AN AB$TRACT OF T} TISI3 OF for (Name) (Degree) (Majr) Date Thesis presented---T i t le ------ __ Abstract Approved: -----------------(Major Professor) ABSTRACT The first part of the paper is devoted to the obtainIng of convergent power series solutions and the determination of certain properties of these solutions. In particular, properties are discussed relative to the number of zeros of. a solution and the distances between successive zeros. The relationships of orthogonality of two different solutions are shown. Since it is difficult to vrite down a general term for the power series, the equation is transforied into one which gives rise to a series with simpler coefficients. In addition, the relation of the Weber equation to (1) is shovm. Beginning with Chapter VII the discussion centers on solutions of (1) asymptotic ink. The theorem of Trjitzins,çy :is apilied to show the asimptotic character of the formal solutions. In Chapter VIII the solutions asymptotic in the parameter are obtained by applying the method and existence theorem given by Birkhoff. In both cases, solutians are obtained which are best suited for calculation. The last Chapter deals with the behavior of the coefficients of a solution due to Stokes' phenomenon. In the case of solutions aspiptobic in 'i,explicit formulas are given for the calculation of the coefficients. A STUDY OF ThE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION d'w .-+(rfl-1-z z. )w Q dz by C. GORDON MORRIS A. THESIS submitted to the OREGON STATE COLLEGE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS June 1938 APPROVED: s Professor of Mathematics in Charge of Major Head of Department of Mathematics Chairman or School Graduate Uommittee Chairman of State College Graduate Council Acknowledgment The writer wishes to express his thanks to Dr. W. E. MiThe who suggested the topic and directed the work on power series solutions, and to Dr. Henry Scheff who directed the work on asymptotic solutions and gave valuable assist- ance in making that part of the thesis possible. TABLE 0F CONThNTS Chapter I. II. Introduction i Existence of a Solution of (i)'.(w-)Jo III. The Solution of (i) by Means of a Power Series IV. Properties of Solutions of (1) for real ;2=%i V. Solutions of Transformed Equation VI. The Relation between Our Equation and the Weber Equation VII. ii 14 15 The Solutions of (1) Asymptotic in the Parameter IX. 6 The Solutions of (1) Asymptotic in the Complex Variable VIII. 4 in Asymptotic Connections 26 33 i' A STUDY OF TEE DIFFERENTIAL EQJJATION o c:1 I. This paper is s IbTiODUC ILION stu.dr of tine differential equation LÇ+ :7 (1) The first part of the paper is devoted to the ob- taining of convergent power series solutions and the de- termination of certain properties of these solutions. In particular, properties are discussed relative to the solution and the distsnces between number of zeros of a successive zeros. The relationships of orthogonality of two different solutions are shown. Since it is diffi- cult to write down a general term for the power series, the equation is transformed into one which gives rise a series with simpler coefficients. In addition, to the re- lation of the Weber equation to (1) is shown. Beginning with Chapter VII the discussion centers on solutions of (1) asymptotic in is given to obtaining real utation. the and particular stress solutions for practical comp- The theorem of Trjitzinsky is applied to show asmptotic character of the formal solutions. In Chapter VIII the solutions asymptotic in the ameter m are obtained by applying the method ence theorem given by Birkhoff. and. par- exist- Here again solutions are obtained which are best suited for calculation. 2 In Chapter IX the behavior of the coefficients of a solution due to Stokes' phenomena is discussed. case of solutions asymptotic in hi are , In the explicit formulas iven for calculation of the coefficients. 3 EXISTFICE OF A SOLUTION OF II. (1) + (+ f) i = Consider the general homogeneous linear differential equation of the second order W (l-a) ft p," in which the coefficients p, out the finite plane. plex variable f P2'' and Eere '.) are regular through- is a function of the com- It is shown by a general existence . ti+ theorem* that (l-a) admits one and only one analytic sol- ution of form w i'0 -t-$, ..... which with its first derivative at o This solution is valid over the entire finite . takes on assigned values plane. Equation (1) satisfies the conditions necessary in the type form (l-a). solution of Therefore we may assert (1) has the forni w C0i- C,. C- a ..... We shall next dterriine thi coefficients of this series. *Pierpont, James, Functions of a Complex Variable, p. and Co., 1914 459, Gum III. TETE SOLUTIOI OF (1) BY iEAIS OF A POWER SERIES. Assume the solution w=C0tC,tC,,2 Then * 3çaz 2 If we substitute -- C- 'ÇA.... -1)C1 the foregoing expressions in (1) we have (C6+2C# ..... +(i)(ii)C Next, ..... the coefficients are equated to zero, ard this gives cz cow, z! C3: -C,b C.