Penn Institute for Economic Research Department of Economics University of Pennsylvania 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297 PIER Working Paper 08-040 “Bounds on Revenue Distributions in Counterfactual Auctions with Reserve Prices” by Xun Tang Bounds on Revenue Distributions in Counterfactual Auctions with Reserve Prices Xun Tang Department of Economics University of Pennsylvania September, 2008 Abstract In …rst-price auctions with interdependent bidder values, the distributions of private signals and values cannot be uniquely recovered from bids in Bayesian Nash equilibria. Non-identi…cation invalidates structural analyses that rely on the exact knowledge of model primitives. In this paper I introduce tight, informative bounds on the distribution of revenues in counterfactual …rst-price and second-price auctions with binding reserve prices. These robust bounds are identi…ed from distributions of equilibrium bids in …rst-price auctions under minimal restrictions where I allow for a¢ liated signals and both private- and commonvalue paradigms. The bounds can be used to compare auction formats and to select optimal reserve prices. I propose consistent nonparametric estimators of the bounds. I extend the approach to account for observed heterogeneity across auctions, as well as binding reserve prices in the data. I use a recent data of 6,721 …rst-price auctions of U.S. municipal bonds to estimate bounds on counterfactual revenue distributions. I then bound optimal reserve prices for sellers with various risk attitudes. KEYWORDS: Structural auction models, interdependent values, a¢ liated signals, partial identi…cation, counterfactual revenue distributions, U.S. municipal bond auctions 0 This paper is a chapter of my Ph.D. dissertation at Northwestern University. I am grateful to Robert Porter, Elie Tamer and Rosa Matzkin for numerous helpful discussions. I also thank Arnau Bages, Federico Bugni, John Chen, Xiaohong Chen, Ivan Fau, Joel Horowitz, Yongbae Lee, Charles Manski, Aviv Nevo, William Rogerson, Viktor Subbotin, Quang Vuong, Siyang Xiong and participants of the Econometrics and IO seminars at Northwestern University for comments and feedbacks. Special thanks to Artyom Shneyerov for helpful discussions and kind assistance with data acquisition. Financial support from the Center of Studies in Industrial Organization at Northwestern University is gratefully acknowledged. Any and all errors are my own. 2 1 Introduction In a structural auction model, a potential bidder does not know his own valuation of the auctioned object, but has some noisy private signal about its value. Bidders make their decisions conditional on these signals and their knowledge of the distribution of their competitors’private signals and values. A structural approach for empirical studies of auctions posits the distribution of bids observed can be rationalized by a joint distribution of bidder values and signals in Bayesian Nash equilibria, and de…nes this joint distribution as the model primitive. The objective is to extract information about this primitive from the distribution of bids, and to use it to answer policy questions such as the choice of optimal reserve prices or auction formats. (See Hendricks and Porter (2007) for a survey.) Depending on whether bidders would …nd rivals’ signals informative about their own values conditional on their own signals, an auction belongs to one of the two mutually exclusive types : private values (P V ), and common values (CV ).1 These two types have distinct implications for revenue distributions under a given auction format. In this paper I propose tight, informative bounds on counterfactual revenue distributions that can be constructed from the distribution of bids in a general class of …rst-price auctions with interdependent values and a¢ liated signals. The counterfactual formats considered in this paper include both …rst- and second-price auctions with reserve prices.2 Thus I introduce a uni…ed approach of policy analyses for both P V and CV auctions that does not require exact identi…cation of model primitives. My method is motivated by several empirical challenges related to structural CV models. First, several policy questions have not been addressed outside the restrictive case of P V auctions due to di¢ culties resulting from non-identi…cation of signal and value distributions.3 For a …xed reserve price, theory ranks expected revenue for general interdependent value auctions with a¢ liated signals, but the magnitude of expected revenue di¤erences remains an empirical question.4 Another open issue is the choice of optimal reserve prices in general interdependent value auctions with a¢ liated signals and …nite number of bidders.5 Since model primitives cannot be recovered 1 I use the term "interdependent values" for a larger class of auctions that encompass both P V and CV auctions. The formal de…nition of a P V auction is one in which bidders’values are mean independent from rival signals conditional on their own signals. 2 In this paper, I use the term "second-price auctions" exclusively for the sealed-bid format. This does not include the open formats, or "English auctions". 3 For a proof of non-identi…cation, see La¤ont and Vuong (1996). 4 The only exception is the case with i.i.d. signals, where expected revenue from …rst-price, second-price and English auctions are the same regardless of value interdependence. 5 An exception is symmetric, independent private value auctions, where the optimal reserve price is 3 from equilibrium bids in CV auctions, these questions cannot be addressed as in P V auctions, where point identi…cation of signal distributions helps exactly recover revenue distributions in counterfactual formats.6 Second, it is di¢ cult to distinguish P V and CV auctions from the distribution of bids alone under a given auction format, even though the two have distinct implications in counterfactual revenue analyses. La¤ont and Vuong (1996) proved for a given number of potential bidders, distributions of equilibrium bids in CV auctions can always be rationalized by certain P V structures. Empirical methods that have been proposed for distinguishing between the two types often have practical limitations. They either rely on assumptions that may not be valid in some applications (such as exogenous variations of number of bidders, as in Haile, Hong and Shum (2003)), or they may entail strong data requirements (an ex post measure of bidder values as in Hendricks, Pinkse and Porter (2003), or many bids near a binding reserve price as in Hendricks and Porter (2007)).7 Third, the empirical auction literature has not considered the magnitude of the bias if a CV environment is analyzed with a P V model in counterfactual revenue analyses. I propose a structural estimation method through partial identi…cation of revenue distributions to address the questions above. First, the bounds on revenue distributions are constructed directly from the bids, and do not rely on pinpointing the underlying signal and value distributions. Second, the bounds only require a minimum set of general restrictions on value and signal distributions that encompass both P V and CV paradigms. Third, the bounds are tight and sharp within the general class of …rst-price auctions. The lower bound is the true counterfactual revenue distribution under a P V structure, while the upper bound can be close to the truth for certain types of CV models. Hence the distance between the bounds can be interpreted as a measure of maximum error possible when a CV structure is analyzed as P V in counterfactual analyses. The bounds can be nonparametrically estimated consistently. Although I do not provide point estimates of revenue distributions, the bounds are informative for answering policy questions, as they can be used to compare auction formats, or to bound revenue maximizing reserve prices. The analysis can be extended to risk-averse sellers immediately given the sellers’utility functions. identi…ed from the distribution of equilibrium bids. Levin and Smith (1994) also showed in symmetric …rstprice auctions, where signals are a¢ liated and values are interdependent through a common unobserved component, the optimal reserve price converges to the seller’s true value as the number of potential bidders n goes to in…nity. Yet the theory is otherwise silent about identifying optimal reserve prices with a …nite n. 6 See Guerre (2000), Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2002) and Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2003) for details. Also note in P V auctions, the distribution of signals fXi gni=1 are equivalent to the distribution of values fVi gni=1 under the normalization E(Vi jXi = x) = x. 7 A binding reserve price is one that is high enough to have a positive probability of screening out some bidders. 4 My paper is related to the literature on robust inference in auction models. Haile and Tamer (2003) use incomplete econometric models to bound the optimal reserve price in independent P V English auctions, where the equilibrium bidding assumption is replaced with two intuitive behavior assumptions. In contrast, my paper focuses on …rst-price CV auctions. Incompleteness here arises from the range of possible rationalizing signal and value distributions, instead of a ‡exible interpretation of bids. Hendricks, Pinkse and Porter (2003) introduce nonparametric structural analyses to CV auctions. They use an ex post measure of bidder values to test the assumption of equilibrium bidding. They also provide evidence that the winner’s curse e¤ect dominated the competition e¤ect, leading to less aggressive bidding in equilibrium as the number of bidders increase. Shneyerov (2006) introduces an approach for counterfactual revenue analyses in common-value auctions without the need to identify model primitives. In particular, he shows that for any given reserve price, equilibrium bids from …rst-price auctions can be used to identify the expected revenues in second-price auctions with the same reserve price. He also shows how to bound the expected gains in revenues from English auctions under the general restriction of monotone value functions and a¢ liated signals. My paper makes three novel contributions. First, the focus on revenue distributions, as opposed to distributional parameters such as expectations, allows more general revenue analyses. Auction theory usually uses expected revenue as a criterion to compare auction designs, but central tendency may not be justi…able in practice, say if the seller is not risk-neutral. Knowledge of distributions is necessary for other criteria, such as maximizing expected seller utility. (A seller may also choose a design to maximize the probability that revenue falls in a certain range.) Second, bounds on revenue distributions can be constructed for hypothetical reserve prices. One can then compare reserve prices within …rst-price or second-price formats. In CV auctions, a counterfactual, binding reserve price r creates serious challenges in policy analyses. The probability that no one bids higher than r in equilibrium cannot be pinpointed from bids in the data, since the screening level can not be identi…ed without further restrictions.8 Moreover, the mapping from equilibrium bids in the data to those under the counterfactual r cannot be uniquely recovered. I address this issue by bounding the bid that a marginal bidder under a counterfactual binding r actually places in equilibrium under the data-generating auction format.9 These bounds in turn lead to bounds on the revenue distribution under r. Finally, the bounds on revenue distributions are robust and independent from exact forms of signal a¢ liations and value interdependence, 8 A screening level under r is the value of signal such that only bidders with signals higher than the screening level will choose to submit bids above r in equilibrium. See Section 2 below for a formal de…nition. 9 A marginal bidder under r is the one whose signal is exactly equal to the screening level. 5 and are identi…ed from the distribution of equilibrium bids alone. This robustness comes with the price of partial identi…cation of revenue distributions. Nonetheless, one can obtain informative answers for some policy questions. The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 introduces bounds on counterfactual revenue distributions in a benchmark model where data is collected from homogenous auctions with exogenous participation. Section 3 de…nes nonparametric estimators for bounds and proves their pointwise consistency. Section 4 provides Monte Carlo evidence about the performance of the bound estimators. Section 5 extends the benchmark model to allow for observable auction heterogeneity and endogenous participation under binding reserve prices in the data. Section 6 applies the proposed method to U.S. municipal bond auctions on the primary market. Section 7 concludes. 2 Bounds on Counterfactual Revenue Distributions in the Benchmark Model This section focuses on a benchmark case where bids are observed from increasing, symmetric pure-strategy Bayesian Nash Equilibria (P SBN E) in homogenous single-unit …rst-price auctions with a …xed number of bidders and no binding reserve prices. I show how to use joint distributions of these bids to construct tight bounds on revenue distributions in counterfactual …rst-price and second-price auctions with a binding reserve price r > 0. Extensions to cases where bids are observed from heterogenous auctions or auctions with endogenous participation due to binding reserve prices are discussed in Section 5. 2.1 Model speci…cations Consider a single-unit, …rst-price auction with N potential risk-neutral bidders and no reserve price. Each bidder receives a private signal Xi but cannot observe his own valuation Vi . The distribution of all bids submitted in equilibrium (denoted B0N fBi0 gi=1;::;N ) is observed from a random sample of independent, identical auctions, but neither Xi nor Vi can be observed. For simplicity, Xi and Vi are both scalars. Throughout the paper I use upper case letters to denote random variables, lower case letters for realized values, and bold letters for vectors. The following assumptions are maintained for the rest of the paper. 6 A1 (Symmetric, A¢ liated Signals) Private signals XN fXi gi=1;::;N are a¢ liated with N support SX [xL ; xU ]N , and the joint distribution FXN is exchangeable in all arguments.10 A2 (Interdependent Values) A bidder’s value satis…es Vi = N (Xi ; X i ), where N (:) is a nonnegative, bounded, continuous function exchangeable in XN i fX1 ; :; Xi 1 ; Xi+1 ; :; XN g, non-decreasing in all signals, and increasing in his own signal Xi over SX [xL ; xU ]. Note A2 implies private signals are drawn from identical marginal distributions on SX , and A1 includes private values (PV ) as a special case, where N (xi ; x i ) does not depend N on x i for all (xi ; x i ) 2 SX . Common values (CV ) correspond to value functions that are non-degenerate in rival signals X i . A pure strategy for a bidder under a given auction structure (N; N ; FXN ) is a function b0i;N (:; N ; FXN ) : Xi ! R1+ . A pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium is a portfolio fb0i;N (:)gi=1;::;N such that for all i, b0i;N (:) is the best response to fb0j;N (:)gj2f1;::;N gnfig . (The superscript 0 signi…es that there is no reserve price.) That is, for all i and x 2 SX , b0i;N (x) = arg max E(Vi bj b max j2f1;:;N gnfig b0j;N (Xj ) b; Xi = x) Pr( max j2f1;:;N gnfig b0j;N (Xj ) bjXi = x) The regularity conditions for existence of such a P SBN E is collected in A3 below. McAdams (2006) proved A1,2,3 are su¢ cient for the existence of unique symmetric, increasing P SBN E in …rst-price auctions. The restrictions in A3 are otherwise inessential for the main result of partial identi…cation in this paper. A3 (Regularity Conditions) (i) N (:) is twice continuously di¤erentiable; (ii) The joint N density of fXi gi=1;::;N exists on SX , is continuously di¤erentiable, and 9flow ; fhigh > 0 such N that f (x) 2 [flow ; fhigh ] 8x 2 SX . De…nition 1 A joint distribution of bids fb0i;N gi=f1;::;N g in …rst-price auctions with no reserve price (denoted GB0N ) is rationalized by an auction structure f N ; FXN g if GB0N is the distribution of bids in a symmetric, increasing PSBNE in the auction. Two structures f N ; FXN g and f~N ; F~XN g are observationally equivalent if they generate the same distribution GB0N in symmetric, increasing PSBNE of …rst-price auctions. The identi…ed set (relative to GB0N )is the set of all structures that are observationally equivalent given the bid distribution GB0 . 10 Let Z be a random vector in RK with joint density f . Let _ and ^ denote respectively component-wise maximum and minimum of any two vectors in RK . Variables in Z are a¢ liated if, for all z and z 0 in RK , f (z _ z 0 )f (z ^ z 0 ) f (z)f (z 0 ). For a more formal de…nition, see Milgrom and Weber (1982). 7 The …rst-order condition in PSBNE is characterized by: b00 N (x) = [vh;N (x; x) b0N (x)] fYN jX (xjx) FYN jX (xjx) (1) for all x 2 SX , where Yi;N maxj2f1;:;N gnfig Xj , FYN jX (tjx) Pr(Yi;N tjXi = x), and fYN jX (tjx) denotes the corresponding conditional density. And vh;N (x; y; N ; FXN ) is a bidder’s expected value conditional on winning with a pivotal bid, i.e. E(Vi jXi = x; Yi;N = y). The equilibrium boundary condition is b0N (xL ) = vh;N (xL ; xL ). For notational ease, subscripts for bidder indices are dropped due to the symmetry in FXN and N . In an increasing PSBNE where b00 N (:) > 0 on SX , Guerre, Perrigne and Vuong (2000) established a link between the auction structure and GB0N by reformulating (1) using change-of-variable : vh;N (x; x) = b0N (x) + GMN0 jBN0 (b0N (x)jb0N (x)) gMN0 jBN0 (b0N (x)jb0N (x)) (b0N (x); GB0N ) (2) maxj6=i b0N (Xj ) is the highest where Bi;N b0N (Xi ) is bidder i’s bid in equilibrium, Mi;N tjb0N = b), and gMN0 jBN0 (tjb) is the correrival bid for bidder i, GMN0 jBN0 (tjb) = Pr(MN0 sponding conditional density.11 Again, indices for bidders are dropped due to symmetry. Furthermore, subscripts N will also be dropped for the rest of this section and the following section, as I focus on bid distributions from auctions with a …xed number of bidders. 2.2 Review of literature on P V auctions In this subsection, I review the literature on identi…cation of signal distributions and optimal reserve prices in private value auctions. The objective is to highlight how unique identi…cation of bidders’signal distributions and screening levels leads to exact knowledge of the optimal reserve price. This motivates my approach of partial identi…cation when the screening level can not be exactly pinned down in more general interdependent value auctions. Guerre, Perrigne and Vuong (2000) and Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2002) showed the joint distribution of bidder values are nonparametrically identi…ed from distribution of equilibrium bids in …rst-price, P V auctions with no reserve prices. This result holds regardless of the form of dependence between private signals. The main idea is that in P V auctions, the left-hand side of (2) is independent from the second argument (the highest rival signal) and therefore 11 Following a convention in the literature, I assume the second order conditions are always satis…ed and thus …rst-order conditions are su¢ cient for characterizing the equilibrium. 