JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 100, NO. C7, PAGES 13,699-13,711, JULY 15, 1995 Boundson the complex permittivity of sea ice K. Golden Departmentof Mathematics,Universityof Utah, Salt Lake City Abstract.An analyticmethodfor obtainingboundson effectivepropertiesof composites is appliedto the complexpermittivity•* of seaice. The seaice is assumed to be a two-component randommediumconsisting of pureice of permittivity ½•andbrineof permittivity•2. The methodexploitsthepropertiesof e* as an analytic functionof the ratio El/e2. Two typesof boundson •* are obtained. The first bound R1 is a regionin the complexe* planewhich assumesonly that the relativevolume fractionsPl andP2 - i -Pl of the ice andbrine are known.The regionR1 is bounded by circulararcsand •* for any microgeometry with the givenvolumefractionsmust lie insideit. In additionto the volumefractions,the secondboundR2 assumesthat the seaice is statistically isotropicwithinthe horizontalplane. The regionR2 is again boundedby circulararcsandlies insideR1. Built intothe methodis a systematic way of obtainingtighterboundson •* by incorporatinginformationaboutthe correlation functionsof the brine inclusions.The boundingmethoddevelopedhere, which does not assumeany specificgeometryfor the brine inclusions,offers an alternativeto the classicalmixing formulaapproachadoptedpreviouslyin the studyof seaice. In these mixingformulas,specificassumptions are madeaboutthe inclusiongeometry,which are simplynot satisfiedby the sea ice undermany conditions.The boundsR1 and R2 are comparedwith experimentaldata obtainedfrom artificiallygrown seaice at the frequencies4.8 and 9.5 GHz. Excellentagreer0entwith the data is achieved. wide variety of possible microstructuresand the high dielectric contrast of the components,it is, in'general, The remote sensingof sea ice generatesmany inter- quite difficult to accurately predict the effective comesting technical and theoretical problems. A central plex permittivity of sea ice. Nevertheless,many models questionin the application of remote sensingtechniques have been proposed to describe the dielectric behavto studying sea ice is how the physical microstructure ior of sea ice, suchas thoseof Addison[1969],Hoekof the ice determines its scattering and effective elec- stra and Capillino[1971],$togryn[1985],Tinga et al. tromagnetic properties. This question plays a funda- [1973],Vant et al. [1978],GoldenandAckley[1981],Simental role in correctlyinterpretingscatteringdata and hvolaandKong[1988].Typically,the seaiceis assumed images from sea ice. The determinatio.n of the electro- to consistof a hostmedium(pure ice) containingspherical or ellipsoidalinclusions(brine or air). Various efmagnetic properties frommicrostructural information is particularly interesting in the case of sea ice, which fective medium theories,suchas the coherentpotential is a complex random medium consistingof pure ice approximation, have been used to derive "mixing formulas" for the effective permittivity e* of the system. with brine and air inclusions. The details of the microstructure,namely the geometryand relative volume Each formula is judged accordingto how well it predicts of the inclusions,dependstronglyon the temperatureof experimental data. While mixing formulas for e* are certainly useful, the ice, the conditionsunder which the ice was grown, and the history of the sample under consideration, as their applicability to the full range of microstructures discussed by Weeksand Ackley[1982]. Owing to the presentedby sea ice is limited. For example, as sea ice 1. Introduction warms up to aroun. d -5øC, the brine pocketstend to Paper number 94JC03007. coalesceor "percolate" and form a connected matrix of brine, in which case the sea ice becomesa porous medium. This processrepresentsan important stage in the evolution of a sea ice sheet, as it precedesthe 0148-0227/95/94JC-03007 $05.00 phe•nomenon known as "brine rejection," where some Copyright 1995 by the American GeophysicalUnion. 