¿-t2 3! -mC The last formula gives each the two preceding ones where ry constants. C. C0 coefficient in terms of and C, are two arbitra- Several of these coefficients have been /-2\ computed and are given below. C:c.-;i) cg C' /m2-5\ o i-) =(T7 Je 3 - C 2 7 __/ 7,' I z -4LLw8 L - I 8 52 - s- 7i C -) 8',' I -4-ib - /oo ± i t CO3 5-3 /o ±2f) C --(- I, I/i - - 'r' , F Ç 2 û o 2 - C '3 - ± o ô 4' fr1 - 277 C, o ¡3,! -' When z z t, these values for the coefficients are substibu- ted in the assumed power series solution, we have as the most general solution for finite values of k)z A.J o where CJ -fi ___ w - /O (LA1 ______ J s- -. %1 -+ ¿4L4w) i / 4vi 'o 4 2 7 + f 3 s /1, 'I ) O ) /0/ - -t- +..---. 4 IV. PROPERTIES OF SOLUTIOIS OF (1) FOR REAL Z)C A solution of (1) has an infinite number of 1. zeros. Proof: shall consider the equation We 0 (2) which has a be given any value. at this value of Now we multiply (1) by (2) from (i.). where may Since (1) has a solution which has a let us choose zero, (-&), 9% Csin solution j ard (2) r byy and subtract The result gives us 9y'-.yj7"4. [(,*i'J-rJyf0 so that the expression in brackets is positive. Choose Furthermore, pick the solution 9 such that '( & )y(a_. When the last equation is integrated between the limits and r , there results the expression f((/?lZ)/7Jyjdx vy'-yy:r# Assume 9 vanishes again first after & b = o. ; then this equation will be _yyJf1f(i21yj The signs of all tive. The tifle o. terms in the equation will be posi- situation is not possible. first, we have 6 2 yy ]#f[(øv)-n Jyjd 2 If y vanishes V7t Here the signs are opposite, and the relation could be Since (2) has an infinite number of zeros, satisfied. the process might be continued an infinite number of thus showing (1) has an infinite nuiiber of zeros. times, 2. The squares of the amplitudes between successive zeros of a solution of (1) are aiwsys decreasing. Proof: Lety and form the equation be a solution of (1) w = Then yv'+,1 , 2. -= i yy =2j ± / ____ [y"+(w+)y} F ;;+ = J -Y--i - / 2 _-Y ' :?:_$ y 2. (w4') When 2' Lety, a decreasing function. The slopes at slopes at 'J:ti Ji I W , j z i2. 'J is ¿=1,2,3, ----- , represent of the intervals, and let the amplitudes Since is always negative, and is positive represent will be zero, and we have 2. i w2. etc. decreas > e tc and the proof is complete. 3. The interrals between successive zeros of tion of (1) are continually decreasing. Proof: a solu- Assume a solution of equation (i) has successive and zeros at In (i) make the substitution this TTon new ec'atinn will become J2 !J,a which, since J Ç. (1-b) Equation (l-b) has , may be viritten + a which will have a zero solution y at a-when the corresponding solution at We seek to show that J Let us multiply (1) b The result gives us tract, yN- jg"-f j (1) has a zero will vanish st before y y of and (l-b) ,9 V-(' -'i) bvj j yy and sub- -o. When we integrate this equation between the limits 3 and obtain the eouation we +j_ As before in this process, at the signs of the terms do not make Ify does vanish before sible. satisfied. which does not vanish before if Thus the interval a.. , is $ the equation ros- the equation could be shorter than indicates that the next interval between theczeros of a solution j is shorter than the one before it. The process may be continued throughout all the intervals to show that they are continua].1r decreasing. 