8 can be normalized to the signal x itself. Hence the inverse bidding function can be fully recovered from GB0 , for both independent and a¢ liated signals.12 Another simpli…cation peculiar to P V auctions is that the screening level under a binding reserve price r is equal to r itself. That is, bidders choose not to bid above r in equilibrium if and only if their private signals are below r. To see this, note the screening level under r in a general interdependent value auction is de…ned as : x (r) inffx 2 SX : E(Vi jXi = x; Yi x) rg If E(Vi jXi = x; Yi x) < r for all x 2 SX , let x (r) = xU . In P V auctions, E(Vi jXi = x; Yi x) = E(Vi jXi = x) and the normalization E(Vi jXi = x) = x implies x (r) = r. Thus in P V auctions, both the signal distribution FX and x (r) are exactly recovered from GB0 . In principle, knowledge of FX in P V auctions is su¢ cient for …nding counterfactual revenue distributions under a binding reserve price r. It follows that the optimal r which maximizes the expected revenue is also identi…ed. Yet in reality it can be impractical to implement this fully nonparametric estimation due to data de…ciencies, especially when the signals are a¢ liated. Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2003) proposed a nonparametric algorithm for estimating optimal reserve prices that is implemented with less intensive computations. The idea is to express expected seller revenue under r as a functional of the observed distribution of equilibrium bids and r. Then optimizing a sample analog of this objective function over reserve prices gives a consistent estimator of the optimal reservation price. Again the assumption of private values is indispensable for two reasons. First, it implies x (r) = r under appropriate normalizations, which is used for de…ning the objective function; Second, it ensures full nonparametric identi…cation of the distributions of counterfactual equilibrium bidding strategies. This approach cannot be applied to CV auctions with a¢ liated signals immediately because of two non-identi…cation results. First, the screening level cannot be pinned down without further restrictions on how bidders’signals and valuations are correlated. Second, inverse bidding functions can not be recovered without knowledge of . Hence underlying structure f ; FX g can not be identi…ed. These pose a major challenge for identifying counterfactual revenue distributions in CV auctions. 12 In private value auctions, the conventional normalization of the signals is E(Vi jXi = x) = x for all x. 9 2.3 Observational equivalence of P V and CV In this subsection I prove the observational equivalence of P V and CV paradigms when GB0 is observed from …rst-price auctions with a …xed number of bidders. That is, GB0 can be rationalized by a P V structure if and only if it can be rationalized by a CV structure.13 This preliminary question sheds lights on the scope of bid distributions where a uni…ed approach of counterfactual analyses for both P V and CV structures is needed. To understand this point, ~ B0 that would be rationalized only by a P V structure suppose there could exist certain G but not any CV ones. In this case, the issue of …rst-order importance would be to derive ~ B0 , and then fully recover the underlying P V structures testable implications of all such G for those bid distributions satisfying such implications. ~ B0 cannot exist. Thus a robust approach The rest of the subsection proves such a G of counterfactual analyses that does not count on distinguishing P V and CV structures is needed for any observed distributions of bids from a given auction structure. Let F denote the set of joint signal distributions that satisfy A1, and the set of value functions that satisfy A2. Let CV denote a subset of that is non-degenerate in rival signals X i . Below I give necessary and su¢ cient conditions for GB0 to be rationalized by some element of F. CV Proposition 1 A joint distribution of bids GB0 observed in …rst-price auctions with nonbinding reserve prices can be rationalized by some f ; FX g 2 CV F if and only if (i) GB0 is a¢ liated and exchangeable in all arguments; and (ii) (b; GB0 ) = b + GMi0 jBi0 (bjb)=gMi0 jBi0 (bjb) is strictly increasing on the support of individual bids [b0L ; b0U ]. Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2002) showed conditions (i) and (ii) are also necessary and suf…cient for GB0 to be rationalized by some P V structure. It follows that a GB0 is rationalized by some P V structures if and only if it is also rationalized by some 2 CV . This suggests that researchers cannot distinguish P V and CV paradigm only using bid distributions from homogenous auctions with a …xed number of bidders and no reserve prices.14 13 La¤ont and Vuong (1996) proved the su¢ ciency as they showed the non-identi…cation of CV auctions. It remains unanswered whether the converse is true. 14 Recent literature in empirical auctions have developed ways to distinguish two structures with augmented data containing bids from more than one auction formats. These include the use of exogenous variations in the number of bidders as in Haile, Hong and Shum (2003), ex post measures of bidder values as in Hendricks, Pinkse and Porter (2003), and bid distributions under a strictly binding reserve price as in Hendricks and Porter (2007). 10 2.4 Bounding revenue distributions in counterfactual 1st-price auctions A conventional criterion for choosing optimal reserve prices is the expected revenue for the seller. The Revenue Equivalence Theorem states that in auctions with independent private values, optimal reserve prices are the same for both 2nd-price and 1st-price auctions, and are independent from the number of potential bidders. On the other hand, there is no theoretical result about the choice of optimal reserve prices in general 1st-price auctions with a¢ liated signals, interdependent values, and a …nite number of bidders. The answer depends on the speci…cs of model primitives and is open for empirical analyses. Besides, expected revenue is not an appropriate criterion to use if the seller is not risk neutral. Knowledge of revenue distributions in counterfactual auction formats helps address both concerns. For a binding reserve price r, I propose informative bounds on FRI (r) that are constructed from GB0 alone. 2.4.1 The link between GB0 and FRI (r) I start by establishing links between observed bid distributions GB0 and bidders’equilibrium bidding strategies as well as the distribution of revenues in counterfactual 1st-price auctions with a binding reserve price r. The equilibrium strategy in …rst-price auctions under a reserve price r 0 has a closed form: Z x r b (x; ; FX ) = rL(x (r)jx; FX ) + vh (s; s; ; FX )dL(sjx; FX ) 8x x (r) x (r) br (x; ; FX ) < r 8x < x (r) Rx where L(sjx; FX ) expf s (u; FX )dug and (x; FX ) fY jX (xjx)=FY jX (xjx). This section focuses on a benchmark model where the bid distribution is observed from auctions with a …xed number of bidders. Hence the superscript N is suppressed for notational ease. For any given x on the closed interval SX , L(sjx; FX ) is a well-de…ned distribution function with support [xL ; x] and is …rst-order stochastically dominated by the distribution of the second highest signal (i.e. FY jX (sjx)=FY jX (xjx)).15 The two distributions are identical when bidders’private signals are i.i.d.. The range of r for nontrivial counterfactual analyses is SRP [ 0L ; 0U ], where 0k (b0 (xk ); GB0 ) for k = L; U . This is because for r < 0L , x (r) = xL and there is no e¤ective screening of bidders, while for r > 0U , all bidders are 15 That L(:jx) is a well-de…ned distribution on [xL ; x] is shown in Krishna (2002). Furthermore L(sjx) R x f (ujx) F jX (sjx) expf s FYY jX dug = FYY jX (xjx) , where the inequality follows from the fact that FY jX (xjz)=fY jX (xjz) is jX (ujx) decreasing in z for all x when signals are a¢ liated. 11 screened out with probability 1. Let v0 denote the seller’s own reserve value of the auctioned asset. For all r 2 SRP and r > v0 , the distribution of revenue in counterfactual …rst-price auctions with a binding reserve price r (denoted RI (r)) is: FRI (r) (t; ) = 0 8t < v0 = PrfX (1) < x (r; )g 8t 2 [v0 ; r) = PrfX (1) r (t; )g 8t 2 [r; +1) where X (k) denotes the k-th highest out of N signals, r (t) denotes the inverse function of the equilibrium strategy br (:) at a given bid level t, and 2 F denotes the underlying structure (where F is the set of primitives that satisfy A1 and A2 ).16 This distribution would be exactly identi…ed from GB0 if a mapping between the strategy under r and that with no reserve prices can be fully recovered from GB0 . For any rationalizable distribution GB0 that satis…es conditions (i) and (ii) in Proposition 1, let (GB0 ) denote a subset of structures in F that rationalizes GB0 . For notational ease, the dependence of b0 and br on the structure 2 F is suppressed. Lemma 1 Consider a rationalizable GB0 . For all 2 (GB0 ) in …rst-price auctions with any r 2 SRP and x x (r; ), br (x; ) = r (b0 (x; ); GB0 ) where r solves the di¤erential equation 0 (b; GB0 ) = [ (b; GB0 ) (b; GB0 )] ~ (b; GB0 ) (3) for b b0 (x (r; ); ), with ~ (u; GB0 ) de…ned as (b0 (x (r; ); ); GB0 ) = r. gM 0 jB 0 (uju) GM 0 jB 0 (uju) and the boundary condition Thus r can be constructed from the observed bid distribution GB0 up to an unknown bid that a marginal bidder under r would place in an auction with no reserve prices (denoted b0 (x (r))). This is not surprising, as binding reserve prices a¤ect bidding strategies in equilibrium only through the boundary condition br (x (r)) = r.17 My construction of bounds on 16 By de…nition Pr(RI (r) t) = 0 for all t < v0 . For all t 2 [v0 ; r), Pr(RI (r) t) = Pr(RI (r) = v0 ) = Pr(X (1) < x (r)). Note br0 (x) > 0 for all r 2 SRP and x > x (r), and br (x (r)) = r. Hence br (x) is invertible on [r; +1), and for t r, PrfR(r) tg = PrfX (1) < x (r)g + PrfX (1) 2 [x (r); (br ) 1 (t))g (1) r = Pr(X (t)) for all t 2 [r; +1). 17 To see this, note br and b0 are solutions to the di¤erential equation: b0 (x) = [vh (x; x; ; FX ) b(x)] fYN jX (xjx) FYN jX (xjx) with di¤erent boundary conditions b(x (r)) = r and b(xL ) = vh (xL ; xL ) respectively. 12 FRI (r) follows three intuitive steps. First, derive tight bounds on b0 (x (r)) from GB0 under the general restriction of a¢ liated values and signals, and then substitute the bounds for the unknown marginal bid in the boundary condition of (3) to get envelops on r . Next, for any given level of counterfactual revenue t, invert these envelops to get a possible range of b0 ( r (t)) (the hypothetical bid that a bidder who bids t under reserve price r would place when there is no reserve price). Finally, use the distribution of winning bids in auctions with no reserve prices to construct bounds on FRI (r) (t). 2.4.2 Bounds on counterfactual screening levels I start by deriving the range of possible screening levels under a given binding reserve price r. Let v(x; y) E(Vi jXi = x; Yi y), and vl (x; y) E(vh (Y; Y )jXi = x; Yi Ry fY jX (sjx) y) = xL vh (s; s) FY jX (yjx) ds. In symmetric Bayesian Nash equilibria, v(x; x) is the winner’s expected value if his signal is x (which is the same in both 1st-price and 2nd-price auctions), and vl (x; x) is the winner’s expected payment in 2nd-price auctions with no reserve prices. For all x 2 SX and structures 2 F, a¢ liation between signals and values implies vh (x; x; ) v(x; x; ), and the equilibrium condition in 2nd-price auctions guarantees v(x; x; ) vl (x; x; ). Let xl (r; ) arg minx2SX [vh (x; x; ) r]2 and xh (r; ) arg minx2SX [vl (x; x; ) r]2 . Lemma 2 (i) For all 2 F, x (r; ) 2 [xl (r; ); xh (r; )] for all r 2 SRP ; (ii) For any rationalizable bid distribution GB0 , 9 2 (GB0 ) such that xl (r; ) = x (r; ) for all r 2 SRP . Furthermore, for all " > 0, 9 2 (GB0 ) such that supr2SRP jxh (r; ) x (r; )j ". The bounds on the screening level are robust as they are constructed in a general environment where no restriction is placed on the form of value interdependence and signal a¢ liations. In other words, the screening level can never fall outside the bounds, provided bidders’values and private signals are a¢ liated. The true screening level coincides with the upper bound if the winner …nds his rivals’signals uninformative about his own value. This includes P V auctions as special cases. On the other hand, it hits the lower bound if the margin between a winner’s own signal and the highest competing signal reveals no additional information about his own value. For better intuition behind the bounds, consider special cases where a bidder’s value function is additively separable between his own signal and the vector of rival signals. Then the lower and upper bounds on the screening level correspond to extreme cases of weights (1 and 0 respectively) that a bidder assigns to his own signals while calculating the expected value conditional on winning. 13 Lemma 2 illustrates how the indeterminacy of underlying model structures leads to a possible range of screening levels. However, it does not bound on the marginal bid directly, as both fxk (r; )gk=l;h and the bidding strategy b0 (:; ) depend upon the unknown structure . Lemma 3 below proposes a way to bound the marginal bid by relating winners’ expected payment in 2nd-price auctions, as well as the equilibrium strategies, to observable bid distribution GB0 . Let SB 0 denote the support of equilibrium bids in 1st-price auctions b0 (xk ) for k = L; U .) Let with no reserve prices. (That is, SB 0 [b0L ; b0U ] where b0k Rb gM 0 jB 0 (sjb) (s; GB0 ) G 0 0 (bjb) ds for b b0L . For r 2 SRP , de…ne l (b; GB0 ) b0 (xL ) M jB b0l;r (GB0 ) arg minb2SB0 [ (b; GB0 ) r]2 b0h;r (GB0 ) arg minb2SB0 [ l (b; GB0 ) r]2 Lemma 3 Consider any rationalizable bid distribution GB0 . Then (i) for all r 2 SRP and all 2 (GB0 ), b0 (x (r; ); ) 2 [b0l;r (GB0 ); b0h;r (GB0 )]; (ii) for all r 2 SRP and b 2 [b0l;r (GB0 ); b0h;r (GB0 )), 9 2 (GB0 ) such that b0 (x (r; ); ) = b. To understand these results, notice that and l can relate observed bid distributions in equilibria to functionals of the underlying structures vh (:; ) and vl (:; ) through the …rst-order conditions. More importantly, by construction, they only depend upon model primitives f ; FX g through the observable GB0 generated in equilibria. Therefore, these links between vh (:; ), vl (:; ) and GB0 are invariant over the identi…ed set of structures (i.e. for all 2 (GB0 )). Then inverting these functions at a given binding counterfactual reserve price r gives bounds on the marginal bid. The bounds are tight and sharp in the sense that each point between the bounds depicts a marginal bid corresponding to a certain structure within the identi…ed set (i.e. the set of observationally equivalent structures). In other words, this range of possible marginal bids have exhausted all information that can be extracted from the symmetric and a¢ liated properties of the values and signals, for it is impossible to reduce the distance between the bounds in the absence of additional restrictions on and FX . 2.4.3 Bounding the mapping between strategies and FRI (r) Recall r solves (3) with an unidenti…ed boundary condition r (b0 (x (r; ); ); GB0 ) = r. By replacing the unknown marginal bid in the boundary conditions with its bounds fb0k;r (GB0 )gk=l;h , we can derive two solutions f r;k (:; GB0 )gk=l;h that are envelops on the 14 mapping between strategies b0 and br (only for bidders above the screening level under r). Again this is due to the fact that reserve prices r (and therefore the marginal bid) enters bidders’strategies only through boundary conditions. For any revenue level t considered in a counterfactual 1st-price auction with a binding reserve price r, tight bounds on the hypothetical bid b0 ( r (t; ) ; ) (that a bidder who would bid t under r actually bids in auctions with no reserve prices) can be derived by inverting the envelops r;k at t. Lemma 4 Consider a rationalizable distribution GB0 . For k 2 fl; hg and r 2 SRP , let f r;k (:; GB0 )gk=l;h denote solutions to the di¤erential equation (3) with boundary conditions 0 b0k;r (GB0 ). De…ne r;k (bk;r (GB0 ); GB0 ) = r for b 1 r;k (t; GB0 ) arg min b2[b0k;r (GB0 );b0U ] [ r;k (b; GB0 ) t]2 : Then: (i) for any 2 (GB0 ), r;h (b; GB0 ) b0h;r (GB0 ) and r (b; ; GB0 ) for all b b0 (x (r; ); ), and r;k (:; GB0 ) are increasing on r;l (b; GB0 ) r (b; ; GB0 ) for all b [b0k;r (GB0 ); b0U ] for k = l; h; (ii) for any revenue t > r, and all b 2 [ r;l1 (t; G0B ); r;h1 (t; G0B )), 9 2 (G0B ) such that b0 ( r (t; ); ) = b. The Lemma shows how sharp bounds on the marginal bid lead to sharp bounds on the hypothetical bid b0 ( r (t; ); ) for all revenue level above the counterfactual reserve price. This in turn will deliver the point-wise sharpness of bounds on revenue distributions in counterfactual auctions below. A nice property of f r;k gk=l;h is that r;l r;h is non1 1 0 18 increasing in b for b b (xh (r)). This implies the length of [ r;l (t; GB0 ); r;h (t; GB0 )] is decreasing in the revenue level t provided both r;l and r;h increase at a moderate rate. Proposition 2 Consider a rationalizable GB0 and any r 2 SRP with r > v0 . Then for all 2 (GB0 ), FRl I (r) (GB0 ) F:S:D: FRI (r) ( ) F:S:D: FRuI (r) (GB0 ), where F:S:D: denotes …rst-order stochastic dominance, and FRl I (r) (t; GB0 ) = 0 8t < v0 = Pr(b0 (X (1) ; ) < b0l;r (GB0 ) = Pr(b0 (X (1) ; ) 18 Proof: Note 0 0 r;l (b; GB ) 0 0 r;h (b; GB ) = ~ (b; G0B ) "Z 1 r;l (t; GB0 )) b0 (xh (r)) b0 (xl (r)) as (b; G0B ) r for all b 8t 2 [v0 ; r) r 8t 2 [r; +1) # 0 0 ~ ~ ~ (b; GB )dL(bjb; GB ) 0 b0 (xh (r)) in equilibrium. The inequality is strict if b0 (xh (r)) > b0 (xl (r)). 