13,699 13,700 GOLDEN: COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY of the brine flows out of the sea ice, due to its porosity. The electromagneticpropertiesof the ice following the rejection are dramatically changed. Clearly the assumptionthat the brine (or air) componentof seaice is contained in individual ellipsoidal inclusions,is simply not satisfied when the brine forms a connected matrix. We must therefore questionthe validity of thesemixing formulas for warm ice. OF SEA ICE ample,seeKozlov[1989],Golden[1990],Golden[1992], Golden[1994],BerlyandandGolden[1994],Bruno[1991] and K. Golden [Statisticalmechanicsof conducting phasetransitions,submittedto J. Math. Phys., 1995]. It is interestingto note in this contextthat the connectednessproperties of a particular component dominate the behavior of many technologicallyimportant materials, including doped semiconductors,porous media (e.g., sandstones),piezocomposites, thermistors,solid rocket propellants, and cermets. Another limitation of mixing formulas is that they provide only a preciseprediction of what e* should be, given, say, a value for the brine volume and perhaps some information about the distribution of ellipsoidal 2. Description of Theory and Methods orientations,as considered by SihvolaandKong[1988]. They do not provide any information on the range of reasonable values for e*, which would be very useful, given that in any experiment,as one measurese* for a variety of samples, one obtains a scatter of values in the e* plane, which may or may not coincidewith the precisevalue predicted by the mixing formula. We remark that one of the principal motivating factors behind this work is the goal of developingpractical electromagneticmethods of distinguishingsea ice types, such as first-year from multiyear ice. In typical inversescatteringalgorithms, what is reconstructed from scattered electromagneticfield data is the complex permittivity which is "seen" by the wave. When Owingto the abovelimitationsin the mixingformula approachwhichare causedby the wide varietyof relevant sea ice microstructures, we begin here a new approachto stu(]yingthe effectivecomplexpermittivity e* of seaice by obtainingboundson e* in the complex plane. As a first stepin the development of this approach,we considerthe seaice to be a two-component randommediumconsisting of pureice of complexpermittivity el in the volumefraction pl and brine of com- plexpermittivitye2in the volumefractionp2 - 1- pl. In this paperwewill neglectthe effectsof air inclusions, whichis a reasonableassumptionin many situations, suchas for first yearice whichhasnot yet undergone the wavelengthis longerthan the microstructuralscale, brinerejection,whereair canreplacemuchof the brine. which for sea ice would correspond to frequenciesof less To obtain the bounds,we apply a methodintroducedinthan 10 or 20 GHz, this reconstructed permittivity will dependently byBergman [1978]andMilton[1979] which be e*, the effectivepermittivity. (Of course,e* itself exploitsthe propertiesof e* as an analyticfunctionof can vary throughout any given sea ice sheetas the mi- the ratio el/e2. The methodwasdeveloped furtherand crostructural geometry, such as brine volume, changes appliedin varioussettingsby bothBergmanand Milthrough the sheet.) One of our principal goalshere is ton, and the complex bounds used here were obtained to study in detail how the statistical properties of the sea ice microstructure are connected independently by Milton[1981]andBergman [1980].A to these observed mathematicalformulationof the methodwasgivenby GoldenandPapanicolaou [1983]andsomeof its impliWe also remark that another motivation for our study cationswereexplored by Milton andGolden[1985]. of sea ice is that from the point of view of the mathThe keystepin thisformulation is establishing an in- values of e*. ematical theory of composite materials, understanding the electromagneticbehaviorof seaice pushesthe limits of currently available mathematical techniques. From this point of view, sea ice is an extremely interesting example of a composite material, which combines in one medium many of the challengesencounteredin the development of the mathematical theory; it is a multicomponent composite,whosecomponentshave highly contrasting properties characterizedby complexparameters and whosemicrostructure exhibits a wide range of geometries. In particular, one of the most mathematically intriguing aspectsof the microstructureis the coalescingor percolation of the brine cells, which occurs around the critical temperature Tc • -5øC, and results in a microstructural transition from separated brine pockets to a connectedbrine matrix. The influence of the connectednessproperties of composite microstructures on bulk electromagneticbehavior has been a topic of considerable recent mathematical interest. For ex- tegral representationfor e*, which is then usedto obtain the bounds.As in the caseof typicalmixingformulas, the boundsare derivedin the quasi-staticlimit, sothat theyare validwhenthe wavelength is longcompared to the scaleof the inhomogeneities-. We nowdescribethe boundsmoreprecisely.For the simplestboundit