4. If corresponding to two different values of there are two solutionsj andy of (1) both equal to , then zero at and ori('f JOpBUO uQT4flb GU 1K, z (2) n)+ 'iC )&-f T n () ri T( ciçnux aw UGLr.AJL ?,Ç( pu q (ç) (i,) = pi iq uoGJdxG BI[; UÇ M , 4- tt41 ;oi;qns oxo4 ' ALGA9 sLaTI pti» Tí 49q 'f 0 ÇÇ 3JpU M01 '(JT OJOf ULütX UJJJÇp UO4flOS uoTnb [UO O.:»lD % UG (_) zi o(i-'±ti')+ (o-T) 1 %' ) UOfliOS ( JO 7,Ç uOÇfl1Q$ q Q (°-I) ( 7v) O . (-E) TJiIL 0 7 4 ) j-t: c1Ç ' ii;- 0 {(:D4)»»°f pTuo3 X D SOJGZ -[4T cï LTd13T? o ) J( $.. ( : ( s-ç :i From this it is seen that When ¿ 1,2,3, ----- From these resu] ts Y . C tK., sketch we at )Q o when and t3 t - We may no write a ()y z L2 (5) yL; Z (6) now multiply (5) from (5). twe en - IÍ the limi ts . ' we. - O I ncl (6) by y and subtract integrate the resulting equation be- and O o Z y b = ¿ (i-'.)y7 -f 6'J Let us - (K -yjyx :10i0 we ob tain z Z )1j/F I IiJzdt::O, The first term of the last equation wil] be zero at these limits, and have, we X 2 Z t(&i T whe re y K) y(,K) J 2 X, 11 V. SOLUTIONS OF TRANSFORID EUATION It is important for some purposes to obtain conver- which gent solutions of (1) for the general term can ex- Since it is difficult to write a plicitly be written. general term for the power series solutions obtained in the previous section it is desirable to transform the e- quation into one which will give rise to simpler series coefficients. Let a w= e y / z I e = 22. e ' czK42 +)v0. L4/} With this transformation (1) becomes (7) v v 4 L Now to remove the term For ?JE the equation (7) now becomes -(-t-w)y I, V We t*c series solution now assume a power v= I: / ç- I ô as before and have 12 V 'I () Z Nhen these values are substituted in 2 Jz J- J>Z 7-2 ç- + ..r, (iv1)L r ' and equating t.o zero By collecting the coefficients of we have there results the recurrence formula = _p.n-i (z-3) 2 - Since a., are arbitrary constants we form now and two power series solutions which converge for all the // - a1 / -F Cw+z) (iv+.5j) + z. (vvt1'h -3]Z (w+ z)Cvtcj) )2v1 J 2M'. (-iY' (iwt3i)(wrt. (2r+1) The most general solution is now written \,a0v, Two a(V (t-t independent solutioìs of (1) 2 14» (8) 3 u e. may now be ) ) well known theorem on homogeneous linear differen- By a tial equations there exist solutions of (1) Wz written ( : ), real for real such that ), ( ) and 13 w, (o) h./, '(o) o -_,' a / Upon differentiation of equations (8) we find that Thus it is evident that and "I , and, and Li in spite of the complex apDearance, real values for real values of (1) are identical with W, is au& they give The general solution of VI. THE RELATION BETWEEN OUR EQUATION AND THE WEBER EQUATION In (1) make the substitution = V L We have now the equation U(±L 2. where - - )'/= 1 This is the well known 1eber e- . quation whose solutions are the Weber-Hermite parabolic cylinder functions.* parameter (except It is obvious that real values for rno ) and independent variable ïn our equation correspond to imaginary values in the Weber equation. *WEittaker and Watson, iviodern Analysis, Cambridge 16.5 University Press, 1933, p.347 15 VII. THE SOLUTIONS OF (1) ASYMPTOTIC IN C A. IE OMPLEX VARIABLE Introduction to have solutions It is often desirable of equations such as (1) which are practical to use for large numerical values of the independent variable. In order to em- phasize that the Independent variable is now complex we denote it by the letter for (i) . It is shown by Fabry* that there exists a full set** of formal solutions. These solutions have been proved to be asymptotic under certain restrictions.*** C form where Q. ( - ) is a Q() 4 () e 3 The formal solutions are of the ¿42 polynomial of form ¿ s1(.)=/:;I_'+ and4 Is Lf...., a constant. In general the series do not converge. 'J ( ) do not terminate and Trjitzinsky**** has shown that these formal solutions are asymptotic expansions of true solutions and has determned their validity. *MSE. Fabry, These, University of Paris, 1685 **Ijere "full set" means two formal solutions such that the Wronkian formed from their formal derivatives does not vanish. ***'V.J. Trjitzinsky, Acta Mathematics, vol.62: 1-2 1933, pp.167-226 ****W.J. Trjitzinsky, lac. cit.. 16 We shall proceed by assuming the above solutions determining their unknown coefficients. ence of true solutions asymptotic and Then the existformal solutions to the and the regions in which the asymptotic developments are valid will be considered. The formal B. ers series solutions of (1) in descending pow- of. Assume a solution -t 5(a) (9) - where/s , r- ,v , e P() vL) (zj* e ..... ------------------- a.., are constants We shall find first the particular sol- to be determined. .,, utions for which a ,4 - ra C ç ¿ ' J-J. Dïfferentiating, we get Z e iZr 4Ò".* 4,,7 +e 7 ('-;)Z .7 i,- z-j Ç L( + .7 - 7 z-7-' L e t -j)a. 7' -3E-II, C (v- v)e 2-r /3;+)' ¿ . + . ) oi- e ¿ L 2(3 (4. .7 i) 4-J a 4.-J-I -J)z J m +e t>± +r* Z- L^-J) U-/-/J <%*" J T- e 7= o The above values may be substituted in (l) and we have (10) Equating the coefficients of Q £ to zero we find K, = yV + Z .