15 and FRuI (r) (t; GB0 ) = 0 8t < v0 = Pr(b0 (X (1) ; ) < b0h;r (GB0 ) = Pr(b0 (X (1) ; ) 8t 2 [v0 ; r) 1 r;h (t; GB0 )) 8t 2 [r; +1) The distribution of the highest bid is observed from auctions with no reserve prices. Therefore the bounds can be nonparametrically constructed from GB0 . Furthermore, it follows from Lemma 3 and Lemma 4 that for a given revenue level t, any point within the interval [FRl I (r) (t; GB0 ); FRhI (r) (t; GB0 )) correspond to certain true distribution of counterfactual revenue FRI (r) (t; ) for some 2 (GB0 ). In other words, fFRk I (r) (t; GB0 )gk=l;h form point-wise tight, sharp bounds on the true revenue distributions in counterfactual …rst-price auctions with a binding reserve price r. 2.4.4 A simpler upper bound of FRI (r) Below I propose a simpler upper bound on FRI (r) (denoted F~RuI (r) ) that can be constructed using observed revenue distributions from auctions with no binding reserve prices (denoted FRI (0) ) as opposed to from GB0 . De…ne F~RuI (r) (t; FRI (0) ) = 0, 8t < v0 = Pr(b0 (X (1) ; ) < r), 8t 2 [v0 ; r) = Pr(b0 (X (1) ; ) t), 8t r This simpler upper bound is easy to construct, and is depicted in Graph 1 in the appendix. It coincides with FRuI (r) when private signals are independent and identically distributed. However, if there is strict a¢ liation among the signals, the simpler upper bound will be less e¢ cient than FRuI (r) in the sense that F~RuI (r) fails to rule out some of the counterfactual revenue distributions that can not be rationalized by any element in the identi…ed set. Proposition 3 Consider any rationalizable distribution GB0 . Then for all 2 (GB0 ) and r 2 SRP , FRI (r) ( ) F:S:D: FRuI (r) (GB0 ) F:S:D: F~RuI (r) (FRI (0) ( )). Furthermore, FRuI (r) (GB0 ) = F~RuI (r) (FRI (0) ( )) if private signals are independently, identically distributed. The proof uses the fact that bidders with signals above the screening level x (r) would bid higher under the counterfactual binding r than in auctions with no binding reserve prices. 16 Intuitively, it is not surprising that F~RuI (r) is in general less e¢ cient than FRuI (r) , since the latter uses full information from GB0 while the former only uses GB0 indirectly through a functional of FRI (0) . Nonetheless, this simpler upper bound is still interesting for two reasons. First, the i.i.d. restrictions on private signals is testable in symmetric equilibria using the bid distribution observed. Hence in practice when signals are tested to be i.i.d., the simpler upper bound are known to be e¢ cient. Second, when signals are not i.i.d., comparing FRuI (r) (GB0 ) and F~RuI (r) illustrates how the a¢ liation of private signals helps narrow down the scope of possible counterfactual revenue distributions corresponding to the identi…ed set. 2.5 Bounding revenue distributions in counterfactual 2nd-price auctions This subsection construct bounds on counterfactual revenue distributions in 2nd-price auctions under reserve price r (denoted FRII (r) ) from GB0 . Theory predicts for any given reserve price r, the expected revenues in 2nd-price auctions are at least as high as those in 1st-price auctions provided bidder signals are a¢ liated. However, the size of this di¤erence is an open empirical question. In addition, within the format of 2nd-price auctions, theory is silent about the choice of optimal reserve price r that maximizes expected revenue when signals are a¢ liated. Knowledge of FRII (r) would help address these open questions. The equilibrium strategy in 2nd-price auctions under a binding reserve price r is r r (x; ) = vh (x; x; ) 8x x (r; ) (x; ) < r 8x < x (r; ) Consider any structure 2 F. For all r 2 SRP and r > v0 , the distribution of revenues in a second-price auction with reserve price r is:19 (for notational ease, dependence of vh and x (r) on the structure is suppressed.) FRII (r) (t; ) = 0 8t < v0 = Pr(X (1) < x (r)) 8t 2 [v0 ; r) = Pr(X (2) < x (r)) 8t 2 [r; vh (x (r); x (r))) = Pr(vh (X (2) ; X (2) ) t) 8t 2 [vh (x (r); x (r)); +1) The link between GB0 and revenue distributions in counterfactual 2nd-price auctions is easier to see than in 1st-price auctions, since the distribution of b0 (X (1) ; ) and b0 (X (2) ; ) 19 See the proof of Proposition 3 below for details. 17 are both observed. Besides, the bids in 2nd-price auctions with a counterfactual reserve price r can be exactly recovered for bidders that are known to be unscreened under r. This is because in Bayesian Nash equilibrium, vh (X; X; ) = (b0 (X; ); GB0 ) for all 2 (GB0 ). However, the non-identi…cation of the marginal bid b0 (x (r)), and therefore the expected value for the pivotal winner vh (x (r); x (r)), makes it impossible for researchers to fully recover FRII (r) . Fortunately, just as in the case of 1st-price auctions, replacing the marginal bid with fb0k;r (GB0 )gk=l;h in the de…nition of FRII (r) leads to point-wise bounds on FRII (r) . Proposition 4 Consider a rationalizable distribution GB0 , and any r 2 SRP with r > v0 . Then FRl II (r) (t; GB0 ) F:S:D: FRII (r) (t; ) F:S:D: FRuII (r) (t; GB0 ) for all 2 (GB0 ), where FRl II (r) (t; GB0 ) = 0 8t < v0 = Pr(b0 (X (1) ; ) < b0l;r (GB0 )) = Pr( (b0 (X (2) ; ); GB0 ) t) 8t 2 [v0 ; r) 8t 2 [r; +1) and FRuII (r) (t; GB0 ) = 0 8t < v0 = Pr(b0 (X (1) ; ) < b0h;r (GB0 )) = Pr(b0 (X (2) ; ) < b0h;r (GB0 )) = Pr( (b0 (X (2) ; ); GB0 ) t) 8t 2 [v0 ; r) 8t 2 [r; (b0h;r (GB0 ); GB0 )) 8t 2 [ (b0h;r (GB0 ); GB0 ); +1) The intuition of the proof is demonstrated in Graph 2. To understand this proposition, note by the de…nition of the identi…ed set of structures, the highest and second-highest order statistics of equilibrium bids must be invariant among all 2 (GB0 ). Hence the bounds fFRk II (r) gk=l;u are functionals of the observed bid distribution GB0 only. In addition, just as with 1st-price auctions, it follows from the sharpness of fb0k;r (GB0 )gk=l;h that fFRk I (r) (t; GB0 )gk=l;h form point-wise tight, sharp bounds on the revenue distributions in counterfactual 2nd-price auctions with a binding reserve price r. 3 Nonparametric Estimation of Bounds In this section, I de…ne three-step estimators fF^Rk I (r) gk=l;u for bounds on FRI (r) and FRII (r) . The basic idea is to replace GB0 with its sample analog in estimation. I consider the case 18 where data reports all bids submitted in Ln independent, homogenous auctions, each with n potential bidders and no reserve prices.20 Let SB [b0L ; b0U ] denote the support of bids observed in 1st-price auctions with nonbinding reserve prices. For all (m; b) 2 SB2 , de…ne: ^ M;B (m; b) = 1 PLn 1 Pn 1(mil m)KG ( b bil ) G Ln hG l=1 n i=1 hG P P m mil b bil 1 Ln 1 n ; ) g^M;B (m; b) = l=1 i=1 Kg ( 2 Ln hg n hg hg where bil and mil are bidder i’s bid and the highest competing bid against him in auction l, Ln is the total number of auctions with n potential bidders, KG and Kg are symmetric kernel functions with bounded hypercube supports with each side equal to 2, and hg , hG are the corresponding bandwidths. It is well known that density estimators are asymptotically biased near boundaries of the support for some b 2 [b0L ; b0L + hg ) [ (b0U hg ; b0U ]. Let max(hg ; hG ) 0 0 and SB; = [bL + ; bU ] be an expanding subset of SB (as sample size increases) where ^ M;B and g^M;B are asymptotically unbiased. A natural estimators for SB; is: G S^B; [~bL ; ~bU ], where ~bL = ^bL + ; ~bU = ^bU where ^bL = mini;l bil and ^bU = maxi;l bil converge almost surely to b0L and b0U respectively. Nonparametric estimators for and l are de…ned as: Z b ^ ^(b) = b + GM;B (b; b) ; G ^ M;B (~bL ; b) ~ M;B (b; b) = g^M;B (t; b)dt + G g^M;B (b; b) ~bL Z b ~ ^ ^(t) g^M;B (t; b) dt ^ (b) = ^(~bL ) GM;B (bL ; b) + l ~ M;B (b; b) ^ M;B (b; b) ~bL G G ~ M;B and ^l are de…ned over the random support S^2 and S^B; respectively. The where G B; …rst-step estimators for fb0k;r (GB0 )gk=l;h are de…ned as: ^b0 = arg min ^ [^(b) l;r b2S ;B r]2 ; ^b0 = arg min ^ [^ (b) h;r b2S ;B l r]2 In the second step, I …rst construct kernel estimator for r;l (b) and r;h (b) on S^ ;B using …rst-step estimates ^b0l;r and ^b0h;r . For k = fl; hg, de…ne: Z b 0 ^r;k (b; ^b0 ) ^ ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb)dt ^ ^ rL(bk;r jb) + 8b 2 (^b0k;r ; ~bU ] k;r ^b0 k;r r 20 8b 2 [~bL ; ^b0k;r ] "Independence" here has both economic and statistical interpretations. First, there is no strategic interaction or learning across the auctions, so that the same …rst-order condition characterizes equilibria in all auctions. Second, the random vectors of bidders’ private information are independent across auctions. "Homogeneity" means the auctioned object in all auctions have the same commonly observed characteristics. 19 where ^ (t) are: ^ M;B (t; t) and L(tjb) ^ g^M;B (t; t)=G ^ 1 (t) = arg min ^ [^r;l (b) r;l b2SB; By de…nition, S^ ;B as: S ;B t]2 ; exp( Rb t ^ (s)ds). Estimators for ^ 1 (t) = arg min ^ [^r;h (b) r;h b2SB; 1 r;k (t; GB0 ) t]2 with probability 1. In the …nal step, bounds on FRI (r) are estimated 1 XLn 1(Blmax F^Rl I (r) (t) = l=1 Ln ^ 1 (t)); r;l 1 XLn F^RuI (r) (t) = 1(Blmax l=1 Ln ^ 1 (t)) r;h where Blmax = maxi=1;::;n bil is the highest bid in auction l. k The three-step estimators above converge in probability to the true bounds FR(r) (t; GB0 ) over all r and t > r. Below I strengthen restrictions in A1-3 to include all regularity conditions needed for consistency. n S1 For n 2, (i) The n-dimensional vectors of private signals (x1l ; x2l ; ::xnl )Ll=1 are independent, identical draws from the joint distribution F (x1 ; ::; xn ), which is exchangeable in all n arguments and a¢ liated with support SX [xL ; xU ]; (ii) F (x1 ; ::; xn ) has R + n, n R 2, continuous bounded partial derivatives on SX , with density f (x) cf > 0 for all n x 2 SX . n ! R+ is positive, bounded, and continuous on S2 (i) The value function n (:) : SX the support; (ii) n (:) is exchangeable in rival signals X i , non-decreasing in all signals, and increasing in own signal Xi over SX . (iii) n (:) is at least R times continuously di¤erentiable d and (xL ) > 0; (iv) vh (xU ; xU ) < 1 and dX vh (X; X)jX=xU < 1. In addition to maintaining the identifying restrictions of a¢ liation and symmetry among signals and values in A1-3, the stronger version S1-2 also includes additional regularity conditions on the smoothness of model primitives f and . This will lead to smooth properties of bid distributions in equilibrium, which in turn, determines asymptotic properties of nonparametric estimators. S3 (i) The kernels KG (:) and Kg (:) are symmetric with bounded hypercube supports of R R ~ b)dBdb ~ sides equal to 2, and continuous bounded …rst derivatives; (ii) KG (b) = 1, and Kg (B; = 1; (iii) KG (:) and Kg (:) are both of order R + n 2. These are standard assumptions on kernels necessary for proving the asymptotic properties of kernel estimators. Proposition 5 Let hG = cG (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 5) and hg = cg (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 4) , where cG 20 and cg are constants. Suppose S1-3 are satis…ed and R > 2n p t r, F^Rk I (r) (t) ! FRk I (r) (t) for k = l; u. 1, then for all r 2 SRP and The proof is included in Appendix B, and proceeds in several steps. First, I prove smoothness of bid distributions in equilibrium. Second, I show the kernel estimators ^l and ^ converge in probability to l and uniformly over S^B; . Then I use a version of the Basic Consistency Theorem in Newey and McFadden (1994) that is generalized for extreme p estimators with the objective functions being de…ned on random support) to show ^b0k;r ! b0k;r p for k = l; h and the relevant reserve prices. Next, I prove ^k;r (:; ^b0k;r ) ! k;r (:; b0k;r ) uniformly 1 p over S^B; and again used the generalized Basic Consistency Theorem to show that ^ (t) ! r;k 1 r;k (t) for all relevant t. Finally, I use the Glivenko-Cantelli uniform law of large numbers to 1 show empirical distributions of B max evaluated at ^ (t) for k = l; h are consistent estimators r;k l for bounds on FRI (r) (t). Estimating bounds on revenue distributions in counterfactual 2nd-price auctions follows similar logic and is straightforward given the constructions above. De…ne: 1 XLn (1:n) F^Rl II (r) (t) = 1(Bl < ^b0l;r ) 8t 2 [v0 ; r) l=1 Ln 1 1 XLn (2:n) = 1(Bl < ^ (t)) 8t 2 [r; +1) l=1 Ln and: 1 XLn (1:n) 1(Bl < ^b0h;r ) 8t 2 [v0 ; r) l=1 Ln 1 XLn (2:n) = 1(Bl < ^b0h;r ) 8t 2 [r; ^(^b0h;r )) l=1 Ln 1 1 XLn (2:n) 1(Bl < ^ (t)) 8t 2 [^(^b0h;r ); +1) = l=1 Ln F^RuII (r) (t) = 1 where ^b0k;r is de…ned above and ^ (t) arg minb2S^B; [^(b) t]2 for t r. Pointwise consistency of F^Rk II (r) (t) for r v(xL ; xL ) and t r follows directly from similar arguments for p k 0 consistency of F^ I (t), and the fact that ^(^b ) ! (b0 ; GB0 ) = vh (xh (r); xh (r); ) for all R (r) 2 4 h;r h;r (GB0 ). Monte Carlo Experiments Bounds on revenue distributions in counterfactual …rst-price and second-price auctions are e¢ cient in that they have exhausted all information that can be extracted from GB0 . It is 21 impossible to derive a tighter range of possible counterfactual revenue distributions without introducing further restrictions on how values and signals are related. Exactly how informative these bounds can be is determined by the unidenti…ed underlying primitives. In this section, I report analytical as well as Monte Carlo evidence on the performance of our bound estimators in …nite samples. The objective is to illustrate how the widths of estimated bounds vary with structural parameters such as the a¢ liation between private signals, the number of potential bidders n and the reserve price r. 4.1 Analytical impacts of signal a¢ liations I start with an example where the impact of signal a¢ liations on how bounds on the allscreening probabilities (the probability that at no bidder bids above the reserve price in counterfactual formats) can be studied analytically. I use a parametric design where signal a¢ liations can be controlled. Design 1 ( n = 2 with pure common values and a¢ liated signals) Two potential bidders compete in an auction with Vi = (X1 +X2 )=2 for i = 1; 2. Private signals are noisy estimates of a common random variable, i.e. Xi = X0 + "i for i = 1; 2. For either bidder, his noise "i is independent from (X0 ; " i ), and distributed uniformly on [ c; c] for some 0 c 0:5. The common random term X0 is distributed uniformly on [c; 1 c]. The signals have well-de…ned marginal densities with a simple form on [0; 1]. For example, for c = 0:25, the density function is f (x) = 4x for 0 x 0:5 and 4 4x for 0:5 x 1. (See Simon (2000) for details.) And their correlation coe¢ cient is: corr(X1 ; X2 ) = var(X0 ) (1 2c)2 = var(X0 ) + var("i ) (1 2c)2 + 4c2 By de…nition, vh (x; x) = x, vl (x; x) = E[X2 jX2 x; X1 = x], and v(x; x) = x+vl2(x;x) . In this design, vl (x; x) has a closed form, and the impacts of signal correlations on the widths of bounds on the all-screening probability can be studied analytically. The derivation of the closed form of vl (x; x; c) is included in the appendix. Figure 1(a) plots vl (x; x; c) and vh (x; x; c) for c = [0:1 0:2 0:3 0:4]. The distance between vh and vl is non-decreasing in private signals, as vl (x; x) is a truncated expectation and cannot increase faster than the threshold x itself. Figure 1(b) plots the boundwidth xh (r; c) xl (r; c) as a function of reserve prices for each c. For any given reserve price, bounds on screening levels are narrower as c decreases and correlation increases. Intuitively, this is due to the 22 fact that conditional on winning with a pivotal bid, the di¤erence between the winner’s expected value and his expected payment in a 2nd-price auction decreases as the signals are increasingly positively correlated. When c = 0:1 and c = 0:2, the boundwidths are invariant for r high enough. For di¤erent signal correlations, Figure 1(c) plots the size of bounds on all-screening probabilities in 1st-price auctions as functions of counterfactual reserve prices considered. That is, FX (1:2) (xh (r; c); c) FX (1:2) (xl (r; c); c), where X (1:2) is the higher of two private signals. As the reserve price increases, the size of the bounds are unambiguously smaller when signals have higher positive correlations. This is explained by the pattern in Figure 1(b) and the distribution of X (1:2) as plotted in Figure 1(e). Note the probability mass of X (1:2) is more skewed to the left when signals are less positively correlated. For a low reserve price r, both xl (r; c) and xh (r; c) are small and the bounds on the screening level under r are very close in size for all c. On the other hand, as Figure 1(e) shows, X (1:2) has more probability mass close to 0 for higher positive signal correlations. Hence for r that are low enough, the size of bounds on the all-screening probabilities in 1st-price auctions is bigger for c = 0:1. For higher reserve prices r considered, the widths of bounds on the screening level is greater for higher c (and smaller positive correlations). Besides, the probability mass of X (1:2) is greater in the relevant range as signals are less positively correlated. Therefore, the size of bounds on all-screening probabilities in 1st-price auctions under a higher r are much bigger for auctions with less correlated private signals. Figure 1(d) plots the widths of bounds on all-screening probabilities in counterfactual 2nd-price auctions as functions of r considered. That is, FX (2:2) (xh (r; c); c) FX (2:2) (xl (r; c); c) for various c 2 [0:1; 0:5]. In this case, the boundwidths associated with a smaller c is almost unambiguously smaller than those with higher c (and smaller correlations). Likewise, the pattern is explained by arguments as demonstrated in Figure 1(b) and the distribution of X (2:2) plotted in Figure 1(f). An obvious departure from the case of 1st-price auctions is that, for auctions with less correlated private signals, the widths of bounds on all-screening probabilities increase faster as r increases, reaches their peaks around r 2 [0:3; 0:4] and then decreases faster than in the case of 1st-price auctions. As Figure 1(f) suggests, this is explained by the fact that when c is higher, there is more probability mass of X (2:2) around the center of the support, and the tail of the distribution diminishes faster. 