JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 86, NO. C9, PAGES 8107-8116, SEPTEMBER 20, 1981 Modeling of AnisotropicElectromagnetic Reflection K. M. GOLDEN From AND Sea Ice S. F. ACKLEY U.S. Army Cold RegionsResearchand EngineeringLaboratory,Hanover,New Hampshire03755 The contribution of brine layers to observedreflective anisotropyof sea ice at 100 MHz is quantitativelyassessed, and a theoreticalexplanationfor observedreflectiveanisotropyis proposedin termsof anisotropicelectricflux penetrationinto the brine layers.The seaice is assumedto be a stratifieddielectric consistingof pure ice containingellipsoidalconductinginclusions(brine layers)uniformly aligned with their long axesperpendicularto the preferredcrystallographic c axis direction.The asymmetrical geometryof the brine layersis shownto producean anisotropyin the complexdielectricconstantof sea ice. The contributionof theselayersto the reflectiveanisotropyis examinedwith a numericalmethodof approximatingthe reflectedpowerof a radar pulseincidenton a slabof seaice. Mixture dielectricpermittivities are calculatedfor both the electricfields parallel and perpendicularto the c axis direction. Thesepermittivitiesare then usedto calculatepowerreflectioncoefficientsat eachinterfacein the air/sea ice/seawatersystem.Significantbottomreflection(R = 0.09) occurswhen the polarizationis parallel to the c axis.However,whenthe polarizationis perpendicularto the c axis,the return is almostcompletely extinguished(R < 0.003). This extinctionis due primarily to absorptivelossassociatedwith the conductinginclusionsand secondarilyto an impedancematchat the ice/water interfacethat resultsin transmission rather than reflection of the wave. 1. low the cutofffrequencyfor parallelpolarizationin the guide. INTRODUCTION A fundamentalproblem with this theory is the lack of eviRecent studiesof arctic fast ice [Cherepanov,1971; Weeks and Gow, 1979;Kovacsand Morey, 1978]have shownthat the dencefor tl•e existenceof brine celis•m parallel arrays of crystallographicc axes(optic axes)of sea ice have not only a plates.We feel that it is morenaturaland predictivelyfruitful to considerthe brine structureas consistingof individual, fipreferredhorizontal orientation,but also a preferredazimunite, anisotropic bodiesratherthancontinuous plates(Figure thal direction within the horizontal plane. Campbelland Or3). ange [1974] and Kovacsand Morey [1978] have established that the strengthof the return from impulseradar soundings 2. THEORY (centerfrequencyat 100MHz) of seaice dependsstronglyon We proposethat the asymmetricalgeometryof the brine indirection. Maximum reflection from the ice/water interface clusions causesan anisotropyin the penetration of the imoccurswhen the pulse is polarized so that the electric field parallelsthe preferredc axis direction.Minimum bottom reflection occurswhen the polarization is perpendicular to the preferredc axis direction.In the most extremecasesof this anisotropy,the bottom signalappearsto be almostcompletely extinguished(Figure 1). Associatedwith a preferred c axis orientation within the horizontal plane is anisotropicbrine structure.The ice/water interfacewhere seaice growth takesplace consistsof dendritic pingingelectricfield into the brine layers.This anisotropic penetrationis associatedwith an anisotropyin the effective complex dielectric constant of the sea ice, which determines the power returned to the receiver. To facilitate analysisof the anisotropy,we assumethat a slabof seaiceof thickness T is composed of I horizontallayers of uniformthickness d, whichwe take as 10cm. Eachlayer i consistsof pure ice of complexdielectricconstantel -- ei' + plates thatareelongated perpendicular tothecaxis direction je•" -- 3.17 + j 0.013 [Johari andCharette, 1975] which surrounds uniformly distributed andaligned ellipsoidal brin.e inand extendinto the seawater below (Figure 2). As growth occurs, the sea water between the dendritic plates becomes trapped and makes up the so-calledbrine layers of sea ice [WeeksandAssur,1967].The brine layersnear the seaice bottom are elongatedin the plane perpendicularto the c axis direction and have their shortestdimensionparallel to the c axis direction. Thus maximum bottom reflection occurs when the electric field is nermal to the principal brine/ice interface (normalpolarization),and minimum bottomreflectionoccurs when the electric field is tangentialto the principal brine/ice interface (tangential polarization). An initial impetus for the present research was our dissatisfactionwith the model proposedby Kovacsand Morey [1978] to explain the reflectiveanisotropy.In this model, the brine structure near the bottom of the ice is assumed to be- have as a parallel plate waveguide,where 100 MHz is well beThis paper is not subjectto U.S. copyright.Publishedin 1981 by the American GeophysicalUnion. Paper number IC0767. clusionsof complexdielectricconstante2= e2'+ je2" = 80 + j 1000 [I/ant, 1976]and relativevolume vt,(0,wherej = x/-2-1. The geometryof the inclusionsin layer i is specifiedby the principalaxesa(0, b(0, and c(0, and is characterized by the depolarizationfactorsn•,(0 definedby abc fo ø• n•, = -•(k:+s)x/(a: +ds s)(b 2+s)(c • +s) (1) wherek = a, b, c [Stratton,1941].Thesefactorsdependonly on the axial ratiosof the ellipsoids.The a axisof an ellipsoid is horizontaland perpendicularto the preferredcrystalc axis direction,the b axisparallelsthisdirection,andthe ellipsoidal c axis is vertical, with a > c >> b near the sea ice bottom. The sea ice lies above a homogeneous half-spaceof sea water of complexdielectricconstantew= 80 + j 773 [Stratton,1941], andbelowa homogeneous half-spaceof air of complexdielectric constante• = 1 + j0. 8107 We will nowexaminethedielectric behaviorof brinelayers 8108 GOLDEN AND ACKLEY: MODEL OF E-M REFLECTION FROM SEA ICE '.r .. .. . .- ...t:' .. .. iZ'ce.-::Bot.'tom. Fig. 1. Maximum and minimum bottomreflectionsspacedat 90ø [from Kovacsand Morey, 1978]. to understandthe observedreflectiveanisotropy.We will examMe the behaviorof the radar pulseby only consideringdielectricand reflectivepropertiesof the centerfrequencyof the plane wave pulse. AnisotropicElectric Flux Penetration The electricfieldE:z,,insideoneof the ellipsoidalinclusions in the bottomlayer/, whensubjectedto an initially uniform electricfield E directedalongoneof the principalaxesk = a, b, c, is given by [Tinga et al., 1973] 1 Sea Water Fig. 2. Dendriticplatesat ice/waterinterface,elongatedper- E:,--'e,+n,(/)(1 - vt,(/))(e: - e,)E (2) and is independent of positioninsidethe ellipsoid.This posi- dependsprimarily on the conditionthat pendicularto the c axisdirection,extendinginto the seawaterbelow. tional independence Seawater trapped between theplates becomes thebrine layers [froma <<3,,whichissatisfied forthewavelength 3,-- 1.7m at 100 WeeksandGow,1979]. MHz in pure ice. GOLDEN AND ACKLEY: MODEL OF E-M REFLECTION FROM SEA ICE 8109 ..... . ............ ;:.:.::'.."". .... ',•.}}.-':.;;;'"-•;'•*•::•-::--" .. -., ....... .•..•,.: ...... .... .:.,.--;::t..:;., .}::.'?'•' ....'....... . :::•:: ....... ;...... ...::.: :..::";;::;':...::;... ,.;::...;...........?:::...? ;;::-.;-'::':* ;'':;'¾.; ':':t*/;'"-. ......... ...... .:,½:':"' :. .... ;-'...... 7* .:,..,:...:. . : -......... -. ,:. :.-.?.