is assumed that onlyex, es, p•, and p2 are known.The boundconsists of a lens-shaped regionin the complexe* planein whichthe valuesof e* for all possiblemixtures of the two materials in the given volume fractions must lie. For the caseof sea ice, where there is a wide variety of possible microstructures, the bound is valid for all of them, given only the brine volume. Built into the method, though, is a systematic way of obtaining tighter boundson e* if one knowsfurther statistical information about the geometrybeyond simply the volume fractions. More precisely,there is a hierarchyof increasinglytighter bounds,where the nth order bound dependson knowledgeof the n-point cor- GOLDEN: relation function of the mixture. COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY OF SEA ICE 13,701 The bounds described realization and not frequency.) For a two-component aboveare first order and dependonly on one-point cor- medium with componentpermittivitiesel (ice) and e2 relation or volume fraction information. For the case of (brine) we write second-order bounds it turns out that if the material is statistically isotropic, i.e., if e* does not depend on the direction of polarization of the electric field, then one can obtain the boundswithout any direct knowledgeof the two-point correlation function. In the present work we apply the first order and isotropic second order bounds to sea ice with given salinities and temperatures. These bounds are com- e(x, co)- elXl(X, co)+ e•X•(x, co), (1) where X•' is the characteristicfunction of medium j -1, 2, which equals one for all realizationscoe f• having mediumj at x, and equalszero otherwise.Let E(x, co) and D(x, co)be the stationary randomelectricand displacementfields, respectively,satisfying paredwith the experimentaldata of Arconeet al. [1986] O(x, for artificially grown sea ice at 4.8 and 9.5 GHz. Given a sample of sea ice at temperature T and of salinity $, we estimate the brine volume p•. using the equation - (2) V. D(x, co)- 0 (3) of Frankensteinand Garner [1967]. Then for eachfre- V x E(x, co)- 0 (4) quency, 4.8 and 9.5 GHz, and for a given temperature T, we find the complex permittivity of the brine e2 us- < (s) ing the calculations of $togrynandDesargant[1985].In >= where ek is a unit vector in the kth direction, for some k = 1,...,d. In (5), angle bracketsmean ensemble general, we obtain excellent agreementwith the experaverageoverf• or spatialaverage overall of IRa. imental data. Small discrepanciesbetween the bounds In view of the local constitutivelaw (2) we definethe and the real data are inevitable, though, and may be effective complex dielectric tensor e* via explained with uncertainties in the brine volumes, the unaccountedfor presenceof air, or scattering effects <D> = e* <E>, k-1,...,d, (6) when the wavelength is larger but comparable to the or, e•k = < Di >, i,k-1,...d, (7) typical brine length scale. * 3. Bounds on the Effective Permittivity We now present the bounds on e* discussedabove. In this section we first formulate the effective permittiv- ity problem, briefly describethe method for obtaining the bounds, which is called the analytic continuation method, and then state the bounds. A more detailed summary of the method is given in the appendix. We also refer the interested reader to Golden and Papanico- where the right side of (7) dependson k via (2) and (5). For simplicity we focuson one diagonalcoefficient e* - * Noting that through the homogeneityprop•kk' erty e*(Ael,Ae2) = Ae*(el,e2), e* dependsonly on the ratio h = el/e2, we may divide (7) by e2 and define 6' = - 62 = < + >, 61 = -. 62 (8) The two main propertiesof re(h) are that it is •nalytic off the interval (-•, 0] in the h plane•nd that it m•ps laou[1983],Golden[1986]and Bergman[1982]for more the upper half plane to the upper half plane, i.e., detail. Let us begin by formulating the effectivecomplexpermittivity problem for a two-componentrandom medium Ira(re(h)) > 0, Ira(h) > 0, (9) in all of I•a, d-dimensional Euclideanspace,with trans- where Im denotes imaginary part. lation invariant statistics. Formulating the problem in this way is for mathematical simplicity but is analogousto assumingthat the brine statistics are the same throughouta given sampleof seaice and that the sample is large comparedto the typical brine length scale, which is reasonable for comparison with data taken for samplesby Arconeet al. [1986]. For real sea ice the brine statistics and structure will change with depth and might differ from floe to floe. However, for a relatively small depth interval of, say, 10 cm, and