TI TISIS OP for the M.S. AN ABSTRACT OF - Laurence Alfred Harvey Date Thesis presented Title Ma The Operational in Mathematics ,_l5O___ olutionof Abstract Aproved A Laplace vector transform is defined in a to the usual s calar definition and it analogous manner application to vector derivatives is illustrated in Section 2, In Section 3, the linear vector differential equation with constant dyadic coefficients is solved in the The solution depends upon obtainirg the operational form. which is a function of the reciprocal 'Ir- o± a d,iadic transform operator p. The reciprocal is found for a special form of this diadic which applied to a large class of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Application is made in Sectïon 4 of the relationships obtained in Section 3 to solve a first order linear differential equation which contains a cross product in the first derivative. A simple second order differential equation of the motion of a projectile subject to various initial conditions is then treated in a similar manner and a complete solution obtained in terms of the initial vector velocities llore difficult equations of and the gravitational vector. product with one or more vector second order that involve the solutions operational of its terms is then treated and en combinaalthough expressed. It is noted in closirg that tion of one or two terms in R( t) and its time derivatives with the cross product may possess a solution, a combination of all three terms with the cross product does not since fails to exist and no solution can be found. the dyadic 1i TEE OBRATIONAL SOLUTION DIPPENTIAL EQUATIONS OP VECTOR by LAURENCE ALFB A hARVEY THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE COLL3GS in artia1 fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of AT OP SCIENCE june 1950 PROV1D: professor of Mathematics In charge of Major Head of Department of Mathematio8 chairman of School Graduate Committee Dean of Graduate School Dale thesis is presented Typed by Prances Harvey // A QKNOWLDGT The writer wi8he$ to exre8s hi8 deep appreciation to Dr. I. M. Hotetter for hie able direction, constant encouragement, and infinite patience. TABLE OB' Section CONTENTS Title 1 INTRQDuCON 2. THE VECTOR TRANSFORM 3. TH 4, APPIIQATIONS 6 TABLES . . . . . . page . . . . . . . LINEAR VECTOR BQUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . 16 . . TEE OPERATIONAL SOLUTION OF VECTOR DIFFERENTIAL UATI ONS 1. INTRODUCTION Physicists and mathematicians have long found the vector notation particularly advantageous in ex- pressing differential equationß governing natural phenomena. Very little has been done on the solution of vector equations completely in vector form without recourse to systems of coordinates. The facility of vector, or more generally, polyadic algebra has not been fully exploited in the solution of such problems. It is the purpose of this paper to apply oper- ational methods directly to solving a limited clase of vector differential equations. For simplicity of nota.. tion we will let capital Latin letters represent vectors, capital Greek lettere represent dyadics, and lower-case Latin letters represent scalars. Section 2 defines a vector transform analogous to the Laplace Transform and obtains the transform of derivatives of a vector function in terms of the trans- 2 form of the function. Sectiona 3 and 4 illustrate the use of the Laplace vector transformation on linear vector differential equations and its applications to sev- eral problems. A short table of related transforms appear in section 5. 2. TEE VECTOR TRANSPOBM A vector function P( t) defined for all positive values of the parameter t, maltiplied bi integrated with respect to t peP and over the range from zero to infinity describes a vector function G(p), i.e. (2.1) 1 P( P( t) t) dt G(p) The new function, G(p) is the Laplace Vector transform of p( t). The transformation is designated by the bold-faced L. L1. cated by The inverse transform in indi The transform pairs, P(t) and G(p) are tabulated in a manner similar to that of tables of integrals. Rules and definitions which apply to the ecalar traneform also apply to the vector transform. treatment by Churchill (4, pp. 2-60) 110-155) The or Pipee (b, pp. and associated theorems and definitions may be applied directly by the substitution of the vector transform pair pair f(t) P( t) and and g(p). G( p) for the s calar transform From the definition of the vector transform - L F'(t) p/e "(t) dt. Integrating by parts, (2.2) ePtÏJo pP(t) L F'(t) p2Je_PtI(t) dt. + o Hence (2.3) F'(t) L - pP(0) p L F p G(p) - pF(0). Similarly, (2.4) 1 P"(t) = L H' p 1 p2G(p) H - pH(0), -pP(0) - pF'(0). epeated applicatiom of the foregoing procedure yields the formula (2,5) We note (2.6) L n-1 F()(t) L F - P(o) p that p() n-1 A =fk L. - 2k=O i kj. A also, (2.7) LP(h1)xÁ[P11G(P) _P(1c)(o)ph1ia 5 3. UATION THE LINEA.R VECTOR It is well known that any linear vector function may be written in the notation of Gibbs (1, where is a dyadic. 266) as H F. (3.1) p. All the possible forme linear in a vector P, namely aP, PxA, (3.2) FA and B, .P Consequently, it is may be expressed in this form. obvious that any linear vector differential equation with constant coefficients may be expressed in the RL+ (3.3) where (3.4) o' l' R''!1+ 2 R"2+ ..... forni = P(t) + are constant dyadics, and R' = dR/dt, R" = d2R/dt2, etc. We seek the solution of (3.3) subject to the initial conditions (3.5) I«O) = R0, R'(o) = R T , ,, B)(0) R(n) Enrploying the vector transform as defined in Section 2, to equation (3.3) we obtain o+[(p)_PRJ (3.6) + ... +[P¼()_pRo_pRo7] . '2 R(k)(0) pn_k1.n + L P _ Solving for the operational (3.7) solution G( p) =fRo transformed variable ((p) the may be expressed as .1+[2R0+10] R + .2+[p3ito+p2R6+PRcr] (o)n_k] 3 . + where (3.8) = o + P] P22 + is the reciprocal of and ,. + provided such a ', reciprocal exists. Let us find the Y=uI (3.9) Let reciprocal of a dyadio of form be a (3.10) + vix set of unit orthogonal 11.j ¿, i&, and I where repeated indices indicates indices. ( 3 . 11) We have (1, pp. Y = uij + vectors, then summation on those 288-297) vjxA The reciprocal of Y is (il,2,3), = then = 31 ( Uj given by -F vjxA) = (1, p. 290) 7 N1j, (3.12) and 1Ç1 where N1 is the reciproca]. set = u to Nj. vxA + such a set always exists provided the vectors Nj are independent. shall so assume. The reciproca]. set N1 18 given (3, 13) N2xN3 N2XN3.N1 N1 = N3xN1 ' N3XN1.N2 N2 We by N1XN2 N3 N1xN2.N3 or from (3.12) (3.14) (2+vE2x) x( u+vxA) N- u2+v2xA) x( u3+vxA) with similar expressions for form of the numerator N2 . u+vmxA) The expanded and N3. is (3.15) = u22x3+uvAx(33x2) -v22xA]Â u2E1 + .(uY = Applying + + + uv2(1.A)2 u3 + uv2A.A = Ej.(UY + v2AA) as v2).(u u3 the v2.i& is expanded The denominator (3.16) uvxA + + vxA) u(xA).(xA) same expansions for N2 and we find that j.(uY N1 (3.17) + v2AA) (1123). u3 + uv2A.A With the aid of (3,12) and uY + v2 u3 + uv2A"A yl (3.18) have or applying (3.9) we U2I + uvlx& + v2AA u(u2 + v2A'A) (3.19) as (3.10) the reciprooal of y = (3.20) uX + vIxA. Let us now consider the differential equation of the form (3.21) a0R+a11'+a2R"+. . .+a +aq1R ql)+ 1 . .+a +aqR n) = F( t). This may be written as (3.22) a0R.I+a1Rh.I+a2Rh1.I+...+aq_1R(1),I+aq),IxAq q+1) It is of the form (3.3) (3.23) = a,I, 8qIXAq, R(n) 'IXA 1q+i P( t). where = a11, .., ' q-i q+1 = aqiIxA.qi,..., = aIxL. (3.8) Prom write we (3.24) (ap)I +Ix = This is the form of the dyadie Y of (3.6) and (3.20) where 1-' (3.25) u '7 IZa1p1, y (O 1, a1A1 A Consequently, by (3.19) where tion i)21 ap)1xA + (ajpi)f(jajPi)2 A we (3.27) G(p) with (8 1 (3.26) + AA + ASA] (3.25). For the o:perational soluobtain from (3.7) is defined f 1i bj/ J/ ko by fl i-I EajiR11) +2Eajpi_1B)xAj defined by (3.26). + 10 4. AII1I0ATIONS eetion 3 to develop We now apply the method of the complete solutions of certain problems. Consider the solution of the linear differential equation of first order. + mR = A ein t, R'xA (4.1) subject to the initial conditions We write R(0) = this R'.IxA (4.2) + mR.I = A sin t. With the aid of (3.25) and (3.26) (4.3) I pIx, = ml + Applying (3,2?) to i1 = m21 + pmlxA + + mp2A.A . equation (4.3) and carrying out the vector multiplication, the operational solution is (4.4) &(p) A pn3ItoxA = (p2a2 m2) (p+ + 1) From the tables of transforms we now have the complete s olution, (4.5) i(t) R0xA sin mt/a_ + A sin t 11 As an example of a simple second order differential equation let it be required to find a solution to the vector equation of the motion of a projectile fired with a muzzle velocity having a velocity U. V0 from a moving platform The forces on the projectile are mG the gravitatiozm]. force and the air resistance W, which we will assume proportional to the velocity, W Consequently, if the posïtion vector of the -kR'. projectile referred to its initia], position at the time of firing is denoted by R,, the equation of motion is (4.6) = G R1' + hR' With Rc' = U + V0, i«O) = R, and h = k/rn. Then by specializing (3.26) we have (4.7) a0 O, a1 = h, ph, y I -.