROL VOLUME WHICH IS FINITE 00012 C IN A DIRECTION PERPENDICULAR TO THE JET AND INFINITESIMAL IN THE 00013 C DIRECTION OF THE JET AXIS. 00014 C 00015 C 00616 C ****** INPUT VARIABLES ******* 00017 C 00018 C 00019 C INPUT CONSISTS OF THREE CARDS FOR EACH CASE RUN - SETS OF THREE 00020 C CARDS CAN BE STACKED FOR MULTIPLE RUNS 00021 C 00022 C *** CARO NO. 1 *** 00023 C 00024 C 1. THE FIRST INPUT IS AN INDICATOR AS TO THE NUMBER OF RUNS 00025 C REMAINING AFTER PRESENT RUN. ZERO OR BLANK INDICATES LAST 00026 C RUN OR A SINGLE RUN. FORMAT (I4) 00027 C 2. THE REST OF THIS CARD CONTAINS ANY INFORMATION THE USER WISHES 00028 C TO HAVE PRINTED OUT AT THE TOP OF EACH PAGE. 00029 C 00030 C *** CARD NO. 2 *** FORMAT (8E10.0) 00031 C 00032 C 1. DISCHARGE VELOCITY (M/S) 00033 C 2. AMBIENT VELOCITY - (ASSUMED UNIFORM) (M/S) 00034 C 3. DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE (DEG C) 00035 C 4. DISCHARGE SALINITY (PPT) 00036 C THIS VALUE CANNOT BF ZERO. FOR FRESH WATER SET TO LOW VALUE. 00037 C 0.0001 IS SUGGESTED IF A BETTER VALUE IS NOT KNOWN. 00038 C 5. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AT DISCHARGE LEVEL (DEG C) 00039 C 6. AMBIENT SALINITY AT DISCHARGE LEVEL (PPT) 00040 C 7. LINEAR AMBIENT TEMPERATURE GRADIENT (DEG C/M) 00041 C 8. LINEAR AMBIENT SALINITY GRADIENT (PPT/M) 00042 C 00043 C *** CARD NO. 3 *** FORMAT 00044 C 00045 C 1. DISCHARGE DIAMETER (M) 00046 C 2. HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE ANGLE (DEG) RELATIVE TO THE AMBIENT CURRENT 00047 C 90 DEG IS FOR CURRENT NORMAL TO LINE OF DISCHARGE PORTS 00048 C MODEL IS NOT GOOD FOR LARGE VARIATIONS FROM THIS DIRECTION 00049 C 3. DISCHARGE ANGLE (DEG) RELATIVE TO THE HORIZONTAL. 00050 C 90 DEG IS VERTICAL - ZERO IS HORIZONTAL DOWN STREAM 00051 C 4. DISTANCE ALONG PLUME CENTERLINE SIMULATION IS TO STOP 00052 C 5. DISTANCE BETWEEN PORTS (M) 00053 C USE A LARGE VALUE TO SIMULATE SINGLE PORT DISCHARGES 00054 C 6. DEPTH OF DISCHARGE _(M) 00055 C 00056 C 00057 EXTERNAL DERIV,OUTP -00058 -REAL II1,1I2,II3,II4 00059 DIMENSION PRMT(5), AUX(16,6), F(6), FP(6) .N11(18) 00060 COMMON /AMH/ TIZ,CIZ,CIO,TIO,PIO,GA,AL,BE+FR,R1,FRL 00061 COMMON /OUT/ L,THI,TH2,H,Z•SNEW,DS.R,K,N11,J3,J2,J5,JJ,SPACE,SIGmA 00062 X.DO,CD,A7•XXX 00063 COMMON /PLTE/ J6+.17,J8,J9,J10,X1M,Y1M,X2M,Y2M,Y3M 00064 00065 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 00084 00085 00086 00087 00088 00089 00090 00091 00092 00093 00094 00095 00096 00097 00098 00099 00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105 00106 00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00112 00113 00114 00115 00116 00117 00118 00119 00120 00121 00122 00123 00124 00125 00126 00127 00128 00129 COMMON /ZF9/ SET,XE,YE,ZEOBE9DCE,DTE,LCNT.RUE,RTE,RCE.T1E9T2E COMMON /STR95/ II,M,R3 COMMON /CONS/ II1,112.II3,I14,III COMMON/WGM/MERGCK•ROVO MFRGCK=0 XXX = 0.16 A7 = 11.5 TI1 = .1285714 112 = .0667582 113 = 0.45*1.07034 114 = 0.31558*1.094 READ (5,102) J3,N11 TF(EOF(5).NE.0) GO TO 221 J5=0 • ' RE=1.4253E—'4 G A=-7.6689E'.-4 C0=2. os=4. TTI=1 JJ = 1 J1=0 J2=1 J6=0 II=1 M = 16 C NI1 CONTAINS ALPHAMERIC INFO WHICH IS PRINTED IN OUTPUT. J3 IS ID NO. 102 FORMAT (I4,16A4,2A2) 220 PRINT 200, N11,J3 200 FORMAT (1H1." SOLUTION TO MULTIPLE BUOYANT DISCHARGE", I" PROBLEM WITH AMBIENT CURRENTS AND VERTICAL GRADIENTS",//, 2 20X91804," I.D. ".I49//) 42 CONTINUE 37 READ(5,105)U0.UA,TO.009TAO.CAO.JIZ,CIZ 105 FORMAT (8E10.6) READ(59100)009TH1,TH2,SF,SPACE,H PRINT 20009U09TO,C0900.SPACE,H PRINT 20019UA,TA0,CA0 PRINT 2002,TIZoCIZ FORMAT (1H ,"DISCHARGE VELOCITY = ",F5.2,"—M/S 2000 TEMP. = "9E5.2 X,"—DEG C ** SALINITY = "9E5.29"—PPT",/91H ," DIAMETER = "9E5.2, X"--M ** SPACING = ".F5.2," — M ** DEPTH = ".F7.20—M") FORMAT (1H ,"AMBIENT CONDITIONS AT DISCHARGE ELEVATION, VELOCITY 2001 X= ".F7.2,"—M/S ** TEMP. = ",F7.2."—DEG C ** SALINITY = "9E7.20 XPPT") 2002 FORMAT (1H ,"AMBIENT STRATIFICATION GRADIENTS ** TEMPERATURE ** SALINITY ** le,F10.6,"—PPT/M"//) X ** "9E10.80 — DEG C/M H = H/DO*2. CALL SIGMAT(PIO.TO,C0) CALL SIGMAT(PAO,TAO,CAO) ROV0=0.5*0O/U0 R=UA/U0 BE=BE*TO/PIO GA=GA*CO/P10 PID=ABS(PAO—P10) FR=SORT(PID/PIO*00*9.8) FR=UO/FR TIZ=TIZ*00/(2.*TO) CIZ=CIZ*00/(2.*C0) TIO=TAO/TO CIO=CAO/C0 SF = SF/DO*2. SPACE = SPACE/DO 100 FORMAT (8F10.6) 9876 RI = R RE = 1.0 E•6 PIO = 1.0 •BE*(1.0,—TIO) •GA*(1.0—CIO)) 00130 PTZ = — BE*TIZ — GA*CYZ 00131 PRINT 207, TIO,CIO,PIO,TIZ,CIZ,PIZ 00132 207 FORMAT (1H ," AMBIENT CONDITIONS AT DISCHARGE _ 00133 1" NONDIMENSIONAL",/, " TEMP=",F8.5.2X,"SALINITY=",F8.5,2X, 00134 Z "DENSITY=",F8.5,3X."TEMPGR=",F9.6,2X,"SALGR=".F9.6,2X, 00135 3 "DENGR=",F10.7./) 00136 40 PRINT 202, SPACE 00137 202 FORMAT (18 ," PORT SPACING L/D = ",F62) 00138 IF (ABS(PIZ) — 1.0E-10) 90,90,91 00139 90 T = 1.0 E+8 00140 GO TO 92 00141 91 T = (P/0-1.0)/(—PIZ) 00142 92 PRINT 206, FR,R,T 00143 206 FORMAT (1H0," FROUDE NO- =" • ,F9.2,4X,"VELOCITY RATIO =", 00144 1 F7.3,4X,"STRATIFICATION NO =-",F7.1,/) 00145 FR = 2.*FR*FR 00146 SPACE = 2.*SPACE 00147 nsil = DS 00148 TTT1 = TH1 00149 TTT2 = TH2 00150 R3 = R*SIN(0.01745329*TH1)*COS(0.01745329*T82) 00251 IF (R3-1.0) 60,61.60 00152 61 P3 = 0.0 00153 60 CALL ZFE 00154 C ZFF TAKES CARE OF COMPUTING IC AT END OF ZFE. 00155 DS = DS11 00156 THI = TTT1*0.01745329 00157 TH2 = TTT2*0.01745329 00158 TIE = TIE*0.01745329 00159 T2E = T2E*0.01745329 00160 C CONVERT TH FROM DEGREES TO RADIANS 00161 C TH ANGLE AT S=0, TE = ANGLE AT SE 00162 SI = SIN(T1E) 00163 C2 = COS(T2E) 00164 RS12 = R*S1*C2 00165 TF (RE — 1.0E+4) 20,21,21 00166 20 PRINT 214, RE 00167 214 FORMAT (1H ," FLOW MAY NOT HE FULLY TURBULENT, RE = ",F8.0s/) 00168 21 PRMT(1) = SET 00169 PRMT(2) = SF 00170 PRMT(3) = DS 00171 PRMT(4)= 0.001 00172 36 L = —I N=6 00173 00174 C L=-1 USED TO INITIALIZE OUTP. 00175 K= 0 • 00176 C K COUNTS NO OF INTEGRATIONS, 00177 DO 2 I=1,6 2 00178 FP(I) = 0.1666667 00179 SIGMA = BBE 00180 RBE2 = BBE*BBE 00181 -F(1) = BBE2*(II1+(.5—II1)*RS12). 