♦mi __/, K, = a- -/ -«-These are corresponding notations, that is, when /% 9 +1 , yv= + 2ii -J~ etc.. To determine the coefficients, , ci -, ,a-3, the most '-' efficient procedure is to derive a recurrence formula. P(s) This is done below. (10) the coefficient of e If is equated to zero, Ì3a (,-*,) .2. in we have a,ì' (iv-de) + i o. Solving this equation fora-,we have .zi (2,V_i#/)+Pn which gives an expression for the value of each coefficient in terms of a preceding one. When the values of 4' and ¡9 are substituted in (9) the equation may further be reduced to (fl) a1 2it ± Since we have shown with ô it follows that all odd subscripts will be zero, since for these by (1l) will always appear as a factor in the recurrence formula. The coefficients ç, a.1 ----, may now be calculated. A few of these are given below: 2 'i -3Z ä ±3S41i (12) . ............................. 19 I' ±ni[t(2_4)iJ[±(z1-8)2J.. - 4i the values of these coefficients are substitu- \1vhen ted back in (9) there results the following expression for S Z r Q, z where the value of For J, is given by the formu1 (12) ( ± Z and (13), and for J /2 J the upper sign of the symbol , to be used in both (12) lower sign. (/#-+.t+ ..-«), ) for is the , Since the above gives two distinct formal solutions we may write them as .* . 14 P.iL S,: ( j ¿z ..... ) 14) 2 = - and If -!L, e : w are real it is desirable to change the form of these expressions as follows: arge Now ±jL e IT1 = +JI . Ko±f ) , ±jk1 =e1e ) For ±2 real ..... I r .j i r' è ) =e taraL e ±j(+1oaII) ? pi mii) tz(--+T . Ce .L I- II 20 It is possible to separate the real and imaginary parts of the last expression by writing i.LJ. e Ctieos)t(--4-. 1oIî]4 ¿ 2 The equations (14) may now be written for real v and. Z as sIol)] [v] S ¡' r L-ai (f +Tk11)] [V()] Leo where the constant factor introduced by the multivaluedness of log has been dropped. By a linear combination of formal solutions free from the leading term of s SS -%f " t we may obtain Thus if we denote by 2 (set , and 1E / ) 's-r (15) -s - ii z When all the terms of V. ( -) are considered these corn- binations will still be free from e-,- the complete formal r ? L-r- . We then call Ç, and solutions defined analogously to (15) Let ¿ jocJal 21 We then get the following: r_____________ -I C II Sirt (os p+L' -4sinp C_,:: For most practical purposes when and w are real these last formulas are better suited for computation since they The most general formal sol- involve only real quantities. ubjon for real and vn cen hence be written - () C, C-, (z) -+ C GL. Existence and validity of asymptotic solutions. C. Consider the formal solutions just derived e s ;z-'( z = S 2. where Q: - (1* ..... ) wi_j_ and 2 2. -f j2L ...... - , :i: In order to apply the 2. ' theory of Trjitzinsky it is nec- essary to consider regions R.¿ * bounded by Q-curves which are defined as follows: Q-curve is one on which c' where and Q Li) - [Q(:)J ¿,.7 20 / ¡ 2, represents the real part of Trjitzinsky, bc. cit., p.171 2 (*-). 22 Now GLJ cr2J 4 Let #1(: then - y Zi - jz Finally I Qi oe {ìJ-z'xy We must now consider along what curves the equation O is satisfied. and y o These are obviously the axes These are hence our Q-curves, and they divide . K. -plane into four reFions the gram. 'Q as shown in the dia- They are closed along the Q-curves but open at X Trjitzinsky states further** that we must take into account the possibility of a repion R. where one of the differences Q ) ( - Q7( ) has part and is such th:t for some (16) t 0 [Qiy (t)) ,- along both boundsries of as *The . e . heie is, ° K. of course, not to be confused with the of equation (1). **Trjitzinsky, non negative real a bc. cit., p.180 23 We note that in every one of the four regions bounded by our Q-curves there will be at least one difference Q1 -Qy wbic has a In both R, positive. In for the entire plane we have the following: is negative and R.3 both R and R and[Qz,] positive is , In fact, non negative rea1 part. is aridCQj is negative. Specifically then, we must consider the possibility of relation (16) for in in - and R.3 R.and R4, and henceforth in referring back to the relation (16) it will be understood that in any region mentioned above. ing it only for the In the regions , and in the regions R., , R3 the e ' R4it is iI (16-a) we are consider- left member of (16) is /3 lI (16-b) e Evidently these expressions approach zero along both bourdaries of their respective regions, 1C0 ory= it is When this happens along both boundaries of necessary to subdivide into two subregions R. each with one boundary in common with R boundary