--. :.:.::- ..:: :f'•::..::. ..... •,:½ ....... ,.. .... :...... ,:,,.,;;:. :;,'.. ..;:..,.*' .-. ....... ....--: :.-,.,;./;;;.'.' . ............ :..:;: .:.,...:• .:,.<: ...... ..f :: -. '-" ..:....-:•. .: ..:,,.-......,- •- ;•:•:'-'- ...::.:..,. :- ;.-:,.::•.: L;'*'. ...::,,., ...,:%.:,.......-:-...... ".-'-:.-:.z:•.. ........... '* ..... -::c:; .......,;.... ,•.::.:..:•:(.:: ./:.. ................. ::::;'..'•;;%-. "::::':"'"'"'"'"":'*•'½?': F"??-' ..... " '*'" - '-* *" ' .. ß '½....,..,* '" '"' .... •:S:•:..:.....• -.' ..":'•.". '"' ::t.f'":.:". Fig. 3. Photomicrographof a thin sectionof sea ice illustratingbrine pocket shapes[from Weeksand Assur, 1969]. We assumethe fields are of the form E(t) = Eo e-j•' and E2,(t)= E2,oe-j(•'+s)withno spatialdependence, whereto= 2w x 108tad/s, and 8 is the phasedifferencebetweenthe fields.From a polynomialfit of actualarcticseaice data,we set to(/) -- 0.29. We take the following values as the dimensionsof a bottom layer inclusion:b -- 0.1 mm [Andersonand Weeks,1958],c = 5b = 0.5 mm [Kovacsand Morey, 1978],and a = 3 mm [Weeksand Assur, 1967].We evaluate (2) for the two casesof interest,k = a and k = b, where rta(1)-• 9.67 x 10-3 and no(1)= 8.39 x 10-l. Case 1: Normal Polarization,E = En (parallel to c axis in Figure 2). By using the above parameters IEbl I/rnl Dielectric Behavior The power flowing from the impinging electromagnetic wave into a brine layer, measuredin W/m 3, is givenby 1 W=•-geE2,o 2 (5) where g: is the conductivity of brine. Then the ratio of the power lossesfor the two polarizationsis W,= (1/2)g2(4.01 x 10-')2Eo2V + (1/2)g,Eo2V/v•,(1) = 2200 (1/2)g2(5.26x 10-3)2Eo2V + (l/2)g,Eo:•V/v•,(1) (6) 5.26 x 10-3 (3) with 8 -- 85.1o. This small ratio impliesthat the electricfield is wherewe assumethat g, is the conductivityof pure ice, V is the volumeof an ellipsoidalbrine layer, and that the amplitude of the wavefield in ice is equalto Eo. Thus we expect essentially excluded from thebrine layer during normal polar-much more power tobeabsorbed bybottom seaicefortanization. Theexclusion arises physically from thebuildup of gential polarization than fornormal polarization. Significant charge (polarization and free) at the brine/ice interface that conduction currents are set up in the brine layers during tancreatesa large depolarizing field inside the inclusion and termMatesthe normal field in the ice matrix [Goldenand A ckley, 1980]. Case 2: TangentialPolarization, E = E, (perpendicularto c axis in Figure2). In thiscase,the moduliof the fieldssatisfy legal-4.01 x 10-1 IE,I (4) with 8 = 61.8ø. Now, nearly half the applied field strengthhas penetratedinto the inclusion.This penetrationarisesphysically becausethe field is directed along the brine/ice interface causingadjacent polarization chargesto cancel and free chargesto travel rather than accumulate. gentialpolarizationsothat thereis a largeimaginarymixture dielectricconstant(e," a W,) with high attenuationand little signalreturnedto the receiver.For normalpolarizationthere is a small imaginarymixture dielectricconstant(en"a Wn) with significantsignalreturn.Note that we are considering primarily conductioneffects,since 100 MHz is below the resonant frequency for water dipole rotations. In additionto anisotropic absorption of the wave,the asymroetryof the brineinclusions causesanisotropyin the real part of the effective dielectric constant of the sea ice. Horizontal elongationof the brine layersperpendicularto the preferredc axisdirectionrendersthe dipolemomentsof the brine layers larger for tangentialpolarizationthan for normal polariza- 8110 GOLDENAND ACKLEY:MODELOF E-M REFLECTION FROM SEAICE