00182 F(2)=DTE*BBE2*(II2+(I11—II2)*RS12) 00183 F(3) = DCE*RBE2*(II2+(111—II2)*RS12) 00184 F(4)=88E2*II2*(1.—RS12)**2+2.*(1.+-RS12)*RS12*BBE2*III 00185 1+RS12*RS12*PBE2*.5 00186 F(5) = TIE 0.0187 F(6)- = T2E 00188 C SET _INITIAL CONDITIONS AT ENO OF POTENTIAL CORE. 00189 PRINT 208 . 00190 208 FORMAT (1H0,20X,"ZONF OF ESTABLISHED FLOW",/ 00191 1 IH .5X."S", 8X,"X",7X,"Y",7X,"Z",6X."TH1",5X,"TH2",6X, _00192 1"WIDTH",5X,"DUCL",5X,"DTCL",5X0DCCL"t5XOPI"t7XOTIME",5X,"0/110" 00193 X,/) 00194 CALL OUTP (PRMT(1),F.FP.IHLF,N.PRMT) 00195 CALL HPCG(PRMT.F,FP.N,IHLF.DERIV,OUTP,AUX) - 00196 00197 00198 00199 00200 00201 00202 00203 00204 00205 00206 00207 00208 00209 00210 00211 00212 00213 00214 00215 00216 00217 00218 00219 00220 00221 00222 00223 00224 00225 00226 00227 00228 00229 00230 00231 00232 00233 00234 00235 00236 00237 00238 00239 00240 00241 00242 00243 00244 00245 00246 00247 00248 00249 00250 00251 00254 00255 00256 00257 00258 00259 00260 00261 IF (IHLF — 11) 10.11911 CALL EXTR (S,X,Y,Z,B.DU.DT,5,00) 11 10 PRINT 212. K.IHLF,PRMT(4),PRMT(5).PRMT(3) 212 FORMAT (1H ../." NO OF INTEGRATION STEPS=".I4.3X."NO OF HALVINGS" 11"=".I3.3Xt"ABSERR=".F9.5.3X."PRMT(5)=".F9.3." FINAL SPACE =" 2 ,F9.3) GO TO 1 221 STOP END SUBROUTINE SIGMAT(RHO.T.S) SIG0=(((6.8E-6*S)-4.82E-4)*S+.8149)*S—.093 C=1.E-6*T*((.01667*T—.8164)*T+18.03) 0=.001*T*(1.0010843*T—.09818)*1+4.78671: SUMT=(T-3.98)**2*(7+283.)/(503.57*(7+67.26)) RHO =(SIG0+.1324)*(1.—D+C*(SIGO—.1324))—SUMT RHO =RHO/1000.+1. RETURN END SUBROUTINE OERIV (S,F,FP) DI M ENSION F(6),FP(6), NI1(18) COMMON /OUT/ L.TH19TH2sHsZ,50L1).D5994K.N114J39J2,J5,JJ,SPACEtSIGMA X.DO.0O347,XXX S1=SIN(F(5)) S2=SIN(F(6)) . C1=COS(F(5)) C2=COS(F(6)) 71 = Z+ 52*(5 — SOLD) (Z1.CI,TI.PI.TIZ.CIZsPIZ.VTI.VCI.VUI.VV1) CALL AMBIEN C AMBIENT COMPUTES GRADIENTS OF T.0 ) TURBULENCE QUANTTIES IN FR STREAM. CALL PRFLE (F.F.8.E.8) C PRFLF COMPUTES INTEGRAL OUANITITIES WITHIN THE JET C F8 IS THE INTEGRAL OF DENSITY DIFFERENCE. AND B THE WIDTH OF TE JET FP(1) = E FP(2)= — F(1)*TIZ*52 + VII FP(3) =—F(1)*CIZ*S2 + VCI FP(4) = E*R*S1*C2 +FR*52 + VU! F9 = F(4) -• 0.25*E*E • VVI IF (4BS(C2) — 0.01) 1.1. 2 F(5) = F(6) 1 FP(5) = 0.0 GO TO 3 2 FDY=0. 11NX=—(C2**2*C1*S1) UNY=S2**2+C2**2*C1**? UNZ=—(S2*C2*S1) UN=SORT(UNX**2+UNY**2+UNZ**2) CDP = CD*SRACE/B IF -(SPACE/B.GE.2.) COP = CD*B/SPACE FD = CDP*B*R*R*UN/6.2832 YY=ABS(Cl*C2) IF(YY.GT.0.)FDY=F0*(52**2+C2**2*C1**2-51**2*S2**2)/(F9*C1*C2) FP(5) = (E*R*C1)/(C2*F9)+FDY FP(6) = (F8*C2 — (E*R+FD)*S1*S2)/F9 3 K=K+I RETURN END SUBROUTINE XINT(I.A.FIINT.F2INT,F3INT) DIMENSION XA(25).XI1(25).X12(25) DATA (XA=1.0E-10,1.. XP.09100.),(XI1=.4314..4314..42459.42599..42389.42219.4209, X.4201..4196..4194..4193..4193).(X12=.436..3905..3576. X.3348..3201..3114..3068..3047..304..3038..30377..30377) I IF(A — XA(I)) 2.3.4 2 I = I-1 GO TO 1 3 FlINT=XII(I) 00262 00263 00264 00265 00266 00267 00268 00269 00270 00271 00272 00273 00274 00275 00276 00277 00278 00279 00-2'80 00281 00282 00283 00284 00285 00286 00287 00288 00289 00290 00291 00292 00293 00294 00295 . 00296 00297 00298 00299 00300 00301 00302 00303 00304 00305 00306 00307 00308 00309 00310 00311 00312 00313 00314 00315 _ 00316 00317 00318 00319 00320 00321 00322 00323 00324 _00325 00326 00327 F2INT=XI2(I) GO TO 8 4 IF(A-XA(I+1))5,6,7 6 FlINT=XI1(I+1) F2INT=XI2(I+1) 1=1.1 C C C C C C GO TO 8 7 1=1+1 GO TO 4 S rlINT=XI1(1)+(XI1(1+1)-XI1(I))/(XA(1+1)-XA(I))*(A-XA(1)) F2INT=X12(I)+0(I2(I+1)-XI2(I))/(XA(I+1)-)0(I))*(A-XA(1)) A F3INT= A*SORT-(1.-(A/2.)**2)/2..+ASINE(A/2.) RETURN END SUBROUTINE AMBIENT (Z+CI+TI,PI,TIZ,CIZ,PIZ,VTI,VCI,VUI,VVI) AMBIENT COMPUTES H THE'VALUES OF PARAMETERS IN THE FREE STREAM. COMMON /AMB/ TIZO,CIZO,C10,7101PIO.GA,AL,BE,FR,R1+FRL TIZ=TIZO CIZ=CIZO PIZ= -8E*TIZ - GA*CI7 GRADIENTS OF T,C,P CI' CIZ*Z • CIO TI = TIZ*Z + TIC) PI = PIZ*Z • PIO FREE-STREAM VALUES OF C,T.P VTI = 0.0 VCI = 0.0 VUI = 0.0 VVI = 0.0 FRET-STREAM VALUES OF TURBULENCE LEVELS RETURN END SUBROUTINE PRFLE (F.FR,E,B) REAL 111,112,113,114 DIMENSION F(6), N11(18) COMMON /CONS/ 111,112,113,114,111 COMMON /A.M8/ TIZ,CIZ,CIO,TIO+PIO,GA,AL,AE,FR,R1,FRL COMMON /OUT/ L,TH1,TH2,H,Z,SNEW,DS,R,K,N11,J3,J2;J5,JJIISPACE+SIGMA X.00.CD,A7,XXX COMMON /WGM/MERGCK.ROVO I =III pI=3.14159 IF (F(4)) 12,12,11 11 512=SIN(F(5))*COS(E(6)) 012=R*512 **** SINGLE PLUME **** A = SPACE/SIGMA TF(4-2.)501,500+500 501 TF(A-.95)503,503,502 500 C1=II1 C2=U12/2. C3=II2 C4=2.*U12*111 C5=U12*U12/2. C6=II2 C7=U12*II1 GO TO 504 **** MERGING PLUME ***4* 502 CONTINUE 519 FORMAT (/20X,"ZONE OF MERGING IF(MERUCK.E0.0)PRINT 519 MERGCK=1 CALL XINT(I.A,AII+AI2,AI3) C2=U12*AI3/PI C3=2.*114*Al2/PI 00328 C4=4.*II3*AI1*U12/PI 00329 C5=U12*U12*A13/PI 00330 C6=2.*114*Al2/PI 00331 C7=2.*I13*U12*AI1/PI 00332 GO TO 504 00333 C **** MERGED PLUME **** 00334 503 CALL XINT ( I •A,AI 1 tAI2.413) 00335 C1=.45*A13/P1 00336 C2=U12*AI3/PI 00337 C3=.315S8*A13/P1 00338 C4=2.*U12*C1 00339 C5=U12*C2 00340 C6=C3 00341 C7=0.5*C4 00342 504 TE(ABS(U12)—.001)112.112.111 00343 112 RSOR=E(1)*E(1)*C3/(F(4)*C1*C1) 00344 GO TO 12 00345 113 AA=C3*C2*C2/C1/C1—C4*C2/C1tC5 00346 88=C4*F(1)/C1—C3*2.*C2*E(1)/C1/C1—F(4) 00347 CC=C3*F(1)*F(1)/C1/C1 00348 RSOR=-88-5URT(81.3*BB-4.*AA*CC) 00349 8SQR=BSOR/(2.*AA) 00350 12 R=SORT(BSQR) 00351 SIGMA = B 00352 DLUM=E(1)/(RSOR*C1)—C2/C1 00353 UCL = DLUM+U12 00354 DTCL = F(2)/(RSQR*(OLUM*C6+C7)) 00355 DCCL = F(3)/(8SUR*(0LUM*C6+C7)) 00356 PICL RE*DTCL + GA*DCCL 00357 IF (FR — 0.98E+6) 1,2,2 00358 1 IF(A.GT.2.)F8=PICL*BSOR*II1/((PIO-1.)*ER) 00359 TF(A.LT.2.)E8=2.*BSOR*I/3*PICL*AI1/(PI*FR*(PI0-1.)) 