in any givenfloe the assumptionshouldbe reasonablywell satisfied. Now let e(x, co)be a (spatially) stationaryrandom field in x • I• a and co• f•, wheref• is the set of all realizationsof our random medium. (We are dealing here with an ensemblef• of random media, indexed by the parameter co, which representsone particular Such functions which are analytic off some segment of the real axis and obey (9) are called Herglotz functions. As mentionedin section2, the key step in the analytic continuation method is obtaining an integral representation for e*. For this purpose it is more convenient to look at the function F(s)=l-m(h), s=l/(1-h), (10) whichis analytic off [0,1] in the s plane. It was then provenby Goldenand Papanicolaou[1983] that F(s) has the following representation F(s)- f0•aU(•) (XX) where/• is a positivemeasureon [0,1]. (Very loosely 13,702 GOLDEN: COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY OF SEA ICE speaking,we may think of dtt(z) as g(z)dz, for some and C(a) getstransformedto the circulararc densityg(z) whichis allowedto have "6 function"coma 1-a ponents.) One of the most important featuresof (11) - --+• , 0<a<l, is that it separatesthe parameter information in s 1/(1- e•/e2) from informationabout the geometryof C*(a) the mixture, which is all contained in it, through dependenceon X•. In fact, statistical information about thegeometry is inputinto(11)viathemoments of/•, - - (17) so that a plays the role of Pl, the volume Ëaction of medium 1. In fact, the expressions in (16) and (17) are simply the complexpermittivities of laminates(or layers) of e• and 62 in the relative volume fractions a and 1- • with the applied field parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the lamination direction. The arc and line segmentare parameterizedby the relative volUme fraction a of 61. Becausethere are actual geome- •01 . This input is obtainedby equatingan expansionof (11) tries (laminates) which att•n these complexbounds, in powersof 1/S, the coefficientsof which are the mo- the bounds are s•d to be optimal, in other words, with ments ;tn, to a correspondingperturbation expansion no •sumptions at •l about the geometry, these are the arounda hbmogeneous medium(s = ½x:or el = 62) best bounds one can obt•n. For real parameters with of anotherrepresentation for F(s) involvinga resolvent e• • e•, R0 collapsesto the interval formulafor E. This procedure,whichis describedin the appendix, yields ;UO-- Pl, (13) If thevolume fractions pl andp• - 1- pl areknown, then (13) must be satisfied.Let R• be the corresponding region, which is bounded by circular arcs. In the F plane one of these arcs is parameterized by if only the volume fractions are known, and PiP2 ;ti- C•(z)- pl (14) d 8--Z if the material is statistically isotropic, where d is the O• z • p• (19) wherez is a real parameter•d C(z) is fractionallinear in z, like C(a) above. To exhibit the other arc, it is dimensionof the system as in 6 and (7). In general, convenient to considerthe auxiliary function knowledgeof the (n q- 1)-point correlationfunction of e• 1-sF(s) the meditiinallowscalculationof ;t;• (in principle). Boundson e* or F(s) are obtainedby fixing s in (11), varyingover admissiblemeasures;t (or admissiblegeometries),suchas thosethat satisfyonly (13), and find- whichis a Herglotzfunctionlike F(s), analyticoff [0,1]. ing the correspondingrange of valuesof F(s). This Then in the E plane, we can parameterize the other - _ procedureis described in the appendix.We nowgive circular boundary of R• by formulas for the boundaries of these regions. In addition to the first- and second-order ½•(z)- P2 bounds described in 0 < 2,< Pl (21) the Introduction, there are zeroth order boundswhich assumeno knowledgeof the geometry,not eventhe vol- In the 6 * plane,R• hasverticesplel +p262 and (p•/61 + ume fractions. They exploit only the conditionsthat p2/62)-1 and is boundedby the arcs 0 _< ;to _< i and F(s1) _< 1. In the F plane, let R0 be the regioncontainingthe rangeof valuesof F(s). C1(/•) -- 62+ p• Then R0 is boundedby a circular arc C(a) and a line 61 -- 62 segmentL(a), (22) C(a)- a s-(1-a)' L(a)---a 0<a<i s' - ' (15) 62 -- 61 pl) (23) Th6 arc C(a) is circular becauseas a function of a, C(a) is a fractionallinear transformation of a, which where/•is a realparameter andC•(/•) and• ([:•)are maps the class of circles and lines to itself. When s is again fractional linear in /•. Again, these bounds are complex,then the line segment[0,1] in the a planegets optimal and are attained by a number of geometries, mapped to an arc of a circle. If we