dividinR fromR o , and another and interior to j such that along it all the left members of (16) increase indefinitely for every ( > O. 24 Take the 45 lines for such boundaries interior to the following, configuration: We have A1 »4. / \ X '' / s' s' "Aq 4," OA, Along the new boundaries consider the appro- From (16-a) and (16-b) we priate left members of (16). see these are in every case .,4 e i 2IyI Along the new bounderies this becomes -4 I e . Now along any of these lines IM e -, is negligible compared initely since in the limit Iz, to increases indef- I Since the conditions are satisfied along these . divided into subre- boundaries we now have the regions tZ shown in the diagram. ¿ gions as 1,2,3,4, I ,A. \ZS \ // Rs' fi,' / \ / /?3e / 113 R,, I' J 1,2, 25 Frani the Trjitzinsky fundamental existence theorem given by we may now state the following: In any region l,2,5,4, i = of the equation (1) tions.tJ, ,JJ2. %%f ii ¡7 2) ¿J2 for all values of - in R1. J here ''1.S y a indicates obtained by formally differentiating the series *Trjitzinsky, lac. cit., p.208 true solu- exist such that ¿f2. . 1,2, 7 the series 26 VIII. THE SOLUTIONS OF (1) ASYMPTOTIC IN THE P AR AME TER A. Introduction In a paper by Birkhoff* the asymptotic character of tl-ie solutions of 2 ___ I of is discussed for large values Z.. ,, ( parameter,/ ) f) C___ ( + .. o (' -1 The coefficients . are assumed to be analytic in the complex o at,/7. and to have derivatives of all ord- in some interva1 ers in the real variable The equation (1) may be put into this type form by letting It then appears as #z{/ . vYt (i') o- For (it) the characteristic the paper becomes This equstion has the roots . -i and ¿ which will be denot- It is convenient to postpone the ision as to which Is in 1=0 Q ed by Q, and ) equation** defined 0<, dec- and which is oÇ until later.*** Formal solutions of the form (r7) -7 - e ; ';Lkir)P j i=z1 *Transactions American Mathematical Society, vol.9, 1908, T2l9-232 **Trans. . Math. Soc., vol.9, 4 ***Considered in part C, viii 1908, p.220, equation 0 27 are then shown to exist. B. The f ormsi solutions. To determine the is a solution of (4,.( ï (17) we assume that Ó2 of ) Then (1'). cÇ: JQ i1O f4? I, = e 7,iu,; -J #1 (/* Jç, e'141° _J* /o 1 2 :0 When these values are substituted back in (li) we obtain the equation (18) T u1) e Ç- L u1)f 2Ç -3tl L + 7=0 We now collect the coefficients of for each e ('Q(.( Z J = ,I. in (18) 1<. t__110 ('.) 1_1i0 ') o By integration This constant C may be taken as C 1 since it is arbitrary. The next equation becomes F f, L-ha + where it is understood that the - 1. 's = are functions ofi. r Since u.¿o = u. O there results i - Z Zf or 2o( We take the constant of integration involved in the de- termination of u , used any functions , (,/ of,,- u that so as ), (0) Ö. If we constants of in- tegration we could obtain other asymptotic series which Likewise the process may be repeat- are less convenient. ed for other coefficients, a but it is simpler to develop We have recurrence formula. f Z From this -- ,. 2 jr (u-Ft. + u -I or ìt 020&. iv- )&:t, -X Íu+ ' Ujg i L By use of this formula a number of the coefficients have been obtained explicitly and are given below. / 3 (19) '-4. 2o( 3 I uiz lj 3 -2) ?C-# /5 /z 29 4 (t-) u1.,) j g #2 ____ r ___ i c L s II 7 3 "/7ZIo /156 3 -p-- 2.9i When these coefficients are substituted back in (17) z we have ó 71J e L-- '21 ..... J. ¿?,,( 5. I «z ' The derivative series are of importance, and they may be expressed upon differentiation of 6. as follows: f \ = e 6 ( 2 (47,)z(1+; .- -- 2± a 'a . It is possible to make linear combinations of the formal solutions just obtained sueb that the new form will '% . In the original equation (1) we must consider two oases. When .-, is real and posiLive be real for real // and will be real, and we have w w2 : [cos,, 'i6 SiflÍQf.] ¿ _ t:cosìz t ¿ sinfl] ['Jo uiJ (4)/::'l I [ tA The following combinations 2ive the desired result. H: sin cos#o,j. 1 30 2'.*/5 - ¿ Z3,'3 (20) ;_Ws:: H -t- - - _j;:P COS/.oI jfl1Q COS/07C+.] It is seen that in the solutions the signs al- thus ternate in pairs, H, (20-a) Hz = CO5f or The coefficient of the term (19) (20) replaced by unity. oÇ. - be inserted from (20-a). The ( ± the same as ) signs can then Since these coefficients are ob- the recurrence formula we may tamed from is except for the possible factor of (-1), of , with -1,,..r write as many terms of (20) as needed. is real and negative ç When form (pl j , real for real may be taken in the and the original formal solutions will be vi and In this case we have Zf+3*3[2l4Lt4 /Z 3) 's = e C /.5_ tel ((j+z4 I -J.i;' {2ì /- Iz_1....). 