00360 TF(A.LE..95)F8=F8*A13/A11/2.14068 00361 C COMPUTE F8 — INTEGRAL OF DENSITY DIFFERENCE 00362 FRLI = PICL*B/(FR*(P10-1.0)*UCL*UCL) 00363 GO-TO 3 00364 2 F8 = 0.0 00365 FRLI = 0.0 00366 3 ,IF (ABS(FRLI) — 10.0*ABS(1.0/FRL)) 10,13,13 00367 13 FRLI = 1.0/FRL 00368 10 CONTINUE 00369 Al = .05 00370 422 = 0.0 00371 AA = Al • A22*FRLI*SIN(F(6)) 00372 CC=A7*R*SORT(1.0-512*S12) 00373 813=8*ABS(UCL—R*S12) 00374 28 IF(A.GE.2.)E=AA*(88*(1.—XXX/A)+CC*8) 00375 TF(A.LT.2.)E=AA*(88*(1.—XXX/2.)*(1.-2./PI*ACOSF(A/2.)) 00376 X+ CC*SPACE/2.) 00377 ITI=1 00378 C COMPUTE E — ENTRAINMENT FUNCTION 00379 RETURN 00380 END 00381 SUBROUTINE OUTP (S.F.FP.IH.N.PRMT) 00382 REAL 1111112.113.114 00383 DIMENSION F(6).FP(6),PRMT(5).50(4),SN(4).N11(18) 00384 COMMON /OUT/ L.TH1.TH2.H,Z.S1.0S.R.K.N11.J3.J2,J5IJJ,SPACE.SIGMA 00385 X..00.CD.A7,XXX 00386 COMMON IAMB/ TIZ.CIZ,CIOtTIO*PIO.GA,AL,BF,FR.R1,FRL 00387 COMMON /PLTE/ J6.J7.J8.J9,J10.X1M.Y1M.X2M9Y2M.Y3M 00388 COMMON /ZF9/ SET.XE+YE.ZE.BBE.00E,DTE.LCNT.RUE.RTE.RCEs T1E+T2E 00389 COMMON /STR95/ 11.M,R3 00390 _COMMON /CONS/ 111.112,113.114+III 00391 COMMON/WGM/MERGCK.ROVO 00392 I=III 00393 P11=3.14159 00394 IF (L) 6,8,7 00395 6 L= 0 00396 L19 = 0 00397 ml =-1 00398 M2 = 0 00399 71 = -DS 00400 SNEW = PRMT(1) 00401 SN(1) = SIN(T1E) 00402 SN(2) = SIN(T2E) 00403 SN(3) = COS(T1E) 00404 SN(4) = COS(T2E) 00405 TIME = SET 00406 X = XE 00407 Y = YE 00408 Z = ZE 00409 UCC = 1.0 sl= PRMT(1) 00410 00411 T3I = TI0 00412 C3I = CIO 00413 IF(CIO-1.0.LT..000001)C3I=0. 00414 IF (110- 1.0) 63,64,63 00415 64 T3I = 0.0 00416 63 GO TO 10 00417 8 L=1 00418 SNEW = DS + SI 00419 SO(1) = SN(1) 00420 SO(2) = SN(2) 00421 SO(3) = SN(3) SO(4) = SN(4) 00422 7 IF (M2) 18.18,19 00423 00424 19 ns = S-SNEW 00425 TF (S-51 - 1.0) 83.1,1 00426 18 IF (S - SNEW) 20,111 00427 20 TF (A9S(S-SNEW) - 0.001*SNEw) 1,1,83 00428 1 SN(1)=SIN(F(5)) 00429 SN(2)=SIN(F(6)) 00430 SN(3)=COS(F(5)) 00431 SN(4)=COS(F(6)) 00432 X= X +0.5*(SN(3)*SN(4) • SO(3)*S0(4))*(5-51) 00433 Y = Y +0.5*(SN(1)*SN(41 +50(1)*S0(4))*(S-S1) 00434 71 = Z 00435 Z=Z+0.5*(SN(2) + S0(2))*(S-51) 00436 no 9 1=1.4 00437 9 SO(I)=SN(I) 00438 10 PIZ = -9E*TIZ - GA*CTZ 00439 TI F TIO + TIZ*Z 00440 CI = CIO + CIZ*Z 00441 PI = PIO + PIZ'Z 00442 TF (F(4)) 21.21,55 00443 55 R14=R*SN(1)*SN(4) 00444 A=SPACE/SIGMA 00445 IF(A-2.)501,500.500 00446 501 IF(A-.95)503,503.502 00447 C **** SINGLE PLUME **** 00448 500 C1=II1 00449 C2=R14/2. 00450 C3=II2 00451 C4= 2. *R14*II1 r5=R14*R14/2. 00452 00453 C6=II2 00454 C7=1I1*R14 00455 GO TO 504 **** MERGING PLUMES 00456 00457 502 CONTINUE 00458 519 FORMAT(/20X, fl ZONE OF 00459 1F(MERGCK.E0.0)PRINT 00460 MERGCK=1 00461 CALL XINT(I,A,A11,AI2,AI3â–º 00462 C1=2.*I13*AI1/PII 00463 C2 =R14*AI3/PII 00464 C3=2.*I I4*A I2/P I I 00465 C4=4.*II3*AI1*R14/PI I 00466 C5=R14*R14*4 I3/P I I 00467 C6=2.*114*412/PI I 00468 C7=2.*II3*R14*AI1/PIT 00469 GO TO 504 00470 C **** MERGED PLUMES **** 00471 503 CALL XINT(1,A,A11,AI2+AI3â–º 00472 C1=.45*A13/PII 00473 C2=R14*A13/PII 00474 C3=.31558*A13/PII 00475 C4=2.*R14*C1 00476 C5=R14*C2 00477 C6=C3 00478 C7=0.5*C4 00479 504 iF(ABS(R14) — .001) 12.12.99 00480 12 RSOR=F(1)*F(1)*C3/(F(4)*C1*C1) 00481 GO TO 15 00482 99 AA=C3*C2*C2/C1/C1—C4*C2/C1+C5 00483 RB=C4*F(1)/CI—C3*2.*C2*F(1)/C1/C1—F(4) 00484 CC=C3*F(1)*F(1)/Cl/C1 00485 RSOR = —88—SORT(88*B8-4.*AA*CC) 00486 RSUR = BSOR/(2.*AA) 00487 15 R = SQRT(BSQR) 00488 SIGMA =8 00489 SIGMAO =SIGMA*00 00490 mum = F(1)/(BSOR*C1)—C2/C1 00491 UCL = DLUM • R14 00492 nTa. = F(2)/(BSwF(*(DLUM*C6+C7)) 00493 DCCL = F(3)/(BSOR*(DLUM*C6•C7)) 00494 C THE ABOVE CARDS DEFINE THE COEFFICIENTS OF THE CONTINUITY,MOMENTUM 00495 C AND ENERGY EQUATION FOR THE SINGLE PLUME, MERGING PLUME AND ' 00496 C MERGED PLUME REGIONS BASED ON PROFILES OF THE FORM (1.—(X/8)**3/2) 00497 C SQUARED 00498 DELU = (UCL — R14)/(1.0 — R3) 00499 DELT = DTCL/(1.0 — T3I) 00500 DE-Lc = DCCL/(1.—C3I) 00501 PCL = PI — RE*OELT*(1.0-731) —GA*DELC*(1.0—CIO) 00502 C DELU= (UCL UI*S1*C2)/(00 — UI) DELT = (TCL — TI)/(TO — TI) 00503 F55 = F(5)*57.29578 00504 F66 = F(6)*57.29578 00505 C CONVERT ANGLES BACK TO DEGREES 00506 UMA = 0.5*(UCL • UCC) 00507 TIME = TIME • (S-51)/UMA 00508 IF (FR — 0.98E+6) 110.111,111 00509 110 IF (ABS((PI — PCL)*B) — 1.0E-6*A8S(UCL**2*FR*(PIO-1.0))) 1129113.113 00510 113 FRL = FR*(PIO-1.0)*UCL*UCL/((PI—PCL)*B) 00511 GO TO 112 00512 111 FRL = FR 00513 112 IF (L19) 70.70,71 00514 70 SO0 = S/2.*DO 00515 X0 = X/2.*DO 00516 YO = Y/2.*DO 00517 ZO = Z/2.*DO 00518 R0=2.*F(1) 00519 TIMER=TIME*ROVO 00520 PRINT 104.500,X0,Y0,70,F55.F66.SIGMAO.DELU.DELT,DELC. 00521 *PI,TIMER.R0 00522 104 FORMAT (1H F9.2,1X.5F8.2, 1X,F8.2,3F9.3,1X,F9.5, 2E9.2) 00523 MI = M1 " a 1 00524 M=M+1 00525 L19 = L19 • 00526 00527 00528 00529 00530 00531 00532 00533 00534 00535 00536 00537 00538 00539 00540 00541 00542 0A543 00544 00545 00546 00547 00548 00549 00550 00551 00552 00553 C 00554 C 00555 00556 00557 C 00558 00559 00560 00561 00562 00563 00564 00565 00566 00567 00568 00569 00570 00571 00572 00573 00574 00575 00576 00577 00578 00579 00580 00581 00582 00583 00584 00585 00586 C 00587 C -00588 00589 00590 00591 GO TO 72 71 LI9 = 0 72 PICL = PI-PCL PICLO = PI0-1.0 IF (M2) 40,40,42 40 IF (SIGN(1.0,PICL) - SIGN(1.0,PICLO)) 41,42,41 41 DS = 0.0 MI = 0 M2 = 1 MEXT=1 PRINT 213 213 FORMAT (1H ,10X,"PLUME HAS REACHED ITS EQUILIBRIUM HEIGHT - I', 1 " STRATIFIED ENVIRONMENT") 42 IF (M1 10) 36,32,32 32 MI = 0 OS = 2.0*DS. 36 IF (Z) 3,3,31 31 IF (M2) 90,90,91 91 TF (Z-Z1) 21,90,90 21 PRMT(5) = 1.0 TH = 11 PRINT 212 212 FORMAT (1H ,9X," PLUME HAS REACHED ITS MAXIMUM HEIGHT - " 1 "STRATIFIED ENVIRONMENT",/) IF (J6) 83,83,81 90 IF (Z-H) 3,3,4 4 PRMT(5) = 1.0 THE CARDS BELOW ARE FOR USE WHEN THE PROGRAM IS USED FOR DISCHARGE INTO WATER OF DEPTH H. THIS MUST BE READ INTO PROGRAM