neckingandsubsequent freezing-out of the brinelayers,we linearly decreasethe a/b and c/b ratios from a: b: c -- 30:1: $ in thebottomlayerto a' b'c -- 1' 1'0.5 in thetoplayer.The vertical dimensionc is decreasedto a value lessthan a -- b at the top to indicatethat the longerdimensions of brine inclusions therehavea tendencyto be horizontal,dueto freez- ingprocesses. Themodelweuseisa rough,first-order approximationdesigned to reflectonly the grossfeaturesof brine structure: markedanisotropy near the bottomand isotropy near the top. The brinevolumevb(0is variedaccording to polynomial fitsof datacalculated fromsalinityandtemperature profiles obtainedfrom arcticfastice by W. F. Weeksand A. J. Gow (personalcommunication,1978). Data are consideredfrom CapeKrusenstern, Barrow(ChukchiSea),andHarrisonBay (Figures5-7). Brinevolumeswerecalculated by usingthe equationof Frankenstein andGarner[givenin WeeksandAssur, 1967], O, +0.532 $,[-49.185 b. vb(O --i-• (8) whereS, is thesalinityof layeri expressed in pansperthousands, and8,isthetemperature of layeri expressed in degrees Celsius. Fig.4. Brinelayers(topview)nearthebottomof seaice(a) begin to 'neck'withdecreasing temperature furtherup in the ice sheet(s) andfreezeoutintocylinders (c) andellipiticalcylinders (d) [fromAn- Salinity(%.) 02•4 6 8 I0 Temperature(•½) 12 -I0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 L1' I ' ' ' ' ' 'J dersonand Weeks,1958]. zo tion. Thus, the real part of the dielectricconstantof oriented sea ice is higher for tangential polarization than for normal polarization[Goldenand Ackley, 1980]. 3. To illustrate NUMERICAL MODEL how the above effects determine the nature of the reflectiveanisotropy,we calculatepower reflectioncoefficients(powerreceivedfrom a giveninterface/incidentpower) for each of the n -- I + 1 interfaces of the aft/ice/sea water i OOL-•---L--L--L--L--L--L•.--L• system,and for each polarization. Layer DielectricConstants Brine Volume The effective complex dielectric constantof layer i when subjectedto an initially uniform electricfield directedalong the k axesof the ellipsoidsis [Tinga et al., 1973] e•,(0= •, + - 0 [ • ac) (7) The formula is evaluatedby usingthe appropriatevaluesof •l and •2, alreadyquoted.(See Pant [1976]for a discussionof the applicabilityof (7) to time varyingfields.)The brinevolume 0.050 ß; ' I, ' 0.1O0 [ I 0.150 ' I 0.200 ' [ / u. IZ' =('.'Xllt•)Z•-17.70xl 4 +(1.70x10-'iZ +4.24x1F ß and depolarizationfactorsare varied for eachlayer to account for the change in the physical propertiesof the sea ice with depth. Immediately above the ice/water interface, the ice is relatively warm and containsa high concentrationof elongated brine layers(Figure 4a). Further up the.temperaturedecreases and, consequently, the brine layersbeginto 'neck' (Figure 4b) and changeinto rows of closelyspacedcylinders(Figure 4c) and finally into elliptical cylinders(Figure 4d) lAndcroonand Weeks, 1958]. Above the transition zone the brine structure Fig. 5. Temperature,salinity, and brine volume profilesfor Cape tends to have a more random orientation. To simulate the Krusenstern. GOLDEN AND ACKLEY: MODEL OF E-M REFLECTION FROM SEA ICE Interfacial PowerReflectionCoefficients 8111 Salinity(%0) We will now calculate interfacial power reflection coeffi- 0 II lllJl cientsR•(O (powerreflectedby interface//powerincidenton 20 interfaceO at each interfacei for the two polarizationsof the incident wave [Ward, 1967]. The characteristicbulk impedanceZ•,(Oof layer i for polarizationalongthe k axesof the ellipsoidsis defined by Zk(0 ---¾•,(0 Temperature (*C) . • I I ' 40 (9) where¾•,(0is the propagationconstantof layer i definedby •(0 -- •/•,o%'(0 + jt•0 gJO (•0) g•,(Ois the conductivityof layer i for polarizationk, and • = 4•r x 10-7 henry/m is the permeabilityof free space.Sincewe Salinity(%0) 2 4 6 8 I0 12 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 LiI'I 'l'll ,'. 