Algorithms Composition Approach Based on Difference Potentials Method for Parabolic Problems Yekaterina Epshteyn1 Abstract. In this work we develop an efficient and flexible Algorithms Composition Approach based on the idea of the difference potentials method (DPM) for parabolic problems in composite and complex domains. Here, the parabolic equation serves both as the simplified model, and as the first step towards future development of the proposed framework for more realistic systems of materials, fluids, or chemicals with different properties in the different domains. Some examples of such models include the ocean-atmosphere models, chemotaxis models in biology, and blood flow models. Very often, such models are heterogeneous systems - described by different types of partial differential equations (PDEs) in different domains, and they have to take into consideration the complex structure of the computational subdomains. The major challenge here is to design an efficient and flexible numerical method that can capture certain properties of analytical solutions in different domains, while handling the arbitrary geometries and complex structures of the subdomains. The Algorithms Compositions principle, as well as the Domain Decomposition idea, is one way to overcome these difficulties while developing very efficient and accurate numerical schemes for the problems. The Algorithms Composition Approach proposed here can handle the complex geometries of the domains without the use of unstructured meshes, and can be employed with fast Poisson solvers. Our method combines the simplicity of the finite difference methods on Cartesian meshes with the flexibility of the Difference Potentials method. The developed method is very well suited for parallel computations as well, since most of the computations in each domain are performed independently of the others. AMS subject classification: 65M06, 65M22, 65M55, 65M70, 35K05, 35K20 Key words: Parabolic equation, heat equation, Calderon’s potentials, Calderon’s boundary equations with projections, difference potentials methods, finite difference, Cartesian meshes, complex and composite domains, curvilinear boundaries, algorithms composition, and domain decomposition. 1. Introduction In this work we develop an efficient and flexible Algorithms Composition Approach based on the idea of the Difference Potentials Method (DPM) for parabolic problems in composite and complex domains. Here, a parabolic equation (2.1) serves both as the simplified model, and as the first step towards future development of the proposed scheme for more realistic systems of materials, fluids, or chemicals with different properties in the different domains (or in the different parts of the domains). Some examples of such models include the ocean-atmosphere models, chemotaxis models in biology, and blood flow models (see for example [2, 36, 53, 10, 9, 43, 42]). Numerical approximations and modeling of many physical, biological, and biomedical problems often deal with heterogeneous models (described by different types of partial differential equations (PDEs) in different domains), and/or they have to take into consideration the complex structure of the computational subdomains. The major challenge here is to design an efficient and flexible numerical method that can capture certain properties of analytical solutions in different domains/subdomains (such as positivity, different regularity/smoothness of the solutions in the domains/subdomains, etc), while handling the arbitrary geometries and complex structures of the domains. The Algorithms Compositions principle, as well as the Domain Decomposition idea, is one way to overcome these difficulties while developing very efficient and accurate numerical schemes for the problems. This methodology can be used within any discretization for PDEs (such as finite differences, finite volumes, finite elements, or spectral methods). It provides great opportunities to subdivide problems into subproblems, and to design the most suitable numerical approximation for each of them independently. After that, one can compose the problems and algorithms together by imposing some interface conditions. Such schemes can be used for parallel computations as well, since most of the computations in each subdomain are performed independently of the others (see for example, [41, 51]). There is an extensive literature that addresses problems in domains with complex geometries and interface problems. We will briefly discuss below some established finite difference methods for such problems. For more detailed review on the subject the reader can consult for example [25]. The immersed boundary method (IB) was originally proposed by Peskin to model blood flow in a human heart (see for example [38, 39]). One of the essential ideas of the IB method is to employ a discrete delta function to place/spread a singular source to neighboring mesh points. The IB method is simple and efficient but in most cases is a low-order (first-order) method. The higher-order (second order) version of the IB method has been recently proposed in [19]. The IB method has been applied to many problems in computational fluid dynamics and mathematical biology (see for example [37, 40, 12, 54]), and it has been parallelized [33]. ∗ Department of Mathematics, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112, 1 The immersed interface method (IIM) is designed for interface problems and problems defined on irregular domains [23, 24, 25]. This method is a sharp interface method for PDEs that can have discontinuities in the coefficients, the solution and its derivatives, and it can handle Dirac singularities in the source terms. The IIM is based on Cartesian meshes with second order or fourth order (for some problems) accuracy. Standard finite difference or some standard finite element schemes can be employed as the core discretization in IIM. The IIM modifies these schemes near or at the interfaces/boundaries through the interface relations so that second order/or fourth order accuracy can be achieved in the whole domain. However, some of the difficulties with IIM schemes are the requirement for the explicit knowledge of the jump conditions at the interfaces and boundaries for the development of IIM (in order to derive the correction terms for the schemes at the mesh points near the interface), and that the parallelization of IIM is not a trivial task due to global coupling of the solutions in the subdomains. The IIM is used for many problems such as Stefan problems, incompressible Stokes and Navier-Stokes flow problems, etc, (see for example [25]). The other sharp interface method is the ghost fluid method (GFM). This method was originally proposed for the accurate approximation of the boundary conditions for hyperbolic systems [13], and was later developed in [26] (the convergence was proved in [27]) for the elliptic interface problems. The GFM is based on a Cartesian grid finite-difference method. Similar to IIM, the main idea of GFM [26] is to incorporate the jump conditions into the finite difference scheme. However, the idea of GFM is to decompose the flux jump in dimension by dimension fashion which may decrease the accuracy of the method in some cases. The main advantages of GFM are its second-order accuracy, simplicity, and ease of implementation. Some shortcomings of GFM are that fast Poisson solvers cannot be employed with the method, since the coefficients of the finite difference discretization are modified at the mesh points near the boundaries; the GFM may produce only a first-order accurate solution for more general boundary conditions (for example for mixed boundary conditions). The GFM has been applied to several problems including the simulation of incompressible flame, incompressible multiphase flows, etc, and it has been applied to complex domain problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions (see for example [35, 20, 15]). Let us comment that in [15], the ghost values across the interface were defined using dimension by dimension extrapolation, and the overall second order accuracy was achieved for the complex domain problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions (instead of explicit information about the jump conditions across the interface). Also, based on the ideas from [15], a fourth-order scheme has been developed in [14] for Dirichlet boundary conditions on domains with complex geometry. Let us now mention the method based on the integral equations approach. In [30], the fast and high-order methods were developed for solving Laplace’s and biharmonic equations on complex domains with smooth boundaries in 2D. The idea of the method proposed in [30] is to combine integral equations based on the single and double layer theory with finite difference method to solve a Laplace’s equation on a complex domain. In this method the domain is embedded in a computationally simple region (auxiliary domain) where a fast Poisson solver can be used on a uniform mesh. The right-hand side of the original equation is modified appropriately in the auxiliary domain using the information about the values of the extended solution at the mesh points near (inside and outside) the original continuous boundary (at the irregular mesh points). The approximations to the unknown values of the extended solution at these irregular mesh points are constructed through Taylor expansion and the solution of the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. Finally, the approximation of the solution in the original region is obtained by the use of the fast Poisson solver in the simple auxiliary domain. Based on these ideas, the method introduced in [30] avoids the common difficulty with the solution of the integral boundary equations (for example problems near the original boundary). This approach has been parallelized in [29, 17]. The method can be accelerated if coupled with a fast multipole method [32]. The possibility of extension to elliptic problems with variable coefficients is mentioned in [31]. Note that, in general, the methods based on integral equations approaches are very efficient for homogeneous source terms and for the specific type of boundary conditions (see also discussion below on Difference Potentials Method and Boundary Element Method). Similar to the method in [30], the idea of our method here and in [50, 48] is to first introduce a computationally simple auxiliary domains. After that, the original domains/subdomains are embedded into simple auxiliary domains (and the auxiliary domains are discretized using Cartesian meshes). However, compared to the integral approach in [30], we construct discrete Boundary Equations with projections (discrete generalized Calderon’s boundary equations with projections) to obtain the values of the solutions at the points near the continuous boundaries of the original domains (at the points of the discrete grid boundaries which approximate the continuous boundaries from the inside and outside of the domains). Using the obtained values of 2 the solutions at the discrete grid boundaries, the approximation to the solutions in each domain/subdomain is constructed through the discrete generalized Green’s formulas. The main complexity of our approach reduces to the several solutions of simple auxiliary problems on structured Cartesian grids, and similar to [30] the solutions of these auxiliary problems can be combined with fast Poisson solvers. Like method in [30], and IIM and GFM, our method (and in general, methods based on Difference Potentials Method [49, 34]) preserve the underlying accuracy of the schemes being used for the space discretization of the continuous PDEs in each domain/subdomain (here, and in [50, 48] we considered second-order finite difference scheme for the space approximation). But compared to [30], and to IIM and GFM, our approach is not restricted by the type of the boundary or interface conditions (as long as the continuous problems are well-posed). Let us mention that the accuracy of our approach is confirmed by several numerical experiments in the current paper (see Section 5) and in papers [50, 48]. The reader can consult [49] for the theoretical convergence study of the methods based on Difference Potentials. In this work, we will consider the heat equation (2.5) in a composite domain with curvilinear smooth boundaries in 2D (even though, the proposed framework is general and can be extended in the future to the arbitrary 1D, 2D and 3D domains). We will further develop, as well as numerically test the Algorithms Composition Scheme proposed originally in [50, 48] for linear elliptic problems. The Algorithms Composition Approach developed in this paper is an accurate, simple, and robust scheme of algorithms composition for the numerical approximations of the boundary value problems in composite and complex domains. The proposed method can handle complex geometries without the use of unstructured meshes (with the consideration of only regular Cartesian grids), and can be employed with fast Poisson solvers. Our method combines the simplicity of the finite difference methods on Cartesian meshes with the flexibility of the Difference Potentials method [49]. Difference Potentials Method (DPM) can be understood as the discrete version of the method of generalized Calderon’s potentials and Calderon’s boundary equations with projections in the theory of PDEs. The DPM on its own, or in combination with other numerical methods, is an efficient tool for the numerical solution of the interior and exterior boundary value problems in arbitrary domains (see for example, [49, 46, 28, 47, 52, 34, 50, 48, 10, 9]). Viktor S. Ryaben’kii originally introduced DPM in his Doctor of Science thesis (Habilitation thesis) in 1969. The DPM allows one to reduce uniquely solvable and well-posed boundary value problems into pseudo-differential boundary equations. In some respect, the difference potentials method (DPM) is related in spirit to the boundary element method (BEM). The idea of the BEM (see for example [1, 8]) is to reduce the boundary value problem to Fredholm-type integral equations with respect to equivalent boundary sources, and these equations are discretized accordingly. One shortcoming of the BEM is the full structure of the resulting systems/matrices (as opposed to the sparse nature of the systems/matrices produced by the finite differences (FD), or finite element methods (FEM)). Recent progress on fast multipole methods considerably accelerated solutions of such full systems [18]. However, the most serious drawback of BEM methods is the requirement for the explicit knowledge of the fundamental solution of given differential operators. This can impose several restrictions on the practical applications of BEM methods. The essence of the DPM is to transform uniquely solvable and well-posed boundary value problems into so-called pseudo-differential boundary equations that do not employ a fundamental solution. Hence, on one hand, the DPM enjoys geometric flexibility of the BEM. On the other hand, it can be applied to a wider class of problems than the BEM, and it can have several advantages over the BEM. We will make a few comments about this below: Main features and advantages of the DPM (see also Section 2 in this paper and [49, 34] for more detailed discussion): (i) The original PDEs (without imposed boundary conditions) are reduced to an equivalent generalized Calderon’s boundary equations with projections. These equations are supplemented by the given boundary conditions. Compared to BEM, DPM does not employ Fredholm equations of the first or second kind; (ii) The derived Calderon’s problem can be discretized on structured Cartesian grids. Discrete inverse operators which are introduced in the DPM for the approximation of the Calderon’s potentials and projections do not contain any singularities or convolutions. These inverse operators can be obtained using fast numerical calculations as the solution of the simple and computationally efficient auxiliary problems [49, 34, 50, 48, 10, 9]; (iii) DPM can treat arbitrary smooth boundaries of the domains, and the boundaries do not need to align/conform with the grid - this does not produce any loss of accuracy. The DPM provides flexibility to 3 handle general boundary conditions in an efficient and universal way, and the method always produces a well-posed discrete version of the problem (if the original continuous boundary value problem is well-posed) [49, 34, 3]. Note that well posedness for BEM may not be a trivial task for problems with general boundary conditions; (iv) DPM gives flexibility to construct high-order schemes on regular Cartesian grids for problems with complex geometries [49, 34, 3]. Some of the advantages of numerical methods on Cartesian grids are that the grid generation for these schemes is trivial, the design of the high-order numerical methods that satisfy certain stability properties are usually much more straightforward on regular structured grids, and the numerical methods on Cartesian meshes are more robust than those of body-fitted grids; (v) DPM can approximate both variable coefficients and constant coefficients problems: the main steps in the construction of the Calderon’s potentials and projections for variable coefficients and constant coefficients stay essentially the same [49, 34, 50, 48, 10, 9]. The developed Algorithms Composition Framework combines the above advantages of the DPM and offers novel flexibility to the DPM (for a more detailed discussion, see Sections 3 - 6 in this paper, as well as [50, 48]): (i) the Algorithms Composition Framework is well-suited for heterogenous problems and complex interface problems, as well as for the development of the adaptive schemes and domain decomposition approaches; (ii) our method provides the flexibility to consider a non-difference approximation of the general boundary and interface (/or matching) conditions, which automatically takes into account the smoothness of the solution. Such self-tuning is impossible, for example in the difference or finite-element approximations of these conditions; (iii) the proposed framework can be further developed for the efficient computation of the solutions in arbitrary domains with arbitrary boundaries and interfaces; (iv) the numerical schemes, as well as meshes can be chosen totally independently for each subdomain/ domain; the boundaries of the subdomains and interfaces do not need to conform/align with the grids; (v) the main complexity of the developed algorithm reduces to the several solutions of simple auxiliary problems on structured Cartesian grids; (vi) the proposed approach is general and can be developed as a high-order method (both in time and space: higher than first order in time and higher than second order in space). For example, by considering highorder methods such as high-order finite difference, finite element, or spectral methods for the construction of the discrete parts of generalized Calderon’s potentials, as well as for the approximations of the particular solutions to the inhomogeneous equations; (vii) since the schemes for constructing the solutions in each domain/subdomain are independent of each other, our approach is very well suited for parallel computations; (viii) the proposed method is not restricted to 2D and can be applied to variable coefficients problems. The method can be generalized to the equations not necessarily of the elliptic/parabolic type as well. The paper is organized as follows. First, in Section 2 we give some preliminaries that will be helpful for the introduction of the proposed algorithm. Then, we introduce the idea of DPM for the parabolic equation in the single domain, and we make an overview of the important properties of the DPM for the model under consideration in Section 2.1. In Section 3, we develop the Algorithms Composition Scheme for the parabolic model in a composite domain using the flexibility of the DPM. In Section 4, we state the main steps of the proposed algorithm. Finally, we illustrate the flexibility and performance of the proposed scheme in several numerical experiments in Section 5. Some concluding remarks are given in Section 6, and some technical details about the algorithm are provided in Appendix Section 7. 2. Preliminaries In this section, we will introduce some preliminaries that will be helpful for the discussions in the following sections. We are concerned in this paper with the parabolic initial and boundary value problem (IVP) in some bounded domain Ω ⊂ Ω0 ⊂ R2 , and its neighborhood Ω0 over the time interval [0, T ]. ∂u + Lu = q in Ω × (0, T ), ∂t l(u) = ψ on ∂Ω × (0, T ), u|t=0 = u0 in Ω. 4 (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) a 1$ a " #" ! ï " #" " ! 10 1 Fig. 2.1: Example (a sketch) of the original domain Ω and auxiliary domain Ω0 Here, q(x1 , x2 , t) is the sufficiently regular source function in the domain Ω0 (function q is originally given Ω, and extended to the larger domain Ω0 ), and L is the second order linear symmetric elliptic differential operator Lu := − 2 X k,j=1 ∂ ∂u (akj (x) ) + a0 u, ∂xk ∂xj (2.4) where coefficients a0 and akj are assumed to be sufficiently smooth functions in Ω0 , akj (x) = ajk (x), (k, j) = 1, 2 for almost every x := (x1 , x2 ) := (x, y) ∈ Ω0 . Moreover, there exists a constant α0 > 0 such P2 that k,j=1 akj (x)ξk ξj ≥ α0 |ξ|2 for each ξ ∈ R2 , and for almost every x ∈ Ω0 . The classical example of the above parabolic problem (2.1) is the heat equation ∂u − ∆u = q. ∂t (2.5) To simplify the presentation of the ideas, we will be concerned below with the heat equation (2.5) subject to (2.2) - (2.3). However, let us mention that the same idea can be extended in a straightforward way to a general parabolic equation (2.1). Next, at the given time t, we denote by vΓ the Cauchy data of an arbitrary continuous piecewise smooth function v(x, y, t) defined on Γ and in some of its neighborhoods: ∂v vΓ := v , (2.6) . Γ ∂n Γ ∂ Here, ∂n is the inward (with respect to Ω) normal derivative to Γ, and Γ := ∂Ω is a piecewise smooth boundary of Ω. Now, in order to introduce our ideas, let us consider model problem (2.5) in its time-discrete form. Towards this end, we subdivide time interval [0, T ] into Nt time steps and denote by ti := i∆t, ∆t > 0. 1 Setting m := ∆t and considering the Backward Euler method, we obtain below the following time discrete reformulation of the parabolic equation (2.5) in some domain Ω0 Let us introduce L∆t [ui+1 ] := ∆ui+1 − mui+1 , (x, y) ∈ Ω0 , (2.7) where L∆t denotes the linear elliptic operator applied to ui+1 . We also denote the right-hand side as: Gu∆t := −q i+1 − mui , where q i+1 := q(x, y, ti+1 ). 5 (x, y) ∈ Ω0 , (2.8) Then the semi-discrete formulation of the model (2.5) is stated as follows: Find some ui+1 := ui+1 (x, y) ≈ u(x, y, ti+1 ) such that L∆t [ui+1 ] = Gu∆t , (x, y) ∈ Ω0 , (2.9) Remark: For each i this is a time-independent elliptic problem. Let us now introduce the auxiliary problem. For the purposes of the discussion below, we will suppress for now the explicit dependence on the time level i. We place the original domain Ω in the auxiliary domain Ω0 ⊂ R2 : Ω̄ ⊂ Ω0 . Next, we will formulate a discrete in time and continuous in space Auxiliary Problem (AP): Definition 2.1. For any given sufficiently regular right-hand side G∆t , find F such that, L∆t [F ] = G∆t , F = 0, (x, y) ∈ Ω0 , 0 (x, y) ∈ ∂Ω , (2.10) (2.11) where L∆t is the same linear elliptic operator as in (2.9) and is applied here to F . Since the auxiliary domain Ω0 can be arbitrary, we can choose it to be a square. The above (AP) Dirichlet problem is uniquely solvable. Remark: This is a continuous in space Dirichlet problem for each fixed time level. Let us now construct a potential with a density vΓ . Define the vector function vΓ := (φ0 (s), φ1 (s)), (2.12) where φ0 (s) and φ1 (s) are two piecewise smooth continuous functions on |Γ| that are s−periodic with a period of |Γ|, s is the arc length along |Γ|, and |Γ| is the length of the boundary. Here, the arc length is chosen as a parameter only for definiteness. Let v(x, y) = vΩ0 be an arbitrary sufficiently smooth function on Ω0 that satisfies condition (2.11) on 0 ∂Ω : v|∂Ω0 = 0. Assume that its Cauchy data vΓ is defined as in (2.6) and is equal to the vector function vΓ in (2.12). Then, we can recall the following definition of the potential PΩΓ vΓ below [48, 49]. Definition 2.2. A Potential uΩ := PΩΓ vΓ defined on Ω with density vΓ is equal on Ω to the solution of (AP, Def. 2.1), with the right hand-side G∆t defined as follows: 0, (x, y) ∈ Ω, G∆t := (2.13) L∆t [v], (x, y) ∈ Ω0 \Ω It can be shown that at each time level the above potential uΩ := PΩΓ vΓ is well-defined: it depends only on Cauchy data (2.12), but is independent of the choice of a particular function v(x, y) satisfying (2.11) on ∂Ω0 whose Cauchy data coincides with (2.12). For a more detailed discussion on the potentials with projectors, see [48, 49]. Remark: The potential uΩ := PΩΓ vΓ can be viewed as the modification [45] of the Calderon potential [4]. However, in comparison to the Calderon potential, the potential PΩΓ vΓ admits a finite-dimensional constructive approximation by Difference Potentials [49, 10, 9], as will be illustrated below in Section 2.1. 2.1. Scheme Based on the Difference Potentials We will develop our Algorithms Composition Approach based on the idea of the Difference Potentials Method (DPM) [49, 48, 50, 10, 9]. Difference Potentials Method (DPM) can be viewed as the method of building and computing the discrete parts of the modified Calderon’s potentials (see for example, [49, 28, 47, 52, 50, 48, 10, 9] and Introduction Section 1). We will present in this Section the necessary preliminaries and some overview of the numerical scheme based on the difference potentials for the single arbitrary domain Ω ∈ R2 . This discussion will be important for the development of our approach for the composite/complex domain Ω ∈ R2 , which we will present in Sections 3 - 5. At this point, let us assume that we consider (2.5) in some domain Ω - an arbitrary bounded domain in R2 with the boundary ∂Ω. First, let us introduce some preliminary notations and definitions that will 6 Ω0 γ M M =M − + Ω Fig. 2.2: Example (a sketch) of the auxiliary domain Ω0 , original domain Ω; the example of some points (xj , yk ) in the set γ: the points which are outside Ω are from γex , the points which are inside Ω are from γin ∈ M be used in this section. Denote ΠSR vR as the extension operator of function v from set/domain R to the set/domain S, πS as the restriction operator to the set/domain S, wS := πS w as the restriction of function w to the set/domain S, and χS as the characteristic function of the set S. Next, we introduce here the auxiliary fully discrete problem. Let us place the original domain Ω in the auxiliary domain Ω0 ⊂ R2 . The choice of the domain Ω0 should be convenient for the computations, so we will choose it to be a square, and we will introduce a Cartesian mesh for Ω0 , with points xj = j∆x, yk = k∆y (k, j = 0, ±1, ...). Let us assume for simplicity that ∆x = ∆y := h. Let us also define a five-point stencil Nj,k with its center placed at (xj , yk ) to be the set of the following points: Nj,k := {(xj , yk ), (xj±1 , yk ), (xj , yk±1 )}. In addition, we also introduce point sets M := M + := (xj , yk ) ∈ Ω - the sets ofSall the points (xj , yk ) that belong to the interior of the original domain Ω. We now define N := N + := { j,k Nj,k |(xj , yk ) ∈ M }- the set of all points covered by five-point stencils when center point (xj , yk ) of the stencil goes through all the points of the set M . Note that the points in the set N will be both inside and outside of the original domain Ω. Now, let us introduce the grid boundaries γex := γex = N \M is the exterior grid boundary layer for domain Ω. γin := {(xj , yk )|(xj , yk ) ∈ M : Nj,k 6⊂ M } is the interior grid boundary layer for domain Ω (in other words, this is the set of all the nodes (xj , yk ) in M for which stencil Nj,k is not the subset of M : Nj,k contains nodes outside of M , but the center point (xj , yk ) of the stencil Nj,k belongs to M ). Define γ := γex ∪ γin a narrow set of nodes that surrounds the continuous boundary ∂Ω, Figure 2.2. Next, we construct the auxiliary set M 1 by completing the set N to a rectangle, and adding one extra layer of grid points to each side of the rectangle, hence N ⊂ M 1 . Also, as before, define N 1 := {∪j,k Nj,k |(xj , yk ) ∈ M 1 }, and finally, let us introduce γ 1 := N 1 \M 1 . We can now introduce the space approximation of (2.9) and consider the fully discrete version of equation (2.5). Therefore, the computed quantity will be the point values uj,k (t) ≈ u(xj , yk , t). We denote by uij,k the computed uj,k (ti ): uij,k :≈ uj,k (ti ) at the discrete time level ti := i∆t, with time step ∆t. Additionally, we denote by ∆j,k the discrete Laplacian obtained using second order central difference formulas for the x and y variables, and by L∆t,h [ui+1 ] := ∆j,k ui+1 − mui+1 j,k , (xj , yk ) ∈ Ω0 . (2.14) Finally, we denote by g u , i+1 u g u := gj,k = −qj,k − muij,k , 7 (2.15) i+1 where, as before, qj,k ≡ q(xj , yk , ti+1 ) is the value of the source function q(xj , yk , t) at ti+1 . Thus, the fully discrete finite-difference based version of the parabolic equation (2.5) is: Find some ui+1 such that it satisfies L∆t,h [ui+1 ] := g u , (xj , yk ) ∈ Ω0 . (2.16) Again, as in the “Preliminaries” in Section 2, we will suppress for now the explicit dependence on the time level i for the clarity of the discussion. Based on a central finite difference approximation (2.16), we will now formulate the fully discrete analog of the auxiliary problem (AP), Def. 2.1 in Section 2 - the Discrete Auxiliary Problem (DAP): Definition 2.3. For the given grid function g, find the solution of the scheme f such that: (xj , yk ) ∈ M1 , L∆t,h [f ] = g, 1 (xj , yk ) ∈ γ , f = 0, (2.17) (2.18) where, as before in (2.14), L∆t,h [f ] ≡ ∆j,k f − mfj,k . We note that the ((DAP), Def. 2.3) is well defined for any right hand side g - it has a unique solution f defined on the set N 1 . Also, it should be noted that the solution of ((DAP), Def. 2.3) can be efficiently computed using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) with the appropriate choice of the auxiliary set M 1 . We now introduce a linear space Vγ of all the grid functions vγ defined on γ, similar to [48, 10, 9, 49]. We will extend by zero the value of vγ to other points of the grid N 1 . Let us now recall that, Definition 2.4. A Difference Potential [48, 10, 9, 49] with the given density vγ ∈ Vγ is the grid function u := PN γ vγ defined on the set N , which coincides (on the set N ) with the solution of ((DAP), Def. 2.3) when the right hand-side is defined as follows: 0, (xj , yk ) ∈ M, g := (2.19) L∆t,h [vγ ], (xj , yk ) ∈ M 1 \M. The Difference Potential can be viewed as the discrete analog of the modified potential of Calderon’s type, or as the discrete analog of the space-continuous potential, Def. 2.2 in Section 2 (similar to Def. 2.4, the definition of Difference Potential can be extended by considering the set M 1 \M as the “interior” set, and set M as the “exterior” one, [49]). Here, PN γ denotes the operator that constructs the difference potential u = PN γ vγ from the given density vγ ∈ Vγ . The operator PN γ is the linear operator of density vγ , and it can be easily constructed (see for example [10, 9, 49]). Again, for our problem, L∆t,h [vγ ] ≡ ∆j,k vγ − m(vγ )j,k . As in the space-continuous case, (Def. 2.2, Section 2), the concept of the difference potential is well-defined at each time level due to the following statement: Theorem 2.5. The difference potential PN γ vγ depends only on vγ ∈ Vγ , but is independent of the choice of the function v defined on N 1 (satisfying condition (2.18) on γ 1 : v = 0, (xj , yk ) ∈ γ 1 ), and coinciding with vγ on γ: v|γ ≡ T rγ v = vγ . Let us recall the proof for the reader’s convenience (for the general proof and discussion,Ssee [49, 50, 48]). Proof: Let us define the sets N + := N , Ω− := Ω0 \Ω, M − := (xj , yk ) ∈ Ω− , and N − := { j,k Nj,k |(xj , yk ) ∈ M − }. Recall that, πN + denotes the restriction operator to the set N := N + , ΠN 1 γ vγ is the arbitrary extension vγ to N 1 , and χM − is the characteristic function of set M − . Let us notice now that the difference potential, Def. 2.4, can be represented in the following operator form: u = PN + γ vγ = πN + L−1 ∆t,h [χM − L∆t,h [vγ ]], where vγ is extended by zero outside of set γ to N 1 \γ. Now, let us represent the arbitrary function z defined on N 1 , such that: z = ΠN 1 γ vγ , as the sum of the three terms z = χN 1 \N + z + χN 1 \N − z + vγ . 