transform R0 to including coated elliptical cylindersconsideredby Mil- the e* plane, then its verticesare 61 and ca, L(a) gets ton [1981].When 61and 62are real, R1 collapses to the interval transformed to the line segment (16) (p•/e• + p2/62)-• _<e* _<p•el + p2e2, (24) GOLDEN: which are the classical arithmetic COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY and harmonic mean bounds. If the material is further assumed to be statistically OF SEA ICE 13,703 found experimentally. Compared to the brine, the complex permittivity of the pure ice e• is basically independent of temperature and frequency, as found by Miitzler isotropic, i.e., eik-- e 5ik,then(14)mustbesatisfied as and Wegmiiller[1987],and we take e• = 3.15+ i0.002. , * In Figure 1 we plot the bound R0 with R• contained well. The corresponding regionR2, again, has circular arcs for boundaries. In the F plane one of these arcs is inside, with the frequency, $,T, and p2 values shown. Clearly, knowingthe brine volume(R•) yieldsa tremenparameterized by dous improvement over the R0 bound, which only assumesknowledgeof the values of e• and e2. In Figure 2 we have plotted two different regionsR• for the same p• (s - z) C2(z) - s(s-z-p•/d)'O_• z_•(d-1)/d.(25) sampleof seaicewith $ = 50/00,to showhowchanging In the E planethe other arc is parameterizedby p2(sz) 1)/d]'O•_z•_l/d. (26) (•2(z) - s[s-zp,(dWhen e• and e2 are real with e• •_ e2, R2 collapsesto the interval /( 1 p•) e* < e2+ p• -• /( •1--1•2 + •pe) el +P2 e2-- el + • •1 -- (27) the temperature shifts the region in the e* plane. Alternatively, we can view Figure 2 as showinghow changing the brine volume can dramatically affect the location and size of R•. In Figure 3 we have plotted the smaller R• with T = -11øC from Figure 2 with R2 inside of it. For the calculation of R2 here and in subsequent figures,whoseboundariesare given by (25) and (26), we have used d -- 2, since as the wave propagatesvertically down through a slab which is not too thick, the properties are reasonably uniform in this direction. In this case the electric field only has componentswithin the horizontal plane, so that the system is effectively [1962].The real boundsin (27) are attainableby coated two-dimensional. The assumption of isotropy in this spheregeometries,but the complexarcs (25) and (26) configuration, which is the configuration used by Atwhich are the famous bounds of Hashin and $htrikman are not generallyattainable,as notedby Milton [1981] coneet al. [1986],is then an assumptionaboutisotropy within the horizontal plane, which is a topic considered and Bergman[1982]. by Cherepanov [1971],Kovacsand Morey [1978],Weeks and Gow[1980]and Goldenand Ackley[1981].(We remark that since the scaleson the Re(e*) and Ira(e*) 4. Comparison With Experimental Data axes are not the same, the circular arcs which form the In this section we considerplots of the bounds R0, R•, and R2 and compare them with the experimental data of Arconeet al. [1986].For any givensampleof seaice boundaries of the regions may not necessarilyappear circular.) In Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c we begin the comparison of our bounds with the measured values of e* for ar- of salinity $ and temperature T the brine volume p2 may be estimated using the equation of Frankenstein tificially grown sea ice of Arcone et al. [1986]. The data points in Figure 4a were taken from Arcone et al. and Garner [1967], + o.53' . p•_$(49.185 To determine e2, the complex permittivity of the brine. we use the empirically determined formulas of $togryn [1986],Figure 8. They representa rangeof p• values from 0.031 to 0.041, and salinityvaluesfrom 3.8O/oo to 4.4O/oo. To constructthe bound,we havechosen the midpointvaluesof p• = 0.036 and S = 4.1 ø/00, and then inverted (28) to obtain T = -6øC. The data points in Figure 4b range in p2 values from 0.018 to and Desargant[1985],whichare basedon a Debye-type 0.023, with the same salinity range as in Figure 4a, and relaxation equation, we obtain the bound through the same midpoint procedure. In Figure 4c, the data have been taken from the slab measurements of Arconeet al. [1986],Fige.