1- C. Existence and validity of asymptotic solutions. confined to the real axis we shall define the For region S 2 plane as one in which the indices of the1 i and may be so arranged that fora in 3 fAA] Here . represents the real part of the complex number..t gion S and -i Let ¿ Q( The corresponding re- . will then be one such that [(i Since1' is a complex parameter let f'where1r ande are real. (+ ì71y We have or o. Thus the 5 corresponding above values of to the o( is the lower halt' of the complex ¡' plane. Now if we let 0< i and o - = ? and proceed similar- ly to determine the corresponding region this is the upper half of we find that .5 thee piane. It is now possible to define the region of the piane as that in which 'b i < ir arge (f;',.. ,) -- , -O - , 1 ,_ 2 ,. . 32 Xbe Let confined to ' cluding the point by b _b= finite portion of the realaXis a as interior point. O Define this It is now possible to state the . Theorern*- For , ist true solutions, on ( , -j 2 f. r in and. ) there ex- 1,2, of the differential e- quation (1') such that o-r.' = / i'yi F (4;((, ( where = and in theE and s e ) on the interval (-J,, bc. cit., p. -T L e are bounded functions for *Birkhoff, in- j, ). 2e5, 22b 1age values of L) ASYMPTOTIC CONNECTIONS IX. A. Relations of coefficïents for solutions asymptotic ini. of form The formal solutions e = are not in general sinple valued due to the factor Anir true solution is single valued since it is a linear J combination of the single valued functions and isJ, vsJ dis- cussed in Chapter II. In order to consider the formal solutions, -- is ( ), - study them on the Riemann surface on as single valued we which arg ,S. This will consist of an in- single valued. finite number of sheets with branch point at the origin. like The regions of validity are extended so that a diagram Riethat of page 24 is now visualized on each sheet of the mann surface. R. There will then be infinitely many regions numbered as follows . R.1 - Íz boundary conditions. pair of true (21) a arg .t:T O, :t l,t2, -ri- arg.. particular solution f by means of This is then a linear combination of solutions,1, w. ¿J C' . W ¿J. From the fundamental theorem of write = t':; (i-t)- First let us fix any 1< (-')2 , + and1W zT CZ . 3. 2. jitzinsky we may also W4SZ.lCIS,+jICLS 34 in ¿7 1 ,7= 1,2, O, z i1,r2,± 3,..... Now the value of the formal solution 5. in eheet i of thé Riemann surface will not be the same as the value in sheet 2. Since W is single valued, C evident that the coefficients, where in sheet , it is therefore must change some- and this fact is known as the Stokes' 1, phenomenon. To study the changes in the * note what happens as arg (k.- is taken across the boundaries OA,.: &- O,± i,i 2,. , ) coefficients we shall ..., and theX andY axes. At this point it is convenient to define the following nomenclature: We shall say the formal solution "dominant" over the formal solution S,. , c is in the region if z CQJ in interior of R. We may without any resulting confusion apply the word. to the corresponding exponential factors in the From the relationships sequel. sin2- c{Ql where 8 arg we see that, in the regions 3, is dominant if ¿ is even, dominant if ¿ is odd. Vve -c[Q,}, now proceed to study the behavior of the coeffi- cients,C , as a curve DA is crossed: On (-)T II Z K. (&i )-wi ii1e ' 2 ¿KI«l) Thus (-i) . Q Kodd In the limit C e Qa. is dominant over e even integer, inteey, . - o Likewise on OAK, . e is dominant over Since the regions e a2. are closed along their bound- aries, we may assert both the relations along OA,, w ,C, w ,. C, S, -i-S C S1 C S S the common boundary of , and R.. , . From the definition of an asymptotic expansion it follows that ,,C, ()J Cc e' (23) ,C, where all the - )- Dividing both sides of (23) by it as o° onOP, (Fc2. alongC)/, O as e we have finally = - ,. and taking the lim- $6 Thus the coefficient of the dominant solution S1does not change in R,., This proof may be extended to show that the . coefficIent of the dominant solution does not change on any curve s e)) If the coefficient of the dominant solution is equal to zero in. R. equation (23) becomes C )( )-' - where the Dividing both sides on O as -I bye ,C, ( -along O. and taking the limit as*-o- have we IIC'1 /2, which shows that the coefficient of'the sub-dominant solution does not change on 01A,. ed, This result may be extend- and we may say that in any region where the co- efficient of the dominant solution is equal to zero, the coefficient of the sub-dominant solution does not change on the curve We shall now determine whether or not the coeffIcIents C,_,charige on the boundaries of R.. ij . Consider the diagram 37 Here it will be necessary to discuss only the case when OYsince is taken across is similar. the behavior on the other axes We write + z' - c, s, iz Ca 5i c s + n In other notation we have: (24) + C e tj= I-, (25) a2. 