4.2 Performance of F^Rk I (r) under i.i.d. signals This subsection focuses on the performance of three-step estimators F^Rk I (r) when private signals are identically and independently distributed. The i.i.d. restriction can be tested in 23 empirical analysis by checking the identity of marginal bid distributions and the independence of their joint distribution. Also the i.i.d. assumption helps simplify the estimation procedures. In this subsection, I vary n, r and distributional parameters and study their impacts on estimator performances. Design 2 ( n 3 with PCV and i.i.d. uniform signals) Private signals fXgi=1;::;n are identically, independently distributed as uniform on [0; 1]. The pure common value is P Vi = nj=1 Xj =n. Design 3 ( n 3 with PCV and i.i.d. truncated normal signals) Private signals fXi gi=1;::;n are identically, independently distributed as truncated normal on [0; 1] with underlying paraP meters ( ; 2 ). The pure common value is Vi = nj=1 Xj =n.21 The two designs …t in the general framework of symmetric, interdependent value auctions, as independence is a special case of a¢ liation. Note the distribution of the average of signals depends on n, and therefore the number of bidders are not exogenous to bidders values. Hence both designs do not meet necessary restrictions for tests distinguishing P V and CV auctions in Haile, Hong and Shum (2003). Thus it is appealing to adopt our robust approach of partial identi…cation for these two designs, which does not require distinction between the two paradigms. I experiment with di¤erent numbers of potential bidders and reserve prices for Design 2. For each (n; r), I calculate the nonparametric estimates of F^Rk I (r) from 1; 000 simulated samples, each containing equilibrium bids submitted in 500 …rst-price auctions. For Design 2, n 1 1 1 b0n (x) = ( + )x n n 2 and bids are simulated as random draws from a uniform distribution on [0; nn 1 ( n1 + 21 )]. For Design 3, I vary distributional parameters and in addition to n and r. For each (n; r; ; ), I replicate the estimator for 1; 000 times, each based on a simulated sample of 500 auctions. For Design 3, Z x 2 n 2 FXn 1 (s) 0 bn (x) = s+ '(s)d n 1 n FX (x) xL n where '(x) = (x ( x xL ) ( ) x ( L ) ) and FX (s) FX (x) = (s ) ( xL ) x ) ( xL ) ( . Equilibrium bids are sim- ulated by …rst drawing 500 n signals xil randomly from the truncated distribution, and calculating b0;n (xil ) through numerical integrations. I use the classical approach of midpoint approximations for numerical integrations for the rest of the paper. For both designs and 21 This form of value functions introduces a restriction (normalization) on signals, as it requires support of signals to be the same as that of values. 24 each r, the true counterfactual revenue distribution FRI (r) can be recovered by inverting br (:), which can be calculated with knowledge of their closed forms above. In symmetric equilibria, bids under both designs are i.i.d.. This can be tested using the distribution of bids observed, G0 (b) and in practice simpli…es our estimation as (b; G0Bn ) = b + n 1 1 g0Bn(b) and l (b; G0Bn ) = b. Bn ^0 P n 1 Pn 1 GBn (b) ^ ^ The simpli…ed estimator is (b) b + n 1 g^0 (b) , where GBn (b) = L1n Ll=1 b), i=1 1(bil n Bn P P n bil b n 1 g^n0 (b) = Ln1hg Ll=1 i=1 K( hg ) and Ln is the number of auctions with n bidders. For n 35 (1 u2 )1(juj 1).22 Bandwidths hg is estimation, I use the tri-weight kernel K(u) = 32 1 2:98 1:06^ b (nLn ) 4n 4 , where ^ b is the empirical standard deviation of bids in the data. The bandwidths are chosen in line with the consistency proposition in the appendix, while the constant factor 1:06^ b is chosen by the "rule of thumb". (See Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2002) for an example.) The multiplicative factor 2:98 is due to the use of tri-weight kernels. (See Hardle (1991) for details.) Figure 2 plots the true revenue distribution FRI (r) in Design 2 and, for di¤erent n and r, reports the 5th percentile of F^Rl I (r) and the 95th percentile of F^RuI (r) out of 1; 000 pairs of estimates. The two percentiles form an estimate of a conservative 90% pointwise con…dence interval for the bounds [FRl I (r) ; FRuI (r) ]. (See Haile and Tamer (2003) for an example.) The true revenue distribution always falls within the interval. The intervals for a lower r are narrower, holding n constant. On the other hand, more potential bidders correspond to tighter con…dence regions ceteris paribus. To understand the pattern, note the boundwidth of the n 1 2n all-screening probability is Pr(b0n (X (1:n) ) r) Pr(b0n (X (1:n) ) r) = FX (1:n) ( nn 1 n+2 r) n 2n 2n FX (1:n) ( n+2 r), which is increasing in r for a given n. For a given r, n 1 1 n+2 r decreases in n 2n and this o¤sets the impacts of a rising n+2 r and a more left-skewed FX (1:n) as competition increases. The simulations suggest variations in the width of estimated con…dence intervals are mostly due to impacts of n and r on the boundwidths of FRI (r) . Figure 3 reports FRI (r) and estimates of conservative 90% con…dence intervals for Design 3. Again, the true revenue distribution falls within 90% point-wise conservative con…dence intervals for the parameters considered. The impacts of n and r on the estimated con…dence intervals in Design 3 are the same as those for Design 2 in Figure 2. In addition, Figure 3 also shows impacts of distributional parameters and on con…dence intervals. First, holding n, r and …xed, the con…dence intervals become narrower as increases. This is because for all t, E(XjX t) gets closer to t as the distribution of X is more skewed to the left. Consequently, x (r) decreases for a given r, while the distance between vh and vl also 22 0 The triweight kernel is of order 2. In principle when n 3, kernels used in g^Bn should be of higher order. But can lead to the issue of negative density estimates. Therefore empirical literature typically ignore this requirement and use kernels with order 2. 25 becomes smaller. As a result, the bound on the all-screening probability is shifted to the left and becomes tighter. Second, the impact of on con…dence intervals depends on , holding n and r …xed. A higher standard deviation increases the width of con…dence intervals for signal distributions su¢ ciently skewed to the left, but reduce the width of con…dence intervals for signal distributions su¢ ciently skewed to the right. The impacts are more obvious for distributions skewed to the right. This pattern is explained by similar reasons above. Again, simulations suggest variations in the width of estimated con…dence intervals are mostly due to impacts of n and r on the size of bounds on FRI (r) . 4.3 Performance of F^Rk I (r) with a¢ liated signals When signals are not independently and identically distributed, there are no simpli…ed forms for ^ and ^l , and the full nonparametric estimates in Section 3 apply. In this subsection I P extended Design 1 for n 3 so that Vi = nj=1 Xj =n, and experiment with the correlation parameter c to study its impact on the performance of estimators. With n 3, it is impractical to derive the analytical form of the inverse hazard rate fY jX;n (uju)=FY jX;n (uju). To …nd out the true revenue distribution, I replace vh (x; x; c) and L(sjx; c) with their kernel estimates in a simulated sample of 5 105 auctions, and calculate the equilibrium bidding strategies using these estimates and numerical integrations. The true counterfactual revenue distribution FRI (r) is then recovered with knowledge of the distribution of the highest signal X (1:n) . For each (c; n), I simulate 200 samples, with each containing 1; 000 simulated …rstprice auctions. For each r and revenue level t, Figure 4 reports the point-wise 5-th percentile of F^Rl I (r) (t) and the 95-th percentile for F^RuI (r) (t) out of 200 pairs of estimates. This forms estimates for a conservative 90% con…dence interval for the bounds on FRI (r) . Figure 4 shows the true FRI (r) lies within the estimated con…dence interval for r = 0:2 or 0:5, c = 0:2 or 0:4 and n = 3 or 4. Holding r and c constant, the widths of the estimated con…dence intervals decrease slightly as n increases. For r = 0:2, higher correlation leads to slightly wider con…dence intervals, whereas for r = 0:5 higher signal correlation leads to obviously narrower con…dence intervals. Smaller correlations among signals implies the distribution of X (1:n) is more skewed to the left, and the distance between vl and vh are bigger. These explain why a higher c leads to wider con…dence intervals when r is high at 0:5. On the other hand, when r is low at 0:2, the left-skewness of FX (1:n) o¤sets the impact of a wider bound [xl (r; c); xh (r; c)] due to a higher c, and may lead to a narrower con…dence interval. Furthermore, the theory also states for x x (r; c) the bounds on r (b0 (x; c)) is tighter as b0 (x; c) increases. For t > r, this counteracts the left skewness of FX (1:n) due to lower 26 correlations. This is consistent with patterns in Figure 4 where con…dence intervals on FRI (r) never broaden substantially as revenue level t increases. 5 5.1 Extensions Heterogenous auctions In practice, bids are often collected from heterogenous auctions with varied characteristics of the objects for sale. If commonly observed by all bidders, such heterogeneity a¤ects bidders’strategies and revenue distributions in counterfactual auctions. If researchers can completely control for heterogeneity across auctions by using the observables in the data, then logic for bounds on revenue distributions in homogenous counterfactual auctions extends immediately. Speci…cally, auctions are homogenous within subsets of the data if such features (denoted Z) are controlled for, and the same algorithm in the benchmark model extends to bounds on revenue distributions conditional on such characteristics FRI (r)jZ=z , which can be constructed from conditional bid distribution G0BjZ=z . However, real challenges can arise from observable auction heterogeneity is empirical implementation. Constructing bounds on conditional revenue distributions requires a large cross-sectional data of homogenous auctions with …xed features z and a …xed number of potential bidders n. This issue of data de…ciency aggravates as the dimension of z increases. Below I show if signals are independent from observable heterogeneities conditional on n, and are additively separable from the latter in the value functions, then it is possible to "homogenize" bids across heterogenous auctions, thus alleviating the data de…ciency problem. A1’ (Interdependent Values) Vi;N = h(Z0 ) + N (Xi ; X i ), where h(:) is di¤erentiable, and N is bounded, continuous, exchangeable in its last N 1 arguments, non-decreasing in all arguments, and increasing in Xi . A4 (Conditional Independence of X and Z) Conditional on N = n, fXi gi=1;::;n is independent from Z. Then a PSBNE in the auction with no binding reserve price is a pro…le of strategies that solve: b0i (x; z; n) = arg max E[(Vi b b)1fmax b0j (Xj ; Z) j6=i bgjXi = x; Z = z; N = n]: 27 Under these restrictions, common knowledge of auction features impact strategies of all bidders in the same way. As the proposition below shows, the separability and the index speci…cation of value functions are inherited by bidding strategies in equilibria. Proposition 6 Under A1’, A2, A3 and A4, bidders’equilibrium strategies satisfy : b0i (x; z; n) Rx = h(z0 ) + (x; n) for all x; z and i, where (x; n) (s; n)dL(sjx; n), and (s; n) xL E[ (X)jXi = Yi = s; N = n]. Fix the number of potential bidders n, the proposition implies E(b0i jZ = z; N = n) = h(z ) + E( (X; N )j N = n), where the second term is a constant independent from Z. This becomes a single index model, and both Powell, Stock and Stocker (1989) and Ichimura (1991) showed can be identi…ed up to scale, and estimated consistently using average derivative estimators or semiparametric least square estimators. In the special case where h(:) is known to be the identity function, an OLS regression of bids from heterogenous auctions on the characteristics z for a …xed n will estimate consistently. Alternatively, including dummies for the number of potential bidders in a pooled regression will also give consistent coe¢ cient estimators for . 0 A corollary of the proposition is that for any pair of di¤erent features of auctions z and z, the equilibrium strategies for a given signal x are related as b0 (x; z; n) = b0 (x; z; n) h(z0 )+ h(z0 ). Thus when h is known, bids across heterogenous auctions can be "homogenized" at any speci…c reference level z so that more observations are available for estimating G0B(Z) . Larger sample size leads to better performance of estimators of bounds on FRI (r)jZ=z . 5.2 Binding reserve prices in data In practice, bids are often collected from homogenous auctions under a commonly known reserve price r that is high enough to have a positive probability of screening out some of the bidders. This gives rise to new challenges relative to benchmark cases where there is no binding reserve price in the data. First, bids from potential bidders that are screened out may not be observed. Second, data may only include auctions with at least one bid above r, and exclude those where everyone is screened out (i.e. X (1) < x (r)). In both cases, the algorithm in our benchmark model above can not be applied immediately. In addition, a binding reserve price r in data also reduces the scope of counterfactual reserve prices that are interesting for counterfactual analyses. To understand this, note 28 bids below r reveal no information about underlying signals, as the link between GrB and structures 2 F only holds for br (x; ) r. The data at hand cannot help address the question how those bidders who only become unscreened under a lower counterfactual price will act. Hence the logic behind the bounds in our benchmark case only applies to revenue distributions in counterfactual auctions with r0 > r. As a result, for all r0 < r, x (r0 ) is lower than x (r) and can not be bounded in its small neighborhoods using equilibrium conditions. Throughout this subsection, I focus on the bounds for FRI (r) . Extensions to bound FRII (r) is straightforward and omitted. 5.2.1 Unobserved screened bidders Unobserved bids from bidders who are screened out matter for bounding FRI (r0 ) (where r0 > r) only in the sense that they may make the number of potential bidders unobservable. For now assume auctions with X (1) < x (r) are also observed in the data. If the number of potential bidders is known, as is often the case in applications, then the algorithm for bounding FRI (r) can be applied even if data do not contain bids from bidders that are screened out. The following lemma generalizes the equilibrium condition (2) for any rationalizable distributions under a binding reserve price r. Proposition 7 Consider any distribution of bids GrB in …rst-price auctions with a binding reserve price r. Then for all 2 (GB0 ), (br (x); GrB ) = vh (x; ) for all x x (r; ). In the presence of binding reserve prices in data, the lower bound on v(x; x; ) can no longer be identi…ed from GrB , as bids lower than r can not be linked to signals through equilibrium conditions. The solution is to bound v(x; x; ) below by expected payment of a winner in second-price auctions with a reserve price r. For x x (r; ) de…ne Z x FY jX (x (r)jx) f (sjx) vl;r (x; ) r FY jX (xjx) + vh (s; s; ) FYY jX ds jX (xjx) x (r; ) Then vl;r (x; ) is increasing in x by monotonicity of the value function and a¢ liations between signals, and v(x; x; ) vl;r (x; ) for x x (r; ) by the equilibrium condition in second-price auctions with r. (The formal proof is similar to the benchmark case and omitted.) Hence for all r0 > r, x (r0 ; ) is bounded by xh;r (r0 ; ) arg minx2[x (r; );xU ] (vl;r (x; ) r0 )2 and xl;r (r0 ; ) arg minx2[x (r; );xU ] (vh (x; x; ) r0 )2 . Then vh (x; x; ) and vl;r (x; ) are identi…ed from GrB for x x (r; ) respectively as (br (x); GrB ) and Z br (x) GrM jB (rjbr (x)) gr (rjbr (x)) r r r Gr (br (x)jbr (x)) + (~b; GrB ) Gr M jB(br (x)jbr (x)) d~b l;r (b (x); GB ) M jB r M jB 29 By similar reasoning as in the benchmark case, bounds on the br (x) into br (x) for x x (r0 ; )) are identi…ed as r;r 0 ;k (b r (x); GrB ) =r 0~ L(brk;r0 jb; GrB ) + Z b r r0 -mapping (which maps ~ ~bjb; GrB ) (~b; GrB )dL( brk;r0 where brk;r0 br (xk;r (r0 ; )) for k = l; h, and are identi…ed as inverses of (:; GrB ) and r r r r l;r (:; GB ) over [r; b (xU )] respectively. It can be shown that r;r 0 ;k (b (:); GB ) is increasing 0 for x xk;r (r0 ), and inverting r;r0 ;k (:; GrB ) at t r0 gives bounds on br ( r (t)). Thus bounds on FRI (r0 ) can be constructed from the distribution of br (X (1) ). 5.2.2 Unobserved screened auctions (with X (1) < x (r)) When data exclude auctions with a reserve price r that screens out all bidders (i.e. X (1) < x (r)), we observe the distribution of equilibrium bids br conditional on more than one bidder bids above r (denoted GrBjB (1) r ) as opposed to the unconditional GrB . For b > r, GrM jB (bjb) r r 0 and gM jB (bjb) can still be identi…ed from GBjB (1) >r , and thus bounds on br (x (r )) and the r r;r 0 -mapping can be constructed as above. However, GBjB (1) r can only be used to construct bounds on FRI (r)jX (1) r . That is, for any rationalizable GrB and 2 (GrB ), Pr( (Br(1) ; GrB ) < r0 jBr(1) Pr(X 0 < x (r )jX (1) r l;r (Br ; GB ) (1) r) x (r)) < r0 jBr(1) r) Pr(Br(1) 1 r (1) r;r 0 ;l (t; GB )jBr r) Pr(X (1) r0 Pr(Br(1) 1 r (1) r;r 0 ;h (t; GB )jBr Pr( and for t (1) r0 , (t)jX (1) x (r)) r) (1) where Br is shorthand for br (X (1) ). The probability that r screens out all bidders Pr(X (1) < x (r)) is needed to bound the unconditional distribution FRI (r) . It is impossible to identify this probability solely from GrBjB (1) r without further restrictions on FX . However, the lemma below shows when bidder signals are i.i.d., Pr(X (1) < x (r)) can be recovered from GrBjB (1) r alone. 23 23 Under A1, the auction model still has interdependent values even when fXi gi2N are independent and identically distributed. 30 Proposition 8 Suppose signals fXi gi=1;::N are i.i.d. in …rst-price auctions with N potential bidders and a binding reservation price r. If both the number of active bidders and N are observed, then Pr(X (1) < x (r)) is identi…ed even if auctions with X (1) < x (r) are not observed. 5.2.3 About the number of potential bidders That the number of potential bidders N is observed is crucial to our discussion of data generated under binding reserve prices so far. This is not an issue in some applications where N is directly reported in the data, or where good proxies exist. In other applications, the issue can be subtle. In some cases, neither bidders nor econometricians can observe N . Then strategic decisions can be modeled as based on bidders’ subjective probability distributions of N given private signals (denoted p(N = njX = x)). Bidders integrate vh;N , fY jX;N over N with respect to this distribution and make strategic decisions based on these integrated primitives, so the actual number of potential bidders becomes irrelevant in equilibria. The new equilibrium conditions can also be manipulated through change of variables to get an analog of (2) that links bid distributions observed to model primitives. One example is the o¤-continental shelf (OCS) auctions of oil-drilling rights studied by Hendricks, Pinkse and Porter (2003). In OCS auctions, potential bidders’ decisions to submit bids take multi-stages. The authors endogenize participations by introducing multiple signals, each corresponding to a stage in the decision-making. Then only those still active in the last-stage and their signals are relevant to decisions on strategic bids. The additional restrictions in the model is that decisions to remain active till the last stage only depends on signals from previous stages, and that conditional on last-stage signals, the signals in previous stages reveal no information about bidders’values. The logic of partial identi…cation in benchmark models can be extended in principle to bound revenue distribution in such equilibria with unobserved potential bidders. In other applications where bidder signals are i.i.d., the number of potential bidders can be identi…ed even if data only report the number of actual bidders. This is because in equilibria, the number of actual bidders is distributed as Binomial (n; p) with p equal to the screening probability Pr(x x (r)). Provided the distribution of bids and actual bidders are rationalizable,24 both n and p are uniquely identi…ed. 24 See Guerre (2000) for conditions for rationalizability. 