PRINT 214 214 FORMAT (1H ,"PLUME HAS REACHED WATER SURFACE",/) IF WE HAVE REACHED THE WATER SURFACE - STOP. IF (J6) 83,83.81 3 SNEW = SNEW + OS SI = S UCC = UCL TF (M2) 52,52,51 51 ns 0.0 MI = 0 CALL EXTR (S,X,Y,Z,STGMA,DELU,DELT,MEXT,DO) MEXT= MEXT+ 1 52 IF (M-40) 2,13,13 13 PRINT 207,N11,J3 207 FORMAT (1H1,1OX, 1844, " I.D. ="014,/) PRINT 208 208 FORMAT (1H ,5X,"S", 8X,"X",7X,HY",7X,"Z",6X+"TH1",5XOTH2",6X, 1"WIDTH",6XODUCL".5X0DTCL",5X0OCCL",5X0PI",7X4-"TIME",5X0Q/Q X0"/) M=0 2 _IF (J6) 83,83,84 84 IF (SNEW-PRMT(2)) 81 CONTINUE PRMT(5) = 1.0 RETURN 80 IF (M2 -1) 83,85,83 85 IF (ABS(Z-Z1) -0.05*PRMT(3)) 81,83,83 83 RETURN END SUBROUTINE EXTR (S,X,Y,Z,B,DU,DT,M,00) DIMENSION S1(5),X1(5),Y1(5),Z1(5),B1(5),DU1(5),DT1(5) THIS SUBROUTINE STORES VALUES OF THE OUTPUT WHEN THE PLUME HAS PASSED ITS EQUILIBRIUM HEIGHT IN A STRAT AMBIENT. AT THE END OF THE RUN, THIS ROUTINE-COMPUTES THE MAX HEIGHT-OF-PLUME BY EXTRAPOL-ATION. IF (M°3) 1,1,2 2 TF(M-4) 3,3,4 3 no 51=1,2 00592 S1(I) = S1(I*1) 00593 Xl(I) = X1(I+1) 00594 sem) = Y1(1.1) 00595 zI(r) = 11(m) 00596 R1(I) = B1(I+1) 00597 OU1(I) = DU1(I*1) 00598 DT1(I) = DT1(I+1) 00599 5 CONTINUE 00600 M=3 00601 51(M) = 00602 X1(M) = X 00603 Y1(M) =!.Y 00604 Z1(4) = Z 00605 RI(M) = B 00606 nul(m) DU 00607 011(m) = DT 00608 MR=M 00609 RETURN 00610 4 IF (MR-3)- 202.69202 6 mp 2 = MR-2 00611 00612 MR1=MR-1 00613 7MAX = Z1(MR1) * DUl(MR1)*(Z1(MR1)—Z1(MR))/(DUl(MR)-4)U1(MR1)) 00614 7MAX = ZMAX*DO 00615 DZ1 = Z1(MR1) — Z1(MP) 00616 022 = z1(mm2) - Z1(MR) 00617 DUll = oultmR1) - DU1("R) 00618 0u12 = DUI(MR2) - oul(mR) 00619 nEr DzI*072*(oz2-071) 00620 DErt 1.0/DET 00621 R = DETI*(072*0Z2*OU11 — DZ1*OZ1*DU12) 00622 C = DETI*(-072*DU11 DZ1*DU12) 00623 DISC. = R*8-4.0*DU1(MR)*C 00624 IF (DISC) 206.205.205 00625 206 7M = 0.0 00626 GO TO 207 00627 205 7M = (Z1(MR) — (B*SORT(DISC))/(2.0*C))*00 00628 207 PRINT 102.ZMAX, ZM 00629 102,FORMAT (1H0," u, MAXIMUM PLUME HEIGHT. EXTRAPOLATED 00630 1 "LINEAR = "'F8.2." PARABOLIC =",F8.2,/) 00631 RETURN - --00632 202 PRINT 203 00633 203 FORMAT (1H s" ERROR IN HPCG, IHLF =-11",/) 00634 RETURN 00635 END 00636 SUBROUTINE ZFE 00637 C THIS PROGRAM COMPUTES THE SOLUTION TO BUOYANT JET PROBLEMS WITHIN 00638 C THE ZONE OF FLOW ESTABLISHMENT, I.E. UP TO XE. 00639 C THE SOLUTION CALCULATES RU,RT,RCIPH,TH1,TH2 AS FUNCTIONS OF S. 00640 DIMENSION PRmr(s).Aux(16,6),E(6),FP(6),N11(18) 00641 COMMON /AMR/ TIZ.CIZoCIO.TIO.PIO.GA,AL,RE.FR.R1.FRL 00642 COMMON /OUT/ L.rmlo-H2.m,z.sNEw.os,m.K,N11.„13....)2,15,J.J.sPAcE,siomA 00643,Ar,xxx 00644 COMMON /ZF9/ SET.XE.YE.ZE.BRE,DCE.DTE.LCNT,RUE.RTE.RCE.T1E.T2E 00645 EXTERNAL DERIV1.OUTRI 00646 PIZ = — 13E*TIZ — GA*CIZ 00647 TH1 = 0.01745329*TH1 00648 TH2 = 0.01745329*T02 00649 PRMT(1) = 0.0 00650 PRMT(2) = 100.0 00651 PRMT(3) = 0.01 00652 PRMT(4) = 0.0001 00653 IFAABS(COS(TH2)) 00654 TH1 = TH2 00655 N=6 00656 L=0 00657 LCNT = 00658 00659 00660 00661 00662 00663 00664 00665 00666 C 00667 00668 00669 00670 00671 00672 00673 60674 00675 00676 00677 00678 00679 00680 00681 00682 00683 C 00684 00685 00686 00687 00688 00689 00690 00691 00692 00693 4 00695 00696 00697 00698 00699 00700 00701 00702 00703 00704 00705 00706 00707 00708 00709 00710 00711 00712 00713 00714 00715 00716 00717 00718 00719-00720 00721 00722 00723 no 31=1,6 3 FP(I) = 0.16666667 F(1) = 1.0 F(2) = 1.0 F(3) = 1.0 F(4) = 0.0 F(5) = TH1 F(6) = TH2 F(1) = RU. F(2) = RT. F(3) = RC. F(4) =8, F(5) = TH1, F(6) = TH2 IHLF = 0 PRINT 210 210 FORMAT 11H0,20X,"ZONF OF FLOW ESTARLISHMENT ALL LENGTHS ", 1uARE IN METERS ' ",/ 1H ,5X,"S",9X,"X",7X,"Y",7X,"Z",6)(0TH1",5X,"TH2",9X 1 1 ."8 ".5X,"RU",6XORT",6XORC",5XODUCL",4X0DTCL",4X,"DCCL", ? 6XOPI",74,"TIME",/) CALL OUTP1 (PRMT(1),F,FP,IHLF,N.PRMT) CALL HPCG (PRMT,F,FP,N,THLF,DERIVI,OUTP1,AUX) IF (L+2)6.21.6 21 F(1) = RUE F(2) = 1.0 ••• TIO • TIZ*Z F(3) = 1.0 — CIO — CIZ*Z F(4) = BRE F(5) = TlE*0.01745329 F(6) = T2E*0.01745329 FI=RU/RO, F2=(TM — TI)/(TO—TI), F3=(CM — CI)/(CO — CI), F4 =8/RO TH1 = F(5) TH2 = F(6) DO 9 1=1,6 9 FP(I) = 0.1666667 PRMT(1) = SET PRMT(2) = SET + 100.0 PRMT(3) = 0.01 PRMT(4) = 0.0001 IHLF = 0 CALL OUTP1 (PRMT(1),F,FP,IHLF,N,PRMT) CALL HPCG (PRMT,F,FP,N,THLF,DERIV1,OUTP1.AUX) GO TO 95 6 PRINT 231, IHLF, PRMT(5) 231 FORMAT (180," ERROR IN HPCG. NO. OF HALVINGS = 11 913," PRMT5=".F8.2) 95 RETURN END SURROUTINE DERIV1 (S,F,FP) DIMENSION F(6),FP(6),A(4,4),N11(18),A2(3.3),A3(3,3) COMMON /AM8/ TIZ,CIZoCIO,TIO,PIO,GA,AL.8E,FR,R1,FRL COMMON /OUT/ L,TH1,TH2,H,Z,SNEW0DS,R,K,N11,J3,J2,J5,JJ,SRACE,SIGMA X,DO,CD,A7,XXX COMMON /ZF9/ SET,XE,YE.ZE,8RE,DCE,DTE,LCNT,PUE,RTE,RCE.TIE,T2E • VUE=0. VTE=0. VCE=0. VVE=0. Fl = 1.06 F2 = 34.0 F3 = 6.0 F4 = .4 S1 = SIN(F(5)) S2 = SIN(F(6)) Cl COS(F(5)) C2 = COS(F(6)) R12 = R*51*C2 --512 =-SI*C2 DT0=1.0-0.10 — TIZ*Z oc0 =1.0-cIo - CIZ*Z E = E1*(0.02044.0.0144*F(4))*(1.0+E2*S2/FR) *(A8S(1.0 — R12) +E3*R 1 •SORT(1.0-.512**2))*(1—E4/5PACE) • 00724 00725 00726 00727 00728 00729 00730 00731 00732 00733 00734 00735 00736 00737 00738 00739 00740 00741 00742 00743 00744 00745 00746 00747 00748 00749 00750 00751 00752 00753 00754 00755 00756 00757 00758 00759 00760 00761 00762 00763 00764 00765 00766 00767 00768 00769 00770 00771 00772 00773 00774 00775 00776 00777 00778 00779 00780 00781 00782 00783 -00784 00785 00786 00787 00788 00789 C E IS THE ENTRAINMENT FUNCTION. 01=.45+.55*R12 011=2.*(.12857+.37143*R12) 02=.315584.13442*R12 03=2.*(.06676+.06181*R12) 04=.31558+.26884*R124.41558*R12*R12 05=2.*(.066764.12362*R124.30962*R12*R12) 06 DTO*BE*(F(2)*F(2)*0.5 +0.12857*F(4)*F(4) +.45*F(2)*F(4)) 06=136+ DCO*GA*(F(3)*F(3)*0.5 4. 