8 Notice that, for the first term χM − L∆t,h [χN 1 \N + z] = L∆t,h [χN 1 \N + z], and for the second term χM − L∆t,h [χN 1 \N − z] = 0. From this we obtain that −1 πN + L−1 ∆t,h [χM − L∆t,h [χN 1 \N + z]] = πN + L∆t,h [L∆t,h [χN 1 \N + z]] = 0. Hence, the only remaining contribution to the potential u is the contribution from the third term : u ≡ PN + γ vγ = πN + L−1 ∆t,h [χM − L∆t,h [vγ ]]. Next, let us recall [10, 9, 49] and define another operator Pγ : Vγ → Vγ as the trace (or restriction) of the Difference Potentials PN γ vγ on the grid boundary γ: Pγ vγ := T rγ PN γ vγ = PN γ vγ |γ . We now state an important theorem for the further development of our scheme (see for example [49, 48].) The details of the general proof can be found in [49]: Theorem 2.6. At each time level ti+1 , density vγ ∈ Vγ is the trace of some solution u := uN ∈ N : vγ = T rγ uN ≡ uγ to the homogeneous equation (xj , yk ) ∈ M L∆t,h [u] = 0, (2.20) if and only if we have Qγ vγ := vγ − Pγ vγ = 0, (xj , yk ) ∈ γ. (2.21) Moreover, the solution uN defined on the set N can be reconstructed from its boundary value vγ using the formula u := PN γ vγ . Remark: It can be shown that Pγ is the projector, hence Vγ = Im Pγ ⊕ Ker Pγ . Thus, Theorem 2.6 implies that the problem of finding a unique solution to (2.20) subject to the appropriate approximation of the boundary conditions on ∂Ω denoted by l(u) = ψ, in other words the problem: L∆t,h [u] = 0, (2.22) l(u) = ψ, (2.23) is equivalent to the problem of finding the unique density function vγ ≡ uγ from the system of the Boundary Equations: Qγ vγ = 0, (2.24) l(PNγ vγ ) = ψ. (2.25) After that, at each time level the solution uN to (2.22)-(2.23) is reconstructed from uN = PN γ vγ . Remark: Let us note that the equation (2.24) can be viewed as the generalized Poincaré-Steklov interface equation. From the above discussion and, in particular, from Theorem 2.6 and from (2.24) - (2.25), the next result follows: Proposition 2.7. At each time level ti+1 , the approximation uN to the solution u of the (IVP) problem (2.5), (2.2) - (2.3) in domain Ω can be obtained as uN = PN γ vγ + ūN , l(v + ū) = ψ, (2.26) (2.27) where ūN is the approximation of any particular solution to the inhomogeneous equation (2.5) in Ω̄, at the given time level ti+1 . vN := PN γ vγ is the difference potential in Ω̄ at the same time level ti+1 , with a density vγ that satisfies equation (2.24): Qγ vγ = 0. Equation (2.27) denotes the approximation of the boundary condition l(u) = ψ on ∂Ω, and the representation of the boundary conditions in the form (2.27) can be viewed as the consequence of the equality (2.26) and (2.24) (projected on the continuous boundary). Finally, define ūγ := T rγ ūN . 9 Remark: Let us mention that in (2.26), we can consider any particular solution: Let ūN be some solution to L∆t,h [ūN ] = g u , (xj , yk ) ∈ M . We extend the solution arbitrarily to N 1 , and we will apply operator L∆t,h to the extended solution ūN 1 . Hence, we will get the right-hand side of the equation L∆t,h [ūN 1 ] = g, which coincides on M with g u . For example, we can construct the particular solution ūN as follows: Definition 2.8. Define, ū to be the solution f of the auxiliary problem (DAP, Def. 2.3) with the right hand-side defined as u g , (xj , yk ) ∈ M, g := (2.28) g̃ u , (xj , yk ) ∈ M 1 \M where g u is given in (2.15) and g̃ u is some extension of g u to M 1 \M . Set ūN := πN ū. This point will be discussed in more details in Section 5. Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the accuracy in space of the approximation uN = PNγ vγ + ūN in (2.26)-(2.27), to the solution u of (2.5), (2.2) - (2.3). One would expect that the solution uN will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Hölder norm of order q + (with the arbitrary 0 < < 1), with the rate O(hp− ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of the approximation of the continuous differential operator L∆t by the discrete operator L∆t,h (we assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.27) with the same or a higher order than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect the O(h2 ) rate in the maximum norm in space. For a more detailed and general discussion, and the proof of the accuracy of the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [49, 34]. Remark: Let us emphasize that one could develop any other numerical approximation in space (such as high-order finite difference, finite-volume, finite element, or spectral methods) for (2.1) within the presented framework of the potentials and of the difference potentials. But for our goals in this paper, we will consider the second order finite-difference approximation for the model equation (2.5). 3. Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method We will now develop, as well as numerically test the Algorithms Composition Approach for a parabolic model under consideration (2.5), (2.2) - (2.3). We start the introduction of the scheme and the illustration of the ideas by considering the system (2.5), (2.2) - (2.3) (or formulation (2.9) in its time-discrete form) in some composite domain Ω. Ω is an arbitrary bounded domain in R2 with the boundary ∂Ω, and such that it consists of two disjoint subdomains Ω1 and Ω2 : Ω = Ω1 ∪ Ω2 , Γ = Ω1 ∩ Ω2 , with piecewise smooth boundaries Γ1 := ∂Ω1 ∪ Γ and Γ2 := ∂Ω2 ∪ Γ (see Figure 3.1). We would like to also emphasize that the two subdomains are considered here only for the δ Ω Ω2 Ω1 Γ Fig. 3.1: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω1 , Ω2 , and the interface Γ. simplicity of the presentation. The discussed idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. Our goal at each time level ti+1 is to find an approximations to ui+1 in domain Ω: ( i+1 uΩ1 , (x, y) ∈ Ω1 , ui+1 := (3.1) Ω ui+1 Ω2 , (x, y) ∈ Ω2 , 10 where ui+1 Ωp (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.9) in each subdomain Ωp : uΩ p L∆t [ui+1 Ωp ] = G∆t , (x, y) ∈ Ωp , and (p = 1, 2). (3.2) Solution ui+1 is subject to the appropriate boundary conditions on the boundary ∂Ω of the original domain Ω i+1 l(ui+1 , Ω )=ψ (3.3) and to the interface conditions on the interface boundary Γ, which we will select to be the following: i+1 uΩ1 = ui+1 (x, y) ∈ Γ, i+1 i+1 Ω2 , lΓ (uΩ1 , uΩ2 ) := (3.4) i+1 ∇ui+1 · n = β∇u (x, y) ∈ Γ. Γ Ω1 Ω2 · nΓ , Here, nΓ is a unit outward normal vector to the interface boundary Γ (with respect to Ω1 ). To develop our idea, we will consider the difference potentials scheme (2.26) - (2.27) from Section 2.1 (which uses Backward Euler in time and central finite difference space discretization) as the fully discrete approximation of (2.5), (2.2) - (2.3) in each subdomain Ωp , and we will build an algorithm for the approximation of ui+1 in (3.1) Ω based on the algorithms composition idea. As before, we will remove below the explicit dependence on time for the clarity of the presentation. First, as we have done in (Section 2.1) for the single domain Ω, we will introduce auxiliary difference problems for each subdomain Ωp , (p = 1, 2): we will place each of the original subdomains Ωp in the auxiliary domains Ω0p ⊂ R2 , (p = 1, 2). As before, the choice of each domain Ω0p should be convenient for computations, and the choice of these auxiliary domains do not need to depend on each other. Again, for each subdomain, we will proceed in a similar way as we did in (Section 2.1). For each Ω0p we will introduce, for example, a Cartesian mesh (again the choice of the meshes for the auxiliary problems in each subdomain can be totally independent. The choice for each subdomain is based on the considerations of the efficiency and simplicity of the resulting discrete problems.) After that, all the definitions, notations, and properties introduced in (Section 2.1) extends to each subdomain Ωp in a direct and straightforward way: we will use index p, (p = 1, 2) to distinguish each subdomain. The cornerstone of our approach is the following proposition, which is a consequence of Proposition 2.7 in Section 2.1 for a single domain. Proposition 3.1. At each time level ti+1 , the fully discrete approximation uNp to the solution uΩp , (p = 1, 2) in (3.2) - (3.4) is obtained as uNp = PNp γp vγp + ūNp , (3.5) l(vΓ1 + ūΓ1 , vΓ2 + ūΓ2 ) = ψ, (3.6) lΓ (vΓ1 + ūΓ1 , vΓ2 + ūΓ2 ) = φ, (3.7) where ūNp is the approximation of the particular solution to the inhomogeneous equation (2.5) in each subdomain Ωp at the given time level ti+1 . PNp γp vγp is the difference potential with a density vγp in each domain Ωp at the same time level ti+1 . Expressions in (3.6)-(3.7) denote the approximations of the boundary and interface conditions, respectively, on the continuous boundaries ∂Ω1 , ∂Ω2 , and interface boundary Γ (in other words on the boundaries Γ1 and Γ2 ). Denote ūγp = T rγp ūN . The construction of (3.6)-(3.7) will be discussed in more detail in Section 3.2. Density/trace vγp in the equation (3.5) ranges over the solution of the Boundary Equation on each discrete grid boundary set γp : Qγp vγp ≡ vγp − Pγp vγp = 0, (3.8) see (2.24) in Section 2.1. However, there are multiple solutions (vγ1 , vγ2 ) to (3.8), and as before, the unique pair of the densities/traces vγ1 ∈ Vγ1 and vγ2 ∈ Vγ2 will satisfy the above Boundary Equation (3.8), as well as the boundary and interface conditions (3.6) - (3.7). 3.1. System of Boundary Equations: Weak Formulation At each time level, the unique pair of the densities/traces (vγ1 , vγ2 ) ≡ (T rγ1 vN1 , T rγ2 vN2 ) ∈ Vγ1 × Vγ2 of the approximation (3.5)-(3.7) is the unique solution to the Boundary Equation (3.8), subject to the boundary 11 and interface conditions (3.6) - (3.7). There are different ways to solve (3.8) subject to (3.6) - (3.7). One possibility is to directly consider the original formulation (3.8) and employ finite difference approximation of the boundary and interface conditions (3.6) - (3.7) (see for example [10, 49] for more details on this approach). However, to avoid the difficulties associated with the finite difference approximations of (3.6) - (3.7) in arbitrary domains, we will take advantage of the weak formulation of (3.8) and the spectral approximation of the Cauchy data. To define a weak formulation, let us first introduce the discrete norm for the space of grid functions vγp ∈ Vγp . Similar to [48], we will consider the following norm: hX X vν ,ν +1 − vν 2 i X vν +1,ν − vν 2 2 ||vγp ||2Vγp := h |vν |2 + α +α 1 2 , (p = 1, 2). 1 h h (3.9) Here, the sum is extended over all ν := (ν1 , ν2 ) ∈ γp for the first term in (3.9), over all ν := (ν1 , ν2 ) that, together with (ν1 + 1, ν2 ) belong to γp in the second term of (3.9), and over all ν := (ν1 , ν2 ) that, together with (ν1 , ν2 + 1) belong to γp in the third term of (3.9). α is a nonnegative coefficient which will be defined in the numerical experiments. Remark: The norm (3.9) is the discrete analog of the continuous norm for the Cauchy data vΓp ∈ VΓp : ||vΓp ||2VΓp := Z Γp h dv 0 (s) 2 i p |vp0 (s)|2 + α + |vp1 (s)|2 ds ds (3.10) Let us introduce ṽΓp ∈ ṼΓp as a finite dimensional approximation of the continuous Cauchy data vΓp ∈ VΓp : ṽΓp :≈ vΓp , and ṼΓp as the finite dimensional subspace of VΓp . The details on the construction of the approximation ṽΓp will be presented in Section 3.2. Finally, let us also introduce Definition 3.2. Let Πγp Γp be the operator that, to every vΓp ≡ (vp0 (s), vp1 (s)) from the space of continuous Cauchy data VΓp , assigns vγp from the space of the discrete densities Vγp , (p = 1, 2): vγp = Πγp Γp vΓp , (3.11) Moreover, we have from Def. 3.2 that for ṽΓp ∈ ṼΓp , we can define ṽγp ∈ Vγp to be: ṽγp := Πγp Γp ṽΓp (3.12) The exact form of the operator Πγp Γp will be given in (3.22) - (3.23) in Section 3.2 as well. Therefore, the weak formulation of the Boundary Equations (3.8) subject to (3.6)-(3.7) is formulated as follows: Definition 3.3. At each time level, find (ṽΓ1 , ṽΓ2 ) ≡ (ũΓ1 , ũΓ2 ) ∈ ṼΓ1 × ṼΓ2 that minimizes the functional ˜ Γ1 , ṽΓ2 + ū ˜ Γ2 ) − ψ||2Φ + ||lΓ (ṽΓ1 + ū ˜ Γ1 , ṽΓ2 + ū ˜ Γ2 ) − φ||2Φ + ||l(ṽΓ1 + ū 2 X p=1 ||Qγp Πγp Γp ṽΓp ||2Vγp , (3.13) where || · ||Φ is the Hilbert norm, ṼΓ1 , and ṼΓ2 are finite dimensional subspaces of VΓ1 and VΓ2 , respectively, ˜ Γ1 , ū ˜ Γ2 ) are the finite dimensional approximations of (ūΓ1 , ūΓ2 ) (it is a pair of the Cauchy Data of and (ū the particular solution (ūN1 , ūN2 )). This finite dimensional approximation is discussed in Section 3.2. Therefore, at each time level, the unique pair of the densities/traces (vγ1 , vγ2 ) ∈ Vγ1 × Vγ2 of the approximation (3.5)-(3.7) to the solution (3.1) of (2.5), ( 2.2)-( 2.3) in the composite domain Ω is obtained as the approximation: (vγ1 , vγ2 ) ≈ (ṽγ1 , ṽγ2 ) = (Πγ1 Γ1 ṽΓ1 , Πγ2 Γ2 ṽΓ2 ). (3.14) 3.2. System of Boundary Equations: Discretization of the Cauchy Data As before, we will assume that the solution is given at a fixed time level and we will suppress the explicit dependence on time for the clarity of the presentation. 12 γin γex Ω sj*,k* d j*,k* (j*,k*) Fig. 3.2: Example (a sketch) of the geometry with the curve boundary Ω; point (x?j , yk? ) is in the set γex ∈ M , dj∗,k∗ is the distance from this point to the boundary of the domain Ω, and sj ? ,k? is the corresponding arc length. 1. As we already showed in Sections 3 - 3.1, at each time level, the problem of finding the approximation to the unique solution uΩ := (uΩ1 , uΩ2 ) of the model (2.5), (2.2) - (2.3) in composite domain Ω ≡ Ω1 ∪ Ω2 reduces to the problem of finding the unique pair of the densities/traces (vγ1 , vγ2 ) ≡ (uγ1 , uγ2 ) ∈ Vγ1 × Vγ2 (3.14). This pair of the densities/traces satisfies the generalized PoincaréSteklov interface equations (3.8), as well as the boundary and interface conditions (3.6) - (3.7). 2. After that, the approximation of the solution (uΩ1 , uΩ2 ) of (2.5), ( 2.2)-( 2.3) in Ω̄ is reconstructed from the approximated densities (ṽγ1 , ṽγ2 ) ∈ Vγ1 × Vγ2 using the pair of difference potentials (PN1 γ1 ṽγ1 , PN2 γ2 ṽγ2 ), see equation (3.5). In order to solve for the unknown densities/traces in Step 1 above, we will consider a weak formulation Def. 3.3, Section 3.1, and we will employ a spectral approach for the approximation (3.14) of (vγ1 , vγ2 ) as elaborated below. Consider a set of basis functions on the curve boundaries Γ1 and Γ2 : φ1 (s), ..., φL (s), and φ?1 (s), ..., φ?L (s) (3.15) where s is the arc length and L is the total number of the basis functions. We will consider here the same basis functions on all parts of the boundaries, although in general, the basis functions can be selected differently for the different parts of the boundaries. In general, this choice will depend on the smoothness of the boundary of the domains and on the smoothness of the solution. Next, we will assume that for every sufficiently smooth single-valued periodic function f (s) defined on the boundaries Γ1 and Γ2 , the sequence L := 0min1 up` ,up` Z [|f (s) − L X `=1 u0p` φ` (s)|2 + |f 0 (s) − L X u1p` φ?` (s)|2 ]ds (3.16) `=1 tends to zero with increasing L: lim L = 0 as L → ∞. Therefore, we will employ the following approximation to construct finite-dimensional ṽΓp ∈ ṼΓp : ṽΓp := L X u0p` φ` , `=1 L X `=1 u1p` φ?` , (3.17) that discretize the elements vΓp ∈ VΓp from the space of continuous Cauchy Data on the boundary Γp , 13 p = 1, 2: vΓp := (vp0 (s), vp1 (s)), (3.18) ṽΓp :≈ vΓp . (3.19) and we have In (3.17), φ` ≡ (φ` , 0) is the set of basis functions for the first component of the Cauchy data v 0 (s), and φ?` ≡ (0, φ?` ) is the set of basis functions for the second component of the Cauchy data v 1 (s), ` = 1, ...L. In our numerical experiments, we will consider the same set of basis functions for both components φ` ≡ φ?` . The coefficients (u0p` , u1p` ) with p = 1, 2 and ` = 1, ...L, are the unknown expansion coefficients that need to be determined. To obtain the approximation of the discrete densities/traces vγp , (p = 1, 2) at the points (xj , yk ) ∈ γp , we will consider the following Taylor expansion: vγp ≡ vNp (xj , yk )|γp = vp0 (sj,k ) + dj,k vp1 (sj,k ) + O(d2j,k ). (3.20) Here, sj,k is the value of the arc length s at the point where the continuous boundary Γp intersects the normal constructed from the point (xj , yk ) ∈ γp to Γp . The parameter dj,k is the shortest distance from (xj , yk ) ∈ γp to the intersection point sj,k of the normal with Γp . dj,k is taken with the plus sign if (xj , yk ) ∈ Ωp , and with a minus sign if (xj , yk ) ∈ / Ωp , see Figure 3.2. Thus, we have vγp ≈ vp0 (sj,k ) + dj,k vp1 (sj,k ). (3.21) Let us recall the operator Πγp Γp , Def. 3.2, Section 3.1 that assigns vγp , (p = 1, 2) to every vΓp ≡ (vp0 (s), vp1 (s)) from the space of continuous Cauchy data. We will construct such an operator Πγp Γp according to the above Taylor formula (3.21), hence: vγp ≈ Πγp Γp vΓp , Πγp Γp vΓp := vp0 (sj,k ) + (3.22) dj,k vp1 (sj,k ). (3.23) For example, if vΓp = (vp0 (s), 0), then we have that Πγp Γp vΓp = vp0 (sj,k ). Similarly, if vΓp = (0, vp1 (s)), then the action of the operator Πγp Γp is given as Πγp Γp vΓp = dj,k vp1 (sj,k ). Thus, we have the following finite-dimensional approximation for the discrete density vγp ∈ Vγp : vγp ≈ ṽγp = Πγp Γp ṽΓp = L X `=1 u0p` (Πγp Γp φ` ) + u1p` (Πγp Γp φ?` ) , (p = 1, 2) (3.24) where ṽγp is as defined previously in (3.12), Section 3.1. It follows that the approximation of the density/trace vγp is the function of the unknown coefficients u0p` and u1p` which need to be determined. Once the expansion coefficients u0p` and u1p` are obtained, the density ṽγp ≈ vγp ≡ uγp is reconstructed using formula (3.24). 3.3. System of Boundary Equations: Discrete Variational Formulation As we showed in Section 3, densities/traces (vγ1 , vγ1 ) range over the solutions of the Boundary Equation (3.8) on each discrete grid boundary set (γ1 , γ2 ). Therefore, using the above approximation (3.24) for vγp in the system of Boundary Equations (3.8), we will obtain the system of linear equations with |γp | equations for 2L unknowns u0p := (u0p1 , ..., u0pL ), u1p := (u1p1 , ..., u1pL ): Bp0 u0p + Bp1 u1p = 0, (p = 1, 2). (3.25) Here, |γp | is the total number of points in the set γp (p = 1, 2) and (u01` , u11` ), (u02` , u12` ) are the unknown expansion coefficients of (ṽΓ1 , ṽΓ2 ) (3.19). Matrices Bp0 and Bp1 are defined as Bp0 := (b0p1 , ..., b0pL ) and Bp1 := (b1p1 , ..., b1pL ). Here, columns b0p` and b1p` are |γp | dimensional vectors whose components are computed as the values at the points of the set |γp | of the grid functions Qγp [Πγp Γp φ` ] and Qγp [Πγp Γp φ?` ], respectively. For more a detailed discussion on the computation of these matrices please see Appendix Section 7. 14 Notice that the linear system (3.25) will be the overdetermined linear system since we have to have |γp | > L for the accurate resolution of the density vγp . Finally, let us define Gp (ṽΓp ) := ||Qγp [Πγp Γp ṽΓp ]||2Vγp = ||Bp0 u0p + Bp1 u1p ||2Vγp , (p = 1, 2) (3.26) Therefore, at each time level ti+1 we have the following discrete variational formulation of (3.13): Definition 3.4. Find the unique weak solution pair (ṽΓ1 , ṽΓ2 ) ∈ ṼΓ1 × ṼΓ2 for which the constants (u01` , u11` ) and (u02` , u12` ) with ` = 1, ..., L minimize the functional: ||l(ṽΓ1 ˜ Γ1 , ṽΓ2 + ū ˜ Γ2 ) − ψ||2Φ + ||lΓ (ṽΓ1 + ū ˜ Γ1 , ṽΓ2 + ū ˜ Γ2 ) − φ||2Φ + + ū ˜ Γp is equal to ū ˜ Γp := Here, ū P L `=1 ū0p` φ` , 2 X Gp (ṽΓp ). (3.27) p=1 1 ? 0 1 ū φ `=1 p` ` , and the coefficients (ūp` , ūp` ) are obtained using PL ˜ Γp . the values of the particular solution ūNp at the points of the set γp , in other words using ūγp ≈ Πγp Γp ū The values ūγp are known values since the particular solution ūNp is constructed as the solution of the simple auxiliary problem ((DAP, Def. 2.3), Section 2.1) (for more details see the Remark and Def. 2.8 after Proposition 2.7 in Section 2.1, as well as discussion in Section 5). Formulation (3.27) is the well-known least-square problem. 4. Algorithm In this section, we will give brief summary of the important steps of the Algorithms Composition Scheme for the model problem (2.5), (2.2) - (2.3) in the composite domain Ω̄ = Ω̄1 ∪ Ω¯2 . As it was derived in Sections 3.1 - 3.3, our algorithm will be based on the discrete variational formulation (3.27). Let us note a few important points of the method we developed. Firstly, the order of the operations of the proposed framework does not increase with the choice of the numerical discretization used with it. Moreover, the overall complexity of the method reduces to the several solutions of simple auxiliary problems on regular Cartesian meshes (no need for the generation and storage of the unstructured meshes; no need for the design of the schemes on the unstructured meshes). Finally, the selection of the auxiliary problems and meshes for each domain Ωp is totally independent of each other, and is done based on the idea of the simplicity and efficiency of the resulting numerical scheme. We have the following steps at each time level: 1. Construct a discrete functional Gp (ṽΓp ) ≡ ||Bp0 u0p + Bp1 u1p ||2Vγp for each domain Ωp , (p = 1, 2). This functional is the weak formulation of the Boundary Equation (3.8) (note that the minimum of Gp (ṽΓp ) gives an approximation to the Cauchy data of the general solution to the homogeneous equation in each subdomain). To build Gp (ṽΓp ): • Select the auxiliary domain denoted here as Ω0Gp , and place the original domain Ωp into the auxiliary domain for the computation and construction of Gp (ṽΓp ), (p = 1, 2). The choice of the auxiliary domain Ω0Gp should be convenient for computation, so we will choose it to be a square. Select Cartesian mesh 2np × 2np for each of the auxiliary domains Ω0Gp , with np being a positive integer and (p = 1, 2). • Recall that ṽΓp ∈ ṼΓp is the finite dimensional approximation of the continuous Cauchy data vΓp ∈ VΓp (see formula (2.6) in Section 2, as well as (3.19) in Section 3.2), and it is constructed using the set of the basis functions φ` (s) for the first component of the Cauchy data, as well ? as the set of the basis functions second component of the Cauchy data (formula Pφ` (s) for the PL L 0 1 ? (3.17), Section 3.1) : ṽΓp := `=1 up` φ` , `=1 up` φ` . • Construct matrices Bp0 and Bp1 for each domain. This construction reduces to the computation of the difference potentials (or to the solution of the simple auxiliary problems). Remark: However if time step will not change during the simulations, and if the geometry, the grid, and the system of basis functions (3.15) will not depend on time, then it will suffice to precompute matrices Bp0 and Bp1 once and to store them. See details in Section 3.3 and in Appendix Section 7. 15 2. Next, choose the new auxiliary domain denoted as Ω0ūp and place the original domain Ωp into the auxiliary domain for the computation of the particular solution ūNp , (p = 1, 2). As before, the choice of the auxiliary domain Ω0ūp should be convenient for computation, so we will choose it to be a square. Select Cartesian mesh 2mp × 2mp for the auxiliary domain Ω0ūp , where mp is a positive integer. Find any particular solution ūNp , (p = 1, 2) as the solution of the simple auxiliary problem (see Remark and see Def. 2.8 after Proposition 2.7 in Section 2.1, as well as the discussion at the beginning of Section 5). After that, calculate their Cauchy data on Γp , (p = 1, 2). 3. Solve the joint discrete variational problem: find Cauchy data ṽΓp ∈ ṼΓp , (p = 1, 2) that minimizes the functional (3.27), Section 3.3: ˜ Γ1 , ṽΓ2 + ū ˜ Γ2 ) − ψ||2Φ + ||lΓ (ṽΓ1 + ū ˜ Γ1 , ṽΓ2 + ū ˜ Γ2 ) − φ||2Φ + ||l(ṽΓ1 + ū 2 X Gp (ṽΓp ). p=1 Remark: Let us note that if the Dirichlet to Neumann map is well defined for the problem, then one can solve the overdetermined linear system (3.25) for the unknowns u1p := (u1p1 , ..., u1pL ) in terms of u0p := (u0p1 , ..., u0pL ) using the least squares method: Bp0 u0p + Bp1 u1p = 0, (p = 1, 2), This step can be viewed as the construction of the Dirichlet to Neumann map: to each set u0p assign a set u1p that minimizes Gp (ṽΓp ). In this case, the general solution in each Ωp will be approximated by a difference potential whose density will depend only on u0p . 4. Using the obtained Cauchy data ṽΓp , construct ṽγp ≈ Πγp Γp ṽΓp , Section 3.2. After that, extend the computed densities ṽγp from the grid boundaries γp to the interior of each domain Ωp by computing difference potentials PNp ṽγp in each domain Ωp . At each time level reconstruct the desired approximation to the model (2.5), (2.2) - (2.3) in the composite domain Ω̄ using the discrete generalized Green’s formula: uNp = PNp γp ṽγp + ūNp , (p = 1, 2) (see Proposition 3.1 and equation (3.5) in Section 3.) Remark: Let us emphasize the important flexibility of the algorithm to choose different auxiliary domains Ω0Gp and Ω0ūp for the computations of the projection and of the particular solution. This provides an opportunity to consider different grids and combine different discretizations if necessary. 5. Numerical Examples In this section, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed Algorithms Composition Approach on several test problems. In the numerical experiments below, we consider the set of the basis functions on Γp , (p = 1, 2) that is defined as: 2π 2π s , φp,3 = sin s , ... |Γ| |Γ| 2π 2π φp,2N (s) = cos N s , φp,2N +1 = sin Ns |Γ| |Γ| φp,1 (s) = 1, φp,2 (s) = cos (5.1) We assume that the sets φ ≡ φ? in the numerical examples below. In all of the tests, we will consider the heat equation (2.5) in the composite domain Ω̄ ≡ Ω̄1 ∪ Ω̄2 as our model problem. Here, the heat equation serves as a simplified model for more realistic systems of the materials, fluids, or chemicals with different properties in different parts of the domains (for example, the ocean-atmosphere models, chemotaxis models, or blood flow models [2, 36, 43, 42]). We consider equation (2.5) with the known analytical expressions for the exact solutions. This allows us to study the errors in the approximate solutions that will depend on the size of the auxiliary domains, mesh sizes, total number of the basis functions on Γp , etc. Similar to [48], we will first define three functions u(1) (x, y) := cos(x) cos(y), 16 (5.2) u(2) (x, y) := sin(c1 x) sin(c2 y)P5 (ρ/0.9), (5.3) and u(3) (x, y) := max 1 − ρ2 ,0 . 