4 f w where all s - O as -b on the line arg - On the boundaryO"( we may equate the two solutions (24) and (25) above since it is common to both also on this boundary a LQ.,] '_EQ2] by the definition of When we do this the result gives us the equa- Q-curve. tion ,v,t (2e) fLCI e ' (J ¿t - - e z, -\)) Next, let us substitute the values of Here _4-A_ I 4Lj21 - (L = t : is complex we n*y write Since -V--4 I = Now -I," y andR 4ZPn $;= -1-y -f- z rn, (lorIi+z . , and 4 -r1ogJ_ m% .- OnÖ arg ¿(mioci e -e e w1og _wy1o(l ¿ K (27) sincee -mY.-im wy arg) _ arg. different Is a constant, K from zero. " When the value of tuted in (26), P ¿(Pv%log I2i az)[,:LC, K e ->v The limit of equation (28) as um substi- r t-( Ke f/-t-IZ)\,!()J Ç,*,., ,c,(if.t2A,(]+ (29) is that equation becomes -i1og i' (28) as given in (27) C))=a. ive -v9.ogII i - e where '.2. 13 Z, .. - /2 Now we desire to show that I in which If rfl<. O. k.. ThereforeA effect or A oA O and hence 0, -'- G A=ß O. Consider Case (29) becomes In effect B = o. O. K..O"+ O, i If vv,> O, we have in 13=o, and substituting this back in (29) we have also o. In Case II, 11m rrt>. O. Equation (29) becomes ã( loggaI-s.?) A8J°. 39 Now let us assume A= hen O, B O. ¿(w loIzJ+.Z) lin I $ If O, we have - but this equation is absurd since the left side represents a vector whose argument is increasing indefinitely. Thus it is shown thatA O and 3= o in each case and this gives C c r: on the Q-curve any Q-curve, y This same process may be aprlied to . ives the result that the coefficients and it do not change when - is taken across these boundaries. Let us now write the asymptotic solution simply k' -' We have just shown that as -- CL is taken around the origin S2 neither coefficient can change on a Q-curve. Furthermore, the coefficient of the dominant solution will not change on any of the boundariesÖA. The coefficient of the sub- dominant solution may change on these boundaries unless the coefficient of the dominant solution is equal to zero, in which case it will not change. -In close order to throw more light on the situation we en- the Q-curves of our Riemann surface in small sectors or D-regions which may be defined as follows: (arg-?kh>O, Sheet i will then appear as in the figure where the D- regions are the shaded areas. 40 Y Aa ,A1 t ¡ y' \ '43 , / / / 1< Let that part of the region R1. exclusive of the . Now it can tJ has the a- regions be càlled the restricted region be shown that in any restricted region jQ, D-. symptotic development where is the solution dominant in,andC o. Likewise if the coefficient of the dominant solution is equal to zero where 43 is we will have in the sub-dominant solution. It will here be noted that the location of curves where the sub-dominant coefficient changes is to a certain extent arbitrary. extending to owould Any curve evi- dently do equally well. On the Q-curve the two formal solutions become of equal importance and hence in a D-region it is necessary that we retain both terms, w wiaereC, SI is ,- Q1 S'C S2 in D the same as in the adjacent region in which is dominant and C±5 the same as in the adjacent 41 region in which 2 is dominant. If both coefficients C, 1. Ç should and equal zero in we have the trivial case : w o. Sunmiarizing this analysis we have found the following If we write situation: simply AJ-'.' where '/ the is CIS4+ÇSL any solution fixed by boundary conditions, only possible change of the constants,C is then that C- can change on the lines which bisect the second and fourth C quadrants, and first and third.