0.12857*F(4)*F(4) +.45*F(3)*F(4)) 0 = 0.5*F(1)*F(i) +F(1)*F(4)*04 •F(4)*F(4)*0.5*05 -0.25*E*E AAI =0.5*F(1)-*.F(1) +01*F(1)*F(4) +011*0.5*F(4)*F(4) A(1,1) = F(1) D1*F(4) A(1.2) = 0.0 A(1.3) = 0.0 A(1.4) = D1*F(1) + D11*F(4) C FIRST EQUATION IS CONTINUITY. A(2.1) = 0.0 A(2.2) = DTO*F(2) + 02*RTO*F(4) A(2,3) = 0.0 A(2,4) = DT0*(02*F(2) + 03*F(4)) C SECOND EQUATION IS ENERGY. A(3.1) = 0.0 A(3.2) = 0.0 A(3,3) = DC0*(F(3) + D7*F(4)) A(3,4) = DC0*(02*F(3) + D3*F(4)) C THIRD EQUATON IS CONCENTRATION. A(4,1) = F(1) + 04*F(4) A(4.2) = 0.0 A(4,3) = 0.0 A(4.4) = D4*F(1) + DS*F(4) C FOURTH EQUATION IS MOMENTUM FP(1) = E TIZZ = TIZ FP(2) = TIZZ*S2*(-AAT+0.5*F(2)**2 F(2)*F(4)*D2 +0.5*F(4)**2*D3) FP(2)=FP(2)+VTE FP(3) = CIZ*S2*(-AAI +0.5*F(3)**2 +F(3)*F(4)*D2°+0.5*F(4)**2*D3) FP(3) = FP(3)+VCE jF (L-2) 3.4,3 4 A(2,2) = 0.5*03*F(4)**2 A(2,4) = D3*F(2)*F(4) A(3.3) = A(2,2) A(3.4) = 03*F(3)*F(4) FP(2)=-TIZZ*S2*AAI•VTE*0TE FP(3) = -CIZ*S2*AAI+VCE*DCF 06 = (F(2)*BE 4 F(3)*GA)*0.12857*F(4)**2 3 IF (FR - 0.98E4. 6) 11.12,12 11 FR = D6/(FR*(P10-1.0)) GO TO 13 12 F8 = 0.0 13 FP(4) = F8*S2 • E*R12+VUE J=4 IF(DCO.E0.0..AND.OTO.E0.0.)G0 TO 10 IF(070.EQ.0.)G0 TO 6 IF(DCO.EQ.O.)GO TO 20 CALL SIMQ(A.FP,J,K) GO TO 7 C SIMO SOLVES THE SYSTEM OF J LINEAR EQUATIONS FOR THE FP. A IS THE C COEFFICIENT MATRIX IN EON A.FP = FP. THE INPUT FP ARE DESTROEY0 C BY SIMQ AND REPLACED BY THE SOLUTION VECTOR, FP. • C C INSERTIONS FOR DCO AND/OR DTO =0 PER SHIRAZI 10/6/71 C 10 J=2 02(1.1)=A(1.1) A2(1.2)=A(1.4) A2(2,1)=A(4.1) 00790 A2(2,2)=A(4.4) 00791 FP(2)=FP(4) 00792 CALL SIMQ(A2.FP.J,K) 00793 GO TO 7 00794 20 J=3 00795 A3(191)=A(1.1) 00796 A3(1.2)=0. 00797 A3(1.3)=A(1.4) 00798 A3(2,1)=0. 00799 A3(2.2)=A(2.2) 00800 A3(2,3)=A(2,4) 00801 A3(3.1)=A(4,1) 00802 A3(3.2)=0. 00803 A3(3.3)=41494/ 00804 FP(3)=FP(4) 00805 CALL SIMO(A3.FP.J.K) 00806 GO TO 7 00807 6 J=3 U808 A3(1,1)=A(1.-.1) 00809 A3(1.2)=0. 00810 A3(1,3)=A(1.4) 00811 A3(2.1)=0. 00812 A3(2.2)=A(3.3) 00813 A3(2.3)=A(3.4) 00814 A3(3,1)=A(4,1) 00815 A3(3.2)=0. 00816 A3(3.3)=A(4.4) 00817 FP(2)=FP(3) 00818 FP(3)=FP(4) 00819 CALL SIMO(A3.FP1J,K) 00820 7 IF (K) 1.291 00821 2 IF(J-3)131.132,136 00822 131 FP(4)=FP(2) 00823 FP(3)=0. 00824 FP(2)=0. 00825 GO TO 136 00826 132 IF(DCO.NE.0.)G0 TO 134 00827 FP(4)=FP(3) 00828 FP(3)=0. 00829 GO TO 136 0 134 FP(4)=FP(3) 00831 FP(3)=FP(2) 00832 FP(2)=0. 00833 136 ONX=-(C2**2*C1*S1) 00834 UNY=S2**2+C2**2*C1**2 00835 UNZ=-(52*C2*S1) 00836 UN=SORT(UNX**2•UNY**2+UNZ**2) 00837 CRP = CD/SPACE 00838 FD = CDP*R*R*UN/6.2832 00839 FOY = 0. 00840 YY=ABS(C1*C2) 00841 IF(YY.GT.0.)FDY=FD*(52**2.+C2**2*C1**2-51**2*S2**2)/(0 00842 FP(5) = E*R*C1/(0*C2)+FDY 00843 FP(6) = (F8*C2 - (E*P+FD)*S1*S2)/Q 00844 RETURN 00845 1 WRITE(6.100) 00846 100 FORMAT (1H0,"SINGULAR MATRIX-EXECUTION TERMINATED AT THIS POINT") 00847 STOP .00848 END 00849 SUBROUTINE OUTP1 (S.F.FP,IH.N,PRMT) 00850 COMMON /AMB/ TIZ,CIZ,CIO,TIO.PIO.GA,AL.RE/FR.R1.FRL 00851 COMMON /OUT/ L.TH1.TH2.H.Z,SNEw,DS.R.K.N11,J3,J2.J5.JJ.SPACE.SIGMA - 00852 X.DO,CD.A7,XXX 00853 COMMON /ZF9/ SET,XE,YE.ZE.BBE.DCE.OTE.LCNT.RUE.RTE.RCE.T1EIT2E._ 00854 COMMON /STR95/ II.M.R3 00855 COMMON/WGM/MERGCK,ROVO 00856 DIMENSION Fo6),0(6).PRmT(5),so(4),sN(4),N11(18) 00857 IF(L) 191+2 00858 1 SN(1) = SIN(TH1) 00859 SN(2) = SIN(TH2) 00860 SN(3) = CO5(TH1) 00861 SN(4) = COS(TH2) 00862 TJ = PRMT(1) 00863 DS = PRMT(3) 00864 RUN = 0.0 00865 RTN=0.0 00866 RCN=0.0 00867 RN=1.0 00868 SSN=0.0 00869 T1N=TH1*57.29578 00870 T2N=TH2*57.29578 00871 XN = 0.0 00872 YN = 0.0 00873 7N = 0.0 00874 X=0.0 00875 v=0.0 00876 7=0.0 00877 JP = 100 00878 IF (L) 30+31 +30 00879 31 L = 1 00880 GO TO 6 00881 30 L = 2 00882 X = XE 00883 Y = YE 00884 7 = ZE 00885 GO TO 6 00886 2 IF (ABS(S-TJ )-0.01) 3+3+4 00887 3 SN(1) = SIN(F(5)) 00888 SN(2) = SIN(F(6)) 00889 SN(3) = COS(F(5)) 00890 SN(4) = COS(F(6)) 00891 X = X + 0.5*(5N(3)*SN(4) + SO(3)*SO(4))*DS 00892 V = Y + 0.5*(SN(1)*SN(4) + SO(1)*S0(4))*DS 00893 7 = Z + 0.5*(SN(2) + SO(2))*DS 00894 6 no 5 I=1+4 00895 5 SO(I) = SN(I) 00896 TIME = S 00897 PIZ = -BE*TIZ - GA*CIZ 00898 CI = CIO +CIZ*7 00899 TI = TIO+TIZ*Z 00900 PI = PIO PIZ*Z 00901 F55 = F(5)*57.29578 00902 F66 = F(6)*57.29578 00903 TF (JP-100) 50+51+51 00904 51 DUU = (1.0-R*5N(1)*SN(4))/(1.0-R3) 00905 DELT = (1.0-TI)/(1.0-TIO) 00906 nELc=o. 00907 DFNOM=1.-CIO 00908 IF(DENOM.NE.0.)DELC=(1.0-CI)/DENOM 00909 C F(2) = RT OR (TM-71)/TO. E(3) SAME FOR C00910 C DUU = (U0-U12)/(U0 - U120), DELT = (TM-TI)/(70-TIO) 00911 IF (L-2) 22+23922 00912 23 DELT = F(2)/(1.0-TIO) 00913 DELC=0. 00914 DENOM=1.0-CIO 00915 IF(DENOM.NE.0.)DELC=F(3)/DFNOM 00916 100 FORMAT (1H .F9.2+1)(.5F8.2+2X+2F8.3,16X43F8.3+2X+ F9.5,F9.1) 00917 22 SOO = S/2.*DO 00918 X00 = X/2.*DO 00919 Y00 = Y/2.*DO 00920 700 = Z/2.*DO 00921 RRO = F(4)/2.*DO 00922 • RU00 = F(1)/2.*DO 00923 DT00 = F(2)/2.*DO 00924 ncoo = F(3)/2.*DO TIMER=TIME*ROVO 00925 00926 IF (L-2)1001.1002,1001 1002 PRINT 100,500,X00,Y00,200,F55,F66,BBO+R000,DUU,DELT, 00927 IOELC,PI,TIMER 00928 GO TO 1004 00929 1001 PRINT 1003,5000(00,Y00.Z00,F55*E66•1180,RU00,0T00,0C00-,DUU, 00930 00931 IDELTIPDELC,PI,TIME 1004 PPLOT=F(4)*2.*SORT(2.) 00932 1003 FORMAT (1H ,F9.2,1X.5F8".2.2X.7F8.3.2X,F9.5.E9.1) 00933 WRITE(7,1000)StY,X,Z,BPLOT,F(1),F(2),E13),DUU.DELT,DELC, 00934 C 00935 C *TIMER 00936 C1000 FORMAT(5F8.3,6F5.3,E9.3) U937 M = M + 1 IF (M-40) 43,44,44 00938 44 M = 0 00939 00940 PRINT 207,J3 00941 207 FORMAT (11-41,60X,"I.D. = ",I4./1 00942 43 JP = 0 00943 50 JP = JP + 1 00944 LCNT = LCNT+1 00945 IF (LCNT - 4000) 41,41,42 00946 42 PRINT 206 00947 LCNT = 0 206 FORMAT (1H1) 00948 00949 41 RUO=RUN RTO=RTN 00950 RCO=RCN 00951 80=BN 00952 00953 SS=SSN T10=T1N 00954 1.20=T2N 00955 X0 = XN 00956 00957 YO = YN 00958 ZO = ZN 00959. RUN=F(1) 00960 RTN=F(2) 00961 RCN=F(3) PN=F(4) 00962 00963 SSN=S 00964 T1N=F55 .00965 T2N=F66 00966 XN = X 00967 YN = Y 00968 7N = Z 00969 IF (L-2) 20,21,20 20 IF (F(2)) 14,14,13 00970 14 SET = SSN •+RTN*(SSN-SS)/(RTN-RTO) 00971 RUE = RUO + (SET-SS)*(RUO-+RUN)/(SS-SSN) 00972 RTE = RTO • (SET-SS)*(RTO-RTN)/(SS-SSN) 00973 00974 RCE = RCO • (SETSS)*(RC0+-RCN)/(SS-SSN) PRE = BO • (SET-SS)*(80-BN)/(SSSSN) 00975 00976 TIE = 710 + (SET-SS)*(T10-T1N)/(SS-SSN) 72E = 120 + (SET-SS)*(T20-T2N)/(SS-SSN) .00977 00978 00979 XF = XO • (SET-SS)*(X0-XN)/(SS-SSN) 00980 YE -= YO • (SET-SS)*(YO-YN)/(SS-SSN) _00981 ZE = ZO + (SET-S5)*(70-ZN)/(SS-SSN) 00982 - SOO = SET/2.