20 •1 Ill _ Temperature (øC) 0 , Brine Volume 0 -- 40 I .o. •oo. aoa3o •_.• ui,(Z) =(3.30x10-w)Z'- -- .•60 • -- 80 O.4O 40 - .. _ - ,oo,2o-[, : • 140 160--,I , , i , I ' I , I , ! , I I I I. 0.050 Brine Volume 0.100 ß •) I - øø 0.150 0.200 0 'oI i I t I l O/ VbiZ) =(l'17xlO'7)Z$(l'82xlO'qZ2 l aO ß+ (7.23x10+ 1.74x10 -2 / i I I I i ! , Fig. 7. Temperature,salinity,and brine volumeprofilesfor Harrison Bay. •o assumethat the lossesin seaice at 100 MHz are primarily due to conductioneffects,i.e., ek" (0 ----gk(0/eoW,(11) becomes ¾k(O -- •oJeoP•k(O (11) IOO The complexamplitudereflectioncoefficientre(Oat an interface i dependson the mismatchof the bulk impedanceZ/•(i - 12o Zk(O of layer i below the interface: 1) of layeri- 1 abovetheinterfaceandthebulkimpedance r•(O = 160 , I I I Fig. 6. Temperature, salinityandbrinevolumeprofilesfor Barrow (ChukchiSea). z,,(•- i)- z•(o zjii)+ z,,(O (12) On substitutionof (10) and (12) this becomes rk(O---e•x/-•+ x/e•(i - 1) (13) 8112 GOLDEN AND ACKLEY: MODEL OF E-M REFLECTION FROM SEA ICE The interfacialpowerreflectioncoefficientRff(0 is obtained plane wave traveling one way through a lossylayer i of thicknessd is decreasedby a factor e-"k(%where a•,(0 is defined by yon Hippel [1954] as from the complex amplitude coefficientthrough Rff(O -- rk(0* rn(O (14) where the asteriskdenotesthe complex conjugate.Note that this expressiondependson frequencyonly through the dis- --•--(41+ (•"(0/•'(0) 2 (19) persivenatureof the dielectricconstants of the constituents of the system,seawater, ice, brine, and air. where X is the free spacewavelength.One-way power, there- Bulk PowerReflectionCoefficients power transmissioncoefficientfor layer i. We de•e the attenuated power reflectioncoefficientby fore, decreases by a factor(e-•(ø• 2, whichmay be termeda Supposeour ice sheetconsists of onelossless layer of thicknessd. Let a plane wave pulseof temporaldurationAt traveling throughair be normallyincidenton interface1. Further = H e-4a•(øR&•(O (20) assumethat At << d/V•, where V• is the wave velocity in ice. The primarypulsereturnedto the air from interface2 hasthe followingbulk power reflectioncoefficient(power returnedto air by the interface/powerincidenton ice slab,without atten- for m • 2, 3, ..., n, and uation): form= -- [1 - x R•(m) = Rff(m) (21) 1. (15) Beam Spread x [l - To obta• realistic reflection coe•cients, we est•ate A secondarypulsereflectedback into the air by interface2 beam sprea•g effectswith the F•is transmissionformffia [Kraus, 1953],which givesthe ratio of the power • the load of a receiv•g antennaP, to the power radiated by a transmitt•g antenna P, • terms of the distance between the antennas r, the wavelength•, and the d•ectivities of the transmitt•g and receiv•g antenna, D, and D,, has the bulk power reflectioncoefficient •(2) = [• - •'(•)] x •'(2) x •'(•) x •'(2) x [•- •'(•)] (16) There are infinitely many of these reflectedpulses.In our modelwe neglectmultiplereflectioneffectsbeyondfirstorder and consideronly primary reflections,so that the bulk power reflectioncoefficientof interfacern for polarizationk is given P'=D•, (22) by The directivity can be expressedas i=l fff(O, •) • for rn -- 2, 3, ..., n, and R•fi(rn)-- Rff(m) wheref(O,•) is the norma•ed powerpatternand • (18) AttenuatedPowerReflectionCoefficients The attenuatedpowerreflectioncoefficient R•(O for interfacei (powerreturnedto air by interface//powerincidenton interface0 is calculated fromRff(0 by includinglosses from travel throughsea ice. The amplitudeof a monochromatic Sea Tce Rs (i).