31 6 Application: U.S. Municipal Bond Auctions Municipal bonds are a chief means of debt-…nancing for U.S. state and county governments. They are issued to …nance public projects such as construction or renovation of schools and public transportation facilities. Interest income from municipal bonds are exempt from federal and local taxes, and hence municipal bonds appeal to investors in high tax brackets. In 2005, the total par amount of outstanding municipal bonds was $1.8 trillion. 25 6.1 Institutional details Muni-bonds are identi…ed by issuers and basic features such as coupon rates, maturity dates, and par amounts.26 Investors valuate muni-bonds based on this information and implied risks, including credit risks, interest rate risks, and liquidity risks.27 On the primary market, muni-bonds are issued through …rst-price auctions to potential underwriters (mostly investment banks). Notices of these competitive sales are posted on major industry publications such as The Bondbuyer. In practice, issuers usually package a series of bonds for sale in one auction, and investment banks participate by bidding a single dollar price per $100 par value for the whole series. The bidder with the highest dollar price wins the right to underwrite the entire series, and may resell the series on secondary markets with a mark-up. To decide whether and how to bid, securities …rms assess the creditworthiness of the municipalities and prospects of the bonds on secondary markets. For issues with a large par amount, investment banks usually form bidding syndicates, where members share responsibilities for reselling the bonds as well as the liability for unsold bonds. A syndicate is usually clearly de…ned for each issuance, as underwriters traditionally stay in the group where they bid on the last occasion that the issuer came to market. As of 2006, more than 2,100 securities …rms are registered with the Municipal Securities Regulatory Board and authorized as legal underwriters. However, only a small number of these …rms are active bidders in competitive sales. By 1990, 25 leading underwriters managed about 75 percent of the total volume of all 25 Source of information : SIFMA(2005) A coupon rate is the interest rate stated on the bond and payable to the bondholder on a semi-annual basis. A maturity date is the date on which the bondholder will receive par value of the bond along with its …nal interest payment. 27 Credit risk measures how likely the issuer is to default on its payment of interests and principals. Interest rate risk is due to ‡ucuations in real interest rates that a¤ect the market value of bonds (to both speculators and long-term investors). Liquidity risk refers to the situation where investors have di¢ culty …nding buyers when they want to sell, and are forced to sell at a signi…cant discount to market value. 26 32 new long-term issues either as lone bidders or leaders of syndicates. 6.2 Bond values: private or common ? The bounds proposed introduce an approach of partial identi…cation for policy analyses which is applicable regardless of underlying paradigms (PV or CV ). This is highly relevant in the context of muni-bond auctions, as institutional details do not suggest conclusive evidence for either paradigm. Besides, empirical methods proposed so far for di¤erentiating the two all have limitations in practice. The value of bonds for …rms in these auctions are resale prices on secondary markets. On most occasions bidders on the primary market cannot foresee at what price they can resell the bonds, and therefore only have noisy estimates. These estimates capture the syndicates’expectation on how investors on secondary markets interpret bond features, and depend on their beliefs about the skills of their sales and trading sta¤. The estimates are also built on companies’perception of how investors view relevant uncertainties such as the creditworthiness of municipalities and ‡uctuations of future real interest rates. The crucial question is whether a bidding syndicate can extract additional useful information about bond values if they could access competitors’estimates. The auction is one with common values if and only if the answer is positive. On some occasions, all participating …rms manage to pre-sell bonds to secondary investors prior to their actual bidding. Such auctions …t in the PV paradigm, as all bidders have perfect foresight of their values. On other occasions, pre-sales are not possible or limited in scope, and …rms can have heterogenous source of information about municipalities’creditworthiness, or di¤erent interpretation of factors related to bond values. Unless all …rms con…dently believe their own information or interpretation dominates their competitors’in accuracy, they cannot dismiss competitors’ estimates as uninformative, and auctions are closer to common values. While the informational environment per se does not justify either P V or CV conclusively, data limitations also deter empirical e¤orts to discriminate between them. First, there is reason to believe the number of potential bidders is correlated with bond values. Therefore the test in Haile, Hong and Shum (2003) cannot be applied, for it requires the variation in the number of bidders to be exogenous with respect to the distribution of values. Second, our data does not have ex post measures of bond values that can be used to test whether vh (x; x) = E(Vi jBi = b0 (xi ); B i = b0 (x i )) is independent from B i . Finally muni-bond auctions proceed with no announced reserve prices and therefore the testable restrictions in 33 Hendricks, Pinkse and Porter (2003) are not useful. This paper focuses on an robust approach for policy analyses by bounding counterfactual revenue distributions under general restrictions that encompass both PV and CV paradigms. The lower bound point-identi…es counterfactual distributions only when values are private. On the other hand, if nothing is known about the interdependence between values, then any point between the bounds can be rationalized as the true counterfactual revenue distribution by certain structures in the identi…ed set de…ned by the observed bid distribution. 6.3 Data description The data contains all bids submitted in 6,721 auctions of municipal bonds on the primary market in the United States between 2004 and 2006. They are downloaded from auction worksheets at a website of Thompson Financial. The data reports the identity of issuers, the sale date, the date of the …rst coupon, par values of each bond in a series, coupon rates of each bond, S&P and Moody’s ratings of each bond, the type of government credit support for the issuance (general obligation or revenue).28 It also records whether the issuance is bankquali…ed.29 In addition, the data includes macroeconomic variables measuring opportunity costs of investing in bonds. There are 97,936 bonds in 6,721 series, with an average of 14.5 for each issue. About 70% of the series have 10 to 20 bonds. The average coupon rate of all bonds is 4.06% and the average number of semiannual payments is 19.6. I use the par-weighted averages of coupon rates and numbers of coupon payments as a measure of "overall" interest rates and maturity for a series. About 90% of all issuances have a weighted average coupon rate between 3% and 5%. The weighted average maturity is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 20.8 and a standard deviation of 9.5. The total par of a series ranges from $0.1 million to $809 million, and is skewed to the right with a mean of $21.4 million and a median of $6 million. About 64.5% of the series are backed by full credit of municipalities, while the rest 28 Bonds are categorized into two groups by the degree of credit support from municipalities. General obligation bonds are endorsed by the full faith and credit of the issuer, whereas revenue bonds promise repayment from a speci…ed stream of future income, such as that generated by the public project …nanced by the issue. The latter usually bears higher interest rates due to risk premium. 29 The Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated the tax bene…ts for commercial banks from holding municipal bonds in general. But exceptions were made for "bank-quali…ed" bonds, for which commercial banks can still accrue interests that are tax-exempt. Hence banks have a strong appetite for bank quali…ed bonds that are in limited supply, and bank quali…ed bonds carry a lower rate than non-bank quali…ed bonds. 34 are backed by limited municipal support, such as revenue stream from public works …nanced by the issuance. In practice, issuers have the option to include reserve prices in the notice of sale, but few issuers use this option. For each auction, the number of bidding coalitions, the number of companies within each coalition and their identities are all reported in the data. The number of syndicates ranges from 1 to 20, with a mean of 5.6 and a standard deviation of 2.6. Series that received more than 3 but fewer than 7 bids account for 68% of all auctions. The dollar prices tendered are not always reported. However, total interest costs for all bids are always reported.30 I use the following formula to calculate and impute missing dollar bids : PQ PTq 1 Cq =2 Pq q=1 t=0 (1+ T IC )t + (1+ T IC )Tq tf 2 2 100 B = (1 + T IC) PQ q=1 Pq where q indexes bonds in a series of Q bonds, Tq is the number of semi-annual periods from the date of …rst coupon until maturity, Cq and Pq are coupon and principal payments respectively, tf is the time until …rst coupon payment and B is the dollar bid per $100 of face value. Table 1 summarizes the distribution of all 37,547 bids submitted in 6,721 auctions. The 1st percentile is $95.32 and the 99th percentile is $109.30. The median is $99.40, the mean is $99.92, and the standard deviation is $2.76. The median winning dollar bid is $99.66, the average is $100.01, and the standard deviation is $2.36. 6.4 Homogenization of bids There is a wide variation of bond features in the data. In competitive sales, syndicates take these characteristics into account when they bid, and thus strategies across auctions are not homogenous as the benchmark model posits. In principle bounds still apply to subsets of homogenous auctions where bond features are controlled. The main empirical challenge in the implementation is that constructing nonparametric bounds on conditional revenue distributions require large samples for auctions with …xed speci…c features. Below I tackle this issue by homogenizing bids across heterogenous auctions. The working assumptions are: (i) …rms’estimates of bond values are independent from publicly known bond features conditional on the number of participating syndicates; (ii) value functions are additively separable in private signals and commonly observed bond features. Under these assumptions, marginal 30 Total interest cost (TIC) is the interest rate that equates dollar prices with discounted present value of future cash‡ows the series. 35 e¤ects of bond characteristics on equilibrium bids are identi…ed. (I discuss a speci…cation test of these restrictions below.) Thus bids in distinct auctions can be homogenized by removing di¤erences due to variations in bond features as in Section 5. In competitive sales with n bidding syndicates, ex ante bond values for a potential bidder is : Vil = Z0l + n (Xil ; X il ) where i = 1; ::; n indexes the bidding syndicates, l = 1; 2; ::Ln indexes auctions with n syndicates, Zl is a vector of publicly known features, and Xl = (Xil ; X il ) is a Rn -valued random vector of idiosyncratic signals. This speci…cation re‡ects the intuition that marginal e¤ects of idiosyncratic information (signals Xl ) may not interact with those of public information (bond features Zl ). Syndicates in an auction may di¤er in two aspects: the number of member …rms, and local presence of …rms’branch o¢ ces in the issuer’s state. Recent empirical works suggest there is no conclusive evidence that they can lead to informational asymmetries.31 Hence I maintain symmetry restrictions of n and FX as in the benchmark model in Section 2. The equilibrium strategy is: bil (xil ; zl ; n) = z0l + l (xil ; n) (4) Rx Rx f (uju) dug and n (s) E[ N (Xi ; X i ) where (x; n) (s)dLn (sjx), Ln (sjx) expf s FYY jX;n xL n jX;n (uju) j Xi = maxj6=i Xj = s; N = n]. Thus strategic bids can be decomposed into two additive components. The …rst term suggests marginal e¤ects of bond features are invariant to potential competitions, and the second term captures e¤ects of potential competition on strategic bids. The signals and competitions interact with each other and their e¤ects cannot be separated. Regressing bids on bond features and a vector of dummies for the number of potential bidders will estimate consistently. That is, in the pooled regression, bil (xil ; zl ) = d0l + z0l + uil (5) where dl is a vector of dummies for n, the error term uil is mean independent conditional on dl and zl .32 31 32 See Shneyerov (2006). To see this, …x n, then Proposition 5 shows equilibrium bids are: bil (n) = 0 (n) + z0l + "il (xil ; n) where 0 (n) E[ l (Xil ; Nl )jNl = n] and "il (xil ; n) l (xil ; n) 0 (n). It follows from the independence of Xl and Zl conditional on number of bidders that E["il (Xil ; Nl )jNl = n; Zl = zl ] = 0 for all (nl ; zl ). 36 6.4.1 GLS estimates of index coe¢ cients When there is intracluster correlation among error terms within auctions, a simple ordinary least square estimator will be ine¢ cient. This can happen when syndicates’ signals Xl are strictly a¢ liated. One explanation for a¢ liated signals in the …nance literature is the "herding" e¤ect among research and sales sta¤ across syndicates. For example, researchers in di¤erent syndicates tend to have similar professional backgrounds or trainings and hence are inclined to make similar decisions on the choice and weights of value-related factors in their analyses. Strict a¢ liation among signals could also happen when syndicates’estimates consist of idiosyncratic noisy measurements of a common, underlying random variable. Table 2 below reports the GLS estimates and t-statistics of for equation (5). The dependent variable is the dollar price bid. The regressors include publicly known bond features : weighted average coupon rate (wacr), weighted average maturity (wapn), total par value of the series (totpar), a dummy for whether the series is supported by full municipal credit (sectype), a dummy for whether the series is bank-quali…ed (BQ), a dummy for whether the series is rated with investment grade (HR) and two interaction terms type_cr and HR_pn respectively.33 Butler (2007) suggests local presence of syndicates in the geographical area of the issuer could also in‡uence their private information about the credibility of the issuer and hence their estimates of the value of the series. Therefore I also include in the regressors some dummies for the regions, MW (Midwest), NE (New England), SW (Southwest), South and West, to test the impact of geographic location on bids. The weighted average coupon rates and maturity are both highly signi…cant at 1% level, with positive and negative marginal e¤ects respectively. These estimates con…rm the intuition that bond values increase with cash‡ows from coupons and decrease as maturity increases because of higher risks in the ‡uctuation of interest rate and in‡ation. Municipality support has a signi…cant positive e¤ect on the bids. Controlling for other features, the average dollar price is $2.47 higher for bonds supported by the full credit of municipalities. Bond ratings by S&P and Moody’s have no signi…cant impact on bids ceteris paribus. A possible explanation is that the syndicates’research forces do not consider ratings informative conditional on their own research on bond values. The dollar bid for bank-quali…ed series are on average about 84 cents lower than non bank-quali…ed ones. The e¤ect is statistically signi…cant at 1% level. Besides, an increase of $1 million in total par leads to a slight increase of 1.76 cents in the dollar price. This can be explained by the fact that average participation costs for a syndicate (e.g. time and e¤ort on research) per $100 in par is lower 33 The unit for wapn is 10 semin-annual coupon payments and the unit for totpar is $100 million. 37 for issuance with larger par amount. The interaction of sectype and wacr are also highly signi…cant at 1% level, suggesting marginal e¤ects of coupon rates are lower for series with full municipal credit supports. There is no conclusive evidence for regional e¤ects on bids except that dollar prices for series issued in New England are higher on average than those issued in the Midwest. 6.4.2 Speci…cation tests Two identifying restrictions in the regression equation (5) are additive separability and conditional independence of bond features and signals in value functions. A testable implication of these two restrictions is that marginal e¤ects are constant and invariant to the number of potential bidders. That is, for each n, the following regression equation holds: bil (n) = 0 (n) + z0l + "il (xil ; n) where 0 (n) E[ l (Xil ; Nl )jNl = n] and "il (xil ; n) l (xil ; n) 0 (n) is mean-independent conditional on Zl and n. On the other hand, if either restriction is not satis…ed, bidding strategies are nonseparable in Zl , Xil and n. Consequently, marginal e¤ects of bond features on bids change with the number of potential bidders. Therefore we can test the two restrictions jointly by comparing estimates for auctions with di¤erent numbers of bidding syndicates. Table 3(a) reports GLS estimates in regressions for n between 4 and 8. The choice of regressors z is the same as that in (5). The estimates are consistent across n in signs and signi…cance. For each signi…cant characteristic of the series, Table 3(b) reports test statistics for the pair-wise hypotheses that coe¢ cients are the same in the two regressions with di¤erent n. The statistics are constructed as the ratio of di¤erences between GLS estimates and the standard error of the di¤erence.34 Under null hypotheses, the test statistics are asymptotically standard normal. The results show di¤erences between sizes of estimates are insigni…cant. With the exception of weighted average coupon rates for n = 4, all other estimates are not signi…cantly di¤erent from their counterparts under a di¤erent n. There is no statistically signi…cant evidence against the hypotheses that the value function is additively separable and bond 34 Note GLS estimators for di¤erent n are independent, for (Zl ; Nl ; Xl ) are i.i.d. draws from the same joint distribution. Hence the standard deviation of the di¤erence in two estimators can be consistently estimated by adding up their standard errors. 