*DO --PRINT 200, SOO 00983 200 FORMAT (1H ." 00984 STARTING 00985 L = -2 00986 PRMT(5) = 1.0 00987 RETURN rb 00988 00989 00990 00991 00992 00993 00994 00995 00996 00997 00998 00999 01000 01001 01002 01003 01004 01005 01006 01007 01008 01009 01010 01011 01012 01013 01014 01015 01016 01017 01018 01019 01020 01021 01022 01023 01024 01025 C 01026 C 01027 01028 C 01029 C 01030 C -01031 01032 01033 01034 01035 01036 01037 01038 01039 01040 C 01041 C 01042 C 01043 01044 01045 01046 7 01048 C. 01049 C 01050 C 01051 13 TJ = TJ + PRMT(3) RETURN 40 TJ = TJ + PRMT(3) RETURN 21 IF (F(1)) 10,10,40 10 PRMT(5) = 1.0 SFT = SSN - RUN*(S5N-SS)/(RUN-RUO) RUE = RUO (SET-SS)*(RUO-RUN)/(SS-SSN) RAE = BO + (SET-SS)*(RO-RN)/(S5-SSN) OTE = RTO + ('SET-SS)*(RTO-PTN)/(SS-55N) ncE = RCO + (SET-S5)*(RCO-RCN)/(5S-S5N) TIE = 1. 10 + (SET-55)*(TI0-T1N)/(SS-SSN) T2E = T20 • (SET-S5)*(1-20-T2N)/(SS-SSN) XE = X0-* (SET-55)*(X0-XN)/(SS-S5N) YE = Y0 + (SET-SS)*(YO-YN)/(SS-SSN) 7E = ZO (SETSS)*(70-7N)/(55-55N) OUT = (1.0-R*SIN(0.01745*T1E)*COS(0.01745*T2E))/(1.0-R3) OTT = OTE/(1.0-TI0) DCT=0. DENOM=1.0-CIO IF(DENOM.NE.0.)DCT=DCE/DENOM PI = PIO + PIZ*ZE SOO = SET/2.*DO PRINT 205,500 205 FORMAT (1H ." STARTING LENGTH, VELOCITY =", F9.3) X00 = XE/2.*DO YO0 = YE/2.*DO 700 = ZE/2.*DO RRO = 88E/2.*DO RU00 = RUE/2.*DU nroo = OTE/2. ncoo = DCE/2. PRINT 100,500,X00,Y00,Z00,11.1E,T2E,RBO,RU00,DUT,DTT, 1DCT,PI,TIME 4 RETURN END SUBROUTINE SIMO(A,B,N,KS) DIMENSION A(1),8(1) FORWARD SOLUTION TOL=0.0 KS=0 JJ=-N no 65 J=1,N JY=J+1 JJ=JJ+N+1 RIGA=0 IT=JJ-J 00 30 I=J,N SEARCH FOR MAXIMUM COEFFICIENT IN COLUMN IJ=IT*I IF(ABS(BIGA)-ABS(A(IJ))) 20 RIGA=A(IJ) TMAX=I 30 CONTINUE TEST FOR PIVOT LESS THAN TOLERANCE (SINGULAR MATRIX) TF(A8S(BIGA)-TOL) 35.35.40 SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ 500 SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMO 01054 C 01055 C INTERCHANGE ROWS IF NECESSARY 01056 C 01057 40 T1=J+N*(J-2) 01058 TT=IMAX-J 01059 no 50 K=J,N 01060 T1=I1+N 01061 T2=I1+IT 01062 SAVE=A(11) 01063 A(I1)=A(I2) 01064 A(I2)=SAVE 01065 C 01066 C DIVIDE EQUATION BY LEADING COEFFICIENT 01067 C 01068 50 A(I1)=A(11)/BIGA 01669 SAVE=B(IMAX) 01070 R(ImAX)=9(J) 01071 8(J)=SAVE/BIGA 01072 C 01073 C ELIMINATE NEXT VARIABLE 01074 C 01075 TF(J-N) 55.70,55 01076 .55 TO5=N*(J-1) 01077 DO 65 IX=JY,N 01078 TXJ=IQS+IX 01079 TT=J-IX 01080 no 60 JX=JY.N 01081 TXJX=N*(JX-1)+IX 01082 JJX=IXJX+IT 01083 60 A(IXJX)=A(IXJX)-(A(IXJ)*A(JJX)) 01084 65 8(IX)=B(IX)-(H(J)*A(TXJ)) 01085 C 01086 C BACK SOLUTION 01087 C 01088 70 NY=N-1 01089 TT=N*N 01090 no 80 J=1,NY 01091 IA=IT-J 01092 TB=N-J 01093 TC=N 01094 no 80 K=1,J 01095 B(IB)=B(IB)-A(IA)*B(IC) 01096 TA=IA-N 01097 80 IC=IC-1 01098 RETURN 01099 END 01100 C 01101 C 01102 SUBROUTINE,HPCG(PRMT.Y,DERY.NDIM.IHLF.FCT.OUTP,AUX) 01103 C SUBROUTINE HPCG 01104 C 01105 C PURPOSE 01106 C TO SOLVE A SYSTEM OF FIRST ORDER ORDINARY GENERAL 01107 C DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH GIVEN INITIAL VALUES. 01108 C 01109 C USAGE 01110 C CALL HPCG (PRmT.Y,DERY - ,NDIM,IHLF,FCT,OUTP.AUX) 01111 CPARAMETERS FCT AND OUTP REQUIRE AN EXTERNAL STATEMENT. 01112 C 01113 C DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS - 01114 C -PRMT - AN INPUT AND OUTPUT - VECTOR - WITH -DIMENSION GREATER 01115 C OR EQUAL TO 5. wHICH SPECIFIES THE PARAMETERS OF 01116 C THE INTERVAL AND OF ACCURACY AND WHICH SERVES FOR 01117 C COMMUNICATION BETWEEN OUTPUT SUHROUTINE (FURNISHED 01118 C BY THE USER) AND SUBROUTINE HPCG. EXCEPT PRMT(5) 01119 C THE COMPONENTS ARE NOT DESTROYED BY SUBROUTINE SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ . SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMO Sim() Sim() SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMO SIMQ SIMO SIMO • SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMO 5180 SIMO SIMO SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ SIMQ -SIMQ HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG 01120 01121 01122 01123 01124 01125 01126 01127 01128 01129 01130 01131 01132 01133 01134 01135 01136 01137 01138 01139 01140 01141 01142 01143 01144 01145 01146 01147 01148 01149 01150 01151 01152 01153 01154 01155 01156 01157 01158 01159 01160 01161 01162 01163 01164 01165 01166 01167 01168 01169 01170 01171 01172 01173 01174 01175 01176 01177 01178 01179 01180 01181 01182 01183 01184 01185 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C HPCG HPCG AND THEY ARE HPCG PRMT(1)- LOWER BOUND OF THE INTERVAL (INPUT), HPCG PRMT(2)- UPPER ROUND OF THE INTERVAL (INPUT), HPCG PRMT(3)- INITIAL INCREMENT OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE HPCG (INPUT). HPCG PRMT(4)- UPPER ERROR BOUND (INPUT). IF ABSOLUTE ERROR IS HPCG GREATER THAN PRMT(4), INCREMENT GETS HALVED. HPCG IF INCREMENT IS LESS THAN PRMT(3) AND ABSOLUTE ERROR LESS THAN PRMT(4)/50, INCREMENT GETS DOUBLED.HPCG HPCG 'THE USER MAY CHANGE PRMT(4) BY MEANS OF HIS HPCG OUTPUT SUBROUTINE. HPCG PRMT(5)- NO INPUT PARAMETER. SUBROUTINE HPCG INITIALIZES HPCG PRMT(5)=0. IF THE USER WANTS TO TERMINATE HPCG SUBROUTINE HPCG AT ANY OUTPUT POINT. HE HAS TO CHANGE PPMT(5) TO NON-ZERO HY MEANS OF SUBROUTINE HPCG HPCG OUTP. FURTHER COMPONENTS OF VECTOR PRMT ARE FEASIBLE IF ITS DIMENSION IS DEFINED GREATER 'HPCG HPCG THAN 5. HOWEVER SUBROUTINE HPCG DOES NOT REQUIRE HPCG AND