-R'T(i) 4e D= RS(i) 2. ./4 = 6.83 fafsmOao Rs(n) R 'r(i)/ i . rt Water is a dif- ferential elementof solid angle. For s•p•city we assumethat the transmitt•g/receiv•g ante•a • our study radiates energy unifo•ly over a cone subtend•g a total polar angle of 90ø. The directivity D = D, = D, then becomes for m -- 1. Figure 8 givesa schematicof the situation. Air (23) Time•" Fig. 8. Schematicdiagramfor bulk powerreflectioncoefficientcalculation[adaptedfrom Petrin, 1979]. (24) GOLDEN AND ACKLEY: MODEL OF E-M The final power reflectioncoefficientsRk(0 are obtained by multiplyingeachRk'•(0 by the beamspreadfactorS(0 a(0 -- s(0 a/(0 (25) where s(0 = m I 4•r X2hi REFLECTION FROM SEA ICE 8113 and h is the distance from the antenna to interface i. Since re- flectionmeasurementsare often donewith the antennaresting on the ice (but not coupledto the ice), we normalizethe S(0 so that S(1) = 1. Thus, there is no spreadingof the beam for the surfacereflection,although it spreadsout into the ice. The above-describednumerical method for obtaining reflection profiles was carried out on the computer at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. (26) E 40 i 20 4080- •...•_.• I:'n 0.0:•0 - 0.060 Power Received/Power 0.090 O.120 60 Transmitted Fig. 9a • o 80 20 IOO 40- 120 - 60 140 - 8t3- 160 Et _ 0 0.025 0.050 Power Received/Power IO0 0.075 O. I00 Transmitted Fig. 9c 120 140 -- ti Et 160 0 I 0.025 Power 0.050 Received/Power 0.075 , O0 Transmitted Fig. 9b Fig. 9. Profilesof the R•,(0for (a) CapeKrusenstern, (b) Barrow,and(c) HarrisonBay.Et denotestangentialpolarization, En denotesnormal polarization. 8114 GOLDEN AND ACKLEY: MODEL OF E-M 0 Dielectric 2 i ' I ' I Dielectric Constant :5 , I REFLECTION FROM SEA ICE 4 5 ! ' 0 • I 20 ' I 40 ' I Constant 60 i I 80 ' I i00 i I 120 ' I I •o-• 20- I I 40- 4o-I i i I • I '" i ioo--I i00- i J 120- 120- 140- 140 160- 160 i Fig. 10a I , I , I i I I I , Fig. 10b Fig. 10. Mixturedielectric constant profiles at HarrisonBayfor(a) normalpolarization and(b) tangential polarization. 4. of thetransmitted signalis returnedto thereceiverby the ice/ waterinterfacefor normalpolarization,whilethe tangentially RESULTS AnisotropicBottomReflections polarizedsignalisvirtuallyextinguished (R,(n)< 0.003).Very Our model exhibits marked anisotropyof bottom refleclittle,if any,signalis returnedfromwithintheicesheet.Since tions from sea ice at 100 MHz. Figure 9 givesthe calculated we haveassumed that the top layer is isotropicin the horizonreflectionprofilesfor the threesites.On the average,about 9% tal plane,surfacereflections are isotropic. Power Transmission 0.2 I 20 0.4 , I Coefficient 0.6 , I 0.8 I I 1.0 ' I AnisotropicComplexDielectricConstants In our model, reflectiveanisotropycan only existwith anisotropicdielectric constants.Figure 10 showsthe calculated dielectricconstantprofilesfor HarrisonBay.The anisotropyis mostpronouncedin the lower regionswherethe brine volume and a/b ratio are high (i.e., where the brine layersare numerous and well defined). Figure 11 showsthe one-way power 60 transmission coefficients e-2da(o for HarrisonBay.The waveis highly attenuatedin the lower regionsduring tangentialpolarizationbecauseof the very largecontributionof e", as sug- gestedpreviously.The ratio of the imaginarydielectricconstantsfor the bottom layer at Harrison Bay e/'/en" -- 47.3/ 0.027 = 1800 is roughly in agreementwith the ratio of the IO0 power lossesin (6), the calculationof which wasbasedon normal exclusionand tangential penetrationof