1 + 4ρ2 (5.4) Here, the Cartesian coordinates (x, y) of points are related to their polar coordinates (r, θ) as (x, y) = (r cos(θ), r sin(θ)). The interface boundary Γ ≡ Γ2 of the domain Ω2 is parametrically defined in polar coordinates (r, θ) by the relation r(θ) ≡ rΓ (θ) = 1 + 0.22 sin(kθ θ), where kθ is the parameter. ρ = r/rΓ (θ) in (5.3) - (5.4). See Figures 5.1 - 5.4 for the examples of the domains that are used in the numerical tests below. The function P5 (x) is continuous: identically equal to 1 for x ≤ 0; vanishes for x ≥ 1 and, on the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, it is a unique ninth-degree polynomial whose derivatives up to the fourth order vanish at the endpoints of 0 ≤ x ≤ 1: 1, x ≤ 0, 1 − 126x5 + 420x6 − 540x7 + 315x8 − 70x9 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, P5 (x) := (5.5) 0, x ≥ 1. 1 b Let us note that due to the multiplier P5 (ρ/0.9), the function u(2) (5.3) vanishes outside of Ω2 and in a b (2) b1 neighborhood of Γ ≡ Γ2 . At the same time, u exhibits bstrong oscillations deep inside Ω2 . 11 11b1 b1 0 1 b1 1 1bb0b1 0 1 b 1bb1 1 1 1 δΩb 1 1 0 11 11 1bb11 b1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 bb1 1 1 1 1 1b1 11 b1 1 1 1 1 1 b1 1 1 1 11 b1 1 KKK K1 K 1 K K K KK 1 1 K K K KΩ1 , Ω2 , and Figure 2: 2:Sketch withboundary boundary twoKsubdomains Ω1 , the Ω2 ,interface and theΓ interface Γ 1 Sketchofofdomain domain ΩΩwith ∂Ω, two subdomains 11∂Ω, K gure 2:Figure ofof domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, twosubdomains subdomains Ω Ωand and Figure 2:2:Sketch Sketch ofof domain Ωwith withboundary boundary ∂Ω, two Ω , the Ω ,interface theΓ the interface Γ Γ Figure Sketch domain Ω ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , Γ interface K 1 ,2the 2 ,interface Figure 2: Sketch domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and 1and 1 2 1 2 Figure 2:Sketch Sketch of domain Ωwith with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω ,Ω , and the interface Γ K 1Ω 2and gure 2: Sketch of domain Ω boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Figure 2: of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , , the interface Γ 1 2 Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ 1 2 Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and 1 the2 interface Γ " " "" 2 00 b 22 2 " " "" "" " 1.5 1.52 2 2 1.5 1.5 "" ! ! 1.5 0.5 0.51 1 !! 1 ! 0.5 ! 1! 0.5 0 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 −0.5 0 ! ! " ! " ! 0 " " ! ! 0.5 0 " " ! !! 0.5 00 0.5 0 " ! 2 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1 " " ! 0 −0.5 0 −1 −1 −0.5 −1 −0.5 " " −0.5 −0.5 −1.5 −1 −1.5 ! −1 −1.5−1 −2 −2−1 −1.5 !! −1 −1.5 −2 −1.5 −2 −1.5 −2 −1.5 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −1.5 −2 −2 −2 −1 −0.5 −1−1 −0.5! −0.5 −1.5 0 ! 0.5 0 0 ! −1 −0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0 1.5 1 2 1 1.5 0.5 1.5 2 2 1 1.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 2:2: Sketch ofdomain domain with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω221,Ω ,and Ω and the interface Γ Γ Figure 2: Sketch of ΩΩΩthe with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains and the Γ 11,2,,Ω 22,due Figure Sketch Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω Ω ,interface and interface Figure 2: Sketch ofdomain domain with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω11level. ,Ω the Γ interface where u denote theof solution to difference scheme (2.15) at each time Hence, to the where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface K Figure Sketch ofofdomain ΩΩ with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ω ,1 Ω ΩHence, and the interface Γ Γ 1(2.15) 2,,2on where u2:denote thesolution solution to the difference scheme atat time level. Hence, due to interface where uuniqueness denote the scheme (2.15) time level. due to due due au argument, PN to v + fNdifference coincides with the(2.15) solution ueach of the scheme N Hence, : the Figure 2: Sketch domain with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , and Γ γthe γto Neach where denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. to 1 2 K ere u denote the solution the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, t K uu denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to a where uniqueness argument, PNvγto vto + fdifference coincides with the solution uΩthe of the scheme (2.15) on N: γ+ N N 0 where u =denote the solution the scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, due to denote the solution the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to awhere uniqueness argument, P f coincides with the solution u of scheme (2.15) on N : Fig. 5.1: Test Problem 1: Example of the auxiliary domain Ω , domains and Ω and the boundary Γ of udenote P v + f . � γ N γ N N 1 2 a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : γ N N γ N re u the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to γ toto Nγ v Nfthe N each where denote the solution difference scheme (2.15) at K Hence, due to K where u solution the difference scheme (2.15) at time Hence, due to aniqueness uniqueness argument, P coincides with the solution utime of the scheme (2.15) on Non : to Sketch domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω ,of Ωtime ,level. and the interface γv+ N N N aua= uniqueness argument, P + fN coincides with the solution uat of the scheme (2.15) on here uFigure denote the the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. due to 1level. 2the where uNdenote denote the solution to difference scheme (2.15) each level. P v ffN coincides with the solution u scheme (2.15) N vu2: + ffthe .. solution �:Γdue γ+ N γto N Keach Ω2 ;of parameter = 0the N γargument, N N γγγN N uniqueness argument, P coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) onHence, N :N N =P P vγ+ + � auuwhere uniqueness argument, P v f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on : γkθ+ γγγv+ N N γ domain Na N γγthe N N N N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = = P v f . � N N N γ N uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N γ N γ N N Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ here u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due niqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : γ N γ N N 1of u= = v + ffargument, � to uwhere = v+ + f(2.25)-(2.26) .the �= NNN γγcomment N N γto N Nu Figure 2: domain Ω+γtosolution with boundary ∂Ω,space two subdomains Ωthe ,2 solution Ωlevel. ,uand the interface γN N N γP N u denote solution the difference scheme at each time Hence, due γ N N γSketch uniqueness P v + fbriefly coincides with the(2.15) solution u on N ::: uniqueness argument, P vγγγthe fbriefly coincides with the solution of the scheme (2.15) on N� 1the 2scheme v + .of uP = P +..+ fNNfof . let � N N Remark: Finally, let us the accuracy of the approximation u N NN γv N γf P v + fvN uabout ofabout (2.1) - space (2.3). One would expect that uaNP = P v � γ N γu N Remark: Finally, us comment the accuracy of the approximation = γ N N γ N γ N γ N = P . � N2: v2: N γ5.1. N Finally, letof us comment briefly about thewith space accuracy of the approximation uN = Figure Sketch Ω+ with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ω Ωscheme and the interface auNPRemark: uniqueness argument, P coincides with the solution u of the (2.15) on N�� :Γ 1the 2 ,2and u P + fγSketch . the Figure domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains ,Ω Ω ,Hence, and the interfac First Example γ N N uN = P v � uniqueness argument, Pdomain vNγthe +solution fsolution coincides the solution uorder of (2.15) on N γSketch N γ = + f2: .Finally, Figure of domain with ∂Ω, two subdomains Ωapproximation ,,1approximation the interface γ N γfu N γv N γN Nfbriefly N a= uniqueness argument, P v + fbriefly coincides with the solution uthe of the scheme (2.15) on N :Γ 1+ 2 ,scheme uRemark: will converge to the continuous solution uboundary in the(2.1) discrete Holder norm ofthe qΩ � that (with γ N γ Finally, let us comment about the space accuracy of the u = = P v + fN .of where denote solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at would each time level. due to=u Remark: Finally, let us comment about the space accuracy of the u γΩ γthe N N N P v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to u of (2.3). One expect the solution = P v + f . � P vv + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N Remark: let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of approximation u = γN N N γN N γ γ NP N γ N N N N γv γγ Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of approximation u = Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation = Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). would expect solution N In the first example, we will construct our test problem withOne the analytical solution that that isthe given as, N N p−� γ NNγ = N u P v + f . � γ N γ N the arbitrary 0+ < � the < 1)continuous with the rate O(h )uuin as h(2.1) → 0. Here, psolution isaccuracy the order of the accuracy of = P v + f . � P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = u = P v f . � u will converge solution u the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the u of the scheme (2.15) on N : Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space of the approximation u = P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.3). One would expect that the solution where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to γ u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with N N γ N γ N N N γ N γ N N P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution γ N γ N N γ N N N γ γ+ N γ N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u= Remark: Finally, let us briefly about the space accuracy of the uN P v of (2.25)-(2.26) to comment the solution u uof (2.1) - the One would expect that the solution γNγ+ + fN of to the solution of (2.1) -L(2.3). (2.3). One would expect that the solution uRemark: will to (2.25)-(2.26) the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm ofof order qapproximation + � that (with let uscontinuous comment briefly about space accuracy the approximation =N γP N γ Finally, Nconverge −t −t (1) where denote the solution torate the scheme (2.15) atoperator each time level. Hence, due γfv fuwill of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect the solutio N p−� the approximation of the differential operator the discrete L (we γNwhere edifference uΩu (x, y) = ethe u ,-by (x,p y) ∈ Ω N ∆t ∆t,h γ vN 1 , order p−� the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the O(h ) as h → 0. Here, is the of the accuracy of u will converge to continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with u converge to the continuous solution u in discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due u = P v + f . � u(x, y, t) = (5.6) N P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of P v + f (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N p−� a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : γ N N γ N γv u will converge to continuous solution uinabout in the discrete norm of order q(with + �Hence, (with N N γ N N −t −t (1) (2)Holder u will to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder order qorder + �that (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation uN =N γ the N γthe N N where denote the solution to the scheme (2.15) at each time Hence, t γwill u tothe the continuous solution u the discrete norm qlevel. + � that N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation uon N P + fu of to solution uof of (2.1) -(2.3). (2.3). One expect that the solution where denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. du the 0converge < �(2.25)-(2.26) <the 1) with the rate h → 0. Here, psolution isHolder the order of the accuracy of N v + fu of to solution u of -the (2.3). One expect the solut eis udifference (x, y) = e(2.1) (u + u ), (x, y)norm ∈ Ωwould , of γ N N(2.25)-(2.26) assume that the boundary condition (2.2) approximated by (2.26) with the same orof higher Ω) 2would γconverge + fconverge of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution uas (2.1) -discrete One would expect the solution γvγthe N p−� aγNwill uniqueness argument, P + fO(h coincides with u oforder the scheme p−� to continuous solution u)u in the Holder norm of order q(2.15) + �due (wit γarbitrary N γvthe N γv N N γP approximation of the continuous differential operator L0. by the discrete operator L∆t,h (we the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → Here, p is the order of the accuracy of p−� ∆t the arbitrary 0 < � with the rate O(h as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of p−� p−� v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to solution of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we 2 a uniqueness argument, P + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with γ N N ∆t uNvarbitrary = P vHence, + f�argument, . the ∆t,h γthe N γ N Remark: Finally, let usto comment about the space of the approximation usolution =(with he 0f0γN < �= < 1)16 with the rate O(h )u as h(2.1) → 0. Here, pdiscrete is the order of the accuracy of N P v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to solution uof of -discrete (2.3). One would expect that the the < 1) with the rate O(h ) the → 0. Here, paccuracy is the the accuracy of than p). for the central finite difference scheme that is here, weorder will expect O(h )order N γof N approximation of continuous differential operator Ldiscussed by the operator Lorder (we N�+ aγconverge uniqueness P v + fbriefly coincides with the solution uuN of the scheme on N u will converge the continuous solution uhas in the discrete Holder norm ofL q(2.15) + γN N ∆t ∆t,h γ(5.3). N N N + fN (2.25)-(2.26) the solution uas (2.1) -∆t (2.3). One would expect that the p−� γ N auNN uniqueness argument, Pthe + fdifferential coincides with the solution of the scheme on will the continuous solution u in the Holder norm of order q(2.15) �� (w γarbitrary with cto c2to = incondition formula Thus, solution u(x, y, t)by will exhibit strong oscillations inside theq converge to the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order + � solutio (with γγrate N γv N N assume that the boundary (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher γ will = P v + f . the approximation ofof the continuous operator L the discrete operator (we 1N arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the O(h ) h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy o p−� ∆t,h γ N N γ the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we p−� the approximation the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we ∆t ∆t,h assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with ∆t ∆t,h rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of u = P v + f . � p−� the arbitrary � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N the arbitrary 0 < < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of the approximation the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we γ assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order N N γ N he approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we γ N N u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with 2 u = P v + f . � γp). ∆t domain Ω , but none in the domain Ω . We consider four test problems, Figures 5.1 5.4 with k = 0 in ∆t,h p−� ∆t N p−� the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of ∆t,h Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = 2 1 θ γ N N γ N than Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) N will converge the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order qaccuracy + assume the boundary condition (2.2) isis approximated by (2.26) with the same ororder higher order uNarbitrary = P v0that +< . the 2 ) � (wit < �ffor < 1) with the rate O(h ) )as as hhthat → 0. Here, piskis is the of the he arbitrary �to < 1) with the O(h )about h → 0. Here, ppthe the order of the accuracy of p−� γ0that Nthan N γHence, N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by with the same or higher assume the boundary condition (2.2) approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order approximation of continuous differential operator L(2.26) by discrete operator L 2order the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. p). central finite scheme is discussed here, we will expect p−� ∆t ∆t,hof Remark: Finally, let us comment the space accuracy of approximation u(w the Test Problem 1, Figure 5.1; k(2.2) = 2briefly the Test Problem 2, Figure 5.2; with = 3 will in the Test Problem the arbitrary 0for < �the < 1) with the rate O(h as → 0. Here, the order of the accuracy of uthan will converge to the continuous solution uof in the discrete Holder norm ofthe order q order + �L (with the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we θdifference θ we than p). Hence, the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, expect O(h )O(h assume that the boundary condition (2.2) isin approximated by (2.26) with same or higher N the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we 2accuracy N ∆t ∆t,h the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the assume that the boundary condition is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order ∆t ∆t,h p−� Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator (we 2 P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution 2 p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) N ∆tby ∆t,h γRemark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy ofthe the approximation u Nγ than N eapproximation arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) N than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) 3, Figure 5.3; and with k = 5 in the Test Problem 4, Figure 5.4. p−� he approximation of the continuous differential operator L the discrete operator L (we of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L ( 2 θ rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of ∆t ∆t,h ume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with same or higher orde ∆t ∆t,h Remark: Finally, let comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation u= 2 the arbitrary 0 boundary < � of <norm 1)us with the rate O(h )about as h(2.1) → 0. Here, pOne is the order of the accuracy of rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy ofhigher approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) Passume v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). would expect that the soluti assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order ∆t ∆t,h that boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or order the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. γ Nthe N the approximation the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we han p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) rate in the maximum in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of γ P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.3). One would expect that the solutio ∆t ∆t,h assume that the condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order We select u(x, y, t) in (5.6) to be the exact solution for the heat equation (2.5), we set time step dt = 1.e−6 u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with γ N N rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solutio N γ 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of γ the Nγapproximation N 2 esume approximation ofthe the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (w 2order that boundary condition (2.2) is (2.26) with the same orLhigher higher the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. ∆t ∆t,h ume that the boundary condition is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher or the (DPM) method, reader can consult [7, 4]. the of the continuous differential operator Lby by the discrete operator (we Hence, for the central finite difference scheme is discussed here, we will expect O(h rate in the maximum in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy ofO(h assume that the boundary condition (2.2) isapproximated approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher P v + fHence, of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u)uscheme of (2.1) -is (2.3). One would expect that the solu ∆t ∆t,h than p). for central finite difference scheme that discussed here, we will expect )�order 22)) for all tests innorm Section 5.1, we useconsult discrete norm (3.9) with αthat = 0.5, and we consider time interval 0.01]. p−� the (DPM) method, the reader can [7, 4]. unthan will converge tothe the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of[0, order q+ + �(wit (w γp). Np). N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or order Hence, the central finite difference that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of γu N the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + (wit than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of N the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q � 2 N 2 )) In allfor experiments inin this Section, we will choose the auxiliary domains sume that the boundary condition (2.2) isthe by (2.26) with the same or higher ord han p). Hence, the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is4].approximated approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order 2O( p−� the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme is discussed here, we will expect O(h 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on theh Difference Potentials Method rate in the maximum norm in space. For detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of in the maximum norm space. For the detailed discussion and the proof ofof the accuracy p−� uenrate will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm order q + �)ofof(oo than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h he arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy in the maximum norm in space. For detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy p−� he (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. N the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we the arbitrary 0the <norm �central <-central 1) with thedifference rate O(h ) on as hthe → Difference 0.∆t Here, p here, is the order of theexpect accuracy ∆t,h2 ) 0 0based under consideration (2.1) (2.3). than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is discussed we will expect O(h 3 Algorithms Composition Approach Potentials Method 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method an p). Hence, for finite scheme that is discussed here, we will O(h te in the maximum in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy ΩFor ≡ Ωbased := 2] [−2, 2], 3(DPM) Algorithms Composition Approach on the Difference Potentials Method rate the maximum norm in space. the detailed discussion and the the accuracy ofof the method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. GFor ū p−� in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 3in Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method rate in the maximum norm in space. the detailed discussion proof ofMethod the accuracy of the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. he arbitrary 0the < boundary �introduction < 1) with the rate O(h )[−2, as h×the → 0.LL Here, p is the order of the accurac approximation of the continuous differential operator by the discrete operator L ( the (DPM) method, reader can consult [7, 4]. the approximation of the continuous differential operator by the operator L (w ∆t assume that condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order ∆t,h ∆t ∆t,h the approximation of the continuous differential operator L discrete operator L 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on Difference Potentials Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model We start the of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the ∆t ∆t,h rate inmaximum themethod, maximum norm in space. For the the detailed discussion andand the the proof ofMethod theofaccuracy of (w 17 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials he (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. te in the norm in space. For detailed discussion proof the accuracy the (DPM) the reader can consult [7, 4]. 2ord the (DPM) method, the reader can consult 4]. (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. system (2.1) - boundary (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω)by infor some composite assume that the condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher he approximation of the continuous differential operator L the discrete operator Lorde under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is[7, approximated by (2.26) with same or higher than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that isApproach discussed here, we will expect O(h )ord 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition aafor parabolic model ∆t ∆t,h assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by same or higher Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach athe parabolic model Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for parabolic model Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach parabolic model the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 2 e (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method 2o We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the under consideration (2.1) (2.3). under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is discussed wesame will expect O(h han p). Hence, for the difference scheme that is here, will expect O(h rate in the maximum norm in finite space. For the detailed discussion and the of the accuracy of 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method under consideration (2.1) - -central (2.3). assume that the boundary condition (2.2) isbased approximated by (2.26) the or higher Algorithms Composition Approach on the Difference Potentials Method under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that isdiscussed here, we will expect O(h 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach forwith aproof parabolic model two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries 1- (2.3). 