-1 (4.8) 1, u a2 p2 + ph Prom (3,27) (49) G'(p) = + p Prom the tablee of + pR0' + G +ph eotion 5, we have at once the O, 12 complete solution (4, 10) R( t) 1_t/'m) ( R0 jm mt k nk2 Consider a complete solution for an equation of the type R" + R'XA. + m2R (4.11) B, subject to the initial oonditiom Referring to equations (3.25) and a1 1, a2 1. R(0) (3.26), R0, R'(0) a0- in2, we find Hence (p2 + m2)i + + (2 rn2)pIxA + p2AA (p2+ m2)21 (p2+ rn2)[(p2 rn2)2 + p2aJ The transform solution is obtained from (3.27) as (4.12) (p2R0+pR0xA + pR0' + IB) G(p) (p2R, + pR0xP. + pRo' + LB)(p2+ in2) p+ m2) + p2 + p3R0xA + p2R0'x - [(p2+ m) p4R0.AJ4. + (p2 in2) + pLBx& + p3R0'.AÁ + LB.AA p+ m) + To evaluate the Inverse transform G(p) it 13 may be necessary, in as tables such oases, to many refer to extensive In those of Doetech (5, pp. 3-184). the absence of such tables it is possible to evaluate many forms that are similar to (4.12) by utilizing the 134). Heaviside Expansion Formula (3, p. If by proper choice of the point of reference we may let null be a R0 vector, six terms will be dropped from the opera- tional solution. (4.13) The solution, R( t) sin vt-u B(t) , is written sin ut ] cos ut - cos vt + (R0TxL + LB) [ _ V-U L + (m2R0' + LBxA) + + m2lB Í2 sin vt_v u cos vt - utj y2 ces ut u2v2(v2_u2) ut)/u2 B.AÂ1°° [m2_u2)(u2_v2) in ut + sin [(m2_u2)(u2_v2) (cos mt)1m2 (cos vt)/v2 (m2_v2)(u_v2) V (m2_u2)(m_v2J sin vt m sin (m2_v2)(u2_v2) - (m2_u2)(m2_v2 where U2 2m2+a2+a14m2+a2 2 mt V2 2m2+a2_aj!+a2 2 14 Consider next the case where the second ordered derivative in (3.21) occurs in a vector :product. R" The ER' + + operational solution and (3.26) F (t) mR be found by applying (3.24) may in the usual manner, (4.14) (pu = + p2Iï m)I + (pn+ + p2( pn + m) I xA + pAA ' (pn+m)f3pn+m)+p4A'A] write the operational solution From which, by (3.27) we (4.15) G(p) = p2R0xA. + pR0Tx + puR0 + For the equation (4.16) wo R" + mR' + nRxà. = P(t) have -= (p2 (p2 + (p2 mp)I + nIxA. mp)21 + n(p2 + mp)IxA. + mp) and by the usual procedure (4.17) G(p) = [(p2 + [(p2 + nrp ) + n2AA + n2A 'A] + mp)R0 + pR0' + Ls'] Consider the case where ail terms of the left member of (3.21) Involve a vector product. (4.18) + mR'xA1 + Prom equation (3,20) lt is 'o evident P(t). that u u occurs as a factor In the denominator of reciprocal is not defined and Por example, Since 0. the no solution existe. F(t) G(p) t- ap - n) 1 - e i (p+a) i p(p + a) a i-e -at a (p + b)2 + a2 P 2 Cos5 (p2 + a?) - Cosh at (p+a) pa Sinh at (p2-a2) e -at p Sinat (p2 + a?) ap a t F(t) G(p) J-4 (p2-a2) ebt sin at a2>Q p2 {P2-f(b-1-a)2jf+(b-a)2J 1 2ab sin at sin bt f-1 F(t) G(p) d(r) pfl (pb2)2+p2a pfl (p2+c2)[(p2+b2)2+ p2a23 dt() [ Cos Cos F dt( [(c2_u2)(u2_v2)u2 0, 1, 2, 3, n I J vt Cos - ct c2_u2)(c2_v2)c2j 2b2+a2-ablli.b2+a2 - 2 ' ti.. +-ut [u sin wt + w a v+e1t lu sin vt cos vrJ w(u2+w2)(v2+w2) + - Libc IL n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ut cos (c2_v2)(u2_v2)v2 - 2b2+a24aIZ? 2 dt' - y2 u2v2(v2-u2) ut d(') u2 (p2±ap)22c2 vt 2 a? + y cos vt v(u2+v2)(v2+w) 1ibc + a2 14 14. I-J I!j LITATURB 1. CIT' L B., Vector analysis oundd upon the Wilson, Now Haven, lectures oÍ J. Williard Gibbs. 436p. 1901. ress, University Conn. Yale 2. Page, Leigh. Introduction to theoretical physicS. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1928. 66l. 3. Pipes, Louis A. Applied mathematics or eiineers New York, McGraw-Hill, 1946. and. physicists. 6l8p. 4. Churchill, uel V. Modern operational mathematics in engineering. New York, McGraW-Hill, 1944. 306p. 5. Doetech, G. Tabellen zur Laplace transformation pringer-Ver1ag, und anleitung zum gebrauch. Wien, Austria, 194?. l85p.