•--e•+ I -i27rf•+i2•e0--• ' (29) 85-4 ure 17, with a range in temperature from -12.5øC to which has only one resonance,ignoring a possiblespread -15.5øC, so that we choose the midpoint T = -14øC, in relaxation times. In (29), es and e• are the limit- with S = 2.4ø/00,to constructthe bound. •Ve chose ing static and high frequencyvaluesof the real part of this particular slab because there was little difference e2,Re(e2), r is the relaxationtime, f is the frequency,cr between the measured salinity before and after the exis the ionic conductivity of the dissolvedsalts, e0 is the periments were done, so that we were fairly confident permittivityof freespace,andi - (-1)•/2. The ionic that the p• value given by (28) would be representative conductivity is assumedto be independent of frequency. of what was in the sample. By comparisonof the data Then e2 for brine in equilibrium with sea ice is deter- with R•, there appears to be some evidence of a small mined by the four real parameters e•, es,r, and or,each degreeof anisotropy, which agreeswith what was found of which depends only on temperature, and all were directly by Arcone et al. [1986]. However,thesedis- 13,704 GOLDEN' COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY OF SEA ICE 4O f 35 3O - 4.8 GHz $ - 50/00 T -2øC - 25 2O 15 10 p2=0.12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Re(e*) Figure 1. Boundson complexpermittivitye* for seaice. The largeregionR0 assumes nothing about the microstructure.The smallregion-R1insideassumes a brinevolumeof p•. - 0.12; f is frequency, $ is salinity, and T is temperature. crepanciesmay also be accounted for by uncertainties perature. The data shownin our figuresare a representative set of the data from slabs 85-1, 85-2, and 85-3. Finally, Figures 5a, 5b, 6a, and 6b were created to These three slabs were chosenbecausetheir salinity val- in the brine volume, which is discussedbelow. be able to directly comparewith Arconeet al. [1986, ues(beforethe experiment)wereall closeto eachother, Arconeet Figures16 and 17], in which the real and imaginary with $ = 4.8,5.5 and 5.4 ø/00,respectively. parts of e* are plotted separately as a function of tern- al. [1986,Figures16 and 17] plot data for ice whichis 4.5 f 4 - 4.8 GHz $ - 5%0 3.5 3 Im(e*) 2.5 2 1.5 T = -11øC P2 -- 0.025 0.5 O3 4 5 6 7 Re(e*) T = -2øC P2 - 0.12 8 9 10 11 Figure 2. Bounds on e* for sea ice with different brine volumesp2 or different temperatures T. GOLDEN: COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY OF SEA ICE 13,705 •.2 f = 4.8GHz //• S = 5ø/•0 T =-11 C • 0.8- 0.6- 0.4- 0.2- 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 Figure 3. Boundson e* for givenbrine volume(outer boundR•) and assumingisotropywithin the horizontalplane (inner bound R2). warmed and subsequently cooled down. We only used boundsfor that valueof T and with $ = 5 ø/00. For the "warming" data, as once the ice has been warmed a given value of T, the R2 bound gives a maximum above -5øC, brine leaks out and air replaces some of and minimum value for both Re(e*) and Im(e*) which the brine, which is reflectedin the "cooling"data. For any given value of T, to create the upper and lower bounds shown in our figures, we first computed the R2 corresponds to the coordinates of the vertices of R2. 1.8 I f 1.6 s T 1.4 p2 = I The upper and lower bounds for any given T shown in Figure 5a, for example, correspond to these maxi- I I I I I I 4.75 GHz 4.1 0/00 •/• 0. 1.2 Im(•*) 0.8 0.6 0.4 • I I 03.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 I 4 I I I I 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 Re Figure 4a. Comparisonof experimental data on e* with/i•l for given brine volumeP2 and with bound R2 which assumesisotropy as well. 13,706 GOLDEN' 1.8 I I f 1.6 1.4 COMPLEX = I I OF SEA ICE I I I I I 4.75GHz - S = 4.10/00 _ T = PERMITTIVITY - -11øC P2= 0.0205 - 1.2 Im(e*) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 03.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 Re Figure 4b. Same as Figure 4a, except for temperature of -11øC and p2 of 0.0205. mum and minimum valuesof Re(e*) obtainedfrom the verticesof R2. Note that by consideringRe(e*) and sidesparallel to the axes) with two verticesmatching Ira(e*) separately,it is easierfor data pointsto lie inside the bounds,comparedwith plotting the pointsin ity through plotting Re(e*) and Ira(e*) separately,we found that we couldobtain goodfit with the data by using/{2 insteadof R1. We remark that the assumption of isotropyin the horizontalplane, which is implicit in constructingR2, is fairly reasonable,as seenin the previous figures. Furthermore, sincethe sea ice was artifi- the complex plane. More precisely, points which lie inside the boundsrepresentedin Figures 5a, 5b, 6a, and 6b, if plotted in the complexe* plan. e, wouldonly be requiredto lie in the corresponding rectangle(with 1.8 i i f :1.t51.4- i - o.s GHz S - 2.4 0/00 T = -14øC P2 -- 0.01 the two vertices of/{2. Because of this added flexibil- i 1.21- Im(e*) 0.80.6- 0'41 0.2 I I 03.