2(2.8) 1its time-discrete 2 1illustration 2on in system (2.1) - the (2.3) (or formulation in form domain Ω) in some composite under consideration (2.1) 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based the Difference Potentials Method We start introduction of the scheme, and the of the ideas, by considering the Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Potentials Method Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition for aconsidering parabolic model 3in Algorithms Composition Approach based ondiscussion the Difference Potentials Method We start the introduction ofin the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration ofDifference theApproach considering We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by the the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. rate in maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and of the accuracy ate the maximum norm space. For the detailed and the proof ofthe the accuracy rate inthe the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion the proof of the accuracy under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). han p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect Oo Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method 2 Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials 1 1 2 2 domain - an arbitrary bounded domain R Algorithm with the boundary ∂Ω - andApproach such that it ofMethod Below we Ωdevelop and numerically test inthe Composition forconsists a two parabolic model −2 −2 −2 −1.5 −1 −2−1.5 −2 −1.5 −2 −2 −1.5 −1 −1 −0.5 −1 −0.5 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 N1 We start introduction of the(2.8) scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering system (2.1)the - (2.3) (or formulation in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite the 1 1b1 1 1 1 100 11b1bb1 1bb1 1bbb0001 1 δ Ω b 10 1 11 11 1 bb1 1 b 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b1 b1 1 1 1 11 11 b 1b 1 1 1 1 1 b1 1 11 1 1 b1 1 KK K 1 K 1 K K K K K 1 1 K K K K Figure 2: 2:Sketch withboundary boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω1 , the Ω2 ,interface and theΓ interface Γ 1 Figure Sketchofofdomain domain ΩΩwith ∂Ω, two subdomains Ktwo 1 K ΩΩ11, ,ΩΩΩ21,2,and Figure 2: 2:Sketch Sketch ofof domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω21,, and Ω12,,interface and theΓ interface Γ igure 2: of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ω Ω ,interface and theΓ interface Γ K Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains and the 1 Figure Sketch domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω the 2the Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ωwith with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , 1and interface Γ K 1, Ω 2Ω gure 2: Sketch of domain Ω boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains , Ω , and the interface Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ 2 Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ 2 Figure 2:Sketch Sketch ofdomain domain Ω ΩΩwith with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω 1, Ω ,Ω and the Γ interface 1 ,Ω 2, interface Figure ofof domain boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω and the interface Γ ΓΓ Figure 2:2:2:uSketch of with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ω Ω ,and and the Figure Sketch domain with boundary two subdomains Figure 2: Sketch of domaintoΩ Ωthe with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω11,level. ΩΩ22,1 ,and interface Γ interface 11,2the 22 where denote the solution difference scheme (2.15) at each time Hence, due tothe where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface K Figure 2:denote Sketch ofofdomain ΩΩf with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ω1,(2.15) ,1ΩΩ2,,2and and theinterface interfaceΓΓ Γ where udenote thesolution solution difference scheme (2.15) at subdomains each time level. Hence, a uniqueness argument, PN γto vγ the + coincides with the solution uN each of the scheme ondue NHence, : to Figure 2: Sketch domain with boundary ∂Ω, two Ω the where u the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at time level. Hence, due to N 1 2 where u denote the to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. due K ere u denote the solution to the difference scheme atN each time level. Hence, due uu denote the solution the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to a awhere uniqueness argument, PNvto vto + fdifference coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : to K γto γ2: Ndifference 0 (2.15) where u denote the solution the scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, due to where denote the solution the scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to uniqueness argument, P + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : Fig. 5.2: Test Problem Example of the auxiliary domain Ω , domains Ω and Ω and the boundary Γ of u = P v + f . � 1 2 γ N γ N N γ N N γ N b 1 re u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to b 1 K γ K N γ N N where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N :due Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ b 1 aa= uniqueness argument, Pγγ2v v+to + fNcoincides coincides with the solution uat of scheme (2.15) N�:due N uP solution the difference (2.15) at each time level. toto 1scheme 2 the uuniqueness P + b1 KuuuofNNthe γ+ Nv γγγ Ncoincides N where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, due to the domain k = uniqueness argument, PθNN coincides with the solution uNthe of scheme (2.15) on N N NNdenote γγv Nthe 2; P uniqueness argument, P ffN with the solution of the (2.15) onHence, N:on :N N u =P vγargument, + ffargument, .. Ω � awhere f with the solution of the scheme (2.15) on : γ+ Ncomment γγv N γ+ N= N γ N Remark: Finally, let us briefly about the space accuracy approximation u = N a uniqueness P v + f coincides with the solution of the scheme (2.15) on N u v f . � b 1 γ N γ N N where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to γ N N γ N aNaaFigure uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N :t Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ here u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due niqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : 1 γ N γ N N 1 2 = P v + f . � u = P v + f . � γ N γ N N γ N γ N N b 1 1 where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : γ N γ N γ N N γ N b 1 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface 1 γ+solution N N NN uRemark: = v + f(2.25)-(2.26) . .let bb1 uniqueness argument, P f coincides the solution u of the scheme Finally, letus uscomment comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation uN = on N� 00would 1 solution 2uN = ��(2.15) v + . P vP + ffN of toγvthe u ofabout (2.1) (2.3). One expect that the γN N N γ+ N u= = P v f . � 1 000 γ N γ N Remark: Finally, briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation γP N bb1 γ N γ γ NP N γ N b-with 1 u = v + f b 1 γ N N γ N Figure Sketch Ω with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ωthe ,1Ω,Ωscheme and the interface 1 uniqueness P vΩ + ffNNbriefly coincides with the solution u ofΩ the scheme (2.15) on N :Γ Remark: Finally, letof usdomain comment briefly about the space accuracy ofof the approximation u(2.15) δΩ 1,the 2, ,scheme u = P v fSketch . .of Figure Sketch domain with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Hence, and the bbtwo 1 N γ N uN = P vf2: � uniqueness argument, P vγthe + fsolution coincides with the solution u of (2.15) on N Figure 2: of domain Ω with ∂Ω, subdomains interface Γ� γ 2and = P vNγ2: + f+ .Finally, 0solution γ N N γ N aP uniqueness argument, P + coincides with u of on N 1 N γN N Nthe uaP = P vγN +argument, fN �:� u will converge to the continuous u1 in discrete Holder norm order qΩ + �2that (with Remark: Finally, let us comment about accuracy of approximation u= =interface γN γ N where denote the solution to the difference (2.15) at of each time level. due to= γsolution N γγv N b1 Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation u 1 N v + fu of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution uabout ofthe (2.1) - space (2.3). One would expect the solution γ N γ 1 N v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to uboundary of (2.1) -scheme (2.3). One would expect that the solution let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation uthe = N = P v + f . γ NN N N N 1 γ γ Remark: γ N N γ N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy the approximation u = N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u N p−� P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N u = P v + f . � γv P N the arbitrary 0.(2.25)-(2.26) �.the < 1)continuous with the rate )uin h → 0.- (2.3). Here, psolution is One the order of the accuracy of γ N N γNγ+ N 1 1 = P f(2.25)-(2.26) � u = v f< b1 P + fof of to the solution uas of (2.1) --discrete (2.3). would expect that the Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the u 1 aNγγNwill uniqueness P vthe + fO(h coincides with the ueach of the (2.15) on N= :N�to u will to solution the discrete Holder norm ofexpect order qscheme + �approximation (with Remark: let us comment briefly about the space of the approximation uN P + fN of+ (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) One would expect that the solution where denote the solution the scheme (2.15) at time level. Hence, due γ to the continuous solution u in the Holder norm of order qsolution +solution � solution (with N N N γv γconverge NP N γvfu N 0 accuracy 1 N= P v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the γsolution N γto Ndifference N γN N N γ 1 N γ+ Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation usolutio b-1 Nu Remark: let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u= 1 P v + fFinally, ofargument, (2.25)-(2.26) to solution of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution fconverge to the uuuuu of (2.1) -scheme (2.3). One would that the γ γFinally, N N N γthe NN N γ approximation γv u will converge to the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order q + �ofthat (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = where u denote the solution to the difference (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect the p−� N ∆t ∆t,h p−� γ N γ the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy uuniqueness will converge the continuous solution in the Holder norm of order q(with �Hence, (with uN will converge to the continuous solution the discrete Holder norm of order qorder + �that (with 1 Remark: let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the = denote solution to difference scheme (2.15) at each time Hence, due = P v0Finally, + fthe .solution 1 1 bb1 N P v + fuof of to solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution the arbitrary < < 1) with the O(h )in as h → 0. Here, pOne is order of the accuracy of P vv ++ fN (2.25)-(2.26) solution u)uu of (2.1) -discrete (2.3). One would expect that the solution N γ(2.25)-(2.26) N N γof N aNNwhere argument, P vthe +rate fthe coincides with the solution uthe of the scheme on N= :N 1 1 u will converge to continuous solution in discrete Holder norm of order qapproximation + �+ γ will converge to the continuous solution uin in the discrete Holder norm of q(2.15) + �Hence, (with N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u�u 1 p−� γ N where denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. due tot= γthe Nto γto N N γ+ γ N P fu (2.25)-(2.26) the solution u of (2.1) ---1 (2.3). would expect the solution u will converge to��boundary the continuous solution up−� the discrete Holder norm of order qlevel. �+that (with N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space of the approximation u(wit 1 bb1 1 1 where denote the to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. du γN N N v fu+ (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect the soluti assume that the condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order the 0argument, < < 1)the with the rate O(h as hthe → 0. Here, psolution isaccuracy the order of the accuracy of γ arbitrary 1 γuniqueness p−� PaN v f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution P v + f coincides with the u of the scheme (2.15) on will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � γ N N the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we p−� the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of γ N γ N N γ the arbitrary << 1) with the rate O(h as h(2.1) → Here, is the order of the accuracy of ∆t0. ∆t,h p−� 1p−� b∆t 1 P v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of -discrete (2.3). One would expect the solution the approximation the continuous differential operator L by discrete operator (we 2order 1 the arbitrary < 1) with the O(h )u hthat → 0. Here, is the order the accuracy of aarbitrary uniqueness argument, P vv + fsolution coincides with the uof of the scheme onNN: uuniqueness will converge to continuous solution in the Holder norm of order qL + �q(2.15) 1 u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of + �solutio (with 1 γP N N ∆t,h uNv = v + .of�the � Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about accuracy the approximation u =on γγrate N γ N Nof γwill P + f0Hence, of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) -space (2.3). would expect that the solution he < �0f�argument, < 1) with the rate O(h )uu)as as h → 0. Here, pthe iswe the order of the accuracy of N 1 aarbitrary uniqueness P + fis coincides with the solution u of the scheme the 0γargument, < 1) with the O(h )p−� as h → 0. Here, psolution ispOne the order of the accuracy of than p). for the central finite difference scheme isdiscrete discussed here, will expect O(h )that N N N γfof N u converge to the continuous u in the Holder norm order q(2.15) +(with �+ (with N N N γγrate N N the approximation of the continuous differential operator L bypwith the discrete operator L (we γ vfγN + (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the N 1 P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on ∆t ∆t,h 1 will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q � (w γ N N γ N N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) approximated by (2.26) the same or higher order γ the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with u = P v + f . p−� ∆t ∆t,h the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the operator L (we p−� N arbitrary 0the < �boundary < 1) with the rate O(h )uuas as h → 0. Here, pdiscrete isthe the order of the accuracy the approximation of1) the continuous differential operator L-0. by the discrete operator Lthat (we γfv N N γconverge N ∆t ∆t,h assume that the condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order ∆t ∆t,h u will to the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with 1 p−� 1 bHere, 1 rate in maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of accuracy of u = P + f . the arbitrary � < with the rate O(h ) h → p is the order of the accuracy of P v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect the solution N the arbitrary 0 < < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of will converge to the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm order q + � (with the approximation the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we γ N N γ N 1 γ N N he approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we 2 u = P v + f . � γp). assume that the boundary condition (2.2) isis approximated by (2.26) with the same orapproximation higher order N ∆t,h the arbitrary < �the < let 1)continuous with therate rate O(h as the his→ → 0. pthe isiswill the order the accuracy of � p−� ∆tHere, ∆t,h K∆t γ N N< γ+0 N Remark: Finally, us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the p−� than Hence, for central finite difference scheme that discussed here, we expect O(h )the N will converge to the solution u))) as in discrete Holder norm ofofexpect order qaccuracy + � = (wit assume that the boundary condition (2.2) approximated by (2.26) with same or higher order = P v f . 2u Nhe arbitrary 0 � < 1) with the O(h h 0. Here, p the order of the K p−� assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order γ Napproximation N γ N K assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h as h Here, p is the order of accuracy o the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. p−� than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will O(h ) of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L 2 KK the arbitrary 0boundary <<of �of < 1) with the rate O(h ))about as h the → 0. Here, the order of the accuracy ofu(w uapproximation will converge the continuous solution uof in the discrete Holder norm of order q order + �)Lsolution (with ∆t K ∆t,h the the continuous differential operator L byOne the discrete operator (we 1 Remark: Finally, let us comment about space accuracy of the approximation 1approximated K assume that the boundary condition (2.2) isbriefly approximated by (2.26) with same or higher the approximation of the continuous differential operator LHere, by the discrete operator L (we 2 N the arbitrary 0for �to < 1) with the rate O(h as h → 0. ppwith isis the order of the accuracy of than p). Hence, the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ∆t ∆t,h N ssume that the condition (2.2) is by (2.26) the same or higher ∆t ∆t,h p−� Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation u the approximation the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator (we 2L rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of K 2order P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u (2.1) (2.3). would expect that the K than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) N 1 ∆t ∆t,h Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = γ N N K than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) γ N e arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy o= than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) p−� K approximation of the continuous differential operator by the discrete operator L ( 2higher 1 he approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of K ∆t ∆t,h Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u 2 ∆t ∆t,h the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of ume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or ord the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of K Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ 1 with 2of the ∆t the approximation of thecontinuous continuous differential L by the discrete operator L (we P v + fthe to the solution of (2.1) --K (2.3). One would expect that the assume that boundary condition (2.2) is∂Ω, by (2.26) with the same or higher order the method, the reader consult [7, 4]. 1 (2.26) 2 One 1approximated K(2.3). han p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will O(h )solut rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof the accuracy ∆t ∆t,h γ(DPM) NP N assume the boundary condition (2.2) by same or higher order + fN of(2.25)-(2.26) (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution uon of (2.1) (2.3). would expect that the solutio γ u will converge to the solution uu in the discrete Holder norm of order qof + �∆t,h (with rate in the norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ωcan with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω ,proof Ω ,interface and the interface Γ γthat N P v + fof of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution One expect that the solution N γv Figure 2: Sketch ofdomain domain Ω with boundary two subdomains Ω ,(2.26) Ω and the Γexpect 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based the Difference Potentials 1would 2Method rate maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion of the accuracy of γ N Nmaximum 1and 2 ,the γin e approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (w 2 the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. ∆t ∆t,h me that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by with the same or higher ord igure 2: Sketch of ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface ssume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated (2.26) with the same or higher order K 2Γ the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 1 2 assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order 2Γ gure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface ∆t P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solu ∆t,h p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h )�ofO(h 1 2 an p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that discussed here, we will expect 2with p−� the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. that the boundary condition (2.2) by (2.26) same or higher order Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω111p,Holder ,Holder Ω ,and and the interface Γ 1the 2we γp). N N than Hence, the central finite difference scheme is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) uthan will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (w Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7,[7, ate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy 1 γ 2 than p). Hence, for the central finite difference that is discussed here, will expect O(h ) uassume will converge to the continuous solution u in discrete norm of order q + (wit Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω Ω , the interface Γ 1 2 N the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, is the order of the accuracy of 2 Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ u will converge to the continuous solution the discrete norm order q + � (with N the (DPM) method, the reader can consult 4]. K 1 2 N 2) 2 sume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher orde 2 assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to han p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model n p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme isHere, discussed we will expect p−� than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme discussed we expect 3the Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of+ p−� 1here, 2,interface than p). Hence, for the central finite difference that discussed here, will expect O(h )�of)of will converge the continuous solution u∂Ω, in the discrete Holder norm of order qO(h (2o eNrate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the the accuracy Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary two subdomains Ω ,here, Ω ,operator and the interface Γ where uthe denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time Hence, due to rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof ofof the accuracy Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two Ω ,the Ω and the interface ΓO(h he (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. Ksubdomains Figure 2: Sketch domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains 1level. 2we the arbitrary 0Sketch < �< < 1) with the rate O(h )two as h → Here, is the order of the accuracy rate in maximum norm in space. For discussion the proof ofwill the accuracy Figure 2: of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, Ω Ω ,pand the Γthe the arbitrary 0argument, < �of < 1) with the rate O(h )(2.15) assubdomains is order of the accuracy 1 2proof the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete L (we 1 , and 2pp arbitrary 0to �(2.1) < 1) with the rate O(h h(2.15) → 0. Here, is the order accuracy of where u denote the solution to the difference scheme at each time level. Hence, due to 2) ∆t ∆t,h a uniqueness P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : where u denote the solution to the difference scheme at each time level. Hence, due to under consideration (2.3). than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h γ N γ N N 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method K an p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h p−� Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on Difference Potentials Method ate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy ot rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of(2.15) the accuracy of(w the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. where umaximum denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. due to where u denote solution the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to 3uAlgorithms Algorithms Composition Approach based the Difference Potentials Method in the norm in For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy rate the norm in For discussion and the proof of the accuracy of(we aassume argument, P vspace. + fwith coincides with the solution u of the scheme on NLaccurac :Ldue γto (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. N γ N N the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 0→ he arbitrary 0maximum < �the 1) with the rate O(h )∂Ω, as h 0. Here, pthe the order of the Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω boundary two subdomains ,time Ω ,Hence, and the interface Γ where uin denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, to where uP denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. due to the (DPM) method, the reader can consult auniqueness uniqueness argument, P v + fspace. coincides with the solution uApproach of the scheme (2.15) on N :due ere u denote the solution to difference scheme at each time level. Hence, 1is 2Hence, the approximation of the differential operator L(2.26) by the discrete operator the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by discrete operator that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by with the same or higher order γ N γcontinuous Nthe N Fig. Test Problem 3: Example of the auxiliary domain Ωdiscussion ,(2.15) domains Ωat and Ω and the boundary ΓHence, ofHence, K the approximation of the continuous differential operator L the discrete operator L = +the fand .< � 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method ∆t ∆t ∆t,h ∆t,h 1 by 2parabolic Below we develop numerically test the Algorithm Composition for aΩ model We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the re u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) each time level. due where u denote the solution to difference scheme (2.15) at each level. due to γ5.3: N Nargument, γv N ∆t ∆t,h K K where u denote solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed and the proof of the accuracy of uniqueness P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : N N Nthe Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ωlevel. ,scheme Ωscheme and the interface 3aathe Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method te in the norm in For the detailed discussion and the proof of the o uniqueness argument, vγγγγvvspace. + coincides with the solution uuuN the scheme (2.15) on N : accuracy auaN= uniqueness argument, P + fcoincides coincides with solution uof of the (2.15) on (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 1scheme 2 ,Hence, uuniqueness Pdenote v + ff(2.3) �:Γdue he (DPM) method, the can consult [7, 4]. N γγ N the (DPM) the can consult N N N 2orde the domain Ω kP = 3N γargument, N Nmaximum γ N uniqueness argument, P + ftest coincides with thethe solution of (2.15) on N :or = P v +the ..boundary � (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. P v + ffApproach with the solution of the (2.15) on N :Nhigher 2 ;the θreader γγ+ N N γ method, where denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time due to NHence, γu N N γreader N Nthe system (2.1) -the (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) inN some composite he approximation of continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L where u solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, to under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). assume that condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher niqueness argument, P v f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N than p). for the finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of approximation uparabolic = assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or 3 Algorithms Composition based on the Difference Potentials Method assume that the boundary condition (2.2) approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order ∆t ∆t,h Below we develop and numerically the Algorithm Composition Approach for a model Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model N where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to γ N γ N where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model Below we develop and numerically the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ here u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due t K the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. niqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : γ N γ N N 1 2 ueNuu(DPM) = P v + ffN .arbitrary NP γ γ γvγ can N N it consists N Nconsult Nthe that = P v + f+ �� 2 with γ N γN = P v + . let �=� 2 2 γdevelop Nu γmethod, Nargument, u = P γ N N γΩ N the reader [7, 4]. domain -N bounded domain in R the boundary ∂Ω -uand such of aWe uniqueness +Approach fApproach coincides with the solution of scheme (2.15) on N� :model γan N N γSketch N = P v + .f.f(2.25)-(2.26) Below and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for asolution parabolic Remark: Finally, let us comment about the space accuracy ofby the approximation u 3 Algorithms Composition based on the Difference Potentials Method Remark: Finally, us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation uwe = γΩ N γinthe N briefly N P v + fv of to solution u of (2.1) -with (2.3). One would expect that the start the introduction of scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, considering the γ Nthan N γwe N N N γ N Figure 2: of domain with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface under consideration (2.1) (2.3). p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, will expect O(h under consideration (2.1) (2.3). rate in the maximum norm space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides the solution u of the scheme (2.15) N under consideration (2.1) (2.3). 3 Algorithms Composition based on the Difference Potentials Method ssume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher o� 1 2 than p). Hence, for the central finite difference that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface under consideration (2.1) (2.3). = P v + f . 3 Algorithms Composition Approach the Difference Potentials Method where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme is discussed here, we will expect a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) onon NO( :Γ Algorithms Composition Approach based Difference Potentials Method γ N γ N N a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution 1 2 Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model γ u = P v + f . � N γ N Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface γ N γ N N γ NG Nwell uNRemark: = P vffor � uniqueness argument, PΩcontinuous vγthe + fsolution coincides with the solution uN ofapproximation the scheme (2.15) on N γγFinally, N γ 1approximation 2 Hence, = P v f . N N γ+ N γ(ṽ N γand Nbriefly N two disjoint subdomains Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries the construction of ), as as for the computation of the particular solution ū in Ω (note γ N γ N Remark: Finally, let comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = u = P v + f . � let us comment about the space accuracy of the u = 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Γ N 1 u will converge to the u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the u = P v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy the approximation u = where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. due to γ N N γ N system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite under consideration (2.1) (2.3). N N P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N γ N N N 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based Difference Potentials Method γ γ 3 Algorithms Composition Approach the Difference Potentials Method N N We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = We start the introduction of the scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering the Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model γ 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method N We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the 0space. 0For Figure Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω ,the Ω ,,approximation and the interface the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. rate in maximum norm in space. the detailed discussion and the proof ofMethod the accuracy o in the norm For discussion and the proof of the accuracy of� = P vfthe + fmaximum .