electricflux. We seefrom Figure 10b that the real part of the mixture 120 dielectricconstantof the bottomlayer for tangentialpolarization at Harrison Bay has become quite large (109), in fact larger than that of brine itself (80). The finite extent of the 140 brine layerscausesthem to behaveas macroscopic dipoles. Free and polarizationchargecan build up at the endsof the brine layers,renderingthe seaice highly polarizable,more so 160 than pure brine with no interfaces. The combinationof the large real and imaginaryparts of the mixture dielectric constantsfor tangential polarization Fig. 11. One-waypowertransmission coefficient profilesat Harrison Bay.Lowtransmissions throughthelayersindicatehighattenuation. causesthe bulk impedanceof the bottom seaice layer to be GOLDEN AND ACKLEY.' MODEL OF E-M REFLECTION FROM SEA ICE 2O 2O 4O 40- 60- 60- 80- 80- 8115 . IOO I00- 120 120 - 140 140 - 160 ß I 0 I 0.025 0.050 I I -- 160 -I•.•.......•.. • ! 0.075 0.100 PowerReceived/Power Transmitted 0 I [• I ] - . 0.0•5 0.050 0.075 0.1•:• PowerReceived/Power Transmitted Fig. 12a Fig. 12b Fig. 12. Profilesof the/•k(0 at HarrisonBayfor (a) a'b'c = 20:1'5 in thebottomlayerand(b) a:b'c = 50' 1'$ in the bottom layer. similarto thatof thewaterbelow.Consequently, afterdown- thisbumpin explaining apparent travel-time isotropy [Kovacs ward propagation, the remainingenergyof the tangentially andMorey,1979].We leavethisaspectof the reflectiveanipolarizedwavetendsto betransmitted ratherthanreflected at sotropyopento moreexhaustive experimentation. the ice/waterinterface.The normallypolarizedwaveencoun- tersa largeimpedance mismatch andis reflected. Sensitivityof Parameters Figure 12givesreflectionprofilesfor bottomlayerbrinege- 5. DISCUSSION We have assumed extreme sea ice. Effective axial order in the microstructure ratios and orientations of brine of in- ometrysPi•cified by (1) a:b:c -- 20:1:5 and(2) a:b:c -- clusionsat a given depth or region within the sea ice are actually distributed about some mean. However, the standard tangential electricfield so that attenuation decreases.An in- deviations from preferred bottom c axis azimuth given by creasein a allowsgreaterpenetrationof a tangentialelectric Weeksand Gow [1979] are between5ø and 15ø, indicating a field so that attenuation increases. An increase in c has a simirelatively high degreeof ordering. Our purposewas to show lar effect to a decrease in a. that if one views brine inclusionsas finite, anisotropicconducting bodiesthat are small comparedto wavelength,then Internal Reflections the observedreflectiveanisotropyfollows naturally from the It is very interestingto note the appearanceof an internal behavior of the electromagneticfield around and in the bodreflection located at a depthof about2T/3 fortangential po- ies.To illustratebettermechanismsdeterminingreflectiveanilarization(Figures9a, 9c, and 12a).In the modelthisbump in sotropy,we have taken a very simplifiedmodel of seaice. Exthe reflectionprofilearisesfrom a superposition of two effects. amination of these limiting casesmay render the observed Large brine volume and axial ratio gradients combine to data more understandable. For instance, our analysis focused on a limiting case of createfairly significantinterfacialreflectioncoefficientswhich increasewith depth. When the ice slab is 1ossynear the ice/ brine structure, namely brine layers (Figures 4a and 4b). water interface,the bottom reflectioncoefficientsare greatly Throughout much of the ice sheet,however,brine structure decreaseddueto attenuation,leavinga bumphigherin the re- takesthe form of verticalcigar-shapedinclusions(Figures4c 50:1:5. A decrease in a allows more effective exclusion of a flection profile.Therehasbeenspeculation ontheexistence of and4d).Nevertheless, therewill stillbeanisotropy in electric 8116 GOLDEN AND ACKLEY: MODEL OF E-M flux penetration,as long as the distancebetweenadjacentinclusionsis lessthan the distancebetweenadjacentrowsof inclusions.The reflective anisotropy associatedwith these ordered'cigars'is weakerthan that associated with brine layers. 