CHANGE THEM. NEVERTHELESS THEY MAY BE USEFUL HPCG FOR HANDING RESULT VALUES TO THE MAIN PROGRAM HPCG (CALLING HPCG) WHICH ARE OBTAINED BY SPECIAL MANIPULATIONS wITH OUTPUT DATA IN SUBROUTINE OUTP. HPCG HPCG Y - INPUT VECTOR OF INITIAL VALUES. (DESTROYED) HPCG LATERON Y IS THE RESULTING VECTOR OF DEPENDENT HPCG VARIABLES COMPUTED AT INTERMEDIATE POINTS X. HPCG - INPUT VECTOR OF ERROR WEIGHTS. (DESTROYED) DERY HPCG THE SUM OF ITS COMPONENTS MUST BE EQUAL TO 1. HPCG LATERON DERY IS THE VECTOR OF DERIVATIVES. WHICH HPCG BELONG TO FUNCTION VALUES Y AT A POINT X. HPC HPCG - AN INPUT VALUE, WHICH SPECIFIES THE NUMBER OF NDIM HPCG EQUATIONS IN THE SYSTEM. EQU ;HPCG - AN OUTPUT VALUE, WHICH SPECIFIES THE NUMBER OF IHLF BISECTIONS OF THE INITIAL INCREMENT. IF IHLF GETS HPCG HPCG GREATER THAN 10, SUBROUTINE HPCG RETURNS WITH HPCG ERROR MESSAGE IHLF=11 INTO MAIN PROGRAM. HPCG ERROR MESSAGE IHLF=12 OR IHLF=13 APPEARS IN CASE PRMT(3)=0 OR IN CASE SIGN(PRMT(3)).NE.SIGN(PRMT(2)-HPCG HPCG PRMT(1)) RESPECTIVELY. HPCG FCT - THE NAME OF AN EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE USED. IT HPCG COMPUTES THE RIGHT HAND SIDES DERY OF THE SYSTEM HPCG TO GIVEN VALUES OF X AND Y. ITS PARAMETER LIST HPCG MUST RE X,Y,DERY. THE SUBROUTINE SHOULO NOT HPCG DESTROY X AND Y. HPCG - THE NAME OF AN EXTERNAL OUTPUT SUBROUTINE USED. OUTP ITS PARAMETER LIST MUST HE X,Y,DERY,IHLF.NDIM.PRMT.HPCG HPCG NONE OF THESE PARAMETERS (EXCEPT, IF NECESSARY, HPCG PRMT(4),PRMT(5),...) SHOULD BE CHANGED BY SUBROUTINE OUTP. IF PRMT(5) IS CHANGED TO NON-ZERO,HPCG HPCG SUBROUTINE HPCG IS TERMINATED. HPCG AUX - AN AUXILIARY STORAGE ARRAY WITH 16 ROWS AND NDIM HPCG COLUMNS. HPCG REMARKS THE PROCEDURE TERMINATES AND RETURNS TO CALLING PROGRAM, IF HPCG HPCG (1) MORE THAN 10 BISECTIONS OF THE INITIAL INCREMENT ARE t= NECESSARY TO GET SATISFACTORY ACCURACY (ERROR MESSAGE IHLF=11), (2) INITIAL INCREMENT IS EQUAL TO 0 OR HAS WRONG SIGN .HPCG HPCG (ERROR MESSAGES IHLF=12 OR 1HLF=13), HPCG (3) THE WHOLE INTEGRATION INTERVAL IS WORKED THROUGH. HPCG (4) SUBROUTINE OUTP HAS CHANGED PRMT(5)-TO NON-ZERO. - HPCG HPCG SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTION SUBPROGRAMS REQUIRED THE EXTERNAL SUBROUTINES FCT(X,Y,DERY) AND HPCG OUTP(X,Y,DERY.IHLF,NDIM,PRMT) MUST BE FURNISHED BY THE USER.HPCG HPCG 01186 01187 01188 01189 01190 01191 01192 01193 01194 01195 01196 01197 01198 01199 01200 01201 01202 01203 01204 01205 01206 01207 -01208 01209 01210 01211 01212 01213 01214 01215 01216 01217 01218 01219 01220 01221 01222 01223 01224 01225 01226 01227 01228 01229 01230 01231 01232 01233 .01234 01235 01236 01237 01238 01239 01240 01241 01242 -"'" 0.1243 01244 -01245 01246 -01247 01248 01249 01250 01251 • C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1 C C 2 3 C C 4 C C 5 6 7 8 C C 11 12 METHOD HPCG EVALUATION IS DONE BY MEANS OF HAMMINGS MODIFIED PREDICTOR- HPCG HPCG CORRECTOR METHOD. IT IS A FOURTH ORDER METHOD, USING 4 PRECEEDING POINTS FOR COMPUTATION OF A NE4 VECTOR Y OF THE HPCG HPCG DEPENDENT VARIABLES. FOURTH ORDER RUNGE-KUTTA METHOD SUGGESTED BY RALSTON IS HPCG HPCG USED FOR ADJUSTMENT OF THE INITIAL INCREMENT AND FOR COMPUTATION OF STARTING VALUES. HPCG SUBROUTINE HPCG AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTS THE INCREMENT DURING HPCG HPCG THE WHOLE COMPUTATION BY HALVING OR DOUBLING. TO GET FULL FLEXIBILITY IN OUTPUT, AN OUTPUT SUBROUTINE HPCG MUST BE - CODED BY THE USER. HPCG HPCG FOR REFERENCE. SEE HPCG: (1) RALSTON/WTLF, MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR DIGITAL HPCG COMPUTERS. WILEY. NEW YORK/LONDON, 1960. PP.95-109. (2) RALSTON, RUNGE-KUTTA METHODS WITH MINIMUM ERROR BOUNDS,HPCG HPCG MTAC, VOL.16. ISS.80 (1962), PP.431-437. HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG DIMENSION PRMT(1),Y(1),DERY(1),AUX(16,1) HPCG HPCG HPCG N=1 HPCG THLF=0 X=PRMT(1) HPCG H=PRMT(3) HPCG PRMT(5)=0. HPCG HPCG DO 1 I=1,NDIM AUX(16,I)=0. HPCG AUX(15,I)=DERY(I) HPCG HPCG AUX(1,I)=Y(I) TF(H*(PRMT(2)-X))3,2,4 HPCG HPCG HPCG ERROR RETUrNS THLF=12 HPCG HPCG GOTO 4 HPCG IHLF=13 HPCG HPCG COMPUTATION OF DERV FOR STARTING VALUES CALL FCT(X,Y,DERY) HPCG HPCG HPCG RECORDING OF STARTING VALUES HPCG CALL OUTP(X,Y,DERY,IHLF,NDIM,PRMT) TF(PRMT(5))6,5+6 HPCG TF(IHLF)7,7,6 HPCG RETURN HPCG HPCG DO 8 I=1,NDIM AUX(8,I)=DERY(I) HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG ---HPCG TNCREMENT H IS TESTED BY MEANS OF BISECTION IHLF=IHLF•1 HPCG HPCG X=X-H HPCG nO 12 1=1.NDIM--AUX(4,I)=AUX(2.I) HPCG HPCG H=.5*H 01252 01?53 01254 01255 C 01256 01257 01258 01259 01260 01261 01262 01263 01264 C 01265 C 01266 01267 01268 01269 01270 01271 01272 C 01273 C 01274 01275 01276 01277 C 01278 C 01279 01280 01281 01282 01283 01284 01285 01286 01287 C 01288 01289 01290 01291 01292 01293 01294 01295 01296 01297 01298 01299 01300 01301 01302 01303 01304 01305 01306 C 01307 01308 01309 01310 01311 01312 01313 01314 01315 01316 01317 N=1 TSw=2 GOTO 100 13 x=x+H CALL FCT(X,Y,DERY) N=2 nO 14 I=l+NDim AUX(2•I)=Y(T) 14 AUX(9+I)=DERy(I) TSw=3 GOTO 100 COMPUTATION OF TEST VALUE DELT 15 nFLT=0. DO 16 I=1,NDIM 16 nELT=DELT+AUX(15+I)*ABS(Y(I)-4UX(4+I)) nFLT=.06666667*DELT TF(DELT-PRmT(4))19,19.17 17 IF(THLF-10)11.18,18 NO SATISFACTORY ACCURACY AFTER 10 BISECTIONS. ERROR MESSAGE. 18 THLF=11 x=x+H GOTO 4 THERE IS SATISFACTORY ACCURACY AFTER LESS THAN 11 BISECTIONS. 