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 I 4 I I I I 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 Re (e*) Figure 4c. SameasFigure4a, exceptfor frequency of 9.5 GHz,salinityof 2.40/00,temperature of-14øC, and P2 of 0.01. GOLDEN: 10 COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY i 0 I -5 OF SEA ICE i 13,707 I I -10 f - 4.8 GHz S - 5 ø/oo I -15 I -20 T Figure 5a. Comparisonof experimentaldata on e* with upper and lower boundson Re(e*) obtained from R2, as a function of temperature, at 4.8 GHz. 5. Discussion cially grown in an outdoor pool, where there is no welldeveloped,long-termcurrent direction(whichis usually present when the c axis orientation of sea ice is highly In comparing our bounds with the data of Arcone anisotropic, asstudiedby Cherepanov [1971],Weeksand et al. [1986],we havefoundti/at perhapsthe single Gow[1980]and Goldenand Ackley[1981]),we should most important quantity which determines the dielecnot expect marked anisotropy in the data from Arcone tric properties of sea ice is the brine volume p2, and the regionsR• and Rs are very sensitiveto this value. Un- et al. [1986]. I 3.5 f - 4.8 GHz $ = 50/00 2.5 Im(e*) 1.5 0.5 0 -0.5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Figure 5b. Comparisonof experimentaldata on e* with upper and lower boundson Ira(e*) obtained from R2, as a function of temperature, at 4.8 GHz. 13,7o8 GOLDEN: lO COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY I I OF SEA ICE I I f __ 9.5 GHz ø/oo 6 • .... 0 I, , -5 ,I, -10 I ,, , -15 I -20 T (oc) Figure fla. Comparisonof experimentaldata on •* with upper and lower boundson Re(e*) obtained from R2, as a function of temperature, at 9.$ GHz. fortunately, the brine volume is quite difficult to measure experimentally. In comparingour boundswith the data, it appearedthat the largest discrepancies occurred when there was the most uncertainty in the calculated value of the brine volume. As Arcone et. al. note, brine wasleakingoutof theslabsofseaiceuntiltheirtemperaturedroppedbelow-24øC, and resumedagainwith T between -5 ø and -6øC. Even though the leaked brine was collected so that accurate salinity measurements could be made, under such circumstancesthe equation quenciesof 4.8 and 9.5 GHz we have found no evidence of any systematicoffsetof the experimentalvalueswhen comparedwith the bounds. We concludethen that at these frequencies,scattering lossesare minimal. In current work with S. Ackley and V. Lytle, we are comparing the quasi-staticboundswith higher-frequencydata, overa rangeof 26.5-40.0 GHz, wherethe validity of the quasi-static assumptionis uncertain. This work will be reported elsewhere. Finally, as mentionedin section4, we did not use the of Frankensteinand Garner [1967],whichis basedon "cooling"data of Arconeet al. [1986],as air has retheoretical considerations,cannot be expected to provide a very accurate prediction of the actual brine volume in the sample. In fact, we noted that adjusting the brine volume in the bound R1 could usually capture any scatter of data points associatedwith a particular S,T pair. This observationleads one to suspectthat the brine volume of a given sample of sea ice could be deducedby measuringe* at a number of different frequenciesand checkingwhich brine volume yields the best correspondencebetween the bounds and the data. placed some of the brine. The effect this has on e* is that it apparently lowersthe measuredvaluesof both Re(e*) and Ira(c*). In orderto obtainboundsto model this situation, as well as multiyear ice which generally has more air volume than does first year ice, we must consider the sea ice to be a three-component random medium consistingof pure ice, brine, and air. However, the mathematical theory of bounding e* for three or more componentsis quite a bit more involved than for two, and involvesthe theory of severalcomplexvariablesin which there arise new mathematical phenomena not encounteredwith functionsof a singlecomplexvariable. In fact, the generaltheory of complexboundswas restricted to two componentsuntil the work of Golden As mentioned in section 2, the bounds are derived in the quasi-static or infinite wavelengthlimit and are valid when the wavelengthA is large comparedwith the typical brine length scale/3,which is of the order of millimeters. When A becomescomparableto •, we might andPapanicolaou [1985],andthe firstsetof comprehenexpect that scatteringeffectsbecomemore significant. sive boundson e* in the multicomponent casewas found In this case we would expect that measured values of by Golden[1986]. Subsequently, Milton [1987a,b]imIm(e*) shouldbe higherthan thosepredictedby the proved Golden's boundsand significantlyextendedthe bounds due to scattering losses. For the current fre- bounding theory. In subsequentwork we would like to GOLDEN: COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY OF SEA ICE I 13,709 I 3.5 I f - $ - 9.5 GHz 50/00 2.5 1.5 0.5 -0.5 0 -5 -10 T (øC) -15 -20 Figure6b. Comparison ofexperimental dataone* withupperandlowerbounds onIra(e*) obtainedfrom/•2, as a functionof 9.5 GHz. 