38 features have no bearing on the distribution of idiosyncratic signals conditional on the number of participating syndicates. 6.5 6.5.1 Results Point and interval estimates for F^Rk I (r) and F^Rk II (r) This section reports bound estimates on counterfactual revenue distributions for a reference bond series when there are n = 4 bidding syndicates in the auction. The reference series is issued in the Midwest, bank-quali…ed, backed by full municipal credit, and has an investment grade from S&P and the Moody’s. The reference series has a weighted average coupon rate of 4% and maturity of 5 years, as well as a total par of $4:84 million. These are the medians of features of the bond series among auctions with 4 bidding syndicates. Figure 5(a) plots kernel density estimates of the ordered bids that are "homogenized" at the reference level, which are calculated using GLS estimates in regressions with 4 bidders. Distributions of the ordered bids are approximately normally distributed with similar standard deviations and the di¤erences between the median of adjacent ordered bids are between $0.25 and $0.35 per $100 in par amount. I use the product of tri-weight kernels for estimating GM;B and gM;B . The choice of bandwidths follows the "rule of thumb" discussed in Monte Carlo section.35 The data is parse close to the both boundaries even after trimming bids that are within one bandwidth from the minimum and maximum bids reported. To avoid poor performances of the kernel estimates of ^l for lower dollar values, I trim the bids at the 0.5-th and 99.5-th percentile.36 In the data, bids from the same auction are almost always trimmed together. Figure 6 plots estimates ^ and ^l and suggests the distance between estimates of bounds on b0 (x (r)) only widens slowly as r increases. That ^l stays mostly above the 45-degree line is evidence for strict a¢ liations between private estimates within each auction. Table 4 below summarizes estimated bounds on b0 (x (r)) and the probability that no one bids above r (hereafter referred to as the all-screening probability) for di¤erent reserve prices. 35 1 The bandwidths hG and hg are respectively 2:98 1:06^ b (4L4 ) 4n 5 = 2:43 and 2:98 1:06^ b 1 (4L4 ) 4n 4 = 2:57. 36 The distance between the minimum bid and the 0.5-th percentile is about $5. The number is greater than the smoothing parameter hg = 2:57 used in the estimation. 39 Table 4 : Estimated bounds on the all-screening probability r 98 99 100 101 102 103 ^b0 (xl (r)) ^b0 (xh (r)) b:w: of b0 (x (r)) F^ l I (r ) F^ uI (r ) R (r) R (r) 97:17 98:00 98:76 99:45 100:13 100:74 97:89 98:83 99:73 100:60 101:39 102:14 0:72 0:83 0:97 1:15 1:26 1:40 0:0540 0:1488 0:3609 0:5935 0:8074 0:9042 0:1256 0:3860 0:6865 0:8837 0:9516 0:9702 Table 4 suggests marginal bidders under r are estimated to bid lower than r in the scenario with no binding reserve price. It is consistent with the theoretical prediction that FRI (r) (r) is less than FRI (0) (r). The di¤erence between the boundwidths of the all-screening probability for r = 98 and r = 100 is mostly due to the distribution of winning bids with no binding (1:4) reserve prices. Figure 5(b) shows the distribution of b0 (the winning bid out of 4 bids) has a larger mass in [b0 (xl (100)) b0 (xh (100))] = [98:75 99:73] than in [b0 (xl (98)) b0 (xh (98))] = [97:17 97:89]. Therefore the bounds on the all-screening probability is much wider for r = 100 even though bounds on b0 (x (100)) is only slightly wider than those of b0 (x (98)). For reserve prices between $98 and $103, the solid and dotted lines in the panels of Figure 7 depict point estimates F^RuI (r) and F^Rl I (r) respectively. In addition, I construct 100 bootstrap samples, each containing 1075 auctions drawn with replacement from the estimating data. For all levels of revenue, I record the 5-th percentile of F^Rl I (r) and 95-th percentile of F^RuI (r) . They form a conservative, pointwise 90% con…dence interval of [FRl I (r) ; FRuI (r) ], and are plotted in Figure 7 as broken lines. In addition, the table below reports the bounds on major percentiles according to the estimates of bounds on F^Rl I (r) and F^RuI (r) . Table 5 : Estimated bounds on quartiles of FRI (r) r 98 99 100 101 l:b: 1st 98:47 99:08 v0 v0 u:b: 1st 98:66 99:30 v0 v0 l:b: 2nd 99:18 99:29 v0 v0 u:b: 2nd 99:28 99:54 100:07 v0 l:b: 3rd 99:93 100:01 100:14 v0 u:b: 3rd 99:98 100:14 100:48 101:09 Revenue distribution above the reserve price depends on the distribution of b0 (x) and the 0 r functional mapping b0 (x) and GB into br (x). The densities plotted in Figure 5 (a) illustrate 40 homogenized winning bids are approximately normally distributed. Besides, our estimates of bounds on r are approximately linear. Therefore bound estimates F^Rk I (r) (t) for t > r increase at decreasing rates, a pattern similar to normal distributions. By construction, estimates of bounds on the all-screening probabilities are monotone in reserve prices (i.e. F^Rk I (r) (r ) is increasing in r for k = l; u). In addition, our estimates suggest that for any pair of reserve prices r < r0 , F^Rk I (r0 ) (t) < F^Rk I (r) (t) for t r0 . This is consistent with the theoretical prediction that for a given signal above the screening level, …rms bid less aggressively when the reserve price is lowered. Likewise Figure 8 plots point estimates for revenue distribution in second-price auctions as well as the 90% con…dence intervals for [FRl II (r) (t); FRuII (r) (t)]. 6.5.2 Choice of optimal reserve prices Knowledge of revenue distributions in counterfactual auctions makes it possible to use other distribution-based criteria for comparing auction revenues, instead of expectations alone.37 This is especially useful when the seller is known to be risk-averse and expected utilities are used as criteria. A natural consequence of our partial approach is that only bounds on these criteria functions can be calculated. Such bounds on criteria functions are also tight and exhaust all information possible from equilibrium bids without further restrictions on value functions and signal distributions. As a result, answers to policy questions above involves comparing bound estimates rather than point estimates. Bounds on criteria functions can also be used to bound optimal reserve prices following the logic in Haile and Tamer (2003). A value for v0 is needed for calculating both upper and lower bounds on E(RI (r)) and E(RII (r)). This should be measured by the amount of money that a municipality would be able to raise if it had borrowed through an alternative, next-cheapest channel (i.e. a creditor that requires the next lowest interests than syndicates in the auctions). The proxy for v0 I use here is $95:71, and it is calculated as the present value per $100 in par of cash ‡ows from the coupon and principal payments of a reference bond, with the discount rate being the 99-th percentile of total interest rates reported in the data. Figure 9(a) plots estimated upper and lower bounds on E(RI (r)) (denoted E^h (RI (r)) and E^l (RI (r)) respectively), which are calculated from F^Rl I (r) and F^RuI (r) through discretization and numerical integration using midpoint approximations. The solid lines plot E^k (RI (r)) 37 Within …rst-price auctions, each r > v0 can be justi…ed as optimal under the criterion of maximizing Pr(RI (~ r) r). That is r = arg maxr~>v0 Pr(RI (~ r) r) for all r > v0 . 41 and the dotted lines plot E^k (RII (r)). The upper bounds of expected revenue correspond to the case of P V auctions. Note estimates for E^h (RII (r)) are higher than E^h (RI (r)) for almost all r in the range. This is consistent with the implication of Revenue Ranking Principle: for a …xed level of r, the expected revenue is higher for second-price auctions when signals are a¢ liated. For …rst-price auctions, E^h (RI (r)) is maximized at r = $98:68 to be $99:29, and E^l (RI (r)) is maximized at r = $96:26 to be $99:16. An argument similar to Haile and Tamer (2003) suggests the optimal reserve price that maximizes E(RI (r)) must be in the range [$96:12; $99:21]. For second-price auctions, E^l (RI (r)) and E^h (RI (r)) are both maximized at r = $96:57 with the maximum $99:94, thus providing a point estimate for E(RI (r))-maximizing reserve price. Instead of calculating a range of r that maximizes the expected revenue, an alternative is to pick r that maximizes either the lower or upper bound on E(RI (r)). In the case of risk-neutral bidders, estimates for E^l (RII (r)), E^h (RII (r)) and E^l (RI (r)) are all close to being monotone, and their maximizers are all close to the boundary $96. A major motivation for focusing on revenue distribution in counterfactual analyses is the risk aversion of the seller. Given any speci…cation of the seller’s utility function (denoted u(t)), fF^Rk j (r)gk=l;u j=I;II can be used to estimate bounds on the seller’s expected utility (denoted k=l;u fUk (FRj (r) )gj=I;II ). Like the case with a risk-neutral seller, these bounds can be used to put a range on an optimal reserve price that maximizes U (FRj (r) ), or be used as criteria themselves for choosing reserve prices. I consider three speci…cations of the seller’s utility function: uDARA (t) = ln(t) (DARA) 1 and uCRRA (t) = t1 with = 0:6 and 0:9 (CRRA). Figure 9(b), (c) and (d) plot estimated bounds on the expected utilities in …rst- and second-price auctions (i.e. fUk (FRj (r) )gk=l;u j=I;II ) for DARA, CRRA( = 0:6) and CRRA( = 0:9) utility functions respectively. Table 6 below summarizes reserve prices that maximize estimated bounds of expected utilities in …rst-price auctions, as well as estimated bounds on optimal r maximizing expected utilities. Table 6 : Optimal reserve prices for …rst-price auctions r(maximizer) maximum bounds on r U^lDARA U^hDARA 96:19 98:65 4:593 4:594 [96:24; 99:20] U^l =0:6 U^h =0:6 U^l =0:9 U^h =0:9 96:23 98:68 96:25 98:66 15:711 15:719 15:822 15:824 [96:17; 99:32] [96:21; 99:20] In second-price auctions, estimates of bounds on expected utilities under di¤erent speci…cations are all maximized at $96:26, with the maxima being 4:594, 15:743 and 15:808 42 respectively. As a result, we get a point estimate of the optimal reserve price r at $96:26 for all three speci…cations. Both maximizers across di¤erent speci…cations of utility functions are close to each other and so are the interval estimates. This is because uDARA , u =0:6 and u =0:9 are all approximately linear for the range of revenues considered in this application. As a result, estimated bounds on fU (FRj (r) )gj=I;II as functions of r are close to being linear transformations of each other. On the other hand, estimates for di¤erent u(:) yield di¤erent implications regarding the choice of format between …rst- and second-price auctions. For DARA utility functions, the point estimate for the optimal reserve price in second-price auctions is $96:26, with a maximum U^ DARA (FRII (96:26) ) = 4:594. This is equal to the maximized value for U^hDARA (FRI (98:65) ). Hence estimates suggests a seller with decreasing absolute risk aversion should prefer secondprice auctions in general, and may be indi¤erent between the two formats if the auction is known to belong to the P V paradigm. For CRRA utilities with = 0:6, the implication is the same as in the case with risk-neutral sellers. However, for CRRA utilities with = 0:9, estimates suggest …rst-price auctions should be preferred over second-price ones. The pattern is due to the fact that FRI (r) always crosses FRII (r) from below for any given r, and u =0:6 increases faster than u =0:9 . Finally a technical note is in order. Except for E^h (RI (r)) and U^h (RI (r)), other estimates of bounds on fE(Rj (r))gj=I;II and fU (Rj (r))gj=I;II are almost monotonically decreasing in r. In general this need not be the case in estimation. To see this, note that none of the estimates fF^ k (Rj (r))gk=l;h j=I;II reported in Figure 7 and Figure 8 are stochastically ordered in r. In this incidence, the monotonicity is explained by the fact that our measure of v0 is low at $95:71 and that estimates ^br (xh (r0 )) are close to r0 for all (r; r0 ). 7 Conclusion In structural models of …rst-price auctions, interdependence of bidders’values leads to nonidenti…cation of model primitives. That is, distributions of equilibrium bids observed in a given auction format can be rationalized by more than one possible speci…cations of signal and value distributions. While this negative identi…cation result rules out policy analyses that rely on exact knowledge of primitives, the distribution of bids observed in equilibria should still convey useful information about primitives that can be extracted for counterfactual revenue analyses. This paper derives bounds on revenue distributions in counterfactual auctions with binding reserve prices. The bounds are the tightest possible under restrictions 43 of interdependent values and a¢ liated signals, and can be used to compare auction formats or bounds on optimal reserve prices. This approach also addresses the empirical di¢ culty of di¤erentiating P V and CV paradigms in policy analyses. The bounds can be nonparametrically consistently estimated, and Monte Carlo evidence suggests these estimators also have reasonable …nite sample performances. Observed heterogeneity in auction characteristics can be controlled for by conditioning counterfactual analyses on these auction features. Under the restriction of additive separability of signals and auction characteristics in value functions, the marginal e¤ects of auction features can be identi…ed if signals are independent from auction features conditional on the number of bidders. By removing variations due to observable auction heterogeneity, the bids across various auctions can be "homogenized" to bids in auctions with given speci…c features. The issue of data generated under a binding reserve price also does not pose major challenges to the construction of bounds, provided the data report the number of potential bidders or good proxies of this number. Applying this methodology to U.S. municipal bond auctions on the primary market yields informative bound estimates of revenue distributions in counterfactual auctions with binding reserve prices. These estimates are then used to bound the reserve prices that maximize expected revenues for risk-neutral sellers. For risk-averse sellers, bounds on revenue distributions are also used to bound optimal reserve prices which maximize their expected utility under di¤erent speci…cations of utility functions. An interesting direction for future research include extensions of partial-identi…cation methods for more complicated cases such as asymmetric information among bidders and unobserved auction heterogeneity. Another promising direction is inference using our threestep bound estimates. For example, suppose data reports exogenous variations in binding reserve prices. Then a novel test for private values can be constructed by comparing the actual revenue distribution under a higher reserve price and the hypothetical upper bound on the revenue distribution constructed from bids in auctions with lower reserve prices. 44 8 Appendix A: Proof of identi…cation results Proof of Proposition 1. To prove necessity, suppose 2 CV F generates G0B in such an equilibrium. Then the support of B is SBN [b0L ; b0U ]N , with b0L vh (xL ; xL ; ) and 0 0 0 N bU = b0 (xU ; xU ; ). Note 8b 2 [bL ; bU ] , GB0 (b) Pr(b0 (X1 ; ) = Pr(X1 FX ( 0 0 b1 ; ::; b0 (XN ; ) (b1 ; ); ::; XN 0 bN ) (bN ; )) (b; )) where 0 (:; ) denotes the inverse bidding strategy in equilibrium under the structure and no binding reserve prices. Symmetric equilibrium and exchangeability of FX implies GB0 (b) must be exchangeable in b for all b 2 SBN . The a¢ liation of B = (b0 (X1 ; ); ::; b0 (Xn ; )) follows from the monotonicity of b0 (:) and the a¢ liation of X by Theorem 3 in Milgrom and Weber (1982). The …rst-order condition (2) implies (b; GB0 ) = vh ( 0 (b; ); 0 (b; ); ) 8b 2 [b0L ; b0U ], where vh (x; x; ) is increasing in x on SX by the de…nition of CV F. Hence the strict monotonicity of 0 (b; ) implies (b; GB0 ) is increasing over SB . The proof of su¢ ciency uses a claim and an example below. Claim A1 Suppose a rationalizable bid distribution GB0 that satis…es conditions (i) and (ii) in Proposition 1. Then a structure = ( ; FX ) 2 F rationalizes GB0 if and only N satis…es the following …xed-point equation for all x 2 SX , FX (x) = GB0 ( 1 (vh (x1 ; x1 ; ); GB0 ); ::; 1 (vh (xN ; xN ; ); GB0 )) (6) Proof of Claim A1 Suppose 2 F rationalizes such a GB0 in an increasing, symmetric N equilibrium. Then FX (x) = GB0 (b0 (x; )) for all x 2 SX , where b0 (:; ) is the strictly increasing strategy in equilibrium that solves (2) with the boundary condition b0 (xL ; ) = vh (xL ; xL ; ). Then the rationalizability of GB0 and the monotonicity of (:; GB0 ) implies b0 (x; ) = 1 (vh (x; x; ); GB0 ) for all x 2 SX . It follows that (6) must hold. To prove su¢ ciency, suppose GB0 is symmetric and a¢ liated with the support SBN [b0L ; b0U ]N and F that (:; GB0 ) is increasing on the marginal support SB . Consider a = ( ; FX ) 2 satis…es (6). We need to show GB0 (b) = FX ( 0 (b; )) 8b 2 [b0L ; b0U ]N , where 0 (:; ) is the inverse of the bidding strategy in a symmetric, increasing equilibrium b0 (:; ) that solves (1) with the boundary condition b0 (xL ; ) = vh (xL ; xL ; ).38 The monotonicity of vh (x; x; ) in 38 Existence of symmetric, increasing PSBNE is not an issue since by the de…nition of for all 2 F. and F, they exist 45 implies GB0 (b) = FX (vh 1 ( (b; GB0 ); )) for all x and (:; GB0 ) over SB and the choice of b 2 [bL ; bU ]N . Hence it su¢ ces to show 1 (vh (:; :; ); GB0 ) satis…es the …rst-order conditions in (1) with the boundary condition 1 (vh (xL ; xL ; ); GB0 ) = vh (xL ; xL ; ). By the same argument as in Proposition 1 in Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2002), it can be shown that limb!b0L (b; GB0 ) = b0L under the rationalizable conditions on GB0 . Hence the boundary condition is satis…ed. Let vh (x) be a shorthand for vh (x; x; ) and 1 () for 1 (:; GB0 ). Furthermore, from the construction of , FY jX (xjx) = GM 0 jB 0 [ fY jX (xjx) = gM 0 jB 0 [ Thus 1 1 1 (vh (x))j (vh (x))j 1 (vh (x))] 1 (vh (x))] 1 (vh (x))] 10 (vh (x))vh0 (x) (vh (:)) solves (1) if vh0 (x) 10 (vh (x)) = [vh (x) fY jX (xjx) FY jX (xjx) or equivalently, if 1 vh (x) = (vh (x)) + GM 0 jB 0 [ gM 0 jB 0 [ 1 (vh (x))j 1 (vh (x))j But this must hold by the de…nition of (:; GB0 ). 