(2.25)-(2.26) aNurate uniqueness argument, P vin + fO(h with the solution u ofdomain the scheme (2.15) on uNu�:Γ� 1the 2proof under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). u = P v f.f(2.25)-(2.26) .auxiliary han p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O p−� uwhere = P v2: + .let rate in the maximum in space. For the detailed discussion and of the accuracy these domains Ω and Ωcoincides will coincide with the boundaries ofexpect the Ω see Figures Algorithms Composition Approach on the Difference Potentials γ N γ Nbriefly N γ N N γ N γ N N γ N 2uu ΓWe := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two 1the N N 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on Potentials ūu G 1we 1γ 2norm 2to Finally, us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the arbitrary 0Finally, < � the < 1) with the rate )with as hbased → 0. Here, pthe is the order of the accuracy of = P v f+ P v of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) ---space (2.3). One would that solution Remark: Finally, let us comment about the space accuracy of the approximation converge to continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order qby + �composite (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation uMethod = P v + fN of the solution of (2.1) (2.3). One expect that the solution domain Ω -that an arbitrary bounded domain in R the boundary ∂Ω -Difference and such that it consists of N= u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to P v + f+ of to the solution u of --discrete (2.3). One would expect that the solution γ NRemark: N γ+ N γwill N N Below develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model Remark: let us comment briefly about the accuracy of the approximation u =� solution Nu N P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, considering the γN N N N γ u will converge to the continuous solution u in the Holder norm of order q + (with γ N N γ system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its form in domain Ω) in some γ N γ N N γ N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation γ N P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution γ N nder consideration (2.1) (2.3). system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model Below we develop and numerically test the Composition Approach for a parabolic model γ N N system (2.1) -γmethod, (or formulation (2.8) insimplicity its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in proof some composite γthe 5.1 -(2.3) 5.4). At the same time, weApproach will select theoperator auxiliary domain Algorithms Composition based on the Difference Potentials Method We start the introduction of the scheme, the illustration of the ideas, by considering the the (DPM) the reader can consult [7, 4]. (DPM) method, the reader can consult subdomains are here only for the of the presentation, and that the discussed u = P v + f(2.25)-(2.26) .numerically � p−� low we develop and test the Composition Approach for aof parabolic mod the approximation of the continuous differential L by discrete operator L (we N N γ N the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. ate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the of the accurac ∆t ∆t,h 2as 2u p−� the arbitrary 0Finally, < �considered < 1) with the rate O(h )and h → 0. Here, pthe ispiecewise the order of the accuracy u will converge to the continuous solution u2Algorithm in the Holder norm ofof order qthe + �parabolic (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the accuracy the approximation uN = two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω :domain Ω = Ω ∪ Ω ,u Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with smooth boundaries Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the accuracy of the approximation u =t u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order qconsists + �parabolic (with Remark: let us comment briefly about the space where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, due P v + f-v of tothe solution of (2.1) -scheme (2.3). One would expect that the solution where uP denote the solution to the difference (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due N v + f (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solutio 1with 2the 1 2 1discrete 2--space u will converge the continuous solution u in discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with N P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). would expect that the solution P v + f (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N γof N N system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite u = + f . � a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N :N domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R boundary ∂Ω and such that it of domain Ω an arbitrary bounded in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of under consideration (2.1) (2.3). γconverge 2 N the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of accuracy of Below we develop and numerically test the Composition Approach for a model γ Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a model γ N u will converge to the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with N N γ N N γ N N γ N γ N γ N N γ γ γ u will to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, du domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of N v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solut Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mode domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. We start the introduction of the scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering the under consideration (2.1) (2.3). under consideration (2.1) (2.3). 0 p−� γ N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite p−� Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model p−� ΩΩ = [−1.6, 1.6] × [−1.6, 1.6] der consideration (2.1) -solution (2.3). 2u the approximation of the continuous differential Lthe by the discrete operator L (we ow we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for aqLaccuracy parabolic mo Γ := Γ and := ∂Ω ∪ Γthe (see 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two the arbitrary 0(2.25)-(2.26) < 1) with the rate h → 0. of the accuracy of 3 Algorithms based on the Difference Potentials Method uconverge will to the continuous solution u)operator in the discrete Holder norm order q∆t,h + �it (with the arbitrary 0an < �< < 1) with the rate O(h as hof → 0. Here, ppsolution is the order of the accuracy of Remark: let us comment briefly about space accuracy of the approximation u�N = where denote the to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to Gin p−� 1γ 2 2i+1 N P v + fuγ1fN of to the solution of (2.1) One would expect that the solution p−� he (DPM) method, the reader can consult 4]. P v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u (2.1) -discrete (2.3). two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω :Approach Ω = Ω ∪))R Ω ∩ Ω with smooth boundaries the 0Finally, ��Composition < 1) with O(h )as as h → 0. Here, ppiecewise is the order of the accuracy two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω Ω = Ω ,u Γ = with piecewise smooth boundaries i+1 P v + f∂Ω of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) -Here, (2.3). One would expect that solution aunder uniqueness argument, v + fO(h coincides with the u of the scheme on N domain Ω -converge arbitrary bounded domain with the boundary ∂Ω -order and such that consists of aystem uniqueness argument, P v + fFigure coincides with the uof of the scheme on γarbitrary u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order + �the (with N 1 2:rate 1∪ 1∆t 22Here, u will converge to continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order q(2.15) + (with γstart 1 2γ 1 22,[7, N N the of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator (we 2 will to the continuous solution u in the Holder norm of order q(2.15) + �of (wit We the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the u = P v∪the + .Γ � N N γ N γ N N consideration (2.1) -N (2.3). γapproximation under consideration (2.1) -(2.3). (2.3). γ N γ N N he arbitrary 0subdomains < �f�< < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. p is the order of the N γ 2∪ ∆t the arbitrary 0γthe < 1) with the rate O(h as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of Our goal at each time level tP is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: ∆t,h Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = N N N two disjoint Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω Ω Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) N disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries 1 2 1 2 1 2 v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solutio p−� uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite nder consideration (2.1) We start introduction of the scheme, illustration of the ideas, by considering the 1 2 1 2 1 2 domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of We start introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the under consideration (2.1) (2.3). will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (w γ N N elow we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mod γ N γ N N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order γ subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we p−� ∆t ∆t,h p−� Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two We start the introduction of the scheme, the illustration of the ideas, by considering th 3 Algorithms Composition Approach on Difference Potentials Method P v + fγ1N of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u (2.1) -discrete (2.3). One would expect that the solution Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ< and ∂Ω ∪ (see Figure like to also emphasize that the two ∆t ∆t,h 3 Algorithms Approach based the Difference Potentials Method p−� aN uniqueness argument, P vΩ + fsolution coincides with the solution uthe of the scheme (2.15) on N : er consideration (2.1) -:= (2.3). the of continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator Lthe (we �in 1approximation 1 2the 2N for the construction of the G (ṽ ), and we will choose the auxiliary domain uassume will converge the continuous solution uu in the Holder norm of order qsolution + � (we (with two disjoint subdomains Ω and :For Ω = Ω ∪ Ω ,as Γh = ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries 1will 2 2 γstart N uN to the continuous in the discrete γthe 2Γ N N ∆t ∆t,h γ u = P v + fintroduction .ΓComposition � that the boundary condition (2.2) is by (2.26) with the same or higher the arbitrary �(2.25)-(2.26) < 1) with the rate O(h )and as → 0. Here, ppiecewise is the order of the accuracy 1in 2Γ(see 1approximated 2 1 2the will converge to the continuous solution u in the Holder norm of order qorder +Method (with N the arbitrary 0 < 1) with the rate O(h )of as hisΩ → 0. palso is the order of the accuracy of system (2.1) -fextended (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite rate in the maximum norm space. the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of u = P v + fto .to We the scheme, illustration of the ideas, by considering the the approximation continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L γFinally, N Γ := ∂Ω Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γγof Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two We the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of ideas, by the P v + to the solution of (2.1) -by (2.3). One would expect that 2its N arbitrary 0∪ < �of < 1) with the rate O(h )operator h → 0. Here, is the order of the accuracy he of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L(we 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials 2considering i+1 N N γ1converge N ∆t ∆t,h 1 2the 2 comment γstart N N p−� Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ Figure 3). We would like to emphasize that the two ∆t ∆t,h Remark: let us briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u�of = γ two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω :(see Ω = Ω Ω ,with Γ = Ω Ω with smooth boundaries 1approximation 1N 2 2the We start the introduction the scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering the than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that discussed here, we will expect O(h )(we N omain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite u∪ ,2u(x, y) ∈the Ω ,∩ idea can be in a way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. will converge the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (wit the approximation of the continuous differential L by the discrete operator L assume that the boundary condition (2.2) approximated (2.26) the same or higher order system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite We start the introduction of the scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering the 1-straightforward 2of 1isapproximated 1 2 u = P v + f . 1 ∆t N ∆t,h arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model nder consideration (2.1) (2.3). assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is by (2.26) with the same or higher order subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed p−� p−� Ω γ subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity presentation, and that the discussed N N γ N 2 i+1 p−� that the boundary condition (2.2) is by (2.26) with the same or higher order uassume will to continuous solution u))time-discrete in the discrete Holder norm of order q2∆t,h + �order (with 2[−1.7, 0O(h Γ := ∂Ω ∪introduction Γ and Γ(or := ∂Ω ∪ (see Figure 3). We would like to emphasize that the two uN = P + fof .the tem (2.1) -converge (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composi the method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. the arbitrary 0< < �< < 1) with the rate as h → 0. Here, palso the order of the accuracy of� the arbitrary < �the < 1) with the rate O(h as hthat → 0. Here, 1approximation 1converge 2the 2the than p). Hence, for central finite difference scheme is discussed here, we will expect O(h )of u(we uΓΩ := (3.1) We start the of scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering γ(2.3) N N γare N the of continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we i+1 subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed i+1 i+1 assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with same or higher order Ω =approximated 1.7] × [−1.7, 1.7] domain Ω(DPM) -∪ an arbitrary bounded domain R with the boundary ∂Ω -is and such that it consists he arbitrary 0be �(2.3) 1) with rate O(h as h → 0. Here, pin is order of accuracy oft the approximation the differential operator L by the discrete operator L u will to the continuous solution u)about in the discrete Holder norm of order qthe + �consists (with system (2.1) -0boundary (2.3) formulation (2.8) in time-discrete form in domain Ω) insome some ∆t system (2.1) -v (or formulation (2.8) in form domain Ω) in some composite 2 ssume that the condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher N ūin ∆t ∆t,h subdomains considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed p−� Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation approximation of the continuous differential operator L the discrete operator L 2composite rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of u ,its (x, y) ∈that Ω ,to Our goal at each time level tcontinuous is to find an approximations u in domain Ω: Γ := ∂Ω Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Metho system (2.1) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in composite N ∆t ∆t,h 2the Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation u(w 1 1 2 2 2 γ N N domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain boundary ∂Ω and such that it of idea can extended in a straightforward way subdomains or composite domains. wo disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries p−� Ω than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. γ N e arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy ystem (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite 1 2 1 2 1 2 Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model under consideration (2.1) (2.3). 2 Below we develop and numerically test the Composition Approach for a parabolic mod We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering th than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L ( 2 subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed p−� the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of ∆t ∆t,h 2 Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of 2order the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we 2some the approximation of continuous differential operator L main Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists idea can be extended in athe straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order 2time-discrete the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of � ∆t ∆t,h i+1 i+1 Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = ∆t two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries em (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its form in domain Ω) in compos domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mo assume that boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. i+1 i+1 he approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) han p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) N 1 2 1 2 1 2 rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of for the approximation of the particular solution ū in Ω . We will use the same Cartesian meshes subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solutio ∆t ∆t,h domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: 2 ume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher orde N 2 u will converge to the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with i+1 Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations u in domain Ω: γ N N rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries N γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solut two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries 12continuous 2 1u 2 i+1 i+1 i+1 1 the 1start 2Composition under consideration (2.1) -the (2.3). 3 Algorithms Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method γ N N Ω -in an arbitrary bounded domain in with the boundary ∂Ω -ofdiscrete and such that itLofO(h consists We the introduction of the scheme, and the of the ideas, by considering the in the maximum norm space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of eomain approximation of the continuous differential L by the operator L (w uin ,R (x, y) ∈ Ωsubdomain ,illustration 1straightforward 11approximated 2operator 2(2.26) idea can extended in ain way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. γrate under consideration (2.1) -in (2.3). 2order the approximation of the differential operator L by the discrete operator 1that ∆t ∆t,h stem (2.1) -be (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composit ume that the boundary condition (2.2) is by with the same or higher ord i+1 i+1 (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 2o) Our goal at time level tare is to find an approximations to in domain Ω: where umaximum (here pthe = 1, 2) solutions to (2.8) in each Ωby :with 2∪ Ω ∆t ∆t,h i+1 rate in the norm space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy assume that boundary (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher 1 assume that the boundary condition (2.2) approximated by p2 the approximation of the continuous differential L the discrete operator Lthat (we P v + fHence, of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect the solu than p). for central finite difference scheme discussed here, we will expect )(we rate the maximum norm space. the detailed discussion and the proof the accuracy of ossume disjoint Ω and Ω :2the Ω = Ω ∪ Ω ,,We Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundari � p−� Ωeach (DPM) method, the can consult [7, 4]. Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). would like to also emphasize that the two two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω ::For Ω = Γ = ∩ Ω piecewise smooth boundaries P v + fthe of (2.25)-(2.26) to solution u of (2.1) -≡-1111is (2.3). One would expect that the solution ∆t ∆t,h Our goal at each time level tcondition is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: γp). N N � than Hence, the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h 1reader 2Ω 1is 2 two disjoint subdomains Ω and : Ω = Ω Ω , Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries under consideration (2.1) (2.3). main Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists 1p). 2< 2in 1 2 1 2operator 2(2.26) idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. n n n∪ n γ1subdomains N N ate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of u := (3.1) that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by with the same or higher order γu two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω Ω Ω Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries γ∂Ω i+1 1 2 2 will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (wit the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. i+1 i+1 Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic m the arbitrary 0 < � 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of 1 2 1 2 1 2 i+1 n Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h N Ω 2 × 2 ≡ 2 × 2 with n n = 9, i+1 Γ := ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two ubdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed 2 form the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 2, Ω usume will converge to the continuous solution uscheme in discrete norm of order qthe + �orde (w uan ,4]. (x, y) ,Ω111Ω Γ := ∂Ω ∪ and Γ := ∂Ω Γ2to (see Figure would like to also emphasize that two 1assume 1that 2the 2∪ Our goal atΓ time level tcondition is find approximations to u domain Ω: We start the introduction of the scheme, of the ideas, by considering system (2.1) -each (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete inHolder domain Ω) in some composite 2the � uis (x, y) ∈the ,illustration 2the wo disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω :the Ω = Ω ∪ ΓΩWe = ∩ Ω(2.26) with piecewise smooth boundaries N 1 1start 2 2 We the introduction of scheme, and illustration ofalso ideas, by considering th that the boundary condition (2.2) isthe approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher the boundary (2.2) approximated by with the same or higher order u Ω 1 1Ω 2 ,∈ 1discrete 2 2is i+1 i+1 the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. the (DPM) method, reader can consult [7, Ω main Ω -∪ an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω -the and such that it consists i+1 assume that the boundary condition (2.2) approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order � u than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h )tw p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h 1 p−� 2()o than p). Hence, for the central finite difference 3∂Ω Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of i+1 i+1 Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for ap parabolic model 1 Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γnorm := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure would like to emphasize that the two subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed i+1 u will converge to the continuous solution u in Holder norm of order q + � (with un will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � := Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: rate in the maximum in space. For detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). would like to also emphasize that the two 1 1 2 2 Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two u := (3.1) N he (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. N 1 2 2 i+1 We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering han p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h i+1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundar u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , u := (3.1) the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, is the order of the accuracy p−� L [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ Ω , and (p = 1, 2) (3.2) 2 the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we i+1 � 0 0 Ω 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 ptime-discrete ∆t 2 nder consideration (2.1) (2.3). subdomains are considered here only for the of the presentation, and that the discussed ean in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy ∆t ∆t,h dea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. Ω Ω Ω ∆t u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , i+1 2 subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity the presentation, and that the discussed 1 u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , for the auxiliary domains Ω and Ω in the Tables 5.2 5.9. We will select Cartesian mesh system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its form in domain Ω) in some composite the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of 2 u ∈the 1 Difference than p). Hence, for central difference scheme that isis discussed here, we will expect O(h )two := ∂Ω ∪subdomains Γ and Γnorm := ∂Ω ∪ ΓApproach (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the system (2.1) -are (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) form in domain Ω) in some composit Ωbased i+1 G G 2 p−� under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that discussed here, we will expect Ω than p). Hence, for the difference scheme that is discussed we will expect O(h ) O(h 1Algorithms 2in 2space. ufinite := (3.1) p−� 3 Algorithms Composition Approach on the Potentials Method Ω � 1 rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy ofof 3(DPM) Composition Difference Potentials Method i+1 i+1 22 rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion o1idea disjoint Ω and Ω :i+1 Ω = Ω ∪ Ω ,on Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundarie the method, the can consult [7, 4]. subdomains are considered here only the simplicity of presentation, and that the discussed in the maximum in For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy can be extended areader way to subdomains or composite domains. the arbitrary 0considered < �the < 1) with the rate O(h )time-discrete as h → Here, pto ishere, order of the accuracy u ,multiple y) ∈ Ω ,0. 1straightforward 2 1based 2)(x, 11the 2i+1 Ω subdomains considered here for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed subdomains are here only for the presentation, and that the discussed bdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discusse the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. he arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h as → 0. Here, p is the order of the accurac u := (3.1) i+1 where uwe (here pboundary = 1, 2) are the solutions toan (2.8) in each subdomain Ω u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , i+1 i+1 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method Ω ate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of 2 the approximation of the continuous differential operator L the discrete operator L (w system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some compo p : by i+1 2 assume that the condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order 1 = ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like also emphasize that the to( Ω Ω ∆t 2 ∆t,h idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. Ω Below develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model i+1 Our goal at each time level t is to find approximations to u in domain Ω: p i+1 1 2 2 m m (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 2 We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of idea can be extended in a straightforward subdomains or composite domains. two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries u := (3.1) 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of 1 2 i+1 i+1 i+1 domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists subject to the appropriate boundary conditions l(u ) = ψ on the boundary ∂Ω of the original 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 × 2 rate in the maximum norm in For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of ubdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed Ω Ω ∆t ∆t,h 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method i+1 Ω te in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy 1 2 i+1 the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. Ω idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the tw idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we i+1 2 2 (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 2 idea can be extended in a straightforward subdomains or composite domains. i+1 i+1 1 2 2 u := (3.1) ∆t ∆t,h where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : a can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. i+1 he approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L∆t,h pi+1 under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). assume that the condition (2.2) isΩapproximations approximated by (2.26) with same orsome higher orde 24]. where uwe (here pboundary = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : inalso � he (DPM) the reader can consult [7, ufor than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is∩ discussed here, we will expect ) system (2.1) -subdomains (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete domain Ω) some composite domain Ω -method, an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω -emphasize and such that itO(h consist 3dea Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method Ω Ω ∆t Ωthe pto Our goal at each time level ti+1 is to an to u in domain Ω: Below develop and numerically test Algorithm Composition Approach for adomain parabolic model p domains are considered here only the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discuss p i+1 domain, to interface conditions on interface boundary Γ, which we will select to be the Below we develop and test the Algorithm Composition Approach for athe parabolic model u= ,approximations (x, y) ∈ ,in= two disjoint Ω :,find Ω Ω ∪ Ω ,,form Γ Ω Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries Our goal at each time level tΩ is to find an to u in Ω: p Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like that the two ystem (2.1) -and (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form domain Ω) in compo the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 2= i+1 i+1 the (DPM) method, the reader consult [7, 4]. 