19 x=X+H CALL FCT(X9Y,DERY) nO 20 I=1,NDIM AUX(3+I)=Y(I) 20 Aux(101I)=DERY(I) N=3 TSw=4 GOTO 100 21 N=1 x=x+H CALL FCT(x.Y,DERY) x=PRmT(1) no 22 1=1,NOIm AUX(11.I)=DERy(I) 220Y (I ) =AUX ( 1 e I ) +H* ( •375*AUX ( 89 I ) +.7916667*AUX (9, I ) 1-.2083333*AUX(1091)+.04166667*DERY(1)) 23 X=X+H N=N+1 CALL FCTIX,Y,DERY) CALL OUTP(X.Y,OERY,IHLF,NDIM,PPMT) TF(PIRMT(5))6,24,6 24 TF(N-4)25,200,200 25 no 26 I=1,NDIN AUX(NsI)=Y(I) 26 AUx(N+7,I)=DERY(I) TF(N-3)27,29,200 27 nO 28 I=1,NOIM OFLT=AUx(9.1)+AUX(9,1) DELT=OELT+DELT Y(I)=AUX(1,I)+.3333333*H*(AUX(89I)+DELT+AUX(10,I)) GOTO 23 29 nO 30 I=1,NDIm nFLT=AUx(9.I)+AUx(10.I) nELT=DELT+DELT+i)ELT 30 Y(I)=AUX(1.1)+.375*H*(AUX(8,I)+DELT+AUX111,I)1 GOTO 23 HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG 01318 C HPCG 01319 C THE FOLLOWING PART . OF SUBROUTINE HPCG COMPUTES BY MEANS OF HPCG 01320 C RUNGE-KUTTA METHOD STARTING VALUES FOR THE NOT SELF-STARTING HPCG 01321 C PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR METHOD. HPCG 01322 100 no 101 I=1*NDIM HPCG 01323 7=H*AUX(N+79I) HPCG 01324 AUX(5,I)=Z HPCG 01325 101 Y(I)=AUX(N.I)+.4*Z HPCG 01326 C 7 IS AN AUXILIARY STORAGE LOCATION HPCG 01327 C HPCG 01328 7=X+.4*H , HPCG., 01329 CALL FCTIZIY.DERY) HPCG 01330 00 102 I=1.NDIM HPCG 01331 Z=H*DERY(I) HPCG 01332 AUX(6,I)=Z HPCG 01333 102 Y(I) = AUX( N 91) + .2969776*AUX(5,1)+.1587596*Z HPCG 01134 C HPCG 01335 Z=X+.4557372*H HPCG 01336 CALL FCT(Z,Y,DERY) HPCG 01337 no 103 I=1.NDIM HPCG 01338 7=H*DERY(I) HPCG 01339 AUX(79I)=Z HPCG 01340 103 Y(1) =AU X1 N ,D • .2181004*AUX(5,I)-3.050965*AUX(6,1)+3.832865*Z HPCG 01341 C HPCG 01342 Z=X+H HPCG 01343 CALL FCT(Z,Y.DERY) HPCG 01344 00 104 I=1,NDIM HPCG 01345 1040Y(I)=AUX(N/1/+.1747603*AUX(591)-.5514807*AUX(6,1/ HPCG 01346 1+1.205536*AUX(7,I)+.1711848*H*DERY(I) HPCG 01347 GOTO(91,13.15,21),ISW HPCG 01348 C HPCG 01349 C POSSIBLE BREAK-POINT FOR LINKAGE HPCG 01350 C HPCG 01351 C STARTING VALUES ARE COMPUTED. HPCG 01352 C NOW START HAMMINGS MODIFIED PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR-METHOD. HPCG 01353 200 ISTEP=3 HPCG 01354 201 1F(N-8)204,202,204 HPCG 01355 C HPCG 01356 C N=8 CAUSES THE ROWS OF AUX TO CHANGE THEIR STORAGE LOCATIONS HPCG 01357 202 no 203 N=2,7 HPCG 01358 DO 203 I=1,NDIM HPCG 01359 AUX(N-1.1)=AUX(N,I) HPCG 01360 203 AUX(N+6,I)=AUX(N+7,I/ HPCG 01361 N=7 HPCG 01362 C HPCG 01363 C N LESS THAN 8 CAUSES N+1 TO GET N HPCG 01364 204 N=N+1 HPCG 01365 C HPCG 01366 C COMPUTATION OF NEXT VECTOR Y HPCG 01367 f.)0 205 I=1,NDIM HPCG 01368 AUX(N-1,I)=Y(I) HPCG 01369 205 AUX(N+6.D=DERY(I) HPCG 01370 X=X+H HPCG --''''','-01371 206 ISTEP=ISTEP+1 HPCG 01372 no 207 I=1,NDIM „.„ HPCG 01373 OOFLT=AUX(N-4.D+1.333333*H*(AUX(N+6.1)+AUX(N+69I)-AUX(N+5,I)* HPCG 01374 1AUX(N+4.I)+AUX1N+4,11) HPCG 01375 Y(1)=DELT-.9256198*AUX(16.1) HPCG 01376 207 AUX116.1)=DELT -HPCG 01377 C _PREDICTOR IS NOW GENERATED IN ROW 16 OF AUX, MODIFIED PREDICTOR -HPCG 01378 C TS GENERATED IN Y. DFLT MEANS AN AUXILIARY STORAGE. HPCG 01379 C HPCG 01380 CALL FCT(X.Y,DERY/ HPCG 01381 C DERIVATIVE OF MODIFIED PREDICTOR IS GENERATED IN DERY HPCG 01382 C HPCG 01383 00 208 I=1*NDIM HPCG :. 01384 ODELT=.125*(9.*AUX(N-1.I)-AUX(N-3.I)+3.*H*(DERY(I)+AUX(N+6.I). HPCG 01385 1AUX(N.6,I)-AUX(N+5,I))) HPCG 01386 AUX(16.I)=AUX(16.1)-DELT HPCG 01387 208 Y(I) = DELT .. .07438017*AUX(16.I) HPCG 01388 C HPCG 01389 C TEST WHETHER M MUST RE HALVED OR DOUBLED HPCG 01390 DELT=0. HPCG 01391 DO 209 I=1,NDIM A 01392 209 DELT=DELT+AUX(15.I)*ARS(AUX(16,I)) = 0 1 393 TF(DELT-PRMT(4))210.222,222 HPCG 01394 C HPCG 01395 C H MUST NOT BE-HALVED. THAT MEANS Y(I) ARE GOOD. HPCG 0 1 396 210 CALL FCT1k.Y.DERY) HPCG 01397 CALL OUTP(X.Y.DERY.IHLF,NDIM.PRMT) HPCG 01398 TF(RRMT(5))212,211,212 HPCG 01399 211 IF(IHLF-11)213,212,212 HPCG 01400 212 RETURN HPCG 01401 213 IF(H*(X-PRMT(2)))214.212.212 01402 214 TF(ABS(x-PHMT(2))-.1*AHSTH))212,215,215 = 01403 215 IF(DELT-.02*PRMT(4))216.216,201 HPCG 01404 C MPCG 01405 C 01406 C H COULD BE DOUBLED IF ALL NECESSARY PRECEEDING VALUES ARE 1;117g 01407 C AVAILABLE 01408 216 IFUHLF)201,201,217 = 01409 217 IF(N-7)2019218,218 HPCG 01410 21H IF(ISTEP-4)201,219,219 HPCG 219 imoo r. ISTEP/2 01411 HPCG 01412 IF(ISTEP-IMOD-IMOD)201.220.201 MPCG 01413 220 H=H•H HPCG 01414 IHLF=IHLF-1 HPCG 01415MPCG ISTEP=0 01416 DO 221 I=1.NDIM HPCG 01417 AUX(N-1.I)=AUX(N-2,I) HPCG 01418 AUX(N-2.I)=AUX(N-4.I) HPCG 01419 AUX(N-3.I)=AUX(N-6,I) HPCG 01420 AUX(N+6.I)=AUX(N+5,I) HPCG 01421 AUX(N+5,I)=AUX(N+391) HPCG 01422 AUX(N4.4.1)=AUX(N+1,I) HPCG 01423 DELT=AUX(N+6.1)+AUX(N+5.I) HPCG 01424 DELT=DELT+DELT+DELT HPCG 01425 2210Aux(16,I)=8.962q63*(r(i)-AUX(N-3.I)).3.361111*H*(0ERY(I).OELT HPCG 01426 1+AUx(N4.4.I)1 HPCG 01427 GOTO 201 HPCG 01428 C HPCG 01429 C HPCG 01430 C H MUST 8E HALVED HPCG 01431 222 IHLF=IMLF*1 01432 IF(IMLF-10)223,223,210 . hi= i 01433 223 H=.5*H HPCG 01434 ISTEP=0 HPCG 01435 - DO 224 I=1.NDIM 01436 0Y(I)=.00390625*(80.4AUX(N-1,I)+135.*A0X(N-2,I)+40.0AUX(N-3.1). = 01437 1AUX(N4,I))-.1171875*(AUX(N+6.1)-6.*AUX(N+5,I)-AUX(N•4,I))*H HPCG 01438 OAUX(11-4.1)=.00390625*(12.*AUX(N-1.1)4.135.*AUX(N-2,1)4. HPCG 01439 1108.*AUX(N--3.I)+AUX(N•4.I))-.0234375*(AUX(N+6.I)+18.*AUX(N+5.1)- HPCG 01440 29.*AUX(N+4,I))*(-1 HPCG 01441 AUX(N-.3.I)=AUX(N-2.I) HPCG 01442 224 AUX(N+4.1)=AUX(N+5,I) HPCG 01443 X=X-H HPCG 01444 DELT=X-(H.H) HPCG 01445 'CALL FCT(DELT.Y.DERY) HPCG 01446 DO 225 I=1tNDIM HPCG 01447 AUX(N-2.I)=Y(I) HPCG 01448 AUX(N+5.I)=0ERY(I) HPCG 01449 225 Y(I)=AUX(N-4,I) HPCG 01450 01451 01452 01453 01454 01455 01456 01457 01458 01459 DELT=DELT-(H•H) CALL FCT(DELT,Y,DERY) no 226 I=1,NDIM DELT=AUX(N+9,I)+AUX(4,I) DELT=DELT*DELT•DELT OAUX(16,I)=8.962963*(AUX(N-1,I)-Y(I))-3.361111*H*CAUXIN+6,1)•DELT 1•DERY(I)) 226 AUX(N+3,I)=DERy(I) GOTO 206 FND HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG HPCG REFERENCES 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. April 25, 1978. Modification of Secondary Treatment Requirements for Discharges into Marine Waters. Federal Register, Vol. 43, No. 80, p. 17484-17508. Washington, D.C. 2. 33 USC 1251, et seq. PL 92-500 as amended December 28, 1977. 3. 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