1 1 (vh (x))] (vh (x))] Q.E.D. N Suppose (x) = (f~(xi ; yi )gN maxj6=i xj . That is, bidders’ i=1 ) for all x 2 SX , where yi valuations only depend on his own signal and the highest rival signal. Then vh (x; ; FX ) = (f~(xi ; yi )gN i=1 ) for all FX 2 F. Therefore, a distribution GB0 that satis…es conditions (i) and (ii) is rationalized by any such 2 that satis…es the "maxj6=i Xj -su¢ ciency" with 0 ~ boundary conditions (xk ; xk ) = (bk ) for k 2 fL; U g, and a signal distribution FX (x) GB0 ( 1 (~(x1 ; x1 )); ::; 1 (~(xn ; xn ))). Proof of Lemma 1. Note the solution to (3) with the boundary condition has the following closed form: Z b0 (x) 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~bjb0 (x)) rL(b (x (r))jb (x)) + (~b; GB0 )dL( r (b (x); GB0 ) b0 (x (r)) ~ ~bjb; GB0 ) where L( exp Rb ~b ~ (u; GB0 )du . The proof of the lemma uses the monotonicity and di¤erentiability of b0 (:). By change of variables, fY jX (xjx) FY jX (xjx) = b00 (x) ~ (b0 (x); GB0 ) and for 46 ~ 0 (s)jb0 (x); GB0 ). Furthermore, in equilibria vh (x; x; ; FX ) = all s x, L(sjx; FX ) = L(b (b0 (x); GB0 ) for all x 2 SX . By de…nition, for x x (r), Z x r vh (s; s; ; FX )L(sjx; FX ) (x; FX )dx b (x) = rL(x (r)jx; FX ) + x (r) Z x 0 0 ~ 0 (s)jb0 (x); GB0 ) ~ (b0 (s); GB0 )b00 (s)ds ~ (b0 (s); GB0 )L(b = rL(b (x (r))jb (x); GB0 ) + x (r) = r (b 0 (x); GB0 ) where the last equality follows from a change of variables in the integrand. Proof of Lemma 2. The a¢ liation of signals and monotonicity of implies that vh (x; y) is increasing in x and non-decreasing in y. For all x y, Z y Z y fY jX (sjx) fY jX (sjx) vh (x; y) vh (x; s) vh (s; s) ds v(x; y) ds vl (x; y) FY jX (yjx) FY jX (yjx) xL xL Therefore vh (xL ; xL ) = v(xL ; xL ) = vl (xL ; xL ) and v is bounded between vh and vl for all x 2 SX . The proof of strict monotonicity of vh (x; x) in x is standard and omitted. For any x < x0 on support, the law of total probability implies vl (x0 ; x0 ) = E(vh (Y; Y )jXi = x0 ; Yi = E(vh (Y; Y )jXi = x0 ; Yi x0 ) x)P (Yi E(vh (Y; Y )jXi = x0 ; x < Yi xjXi = x0 ; Yi x0 )P (x < Yi x0 ) + ::: x0 jXi = x0 ; Yi x0 ) By monotonicity of vh and x0 > x, E(vh (Y; Y )jXi = x0 ; x < Yi x0 ) > vl (x; x). By a¢ liation of X and Y , E(vh (Y; Y )jXi = x0 ; Yi x) vl (x; x). Therefore vl (x0 ; x0 ) > vl (x; x). Then (i) follows immediately. For the …rst part of (ii), note any rationalizable bid distribution can also be rationalized by a certain private-value structure. It follows that 9 2 (GB0 ), vh (x; x; ) = v(x; x; ). For the second part of (ii), consider S f : (xi ; x i ) = axi + (1 ) maxj6=i xj for some a 2 (0; 1)g. By construction, all value functions in S are exchangeable and non-decreasing in x i . Then vh (x; x) = x for all x 2 SX regardless of the choice of signal distributions. Then de…ne FX (x) GB0 ( 1 (x1 ; GB0 ); ::; 1 (xn ; GB0 )). The auction structure ( ; FX ) rationalizes GB0 in a Bayesian Nash equilibrium with the same FX regardless of the choice of 2 (0; 1). By de…nition, v(x; x; ; FX ) = x + (1 )E(Yi jXi = x; Yi x) while vl (x; x; ; FX ) = E(Yi jXi = x; Yi x). Therefore, the distance between v and vl converges to 0 uniformly over the support SX as diminishes. It then follows that 8" > 0, 9 small enough such that supr2SRP jxh (r; ; FX ) x (r; ; FX )j " with FX de…ned above. 47 Proof of Lemma 3. By the non-negativity of in , x (0; ) = xL for all 2 F. 0 0 Hence for all x xL , vh (x; x; ) = (b (x; ); GB0 ) and vl (x; x; ) = l (b (x; ); GB0 ) for all 0 2 (GB0 ) F. It follows (b; GB0 ) l (b; GB0 ) for all b 2 SB 0 , and (bL ; GB0 ) = 0 0 l (bL ; GB0 ). By the monotonicity of b and the de…nition of xl (r) and xh (r), b0 (x (r; ); ) 2 [b0 (xl (r; ); ); b0 (xh (r; ); )] for all 2 F. Furthermore, for all 2 (GB0 ) and r 2 SRP , (b0 (xl (r; ); ); GB0 ) = vh (xl (r; ); xl (r; ); ) l (b 0 (xh (r; ); ); GB0 ) = vl (xh (r; ); xh (r; ); ) Note (; ; GB0 ) and l (; ; GB0 ) are invariant for all 2 (GB0 ), and l is increasing over SB 0 by the monotonicity of vl (x; x) and b0 on SX . Therefore, b0k;r (GB0 ) = b0 (xl (r; ); ) for k = l; h and all 2 (GB0 ), and Claim (i) in the lemma holds. To prove Claim (ii), consider f : (X) = Xi + (1 ) maxj6=i Xj for some 2 (0; 1]g. Then vh (x; x; ) = x for all x 2 SX and 2 . Any rationalizable bid distribution GB0 can be rationalized by the same signal distribution FX (x1 ; ::; xN ) GB0 ( 1 (x1 ; GB0 ); ::; 1 (xN ; GB0 )) for all 2 (0; 1]. Hence fFX (GB0 )g (GB0 ). By de…nition, x (r; ; FX ) = 2 arg minx2SX [r v(x; x; ; FX )] , where v(X; X; ) is continuous in x and , and x (r; ; FX ) is always a single-valued function in r. Hence the Theory of Maximum implies x (r; ; FX ) is continuous in for all r 2 SRP and the FX chosen for GB0 . Furthermore for all 2 fFX g, Rx 0 0 the equilibrium strategy b (x; ) = b (x; FX ) = xL sdL(sjx; FX ) is independent from . Thus, enters the marginal bid b0 x r; ; FX only through the screening level, and the marginal bid is also a continuous function in for all r 2 SRP and the chosen FX . Note the image of a continuous mapping from any connected set is a connected set. Hence to prove Claim (ii), it su¢ ces to show that the bounds are tight. Consider the case of a private structure with = 1. Then b0 (x (r; 1; FX ); FX ) = b0 (xl (r; 1; FX ); FX ) = b0l;r (GB0 ) and the lower bound is reached. On the other hand, the proof of part (ii) in Lemma 2 shows xh (r; ; FX ) can be uniformly close to x (r; ; FX ) over r 2 SRP for some small enough. As the choice of FX only depends on GB0 and is independent from , this suggests supr2SRP jb0 (x (r; ; FX ); FX ) b0h;r (GB0 )j ! 0 as # 0. Combining these two results above shows for all r 2 SRP and b 2 [b0l;r (GB0 ); b0h;r (GB0 )), 9 2 (GB0 ) such that b0 (x (r; ); ) = b. 48 Proof of Lemma 4. conditions is r;k (b; GB0 ) Proof of (i): The closed form of solutions with new boundary ~ 0k;r (GB0 )jb; GB0 ) + rL(b for b b0k;r (GB0 ). For any [xl (r; ); xU ], and it follows r b (x; ) 2 Z b ~ ~bjb; GB0 ) (~b; GB0 )dL( b0k;r (GB0 ) (GB0 ) and all x rL(xl (r; )jx; FX ) + Z xl (r; ), vh (x; x; ) r 8x 2 x vh (s; s; )dL(sjx; FX ) xl (r; ) Likewise, for all x xh (r; ), r b (x; ) rL(xh (r; )jx; FX ) + Z x vh (s; s; )dL(sjx; FX ) xh (r) By non-negativity of , x (0; ) = xL and xh (r; ) x (r; ) xl (r; ) x (0; ) for all r 2 SRP . Hence the equation (2) holds for xl (r; ) and xh (r; ). Substitution and the change of variable show for all x xl (r; ), ~ 0l;r (GB0 )jb0 (x; rL(b r b (x; ) and for all x r b (x; ) For all b )) + Z b0 (x; ) ~ ~bjb0 (x; )) (~b; GB0 )dL( r;l (b 0 (x; ); GB0 ) b0l;r (GB0 ) xh (r; ), ~ 0h;r (GB0 )jb0 (x; )) + rL(b Z b0 (x; ) ~ ~bjb0 (x; )) (~b; GB0 )dL( b0k;r (GB0 ) and k = l; h, " 0 0 ~ (b) r;k (b; GB ) = (b) ~ 0 jb) + rL(b r;k Z b Proof of (ii): Note for any t > r and to the following minimization problem: 2 ~ ~bjb) (~b)dL( b0r;k It then follows from the monotonicity of the envelops f (GB0 ), b0 ( r (t; ); ) 2 [ r;l1 (t; G0B ); r;h1 (t; G0B )]. 0 r (br ( r;h (b b0h;r (GB0 ) !# 0 (x; ); G0B ) >0 r;k (b; GB0 )gk=l;h that for all 2 (GB0 ), b0 ( r (t; ); ) is de…ned as the solution ); t; GB0 ) = arg mins2[b0r ( );b0U ] [t 0 r (s; br ( ); G0B )]2 where b0r ( ) is a shorthand for b0 (x (r; ) ; ) and r is de…ned as before. Fix the revenue level t and the rationalizable bid distribution G0B . Then b0r ( ) can be treated as a parameter 49 that enters both the constraint set and the objective function, which is continuous in s and b0r ( ). By construction, r;k1 (t; G0B ) = r (b0k;r (GB0 ); t; GB0 ). Furthermore, the Theorem of Maximum implies r (b0r ( ); t; GB0 ) must be continuous in b0r ( ) for all t > r. Note by part (ii) of Lemma 3, for all b 2 [b0l;r (GB0 ); b0h;r (GB0 )), 9 2 (GB0 ) such that b0r ( ) = b. It then follows that for any r > r and for all b 2 [ r;l1 (t; G0B ); r;h1 (t; G0B )), 9 2 (GB0 ) such that b0 ( r (t; ); ) = b. Proof of Proposition 2. Recall from the lemmae above that b0 (x (r; ); ) 2 [b0l;r (GB0 ); b0h;r (GB0 )] for all 2 (GB0 ). By construction, r;k (b0k;r (G0B ); GB0 ) = br (x (r; ); ) = r. Hence both f r;k (b0 (:; ); G0B )gk2fl;hg are invertible at t r over the interval [xk (r; ); xU ] 1 1 0 0 for k 2 fl; hg and 2 (GB0 ). It follows that r;l (t; GB ) b0 (br 1 (t; ); ) r;h (t; GB ) for t r and all 2 (GB0 ). The rest of the proof follows immediately. Proof of Proposition 3. First I prove that all 2 F and r 2 SRP , equilibrium 0 r 0 r strategies b and b satisfy: (i) b (x; ) b (x; ) 8x x (r; ) and (ii) the di¤erence r 0 b (x; ) b (x; ) is decreasing in x for all x x (r; ). Then it follows immediately from (i) and (ii) that FRI (r) ( ) F:S:D: F~RuI (r) (FRI (0) ( )). To prove (i), …rst note in equilibria br (x (r; ); ) = r = v(x (r); x (r); ) E(Vi jXi = x (r); Yi x (r)) b0 (x (r; ); ), where the last inequality holds by equilibrium bidding conditions with no binding reserve prices. Besides, for all x x (r; ), br (x; ) < b0 (x; ) implies b0r (x; ) > b00 (x; ). It follows from Lemma 2 in Milgrom and Weber (1982) that br (x; ) b0 (x; ) for all x x (r; ). For (ii), it su¢ ces to note sgn(b0r (x; ) b00 (x; )) = sgn(br (x; ) b0 (x; )) for all x x (r; ). F jX (sjx) To see that FRuI (r) (GB0 ) F:S:D: F~RuI (r) (FRI (0) ) in general, note FYY jX F:S:D: L(sjx) (xjx) when private signals are a¢ liated. It follows that vl (x; x; ) b0 (x; ) for all x and therefore 0 xh (r; ) (r; ) for r b0L and 2 (GB0 ). Hence, b0 (xh (r); ) vl (xh (r); xh (r); ) = r for r 2 [ 0L ; l (b0U )]. Furthermore, by a change-of-variables, Z x vh (s; s; )dL(sjx; ) r;h (b0 (x; ); GB0 ) = rL(xh (r)jx; ) + xh (r) and can be written as a solution for the di¤erential equation 0 (x) = [vh (x; x) (x)] fY jX (xjx) FY jX (xjx) with the boundary condition (xh (r)) = r for this range of r. An application of Lemma 2 in Rx Milgrom and Weber (1982) shows r;h (b0 (x; ); GB0 ) = rL(xh (r)jx)+ xh (r) vh (s; s)dL(sjx) b0 (x) for all x xh (r; ). Hence r;h1 (t; GB0 ) t for t r and it follows FRuI (r) (GB0 ) F:S:D: 50 F~RuI (r) (FRI (0) ( )). For r > l (b0U ), the two upper bounds on the all-screening probability coincide trivially at 1. To show that the bounds collapse into the same one with i.i.d. signals, it su¢ ces to note that all inequalities in this proof so far will hold with equality as F jX (sjx) and L(sjx) are the same under i.i.d. signals. the two distributions FYY jX (xjx) Proof of Proposition 4. Consider any 2 F. For notational ease, dependence of r x (r), and vh on is suppressed. By de…nition of v0 , PrfRII (r) < v0 g = 0. Note PrfRII (r) = v0 g = PrfX (1) < x (r)g, Prfv0 < RII (r) < rg = 0 and PrfRII (r) = rg = PrfX (1) x (r) ^ X (2) < x (r)g. Since r0 (x) > 0 for all x 2 [x (r); xU ] and r (x (r)) = vh (x (r); x (r)) r, it follows Prfr < RII (r) < vh (x (r); x (r))g = 0. Hence: FRII (r) (t) = 0 8t < v0 = PrfX (1) < x (r)g 8t 2 [v0 ; r) = PrfX (2) < x (r)g 8t 2 [r; vh (x (r); x (r))) Next note for all t 2 [vh (x (r); x (r)); +1), PrfRII (r) 2 [vh (x (r); x (r)); t]g = Prfvh (X (2) ; X (2) ) 2 [vh (x (r); x (r)); t]g. Hence for all t in this range, PrfRII (r) PrfRII (r) < vh (x (r); x (r))g + PrfRII (r) 2 [vh (x (r); x (r)); t]g tg = = PrfX (2) < x (r)g + Prfvh (X (2) ; X (2) ) 2 [vh (x (r); x (r)); t]g = Prfvh (X (2) ; X (2) ) tg This characterizes the counterfactual distribution of RII (r). For any Prfb0 (X (1) ; ) < b0l;r (GB0 )g 2 (GB0 ) and t < r, FRl II (r) (t; GB0 ) PrfX (1) < x (r; )g = FRII (r) (t; ) Prfb0 (X (1) ; ) < b0h;r (GB0 )g For r FRuII (r) (t; GB0 ) t < vh (x (r); x (r)), Prfvh (X (2) ; X (2) ) FRl II (r) (t; GB0 ) tg Prfvh (X (2) ; X (2) ) < vh (x (r); x (r))g = FRII (r) (t; ) Prfb0 (X (2) ) < b0h;r (GB0 )g FRuII (r) (t; GB0 ) 0 since b0 (:) > 0. For t 2 [vh (x (r); x (r)); vh (xh (r); xh (r)), FRl II (r) (t) Prfvh (X (2) ; X (2) ) tg FRII (r) (t; GB0 ) Prfvh (X (2) ; X (2) ) < vh (xh (r); xh (r))g = FRII (r) (t; ) = Prfb0 (X (2) ) < b0h;r (GB0 )g FRuII (r) (t; GB0 ) 51 due to the monotonicity of b0 (x) and vh (x; x) in x. For t 2 [vh (xh (r); xh (r)); +1), FRl II (r) (t) = FRII (r) (t) = FRuII (r) (t) = Prfvh (X (2) ; X (2) ) tg and this is because bids in 2nd-price auctions can be fully recovered from GB0 for those who are not screened out under r. Finally, we complete the proof by noting 8 2 (GB0 ), vh (x; x; ) = (b0 (x; ); GB0 ) for all x 2 [xL ; xU ]. Proof of Proposition 6. Auction characteristics are common knowledge among all bidders. Hence in symmetric equilibria: (By symmetry among the bidders, bidder indices are dropped for notational ease.) @ b(x; z; n) @X = [~ vh (x; z; n) f (xjx;z;n) b(x; z; n)] FYY jX;Z;N jX;Z;N (xjx;z;n) where v~h (x; z; n) E(Vi jXi = Yi = x; Z = z; N = n), Yi maxj6=i Xi , FY jX;Z;N (tjx; z; n) Pr(maxj6=i Xj tjXi = x; Z = z; N = n) and fY jX;Z;N (tjx; z; n) is the corresponding conditional density. The equilibrium boundary condition for all (z; n) is b(xL ; z; n) = v~h (xL ; z; n). For every z and n, the di¤erential equation is known to have the following closed form solution : Z x b(x; z; n) = h(z 0 ) + (s; n)dL(sjx; n) xL Independence of Xi and Z conditional on N implies both (x; n) and L(sjx; n) are invariant to z for all s and x. Hence under assumptions A1’,A2 and A4, b(xL ; z; n) = v~h (xL ; z; n) = h(z 0 ) + (xL ; n) For x > xL , b(x; z; n) = h(z 0 ) + Rx (s; n)dL(sjx; n) for all (x; z; n). xL Proof of Proposition 7. Di¤erentiating br (x) for x 0 br (x; ) (x;FX ) For all r 0 and x; y x (r) gives (7) + br (x; ) = vh (x; x; ) x (r), FY jX (yjx) Pr(Y = Pr(Y < x (r)jX = x) + Pr(x (r) = Pr(br (Y ) < rjbr (X) = br (x)) + Pr(r GrM jB (br (y)jbr (x)) (8) yjx = x) Y yjX = x) br (Y ) br (y)jbr (X) = br (x)) 52 The equality of the two terms follows from the facts that Y < x (r) if and only if br (Y ) < r and that br (x) is increasing for x x (r). Taking derivative of both sides w.r.t. y for y x (r) gives r (9) fY jX (yjx) = b0r (y)gM jB (br (y)jbr (x)) for all x; y x (r). Substitute (9) and (8) into (7) proves the lemma. Proof of Proposition 8. Let X (i:n) denote the ith largest signal among n potential bidders. Then Pr(X (2:n) < x (r)jX (1:n) x (r)) is observed. By the i.i.d. assumption, Pr(X (2:n) < nFrn 1 (1 Fr ) x (r)jX (1:n) x (r)) = , where Fr Pr(Xi x (r)). The expression is 1 Frn increasing in Fr . Therefore Fr is identi…ed, and Pr(X (1) < x (r)) = Frn . 9 Appendix B: Consistency of the three-step estimator The lemma below extends the Basic Consistency Theorem of extreme estimators to those de…ned over random, compact sets (as opposed to …xed, compact sets). The proof is an adaptation from that of Theorem 4.1.1 in Amemiya (1985) and is included in Lemma A2 of Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2003). ^ N (:) be nonstochastic and stochastic real-valued functions deLemma B1 Let Q(:) and Q …ned respectively on compact intervals [ l ; u ] and N [ lN ; uN ], where Prf[ lN ; uN ] [ l ; u ]g = 1 for all N and kN ! k almost surely for k = l; u. For every N = 1; 2; :::; let ^N 2 N be such that Q ^ N (^N ) inf 2 Q ^ N ( ) + op (1). If Q(:) is continuous on with a N p l u ^ N ( ) Q( ) ! 0 as N ! +1, unique maximizer on at 0 2 [ ; ] and (ii) sup 2 N Q p then ^N ! 0 . 9.1 Regularity properties of GM;B and gM;B Let fY;X and FY;X denote the joint density and distribution of Yi and Xi respectively. Let (:) be the bidding strategy in increasing, pure-strategy perfect Bayesian Nash equilibria. Rx Rx That is, (x) = xL vh (s; s)dL(sjx) where L(sjx) = expf s FfYY XX(u;u) dug. The lemma below (u;u) gives regularity results about the smoothness of the equilibrium bidding strategy. 53 Lemma B2 Under S1 and S2, (i) has R continuous bounded derivatives on [bL ; bU ] and (:) c > 0 for some constant on [bL ; bU ]; (ii) GM;B and gM;B both have R 1 continuous bounded partial derivatives on [bL ; bU ]2 . 0 Proof. First, I show that under S1 and S2, the equilibrium bidding function b0 (:) admits up to R continuous, bounded derivatives on [xL ; xU ], and b00 (:) is bounded below from zero f (xjx) with the on SX . Recall b0 solves the di¤erential equation b00 (x) = [vh (x; x) b0 (x)] FYY jX jX (xjx) 0 boundary condition b (xL ) = vh (xL ; xL ). Under S1, the joint density f has R continuous bounded derivatives on [xL ; xU ]. By symmetry of FX , Rx Rx ::: xL (x; x; x3 ; ::; xn )f (x; x; x3 ; ::; xn )dx3 :::dxn x Rx Rx vh (x; x) = L ::: xL f (x; x; x3 ; ::; xn )dx3 :::dxn xL Under S1, the denominator is 0 if and only if x = xL . Since by S2, the product (:; :; :)f (:; :; :) also has R continuous, bounded derivatives, vh (x; x) has R + n 2 continuous, bounded f (xjx) derivatives on (xL ; xU ]. Furthermore, it can be shown that FYY jX also has R + n 2 jX (xjx) continuous, bounded derivatives on any compact subsets of (xL ; xU ]. Therefore, b0 (:) has R + n 1 continuous, bounded derivatives on any compact subsets of (xL ; xU ]. As for the boundary point xL , the proof proceeds by applying Taylor expansions of f around the zero f vector in the de…nition of FYY jX , L(sjx) and v(x; x), and then showing has R continuous, jX bounded derivatives at x = xL . It is a direct extension from proof of Lemma A2 in Li, 0 Perrigne and Vuong (2002) and excluded here for brevity. That b0 is bounded away from zero on [xL ; xU ] follows from the same arguments as in Lemma A2 in Guerre, Perrigne and Vuong (2000) and not repeated here. Let gM;B denote the joint density of equilibrium bids B 0 and highest rival bid M 0 , Rm and de…ne GM;B (m; b) g (~b; b)d~b. The relevant support is SB2 = [b0L ; b0U ]2 where bL M;B b0L = b0 (xL ) = vh (xL ; xL ) = (xL ) and b0U = b0 (xU ). (For notational ease, below I use vh (x) as a shorthand for vh (x; x).) In equilibrium, b0 (vh 1 ( (b))) = b for all b 2 SB . Hence 0 0 (b) = fb00 [vh 1 ( (b))]vh 1 ( (b))g 1 where both vh 10 (:) and b00 (:) are bounded away from zero and have R 1 continuous derivatives under S2. This proves part (i). For part (ii), note Pr(M m; B b) = Pr(Y vh 1 ( (m)); X vh 1 ( (b))) by the monotonicity of b0 (:). Hence @ Pr(M m; B b) = vh 10 ( (b)) 0 (b) Pr(Y vh 1 ( (m)); X = vh 1 ( (b))), GM;B (m; b) = @B 2 where Pr(Y y; X = x) has R + n 1 bounded, continuous derivatives on SX and the …rst 2 two terms have R 1 continuous bounded derivatives on [bL ; bU ] as shown above. Besides, @ gM;B (m; b) = @M GM;B (m; b) = vh 10 ( (b)) 0 (b)vh 10 ( (m)) 0 (m)fY;X [vh 1 ( (m)); vh 1 ( (b))], where the joint density fY;X has R + n 2 bounded, continuous derivatives on SB2 and vh 10 (:) has R 1 continuous derivatives on SX . Hence gM;B (m; b) has R 1 continuous derivatives on SB2 . 