'applythe Golden-Milton boundsto three-component Now we describehow (A3) can be usedto inject ge- sea ice. ometrical information into the measure 12. First, for Appendix: The Analytic Continuation medium(s=ooorh=l),> 1, (A1) can be expanded abouta homogeneous Method Here we describe in more detail following Golden F(s)- 12-2ø TM s + '•'+..., 12n z'•d12( z)ß (A4) to a Taylorseries expansion ofm(h) [1986],howthe boundsR0, R1, and R2 are obtained. Thisisequivalent kVebeginwith the fundamentalrepresentation formula •*/•2(el/•2) aroundh = 1. Equating(A4) to the same presented in section 2, expansionof (A3) yields F(s) - f0• , (A1) 12,•= (-1) '• < X•[(Fx:)'•e•]ße• >. (AS) It is throughthis momentformulathat correlationin- where formationabout the geometryis injectedinto the inte- r-l-e*/e2, s--1/(1-e•/e2), (A2) gral representation. If all the moments12,•are known, thenthe measure12is uniquelydetermined.Then (A1) and 12is a positivemeasureon [0,1]. An alternative providesthe 'analyticcontinuationof the power series operatorrepresentation for F(s) can be obtainedfrom in (A4) to its full domain of analyticity,which is the full complexs planeexcluding[0,1]. manipulationof (2)-(5), F(s) -< ?(•[(s+ Fx•)-•e•] ße• >, (A3) Boundson e* are obtainedfrom (A1) as follows.First we describehow R0 is obtained. By (A5), 120equalsp•, the volume fraction of medium 1. Then whereF = V(-A)-iV .. In the Hilbertspace 0 •_ 120_<1. (A6) with y1 in the inner product,FX1 is a boundedselfadjointoperatorof normlessthan or equalto one. The integralrepresentation (A1) is the spectralrepresenta- For s • C•[0, 1], whereC is the complexplane,F(s, 12) tionof the resolvent (s+Fx1) -•, where12is the spectral in (A1) is a linearfunctionalfromthe set M of positive measureof the family of projectionsof FX1, which pro- measuresof mass_< 1 on [0,1] into C. Now M is a videsa proof of (A1). We then seeexplicitly how 12 compact, convexset of measures.The extreme points dependson the geometrythroughX•. Another proof (or boundary)of the rangeof valuesof F(s, 12)in C are attained by one-point (Dirac) measuresaSa,0 < a < of (A1) exploitsthe Herglotzpropertyof F(s). 13,710 GOLDEN: COMPLEX PERMITTIVITY 1, 0 _• a _• 1, since they are the extreme points of M. OF SEA ICE The functionFx(s) is, again,a Herglotzfunctionwhich Forthesemeasures (whichareso-called"5functions"),has the representation F has the form F(s)-•, 0_•a_• 1, $--a 0•_a•_ 1. F1($ ) --j•01 d•l(z) (A7) 8-2: (A16) Under (A14), Fx is knownonly to first order Thecondition F(s- 1) •_1 determines theallowed. regionR0 in the F plane.It is the imageof the triangle - p2 Fi(s) /pld+... in (a• a) space,definedby a +a • 1, 0 _• a '5•I, 9 • a • $ 1, underthe mapping(A7)i wh{chis described in (1.5). , (A17) The boundsin (15) •e optimal and can be :•:t•ined whichforcesthe zerothmoment/z01 of •1 to be by laminates of e• and e2 aligned i•erpendicu•arand parallel to the applied field. The arcsare traced out as the volume fraction I• - p2/pld. (A18) varies. If the volumefractionsp• and p2 - I -p• are fixed Then applying the same procedure as for R• yields the bound R2, where the boundaries are circular arcs pa- as well as s, then •0 is fixed, with rameterizedby (25) and (26). We remark that higher•0 - P•. (A8) Then applyinga similarextremalanaJysis as above order correlation information can be convenientlyincor- poratedby iterating (A15), as doneby Golden[1986]. shows thatthevalues ofF lieinside thecircleparametrized Acknowledgments. Theauthorwouldliketoihank by Cl(z) pl (A9) On the other hand, Eric Bair for preparing the graphs and for helpful suggestionsin comparing the bounds with the data. In addition,. the author is grateful to Steve Ackley, Steve Arcone, Tony Gow, Vicky Lytle, Jin Kong, and Graeme Milton for helpfuldiscussions on seaice and generaldielectric theory. Finally, the author expresseshis thanks E($)- I - el/e* 1-sF($) = $[1 - F(s)] (A10) to Art Jordan and Reza Malek-Madani at ONR for their is alsoa Herglotzfunctionlike F(s) and hasa represen- encouragementand support of this work. 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