* can change on the lines which bisect the A constant can change on these lines If by some pro- only when the other constant is non-zero. cess like contour integration or the saddle point method certain minimum information could be found, this together with our anslysis of the change of the coefficients would unravel the complete story of the asymptotic form of the solution ''J over the whole tian just mentioned is the t} . OA , of a know1edge O, t 1, ± 2 , the leading term of solution asymptotic expansion of the the lines The minimum informa- -plane. . . . . , W on each of and furthermore is is known except for a constant factor. B. Connections for solutions asymptotic in the parameter rn. *The reader will recall that the location of these lines was somewhat arbitrary when we made the subdivisions to satisfy the requirements of Trjitzinof the regions R. in the sky's existence theorem. Any curves extending to respective quadrants would do equally well, providing on arg-1I'h-> O, that is, the subdividing the curve curve has a different limiting direction from the bounding Q-curve. 42 From the general existence theorem of page 3,Z one would suppose that the coefficients of a general solution C, would depend upon 1y. and that these coefficients might , 1' change due to Stokes' phenomenon whent different region 5'r is taken into a It is desired to find the conriec- tion of these coefficients in the different regions, and if n terms are needed in the expansion we shall now show how to calculate the coefficients tions 'øI« ( .% ,j ), K (,t' C for the solu- ) 1,2, principal* at the origin so that the asymptotic form of these solutions is known ex- plicitly to n terms. We indicate these solutions in the form C,(& e T (',y') = (30) U,r() ,QT (3-r. I-fl-, CKZ e0(2'1L tA(() j îz(,1 J, where the 1sare bounded functions forp sufficiently large in S and on (-ib , b 1G ). The coefficients will be found in the form (#0) -r + Ç+ - - - - + C / orr times this expression, where the explicitly and forp (," This form, however, ) is sufficient since w *The solutions such that (o) : is bounded C and ti t ar'e determined sufficiently large, the may be principal at the origin are o w11(o)ao 43 e absorbed in the of (30). Let n be one of the numbers 0,1,2,..... However, . after lt Is chosen it remains fixed In all further calcu- lations. Now by t..i2 ' ( '' , = ) e we shall denote the n-el terms 7 From the general existence theorem of write the following: -e (31) E Here the ( -b , $ thelr ). - o(. 1'« ¡ e'E / = pae 3 we may now (içe) ('") &- are bounded functions for1- in SD and on We may now write the principal solutions and derivatives as follows: C (32) I I TC,fryI'?C(e)Ç, where (33) )J/,J i(o)=J, By making J oca (e) T r I tA J (0) = ( -1-I 1 i J If in the following man- use of (32) we write (33) ner, remembering that ( 34) -o for all n, and + P C I( Z ( (e)u ,)+_L + 1C Jr E2 ¿l,2: o ' p E (o 1 44 Equation (34) gives us C the system which may be solved for a providing the characteristic determinant 's not equal zero. does In tbls case : , - LA1 oÇ- (o E6) -;;-;. * ,o) Here L4 for,' sufficiently large, we may write the solutions for (o,,' ) Ç,and rÁ and , o O. Thus O, - and These become the following: i(u2'(oP)+ c'1 (35) I- 1C1Ço) . OL 'C' ¿::: At this point it will be noted from the series for and Ó. of Chapter VIII that (O, ,o ) is is of the form .i = and ) dAV of the forni ¿ Thus the (36) C 's of will take the forni ($5) +, C('')..-. ( or -1- ( - -t-.. . + rl + times such an expression, where the for large values of," . E- ts are bounded Now (36) by mere "long division" may be written in the form - co+f, -7; E ?' ) 45 or the / where E times such an expression, CtS are known explicitly. is bounded, and This is the procedure for calculation we set out to establish. Fronì the equation defining a region on page 3/ we may now take 7'O,2,4,..... as indicating the regions in i which -j and o(--jando< einiteS1 in a Likewise ?. odd integer when (32) are calculated . Now if the forms fore . wand , of say S0 , the resulting expressions are exactly the same for all regions since we have the following results: ('y')] î C £u(x,t')\z .+, C '+I ClU ' 1U'(1(-'), D C. 1u:c;, Cgg Tfi(A1(1,Í7)], where the brackets denote that the remainder terms are omitted. Hence it is no longer necessary to affix the sub- in script and - the asymptotic formulas. in all Sr We shall take.i since it is shown there is no Stokes' phenomenon. The four còefficients of (35) have been calculated 46 for n4, and these are given below (' \JII =1 (ti - + 1- / ;i Q L 2 -4- -a- 77) s -_L 7-..L -j---- C a, 4 2 (_4. L f 2. where the * taj-), ,° are bounded functions f s & fi.' I, or on (-1 , The principal solutions (32) may now be expressed for n= follows: 4 as r,,".i.. w, L 3 J +(I I If.-:' 6 z ) + z t j-- L I z / + () Pi.% e t&I2 ;- 4L ¡ &j2I' i 'rJ fo s- 2 I L:t /2- - 3J4''1 a _!_;7] -fa. J 7/ Ê3(içe) ,(?1 1-i. 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