54 9.2 Consistency of ^b0l;r and ^b0h;r ^ M;B The following lemma establishes the rate of uniform convergence of kernel estimates G 2 ~ M;B to GM;B over S^2 . It is a preliminary step and g^M;B to GM;B and gM;B over SB; , and G B; for proving uniform convergence of ^l , ^ and ^l;r , ^h;r . Lemma B3 Let hG = cG (log L=L)1=(2R+2n S1-3, ^ M;B supSB; jG 2 5) and hg = cg (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 1 GM;B j = O(hR G ); ~ M;B (b; b) supb2S^B; jG supSB; j^ gM;B 2 1 GM;B (b; b)j = Op (hR ) g 4) . Under 1 gM;B j = O(hR ) g Furthermore, if R > n, sup~bL b;b2SB; j GM;B (~bL ; b) j = Op (hR g GM;B (b; b) ^ M;B (~bL ; b) G ^ M;B (b; b) G n ) 1 ^ M;B GM;B = O(hR 1 ) and supS 2 j^ Proof. That supSB; G gM;B gM;B j = O(hR ) 2 g G B; follows from Lemma A5 in Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2002). By triangular inequality, for all b 2 Rb ^ M;B (~bL ; b) GM;B (~bL ; b) . ~ M;B (b; b) GM;B (b; b) gM;B (t; b) gM;B (t; b)j dt+ G S^B; , G ~bL j^ Thus supb jbU ~bL ;b2SB; bL j supt ~ M;B (b; b) jG 2 b;(t;b)2SB; since by construction S^B; Furthermore, note: 1f~bL bg inf b j^ gM;B (t; b) 1 R 1 gM;B (t; b)j + Op (hR ) G ) = Op (hg SB; with probability 1 and hG < hg for L large enough. ^ M;B (~bL ;b) G ^ M;B (b;b) G 1f~bL bg ^ GM;B (b;b) GM;B (b; b)j GM;B (~bL ;b) GM;B (b;b) ^ M;B (~bL ; b) G 1f~bL bg jG^ M;B (b;b)j GM;B (~bL ; b) + ^ M;B (~bL ; b) G ~ bL GM;B (~bL ;b) GM;B (b;b) GM;B (b; b) GM;B (~bL ; b) + GM;B (b; b) ^ M;B (b; b) G ^ M;B (b; b) G Thus sup~bL b;b2SB; j ^ M;B (~bL ;b) G ^ M;B (b;b) G 1 ^ M;B (b;b)j inf b2SB; jG ( GM;B (~bL ;b) j GM;B (b;b) sup~bL b;b2C 2 (B) sup~bL ^ M;B (~bL ; b) jG b;b2C (B) GM;B (~bL ; b)j + ::: ^ M;B (b; b)j jGM;B (b; b) G ) 55 where ^ M;B (b; b)j inf b2SB; jG inf b2SB; jGM;B (b; b)j ^ M;B (b; b) supb2SB; jG GM;B (b; b)j 1 = inf b2SB; jGM;B (b; b)j + Op (hR G ) Rb Rb Note GM;B (b; b) = bL ::: bL g(b; b2 ; b3 ; ::; bn ) db2 :::dbn and g(b1 ; ::; bn ) = f (b0; 1 (b1 ); ::; b0; 1 (bn )) has R continuous derivatives on [b0L ; b0U ]n . Since R > n, we can apply a Taylor expansion of g(:) around (b0L ; :; b0L ) to get GM;B (b; b) = a(b bL )n 1 + o(jb bL jn 1 ) with a g(b0L ; ::; b0L ) > n 1 0. It can then be shown inf b2SB; jGM;B (b; b)j for some > 0 and = max(hg ; hG ).39 ^ M;B (b; b) Since R > n and = hg for L large enough, we have inf b2S G hn 1 +op (hn 1 ). g B; Since sup~bL b;b2SB; ^ M;B (~bL ; b) jG GM;B (~bL ; b)j and sup~bL 1 are both bounded by Op (hR ), it follows that sup~bL g g ~ ^ ~ GM;B (bL ; b)j b;b2SB; jGM;B (bL ; b) ^ M;B (~bL ;b) GM;B (~bL ;b) G n ). j G^ (b;b) GM;B (b;b) j = Op (hR g M;B b;b2SB; 2 . The next lemma proves the uniform convergence of ^ and ^l over the support SB; Lemma B4 Let hG = cG (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 5) and hg = cg (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 4) . Under R (n 1) S1-3, supb2SB j^(b) (b)j = Op (hg ) if R > n. Furthermore if R > 2(n 1), R 2(n 1) supb ~bL ;b2SB j^l (b) ). l (b)j = Op (hg Proof. Proposition A2 (ii) in Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2002) showed supb2C R (n 1) (b)j = Op (hg ). By de…nition, ~bL 2 SB; . Note : sup~bL 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; sup~bL 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; sup~bL j^l (b) l (b)j Z b ^(t) g^M;B (t;b) dt ~ G (b;b) 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; ~bL Z M;B ^(~bL ) G^ M;B (~bL ;b) ^ G (b;b) M;B Z b ~bL ~bL g (B) j^(b) (t;b) (t) GM;B dt + ::: M;B (b;b) g (t;b) (t) GM;B dt M;B (b;b) bL Below I show the two terms converge in probability to 0. By de…nition, ~bL b0L , and R ~bL ~ ~ g (t;b) G (bL ;b) G (bL ;b) (t) GM;B dt is bounded between (b0L ) GM;B and (~bL ) GM;B . With probability b0L M;B (b;b) M;B (b;b) M;B (b;b) 1, sup~bL 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; maxfsup~bL 39 ^(~bL ) G^ M;B (~bL ;b) ^ G (b;b) 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; For details, see Lemma A6 in Li 2002. M;B Z ~bL bL T1 (b; ~bL ); sup~bL g (t;b) (t) GM;B dt M;B (b;b) 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; T2 (b; ~bL )g 56 0 GM;B (~bL ;b) ^(~bL ) G^ M;B (~bL ;b) ~ (b L ) GM;B (b;b) and T2 (b; bL ) ^ GM;B (b;b) 2 such that b ~bL , With probability 1, for all (b; ~bL ) 2 SB; ^(~bL ) G^ M;B (~bL ;b) ^ G (b;b) where T1 (b; ~bL ) T1 (b; ~bL ) where GM;B (~bL ;b) GM;B (b;b) sup~bL ^ M;B (~bL ;b) G ^ M;B (b;b) G ^(~bL ) GM;B (~bL ;b) GM;B (b;b) + M;B GM;B (~bL ;b) GM;B (b;b) ^(~bL ) G (~bL ;b) (~bL ) GM;B . M;B (b;b) (b0L ) 1 by construction. Thus T1 (b; ~bL ) 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; sup~bL 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; p Note ^(~bL ) ! j (b0L )j < 1 and ^(~bL ) 8 < GM;B (~bL ;b) GM;B (b;b) ^ M;B (~bL ;b) G ^ M;B (b;b) G : ^(~bL ) (b0L ) 9 ^(~bL ) + ::: = ; p (bL ) ! 0 by the uniform convergence of ^ over ^ p p G (~bL ;b) GM;B (~bL ;b) SB; and that ~bL ! b0L . By Lemma A3, sup~bL b;(~bL ;b)2SB; G^M;B (b;b) ! 0 if G (b;b) M;B M;B p p R > n. Hence sup~bL b;(~bL ;b)2S 2 T1 (b; ~bL ) ! 0 if R > n. That sup~bL b;(~bL ;b)2S 2 T2 (b; ~bL ) ! 0 B; B; follows from similar arguments. 2 By the triangular inequality, for all b ~bL , and (~bL ; b) 2 SB; Z b Z b gM;B (t; b) ^(t) g^M;B (t; b) dt (t) dt ~ M;B (b; b) GM;B (b; b) ~bL ~bL G 9 8 R = < ~b ^(t)^ + ::: g (t; b)dt (t)g (t; b)dt M;B M;B bL 1 ~ M;B (b;b)j inf ~b b;(~b ;b)2S 2 jG ~ M;B (b; b) GM;B (b; b) ; : (b0 ) G L L B; U Rb g (t;b) ~ M;B (b; b) where I use ~bL (t) GM;B jGM;B (b; b)j dt (b0U ). Also note G M;B (b;b) hng 1 + op (hng It is shown in Lemma B3 above that inf b2SB; jGM;B (b; b)j ~ M;B (b; b) GM;B (b; b)j = Op (hR 1 ). Furthermore for and sup~bL b;(~bL ;b)2S 2 jG g B; (~bL ; b) 2 S 2 , ~ M;B (b; b) GM;B (b; b) . G 1 ) with R > n all b ~bL , and B; Z Z b ~bL b ^(t)^ gM;B (t; b)dt ^(t) (t)gM;B (t; b)dt (t) j^ gM;B (t; b)j dt + ~bL Z b ~bL The boundedness of gM;B and implies Z b ^(t)^ sup~bL b;(~bL ;b)2S 2 gM;B (t; b)dt B; which is the rate of convergence of supb2SB; ^ sup~bL 2 b;(~bL ;b)2SB; j b ~bL ^(t) g^M;B (t;b) dt ~ G (b;b) M;B gM;B (t; b)j dt (t)gM;B (t; b)dt = Op (hR g ~bL Z j (t)j j^ gM;B (t; b) (n 1) ) . As a result, Z b ~bL g (t;b) (t) GM;B dtj = Op (hR g M;B (b;b) 2(n 1) ) 57 and converges to zero when R > 2(n 1). The proposition below establishes the consistency of ^b0k;r using Lemma B1. Proposition B1 Let hG = cG (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 5) and hg = cg (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 4) . Under p p S1-3, ^b0l;r ! b0l;r (GB0 ) if R > n 1 and ^b0h;r ! b0h;r (GB0 ) if R > 2(n 1) for all r 2 SRP . ! 0. Hence Proof. First note that ~bk ! b0k almost surely for k = L; U , and that a:s: ^bL ! b0 . It su¢ ces to show that for all r 2 SRP , (i) (^(b) r)2 and (^ (b) r)2 converge l L 2 2 2 ^ in probability to ( (b) r) and ( l (b) r) uniformly over SB; ; and (ii) ( (b) r)2 and ( l (b) r)2 are continuous on [b0L ; b0U ] with unique minimizers b0l;r and b0h;r respectively on p p [b0L ; b0U ]. By Lemma B4, supb2SB; j^(b) (b)j ! 0 and supb ~bL ;(~bL ;b)2S 2 j^l (b) l (b)j ! 0. B; And supb2SB; (^(b) r)2 ( (b) r)2 2 supb2SB; ^ (b) 2 (b) + 2r supb2SB; ^(b) (b) where both terms converge to 0 in probability since supb2SB; (b) (b0U ) < 1. Likewise p supb ~bL ;(~bL ;b)2S 2 (^l (b) r)2 ( l (b) r)2 ! 0 by similar arguments. Next, the continuB; ity of ( (b) r)2 and ( l (b) r)2 follows from the smoothness of . Also both (:; GB0 ) and 0 0 l (:; GB0 ) are increasing on [bL ; bU ] by the monotonicity of vh (:; :; ) and vl (:; :; ) as well as b0 (:; ) on SX for all 2 (GB0 ). Thus for all r 2 SRP , the minimizers of ( (b) r)2 and ( l (b) r)2 are unique on [b0L ; b0U ]. 9.3 Uniform convergence of ^k;r (:; ^b0k;r ) Lemma B5 Let hG = cG (log L=L)1=(2R+2n and if R > 2n 1, g^M;B (b; b) ^ M;B (b; b) G supb2SB; 5) and hg = cg (log L=L)1=(2R+2n gM;B (b; b) = Op (hR GM;B (b; b) 2n+1 4) . Under S1-3 ) 2 Proof. The proof is similar to the last part of Lemma B3. On the support SB; , g^ j G^M;B M;B gM;B j GM;B 1 jG^ M;B jjGM;B j jGM;B j j^ gM;B ^ M;B gM;B j + jgM;B j G GM;B 1 ^ M;B GM;B j = Op (hR 1 ) and supS 2 j^ By Lemma B3, supSB; jG gM;B gM;B j = Op (hR ). 2 g G B; Besides, supSB; jGM;B j < 1 and supSB; jgM;B j < 1 implies the supremum of the term in the 2 2 g^ (b;b) 1 bracket is Op (hR ) as hg > hG for L large enough. Hence supb2SB; j G^M;B (b;b) g M;B gM;B (b;b) j GM;B (b;b) 58 1 ) Op (hR g , where the two terms in the denominator ^ inf b2SB; jGM;B j inf b2SB; jGM;B j hng 1 + o(hng 1 ) and hng 1 + o(hng 1 ) respectively by some constant 2 2 denominator is bounded below by h2n + o(h2n ). Hence supb2SB; g g Op (hR 2n+1 ) and converges in probability to 0 if R > 2n 1. are bounded below by and . It follows the gM;B (b;b) j= GM;B (b;b) g^ (b;b) j G^M;B (b;b) M;B Lemma B6 Let hG = cG (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 5) and hg = cg (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 4) . Under S1p 0 ! 0 for all r 2 SRP . 3 and suppose R > 2n 1, then supb2SB; ^k;r (b; ^b0k;r ) k;r (b; bk;r ) Proof. Consider the case where r is in the interior of SRP (or equivalently, b0k;r 2 (b0L ; b0U )). By de…nition, ^b0k;r 2 SB; , and for sample sizes large enough and small enough, b0k;r is in the interior of SB; . By the triangular inequality, supb2SB; ^k;r (b; ^b0k;r ) supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r 0 k;r (b; bk;r ) b0k;r )1(b > b0k;r ) ^k;r (b) k;r (b) + ::: supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r > b0k;r )1(b > ^b0k;r ) ^k;r (b) k;r (b) + ::: supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r b0k;r )1(b 2 (^b0k;r ; b0k;r ]) ^k;r (b) supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r > b0k;r )1(b 2 (b0k;r ; ^b0k;r ]) j k;r (b) r + ::: rj It su¢ ces to show all four terms (denoted A1 , A2 , A3 and A4 respectively) converge in probability to 0 uniformly over b 2 SB; as sample size increases. For A1 , supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r supb0k;r b b0U 0 b0k;r )1(b > b0k;r ) ^k;r (b; ^b0k;r ) k;r (b; bk;r ) 8 Rb ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb) ^ > (t) (t)L(tjb)dt + :: < b0k;r 0 0 ^ 1(bk;r bk;r ) R b0 > ^ ^b0 jb) L(b0 jb) ^ + r L( : ^b0k;r ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb)dt k;r k;r k;r p 9 > = > ; ^ It can be shown supt b;(t;b)2SB; L(tjb) L(tjb) ! 0 using convergence results from previ2 ous lemmae.40 Note for r in the interior of SRP , supb0k;r <b sup b0k;r <b 1(^b0k;r sup ^ ^b0 jb) b0k;r )r L( k;r L(b0k;r jb) 1(^b0k;r ^ ^b0k;r jb) b0k;r )r L( L(^b0k;r jb) + ::: 1(^b0k;r b0k;r )r L(^b0k;r jb) L(b0k;r jb) bU b0k;r <b bU 40 bU For details of the proof, see Li, Perrigne and Vuong (2003). 59 For su¢ ciently small , b0k;r > b0L + . By construction ^b0k;r 2 SB; , and therefore supb0k;r <b ^ ^b0 jb) b0k;r )r L( k;r bU 1(^b0k;r p L(^b0k;r jb) ! 0. Also by the mean value theorem, L(^b0k;r jb) L(b0k;r jb) @ L(tjb)jt=~b0 (^b0k;r b0k;r ) k;r @t (~b0k;r )L(~b0k;r jb) ^b0k;r b0k;r = = for some ~b0k;r between ^b0k;r and b0k;r . The consistency of ^b0k;r for b0k;r suggests ~b0k;r is bounded away from b0L as sample size increases. Thus both (~b0k;r ) and L(~b0k;r jb) converge in probability to some …nite constant since supSB; jgj < 1 and inf SB; jg 0 j > c > 0 and hence supb0 b b 1(^b0 b0 ) L(^b0 jb) L(b0 jb) is op (1). Next U k;r k;r k;r supb0k;r <b b0U k;r Z bU k;r b ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb) ^ (t) (t)L(tjb)dt b0k;r b0k;r supb0k;r ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb) ^ t b b0U (t) (t)L(tjb) p !0 ^ over SB; and where the right hand side is op (1) by the uniform convergence of ^, ^ , and L 2 SB; under S1-3 and the boundedness of , and L on the closed interval [b0k;r ; b0U ]. Finally sup b0k;r <b 1(^b0k;r b0k;r ) bU sup 2 t b;(t;b)2SB; Z b0k;r ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb)dt ^ ^b0 k;r ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb) ^ 1(^b0k;r b0k;r ) ^b0k;r b0k;r p ! 0, and supb0k;r <b b0U ;t b;(t;b)2SB; 1(^b0k;r 2 p t b0k;r ) j (t) (t)L(tjb)j is bounded with probability approaching 1 as ^b0k;r ! b0k;r . Therefore R b0k;r ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb)dt ^ supb0k;r <b bU = op (1) and it follows A1 = op (1). For A2 , ^b0 Note supt 2 b;(t;b)2SB; ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb) ^ (t) (t)L(tjb) k;r supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r > b0k;r )1(b > ^b0k;r ) ^k;r (b) k;r (b) 8 Rb ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb) ^ > (t) (t)L(tjb)dt + ::: < ^b0 k;r 0 0 ^ sup 1(b > bk;r > bk;r ) R ^b0 > ^ ^b0 jb) L(b0 jb) b0k;r <b b0U : b0k;r (t) (t)L(tjb)dt + r L( k;r k;r k;r where the supremum of the …rst and last term over b0k;r < b b0U 9 > = > ; are op (1) by the same 60 argument as above, and supb0k;r b bU supb0k;r b bU 1(b > ^b0k;r > b0k;r ) 2 ;(t;b)2SB; Z b ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb) ^ (t) (t)L(tjb)dt ^b0 k;r ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb) ^ (t) (t)L(tjb) b ^b0 = op (1) k;r For A3 , supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r = supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r b0k;r )1(b 2 (^b0k;r ; b0k;r ]) ^k;r (b) b0k;r )1(b r ^ ^b0 jb) 2 (^b0k;r ; b0k;r ]) rL( k;r r+ Z b ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb)dt ^ ^b0 k;r 2 ^ By construction, ^b0k;r 2 SB; . The uniform convergence of L(tjb) for all t b on SB; , the p 0 0 0 0 ^ ^ continuity of L(tjb) in both arguments, and bk;r ! bk;r suggest supb2SB; 1(bk;r bk;r \ b 2 ^ ^b0 jb) r = op (1). Also for large samples, ^b0 is bounded away from b0 with (^b0k;r ; b0k;r ]) rL( L k;r k;r R b ^ probability approaching to 1 and supb2SB; 1(^b0k;r b0k;r \b 2 (^b0k;r ; b0k;r ]) ^b0 ^(t) ^ (t)L(tjb)dt k;r = op (1). For A4 , note k;r is continuous at b0k;r with k;r (b0k;r ) = r and is increasing beyond p b0k;r . Hence the consistency of ^b0k;r is su¢ cient for A4 ! 0. In the boundary case where b0k;r = b0L , it su¢ ces to show the convergence of terms A2 and A4. The same argument above applies. 9.4 Final step of the proof Lemma B7 Let hG = cG (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 5) and hg = cg (log L=L)1=(2R+2n 4) . Under S1-3 1 p and suppose R > 2n 1, for any r 2 Sr , ^k;r (t; ^b0k;r ) ! k;r1 (t; b0k;r ) for k = fl; hg and all t > r. Proof. For the range of r 2 SRP and t > r, 1 0 k;r (t; bk;r ) are unique minimizers of [ k;r (b) t]2 p 0 over SB . Lemma B6 showed that supb2SB; ^k;r (b; ^b0k;r ) ! 0 and k;r (:; b0k;r ) k;r (b; bk;r ) is also continuous on SB . Also ~bk ! b0k almost surely for k = L; U as sample size increases. All conditions for Lemma B1 are satis…ed and claim is proven. P Lemma B8 Let F^n (t) = n1 ni=1 1(Zi t) where fZi gni=1 is an i.i.d. sample from a a:s population distributed as FZ . Then supt2R jF^n (t) FZ (t)j ! 0. If FZ (t0 ) is continuous p at t0 and a sequence of random variable t^n ! t0 and t0 is a continuity point of F , then p F^n (t^n ) ! FZ (t0 ). 61 Proof. The …rst claim follows from Glivenko-Cantelli Lemma and the proof of the second claim is standard (e.g. see Theorem 4.1.5 Amemiya 1985). The proof of Proposition 4 follows directly from results of the lemmae above. Proof of Proposition 5. 1 Ln probability to Pr(Blmax b) uniformly t in the stated range of interests. The p u u and F^R(r) (t) ! FR(r) (t) for given r and t. 10 PLn max b)converge in l=1 1(Bl 1 p over SB . By Lemma B7, ^r;k (t) ! r;k1 (t) for all r and p l l second part of Lemma B8 proves F^R(r) (t) ! FR(r) (t) By the …rst part of Lemma B8, Appendix D: Derivations for Monte Carlo designs A. Closed forms of vl (x; x; c) and b0 (x; c) in Design 1 Let Xi = X0 + "i for i = 1; 2, where "i are statistically independent from (X0 ; " i ). Let "i be uniform on [ c; c] and X0 be uniform on [a; b]. For the closed form of vl and b0 , we need to calculate the conditional expectation vl (t; t) = E(X2 jX2 t; X1 = t) and the inverse f (t) 1 =t hazard ratio FXX2 jX . For any t1 ; t2 such that t2 2 [t1 2c; t1 + 2c], (t) jX =t 2 1 Z fX2 jX1 =t1 (t2 ) = fX2 jX0 =s;X1 =t1 (t2 )fX0 jX1 =t1 (s)ds (10) S(t1 ) Z = f"2 (t2 s)fX0 jX1 =t1 (s)ds S(t1 ) where S(t1 ) = [max(a; t1 c); min(b; t1 + c)] is the support of X0 given X1 = t1 . The second equality follows from the independence of "2 from (X0 ; "1 ). The conditional density of X0 given X1 = t1 depends on values of a, b and c. In the case b a 2c, fX0 jX1 =t1 ~ U nif [a; t1 + c] fX0 jX1 =t1 ~ U nif [t1 c; t1 + c] fX0 jX1 =t1 ~ U nif [t1 c; b] and for the case b 8 t1 2 [a c; a + c] 8 t1 2 [a + c; b 8 t1 2 [b c] c; b + c] a < 2c, fX0 jX1 =t1 ~ U nif [a; t1 + c] fX0 jX1 =t1 ~ U nif [a; b] fX0 jX1 =t1 ~ U nif [t1 8 t1 2 [a 8 t1 2 [b c; b] c; b c] c; a + c] 8 t1 2 [a + c; b + c] 62 Therefore equation (10) suggests conditional on X1 = t1 , X2 is distributed as the sum of two independent uniform variables with support on S(t1 ) and [ c; c] respectively. First consider the case b 2c. If t1 2 [a a 1 2c 1 = 2c 1 = 2c fX2 jX1 =t1 (t2 ) = If t1 2 [a + c; b t2 t1 c; a + c), a+c a+c 8t2 2 [a 8t2 2 [t1 ; a + c] t1 + 2c t1 + c t2 a 8t2 2 [a + c; t1 + 2c] c], 1 (t2 t1 + 2c) 4c2 1 = (t1 + 2c t2 ) 4c2 8t2 2 [t1 fX2 jX1 =t1 (t2 ) = If t1 2 (b 2c; t1 ] 8t2 2 [t1 ; t1 + 2c] c; b + c], 1 2c 1 = 2c 1 = 2c fX2 jX1 =t1 (t2 ) = Next consider the case b t2 t1 + 2c b + c t1 8t2 2 [t1 2c; b 8t2 2 [b b+c b+c a < 2c. If t1 2 [a 1 2c 1 = 2c 1 = 2c t2 t1 1 2c 1 = 2c 1 = 2c t2 fX2 jX1 =t1 (t2 ) = If t1 2 [b c; t1 ] t2 t1 c; b a+c a+c c] c; t1 ] 8t2 2 [t1 ; b + c] c], 8t2 2 [a c; t1 ] 8t2 2 [t1 ; a + c] t1 + 2c t1 + c t2 a 8t2 2 [a + c; t1 + 2c] c; a + c], fX2 jX1 =t1 (t2 ) = a+c b a 8t2 2 [a 8t2 2 [b b + c t2 b a c; b c] c; a + c] 8t2 2 [a + c; b + c] 63 If t1 2 [a + c; b + c], 1 2c 1 = 2c 1 = 2c t2 t1 + 2c b + c t1 fX2 jX1 =t1 (t2 ) = 8t2 2 [t1 2c; b 8t2 2 [b b+c b+c t2 t1 c] c; t1 ] 8t2 2 [t1 ; b + c] 1 8t1 2 [a c; b + c] for both cases. Furthermore FX2 jX1 =t1 (t1 ) To sum up, fX2 jX1 =t1 (t1 ) = 2c can be calculated by integrating the corresponding densities over proper ranges. That is, Rt FX2 jX1 =t1 (t1 ) = 0 1 fX2 jX1 =t1 (s)ds. Thus both screening level x (r; c) can be calculated and equilibrium bids b0 (x (r; c); c) can be calculated using numerical approximations. B. Closed form of vl (x; x) in Design 2 Distribution and density of truncated normal distributions (with the underlying normal distribution being N ( ; ) are respectively: ~ (x) = ( ( x ) xU ( ) xL ( 1 ) ~ (x) = ; xL ) ( xU ( x ) ) ( xL ) where and denote the density and distribution of the parental (untruncated) normal distribution with mean and standard deviation , and (xL ; xU ) denotes the pair of truncation points. Suppose X is distributed as truncated normal on (xL ; xU ), then for all a 2 (xL ; xU ), Ra x x Ra ~ (x)dx ( )dx x xL xL E(XjX a) = a xL ~ (a) ( ) ( ) Note @ x ( @X )= ( = =) ( Then the numerator is Z x a ( ) x x ( = ( ) dx ( ( Z a a ) ( xL x )( x x xL xL = x ) ) x1 1 + ( x ) @ x ( @X @ x ( @X )dx )) ( ( a ) 1 ) ) ( xL )) 64 Therefore ( ( E(XjX a ) ( xL a) ( ( = ( a a a xL ) ( ) ( xL )) ( ( ) ( ) ) xL a ) ) ( xL )) 65 References [1] Athey, S. and P. Haile (2002), "Identi…cation of Standard Auction Models," Econometrica 70:2107-2140 [2] Athey, S. and P. Haile (2005), "Nonparametric Approaches to Auctions," Handbook of Econometrics, Vol.6, forthcoming [3] Bajari, P. and A. Hortacsu (2003), "The Winner’s Curse, Reserve Prices, and Endogenous Entry" Empirical Insights from eBay Auctions," RAND Journal of Economics 34:329-355 [4] Butler, Alexander W. (2007), "Distance Still Matters: Evidence from Municipal Bond Underwriting" [5] Guerre, E., I. Perrigne and Q. 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