6. CONCLUSIONS The reflectiveanisotropyobservedin sea ice can be explainedby consideration of the geometricalasymmetries inherent in the brine structureof sea ice with a high azimuthal order of c axis orientation. Anisotropic electric flux penetration into the brine layersdeterminesanisotropyin attentuation of the wave. Axial ratios of 30:1: 5 for brine layers in the bottomlayer of seaice givea reasonablelevelof powerre- REFLECTION FROM SEA ICE REFERENCES Anderson,D. L., and W. F. Weeks, A theoreticalanalysisof sea ice strength,Eos Trans.AGU, 39, 632-640, 1958. Campbell,K. J., and A. S. Orange,The electricalanisotropyof seaice in the horizontal plane, J. Geophys.Res., 79, 5059-5063, 1974. Cherepanov,N. V., Spatial arrangementof sea ice crystal structure, Probl. Arktiki Antarktiki, 38, 137-140, 1971. Golden, K. M., and S. F. Ackley, Modeling of anisotropicelectromagnetic reflectionfrom sea ice, Rep. 80-23, Cold Reg. Res. and Eng. Lab., U.S. Army Corps of Eng., Hanover, N.H., 1980. Johari, G. P., and P. A. Charette,The permittivity and attenuationin polycrystallineand single-crystalice Ih at 35 and 60 MHz, J. Glaciol., 14, 293-303, 1975. Kovacs,A., and R. M. 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Phys.,44, flection profiles.If further experimentalwork relating ob3897-3902, 1973. servedreflectionprofilesto seaice microstructurewere done, radar soundingof seaice couldbe usedas a nondestructive Vant, M. R., A combinedempirical and theoreticalstudy of the diepropertiesof seaice over the frequencyrange 100 MHz to 40 'spectroscopic' tool givinginformationon the microstructure lectric GHz, Ph.D. thesis, Carleton Univ., Ottawa, 1976. variationsthat ultimately control the strengthand other im- yon Hippel, A. R., Dielectricsand Waves,MIT Press, Cambridge, portantproperties of seaice.At present,microstructure inforMass., 1954. theoryfor geophysical applicationsin mation can only be obtainedby coringa smallsampleof ice. Ward, S. H., Electromagnetic Mining Geophysics, Societyof ExplorationGeophysicists, Tulsa, A methodologysuchas radar soundingthat couldextendmiOkla. 1967. crostructureinformation to line profile and area measure- Weeks, W. F., and A. Assur, The MechanicalPropertiesof Sea Ice, ments would be valuable in future scientificand engineering CRREL Monogr., II-C3, AD, Cold Reg. Res. and Eng. Lab., U.S. investigationsof sea ice. Army Corps of Eng., Hanover, N.H., 1967. Weeks, W. F., and A. Assur, Fracture of lake and sea ice, Res. Rep. 269, Cold Reg. Res. and Eng. Lab., U.S. Army Corps of Eng., Hanover, N.H., 1969. Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank Wilford Weeksfor supplyingsalinityand temperaturedata and for reviewing Weeks,W. F., and A. J. Gow, Crystalalignmentsin the fast ice of arctic Alaska, Rep. 79-22 Cold Reg. Res. and Eng. Lab., U.S. Army the manuscript,AnthonyGow for supplyingdata and generalinfor- mation on seaice structure,and StevenArcone for review of the man- uscriptandconsultations on electromagnetic wavepropagation. This researchwassponsored by National ScienceFoundationgrantDPP77-24528and this supportis alsogratefullyacknowledged. Corps of Eng., Hanover, N.H., 1979. (ReceivedJanuary 12, 1981; acceptedApril 27, 1981.)