1ti+1 2the 1 2 11to 2(2.26) i+1 m 0 in i+1 1can 1Ωextended 2numerically 2i+1 two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω :find Ω ∪ ΓΩ∈ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundarie assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by with the same or higher or L [u ]and = G (x, y) ∈ Ω ,multiple (p 1, 2) (3.2) Ω be in a straightforward way to subdomains or composite domains. i+1 i+1 � 2Ω 1tthe 2 1approximations 2and 2Ω Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model pΩ ∆t 2= (hence, h := 4/2 ) for approximation of the particular solution ū in Ω , as well as the Cartesian Our goal at each time level an approximations u in domain Ω: e (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. Our goal at each time level is to an to u in domain Ω: i+1 i+1 Ω ∆t where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain : 1 N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order p ū u , (x, y) Ω , bdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discusse 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method i+1 p domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model 1 ∩ Ωthe i+1 rssume goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: under consideration (2.1) -are (2.3). � u following: p Ω than p). Hence, for the central finite scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h rate in maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method that the boundary condition (2.2) is by (2.26) with the same or higher o Ωdifference i+1 2 1approximated where u (here p = 1, 2) the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : p = two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω Ω with piecewise smooth bounda i+1 under consideration (2.1) (2.3). � u Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model i+1 p i+1 i+1 Ω 1 2 1 2 1 2 Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. � u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , mesh p subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed Ω i+1 1 1∪ 22) 2(2.8) 1boundary u := (3.1) p an omain Ω arbitrary bounded domain in R with the ∂Ω and such that it consis L-central [ui+1 ]Ω = G , utime-discrete (x, y) ∈Ω Ω ,,each and (p = 1, 2) (3.2) 2) � Γ := ∂Ω Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the tw under consideration (2.1) (2.3). i+1 i+1 i+1 � than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O( Ω where u (here p = 1, are the solutions to (2.8) in subdomain Ω : p ∆t Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: i+1 i+1 1 1 2 2 1 two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries L [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ Ω and (p = 1, 2) (3.2) p Ω ∆t system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation in its form in domain Ω) in some composite under consideration (2.1) � 1 2 1 2 1 2 p u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , i+1 p than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ∆t u = , (x, y) ∈ Γ, i+1 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method Ω i+1 under consideration (2.1) (2.3). 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the i+1 pthe the uand ,in (x, y) ∈ Ω ,subdomains We start of scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the Ω ∆t we develop and numerically test Algorithm Composition Approach for a(3.3) parabolic model ea can be extended in ai+1 straightforward way to multiple or composite domains. i+1 i+1 pthe � u := (3.1) u uu ,multiple (x, y) ∈ Ω Ωthe Ω 2Ω Ω i+1 Ω subject to appropriate boundary conditions l(u )simplicity on∈ the ∂Ω of the original i+1 1,,Difference the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. rate in the norm in space. For the detailed discussion the proof ofMethod the accuracy i+1 i+1 1= p to i+1 u (here pfor =introduction 1, 2) are the solutions (2.8) each subdomain Ω i+1 Ω We start the introduction of the scheme, the illustration of the ideas, by considering the under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). ,Ω (x, y) Ω ,11boundary Ω lΓ (u ,∂Ω ustraightforward )the := han p). Hence, the finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect Ω 2u p :and Γwhere := ∂Ω ∪ Γmaximum and := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that theO Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method i+1 Ω ,2ψ (x, y) ∈ m m 1also 1 Γ subdomains are considered here only for the of the presentation, and the discussed 2an i+1 i+1 Ω can be aΩ way to subdomains or composite domains. utime-discrete ,detailed (x, y) ∈ Ω ,Ω 3Below Algorithms Composition Approach on the Potentials Method i+1 1idea 1Ω 2 2 Ω Ω u := (3.1) We start the introduction of scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the uΩ goal at each time level t is to find approximations to u in domain Ω: Ω L [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ , and (p = 1, 2) (3.2) p Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to emphasize that the twothat 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials i+1 u , (x, y) ∈ , 2 i+1 1 � subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discusse Ω 2 × 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method 1we 1extended 2in 2and p ∆t domain an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the p wo disjoint subdomains Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth bounda 1 1 i+1 u := (3.1) Below develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model Ω ∇u · n = β∇u · n , (x, y) ∈ Γ, rate in the maximum norm in space. For the discussion and the proof of the accuracy Ω ∆t Ω i+1 i+1 i+1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 i+1 Γ Γ Ω p system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its form in domain Ω) in some composite u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the i+1 rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of i+1 := (3.1) 1 u Ω Ω u , (x, ∈ Ω , i+1 1 Ω u (3.1) domain, and to interface conditions on the interface boundary Γ, which we will select to be the Ω L [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ Ω , and (p = 1, 2) (3.2) i+1 under consideration (2.1) (2.3). i+1 Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model 2 p i+1 i+1 i+1 subject to the appropriate boundary conditions l(u = ψ on the boundary ∂Ω of the original ur goal at each time level tboundary is find an approximations to u inin domain Ω:composite Ω Ωthe py) ∆t uuthe (x, y) ∈ Ω ,domain Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method i+1 system (2.1) -each (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some i+1 i+1 Ω 1detailed We start the introduction ofthere the scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering the the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. u := (3.1) Ω Ω ∆t 2of (x, ∈∈ ΩΩ ,221subdomains i+1 Ω subject to the appropriate conditions l(u ),),∈ = ψ on the boundary ∂Ω of the original p subdomains are considered here only for simplicity the and that the discussed u (x, y) ∈ Ω , 2in Ω Land [u ]to = G ,Ω (x, y) Ω ,form and (p = 1, 2) (3.2) idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple or composite domains. system (2.1) -are (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete in domain Ω) in some composite u , (x, , ate in the maximum norm in space. For discussion and the proof of the accurac subdomains considered only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discus 22the 18 � uΩ Our goal at time level is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: 2 system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form Ω) some composite two disjoint subdomains Ω Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries ppresentation, Ω ∆t u := (3. Ω Ω 2 1 2 1 1 2 i+1 ow we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mod p idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. Ω ∆t u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , i+1 Ω i+1 Ω domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of i+1 p under consideration (2.1) (2.3). Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model 1 Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition 2 2 system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, Ω 2(2.8) following: i+1 the (DPM) method, reader can consult [7, Ω i+1 i+1 1system 1Ω 2formulation 2the domain, and to= interface conditions on the boundary Γ, which we will select to be the Lthe [u ]i+1 = G ,:= (x, ∈ Ω ,illustration and (p = 2) (3.2) 24]. where u (here pand 1, 2) are the solutions to in each subdomain Ω :such uy) (x, y) ∈ Ω ,,1, We start introduction of scheme, and the of the ideas, by considering � 2interface under consideration (2.1) -conditions (2.3). u (3.1) pboundary ∆t pdomains. 2with 2or domain -1the an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω -Approach and that it consists ofthe idea can be extended in anumerically straightforward way to multiple subdomains composite i+1 (2.1) -develop (2.3) (or (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite i+1 � subject to boundary conditions l(u ),,4]. = ψComposition on the ∂Ω of the original domain, and to interface on the boundary Γ, which we will select to be the Ω ∆t Ω Below we develop and test the Approach for aconsists parabolic Ω pΓ u (x, y) ∈ Ωon pi+1 domain Ω -the an arbitrary bounded domain in R1uinterface the ∂Ω -boundary and such that it consists of model Ω � 2 ow we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mo domain Ω -Γappropriate an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω -to and such that it ofMethod i+1 i+1 Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ := ∂Ω ∪of (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mode i+1 i+1 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Ω i+1 Below we and numerically test the Algorithm Composition for a parabolic model 8Algorithm Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations u in domain Ω: 1 2an where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : i+1 1can 2the 2i+1 i+1 idea be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , he (DPM) method, reader can consult [7, 4]. two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries p Ω i+1 i+1 2 1 2 2 1 2 u = , (x, y) ∈ Γ, Our goal at each time level t is to find approximations to u in domain Ω: 1 i+1 Ω der consideration (2.1) (2.3). We start the introduction the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of under consideration (2.1) (2.3). subject to the appropriate boundary conditions l(u ) = ψ the boundary ∂Ω of the original i+1 under consideration (2.1) (2.3). p i+1 Ω following: 2 i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , 2 Ω Ω ubdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discu Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : 1 2 Ω 1 u := (3 i+1 following: p ystem (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of domain, and to interface conditions on the interface boundary Γ, which we will select to be the subject to appropriate boundary conditions l(u ) = ψ on the boundary ∂Ω of the original We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , � i+1 l (u , u ) := (3.3) elow we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mod Ω where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : 1 2 1 2 1 2 where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : Ω i+1 under consideration (2.1) - and (2.3). two disjoint Ωand Ω : solutions Ω = Ω Ω ,i+1 ΓWe = Ω ∩y) Ωon smooth boundaries 1to,piecewise subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed 11= two disjoint Ω Ω : is Ω = Ω ∪ Ωan ,2β∇u ΓΩapproximations Ω ∩n Ω with piecewise boundaries p psmooth i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 � Ω i+1 p domain 12 1∪ 1in i+1 i+1 Ω Ω Ω 1-(2.3). 2Γ 1 2 1y) 22∈ u � where u (here pΓ(2.1) = 2) the to (2.8) each subdomain Ω :will Ω1subdomains i+1 under consideration (2.1) (2.3). i+1 11, 2are ΓWe ∂Ω ∪ Γsubdomains and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ (see Figure 3). would like also emphasize that the two nder consideration (2.3). Ω Ω 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based the Difference Potentials Method p er consideration (2.1) u , (x, Ω pideas, p p 1 := 21, 2i+1 � u := (3.1 ∇u · n = · , (x, y) ∈ Γ, i+1 i+1 Our goal at each time level t to find to u in Ω: � u = u , (x, ∈ Γ, 2 Ω two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries where u (here p = 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : i+1 domain, and to interface conditions on the interface boundary Γ, which we select to be the subject to the appropriate boundary conditions l(u ) = ψ on the boundary ∂Ω of the original Γ Γ i+1 system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite p We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the by considering the u := (3.1) 1 2 1 2 1 2 Ω p start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration i+1 i+1 i+1 2 u Ω Ω We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering th Ω Ω i+1 Ω 2 1 2 u = u , (x, y) ∈ Γ, Ω 1 2 L [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ Ω , and (p = 1, 2) (3.2) Ω1an Ω i+1 p∪ i+1 pbe following: Ω two disjoint subdomains and Ω :Γ Ω = Ω Ω ΓWe = Ω Ω piecewise smooth boundaries Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ(2.3) and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two pillustration and interface conditions on interface boundary we will select to be Method the ∆t dea can be extended in a∂Ω straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. u ,,the (x, y) Ω ,1also u ,,in y) ∈ Ω ,,which i+1 ΓWe := ∂Ω ∪ Γ= and Γ := (see Figure 3). We would like emphasize the two (u ,u∂Ω ui+1 )of := (3.3) domain -(here arbitrary bounded in R with the boundary ∂Ω -and and such that it consists idea can aformulation straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Ω system (2.1) -Γ1extended (or (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite 1L 2domain 1i+1 2 11(x, 2∈with 2Γ(u 2 ere u pto 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) each subdomain Ω :that Γ := ∂Ω ∪ and Γ := ∪ Γ∪ (see Figure 3). would to also emphasize that the two We the introduction of the scheme, and of1, the ideas, by considering theof Ω ∆t 2,Γ, 1Ω 2Ω 22i+1 1the 2, 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method u (x, y) ∈ Ω ,Ω (x, y) ∈ Ω ,∩ Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model i+1 nder consideration (2.1) (2.3). p 11domain, 1 start 2Γlin 2 i+1 pideas, Ω Ω uuu subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, that the discussed Ω Ω 2to u (x, y) ∈ Ω [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ Ω , and (p = 2) (3.2) � l ) := (3.3) i+1 1 ,∆t 1the Ω Ω 2 start the introduction the scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering the 2 Ω i+1 p 1 Ω p i+1 p i+1 i+1 We start the introduction of the scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering the ∇u · n = β∇u · n , (x, y) ∈ Γ, Ω 2 � Ω Ω i+1 i+1 u Ω ∆t Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two Ω p We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the by considering i+1 domain, and to--arbitrary interface conditions on the interface boundary which will the Γwith Γ ,Γ, following: i+1 where p = (or 1, the solutions (2.8) in subdomain Ωsuch : Ω) 1 are pu 1the Ω 1u Ω 1an 22) 2[u uG := (3.1)t := (3.1) domain -(here bounded domain in ∂Ω= and that itbe consists of(3.2) u Ω Ω system (2.1) (2.3) formulation (2.8) its time-discrete form in domain intosome composite p pselect i+1 i+1 i+1 system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete 1in ∇u ·R = β∇u · n,i+1 (x, y) ∈-we Γ, Ω i+1 Li+1 2i+1 ]= ,nto (x, y) ∈2 boundary Ωeach and (p 1, 2) b bb " " "" 2 2 22 1.5 2 2 1.5 1.51.5 2 "" 2 1 1.511.51.5 1 1 ! ! ! ! 0.5 ! 1 ! 0 0 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 −1 " " ! ! −0.5 0 0 " " !! ! −0.5 0 " ! !! ! 0.5 0 "" "" "" ! ! 1.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 ! 0.5 1 " " " " " " " 0 −0.5 −0.5 −1 −1 −0.5−0.5 −1.5 −1 ! −1.5 −1 −1.5−1 −1 −0.5 −1.5 −2 −2 −2 −1.5 0 0.5 1 ! −1 −0.5 −0.5 0 0 0.5 0.51 1.5 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 ! −1.5 −2 −2 −1.5 −2 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −2 −0.5 −1 −0.5 −0.5 −1 −1 −1.5 0 −0.5 −0.5 0 2 "" 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 2 1 0.5 1! ! 0.51 1.5 ! ! 0.5 ! ! −0.50 −0.5 "" " " " −0.5 −1.5 2 2 1.5 1 2 1.5 2 " " ! −1 −0.5 −1.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −2 1.5 1 "" ! −0.5 −1 −0.5 0 −1 −1 −1.5−1 2 2 " !! ! −1 2 1.5 !! ! 0 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 " −0.5 −0.5 0 0.5 " "" "" "" !! !! 0 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 0.5 2 "" 2 2 22 2 1.51.5 1.52 0.5 0 0 "" γ 1.5 ! −1 −2 −1.5 −1 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −2 −2 −2 ! ! −2 −1 −1 −1.5 −2 −1.5 ! −1.5 −0.5!! −1 0 0.5 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 ! 0 −1 −2 −2 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 −1.5 −2 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 −2 −1.5 −2 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −1 −1 −0.5!−0.5 −2 −2 −2 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −1 −1 1 0.5 0 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 0 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 2 1.5 1 1 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 γ 1 1 N1 1 2 2 1 N2 2 2 p 1 1 2 2 Ωp p 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 N1 1 bb1 1 1 b1 1 b010 b 1 11b1 b 1 b 1 0 bb1 b1 0 0 1 b1 1 δΩb 1 0 b 1 1 1 11111 1 1 b 10 b1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 b 1b 1 1 b1 1 1 b1 1 11 1 b1 1 111 1 1 b1 11 KK K1 K K KK 1 1 K K K K K 1 b b " " " " 2 2 22 2 2 1.51.5 " 2 " " 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 11 1 !! ! 1 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 00.5 0.5 0 1.5 1 !! ! 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 0 0 1 ! ! 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −0.5 " " " " " " ! " " !! ! ! " " " " ! −0.5 −0.5 −1 " ! !! ! 0 0 " " " 0 " −0.5 −1 −1 −1.5 −1.5−1 −0.5 −1 ! 1 ! Figure Sketch domain Ωwith withboundary boundary two subdomains Ω1Ω , the ΩΩ ,interface and theΓthe interface Γ 1∂Ω, Figure 2: Sketch domain Ω Ω ∂Ω, two subdomains KK Figure 2:2:2:Sketch ofof Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains and K KΩ1Ω, 1Ω, 2Ω, 2and Figure Sketch ofofdomain domain with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains , and Γ interface Γ 1 , 2the 2 ,interface 1 igure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface gure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ Figure 2:Sketch Sketch ofdomain domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains ,,2Ω , 1and interface K ΩΩ Figure Sketch with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω ,and the interface ΓΓ Γ Figure 2:2: ofofof domain ΩΩwith boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains ,1Ω interface ΓΓ interface 1,the 2 and 1and 22the 2Ω Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ωwith with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains ,the Ω ,interface the Γ 1Ω 2 1Ω 2Ω Figure 2: Sketch ofdomain domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains , ,1Ω ,and Figure 2: Sketch Ω boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains , Ω and the interface 1 2 Figure 2: Sketch of Ωwith with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , the ΩΩ ,and the interface Γ Γ Figure 2: Sketch ofdomain domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, twotwo subdomains Ω1level. , Ω2 ,Ωand Γ interface where uSketch denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at subdomains each Hence, to the Figure 2:2: Sketch of Ω with boundary ∂Ω, ,1level. Γ Figure ofdomain domain boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains ,Ω ,and and the interface 1Ω 222,due Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ω ,1Ω ,interface the interface 2 and where u udenote the solution toΩthe the difference scheme (2.15) attime each time Hence, due to 1 K where denote the solution to difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to whereFigure denote the solution difference (2.15) time level. due to auuniqueness argument, fΩ coincides with scheme the ∂Ω, solution uK theeach scheme N : Hence, 2: Sketch of P domain boundary two subdomains Ω1(2.15) , ΩHence, and the due interface Γ γ +the N γ vto N with N ofat 2 ,on 0 atat udenote denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, to where uu denote the solution to the scheme (2.15) each time level. due to a where uniqueness argument, PNN vto +the fdifference coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : where u the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, due to u denote the solution to difference scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, due to awhere uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : γ γ N N Fig. 5.4: Test Problem 4: Example of the auxiliary domain Ω , domains Ω and Ω and the boundary Γ of γ γ N N 1 2 re u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, t ere u denote the solution difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, where denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to KuKK uwhere = denote PNuγargument, vdenote fN .the �Hence, solution toto the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. due to γ +the Nu aawhere uniqueness P + fwith coincides with the solution utime of the scheme (2.15) on N :due solution the difference scheme (2.15) at each level. Hence, due to γ N γ vv N N Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , Ω , and the interface Γ the domain Ω ; k = 5 uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution of the scheme (2.15) on N : a uniqueness argument, P + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to 2 θ a uniqueness argument, P v coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : 1 2 u = P v + f . � u = P v + f . � a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N : γ N γ N N K γ N γ N γ N γ N N γ N N γ N γ the N u denote N N the γ +to N γv Nthe Nateach here solution the scheme (2.15) time level. Hence, due to uγargument, denote solution difference scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, to niqueness f+ coincides with the solution of the scheme (2.15) N Finally, let about the space accuracy of the u = the aNawhere uniqueness argument, P vvγγ+ + fNdifference coincides with solution u scheme on N Figure 2: Sketch ofP domain with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains ,of Ωthe ,(2.15) and interface Γ on here uP denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, argument, P ffbriefly coincides with the solution uNΩ scheme (2.15) N aNRemark: uniqueness P fN coincides with thethe solution uNat of the scheme on N :(2.15) uniqueness argument, P + coincides with solution uapproximation of the scheme (2.15) on N� :due γto Nus γN N N Nv γv N 1of 2the uniqueness = P + f+ .argument, γΩ N γcomment N N N γγ γ Nu γγNdenote γγ v N u = P v + f . � uuN = v + f . � u = P v f . �= where u the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to γ N γ N = P v + f . � γ N N a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N :Γ γ N N N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = γ N N γ N γ N γ N N N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N N N Figure 2: of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, subdomains Ω ,1Ω,Ωscheme and the interface Figure 2: Sketch domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω and the interface Γ γ uP =γγ+ P v.Sketch +.:= fof .3.4/2 � uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution of the scheme (2.15) N : 1, the 2,,scheme uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the (2.15) on N u = v + � Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω Ω , and the interfac 1 2 m 0u γ.fN N N γ N = v f � γ N γ N N uNaP = P v � uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of (2.15) on γ N γ N N γ N 2 = P v + f γ N γ N γ N N γ (hence, h ) for the computation of the particular solution ū in Ω , see Tables 5.1 5.9. γ N γ N N γ N γ N 2 let N ofexpect Finally, let uscontinuous comment briefly about the space accuracy of the uon =N�:Γ:N ū Figure 2: Sketch of domain Ω with boundary ∂Ω, two subdomains Ω , approximation Ωthat , and the interface P vP + fconverge of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) -the (2.3). One would that the Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation uNN = aRemark: uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) N 1+ 2solution Remark: Finally, us comment briefly about the space accuracy the approximation u = uRemark: = v + f . γN N N u will to the solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q � (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about space accuracy of the approximation u = where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due to γ γ N γ N N N P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect the solution Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u = γ N γ N N γ N N N γ = P 0 u 0 Remark: let uscomment comment briefly about the space accuracy of theoforder approximation = u =u � uwhere v + f(2.25)-(2.26) . the compute particular solution ūdifference Ω , we make the smooth extension g̃of ∈the \Ω ofHence, = P v + fFinally, .Finally, �= Nthe γ N N γTo N p−�in N 1 u γ N N γγγv N ūof ū the = P v + fγ(2.25)-(2.26) .< � Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy u will converge to the continuous solution u)of in the discrete Holder norm qΩthe + �approximation (with Remark: let us briefly about space accuracy the approximation P + fv of to the solution uu of (2.1) -Here, (2.3). One would expect that solution u denote the solution to the scheme at each time level. due to the arbitrary 0+ �let < 1) with the rate O(h as h(2.1) → 0.the p(2.15) is the order of the accuracy of γ NP N N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation = N N P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution γN N N v + of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution u = P f . Nu P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution γ N Remark: Finally, us comment briefly about the space accuracy of approximation γ a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N Nu : N� P v + f of to the solution u of (2.3). One would expect that the solution γ uN will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm order q + � (with N N γ N γ γ N N γ N γ N N N u i+1 i γ γ N N N γRemark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation = P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution (see Def. 2.8) outside of the domain Ω (in other words we make a right-hand side g = −q − u p−� γ N N 1 operator γ Ω solution the arbitrary 0Finally, < < 1) with the rate O(h )uin habout → 0. Here, psolution isdiscrete the order of the accuracy of the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the L (we uRemark: will converge to the continuous u in the discrete Holder norm of order qorder + �that (with let us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation uN = where denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due ∆t ∆t,h N v + fuof of (2.25)-(2.26) to solution uabout of (2.1) - Figures (2.3). One would expect that the solution P v + fconverge (2.25)-(2.26) solution uas of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution uN converge to the continuous solution up−� the discrete Holder norm of order qapproximation + (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation aNu uniqueness P vthe + fsolution coincides with the unorm of the scheme (2.15) on Nu 0 where denote the to the difference scheme (2.15) each time level. Hence, due uP will converge to the continuous solution u in the Holder norm ofto q�the + �Hence, (with N γ N N will to the continuous u in the discrete Holder order q��+ + (with N v + fγu of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.1) -discrete (2.3). One would expect the solutio γthe Nto γthe N N N uwill = P v + f�N .solution � γwhere u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q � that (with N Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with rate O(h ) as h → Here, p is the order of the accuracy of γN where u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. du N smooth extension to the entire auxiliary domain/square Ω ,-0. see 5.1 -at 5.4). Similarly, compute γargument, Nv N γ(2.25)-(2.26) + f to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect the solut γ u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + (with Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the uuN =:= N u denote the solution to the difference scheme (2.15) at each time level. Hence, due t N + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution γ γN N p−� γ vP γarbitrary N the that boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order γassume p−� the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we the 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of 0 u i+1 i p−� ∆t ∆t,h p−� p−� P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N p−� particular solution ū in Ω , we make smooth extension of the right-hand side g = −q − u outside u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (with γ N N the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of u = P v + f . � N with γ N γ N N γ v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the solution N the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of ū N Ω the arbitrary 0 < � 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of a uniqueness argument, P v + f coincides with the solution u of the scheme (2.15) on γ approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we N N γ N 2 the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (wit γ N N γ N γ N Nu ∆t with ∆t,h γuniqueness Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation u+solution =soluti PaNwill vNP +uniqueness fγNp). (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution uabout of (2.1) -∆t (2.3). One would expect that the +of fNargument, of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution u of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that the P v + f coincides with the solution of the scheme (2.15) o argument, P v + f coincides with solution u of the scheme (2.15) on N than Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, wesame will expect O(h )∆t,h N converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (w γa u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q � (with N γ N γ N N γ N γ N N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) the or higher order γ γv 0 the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we p−� p−� of the domain to the auxiliary domain Ωp−� We compute the L (L )discrete 5.2 - 5.10) and L (L the approximation ofof the differential L∆t by operator L (we 2 continuous 2the ∞the ∞ ∞ ) q(we u= will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order + ��u(we (with ū operator ∆t,h uN = P v0maximum + .Ωofnorm the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by discrete operator L the arbitrary �fthe < 1) with the rate O(h as hthe → Here, p(Tables the order of accuracy of the arbitrary < < 1) with the rate O(h )operator as h → 0. Here, pwe is the order of the accuracy oo the approximation the continuous differential operator L0. by the discrete operator Lthe (we ∆t the approximation the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we γ� N N γf+ N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order the approximation the continuous differential L by the discrete operator L 2the ∆t ∆t,h will converge to continuous solution u.))about in discrete Holder norm of order qaccuracy + (with ∆t rate the in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of ∆t,h uNu P fthe .(2.25)-(2.26) p−� ∆t P v= + of to the solution up−� of (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that ∆t,h Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation arbitrary 0 < < 1) with the rate O(h as h the → 0. Here, pis is the order of the accuracy uthan will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order qsolution + �+(with γthat N γin N γγv N N p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is-→ discussed here, will expect O(h )∆t,h N u P v + f . will converge to the continuous solution u in discrete Holder norm of order q � = (wi γN assume boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order N the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → Here, p is the order of the of� = P v + f . γ N N γ N N arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy (Tables 5.1 5.10) errors respectively: p−� γ N N N assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order 2 assume that the boundary condition (2.2) approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy of p−� the approximation of the continuous differential L by the discrete operator Lthe (we the (DPM) the reader can consult [7,briefly 4]. assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with same or higher order p−� the approximation of the continuous differential operator LHere, by the discrete operator Lorder (we 2∆t,h than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) ∆t assume boundary condition (2.2) isO(h approximated by (2.26) with the same orof ∆t ∆t,h p−� u will to the continuous solution u )of in discrete Holder norm of order qhigher + Remark: let usspace. comment about the space accuracy of the approximation u eapproximation arbitrary 0the <method, �Finally, < 1) with the rate O(h as hthe → 0.(2.3). Here, phere, is the order the accuracy of rate in the maximum norm in For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of P vthat + fconverge of (2.25)-(2.26) to solution u)about (2.1) -isdiscussed One would expect that p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that discussed we will expect O(h )� (with N the arbitrary 0of < �let < 1) with the rate )operator as h → 0. pthe is the order of the of N= of the continuous differential operator L by discrete operator L (w γHence, Nthan N the of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we 22)accuracy γapproximation ∆t he arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h as h → 0. Here, p is the order the accuracy ∆t,h Remark: Finally, us comment briefly the space accuracy of the approximation u 2solution ∆t ∆t,h N scheme Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation u than p). for the central finite difference scheme that is here, we will expect O(h ) Nu approximation the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L 2 than p). Hence, for the central finite difference that is discussed here, we will expect O(h N X ∆t than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) ∆t,h Remark: Finally, let us comment briefly about the space accuracy of the approximation 2 p−� the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L (we than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of ∆t ∆t,h assume that condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same orqof higher orde the (DPM) method, reader consult [7, 4]. i(2.1) i-L 2 1/2 the arbitrary 0boundary < �the < 1) with the rate O(h )uuas hdiscussion → 0. Here, pby isthe the order of the accuracy of than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) rate in the maximum norm incan space. For the detailed and the proof ofthe the accuracy P v + f of (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution of (2.3). One would expect that the soluti e approximation of the continuous differential operator by discrete operator L (we u will converge to the continuous solution in the discrete Holder norm of order + � (with the approximation of the continuous differential operator L the discrete operator L (we ∆t(max |u − u |) ) , L (L ) := ( γ N N ∆t ∆t,h N 2 ∞ γ ∆t ∆t,h ume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with same or higher orde assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order calc exact rate in the norm in space. For the detailed discussion the proof of the accuracy of rate in the maximum norm inspace. space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of he of(2.25)-(2.26) the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator Lthe (w P vvP + fAlgorithms ofof (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution uapproximated of (2.1) - (2.3). One would expect that the soluti v + fboundary ofboundary to the solution uof of (2.1) --isand (2.3). One would expect that the solutio 2order 3 Composition Approach based the Difference Potentials Method ∆t rate in the maximum norm in For the detailed discussion and the proof ofthe the accuracy of(we (x,y) γ ∆t,h N N γmaximum N N ume that the condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same orof higher or 2 γ γapproximation rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of accuracy that the condition (2.2) is by (2.26) with the same or higher the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. P + fHence, (2.25)-(2.26) to the solution uon (2.1) (2.3). One would expect that sol than p). for the central finite difference scheme that discussed here, we will expect O(h )�ofof p−� i=0 the (DPM) method, reader can consult [7, 4]. γp). the approximation ofthe the continuous differential operator Ldiscrete by the discrete operator Lhigher Nassume N than Hence, the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy γu 2 ∆t ∆t,h 2 will converge to the continuous solution u in the Holder norm of order q + (wi assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the or order the arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy sume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher order N the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, will expect O(h ) p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h 2 u will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm of order q + � (wit the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. ssume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher ord un will converge to the continuous solution u in the discrete Holder norm order q + � (w N the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. N n p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O( than p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme is discussed here, we will expect O(h ) 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on thediscussion Difference Potentials Method rate in the maximum norm in space. the detailed and proof of the accuracy of+ p−� 2 )� assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) same or higher order and u will converge to continuous solution uscheme in the discrete Holder norm order qO(h ( 2) rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof ofof the accuracy Below we develop and numerically test theFor Algorithm Composition Approach forwith athe model the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. N the arbitrary 0the < �the < 1) with the rate O(h ))operator as h → 0.∆t Here, pparabolic is the order of the accuracy than p). Hence, for the central finite difference that is discussed here, we will expect O(h the approximation of the continuous differential L by the discrete operator L (we p−� an p). Hence, for central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, will expect p−� ∆t,h rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy ofooo in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof the accuracy the arbitrary 0 � < 1) with the rate O(h as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy 2 he arbitrary 0 < � < 1) with the rate O(h ) as h → 0. Here, p is the order of the accuracy han p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h p−� 3(DPM) Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method rate the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof ofMethod the accuracy under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). the method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is here, weproof will expect O(h ) ofof(w i discussion i discussed 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Potentials ethe in the maximum incondition space. For the detailed and of the accuracy (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. the arbitrary 0maximum <Composition � norm < with the rate O(h )(max as h → 0. Here, pthe isthe the order of the LApproach (L )For := max |u − Difference uby |). 3in Algorithms Composition based on the Difference Potentials Method rate in the norm in space. detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy the approximation of1) the continuous differential operator L(2.26) by discrete operator Laccura ∞the ∞Algorithm assume that the boundary (2.2) isthe approximated with the same or higher order calc exact ∆tand 3 Algorithms Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method ∆t,h(w te in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion proof of the accuracy of( Below we develop and numerically test Composition Approach for athe parabolic model the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. (i=0,...,N ) (x,y) the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the ∆t ∆t,h 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method he approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator L ate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy rate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy of the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. ∆t ∆t,h 2 (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4].Composition the approximation of the continuous differential operator L by the discrete operator Lorde under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). assume that boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher ord than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme isApproach discussed here, we will expect O(h ) 3e Below Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method ∆t ∆t,h Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm for acomposite parabolic model system (2.1) -the (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete formthat inofdomain Ω) in some (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is4]. approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach athe parabolic model Let us first make areader few important remarks about theComposition accuracy the Algorithms Composition Framework Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Approach for afor parabolic model the (DPM) method, the can consult [7, 4]. assume that the boundary condition (2.2) is approximated by (2.26) with same or higher ord he (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model 2 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the domain Ω - an arbitrary bounded domain in R with boundary ∂Ω - and such that it consists of under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for aPotentials parabolic model than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h rate in the maximum norm inapproach space. For the detailed discussion and the of the accuracy of 2 3Below Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Method assume that the boundary condition (2.2) isthe approximated by (2.26) with the same or higher and validate the developed for problems with complex interfaces. We will select ahere, suitable problem we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for aproof parabolic model under consideration (2.1) -central (2.3). under consideration (2.1) - (2.3). than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that is discussed we will expect O(h 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method under consideration (2.1) (2.3). system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite han p). Hence, for the central finite difference scheme that is discussed here, we will expect O(h Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method andmethod, test the accuracy the developed approach against the of numerical method on the single We start the introduction ofof scheme, the ofthe the ideas, by considering the 1reader 2the 1 For 2and 1 illustration 2accuracy Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model under consideration (2.1) - of(2.3). the (DPM) the-central can consult [7, 4].detailed rate in the maximum norm in space. the and the proof ofthe the accuracy 3domain Algorithms Composition Approach based on discussion the Difference Potentials Method We start the introduction the scheme, the illustration of the ideas, by considering under consideration (2.1) (2.3). than p). Hence, for the finite difference scheme that isApproach discussed here, we will expect O Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the 2For rate inΩ the maximum norm in space. the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy o Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method and geometrically simple domain. In the current paper we combined the proposed Algorithms Composition an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based the Difference Potentials Method Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition for a parabolic model 1 1 2 2 system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite ate in the maximum norm in space. For the detailed discussion and the proof of the accuracy We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the under consideration (2.1) (2.3). Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mode system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite Framework with second-order central finite difference scheme space first order Backward Euler scheme rate in the maximum norm inonly space. For the detailed discussion and the proof ofofthe accura the (DPM) method, reader can subdomains are considered for the simplicity the presentation, and that thethat discussed two disjoint Ωthe and Ω2(2.8) :domain Ω = Ωits ∪Algorithm Ω222Algorithm ,with Γ [7, =of Ω4]. Ωin piecewise smooth boundaries system (2.1) - (2.3) (or formulation in time-discrete form inand domain Ω) in some composite 1- here 1consult 1∩ 2 with domain Ω -subdomains an arbitrary bounded in R the boundary ∂Ω -of and such it consists under consideration (2.1) (2.3). Below we develop and numerically test the Composition Approach for acomposite parabolic model ow we develop and numerically test the Composition Approach ageneral. parabolic mode system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of he (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. 2 Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration the ideas, by considering the in time: the backward-centered scheme. (However, the developed algorithms composition approach is under consideration (2.1) (2.3). system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some 2 domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of idea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. under consideration (2.1) (2.3). ow we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mo Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model 1 1 2 2 domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of the (DPM) method, the reader can consult [7, 4]. elow we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic model two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the Future research will include the development ofΩwith the higher-order and time discretization within the under consideration (2.1) -i+1 2R two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ωscheme, = ΩR1its ∪ , Γthe = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries i+1 domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in the ∂Ω and such that it consists of er consideration (2.1) (2.3). 1-(2.3). 2test 2and 1boundary 2space under consideration (2.1) (2.3). system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in with boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of We start the introduction of the the illustration of the ideas, by considering the elow we develop and numerically the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mod two disjoint subdomains Ωand and Ω :for ΩFramework, = Ω ,=Conclusion Γof Ω1Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries subdomains are here only the simplicity the presentation, and that the discussed We start the introduction of the scheme, illustration the ideas, by considering the 1 1Ω∪2 ,Ω 2and 2 the under consideration (2.1) -∂Ω (2.3). two disjoint subdomains Ω Ω : Γ2Ω = Ω ∪ Γ Ω=the ∩ with piecewise smooth boundaries ΓWe ∂Ω ΓΓconsidered and Γ ∂Ω ∪ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two proposed Algorithms Composition see Section 6 also for aof more detailed discussion). 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based Difference Potentials Method der consideration (2.1) (2.3). 1-:= 1Figure 1the 2 on 1Γ1:= 1-1∪ 2formulation 222 nder consideration (2.1) (2.3). := ∂Ω ∪ and Γ := ∪ Γ (see 3). We would like to emphasize that the two 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Method system (2.1) (2.3) (or (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite � 2 start the introduction of the scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering the 2 two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries 1 2 1 2 1 2 We start the introduction of scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering We the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering theth two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ωof : the Ω = Ω ∪ Ω ,with Γ = Ω ∩ Ωof with piecewise smooth domain Ωcan -1start an arbitrary bounded in R the boundary ∂Ω -and and such that it consists of idea be extended in aformulation way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. system (2.1) -Γ (2.3) (or (2.8) in time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite 1-straightforward 2domain 1 23). 1would 2 the Therefore, the obtained space accuracy isthe limited by the accuracy the order finite difference scheme. Γsystem := ∂Ω ∪ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪the Γ (see Figure We like to also emphasize that the two we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for aboundaries parabolic model nder consideration (2.1) 1:= 2 2here subdomains are considered here only for simplicity the presentation, that the discussed We start the introduction scheme, and of the ideas, by considering the ΓWe ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like tosecond also emphasize that the two -Γ (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite ui+1 , its (x, y) ∈the Ωof 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on Difference Potentials Method 2its 1Below 1(2.1) 2considered 2(2.3). 1 ,illustration subdomains are only for the of the presentation, and that the discussed Ωin i+1 We start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering 1simplicity start the introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering the i+1 i+1 domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of Γ := ∂Ω ∪ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite 1 1 2 2 Let us illustrate this point, first using theoretical and then numerically. complex interface u :=Figure (3.1) 22estimates i+1 Our goal at each time level there isΓ to(see find an approximations to domain Ω:The Γ := ∂Ω ∪the Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ We like to also emphasize that the two 3 Algorithms Composition Approach based on the Difference Potentials Meth system -extended (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite Ω(2.8) em (2.1) -Ω (2.3) (or insimplicity time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composit 1Below 1we 2formulation 2 (2.3). two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω :domain Ω = Ω ∪its Ω ,with Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries subdomains are considered only for the simplicity the presentation, and that the discussed domain Ω -(2.1) an arbitrary bounded in R boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists idea can be extended in a1numerically straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. u ,3). (x, ∈ Ωwould ,the 2 1its 2y) 1u 2in subdomains are considered here only for the of the presentation, and that the discussed under consideration (2.1) system (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite 2of develop and test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mod We start introduction of the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considering domain an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists ofot idea can be in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. Ω 2 Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for a parabolic mode 2 test problem (5.6) which we consider in= this Section be=of viewed as the classical solution (without complex subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity the presentation, and that the discussed � 22can two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω Ω ∪ Ω , Γ Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries tem (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some compo stem (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composite i+1 i+1 domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of 2 1 2 1 1 2 subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed 2 i+1 i+1 domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of i+1 Our goal at each level isis(2.5) to an approximations to u∩ domain Ω: can be extended in alevel straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. Γtwo := ∂Ω ∪consideration Γ and Γtime ∂Ω ∪(2.3). Γ (see 3). would to also emphasize the two main Ω - an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω -piecewise and such that consists o idea can be extended in a:= straightforward way to multiple subdomains or∂Ω composite domains. disjoint subdomains Ω Ωthe :find = Ω ∪ Ω ,,the Γ Ω ∩×like Ω with smooth boundarie domain Ω -(2.3) an arbitrary bounded domain in with the boundary -Approach and such that it consists of Our goal at each to an approximations to11 2] u domain Ω: 1idea 1 2time interface) to the heat equation inΩ the square domain Ω ≡ [−2, [−2, 2]. Hence, the solution (5.6) toitboundaries We start the introduction of scheme, and of the ideas, by considering the Below we develop and numerically the Algorithm Composition for athat parabolic mod uin (x, y)22We ∈ Ω ,illustration 11t2and 2test 1R 2in under consideration (2.1) -tand two disjoint subdomains Ω Ω :find ΩFigure = ∪ Ω Γ = Ω Ω with piecewise smooth 1= ystem (2.1) -extended (or formulation (2.8) time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some composi 2 1,2to 2in i+1 2 under (2.1) -and (2.3). ΩΩ i+1 idea can be extended in astraightforward straightforward way multiple subdomains or composite domains. 1 its Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two i+1 i+1 where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : � i+1 i+1 two disjoint subdomains Ω Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries omain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists of main Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consist 1 1 2 2 idea can be in a way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. u := (3.1) p i+1 � 1 2 1 2 1 2 (2.5) can be computed approximately using standard backward-centered finite difference scheme for the heat Ω two disjoint subdomains and := Ωthe = Ω Ω Γ = Ω ∩Ω Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries Below we develop and numerically test the Algorithm Composition Approach for aconsidering parabolic m Our goal at∪ each time level tΩ is2∪of to find an approximations u inpiecewise domain Ω: p Our goal at each time level tand to find an approximations to1the u in domain Ω: Ω 1isand 1 2∈ 1toΩ 2like subdomains are considered only for simplicity presentation, and that the discussed two disjoint Ω Ω :2the Ω = Ω ∪ ,Γ Γ, = = Ω ∩∩ with smooth boundaries 2∪ u ,i+1 (x, y) Ω ,Ω Γ ∂Ω Γ and Γ := ∂Ω Γ (see Figure 3). We like to also emphasize that thetwo two disjoint subdomains Ω :domain Ω Ω ∪ Ω ,and with piecewise smooth boundarie i+1 1i+1 2the 1i+1 2 22 (2.1) -subdomains (2.3) (or formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete domain Ω)such in some composite 2of 1 1start 2Ω 2simple 1:= 1 1would We the introduction scheme, the of the ideas, by t Γsystem := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ ∂Ω ΓΩ (see Figure 3). to also emphasize that the under consideration (2.1) -there (2.3). ,Ω (x, y) ∈ ,,illustration Ωu 2u 1:= 1start 2single 2∪ i+1 i+1 11the Our goal at each time level t∂Ω is to find an approximations to uform inin domain Ω: We the introduction of scheme, and illustration of the ideas, by considering th omain Ω an arbitrary bounded in R with the boundary ∂Ω and that it consists ,2≡ (x, y)= ∈ Ω Ω equation on the and square domain Ω [−2, 2] × [−2, 2]. Thus we can test the accuracy of our i+1 11Ω subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of presentation, and that the discussed Our goal at each time level is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: Ω i+1 Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two � u � wo disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ , Γ Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundaries Ω(see 1 1 2 2 ounder disjoint subdomains and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth bounda u (3.1) p:= Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ Figure 3). to also emphasize that the two i+1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 i+1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 Γ := ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two u := (3.1) consideration (2.1) (2.3). idea can extended in (or a2(or straightforward to multiple subdomains or composite domains. ΩΩ against i+1 i+1 11start 2Γ] = subdomains considered here only for the simplicity presentation, and that the discussed L [u G ,(2.8) (x, ∈ Ω and (p = 1,the 2) like (3.2) domain Ω -1are an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the ∂Ω -piecewise and such that it consists = ∂Ω ∪beΓ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ (see Figure 3). We would to also emphasize that the oftwt � uuy) ,its (x, ∈ Ω ,boundary Algorithms Composition Framework the accuracy of the “single domain computations”. Moreover, p ,time-discrete ∆t subdomains are-introduction considered here only for the simplicity presentation, and the discussed system (2.1) formulation in its form in domain Ω) in some compos 22of 2 2formulation Ωof ,,Ω (x, y) ∈ ,subdomains We the the scheme, and the of the ideas, by considering uway ,i+1 (x, y) ∈ Ω ,illustration p Ω (x, y) ∈ Ω system (2.1) -(2.3) (2.3) (2.8) in form in domain Ω) in some composit Ω � i+1 2 1Ω wo disjoint subdomains Ω and : ∆tΩ = Ω ∪ ,y) Γwith = Ω with smooth boundari 11, ∩ Ω i+1 idea can be extended in a straightforward way multiple or composite domains. Ω 2 1 2 1 2 2 Ω i+1 i+1 1i+1 subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of presentation, and that the discussed 1to i+1 i+1 where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the two subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity the presentation, and that the discussed u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , p subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed one would expect that the accuracy of the problem (5.6) the complex interface will be limited by the := ∂Ω Γ and Γ22 level ∪ (see Figure 3). would like to also emphasize that the 1Our 1∪ 2 and u := (3.1) 1 ∩to Ω 22y) := (3.1) i+1 goal at each time tstraightforward is to find an approximations u in domain Ω: p 1start i+1 We the introduction ofΓ the scheme, and the illustration of the ideas, by considerin Ω(x, uΩ ∈ Ω idea can be extended inin aaboundary way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. two disjoint subdomains Ω Ω :domain Ω = ∪1, (x, Ω ,with ΓWe = Ωpresentation, with piecewise smooth boundaries Ωu Ωi+1 1Ω,the idea can be extended straightforward way to subdomains or composite domains. domains are considered here only for the simplicity of and that the discusse i+1 i+1 domain Ω -the an arbitrary bounded in R the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consists 12 2(2.8) 11its 2ψ 1, boundary 2 i+1 i+1 u , y) ∈ Ω , Ω u , (x, y) ∈ Ω domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R ∂Ω and such that it consists o ystem (2.1) (2.3) (or formulation in time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some compos i+1 2 u := (3.1) 2 i+1 subject to appropriate conditions l(u ) = on the boundary ∂Ω of the original Ω Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would like to also emphasize that the tw accuracy of “single domain computations”. Let us recall as well, that the theoretical error L (L ) of the i+1 Ω 2i+1 Ωfor ∞ that ∞ domains. idea can be extended in aaaare straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite composite domains. 1bdomains 1 u 2==1, 2i+1 i+1 uΩsolutions := (3.1) Ω2 to idea can extended in straightforward way to subdomains or domains. idea be extended in straightforward way multiple composite u , 3). (x, y) ∈Ω Ω , the i+1 are considered here only the simplicity ofsubdomain the presentation, and the discussed where (here p(or 2)2) the to (2.8) in each Ωi+1 : or � ufor 2subdomains i+1 Ωp where u (here p 1, are the solutions to (2.8) in Ω : pto domains are considered here only the simplicity of presentation, and that the discus i+1 Ω p Ω u , (x, y) ∈ , 2 Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations in domain Ω: 2 p Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure We would like also emphasize that the two system (2.1) (2.3) formulation (2.8) in its time-discrete form in domain Ω) in some comp Ω 2 Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: p backward-centered finite difference scheme in the square domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions is given i+1 1 1 2 2 two disjoint subdomains Ω and Ω : Ω = Ω ∪ Ω , Γ = Ω ∩ Ω with piecewise smooth boundar aubdomains can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. domain, and tosubdomains interface on the interface Γ, select to besuch the Lconditions [uΩ ]and =domain G∆t (x, (p = 2)we (3.2) Ωy) two disjoint Ω :,find Ω = Ω ∪ with piecewise smooth i+1 i+1 � 2 1∈ p , 2and ∆t domain Ω - an arbitrary bounded in with boundary -domain and that itboundarie consists i+1 i+1 1pi+1 2find 1boundary 1 22will u2R ,2Ω (x, y)the ∈ ,1, are considered here only for the simplicity ofΩwhich and that the discuss Our goal at time level is to find an approximations u inor Ω: 1the Our goal ateach each time level tΩ1ti+1 is to an approximations to to upresentation, in∂Ω domain Ω: Our each time level is to an in domain Ω: i+1 i+1 Ω ea can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains composite domains. i+1 i+1 1approximations as � u i+1 i+1 � u following: where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : Ω a can be extended in a straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite domains. u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , p subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity of the presentation, and that the discussed Ω i+1 p where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : p to 1 i+1 u := (3.1) domain Ω an arbitrary bounded domain in R with the boundary ∂Ω and such that it consi Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We like to also emphasize that thetw tw Ω i+1 p i+1 Ω Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ and Γ := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure would like to also emphasize that the � goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: p i+1 i+1 1 1 2 2 1 i+1 Ω L [uthe = G ,, i+1 (x, y) ∈ , = and 2) (3.2)domains. 1 be 1 2straightforward 2]solutions wo disjoint subdomains Ω and :find Ω∆t =to Ω ∪uu Ω ,Ω Γ Ω ∩ Ω with smooth boundar � L∆t [uΩΩppΩ ]Ω G (x, y) ∈ (p =boundary 1, 22) (3.2) � i+1 p i+1 � i+1 i+1 where upΩto (here p= to each subdomain Ω:pin :∂Ωpiecewise i+1 i+1 py) ∆t 1are 2= 1,(2.8) 2in 12 Ω u ,in (x, ∈ Ωthe ,subdomains dea can extended in1, a2) way to multiple or composite ∆t u := (3.1) , (x, y) , i+1 u = u (x, y) ∈ Γ, subject the appropriate boundary conditions l(u ) = ψ on of the original 1 i+1 i ∈ 2i+1 i+1 where u p = 1, 2) are the solutions (2.8) each subdomain Ω i+1 p(here Ω ur goal at each time level t is to an approximations to u domain Ω: i+1 i+1 i+1 Ω Ω 2 p Ω Ω i+1 Ω Ω 1 1 2 i+1 max max |u((jh, kh), −y) Uy) |Ω ≤of (∆t +presentation, h ), (5.7) Ωpeach idea can besubdomains extended atuΩ1straightforward to multiple orpiecewise composite domains. uapproximations ,1i∆t) y) ∈jk∈ ,Ω r goal at time level is Γto find anway u in domain Ω: uΩ ,(x, Ω ,1the (uin )0≤i≤N := (3.3) u ,2(x, ∈ 2subdomains � u subdomains are considered here only for the simplicity presentation, and that the discuss u∪ ,∈toΓ, 1cT Γ subdomains are here only for the simplicity and that the discusse disjoint Ω :i+1 = Ω Ω(x, = Ω Ω with smooth bound Ω i+1 u∇u (3.1 1∩ pi+1 Ω1 ,Ω u := (3.1) uΩ i+1 Ω i+1 i+1 2 2Ω 1β∇u 2 i+1 0≤j,k≤N i+1 Ω 2 and i+1 1 Ωp:= Ω Γtwo ∂Ω Γthe and Γlconsidered := ∂Ω ∪ (see Figure 3). We would like to in also emphasize that the 11i+1 i+1 ·:= nan ·,and nΓ , and (x, y)1, domain, and to interface conditions on the interface boundary Γ, which we will select to be original the Ω i+1 i+1 1 := 1 ∪each 2level 2i+1 i+1 i+1 Γ = Γy) L [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ Ω , (p = 2) (3.2) Our goal at time t is to find approximations to u domain Ω: u := (3.1) u , (x, ∈ � u Ω Ω i+1 u Ω , p ∆t u (3.1)t i+1 1 2 u := (3.1) Ω L [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ Ω , (p = 1, 2) (3.2) i+1 2 Ω ∆t subject to appropriate boundary conditions l(u ) = ψ boundary ∂Ω of the p i+1 i+1 subject to the appropriate boundary conditions l(u ) on the boundary ∂Ω of the original pΩ Ω p ∆t u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , Ω Ω Ω � u Our goal at each time level t is to find an approximations to u in domain Ω: 2 19 Ω ∆t 1 2 u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , Ω Ω Ω i+1 p p idea can be extended in ahere straightforward way to multiple subdomains or composite composite domains. u ,Ω (x, y) ∈Ω i+1 2Ω i+1 L∆t ]i+1 =GG (x, ,and and (p= = 1,2)like 2) Ωto: also (3.2) Ω idea can be extended in a[u straightforward way subdomains or domains. uy) , 1,presentation, 1 p Ω Γ ∂Ω ∪are Γ and Γ22)L := ∂Ω ∪ Γ (see Figure 3). We would emphasize that the following: 2 Ω ∆t i+1 1 := 1 (here 2Ω]pu Ω u (x, ∈of∈ ,2which [u = , ,the (x, y) ∈,22∈ Ω (p (3.2) ubdomains only for simplicity the and that the discuss where udomain, pto= 1, are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain � 1Ω := (3.1 p ,y) ∆t p select � i+1 domain, and to interface conditions on the interface which we will select to be be the Ω andconsidered interface conditions on the interface boundary Γ, we will to the Ωthe ∆t Ω i+1 p i+1 1i+1,boundary u (x, y) , pi+1 (here � Ω i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 1 where u p = 1, 2) are solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : i+1 uan ,approximations (x, y)Γ, ∈i+1 Ω ,the := i+1 i+1 uisΩto =find uΩ8l(u ,an (x, y) ∈ Our goal at each time level tt u is inor domain Ω:that 1 2 Our goal atappropriate each time level tofor find uu p∂Ω in domain Ω: Ω i+1 subject to the appropriate boundary conditions )approximations = ψ= on∈ the boundary of∂Ω theofand original i+1 p i+1 i+1 i+1 uu2Ω ,,i+1 (x, y) Ω , topresentation, Ω subdomains are considered here the simplicity ofΩ the (3.1) discu 1 := 2uΩ Ω subject the boundary conditions l(u ))(x, ψ on boundary the original 1, the uonly (3 i+1 following: following: dea can extended in a2) way to multiple subdomains composite domains. , (x, y) ∈ Ω , i+1 i+1 y) ∈ i+1 l= (u ,2) ustraightforward ) := (3.3) Ω where ube (here p 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : i+1 where utoi+1 (here p 1, are the solutions to (2.8) subdomain Ω : 2 1 1 Ω Γ= i+1 Ω i+1 i+1 p p Ω Ω Ω subject to the appropriate boundary conditions l(u = ψ on the boundary ∂Ω of the original u Ω � i+1 � i+1 i+1 1 2 where u (here p = 1, are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : 2 1 Ω Ω Ω u , (x, y) ∈ Ω , pΩpto puthe p· nΓ l(u p i+1 � � u := (3. ∇u = β∇u · n , (x, y) ∈ Γ, i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 Ω 2 domain, and interface conditions on the interface boundary Γ, which we will select to be the where (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) subdomain Ω : where u (here p = 1, 2) are the solutions to (2.8) in each subdomain Ω : i+1 subject to appropriate boundary conditions ) = ψ on the boundary ∂Ω of the original Γ u := (3.1) p Ω p u Ω Ω i+1 i+1 i+1 Ω 2 1 2 u = u , (x, u = u , (x, y) ∈ Γ, Ω L [u ] = G , (x, y) ∈ Ω , and (p = 1, 2) (3.2) Ω Ω Ω domain, and to interface conditions on the interface boundary Γ, which we will select to be the p i+1 i+1 p peach Ωfind py) ideadomain, can at beand extended ini+1 a∆t way to multiple orselect composite domains ,, (x, (x, y)and Ω2Γ, ,to i+1 i+1 Ωu ΩΩ Ω Our goal timelΓlΓlevel is:= toon inwill domain Ω: 2 Ωy) Ωi+1 ∆t 2Ω 11 , an 2approximations u ∈∈Ω ,subdomains p conditions the interface boundary which the u ∈ , u ,Ω(x, L [u ] on = G (x, (p = 1, 2) (3.2) ,utui+1 (3.3) , straightforward )):= (3.3) 2 11 p , y) Ωu i+1 2Ω Ω Ω uinterface following: Ω∈ Ω Ω ui+1 ∆t i+1 domain, and toptointerface conditions the boundary Γ, which wewewill toto bebethe i+1 1 1∆t 2 2Ωp 1 i+1 Ωto 1 Ω u re ui+1 (here =interface 1, 2)(u(u are the solutions in each subdomain Ω : select p (2.8) −1 −1.5 −2−1.5 −1 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −2 −1.5 −2 −1 −1.5 −1 ! −0.5 ! −0.5 ! 0 0.5 0 1 0.5 1.5 1 2 1.5 2 −1.5 −2 −2 −1.5 ! 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 −2 −2 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −1 −1 −0.5 −0.5 −2 −2 −2 −1.5 −1.5 −1 −1 −0.5 −0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 −2 −2 −2 −1.5 −2 −1 −1.5 −0.5 −1 −0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 2 1 1.5 1 1.5 2 2 1.51.5 2 22 2 2 1 N2 N1 N1 1 2 N2 2 N2 t t t i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 s ∇u Ωpp·· nnΓ = = β∇u β∇u ∇u · nΓ , (x, y) y) ∈ ∈ Γ, Γ, i+1 p 4 4 2 where c = max{(|| ∂∂xu4 ||L∞ (Ω̄×[0,T ]) + || ∂∂yu4 ||L∞ (Ω̄×[0,T ]) )/12, || ∂∂t2u ||L∞ (Ω̄×[0,T ]) /2}, where u((jh, kh), i∆t) is i the exact solution at the discrete points of the space and time mesh, and Ujk is the approximate solution obtained by the standard backward-centered scheme. If we now take the smallest mesh size h ≈ 0.0033 (which was used as the smallest mesh size in the problems with complex interfaces below), then by performing rough estimates using formula (5.7) and expression for the analytical solution (5.6), we can show that the best accuracy that can be achieved by the backward-centered finite difference scheme on the single and geometrically simple domain Ω ≡ [−2, 2] × [−2, 2] is about O(10−4 ) − O(10−5 ) (note that the second order continuous piecewise-linear finite element method will result in an error with a similar range). Therefore, our results in Tables 5.1 - 5.10 (as well as the results in Tables 5.11 - 5.12, and Table 5.13) below will be limited by the second order space accuracy. We illustrate this point numerically below as well, see Table 5.1. For the experiment in Table 5.1 we used the settings as described above except in the last two rows of the table: 2n1 × 2n1 ≡ 2n2 × 2n2 with n1 ≡ n2 = 10 for the auxiliary domains Ω0G1 and Ω0G2 , and the time step was set to dt = 8.e − 7 (instead of 1.e − 6) to avoid the influence of the time discretization error. Notations in Table 5.1: “Finite Difference” stands for the “single domain computations” approach when solution to the problem (5.6) viewed as the classical solution (without complex interface) to the heat equation (2.5) in the square domain Ω ≡ [−2, 2] × [−2, 2], and backward-centered finite difference scheme on the single and geometrically simple domain Ω ≡ [−2, 2] × [−2, 2] is used to approximate the solution numerically. Mesh h0 is used everywhere in the domain Ω ≡ [−2, 2] × [−2, 2] for the computation in this “single domain computations”. “Algorithms Composition Framework” in Table 5.1 is used when we consider (5.6) as the complex interface problem. Meshes with h1 and h2 are used for the computations of the particular solutions ūN1 ∈ Ω1 and ūN2 ∈ Ω2 , respectively, in the Algorithms Composition Framework. We consider test Problem 3 with 2L = 42 in this experiment with complex interface problem. Notation “ —//—” in Table 5.1 is used to denote the same value as in the above row. We see that the accuracy of our Algorithms Composition Framework for complex interface problem (5.6) does not differ from the accuracy of the “single domain computations”. Moreover, Table 5.1 illustrates an important flexibility of Algorithms Composition Framework - different meshes can be used in different subdomains, and the same accuracy is achieved using a much coarser mesh (with bigger size of h) in the regions/subdomains of the problems where solutions exhibit smaller gradients. This feature of our method is very important for the future development of the adaptive schemes/simulations for heterogenous problems, as well as for the parallel computations. Next, let us continue with more accuracy tests of Algorithms Composition Framework alone using different curves as the interfaces below (see Tables 5.2 - 5.9). We again observe a second order convergence for the space discretization for all four test problems from Tables 5.2 - 5.9. Also, there is not much difference in the results when we change the total number 2L of the basis functions for the approximation of the Cauchy data from 2L = 42, Table 5.1 to 2L = 22 and 2L = 30, Tables 5.2 - 5.9. This is explained by the low dimension of the spaces of the Cauchy data uΓ (2.6) of the exact solution u. Finally, in the last Table 5.10 in this Section, we again consider the test Problem 3 with 2L = 22, but we fix the mesh size m1 = 7 for the construction of the particular solution ūN1 in the domain Ω0ūN1 , and we only vary the mesh size m2 . The accuracy of the results is not affected in comparison to the results presented in Tables 5.2-5.9 with m1 = m2 (this is similar to the performance of Algorithms Composition Framework that is illustrated in Table 5.1). Again, this is expected due to the highly oscillatory behavior of the solution (5.6) in the subdomain Ω2 , and hence computations of the solution in the subdomain Ω2 requires finer/smaller mesh sizes. This example again illustrates the advantage of our algorithms composition approach since we have flexibility to use different meshes in the different parts of the domain, and to solve problems independently in each domain. This makes the numerical scheme much more computationally efficient and very suitable for adaptive and parallel computations. 5.2. Second Example As the second test problem we will again consider the heat equation (2.5), but with the exact solution given below: 100tuΩ1 (x, y) = 100tu(1) , (x, y) ∈ Ω1 , u(x, y, t) = (5.8) 100tuΩ2 (x, y) = 100t(u(1) + u(2) ), (x, y) ∈ Ω2 . We consider here c1 = c2 = 4 in (5.3). The function u(2) is much less oscillatory now than the one in the 20 m1 6 8 7 9 8 10 “Algorithms m2 h1 8 0.0625 8 0.0156 9 0.0312 9 0.0078 10 0.0156 10 0.0039 Composition Framework” h2 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.0133 0.00387 0.0133 0.00387 0.0066 0.00097 0.0066 0.00097 0.0033 0.00024 0.0033 0.00024 “Finite Difference” h0 0.0133 0.0133 0.0066 0.0066 0.0033 0.0033 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00388 —//— 0.00097 —//— 0.00024 —//— Table 5.1. Comparison of the L∞ (L∞ ) Errors for the “Algorithms Composition Framework” (with complex interface: test problem 3, kθ = 3, number of the basis functions 2L = 42;) and “Classical Approach” (without complex interface) as functions of the mesh size; 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00130 0.00032 0.00008 Ratio 4.06 4.00 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01523 0.00382 0.00096 Ratio 3.99 3.98 Table 5.2. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 22; kθ = 0, Test problem 1 previous Section 5.1. As before, we set time step dt = 1.e − 6 for all tests in Section 5.2, and we consider the same time interval [0, 0.01]. Here, for the construction of the G1 (ṽΓ1 ), as well as for the computation of the particular solution ūN1 , we will choose the same auxiliary domains (as in the Section 5.1) Ω0G1 ≡ Ω0ūN1 := [−2, 2] × [−2, 2]. However, we will select the auxiliary domain Ω0G2 = [−1.5, 1.5] × [−1.5, 1.5], for the construction of the G2 (ṽΓ2 ), and we will consider the auxiliary domain Ω0ūN2 = [−1.6, 1.6] × [−1.6, 1.6], for the computation of the particular solution ūN2 . We will use the Cartesian meshes 2n1 × 2n1 ≡ 2n2 × 2n2 with n1 ≡ n2 = 10 for the domains Ω0G1 and Ω0G2 , and we will select two different discrete norms (3.9) with α = 0.5 and α = 1.0 for the construction of the G1 (ṽΓ1 ) and G2 (ṽΓ2 ). The results are reported in Table 5.11 (α = 0.5) and in Table 5.12 (α = 1.0). As demonstrated, the results are not affected by the choice of α. The errors that are reported in Tables 5.11 - 5.12 are smaller than the ones in Tables 5.2 - 5.9. This is again expected due to the less oscillatory behavior of the function u(2) in (5.8), and due to the choice of the auxiliary problems. Remark: In the numerical experiments presented in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 we observed the overall second order convergence of the scheme in space. Let us note that according to the general theoretical results for a second order differential operator approximated by a discrete one with a second order accuracy [44] (see also [49]), one would need to consider Taylor expansion in (3.20) with the derivative of order 2 + 2 = 4 to maintain a second order accuracy of the approximation of the continuous potential by a difference potential. However, it is also established that in reality this condition can be relaxed (see for example [34] and formula (3.20) in this paper). We believe that the choice of the norm in the variational formulation (3.13) plays an important role for the obtained convergence of our method in the considered numerical tests. 21 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00130 0.00032 0.00008 Ratio 4.06 4.00 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01523 0.00382 0.00096 Ratio 3.99 3.98 Table 5.3. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 30; kθ = 0, Test problem 1 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00131 0.00033 0.00008 Ratio 3.97 4.13 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01534 0.00389 0.00097 Ratio 3.94 4.01 Table 5.4. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 22; kθ = 2, Test problem 2 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00131 0.00033 0.00008 Ratio 3.97 4.13 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01534 0.00389 0.00097 Ratio 3.94 4.01 Table 5.5. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 30; kθ = 2, Test problem 2 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00131 0.00033 0.00008 Ratio 3.97 4.13 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01540 0.00387 0.00097 Ratio 3.98 3.99 Table 5.6. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 22; kθ = 3, Test problem 3 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00131 0.00033 0.00008 Ratio 3.97 4.13 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01540 0.00387 0.00097 Ratio 3.98 3.99 Table 5.7. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 30; kθ = 3, Test problem 3 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00138 0.00035 0.00009 Ratio 3.94 3.89 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01588 0.00398 0.0010 Ratio 3.99 3.98 Table 5.8. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 22; kθ = 5, Test problem 4 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00138 0.00035 0.00009 Ratio 3.94 3.89 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01588 0.00398 0.0010 Ratio 3.99 3.98 Table 5.9. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 30; kθ = 5, Test problem 4 22 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00131 0.00033 0.00008 Ratio 3.97 4.13 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.01540 0.00387 0.00097 Ratio 3.98 3.99 Table 5.10. Errors as functions of the mesh size m2 ; m1 = 7 is fixed. number of the basis functions 2L = 22; kθ = 3, Test problem 3 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00001 2.5e − 6 Ratio 4.0 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00020 0.00005 Ratio 4.0 Table 5.11. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 22; kθ = 3, α = 0.5, Test problem 3 5.3. Third Example As the third test problem we will again consider the heat equation (2.5), but with the exact solution given below: −t e uΩ1 (x, y) = e−t u(1) , (x, y) ∈ Ω1 , u(x, y, t) = (5.9) e−t uΩ2 (x, y) = e−t (u(1) + u(2) + 1.5u(3) ), (x, y) ∈ Ω2 . We consider here c1 = c2 = 1 in (5.3). This test problem (5.9) is more challenging since β(s) 6= 1 in the interface conditions (3.4) and it will be calculated as β(s) = ∂uΩ1 ∂uΩ2 −1 ∂n ∂n (5.10) As before, we set time step dt = 1.e − 6 for the test in Section 5.3, and we consider the same time interval [0, 0.01]. Here, for the construction of the G1 (ṽΓ1 ), as well as for the computation of the particular solution ūN1 we will choose the same auxiliary domains (as in the Sections 5.1 - 5.2) Ω0G1 ≡ Ω0ūN1 := [−2, 2] × [−2, 2]. Also, for the construction of the G2 (ṽΓ2 ) we will select the auxiliary domain Ω0G2 = [−1.6, 1.6] × [−1.6, 1.6], and for the computation of the particular solution ūN2 we will consider the auxiliary domain Ω0ūN2 = [−1.7, 1.7] × [−1.7, 1.7]. For the domains Ω0G1 and Ω0G2 , we will use the Cartesian meshes 2n1 × 2n1 ≡ 2n2 × 2n2 with n1 ≡ n2 = 10, and we will select the discrete norm (3.9) with α = 0.5 for the construction of the G1 (ṽΓ1 ) and G2 (ṽΓ2 ). The results are reported in Table 5.13. For this test problem (5.9) we observe that the convergence of our scheme drops. This could be explained by the jump in the normal derivative of the solution (5.9) at the interface, by the accuracy limitations of the considered second order finite difference space discretization (used away from the interface), by the choice of the extension operator (formula (3.23)) , as well as by the first order time discretization scheme used in this paper within the algorithms composition framework. As the part of the future research, this result will be improved by considering different time and space discretization within the developed approach, as well as different choices of the extension operators. 23 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00001 2.5e − 6 Ratio 4.0 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00020 0.00005 Ratio 4.0 Table 5.12. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 22; kθ = 3, α = 1.0, Test problem 3 7 8 9 L2 (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 3.3e − 5 8.3e − 6 3.1e − 6 Ratio 3.97 2.68 L∞ (L∞ ) error of u(x, y) 0.00051 0.00013 4.2e − 5 Ratio 3.92 3.10 Table 5.13. Errors as functions of the mesh size m1 = m2 ; number of the basis functions 2L = 22; kθ = 0, α = 0.5, Test problem 1 6. Concluding Remarks In this work, we developed an efficient and flexible Algorithms Composition Framework based on the idea of the difference potentials method (DPM) for parabolic problems in composite domains. We illustrated the accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility of our method with several numerical examples. Here, the parabolic equation served as the simplified model, and the first step towards future development of the proposed scheme for more realistic models of materials, fluids, or chemicals with different properties in different domains. In this work we considered and tested our approach only on the geometries with smooth curvilinear boundaries. In the future, we plan to extend the proposed method to problems in domains with arbitrary smooth boundaries and with boundaries with corners. In this respect, the choice of the different basis functions (3.15) for different parts of the boundaries, as well as the question of the efficient linear solvers for the scheme (3.13) will be investigated with the goal of designing even more efficient and accurate methods. Other future investigations will include the extension and further development of the proposed scheme to problems in physics and biology (see for example [10, 9, 53, 43, 42], [2, 5, 6, 21]), as well as the development of the space discretization based on the high-order finite difference (see for example [34]), finite-volume (see for example [22], [7, 10, 9]), finite element methods (see for example [11]), and spectral methods [16] within the proposed algorithms composition framework. Higher-order time discretization schemes will be studied as well. Acknowledgment: The author would like to express her gratitude to Professors Viktor Ryaben’kii and Viktor Turchaninov for introducing and teaching her the idea of the Difference Potentials Method many years ago, and for the warm and encouraging atmosphere of their collaboration. The author also would like to thank very much Professor Viktor Ryaben’kii for the inspiring discussions about future research. 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Appendix: Matrix Computation for System of Boundary Equations As we discussed in Section 3.3 using the approximation (3.24) for vγp in the system of Boundary Equations (3.8), we obtain the system of linear equations (3.25) with |γp | equations for 2L unknowns u0p := (u0p1 , ..., u0pL ), u1p := (u1p1 , ..., u1pL ): Bp0 u0p + Bp1 u1p = 0, (p = 1, 2). Once again, here, |γp | is the total number of points in the set γp (p = 1, 2) and (u01` , u11` ), (u02` , u12` ) are the unknown expansion coefficients of (ṽΓ1 , ṽΓ2 ) (3.19). Matrices Bp0 and Bp1 are defined as Bp0 := (b0p1 , ..., b0pL ) and Bp1 := (b1p1 , ..., b1pL ). Columns b0p` and b1p` of these matrices are |γp | dimensional vectors. The components of the vectors are computed as the values at the points of the set |γp | of the grid functions Qγp [Πγp Γp φ` ] and Qγp [Πγp Γp φ?` ], respectively. These values of the grid functions Qγp [Πγp Γp φ` ] ≡ Πγp Γp φ` − PNγp [Πγp Γp φ` ] and Qγp [Πγp Γp φ?` ] ≡ Πγp Γp φ?` − PNγp [Πγp Γp φ?` ] are known and obtained by constructing 2L difference potentials: let us recall that the difference potential uNp = PNγp vγp (Def. 2.4, Section 2.1) can be easily constructed in general. The operator PNγp is the linear operator of the density vγp . Here, the difference potential PNγp [Πγp Γp φ` ], or PNγp [Πγp Γp φ?` ] is constructed by solving the simple auxiliary problem ((DAP), Def. 2.3), with the right-hand side given in (2.19), where density vγp is set to: vγp := Πγp Γp φ`? , for (xj , yk ) ∈ γp , (7.1) vγp := Πγp Γp φ?`? , for (xj , yk ) ∈ γp , (7.2) or to with fixed `? that takes the values from 1 to L. Let us note that for the detailed discussion on the general construction of the difference potential, one may refer to [49, 10]. 26